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MAR Dharmasaastra Surukkam By Vaidyanatha Dikshita-Part 2 - Aanhiha Kaandam


Dharmasaastra Surukkam Part 2 - Aanhiha Kaandam

In the previous post of Dharmasaastra Surukkam we saw the rules for a Bhramana from birth till marriage in
Varnasrama Dharma Kaandam. In this post, we will go through the most important part of DharmaSaastra Surukkam
which is called a Aanhiha Kaandam. In this Kandam we are shown the daily Anusthanams for a Bhramana which
includes activities to be done from start of the day till end of the day.
Please Note that certain Anushtanams though prescribed here should be followed according to the Sampradya
Anushtanam of our Poorvacharyas. For example, Thenacharya Sampradayam which is made of Saragya goshti
expects food to be served by hand for Bagavatha Sparsam whereas pure saastram has some restrictions around it. In
such a case, Sampradaya Anushtanams as prescribed by our Thenacharyas alone takes precedence. Not all of the
below Anusthanams are discarded by Our Poorvacharyas. If in Doubt, please clarify with your Acharya with

Table of Contents

1. Activities to be performed During Bhrama Muhurtham of a day

2. Method to go to BahirBhoomi (BahirBoomi=Sanitary Ground)
3. Choucha Niyamam (Choucham = Sanitary cleanliness using Sand and water Niyamam=Prescribed Method)
4. Rules around Achamanam and associated activities
5. Rules and Method around performing Japas and Tharpanam with Wet clothes
6. The position for Devatheertham and timings around its usage
7. Information around Tharpam and Pavithram
8. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
9. Timings when Aachamanam should be done mandatorily
10. Dandha Davana Vidhi (Rules around brushing teeth)
11. Branches/leaves which are fit for usage to brush the teeth
12. Barks of Trees which are fit for usage to brush the teeth
13. Trees and Barks that are not fit for usage to brush the teeth
14. Vihita Nishitangal
15. Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided using Barks/trees
16. Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided using leaves
17. Timings around when Brushing of teeth is to be avoided completely
18. Mantra to be uttered for usage of the Bark for brushing the teeth
19. Snanam - Taking Bath
20. The Kramam (Rule) for five angas of Snanam
21. The quality (Lakshana) of Arunodhaya Kaalam (Sunrise period)
22. Snanaga Tharpanam
23. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 2
24. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 3
25. Vaasodhakam
26. Rules around wearing of Kacham and Veshti
27. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 4
28. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 5
29. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi 6
30. Mantra to be uttered to show Vaastram (Veshti) to Soorya (Sun)
31. Mantra to be uttered while wearing Vesthi (Vastram)
32. Cloths not to be worn (Cloths which are unfit for a Bhramana)
33. Nagnathva Lakshanam (When a person is considered to be Nude)
34. Karmas that should not be done without Uthriyam (Uthriyam = 4 or 5 yard cloth that is used around the Hip or
across the shoulders with Veshti)
35. Vishesha Dharmas around Snanam and its rules
36. Rules around usage of Samudra Theertham
37. Rules around usage of Hot water for Snanam (Bath)
38. Sambarkachoucha Vishayam
39. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
40. What is meant by Nisi (Midnight to early morning)
41. Timings during which Hiranya Srardham should be performed
42. Niyamam (Rules) around Grahana Kaalam
43. Names of Punya Kaalam (Including Sangramanam)
44. Identifying Punya Kaalam
45. Akamavai - Poornima days on four months and snanam Around it
46. Rajaswalai (Women during their menstrual cycle) and Chocha Niyamam
47. Kaamya Snanams (Snanams done for a particular Purpose)
48. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
49. Thaila Snanam
50. Importance and greatness of Snanam during Deepavali
51. Theertha Yatrai and its Greatness
52. Kounasnanam
53. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
54. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
55. Nithya Karma for a Bhramana
56. Timings around performing Sandhya Vandhanam
57. Asanas and Sthalas fit for Japam
58. Mantra to be uttered during the start of Japam
59. Asanas for Japas
60. People fit to use Aasanam
61. Method to do Pranayamam
62. Karmas to be performed by wearing Uthriyam around the waist
63. If Japas are to be done with Wet clothes then Sankyai for JapaMaalai, and classification of Utama (Ultimate),
madhyama (Moderate) and Athama (unfit) Bedhams (Differences)
64. Names of Maalais for Japas
65. Kramam around counting using Rekhai
66. Theertham not fit to be used for Prokshanai
67. Samita Dhanam
68. Aoupasanam
69. Homarha Samith
70. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
71. Qualities for Samith
72. Quantity of Samith for Sroutha Karma
73. Quantity of Samith for Smaartha Karma
74. Samiths that are not to be used (Arham illadha Samith)
75. Pramanams around Aahuthi
76. Various Dharma
77. Bhrama Yagnyam
78. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
79. Pushpas not fit for Poojas
80. Kala Nirnayam (Determination of timings) for Performing Trikala Sandhyavandhanam (Trikala - Three times a
day (Morning, Afternoon and evening)
81. Thila Tharpanam (Black Sesame = Thilam)
82. Yama Tharpanam
83. Beesha Tharpanam
84. Time around which Thila Tharpanam should be performed
85. Pushpas that are not fit for usage
86. Rules around performing Saligrama Pooja
87. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
88. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
89. Pusphas to be used for Worshipping SrimanNarayana
90. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
91. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
92. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
93. Vaisvadevam
94. Rules around giving Biksha for Yathi and Bhramachari
95. Bojanam
96. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
97. Pranahothi its signs and Rules
98. Timings around when a Bhramana should not speak and remain silent
99. Food that are not fit to be consumed
100. Food that can be served with Hand
101. Vaasthu that can be worshipped
102. Vasthus that are excluded during Bhojanam
103. Rules to be followed after Bhojanam
104. Thaamboolam
105. Bed
106. Mantra to be uttered while going to sleep on bed
107. Moksha Pala pradhanam
108. Sandhya Vandhanam
109. Gayatri
110. Gayatri's Greatness
111. Arthodhaya Mahodaya Punya Kalangal
112. Chillarai Dharmangal
113. Dravya Sudhi Vishayam
114. Conclusion

1. Activities to be performed During Bhrama Muhurtham of a day

Bhrama Muhurta (Definition):

The timing that is before 5 Nazhigai of sun rise (6:15 AM) in the morning is called as Bhrama Muhurtam.

5 Nazhigai : (1 hour = 2.5 Nazhigai) = 2 hours before sun rise (6:15 AM)

Start of Bhrama Muhurtam = 4 AM to 4:15 AM

Also, this period is termed as Second half of fourth Yaamam of Previous Night.

A Bhramana should wake up in Bhrama Muhurtham. If he fails to do so, he loses his Punya Karma and also
invites the curse of Pitris. (Forefathers who have departed).
Activities to be done after rising from bed in Bhrama Muhurtam:
A Bhramana should do the following as soon as he gets up from his bed
Should mediate upon Sriman Narayana -> In Our Sath Sampradayam we chant Paramartha
Slokadhwayam by Nadadur Ammal. First we start with chanting of Hari Sabdham 7 times followed by
Paramartha Slokadwayam.
Should meditate upon Maharshis (For us its Azhwars and Acharyas)
A Bhramana after getting up from bed if sees the following gets his Paapam / Danger alleviated.
A Person who did Agnyadhanam
A Bhramana after getting up from bed if sees the following will face problems and kalakams
(Confusions) during the day
A Person who always does paapa Karma (Here Nasthikas, People who frequently commit Bagavata
Apachara etc can be included)
BhagyaHeenan (A person who is not blessed with kids or merits by elders)
Excluding children those who are nude
A person who has his nose cut (Mookarupattavan)
Activities not to be done (Strictly Prohibited) in Sandhya Kaalam
During Sandya Kaalam ( 6 AM to 7 AM Pradha Sandhi) , 12 PM to 1 PM (Madhyanika Sandhi), 6 pm to
7 PM (Saayam Sandhi) the following should not be done
Aaharam (Having Food)
If a person has Aakaram during Sandhya period, he gets diseases
Stri Boham (Intercourse)
If a person gets involved in Stri Boham he gets Garbha Naasam (Vamsa Vridhi will get impacted)
Nithrai (Sleep or Nap)
Loses Wealth as he invites Moodhevi
By studying in Sandhya Period his life span gets reduced.

