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-Arranged by Topic-

THE UP LAW COMPLEX (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010)
THE UP BAR REVIEW INSTITUTE (2012, 2013, 2014)

Edited and Arranged by:

Piadina III
(in collaboration with Panacea, Probatio Viva & Iligan2013-2014 )


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1987 Constitution; People Power (2000)...
1987 Constitution; People Power (2003) ..
Supremacy of the Constitution (2004) ....
Government Presidential Form vs. Parliamentary Form (2006).


Amendments or Revisions
Amendments (2007) ...............................
Amendments; Peoples Initiative (2009) ..
Amendments (2014) ...............................
Peoples Initiative (2004) .........................
Peoples Initiative (2014|)........................
Referendum vs. Initiative (2005) ..............


General Provisions
Philippine Flag (2006) ...........................
National Anthem (2009) ............................


National Territory
Archipelagic Doctrine (2009)
Contiguous Zone vs. Exclusive Economic Zone (2004).
Exclusive Economic Zone; Rights of the Coastal State (2005)..
Contiguous Zone vs. Exclusive Economic Zone (2004).
Territorial Sea vs. Internal Waters (2004)..
Philippine Territory; Archipelagic Waters; UNCLOS (2013)


State Immunity from Suit

State Immunity from Suit (2009)..
State Immunity from Suit; Bureau of Customs (2013).


General Principles & State Policies

Doctrine of Incorporation; Pacta Sunt Servanda (2000) ..
Principle of Civilian Supremacy (2006)
Armed Forces; Servant of the People (2003) ..
Defense of State (2009) .
Transparency; Matters of Public Interest (2000) .


Delegation of Powers
Delegation of Powers (2002)


Heavily adopted from Original Compilers: Atty. Janette Laggui-Icao and Atty. Alex Andrew P. Icao (2005 Edition Updated by
Romualdo L. Seeris II, LLB. in April 19, 2007; Further re-updated by alias "Dondee the Retaker 2007all of SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY
COLLEGE OF LAW; recently re-updated by alias Rollan, Faith Chareen Pet2x D. Salise, Hector Christopher Jay-Arh Jr. M.all
of University of San Jose-Recoletos School of Law.

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Delegation of Powers (2005)

Delegation of Powers; Completeness Test; Sufficient Standard Test (2005)


Forms of Government
Government Presidential Form vs. Parliamentary Form (2006)


Commission on Appointments (2002) .
Doctrine of Necessary Implication; Hold-over (2010)
Discipline; Suspension of a Member of the Congress (2002) .
Elected Official; De Facto Officer (2004) .
Electoral Tribunal; HRET Members Right & Responsibilities (2002)
Electoral Tribunal; Functions & Composition (2006)
Electoral Tribunal; HRET (2014)
Electoral Tribunal; PET (2012)
Party-list Representative; Seat Allocation (2007) .
Party-List; Seat Allocation; Representatives Qualifications (2014) .
Party-List; Foreign Funding (2010) ..
Law-Making; Appropriation Law; Rider Provision (2001)
Law-Making; Abolish; Destroy (2008) ..
Law-Making; Admission to the Bar (2009) .
Law-Making; Conflict of Interest (2010) ..
Law-Making; Item vs. Pocket Veto (2010)
Law-Making; Oversight Committee (2010) ..
Law-making; Trial by Jury (2013) ..
Law-making; Encroachment of Judiciarys Rule-making Power (2014) ..
Prohibitions and Inhibitions of Public Office (2004) .
Prohibition to Appear as Counsel (2013)
Investigations in Aid of Legislation (2009)
Investigations in Aid of Legislation; Executive Privilege (2010) ...
Contempt Powers; Effect of Adjournment of Session (2014) .
Impeachment (2012) ..
Impeachment (2013) ..


Appointing Power; Acting vs. Permanent Appointment (2003)
Appointing Power; Appointments Requiring Confirmation; RA 6975-Unconstitutional (2002).
Appointing Powers; Ad Interim Appointments (2005) ..
Appointing Power; Ad-Interim Appointments (2010)
Appointing Power; Midnight Appointment; Anti-Nepotism (2014) ..
Control Power (2009) .
Faithful Execution Clause (2014)
Calling-out Power; President (2006) ..
Control Power; Foreign Relations (2010) .
Declaration; State of Calamity; Legal Effects (2005)
Declaration; State of National Emergency (Q1-2006) ..
Declaration; State of National Emergency (2010) .
Enter into Executive Agreements (2003) .
Enter into Executive Agreement; Treaty Abrogation (2008)
Enter into Treaty (2010) .
Martial Law; Limitations (2000) ...
Martial Law; Sufficiency of the Factual Basis (2006) ..
Privilege; Presidential Communications vs. Deliberative Process (2010)..
Pardoning Power; Breach of Condition; Revocation (2005)

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Prohibition Against Multiple Positions & Additional Compensation (2002)


Function; Continuing Constitutional Convention (2000) .
Judicial Independence; Safeguard (2000) ...
Judicial Review; Legal Standing (2010) ..
Judicial Review; Issues of Transcendental Importance (2014)
Judicial Power; Trial by Jury (2008) .
Judicial Power; Declaration of Unconstitutionality Cannot Be Reversed by Enactment of Law (2014).
Judicial Functions; National Labor Relations Commission (2013) ..
Supreme Court En Banc; Promulgation of Decision (2014)
Political Question: Separation of Powers (2004) ...
Political Question; To Settle Actual Controversies (2004)
Operative Fact Doctrine (2010) ...
Supervision; Courts & its Personnel (2005) ..
Rule-making Power; Fiscal Autonomy (2014)


Constitutional Commissions & Council (2006) ..
Rotational Scheme (2010)
Fiscal Autonomy (2014)


Civil Service Commission

Civil Service Commission vs. COA (2004) ..
Jurisdiction over the GOCCs (2003)
Appointment; Relatives (2008)
Appointment; Relatives (2010)
De Facto Officer (2010) .
De Facto Officer; Salary Entitlement (2009)
Discretionary Duty of a Public Officer (2010)
Oath or Affirmation (2007)
Security of Tenure (2005)
Security of Tenure (2010) .


Commission on Elections
Judicial Review of Decisions (2001) .
Inclusion/Exclusion; Jurisdiction (2001)
Grant of Pardon to Election Offenses (2010) ..........


Commission on Audit
COA; Jurisdiction (2001) ..


Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power; Abatement of Nuisance (2004)..
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power; Abatement of Nuisance (2010)..
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power; Zoning Ordinance vs. Non-Impairment of Contracts (2001)...
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power; Prohibition of Gambling (2009)..
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power; Presentability of Policemen (2008)
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Powers; Confiscation of Property (2014)..
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Immunity from Suit (2001)..
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Policy of "All or None" (2000)
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Power to Exercise (2005)
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Public Purpose (2008)..

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Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Socialized Housing (2009)
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Valid and Definite Offer (2010)...
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent Domain; Reverse Proceeding (2014)
Due Process; Permit to Carry Firearm Outside Residence (2006).
Due Process; PPA-Pilots (2001) .
Due Process; Public School Teachers (2002)
Due Process; Substantive (2003) ......
Equal Protection; Police Power (2000) .
Equal Protection; Responsible Parenthood (2007) ...
Searches and Seizure; Private Individuals (2005)
Searches and Seizures; Aliens (2001) ..
Searches and Seizures; Place of Search (2001)
Searches and Seizures; search made by a private citizen (2002)
Searches and Seizures; Valid Warrantless Search (2000) .
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Arrest (2009) .
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Arrest (2008)
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Search (2010) ..
Searches and Seizure; Plain View Doctrine (2012) ..
Privacy of Communication (2009) ..
Liberty of Abode & Right to Travel (2012) ..
Freedom of Expression; Censorship (2003) ..
Freedom of Speech; Clear and Present Danger Rule (2012) ..
Freedom of Speech; Prior Restraint (2014) .
Freedom of Speech; Commercial Speech; Prohibitions (2007)
Freedom of Speech; Commercial Speech (2012) ..
Freedom of Speech; Private Parties; Prior Restraint (2007) .
Freedom of Speech; Symbolic Expression (2008)
Freedom of Speech; Overbreadth Doctrine vs. Void for Vagueness (2010)
Doctrine of Void for Vagueness (2012) .
Overbreadth Doctrine (2012) ...
Doctrine of Void for Vagueness (2012) .
Freedom of the Press; Actual Malice (2004) ...
Freedom of the Press; Prior Restraint (2009)
Freedom of the Press; Freedom of Circulation (2014) ..
Freedom of Religion; Flag Salute (2003) .
Freedom of Religion; Benevolent Neutrality Test (2009)..
Right to Assembly; Permit Application; Freedom Parks (2006)
Right to Assembly; Permit (2007) ..
Right to Assembly; Public Teachers (2000) ..
Right to Assembly; Public Teachers (2002)
Right to Information; Matters of Public Concern (2009) .
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; Extrajudicial Confession (2001)
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; Right to Counsel (2000)
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; Right to Counsel; Receipt of Property Seized (2002)..
Rights of Suspects; Police Line-up (2012) .
Rights of Suspects; Right to Remain Silent (2013) ...
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; When Commenced (2014) ..
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Capital Offense (2006).
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Matter of Right or a Matter of Discretion (Q7-2005)
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail (2009)
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Double Jeopardy (2008) .
Rights of the Accused; Presumption of Innocence (2004) .
Rights of the Accused; Right to Counsel of His Choice (2005)
Rights of the Accused; Right to an Independent Counsel (2013) .
Rights of the Accused; Right to Speedy Trial (2000)
Rights of the Accused; Self-Incrimination (2000) .
Rights of the Accused; Self-Incrimination (2006) ..
Rights of the Accused; Self Incrimination (2010) ..
Rights of the Accused; Self-incrimination (2014)
Double Jeopardy (2000)
Double Jeopardy (2001)
Double Jeopardy (2002)
Writ of Amparo (2013)

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Effect of Oath of Allegiance (2004)
Effect of Repatriation (2002)
Effect of Repatriation (2003)
Effect of Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship (2009) .
Effects of Philippine Bill of 1902 (2001)
Electing Philippine Citizenship (2006) .
Electing Philippine Citizenship; When Proper (2006)
Residency Requirements; Elective Official (2005)
Status; Legitimate Child (2003) ..
Ways of Reacquiring Citizenship (2000) ..
Dual Citizenship vs. Dual Allegiance (2009) ..........
Marriage of a Citizen to an Alien; Effect on Citizenship (2014)



Abandonment of Office (2000)
Discipline; Clemency; Doctrine of Condonation (2000) ...
Discipline; Preventive Suspension & Appeal; entitlement to salary pendent (2001)..
Discipline; Preventive Suspension (2002) .
Discipline; Preventive Suspension (2009) ..
Elective and Appointive Officials: disciplinary authority (2004) ..
Elective Public Officer; De Facto Officer (2000)
Elective Public Officers; De Facto Officer; effects (2004) ..
Graft and Corruption; Prescription of Crime (2002) ..
Impeachment; Cronyism (2000) .
Ombudsman: Power to Suspend; Preventive Suspension (2004)
Ombudsman; Power to Investigate (2003) ..
Ombudsman; Power to Impose Penalties (2009) .


Alter Ego Principle (2013) .
Admin Law; Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies (2000) .
Admin Law; Judicial Review of Administrative Action (2001) ..
Admin Law; Power of the President to Reorganize Administrative Structure (2003)..
Admin Law; Rules and Regulations; Due Process (2000) ..
Government Agency vs. Government Instrumentality (2005) ...
Quasi-Judicial Body or Agency (2006) .


2nd Placer Rule (2003) ..
Effect of Filing of Certificate of Candidacy; Appointive Officer vs Elective Officer (2002)
Effect of Filing of Certificate of Candidacy; Fair Election Act (2003)
Fair Election Act (2003) .
Petition for Disqualification; Jurisdiction (2012)
Pre-Proclamation Contest (2008) ...
Election Protest vs. Quo Warranto (2001) ..
Election Protest vs. Quo Warranto (Q5-2006)
Election Protest; Substitution; Quo Warranto (2009) .
Quo Warranto; Elective vs. Apoointive (2012) ..
Expiration of Term; Effects (2000) .

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Recall (2002) .
Three-Term Limit Rule (2001) .
Three-Term Limit; from Municipality to Newly-Created City (2005)
Three-Term Limit; Congressmen (2001) .
Three Term Limit; Contest; Substitution (2008) ....
Vacancy; Effect of Vice-Mayor Acting As Mayor (2002) .
Vacancy; SB; Rule on Succession (2002)
Vacancy: Succession; Recall (2010) .
Vacancy: Sangguniang Panlalawigan (2008) .


Boundary Dispute Resolution; LGU; RTCs Jurisdiction (2005)
Boundary Dispute Resolution; LGU; RTC (2010) ..
Internal Revenue Allotment Fund (2007) ..
Confiscation of Drivers License; MMDA (2010) ..
Creation of New Local Government Units; Plebiscite Requirement (2004)....
Creation of Province; Contiguous Land Requirement (2014)
De Facto Public Corporations; Effect (2004) .
De facto Municipal Corporation vs. Municipal Corporation by Estoppel (2010)
Ordinance Validity; Disapproval (2009)
Law fixing the terms of local elective officials (Q4-2006) ..
Ordinance; Validity; Closure or Lease of Properties for Public Use (2003)
Ordinance Validity; Regulation of Disco Pubs (2010)
Power; Eminent Domain; LGU; Right to Exercise (2005)
Reclassification of Land (2010) .
Powers of Barangay Assembly (2003) ..
Powers; Liga ng mga Barangay (2003)



Acquisition of Lands (2000) .
Acquisition of Lands by Hereditary Succession (2002) .
Lease of Private Agricultural Lands (2001) .
Acquisition of Lands (2009) .
National Economy & Patrimony; Constitutional Prohibition (2004)
Chinese citizens; Engaging in Retail Trade (2006) .
Exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources (2006)..



Commission on Human Rights; Power to issue TRO (2001)
Commission on Human Rights; Power; Limitations (2005) ..



Education; Right to Choose Profession (2000) ..
Education; Right to Quality Education (2003) ..
Education; Academic Freedom (2008) .
Education; Academic Freedom (2007) .
Education; Academic Freedom (2013) .
Education; Communication and Instruction (2007)
Education; Teaching of Religion (2010) .
Education; Foreign Ownership (2009) .
Education: Scholarship Grants (2007) .
Education; Study of Religion (2008) .

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Sources of International Law; Primary & Subsidiary Sources (2003)
Sources of International Law (2012) .
Opinio Juris (2008) .
Opinio Juris (2012) .
Hard Law vs. Soft Law (2008) ..
Principle of Attribution or Imputation (2010)
Principle of Auto-Limitation (2009) ..
Diplomatic Immunity (2000) .
Diplomatic Immunity (2001) .
Diplomatic Immunity (2003) .
Diplomatic Immunity (2004) .
Diplomatic Immunity; Ambassador (2005) .
Diplomatic Immunity (2013) .
Diplomatic Immunity; Ambassadors (2014)
Executive Agreements; Binding Effect (2003)
Executive Agreement; Treaty; Formalities (2012) .
Extradition; Grounds (2002)
Extradition; Retroactive Application (2005)
Extradition: Double Criminality (2007) ..
Flag State vs. Flag of Convenience (2004) ..
International Convention; Law of the Sea (2004) .
International Court of Justice (Q9-2006) ..
International Court of Justice vs. Intl Criminal Court (2010) ..
International Law Violation; Treaty (2008) ..
International Law vs. Municipal Law; Territorial Principle; International Crimes (Q2-2005).
Municipal Law vs. International Law (2003) ..
Mandates and Trust Territories (2003) .
Outer Space; Jurisdiction (2003)
Principle of Auto-Limitation (2006)
Reciprocity v. Principle of Auto-Limitation (2006) ..
Right to Transit and Innocent Passage (2004)
Sovereignty; Definition; Nature (Q10-2006)
State Sovereignty; Effective Occupation; Terra Nullius (2000) .
Territorial Sea vs. Internal Waters (2004) .
Concept of Association (2010)
Use of Force; Exceptions (2003)
Use of Force; Right of Self-defense (2002)
Use of Force; Self-Defense (2009) .
Human Rights; Civil and Political Rights (2007) ..
Constitutive Theory vs. Declaratory Theory (2004) ..
Human Rights; Civil and Political Rights; Freedom from Torture (2010)
Genocide (2010) ......
Wilson doctrine vs. Estrada doctrine (2004) ...
Retorsion (2010) ..
Reparation (2007) ...

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1987 Constitution; People Power (2000)
Is the concept of People Power recognized in the
Constitution? Discuss briefly. (3%)
Yes, the concept of People Power is recognized in the
Constitution. Under Section 32. Article VI of the
Constitution, through initiative and referendum, the
people can directly propose and enact laws or approve or
reject any act or law or part thereof passed by the
Congress or local legislative body after the registration of
a petition therefor signed by at least ten per centum of
the total number of registered voters, of which every
legislative district must be represented by at least three
per centum of the registered voters thereof.
Under Section 16, Article XIII of the Constitution, the right
of the people and their organizations to effective and
reasonable participation at all levels of social, political
and economic decision-making shall not be abridged.
The State shall, by law facilitate the establishment of
adequate consultation mechanisms.
Under Section 2. Article XVII of the Constitution, the
people may directly propose amendments to the
Constitution through initiative upon a petition of at least
twelve per centum of the total number of registered
voters, of which every legislative district must be
represented by at least three per centum of the
registered voters therein.
1987 Constitution; People Power (2003)
Is "people power" recognized by the 1987 Constitution?
Explain fully.
"People power" is recognized in the Constitution. Article
III, Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution guarantees the
right of the people peaceable to assemble and petition
the government for redress of grievances. Article VI,
Section 32 of the 1987 Constitution requires Congress to
pass a law allowing the people to directly propose and
enact laws through initiative and to approve or reject any
act or law or part of it passed by Congress or a local
legislative body. Article XIII, Section 16 of the 1987
Constitution provides that the right of the people and their
organizations to participate at all levels of social, political,
and economic decision-making shall not be abridged and
that the State shall, by law, facilitate the establishment of
adequate consultation mechanisms. Article XVII, Section
2 of the 1987 Constitution provides that subject to the
enactment of an implementing law, the people may
directly propose amendments to the Constitution through
Supremacy of the Constitution (2004)
BNN Republic has a defense treaty with EVA Federation.
According to the Republic's Secretary of Defense, the
treaty allows temporary basing of friendly foreign troops
in case of training exercises for the war on terrorism. The

Majority Leader of the Senate contends that whether

temporary or not, the basing of foreign troops however
friendly is prohibited by the Constitution of BNN which
provides that, "No foreign military bases shall be allowed
in BNN territory."
In case there is indeed an irreconcilable conflict between
a provision of the treaty and a provision of the
Constitution, in a jurisdiction and legal system like ours,
which should prevail: the provision of the treaty or of the
Constitution? Why? Explain with reasons, briefly. (5%)
In case of conflict between a provision of a treaty and a
provision of the Constitution, the provision of the
Constitution should prevail. Section 5(2)(a), Article VIII of
the 1987 Constitution authorizes the nullification of a
treaty when it conflicts with the Constitution. (Gonzales v.
Hechanova, 9 SCRA 230 [1963]).
Government Presidential Form vs. Parliamentary
Form (2006)
a) What is the principal identifying feature of a
presidential form of government? Explain.
The principal identifying feature of a presidential form of
government is embodied in the separation of powers
doctrine. Each department of government exercises
powers granted to it by the Constitution and may not
control, interfere with or encroach upon the acts done
within the constitutional competence of the others.
However, the Constitution also gives each department
certain powers by which it may definitely restrain the
others from improvident action, thereby maintaining a
system of checks and balances among them, thus,
preserving the will of the sovereignexpressed in the
b) What are the essential characteristics of a
parliamentary form of government? (2.5%)
The essential characteristics of a parliamentary form of
government are: the fusion of the legislative and
executive branches in parliament; the prime minister,
who is the head of government, and the members of the
cabinet, are chosen from among the members of
parliament and as such are accountable to the latter; and
the prime minister may be removed from office by a vote
of loss of confidence of parliament. There may be a head
of state who may or may not be elected.

Amendments or Revisions
Amendments (2007)
a. An amendment to the Constitution shall be valid upon
a vote of three-fourths of all the Members of the
The statement is false. First, an amendment proposed by
Congress must be approved by at least three-fourths

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(3/4) vote of the members of the Senate and of the

House of Representatives voting separately. It is inherent
in a bicameral legislature for two houses to vote
separately (II Record of the Constitutional Commission
493). Second, the amendment shall be valid only when
ratified by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
(Constitution, Art. XVII, sec.4).
Amendments; Peoples Initiative (2009)
What are the essential elements of a valid petition for a
peoples initiative to amend the 1987 constitutions?
The essential elements of a valid petition for a peoples
initiative are:
1. The people must author and sign the entire
proposal; no agent or representative can sign in
their behalf;
2. The proposal must be embodied in the petition;
3. The number of people who petitioned must be
at least 12% of the total number registered
voter, of which every legislative district must be
represented by at least 3% of the registered
voter therein.
4. Any amendment through peoples initiative
shall be valid when ratified by a majority of the
votes cast in a plebiscite which shall be held
not earlier than 60 days nor later than 90 days
after the certification by the Commission on
Election of the sufficiency of the petition.
Amendments (2014)
With the passage of time, the members of the House of
Representatives increased with the creation of new
legislative districts and the corresponding adjustments in
the number of party-list representatives. At a time when
the House membership was already 290, a great number
of the members decided that it was time to propose
amendments to the Constitution. The Senators, however,
were cool to the idea. But the members of the House
insisted. They accordingly convened Congress into a
constituent assembly in spite of the opposition of the
majority of the members of the Senate. When the votes
were counted, 275 members of the House of
Representatives approved the proposed amendments.
Only 10 Senators supported such proposals. The
proponents now claim that the proposals were validly
made, since more than the required three-fourths vote of
Congress has been obtained. The 14 Senators who
voted against the proposals claim that the proposals
needed not three-fourths vote of the entire Congress but
each house. Since the required number of votes in the
Senate was not obtained, then there could be no valid
proposals, so argued the Senators. Were the proposals
validly adopted by Congress? (5%)
The proposals were not validly adopted, because the ten
(10) Senators who voted in favor of the proposed
amendments constituted less than three-fourths of all the
Members of the Senate. Although Section 1, Article XVII
of the Constitution did not expressly provide that the
Senate and the House of Representatives must vote
separately, when the Legislature consist of two (2)

houses, the determination of one house is to be

submitted to the separate determination of the other
house (Miller v. Mardo, 2 SCRA 898 [1961]).
Peoples Initiative (2004)
An amendment to or a revision of the present
Constitution may be proposed by a Constitutional
Convention or by the Congress upon a vote of threefourths of all its members. Is there a third way of
proposing revisions of or amendments to the
Constitution? If so, how? (5%)
There is no third way of proposing revisions to the
Constitution; however, the people through initiative upon
petition of at least twelve per cent of the total number of
registered, voters, of which every legislative district must
be represented by at least three per cent of the
registered voters in it, may directly propose amendments
to the Constitution. This right is not operative without an
implementing law. (Section 2, Article XVII of the 1987
Peoples Initiative (2014|)
Several citizens, unhappy with the proliferation of families
dominating the political landscape, decided to take
matters into their own hands. They proposed to come up
with a peoples initiative defining political dynasties. They
started a signature campaign for the purpose of coming
up with a petition for that purpose. Some others
expressed misgivings about a peoples initiative for the
purpose of proposing amendments to the Constitution,
however. They cited the Courts decision in Santiago v.
Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 (1997), as
authority for their position that there is yet no enabling
law for such purpose. On the other hand, there are also
those who claim that the individual votes of the justices in
Lambino v. Commission on Elections, 505 SCRA 160
(2006), mean that Santiagos pronouncement has
effectively been abandoned. If you were consulted by
those behind the new attempt at a peoples initiative, how
would you advise them? (4%)
I shall advise those starting a peoples initiative that
initiative to pass a law defining political dynasties may
proceed as their proposal is to enact a law only and not
to amend the Constitution. The decision in Santiago v.
Commission on Elections, 270 SCRA 106 [1997], which
has not been reversed, upheld the adequacy of the
provisions in Republic Act 6735 on initiative to enact law.
I shall advise those starting a peoples initiative that the
ruling in Santiago vs. Commission on Elections that there
is as yet no enabling law for an initiative has not been
reversed. According to Section 4 (3), Article VIII of the
Constitution, a doctrine of law laid down in a decision
rendered by the Supreme Court en banc may not be
reversed except by it acting en banc. The majority
opinion in Lambino v. Commission on Elections (505
SCRA 160 [2006], refused to re-examine the ruling in
Santiago v. Commission on Elections (270 SCRA 106
[1997], because it was not necessary for deciding the
case. The Justices who devoted to reverse the ruling
constituted the minority.

11 of 96


(a) The present Constitution introduced the concepts and
processes of Initiative and Referendum. Compare and
differentiate one from the other. (3%)
INITIATIVE is the power of the people to propose
amendments to the Constitution or to propose and enact
legislations through an election called for the purpose.
Under the 1987 Constitution, the people through initiative
can propose amendments to the Constitution upon a
petition of at least twelve per centum of the total number
of registered voters, of which every legislative district
must be represented by at least three per centum of the
registered voters therein.
REFERENDUM is the power of the electorate to approve
or reject a legislation through an election called for the
purpose. (Sec. 3, R.A. No. 6735 [1989]).
On the other hand, the Local Government Code (R.A.
No. 7160) defines LOCAL INITIATIVE as the legal
process whereby the registered voters of a local
government unit may directly propose, enact, or amend
any ordinance (Sec. 120) and LOCAL REFERENDUM as
the legal process whereby the registered voters of the
local government units may approve, amend or reject
any ordinance enacted by the Sanggunian. (Sec. 126)

General Provisions
Philippine Flag (2006)
State whether or not the law is constitutional. Explain
1. A law changing the design of the Philippine flag. (2%)
The law is invalid considering that under Article XVI,
Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution, the flag of the
Philippines shall be red, white, and blue, with a sun and
three stars, as consecrated and honored by the people
and recognized by law. Since the Constitution itself
prescribes the design, it can only be changed by
constitutional amendment.
The law is valid, provided that the new design does not
change the elements and color scheme of the flag as
stated in the Constitution, and the flag is consecrated
and honored by the people. Since the Constitution itself
states that the flag must be recognized by law, it implies
that certain aspects of the flag are subject to change
through legislative action.
National Anthem (2009)
a. A law making Bayan Ko the new national anthem of
the Philippines, in lieu of Lupang Hinirang is
TRUE. Under the constitution, Congress may, by law,
shall all be truly reflective and symbolic of the ideals,
history and traditions of the people. Such law shall take

effect only upon its ratification by the people in a

NATIONAL REFERENDUM (Section 2, Article XVI of the

National Territory
Archipelagic Doctrine (2009)
b. Under the archipelago doctrine, the waters around,
between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago
form part of the territorial sea of the archipelagic state.
FALSE. Under Article I of the Constitution, The waters
around, between and connecting the islands of the
archipelago form part of the INTERNAL WATERS. Under
Article 49 (1) of the U.N. Convention on the U.N.
Convention on the Law of the Sea, these waters do not
form part of the territorial sea but are described as
archipelagic waters.
Contiguous Zone vs. Exclusive Economic Zone
Distinguish: The contiguous zone and the exclusive
economic zone.
CONTIGUOUS ZONE is a zone contiguous to the
territorial sea and extends up to 12 nautical miles from
the territorial sea and over which the coastal state may
exercise control necessary to prevent infringement of its
customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and
regulations within its territory or territorial sea. (Article 33
of the Convention on the Law of the Sea.) The
EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE is a zone extending up
to 200 nautical miles from the baselines of a state over
which the coastal state has sovereign rights for the
purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and
managing the natural resources, whether living or
nonliving, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of
the seabed and subsoil, and with regard to other
activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of
the zone. (Articles 56 and 57 of the Convention on the
Law of the Sea.)
Exclusive Economic Zone; Rights of the Coastal
State (2005)
(c) Enumerate the rights of the coastal state in the
exclusive economic zone. (3%)
In the EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE, the coastal State
has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and
exploiting, conserving and managing the natural
resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters
superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed and its
subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the
economic exploitation and exploration of the zone, such
as the production of energy from the water, currents and
winds in an area not extending more than 200 nautical
miles beyond the baseline from which the territorial sea is

12 of 96

measured. Other rights include the production of energy

from the water, currents and winds, the establishment
and use of artificial islands, installations and structures,
marine scientific research and the protection and
preservation of the marine environment. (Art. 56, U.N.
Convention on the Law of the Sea)
SOVEREIGN RIGHTS for the purpose of exploring
and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural
resources, whether living or non-living, of the seabed and
subsoil and the superjacent waters, and with regard to
other activities such as the production of energy from the
water, currents and winds in an area not extending more
than 200 nautical miles beyond the baseline from which
the territorial sea is measured. (See Art. 56, UNCLOS)
Jurisdiction, inter alia, with regard to: (1) the
establishment and use of artificial islands, installations
and structures; (2) marine scientific research; and (3) the
protection and preservation of the marine environment.
Contiguous Zone vs. Exclusive Economic Zone
A. Distinguish briefly but clearly between:
2) The contiguous zone and the exclusive economic
(2) CONTIGUOUS ZONE is a zone contiguous to the
territorial sea and extends up to twelve nautical miles
from the territorial sea and over which the coastal state
may exercise control necessary to prevent infringement
of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and
regulations within its territory or territorial sea. (Article 33
of the Convention on the Law of the Sea.) The
EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE is a zone extending up
to 200 nautical miles from the baselines of a state over
which the coastal state has sovereign rights for the
purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and
managing the natural resources, whether living or
nonliving, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of
the seabed and subsoil, and with regard to other
activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of
the zone. (Articles 56 and 57 of the Convention on the
Law of the Sea.)
Territorial Sea vs. Internal Waters (2004)
Distinguish: The territorial sea and the internal waters of
the Philippines.
TERRITORIAL SEA is an adjacent belt of sea with a
breadth of 12 nautical miles measured from the baselines
of a state and over which the state has sovereignty.
(Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention on the Law of the
Sea.) Ship of all states enjoy the right of innocent
passage through the territorial sea. (Article 14 of the
Convention on the Law of the Sea.) Under Section 1,
Article I of the 1987 Constitution, the INTERNAL
WATERS of the Philippines consist of the waters around,
between and connecting the islands of the Philippine
Archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions,
including the waters in bays, rivers and lakes. No right of
innocent passage for foreign vessels exists in the case of
internal waters. (Harris, Cases and Materials on
International Law, 5th ed., 1998, p. 407.) Internal waters

are the waters on the landward side of baselines from

which the breadth of the territorial sea is calculated.
(Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, 4th ed.,
1990, p. 120.)
Philippine Territory; Archipelagic Waters; UNCLOS
Congress passed Republic Act No. 7711 to comply with
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In
a petition filed with the Supreme Court, Anak Ti Ilocos,
an association of Ilocano professionals, argued that
Republic Act No. 7711discarded the definition of the
Philippine territory under the Treaty of Paris and in
related treaties; excluded the Kalayaan Islands and the
Scarborough Shoals from the Philippine Archipelagic
baselines; and converted internal waters into archipelagic
waters. Is the petition meritorious? (6%)
Suggested Answer:
No, the petition is not meritorious. The United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea has nothing to do with
the acquisition or loss of territory. It merely regulates seause rights over the maritime zones, contiguous zones,
and continental shelves which it delimits. The Kalayaan
Islands and the Scarborough Shoals are located at an
appreciable distance from the nearest shoreline of the
Philippine archipelago. A straight baseline loped around
them from the nearest baseline will violate Article 47 (3)
and Article 47 (2) of the United Nations Convention on
the Law of the Sea III. Whether the bodies of water lying
landward of the baselines of the Philippines are internal
waters or archipelagic waters, the Philippines retains
jurisdiction over them (Magallona v. Ermita, 655 SCRA

State Immunity from Suit

State Immunity from Suit (2009)
The Municipality of Pinatukdao is sued for damages
arising from injuries sustained by a pedestrian who was
hit by a glass pane that fell from a dilapidated window
frame of the municipal hall. The municipality files a
motion to dismiss the complaint, invoking state immunity
from suit. Resolve the motion with reasons. (3%).
State immunity as defense will not prosper because
under the law, a municipal corporation can be sued and
be sued as expressly provided under the local
government code. Furthermore, under the civil code, it
can also be held liable for damages for the death of, or
injury suffered by, any person by reason of the defective
condition of roads, streets, bridges, public buildings and
other public works under their control or supervision (art.
In the present case, the municipal building is under their
control and supervision, thus, no immunity from suit.
State Immunity from Suit; Bureau of Customs (2013)
In the last quarter of 2012, about 5,000 container vans of
imported goods intended for the Christmas Season were
seized by agents of the Bureau of Customs. The
imported goods were released only on January 10,2013.

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A group of importers got together and filed an action for

damages before the Regional Trial Court of Manila
against the Department of Finance and the Bureau of
The Bureau of Customs raised the defense of immunity
from suit and, alternatively, that liability should lie with
XYZ Corp. which the Bureau had contracted for the lease
of ten (10) high powered van cranes but delivered only
five (5) of these cranes, thus causing the delay in its
cargo-handling operations. It appears that the Bureau,
despite demand, did not pay XYZ Corp. the Php 1.0
Million deposit and advance rental required under their
(A) Will the action by the group of importers prosper?
No, the action of the group of importers will not prosper.
The primary function of the Bureau of Custom is
governmental, that of assessing and collecting lawful
revenues from imported articles and all other tariff and
custom duties, fees, charges, fines and penalties (Mobil
Philippines Exploration, Inc. v. Customs Arrastre
Service, 18 SCRA 120)
(B) Can XYZ Corp. sue the Bureau of Customs to collect
rentals for the delivered cranes? (5'%)
No, XYZ Corporation cannot sue the Bureau of Customs
to collect rentals for the delivered cranes. The contract
was a necessary incident to the performance of its
governmental functions. To properly collect the revenues
and customs duties, the Bureau of Customs must check
to determine if the declaration of the importers tallies with
the landed merchandise. The cranes are needed to haul
the landed merchandise to a suitable place for inspection
(Mobil Philippines Exploration, Inc. v. Customs
Arrastre, 18 SCRA 1120).
Yes, XYZ Corporation may sue the Bureau of Customs
because the contract is connected with a proprietary
function, the operation of the arrastre service (Philippine
Refining Company v. Court of Appeals, 256 SCRA 667).
Besides, XYZ Corporation leased its van cranes because
the Bureau of Customs undertook to pay its rentals.
Justice and Equity demand that the Bureau of Customs
should not be allowed to invoke state immunity from suit
(Republic v. Unimex-Micro Electronics GmBH, 518
SCRA 19).

General Principles & State Policies

Doctrine of Incorporation; Pacta Sunt Servanda
No X. The Philippines has become a member of the
World Trade Organization (WTO) and resultantly agreed
that it "shall ensure the conformity of its laws, regulations
and administrative procedures with its obligations as
provided in the annexed Agreements." This is assailed
as unconstitutional because this undertaking unduly
limits, restricts and impairs Philippine sovereignty and
means among others that Congress could not pass

legislation that will be good for our national interest and

general welfare if such legislation will not conform with
the WTO Agreements. Refute this argument. (5%)
According to Tanada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18 (1997),
the sovereignty of the Philippines is subject to restriction
by its membership in the family of nations and the
limitations imposed of treaty limitations. Section 2. Article
II of the Constitution adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law as part of the law of the
land. One of such principles is pacta sunt servanda. The
Constitution did not envision a hermit-like isolation of the
country from the rest of the world.
Principle of Civilian Supremacy (2006)
2. What Constitutional provisions institutionalize the
principle of civilian supremacy? (2.5%)
The following constitutional provisions institutionalize the
principle of civilian supremacy:
a. Civilian authority is at all times supreme over
the military. [Article II, Section 3]
b. The installation of the President, the highest
civilian authority, as the Commander-in-Chief of
the military. [Article VII, Section 18]
c. The requirement that members of the AFP
swear to uphold and defend the Constitution,
which is the fundamental law of the civil
government. [Article XVI, Section 5(1)]
d. The requirement that members of the AFP shall
have respect for people's rights in the
performance of their duty. [Article XVI, Section
e. Professionalism in the armed forces. [Article
XVI, Section 5(3)]
Insulation of the AFP from partisan politics.
[Article XVI, Section 5(3)]
g. Prohibition against the appointment of an AFP
member in the active service to a civilian
position. [Article XVI, Section 5(4)]
h. Compulsory retirement of officers without
extension of service. [Article XVI, Section 5(5)]
Requirement of proportional recruitment from
all provinces and cities, so as to avoid any
regional clique from forming within the AFP.
[Article XVI, Section 5(7)]
A 3-year limitation on the tour of duty of the
Chief of Staff, which although extendible in
case of emergency by the President, depends
on Congressional declaration of emergency.
[Article XVI, Section 5(6)] The establishment of
a police force that is not only civilian in
character but also under the local executives.
[Article XVI, Section 5(7)]
Armed Forces; Servant of the People (2003)
Article II. Section 3, of the 1987 Constitution expresses,
in part, that the "Armed Forces of the Philippines is the
protector of the people and (of) the State." Describe
briefly what this provision means. Is the Philippine
National Police covered by the same mandate?

14 of 96

Article II, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution means that

the Armed Forces of the Philippines should not serve the
interest of the President but of the people and should not
commit abuses against the people. (Record of the
Constitutional Commission, Vol. V, p. 133.) This
provision is specifically addressed to the Armed Forces
of the Philippines and not to the Philippine National
Police, because the latter is separate and distinct from
the former. (Record of the Constitutional Commission,
Vol. V, p. 296; Manalo v. Sistoza. 312 SCR A 239
Article II, Section 3 of the 1987 Constitution can be
interpreted to mean that the Armed Forcesof the
Philippines can be a legitimate instrument for the
overthrow of the civilian government if it has ceased to
be the servant of the people. (Bernas, The 1987
Constitution of the Philippines: A Commentary, 2003 ed.,
p. 66.) This provision does not apply to the Philippine
National Police, because it is separate and distinct from
the Armed Forces of the Philippines. (Record of the
Constitutional Commission, Vol. V, p. 296, Manalo v.
Sistoza. 312 SCRA 239 [1999].)
Defense of State (2009)
c. A law that makes military service for women merely
voluntary is constitutional
FALSE. In the defense of the state, all citizens may be
required by law to render personal, military or civil
service (Section 4, Article II of the Constitution). The duty
is imposed on all citizens without distinction as to
TRUE. The prime duty of the Government is to serve and
protect the people. The Government may call upon the
people to defend the State and, in the fulfillment thereof,
ALL CITIZENS may be required, under conditions
provided by law, to render personal military or civil
service. What is mandatory is the calling out of the
people to defend the state. But the citizens including
woman may render personal or military service.
Transparency; Matters of Public Interest (2000)
State at least three constitutional provisions reflecting the
State policy on transparency in matters of public interest.
What is the purpose of said policy? (5%)
The following are the constitutional provisions reflecting
the State policy on transparency in matters of public
1. "Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by
law, the State adopts and Implements a policy
of full public disclosure of all its transactions
involving public interest." (Section 28, Article II)
2. The right of the people to information on
matters of public concern shall be recognized.
Access to official records, and to documents,
and papers pertaining to official acts,
transactions, or decisions, as well as to
government research data used as basis for
policy development, shall be afforded to citizen,





subject to such limitations as may be provided

by law." (Section 7, Article III)
The records and books of accounts of the
Congress shall be preserved and be open to
the public in accordance with law, and such
books shall be audited by the Commission on
Audit which shall publish annually an itemized
list of amounts paid to and expenses incurred
for each Member." (Section 20. Article VI)
The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the
following powers, functions, and duties:
XXX XXX (6) Publicize matters covered by its
investigation when circumstances so warrant
and with due prudence," (Section 12, Article XI)
"A public officer or employee shall, upon
assumption of office, and as often as thereafter
may be required by law, submit a declaration
under oath of his assets, liabilities, and net
worth. In the case of the President, the Vice
President, the Members of the Cabinet, the
constitutional offices, and officers of the armed
forces with general or flag rank, the declaration
shall be disclosed to the public in the manner
provided by law." (Section 17, Article XI)
"Information on foreign loans obtained or
guaranteed by the Government shall be made
available to the public." (Section 21 Article XII)
As explained In Valmonte v. Belmonte, 170
SCRA 256 (1989), the purpose of the policy is
to protect the people from abuse of
governmental power. If access to information of
public concern is denied, the postulate "public
office is a public trust" would be mere empty
words. {Note: The examinee should be given
full credit if he gives any three of the abovementioned provisions.}

Delegation of Powers
Delegation of Powers (2002)
Suppose that Congress passed a law creating a
Department of Human Habitat and authorizing the
Department Secretary to promulgate implementing rules
and regulations. Suppose further that the law declared
that violation of the implementing rules and regulations
so issued would be punishable as a crime and authorized
the Department Secretary to prescribe the penalty for
such violation. If the law defines certain acts as violations
of the law and makes them punishable, for example, with
imprisonment of three (3) years or a fine in the amount of
P10,000.00, or both such imprisonment and fine, in the
discretion of the court, can it be provided in the
implementing rules and regulations promulgated by the
Department Secretary that their violation will also be
subject to the same penalties as those provided in the
law itself? Explain your answer fully. (5%)
The rules and regulations promulgated by the Secretary
of Human Habitat cannot provide that the penalties for
their violation will be the same as the penalties for the
violation of the law. As held in United States v. Barrias,

15 of 96

11 Phil. 327 (1908), the fixing of the penalty for criminal

offenses involves the exercise of legislative power and
cannot be delegated. The law itself must prescribe the
Delegation of Powers (2005)
(2) Section 32 of Republic Act No. 4670 (The Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers) reads: Sec. 32. Penal
Provision. A person who shall willfully interfere with,
restrain or coerce any teacher in the exercise of his rights
guaranteed by this Act or who shall in any other manner
commit any act to defeat any of the provisions of this Act
shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less
than one hundred pesos nor more than one thousand
pesos, or by imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
Is the proviso granting the court the authority to impose a
penalty or imprisonment in its discretion constitutional?
Explain briefly. (4%)
The proviso is unconstitutional. Section 32 of R.A. No.
4670 provides for an indeterminable period of
imprisonment, with neither a minimum nor a maximum
duration having been set by the legislative authority. The
courts are thus given wide latitude of discretion to fix the
term of imprisonment, without even the benefit of any
sufficient standard, such that the duration thereof may
range, in the words of respondent judge, from one minute
to the life span of the accused. This cannot be allowed. It
vests in the courts a power and a duty essentially
legislative in nature and which, as applied to this case,
does violence to the rules on separation of powers as
well as the non-delegability of legislative powers. (People
v. Judge Dacuycuy, G.R. No. L-45127, May 5, 1989)
Delegation of Powers; Completeness Test; Sufficient
Standard Test (2005)
(1) The two accepted tests to determine whether or not
there is a valid delegation of legislative power are the
Completeness Test and the Sufficient Standard Test.
Explain each. (4%)
Under the COMPLETENESS TEST, a law must be
complete in all its terms and provisions when it leaves
the legislature that nothing is left to the judgment of the
delegate. The legislature does not abdicate its functions
when it describes what job must be done, who is to do it,
and what is the scope of his authority. However, a
delegation of power to make the laws which necessarily
involves a discretion as to what it shall be may not
constitutionally be done. (Edu v. Ericta, G.R. No. L32096, October 24, 1970) Under the SUFFICIENCY OF
STANDARDS TEST, the statute must not only define a
fundamental legislative policy, mark its limits and
boundaries, and specify the public agency to exercise the
legislative power. It must also indicate the circumstances
under which the legislative command is to be effected.
To avoid the taint of unlawful delegation, there must be a
standard, which implies at the very least that the
legislature itself determines matters of principle and lays
down fundamental policy. (Free Telephone Workers
Union v. Minister of Labor, G.R. No. L-58184, October
30, 1981)

COMPLETENESS TEST. The law must be complete in

all its essential terms and conditions when it leaves the
legislature so that there will be nothing left for the
delegate to do when it reaches him except to enforce it.
(See ITS v. Ang Tang Ho, G.R. No. L-17122, February
27, 1922) SUFFICIENT STANDARD TEST. A sufficient
standard is intended to map out the boundaries of the
delegate's authority by defining the legislative policy and
indicating the circumstances under which it is to be
pursued and effected; intended to prevent a total
transference of legislative power from the legislature to
the delegate. The standard is usually indicated in the law
delegating legislative power. (See Ynot u. Intermediate
Appellate Court, G.R. No. 74457, March 20,1987)

Forms of Government
Government Presidential Form vs. Parliamentary
Form (2006)
1. a) What is the principal identifying feature of a
presidential form of government? Explain.
The principal identifying feature of a presidential form of
government is embodied in the separation of powers
doctrine. Each department of government exercises
powers granted to it by the Constitution and may not
control, interfere with or encroach upon the acts done
within the constitutional competence of the others.
However, the Constitution also gives each department
certain powers by which it may definitely restrain the
others from improvident action, thereby maintaining a
system of checks and balances among them, thus,
preserving the will of the sovereignexpressed in the
b) What are the essential characteristics of a
parliamentary form of government? (2.5%)
The essential characteristics of a parliamentary form of
government are: the fusion of the legislative and
executive branches in parliament; the prime minister,
who is the head of government, and the members of the
cabinet, are chosen from among the members of
parliament and as such are accountable to the latter; and
the prime minister may be removed from office by a vote
of loss of confidence of parliament. There may be a head
of state who may or may not be elected.