2. Method to go to BahirBhoomi (BahirBoomi=Sanitary Ground)

The period during which stars in the sky emit dull radiance and sun rise is called as Sandhyai. A Bhramana should wake

up before Sandhyai and do the following

He should go not less than 100 Koll of distance from his house towards East or South of North and reach a spot

with lot of water. (Probably a river or pond)

He should Procure lot of water in his Sombu (A big vessel carried by a Bhramana always which could hold upto 1 to

2 liters of water)

He should procure lot of fine sand (Mrithigai)

He should wear his punul as Maalai and tie it over his right ear so that it is criss cross towards his right ear and

neck. (Note: Punul cannot be directly tied to ear rather it should be first put as Maalai then held towards the chin

followed by tying it towards his right ear)

He should then tie his anga Vastram (The 4 yard cloth a Bhramana should always wear on his waist) on his head as

a turban

In Morning, he should face North and In evening he should face South

He should then select a ground which is NOT used For

Yagas or Homas
Cultivation (Nor a Fertile land)
He should then cover the ground with leaves (dry leaves)
Being silent he should pass away his Mala Mootradhis (Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam) -> He should complete
his morning bowel movement
Once completed, he should cover the ground with the remains with Dry leaves again
Places and people before which a Bhramana should never do his Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam
People before whom a Bhramana should not do his Mala Mootradi Visarjanam (Bowel movement)
Heavy wind (When there is a heavy wind blowing)
Guru (Acharyan)
A Bhramana
Places opposite which Bhramana should not do his Mala Mootradi Visarjanam (Bowel movement)
A place that is fit for cultivation (Cultivable land) => உ ற
A water (Pond or Creek or River or Lake or Well) => No place where there is a water gathering, a
bhramana should do his Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam. (Generally doing the bowel movement on a
Pond, River or Lake or even a creek or well is strictly prohibited)
Ant hill (Formation of sand dunes by Ants used by Snakes)
Hill or Mountain Top
Inside a Temple
River bed
Naanal => Saccharum spontaneum
Paddy fields (Fields of paddy or any grains)
Under a tree
Over Agni
On the Market (Grounds)
Over the cow dung
Yaga Bhoomi (Sacrificial grounds)
Over a hole
Over a flower
Over Kusa Grass (Dharba grass)
Over a common way used by people
Over cow shed
Over Umi (Chips of Wood used for Yaga)
Over the well and inside the well
Over the four intersections of a road
On the path of Paddy boundaries வயல் வறப்
உத்யானத் ம்
Near Water front
Over the grains (Rice or any food grains)
House entrance
Crowded place
Wearing Sandals
Holding an Umbrella
Opposite to a Temple
A Bhramana after going to Bahir Boomi should not remain there for a long time.
Rules to be followed after doing bowel movement (Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam)
A Bhramana should perform Achamanam before doing Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam
If Bhramana doesn't gather Water in his Sombu (A big vessel) before going to Bahir Bhoomi (A.K.A. Mala
Mootradhi Visarjanam) he becomes Unclean
If a Bhramana execretes (Performs Bowel movement-> Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam) with his Sombu filled
with water on hand, then the water in the sombu is equivalent to Urine.
A Bhramana after performing his Mala Mootradhi Visarjanam (Excretion) should hold his veshti over his
waist, hold his male urinal part in his hand and should raise from the Bahir Bhoomi.

3. Choucha Niyamam (Choucham = Sanitary cleanliness using Sand and water Niyamam=Prescribed Method)
4. Rules around Achamanam and associated activities
5. Rules and Method around performing Japas and Tharpanam with Wet clothes
6. The position for Devatheertham and timings around its usage
7. Information around Tharpam and Pavithram
8. Non Interpretable Grantha Lipi
9. Timings when Aachamanam should be done mandatorily
10. Dandha Davana Vidhi (Rules around brushing teeth)
Posted 16th March 2013 by Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

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DEC Dharma Sastra Surrukam By Sri Vaidyanatha Dikshita - Part 1 (Varnashrama

26 Dharma Kandam)

1. Preface:

The book on Dharma Sastras named Dharma Sastra Surrukkam by Sri.Vaidyanatha Dikshita is

an authoritative work which is a must to have for all vaidhikas.

The lucid tamil translation of Dharma Sastras abiding Parasara Smrithi helps reference all of
anushtanams in one place. This is a humble effort to translate this great book into English for the
purpose of Vaidhika Generations who has lost touch with their roots. Any praise for this translation
solely belongs to Sri.Vaidhyanadha Dikshita and the Publishers (Sri.Krishnamoorthy Sastri and
K.Sundara Raman) and any mistakes are purely due to the limited knowledge of the Translator

- Adiyen Elayavilli Dasarathy Ponnappan

2. Contact of Publishers:
It is recommended to have a personal copy of this wonderful grantha which supports two purposes.
Purpose 1) It gives the ultimate source of knowledge of Dharma Sastras in Tamil 2) Allowing these
great Publishers to continue the noble task of Publishing great Vaidhika Books like this.
The book can be obtained at:
Dr.R.KrishnaMoorthy Sastrigal,
No 2, Sanskrit College Road,
Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004
Phone: (+91) 044 298 4698

3. Dharma Sastra Surukkam - Table of Contents (Vishaya Suchikai)

1. Varnashrama Dharma Kandam

Table of Contents:

1. Varnashrama Dharma Kandam
2. Vedas and its divisions, Sutras
3. Varnam - Definition
4. Yugas - Definition
5. Dharmas Prohibited in Kali Yuga (Kaliyuga Nishidha Dharmas)
6. Rules and Criteria for Directions (Dhik Niyamam)
7. Rules for Bhramana (Bhramana Dharma)
8. Agnihotram (Definition, eligibility)
9. Rules for Learning/Reciting Vedas outside the prescribed Veda for a person
(AnyaVedadhyana Niyamam)
10. Upakarmam
11. Anandhyayanam (Rules for days when not to recite / Learn Vedas)
12. Rules for a Bhramana to do cultivation (When a Bhramana can plough his own land)
13. Varthushvam (Primary Crime of Lending Money at higher Interest Rate -> Must to be
avoided for a Bhramana)
14. Rules/Eligibility for People aged over fifty years
15. Forty Samskaras (The Prime Forty Samskaras for a Bhramana)
16. Rutu Kalam (Season for Union)
17. Pumsavanam (Rites to be done for a child in its mother's womb)
18. Samskaras around Seemandham (The baby Shower done for the first kid)
19. JaataKarmam
20. Naamakaranam (Naming a child)
21. Ear piercing (Kaadhu Kuttal)
22. Soorya Chandra Darsana Kaalam (Time to perform SuryaDarshan/Chandra Darshan for a
23. Anna Praasnam (Introduction of Cooked Rice for the baby)
24. Choulam (Keeping Kudumi/Tuft) for a child
25. Smarta Karmas for Girl Child
26. Aksharaabhyaasam: (Introducing letters/Words to a child)
27. Rules/Restrictions for Boys before Upanayanam
28. Samskaras from Upanayanam onwards
29. People Eligible to make Yagnobhaveetham (Yagnobhaveetham = Poonul)
30. Method to make Yagnobhaveetham (Poonol/Sacred Thread)
31. Niyamam (Rules) for the Upanayana Period (Upanayana Kaala Niyamam)
32. Rules around giving Rice to a Bhramachari (Food given as Alms) (How to get bikshai
33. Upanayana Kalam)
34. Kaalatheetha Prayachitam (Prayachita to be done for Karmas performed outside the
prescribed time)
35. Time when Choula Karmas and like wise should not be performed (Choulam -> Keeping
36. People eligible to perform Upanayanam
37. Rules for performing Jatakarma for Twins (Twins -> Yamalodbhavas or Yamalodbhavargal)
38. Eligibility of Girls/ladies for Marriage (Vivahathirkuriya Kanya lakshanam)
39. Eligibility for a person to perform Kanyka Dhanam (Kartha - Person eligible for performing
the Karma)
40. Activities to be performed during auspicious times (auspicious Times - SubhaKaalam)
41. Activities to be / not to be peformed during two Sobhanams (Sobhanam -> Time when an
auspicious activity like Upanayanam, Vivaham etc is performed)
42. Rules around performing Vivaham for Foster sons (Foster Son -> Sweekara Putran)
43. Rules around Jestha Putra determination after Adoption:
44. Rules around performing Vivaham for sons from co wives (Co Wives - Sapathnee)
45. Aoupasamam and Sthaali Paakam - Rules around it
46. Rules around resumption of Aoupasanam if it has been interrupted
47. Activities to be performed during Aoupasanam and Loukika Agni
48. Rules around parting off with a Wife and re marriage
49. Rules around Vivaham (Marriage) of Brothers
50. Dharma (Rules) to be followed by a wife
51. Dharma (Rules) to be followed by a widow - Vidhava Dharmam
52. Rules as to when Abhivadhanam should Not be done with Namaskaaram

Vedas and its divisions, Sutras

Vedas are four. Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana

Rig Veda Sutras:

There are two sutras for Rig Veda. They are

Āśvalāyana Śrautasûtra

Sāṅkhāyana Śrautasûtra

Yajur Veda Sutras:

Krishna Yajur Veda Sutras:

Bhodayana Sutra

Apastamba Sutra

Bhaaradhwaja Sutra

Sathyashaada Sutra

Vaikanasa Sutra

Sukla Yajur Veda Sutras:

Kaadhyaayana Sutra

Saama Veda Sutras:

Traahyayana Sutra

Jaimineeya Sutra

Varnam - Definition

Varnas are of four kind viz, Bhrama, Kshatriya, Vysya, Shudra

Yugas - Definition

KrutaYuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga

For Kali Yuga the prescribed Smrithi is Parasara Smrithi

Dharmas Prohibited in Kali Yuga (Kaliyuga Nishidha Dharmas)

If a Bhramana continues to bathe in well water for a continuous period of 12 years

he loses his Bhramaneeyam and becomes a sudra

Giving Jeshtabagam is prohibited

Reducing the number of achouchams (Achoucham -> Cleansing after going for natural

calls using Sand and water)

Living as a Bhramacharin (Bachelor) for a longer part of life

A Grihasta (Married person) going for distant lands for theertha yaatra

Sanyasis staying at houses in the evening

Bhramanas going to distant lands

Bhramanas travelling on Sea (Taking Sea Voyage)

Rules and Criteria for Directions (Dhik Niyamam)

For a Karma (Duty) of a direction is not prescribed, please use one of East, North or

North East

For a Karma (Duty) if the posture / position (Standing or Sitting) is not specified, use

sitting Posture

Rules for Bhramana (Bhramana Dharma)

There are six duties for a Bhramana

Reciting Vedas (Performing VedaAdhyayana)

Teaching Vedas (Teaching VedAdhyayana for others)

Performing prescribed Yagnyas for self

Performing prescribed Yagnyas for others

Donating Gifts (Giving Dhanam)

Accepting Gifts (Accepting Dhanam)

A Bhramana should not be accepting Gifts from a Sudra (Pratigraham is


Agnihotram (Definition, eligibility)

If a Person's Father or His Eldest Brother hasn't practiced and performed

Agnihotra the rest of the Brothers doesn't gain right to perform Agnihotram

In a family the eldest son is fit to perform Agnihotra

If the Eldest Son permits, then only the younger brothers can perform


Even if a father permits his sons, if the eldest son doesn't permit, rest of the sons

cannot perform Agnihotram

Rules for Learning/Reciting Vedas outside the prescribed Veda for a person

(AnyaVedadhyana Niyamam)

A person should first complete the Adhyayanam (Learning and reciting properly)

of his prescribed Veda

Without completion he is not allowed to perform adhyayanam of other Vedam

Upon completion of Adhyayanam of the prescribed Veda, he is allowed to learn

other Veda


Upaakarma should NOT be performed on Grahana (Eclipse days) and

Sangramana Days

For Yajur Vedis, Upakarma should be performed during the Parva which is udaya

vyapi (Meaning of Udaya Vyapi - TBD)

For RigVedis, Upakarma should be performed during their Udaya Vyapi which is

"Sravana Nakshatra"

For SamaVedis, Upakarma should be performed on Hasta Nakshatram.

After undergoing Upanayanam, a Bhramachari should not undergo shaving

(Kshavaram) for 6 months

But when there is a need to perform Upakarma, the said Bramachari should

undergo Kshavaram

If on a given occasion, both Srardham (Theertham) and Upaakarma comes to

gether, then

Perform Upaakarma first followed by Srardham

If the person performing Srardham is a bhramachari, the said bhramachari should

undergo Kshavaram before performing Upaakarma.

Anandhyayanam (Rules for days when not to recite / Learn Vedas)


Prathamai Thithi

Ashtami Thithi

Chaturdasi Thithi

Amavasya Thithi

Poornima (Pournami) Thithi

The previous Nights of all the above Thithis


Days of Grahanam (Eclipse)


The Day a person consumes Nimanthranam

The Day a person performs pratigraham (Accepts Dhanam)

The Day Garauda Kodi is hoisted for a festival in temple (Kodi yetram)

The Day Garuda Kodi is brought down in a temple (Kodi yerakam)

If its a Grasthastama Grahana Day then following 3 days are prohibited

When Samaveda Dhwani is being heard, Yajur VedAdhyanam should not be



Sravana Dwadesi




Manvadi Days

Yugadi Days

Rules for a Bhramana to do cultivation (When a Bhramana can plough his own


For a Bhramana, apathvruthi is Krishi -> This means, during pressing situations,

a Bhramana can plough his own land

The bull selected for ploughing land can be used for the purpose only for a period

of morning (sun rise) till Noon

Once the ploughing is done, the bulls should be bathed immediately

Those bulls that are affected by the following should not be employed for






Eunech (Neither cow nor bull)

Those bulls which are calfs and those bulls which are old by the virtue of losing its

teeth should not be employed for ploughing.

Varthushvam (Primary Crime of Lending Money at higher Interest Rate -> Must

to be avoided for a Bhramana)

Varthushvam -> Getting Money for a lower interest rate and lending it to others

for a Higher interest rate

This should NEVER be done by a Bhramana under any circumstances.

Varthushvam is worst sin (Worser than Bhramahati Dosham)

Rules/Eligibility for People aged over fifty years

A Bhramana aged over fifty years should NEVER marry

A Bhramana aged over fifty years should also not eat nimanthranam

Samskaras for a Bhramana (Rules and Duties for a Bhramana)

For a Bhramana according to their sutras there can be 40 or more Samskarams

prescribed to be followed.

Samskaram from Birth till Upanayanam is a MUST.

For those Samskarams above Upanayanam are not Mandatory.

Samskarams after Upanayanam if done with devotion yields greater grace of


The Mandatory should be related to the asrama sweekaram we adopt.

Since a Bhramachari can go directly to SanyasAshramam the Samskarams after

Upanayanam are not Mandatory. The Mandatory is enforced by the

AsramaSweekaram (If a Bramachari becomes Grihasta -> Marries and gets into

family life, the samskaarams prescribed above Upanayanam becomes mandatory.