16 of 96

Commission on Appointments (2002)
Suppose there are 202 members in the House of
Representatives. Of this number, 185 belong to the
Progressive Party of the Philippines or PPP, while 17
belong to the Citizens Party or CP. How would you
answer the following questions regarding the
representation of the House in the Commission on
A. A How many seats would the PPP be entitled to have
in the Commission on Appointments? Explain your
answer fully. (5%)
B. Suppose 15 of the CP representatives, while
maintaining their party affiliation, entered into a political
alliance with the PPP in order to form the "Rainbow
Coalition'' in the House. What effect, if any, would this
have on the right of the CP to have a seat or seats in the
Commission on Appointments? Explain your answer
fully. (5%)
A. The 185 members of the Progressive Party of the
Philippines represent 91.58 per cent of the 202 members
of the House of Representatives. In accordance with
Article VI, Section 18 of the Constitution, it is entitled to
have ten of the twelve seats in the Commission on
Appointments. Although the 185 members of Progressive
Party of the Philippines represent 10.98 seats in the
Commission on Appointments, under the ruling in
Guingona v. Gonzales, 214 SCRA 789 (1992), a
fractional membership cannot be rounded off to full
membership because it will result in overrepresentation
of that political party and underrepresentation of the other
political parties.
B. The political alliance formed by the 15 members of the
Citizens Party with the Progressive Party of the
Philippines will not result in the diminution of the number
of seats in the Commission on Appointments to which the
Citizens Party is entitled. As held in Cunanan v. Tan, 5
SCRA 1 (1962), a temporary alliance between the
members of one political party and another political party
does not authorize a change in the membership of the
Commission on Appointments will have to be
reorganized as often as votes shift from one side to
another in the House of Representatives.
Doctrine of Necessary Implication; Hold-over (2010)
(d) Doctrine of necessary implication
that every statute is understood, by implication, to
contain all such provisions as may be necessary to
effectuate its object and purpose, or to make effective
rights, powers, privileges or jurisdiction which it grants,
including all such collateral and subsidiary consequences
as may be fairly and logically inferred from its terms. Ex
necessitate legis. (Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc.
v. Secretary of Labor, 312 SCRA 104, 117 [1999]).

(e) Principle of holdover

PRINCIPLE OF HOLDOVER provides that an incumbent
officer or official may remain in office and continue
performing his functions beyond his tenure or term until
his successor has been elected and qualified.
Discipline; Suspension of a Member of the Congress
Simeon Valera was formerly a Provincial Governor who
ran and won as a Member of the House of
Representatives for the Second Congressional District of
lloilo. For violation of Section 3 of the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act (R.A. No.3019), as amended,
allegedly committed when he was still a Provincial
Governor, a criminal complaint was filed against him
before the Office of the Ombudsman for which, upon a
finding of probable cause, a criminal case was filed with
the Sandiganbayan. During the course of trial, the
Sandiganbayan issued an order of preventive
suspension for 90 days against him. Representative
Valera questioned the validity of the Sandiganbayan
order on the ground that, under Article VI, Section 16(3)
of the Constitution, he can be suspended only by the
House of Representatives and that the criminal case
against him did not arise from his actuations as a
member of the House of
Representatives. Is Representative Valera's contention
correct? Why? (5%)
The contention of Representative Valera is not correct As
held in Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, 356 SCRA 636, the
suspension contemplated in Article VI, Section 16(3) of
the Constitution is a punishment that is imposed by the
Senate or House of Representatives upon an erring
member, it is distinct from the suspension under Section
13 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, which is
not a penalty but a preventive measure. Since Section 13
of the Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices Act does not
state that the public officer must be suspended only in
the office where he is alleged to have committed the acts
which he has been charged, it applies to any office which
he may be holding.
Elected Official; De Facto Officer (2004) (10-b) AVE
ran for Congressman of QU province. However, his
opponent, BART, was the one proclaimed and seated as
the winner of the election by the COMELEC. AVE filed
seasonably a protest before HRET (House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal). After two years,
HRET reversed the COMELEC's decision and AVE was
proclaimed finally as the duly elected Congressman.
Thus, he had only one year to serve in Congress. Can
AVE collect salaries and allowances from the
government for the first two years of his term as
Congressman? Should BART refund to the government
the salaries and allowances he had received as
Congressman? What will happen to the bills that BART
alone authored and were approved by the House of
Representatives while he was seated as Congressman?
Reason and explain briefly.(5%)

17 of 96

AVE cannot collect salaries and allowances from the

government for the first two years of his term, because in
the meanwhile BART collected the salaries and
allowances. BART was a de facto officer while he was in
possession of the office. To allow AVE to collect the
salaries and allowances will result in making the
government pay a second time. (Mechem, A Treatise on
the Law of Public Offices and Public Officers, [1890] pp.
222-223.) BART is not required to refund to the
government the salaries and allowances he received. As
a de facto officer, he is entitled to the salaries and
allowances because he rendered services during his
incumbency. (Rodriguez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724 [1952]) The
bills which BART alone authored and were approved by
the House of Representatives are valid because he was
a de facto officer during his incumbency. The acts of a de
facto officer are valid insofar as the public is concerned.
(People v. Garcia, 313 SCRA 279 [1999]).
Electoral Tribunal; HRET Members Right &
Responsibilities (2002)
In an election case, the House of Representatives
Electoral Tribunal rendered a decision upholding the
election protest of protestant A, a member of the
Freedom Party, against protestee B, a member of the
Federal Party. The deciding vote in favor of A was cast
by Representative X, a member of the Federal Party .
For having voted against his party mate, Representative
X was removed by Resolution of the House of
Representatives, at the instance of his party (the Federal
Party), from membership in the HRET. Representative X
protested his removal on the ground that he voted on the
basis of the evidence presented and contended that he
had security of tenure as a HRET Member and that he
cannot be removed except for a valid cause. With whose
contention do you agree, that of the Federal Party or that
of Representative X? Why? (5%)
I agree with the contention of Representative X. As held
In Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792 (1991), the
members of the House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal are entitled to security of tenure like members of
the judiciary. Membership in it may not be terminated
except for a just cause. Disloyalty to party is not a valid
ground for the expulsion of a member of the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal. Its members must
discharge their functions with impartiality independence
from the political party to which they belong.
Electoral Tribunal; Functions & Composition (2006)
1. What is the function of the Senate Electoral Tribunal
and the House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal?
Under Article VI, Section 17 of the 1987 Constitution, the
Senate and House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunals shall be the sole judge of all contests relating to
the election, returns, and qualifications of their respective
2. What is the composition of each? (2.5%)
Each Electoral Tribunal shall be composed of NINE
Members, three of whom shall be Justices of the

Supreme Court to be designated by the Chief Justice,

and the remaining six shall be Members of the Senate or
the House of Representatives, as the case may be, who
shall be chosen on the basis of proportional
representation from the political parties and the parties or
organizations registered under the party-list system
represented therein. The senior Justice in the Electoral
Tribunal shall be its Chairman (Article VI, Section
17,1987 Constitution).
Electoral Tribunal; HRET (2014)
Beauty was proclaimed as the winning candidate for the
position of Representative in the House of
Representatives three (3) days after the elections in May.
She then immediately took her oath of office. However,
there was a pending disqualification case against her,
which case was eventually decided by the COMELEC
against her 10 days after the election. Since she has
already been proclaimed, she ignored that decision and
did not bother appealing it. The COMELEC then declared
in the first week of June that its decision holding that
Beauty was not validly elected had become final. Beauty
then went to the Supreme Court questioning the
jurisdiction of the COMELEC claiming that since she had
already been proclaimed and had taken her oath of
office, such election body had no more right to come up
with a decision that the jurisdiction had already been
transferred to the House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal. How defensible is the argument of Beauty?
The House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal has
acquired exclusive jurisdiction over the case of Beauty,
since she has already been proclaimed. The
proclamation of the winning candidate is the operative
fact that triggers the exclusive jurisdiction of the House of
Representative Electoral Tribunal over election contests
relating to the election, returns and qualifications of the
winning candidate. The proclamation divests the
Commissiom on Elections of jurisdiction over the
question of disqualifications pending before it at the time
of the proclamation. Any case pertaining to questions
over the qualifications of a winning candidate should be
raised before the House of Representative Electoral
Tribunal (Limkaichong v. Commission on Elections, 538
SCRA 1 [2011]; Jalosjos, Jr. v. Commission on Elections,
674 SCRA 530 [2013].
The argument of Beauty is untenable. For the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal to acquire jurisdiction
over the disqualification case, she must be a Member of
the House of Representatives. Although she had been
proclaimed and had taken her oath of office, she had not
yet assumed office. The term of office of the Members of
the House of Representatives begins at noon of the
thirtieth day of June next following their election (Reyes
v. Commission on Elections, 699 SCRA 522 [2012]).
Electoral Tribunal; PET (2012)
Mr. Yellow and Mr. Orange were the leading candidates
in the vice-presidential elections. After elections, Yellow
emerged as the winner by a slim margin of 100,000
votes. Undaunted, Orange filed a protest with the

18 of 96

Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET). After due

consideration of the facts and the issues, the PET ruled
that Orange was the real winner of the elections and
ordered his immediate proclamation.
Aggrieved, Yellow filed with the Supreme Court
a Petition for Certiorari challenging the decision of the
PET alleging grave abuse of discretion. Does the
Supreme Court have jurisdiction? Explain. (3%)
The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over the petition.
The Presidential Electoral Tribunal is not simply an
agency to which the Members of the Senate Court were
assigned. It is not separate from the Supreme Court
(Macalintal v. Presidential Electoral Tribunal, 631
SCRA 239).
Would the answer in (a.) be the same if Yellow
and Orange were contending for a senatorial slot and it
was the Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) who issued the
challenged ruling? (3%)
The Supreme Court would have jurisdiction if it were the
Senate Electoral Tribunal who issued the challenged
ruling. The Supreme Court can review its decision if it
acted with grave abuse of discretion (Lerias v. House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 202 SCRA 808).
What is the composition of the PET? (2%)
The Presidential Electoral Tribunal is composed of the
Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of the Supreme
Court sitting en banc (Section 4, Article VII of the
What is judicial power? Explain Briefly. (2%)
Judicial Power, under Sec 1 (1) of Art. 8, is the authority
to settle justifiable controversies or disputes involving
rights that are enforceable and demandable before the
court of justice or the redress of wrongs for violation of
such rights (Lopez v. Roxas, 17 SCRA 756). It includes
the duty of the courts to settle actual controversies
involving rights which are legally demandable and
enforceable, and to determine whether or not there has a
grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality of
the government (Section 1, Article VIII of the
Party-list Representative; Seat Allocation (2007)
The Supreme Court has provided a formula for allocating
seats for party-list representatives. For each of these
rules, state the constitutional or legal basis, if any, and
the purpose.
(a) The twenty percent allocation - the combined
number of all party-Iist congressmen shall not exceed
twenty percent of the total membership of the House of
Representatives, including those elected under the party
Section 5(2), Article VI of the Constitution, as
implemented by R.A. No. 7941. The purpose is to assure
that there will be at least a guaranteed portion of the
House of Representatives reserved for the party-list

members. The legislative policy is to promote the election

of party-list representatives in order to enable Filipinos
belonging to the marginalized and underrepresented
sectors to contribute legislation that would benefit them.
(b) The two percent threshold - only those parties
garnering a minimum of two percent of the total valid
votes cast for the party-list system are "qualified" to have
a seat in the House of Representatives;
R.A. No. 7941. This is to ensure that the party-list
organizations at least represents a significant portion of
those voting for the party-list system that they at least
have a substantial constituency which must, at the
minimum, not be less than two percent (2%) of the total
number of those casting their votes for party-list
(c) The three-seat limit - each qualified party,
regardless of the number of votes it actually obtained, is
entitled to a maximum of three seats; that is, one
"qualifying" and two additional seats; and
R.A. No. 7941. This is to prevent any dominant party-list
organization from having a monopoly of the seats for the
party-list system. Since the objective of the party-list
system is to enable other groups who might otherwise
have difficulty getting to Congress through the traditional
system of elections, then the system developed to
accommodate them must be fair and equitable enough to
afford better odds to as many groups as possible.
(d) The first-party rule - additional seats which a
qualified party is entitled to shall be determined in
relation to the totalnumber of votes garnered by the party
with the highest number of votes.
R.A. No.7941. The party-list system is predicated, among
others, on proportional representation. Thus, there is
need to reflect the same in relation to the total number of
votes obtained. Accordingly, the first party must not be
placed on the same footing as the others who obtained
less votes. The votes obtained by first placer would be
the reckoning point for the computation of additional
seats or members for the remaining organizations who
got at least two percent (2%) of the votes cast for the
party-list system. (Veterans Federation Party v.
COMELEC, G.R. No. 136781, October 6, 2000).
Qualifications (2014)
Greenpeas is an ideology-based political party fighting
for environmental causes. It decided to participate under
the party-list system. When the election results came in,
it only obtained 1.99 percent of the votes cast under the
party -list system. Bluebean, a political observer, claimed
that Greenpeas is not entitled to any seat since it failed to
obtain at least 2% of the votes. Moreover, since it does
not represent any of the marginalized and
underrepresented sectors of society, Greenpeas is not
entitled to participate under the party-list system. How
valid are the observations of Bluebean? (4%)

19 of 96

The claim of Bluebean that Greenpeas is not entitled to

seat under the party-list system because it obtained only
1.99 percent of the votes cast under the party-list system
is not correct. Since the provision in Section 5 (2), Article
VI of the Constitution that the party-list representatives
shall constitute twenty percent (20%) of the total number
of the Members of the House of Representatives in
mandatory, after the parties receiving at least two
percent (2%) of the total votes case for the party-list
system have been allocated one seat, the remaining
seats should be allocated among the parties by the
proportional percentage of the votes received by each
party as against the total party-list votes (Barangay
Association for National Advancement and Transparency
v. Commission on Elections, 586 SCRA 211 [2009]).
The claim of Bluebean that Greenpeas is not entitled to
participate in the party-list elections because it does not
represent any marginalized and underrepresented
sectors of society is not correct. It is enough that its
principal advocacy pertains to the special interests of its
sector (AtongPanglaum, Inc. v. Commission on
Elections, 694 SCRA 477 [2013]).
Party-List; Foreign Funding (2010)
Rudy Domingo, 38 years old, natural-born Filipino and a
resident of the Philippines since birth, is a Manila-based
entrepreneur who runs KABAKA, a coalition of peoples
organizations from fisherfolk communities. KABAKAs
operations consist of empowering fisherfolk leaders
through livelihood projects and trainings on good
governance. The Dutch Foundation for Global Initiatives,
a private organization registered in the Netherlands,
receives a huge subsidy from the Dutch Foreign Ministry,
which, in turn is allocated worldwide to the Foundations
partners like KABAKA. Rudy seeks to register KABAKA
as a party-list with himself as a nominee of the coalition.
Will KABAKA and Rudy be qualified as a party-list and a
nominee, respectively? Decide with reasons.
NO, Kabaka and Rudy will not be qualified as party-list
and nominee because KABAKA is a partner of Dutch
Foreign Ministry a foreign based organization. KABAKA
is indirectly receiving support from Dutch Ministry. It is
therefore disqualified to be registered as a party-list.
(Section2(5), Article IX-C of the Constitution). Under the
law, the following are grounds for disqualification for
registration in the party-list system:



It is a religious sect or denomination,

organization or association organized for
religious purposes;
It advocates violence or unlawful means to
seek its goal;
It is a foreign party or organization;
It is receiving support from any foreign
government, foreign political party, foundation,
organization, whether directly or through any of
its officers or members or indirectly through
third parties for partisan election purposes;
It violates or fails to comply with laws, rules or
regulations relating to elections;
It declares untruthful statements in its petition;


It has ceased to exist for at least one (1) year;

It fails to participate in the last two (2)
preceding elections or fails to obtain at least
two percentum (2%) of the votes cast under the
party-list system in the two (2) preceding
elections for the constituency in which it has

Law-Making; Appropriation Law; Rider Provision

Suppose that the forthcoming General Appropriations
Law for Year 2002, in the portion pertaining to the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, will contain
a provision to the effect that the Reserve Officers
Training Course (ROTC) in all colleges and universities is
hereby abolished, and in lieu thereof all male college
students shall be required to plant ten (10) trees every
year for two (2) years in areas to be designated by the
Department of Environment and Natural Resources in
coordination with the Department of Education, Culture
and Sports and the local government unit concerned. It
further provides that the same provision shall be
incorporated In future General appropriations Acts. There
is no specific item of appropriation of funds for the
purpose.Comment on the constitutionality of said
provision. (5%)
The provision is unconstitutional, because it is a rider.
Section 25(2), Article VI of the Constitution provides, "No
provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general
appropriations bill unless it relates specifically to some
particular appropriation therein." The abolition of the
Reserve Officers Training Course involves a policy
matter. As held in Philippine Constitution Association vs.
Enriquez, 235 SCRA 506 (1994), this cannot be
incorporated in the General Appropriations Act but must
be embodied in a separate law.
Law-Making; Abolish; Destroy (2008)
In 1963, Congress passed a law creating a governmentowned corporation named Manila War Memorial
Commission (MWMC), with the primary function of
overseeing the construction of a massive memorial in the
heart of Manila to commemorate victims of the 1945
Battle of Manila.
The MWMC charter provided an initial appropriation of
P1,000,000 empowered the corporation to raise funds in
its own name, and set aside a parcel of land in Malate for
the memorial site. The charter set the corporate life of
MWMC at 50 years with a proviso that Congress may not
abolish MWMC until after the completion of the
Forty-five (45) years later, the memorial was only 1/3
complete, and the memorial site itself had long been
overrun by squatters. Congress enacted a law abolishing
the MWMC and requiring that the funds raised by it be
remitted to the National Treasury. The MWMC
challenged the validity of the law arguing that under its
charter its mandate is to complete the memorial no
matter how long it takes. Decide with reasons. (6%).

20 of 96

The law abolishing the MWMC is valid. Within the
plenary powers of the Congress, it can create as well as
destroy what is created after determination its purpose
could no longer be attained by subsequent
circumstances. The power to create also carries with it
the power to destroy so long as it was done in good faith
and consistent with the purpose of promoting the general
Law-Making; Admission to the Bar (2009)
d. A law fixing the passing grade in the Bar examinations
at 70%, with no grade lower than 40% in any subject is
FALSE. Congress cannot enact a law regulating the
admission to the legal profession. It is within the power of
the Supreme Court to promulgate rules concerning the
admission to the legal profession. The present
Constitution has taken away the power of Congress to
alter the Rules of Court (Echegaray vs. Secretary of
Justice, 301 SCRA 96 [1999]). The law will violate the
principle of separation of powers.
TRUE. Deliberations in ConCon reveal that Congress
retains the power to amend or alter the rules because the
power to promulgate rules is essentially legislative even
though the power has been deleted in the 1987
Constitution. If the law, however, is retroactive, it is
unconstitutional because it is prejudicial.
Law-Making; Conflict of Interest (2010)
Congresswoman A is a co-owner of an industrial estate
in Sta. Rosa, Laguna which she had declared in her
Statement of Assets and liabilities. A member of her
political party authored a bill which would provide a 5year development plant for all industrial estates in the
southern Tagalog Region to attract investors. The plan
included an appropriation of 2 billion pesos for
construction of roads around the estates. When the bill
finally became law, a civil society watchdog questioned
the constitutionality of the law as it obviously benefited
Congresswoman As industrial estate. Decide with
reasons (3%)
The law is a valid exercise of police power although it
may indirectly benefited a Congresswoman but the
purpose of the law to provide a 5-year plant for all
industrial estates is reasonable thus, it conform to the
twin requisite of lawful subject and lawful means for a
valid exercise police power.
However, the congresswoman could be sanctioned by
the House of Representative for failure to notify the
House of a potential conflict of interest in the filing of the
proposed legislation of which they author.
The law is constitutional. Section 12, Article VI of the
Constitution does not prohibit the enactment of a law
which will benefit the business interests of a member of
the Senate or the House of Representatives. It only
requires that if the member of Congress whose business
interests will be benefited by the law isthe one who will

file the bill, he should notify the House concerned of the

potential conflict of interest.
Law-Making; Item vs. Pocket Veto (2010)
Distinguish between pocket veto and item veto
An item veto refers to the veto made by the president but
not the entire bill is vetoed but only a specific items.
Generally item veto is not allowed but the constitution
permits item veto on revenue, tariff, and appropriation
bill. And although it is not a appropriation, tariff or
revenue bill an item veto is still allowed for inappropriate
provision in the bill.
A pocket veto occurs when the President fails to act on
the bill and did not return the bill to Congress because
the latter is not in session. In the Philippines pocket veto
is not applicable because a bill will pass into law if remain
inacted within 30 days from receipt thereof.
Law-Making; Oversight Committee (2010)
The Poverty Alleviation and Assistance Act was passed
to enhance the capacity of the most marginalized families
nationwide. A financial assistance scheme called
conditional cash transfers was initially funded 500
million pesos by Congress. One of the provisions of the
law gave the joint-congressional oversight committee
authority to screen the list of beneficiary families initially
determined by the Secretary of Department of Social
Welfare and Development pursuant to the Department
implementing rules. Mang Pandoy, a resident of Smokey
Mountain in Tondo, questioned the authority of the
(b) Is the grant of authority to the Oversight Committee to
screen beneficiaries constitutional? Decide with
The grant of authority to the oversight Committee to
screen beneficiaries is unconstitutional. It violates the
principle of separation of powers. By being involved in
the implementation of the law, the Oversight Committee
will be exercising executive power. (Abakada Guro Party
List vs. Purisima, 562 SCRA 251 [2008]).
NO. True that the Oversight power of congress is to
scrutinize, investigate, and supervise that the laws that it
enacted is fully implemented. But to secure authority to
screen beneficiaries is an unfair interference with the
personal liberty or property of individual. It is more of an
intrusion than an overseeing.
Law-making; Trial by Jury (2013)
Congress enacted a law providing for trial by jury for
those charged with crimes or offenses punishable by
reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment. The law provides
for the qualifications of members of the jury, the
guidelines for the bar and bench for their selection, the
manner a trial by jury shall operate, and the procedures
to be followed.
Is the law constitutional? (6%)

21 of 96

The law providing for trial by jury is unconstitutional

because of the omission of Article VIII, Section 5 (5) of
the 1987 Constitution of the provisions in Article VIII,
Section 13 of the 1935 Constitution and Article X, Section
5 (5) of the 1973 Constitution, which authorized the
Legislature to repeal, alter or supplement the rules of
procedure promulgated by the Supreme Court. Congress
can no longer enact any law governing rules of
procedure for the courts (Echegaray v. Secretary of
Justice, 301 SCRA 96).
The law is valid, because the grant of a right to trial by
jury involves a substantive law and is within the
competence of Congress (Article VIII, Section 5 (5) of
the 1987 Constitution).
Law-making; Encroachment of Judiciarys Rulemaking Power (2014)
Congress passed a law, R.A. No. 15005, creating an
administrative Board principally tasked with the
supervision and regulation of legal education. The Board
was attached to the Department of Education. It was
empowered, among others, to prescribe minimum
standards for law admission and minimum qualifications
of faculty members, the basic curricula for the course of
study aligned to the requirements for admission to the
Bar, law practice and social consciousness, as well as to
establish a law practice internship as a requirement for
taking the Bar which a law student shall undergo anytime
during the law course, and to adopt a system of
continuing legal education. Professor Boombastick, a
long-time law practitioner and lecturer in several
prestigious law schools, assails the constitutionality of
the law arguing; that it encroached on the prerogatives of
the Supreme Court to promulgate rules relative to
admission to the practice of law, the Integrated Bar, and
legal assistance to the underprivileged. If you were
Professor Boombasticks understudy, how may you help
him develop clear, concise and cogent arguments in
support of his position based on the present Constitution
and the decisions of the Supreme Court on judicial
independence and fiscal autonomy? (4%)
The statutory authority granted to the administrative
Board to promulgate rules and regulations cannot
encroach upon the exclusive authority of the Supreme
Court to regulate the admission to the practice of law
(Section 5(5), Article VIII of the Constitution).
Thus, the Administrative Board cannot prescribe
additional standards for admission to the practice of law,
adopt a course of study which is inconsistent with the
requirements of the Supreme Court, and impose
additional requirements to take the bar examinations
(Philippine Lawyers Association v. Agrava, 105 Phil. 173
[1959]). Since Congress has no power to repeal, alter or
supplement the Rules of Court, it cannot delegate such
power to the Administrative Board.
Prohibitions and Inhibitions of Public Office (2004)
JAR faces a dilemma: should he accept a Cabinet
appointment now or run later for Senator? Having
succeeded in law practice as well as prospered in private

business where he and his wife have substantial

investments, he now contemplates public service but
without losing the flexibility to engage in corporate affairs
or participate in professional activities within ethical
bounds. Taking into account the prohibitions and
inhibitions of public office whether as Senator or
Secretary, he turns to you for advice to resolve his
dilemma. What is your advice? Explain briefly. (5%)
I shall advise JAR to run for SENATOR. As a Senator, he
can retain his investments in his business, although he
must make a full disclosure of his business and financial
interests and notify the Senate of a potential conflict of
interest if he authors a bill. (Section 12, Article VI of the
1987 Constitution.) He can continue practicing law, but
he cannot personally appear as counsel before any court
of justice, the Electoral Tribunals, or quasijudicial and
other administrative bodies. (Section 14, Article VI of the
1987 Constitution.) As a member of the Cabinet, JAR
cannot directly or indirectly practice law or participate in
any business. He will have to divest himself of his
investments in his business. (Section 13, Article VII of the
1987 Constitution.) In fact, the Constitutional prohibition
imposed on members of the Cabinet covers both public
and private office or employment. (Civil Liberties Union v.
Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317) Separation of
Powers (2003) No II - A group of losing litigants in a
case decided by the Supreme Court filed a complaint
before the Ombudsman charging the Justices with
knowingly and deliberately rendering an unjust decision
in utter violation of the penal laws of the land. Can the
Ombudsman validly take cognizance of the case?
No, the Ombudsman cannot entertain the complaint. As
stated in the case of In re: Laureta. 148 SCRA 382
[1987], pursuant to the principle of separation of powers,
the correctness of the decisions of the Supreme Court as
final arbiter of all justiciable disputes is conclusive upon
all other departments of the government; the
Ombudsman has no power to review the decisions of the
Supreme Court by entertaining a complaint against the
Justices of the Supreme Court for knowingly rendering
an unjust decision.
Article XI, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution provides
that public officers must at all times be accountable to the
people. Section 22 of the Ombudsman Act provides that
the Office of the Ombudsman has the power to
investigate any serious misconduct allegedly committed
by officials removable by impeachment for the purpose of
filing a verified complaint for impeachment if warranted.
The Ombudsman can entertain the complaint for this
Prohibition to Appear as Counsel (2013)
In the May 2013 elections, the Allied Workers' Group of
the Philippines (AWGP), representing land-based and
sea-based workers in the Philippines and overseas, won
in the party list congressional elections. Atty. Abling, a
labor lawyer, is its nominee.

22 of 96

As part of the party's advocacy and services,

Congressman Abling engages in labor counseling,
particularly for local workers with claims against their
employers and for those who need representation in
collective bargaining negotiations with employers. When
labor cases arise, AWGP enters its appearance in
representation of the workers and the Congressman
makes it a point to be there to accompany the workers,
although a retained counsel also formally enters his
appearance and is invariably there. Congressman Abling
largely takes a passive role in the proceedings although
he occasionally speaks to supplement the retained
counsel's statements. It is otherwise in CBA negotiations
where he actively participates.
Management lawyers, feeling that a congressman should
not actively participate in cases before labor tribunals
and before employers because of the influence a
congressman can wield, filed a disbarment case against
the Congressman before the Supreme Court for his
violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
for breach of trust, in relation particularly with the
prohibitions on legislators under the Constitution.
Is the cited ground for disbarment meritorious? (6%)
Being a Congressman, Atty. Abling is disqualified under
Article VI, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution from
personally appearing as counsel before quasi-judicial
and other administrative bodies. His speaking for workers
before administrative bodies handling labor cases
constitutes personal appearance before them (Puyat v.
De Guzman, 1135 SCRA 33). His involvement in
collective bargaining negotiations also involves practice
of law, because he is making use of his legal knowledge
for the benefit of others (Cayetano v. Monsod, 201
SCRA 210). The Bureau of Labor Relations is involved in
collective bargaining negotiaitions (Article 250 of Labor
Atty. Abling should not be disbarred but should be merely
suspended from the practice of law. Suspension is the
appropriate penalty for involvement in the unlawful
practice of law (Tapay v. Bancolo, 694 SCRA 1).
No, Congressman Abling cannot be disbarred. A retained
counsel formally appears for AWGP. His role is largely
passive and cannot be considered as personal
appearance. His participation in the collective bargaining
negotiations does not entail personal appearance before
an administrative body (Article VI, Section 13 of the 1987
Investigations in Aid of Legislation (2009)
Congressman Nonoy delivered a privilege speech
charging the Intercontinental Universal Bank (IUB) with
the sale of unregistered foreign securities, in violation of
RA no. 8799. He then filed, and the House of
Representatives unanimously approved, a resolution
directing the House Committee on Good Government
(HCGG) to conduct an inquiry on the matter, in aid of
legislation, in order to prevent the recurrence of any
similar fraudulent activity.

HCGG immediately scheduled a hearing and invited the

responsible officials of IUB, the chairman and
Commissioners of the SEC and the Governor of the BSP.
On the date set for the hearing, only the SEC
commissioners appeared, prompting Congressman
Nonoy to move for the issuance of the appropriate
subpoena ad testificandum to compel the attendance of
the invited resource persons.
The IUB officials filed suit to prohibit HCGG from
proceeding with the inquiry and to quash the subpoena,
raising the following arguments:
(a) The subject of the legislative investigation is also the
subject of the criminal and civil actions pending before
the courts and the prosecutors office; thus, the
legislative inquiry would preempt judicial action;
The argument is untenable, the mere filing of a criminal
or an administrative complaint before the court of quasijudicial body should not automatically bar the conduct of
legislative inquiry provided that there is an explicit subject
and nature of the inquiry. Since legislative inquiry is an
essential part of legislative power, it cannot be made
subordinate to criminal and civil actions. Otherwise, it
would be very easy to subvert any investigation in aid of
legislation through the convenient ploy of instituting civil
and criminal actions (Standard Chartered Bank
[Philippine Branch] vs, Senate Committee on banks,
Financial Institutions and Currencies, 541 SCRA 456
Yes, legislative inquiry would preempt judicial action. In
one case, the Supreme Court did not allow the
Committee to continue with the legislative inquiry
because it was not in aid of legislation but in aid of
prosecution. It holds that there will be a violation of
separation of powers and the possibility of conflicting
The Subjudice rule restricts comments and disclosures
pertaining to judicial proceedings to avoid prejudicing the
issue, influencing the court, or obstructing the
administrations of justice.
(b) Compelling the IUB officials, who are also
respondents in the criminal and civil cases in court, to
testify at the inquirywould violate their constitutional right
against self-incrimination. (3%)
Are the foregoing arguments tenable? Decide with
Congress can compel them to appear. Persons under
legislative investigation are not being indicted as accused
in a criminal proceeding but are merely summoned as
resource persons, or witnesses, in a legislative inquiry.
Hence they cannot on the ground of their right against
self-incrimination, altogether decline appearing before
the Congress, although they may invoke the privilege
when a question calling for an incriminating answer is
propounded (Standard Chartered Bank [Philippine
Branch] vs, Senate Committee on banks, Financial

23 of 96

Institutions and Currencies, 541 SCRA 456 [2007]).

(c) May the Governor of the BSP validly invoke executive
privilege and thus, refuse to attend the legislative
inquiry? Why or why not?
No. the Governor cannot invoke executive privilege. Only
the President as a general rule can invoke executive
privilege (Senate of the Philippines vs. Ermita, 488 SCRA
1 [2006]).
Investigations in Aid of Legislation; Executive
Privilege (2010)
The House Committee on Appropriations conducted an
inquiry in aid of legislation into alleged irregular and
Development Fund (CDF) and Congressional Initiative
Allocation (CIA) as exposed by X, a division chief of the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
Implicated in the questionable disbursements are high
officials of the Palace. The house committee summoned
X and the DBM Secretary to appear and testify. X
refused to appear, while the Secretary appeared but
refused to testify invoking executive privilege.
(a) May X be compelled to appear and testify? If yes,
what sanction may be imposed on him?
YES. Individuals invited to a legislative inquiry can be
anybody whether an executive head or not. The inquiry is
in aid of legislation which is to elicit information useful for
legislation not for prosecution or persecution. The
attendance of the resource person is mandatory and can
be compelled through compulsory processes. Only the
President or the Executive Secretary by order of the
President can invoke executive privilege (Senate of
Philippines vs. Ermita, 488 SCRA 13 [2006]).
He may be cited for contempt if he fails to attend.
(b) Is the Budget Secretary shielded by executive
privilege from responding to the inquiries of the House
Committee? Explain Briefly. If the answer is no, is there
any sanction that may be imposed on him?
NO, executive privilege is granted to the President
himself not to anybody else. It is the president who shall
invoke the privilege. The inquiry is in aid of legislation
and neither the President nor Executive Secretary by
order of the President invoke executive privilege (Senate
of the Philippines vs. Ermita, 438 SCRA 1 [2006]).

ostensibly funnelled the funds to certain local

government projects which existed only on paper. At the
start of the hearings before the Senate, Strongwill
refused at once to cooperate. The Senate cited him in
contempt and sent him to jail until he would have seen
the light. The Congress, thereafter, adjourned sine die
preparatory to the assumption to office of the newlyelected members. In the meantime, Strongwill languished
behind bars and the remaining senators refused to have
him released, claiming that the Senate is a continuing
body and , therefore, he can be detained indefinitely. Are
the senators right? (4%)
Yes, the Senators are right. The Senate is to be
considered as a continuing body for purposes of its
exercise of its power punish for contempt. Accordingly,
the continuing validity of its orders punishing for
contempt should not be affected by its sine die
adjournment (Arnault v. Nazareno, 87 Phil. 29 [1950]).
The Senators are right. While the Senate as an institution
is continuing, in the conduct of its day-to-day business,
the Senate of each Congress acts separately from the
Senate of the Congress before it. All pending matters
terminate upon expiration of each Congress (Neri v.
Senate Committee on Accountability of Public Officers
and Investigation, 564 SCRA 152 [2008]).
Impeachment (2012)
A verified impeachment complaint was filed by two
hundred (200) Members of the House of Representatives
against Madam Chief Justice Blue. The complaint was
immediately transmitted to the Senate for trial.
a. Madam Chief Justice Blue challenges such immediate
transmittal to the Senate because the verified complaint
1) not included in the order of business of the House, 2)
was not referred to the House Committee on Justice for
hearing and consideration for sufficiency in form and
substance, and 3) was not submitted to the House
Plenary for consideration as enumerated in Paragraph
(2), Section 3, Article XI of the 1987 Constitution. Decide
with reasons. (5%)
Since the verified complaint was filed by the 200
Members of the House of Representatives and they
constituted at least one third of its Members, it need not
undergo the procedure in Paragraph 2, Section 3, Article
XI of the Constitution. The verified complaint constitutes
the Articles of Impeachment, and trial by the Senate
should proceed forthwith (Section 3 (4), Article XI of the

Citation for contempt can be imposed.

Contempt Powers; Effect of Adjournment of Session
A few months before the end of the present Congress,
Strongwill was invited by the Senate to shed light in an
inquiry relative to the alleged siphoning and diverting of
the pork barrel of members of Congress to non-existent
or fictitious projects. Strongwill has been identified in the
news as the principal actor responsible for the scandal,
the leader of a non-governmental organization which

b. What is the purpose of Impeachment? Does conviction

prevent further prosecution and punishment? Explain.
The purpose of impeachment is not to punish but only to
remove a public officer to secure the people against
gross political misdemeanors (Bernas, The 1987
Constitution of the Philippines, A Commentary, 2009 ed.,
p. 1150). Conviction does not prevent further prosecution
and punishment. The person convicted is subject to

24 of 96


prosecution and punishment according to law (Section 3

(7), Article XI of the Constitution).
c. Enumerate the grounds for impeachment. Is graft and
corruption a ground for impeachment? (2%)
The following are the grounds for impeachment:
1. Culpable violation of the Constitution;
2. Treason;
3. Bribery;
4. Graft and Corruption;
5. Other high crimes; and
6. Betrayal of public trust
Impeachment (2013)
As a leading member of the Lapiang Mandirigma in the
House of Representatives, you were tasked by the party
to initiate the moves to impeach the President because
he entered into an executive agreement with the US
Ambassador for the use of the former Subic Naval Base
by the US Navy, for free, i.e., without need to pay rent
nor any kind of fees as a show of goodwill to the U.S.
because of the continuing harmonious RP-US relations.
Cite at least two (2) grounds for impeachment and
explain why you chose them. (6%)
The President can be impeached for the culpable
violation of the Constitution and the betrayal of public
trust. The Supreme Court has already ruled that the
provision in Article XVIII, Section 25 of the Constitution
requires a treaty even for the mere temporary presence
of the foreign troops in the Philippines (Bayan v.
Zamora, 342 SCRA 499). The President cannot claim,
therefore, that he acted in good faith (Report of the
Special Committee in the Impeachment of President
Quirino, Congressional Record of the House of
Representatives, Vol. IV, p. 1553). Betrayal of public
trust includes violation of the oath of the office of the
President (Record of the Constitutional Commission,
Vol. II, p. 272). In this of office, the President swore to
preserve and defend the Constitution (Article VII, Section
5 of the Constitution).
The President can be impeached for the culpable
violation of the Constitution and graft and corruption
(Article XI, Section 2). By entering into the executive
agreement, the President violated Section 3 (d) of the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act because of the
undue injury to the Republic of the Philippines.

Appointment (2003)
No V - What is the nature of an "acting appointment" to a
government office? Does such an appointment give the
appointee the right to claim that the appointment will, in
time, ripen into a permanent one? Explain.
According to Sevilla v. Court of Appeals. 209 SCRA 637
[1992], an acting appointment is merely temporary. As
held in Marohombsar v. Alonto, 194 SCRA 390 [1991], a
temporary appointment cannot become a permanent
appointment, unless a new appointment which is
permanent is made. This holds true unless the acting
appointment was made because of a temporary vacancy.
In such a case, the temporary appointee holds office until
the assumption of office by the permanent appointee.
Confirmation; RA 6975-Unconstitutional (2002)
No V - On December 13, 1990, the President signed into
law Republic Act No. 6975 (subsequently amended by
RA No. 8551) creating the Department of Interior and
Local Government. Sections 26 and 31 of the law provide
that senior officers of the Philippine National Police
Superintendent, Deputy Director General to Director
General or Chief of PNP shall, among others, be
appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments. In 1991 the President
promoted Chief Superintendent Roberto Matapang and
Senior Superintendent Conrado Mahigpit to the positions
of Director and Chief Superintendent of the PNP,
respectively. Their appointments were in a permanent
capacity. Without undergoing confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments, Matapang and Mahigpit
took their oath of office and assumed their respective
positions. Thereafter, the Department of Budget and
Management authorized disbursements for their salaries
and other emoluments. Juan Bantay filed a taxpayer's
suit questioning the legality of the appointments and
disbursements made. Bantay argues that the
appointments are invalid inasmuch as the same have not
been confirmed by the Commission on Appointments, as
required under Sections 26 and 31 of R.A. No. 6975.
Determine with reasons the legality of the appointments
and the disbursements for salaries by discussing the
constitutional validity of Sections 26 and 31 of R.A. No.
6975. (5%)
The appointments of Matapang and Mahigpit are valid
even if they were not confirmed by the Commission on
Appointments, because they are not among the public
officials whose appointments are required to be
confirmed by the first sentence of Article VII, Section 16
of the Constitution. According to Manalo v. Sistoza, 312
SCRA 239 (1999), Sections 26 and 31 of Republic Act
6975 are unconstitutional, because Congress cannot by
law expand the list of public officials required to be
confirmed by the Commission on Appointments. Since

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the appointments of Matapang and Mahigpit are valid,

the disbursements of their salaries and emoluments are
Appointing Powers; Ad Interim Appointments (Q42005)
(1) In March 2001, while Congress was adjourned, the
President appointed Santos as Chairman of the
COMELEC. Santos immediately took his oath and
assumed office. While his appointment was promptly
submitted to the Commission on Appointments for
confirmation, it was not acted upon and Congress again
adjourned. In June 2001, the President extended a
second ad interim appointment to Santos for the same
position with the same term, and this appointment was
again submitted to the Commission on Appointments for
confirmation. Santos took his oath anew and performed
the functions of his office. Reyes, a political rival, filed a
suit assailing certain orders issued by Santos. He also
questioned the validity of Santos' appointment. Resolve
the following issues: (5%)
(a) Does Santos' assumption of office on the basis of the
ad interim appointments issued by the President amount
to a temporary appointment which is prohibited by
Section 1(2), Article IX-C of the Constitution?
No, Santos' appointment does not amount to a temporary
appointment. An ad interim appointment is a permanent
appointment because it takes effect immediately and can
no longer be withdrawn by the President once the
appointee has qualified into office. The fact that it is
subject to confirmation by the Commission on
Appointments does not alter its permanent character.
The Constitution itself makes an ad interim appointment
permanent in character by making it effective until
disapproved by the Commission on Appointments or until
the next adjournment of Congress. A temporary or acting
appointee does not enjoy any security of tenure, no
matter how briefly. (Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. No.
149036, April 2, 2002)
An ad interim appointment is a permanent appointment
and does not violate Section 1(2), Article IX-C of the
Constitution. (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila v.
IAC, G.R. No. L- 65439, November 13,1985)
(b) Assuming the legality of the first ad interim
appointment and assumption of office by Santos, were
his second ad interim appointment and subsequent
assumption of office to the same position violations of the
prohibition on reappointment under Section 1(2), Article
IX-C of the Constitution?
No, the second ad interim appointment and subsequent
assumption of office does not violate the Constitution.
The prohibition on reappointment in Section 1(2), Article
IX-C of the Constitution does not apply to by-passed ad
interim appointments. It can be revived by a new ad
interim appointment because there is no final disapproval
under Section 16, Article VII of the Constitution, and such
new appointment will not result in the appointee serving
beyond the fixed term of seven years. The phrase
"without reappointment" applies only to one who has
been appointed by the President and confirmed by the

Commission on Appointments, whether or not such

person completes his term of office. To hold otherwise
will lead to absurdities and negate the President's power
to make ad interim appointments. (Matibag v. Benipayo,
G.R. No. 149036, April 2, 2002)
Appointing Power; Ad-Interim Appointments (2010)
A was a career Ambassador when he accepted an ad
interim appointment as Cabinet Member. The
Commission on Appointments bypassed his ad interim
appointment, however, and he was not re-appointed.
Can he re-assume his position as career ambassador?
The career Ambassador cannot re-assume his position
as career Ambassador. His ad interim appointment as
Cabinet Member was a permanent appointment
(Summers vs. Ozaeta, 81 Phil. 754 [1948]). He
abandoned his position as Ambassador when he
accepted his appointment as Cabinet Member because
as Cabinet Member, he could not hold any other office
during his tenure. (Section 13, Article VII, Constitution).
NO. an interim appointment is an appointment made by
the President during the recess of Congress and it is a
permanent appointment and shall continue to hold such
permanency until disapproved by the Commission on
Appointment or until the next adjournment of congress.
If the appointment is bypassed and the appointee was
not re-appointed he can no longer re-assume as career
ambassador because by accepting an ad interim
appointment he is deemed to have waived his right to
hold his old position as ad interim appointment is
Appointing Power; Midnight Appointment; AntiNepotism (2014)
Margie has been in the judiciary for a long time, starting
from the lowest court. Twenty (20) years from her first
year in the judiciary, she was nominated as a Justice in
the Court of Appeals. Margie also happens to be a firstdegree cousin of the President. The Judicial and Bar
Council included her in the short-list submitted to the
President whose term of office was about to end it was
a month before the next presidential elections. Can the
President still make appointments to the judiciary during
the so-called midnight appointment ban period?
Assuming that he can still make appointments, could he
appoint Margie, his cousin? (4%)
The President can make appointments to the Supreme
Court two months before a presidential election until the
end of his term but not to the rest of the Judiciary like the
Court of Appeals. Under Section 4 (1), Article VIII of the
Constitution, vacancies in the Supreme Court shall be
filled within ninety (90) days from the occurrence of the
vacancy. Under Section 9, Article VIII of the Constitution,
vacancies in the lower courts shall be filled within ninety
(90) days from submission of the list of nominees. These
appointments are screened by the Judicial and Bar
Council, and the process necessarily precludes or
prevents the President from making purely political
appointments to the courts, which is what is sought to be

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[prevented by the prohibition (De Castro v. Judicial and

Bar Council, 615 SCRA 666 [2010].)

new bridge. His refusal to spend the funds appropriated

for the purpose is unlawful.

The President may also appoint his first cousin, Margie,

as Justice of the Court of Appeals. The prohibition in
Section 13, Article VII of the Constitution against
appointment by the President of relatives within the
fourth degree by consanguinity or affinity does not
include appointments to the Judiciary.
(FOR THE FIRST QUESTION): The President cannot
make appointments to the Judiciary during two months
before the presidential election until the end of his term
because of the ban in Section 15, Article VII of the
Constitution. Despite the constitutional mandate to fill
vacancies in Judiciary within the prescribed periods, the
prohibitions against the appointments releases the
President from the obligation to appoint within them. The
delay is excusable, since it will be impossible to comply
with his obligation.

The President is expected to faithfully implement the

purpose for which Congress appropriated funds.
Generally, he cannot replace legislative discretion with
his own personal judgment as to the wisdom of a law
(Araullo v. Aquino, G.R. No. 209287, July 1, 2014).

Control Power (2009)

c. The President exercises the power of control over all
executive departments and agencies, including
government-owned or controlled corporations
TRUE. The president exercises the power of control over
all executive departments and agencies, including
government-owned or controlled corporations with or
without original charters. But the President does not have
the power of control over LGUs (Cruz vs. Secretary of
Environment and Natural Resources, 347 SCRA 128
[2000]; National Marketing Corporation vs. Arca, 29
SCRA 648 [1969]).

Control Power; Foreign Relations (2010)

The League of Filipino Political Scientist (LFPS)
organized an international conference on the human
rights situation in Myanmar at the Central Luzon State
University (CLSU). An exiled Myanmar professor Sung
Kui, critical of the military government in Myanmar, was
invited as keynote speaker. The Secretary of Foreign
Affairs informed the President of the regional and
national security implications of having Prof. Kui address
the conference. The President thereupon instructed the
immigration authorities to prevent the entry of Prof. Kui
into Philippine territory. The chancellor of CLSU argued
that the instruction violates the Constitution. Decide with
reasons. (4%)
The argument of the chancellor of Central Luzon State
University is not valid. Since an alien has no right to enter
the Philippines, preventing Prof. Sing Kui from entering
the Philippines is not a violation of his rights. (Lee and
Quigley, Consular Law and Practice, 3rd ed., p.220.)
Since the President has the Power of Control over
foreign relations, he has the power to ban aliens from
entering the Philippines. (United States vs. CurtissWright Export Corporation, 299 U.S. 304 [1936]).
There is no violation of the Constitution. It is within the
Residual Power of the President to select who shall be
allowed entry in the Philippines especially when the
allowance of such entry poses imminent threat or danger
to national security.