Forty Samskaras (The Prime Forty Samskaras for a Bhramana)

The forty Samskarams are split into two sections namely

Smaartha Karma (IN TOTAL =14)

1. Garbhadhaanam

2. Pumsavanam

3. Seemandham

4. Jaatakarmam

5. Naamakaranam

6. Annapraasanam

7. Choulam

8. Upanayanam

9. Praajapatyam

10. Sowmyam

11. Agneyam

12. Vaisvadevam

13. Snaanam

14. Vivaham

Sroutha Karma (IN TOTAL = 26)

1. Five Devayagnyas (5)

1. Devayagnyam
2. PitruYagnyam
3. BhutaYagnyam
4. ManushyaYagnyam
5. Bhramayagnyam
2. Seven Paakayagnyam (7)

1. Ashtakai
2. Sthaalipaakam
3. Maasisrardham
4. Sraavani
5. Aagrahaayanee
6. Chaitree
7. Aasvayujee
3. Seven HavirYagnyam (7)

1. AgnayaDhaanam
2. AgniHotram
3. DarsaPoornaMaasam
4. Agrayanam
5. ChaaturMaasam
6. NiroodaPasupanthanam
7. Choudraamanee
4. Seven Somasamsthai (7)

1. Agnishtoomam
2. Adhyaagnishotomam
3. Ukthyam
4. Shodasi
5. Vaajapeeyam
6. Athiraathram
7. Aptoryama
Additional Smarta Karma

Counting ChandraDarsanam and Soorya Darsanam as additional Smarta

Karmas which makes total Smarta Karmas to 16

Certain followers exclude Chandra Soorya Darsanam and include

PrethaKarmam and Sapindeekaranam counting the Smarta Karmas to 16

There is a third school of thought which includes all the above four and

puts total Smarta Karma to 18

Using this final approach Total Karmas become (18 + 26) = 44

Rutu Kalam (Season for Union)

The period between start of Menstrual cycle till 16 days is called Rutu Kalam.

The following days in the 16 day period are not suitable for union of a husband

and wife.

First four days of the Cycle

Chaturthi thithi

Sashti thithi

Ashtami thithi

Ekadesi Thithi

Trayodasi thithi

Chaturdasi thithi

Amavasya thithi(New Moon)

Pournima thithi(Full Moon)

The remaining days are fit for union of husband and wife.

Out of these days fit for union the following criteria is considered most suited.

Most Favourable Days = If the days of the week is either ONE of




Most Favourable Nakshatras = If the Nakshatras are ONE of


Utthiram (Utrashada)








Most Favourable Lagnas = If the Lagnas are ONE of









The following Nakshatras are madyamam for Union (Samboham)




Criteria for getting a Male / Female Child

If the day of the 16 day period is even then the union will result in Male child.

If the Day of the 16 day Period is ODD, then the union will result in a Female


For instance, excluding the first four days, on the remaining 12 days, if a day is

chosen which is fulfilling the criteria of

Allowed Thithi

Allowed Nakshatra

Allowed Day

And that combination results in any one of 1,3,5,7,9,11th day of the 16 day

Cycle, the resulting child of the Union would be a girl

If the combination results in 2,4,6,8,10,12th day of 16 day Cycle, the resulting

child of the Union would be a boy

Pumsavanam (Rites to be done for a child in its mother's womb)

When a Woman's (Stri's) Pregnancy is visible explicitly, (To Ouside eyes if a

women appears to be pregnant due to her appearance), in particular, 3rd or 4th

Month of the Pregnancy Pumsavanam should be performed.

Nakshatram for performing Pumsavanam is Pushya (Poosa Nakshatram)

Before the baby in mother's womb starts turning downwards of upwards,

Pumsavanam should be performed in the following Nakshatras (Including Pushya)







The above said Nakshatras are male Nakashatras and hence Pumsavanam should

be performed on them.

Pumsavanam should be performed for each and every pregnancy.

There is a belief that Pumsavanam is essential only for the first pregnancy.

A Person aspiring for a Male Child should always perform Pumsavanam for each

and every Pregnancy

Samskaras around Seemandham (The baby Shower done for the first kid)


The following Months during pregnancy is recommended for Performing


4th, 6th and 8th Month

After 6th Month, any time till Pregnancy

Since Seemandham purifies a Mother, the common practice is to perform it only

for the first pregnancy and IT is a MUST for a Mother.

Since Seemandham also purifies the baby in the Mother's Womb, there is a

certain school of thought that it should be done for each and every pregnancy

SINCE "Seemandham" is a MUST for a Woman, even if the Husband of that

woman has gone for distant lands, or has passed away, Seemandham SHOULD

be done with the assistance of (Either ONE OF)



Closest Dayadhi (Blood relative)


When a Bhramana becomes a father (As soon as the wife gives birth to the child),

Jaatakarmam should be done immediately by him

The Bhramana should immediately take bath, and perform dhaanam.

If the bord child is a Male child, the Bhramana is eligible to perform Dhaanam

throughout the day and there is no dhosham in getting Pratigraham from the

Bhramana. This is because a Male child makes the father purified throughout the


Jaatakarmam during Maranaachoucham (Impure days for a person due to death

of close kith and Kin)

If a Bhramana becomes a father when he is in the midst of

Maranaachoucham, he has to wait till the completion of the impure days

(10 days or 3 days) and then should Perform Jaatakarmam

Jaatakarmam during Jananaachoucham (Impure days for a person due to birth of

child of close kith and Kin -> Daayadhis)

If a Bhramana becomes a father when he is in the midst of

Jananaachoucham, and if the child is a Male child, he should immediately

do Jaatakarmam.

Since a Male child relieves a father from all sins, when a Person begets a

Male Child during an Aachoucham he becomes purified and gets relieved

from all Aachouchams.

Naamakaranam (Naming a child)

On the 11th day from the day of birth, a child should be named.

Atleast within the completion of the first year of the child from the birth, it

should be named.

The following names are very much desired.

Name of Family Deity (Kula deivam)

Name of ancestors and acharyas (Munnorgal)

When we say Munnorgal, please recall the Munnorgal as

mentioned by our Acharya

Ear piercing (Kaadhu Kuttal)

The following months are prescribed for Ear piercing.

Chitra (Chitirai)




Of these Months, we should select ONLY Suklapaksham

Within Suklapaksham we should select an auspicious day

When a child is has started getting its teeth and it is able to get into the lap

of mother and out of it by itself, the child is fit for ear piercing.

Method to perform Ear Piercing

A silk thread should be sewed into a needle and both the ends of the

thread should be kept together.

Holding that, both the ears of the child should be pierced.

Soorya Chandra Darsana Kaalam (Time to perform SuryaDarshan/Chandra

Darshan for a baby)

Surya Darshan: During 3rd month from the time of birth of a child, Surya

Darshan should be performed. The baby should be taken to broad day

sunlight and should be shown the Surya

Chandra Darshan: During 4th Month from the time of Birth of a child,

Chandra Darshan should be performed. The child should be taken and

shown the moonlight.

Anna Praasnam (Introduction of Cooked Rice for the baby)

During the 6th month from the time of birth Anna Prasnam (Introduction

of Cooked Rice) should be done for a baby

Anna Praasnam (Amudhootal) should be performed as prescribed.

During Anna Praasnam, Cooked Rice should be mixed with Ghee, Honey

and Curd and given to the baby.

Choulam (Keeping Kudumi/Tuft) for a child

At the completion of 3 years for a kid, Choulam should be performed.

If the Mother of the child is pregnant, then Choulam should not be


Days when Choulam should not be performed:




Thiti in which Choulam should not be performed:






Nakshatras in which Choulam should not be performed.

Kartigai (Krithika)



Janma Nakshatra of a child.(Janma Nakshatra = Nakshatra in which

a child was born)

Nakshatras in which Choulam can be performed








Smarta Karmas for Girl Child

For a Girl of a Bhramana, All samksaras from the time of Birth till

Upanayanam is same as a boy.

When performing these Samskaras Mantra should not be spelt for a

Girl Child.