Faithful Execution Clause (2014)

The President, concerned about persistent reports of
widespread irregularities and shenanigans related to the
alleged ghost projects with which the pork barrel funds of
members of Congress had been associated, decided not
to release the funds authorized under a Special
Appropriations Act for the construction of a new bridge.
The Chief Executive explained that, to pro perly conserve
and preserve the limited funds of the government, as well
as to avoid further mistrust by the people, such a project
which he considered as unnecessary since there was
an old bridge near the proposed bridge which was still
functional should be scrapped. Does the President
have such authority? (4%)
The president has the authority to withhold the release of
the funds under a Special Appropriation Act for a project
which he considered unnecessary. The faithful execution
of the laws requires the President to desist from
implementing a law if by doing so will prejudice public
interest. It is folly to require the President to spend the
entire amounts appropriated in the law in such a case
(Philippine Constitution Association v. Enriquez, 235
SCRA 506 [1994]).
The President does not possess the authority to scrap
the Special Appropiations Act for the construction of the

Calling-out Power; President (2006)

1. What do you mean by the "Calling-out Power" of the
President under Section 18, Article VII of the
Constitution? (5%)
Under Article VII, Sec. 18 of the 1987 Constitution,
whenever it becomes necessary, the President, as
Commander-in-Chief, may call out the armed forces to
aid him in preventing or suppressing lawless violence,
invasion or rebellion (David v. Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396,
May 3, 2006).

Declaration; State of Calamity; Legal Effects (2005)

(b) To give the much needed help to the Province of
Aurora which was devastated by typhoons and torrential
rains, the President declared it in a "state of calamity."
Give at least four (4) legal effects of such declaration.
Declaration of a state of calamity produces, inter alia,
these legal effects within the Province of Aurora
1. Automatic Price Control under R.A. No. 7581, The
Price Act;

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2. Authorization for the importation of rice under R.A. No.

8178, The Agricultural Tarrification Act;
3. Automatic appropriation under R.A. No. 7160 is
available for unforeseen expenditures arising from the
occurrence of calamities in areas declared to be in a
state of calamity;
4. Local government units may enact a supplemental
budget for supplies and materials or payment of services
to prevent danger to or loss of life or property, under R.A.
No. 7160;
5. Entitlement to hazard allowance for Public Health
Workers (under R.A. No. 7305, Magna Carta for Public
Health Workers), who shall be compensated hazard
allowances equivalent to at least twenty-five percent
(25%) of the monthly basic salary of health workers
receiving salary grade 19 and below, and five percent
(5%) for health workers with salary grade 20 and above;
6. Entitlement to hazard allowance for science and
technological personnel of the government under R.A.
No. 8439; and
7. A crime committed during the state of calamity will be
considered aggravated under Art. 14, par. 7 of the
Revised Penal Code.
Declaration; State of National Emergency (Q1-2006)
2. On February 24, 2006, President Gloria MacapagalArroyo issued Proclamation No. 1017 declaring a state of
national emergency. Is this Proclamation constitutional?
Explain. (2.5%)
The proclamation is constitutional insofar as it constitutes
a call by the President for the AFP to prevent or suppress
lawless violence as this is sustained by Section 18,
Article VII of the Constitution. However, PP 1017's
provisions giving the President express or implied power
(1) to issue decrees; (2) to direct the AFP to enforce
obedience to all laws even those not related to lawless
violence as well as decrees promulgated by the
President; and (3) to impose standards on media or any
form of prior restraint on the press, are ultra vires and
unconstitutional. Likewise, under Section 17, Article XII of
the Constitution, the President, in the absence of
legislation, cannot take over privately-owned public
utilities and businesses affected with the public interest
(David v. Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396, May 3, 2006).
3. During the effectivity of this Proclamation, Gener, Lito
and Bong were arrested by the police for acts of
terrorism. Is the arrest legal? Explain. (2.5%)
The arrest, apparently done without a valid warrant, is
illegal. However, a warrantless arrest would be valid if
those accused are caught committing crimes en flagrante
delicto. On the other hand, if the arrest is made pursuant
to a valid warrant, then it is lawful. The term "acts of
terrorism" has not been legally defined and made
punishable by Congress. No law has been enacted to
guide the law enforcement agents, and eventually the
courts, to determine the limits in making arrests for the
commission of said acts of terrorism (David v. Arroyo,
G.R. No. 171396, May 3, 2006).

Declaration; State of National Emergency (2010)

a. A proclamation of a State of emergency is sufficient to
allow the President to take over any public utility.
The statement that a proclamation of emergency is
sufficient to allow the President to take over any public
utility is false. Since it is an aspect of emergency powers,
in accordance with Section 23(2), Article VI of the
Constitution, there must be a law delegating such power
to the President. (David vs. Macapagal-Arroyo, 489
SCRA 160 [2006]).
FALSE. The declaration of a state of emergency is one
thing and the exercise of emergency powers is another.
In the latter case, it requires a prior legislative enactment
before the President can exercise them.
Enter into Executive Agreements (2003)
No XX - An Executive Agreement was executed between
the Philippines and a neighboring State. The Senate of
the Philippines took it upon itself to procure a certified
true copy of the Executive Agreement and, after
deliberating on it, declared, by a unanimous vote, that the
agreement was both unwise and against the best interest
of the country. Is the Executive Agreement binding (a)
from the standpoint of Philippine law and (b) from the
standpoint of international law? Explain
(a) From the standpoint of Philippine law, the Executive
Agreement is binding. According to Commissioner of
Customs v. Eastern Sea Trading. 3 SCRA 351 [1961],
the President can enter into an Executive Agreement
without the necessity of concurrence by the Senate.
(b) The Executive Agreement is also binding from the
standpoint of international law...
Enter into Executive Agreement; Treaty Abrogation
The President alone without the concurrence of the
Senate abrogated a treaty. Assume that the other
country-party to the treaty is agreeable to the abrogation
provided it complies with the Philippine Constitution. If a
case involving the validity of the treaty of the treaty
abrogation is brought to the Supreme Court, how should
it be resolved? (6%).
The President should be overruled. She cannot abrogate
a treaty alone even if the other State, party to a treaty,
agrees to the abrogation. If the legislative branch ratifies
a treaty by 2/3 vote pursuant to Art. VII, Sec. 21, it must
also do so when the President abrogates it. She cannot
motu propio abrogate the treaty.
The Supreme Court should sustain the validity of the
abrogation of the treaty. There is no constitutional
provision governing the termination of a treaty. What the
constitution provides is only the concurrence of the
Senate in order that a treaty be valid and binding and
under recent jurisprudence, the ratification of the treaty is
left to the sound discretion of the President.
Therefore, the President as the representative of the

28 of 96

State in treaty negotiation can abrogate a treaty by



Enter into Treaty (2010)

b. A treaty which provides tax exemption needs no
concurrence by a majority of all the Members of the
The statement that a treaty which provides tax exemption
needs no concurrence by a majority of all the Members
of Congress is true. It is only a law, not a treaty, granting
a tax exemption which requires the concurrence of a
majority of all the Members of Congress. (Section 28(4),
Article VI of the Constitution.) Without respect to its lawful
substantive content, a treaty, to be valid and effective,
requires concurrence by at least two-thirds of all the
Members of the Senate. (Sec. 21, Art. VII of the
FALSE. Granting tax exemptions requires concurrence
by a majority of all the Members of the Congress.


Martial Law; Limitations (2000)

No XVII. Declaring a rebellion, hostile groups have
opened and maintained armed conflicts on the Islands of
Sulu and Basilan.
a) To quell this, can the President place under martial
law the islands of Sulu and Basilan? Give your reasons?
b) What are the constitutional safeguards on the exercise
of the President's power to proclaim martial law? (2%)
a) If public safety requires it, the President can place
Sulu and Basilan under martial law since there is an
actual rebellion. Under Section 18, Article VII of the
Constitution, the President can place any part of the
Philippines under martial law in case of rebellion, when
public safety requires it.
b) The following are the constitutional safeguards on the
exercise of the power of the President to proclaim martial
1. There must be actual invasion or rebellion;
2. The duration of the proclamation shall not
exceed sixty days:
3. Within forty-eight hours, the President shall
report his action to Congress. If Congress is not
in session, it must convene within twenty-four
4. Congress may by majority vote of all its
proclamation, and the President cannot set
aside the revocation;
5. By the same vote and in the same manner,
upon Initiative of the President, Congress may
extend the proclamation If the invasion or
rebellion continues and public safety requires
the extension;
6. The Supreme Court may review the factual
sufficiency of the proclamation, and the
Supreme Court must decide the case within
thirty days from the time it was filed;

Martial law does not automatically suspend the

privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or the
operation of the Constitution.
It does not supplant the functioning of the civil
courts and of Congress. Military courts have no
Jurisdiction over civilians where civil courts are
able to function. (Cruz, Philippine Political Law,
1995 ed., pp. 213- 214.)

Martial Law; Sufficiency of the Factual Basis (2006)

The President issued a Proclamation No. 1018 placing
the Philippines under Martial Law on the ground that a
rebellion staged by lawless elements is endangering the
public safety. Pursuant to the Proclamation, suspected
rebels were arrested and detained and military tribunals
were set up to try them. Robert dela Cruz, a citizen, filed
with the Supreme Court a petition questioning the validity
of Proclamation No. 1018.
1. Does Robert have a standing to challenge
Proclamation No. 1018? Explain. (2.5%)
Yes, Robert has standing. Under Article VIII, Section 17
of the 1987 Constitution, the Supreme Court may review,
in an appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen, the
sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of
martial law. As citizen therefore, Robert may file the
petition questioning Proclamation No. 1018.
2. In the same suit, the Solicitor General contends that
under the Constitution, the President as Commander-inChief, determines whether the exigency has arisen
requiring the exercise of his power to declare Martial Law
and that his determination is conclusive upon the courts.
How should the Supreme Court rule? (2.5%)
The Supreme Court should rule that his determination is
not conclusive upon the courts. The 1987 Constitution
allows a citizen, in an appropriate proceeding, to file a
petition questioning the sufficiency of the factual basis of
said proclamation. Moreover, the power to suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus and the power to
impose martial law involve the curtailment and
suppression of certain basic civil rights and individual
freedoms, and thus necessitate safeguards by Congress
and review by the Supreme Court (IBP v. Zamora, G.R.
No. 141284, August 15, 2000).
3. The Solicitor General argues that, in any event, the
determination of whether the rebellion poses danger to
public safety involves a question of fact and the Supreme
Court is not a trier of facts. What should be the ruling of
the Court? (2.5%)
Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of justice to
settle actual controversies involving rights which are
legally demandable and enforceable, and to determine
whether or not there has been a grave abuse of
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
the part of any branch or instrumentality of the
Government (Art. Vin, Sec. 1, par. 2,1987 Constitution).
When the grant of power is qualified, conditional or
subject to limitations, the issue of whether the prescribed
qualifications or conditions have been met or the

29 of 96

limitations respected, is justiciable the problem being

one of legality or validity, not its wisdom. Article VII,
Section 18 of the 1987 Constitution specifically grants the
Supreme Court the power to review, in an appropriate
proceeding filed by any citizen, the sufficiency of the
factual basis of the proclamation of martial law. Thus, in
the matter of such declaration, two conditions must
concur: (1) there must be an actual invasion or rebellion;
and (2) public safety must require it. The Supreme Court
cannot renege on its constitutional duty to determine
whether or not the said factual conditions exist (IBP v.
Zamora, G.R. No. 141284, August 15, 2000).
4. Finally, the Solicitor General maintains that the
President reported to Congress such proclamation of
Martial Law, but Congress did not revoke the
proclamation. What is the effect of the inaction of
Congress on the suit brought by Robert to the Supreme
Court? (2.5%)
The inaction of Congress has no effect on the suit
brought by Robert to the Supreme Court as Article VIII,
Section 18 provides for checks on the President's power
to declare martial law to be exercised separately by
Congress and the Supreme Court. Under said provision,
the duration of martial law shall not exceed sixty days but
Congress has the power to revoke the proclamation or
extend the period. On the other hand, the Supreme Court
has the power to review the said proclamation and
promulgate its decision thereon within thirty days from its
filing (Article VIII, Section 18).
Deliberative Process (2010)
Distinguish presidential communication privilege from
deliberative process privilege.
Jurisprudence laid down 2 kinds of executive privilege
which are presidential communication privilege and
deliberative process privilege (Neri vs. Senate
Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and
Investigations, 549 SCRA 77 [2008]).
Presidential Communication Privilege: pertains to the
communications, documents or other materials that
reflect presidential decision-making and deliberations
and that the President believes should remain
confidential. It applies to decision-making of the
President. It is based on separation of powers. It is
always subject to a greater scrutiny.
Deliberative Process Privilege: includes advisory
opinions, recommendations and deliberations comprising
part of a process by which governmental decisions and
policies are formulated. Based on common law privileged
it applies to decision-making of executive officials and not
subject to greater scrutiny.
Pardoning Power; Breach of Condition; Revocation
(1) Bruno still had several years to serve on his sentence
when he was conditionally pardoned by the President.
Among the conditions imposed was that he would "not

again violate any of the penal laws of the Philippines."

Bruno accepted all of the conditions and was released.
Shortly thereafter, Bruno was charged with 2 counts of
estafa. He was then incarcerated to serve the i expired
portion of his sentence following the revocation by the
President of the pardon. Bruno's family filed a petition for
habeas corpus, alleging that it was error to have him
recommitted as the charges were false, in fact, half of
them were already dismissed. Resolve the petition with
reasons. (4%)
The petition should not be given due course. The grant of
pardon and the determination of the terms and conditions
of a conditional pardon are PURELY EXECUTIVE ACTS
which are not subject to judicial scrutiny. The acceptance
thereof by the convict or prisoner carried with it the
authority or power of the Executive to determine whether
a condition or conditions of the pardon has or have been
violated. Where the President opts to revoke the
conditional pardon given, no judicial pronouncement of
guilt of a subsequent crime is necessary, much less
conviction therefor by final judgment of a court, in order
that a convict may be recommended for the violation of
his conditional pardon. The determination of the
occurrence of a breach of a condition of a pardon, and
the proper consequences of such breach, is a purely
executive act, not subject to judicial scrutiny. (Torres v.
Gonzales, G.R. No. 76872, July 23, 1987)
Pardoning Power: Executive Clemency (2008)
ST, a Regional Trial Court judge who falsified his
Certificate of Service, was found liable by the Supreme
Court for serious misconduct and inefficiency, and meted
the penalty of suspension from office for 6 months.
Subsequently, ST filed a petition for executive clemency
with the Office of the President. The Executive Secretary,
acting on said petition issued a resolution granting ST
executive clemency. Is the grant of executive clemency
valid? Why or why not? (6%)
No. the grant of executive clemency is invalid because it
violates the separation of powers. The Supreme Court
has the power of administrative supervision over all
courts and its personnel and with this power the
Supreme Court can discipline erring Judges.
The grant of an executive clemency has the effect of
removing the penalty imposed by the competent
authority. The Supreme Court has the authority to
discipline judges of lower court. In so doing, the
constitution guaranteed its independence from the other
political bodies. If the executive department were to grant
executive clemency, it would be an encroachment of a
prerogative thus violation of the separation of powers.
Prohibition Against Multiple Positions & Additional
Compensation (2002)
No VI. M is the Secretary of the Department of Finance.
He is also an ex-officio member of the Monetary Board of
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas from which he receives
an additional compensation for every Board meeting
attended. N, a taxpayer, filed a suit in court to declare
Secretary M's membership in the Monetary Board and

30 of 96

his receipt of additional compensation illegal and in

violation of the Constitution. N invoked Article VII,
Section 13 of the Constitution which provides that the
President, Vice-President, the Members of the Cabinet,
and their deputies or assistants shall not, unless
otherwise provided in the Constitution, hold any other
office or employment during their tenure. N also cited
Article IX-B, Section 8 of the Constitution, which provides
that no elective or appointive public officer or employee
shall receive additional, double, or indirect compensation,
unless specifically authorized by law.
If you were the judge, how would you decide the
a) the issue regarding the holding of multiple positions?
b) the issue on the payment of additional or double
compensation?(2%) Explain your answers fully.
(a) If I were the judge, I would uphold the validity of the
designation of Secretary M as ex officio member of the
Monetary Board, As stated in Civil Liberties Union v.
Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA 317 (1991), the
prohibition against the holding of multiple positions by
Cabinet Members in Article VII, Section 13 of the
Constitution does not apply to positions occupied in an
ex officio capacity as provided by law and as required by
the primary functions of their office.
(b) If I were the Judge, I would rule that Secretary M
cannot receive any additional compensation. As stated in
Civil Liberties Union v. Executive Secretary, 194 SCRA
317 (1991), a Cabinet Member holding an ex-officio
position has no right to receive additional compensation,
for his services in that position are already paid for by the
compensation attached to his principal office.

Function; Continuing Constitutional Convention
One Senator remarked that the Supreme Court is a
continuing Constitutional Convention. Do you agree?
Explain. (2%)
I do not agree that the Supreme Court is a continuing
Constitutional Convention. The criticism is based on the
assumption that in exercising its power of judicial review
the Supreme Court Is not merely interpreting the
Constitution but is trying to remake the Government on
the basis of the personal predilections of the Members of
the Supreme Court, this is a power that properly belongs
to the people and their elected representatives. The
Supreme Court cannot decide cases merely on the basis
of the letter of the Constitution. It has to interpret the
Constitution to give effect to the intent of its framers and
of the people adopting it. In Interpreting the Constitution,
the Supreme Court has to adopt it to the ever-changing
circumstances of society. When the Supreme Court
strikes down an act of the Legislative or the Executive
Department, it is merely discharging its duty under the
Constitution to determine conflicting claims of authority.
To a certain extent, the Supreme Court is a continuing
Constitutional Convention. When a case is brought in
court involving a constitutional issue. It becomes
necessary to interpret the Constitution, Since the
Supreme Court is supreme within its own sphere, its
interpretation of the Constitution will form part of the law
of the land.
Judicial Independence; Safeguard (2000)
No I. Name at least three constitutional safeguards to
maintain judicial independence. (3%)
The following are the constitutional safeguards to
maintain judicial independence:
1) The Supreme Court is a constitutional body and
cannot be abolished by mere legislation.
2) The members of the Supreme Court cannot be
removed except by impeachment.
3) The Supreme Court cannot be deprived of its
minimum jurisdiction prescribed in Section 5,
Article X of the Constitution.
4) The appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
cannot be increased by law without its advice
and concurrence.
5) Appointees to the Judiciary are nominated by
the Judicial and Bar Council and are not
subject to confirmation by the Commission on
6) The Supreme Court has administrative
supervision over all lower courts and their
7) The Supreme Court has exclusive
8) power to discipline Judges of lower courts.

31 of 96






The Members of the Judiciary have security of

tenure, which cannot be undermined by a law
reorganizing the Judiciary.
Members of the Judiciary cannot be designated
to any agency performing quasi-Judicial or
administrative functions.
The salaries of Members of the Judiciary
cannot be decreased during their continuance
in office.
The Judiciary has fiscal autonomy.
The Supreme Court has exclusive power to
promulgate rules of pleading, practice and
Only the Supreme Court can temporarily assign
judges to other stations.
It is the Supreme Court who appoints all
officials and employees of the Judiciary. (Cruz,
Philippine Political Law, 1995 ed. (pp. 229-31.)

Judicial Review; Legal Standing (2010)

The Poverty Alleviation and Assistance Act was passed
to enhance the capacity of the most marginalized families
nationwide. A financial assistance scheme called
conditional cash transfers was initially funded 500
million pesos by Congress. One of the provisions of the
law gave the joint-congressional oversight committee
authority to screen the list of beneficiary families initially
determined by the Secretary of Department of Social
Welfare and Development pursuant to the Department
implementing rules. MangPandoy, a resident of smokey
Mountain in Tondo, questioned the authority of the
(a) Does Mang Pandoy have legal standing to question
the law?
On the assumption that Mang Pandoy is a beneficiary of
the financial legal assistance, he has legal standing to
question the law. He may be prejudiced by the improper
screening of the beneficiary families. (Province of
Batangas vs. Romulo, 492 SCRA 736 [2004]). Besides,
since the implementation of the law will require the
expenditure of public funds, as a tax payer Mang Pandoy
has legal standing to question the law. (Cruz vs.
Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources, 347
SCRA 128).
Yes. Mang Pandoy has legal standing to question the law
as a taxpayer and a citizen. As a taxpayer he has to
show that there will be an illegal disbursement of public
funds. As a citizen he must show that the issue involved
is of transcendental importance.
Importance (2014)
In keeping with the modern age of instant and incessant
information and transformation, Congress passed
Cybercrime Prevention Act to regulate access to and use
of the amenities of the cyberspace. While ostensibly the
law is intended to protect the interests of society, some of
its provisions were also seen as impermissibly invading
and impairing widely cherished liberties of the people
particularly the freedom of expression. Before the law

could even be implemented, petitions were filed in the

Supreme Court questioning said provisions by people
who felt threatened, for themselves as well as for the
benefit of others who may be similarly affected but not
minded enough to challenge the law. The Solicitor
General countered that there is no basis for the exercise
of the power of judicial review since there has yet been
no violation of the law, and therefore, there is no actual
case or controversy to speak of, aside from the fact that
the petitioners have no locus standi since they do not
claim to be in imminent danger of being prosecuted
under the law. Can the Court proceed to decide the case
even if the law has not yet become effective? (4%)
The Supreme Court can proceed to decide the case even
if the law has not yet become effective. Since the
petitions filed sought to nullify the Cybercrime Prevention
Act, because it violated several provisions of the Bill of
Rights, the Supreme Court became duty-bound to settle
the dispute (Taada v. Angara, 272 SCRA 18 [1997]).
Since it is alleged that the Cybercrime Prevention Act
violates various provisions of the Bill of Rights, including
freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right
against unreasonable searches and seizure, the issues
raised are of paramount public interest, of transcendental
importance and with far-reaching constitutional
implications, that justify dispensation with locus
standiand exercise of the power of judicial review by the
Supreme Court (Chavez v. Gonzales, 545 SCRA 441
[2008]). Jurisprudence provides that locus standiis not
required when the action was filed to prevent a chilling
effect on the exercise of the right to freedom of
expression and overbreadth.
Judicial Power; Trial by Jury (2008)
Congress enacted law establishing the right to trial by
jury of an accused charged with a felony or offense
punishable with reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment.
The law provides for the qualifications of prospective jury
members, the guidelines to be observed by the Judge
and the lawyers in jury selection including the grounds for
challenging the selection of jury members, and the
methodology for jury deliberations. Is the law
constitutional? Explain fully. (7%)
The law is unconstitutional because the power to
promulgate rules concerning the protection and
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleading, practice,
and procedure in all courts is vested only in the Supreme
Congress cannot encroach to the prerogatives of the
Judiciary particularly those expressly given by the
Constitution. The interference of Congress of such power
would be struck down because it violates the separation
of powers.
Judicial Power; Declaration of Unconstitutionality
Cannot Be Reversed by Enactment of Law (2014)
In Serrano v. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc., 582 SCRA
254 (2009), the Supreme Court declared as violative of
the Equal Protection Clause the 5th paragraph of 10
R.A. No. 8042 (Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipinos

32 of 96

Act of 1995) for discriminating against illegally dismissed

OFWs who still had mo re than a year to their contract
compared to those who only had less than a year
remaining. The next year, Congress enacted R.A. No
10222, an amendment to the Migrant Workers and
Overseas Filipinos Act, which practically reinstated the
provision struck down in Serrano.
Seamacho, an overseas seafarer who still had two years
remaining on his contract when he was illegally
terminated, and who would only be entitled to a
maximum of six-months pay under the reinstated
provision, engages you as his counsel. How are you to
argue that the new law is invalid insofar as it brings back
to the statute books a provision that has already been
struck down by the Court? (5%)
I will argue that since Section 10 of Republic Act No.
8042 has already been declared unconstitutional by the
Supreme Court, its nullity cannot be cured by
reincorporation or reenactment of the same or a similar
law or provision. Once a law has been declared
unconstitutional, it remains unconstitutional unless
circumstances have so changed as to warrant a reverse
conclusion (Sameer Overseas Placement Agency v.
Cabiles, G.R. No. 170139, August 5, 2014).
Judicial Functions; National Labor Relations
Commission (2013)
In her interview before the Judicial and Bar Council
(JBC), Commissioner Annie Amorsolo of the National
Labor Relations Commission claims that she should be
given credit for judicial service because as NLRC
Commissioner, she has the rank of a Justice of the Court
of Appeals; she adjudicates cases that are appealable to
the Court of Appeals; she is assigned car plate No. 10;
and she is, by law, entitled to the rank, benefits and
privileges of a Court of Appeals Justice.
If you are a member of the JBC, would you give credit to
this explanation? (6%)
No, I will not give credence to the explanation of
Commissioner Annie Amorsolo. Her ranking merely
means that she has the same salary and benefits as a
Justice of the Court of Appeals. However, she is not
actually a Justice of the Court of Appeals. The National
Labor Relations is not a court. She does not perform
judicial functions (Noblejas v. Teehankee, 23 SCRA
Supreme Court En Banc; Promulgation of Decision
The Court had adopted the practice of announcing its
decision in important, controversial or interesting cases
the moment the votes had been taken among the
justices, even as the final printed decision and separate
opinions are not yet available to the public. In a greatly
anticipated decision in a case of wide-ranging
ramifications, the voting was close 8 for the majority,
while 7 were for the other side. After the Court had thus
voted, it issued a press release announcing the result,
with the advice that the printed copy of the decision,

together with the separate opinions, were to be issued

subsequently. The following day, however, one of the
members of the Court died. The Court then announced
that it would deliberate anew on the case since
apparently the one who died belonged to the majority.
Citizens for Transparency, a group of civic-spirited
professionals and ordinary citizens dedicated to
transparency and accountability in the government,
questioned the act of the Court. The petitioners claimed
the decision had already been validly adopted and
promulgated. Therefore, it could no longer be recalled by
the Court. At the same time, the group also asked the
Court to disclose to the public the original decision and
the separate opinions of the magistrates, together with
what they had deliberated on just before they came up
with the press release about the 8-7 decision. (6%)
(A) Was the announced 8-7 decision already validly
promulgated and thus not subject to recall?
The decision cannot be deemed to have been
promulgated simply because of the announcement of the
voting in a press release, because the decision has not
yet been issued and filed with the Clerk of Court. Until
the decision is filed with the Clerk of Court, the Justices
still have control over the decision and they can still
change their votes (Limkaichong v. Commission on
Elections, 594 SCRA 434 [2009]).
(B) If the decision was not yet finalized at the time when
the justice died, could it still be promulgated?
(B) The decision can no longer be promulgated if the
Justice who belonged to the majority died, for lack of a
majority vote. The vote he cast is no longer valid, as he
was no longer an incumbent member of the Supreme
Court (Lao v. To-Chip, 158 SCRA 243 [1988]).
(B) The decision can be promulgated even if the
Supreme Court en banc is equally divided, if after the
case was again deliberated upon, no majority decision
was reached. If the case is an original action, it should be
dismissed. If it is an appealed case, the decision
appealed from should be affirmed if it is a civil case. If it
is a criminal case, the accused should be acquitted (
Section 7, Rule 56 of the Rules of Court; Section 3, Rule
125, Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure).
(C) If the decision was still being finalized, should the
Court release to the public the majority decision and the
separate opinions as originally announced, together with
their deliberations on the issues?
(C) The Supreme Court should not release to the public
the majority opinion and the separate opinions, as well as
its deliberations. They are part of its confidential internal
deliberations (Limkaichong v. Commission on Elections,
594 SCRA 434 [2009]).
Political Question: Separation of Powers (2004)
(b) SDO was elected Congressman. Before the end of
his first year in office, he inflicted physical injuries on a
colleague, ET, in the course of a heated debate. Charges

33 of 96

were filed in court against him as well as in the House

Ethics Committee. Later, the House of Representatives,
dividing along party lines, voted to expel him. Claiming
that his expulsion was railroaded and tainted by bribery,
he filed a petition seeking a declaration by the Supreme
Court that the House gravely abused its discretion and
violated the Constitution. He prayed that his expulsion be
annulled and that he should be restored by the Speaker
to his position as Congressman. Is SDO's petition before
the Supreme Court justiciable? Cite pertinent issues for
consideration. (5%)
While under Section 1, Article VIII of the 1987
Constitution the Supreme Court may inquire whether or
not the decision to expel SDO is tainted with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction,
the petition should be dismissed. In Alejandrino v.
Quezon (46 Phil. 83 [1924]), the Supreme Court held that
it could not compel the Senate to reinstate a Senator who
assaulted another Senator and was suspended for
disorderly behavior, because it could not compel a
separate and co-equal department to take any particular
action. In Osmea v. Pendatun (109 Phil. 863 [1960]), it
was held that the Supreme Court could not interfere with
the suspension of a Congressman for disorderly
behavior, because the House of Representatives is the
judge of what constitutes disorderly behavior. The
assault of a fellow Senator constitutes disorderly
Political Question; To Settle Actual Controversies
(a) The 1935, 1973 and 1987 Constitutions commonly
provide that "Judicial power shall be vested in one
Supreme Court and in such lower courts as may be
established by law." What is the effect of the addition in
the 1987 Constitution of the following provision: "Judicial
power includes the duty of the courts of justice to settle
actual controversies involving rights which are legally
demandable and enforceable, and to determine whether
or not there has been grave abuse of discretion
amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of
any branch or instrumentality of the government"?
Discuss briefly, citing at least one illustrative case. (5%)
The effect of the second paragraph of Section 1, Article
VIII of the 1987 Constitution is to limit resort to the
political question doctrine and to broaden the scope of
judicial inquiry into areas which the Judiciary, under the
previous Constitutions, would have left to the political
departments to decide. If a political question is involved,
the Judiciary can determine whether or not the official
whose action is being questioned acted with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction
(Marcos v. Manglapus, 177 SCRA 668 [1989]); (Daza v.
Singson, 180 SCRA 496 [1989]). Thus, although the
House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal has
exclusive jurisdiction to decide election contests involving
members of the House of Representatives, the Supreme
Court nullified the removal of one of its members for
voting in favor of the protestant, who belonged to a
different party. (Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA 792

Operative Fact Doctrine (2010)

(a) Doctrine of operative facts
is that an unconstitutional law is void. It produces no
rights, imposes no duties and affords no protection.
However, the doctrine of operative fact is an exception to
the general rule and it only applies as a matter of equity
and fair play.
Under the doctrine of operative fact, the unconstitutional
law remains unconstitutional, but the effects of the
unconstitutional law, prior to its judicial declaration of
nullity, may be left undisturbed as a matter of equity and
fair play.
It can never be invoked to validate as constitutional an
unconstitutional act.
Supervision; Courts & its Personnel (2005)
(2) Pedro Masipag filed with the Ombudsman a
complaint against RTC Judge Jose Palacpac with
violation of Article 204 of the Revised Penal Code for
knowingly rendering an unjust judgment in Criminal Case
No. 617. Judge Palacpac filed a motion with the
Ombudsman to refer the complaint to the Supreme Court
to determine whether an administrative aspect was
involved in the said case. The Ombudsman denied the
motion on the ground that no administrative case against
Judge Palacpac relative to the decision in Criminal Case
No. 617 was filed and pending in his office. State with
reasons whether the Ombudsman's ruling is correct.
The Ombudsman's ruling is not correct. Under Section 6,
Article VIII of the Constitution, it is the Supreme Court
which is vested with exclusive administrative supervision
over all courts and its personnel. Prescinding from this
premise, the Ombudsman cannot determine for itself and
by itself whether a criminal complaint against a judge, or
court employee, involves an administrative matter. The
Ombudsman is duty bound to have all cases against
judges and court personnel filed before it, referred to the
Supreme Court for determination as to whether an
administrative aspect is involved therein. (Judge Jose
Caoibes v. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 132177, July 19,
Rule-making Power; Fiscal Autonomy (2014)
Congress enacted a law exempting certain government
institutions providing social services from the payment of
court fees. Atty. Kristopher Timoteo challenged the
constitutionality of the said law on the ground that only
the Supreme Court has the power to fix and exempt said
entities from the payment of court fees.
Congress, on the other hand, argues that the law is
constitutional as it has the power to enact said law for it
was through legislative fiat that the Judiciary
Development Fund (JDF) and the Special Allowance for
Judges and Justices (SAJJ), the funding of which are

34 of 96

sourced from the fees collected by the courts, were

created. Thus, Congress further argues that if it can
enact a law utilizing court fees to fund the JDF and SAJJ,
a fortiori it can enact a law exempting the payment of
court fees.
Discuss the constitutionality of the said law, taking into
account the arguments of both parties? (4%)
The law is unconstitutional. The Constitution has taken
away the power of Congress to repeal, alter or
supplement the Rules of the Court. The fiscal autonomy
guaranteed the Judiciary by Section 3, Article VIII of the
Constitution recognized the authority of the Supreme
Court to levy, assess and collect fees. Congress cannot
amend the rules promulgated by the Supreme Court for
the payment of legal fees by granting exemptions (In re
Petition for Recognition of Exemption of the Government
Service Insurance System from Payment of Legal Fees,
612 SCRA 193 [2010]; In re Exemption of National
Power Corporation from Payment of Court and Sheriffs
Fees of Duly Registered Cooperatives, 668 SCRA 1

Constitutional Commissions & Council (2006)
2. The legislature may abolish this body: (5%)
a. Commission on Appointments
b. Ombudsman
c. Judicial and Bar Council
d. Court of Tax Appeals
e. Commission on Audit
The legislature may abolish the d) COURT OF TAX
APPEALS since it is merely a creation of law unlike the
Commission on Appointments, Ombudsman, Judicial and
Bar Council and Commission on Audit which are all
constitutional creations. Thus, the latter agencies may
only be abolished by way of an amendment or revision of
the Constitution.
Rotational Scheme (2010)
(a) What is the rational scheme of appointments in the
The rational scheme of appointments in the COMELEC
refers to the appointment of the Commissioner and 5 of
its members not simultaneously but by intervals of every
after 2 years upon expiration of their term of office.
(b) What are the two conditions for its workability?
The two conditions for its workability are:

The first Chairman and Commissioners should

start on a common date and
Any vacancy before the expiration of the term
should be filled only for the unexpired balance
of the term

(c) To what other constitutional offices does the rational

scheme of appointments apply?
The rational scheme of appointments applies to COA,
CSC, COMELEC, and JBC (Section 9(2), Article VIII,
Section 1(2), Article IX-B and Section 1(2), Article IXD of the Constitution).
Fiscal Autonomy (2014)
Towards the end of the year, the Commission on Audit
(COA) sought the remainder of its appropriation from the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM).
However, the DBM refused because the COA had not yet
submitted a report on the expenditures relative to the
earlier amount released to it. And, pursuant to the "no
report, no release" policy of the DBM, COA is not entitled
to any further releases in the meantime. COA counters
that such a policy contravenes the guaranty of fiscal
autonomy granted by the Constitution. Is COA entitled to
receive the rest of its appropriations even without
complying with the DBM policy? (4%)
The Commission on Audit is entitled to receive the rest of
its appropriations even without complying with the policy

35 of 96

of the Department of Budget and Management. Section

5, Article IX-A of the Constitution provides that its
approved annual appropriations shall be automatically
and regularly released. The Secretary of Budget and
Management cannot make the release of the
appropriations subject to the submission of reports (Civil
Service Commission vs. Department of Budget and
Management, 464 SCRA 116 [2005]).

Civil Service Commission

Civil Service Commission vs. COA (2004)
Former Governor PP of ADS Province had dismissed
several employees to scale down the operations of his
Office. The employees complained to the Merit Systems
Protection Board, which ruled that the Civil Service rules
were violated when the employees were dismissed. The
Civil Service Commission (CSC) affirmed the MSPB
decision, and ordered ADS to reinstate the employees
with full backwages. ADS did not appeal and the order
became final. Instead of complying immediately, BOP,
the incumbent Governor of ADS, referred the matter to
the Commission on Audit (COA), which ruled that the
amounts due are the personal liabilities of the former
Governor who dismissed the employees in bad faith.
Thus, ADS refused to pay. The final CSC decision,
however, did not find the former Governor in bad faith.
The former Governor was likewise not heard on the
question of his liability. Is ADS' refusal justified? Can
COA disallow the payment of backwages by ADS to the
dismissed employees due under a final CSC decision?
Decide and reason briefly. (5%)
A. The refusal of ADS is not justified, and the
Commission on Audit cannot disallow the payment of
backwages by ADS to the dismissed employee. The
Commission on Audit cannot make a ruling that it is the
former governor who should be personally liable, since
the former governor was not given the opportunity to be
heard. In addition, the Commission on Audit cannot set
aside a final decision of the Civil Service Commission.
The payment of backwages to illegally dismissed
government employee is not an irregular, unnecessary,
excessive, extravagant or unconscionable expenditure.
(Uy v. Commission on Audit, 328 SCRA 607 [2000]).
Jurisdiction over the GOCCs (2003)
No VII - A corporation, a holder of a certificate of
registration issued by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, is owned and controlled by the Republic of
the Philippines. The Civil Service Commission (CSC), in
a memorandum-order, directs the corporation to comply
with Civil Service Rules in the appointment of all of its
officers and employees. The memorandum-order of the
CSC is assailed by the corporation, as well as by its
officers and employees, before the court. How should the
case be resolved?
The memorandum-order of the Civil Service Commission
should be declared void. As held in Gamogamo v. PNOC
Shipping and Transit Corporation. 381 SCRA 742 (2002).
Under Article IX-B, Section 2(1) of the 1987 Constitution

government-owned or controlled corporations organized

under the Corporation Code are not covered by the Civil
Service Law but by the Labor Code, because only
government-owned or controlled corporations with
original charters are covered by the Civil Service.
Appointment; Relatives (2008)
The Mayor of San Jose City appointed his wife, Amelia,
as City Treasurer from among three (3) employees of the
city considered for the said position. Prior to said
promotion, Amelia had been an Assistant City Treasurer
for ten (10) years, that is, even before she married the
City Mayor. Should the Civil Service Commission
approve the promotional appointment of Amelia? Why or
why not?
The Civil Service Commission should disapproved the
promotional appointment if at the time of appointment
Amelia is already married to the appointing authority, the
Mayor, because it violates the rule on nepotism which
prohibits the appointment of relatives by consanguinity or
affinity within the third degree of the appointing authority
in public office. This is to ensure that entrance to public
office should be based on merits and fitness. The rule on
nepotism also extends to promotional appointment.
However, if at the time of appoint the Mayor and Amelia
is not yet married and thereafter married each other, the
promotional appointment should remain as valid
Appointment; Relatives (2010)
b. The rule on nepotism does not apply to designations
made in favor of a relative of the authority making a
FALSE. The Rule on Nepotism extends to designation,
and promotional appointment in favor of a relative(Laurel
vs. Civil Service Commission, 203 SCRA 195 [1991]).
De Facto Officer (2010)
a. A person who occupies an office that is defectively
created is a de facto officer.
FALSE. A de facto officer occupies a valid existing office
however under a color of title of the office. For him to be
a de facto officer, the office must be validly created.
(Tuanda vs. Sandiganbayan, 249 SCRA 342 [1995]).
The statement that a person who occupies in office that
is defectively created is a de facto officer is TRUE. The
person appointed or elected pursuant to an
unconstitutional law is a de facto officer, before the law is
declared to be such. (State vs. Caroll, 38 Conn.[1871]).
De Facto Officer; Salary Entitlement (2009)
b. A de facto public officer is, by right, entitled to receive
the salaries and emoluments attached to the public office
he holds.
TRUE. A de facto public officer discharges his public

36 of 96

duties under a color of title to the office, therefore, by

right entitled to salary (Civil Liberties vs. Executive
Secretary, 194 SCRA 317).
Discretionary Duty of a Public Officer (2010)
c. A discretionary duty of a public officer is never
The statement that a discretionary duty of a public officer
can never be delegated is FALSE. It can be delegated if
the delegation is authorized (Mechem, A Treatise on the
Law on Public Offices and Officers, p.368).
TRUE. Discretionary duty of a public officer cannot be
Oath or Affirmation (2007)
b. All public officers and employees shall take an oath to
uphold and defend the Constitution.
The statement is true. This is expressly provided for in
Section 4, Article IX-B of the 1987 Constitution.
The statement is true as under Section 40 of the
Administrative Code of 1987 (Executive Order No. 292),
it is provided that all public officers and employees of the
government, including every member of the armed forces
shall, before entering upon discharge of his duties, take
an oath or affirmation to uphold and defend the
The statement is false. The Constitution states: All
public officers and employees shall take an oathe or
affirmation to uphold and defend this Constitution (1987
Constitution, Art. IX-B, sec.4).
Security of Tenure (2005)
(3) Ricardo was elected Dean of the College of
Education in a State University for a term of five (5) years
unless sooner terminated. Many were not pleased with
his performance. To appease those critical of him, the
President created a new position, that of Special
Assistant to the President with the rank of Dean, without
reduction in salary, and appointed Ricardo to said
Contemporaneously, the University President appointed
Santos as Acting Dean in place of Ricardo. (5%)
(a) Does the phrase "unless sooner terminated" mean
that the position of Ricardo is terminable at will?
No, the term "unless sooner terminated" could not mean
that his position is terminable at will. Security of tenure
means that dismissal should only be for cause, as
provided by law and not otherwise. (Palmera v. CSC,
G.R. No. 110168, August 4, 1994)
No, his position is not terminable at will. Ricardo's
contract of employment has a fixed term of five years. It
is not an appointment in an acting capacity or as officerin-charge. A college dean appointed with a term cannot
be separated without cause. Ricardo, with a definite term

of employment, may not thus be removed except for

cause. (Sta. Maria v. Lopez, G.R. No. L-30773, February
(b) Was Ricardo removed from his position as Dean of
the College of Education or merely transferred to the
position of Special Assistant to the President? Explain.
Ricardo was removed from his position as dean. Having
an appointment with a fixed term, he cannot, without his
consent, be transferred before the end of his term. He
cannot be asked to give up his post nor appointed as
dean of another college, much less transferred to another
position even if it be dignified with a dean's rank. More
than this, the transfer was a demotion because deanship
in a university, being an academic position which
requires learning, ability and scholarship, is more exalted
than that of a special assistant who merely assists the
President, as the title indicates. The special assistant
does not make authoritative decisions unlike the dean
who does so in his own name and responsibility. The
position of dean is created by law, while the special
assistant is not so provided by law; it was a creation of
the university president. (Sta. Maria v. Lopez, G.R. No. L30773, February 18, 1970)
Security of Tenure (2010)
d. Acquisition of civil service eligibility during tenure of a
temporary appointee does not automatically translate to
a permanent appointment.
TRUE. There is a need for another appointment for
permanency (Province of Camarines Sur vs. Court of
Appeals, 246 SCRA 281 [1995]).

Commission on Elections
Judicial Review of Decisions (2001)
No XVI - In an election protest involving the position of
Governor of the Province of Laguna between "A", the
protestee, and "B", the protestant, the First Division of
the COMELEC rendered a decision upholding B's protest
Can "A" file a petition for certiorari with the Supreme
Court under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, from the
decision of the COMELEC First Division? If yes. Why? If
not what procedural step must he undertake first? ( 5%)
"A" cannot file a petition for certiorari with the Supreme
Court. As held in Mastura vs. COMELEC, 285 SCRA 493
(1998), the Supreme Court cannot review the decisions
or resolutions of a division of the COMELEC. "A" should
first file a motion for reconsideration with the COMELEC
en banc.
Inclusion/Exclusion; Jurisdiction (2001)
Let us suppose that Congress enacted a law which
amended the Omnibus Election Code (particularly
Sections 138, 139, 142, 143) by vesting , in the
COMELEC the jurisdiction over inclusion and exclusion
cases filed by voters, instead of in the courts (MTC, then
RTC). Is the law valid or not, and why? (5%)

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The law granting the COMELEC jurisdiction over
inclusion and exclusion cases is unconstitutional. Under
Section 2(3), Article IXC of the Constitution, the
COMELEC cannot decide the right to vote, which refers
to the inclusion and exclusion of voters. Under Section
2(6), Article IX-C of the Constitution, it can only file
petitions in court for inclusion or exclusion of voters.
Grant of Pardon to Election Offenses (2010)
During his campaign sortie in Barangay Salamanca,
Mayor Galicia was arrested at a PNP checkpoint for
carrying high-powered firearms in his car. He was
charged and convicted for violation of the COMELEC gun
ban. He did not appeal his conviction and instead applied
for executive clemency. Acting on the favorable
recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Parole, the
President granted him pardon. Is he eligible to run
against for an elective position?. Explain Briefly. (5%)
Mayor Galicia can run again for an elective office but not
immediately. Under Section 40 of the Local Government
Code, he cannot run for an elective office within two (2)
years after serving sentence. Under Section 12 of the
Omnibus Election Code, he can run for an elective
national office after the expiration of five (5) years from
his service of sentence. The pardon granted to him is
invalid. The offense involved a violation of the Omnibus
Election Code and the pardon was granted without the
favorable recommendation of the Commission on
Elections. (Section 5, Article IX-C of the Constitution).
No. Galicia is not eligible to run for an elective position
because the executive clemency is not valid and effective
because it was granted with constitutional infirmity. The
Constitution requires recommendation from the
COMELEC before the President may grant executive
clemency for offenses violating election laws.

Commission on Audit
COA; Jurisdiction (2001)
The Philippine National Bank was then one of the leading
government-owned banks and it was under the audit
jurisdiction of the Commission on Audit (COA). A few
years ago, it was privatized. What is the effect, if any, of
the privatization of PNB on the audit Jurisdiction of the
COA? (5%)
In accordance with the ruling in Philippine Airlines vs.
Commission on Audit, 245 SCRA 39,(1995), since the
Philippine National Bank is no longer owned by the
Government, the Commission on Audit no longer has
jurisdiction to audit it as an institution. Under Section
2(2), Article IX-D of the Constitution, it is governmentowned or controlled corporations and their subsidiaries
which are subject to audit by the Commission on Audit.
However, in accordance with Section 2(1), Article IX-D of
the Constitution, the Commission on Audit can audit the
Philippine National Bank with respect to its accounts
because the Government still has equity in it.

Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power;
Abatement of Nuisance (2004)
(9-b) The City of San Rafael passed an ordinance
authorizing the City Mayor, assisted by the police, to
remove all advertising signs displayed or exposed to
public view in the main city street, for being offensive to
sight or otherwise a nuisance. AM, whose advertising
agency owns and rents out many of the billboards
ordered removed by the City Mayor, claims that the City
should pay for the destroyed billboards at their current
market value since the City has appropriated them for the
public purpose of city beautification. The Mayor refuses
to pay, so AM is suing the City and the Mayor for
damages arising from the taking of his property without
due process nor just compensation. Will AM prosper?
Reason briefly. (5%)
The suit of AM will not prosper. The removal of the
billboards is not an exercise of the power of eminent
domain but of police power (Churchill v. Rafferty, 32 Phil.
580 [19150- The abatement of a nuisance in the exercise
of police power does not constitute taking of property and
does not entitle the owner of the property involved to
compensation. (Association of Small Landowners in the
Philippines, Inc. v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175
SCRA 343 [1989]).
The removal of the billboards for the purpose of
beautification permanently deprived AM of the right to
use his property and amounts to its taking.
Consequently, he should be paid just compensation.
(People v. Fajardo, 104 Phil. 443 11958]).
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power;
Abatement of Nuisance (2010)
ABC operates an industrial waste processing plant within
Laoag City. Occasionally, whenever fluid substances are
released through a nearby creek, obnoxious odor is
emitted causing dizziness among residents in Barangay
La Paz. On complaint of the Punong Barangay, the City
Mayor wrote ABC demanding that it abate the nuisance.
This was ignored. An invitation to attend a hearing called
by the Sangguniang Panlungsod was also declined by
the president of ABC. The city government thereupon
issued a cease and desist order to stop the operations of
plant, prompting ABC to file a petition for injunction
before the RTC, arguing that the city government did not
have any power to abate the alleged nuisance. Decide
with reasons.(3%)
The city government has no power to stop the operations
of the plant. Since its operations is not a nuisance per se,
the city government cannot abate it extrajudicially. A suit
must be filed in court. (AC Enterprises, Inc. vs. Frabelle
Properties Corporation, 506 SCRA 625 [2006]).
Petition will not prosper. The obnoxious odor emitted
from the processing plant is a nuisance per se which can
be summarily abated by the city government. Even if we
consider it a nuisance per accidens, the cease and desist

38 of 96

order to stop the operations of the plant is still valid

because there had been compliance with due process,
that is, the opportunity to be heard has been given.
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power;
Zoning Ordinance vs. Non-Impairment of Contracts
In the deeds of sale to, and in the land titles of
homeowners of a residential subdivision in Pasig City,
there are restrictions annotated therein to the effect that
only residential houses or structures may be built or
constructed on the lots. However, the City Council of
Pasig enacted an ordinance amending the existing
zoning ordinance by changing the zone classification in
that place from purely residential to commercial. "A", a lot
owner, sold his lot to a banking firm and the latter started
constructing a commercial building on the lot to house a
bank inside the subdivision. The subdivision owner and
the homeowners' association filed a case in court to stop
the construction of the building for banking business
purposes and to respect the restrictions embodied in the
deed of sale by the subdivision developer to the lot
owners, as well as the annotation in the titles. If you were
the Judge, how would you resolve the case? (5%)
If I were the judge, I would dismiss the case. As held in
Ortigas and Company Limited Partnership vs. FEATI
Bank and Trust Company. 94 SCRA 633 (1979), the
zoning ordinance is a valid exercise of police power and
prevails over the contractual stipulation restricting the
use of the lot to residential purposes.

(b) If Congress chooses the last option and passes the

corresponding law imposing a 30% tax on all winnings
and prizes won from gambling, would the law comply
with the constitutional limitations on the exercise of the
power of taxation? Explain you answer (2%)
NO. Because the lawful means is not reasonably
necessary for the accomplishment of its objective. It adds
more burden upon individuals.
A tax of 30% on winnings from gambling does not violate
due process as to the reasonableness of the rate of the
tax imposed. Taxes on non-useful enterprises may be
increased to restrain the number of persons who might
otherwise engage in it (Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel
Operatos Association, Inc. vs. City Mayor of Manila, 20
SCRA 849 [1967]). Taxes may be imposed for the
attainment of the objective of police power (Lutz vs.
Araneta, 98 Phil. 148 [1955]).

Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power;

Prohibition of Gambling (2009)
To address the pervasive problem of gambling, Congress
is considering the following options: (1) prohibit all forms
of gambling; (2) allow gambling only on Sundays; (3)
allow gambling only in government-owned casinos; and
(4) remove all prohibition against gambling but impose a
tax equivalent to 30% on all winnings.

Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Power;

Presentability of Policemen (2008)
The Philippine National Police (PNP) issued a circular to
all its members directed at the style and length of male
police officers hair, sideburns and moustaches, as well
as the size of their waistlines. It prohibits beards,
goatees, and waistlines over 38 inches, except for
medical reason. Some police officers questioned the
validity of the circular, claiming that it violated their right
to liberty under the Constitution. Resolve the controversy.
Although the National Police is civilian in character, it
partakes of some of the characteristics of military life,
thus permitting the imposition of reasonable measures
presentableness. The circular does not go beyond what
is reasonable and therefore passes the test of due
process (Gudani vs. Senga, G.R. No. 170165, Aug. 15,

(a) If Congress chooses the first option and passes the

corresponding law absolutely prohibiting all forms of
gambling, can the law be validly attacked on the ground
that it is an invalid exercise of police power? Explain your
answer (2%)
Yes. although the Congress has the plenary power to
enact law and interfere with the personal liberty and
property in order to promote the general welfare, the
exercise of police power is subject to 2 test: 1. Lawful
subject refers to the interest of the General Public
requiring the interference of the State and 2. Lawful
means refers to the reasonable means employed
necessary for the accomplishment of its objective and not
duly oppressive upon individuals.

In Kelly vs. Johnson, 425 US 238 (1976), the US

Supreme Court said that the regulations of personal
appearance of policemen could be justified so long as
there was a rational connection between the regulation
and the promotional safety of persons and property. The
requisite connection was present since the government
had a legitimate interest in policemens appearances so
that they would: (1) be readily recognizable to the public
and (2) feel a sense of esprit de corps that comes from
being similar.
The circular is a valid exercise of police power. The rulemaking power is vested in congress however, it can be
delegated to administrative agencies pursuant to a valid
delegation requiring the concurrence of the following:

Basis of the exercise of police power:

(1) Sic utere tuo et alienum non laedas use your
property so that you do not injure that of another
Salus populi est suprema lex the welfare of
the people is the highest law


39 of 96

Made pursuant of law

Issued within the scope and purview of the law
Promulgated in accordance with the prescribed
it must be reasonable

It is the policy of the state to secure peace and order

through the PNP. Therefore, it is reasonable to require
them to be physically fit in order to secure peace and
order in the community. This is to boost the confidence of
the public that they are not lazy and they are doing their
job with dedication.
Fundamental Powers of the State; Police Powers;
Confiscation of Property (2014)
The National Building Code and its implementing rules
provide, inter alia, that operators of shopping centers and
malls should provide parking and loading spaces, in
accordance with a prescribed ratio. The Solicitor
General, heeding the call of the public for the provision of
free parking spaces in malls, filed a case to compel said
business concerns to discontinue their practice of
collecting parking fees. The mall owners and operators
oppose, saying that this is an invalid taking of their
property, thus a violation of due process. The Solicitor
General justifies it, however, claiming that it is a valid
exercise of police power. Could the mall owners and
operators be validly compelled to provide free parking to
their customers? (4%)
No, the mall owners and operators cannot be validly
compelled to provide free parking to their customers,
because requiring them to provide free parking space to
their customers is beyond the scope of police powers. It
amounts to confiscation of property (Office of the Solicitor
General v. Ayala Land, Inc., 600 SCRA 617 [2009]).
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Immunity from Suit (2001)
The Republic of the Philippines, through the Department
of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), constructed a
new highway linking Metro Manila and Quezon province,
and which major thoroughfare traversed the land owned
by Mang Pandoy. The government neither filed any
expropriation proceedings nor paid any compensation to
Mang Pandoy for the land thus taken and used as a
public road. Mang Pandoy filed a suit against the
government to compel payment for the value of his land.
The DPWH filed a motion to dismiss the case on the
ground that the State is immune from suit. Mang Pandoy
filed an opposition. Resolve the motion. (5%)
The motion to dismiss should be denied. As held in
Amigable v. Cuenca, 43 SCRA 300 (1972), when the
Government expropriates private property without paying
compensation, it is deemed to have waived its immunity
from suit. Otherwise, the constitutional guarantee that
private property shall not be taken for public use without
payment of just compensation will be rendered nugatory.
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Policy of "All or None" (2000)
No VIII. Madlangbayan is the owner of a 500 square
meter lot which was the birthplace of the founder of a
religious sect who admittedly played an important role in
Philippine history and culture. The National Historical
Commission (NHC) passed a resolution declaring it a
national landmark and on its recommendation the lot was
subjected to expropriation proceedings. This was

opposed by Madlangbayan on the following grounds: a)

that the lot is not a vast tract; b) that those to be
benefited by the expropriation would only be the
members of the religious sect of its founder, and c) that
the NHC has not initiated the expropriation of birthplaces
of other more deserving historical personalities. Resolve
the opposition raised by Madlangbayan. (5%)
The arguments of Madlangbayan are notmeritorious.
According to Manosca v. Court of Appeals, 252 SCRA
412 (1996), the power of eminent domain is not confined
to expropriation of vast tracts of the land. The
expropriation of the lot to preserve it as the birthplace of
the founder of the religious sect because of his role in
Philippine history and culture is for a public purpose,
because public use is no longer restricted to the
traditional concept. The fact that the expropriation will
benefit the members of the religious sect is merely
incidental. The fact that other birthplaces have not been
expropriated is likewise not a valid basis for opposing the
expropriation. As held in J.M. Tuason and Company, Inc.
v. Land Tenure Administration, 31 SCRA 413 (1970), the
expropriating authority is not required to adhere to the
policy of "all or none".
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Power to Exercise (2005)
The Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Santa,
Ilocos Sur passed Resolution No. 1 authorizing its Mayor
to initiate a petition for the expropriation of a lot owned by
Christina as site for its municipal sports center. This was
approved by the Mayor. However, the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur disapproved the Resolution
as there might still be other available lots in Santa for a
sports center. Nonetheless, the Municipality of Santa,
through its Mayor, filed a complaint for eminent domain.
Christina opposed this on the following grounds:
1. the Municipality of Santa has no power to expropriate;
2. Resolution No. 1 has been voided since the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan disapproved it for being
arbitrary; and
3. the Municipality of Santa has other and better lots for
that purpose. Resolve the case with reasons. (5%)
a) Under Section 19 of R.A. No. 7160, the power of
eminent domain is explicitly granted to the municipality,
but must be exercised through an ordinance rather than
through a resolution. (Municipality of Paranaque v. V.M.
Realty Corp., G.R. No. 127820, July 20, 1998)
b) The Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur was
without the authority to disapprove Resolution No. 1 as
the municipality clearly has the power to exercise the
right of eminent domain and its Sangguniang Bayan the
capacity to promulgate said resolution. The only ground
upon which a provincial board may declare any municipal
resolution, ordinance or order invalid is when such
resolution, ordinance or order is beyond the powers
conferred upon the council or president making the
same. Such is not the situation in this case. (Moday v.
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 107916, February 20, 1997)
c) The question of whether there is genuine necessity for
the expropriation of Christina's lot or whether the
municipality has other and better lots for the purpose is a

40 of 96

matter that will have to be resolved by the Court upon

presentation of evidence by the parties to the case.
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Public Purpose (2008)
Congress passed a law authorizing the National Housing
Authority (NHA) to expropriate or acquire private property
for the redevelopment of slum areas, as well as to lease
or resell the property to private developers to carry out
the redevelopment plan. Pursuant to the law, the NHA
acquired all properties within a targeted badly blighted
area in San Nicolas, Manila except a well-maintained
drug and convenience store that poses no blight or
health problem itself. Thereafter, NHA initiated
expropriation proceedings against the store owner who
protested that his property could not be taken because it
is not residential or slum housing. He also contended that
his property is being condemned for a private purpose,
not a public one, noting the NHAs sale of the entire area
except his property to a private party. If you were the
judge, how would you decide the case? (6%).
The power of the NHA is a delegated power of eminent
domain, strictly construed against its holder and limited to
the public purpose of redevelopment of slum areas. The
expropriation of a property already previously excluded
for not posing a blight of health problem lacks public
purpose and exceeds the delegated power of the NHA.
The power of expropriation cannot be used to benefit
private parties (Pascual vs. Secretary, G.R. No. L-10405,
Dec. 29, 1960.) In this case, the main beneficiary would
be the private realty company. The taking of private
property and then transferring it to private persons under
the guise of public use is not within the power of eminent
domain (Heirs of Moreno vs. Mactan Airport, G.R. No.
156273, August 9, 2005).
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Socialized Housing (2009)
Filipinas Computer Corporation (FCC), a local
manufacturer of computers and computer parts, owns a
sprawling plant in a 5,000-square meter lot in PasigCity.
To remedy the citys acute housing shortage,
compounded by a burgeoning population, the
Sangguniang Panglungsod authorized the City Mayor to
negotiate for the purchase of the lot. The Sanggunian
intends to subdivide the property into small residential
lots to be distributed at cost to qualified city residents.
But FCC refused to sell the lot. Hard pressed to find a
suitable property to house its homeless residents, the city
filed a complaint for eminent domain against FCC.
(a) If FCC hires you as lawyer, what defense or defenses
would you set up in order to resist the expropriation of
the property? Explain.
The following are the defenses that I will set up:
a. No prior valid and definite offer was made
b. The expropriation is for socialized housing
therefore it must comply with the order of
preference of the land to be acquired and the
mode of acquisition. Under the law regarding

expropriation for socialized housing, private

lands is the last in line and the expropriation
proceeding is last resorted to if all other
modes of acquisition has already been
Order of expropriation for socialized housing:
1. Government lands
2. Alienable lands of the public domain
3. Unregistered, abandoned or idle lands
4. Lands within the declared areas for priority
development, zonal improvement program
sites, slum improvement and resettlement
sites which have not yet been acquired
5. BLISS sites which have not yet been
Privately owned lands - The mode of expropriation is
subject to conditions:
a. It shall be resorted to only when the other
exhausted; and
b. Parcels owned by small property owners
are exempt from such acquisition. Small
property owners are owners of residential
lands with an area not more than 300
sq.m. in highly urbanized cities and not
more than 800 sq.m. in other urban areas;
and they do not own residential property
other than the same.
(b) If the court grants the Citys prayer for expropriation,
but the City delays payment of the amount determined by
the court as just compensation, can FCC recover the
property from pasig city?
Yes. As a general rule, non-payment of just
compensation does not entitle the landowner to recover
possession of the expropriated lots. Instead legal interest
on just compensation should be paid (National Power
Corporation vs.Henson, 300 SCRA 751 [1998]).
However, in cases where the government failed to pay
the just compensation within 5 years from the FINALITY
OF THE JUDGMENT in the expropriation proceedings,
the owners concerned shall have the right to recover
possession of their property (Republic vs. Lim, 462
SCRA 265 [2005]).
(c) Suppose the expropriation succeeds, but the city
decides to abandon its plan to subdivide the property for
residential purposes having found much bigger lot, can
FCC legally demand that it be allowed to repurchase the
property from the city of Pasig? Why or why not?
It depends. The property owners right to repurchase the
property depends upon the character of the title acquired
by the expropriator, ie., if the land is expropriated for a
particular purpose with the condition that when that
purpose is ended or abandoned, the property shall revert
to the former owner, then the former owner can reacquire the property (Heirs of Timoteo Moreno vs.
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority, 413 SCRA
502 [2003]).

41 of 96

But if there is no such condition the owner cannot

repurchase because the judgment in the expropriation
case grants title to the lot in fee simple to the REPUBLIC.
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Valid and Definite Offer (2010)
a. A valid and definite offer to buy a property is a prerequisite to expropriation initiated by a local government
TRUE. Under the Local Government Code, there must
be a prior valid and definite offer before expropriation
proceeding can be initiated (Section 19, Local
Government Code).
Fundamental Powers of the State; Power of Eminent
Domain; Reverse Proceeding (2014)
The National Power and Grid Corporation (NPGC), a
government entity involved in power generation
distribution, had its transmission lines traverse some
fields belonging to Farmerjoe. NPGC did so without
instituting any expropriation proceedings. Farmerjoe, not
knowing any better, did not immediately press his claim
for payment until after ten years later when a son of his
took up Law and told him that he had a right to claim
compensation. That was then the only time that
Farmerjoe earnestly demanded payment. When the
NPGC ignored him, he instituted a case for payment of
just compensation. In defense, NPGC pointed out that
the claim had already prescribed since under its Charter
it is clearly provided that "actions for damages must be
filed within five years after the rights of way, transmission
lines, substations, plants or other facilities shall have
been established and that after said period, no suit shall
be brought to question the said rights of way,
transmission lines, substations, plants or other facilities."
If you were the lawyer of Farmerjoe, how would you
protect and vindicate the rights of your client? (4%)
Farmerjoes demand for payment is justified and cannot
be considered as prescribed. His demand for payment is
an action for the payment of just compensation and not
an action for damages as provided in the Charter of the
National Power and Grid Corporation. It partakes of the
nature of a reverse eminent domain proceeding (or
inverse condemnation proceeding) wherein claims for
just compensation for property taken can be made and
pursued (National Power Corporation v. Vda. De Capin,
569 SCRA 648 [2008]; National Power Corporation v.
Heirs of Sangkay, 656 SCRA 60 [2011]).
I will claim that since National Power and Grid
Corporation took the property traversing the fields of
Farmerjoe without first acquiring title through
expropriation or negotiated sale, his action to recover just
compensation is imprescriptible (Republic v. Court of
Appeals, 454 SCRA 510 [2005]).

Due Process; Permit to Carry Firearm Outside

Residence (2006)
3. Does a Permit to Carry Firearm Outside Residence
(PTCFOR) constitute a property right protected by the
Constitution? (2.5%)
No, it is not a property right under the due process clause
of the Constitution. Just like ordinary licenses in other
regulated fields, it may be revoked any time. It does not
confer an absolute right, but only a personal privilege,
subject to restrictions. A licensee takes his license
subject to such conditions as the Legislature sees fit to
impose, and may be revoked at its pleasure without
depriving the licensee of any property (Chavez v.
Romulo, G.R. No. 157036, June 9, 2004).
Due Process; PPA-Pilots (2001)
The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) General Manager
issued an administrative order to the effect that all
existing regular appointments to harbor pilot positions
shall remain valid only up to December 31 of the current
year and that henceforth all appointments to harbor pilot
positions shall be only for a term of one year from date of
effectivity, subject to yearly renewal or cancellation by
the PPA after conduct of a rigid evaluation of
performance. Pilotage as a profession may be practiced
only by duly licensed individuals, who have to pass five
government professional examinations. The Harbor Pilot
Association challenged the validity of said administrative
order arguing that it violated the harbor pilots' right to
exercise their profession and their right to due process of
law and that the said administrative order was issued
without prior notice and hearing. The PPA countered that
the administrative order was valid as it was issued in the
exercise of its administrative control and supervision over
harbor pilots under PPA's legislative charter, and that in
issuing the order as a rule or regulation, it was
performing its executive or legislative, and not a quasiJudicial function. Due process of law is classified into two
kinds, namely, procedural due process and substantive
due process of law. Was there, or, was there no violation
of the harbor pilots' right to exercise their profession and
their right to due process of law? (5%)
The right of the harbor pilots to due process was violated.
Am held in Corona vs. United Harbor Pilots Association
of the Philippines, 283 SCRA 31 (1997) pilotage as a
profession is a property right protected by the guarantee
of due process. The pre-evaluation cancellation of the
licenses of the harbor pilots every year is unreasonable
and violated their right to substantive due process. The
renewal is dependent on the evaluation after the licenses
have been cancelled. The issuance of the administrative
order also violated procedural due process, since no
prior public hearing was conducted. As hold in
Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Court of Appeals,
261 SCRA 237 (1998), when a regulation is being issued
under the quasi-legislative authority of an administrative
agency, the requirements of notice, hearing and
publication must be observed.

42 of 96

Due Process; Public School Teachers (2002)

No X - Ten public school teachers of Caloocan City left
their classrooms to join a strike, which lasted for one
month, to ask for teachers' benefits. The Department of
Education, Culture and Sports charged them
administratively, for which reason they were required to
answer and formally investigated by a committee
composed of the Division Superintendent of Schools as
Chairman, the Division Supervisor as member and a
teacher, as another member. On the basis of the
evidence adduced at the formal investigation which
amply established their guilt, the Director rendered a
decision meting out to them the penalty of removal from
office. The decision was affirmed by the DECS Secretary
and the Civil Service Commission. On appeal, they
reiterated the arguments they raised before the
administrative bodies, namely: (b) They were deprived of
due process of law as the Investigating Committee was
improperly constituted because it did not include a
teacher in representation of the teachers' organization as
required by the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
(R.A. No. 4670, Sec. 9).
The teachers were deprived of due process of law. Under
Section 9 of the Magna Carta for Public School
Teachers, one of the members of the committee must be
a teacher who is a representative of the local, or in its
absence, any existing provincial or national organization
of teachers. According to Fabella v. Court of Appeals,
283 SCRA 256 (1997), to be considered the authorized
representative of such organization, the teacher must be
chosen by the organization itself and not by the
Secretary of Education, Culture and Sports. Since in
administrative proceedings, due process requires that the
tribunal be vested with jurisdiction and be so constituted
as to afford a person charged administratively a
reasonable guarantee of impartiality, if the teacher who is
a member of the committee was not appointed in
accordance with the law, any proceeding before it is
tainted with deprivation of procedural due process.
Due Process; Substantive (2003)
2003 No XII - The municipal council of the municipality of
Guagua, Pampanga, passed an ordinance penalizing
any person or entity engaged in the business of selling
tickets to movies or other public exhibitions, games or
performances which would charge children between 7
and 12 years of age the full price of admission tickets
instead of only one-half of the amount thereof. Would you
hold the ordinance a valid exercise of legislative power
by the municipality? Why?
The ordinance is void. As held in Balacuit v. Court of First
Instance of Agusan del Norte. 163 SCRA 182 [1988], the
ordinance is unreasonable. It deprives the sellers of the
tickets of their property without due process. A ticket is a
property right and may be sold for such price as the
owner of it can obtain. There is nothing pernicious in
charging children the same price as adults.
Equal Protection; Police Power (2000)
Undaunted by his three failures in the National Medical
Admission Test (NMAT), Cruz applied to take it again but

he was refused because of an order of the Department of

Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) disallowing
flunkers from taking the test a fourth time. Cruz filed suit
assailing this rule raising the constitutional grounds of
accessible quality education, academic freedom and
equal protection. The government opposes this,
upholding the constitutionality of the rule on the ground of
exercise of police power. Decide the case discussing the
grounds raised. (5%)
As held in Department of Education, Culture and Sports
v. San Diego,180 SCRA 533 (1989), the rule is a valid
exercise of police power to ensure that those admitted to
the medical profession are qualified. The arguments of
Cruz are not meritorious. The right to quality education
and academic freedom are not absolute. Under Section
5(3), Article XIV of the Constitution, the right to choose a
profession is subject to fair, reasonable and euitable
admission and academic requirements. The rule does
not violate equal protection. There is a substantial
distinction between medical students and other students.
Unlike other professions, the medical profession directly
affects the lives of the people.
Equal Protection; Responsible Parenthood (2007)
The City Mayor issues an Executive Order declaring that
the city promotes responsible parenthood and upholds
natural family planning. He prohibits all hospitals
operated by the city from prescribing the use of artificial
methods of contraception, including condoms, pills,
intrauterine devices and surgical sterilization. As a result,
poor women in his city lost their access to affordable
family planning programs. Private clinics, however,
continue to render family planning counsel and devices
to paying clients.
(a) Is the Executive Order in any way constitutionally
infirm? Explain.
The Executive Order is constitutionally infirm. Under the
1987 Constitution, the State shall defend the right of
spouses toestablish a family in accordance with their
religious convictions and the demands of responsible
parenthood. (Art. XV, Sec. 3[1]). By upholding natural
family planning and prohibiting city hospitals from
prescribing artificial methods of contraception, the Mayor
is imposing his religious beliefs on spouses who rely on
the services of city hospitals. This clearly violates the
above section of the Constitution.
Moreover, the 1987 Constitution states that no person
shall be denied the equal protection of the laws.(Art. III,
Sec. 1). The Constitution also provides that the state
shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will
ensure the prosperity and independence of the nation
and free the people from poverty through policies that
provide adequate social services, promote full
employment, a rising standard of living and an improved
quality of life for all. (Art. II, Section 9). The loss of
access of poor city women to family planning programs is
discriminatory and creates suspect classification. It also
goes against the demands of social justice as enshrined
in the immediately preceding provision.

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The Executive Order is constitutionally infirm. It
constitutes an invalid exercise of police power and
violates substantive due process by depriving people of
the means to control their reproductive processes.
Moreover, since the national government has not
outlawed the use of artificial methods of contraception,
then it would be against national policies. In addition, the
Mayor cannot issue such Executive Order without an
underlying ordinance. (Moday v, Court of Appeals, G.R.
No. 107916, February 20, 1997) Besides, the action of
the Mayor may be in violation of a persons right to
The executive order is constitutionally infirm. It violates
Section 3(1), Article XV of the 1987 Constitution, which
recognizes the right of the spouses to found a family in
accordance with the demands of responsible parenthood
which includes the artificial method.
The Executive order is constitutionally infirm. When
Section 12, Article II of the 1987 Constitution provides
that the State shall equally protect the life of the mother
and the life of the unborn from conception, it is prohibiting
abortion only and not the use of artificial contraceptives
(Record of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. IV.
Pp.683, 711 and 760).
(c) May the Commission on Human Rights order the
Mayor to stop the implementation of the Executive
Order? Explain.
No, the power of the Commission on Human Rights
(CHR) is limited to fact-finding investigations. Thus, it
cannot issue an order to desist against the mayor,
inasmuch as the order prescinds from an adjudicatory
power that CHR does not possess. (Simon v.
Commission on Human Rights, G.R. No. 100150,
January 5, 1994; Cario v. Commission on Human
Rights, G.R. No. 96681, December 2, 1991.)
Searches and Seizure; Private Individuals (2005)
(2) Emilio had long suspected that Alvin, his employee,
had been passing trade secrets to his competitor, Randy,
but he had no proof. One day, Emilio broke open the
desk of Alvin and discovered a letter wherein Randy
thanked Alvin for having passed on to him vital trade
secrets of Emilio. Enclosed in the letter was a check for
P50,000.00 drawn against the account of Randy and
payable to Alvin. Emilio then dismissed Alvin from his
employment. Emilio's proof of Alvin's perfidy are the said
letter and check which are objected to as inadmissible for
having been obtained through an illegal search. Alvin
filed a suit assailing his dismissal. Rule on the
admissibility of the letter and check. (5%)
As held in People v. Marti (G.R. No. 81561, January 18,
1991), the constitution, in laying down the principles of
the government and fundamental liberties of the people,
does not govern relationships between individuals. Thus,
if the search is made at the behest or initiative of the
proprietor of a private establishment for its own and
private purposes and without the intervention of police

authorities, the right against unreasonable search and

seizure cannot be invoked for only the act of private
individuals, not the law enforcers, is involved. In sum, the
protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
cannot be extended to acts committed by PRIVATE
INDIVIDUALS so as to bring it within the ambit of alleged
unlawful intrusion by the government. Accordingly, the
letter and check are admissible in evidence. (Waterous
Drug Corp. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 113271, October 16,
The letter is inadmissible in evidence. The constitutional
injunction declaring the privacy of communication and
correspondence to be inviolable is no less applicable
simply because it is the employer who is the party
against whom the constitutional provision is to be
enforced. The only exception to the prohibition in the
Constitution is if there is a lawful order from the court or
when public safety or order requires otherwise, as
prescribed by law. Any violation of this provision renders
the evidence obtained inadmissible for any purpose in
any proceeding. (Zulueta v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
107383, February 20, 1996)
Searches and Seizures; Aliens (2001)
No IV - A is an alien. State whether, in the Philippines,
he: Is entitled to the right against illegal searches and
seizures and against illegal arrests. (2%)
Aliens are entitled to the right against illegal searches
and seizures and illegal arrests. As applied in People v.
Chua Ho San, 307 SCRA 432 (1999), these rights are
available to all persons, including aliens.
Searches and Seizures; Place of Search (2001)
No XI - Armed with a search and seizure warrant, a team
of policemen led by Inspector Trias entered a compound
and searched the house described therein as No. 17
Speaker Perez St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City,
owned by Mr. Ernani Pelets, for a reported cache of
firearms and ammunition. However, upon thorough
search of the house, the police found nothing. Then,
acting on a hunch, the policemen proceeded to a smaller
house inside the same compound with address at No.
17-A Speaker Perez St., entered it, and conducted a
search therein over the objection of Mr. Pelets who
happened to be the same owner of the first house.
There, the police found the unlicensed firearms and
ammunition they were looking for. As a result. Mr. Ernani
Pelets was criminally charged in court with Illegal
possession of firearms and ammunition as penalized
under P.D. 1866, as amended by RA. 8294. At the trial,
he vehemently objected to the presentation of the
evidence against him for being inadmissible. Is Mr.
Emani Pelet's contention valid or not? Why? (5%)
The contention of Ernani Pelet is valid. As held in People
vs. Court of Appeals, 291SCRA 400 (1993), if the place
searched is different from that stated in the search
warrant, the evidence seized is inadmissible. The
policeman cannot modify the place to be searched as set
out in the search warrant.

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Searches and Seizures; search made by a private

citizen (2002)
No VIII. One day a passenger bus conductor found a
man's handbag left in the bus. When the conductor
opened the bag, he found inside a catling card with the
owner's name (Dante Galang) and address, a few
hundred peso bills, and a small plastic bag containing a
white powdery substance. He brought the powdery
substance to the National Bureau of Investigation for
laboratory examination and it was determined to be
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, a prohibited
drug. Dante Galang was subsequently traced and found
and brought to the NBI Office where he admitted
ownership of the handbag and its contents. In the course
of the interrogation by NBI agents, and without the
presence and assistance of counsel, Galang was made
to sign a receipt for the plastic bag and its shabu
contents. Galang was charged with illegal possession of
prohibited drugs and was convicted. On appeal he
contends that
(1) The plastic bag and its contents are inadmissible in
evidence being the product of an illegal search and
seizure; (3%) and
(2) The receipt he signed is also inadmissible as his
rights under custodial investigation were not observed.
(2%) Decide the case with reasons.
A. The plastic bag and its contents are admissible in
evidence, since it was not the National Bureau of
Investigation but the bus conductor who opened the bag
and brought it to the National Bureau of Investigation. As
held In People v. Marti, 193 SCRA 57 (1991), the
constitutional right against unreasonable search and
seizure is a restraint upon the government. It does not
apply so as to require exclusion of evidence which came
into the possession of the Government through a search
made by a private citizen.
B. It is inadmissible....
Searches and Seizures; Valid Warrantless Search
a) Crack officers of the Anti-Narcotics Unit
were assigned on surveillance of the environs of a
cemetery where the sale and use of dangerous drugs are
rampant. A man with reddish and glassy eyes was
walking unsteadily moving towards them but veered
away when he sensed the presence of policemen. They
approached him, introduced themselves as police
officers and asked him what he had clenched in his hand.
As he kept mum, the policemen pried his hand open and
found a sachet of shabu, a dangerous drug. Accordingly
charged in court, the accused objected to the admission
in evidence of the dangerous drug because it was the
result of an illegal search and seizure. Rule on the
objection. (3%)
b) What are the instances when warrantless searches
may be effected? (2%)
a) The objection is not tenable. In accordance with
Manalili v. Court of Appeals, 280 SCRA 400 (1997).
since the accused had red eyes and was walking
unsteadily and the place is a known hang-out of drug

addicts, the police officers had sufficient reason to stop

the accused and to frisk him. Since shabu was actually
found during the investigation, it could be seized without
the need for a search warrant.
b) A warrantless search may be effected in the following
1. Searches incidental to a lawful arrest:
2. Searches of moving vehicles;
3. Searches of prohibited articles in plain view:
4. Enforcement of customs law;
5. Consented searches;
6. Stop and frisk (People v. Monaco, 285 SCRA
703 [1998]);
7. Routine searches at borders and ports of entry
(United States v. Ramsey, 431 U.S. 606
[1977]); and
8. Searches of businesses in the exercise of
visitorial powers to enforce police regulations
(New York v. Burger, 482 U.S. 691 (1987]).
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Arrest (2009)
Crack agents of the Manila Police Anti-Narcotics unit
were on surveillance of a cemetery where the sale and
use of prohibited drugs were rumored to be rampant. The
team saw a man with reddish and glassy eyes walking
unsteadily towards them, but he immediately veered
away upon seeing the policemen. The team approached
the man, introduced themselves as peace officers, then
asked what he had in his clenched fist. Because the man
refused to answer, a policeman pried the fist open and
saw a plastic sachet with crystalline substance. The team
then took the man into custody and submitted the
contents of the sachet to forensic examination. The
Crystalline substance in the sachet turned out to be
shabu. The man was accordingly charged in court.
During the trial, the accused: (Decide with reasons)
(a) Challenged the validity of his arrest; (2%)
The arrest is valid. The law enforcer has sufficient reason
to accost the accused because of his suspicious
actuations, coupled with the fact that based on reliable
information the area was a haven for drug addicts.
(Manalili vs. Court of Appeals, 280 SCRA 400 [1997]).
The warrantless arrest of the accused was void. There
was no overt act or suspicious circumstances that would
indicate that he was committing a crime. The search
preceded his arrest (People vs. Tudtud, 412 SCRA 142
(b) Objected to the admission in evidence of the
prohibited drug, claiming that it was obtained in an illegal
search and seizure. (2%)
The objection should be denied. The evidence is
admissible because the search and seizure was made
incidental to a lawful warrantless arrest (Manalili vs.
Court of Appeals, 280 SCRA 400 [1997]).
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Arrest (2008)
Having received tips the accused was selling narcotics,
two police officers forced open the door of his room.

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Finding him sitting party dressed on the side of the bed,

the officers spied two capsules on a night stand beside
the bed. When asked, Are these yours?, the accused
seized the capsules and put them in his mouth. A
struggle ensued, in the course of which the officer
pounced on the accused, took him to a hospital where at
their direction, a doctor forced an emetic solution though
a tube into the accuseds stomach against his will.
This process induced vomiting. In the vomited matter
were found two capsules which proved to contain heroin.
In the criminal case, the chief evidence against the
accused was the two capsules.
(a) As counsel for the accused, what constitutional rights
will you invoke in his defense? (4%)
As counsel for the accused I would invoke the
constitutional right to be secured against unreasonable
searches and seizures (Art. III, Sec. 2 of the Constitution)
which guarantees: (1) sanctity of the home, (2)
inadmissibility of the capsules seized, (3) and inviolability
of the person. A mere tip from a reliable source is not
sufficient to justify warrantless arrest or search (Peo vs.
Nuevas, G.R. No. 170233 Feb. 22,2007).
(b) How should the court decide the case? (3%)
The court should declare the search and seizure illegal:
1. The entry into the accuseds home was not a
permissible warrantless action because the
police had no personal knowledge that any
crime was taking place.
2. Due to the invalid entry whatever evidence the
police gathered would be inadmissible.
3. The arrest of the accused was already invalid
and causing him to vomit while under custody
was an unreasonable invasion of personal
privacy (U.S. vs. Montoya, 473 US 531 [1985])
Search and Seizure; Warrantless Search (2010)
A witnessed two hooded men with baseball bats enter
the house of their next door neighbor B. after a few
seconds, he heard B shouting, Huwag Pilo babayaran
kita agad. Then A saw the two hooded men hitting B
until the latter fell lifeless. The assailants escaped using
a yellow motorcycle with a fireball sticker on it toward the
direction of an exclusive village nearby. A reported the
incident to PO1 Nuval. The following day, PO1 Nuval
saw the motorcycle parked in the garage of a house at
Sta. Ines Street inside the exclusive village. He inquired
with the caretaker as to who owned the motorcycle. The
caretaker named the brothers Pilo and Ramon Maradona
who were then outside the country. PO1 Nuval insisted
on getting inside the garage. Out of fear, the caretaker
allowed him. PO1 Nuval took 2 ski masksand 2 bats
beside the motorcycle. Was the search valid? What
about the seizure? Decide with reasons. (4%)
The warrantless search and seizure was not valid. It was
not made as an incident to a lawful warrantless arrest.
(People vs. Baula, 344 SCRA 663 [2000]). The caretaker
had no authority to waive the right of the brothers Pilo

and Ramon Maradona to waive their right against

unreasonable search and seizure. (People vs. Damaso,
212 SCRA 547 [1992].) the warrantless seizure of the ski
masks and bats cannot be justified under the plain view
doctrine, because they were seized after invalid intrusion
in to the house. (People vs. Bolasa, 321 SCRA 459
No. the search and the seizure are invalid because there
was no search warrant and it cannot be said to be a
search incidental to a lawful arrest. It is the right of all
individual to be secured against unreasonable searches
and seizure by the government.
Searches and Seizure; Plain View Doctrine (2012)
When can evidence "in plain view" be seized
without need of a search warrant? Explain. (2%)
Requisites of Plain View Doctrine:
1. The evidence was inadvertently discovered by
the police who had the right to be where they
2. The evidence must be immediately apparent;
3. Plain view justified seizure of the evidence
without further search (Del Rosario v. People,
358 SCRA 372).
Privacy of Communication (2001)
"A" has a telephone line with an extension. One day, "A"
was talking to "B" over the telephone. "A" conspired with
his friend "C", who was at the end of the extension line
listening to "A's" telephone conversation with "B" in order
to overhear and tape-record the conversation wherein
premeditation, he (B) killed "D" for having cheated him in
their business partnership. "B" was not aware that the
telephone conversation was being tap erecorded. In the
criminal case against "B" for murder, isthe tape-recorded
conversation containing his admission admissible in
evidence? Why? (5%)
The tape-recorded conversation is not admissible in
evidence. As held in Salcedo- Ortanez vs. Court of
Appeals, 235 SCRA 111 (1994). Republic Act No. 4200
makes the taperecording of a telephone conversation
done without the authorization of all the parties to the
conversation, inadmissible in evidence. In addition, the
taping of the conversation violated the guarantee of
privacy of communications enunciated in Section 3,
Article III of the Constitution.
Privacy of Communication (2009)
In criminal prosecution for murder, the prosecution
presented, as witness, an employee of the Manila Hotel
who produced in court a videotape recording showing the
heated exchange between the accused and the victim
that took place at the lobby of the hotel barely 30 minutes
before the killing. The accused objects to the admission
of the videotape recording on the ground that it was
taken without his knowledge or consent, in violation of his
right to privacy and the Anti-Wire Tapping law. Resolve
the objection with reasons. (3%).

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The objection should be overruled. What the law
prohibits is the overhearing, intercepting, and recording
of private communication. Since the exchange of heated
words was not private, its videotape recording is not
prohibited (Navarro vs. Court of Appeals, 313 SCRA 153
The heated conversation at the lobby of the hotel is not
privilege and is not protected under the right to privacy
and anti-wiretapping law. Heated conversation is not
privilege because it was uttered in a public place and it
has to be revealed in open court to help in the
prosecution of the case.
Liberty of Abode & Right to Travel (2012)
Mr. Violet was convicted by the RTC of Estafa. On
appeal, he filed with the Court of Appeals a Motion to Fix
Bail for Provisional Liberty Pending Appeal. The Court of
Appeals granted the motion and set a bail amount in the
sum of Five (5) Million Pesos, subject to the conditions
that he secure "a certification/guaranty from the Mayor of
the place of his residence that he is a resident of the area
and that he will remain to be a resident therein until final
judgment is rendered or in case he transfers residence, it
must be with prior notice to the court". Further, he was
ordered to surrender his passport to the Division Clerk of
Court for safekeeping until the court orders its return.
Mr. Violet challenges the conditions imposed by
the Court of Appeals as violative of his liberty of abode
and right to travel. Decide with reasons. (5%)
The right to change abode and the right to travel are not
absolute. The liberty of changing abode may be unpaired
upon order of the court. The order of the Court of
Appeals is lawful, because the purpose is to ensure that
the accused will be available whenever his presence is
required. He is not being prevented from changing his
abode. He is merely being required to inform the Court of
Appeals if he does (Yap vs. Court of Appeals, 358
SCRA 564).
Are "liberty of abode" and "the right to travel"
absolute rights? Explain. What are the respective
exception/s to each right if any? (5%)
The liberty of abode and the right to travel are not
absolute. The liberty of abode and of changing it can be
imposed within the limits prescribed by law upon lawful
order of the court. The right to travel may be unpaired in
the interest of national security, public safety, or public
health as may be provided by law (Section 6, Article III of
the Constitution).
Freedom of Expression; Censorship (2003)
May the COMELEC (COMELEC) prohibit the posting of
decals and stickers on "mobile" places, public or private,
such as on a private vehicle, and limit their location only
to the authorized posting areas that the COMELEC itself
fixes? Explain.
According to Adiong v. COMELEC. 207 SCRA 712
[1992], the prohibition is unconstitutional. It curtails the
freedom of expression of individuals who wish to express

their preference for a candidate by posting decals and

stickers on their cars and to convince others to agree
with them. It is also overbroad, because it encompasses
private property and constitutes deprivation of property
without due process of law. Ownership of property
includes the right to use. The prohibition is censorship,
which cannot be justified.
Freedom of Speech; Clear and Present Danger Rule
In a protest rally' along Padre Faura Street, Manila,
Pedrong Pula took up the stage and began shouting
"kayong mga kurakot kayo! Magsi-resign na kayo! Kung
hindi, manggugulo kami dito!" ("you corrupt officials, you
better resign now, or else we will cause trouble here!")
simultaneously, he brought out a rock the size of a fist
and pretended to hurl it at the flagpole area of a
government building. He did not actually throw the rock.
a. Police officers who were monitoring the situation
immediately approached Pedrong Pula and arrested him.
He was prosecuted for seditious speech and was
convicted. On appeal, Pedrong Pula argued he was
merely exercising his freedom of speech and freedom of
expression guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Decide with
reasons. (5%)
Pedrong Pula should be acquitted. His freedom of
speech should not be limited in the absence of a clear
and present danger of a substantive evil that the state
had the right to prevent. He pretended to hurl a rock but
did not actually throw it. He did not commit any act of
lawless violence (David v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 489
SCRA 160).
Freedom of Speech; Prior Restraint (2014)
Surveys Galore is an outfit involved in conducting
nationwide surveys. In one such survey, it asked the
people about the degree of trust and confidence they had
in several institutions of the government. When the
results came in, the judiciary was shown to be less
trusted than most of the government offices. The results
were then published by the mass media. Assension, a
trial court judge, felt particularly offended by the news.
He then issued a show-cause order against Surveys
Galore directing the survey entity to explain why it should
not be cited in contempt for coming up with such a
survey and publishing the results which were so
unflattering and degrading to the dignity of the judiciary.
Surveys Galore immediately assailed the show-cause
order of Judge Assension, arguing that it is violative of
the constitutional guaranty of freedom of expression. Is
Surveys Galores petition meritorious? (4%)
The petition of Surveys Galore is meritorious. Freedom of
speech and freedom of the press may be identified with
the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully any matter of
public interest without censorship and punishment. There
should be no previous restraint on the communication of
views or subsequent liability whether in libel suits,
prosecution for sedition, or action for damages, or
contempt proceedings unless there is a clear and present
danger of substantive evil that Congress has a right to

47 of 96

prevent (Chavez v. Gonzales, 545 SCRA 441 [2008]).

Freedom of speech should not be impaired through the
exercise of the power to punish for contempt of court
unless the statements in question is a serious and
imminent threat to the administration of justice. Here, the
publication of the result of the survey was not intended to
degrade the Judiciary (Cabansag vs. Fernandez, 102
Phil. 152 [2012]).
Prohibitions (2007)
In a protest rally' along Padre Faura Street, Manila,
Pedrong Pula took up the stage and began shouting
"kayong mga kurakot kayo! Magsi-resign na kayo! Kung
hindi, manggugulo kami dito!" ("you corrupt officials, you
better resign now, or else we will cause trouble here!")
Simultaneously, he brought out a rock the size of a fist
and pretended to hurl it at the flagpole area of a
government building. He did not actually throw the rock.
(a) Police officers who were monitoring the situation
immediately approached Pedrong Pula and arrested him.
He was prosecuted for seditious speech and was
convicted. On appeal, Pedrong Pula argued he was
merely exercising his freedom of speech and freedom of
expression guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Decide with
reasons. (5%)
Pedrong Pula should be acquitted. His freedom of
speech should not be limited in the absence of a clear
and present danger of a substantive evil that the state
had the right to prevent. He pretended to hurl a rock but
did not actually throw it. He did not commit any act of
lawless violence. (David vs. Macapagal-Arroyo, 489
SCRA 160).
(b) What is "commercial speech"? Is it entitled to
constitutional protection? What must be shown in order
for government to curtail "commercial speech"? Explain.
Commercial speech is communication which involves
only the commercial interest of the speaker and the
audience, such as advertisements. (Blacks Law
dictionary, 9th ed., p.1529.) Commercial speech is
entitled to constitutional protection. (Ayer Productions
Pty. Ltd. vs. Capulong, 160 SCRA 861.) Commercial
speech may be required to be submitted to a government
agency for review to protect public interests bypreventing
false or deceptive claims. (Pharmaceutical and Health
Care Association of the Philippines vs. Duque, 535
SCRA 265.)
(c) What are the two (2) basic prohibitions of the freedom
of speech and of the press clause? Explain. (2%)
The two basic prohibitions on freedom of speech and
freedom of the press are prior restraint and subsequent
punishment (Chavez vs. Gonzales, 545 SCRA 441.)
Freedom of Speech; Commercial Speech (2012)
What is "commercial speech"? Is it entitled to
constitutional protection? What must be shown in order

for government to curtail "commercial speech"? Explain.