For a Girl, Marriage is essential and it is equivalent to the Upanayana

Samskara of a boy.

If a Girl is not given in Marriage at the Prescribed age (Age is

Completion of 7 years), Prayachittam should be done during her


Aksharaabhyaasam: (Introducing letters/Words to a child)

At the start of 5 years, during the months in which Vishnu is awake

(Vishnu Vizhitirukkum Maasam -> TBD), Aksharaabhyaasam should

be performed.

Preferred Ayanam:The most preferred Ayanam is Utaraayanam

Restricted Month: Month of Maasi (Jan - Feb timelines) should not be

selected for Aksharaabhyasam

Preferred Month: Aadi (June July timelines)

Restricted Thithis:





Restricted Days: Tuesday and Saturday

Preferred Nakshatras:











Meditating on the following deities "Ajyahuti" should be performed.






Placing the child facing the west Direction, A guru should face east

direction and start the Aksharaabhyasam (In the Sitting Posture)

Rules/Restrictions for Boys before Upanayanam

Before Upanayana Samskara there are no restrictions for a Boy

But drinking Alcohol, Kal (Juice of Palm tree made to an alcoholic beverage) is

severely prohibited.

Mahapathakams (The greatest sins) should also not be practised by Boys before


These prohibitions are applicable even after Upanayanam till last breathe for a


For a Boy / Girl after they reach the age of five, they should not be left to go by

their own Intent. According to the Ashrama of the Varna (For a Bhramana its

Aksharabhyaasam) the practices should be taught to the children.

When a boy or Girl of a Bhramana is less than six years of age and if he/she is

touched by a Rajaswalai (Women during their 4 day menstrual Cycle) OR by a

Chandala no dosham attaches to them.

Samskaras from Upanayanam onwards

When a boy of a Bhramana completes 8 Years starting from the time the boy was

formed in Mother's Womb (Note: Its not 8 years completion, its completion of 7

years as 10 months the Sisu is in Mother's Womb), Upanayanam should be


Favorable Kaalam - Vasantha Kaalam

Favourable Months -

Thai (Jan timelines)

Maasi (Feb - March Timelines)

Panguni (June timelines)

Prohibited Days

Any day which is an Anadhyayanam (Amavasya, Day after Amavasya,

Poornima, Day after Poornima)

Sankramanam (Sankaranthi Day)


If during Anadhyayana, if there is a Nimitham (Reason to do

Upanayanam), then Upanayanam can be performed on the

Anadhyayana Day

Prohibited Days based on Nakshatram

For the eldest Son, Upanayanam should not be performed on Jeshta


Prohibited Days based Planetary Positions (Griha Sthanam in the boy's


If Chandra is diminishing (During Planetary movements, if Chandra enters

a house which is a neecham for him, then chandra will Diminish). Likewise

there are various criteria in which Chandra or a griha can diminish

If Sukra is at the 8th Position from Lagna

If Surya is in the first Paadam of the Horoscope

Prohibited Days based on Thithi


Triyodasi thithi



Prathamai Thithi






Veda based Restrictions/Prohibitions:

For Rig Veda, Brihaspati is Adeesa (Brihaspati = Guru Planet)

For Yajur Veda, Sukran is Adeesa

For Saama Veda Angaaraka is Adeesa

For Atharvana Veda Budhan is Adeesa

Most Favourable Day:

Day of a Svasaakadeesan for the Boy's Horoscope

Most Favourable Planetary Position:

If a Boy's Saakathipan is strong and is in a Kendra (Kendra = 4,7,10th

Position from the Lagnam) then performing Upanayanam on that day gives

lot of grace.

Age by which Upanayanam Should be done:

Since for a Boy till age of 16 is considered Bhramacharya, Upanayanam can

be performed till that age.

For performing Upanayanam of a boy who is more than 8 years of age,

Necessary Prayaschitam should be performed.

If a Person doesn't have his Upanayanam done by age of 16, He loses

Bhraamaneeyam and is Unfit for any of Vaidhika Karmas including

Adhyayanam and Dhaana Prathigraham.

People Eligible to make Yagnobhaveetham (Yagnobhaveetham = Poonul)

A Married Woman (Sumangali) OR

A Kannika (UnMarried Girl) OR

A Widow

These three are eligible for making Yagnobhaveetham

Yagnobhaveetham should be done using Paruthi (Cotton)

Method to make Yagnobhaveetham (Poonol/Sacred Thread)

Sitting in a pure place, the lady should keep four fingers of her right palm and

wrap the cotton into three threads around her palm.

Wrapping these three threads around the palm for 96 times we get One Poonol

(One Yagnobhaveetham)

This Poonol (Sacred Thread, Yagnobhaveetham) is also called as "Shanvadhi"

This Poonol should be cleansed with water

Once cleansed, it should be folded into three layers and twisted and turned

After this, the Poonol obtained will have nine Dhantus due to the folding

This Poonol should be decorated to have Knot (Often this Knot is called as

Bhrama Knot)

This Yagnobhaveetham should not be exceeding the belly of the boy

If the length of Yagnobhaveetham is too short it impacts the life of the Boy and

too long makes all of the Karma performed by the boy as meaningless.

TBD -> Un interpretable words in Grantha Lipi (To be consulted)

Niyamam (Rules) for the Upanayana Period (Upanayana Kaala Niyamam)

Rules around giving Rice to a Bhramachari (Food given as Alms) (How to get

bikshai during Upanayana Kalam)

A Bhramachari who obtains his food through alms (Anna Bikshai)

should never be addressed rudely or scolded.
The Bhramachari should take his food only to the required quantity for
his appetite. He should never ask for more, which he cannot have.
If on any given day if there are any left overs in his food which he got
as an Anna Bikshai, he should bury it or should dissolve it in a water
(Pond or River).

· Persons from whom a Bhramachari should not obtain Food

through alms (Anna Bikshai)
o From his Guru
o From his Guru’s blood relatives (Blood relatives – Relatives
who has 10 day participation in janana Marana
o From his blood relatives
o Maternal Uncle

· · Method to give food to a Bhramachari during an Anna Bikshai

The food to be given to a Bhramachari (Rice

(Bikshai),Pickle,Vegetables) should not be given directly by

The giver should transfer the food (above said) through a

bowl/utensil/serving spoon


Next day after Upanayanam or 4th Day from the Upanayanam Bhramayagnyam should be
performed daily like Sandhya Vandhanam. Daily Frequency: Once a day

TBD -> Un interpretable words in Grantha Lipi (To be consulted)

3. Kaalatheetha Prayachitam (Prayachita to be done for Karmas performed outside the

prescribed time)

If any of the Nithya karmas prescribed for a Bhramana is not done on the prescribed time (time
of the day or time of the age), the Karma should be done with Prayaschitartham before
proceeding to Next Karma. Here Next Karma is the karma that immediately succeeds the missed
karma. For example, if Pratha Sandhyavandhanam is skipped, before Madyanya
Sandhyavandhana (Sandhyavandhanam during Noon) is said to be the Next Karma. Before doing
Madhyanyakam, Pratha Sandhyavandhanam should be done with Prayaschitam and
Madhyanikam should be performed.
Food to be Served during Various Karmas:
Choulam - Food to be served for 50 Bhramanas
Upanayanam - Food to be served for 100 Bhramanas
Vivaham - As much as possible to the extent of financial ability
Adhanam - Food to be served for 100 Bhramanas
RutuSaanthi - Food to be served for 10 to 12 Bhramanas
Seemandham - Food to be served as much as possible to the extent of financial ability
Garbadhanam - 2 Bhramanas should be served food and ONLY after that, a Grihasta can get into
Married life with his Wife (Samboham)

4. Time when Choula Karmas and like wise should not be performed (Choulam -> Keeping


If Mother is a Rajaswalai (In her Menstrual Cycle) If Mother is Pregnant and if her pregnancy is
more than 5 months
Choulam or Upanayanam or Vivaham of the Putran should not be performed.
If Upanayanam is performed by a Bandhu apart from his father, the Bandhu's wife if pregnant
should be less than 6 month in her pregnancy. If her pregnancy is more than 6 months, the
Kartha (Bandhu) performing Upanayanam is unfit to perform the Upanayanam.