Commercial Speech is communication which involves
only the commercial interests of the speaker and the
audience such as advertisements (Blacks Law
Dictionary, 9th ed., p. 1529).
Commercial Speech is entitled to the Constitutional
protection (Ayer Productions Pty., Ltd. V. Capulong,
160 SCRA 861).
Commercial Speech ,may be required to be submitted to
a government agency for review to protect public
interests by preventing false or deceptive claims
(Pharmaceutical and Health Care Association of the
Philippines v. Duque, 535 SCRA 265).
Freedom of Speech; Private Parties; Prior Restraint
The Destilleria Felipe Segundo is famous for its 15-year
old rum, which it has produced and marketed
successfully for the past 70 years. Its latest commercial
advertisement uses the line: "Nakatikim ka na ba ng
kinse anyos?" Very soon, activist groups promoting
women's and children's rights were up in arms against
the advertisement.
(a) All advertising companies in the Philippines have
formed an association, the Philippine Advertising
Council, and have agreed to abide by all the ethical
guidelines and decisions by the Council. In response to
the protests, the Council orders the pull-out of the "kinse
anyos" advertising campaign. Can Destilleria Felipe
Segundo claim that its constitutional rights are thus
Destilleria Felipe Segundo cannot claim that its
constitutional rights were infringed. In this case, a private
association formed by advertising companies for self
regulation was the one who ordered that the
advertisement be pulled out, because Destilleria did not
comply with the associations ethical guidelines. The
guarantee of freedom of speech is a limitation on state
action and not on the action of private parties (Lloyd
Corporation vs. Tanner, 407 U.S. 551 [1972]). The mass
media are private enterprises, and their refusal to accept
any advertisement does not violate freedom of speech
(Times-Picayune Publishing Company vs. United States,
345 U.S. 594 [1953]; Columbia Broadcasting System,
Inc. vs. Democrat Control Committee, 412 U.S. 94
No, Destillera Felipe Segundo may not claim that its
constitutional rights, particularly freedom of expression,
have been infringed. The constitutional guarantee of
freedom of speech is a guarantee only against
abridgment by the government and does not apply to
private parties. (People v. Marti, G.R. No. 81561,
January 18, 1991). Moreover, Destilleria freely joined the
Philippine Advertising Council and is thereforebound by
the ethical guidelines and decisions of that council.

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No. Constitutional rights can be validly restricted to

promote good morals. Moreover, what is being exercised
is commercial expression which does not enjoy the same
extent of freedom as political or artistic speech. (Central
Hudson Gas & Electric v. PSC, 447 U.S. 557 [1980]).
The order for the withdrawal comes not from the State
but from a private group of advertisers which is not within
the coverage of the Bill of Rights.
(b) One of the militant groups, the Amazing Amazonas,
call on all government-owned and controlled corporations
(GOCC) to boycott any newspaper, radio or TV station
that carries the "kinse anyos" advertisements. They call
on all government nominees in sequestered corporations
to block any advertising funds allocated for any such
newspaper, radio or TV station. Can the GOCCs and
sequestered corporations validly comply?
The government owned and controlled corporations and
the government nominees in sequestered corporations
cannot block any advertising funds allocated for any
newspaper, radio or television station which carries the
advertisements of Destilleria Felipe Segundo. Since they
are government entities and officers, they are bound by
the guarantee of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech
extends to commercial establishments (Metromedia, Inc.
vs. San Diego, 453 U.S. 490 [1981]). The mere fact that
an advertisement is offensive cannot justify its
suppression (Carey vs. Population Services International,
431 U.S. 678 [1977]). The blocking of advertising funds is
a threat intended to prevent the exercise of freedom of
speech of Destilleria Felipe Segundo through the fear of
consequences. Sucha threat qualifies as prior restraint
(Rosden, The Law of Advertising, Vol. I, pp.5-13).
They may comply with such call as these entities may
institute certain measures to promote a socially desirable
end, namely, the prevention of the exploitation and abuse
of women, especially those who are not yet of age.
The GOCCs and sequestered corporations may not be
compelled to boycott or block advertising funds for media
companies carrying the said advertisements. These
companies may have existing contracts with the media
companies concerned and non-compliance may result in
breach that will open them to possible suits.
Freedom of Speech; Symbolic Expression (2008)
Nationwide protests have erupted over rising gas prices,
including disruptive demonstrations in many universities,
throughout the country. The Metro Manila State
University, a public university, adopted a university-wide
circular prohibiting public mass demonstrations and
rallies within the campus. Offended by the circular,
militant students spread word that on the following
Friday, all students were to wear black T-shirts as a
symbol of their protest both against high gas prices and
the university ban on demonstrations. The effort was only
moderately successful, with around 30% of the students
heeding the call. Nonetheless, university officials were
outraged and compelled the student leaders to explain
why they should not be expelled for violating the circular
against demonstrations.

The student leaders approached you for legal advice.

They contended that they should not be expelled since
they did not violate the circular, their protest action being
neither a demonstration nor a rally since all they did was
wear black T-shirts. What would you advise the
students? (6%)
The wearing of black shirts is an exercise of freedom of
expression and not necessarily freedom of assembly.
Regardless of the distinction, in both cases, the
Constitutional guaranty includes freedom from prior
restraint and freedom from subsequent liability. There are
three tests to determine whether or not there was valid
government interference: (1) dangerous tendency rule;
(2) balancing of interest test; and (3) clear and present
danger test. In the Philippine jurisdiction, we adhere to
the clear and present danger test (ABS-CBN
Broadcasting Corp. vs. Comelec, G.R. No. 133486, Jan.
28, 2000). This test simply means that there is clear and
present danger of a substantive evil which the State has
the right to prevent.
Applying the clear and present danger test, the protest
conducted by the students was only moderately
successful and the wearing of black shirts was neither
tumultuous nor disruptive. Thus, the substantive evil
which the school authorities were trying to suppress did
not even occur. Therefore, the prohibition imposed by the
circular violates freedom from prior restraint while the
threat of expulsion by the school authorities violates
freedom from subsequent liability.
Freedom of Speech; Overbreadth Doctrine vs. Void
for Vagueness (2010)
Compare and contrast Overbreadth doctrine from voidfor vagueness doctrine.
While the overbreadth doctrine decrees that a
governmental purpose may not be achieved by means in
a statute which sweep unnecessary broadly and thereby
invades the area of protected freedom a statute is void
for vagueness when it forbids or requires the doing of an
act in terms so vague that men of common intelligence
cannot necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to
its application. (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, 369 vs.
SCRA 394 [2001]).
Overbreadth and Void for Vagueness doctrine is used as
test for the validity on their faces (FACIAL CHALLENGE)
statutes in free speech cases (freedom of speech). It is
not applicable in criminal cases.
Overbreadth doctrine decrees that governmental
purpose may not be achieved by means which sweeps
unnecessarily broadly and thereby invade the area of
protected freedoms.
Void for vagueness doctrine" which holds that "a law is
facially invalid if men of common intelligence must
necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its
application, violates the first essential of due process of

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Doctrine of Void for Vagueness (2012)

What is the doctrine of "void for vagueness"? In
what context can it be correctly applied? Not correctly
applied? Explain (5%)
A statute is vague when it lacks comprehensible
standards that men of common intelligence that guess at
is meaning and differ as to its application. It applies to
both free speech cases and penal statutes. However, a
facial challenge on the ground of vagueness can be
made only in free speech cases. It does not apply to
penal statutes (Southern Hemisphere Engagement
Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, 632 SCRA
Overbreadth Doctrine (2012)
What is the doctrine of "overbreadth"? In what
context can it be correctly applied? Not correctly applied?
Explain (5%)
A statute is overbroad when a governmental purpose to
control or prevent activities constitutionally subject to
state regulations is sought to be achieved by means
which sweep unnecessarily broadly an invade the area of
protected freedom. It applies both to free speech cases
and penal statutes. However, a facial challenge on the
ground of overbreath can only be made in free speech
cases because of its chilling effect upon protected
speech. A Facial challenge on the ground of overbreath
is not applicable to penal statutes, because in general
they have an in terrorem effect (Southern Hemisphere
Engagement Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, 632
CSRA 146). (NOTE: The word overbreath should be
read as overbreadth because breath has no limit
especially if it is bad breath).
Doctrine of Void for Vagueness (2012)
What is the doctrine of "void for vagueness"? In
what context can it be correctly applied? Not correctly
applied? Explain (5%)
A statute is vague when it lacks comprehensible
standards that men of common intelligence that guess at
is meaning and differ as to its application. It applies to
both free speech cases and penal statutes. However, a
facial challenge on the ground of vagueness can be
made only in free speech cases. It does not apply to
penal statutes (Southern Hemisphere Engagement
Network, Inc. v. Anti-Terrorism Council, 632 SCRA
Freedom of the Press; Actual Malice (2004)
The STAR, a national daily newspaper, carried an
exclusive report stating that Senator XX received a
house and lot located at YY Street, Makati, in
consideration for his vote cutting cigarette taxes by 50%.
The Senator sued the STAR, its reporter, editor and
publisher for libel, claiming the report was completely
false and malicious. According to the Senator, there is no
YY Street in Makati, and the tax cut was only 20%. He
claimed one million pesos in damages. The defendants

communication and absolute freedom of the press to

report on public officials and matters of public concern. If
there was any error, the STAR said it would publish the
correction promptly. Is there "actual malice" in STAR'S
reportage? How is "actual malice" defined? Are the
defendants liable for damages? (5%)
Since Senator XX is a public person and the questioned
imputation is directed against him in his public capacity,
in this case actual malice means the statement was
made with knowledge that it was false or with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not (Borja v. Court of
Appeals, 301 SCRA 1 /1999). Since there is no proof that
the report was published with knowledge that it is false or
with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not, the
defendants are not liable for damage.
Since Senator XX is a public person and the questioned
imputation is directed against him in his public capacity,
in this case actual malice means the statement was
made with knowledge that it was false or with reckless
disregard of whether it was false or not (Borjal v. Court of
Appeals, 301 SCRA 1 /1999]). Since it is a matter of
public knowledge that there is no YY Street in Makati, the
publication was made with reckless disregard of whether
or not it is false. The defendants may be held liable for
Freedom of the Press; Prior Restraint (2009)
The KKK Television Network (KKK-TV) aired the
documentary, "Case Law: How the Supreme Court
Decides," without obtaining the necessary permit
required by P.D. 1986. Consequently, the Movie and
Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB)
suspended the airing of KKK-TV programs. MTRCB
declared that under P.D. 1986, it has the power of prior
review over all television programs, except "newsreels"
and programs "by the Government", and the subject
documentary does not fall under either of these two
classes. The suspension order was ostensibly based on
Memorandum Circular No. 98-17 which grants MTRCB
the authority to issue such an order.
KKK-TV filed a certiorari petition in court, raising the
following issues:
(a) The act of MTRCB constitutes "prior restraint" and
violates the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of
expression; (3%)
The contention of KKK-TV is not tenable. The prior
restraint is a valid exercise of police power. Television is
a medium which reaches even the eyes and ears of
children (Iglesia ni Cristo vs. Court of Appeals, 259
SCRA 529 [1996]).
The memo circular is unconstitutional. The act of the
Movie and Television Review and Classification Board
Constitutes prior restraint and violates freedom of
expression. Any system of prior restraint has against it a
heavy presumption against its validity. Prior restraint is
an abridgment of the freedom of expression. There is no
showing that the airing of the programs would constitute

50 of 96

a clear and present danger (New York Times vs. United

States, 403 U.S. 713 [1971]).
(b) While Memorandum Circular No. 98-17 was issued
and published in a newspaper of general circulation, a
copy thereof was never filed with the Office of the
National Register of the University of the Philippines Law
Center. (2%)
In accordance with Chapter 2, Book VII of the
Administrative Code of 1987, Memorandum Circular No.
98-17 must be filled with the University of the Philippines
Law Center. It cannot be enforced until it has been filed
with the University of the Philippines Law Center
(Pilipinas Shell Petroleum Corporation vs Commissioner
of Internal Revenue, 541 SCRA 316 [2007]).
Freedom of the Press; Freedom of Circulation (2014)
Allmighty Apostles is a relatively new religious group and
movement with fast-growing membership. One time,
DeepThroat, an investigative reporter, made a research
and study as to what the groups leader, Maskeraid was
actually doing. DeepThroateventually came up with the
conclusion that Maskeraid was a phony who is just
fooling the simple-minded people to part with their money
in exchange for the promise of eternal happiness in some
far -away heaven. This was published in a newspaper
which caused much agitation among the followers of
DeepThroat, while some others already started
destroying properties while hurting those selling the
newspaper. The local authorities, afraid of the public
disorder that such followers might do, decided to ban the
distribution of the newspaper containing the article.
DeepThroat went to court complaining about the
prohibition placed on the dissemination of his article. He
claims that the act of the authorities partakes of the
nature of hecklers veto, thus a violation of the guaranty
of press freedom. On the other hand, the authorities
counter that the act was necessary to protect the public
order and the greater interest of the community. If you
were the judge, how would you resolve the issue? (4%)
If I were the judge, I would rule that the distribution of the
newspaper cannot be banned. Freedom of the news
should be allowed although it induces a condition of
unrest and stirs people to anger. Freedom of the press
includes freedom of circulation (Chavez v. Gonzales, 545
SCRA 441 [2008].
When governmental action that restricts freedom of the
press is based on content, it is given the strictest scrutiny
and the government must show that there is a clear and
present danger of the substantive evil which the
government has the right to prevent. The threats of
violence and even the destruction of properties while
hurting those selling the newspaper do not constitute a
clear and present danger as to warrant curtailment of the
right of Deep Throat to distribute the newspaper (Chavez
v. Gonzales, 545 SCRA 441 [2008]).

Freedom of Religion; Flag Salute (2003)

Children who are members of a religious sect have been
expelled from their respective public schools for refusing,
on account of their religious beliefs, to take part in the
flag ceremony which includes playing by a band or
singing the national anthem, saluting the Philippine flag
and reciting the patriotic pledge. The students and their
parents assail the expulsion on the ground that the
school authorities have acted in violation of their right to
free public education, freedom of speech, and religious
freedom and worship. Decide the case.
The students cannot be expelled from school. As held in
Ebralinag v. The Division Superintendent of Schools of
Cebu. 219 SCRA 256 [1993], to compel students to take
part in the flag ceremony when it is against their religious
beliefs will violate their religious freedom. Their expulsion
also violates the duty of the State under Article XIV,
Section 1 of the Constitution to protect and promote the
right of all citizens to quality education and make such
education accessible to all.
Freedom of Religion; Benevolent Neutrality Test
(a) Angelina, a married woman, is a division chief in the
Department of Science and Technology. She had been
living with a married man, not her husband, for the last
15 years. Administratively charged with immorality and
conduct prejudicial to the best interest to the service, she
admits her live-in arrangement, but maintains that this
conjugal understanding is in conformity with their
religious beliefs. As members of the religious sect,
Yahwehs Observers, they had executed a Declaration of
Pledging Faithfulness which has been confirmed and
blessed by their Council of Elders. At the formal
investigation of the administrative case, the Grand Elder
of the sect affirmed Angelinas testimony and attested to
the sincerity of Angelina and her partner in the profession
of their faith. If you were to judge this case, will you
exonerate Angelina? Reasons. (3%)
Yes. (Estrada vs Escritor, August, 4, 2003 and June 22,
2006) Right to freedom of religion must prevail.
Benevolent neutrality recognizes that government must
pursue its secular goals and interests, but at the same
time, strive to uphold religious liberty to the greatest
extent possible within flexible constitutional limits.
Although the morality contemplated by laws is secular,
benevolent neutrality could allow for accommodation of
morality based on religion, provided it does not offend
compelling state interest.
Benevolent neutrality approach requires that the court
make an individual determination and not dismiss the
claim outright.
(b) Meanwhile, Jenny, also a member of Yahwehs
Observers, was severely disappointed at the manner the
Grand Elder validated what she considered was on
obviously immoral conjugal arrangement between
Angelina and her partner. Jenny filed suit in court,
seeking the removal of the Grand Elder from the religious

51 of 96

sect on the ground that his act in supporting Angelina not

only ruined the reputation of their religion, but also
violated the constitutional policy upholding the sanctity of
marriage and the solidarity of the family. Will Jennys
case prosper? Explain you answer.
The case will not prosper.
The expulsion/
excommunication of members of a religious institution/
organization is a matter best left to the discretion of the
officials, and the laws and canons, of said institution/
organization. (Taruc v. Bishop dela Cruz, et al. Mar. 10,
Right to Assembly; Permit Application; Freedom
Parks (2006)
The Samahan ng mga Mahihirap (SM) filed with the
Office of the City Mayor of Manila an application for
permit to hold a rally on Mendiola Street on September 5,
2006 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to protest the political
killings of journalists. However, the City Mayor denied
their application on the ground that a rally at the time and
place applied for will block the traffic in the San Miguel
and Quiapo Districts. He suggested the Liwasang
Bonifacio, which has been designated a Freedom Park,
as venue for the rally.
1. Does the SM have a remedy to contest the denial of its
application for a permit? (2.5%)
Yes, SM has a remedy. Under B.P. Big. 880 (The Public
Assembly Act of 1985), in the event of denial of the
application for a permit, the applicant may contest the
decision in an appropriate court of law. The court must
decide within twenty-four (24) hours from the date of
filing of the case. Said decision may be appealed to the
appropriate court within fortyeight (48) hours after receipt
of the same. In all cases, any decision may be appealed
to the Supreme Court (Bayan Muna v. Ermita, G.R. No.
169838, April 25, 2006).
2. Does the availability of a Freedom Park justify the
denial of SM's application for a permit? (2.5%)
No, the availability of a freedom park does not justify the
denial of the permit. It does imply that no permits are
required for activities in freedom parks. Under B.P. Big.
880, the denial may be justified only if there is clear and
convincing evidence that the public assembly will create
a clear and present danger to public order, public safety,
public convenience, public morals or public health
(Bayan Muna v. Ermita, G.R. No. 169838, April 25,
3. Is the requirement to apply for a permit to hold a rally a
prior restraint on freedom of speech and assembly?
No, the requirement for a permit to hold a rally is not a
prior restraint on freedom of speech and assembly. The
Supreme Court has held that the permit requirement is
valid, referring to it as regulation of the time, place, and
manner of holding public assemblies, but not the content
of the speech itself. Thus, there is no prior restraint, since

the content of the speech is not relevant to the regulation

(Bayan Muna v. Ermita, G.R. No. 169838, April 25,
4. Assuming that despite the denial of SM's application
for a permit, its members hold a rally, prompting the
police to arrest them. Are the arrests without judicial
warrants lawful? (2.5%)
The arrests are unlawful. What is prohibited and
penalized under Sec. 13 (a) and 14 (a) of B.P. Big 880 is
"the holding of any public assembly as defined in this Act
by any leader or organizer without having first secured
that written permit where a permit is required from the
office concerned x x x Provided, however, that no person
can be punished or held criminally liable for participating
in or attending an otherwise peaceful assembly." Thus,
only the leader or organizer of the rally without a permit
may be arrested without a warrant while the members
may not be arrested, as they can not be punished or held
criminally liable for attending the rally. However, under
Section 12 thereof, when the public assembly is held
without a permit where a permit is required, the said
public assembly may be peacefully dispersed.
Right to Assembly; Permit (2007)
Batas Pambansa 880, the Public Assembly Law of 1985,
regulates the conduct of all protest rallies in the
(a) Salakay, Bayan! held a protest rally and planned to
march from Quezon City to Luneta in Manila. They
received a permit from the Mayor of Quezon City, but not
from the Mayor of Manila. They were able to march in
Quezon City and up to the boundary separating it from
the City of Manila. Three meters after crossing the
boundary, the Manila Police stopped them for posing a
danger to public safety. Was this a valid exercise of
police power?
Yes, the authorities are given the power to stop marchers
who do not possess a permit. However, mere exercise of
the right to peaceably assemble is not considered as a
danger to public safety. They could have been asked to
disperse peacefully, but it should not altogether be
characterized as posing a danger to public safety.
(Bayan v. Ermita, G.R. No. 169848, April 25, 2006; David
v. Arroyo, G.R. No. 171390, May 3, 2006).
Since the protesters merely reached three meters
beyond the boundary of Quezon City, the police
authorities in Manila should not have stopped them, as
there was no clear and present danger to public order. In
accordance with the policy of maximum tolerance, the
police authorities should have asked the protesters to
disperse and if they refused, the public assembly may be
dispersed peacefully.
No, this is not a valid exercise of police power. Police
power has been defined as the power of promoting public
welfare by restraining and regulating the use of liberty
and property. (City of Manila v. Laguio, G.R. No. 118127,
April 12, 2005). It is principally the Legislature that

52 of 96

exercises the power but it may be delegated to the

President and administrative agencies. Local government
units exercise the power under the general welfare
clause. In this case, if Salakay applied for a permit from
the city government, the application must be approved or
denied within two (2) working days from the date it was
filed, failing which, the permit shall be deemed granted.
(Section 16, B.P. Blg. 880). Even without a permit, the
law does not provide for outright stopping of the march if
the demonstrators, for example, were marching
peacefully without impeding traffic.
(b) The security police of the Southern Luzon
Expressway spotted a caravan of 20 vehicles, with paper
banners taped on their sides and protesting graft and
corruption in government. They were driving at 50
kilometers per hour in a 40-90 kilometers per hour zone.
Some banners had been blown off by the wind, and
posed a hazard to other motorists. They were stopped by
the security police. The protesters then proceeded to
march instead, sandwiched between the caravan
vehicles. They were also stopped by the security force.
May the security police validly stop the vehicles and the
Yes, the security police may stop the vehicles and the
marchers but only to advise the leaders to secure their
banners so that it will not pose a hazard to others. They
may not be prevented from heading to their destination.
The marchers may also be ordered to ride the vehicles
so as not to inconvenience other uses of the
Yes. While the protesters possess the right to freely
express themselves, their actuations may pose a safety
risk to other motorists and therefore be the subject of
regulation. The security police may undertake measures
to prevent any hazard to other motorists but not
altogether prevent the exercise of the right. So, to that
extent, while the protesters maybe asked to remove the
banners which pose hazard to other motorists and
prevent them from using the expressway as a venue for
their march, the security force may not prevent them from
proceeding to where they might want to go.
In accordance with the policy of maximum tolerance, the
security policy should not have stopped the protesters.
They should have simply asked the protesters to take
adequate steps to prevent their banners from being
blown off, such as rolling them up while they were in the
expressway and required the protesters to board their
vehicles and proceed on their way.
Right to Assembly; Public Teachers (2000)
Public school teachers staged for days mass actions at
the Department of Education, Culture and Sports to
press for the immediate grant of their demand for
additional pay. The DECS Secretary issued to them a
notice of the illegality of their unauthorized action,
ordered them to immediately return to work, and warned
them of imposable sanctions. They ignored this and
continued with their mass action. The DECS Secretary
issued orders for their preventive suspension without pay

and charged the teachers with gross misconduct and

gross neglect of duty for unauthorized abandonment of
teaching posts and absences without leave.
a) Are employees in the public sector allowed to form
unions? To strike? Why? (3%)
b) The teachers claim that their right to peaceably
assemble and petition the government for redress of
grievances has been curtailed. Are they correct? Why?
a) Section 8, Article III of the Constitution allows
employees in the public sector to form unions. However,
they cannot go on strike. As explained in Social Security
System Employees Association v. Court of Appeals. 175
SCRA 686 [1989], the terms and conditions of their
employment are fixed by law. Employees in the public
sector cannot strike to secure concessions from their
b. The teachers cannot claim that their right to peaceably
assemble and petition for the redress of grievances has
been curtailed. According to Bangalisan v. Court of
Appeals. 276 SCRA 619 (1997), they can exercise this
right without stoppage of classes.
Right to Assembly; Public Teachers (2002)
Ten public school teachers of Caloocan City left their
classrooms to join a strike, which lasted for one month, to
ask for teachers' benefits. The Department of Education,
Culture and Sports charged them administratively, for
which reason they were required to answer and formally
investigated by a committee composed of the Division
Superintendent of Schools as Chairman, the Division
Supervisor as member and a teacher, as another
member. On the basis of the evidence adduced at the
formal investigation which amply established their guilt,
the Director rendered a decision meting out to them the
penalty of removal from office. The decision was affirmed
by the DECS Secretary and the Civil Service
Commission. On appeal, they reiterated the arguments
they raised before the administrative bodies, namely:
(a) Their strike was an exercise of their constitutional
right to peaceful assembly and to petition the government
for redress of grievances.
(a) According to De la Cruz v. Court of Appeals, 305
SCRA 303 (1999), the argument of the teachers that they
were merely exercising their constitutional right to
peaceful assembly and to petition the government for
redress of grievance cannot be sustained, because such
rights must be exercised within reasonable limits. When
such rights were exercised on regular school days
instead of during the free time of the teachers, the
teachers committed acts prejudicial to the best interests
of the service.
Right to Information; Matters of Public Concern
The Philippine Government is negotiating a new security
treaty with the United States which could involve
engagement in joint military operations of the two
countries armed forces. A loose organization of Filipinos,
the Kabataan at Matatandang Makabansa (KMM) wrote
the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) and the

53 of 96

Department of National Defense (DND) demanding

disclosure of the details of the negotiations, as well as
copies of the minutes of the meetings. The DFA and the
DND refused, contending that premature disclosure of
the offers and counter-offers between the parties could
jeopardize on-going negotiations with another country.
KMM filed suit to compel disclosure of the negotiation
details, and be granted access to the records of the
meetings, invoking the constitutional right of the people
to information on matters of public concern.
(a) Decide with reasons. (3%)
The petition of KMM must be denied. Diplomatic
negotiations are privileged in order to encourage a frank
exchange of exploratory ideas between the parties by
shielding the negotiations from public view (Akbayan
Citizens Action Party vs. Aquino, 558 SCRA 468 [2008]).
The information sought to be disclose by the parties is a
diplomatic negotiation between States and is considered
privileged. it cannot be subjected to public scrutiny. The
interest protected being the national security and integrity
of the State on how can it be trusted in terms of
diplomatic secrets.
(b) Will your answer be the same if the information
sought by KMM pertains to contracts entered into by the
Government in its proprietary or commercial capacity?
Why or why not? (3%)
KKM is entitled to have access to information pertaining
to government contracts entered into by the Government
in the exercise of its proprietary commercial capacity.
The right to information under the Constitution does not
exclude contracts of public interest and are not privileged
(Section 7, Article III of the Constitution; Valmonte vs.
Belmonte, 170 SCRA 256 [1989]).
If what is sought is the final contract itself then the
information must be open to the public for transparency
and for awareness and information. But if what were
sought were the negotiations or communications in
arriving at the final contract, the information sought
remains privileged. An interest need to be protected.
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation;
Extrajudicial Confession (2001)
Rafael, Carlos and Joseph were accused of murder
before the Regional Trial Court of Manila. Accused
Joseph turned state witness against his co-accused
Rafael and Carlos, and was accordingly discharged from
the information. Among the evidence presented by the
prosecution was an extrajudicial confession made by
Joseph during the custodial Investigation, implicating
Rafael and Carlos who, he said, together with him
(Joseph), committed the crime. The extrajudicial
confession was executed without the assistance of
counsel. Accused Rafael and Carlos vehemently
objected on the ground that said extrajudicial confession
was inadmissible in evidence against them. Rule on
whether the said extrajudicial confession is admissible in
evidence or not. (5%)


According to People vs. Balisteros, 237 SCRA 499
(1994), the confession is admissible. Under Section 12,
Article III of the Constitution, the confession is
inadmissible only against the one who confessed. Only
the one whose rights were violated can raise the
objection as his right is personal.
According to People us. Jara, 144 SCRA 516(1986), the
confession is inadmissible. If it is inadmissible against the
one who confessed, with more reason it should be
inadmissible against others.
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; Right to
Counsel (2000)
On October 1, 1985, Ramos was arrested by a security
guard because he appeared to be "suspicious" and
brought to apolice precinct where in the course of the
investigation he admitted he was the killer in an unsolved
homicide committed a week earlier. The proceedings of
his investigation were put in writing and dated October 1,
1985, and the only participation of counsel assigned to
him was his mere presence and signature on the
statement. The admissibility of the statement of Ramos
was placed in issue but the prosecution claims that the
confession was taken on October 1, 1985 and the 1987
Constitution providing for the right to counsel of choice
and opportunity to retain, took effect only on February 2,
1987 and cannot be given retroactive effect. Rule on this.
The confession of Ramos is not admissible, since the
counsel assigned to him did not advise him of his rights.
The fact that his confession was taken before the
effectivity of the 1987 Constitution is of no moment. Even
prior to the effectivity of the 1987 Constitution, the
Supreme Court already laid down strict rules on waiver of
the rights during investigation in the case of People v.
Galit, 135 SCRA 465 (1985).
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; Right to
Counsel; Receipt of Property Seized (2002)
One day a passenger bus conductor found a man's
handbag left in the bus. When the conductor opened the
bag, he found inside a catling card with the owner's
name (Dante Galang) and address, a few hundred peso
bills, and a small plastic bag containing a white powdery
substance. He brought the powdery substance to the
National Bureau of Investigation for laboratory
methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu, a prohibited
drug. Dante Galang was subsequently traced and found
and brought to the NBI Office where he admitted
ownership of the handbag and its contents. In the course
of the interrogation by NBI agents, and without the
presence and assistance of counsel, Galang was made
to sign a receipt for the plastic bag and its shabu
contents. Galang was charged with illegal possession of
prohibited drugs and was convicted. On appeal he
contends that A. The plastic bag and its contents are inadmissible in
evidence being the product of an illegal search and
seizure; (3%) and

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B. The receipt he signed is also inadmissible as his rights

under custodial investigation were not observed. (2%)
Decide the case with reasons.
A. It is admissible...
B. The receipt which Galang signed without the
assistance of counsel is not admissible in evidence. As
held in People v. Castro, 274 SCRA 115 {1997), since
the receipt is a document admitting the offense charged,
Galang should have been assisted by counsel as
required by Article III, Section 11 of the Constitution.
Rights of Suspects; Police Line-up (2012)
Mr. Brown, a cigarette vendor, was invited by PO1 White
to a nearby police station. Upon arriving at the police
station, Brown was asked to stand side-by-side with five
(5) other cigarette vendors in a police line-up. PO1 White
informed them that they were looking for a certain
cigarette vendor who snatched the purse of a passer-by
and the line-up was to allow the victim to point at the
vendor who snatched her purse. No questions were to be
asked from the vendors.
Brown, afraid of a "set up" against him,
demanded that he be allowed to secure his lawyer and
for him to be present during the police line-up. Is Brown
entitled to counsel? Explain (5%)
Brown is not entitled to counsel during the police line-up.
He was not yet being asked to answer for a criminal
offense (Gamboa v. Cruz, 162 SCRA 642).
Would the answer in (a.) be the same if Brown
was specifically invited by White because an eyewitness
to the crime identified him as the perpetrator? Explain.
Brown would be entitled to the assistance of a lawyer. He
was already considered as a suspect and was therefore
entitled to the rights under custodial investigation
(People v. Legaspi, 331 SCRA 95).
Briefly enumerate the so-called "Miranda
Rights". (2%)
The Miranda warning means that a person in custody
who will be interrogated must be informed of the
1. He has the right to remain silent;
2. Anything that can be used as evidence against
3. He has the right to have the counsel during the
investigation; and
4. He must be informed that if he is indigent, a
lawyer will be appointed to represent him
(Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436).
Rights of Suspects; Right to Remain Silent (2013)
As he was entering a bar, Arnoldwho was holding an
unlit cigarette in his right handwas handed a match box
by someone standing near the doorway. Arnold
unthinkingly opened the matchbox to light his cigarette
and as he did so, a sprinkle of dried leaves fell out, which
the guard noticed. The guard immediately frisked Arnold,

grabbed the matchbox, and sniffed its contents. After

confirming that the matchbox contained marijuana, he
immediately arrested Arnold and called in the police.
At the police station, the guard narrated to the police that
he personally caught Arnold in possession of dried
marijuana leaves. Arnold did not contest the guard's
statement; he steadfastly remained silent and refused to
give any written statement. Later in court, the guard
testified and narrated the statements he gave the police
over Arnold's counsel's objections. While Arnold
presented his own witnesses to prove that his
possession and apprehension had been set-up, he
himself did not testify.
The court convicted Arnold, relying largely on his
admission of the charge by silence at the police
investigation and during trial.
From the constitutional law perspective, was the court
correct in its ruling? (6%)
The court was wrong in relying in the silence of Arnold
during the police investigation and during the trial. Under
Article III, Section 12 of the 1987 Constitution, he had the
right to remain silent. His silence cannot be taken as tacit
admission; otherwise, his right to remain silent would be
rendered nugatory. Considering that his right against
self-incrimination protects his right to remain silent, he
cannot be penalized for exercising it (People v. Galvez,
519 SCRA 521).
The court correctly convinced Arnold. There is no
showing that the evidence for the prosecution was
insufficient. When Arnold remained silent, he run the risk
of an inference of guilt from non-production of evidence
in his behalf (People v. Solis, 128 SCRA 217).
Rights of Suspects; Custodial Investigation; When
Commenced (2014)
The police got a report about a shooting incident during a
town fiesta. One person was killed. The police
immediately went to the scene and started asking the
people about what they witnessed. In due time, they
were pointed to Edward Gunman, a security guard, as
the possible malefactor. Edward was then having
refreshment in one of the eateries when the police
approached him. They asked him if he had a gun to
which question he answered yes. Then they asked if he
had seen anybody shot in the vicinity just a few minutes
earlier and this time he said he did not know about it.
After a few more questions, one of the policemen asked
Edward if he was the shooter. He said no, but then the
policeman who asked him told him that several witnesses
pointed to hi m as the shooter. Whereupon Edward broke
down and started explaining that it was a matter of selfdefense. Edward was eventually charged with murder.
During his trial, the statements he made to the police
were introduced as evidence against him. He objected
claiming that they were inadmissible since he was not
given his Miranda rights. On the other hand, the
prosecution countered that there was no need for such
rights to be given since he was not yet arrested at the

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time of the questioning. If you were the judge, how would

you rule on the issue? (4%)
If I were the judge, I would rule that the confession is
inadmissible. First, the rights under investigation in
Section 12, Article III of the Constitution are applicable to
any person under investigation for the commission of an
offense. The investigation began when a policeman told
Edward that several witnesses pointed to him as the
shooter, because it started to focus on him as a suspect
(People v. Bariquit, 341 SCRA 600 [2000]). Second,
under Section 2 of Republic Act No. 7438, for a
confession to be admissible, it must be in writing (People
v. Labtan, 320 SCRA 140 [1999]).
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Capital Offense
State whether or not the law is constitutional. Explain
2. A law denying persons charged with crimes
punishable by reclusion perpetua or death the right to
bail. (2%)
The law is invalid as it contravenes Section 13, Article III
of the 1987 Constitution which provides that "all persons,
except those charged with offenses punishable by
reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is strong, shall,
before conviction, be bailable by sufficient sureties, or be
released on recognizance as may be provided by law."
The accused may not be deprived of his constitutional
right to bail even if charged with a capital offense where
the evidence of guilt is not strong.
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Matter of Right
or a Matter of Discretion (Q7-2005)
a) State with reason(s) whether bail is a matter of right or
a matter of discretion in the following cases: (4%)
a) The imposable penalty for the crime charged is
reclusion perpetua and the accused is a minor;
If the accused is a minor where the imposable penalty for
the crime charged is reclusion perpetua, bail would be a
matter of right. Under Article 68 of the Revised Penal
Code, when the offender is a minor under eighteen years
of age, he is entitled to a penalty, depending on his age,
lower by one or two degrees than that prescribed by law
for the crime committed. The Constitution withholds the
guaranty of bail from one who is accused of a capital
offense where the evidence of guilt is strong. The
obvious reason is that one who faces a probable death
sentence has a particularly strong temptation to flee. This
reason does not hold where the accused has been
established without objection to be a minor who by law
cannot be sentenced to death. (Bravo v. Borja, G.R. No.
L-65228, February 18, 1985)
b) The imposable penalty for the crime charged is life
imprisonment and the accused is a minor;
If the accused is a minor and the imposable penalty for
the crime charged is life imprisonment, bail would not be
a matter of right. In the instant case, assuming that
evidence of guilt strong, bail shall be denied as the

privileged mitigating circumstance of minority is not

available for violation of special laws penalized by life
Although the Constitution mentions only reclusion
perpetua, Rule 114 of the Rules of Court adds life
imprisonment, and therefore, applying the PRO REO
DOCTRINE, bail would still be a matter of right, since it is
favorable to the accused.
c) The accused has been convicted of homicide on a
charge of murder and sentenced to suffer an
indeterminate penalty of from eight (8) years and one (1)
day of prision mayor, as minimum, to twelve (12) years
and four (4) months of reclusion temporal, as maximum.
If the accused has been convicted of homicide on a
charge of murder and sentenced to suffer imprisonment
of from 8 to 12 years, bail is a matter of discretion. Under
Rule 114, Sec. 5, par. 1 of the Rules of Court, if the
decision of the trial court convicting the accused changed
the nature of the offense from non-bailable to bailable,
the application for bail may be filed and acted upon by
the appellate court. Admission to bail is discretionary.
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail (2009)
William, a private American Citizen, a university graduate
and frequent visitor to the Philippines, was inside the US
embassy when he got into a heated argument with a
private Filipino citizen. Then, in front of many shocked
witnesses, he killed the person he was arguing with. The
police came, and brought him to the nearest police
station. Upon reaching the station, the police investigator,
in halting English, informed William of his Miranda rights,
and assigned him an independent local counsel. William
refused the services of the lawyer, and insisted that he
be assisted by a Filipino lawyer currently based in the
US. The request was denied, and the counsel assigned
by the police stayed for the duration of the investigation.
William protested his arrest.
(b) He also claimed that his Miranda Rights were violated
because he was not given the lawyer of his choice; that
being an American, he should have been informed of his
rights in proper English; and that he should have been
informed of his rights as soon as he was taken into
custody, not when he was already at the police station.
Was William denied his Miranda rights? Why or why not?
William was not denied with his Miranda rights. True that
he has the right to counsel preferably of his choice. But if
he cannot afford the services of a counsel, he should be
provided with one.
Moreover, the Miranda rights are available only during
custodial investigation that is, from the moment the
investigating officer begins to ask questions for the
purpose of eliciting admissions, confessions or any
information from the accused. therefore, it is proper that
he was only informed of his right at the police station.
The fact that the police officer gave him the Miranda
warning in halting English does not detract from its

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validity. Under Section 2(b) of Republic Act No. 7438, it is

sufficient that the language used was known to and
understood by him. William need not be given the
Miranda warning before the investigation started. William
was not denied his Miranda rights. It is not practical to
require the police officer to provide a lawyer of his own
choice from the United States (Gamboa vs. Cruz, 162
SCAR 642, [1998]).
(c) If William applies for bail, claiming that he is entitled
thereto under the international standard of justice and
that he comes from a US State that has outlawed capital
punishment, should William be granted bail as a matter
of right? Reasons.
William is not entitled to bail as a matter of right. His
contention is not tenable. Observing the territorial
jurisdiction of commission of the offense, the applicable
law in the case is Philippine laws not the law of the
country to where he is a national (Section 13, Art. III of
the Constitution). Under our law, bail is not a matter of
right if the felony or offense committed has an imposable
penalty of reclusion perpetua or higher and the evidence
of guilt is strong.
Rights of the Accused; Right to Bail; Double
Jeopardy (2008)
JC, a major in the Armed Forces of the Philippine, is
facing prosecution before the Regional Trial Court of
Quezon City for the murder of his neighbor whom he
suspected to have molested his (JCs) 15 year-old
(a) Is JC entitled to bail? Why or why not? (3%)
As a general rule, bail is not a matter of right when the
offense charged carries with an imposable penalty of
reclusion perpetua or higher.
In the present case, JC is charged with murder which has
a penalty of reclusion perpetua, hence he cannot be
allowed bail. However, should the evidence of guilt be
found weak after hearing, the court may in its discretion,
fix bail for temporary liberty.
(b) Assume that upon being arraigned, JC entered a plea
of guilty and was allowed to present evidence to prove
mitigating circumstances. JC then testified to the effect
that he stabled the deceased in self-defense because the
latter was strangling him and that he voluntarily
surrendered to the authorities. Subsequently, the trial
court rendered a decision acquittal violate JCs right
against double jeopardy? Why or why not? (3%)
By presenting evidence of self-defense, JC effectively
withdrew his plea of guilty (Peo vs. Balisacan, G.R. No.
L-26376, Aug. 31, 1966). In the absence of a valid plea,
an essential element for jurisdiction of the Court and first
jeopardy was absent. Consequently, the court had no
jurisdiction to acquit JC. Thus, an appeal by the
prosecution would not violate the rule against second

Double jeopardy sets in when the first jeopardy has

attached. There is already first jeopardy when the
accused has validly entered his plea before the
appropriate court having jurisdiction over the subject
matter and his person and that he has been convicted or
acquitted or that the case against him has been
terminated without his express consent.
In the present case, JC validly entered his plea of guilty
but during the presentation of evidence he submits
evidence of self-defense. the consequence thereof is for
the court to withdraw the plea of guilty and enter a plea of
not guilty. The validity of entering his plea is not affected.
Therefore, his acquittal shall bar any similar indictment
that may be filed against him because of double
Rights of the Accused; Presumption of Innocence
OZ lost five head of cattle which he reported to the police
as stolen from his barn. He requested several neighbors,
including RR, for help in looking for the missing animals.
After an extensive search, the police found two head in
RR's farm. RR could not explain to the police how they
got hidden in a remote area of his farm. Insisting on his
innocence, RR consulted a lawyer who told him he has a
right to be presumed innocent under the Bill of Rights.
But there is another presumption of theft arising from his
unexplained possession of stolen cattle under the
penal law. Are the two presumptions capable of
reconciliation In this case? If so, how can they be
reconciled? If not, which should prevail? (5%)
The two presumptions can be reconciled. The
presumption of innocence stands until the contrary is
proved. It may be overcome by a contrary presumption
founded upon human experience. The presumption that
RR is the one who stole the cattle of OZ is logical, since
he was found in possession of the stolen cattle. RR can
prove his innocence by presenting evidence to rebut the
presumption. The burden of evidence is shifted to RR,
because how he came into possession of the cattle is
peculiarly within his knowledge. (Dizon-Pamintuan v.
People, 234 SCRA 63 (1994)).
Rights of the Accused; Right to Counsel of His
Choice (2005)
(1) Mariano was arrested by the NBI as a suspect in the
shopping mall bombings. Advised of his rights, Mariano
asked for the assistance of his relative, Atty. Santos. The
NBI noticed that Atty. Santos was inexperienced,
incompetent and inattentive. Deeming him unsuited to
protect the rights of Mariano, the NBI dismissed Atty.
Santos. Appointed in his place was Atty. Barroso, a bar
topnotcher who was in the premises visiting a relative.
Atty. Barroso ably assisted Mariano when the latter gave
a statement. However, Mariano assailed the investigation
claiming that he was deprived of counsel of his choice.
Was the NBI correct in dismissing Atty.Santos and
appointing Atty. Barroso in his stead? Is Mariano's
statement, made with the assistance of Atty. Barroso,
admissible in evidence? (5%)

57 of 96

The NBI was not correct in dismissing Atty. Santos and
appointing Atty. Barroso in his stead. Article III, Section
12(1) of the 1987 Constitution requires that a person
under investigation for the commission of an offense
shall have no less than "competent and independent
counsel preferably of his own choice " This is meant to
stress the primacy accorded to the voluntariness of the
choice under the uniquely stressful conditions of a
custodial investigation' Thus, the lawyer called to be
present during such investigation should be as far as
reasonably possible, the choice of the individual
undergoing questioning. The appointment of Atty.
Barroso is questionable because he was visiting a
relative working in the NBI and thus his independence is
doubtful. Lawyers engaged by the police, whatever
testimonials are given as proof of their probity and
supposed independence, are generally suspect, as in
many areas, the relationship between lawyers and law
enforcement authorities can be symbiotic. Considering
that Mariano was deprived of counsel of his own choice,
the statement is inadmissible in evidence. (People v.
Januario, G.R. No. 98252, February 7, 1997)
The NBI was correct in dismissing Atty. Santos as he
was incompetent. The 1987 Constitution requires
counsel to be competent and independent. Atty. Barroso,
being a bar topnotcher ably assisted Mariano and there
is no showing that his having a relative in the NBI
affected his independence. Moreover, the accused has
the final choice of counsel as he may reject the one
chosen for him and ask for another. A lawyer provided by
the investigators is deemed engaged by the accused
where he raises no objection against the lawyer during
the course of the investigation, and the accused
thereafter subscribes to the truth of his statement before
the swearing officer. Thus, once the prosecution shows
there was compliance with the constitutional requirement
on pre-interrogation advisories, a confession is presumed
to be voluntary and the declarant bears the burden of
proving that his confession is involuntary and untrue. A
confession is admissible until the accused successfully
proves that it was given as a result of violence,
intimidation, threat or promise of reward or leniency
which are not present in this case. Accordingly, the
statement is admissible. (People v. Jerez, G.R. No.
114385, January 29, 1998)
Rights of the Accused; Right to an Independent
Counsel (2013)
A robbery with homicide had taken place and Lito,
Badong and Rolliewere invited for questioning based on
the information furnished by a neighbor that he saw them
come out of the victim's house at about the time of the
robbery/killing. The police confronted the three with this
and other information they had gathered, and pointedly
accused them of committing the crime.
Lito initially resisted, but eventually broke down and
admitted his participation in the crime. Elated by this
break and desirous of securing a written confession
soonest, the police called City Attorney Juan Buan to
serve as the trio's counsel and to advise them about their
rights during the investigation.

Badong and Rollie, weakened in spirit by Lito's early

admission, likewise admitted their participation. The trio
thus signed a joint extra-judicial confession which served
as the main evidence against them at their trial. They
were convicted based on their confession.
Should the judgment of conviction be affirmed or
reversed on appeal? (5%)
The judgment of conviction should be reversed on
appeal. It relied mainly on the extra-judicial confession of
the accused. The lawyer assisting them must be
independent. City Attorney Juan Buan is not
independent. As City Attorney, he provided legal support
to the City Mayor in performing his duties, which include
the maintenance of peace and order (People v. Sunga,
399 SCRA 642)
Rights of the Accused; Right to Speedy Trial (2000)
Charged by Francisco with libel, Pablo was arraigned on
January 3, 2000, Pre-trial was dispensed with and
continuous trial was set for March 7, 8 and 9, 2000. On
the first setting, the prosecution moved for its
postponement and cancellation of the other settings
because its principal and probably only witness, the
private complainant Francisco, suddenly had to go
abroad to fulfill a professional commitment. The judge
instead dismissed the case for failure to prosecute.
a) Would the grant of the motion for postponement have
violated the accused's right to speedy trial? (2%)
The grant of the motion for postponement would not have
violated the right of the accused to speedy trial. As held
In People v. Leviste, 255 SCRA 238 (1996). since the
motion for postponement was the first one requested, the
need for the offended party to attend to a professional
commitment is a valid reason, no substantial right of the
accused would be prejudiced, and the prosecution
should be afforded a fair opportunity to prosecute its
case, the motion should be granted.
Since continuous trial of cases is required and since the
date of the initial hearing was set upon agreement of all
parties, including the private complainant, the judge
properly dismissed the case for failure to prosecute.
Rights of the Accused; Self-Incrimination (2000)
b) A man was shot and killed and his killer fled. Moments
after the shooting, an eyewitness described to the police
that the slayer wore white pants, a shirt with floral design,
had boots and was about 70 kilos and 1.65 meters.
Borja, who fit the description given, was seen nearby. He
was taken into custody and brought to the police precinct
where his pants, shirt and boots were forcibly taken and
he was weighed, measured, photographed, fingerprinted
and subjected to paraffin testing. At his trial, Borja
objected to the admission in evidence of the apparel, his
height and weight, his photographs, fingerprints
comparison and the results of the paraffin test, asserting
that these were taken in violation of his right against selfincrimination. Rule on the objection. (2%)
b) The objection of Borja is not tenable. As held in
People v. Paynor, 261 SCRA 615 (1996), the rights

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guaranteed by Section 12, Article in of the Constitution

applies only against testimonial evidence. An accused
may be compelled to be photographed or measured, his
garments may be removed, and his body may be
Rights of the Accused; Self-Incrimination (2006)
Select the best answer and explain.
1. An accused's right against self-incrimination is violated
in the following cases: (5%)
a. When he is ordered by the trial court to
undergo a paraffin test to prove he is guilty of
b. When he is compelled to produce his
bankbooks to be used as evidence against his
father charged with plunder;
c. When he is ordered to produce a sample of his
handwriting to be used as evidence that he is
the author of a letter wherein he agreed to kill
the victim;
d. When the president of a corporation is
subpoenaed to produce certain documents as
proofs he is guilty of illegal recruitment.
The best answer is c) when he is ordered to produce a
sample of his handwriting to be used as evidence that he
is the author of a letter wherein he agreed to kill the
victim. Under Article HI, Section 17 of the 1987
Constitution, "no person shall be compelled to be a
witness against himself." Since the provision prohibits
compulsory testimonial incrimination, it does not matter
whether the testimony is taken by oral or written means
as either way it involves the USE OF INTELLECTUAL
FACULTIES. The purpose of the privilege is to avoid and
prohibit thereby the repetition and recurrence of
compelling a person, in a criminal or any other case, to
furnish the missing evidence necessary for his conviction
(Bermudez v. Castillo, Per Rec. No. 714-A, July 26,
1937; Beltran v. Samson, G.R. No. 32025, September
Rights of the Accused; Self Incrimination (2010)
A, the wife of an alleged victim of enforced
disappearance, applied for the issuance of a writ of
amparo before a Regional Trial Court in Tarlac. Upon
motion of A, the court issued inspection and production
orders addressed to the AFP chief of Staff to allow entry
at Camp Aquino and permit the copying of relevant
documents, including the list of detainees, if any.
Accompanied by court-designated Commission on
Human Rights (CHR) lawyers, A took photographs of a
suspected isolation cell where her husband was allegedly
seen being held for three days and tortured before he
finally disappeared. The CHR lawyers requested one Lt.
Valdez for a photocopy of the master plan of Camp
Aquino and to confirm in writing that he had custody of
the master plan. Lt. Valdez objected on the ground that it
may violate his right against self-incrimination. Decide
with reasons. (4%).
The objection of Lt. Valdez is not valid. The right against
self-incrimination refers to testimonial evidence and does
not apply to the production of a photocopy of the master

plan of Camp Aquino, because it is a public record. He

cannot object to the request for him to confirm his
custody of the master plan, because he is the public
officer who had custody of it. (Almonte vs. Vasquez, 244
SCRA 286 [1995]).
The objection is without merit. Right against selfincrimination is not violated because the right is simply
against testimonial compulsion. But the prohibition also
extends to the compulsion for the production of
documents, papers and chattels that may be used as
evidence against the witness, except where the State
has a right to inspect the same such as in this case.
Pursuant to the production order issued by the court,
there can be compulsion for the production of documents
sought in the order.
Rights of the Accused; Self-incrimination (2014)
Alienmae is a foreign tourist. She was asked certain
questions in regard to a complaint that was filed against
her by someone who claimed to have been defrauded by
her. Alienmaeanswered all the questions asked, except
in regard to some matters in which she invoked her right
against self-incrimination. When she was pressed to
elucidate, she said that the questions being asked might
tend to elicit incriminating answers insofar as her home
state is concerned. Could Alienmae invoke the right
against self-incrimination if the fear of incrimination is in
regard to her foreign law? (4%)
Alienmae can invoke her right against self-incrimination
even if it is in regard to her foreign law, if her home satte
is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights. Article 14 (3) (g) of the said Covenant
In the determination of any criminal charge against him,
everyone shall be entitled to the following minimum
guarantees, in full equality:
(g) Not to be compelled to testify against
himself or to confess guilt
Double Jeopardy (2000)
Charged by Francisco with libel, Pablo was arraigned on
January 3, 2000, Pre-trial was dispensed with and
continuous trial was set for March 7, 8 and 9, 2000. On
the first setting, the prosecution moved for its
postponement and cancellation of the other settings
because its principal and probably only witness, the
private complainant Francisco, suddenly had to go
abroad to fulfill a professional commitment. The judge
instead dismissed the case for failure to prosecute.
a) Would the reversal of the trial court's assailed
dismissal of the case place the accused in double
jeopardy? (3%)
a) Since the postponement of the case would not violate
the right of the accused to speedy trial, the precipitate
dismissal of the case is void. The reversal of the
dismissal will not place the accused in double Jeopardy.

59 of 96

a) Since the dismissal of the case is valid, its reversal will

place the accused in double jeopardy.
Double Jeopardy (2001)
For the death of Joey, Erning was charged with the crime
of homicide before the Regional Trial Court of
Valenzuela. He was arraigned. Due to numerous
postponements of the scheduled hearings at the instance
of the prosecution, particularly based on the ground of
unavailability of prosecution witnesses who could not be
found or located, the criminal case was pending trial for a
period of seven years. Upon motion of accused Erning
who invoked his right to speedy trial, the court dismissed
the case. Eventually, the prosecution witnesses surfaced,
and a criminal case for homicide, involving the same
incident was filed anew against Erning. Accused Erning
moved for dismissal of the case on the ground of double
jeopardy. The prosecution objected, submitting the
reason that it was not able to present the said witnesses
earlier because the latter went into hiding out of fear.
Resolve the motion. (5%)
The motion should be granted. As held in Caes us.
Intermediate Appellate Court, 179 SCRA 54 (1989), the
dismissal of a criminal case predicated on the right of the
accused to a speedy trial amounts to an acquittal for
failure of the prosecution to prove his guilt and bars his
subsequent prosecution for the same offense.
Double Jeopardy (2002)
A Tamaraw FX driven by Asiong Cascasero, who was
drunk, sideswiped a pedestrian along EDSA in Makati
City, resulting in physical injuries to the latter. The public
prosecutor filed two separate informations against
Cascasero, the first for reckless imprudence resulting in
physical injuries under the Revised Penal Code, and the
second for violation of an ordinance of Makati City
prohibiting and penalizing driving under the influence of
liquor. Cascasero was arraigned, tried and convicted for
reckless imprudence resulting in physical injuries under
the Revised Penal Code. With regard to the second case
(i.e., violation of the city ordinance), upon being
arraigned, he filed a motion to quash the information
invoking his right against double jeopardy. He contended
that, under Art. III, Section 21 of the Constitution, if an act
is punished by a law and an ordinance, conviction or
acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another
prosecution for the same act He argued that the two
criminal charges against him stemmed from the same act
of driving allegedly under the influence of liquor which
caused the accident. Was there double jeopardy?
Explain your answer (5%)
Yes, there is double jeopardy. Under the second
sentence of Article III, Section 21 of the Constitution, if an
act is punished by a law and an ordinance, conviction or
acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another
prosecution for the same act. In this case, the same act
is involved in the two cases. The reckless imprudence
which resulted in physical injuries arose from the same
act of driving under the influence of liquor. In Yap v.
Lutero, G.R. No. L-12669, April 30, 1959, the Supreme
Court held that an accused who was acquitted of driving

recklessly in violation of an ordinance could not be

prosecuted for damage to property through reckless
imprudence because the two charges were based on the
same act. In People v, Relova, 148 SCRA 292 (1987), it
was held that when there is identity in the act punished
by a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under
either shall bar prosecution under the other.
There is no double jeopardy because the act penalized
under the Revised Penal Code is different from the act
penalized by the ordinance of Makati City. The Revised
Penal Code penalizes reckless imprudence resulting in
physical injuries, while the ordinance of Makati City
penalizes driving under the influence of liquor.
Writ of Amparo (2013)
Conrad is widely known in the neighborhood as a drug
addict. He is also suspected of being a member of the
notorious "Akyat-Condo Gang" that has previously
broken into and looted condominium units in the area.
Retired Army Colonel Sangre who is known as an antiterrorism fighter who disdained human and constitutional
rights and has been nicknamed "terror of Mindanao" is
now the Head of Security of Capricorn Land Corporation,
the owner and developer of Sagittarius Estates where a
series of robberies has recently taken place.
On March l, 2013, Conrad informed his mother, Vannie,
that uniformed security guards had invited him for a talk
in their office but he refused to come. Later that day,
however, Conrad appeared to have relented; he was
seen walking into the security office flanked by two
security guards. Nobody saw him leave the office
Conrad did not go home that night and was never seen
again. The following week and after a week-long search,
Vannie feared the worst because of Col. Sangre's
reputation. She thus reported Conrad's disappearance to
the police. When nothing concrete resulted from the
police investigation, Vannie at the advice of counsel f1led a petition for a writ of amparo to compel Col.
Sangre and the Sagittarius Security Office to produce
Conrad and to hold them liable and responsible for
Conrad's disappearance.
(A) Did Vannie's counsel give the correct legal advice?
The advice of Vannies counsel that she file a petition for
a writ of amparo is not correct. In order that a Writ of
Amparo be availed of against a private individual for the
disappearance of someone, the involvement of the
government is indispensable. There is no showing of any
disappearance (Navia v. Pardico, 673 SCRA 618).
(B) If the petition would prosper, can Col. Sangre be held
liable and/or responsible for Conrad's disappearance?

60 of 96

No, Col. Sangre cannot be held responsible for the

disappearance of Conrad. Command responsibility has
no applicability to an Amparo proceeding (Rubrico v.
Macapagal-Arroyo, 613 SCRA 233). It may be
established merely to enable the court to craft the
appropriate remedies against the responsible parties
(Balao v. Macapagal-Arroyo, 662 SCRA 312).
Although the Writ of Amparo does not pinpoint criminal
culpability for a disappearance, it determines
responsibility, or at least accountability, for the purpose
of imposing appropriate remedy. Responsibility refers to
the extent the actors have been established to have
participated in an enforced disappearance, as a measure
of the remedy, to be crafted, such as the directive to file
the appropriate criminal and civil cases against the
responsible parties (Razon, Jr. v. Tagitis, 606 SCRA

Effect of Oath of Allegiance (2004)
(4-a) TCA, a Filipina medical technologist, left in 1975 to
work in ZOZ State. In 1988 she married ODH, a citizen of
ZOZ. Pursuant to ZOZ's law, by taking an oath of
allegiance, she acquired her husband's citizenship. ODH
died in 2001, leaving her financially secured. She
returned home in 2002, and sought elective office in
2004 by running for Mayor of APP, her hometown. Her
opponent sought to have her disqualified because of her
ZOZ citizenship. She replied that although she acquired
ZOZ's citizenship because of marriage, she did not lose
her Filipino citizenship. Both her parents, she said, are
Filipino citizens. Is TCA qualified to run for Mayor? (5%)
On the assumption that TCA took an oath of allegiance to
ZOZ to acquire the citizenship of her husband, she is not
qualified to run for mayor. She did not become a citizen
of ZOZ merely by virtue of her marriage, she also took an
oath of allegiance to ZOZ. By this act, she lost her
Philippine citizenship. (Section 1 [3], Commonwealth Act
No. 63.)
Effect of Repatriation (2002)
A was born in the Philippines of Filipino parents. When
martial law was declared in the Philippines on September
21, 1972, he went to the United States and was
naturalized as an American citizen. After the EDSA
Revolution, he came home to the Philippines and later on
reacquired Philippine citizenship by repatriation. Suppose
in the May 2004 elections he is elected Member of the
House of Representatives and a case is filed seeking his
disqualification on the ground that he is not a naturalborn citizen of the Philippines, how should the case
against him be decided? Explain your answer. (5%)
The case should be decided in favor of A. As held In
Bengson v. House of Representatives Electoral Tribunal,
357 SCRA 545 (2001), repatriation results in the
recovery of the original nationality. Since A was a
natural-born Filipino citizen before he became a

naturalized American citizen, he was restored to his

status as a natural-born Filipino when he repatriated.
Effect of Repatriation (2003)
Juan Cruz was born of Filipino parents in 1960 in
Pampanga. In 1985, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps
and took an oath of allegiance to the United States of
America. In 1990, he was naturalized as an American
citizen. In 1994, he was repatriated under Republic Act
No. 2430. During the 1998 National Elections, he ran for
and was elected representative of the First District of
Pampanga where he resided since his repatriation. Was
he qualified to run for the position? Explain.
Cruz was qualified to run as representative of the First
District of Pampanga. Since his parents were Filipino
citizens, he was a natural born citizen. Although he
became a naturalized American citizen, under the ruling
in Bengson v. House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal. 357 SCRA 545 [2001], by virtue of his
repatriation, Cruz was restored to his original status as a
natural-born Filipino citizen.
Effect of Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship
Warlito, a natural-born Filipino, took up permanent
residence in the United States, and eventually acquired
American citizenship. He then married Shirley, an
American, and sired three children. In August 2009,
Warlito decided to visit the Philippines with his wife and
children: Johnny, 23 years of age; Warlito Jr., 20; and
Luisa 17. While in the Philippines, a friend informed him
that he could reacquire Philippine citizenship without
necessarily losing US nationality. Thus, he took the oath
of allegiance required under RA no. 9225.
(a) Having reacquired Philippine citizenship, is Warlito a
natural born or naturalized Filipino Citizen today? Explain
your answer (3%).
NATURAL BORN. Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship
under RA no. 9225 will restore him back of his former
status as a natural-born citizen (Bengzon vs. House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal, 357 SCRA 545
[2001]; R.A. 2630).
(b) With Warlito having regained Philippine Citizenship,
will shirley also become a Filipino Citizen? If so, why? If
not, what would be the most speedy procedure for shirley
to acquire Philippine citizenship? Explain.
Shirley will not become a Filipino citizen, because under
RA 9225, Warlitos reacquisition of Philippine citizenship
did not extend its benefits to Shirley. She should instead
file with the Bureau of Immigration a petition for
cancellation of her alien certificate of registration on the
ground that in accordance with Section 15 of the
Naturalization Law, because of her Marriage to Warlito,
she should be deemed to have become a Filipino Citizen.
She must allege and prove that she possesses none of
the disqualifications to become a naturalized Filipino
citizen (Burca vs. Republic, 51 SCRA 248 [1973]).

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NO. Shirly will not become a Filipino Citizen because
only Warlitos unmarried children whether legitimate,
illegitimate or adopted, below 18 years of age shall be
entitled to derivative Philippine citizenship. Shirly may
acquire Philippine citizenship in the most speedy
procedure through JUDICIAL NATURALIZATION under
CA no. 473, as amended.
(c) Do the Children - - - Johnny, Warlito Jr. and Luisa - - become Filipino citizens with their fathers reacquisition
of Philippine citizenship? Explain your answer. (3%)
Only LUISA shall acquire Philippine Citizenship upon the
reacquisition of her fathers Filipino citizenship under RA
no. 9225. The unmarried children, whether legitimate,
illegitimate or adopted, below 18 years of age shall be
entitled to derivative Philippine citizenship.
Effects of Philippine Bill of 1902 (2001)
No I - From mainland China where he was born of
Chinese parents, Mr Nya Tsa Chan migrated to the
Philippines in 1894. As of April 11, 1899, he was already
a permanent resident of the Philippine Islands and
continued to reside in this country until his death. During
his lifetime and when he was already in the Philippines,
Mr. Nya Tsa Chan married Charing, a Filipina, with whom
he begot one son, Hap Chan, who was born on October
18. 1897. Hap Chan got married also to Nimfa, a Filipina,
and one of their children was Lacqui Chan who was born
on September 27, 1936. Lacqui Chan finished the course
Bachelor of Science in Commerce and eventually
engaged in business. In the May 1989 election, Lacqui
Chan ran for and was elected Representative
(Congressman). His rival candidate, Ramon Deloria, filed
a quo warranto or disqualification case against him on
the ground that he was not a Filipino citizen. It was
pointed out in particular, that Lacqui Chan did not elect
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of 21.
Decide whether Mr. Lacqui Chan suffers from a
disqualification or not. (5%)
Lacqui Chan is a Filipino citizen and need not elect
Philippine citizenship. His father, Hap Chan, was a
Spanish subject, was residing in the Philippines on April
11, 1899, and continued to reside in the Philippines. In
accordance with Section 4 of the Philippine Bill of 1902,
he was a Filipino citizen. Hence, in accordance with
Section 1(3} of the 1935 Constitution, Lacqui Chan is a
natural born Filipino citizen, since his father was a
Filipino citizen.
Electing Philippine Citizenship (2006)
1. Atty. Emily Go, a legitimate daughter of a Chinese
father and a Filipino mother, was born in 1945. At 21, she
elected Philippine citizenship and studied law. She
passed the bar examinations and engaged in private
practice for many years. The Judicial and Bar Council
nominated her as a candidate for the position of
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. But her
nomination is being contested by Atty. Juris Castillo, also
an aspirant to the position. She claims that Atty. Emily
Go is not a natural born citizen, hence, not qualified to be

appointed to the Supreme Court. Is this contention

correct? (5%)
The contention is not correct. Under Article IV, Section
1(3) of the 1987 Constitution, it is provided that those
born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who
elect Philippine Citizenship upon reaching the age of
majority are Filipino citizens. Atty. Emily Go was born of
a Filipino mother in 1945 and elected citizenship upon
reaching the age of 21. She is a natural born Filipino
citizen as provided by Article IV, Section 2 of the
Constitution "x x x those who elect Philippine
citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1
hereof shall be deemed natural-born citizens." Hence
she is qualified to be appointed to the Supreme Court.
Electing Philippine Citizenship; When Proper (2006)
2. Atty. Richard Chua was born in 1964. He is a
legitimate son of a Chinese father and a Filipino mother.
His father became a naturalized Filipino citizen when
Atty. Chua was still a minor. Eventually, he studied law
and was allowed by the Supreme Court to take the bar
examinations, subject to his submission to the Supreme
Court proof of his Philippine citizenship. Although he
never complied with such requirement, Atty. Chua
practiced law for many years until one Noel Eugenio filed
with the Supreme Court a complaint for disbarment
against him on the ground that he is not a Filipino citizen.
He then filed with the Bureau of Immigration an affidavit
electing Philippine citizenship. Noel contested it claiming
it was filed many years after Atty. Chua reached the age
of majority. Will Atty. Chua be disbarred? Explain. (5%)
No, Atty. Chua will not be disbarred. Atty. Chua is
already a Filipino citizen and there was no need for him
to file the affidavit electing Filipino citizenship. An election
of Philippine citizenship presupposes that the person
electing is an alien. His father, however, already became
a Filipino citizen when Atty. Chua was still a minor and
thus, he was already a Filipino before the age of majority
(Co v. HRET, G.R. Nos. 92191-92, July 30,1991).
Residency Requirements; Elective Official (2005)
(1) In the May 8,1995 elections for local officials whose
terms were to commence on June 30, 1995, Ricky filed
on March 20, 1995 his certificate of candidacy for the
Office of Governor of Laguna. He won, but his
qualifications as an elected official was questioned. It is
admitted that he is a repatriated Filipino citizen and a
resident of the Province of Laguna. To be qualified for
the office to which a local official has been elected, when
at the latest should he be: (5%) (a) A Filipino Citizen?
The citizenship requirement is to be possessed by an
elective official at the latest as of the time he is
proclaimed and at the start of the term of office to which
he has been elected. Section 39 of the Local
Government Code, which enumerates the qualifications
of elective local government officials, does not specify
any particular date or time when the candidate must
possess citizenship. (Frivaldo v. COMELEC, G.R. No.

62 of 96

120295, June 28,1996) (b) A resident of the locality?

Under Section 39 of the Local Government Code, an
individual must possess the residency requirement in the
locality where he intends to run at least one year
immediately preceding the day of election.
Status; Legitimate Child (2003)
Miguel Sin was born a year ago in China to a Chinese
father and a Filipino mother His parents met in Shanghai
where they were lawfully married just two years ago. Is
Miguel Sin a Filipino citizen?
Miguel Sin is a Filipino citizen because he is the
legitimate child of a Filipino mother. Under Article IV,
Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution, his mother retained
her Philippine citizenship despite her marriage to an alien
husband, and according to Article IV, Section 1(2) of the
1987 Constitution, children born of a Filipino mother are
Filipino citizens.
Ways of Reacquiring Citizenship (2000)
Cruz, a Filipino by birth, became an American citizen. In
his old age he has returned to the country and wants to
become a Filipino again. As his lawyer, enumerate the
ways by which citizenship may be reacquired. (2%)
Cruz may reacquire Philippine citizenship in the following
1. By naturalization;
2. By repatriation pursuant to Republic Act No. 8171; and
3. By direct act of Congress (Section 2 of Commonwealth
Act No. 63).
Dual Citizenship vs. Dual Allegiance (2009)
e. Dual citizenship is not the same as dual allegiance
TRUE. An individual may have 2 or more citizenship but
owe allegiance to one State. Taking for example RA no.
9225 providing for retention of Philippine citizenship
among natural born Filipino citizens.
Dual citizenship arises when, as a result of the
concurrent application of the different laws of two or more
states, a person is simultaneously considered a national
by those states and is involuntary.
Dual allegiance refers to the situation in which a person
simultaneously owes by some positive and voluntary act,
loyalty to two or more states (Mercado vs. Manzano, 307
SCRA 630 [1999]).
Marriage of a Citizen to an Alien; Effect on
Citizenship (2014)
Rosebud is a natural-born Filipino woman who got
married to Rockcold, a citizen of State Frozen. By virtue
of the laws of Frozen, any person who marries its citizens
would automatically be deemed its own citizen. After ten
years of marriage, Rosebud, who has split her time
between the Philippines and Frozen, decided to run for
Congress. Her opponent sought her disqualification,

however, claiming that she is no longer a natural-born

citizen. In any event, she could not seek elective position
since she never renounced her foreign citizenship
pursuant to the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition
Act (R.A. No. 9225). Is Rosebuddisqualified to run by
reason of citizenship? (4%)
Rosebud remained a natural born Filipino citizen even if
under the laws of the Frozen, she became a citizen of it
because of her marriage to Rockcold. Under Section 4,
Article IV of the Constitution, she retained her Philippine
Rosebud cannot seek elective office. Under Section 5(2)
of Republic Act No. 9225, even those who retained their
Philippine citizenship by birth and acquired foreign
citizenship by virtue of marriage to a foreign spouse are
required to renounce their foreign citizenship (SobejanaCondon v. Commission on Elections, 678 SCRA 267
No, Rosebud is not disqualified.
She became a dual citizen, not on the basis of the
provisions of Republic Act No. 9225, but by reason of the
automatic operation of the citizenship laws of State
Frozen, of which her husband, Rockcold, was a citizen.
The requirement regarding the renunciation of her foreign
citizenship under that law cannot therefore be made to
apply to her.
It does not appear that she ever renounced her naturalborn Filipino citizenship upon her marriage to Rockcold.
Accordingly, she cannot be considered as ever having
lost it. She is therefore not disqualified to run for
Congress by reason of citizenship.

Abandonment of Office (2000)
No VII. Alcantara was elected barangay chairman and
later president of the Association of Barangay Councils in
his municipality. In that capacity, he was appointed by
the President as member of the Sangguniang Bayan of
his municipality. Later, the Secretary of Interior and Local
Governments appointed Alcantara as member of the
Sanggunlang Panlalawigan of their province to meet a
reorganizational contingency, and Mendoza took his
place in the Sangguniang Bayan. Alcantara then wrote a
letter of resignation from the Sangguniang Bayan
addressed to the Mayor of the municipality, ceased
functioning as member thereof and assumed office and
performed his functions as member of the Sanggunlang
Panlalawigan. Later, the reorganization of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan and the appointment of
Mendoza were voided. Can Alcantara reassume office as
member of the Sangguniang Bayan or has he lost it
because of resignation? abandonment? Explain. (5%)

63 of 96

Alcantara cannot reassume office as member of the

Sangguniang Bayan. As held in Sangguniang Bayan of
San Andres v. Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA 276 (1998),
Alcantara should be deemed to have abandoned his
position as member of the Sangguniang Bayan. His
intention to abandon his position is shown by his failure
to perform his function as member of the Sangguniang
Bayan, his failure to collect the salary for the position, his
failure to object to the appointment of his replacement,
and his failure to initiate any act to reassume his post
after the reorganization of the Sangguniang Bayan was
voided. Alcantara effected his intention by his letter of
resignation, his assumption of office as member of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, his discharge of his duties
as its member, and his receipt of the salary for such post.
Alcantara cannot be deemed to have lost his office as
member of the Sangguniang Bayan by resignation.
Under Section 82 of the Local Government Code, the
resignation should be submitted to the Sangguniang
Bayan. He submitted it to the Mayor instead, and the
resignation was not accepted.
Discipline; Clemency; Doctrine of Condonation
A provincial governor duly elected to office was charged
with disloyalty and suspended from office pending the
outcome of the formal investigation of the charges
against him. The Secretary of Interior and Local
Governments found him guilty as charged and removed
him from office. He filed a petition before the Supreme
Court questioning his removal. While the case was
pending before the Supreme Court, he filed his certificate
of candidacy for the position of Governor and won, and
was proclaimed Governor. He claims his reelection to the
position of Governor has rendered the pending
administrative case against him moot and academic. Is
he correct? Explain. (5%)
Yes, the re-election of the governor has rendered the
pending administrative case against him moot. As
explained in Aguinaldo v. Santos, 212 SCRA 768 (1992),
a local elective official cannot be removed from office for
misconduct committed during his previous term, because
each term is separate and the people by re-electing him
are deemed to have forgiven his misconduct.
Discipline; Preventive Suspension & Appeal;
entitlement to salary pendent (2001)
Alfonso Beit, a supply officer in the Department of
Science and Technology (DOST), was charged
administratively. Pending investigation, he was
preventively suspended for 90 days. The DOST
Secretary found him guilty and meted him the penalty of
removal from office. He appealed to the Civil Service
Commission (CSC). In the meantime, the decision was
executed pending appeal. The CSC rendered a decision
which modified the appealed decision by imposing only a
penalty of reprimand, and which decision became final.
a) Can Alfonso Belt claim salary for the period that his
case was pending investigation? Why? (3%)
b) Can he claim salary for the period that his case was
pending appeal? Why? (2%)

a) Alfonso Beit cannot claim any salary for the period of

his preventive suspension during the pendency of the
investigation. As held in Gloria vs. Court of Appeals, 306
SCRA 287 (1997), under Section 52 of the Civil Service
Law, the provision for payment of salaries during the
period of preventive suspension during the pendency of
the investigation has been deleted. The preventive
suspension was not a penalty. Its imposition was lawful,
since it was authorized by law.
b) If the penalty was modified because Alfonso Beit was
exonerated of the charge that was the basis for the
decision ordering his dismissal, he is entitled to back
wages, otherwise, this would be tantamount to punishing
him after exoneration from the charge which caused his
dismissal. [Gloria vs. Court of Appeals, 3O6 SCRA 287
(1997)]. If he was reprimanded for the same charge
which was the basis of the decision ordering his
dismissal, Alfonso Belt is not entitled to back wages,
because he was found guilty, and the penalty was merely
commuted. (Dela Cruz vs. Court of Appeals, 305 SCRA
303 (1998)].
Discipline; Preventive Suspension (2002)
Simeon Valera was formerly a Provincial Governor who
ran and won as a Member of the House of
Representatives for the Second Congressional District of
lloilo. For violation of Section 3 of the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act (R.A. No.3019), as amended,
allegedly committed when he was still a Provincial
Governor, a criminal complaint was filed against him
before the Office of the Ombudsman for which, upon a
finding of probable cause, a criminal case was filed with
the Sandiganbayan. During the course of trial, the
Sandiganbayan issued an order of preventive
suspension for 90 days against him. Representative
Valera questioned the validity of the Sandiganbayan
order on the ground that, under Article VI , Section 16(3)
of the Constitution, he can be suspended only by the
House of Representatives and that the criminal case
against him did not arise from his actuations as a
member of the House of Representatives. Is
Representative Valera's contention correct? Why? (5%)
The contention of Representative Valera is not correct As
held in Santiago v. Sandiganbayan, 356 SCRA 636, the
suspension contemplated in Article VI, Section 16(3) of
the Constitution is a punishment that is imposed by the
Senate or House of Representatives upon an erring
member, it is distinct from the suspension under Section
13 of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, which is
not a penalty but a preventive measure. Since Section 13
of the Anti-Graft and Corruption Practices Act does not
state that the public officer must be suspended only in
the office where he is alleged to have committed the acts
which he has been charged, it applies to any office which
he may be holding.
Discipline; Preventive Suspension (2009)
Maximo, an employee of the Department of education, is
administratively charged with dishonesty and gross
misconduct. During the formal investigation of the
charges, the Secretary of Education preventively

64 of 96

suspended him for a period of 60 days. On the 60th day

of the preventive suspension, the Secretary rendered a
verdict, finding Maximino guilty, and ordered his
immediate dismissal from the service.
Maximino appealed to the Civil Service Commission
which affirmed the Secretarys decision. Maximo then
elevated the matter to the Court of Appeals. The CA
reversed the CSC decision, exonerating Maximino. The
secretary of education then petitions the Supreme Court
for the review of the CA decision.
(a) Is the Secretary of Education a proper party to seek
the review of the CA decision exonerating Maximino?
Reasons (2%)
The Secretary of Education is not the proper party to
seek review of the decision of the Court of Appeals,
because he is the one who heard the case and imposed
the penalty. Being the disciplinary authority, the
Secretary of Education should be impartial and should
not actively participate in prosecuting Maximino (National
Appellate Board of the National Police Commission vs.
Mamauag, 446 SCRA 624 [2005]).
(b) If the SC affirms the CA decision, is Maximino entitled
to recover back salaries corresponding to the entire
period he was out of the service? Explain your answer.
As a general rule, Maximo is not entitled to recover back
salaries corresponding to the entire period he was out of
the service because of the NO WORK NO PAY RULE.
But if it is found that he is illegally dismissed or
suspended he is entitled to back wages and other
monetary benefits from the time of his illegal dismissal or
suspension up to his reinstatement.
Maximo cannot recover back salaries during his
preventive suspension. The law does not provide for it.
Preventive suspension is not a penalty. During the
preventive suspension, he was not yet out of service.
However, he is entitled to back wages from the time of
his dismissal until his reinstatement. The enforcement of
the dismissal pending appeal was punitive, and he was
exonerated (Gloria vs. Court of Appeals, 306 SCRA 287
Elective and Appointive Officials: disciplinary
authority (2004)
CTD, a Commissioner of the National Labor Relations
Commission (NLRC), sports a No. 10 car plate. A
disgruntled litigant filed a complaint against him for
violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act
before the Ombudsman. CTD now seeks to enjoin the
Ombudsman in a petition for prohibition, alleging that he
could be investigated only by the Supreme Court under
its power of supervision granted in the Constitution. He
contends that under the law creating the NLRC, he has
the rank of a Justice of the Court of Appeals, and entitled
to the corresponding privileges. Hence, the OMB has no
jurisdiction over the complaint against him. Should CTD's
petition be granted or dismissed? Reason briefly. (5%)

The petition of CTD should be dismissed. Section 21 of
the Ombudsman Act vests the Office of the Ombudsman
with disciplinary authority over all elective and appointive
officials of the government, except officials who may be
removed only by impeachment, Members of Congress,
and the Judiciary. While CTD has the rank of a Justice of
the Court of Appeals, he does not belong to the Judiciary
but to the Executive Department. This simply means that
he has the same compensation and privileges as a
Justice of the Court of Appeals. If the Supreme Court
were to investigate CTD, it would be performing a nonjudicial function. This will violate the principle of
separation of powers. (Noblejas v. Teehankee, 23 SCRA
405 [1968])
Elective Public Officer; De Facto Officer (2000)
In the elections of May 1992, Cruz and Santos were the
candidates for the office of Municipal Mayor, the term of
which was to expire on June 30, 1995. Finding that he
won by a margin of 20 votes, the Municipal Board of
Canvassers proclaimed Cruz as the duly elected Mayor.
Santos filed an election protest before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) which decided that it was Santos who had
the plurality of 30 votes and proclaimed him the winner.
On motion made, the RTC granted execution pending the
appeal of Cruz to the COMELEC (Comelec) and on this
basis. Santos assumed office and served as Municipal
Mayor. In time, the Comelec reversed the ruling of the
RTC and instead ruled that Cruz won by a margin of 40
votes and proclaimed him the duly elected Municipal
a) It is now beyond June 30, 1995. Can Cruz still hold
office for the portion of the term he has failed to serve?
Why? (3%)
b) Was Santos a usurper and should he pay back what
he has received while holding the office as Municipal
Mayor? Why? (2%)
a) Cruz can no longer hold office for the portion of the
term he failed to serve since his term has expired.
b) Santos was not a usurper. He was a de facto officer,
since he had a color of election to the office of Municipal
Mayor by virtue of the decision in the election protest.
Hence, he is entitled to the emoluments of the office.
Elective Public Officers; De Facto Officer; effects
AVE ran for Congressman of QU province. However, his
opponent, BART, was the one proclaimed and seated as
the winner of the election by the COMELEC. AVE filed
seasonably a protest before HRET (House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal). After two years,
HRET reversed the COMELECs decision and AVE was
proclaimed finally as the duly elected Congressman.
Thus, he had only one year to serve in Congress. Can
AVE collect salaries and allowances from the
government for the first two years of his term as
Congressman? Should BART refund to the government
the salaries and allowances he had received as
Congressman? What will happen to the bills that BART
alone authored and were approved by the House of

65 of 96

Representatives while he was seated as Congressman?

Reason and explain briefly. (5%)
B. AVE cannot collect salaries and allowances from the
government for the first two years of his term, because in
the meanwhile BART collected the salaries and
allowances. BART was a de facto officer while he was in
possession of the office. To allow AVE to collect the
salaries and allowances will result in making the
government pay a second time. (Mechem, A Treatise on
the Law of Public Offices and Public Officers, [1890] pp.
222-223.) BART is not required to refund to the
government the salaries and allowances he received. As
a de facto officer, he is entitled to the salaries and
allowances because he rendered services during his
incumbency. (Rodriguez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724 119520.
The bills which BART alone authored and were approved
by the House of Representatives are valid because he
was a de facto officer during his incumbency. The acts of
a de facto officer are valid insofar as the public is
concerned. (People v. Garcia, 313 SCRA 279 [19990.
Graft and Corruption; Prescription of Crime (2002)
Suppose a public officer has committed a violation of
Section 3 (b) and (c) of the Anti- Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act {RA No, 3019), as amended, by receiving
monetary and other material considerations for contracts
entered into by him in behalf of the government and in
connection with other transactions, as a result of which
he has amassed illegally acquired wealth.
(a) Does the criminal offense committed prescribe? (2%)
(b) Does the right of the government to recover the
illegally acquired wealth prescribe? (3%)
(a) A violation of Section 3(b) and (c) of the Anti-Graft
and Corrupt Practices Act prescribes. As held in
Presidential Ad-Hoc Fact-Finding Committee on Behest
Loans v. Desierto, 317 SCRA 272 (1999), Article XI,
Section 15 of the Constitution does not apply to criminal
cases for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices
(b) Article XI, Section 15 of the Constitution provides that
the right of the State to recover properties unlawfully
acquired by public officials or employees, or from them or
from their nominees or transferees, shall not be barred
by prescription.
Impeachment; Cronyism (2000)
Is cronyism a legal ground for the impeachment of the
President? Explain. (5%)
Yes, cronyism is a legal ground for the impeachment of
the President. Under Section 2, Article XI of the
Constitution, betrayal of public trust is one of the grounds
for Impeachment. This refers to violation of the oath of
office and includes cronyism which involves unduly
favoring a crony to the prejudice of public interest,
(Record of the Constitutional Commission, Vol. II, p. 272)
Ombudsman: Power to Suspend; Preventive
Suspension (2004)
Director WOW failed the lifestyle check conducted by the
Ombudsman's Office because WOWs assets were

grossly disproportionate to his salary and allowances.

Moreover, some assets were not included in his
Statement of Assets and Liabilities. He was charged of
graft and corrupt practices and pending the completion of
investigations, he was suspended from office for six
A. Aggrieved, WOW petitioned the Court of Appeals to
annul the preventive suspension order on the ground that
the Ombudsman could only recommend but not impose
the suspension. Moreover, according to WOW, the
suspension was imposed without any notice or hearing,
in violation of due process. Is the petitioner's contention
meritorious? Discuss briefly. (5%)
The contention of Director WOW is not meritorious. The
suspension meted out to him is preventive and not
punitive. Section 24 of Republic Act No. 6770 grants the
Ombudsman the power to impose preventive suspension
up to six months. Preventive suspension maybe imposed
without any notice or hearing. It is merely a preliminary
step in an administrative investigation and is not the final
determination of the guilt of the officer concerned.
(Garcia v. Mojica, 314 SCRA 207 [1999]).
B. For his part, the Ombudsman moved to dismiss
WOWs petition. According to the Ombudsman the
evidence of guilt of WOW is strong, and petitioner failed
to exhaust administrative remedies. WOW admitted he
filed no motion for reconsideration, but only because the
order suspending him was immediately executory.
Should the motion to dismiss be granted or not? Discuss
briefly. (5%)
B. The motion to dismiss should be denied. Since the
suspension of Director WOW was immediately
executory, he would have suffered irreparable injury had
he tried to exhaust administrative remedies before filing a
petition in court (University of the Philippines Board of
Regents v. Rasul, 200 SCRA 685 [19910- Besides, the
question involved is purely legal. (Azarcon v. Bunagan,
399 SCRA 365 [2003]).
Ombudsman; Power to Investigate (2003)
A group of losing litigants in a case decided by the
Supreme Court filed a complaint before the Ombudsman
charging the Justices with knowingly and deliberately
rendering an unjust decision in utter violation of the penal
laws of the land. Can the Ombudsman validly take
cognizance of the case? Explain.
No, the Ombudsman cannot entertain the complaint. As
stated in the case of In re: Laureta. 148 SCRA 382
[1987], pursuant to the principle of separation of powers,
the correctness of the decisions of the Supreme Court as
final arbiter of all justiciable disputes is conclusive upon
all other departments of the government; the
Ombudsman has no power to review the decisions of the
Supreme Court by entertaining a complaint against the
Justices of the Supreme Court for knowingly rendering
an unjust decision.

66 of 96

Article XI, Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution provides

that public officers must at all times be accountable to the
people. Section 22 of the Ombudsman Act provides that
the Office of the Ombudsman has the power to
investigate any serious misconduct allegedly committed
by officials removable by impeachment for the purpose of
filing a verified complaint for impeachment if warranted.
The Ombudsman can entertain the complaint for this
Ombudsman; Power to Impose Penalties (2009)
d. Decisions of the Ombudsman imposing penalties in
FALSE. Under Section 15(3) of the Ombudsman Act, the
Ombudsman has the power to ensure compliance with
the imposition of penalty on public officers it finds at fault
by virtue of its disciplinary authority (Office of the
Ombudsman vs. Madriaga, 503 SCRA 631 [2006]).
Ombudsman; Power and Jurisdiction (2012)
Judge Red is the Executive Judge of Green City. Red is
known to have corrupt tendencies and has a reputation
widely known among practicing lawyers for accepting
bribes. Ombudsman Grey, wishing to "clean up" the
government from errant public officials, initiated an
investigation on the alleged irregularities in the
performance of duties of Judge Red.
Judge Red refused to recognize the authority of
the Office of the Ombudsman over him because
according to him, any administrative action against him
or any court official or employee falls under the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Decide with reasons.
Since the complaint refers to the performance of the
duties of Judge Red, Ombudsman Grey should not act
on it and should refer it to the Supreme Court. His
investigation will encroach upon the exclusive power of
administrative supervision of the Supreme Court over all
courts (Maceda v. Vasquez, 221 SCRA 464).
Does the Ombudsman have authority to
conduct investigation over crimes or offenses committed
by public officials that are NOT in connection or related at
all to the officials discharge of his duties and functions?
Explain. (3%)
The Ombudsman can investigate crimes or offenses
committed by public officers which are connected in the
performance of their duties. Under Section 13 (1), Article
XI of the Constitution, the Ombudsman can investigate
any act or omission of a public official which is illegal
(Deloso v. Domingo, 191 SCRA 545).
Who are required by the Constitution to submit
a declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities, and net
worth? (2%)

All public officers and employees are required to submit a

declaration under oath of their assets, liabilities and net
worth (Section 17, Article XI of the Constitution).
Prohibition On Elective Officer to Hold Public Office
X was elected provincial governor for a term of three
years. He was subsequently appointed by the President
of the Philippines serving at her pleasure, as concurrent
Presidential Assistant for Political Affairs in the Office of
the President, without additional compensation. Is X's
appointment valid? (5%)
The appointment of X is not valid, because the position of
Presidential Assistant for Political Affairs is a public
office. Article IX-B Section 7 of the Constitution provides
that no elective official shall be eligible for appointment or
designation in any capacity to any public office or
position during his tenure. As held in Flores v. Drilon, 223
SCRA 568 (1993), since an elective official is ineligible
for an appointive position, his appointment is not valid.