5. People eligible to perform Upanayanam

Grandfather (Maternal/Paternal),
Gnyathis, (People who are 10 days Dayathis for 7 generations)
Brothers belonging to same Pravaram (For Pravaram please refer to below table)
If people specified above is NOT available for a person, then people belonging to Same Sutram
(For Ex.Apastamba) can perform. More details On Sutram can be found at the beginning of the
post (Sutras are organized by Vedam one follows)
If a Person has LOST his wife, he is UNFIT to perform Upanayanam. (Anashrami Na thisteth)
Pravaram details (Courtesy:
Brugu (Briku) - Twenty sub-lineage Rishis

Name of Pravaram to be pronounced

Gothra with Names

Bhargava, Syavana, Aabnavaana -

01 Jamadagni
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaithahavya, Raivasa -

02 Jaabaali
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Aurva, jamadagnya -

03 Jaamadagnya
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaithahavya, Raivasa -

04. Jaimini
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Aurva, jamadagnya -

05 Bhaulathsya
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Aurva, jamadagnya -

06 Maandookeya
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaithahavya, Saavethasa -

07 Maunabhargava
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaithahavya, Saavethasa -

08 Vathoola
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Syavana, Aapnavana, Aurva,

09 Srivathsa
Jamadagya - Pancharisheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Garthsamatha - Dvayarisheya,

10 Garthsamatha

Bhargava, Garthsamatha - Dvayarisheya,

11 Kanaka

Bhargava, Garthsamatha - Dvayarisheya,

12 Yagnjapathi

Bhargava, Aurva, Jamadagnya -

13 Avada
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, AarttisheNa, AnUpa -

14 AartishENa
Thrayarsheya pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaadhyaksha, Daivadaasa -

15 Aaswalaayana
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaidahvya, Saavethasa -

16 Kasyapi
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, AartishENa, AnUpa -

17 Kaathyaayana
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Vaithahavya, Revasa -

18 Kaargya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, Saunahothra, Gaarthsamatha -

19 Kruthsamatha
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Bhargava, AartishENa, AnUpa -

20 Nairruthi
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa (with 27 sub lineage Rishis)

Uthasatha Aangirasa, Audathya, Gauthama -

(Uthathya) Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Aamahaavya, Aurushaaya -

02 Kamyaangirasa
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Gaargya, Chaithya -

03 GaargEya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Bhaarhaspathya,
04 GaargEya Bharatheevaja, Sainya, Gargya -
Pancharsheya pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Aayarsaya, Gauthama -

05 Gauthama
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Paurukuthsa,
06 Paurukuthsa Thraasathasya - Thrayarsheya,

Aangirasa, Paurukuthsa,
07 PaatharaayaNa Thraasathasya - Thrayarsheya,

Aangirasa, Ambarisha, Mauthgalya -

08 Mauthgalya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Bhaarhaspathya,
09 Bharatwaja Bharatwaja - Thrayarsheya,

Aangirasa, Bhargyasva, Mauthgalya -

10 Mauthgalya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Vairoopa, Raatheethara -

11 Ratheethara
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Pauruguthsa,
12 Vishnuvruththa Thraasathasya - Thrayarsheya,

Aangirasa, Thraasathasya,
13 ShatamarshNa Pauruguthsa - Thrayarsheya,

Saathya, Saankruthya, Gauriveetha -

14 Sankruthi
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Saaskruthya, Gauriveetha -

15 Sankruthi
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Ambarisha, Yauvanaachva -

16 Haritha
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Bharhaspathya, Bharatwaja

17 Aabasthamba
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirassa, Aayaasya, Gauthama -

18 Aayaasya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Ajameeta, KaaNva -

19 KaNva
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Aamaheeyava, Aurukshyasa

20 KaNva
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Aamaheeyava, Aurukshyasa

21 Kabila
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Chainya, Gargaya (Garka) -

22 Garga
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Ambareesha, Yauvanaachva

23 Kuthsa
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Maandathra, Kauthsa -

24 Kuthsa
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Bharhaspathya, Bharatwaja

25 Kaundinya
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Paurukuthsa, Aasathasya -

26 Paurukuthsa
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aangirasa, Vaichvamitra, Lohitha -

27 Lohitha
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathri ( 13 sub lineage Rishis)

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

01 Aathreya
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa,
02 Mauthgalya Baurvaathitha - Thrayarsheya,

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

03 Athri
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

04 Uthaalaka
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa,
05 Muthkala Baurvaathitha - thrayarsheya,

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa,
06 Gauriveetha Baurvaathitha - thrayarsheya,

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

07 Dattathreya
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, Kaavishtira -

08 Dhananjaya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Kaavishtira, Bhaurvathitha -

09 Dhaksha ( Dakshi)
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Vaamarathya, Bauthrika -

10 Bhaaleya
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

11 Pathanjala
- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, Aadhitha -

12 Bheejaavaaba
Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Aathreya, Aarsanaanasa, syaavaachva

- Thrayarsheya, pravaranvitha:

Vishwamitra ( 13 sub lineage Rishis)

Vaiswamithra, AagamarshaNa, Kausika

01 Kausika (Kusika)
- Thrayarsheya

Vaiswamithra, Ashtaka, Lohitha -

02 Lohitha

Vaiswamithra, Devaraatha, Authala -

03 Viswamithra

Vaiswamithra, Devaraatha, Authala -

04 Saalaavatha

Vaiswamithra, Kadhaka -
05 Kadhaka

Vaiswamithra, AagamarshaNa, Kausika

06 AagamarshaNa
- Thrayarsheya

Vaiswamithra, Maaduchandasa, Aaja -

07 Gatha

Vaiswamithra, Kathya, Adgeetha -

08 Kaathyaayana

Vaiswamithra, Devaseevarasa,
09 Kamakaayana
DaivaTharasa (Rethasa) - Thrayarsheya

Vaiswamithra, Devaraatha, Audhala -

10 Kaalava

Vaiswamithra, Salangayana, Kausika -

11 Kausika

Vaiswamithra, Devaraatha, Audhala -

12 Jabhala (Jabali)

Vaiswamithra, Devaraatha, Aulitha -

13 Devaraatha

Vashishta ( 13 sub lineage Rishis)

Vaasishta, MaithravaruNa, Kaundinya -

01 Kaundinya

Vaasishta, saakthya, Paarasarya -

02 Parasara

Vaasishta, MaithravaruNa, Kaundinya -

03 Vaasishta

04 Vasishta Vaasishta - Ekarsheya

05 Haritha Vaasishta - Ekarsheya

Vaasishta, Aindrapramatha,
06 Aachvalaayana
Aabarathvasasya - Thrayarsheya

Vaasishta, Aindrapramatha,
07 Upamanyu
Aabarathvasasya - Thrayarsheya

Vaasishta, Aindrapramatha,
08 KaaNva
Aabarathvasasya - Thrayarsheya

Vaasishta, Aindrapramatha,
09 JaadhookarNya
Aabarathvasasya - Thrayarsheya

Vaasishta, Aathreya, JaadhookarNya -

10 Bhodayana

Vaasishta, MaithravaruNa, Kaundinya -

11 MithraavaruNa

Vaasishta, MaithravaruNa, Kaundinya -

12 Mauthgala

Vaasishta, Aindrapramatha,
13 Vaasida
Aaabarathvasasya - Thrayarsheya

Kachyapa/Kasyapa ( 13 sub lineage Rishis)

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Naithruva -

01 Naithruva Kasyapa

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Rebaa -

02 Reba Kasyapa

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Saandilya -

03 Saandilya

Kasyapa, Daivala, Asitha -

04 Saandilya

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Naithruva,

05 Saandilya Reba, Raiba, Sandila, Chandilya -

Kaasyapa, Aasitha, Daivala -

06 Kaasyapa

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Naithruva,

07 Kachyapa Reba, Raiba, Sandila, Chandilya -

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Naithrava -

08 Bruku

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Naithrava -

09 Maareesa

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Raibya -

10 Raibya (Reba)

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Aasitha -

11 Baukakshi

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Raibya -

12 Vaathsya

Kaasyapa, Aavathsaara, Aasitha -


Agasthya ( 7 sub lineage Rishis)

01 Agasthya Agasthya - Ekarisheya, pravaranvitha:

02 Idhmavaaha Agasthya - Ekarisheya, Pravaranvitha:

Agasthya, Maahendra, Maayobhuva -

03 Aagasthi
Thryarisheya, pravaranvitha

Agasthya, Dhradyavrutha,
04 Agasthi Aidhmavaaha - Thrayarisheya,

Agasthya, Vaathyasva, Aidhmavaaha -

05 Idhmavaaha
thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Agasthya, Maahendra, Maayobhuva -

06 Pulaha
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

Agasthya, Maahendra, Maayobhuva -

07 Maayobhuva
Thrayarisheya, pravaranvitha:

6. Rules for performing Jatakarma for Twins (Twins -> Yamalodbhavas or


For Male Twins : Karmas from JaataKarma till Upanayanam should be performed in Same Lagna
with Same Acharya in Same Vedhikai (Vedhikai - Agni and Manai) For Female Twins: Jatakarma
till Vivaham (For girls, Vivaham is equivalent to Upanayanam) should be performed in Same
Lagna with Same Acharya in Same Vedhikai (Vedhikai - Agni and Manai) For Twins (Male &
Female) - Same as applicable above Sapatni Putras (Yamalodbhavas)
If for a Bhramana two babies were born on same lagna through two wives, if Karmas has to
be done on Same Lagna, the following Rule should be observed.
The Karma should be done in two different Vedhikai (Manai + Agni) with different
acharyas. Nandhi is also to be done separately.

7. Eligibility of Girls/ladies for Marriage (Vivahathirkuriya Kanya lakshanam)

The following girls are not to be considered as a Kanya fit for Marriage.

A Girl with brown hair

A Girl stouter than the boy to be married

A Girl having excess hair throughout the body

A Girl having less hair on her head

A Girl having a cat eye

A Girl whose complexion is blackish like hair's black color

A Girl whose name is one of,

Nakshatra (Stars -> 27 Stars namely Aswini, Bharani, Kritika, Rohini, etc)

Tree (Vriksham)


A Girl who is milk white in complexion

A Girl who is taller than average women

A Girl who is shorter than average women

A Girl who has natural moustache

A Girl whose voice is rough (Karakara Swaram)

A Girl whose voice is aloud like Lion/Lioness

A Girl whose voice is like that of a crow

A Girl whose eyes are perfect circle

A Girl who has bad odour throughout her body (Someone like MatsyaGandhi who

married Parasara to Yield KrishnaDwaipayana and later called GandhaYojana)

A Girl whose teeth are crooked and twisted

A Girl whose eyebrows are joint

A Girl Who has six fingers on her hands or toes

If a father has ONLY one Girl (Having two kids one boy and one girl seems to be fine)

she is not fit for marriage.

A Boy's age should be atleast 1 year greater than girl's age. If not the marriage is not

recognized by DharmaSaastram.

8. Eligibility for a person to perform Kanyka Dhanam (Kartha - Person eligible for

performing the Karma)

Father of the Bride Father's father (Paternal Grandfather) of the Bride Brother Paternal Uncles
(Chittapa, Periyappa) Maatamahar (Maternal Grandfather) Uncle (Mother's brother - Maama) A
person belonging to same gotra of Bride's father A Relative of the bride If above said people are
NOT available then
Persons belonging to same Sutram Close relatives
Persons not fit to perform Kanyaka Dhanam
Even if a person qualifies with above criteria, if the person is having disease or the person is
mentally unstable he is not fit to perform Kanyaka Dhanam.

9. Activities to be performed during auspicious times (auspicious Times - SubhaKaalam)

Anytime a SubhaKaryam is performed at home, sarees /dresses should be purchased for Sisters
of the house and women of the house (Wives, Sisters, Mother, Grandmother and all ladies
related to the house) At no point in time, a Mother should wear saree of her daughter.

10. Activities to be / not to be peformed during two Sobhanams (Sobhanam -> Time when

an auspicious activity like Upanayanam, Vivaham etc is performed)

At no point in time, two sobhanam (Auspicious and mangala Activities) should be performed
together. Marriage timing for Brothers and Sisters :
If there are brothers and sisters in a family, at no point in time, marriage of brother and
sister should be performed at the same time. When doing marriage, the Brother should be
wed first following which after 6 months, the marriage of sister can be conducted.
Marriage timing for Two sisters:
If there are two sisters, Marriage should not be done for both of them at the same
year. Atleast 6 or 3 month gap should be present between both the marriages. If between
two marriages, there is a change in Varsham it is said to be most auspicious.
Restrictions on Upanayanam:
If a person has two kids, one boy and one girl, once the girl is given as KanyakaDhanam,
YagnopavidhaDharanam should not be performed for the boy. For Two brothers when they
are not twins, Yagnopavidha Dharanam should NOT be performed at the same time.
As a general rule of thumb, Two Sobhanams (Sobhanam = Auspicious Mangala Activities) should
not be combined.
When in case, if Two Sobhanam has to be combined, then acharyas should be separate. If due to
unavoidable circumstances, Marriage for Brother and Sister from the same mother has to be
done at the same time, then those two marriages should be performed in two separate villages
or two separate mandapams or two separate Lagnam.

11. Rules around performing Vivaham for Foster sons (Foster Son -> Sweekara Putran)

For Foster Son (Sweekara Putran) during Marriage, the gotram of the girl and that of the boy
should be different and it should not be One of
Gotram of the Boy during his birth Gotram of the Boy after Sweekaram (After seekaram,
Gotram of Boy changes to the gotram of the adopted father) Gotram of Rishis belonging to
the same Pravaram of Birth Gotram of Rishis belonging to the same Pravaram of Sweekara

Rules around Jestha Putra determination after Adoption:
After adoption, the adopted son becomes Jestha. If a son is born to the foster parents, then
the son by birth becomes Jestha and is called by name Orasan The Adopted son, even if
elder becomes a Kanishtan. The Adopted son is called as Uthan For Marriages, the son by
birth should be married first followed by the Adopted son.

Rules around performing Vivaham for sons from co wives (Co Wives - Sapathnee)

The determination of Jestha (Elder) and Kanishta (Younger) brothers between sons from co
wives of a Bhramana is dependent upon the time of their birth The boy/girl born first between co
wives becomes Jestha and rest all becomes Kanishta in the order of their birth time As long as
the Father of the kids (Boy/Girl) belonging to the co wives is alive, marriage should be done in
the order of Jestha followed by Kanishta In case if father of the kids have passed away, there is
no rule of Jestha/Kanishta between the kids of co wives and no restriction is applicable in the
order of marriage. Vivaha restrictions for Jestha Putra/Jestha Putri (Seemandha
Putran/Seemandha Putri):
Marriage should not be performed on the following day(Vaaram)/thithi/Month/Nakshtram for
Seemandha Putran (Jestha Putran)
Month restrictions:
Aani Month (Aani Maadham) - July - August Janma Maatham (The Month in which
the Seemandha Putran/Seemanda Putri was born)
Thithi Restrictions:
Janma Thithi (The Thithi in which the Seemandha Putran/Putri was born)
Nakshatra Restrictions:
Janma Nakshatram (The Nakshatram of the Seemandha Putran/Putri)
Day(Vaaram) Restrictions:
Janma Vaaram - The day the Seemandha Putran/Putri was born
General Restrictions:
The Place where the Marriage is to be performed, if the deities of the place (Village
or Town) has Utsavams going on, then Marriage should not be done during the
Utsavam (Marriage should be done ONLY after the Utsavams)
Non Intrepretable:
மாற் க் ம தைல வஹம் டா
If a Bhramana has two girls then he should not give both of them into marriage for
the same Bhramachari
If a Bhramana has two girls and another Bhramana has two boys then both the girls
(Sisters) should not be given in marriage to both the sons of another Bhramana.