Alter Ego Principle (2013)
While Congress was in session, the President appointed
eight acting Secretaries. A group of Senators from the
minority bloc questioned the validity of the appointments
in a petition before the Supreme Court on the ground that
while Congress is in session, no appointment that
requires confirmation by the Commission on
Appointments, can be made without the latter's consent,
and that an undersecretary should instead be designated
as Acting Secretary.
Should the petition be granted? (5%)
No, the petition should not be granted. The
Department Head is an alter-ego of the President and
must enjoy his confidence even if the appointment will be
merely temporary. The Senators cannot require the
President to designate an Undersecretary to be the
temporary alter ego of the President (Pimentel, Jr. v.
Ermita, 472 SCRA 587)
Admin Law; Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies
a) Explain the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative
remedies. (2%)
b) Give at least three (3) exceptions to its application.
A.) The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies
means that when an adequate
remedy is available within the Executive Department, a
litigant must first exhaust this remedy before he can
resort to the courts. The purpose of the doctrine is to
enable the administrative agencies to correct themselves
if they have committed an error. (Rosales v. Court of
Appeals, 165 SCRA 344 [19881)
B.) The following are the exceptions to the application of
the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies:
1. The question involved is purely legal;

67 of 96








The administrative body is in estoppel;

The act complained of is patently illegal;
There is an urgent need for Judicial
The claim involved is small;
Grave and irreparable injury will be suffered;
There is no other plain, speedy and adequate
Strong public interest is involved;
The subject of the controversy is private law;
The case involves a quo warranto proceeding
(Sunville Timber Products, Inc. v. Abad. 206
SCRA 482 {1992);
The party was denied due process (Samahang
Magbubukid ng Kapdula, Inc. v. Court of
Appeals, 305 SCRA 147 [1999]);
The decision is that of a Department Secretary.
(Nazareno v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
131641, February 23. 2000);
Resort to administrative remedies would be
futile (University of the Philippines Board of
Regents v. Rasul 200 SCRA 685 [1991]);
There is unreasonable delay (Republic v,
Sandiganbayan, 301 SCRA 237 [1999]);
"The action involves recovery of physical
possession of public land (Gabrito u. Court of
Appeals, 167 SCRA 771 {1988]);
The party is poor (Sabello v. Department of
Education, Culture and Sports, 180 SCRA 623
[1989]); and
The law provides for immediate resort to the
court (Rulian v Valdez, 12 SCRA 501 [1964]).
{Note: The examinee should be given full credit
if he gives three of the abovementioned

Admin Law; Judicial Review of Administrative Action

Give the two (2) requisites for the judicial review of
administrative decision/actions, that is, when is an
administrative action ripe for Judicial review? (5%)
The following are the conditions for ripeness for judicial
review of an administrative action:
1. The administrative action has already been fully
completed and, therefore, is a final agency action; and
2. All administrative remedies have been exhausted.
[Gonzales, Administrative Law, Rex Bookstore: Manila,
p. 136 (1979)].
Admin Law; Power of the President to Reorganize
Administrative Structure (2003)
The President abolished the Office of the Presidential
Spokesman in Malacanang Palace and a long-standing
Bureau under the Department of Interior and Local
Governments. The employees of both offices assailed
the action of the President for being an encroachment of
legislative powers and thereby void. Was the contention
of the employees correct? Explain.
The contention of the employees is not correct. As held
in Buklod ng Kawaning EHB v. Zamora. 360 SCRA 718
[2001], Section 31, Book III of the Administrative Code of

1987 has delegated to the President continuing authority

to reorganize the administrative structure of the Office of
the President to achieve simplicity, economy and
efficiency. Since this includes the power to abolish
offices, the President can abolish the Office of the
Presidential Spokesman, provided it is done in good
faith. The President can also abolish the Bureau in the
Department of Interior and Local Governments, provided
it is done in good faith because the President has been
granted continuing authority to reorganize the
administrative structure of the National Government to
effect economy and promote efficiency, and the powers
include the abolition of government offices. (Presidential
Decree No. 1416, as amended by Presidential Decree
No. 1772; Larin v. The Executive Secretary. 280 SCRA
713 [1997]).
Admin Law; Rules and Regulations; Due Process
The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) issued new
rules and regulations governing pilotage services and
fees, and the conduct of pilots in Philippine ports. This it
did without notice, hearing nor consultation with harbor
pilots or their associations whose rights and activities are
to be substantially affected. The harbor pilots then filed
suit to have the new MARINA rules and regulations
declared unconstitutional for having been issued without
due process. Decide the case. (5%)
The issuance of the new rules and regulations violated
due process. Under Section 9, Chapter II, Book VII of the
Administrative Code of 1987, as far as practicable,
before adopting proposed rules, an administrative
agency should publish or circulate notices of the
proposed rules and afford interested parties the
opportunity to submit their views; and in the fixing of
rates, no rule shall be valid unless the proposed rates
shall have been published in a newspaper of general
circulation at least two weeks before the first hearing on
them. In accordance with this provision, in Commissioner
of Internal Revenue v CA, 261 SCRA 236 (1996), it was
held that when an administrative rule substantially
increases the burden of those directly affected, they
should be accorded the chance to be heard before its
Submission of the rule to the University of the Philippines
Law Center for publication is mandatory. Unless this
requirement is complied with, the rule cannot be
Government Agency vs. Government Instrumentality
(3) State with reason(s) which of the following is a
government agency or a government instrumentality:
a. Department of Public Works and Highways;
b. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas;
c. Philippine Ports Authority;
d. Land Transportation Office;
e. Land Bank of the Philippines. (5%)
An INSTRUMENTALITY refers to any agency of the
national government not integrated within the

68 of 96

departmental framework, vested with special functions or

jurisdiction by law, with some if not all corporate powers,
administering special funds, and enjoying operational
autonomy, usually through a charter. (Iron and Steel
Authority v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 102976, October
25, 1995) AGENCY under the administrative code is any
department, bureau, office, commission, authority or
officer of the national government, authorized by law or
executive order to make rules, issue licenses, grant
rights or privileges, and adjudicate cases; research
institutions with respect to licensing functions;
government corporations with respect to functions
regulating private rights, privileges, occupation or
business, and officials in the exercise of the disciplinary
powers as provided by law. There is NO PRACTICAL
DISTINCTION between an instrumentality and agency,
for all intents and purposes. A distinction, however, may
be made with respect to those entities possessing a
separate charter created by statute.
a. DPWH is an agency. It does not possess a
separate charter.
b. BSP is an instrumentality because it was
incorporated under the new Central Bank Law
(R.A. No. 7653)
c. PPA can be defined as both an instrumentality
and an agency because it was incorporated by
special law and it has its own charter, yet it is
integrated with the DOTC.
d. LTO is an agency. It is an office of the DOTC.
e. LBP is an instrumentality having a charter
under a special law and is a government
financial institution (GFI) independent of any
department of government.

Quasi-Judicial Body or Agency (2006)

3. What is a quasi-judicial body or agency? (2.5%)
A quasi-judicial body or agency is an administrative body
with the power to hear, determine or ascertain facts and
decide rights, duties and obligations of the parties by the
application of rules to the ascertained facts. By this
power, quasi-judicial agencies are enabled to interpret
and apply implementing rules and regulations
promulgated by them and laws entrusted to their

2nd Placer Rule (2003)
No VIII - In the municipal mayoralty elections in 1980, the
candidate who obtained the highest number of votes was
subsequently declared to be disqualified as a candidate
and so ineligible for the office to which he was elected.
Would this fact entitle a competing candidate who
obtained the second highest number of votes to ask and
to be proclaimed the winner of the elective office?

According to Trinidad v. COMELEC. 315 SCRA 175

[1999], if the candidate who obtained the highest number
of votes is disqualified, the candidate who obtained the
second highest number of votes cannot be proclaimed
the winner. Since he was not the choice of the people, he
cannot claim any right to the office.
Effect of Filing of Certificate of Candidacy;
Appointive Officer vs Elective Officer (2002)
A, a City Legal Officer, and B, a City Vice-Mayor, filed
certificates of candidacy for the position of City Mayor in
the May 14, 2001 elections.
a) Was A ipso facto considered resigned and, if so,
effective on what date? (2%)
b) Was B ipso facto considered resigned and, if so,
effective on what date? (3%) In both cases, state the
reason or reasons for your answer.
A) A was considered ipso facto resigned upon the filing
of his certificate of candidacy, because being a City
Legal Officer, he is an appointive official. Section 66 of
the Omnibus Election Code provides that any person
holding a public appointive office shall be considered
ipso facto resigned upon the filing of his certificate of
B) B is not considered ipso facto resigned. Section 67 of
the Omnibus Election Code considers any elective official
ipso facto resigned from office upon his filing of a
certificate of candidacy for any office other than the one
he is holding except for President and Vice-President,
was repealed by the Fair Election Act
Effect of Filing of Certificate of Candidacy;
Fair Election Act (2003)
No X - (a) Pedro Reyes is an incumbent Vice- Mayor of
Quezon City. He intends to run in the regular elections
for the position of City Mayor of Quezon City whose
incumbent mayor would have fully served three
consecutive terms by 2004. Would Pedro Reyes have to
give up his position as Vice-Mayor(1) Once he files his certificate of candidacy; or
(2) When the campaign period starts; or
(3) Once and if he is proclaimed winner in the election; or
(4) Upon his assumption to the elective office; or
(5) None of the above. Choose the correct answer
(b) If Pedro Reyes were, instead, an incumbent
Congressman of Quezon City, who intends to seek the
mayoralty post in Quezon City, would your choice of
answer in no.(1) above be the same? If not, which would
be your choice?
(a) The correct answer is (5). Section 14 of the Fair
Election Act repealed Section 67 of the Omnibus Election
Code, which provided that any elected official, whether
national or local, who runs for any office other than the
one he is holding in a permanent capacity, except for
President and Vice President, shall be considered ipso
facto resigned from his office upon the filing of his
certificate of candidacy. Section 14 of the Fair Election
Act likewise rendered ineffective the first proviso in the
third paragraph of Section 11 of Republic Act No. 8436.
Consequently, Pedro Reyes can run for Mayor without
giving up his position as Vice-Mayor. He will have to give

69 of 96

up his position as Vice-Mayor upon expiration of his term

as Vice-Mayor on June 30, 2004.
(Note: The question did not ask the examinee to explain
the reason for his choice and the general instructions
requires such discussion only to a "yes" or "no" answer.)
(b) The answer is the same if Pedro Reyes is a
Congressman of Quezon City, because the repeal of
Section 67 of the Omnibus Election Code covers both
elective national and local officials.
Petition for Disqualification; Jurisdiction (2012)
Mayor Pink is eyeing re-election in the next mayoralty
race. It was common knowledge in the town that Mayor
Pink will run for re-election in the coming elections. The
deadline for filing of Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) is on
March 23 and the campaign period commences the
following day. One month before the deadline, Pink has
yet to file her CoC, but she has been going around town
giving away sacks of rice with the words "Mahal Tayo ni
Mayor Pink" printed on them, holding public gatherings
and speaking about how good the town is doing, giving
away pink t-shirts with "Kay Mayor Pink Ako" printed on
Mr. Green is the political opponent of Mayor
Pink. In April, noticing that Mayor Pink had gained
advantage over him because of her activities before the
campaign period, he filed a petition to disqualify Mayor
Pink for engaging in an election campaign outside the
designated period.
1. Which is the correct body to rule on the matter?
Comelec en banc, or Comelec division? Answer with
reasons. (2%)
It is the Commission on Elections en banc
which should decide the petition. Since it involves the
exercise of the administrative powers of the Commission
on Elections, Section 3, Article IX-C of the Constitution is
not applicable (Baytan v. Commission on Elections,
396 SCRA 703).
2. Rule on the petition. (5%)
The petition should be denied. Under Section
80 of the Omnibus Election Code, to be liable for
premature campaigning, he must be a candidate. Unless
he filed his certificate of candidacy, he is not a candidate
(Lanot v. Commission on Elections, 507 SCRA 114).
Pre-Proclamation Contest (2008)
The 1st Legislative District of South Cotabato is
composed of General Santos and three municipalities
including Polomolok. During the canvassing proceedings
before the District Board of Canvassers in connection
with the 2007 congressional elections, candidate MP
objected to the certificate of canvass for Polomolok on
the ground that it was obviously manufactured,
submitting as evidence the affidavit of mayoralty
candidate of Polomolok. The Certificate of canvass for
General Santos was likewise objected to by MP on the
basis of the confirmed report of the local NAMFREL that
10 elections returns from non-existent precincts were
included in the certificate. MP moved that the certificate

of canvass for General Santos be corrected to exclude

the results from the non-existent precincts. TheDistrict
Board of Canvassers denied both objections and ruled to
include the certificate of canvass. May MP appeal the
rulings to the COMELEC? Explain. (6%)
NO. COMELECs Jurisdiction over pre-proclamation
cases pertains only to elections of regional, provincial
and city officials. (Sec. 15, RA 7166) No preproclamation cases in election of national officials. For
purposes of the elections for President, V-President,
Senator and Member of the House of Representatives,
no pre-proclamation cases shall be allowed on matters
relating to the preparation, transmission, receipt, custody
and appreciation of the election returns or the certificates
of canvass, as the case may be.
Yes. a party adversely affected by the ruling of the board
shall immediately inform the board if he intends to appeal
said ruling to the COMELEC. The party adversely
affected by the ruling may file a verified notice of appeal
with the board within a non-extendible period of 5 days.
Election Protest vs. Quo Warranto (2001)
No XVII - Under the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. 881,
as amended), briefly differentiate an election protest from
a quo warranto case, as to who can file the case and the
respective grounds therefor. (5%)
An ELECTION PROTEST maybe filed by a losing
candidate for the same office for which the winner filed
his certificate of candidacy. A QUO WARRANTO CASE
may be filed by any voter who is a registered voter in the
constituency where the winning candidate sought to be
disqualified ran for office. In an election contest, the
issues are: (a) who received the majority or plurality of
the votes which were legally cast and (b) whether there
were irregularities in the conduct of the election which
affected its results. In a quo warranto case, the issue is
whether the candidate who was proclaimed elected
should be disqualified because of ineligibility or disloyalty
to the Philippines.
Election Protest vs. Quo Warranto (Q5-2006)
Differentiate an election protest from an action for quo
warranto. (2.5%)
An ELECTION PROTEST is a proceeding whereby a
losing candidate for a particular position contests the
results of the election on grounds of fraud, terrorism,
irregularities or illegal acts committed before, during or
after the casting and counting of votes. On the other
hand, a PETITION FOR QUO WARRANTO is filed by
any registered voter to contest the election of any
candidate on grounds of ineligibility or disloyalty to the
Republic of the Philippines.
Election Protest; Substitution; Quo Warranto (2009)
Despite lingering questions about his Filipino citizenship
and his one-year residence in the district, Gabriel filed his
certificate of candidacy for congressman
before the deadline set by law. His opponent, Vito, hires
you as lawyer to contest Gabriels candidacy.

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(a) Before Election Day, what action or actions will you

institute against Gabriel, and before which court,
commission or tribunal will you file such action/s?
Reasons. (2%).
File with COMELEC in division, a petition to deny due
course or to cancel Certificate of Candidacy within 25
days from the time of filing of the COC on the ground of
material representationcontained in the certificate is
false; or file a petition with the COMELEC in division to
cancel the COC because he is a nuisance candidate.
There must be a showing that:

The COC was filed to put the election

process in a mockery or disrepute


Cause confusion among voters by

similarity of


By other circumstances or acts which

demonstrate that a candidate has no bona
fide intention to run for the office for which
his certificate of candidacy has been filed,
and thus prevent a faithful determination of
the true will of the electorate.

(b) If, during the pendency of such action/s but before

election day, Gabriel withdraws his certificate of
candidacy, can he be substituted as candidate? If so, by
whom and why? If not, why or why not?
No. when the candidate who withdraws is an
independent candidate, he cannot be substituted. Under
the law, if after the last day for the filing of certificates of
candidacy, an official candidate of a registered or
accredited political party dies, withdraws or is disqualified
for any cause, only a person belonging to, and certified
by, the same political party may file a certificate of
candidacy to replace the candidate who dies, withdrew or
was disqualified not later than mid-day of the day of the
election (sec.76, OEC).
Since there is no showing in the present case that
Gabriel is a member of a registered political party, in no
moment could he be substituted if he withdraws his COC.
(c) If the action/s instituted should be dismissed with
finality before the election, and Gabriel assumes office
after being proclaimed the winner in the election, can the
issue of his candidacy and/or citizenship and residence
still be questioned? If so, what action or actions may be
filed and where? If not, why not? (2%)
Yes, a petition for quo warranto may be filed with the
House of Representative Electoral Tribunal questioning
his eligibility to continue to hold such elective position.
A quo warranto proceeding may be filed by any citizen of
the Philippine questioning the eligibility of an elective
officer with respect to his continued possession of the
qualifications of age, citizenship, and residency, as the

case may be. Should the action prosper and a decision

be rendered against the elective official, the latter shall
be removed from office leaving the position vacant.
Moreover, the Sole judge to hear and decide concerning
the election, returns and qualification of the members of
the House of Representative is the HRET. The HRET
shall have jurisdiction over the election contest when the
candidate has been proclaimed, taken his oath and
assumed to office.
Quo Warranto; Elective vs. Apoointive (2012)
Distinguish briefly between Quo Warranto in
elective office and Quo Warranto in appointive office.
In quo warranto in elective office, the issue is the
ineligibility of the elected candidates (Section 3(e), Rule 1
of the Rules of Procedure in Election Cases). If he is
ineligible, the candidate who got the second highest
number of votes cannot be proclaimed elected (Sinsuat
v. Commission on Elections, 492 SCRA 264). A voter
may file a petition for quo warranto against an elected
candidate. The petition should be filed within 10 days
after the proclamation of the elected candidate.
In quo warranto in appointive office, the issue is the
legality of the appointment. The court will decide who
between the parties has the legal title to the office
(Nachura, Outline Reviewer in Political Law, p. 567).
It is theSolicitor General, a public prosecutor, or a person
claiming to be entitled to the public office can file a
petition for quo warranto against an appointive official
(Sections 2 and 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court). The
petition should be filed within one year after the cause of
the petition accrued (Section 11, Rule 66 of the Rules of
Expiration of Term; Effects (2000)
In the elections of May 1992, Cruz and Santos were the
candidates for the office of Municipal Mayor, the term of
which was to expire on June 30, 1995. Finding that he
won by a margin of 20 votes, the Municipal Board of
Canvassers proclaimed Cruz as the duly elected Mayor.
Santos filed an election protest before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) which decided that it was Santos who had
the plurality of 30 votes and proclaimed him the winner.
On motion made, the RTC granted execution pending the
appeal of Cruz to the COMELEC (Comelec) and on this
basis. Santos assumed office and served as Municipal
Mayor. In time, the Comelec reversed the ruling of the
RTC and instead ruled that Cruz won by a margin of 40
votes and proclaimed him the duly elected Municipal
a) It is now beyond June 30, 1995. Can Cruz still hold
office for the portion of the term he has failed to serve?
Why? (3%)
a) As held in Malaluan v. COMELEC, 254 SCRA 397
(1996). Cruz can no longer hold office for the portion of
the term he failed to serve since his term has expired.

71 of 96

Recall (2002)
No XVI. Suppose the people of a province want to recall
the provincial governor before the end of his three-year
term of office,
A. On what ground or grounds can the provincial
governor be recalled? (1%)
B. How will the recall be initiated? (2%)
C. When will the recall of an elective local official be
considered effective? {2%}
In accordance with Section 69 of the Local Government
Code, the Governor can be recalled for LOSS OF
CONFIDENCE. Under Section 70 of the Local
Government Code, the recall may be initiated by a
resolution adopted by a majority of all the members of
the preparatory recall assembly, which consists of all the
mayors, the vice-mayors, and the sangguniang members
of the municipalities and component cities, or by a written
petition signed by at least twenty-five per cent (25%) of
the total number of registered voters in the province.
According to Section 72 of the Local Government Code,
the recall of an elective local official shall take effect upon
the election and proclamation of a successor in the
person of the candidate receiving the highest number of
votes cast during the election on recall.
Three-Term Limit Rule (2001)
In the May 1992 elections, Manuel Manalo and Segundo
Parate were elected as Mayor and Vice Mayor,
respectively. Upon the death of Manalo as incumbent
municipal mayor, Vice Mayor Segundo Parate
succeeded as mayor and served for the remaining
portion of the term of office. In the May 1995 election,
Segundo Parate ran for and won as mayor and then
served for the full term. In the May 1998 elections, Parate
ran for reelection as Mayor and won again. In the May
2001 election, Segundo Parate filed his certificate of
candidacy for the same position of mayor, but his rival
mayoralty candidate sought his disqualification alleging
violation of the three-term limit for local elective officials
provided for in the Constitution and in the Local
Government Code. Decide whether the disqualification
case will prosper or not. (5%)
The disqualification case should be dismissed. As held in
Borja vs. COMELEC, 295 SCRA157 (1996), in
computing the three-term limitation imposed upon
elective local officials, only the term for which he was
elected to should be considered. The term which he
served as a result of succession should not be included.
It is not enough that the official has served three
consecutive terms. He must have been elected to the
same position three consecutive times.
Three-Term Limit; from Municipality to NewlyCreated City (2005) 2. Manuel was elected Mayor of the
Municipality of Tuba in the elections of 1992, 1995 and
1998. He fully served his first two terms, and during his
third term, the municipality was converted into the
component City of Tuba. The said charter provided for a
holdover and so without interregnum Manuel went on to
serve as the Mayor of the City of Tuba. In the 2001
elections, Manuel filed his certificate of candidacy for City

Mayor. He disclosed, though, that he had already served

for three consecutive terms as elected Mayor when Tuba
was still a municipality. He also stated in his certificate of
candidacy that he is running for the position of Mayor for
the first time now that Tuba is a city. Reyes, an
adversary, ran against Manuel and petitioned that he be
disqualified because he had already served for three
consecutive terms as Mayor. The petition was not timely
acted upon, and Manuel was proclaimed the winner with
20,000 votes over the 10,000 votes received by Reyes
as the only other candidate. It was only after Manuel took
his oath and assumed office that the COMELEC ruled
that he was disqualified for having ran and served for
three consecutive terms. (5%)
(a) As lawyer of Manuel, present the possible arguments
to prevent his disqualification and removal.
As lawyer of Manuel, I would argue that he should not be
disqualified and removed because he was a three-term
mayor of the municipality of Tuba, and, with its
conversion to a component city, the latter has a totally
separate and different corporate personality from that of
the municipality. Moreover, as a rule, in a representative
democracy, the people should be allowed freely to
choose those who will govern them. Having won the
elections, the choice of the people should be respected.
(b) How would you rule on whether or not Manuel is
eligible to run as Mayor of the newly-created City of Tuba
immediately after having already served for three (3)
consecutive terms as Mayor of the Municipality of Tuba?
Manuel is not eligible to run as mayor of the city of Tuba.
The 1987 Constitution specifically included an exception
to the people's freedom to choose those who will govern
them in order to avoid the evil of a single person
accumulating excessive power over a particular territorial
jurisdiction as a result of a prolonged stay in the same
office. To allow Manuel to vie for the position of city
mayor after having served for three consecutive terms as
a municipal mayor would obviously defeat the very intent
of the framers when they wrote this exception. Should he
be allowed another three consecutive terms as mayor of
the City of Tuba, Manuel would then be possibly holding
office as chief executive over the same territorial
jurisdiction and inhabitants for a total of eighteen
consecutive years. This is the very scenario sought to be
avoided by the Constitution, if not abhorred by it. (Latasa
v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 154829, December 10, 2003)
(c) Assuming that Manuel is not an eligible candidate,
rebut Reyes' claim that he should be proclaimed as
winner having received the next higher number of votes.
Reyes cannot be proclaimed winner for receiving the
second highest number of votes. The Supreme Court has
consistently ruled that the fact that a plurality or a
majority of the votes are cast for an ineligible candidate
at a popular election, or that a candidate is later declared
to be disqualified to hold office, does not entitle the
candidate who garnered the second highest number of
votes to be declared elected. The same merely results in
making the winning candidate's election a nullity. In the

72 of 96

present case, 10,000 votes were cast for private

respondent Reyes as against the 20,000 votes cast for
petitioner Manuel. The second placer is obviously not the
choice of the people in this particular election. The
permanent vacancy in the contested office should be
filled by succession. (Labo v. COMELEC, G.R. No.
105111, July 3,1992)
Reyes could not be proclaimed as winner because he did
not win the election. To allow the defeated candidate to
take over the Mayoralty despite his rejection by the
electorate is to disenfranchise the electorate without any
fault on their part and to undermine the importance and
meaning of democracy and the people's right to elect
officials of their choice. (Benito v. COMELEC, G.R. No.
106053, August 17, 1994)
Three-Term Limit; Congressmen (2001)
No V - During his third term, "A", a Member of the House
of Representatives, was suspended from office for a
period of 60 days by his colleagues upon a vote of twothirds of all the Members of the House. In the next
succeeding election, he filed his certificate of candidacy
for the same position. "B", the opposing candidate, filed
an action for disqualification of "A" on the ground that the
latter's, candidacy violated Section 7. Article VI of the
Constitution which provides that no Member of the House
of Representatives shall serve for more than three
consecutive terms. "A" answered that he was not barred
from running again for that position because his service
was interrupted by his 60- day suspension which was
involuntary. Can 'A', legally continue with his candidacy
or is he already barred? Why? (5%)
"A" cannot legally continue with his candidacy. He was
elected as Member of the House of Representatives for a
third term. This term should be included in the
computation of the term limits, even if "A" did not serve
for a full term. (Record of the Constitutional Commission,
Vol. n, p. 592.) He remained a Member of the House of
Representatives even if he was suspended.
Three Term Limit; Contest; Substitution (2008)
Abdul ran and won in the May 2001, 2004, and 2007
elections for Vice-Governor of Tawi-Tawi. After being
proclaimed Vice-Governor in the 2004 elections, his
opponent, Khalil, filed an election protest before the
Commission on Election. Ruling with finality on the
protest, the COMELEC declared khalil as the duly
elected Vice-Governor though the decision was
promulgated only in 2007, when Abdul had fully served
his 2004-2007 term and was in fact already on his 20072010 term as Vice-Governor.
(a) Abdul now consults you if he can still run for ViceGovernor of Tawi-Tawi in the forthcoming May 2010
election on the premise that he could not be considered
as having served as Vice-Governor from 2004-2007
because he was not duly elected to the post, as he
assumed office merely as presumptive winner and that
presumption was later overturned when COMELEC
decided with finality that had lost in the May 2004
elections. What will be your advice? (3%).

Will advice Abdul that he can no longer run for ViceGovernor in the forthcoming May 2010 election because
there is no interruption of service of his 2004-2007 term.
He is considered to have already served and thereof it is
counted in the consecutiveness of his term of office.
(Ong v. Alegre, Jan. 23, 2006).
(b) Abdul also consults you whether his political party can
validly nominate his wife as substitute candidate for ViceGovernor of Tawi-Tawi in May 2010 election in case the
COMELEC disqualifies him and denies due course to or
cancels his certificate of candidacy in view of a false
material representation therein. What will be your
advice? (3%)
I will advise him that his wife can be a substitute if his
wife is a member of the political party and is certified by
such political party that she is going to substitute abdul
as candidate for Vice-Governor and that the substitution
must be made within the prescribed period provided by
law. Provided further that his wife is eligible to hold public
office meaning she has all the qualifications and none of
the disqualifications.
Vacancy; Effect of Vice-Mayor Acting As Mayor
No XIV. Suppose A, a Municipal Mayor, went on a sick
leave to undergo medical treatment for a period of four
(4) months. During that time
A. Will B, the Municipal Vice-Mayor, be performing
executive functions? Why? (2%)
B. Will B at the same time be also performing legislative
functions as presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan?
Why? (3%)
A. Since the Municipal Mayor is temporarily incapacitated
to perform his duties, in accordance with Section 46(a) of
the Local Government Code, the Municipal Vice-Mayor
shall exercise his powers and perform his duties and
functions. The Municipal Vice-Mayor will be performing
executive functions, because the functions of the
Municipal Mayor are executive.
B. The Municipal Vice-Mayor cannot continue as
presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan while he is
acting Municipal Mayor. In accordance with Gamboa v.
Aguirre, 310 SCRA 867 (1999), under the Local
Government Code, the Vice-Municipal Mayor was
deprived of the power to preside over the Sangguniang
Bayan and is no longer a member of it. The temporary
vacancy in the office of the Municipal Mayor creates a
corresponding temporary vacancy in the Office of the
Municipal Vice-Mayor when he acts as Municipal Mayor.
This constitutes inability on his part to preside over the
sessions of the Sangguniang Bayan.
Vacancy; SB; Rule on Succession (2002)
A vacancy occurred in the sangguniang bayan of a
municipality when X, a member, died. X did not belong to
any political party. To fill up the vacancy, the provincial
governor appointed A upon the recommendation of the
sangguniang panlalawigan. On the other hand, for the

73 of 96

same vacancy, the municipal mayor appointed B upon

the recommendation of the sangguniang bayan. Which of
these appointments is valid? (5%)
As held in Farinas v. Barba, 256 SCRA 396 (1996),
neither of the appointments is valid. Under Section 45 of
the Local Government Code, in case of a permanent
vacancy in the Sangguniang Bayan created by the
cessation in office of a member who does not belong to
any political party, the Governor shall appoint a qualified
person recommended by the Sangguniang Bayan. Since
A was not recommended by the Sangguniang Bayan, his
appointment by the Governor is not valid. Since B was
not appointed by the Governor but by the Municipal
Mayor, his appointment is also not valid.
Vacancy: Succession; Recall (2010)
Governor Diy was serving his third term when he lost his
governorship in a recall election.
(a) Who shall succeed Governor Diy in his office as
The candidate who received the highest number of votes
in the recall will succeed Governor Diy (Section 72 of the
Local Government Code).
(b) Can Governor Diy run again as governor in the next
Yes, because recall election is an interruption of the
consecutiveness of the term of office it cannot be
counted. A recall election is a mid-way election and the
term is not completed when one is conducted. The third
term of Governor Diy should not be included in
computing the the=ree-term limit. (Lonzanida vs.
Commission on Elections, 311 SCRA 602 [1999]).
(c) Can Governor Diy refuse to run in the recall election
and instead resign from his position as governor?
Governor Diy cannot refuse to run in the recall election.
He is automatically considered as a duly registered
candidate. (Section 71, Local Government Code).
YES, Governor Diy is not compelled to run in a recall
election. Recall election is called because the electorate
has lost confidence to the elective official. He may
instead resign from his position.
Vacancy: Sangguniang Panlalawigan (2008)
On august 8, 2008, the Governor of Bohol died and ViceGovernor Cesar succeeded him by operation of law.
Accordingly, Benito, the highest ranking member of the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan was elevated to the position
of Vice-Governor. By the elevation of Benito to the Office
of Vice-Governor, a vacancy in the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan was created. How should the vacancy be
The vacancy shall be filled in the following manner:

If Benito is affiliated with a political party, the

vacancy in the Sangguiniang Panlalawigan

shall be filled by a nomination and certificate of
membership of the appointee from the highest
official of the political party. (must be filled with
someone who belongs to the political party to
maintain the party representation as willed by
the people in the election).

If Benito is not affiliated with a political party,

the vacancy shall be filled by the PRESIDENT
through the executive secretary.

Jurisdiction (2005)
1 - There was a boundary dispute between Duenas, a
municipality, and Passi, an independent component city,
both of the same province. State how the two local
government units should settle their boundary dispute.
Boundary disputes between local government units
should, as much as possible, be settled amicably. After
efforts at settlement fail, then the dispute may be brought
to the appropriate Regional Trial Court in the said
province. Since the Local Government Code is silent as
to what body has exclusive jurisdiction over the
settlement of boundary disputes between a municipality
and an independent component city of the same
province, the Regional Trial Courts have general
jurisdiction to adjudicate the said controversy. (Mun. of
Kananga v. Madrona, G.R. No. 141375, April 30, 2003)
Boundary Dispute Resolution; LGU; RTC (2010)
c. Boundary disputes between and among municipalities
in the same province may be filed immediate with the
FALSE. Should be referred for settlement to the
118, RA No.7160; Municipality of Sta. Fe vs. Municipality
of Artao, 533 SCRA 586 [2007]).
Internal Revenue Allotment Fund (2007)
The Provincial Governor of Bataan requested the
Department of Budget and Management (DBM) to
release its Internal Revenue Allocation (IRA) of P100
million for the current budget year. However, the General
Appropriations Act provided that the IRA may be
released only if the province meets certain conditions as
determined by an Oversight Council created by the
(a) Is this requirement valid?
No, this requirement is not valid. Under the 1987
Constitution, it is provided that local government units
shall have a just share, as determined by law, in the

74 of 96

national taxes which shall be automatically released to

them. As held in the case of Alternative Center for
Organizational Reforms and Development, et.al. v.
Zamora, G.R. No. 144256 (June 08, 2005), a basic
feature of local fiscal autonomy is the automatic release
of the shares of LGUs in the national internal revenue.
The Local Government Code specifies further that the
release shall be made directly to the LGU concerned
within five (5) days after every quarter of the year and
shall not be subject to any lien or holdback that may be
imposed by the national government for whatever
(b) The Provincial Governor is a party-mate of the
President. May the Bataan Representative instead file a
petition to compel the DBM to release the funds?
Yes. A congressman from a particular LGU may validly
have standing to demand that IRA for his province be
released in accordance with the Constitution and the
Local Government Code. As a representative of his
province, he has a responsibility towards his
constituencies who can expect no less than faithful
compliance with the Constitution. Moreover, the issue
presented could be characterized as involving
transcendental importance to the people and the local
government units which had been guaranteed greater
local autonomy.
Confiscation of Drivers License; MMDA (2010)
d. The MMDA is authorized to confiscate a drivers
license in the enforcement of traffic regulations.(0.5%)
False. Since Republic Act No. 7924 does not grant the
Metropolitan manila Development Authority to enact
ordinances, the grant to it by Section 5(f) of Republic Act
No. 7924 of the power to confiscate drivers
licensewithout the need of any other law is an authorized
TRUE. The confiscation of drivers license by MMDA is
part of its executive function to enforce the law.
Creation of New Local Government Units; Plebiscite
Requirement (2004)
MADAKO is a municipality composed of 80 barangays,
30 west of Madako River and 50 east thereof. The 30
western barangays, feeling left out of economic
initiatives, wish to constitute themselves into a new and
separate town to be called Masigla.
A. Granting that Masiglas proponents succeed to secure
a law in their favor, would a plebiscite be necessary or
not? If it is necessary, who should vote or participate in
the plebiscite? Discuss briefly. (5%)
A plebiscite is necessary, because this is required for the
creation of a new municipality. (Section 10, Article X of
the 1987 Constitution.) The voters of both Madako and
Masigla should participate in the plebiscite, because both
are directly affected by the creation of Masigla. The

territory of Madako will be reduced. (Tan v. COMELEC,

142 SCRA 727 [1986).
Creation of Province; Contiguous Land Requirement
From an existing province, Wideland, Congress created
a new province, Hundred Isles, consisting of several
islands, with an aggregate area of 500 square kilometres.
The law creating Hundred Isles was duly approved in a
plebiscite called for that purpose. Juan, a taxpayer and a
resident of Wideland, assailed the creation of Hundred
Isles claiming that it did not comply with the area
requirement as set out in the Local Government Code,
i.e., an area of at least 2,000 square kilometres. The
proponents justified the creation, however, pointing out
that the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Local
Government Code states that "the land area requirement
shall not apply where the proposed province is
composed of one (1) or more islands." Accordingly, since
the new province consists of several islands, the area
requirement need not be satisfied. How tenable is the
position of the proponents? (4%)
The position of the proponents is tenable. The Supreme
Court has clarified that, when a province is composed of
one or more islands, its creation need not comply with
the 2, 000 square kilometer contiguous territory
requirement under the provisions of the Local
Government Code. Article 9 (2) of the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Local Government Code
provided the exemption. Sections 442 and 450 of the
Local Government Code exempted municipalities and
component cities from the area requirement if they
consist of one or more islands. While there is no similar
provision for provinces, there is no reason why the
exemption should not apply to them. There is a greater
likelihood that an island or group of islands will form part
of the area of a province (Navarro v. Ermita, 648 SCRA
400 [2011]).
De Facto Public Corporations; Effect (2004)
MADAKO is a municipality composed of 80 barangays,
30 west of Madako River and 50 east thereof. The 30
western barangays, feeling left out of economic
initiatives, wish to constitute themselves into a new and
separate town to be called Masigla. A law is passed
creating Masigla and a plebiscite is made in favor of the
B. Suppose that one year after Masigla was constituted
as a municipality, the law creating it is voided because of
defects. Would that invalidate the acts of the municipality
and/or its municipal officers? Explain briefly. (5%)
Although the municipality cannot be considered as a de
facto corporation, because there is no valid law under
which it was created, the acts of the municipality and of
its officers will not be invalidated, because the existence
of the law creating it is an operative fact before it was
declared unconstitutional. Hence, the previous acts of the
municipality and its officers should be given effect as a
matter of fairness and justice. (Municipality ofMalabang
v. Benito, 27 SCRA 533 [1969]

75 of 96

De facto Municipal Corporation vs. Municipal

Corporation by Estoppel (2010)
(b) De facto municipal corporation
De facto municipal corporation is a public corporation
that exists although it has not complied with the statutory
requirements like:
a. Authorization by a valid law
b. A colorable and bona fide attempt to organize
under a valid law
c. An assumption of powers conferred under the law
It primarily attends to the needs of the general
(c) Municipal corporation by estoppels
municipal corporation by estoppels is a corporation which
is so defectively formed as not to be a de facto
corporation but is considered a corporation in relation to
someone who dealt with it and acquiesced in its exercise
of its corporate functions or entered into a contract with it.
(Martin, Public Corporations, 1985 ed.,p.20)
Ordinance Validity; Disapproval (2009)
The Municipality of Bulalakaw, Leyte, passed ordinance
no. 1234, authorizing the expropriation of two parcels of
land situated in the poblacion as the site of a freedom
park, and appropriating the funds needed therefor. Upon
review, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Leyte
disapproved the ordinance because the municipality has
an existing freedom park which, though smaller in size, is
still suitable for the purpose, and to pursue expropriation
would be needless expenditure of the peoples money. Is
the disapproval of the ordinance correct? Explain you
answer. (2%).
The Local Government Unit can exercise the power of
eminent domain only pursuant to an ordinance.
Ordinances passed by legislative body of a municipality
are subject to review by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
The review by the SP is only to determine whether or not
the ordinance is beyond the power conferred upon the
Sanguniang Bayan (Municipality). The SP will declare the
ordinance invalid if it goes beyond the power granted to
The power of eminent domain is granted to the
Municipality and it is within their competence to
determine the necessity to expropriate private property
for public purpose. This determination is not within the
review powers of the SP.

3. A law fixing the terms of local elective officials, other

than barangay officials, to 6 years. (2%)
The law is invalid. Under Article X, Section 8 of the 1987
Constitution, "the term of office of elective local officials,
except barangay officials, which shall be determined by
law, shall be three years and no such official shall serve
for more than three consecutive terms." The law clearly
goes against the aforesaid constitutional requirement of
three year terms for local officials except for barangay
Ordinance; Validity; Closure or Lease of Properties
for Public Use (2003)
No XI - An aggrieved resident of the City of Manila filed
mandamus proceedings against the city mayor and the
city engineer to compel these officials to remove the
market stalls from certain city streets which they had
designated as flea markets. Portions of the said city
streets were leased or licensed by the respondent
officials to market stallholders by virtue of a city
ordinance. Decide the dispute.
The petition should be granted. In accordance with
Macasiano v. Diokno. 212 SCRA 464 [1992], since public
streets are properties for public use and are outside the
commerce of man, the City Mayor and the City Engineer
cannot lease or license portions of the city streets to
market stallholders.
The petition should be denied. Under Section 21(d)of the
Local Government Code, a city may by ordinance
temporarily close a street so that a flea market may be
Ordinance Validity; Regulation of Disco Pubs (2010)
The Sangguniang Panlungsod of Pasay City passed an
ordinance requiring all disco pub owners to have all their
hospitality girls tested for the AIDS virus. Both disco pub
owners and the hosptitality girls assailed the validity of
the ordinance for being violative of their constitutional
rights to privacy and to freely choose a calling or
business. Is the ordinance valid? Explain.
The ordinance is a valid exercise of police power. The
right to privacy yields to certain paramount rights of the
public and defers to the exercise of police power. The
ordinance is not prohibiting the disco pub owners and the
hospitality girls from pursuing their calling or business but
is merely regulating it. (Social Justice Society vs.
Dangerous Drugs Board, 570 SCRA 410 [2008]). This
ordinance is a valid exercise of police power, because its
purpose is to safeguard public health. (Beltran vs.
Secretary of Health, 476 SCRA 168 [2005]).
Jurisprudence dictates that an ordinance to be a valid
exercise of police power it:

Therefore, the disapproval of the ordinance is incorrect.


Law fixing the terms of local elective officials (Q42006)

State whether or not the law is constitutional. Explain

76 of 96

Must not contravene the constitution;

Must not be unfair nor oppressive;
Must be reasonable;
Must not prohibit what is allowed but may


Must be applicable within its territorial

jurisdiction or limits
Must be general in application and consistent
with public policy
And that the interest of the general public
requires the interference and that the means
employed is reasonably necessary for the
accomplishment of its purpose

Under the present case, the objective of the ordinance is

to secure the health and safety of its populace. AIDS is
an incurable disease that is very harmful to the health.
However, how good the intention is the exercise of police
power is not absolute. The interference has to be lawful
which is absent in the present case.
Power; Eminent Domain; LGU; Right to Exercise
The Sangguniang Bayan of the Municipality of Santa,
Ilocos Sur passed Resolution No. 1 authorizing its Mayor
to initiate a petition for the expropriation of a lot owned by
Christina as site for its municipal sports center. This was
approved by the Mayor. However, the Sangguniang
Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur disapproved the Resolution
as there might still be other available lots in Santa for a
sports center. Nonetheless, the Municipality of Santa,
through its Mayor, filed a complaint for eminent domain.
Christina opposed this on the following grounds: (a) the
Municipality of Santa has no power to expropriate; (b)
Resolution No. 1 has been voided since the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan disapproved it for being
arbitrary; and (c) the Municipality of Santa has other and
better lots for that purpose. Resolve the case with
reasons. (5%)
Under Section 19 of R.A. No. 7160, the power of eminent
domain is explicitly granted to the municipality, but must
be exercised through an ordinance rather than through a
resolution. (Municipality ofParanaque v. V.M. Realty
Corp., G.R. No. 127820, July 20, 1998) The
Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur was without the
authority to disapprove Resolution No. 1 as the
municipality clearly has the power to exercise the right of
eminent domain and its Sangguniang Bayan the capacity
to promulgate said resolution. The only ground upon
which a provincial board may declare any municipal
resolution, ordinance or order invalid is when such
resolution, ordinance or order is beyond the powers
conferred upon the council or president making the
same. Such is not the situation in this case. (Moday v.
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 107916, February 20, 1997)
The question of whether there is genuine necessity for
the expropriation of Christina's lot or whether the
municipality has other and better lots for the purpose is a
matter that will have to be resolved by the Court upon
presentation of evidence by the parties to the case.
Reclassification of Land (2010)
b. Re-classification of land by a local government unit
may be done through a resolution.
FALSE. Re-classification of land must be done through
an ORDINANCE ( Section 2, Local Government Code;

Department of Agrarian Reform vs. Polo Coconut

Plantation Company, Inc., 564 SCRA 78[2008]).
Powers of Barangay Assembly (2003)
Can a Barangay Assembly exercise any police power?
No, the Barangay Assembly cannot exercise any police
power. Under Section 398 of the Local Government
Code, it can only recommend to the Sangguniang
Barangay the adoption of measures for the welfare of the
barangay and decide on the adoption of an initiative.
Powers; Liga ng mga Barangay (2003)
Can the Liga ng mga Barangay exercise legislative
The Liga ng Mga Barangay cannot exercise legislative
powers. As stated in Bito-Onon v. Fernandez. 350 SCRA
732 [2001], it is not a local government unit and its
primary purpose is to determine representation of the
mga in the sanggunians; to ventilate, articulate, and
crystallize issues affecting barangay government
administration; and to secure solutions for them through
proper and legal means.

Acquisition of Lands (2000)
a) Andy Lim, an ethnic Chinese, became a naturalized
Filipino in 1935. But later he lost his Filipino citizenship
when he became a citizen of Canada in 1971. Wanting
the best of both worlds, he bought, in 1987, a residential
lot in Forbes Park and a commercial lot in Binondo. Are
these sales valid? Why? (3%)
No, the sales are not valid. Under Section 8, Article XII of
the Constitution, only a naturalborn citizen of the
Philippines who lost his Philippine citizenship may
acquire private land. Since Andy Lim was a former
naturalized Filipino citizen, he is not qualified to acquire
private lands.
Acquisition of Lands by Hereditary Succession
A, a Filipino citizen, and his wife B, a Japanese national,
bought a five-hectare agricultural land from X, a Filipino
citizen. The couple later executed a deed of donation
over the same land in favor of their only child C. A year
later, however, C died in vehicular accident without
leaving a last will and testament. Now, X brought suit to
recover the land on the ground that B, being an alien,
was not qualified to buy the land when B and A jointly
bought the land from him and that, upon the death of C,
the land was inherited by his parents but B cannot legally
acquire and/or inherit it. How should the case be
decided? If X filed the suit against C when the latter was
still alive, would your answer be the same? Why? (5%)
X cannot recover the land whether from C or A and B.
Under Article IV, Section 1 (2) of the Constitution, C is a

77 of 96

Filipino citizen since his father is a Filipino. When A and

B donated the land to C, it became property of a Filipino
citizen. As held in Halili v. Court of Appeals, 287 SCRA
465 (1998), the sale of land to an alien can no longer be
annulled if it has been conveyed to a Filipino citizen.
Since C left no will and his parents are his heirs, in
accordance with Article XII, Section 7 of the Constitution,
B can acquire the land by hereditary succession.
Lease of Private Agricultural Lands (2001)
A is an alien. State whether, in the Philippines, he:
a) Can be a lessee of a private agricultural land, (3%)
Yes, an alien can be a lessee of private agricultural land.
As stated in Krivenko vs. Register of Deeds of Manila, 79
Phil. 461 (1947), aliens can lease private agricultural
land, because they are granted temporary rights only and
this is not prohibited by the Constitution.
Acquisition of Lands (2009)
a. Aliens are absolutely prohibited from owning private
lands in the Philippines.
FALSE. Aliens can acquire private lands in the
Philippines through hereditary succession (intestate
succession only [Sec. 7, Art. XII]) and former naturalborn citizens can also be a transferee but with limitations.
5,000 square meters for urban and 3 hectares for rural
(Sec.8 Art. XII).
National Economy & Patrimony; Constitutional
Prohibition (2004)
B. EAP is a government corporation created for the
purpose of reclaiming lands including foreshore and
submerged areas, as well as to develop, improve,
acquire, lease and sell any and all kinds of lands. A law
was passed transferring title to EAP of lands already
reclaimed in the foreshore and offshore areas of MM
Bay, particularly the so-called Liberty Islands, as
alienable and disposable lands of the public domain.
Titles were duly issued in EAP's name. Subsequently,
EAP entered into a joint venture agreement (JVA) with
ARI, a private foreign corporation, to develop Liberty
Islands. Additionally, the JVA provided for the
reclamation of 250 hectares of submerged land in the
area surrounding Liberty Islands. EAP agreed to sell and
transfer to ARI a portion of Liberty Islands and a portion
of the area to be reclaimed as the consideration for ARI's
role and participation in the joint venture, upon approval
by the Office of the President. Is there any constitutional
obstacle to the sale and transfer by EAP to ARI of both
portions as provided for in the JVA? (5%)
B. ARI cannot acquire a portion of Liberty Islands
because, although EAP has title to Liberty Islands and
thus such lands are alienable and disposable land, they
cannot be sold, only leased, to private corporations. The
portion of the area to be reclaimed cannot be sold and
transferred to ARI because the seabed is inalienable land
of the public domain. (Section 3, Article XII of the 1987
Constitution; Chavez v. Public Estates Authority, 384
SCRA 152 [2002]).

Chinese citizens; Engaging in Retail Trade (2006)

State whether or not the following laws are constitutional.
Explain briefly.
4. A law prohibiting Chinese citizens from engaging in
retail trade. (2%)
The law is invalid as it singles out and deprives Chinese
citizens from engaging in retail trade. In Ichong v.
Hernandez, G.R. No. L-7995, May 31,1957, the court
held that the Treaty of Amity between the Republic of the
Philippines and the Republic of China guarantees
equality of treatment to the Chinese nationals "upon the
same terms as the nationals of any other country." Thus,
the court ruled therein that the nationals of China are not
discriminated against because nationals of all other
countries, except those of the United States, who are
granted special rights by the Constitution, are all
prohibited from engaging in the retail trade. In the case at
bar, the law discriminates only against Chinese citizens
and thus violates the equal protection clause.
Exploration, development, and utilization of natural
resources (2006)
State whether or not the law is constitutional. Explain
5. A law creating a state corporation to exploit, develop,
and utilize compressed natural gas. (2%)
The law is valid as under Article XII, Section 2 of the
1987 Constitution, the exploration, development, and
utilization of natural resources shall be under the full
control and supervision of the State. It is also provided
that the State may directly undertake such activities or it
may enter into co-production, joint venture or sharing
agreements with Filipino citizens or corporations or
associations, at least 60% Filipino-owned. Furthermore,
the President may enter into agreements with foreignowned corporations involving technical or financial
assistance for large-scale exploration, development, and
utilization of minerals, petroleum and other mineral oils,
according to terms and conditions provided by law. A
state corporation, unlike a private corporation, may be
created by special law and placed under the control of
the President, subject to such conditions as the creating
statute may provide.