13. Aoupasamam and Sthaali Paakam - Rules around it

By doing "Agni Santhanam=ஆக்னிஸந்தனம் " the Bhramana should perform two Aahudis for
the prescribed time According to Aapasthambar's Matham, Only two Aahudis should be given as
a part of AgniSanthanam Including previous Night's Aahuti (Per Sandhi two Aahudis), four
Aahudhis should be given according to Bodhayanar's Matham According to Yama's Matham,
When there occurs two SvisthaKruths (ச ் ஷ்டக் த்) ONLY one Aahudi should be given. The
Akshadha used in Agni of a Homam or anything that is put inside the Agni should be fully
consumed by Agni of the Homam. Until the Akshada or the Havis poured into the Agni is fully
consumed, Aoupasanam should not be started. If Aoupasanam is done in that manner, then the
Homam done prior to that becomes useless. Also the Kartha of the Homam might get
KunmaRoham (A sort of disease). During Marriage, If Poornima thithi occurs after the prescribed
time of Aoupasanam and before the start of Sesha Homam, we can start Sthalibaham. If
Amavasya thiti comes instead of Poornima Sthalibaham should not be started
(Sthaleebaharambham). Aoupasanam should be started after the start of Night and within 9
Nazhigai of the start of Night (Nazhigai : 2.5 Nazhigai = 1 hour). In case if Aoupasanam is not
started at the start of Night (Within 9 Naazhigai of start of Night) then Aoupasanam should be
started next night). First PoornimaSthaalibhagam should be performed then sthalibagam should
be performed. If Marriage happens during Krisha Paksham, the Poornima Sthaaleebagam should
be done till Chaturdasi and then Sthaalibagam should be started. If the month of Marriage is one
of Aadi, Puratasi, Maargazhi or Maasi then Sthaleebaga aarambam should not be started. If
Sthaaleebagam is not done during Marriage, it should be done atleast within 6 months after the
completion of Marriage. If Sthaaleebagam is not done within 6 months of marriage, then Punar
Vivaham (Re marriage of same couples) needs to be done. (There are certain exclusions that are
mentioned in Grantha Lipi which Adiyen is trying to translate but couldn't).

14. Rules around resumption of Aoupasanam if it has been interrupted

This section is currently in Manipravala (Grantha) Lipi. Adiyen is translating it and would update
this section once the translation is complete.

15. Activities to be performed during Aoupasanam and Loukika Agni

This section is currently in Manipravala (Grantha) Lipi. Adiyen is translating it and would
update this section once the translation is complete.

16. Rules around parting off with a Wife and re marriage

If a wife has any of these qualities, according to Dharma Sastra, a husband has right to void the
marriage with her and can remarry another fit girl.
A lady who drinks Sura Panam (A form of Liquor)
A lady who is accused by Sadhus
A lady who does harm to her husband (Harm - Physical and mental)
A lady who is ailing from incurable disease
A lady who insults and harms the servants
A lady who sells items and makes cheap (wrong) profit out of it Or lends money
A lady who wastes the household items (Here Household items includes perishable and non
perishable items)
A lady who never begets baby (Male baby)
A lady who begets baby but lets it die
A lady who begets only girl child (Here even if there is a male child this criteria is not
A lady who talks in such a way that hurts her Husband's feelings
A lady who has jealousness and Dvesham (Anger on someone)
A lady having the above said Dhurgunas (Bad Qualities) can be forsaken by a Bhramana by
disolving his marriage with her and he can remarry
If for any other reason than the above mentioned, if a Bhramana forsakes his wife, then his
entire lineage would be destroyed and his vamsam would never survive.
When deciding to dissolve a marriage, the following rules should be followed.
If a Lady has not begotten any child, then the Bhramana should take care of such a wife for
10 years and then he can re marry
If a Lady has begotten children but none of them survives, the Bhramana has to take care of
such a wife for 12 years
If a Lady has begotten ONLY girl Children then the Bhramana should take care of such a wife
for 15 years.
After taking care of such a wife for the prescribed time, the Bhramana becomes eligible for
If for any reason, a wife who has only good conduct, gets incurable disease, or becomes
infertile, then by making her happy and getting her permission, the Bhramana can remarry.
At no point in time, a Bhramana can do a third marriage. If for any reason, a Bhramana has
to remarry for third time, he has to do the third marriage as arka vivaham and then do the
fourth marriage.

17. Rules around Vivaham (Marriage) of Brothers

Without finishing marriage for elder brother, the younger brother should not marry.
If an elder brother is Eunuch or has an incurable disease, or has a hunchback, or blind or deaf or
mentally ill (unstable), then the younger brother can marry without completing the marriage of
elder brother.
If for any reason, an elder brother not having any of the above defects is not married but has
gone to a different country or distant land, then the younger brother has to wait for 12 years
before getting married.
In terms of girls also, if an elder sister is not married, then younger sister should not be given in

18. Dharma (Rules) to be followed by a wife

Even if a Bartha (Husband) is poor, or has disease, or even if not intelligent or stupid

(Moorkan), if a wife insults him, then she frequently gets a birth of a Dog or Pig and suffers.

If for any reason a Stri (Wife) has to observe any of Vratham (Pious duty), she should always

do it with the permission of her husband. If she performs any of pious duty (Vratham) without

her Husband's permission, then such an activity reduces the life of her husband. She also goes

to hell.

If a pativratha (A wife who is steadfast by mind, body and soul to her husband), keeps

performing pati sishrusha (Services to her husband) consistently then no sin touches her in

this world or in other worlds.

Dharma to be followed by a Pregnant Lady (Garbhini Stri)

A pregnant lady should never remain in a confused state of mind

She should not reside in an unclean, unhygienic and impure environment

She should not sit or relax in a place where there is Ural or Ulakkai

She should not spend time by continuously sitting or standing or sleeping for a long


She should not be anywhere near a kanapu chatti or Pot full of ashes (Vipudhi Paanai)

She should not get into a river or pond to take bath

She should not handle coalfire or wood fire or any kitchen related fire.

She should not talk aloud or laugh aloud. She should also not go near any tree or stay

under tree shade.

19. Dharma (Rules) to be followed by a widow - Vidhava Dharmam

A widow should eat once a day.

She should always sleep on floor and not on bed.

She should never use scents or any fragrance like sandal paste

She should never take thaamboolam (Betel leaves). Betel leaves are consumed after lunch or

dinner by Grihasta (Men and Women)

A widow should not wear sacred threads like Rudraksha or Tulasi Mala or its equivalent.

If a widow sleeps in a comfortable bed or bed, she causes extreme harm to her husband in

pitru lokam or para lokam. Due to this a widow who seeks comfort for her husband in

Paralokam should always sleep on the floor.

The ultimate dharma for a widow is to meditate upon and worship Sriman Narayana and

meditate upon her husband who is a Vishnu Swaroopi.

20. Rules as to when Abhivadhanam should Not be done with Namaskaaram

When a Bhramana or Bhramachari encounters a River, A sacred Sabha (Gathering), Sacred

Trees, Sacred Agni, Sanyasi he should prostrate before them completely (Saashtanga

Namaskaram). Even in that case, Abhivadhanam should not be told to them

After prostrating to women (Saashtanga Namaskaram) a Bhramana should not recite


END OF Varnashrama Dharma Kandam.

Posted 26th December 2012 by Dasarathy Elayavilli Ponnappan

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