Commission on Human Rights; Power to issue TRO
In order to implement a big government flood control
project, the Department of Public Works and Highways
(DPWH) and a local government unit (LGU) removed
squatters from the bank of a river and certain esteros for
relocation to another place. Their shanties were
demolished. The Commission on Human Rights (CHR)
conducted an investigation and issued an order for the
DPWH and the LGU to cease and desist from effecting

78 of 96

the removal of the squatters on the ground that the

human rights of the squatters were being violated. The
DPWH and the LGU objected to the order of the CHR.
Resolve which position is correct. Reasons (5%)
The position of the Department of Public Works and
Highways and of the local government unit is correct. As
held in Export Processing Zone Authority v. Commission
on Human Rights, 208 SCRA125 (1992), no provision in
the Constitution or any law confers on the Commission
on Human Rights jurisdiction to issue temporary
restraining orders or writs of preliminary injunction. The
Commission on Human Rights has no judicial power. Its
powers are merely investigatory.
Commission on Human Rights; Power; Limitations
(2) Squatters and vendors have put up structures in an
area intended for a People's Park, which are impeding
the flow of traffic in the adjoining highway. Mayor Cruz
gave notice for the structures to be removed, and the
area vacated within a month, or else, face demolition and
ejectment. The occupants filed a case with the
Commission on Human Rights (CHR) to stop the Mayor's
move. The CHR then issued an "order to desist" against
Mayor Cruz with warning that he would be held in
contempt should he fail to comply with the desistance
order. When the allotted time lapsed, Mayor Cruz caused
the demolition and removal of the structures.
Accordingly, the CHR cited him for contempt. (5%)
(a) What is your concept of Human Rights? Does this
case involve violations of human rights within the scope
of the CHR's jurisdiction?
Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the scope of human rights includes "those that
relate to an individual's social, economic, cultural,
political and civil relations... along with what is generally
considered to be his inherent and inalienable rights,
encompassing almost all aspects of life." In the case at
bar, the land adjoins a busy national highway and the
construction of the squatter shanties impedes the flow of
traffic. The consequent danger to life and limb cannot be
ignored. It is paradoxical that a right which is claimed to
have been violated is one that cannot, in the first place,
even be invoked, if it is, in fact, extant. Based on the
circumstances obtaining in this instance, the CHR order
for demolition do not fall within the compartment of
human rights violations involving civil and political rights
intended by the Constitution. (Simon v. Commission on
Human Rights, G.R. No. 100150, January 5, 1994)
(b) Can the CHR issue an "order to desist" or restraining
The CHR may not issue an "order to desist" or
restraining order. The constitutional provision directing
the CHR to provide for preventive measures to those
whose human rights have been violated or need
protection may not be construed to confer jurisdiction on

the Commission to issue a restraining order or writ of

injunction for, it that were the intention, the Constitution
would have expressly said so. Jurisdiction is conferred
only by the Constitution or by law. It is never derived by
implication. (Export Processing Zone Authority v.
Commission on Human Rights, G.R. No. 101476, April
14, 1992)
(c) Is the CHR empowered to declare Mayor Cruz in
contempt? Does it have contempt powers at all?
The CHR does not possess adjudicative functions and
therefore, on its own, is not empowered to declare Mayor
Cruz in contempt for issuing the "order to desist."
However, under the 1987 Constitution, the CHR is
constitutionally authorized, in the exercise of its
investigative functions, to "adopt its operational
guidelines and rules of procedure, and cite for contempt
for violations thereof in accordance with the Rules of
Court." Accordingly, the CHR, in the course of an
investigation, may only cite or hold any person in
contempt and impose the appropriate penalties in
accordance with the procedure and sanctions provided
for in the Rules of Court. (Carino v. Commission on
Human Rights, G.R. No. 96681, December 2, 1991)
Women (2000)
b) What are the provisions of the Constitution on
women? (2%)
b) The following are the provisions of the Constitution on



"It (the State) shall equally protect the life of the

mother and the life of the unborn from
conception." (Section 12, Article II)
The State recognizes the role of women in
fundamental equality before the law of women
and men." (Section 14, Article II)
"The State shall protect working women by
providing safe and healthful working conditions,
taking into account their maternal functions,
and such faculties and opportunities that will
enhance their welfare and enable them to
realize their full potential in the service of the
nation." (Section 14, Article XIII)

Education; Right to Choose Profession (2000)
Undaunted by his three failures in the National Medical
Admission Test (NMAT), Cruz applied to take it again but
he was refused because of an order of the Department of
Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) disallowing
flunkers from taking the test a fourth time. Cruz filed suit
assailing this rule raising the constitutional grounds of
accessible quality education, academic freedom and
equal protection. The government opposes this,
upholding the constitutionality of the rule on the ground of

79 of 96

exercise of police power. Decide the case discussing the

grounds raised. (5%)
As held in Department of Education, Culture and Sports
v. San Diego,180 SCRA 533 (1989), the rule is a valid
exercise of police power to ensure that those admitted to
the medical profession are qualified. The arguments of
Cruz are not meritorious. The right to quality education
and academic freedom are not absolute. Under Section
5(3), Article XIV of the Constitution, the right to choose a
profession is subject to fair, reasonable and equitable
admission and academic requirements. The rule does
not violate equal protection. There is a substantial
distinction between medical students and other students.
Unlike other professions, the medical profession directly
affects the lives of the people.
Education; Right to Quality Education (2003)
Children who are members of a religious sect have been
expelled from their respective public schools for refusing,
on account of their religious beliefs, to take part in the
flag ceremony which includes playing by a band or
singing the national anthem, saluting the Philippine flag
and reciting the patriotic pledge. The students and their
parents assail the expulsion on the ground that the
school authorities have acted in violation of their right to
free public education, freedom of speech, and religious
freedom and worship. Decide the case.
The students cannot be expelled from school. As held in
Ebralinag v. The Division 256 [1993], to compel students
to take part in the flag ceremony when it is against their
religious beliefs will violate their religious freedom. Their
expulsion also violates the duty of the State under Article
XIV, Section 1 of the Constitution to protect and promote
the right of all citizens to quality education and make
such education accessible to all.
Education; Academic Freedom (2008)
As a reaction to the rice shortage and the dearth of
mining engineers. Congress passed a law requiring
graduates of public science high schools henceforth to
take up agriculture or mining engineering as their college
course. Several students protested, invoking their
freedom to choose their profession. Is the law
The law is unconstitutional because creating occupation
against the will of the student in making a living is a form
of involuntary servitude, not constitutionally encourage.
The Constitution provides that every citizen has the right
to select a profession or a course of study, subject to a
fair, reasonable and equitable admission and academic
Although the freedom to choose a profession can be
regulated, the limitation should not be oppressive,
unreasonable and unfair so as to restrict the freedom of
choice. It is not for the State to decide what a student
would take up in college. But if it were for national
security in order to defend the State then a compulsory
rendition of military service may be made through a law.

Education; Academic Freedom (2007)

(b) The 1987 Constitution has increased the scope of
academic freedom recognized under the previous
The statement is true. The 1987 Constitution provides
that academic freedom shall be enjoyed in all institutions
of higher learning. This is more expansive in scope than
the 1973 Constitution which stated that: All institutions of
higher learning shall enjoy academic freedom. While the
1973 Charter suggests that academic freedom was
institutional in the sense that it belonged to the colleges
and universities, the present Charter gives the guaranty
to all other components of the institution, including faculty
and possibly students.
The statement is false. The scope of academic freedom
remains the same. Article XIV, Section 5 (2) of the
Constitution provides that academic freedom shall be
enjoyed in all institutions of higher learning. As held in
U.P. Board of Regents v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
134629, August 31, 1999, This (provision) is nothing
new. The 1935 and the 1973 Constitution likewise
provided for academic freedom or, more precisely, for the
institutional autonomy of universities and institutions of
higher learning.
Education; Academic Freedom (2013)
Bobby, an incoming third year college student, was
denied admission by his university, a premiere
educational institution in Manila, after he failed in three
(3) major subjects in his sophomore year. The denial of
admission was based on the university's rules and
admission policies.
Unable to cope with the depression that his nonadmission triggered, Bobby committed suicide. His family
sued the school for damages, citing the school's grossly
unreasonable rules that resulted in the denial of
admission. They argued that these rules violated Bobby's
human rights and the priority consideration that the
Constitution gives to the education of the youth.
You are counsel for the university. Explain your
arguments in support of the university's case. (6%)
Suggested Answer:
I shall agree that under Article XIV, Section 5 (2) of the
Constitution, the educational institution enjoys academic
freedom. Academic Freedom includes its rights to
prescribe academic standards, policies and qualifications
for the admission of a student (University of San
Agustin, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 230 SCRA 761).
Education; Communication and Instruction (2007)
(a) For purposes of communication and instruction, the
official languages of the Philippines are English and
Filipino, until otherwise
The statement is false. Article XIV, Section 7 of the 1987
communication and instruction, the official languages of

80 of 96

the Philippines are Filipino and, until otherwise provided

by law, English. Thus, while Filipino will always be an
official language, Congress may, by law, remove English
as the other official language. Hence, the statement is
false as the continuation of English as an official
language is subject to the control and discretion of
The statement is true. To be more precise, however,
what is only to remain as official until otherwise provided
by law is English. Filipino will always be an official
language under the Charter.
Education; Teaching of Religion (2010)
To instill religious awareness in the Students of Dona
Trinidad High School, a public school in Bulacan, the
ParentTeachers Association of the school contributed funds for
the construction of a grotto and a chapel where
ecumenical religious services and seminars are being
held after school hours. The use of the school grounds
for these purposes was questioned by a parent who does
not belong to any religious group. As his complaint was
not addressed by the school officials, he filed an
administrative complaint against the principal before the
DECS. Is the principle liable?
The principal is liable. Although the grotto and the chapel
can be used by different religious sects without
discrimination, the land occupied by the grotto and the
chapel will be permanently devoted to religious use
without being required to pay rent. This violates the
prohibition against the establishment of religion
enshrined in Section 5 of the Bill of Rights. (Opinion
No.12 of the Secretary of Justice dated February 2,
1979). Although religion is allowed to be taught in public
elementary and high schools, it should be without
additional cost to the government. (Section 3(3), Article
XIV of the Constitution).
Education; Foreign Ownership (2009)
d. An educational institution 100% foreign-owned may be
validly established in the Philippines.
TRUE. If it is established by religious groups and mission
boards. (Sec.4(2), Art. XIV).
As a general rule, educational institution must be owned
exclusively to citizens of the Philippines or qualified
corporation at least 60% of the capital of which is owned
by Filipino citizen.
However, 100% foreign owned educational institution
may be established here in the Philippines for religious
groups and mission boards.
Education: Scholarship Grants (2007)
The Department of Education (DepEd) requires that any
school applying for a tuition fee increase must, as a
condition for the increase, offer full tuition scholarships to
students from low-income families. The Sagrada Familia

Elementary School is a Catholic school and has applied

for a tuition fee increase. Under this regulation by the
DepEd, it will end up giving tuition scholarships to a total
of 21 students next year. At a cost of P50,000 per
student, the school will lose a total of P1.05 million for
next year.
a. Is this DepEd requirement valid?
The requirement is valid. Under Section 7 of Presidential
Decree No. 451, as a condition to the grant of any
increase in tuition, private schools with a total enrollment
at least 1,000 are required to provide scholarships to
poor but deserving students at the rate of one
scholarship for every 500 students enrolled.
No. It constitutes deprivation of property without due
process of law. The law is confiscatory as it unduly shifts
the burden of providing for the welfare of the poor to the
private sector. The objective may be laudable but the
means would be arbitrary and unreasonable. (Quezon
City v. Judge Ericta, G.R. No. 34195, June 24, 1983).
b. If instead the DepEd requires a full tuition scholarship
for the highest ranking students in each grade,
determined solely on the basis of academic grades and
rank, will the DepEd requirement be valid?
No, would still constitute a deprivation of property without
due process of law. (Balacuit v. CFI, G.R. no. 38429,
June 30, 1988).
Yes. Here, the matter may be considered as a
reasonable regulation exacted from those who seek
some form of accommodation from the government.
(Telebap v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 132922, April 21,
1998). In exchange for what they get as a concession
from the State, these institutions may be required to
shoulder part of the cost of promoting quality education
for deserving citizens.
The requirement will be void, because under section 7 of
Presidential Decree No. 44, the grant of scholarships by
the private schools to the students with scholastic
distinctions is left to the determination of the private
Education; Study of Religion (2008)
The principal of Jaena High School, a public school,
wrote a letter to the parents and guardians of all the
schools pupils, informing them that the school was
willing to provide religious instruction to its Catholic
students during class hours, through a Catholic priest.
However, students who wished to avail of such religious
instruction needed to secure the consent of their parents
and guardians in writing.
(a) Does the offer violate the constitutional prohibition
against the establishment of religion?
No. the offer is valid, under the constitution, at the option
expressed in writing by the parents or guardians, religion
shall be allowed to be taught to their children or wards in

81 of 96

public elementary and high schools within the regular

class hours by instructors designated or approved by the
religious authorities of the religion to which the children
or wards belong, without additional cost to the
Government (Sec. 3(3), Art. XIV).
(b) The parents of evangelical Christian students, upon
learning of the offer, demanded that they too be entitled
to have their children instructed in their own religious
faith during class hours. The principal, a devout Catholic,
rejected the request. As counsel for the parents of the
evangelical students how would you argue in support of
their position? (3%)
The rejection made by the principal is in violation equal
protection of the laws. The option given by the
constitution to teach religion in public schools is without
distinction to what religion should only be taught. It does
not discriminate neither should the principal.
For classification to be valid the following requisite must
be present:

Classification is based on substantial

It must be germane to the purpose of the law
Must apply equally to all members of the
same class
Not limited to existing conditions


Sources of International Law; Primary & Subsidiary
Sources (2003)
State your general understanding of the primary sources
and subsidiary sources of international law, giving an
illustration of each.
Under Article 38 of the Statute of the International Court
of Justice, the PRIMARY
SOURCES of international law are the following:
1. International conventions, e.g., Vienna Convention on
the Law of Treaties.
2. International customs, e.g., sabotage, the prohibition
against slavery, and the prohibition against torture.
3. General principles of law recognized by civilized
nations, e.g., prescription, res judicata, and due process.
The SUBSIDIARY SOURCES of international law are
judicial decisions, subject to the provisions of Article 59,
e.g., the decision in the Anglo-Norwegian Fisheries Case
and Nicaragua v. United States, and TEACHINGS of the
most highly qualified publicists of various nations, e.g.,
Human Rights in International Law by Lauterpacht and
International Law by Oppenhe im -Lauterpacht.
Reflecting general international law, Article 38(1) of the
Statute of the International Court of Justice is understood
as providing for international convention, international
custom, and general principles of law as primary sources
of international law, while indicating that judicial decisions
and teachings of the most highly qualified publicists as

"subsidiary means for the determination of the rules of

law." The primary sources may be considered as formal
sources in that they are the methods by which norms of
international law are created and recognized. A
conventional or treaty norm comes into being by
established treaty-making procedures and a customary
norm is the product of the formation of general practice
accepted as law. By way of illustrating International
Convention as a source of law, we may refer to the
principle embodied in Article 6 of the Vienna Convention
on the Law of Treaties which reads: "Every State
possesses capacity to conclude treaties". It tells us what
the law is and the process or method by which it came
into being. International Custom may be concretely
illustrated by pacta sunt servanda, a customary or
general norm which came about through extensive and
consistent practice by a great number of states
recognizing it as obligatory. The subsidiary means serves
as evidence of law. A decision of the International Court
of Justice, for example, may serve as material evidence
confirming or showing that the prohibition against the use
of force is a customary norm, as the decision of the Court
has demonstrated in the Nicaragua Case. The status of a
principle as a norm of international law may find evidence
in the works of highly qualified publicists in international
law, such as McNair, Kelsen or Oppenheim.
Sources of International Law (2012)
What are the sources of International Law?
The following are the sources of international law:
1. International conventions, whether general or
particular, establishing rules expressly recognized by the
contesting states;
2. International Custom, as evidence of a general
practice accepted as law;
3. The general principles of law recognized by civilized
Opinio Juris (2008)
a. The legal yardstick in determining whether usage has
become customary international law is expressed in the
maxim opinion juris sive necessitates or opinion juris for
short. What does the maxim mean? (3%)
Opinio juris sive necessitates means the common belief
among states and actors that a certain practice is
obligatory. This is the subjective or psychological
requirement of customary law that makes state practice a
binding rule of customary international law.
Opinio Juris (2012)
What is opinio juris in International Law? (1%)
To establish customary international law, two elements
must concur,: general state practice and opinion juris sire
necessitatis. State practice refers to the continuous
repetition of the same or similar kind of acts or norms by
states. Opinio Juris requires that the state practice or
norm be carried out in such a way as to be evidence of
the belief that it is obligatory by the existence of a rule of

82 of 96

law requiring it (Bayan Muna v. Romulo, 641 SCRA


Sarmiento, Public International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009

Revised Edition, pp. 65-66)

Hard Law vs. Soft Law (2008)

b. Under the International law, differentiate hard law from
soft law. (3%)
Hard law refers to binding international legal norms or
those which have coercive character. Examples of hard
law are the provisions of the:
a. UN Charter
b. The Vienna convention on diplomatic
c. The Geneva Conventions of 1949

(b) What is the appropriate remedy available to the

victims family under international law?
Unless the Red-Shirts become the new Government of
Thailand or Thailand acknowledges and adopts the
conduct of the Red-Shirts as its own, the victims family
has no appropriate remedy under
international law. Their remedy, if any, is only available
under the domestic laws of Thailand by the institution of
the appropriate criminal cases against the persons
responsible for As killing and the filing of an action to
recover damages arising from As death.

Soft law refers to norms that are non-binding in

character. Soft law usually serves as a precursor of hard
law. the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
is one such example. It was a soft law when it was
adopted by resolution of the UN General Assembly in
1948, but it has led to the development of Hard Law with
the adoption of 2 binding covenants on human rights, ie.,
the ICCPR and ICESC.

Principle of Auto-Limitation (2009)

William, a private American Citizen, a university graduate
and frequent visitor to the Philippines, was inside the US
embassy when he got into a heated argument with a
private Filipino citizen. Then, in front of many shocked
witnesses, he killed the person he was arguing with. The
police came, and brought him to the nearest police
station. Upon reaching the station, the police investigator,
in halting English, informed William of his Miranda rights,
and assigned him an independent local counsel. William
refused the services of the lawyer, and insisted that he
be assisted by a Filipino lawyer currently based in the
US. The request was denied, and the counsel assigned
by the police stayed for the duration of the investigation.

Examples of soft law are:

a. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly
b. Draft of the International Law Commision.
b) Hard Law refers to international agreements
international law and generally accepted principles
common to the major legal systems of the world.
Soft Law has reference to international agreements not
covered by treaties and therefore not covered by the
Vienna Convention. They are sometimes referred to as
non-treaty agreements or emerging law. In addition
Soft Law also refers to administrative rules which guide
the practice of states in relation to international
organizations. (Pharmaceutical Health care Assn. vs.
Duque, G.R. No. 173034, Oct. 9, 2007.)
Principle of Attribution or Imputation (2010)
A, a British photojournalist, was covering the violent
protests of the Thai Red-Shirts Movement in Bangkok.
Despite warnings given by the Thai Prime Minister to
foreigners, specially journalists, A moved around the Thai
capital. In the course of his coverage, he was killed with
a stray bullet which was later identified as having come
from the ranks of the Red-Shirts. The wife of A sought
relief from Thai authorities but was refused assistance.
(A) Is there state responsibility on the part of Thailand?
No, there is no state responsibility on the part of Thailand
because the acts of the Thai Red-Shirts were not the
acts of Thailand. Under the Principle of Attribution or
Imputation, a State only incurs liability for individual acts
or omission which can be attributed to it. The Thai RedShirts are not its officials, agents, or representatives and
they were not acting on the instructions of, or under the
direction or control of, the Thai Government. (R.

William protested his arrest.

(a) He argued that since the incident took place inside
the US embassy, Philippine courts have no jurisdiction
because the US embassy grounds are not part of the
Philippine Territory; thus, technically, no crime under the
Philippine law was committed. Is William correct? Explain
your answer? (3%)
No, William is not correct. While Article 22 of the Vienna
Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides that the
premises of a diplomatic mission shall be inviolable, and
may not be entered by the police or by any other agent of
the receiving State, except with the consent of the
Ambassador or the head of the mission, it does not alter
the fact, however, that such premises are still part of
Philippine territory. The concept of exterritoriality, under
which diplomatic premises are deemed to be part of the
sovereign territory of the sending State, has not been
adopted in the Vienna Convention. Hence, a crime
committed on or within such premises by a private
person like Williams who enjoys no diplomatic immunity
falls within the jurisdiction of Philippine courts.
William is not correct. The premises occupied by the
United States Embassy do not constitute territory of the
United States but of the Philippines. Crimes committed
within them are subject to the territorial jurisdiction of the
Philippines. Since William has no diplomatic immunity,
the Philippines can prosecute him if it acquires custody
over him (Reagan vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, 30 SCRA 968 [1969]).

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Diplomatic Immunity (2000)

A foreign ambassador to the Philippines leased a
vacation house in Tagaytay for his personal use. For
some reason, he failed to pay rentals for more than one
year. The lessor filed an action for the recovery of his
property in court.
a) Can the foreign ambassador invoke his diplomatic
immunity to resist the lessor's action? (3%)
b) The lessor gets hold of evidence that the ambassador
is about to return to his home country. Can the lessor ask
the court to stop the ambassador's departure from the
Philippines? (2%)
a) No, the foreign ambassador cannot invoke his
diplomatic immunity to resist the action, since he is not
using the house in Tagaytay City for the purposes of his
mission but merely for vacation. Under Article 3(l)(a) of
the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a
diplomatic agent has no immunity in case of a real action
relating to private immovable property situated in the
territory of the receiving State unless he holds it on
behalf of the sending State for purposes of the mission.
b) No, the lessor cannot ask the court to stop the
departure of the ambassador from the Philippines. Under
Article 29 of the Vienna Convention, a diplomatic agent
shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention. (per
Dondee) The grounds cited by YZ is tenable on the basis
that the precept that a State cannot be sued in the courts
of a foreign state is a longstanding rule of customary
international law then closely identified with the personal
immunity of a foreign sovereign from suit and, with the
emergence of democratic states, made to attach not just
to the person of the head of state, or his representative,
but also distinctly to the state itself in its sovereign
capacity. If the acts giving rise to a suit are those of a
foreign government done by its foreign agent, although
not necessarily a diplomatic personage, but acting in his
official capacity, the complaint could be barred by the
immunity of the foreign sovereign from suit without its
consent. Suing a representative of a state is believed to
be, in effect, suing the state itself. (KHOSROW
142396. February 11, 2003)
Diplomatic Immunity (2001)
Dr. Velen, an official of the World Health Organization
(WHO) assigned in the Philippines, arrived at the Ninoy
Aquino International Airport with his personal effects
contained in twelve crates as unaccompanied baggage.
As such, his personal effects were allowed free entry
from duties and taxes, and were directly stored at
Arshaine Corporation's warehouse at Makati, pending Dr.
Velen's relocation to his permanent quarters. At the
instance of police authorities, the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Makati issued a warrant for the search and
seizure of Dr. Velen's personal effects in view of an
alleged violation of the Tariff and Custom's Code.
According to the police, the crates contained contraband
items. Upon protest of WHO officials, the Secretary of
Foreign Affairs formally advised the RTC as to Dr.
Velen's immunity. The Solicitor General likewise joined
Dr. Velen's plea of immunity and motion to quash the

search warrant. The RTC denied the motion. Is the denial

of the motion to quash proper? (5%)
The denial of the motion is improper. As held in World
Health Organization vs. Aquino, 48 SCRA 242 (1972). as
an official of the World Health Organization, Dr. Velen
enjoyed diplomatic immunity and this included exemption
from duties and taxes. Since diplomatic immunity
involves a political question, where a plea of diplomatic
immunity is recognized and affirmed by the Executive
Department, it is the duty of the court to accept the claim
of immunity.
Diplomatic Immunity (2003)
A group of high-ranking officials and rank-and-file
employees stationed in a foreign embassy in Manila were
arrested outside embassy grounds and detained at
Camp Crame on suspicion that they were actively
collaborating with "terrorists" out to overthrow or
destabilize the Philippine Government. The Foreign
Ambassador sought their immediate release, claiming
that the detained embassy officials and employees
enjoyed diplomatic immunity. If invited to express your
legal opinion on the matter, what advice would you give?
I shall advice that the high-ranking officials and rank-andfile employees be released because of their diplomatic
immunity. Article 29 of the Vienna Convention on
Diplomatic Relations provides: "The person of a
diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable
to any form of arrest or detention." Under Article 37 of the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, members of
the administrative and technical staff of the diplomatic
mission, shall, if they are not nationals of or permanent
residents in the receiving State, enjoy the privileges and
immunities specified in Article 29. Under Article 9 of the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the remedy
is to declare the high-ranking officials and rank-and-file
employees personae non gratae and ask them to leave.
Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a
diplomatic agent "shall not be liable to any form of arrest
or detention (Article 29) and he enjoys immunity from
criminal jurisdiction (Article 31). This immunity may cover
the "high-ranking officials" in question, who are assumed
to be diplomatic officers or agents. With respect to the
"rank-and-file employees" they are covered by the
immunity referred to above, provided they are not
nationals or permanent residents of the Philippines,
pursuant to Article 37(2) of the said Convention. If the
said rank-and-file employees belong to the service staff
of the diplomatic mission (such as drivers) they may be
covered by the immunity (even if they are not Philippine
nationals or residents) as set out in Article 37(3), if at the
time of the arrest they were in "acts performed in the
course of their duties." If a driver was among the said
rank-and-file employees and he was arrested while
driving a diplomatic vehicle or engaged in related acts,
still he would be covered by immunity.
Diplomatic Immunity (2004)
A. MBC, an alien businessman dealing in carpets and
caviar, filed a suit against policemen and YZ, an attache

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of XX Embassy, for damages because of malicious

prosecution. MBC alleged that YZ concocted false and
malicious charges that he was engaged in drug
trafficking, whereupon narcotics policemen conducted a
"buy-bust" operation and without warrant arrested him,
searched his house, and seized his money and jewelry,
then detained and tortured him in violation of his civil and
human rights as well as causing him, his family and
business serious damages amounting to two million
pesos. MBC added that the trial court acquitted him of
the drug charges. Assailing the court's jurisdiction: YZ
now moves to dismiss the complaint, on the ground that
(1) he is an embassy officer entitled to diplomatic
immunity; and that (2) the suit is really a suit against his
home state without its consent. He presents diplomatic
notes from XX Embassy certifying that he is an
accredited embassy officer recognized by the Philippine
government. He performs official duties, he says, on a
mission to conduct surveillance on drug exporters and
then inform local police officers who make the actual
arrest of suspects. Are the two grounds cited by YZ to
dismiss the suit tenable? (5%)
A. The claim of diplomatic immunity of YZ is not tenable,
because he does not possess an acknowledged
diplomatic title and is not performing duties of a
diplomatic nature. However, the suit against him is a suit
against XX without its consent. YZ was acting as an
agent of XX and was performing his official functions
when he conducted surveillance on drug exporters and
informed the local police officers who arrested MBC. He
was performing such duties with the consent of the
Philippine government, therefore, the suit against YZ is a
suit against XX without its consent. (Minucher v. Court of
Appeals, 397 SCRA 244 [1992]).
Diplomatic Immunity; Ambassador (2005)
(1) Italy, through its Ambassador, entered into a contract
with Abad for the maintenance and repair of specified
equipment at its Embassy and Ambassador's Residence,
such as air conditioning units, generator sets, electrical
facilities, water heaters, and water motor pumps. It was
stipulated that the agreement shall be effective for a
period of four years and automatically renewed unless
cancelled. Further, it provided that any suit arising from
the contract shall be filed with the proper courts in the
City of Manila. Claiming that the Maintenance Contract
was unilaterally, baselessly and arbitrarily terminated,
Abad sued the State of Italy and its Ambassador before a
court in the City of Manila. Among the defenses, they
raised were "sovereign immunity" and "diplomatic
immunity." (5%)
(a) As counsel of Abad, refute the defenses of "sovereign
immunity" and "diplomatic immunity" raised by the State
of Italy and its Ambassador.
As counsel for Abad, I will argue that sovereign immunity
will not lie as it is an established rule that when a State
enters into a contract, it waives its immunity and allows
itself to be sued. Moreover, there is a provision in the
contract that any suit arising therefrom shall be filed with
the proper courts of the City of Manila. On the issue of

diplomatic immunity, I will assert that the act of the

Ambassador unilaterally terminating the agreement is
tortuous and done with malice and bad faith and not a
sovereign or diplomatic function.
(b) At any rate, what should be the court's ruling on the
said defenses?
The court should rule against said defenses. The
maintenance contract and repair of the Embassy and
Ambassador's Residence is a contract in jus imperii,
because such repair of said buildings is indispensable to
the performance of the official functions of the
Government of Italy. Hence, the contract is in pursuit of a
sovereign activity in which case, it cannot be deemed to
have waived its immunity from suit. On the matter of
whether or not the Ambassador may be sued, Article 31
of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
provides that a diplomatic agent enjoys immunity from
the criminal, civil and administrative jurisdiction of the
receiving state except if the act performed is outside his
official functions, in accordance with the principle of
functional necessity. In this case, the act of entering into
the contract by the Ambassador was part of his official
functions and thus, he is entitled to diplomatic immunity.
(Republic of Indonesia v. Vinzons, G.R. No. 154705,
June 26, 2003)
Diplomatic Immunity (2013)
The Ambassador of the Republic of Kafiristan referred to
you for handling, the case of the Embassy's Maintenance
Agreement with CBM, a private domestic company
engaged in maintenance work. The Agreement binds
CBM, for a defined fee, to maintain the Embassy's
elevators, air-conditioning units and electrical facilities.
Section 10 of the Agreement provides that the
Agreement shall be governed by Philippine laws and that
any legal action shall be brought before the proper court
of Makati. Kafiristan terminated the Agreement because
CBM allegedly did not comply with their agreed
maintenance standards.
CBM contested the tennination and filed a complaint
against Kafiristan before the Regional Trial Court of
Makati. The Ambassador wants you to file a motion to
dismiss on the ground of state immunity from suit and to
oppose the position that under Section 10 of the
Agreement, Kafiristan expressly waives its immunity from
Under these facts, can the Embassy successfully invoke
immunity from suit? (6%)
Yes, the Embassy can invoke immunity from suit. Section
10 of the Maintenance Agreement is not necessarily a
waiver of the sovereign immunity from suit. It was meant
to apply in case the Republic of Kafiristan elects to sue in
the local courts or waives its immunity by a subsequent
act. The establishment of a diplomatic mission is a
sovereign function. This encompasses its maintenance
and upkeep. The Maintenance Agreement was in pursuit
of a sovereign activity (Republic of the Indonesia v.
Vinzon, 405 SCRA 126).

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Diplomatic Immunity; Ambassadors (2014)

Ambassador Gaylor is State Juvenus diplomatic
representative to State Hinterlands. During one of his
vacations, Ambassador Gaylor decided to experience for
himself the sights and sounds of State Paradise, a
country known for its beauty and other attractions. While
in State Paradise, Ambassador Gaylor was caught in the
company of children under suspicious circumstances. He
was arrested for violation of the strict anti-pedophilia
statute of State Paradise. He claims that he is immune
from arrest and incarceration by virtue of his diplomatic
immunity. Does the claim of Ambassador Gaylor hold
water? (4%)
Ambassador Gaylor cannot invoke his diplomatic
immunity. In accordance with Paragraph 1, Article 31 of
the Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations, since
State Paradise is not his receiving state, he does not
enjoy diplomatic immunity within its territory. Under
Paragraph 1, Article 40 of the Vienna Convention of
Diplomatic Relations, he cannot be accorded diplomatic
immunity in State Paradise, because he is not passing
through it to take up or return to his post or to return to
State Juvenus.
Executive Agreements; Binding Effect (2003)
An Executive Agreement was executed between the
Philippines and a neighboring State. The Senate of the
Philippines took it upon itself to procure a certified true
copy of the Executive Agreement and, after deliberating
on it, declared, by a unanimous vote, that the agreement
was both unwise and against the best interest of the
country. Is the Executive Agreement binding (a) from the
standpoint of Philippine law and (b) from the standpoint
of international law? Explain
(a) As to Philippine law, the Executive Agreement is
(b) The Executive Agreement is also binding from the
standpoint of international law. As held in Bavan v.
Zamora. 342 SCRA 449 [2000], in international law
executive agreements are equally binding as treaties
upon the States who are parties to them. Additionally,
under Article 2{1)(a) of the Vienna Convention on the
Law of Treaties, whatever may be the designation of a
written agreement between States, whether it is indicated
as a Treaty, Convention or Executive Agreement, is not
legally significant. Still it is considered a treaty and
governed by the international law of treaties.
Executive Agreement; Treaty; Formalities (2012)
President Black of the Republic of Pasensya (RP) had a
telephone conversation with President Blue of the
Peoples Republic of Conquerors (PRC). In that
conversation, both leaders agreed that they will both pullout all their vessels, civilian or otherwise, sea crafts and
other ships from the hotly disputed Kalmado Shoal area
within eight (8) days in order to de-escalate the situation.
After eight days, all RP ships and vessels have left the
area. However, several military and civilian ships carrying
the PRC flag remained in the area and began

construction of a dock that could provide fuel and other

supplies to vessels passing by.
Assuming that President Black and President
Blue both had full capacity to represent their states and
negotiate with each other under their respective systems
of government, and further assuming that both leaders
acknowledge the existence of the conversation, is the
verbal agreement via telephone binding under
international law? Explain. (5%)
The verbal agreement by telephone is binding between
the parties on the basis of customary international law. In
1992, the dispute between Denmark and Finland about
the construction of a bridge was settled by a telephone
conversation between the Danish and the Finnish
Ministers. In return for payment by Denmark, Finland
agreed to discontinue the case it filed (Aust, Modern
Treaty Law and Practice, p. 7).
Assuming the answer to (a.) is in affirmative,
does that agreement constitute a Treaty under the 1969
Vienna Convention on the Law on Treaties? (2%)
The verbal agreement does not constitute a treaty under
the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Article 3
requires that for an International Agreement to be a
treaty, it must be in written form.
Extradition; Grounds (2002)
John is a former President of the Republic X, bent on
regaining power which he lost to President Harry in an
election. Fully convinced that he was cheated, he set out
to destabilize the government of President Harry by
means of a series of protest actions. His plan was to
weaken the government and, when the situation became
ripe for a take-over, to assassinate President Harry.
William, on the other hand, is a believer in human rights
and a former follower of President Harry. Noting the
systematic acts of harassment committed by government
agents against farmers protesting the seizure of their
lands, laborers complaining of low wages, and students
seeking free tuition, William organized groups which held
peaceful rallies in front of the Presidential Palace to
express their grievances. On the eve of the assassination
attempt, John's men were caught by members of the
Presidential Security Group. President Harry went on air
threatening to prosecute plotters and dissidents of his
administration. The next day, the government charged
John with assassination attempt and William with inciting
to sedition. John fled to Republic A. William, who was in
Republic B attending a lecture on democracy, was
advised by his friends to stay in Republic B. Both
Republic A and Republic B have conventional extradition
treaties with Republic X. If Republic X requests the
extradition of John and William, can Republic A deny the
request? Why? State your reason fully. (5%)
Republic A can refuse to extradite John, because his
offense is a political offense. John was plotting to take
over the government and the plan of John to assassinate
President Harry was part of such plan. However, if the
extradition treaty contains an attentat clause, Republic A

86 of 96

can extradite John, because under the attentat clause,

the taking of the life or attempt against the life of a head
of state or that of the members of his family does not
constitute a political offense and is therefore extraditable.
Republic A may or can refuse the request of extradition
of William because he is not in its territory and thus it is
not in the position to deliver him to Republic X. Even if
William were in the territorial jurisdiction of Republic A,
he may not be extradited because inciting to sedition, of
which he is charged, constitutes a political offense. It is a
standard provision of extradition treaties, such as the one
between Republic A and Republic X, that political
offenses are not extraditable.
Republic B can deny the request of Republic X to
extradite William, because his offense was not a political
offense. On the basis of the predominance or
proportionality test his acts were not directly connected to
any purely political offense.
Extradition; Retroactive Application (Q2- 2005)
(1) The Philippines and Australia entered into a Treaty of
Extradition concurred in by the Senate of the Philippines
on September 10, 1990. Both governments have notified
each other that the requirements for the entry into force
of the Treaty have been complied with. It took effect in
1990. The Australian government is requesting the
Philippine government to extradite its citizen, Gibson,
who has committed in his country the indictable offense
of Obtaining Property by Deception in 1985. The said
offense is among those enumerated as extraditable in
the Treaty. For his defense, Gibson asserts that the
retroactive application of the extradition treaty amounts to
an ex post facto law. Rule on Gibson's contention. (5%)
Gibson is incorrect. In Wright v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
No.113213, August 15,1994, it was held that the
retroactive application of the Treaty of Extradition does
not violate the prohibition against ex post facto laws,
because the Treaty is neither a piece of criminal
legislation nor a criminal procedural statute. It merely
provided for the extradition of persons wanted for
offenses already committed at the time the treaty was
Extradition: Double Criminality (2007)
Lawrence is a Filipino computer expert based in Manila
who invented a virus that destroys all the files stored in a
computer. Assume that in May 2005, this virus spread all
over the world and caused $50 million in damage to
property in the United States, and that in June 2005, he
was criminally charged before United States courts under
their anti-hacker law. Assume that in July 2005, the
Philippines adopted its own anti-hacker law, to
strengthen existing sanctions already provided against
damage to property. The United States has requested
the Philippines to extradite him to US courts under the
RP-US Extradition Treaty.
a. Is the Philippines under an obligation to extradite
Lawrence? State the applicable rule and its rationale.

The Philippine is under no obligation to extradite

Lawrence. Under the principle of dual or double
criminality, the crime must be punishable in both the
requesting and requested states to make it extraditable.
In this case, only the United States had anti-hacker law
at thetime of the commission of the crime in May 2005.
The rational for the principle of dual criminality rests in
part on the basic principle of reciprocity and in part of
the maxim nulla poena sine lege. (LA Shearer, 1971
Extradition in International Law, Manchester University
Press, Manchester, p. 137.)
Even if there was no anti-hacker law in the Philippines
when the United States requested the extradition of
Lawrence, if the act is similar to malicious mischief under
Article 327 of the Revised Penal Code, The Philippines
will be under the obligation to extradite Lawrence
(Coquia and Defensor, International law and World
Organizations, 4th ed. P.342).
b. Assume that the extradition request was made after
the Philippines adopted its anti-hacker legislation. Will
that change your answer?
The Philippines will be under the obligation to extradite
Lawrence. Both the Philippines and the United States
have an anti-hacker law. The requirement of double
criminality is satisfied even if the act was not criminal in
the requested state at the time of its occurrence if it was
criminal at the time that the request was made
(Bassouni, International Extradition, 4th ed. p.469).
The Philippines is under no obligation to extradite
Lawrence. The rule is that the crime must be punishable
in both countries at the time of the commission of the
offense. Since there was yet no such crime in the
Philippines at the time when the acts complained of were
done, in so far as the Philippines is concerned, Lawrence
did not commit any crime; hence, an extradition of
Lawrence is tantamount to an ex post facto application of
the Philippine anti-hacker law, prohibited by section 22,
Article III of the 1987 Constitution.
Flag State vs. Flag of Convenience (2004)
A. Distinguish briefly but clearly between: (3) The flag
state and the flag of convenience.
FLAG STATE means a ship has the nationality of the flag
of the state it flies, but there must be a genuine link
between the state and the ship. (Article 91 of the
Convention on the Law of the Sea.) FLAG OF
CONVENIENCE refers to a state with which a vessel is
registered for various reasons such as low or nonexistent taxation or low operating costs although the ship
has no genuine link with that state. (Harris, Cases and
Materials on International Law, 5th ed., 1998, p. 425.)
International Convention; Law of the Sea (2004)
En route to the tuna fishing grounds in the Pacific Ocean,
a vessel registered in Country TW entered the Balintang
Channel north of Babuyan Island and with special hooks
and nets dragged up red corals found near Batanes. By
international convention certain corals are protected

87 of 96

species, just before the vessel reached the high seas,

the Coast Guard patrol intercepted the vessel and seized
its cargo Including tuna. The master of the vessel and the
owner of the cargo protested, claiming the rights of
transit passage and innocent passage, and sought
recovery of the cargo and the release of the ship. Is the
claim meritorious or not? Reason briefly. (5%)
The claim of innocent passage is not meritorious. While
the vessel has the right of innocent passage, it should
not commit a violation of any international convention.
The vessel did not merely navigate through the territorial
sea, it also dragged red corals in violation of the
international convention which protected the red corals.
This is prejudicial to the good order of the Philippines.
(Article 19(2) of the Convention on the Law of the Sea)
International Court of Justice (Q9-2006)
1. Where is the seat of the International Court of Justice?
1. The seat of the International Court of Justice is at the
Hague or elsewhere, as it may decide, except during the
judicial vacations the dates and duration of which it shall
fix (I.C.J. Statute, Art. 22).
2. How many are its members? (1%)
The Court is composed of fifteen members who must be
of high moral character and possess the qualifications
required in their respective countries for appointment to
the highest judicial office or are juris consults of
recognized competence in international law (I.C.J.
Statute, Art. 2).
3. What is the term of their office? (1%)
They are elected for a term of nine years, staggered at
three-year intervals by dividing the judges first elected
into three equal groups and assigning them by lottery
terms of three, six and nine years respectively.
Immediate re-election is allowed (I.C.J. Statute, Art. 13).
4. Who is its incumbent president? (1%)
The incumbent President is Rosalyn Higgins.

International Court of Justice vs. Intl Criminal Court

Compare and contrast thejurisdiction of the International
Criminal Court (ICC) and International Court of Justice
(ICJ). (3%)
The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC)
primarily deals with the prosecution of individuals for core
international crimes, while the jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice (ICJ) deals with contentious
proceedings between States.
As to subject matter jurisdiction (ratione materiae), the
jurisdiction of the ICC is limited to the most serious
crimes of concern to the international community as a
whole, particularly:
(a) the Crime of Genocide;
(b) Crimes against Humanity;
(c) War crimes; and
(d) the Crime of Aggression. (R. Sarmiento,
Public International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009
Revised Edition, p. 308).
On the other hand, the jurisdiction of the ICJ covers legal
disputes which the States refer to it. This includes
disputes concerning:
(a) the interpretation of a treaty;
(b) any question of international law;
(c) the existence of any fact which, if established,
would constitute a breach of an international
obligation; and
(d) the nature or extent of the reparation to be
made for the breach of an international obligation.
(Article 36, ICJ Statute)
The ICJ also has jurisdiction to give an advisory opinion
on any legal question as may be requested by the
General Assembly or the Security Council or on legal
questions arising within the scope of the activities of
other organs and specialized agencies of the U.N. upon
their request and when so authorized by the General
Assembly. (Article 96, U.N. Charter)

5. What is his/her nationality? (1 %)

She is a national of the United Kingdom or a British
subject. (NOTE: Since questions IX(4) and IX(5) do not
test the examinees' knowledge of the law, it is suggested
that they be disregarded)

As to jurisdiction over the persons or parties (ratione

personae), the ICC shall have the power to exercise its
jurisdiction over persons for the most serious crimes of
international concern, and shall be complementary to
national criminal jurisdictions. (Art. 1, Rome Statute) On
the other hand, only States may be parties in cases
before the ICJ and their consent is needed for the ICJto
acquire jurisdiction. (R. Sarmiento, Public International
Law Bar Reviewer, 2009 Revised Edition, p. 185)

6. In 1980, the United States filed with the International

Court of Justice a complaint against Iran alleging that the
latter is detaining American diplomats in violation of
International Law. Explain how the International Court of
Justice can acquire jurisdiction over these contending
countries. (5%)
Under Article 36 of the I.C.J. Statutes, both parties must
agree to submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the
International Court of Justice.

International Law Violation; Treaty (2008)

May a treaty violate international law? if your answer is in
the affirmative, explain when such may happen. If you
answer is in the negative, explain why? (5%)
Yes, a treaty may violate international law when at the
time of its conclusion, it conflicts with peremptory norm of
general international law (jus cogens) or if its conclusion
has been procured by the threat or use of force in
violation of the principles of international law embodied in

88 of 96

the Charter of the United Nations. (Vienna Convention on

the Law of Treaties, Art. 52 & 53).
Treaty may contain provisions that depart from general
rules of international law provided that the provisions do
not violate jus cogens, which refer to rules of peremptory
norms of international law so fundamental that no nation
may ignore them or attempt to contract out of them
through treaties. For example, the prohibitions on the use
of force, genocide and participating in a slave trade are
regarded as jus cogens. When a treaty is in conflict with
a jus cogens rule, the treaty is deemed void. When a
treaty is in conflict with the other rules of international
law, the treaty amounts to a waiver of rights that prevents
the parties from raising legal claims against other over
these rules.
International Law vs. Municipal Law; Territorial
Principle; International Crimes (Q2-2005)
(2) Police Officer Henry Magiting of the Narcotics Section
of the Western Police District applied for a search
warrant in the Regional Trial Court of Manila for violation
of Section 11, Article II (Possession of Prohibited Drugs)
of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9165 (Comprehensive
Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002) for the search and seizure
of heroin in the cabin of the Captain of the MSS Seastar,
a foreign-registered vessel which was moored at the
South Harbor, Manila, its port of destination. Based on
the affidavits of the applicant's witnesses who were crew
members of the vessel, they saw a box containing ten
(10) kilograms of heroin under the bed in the Captain's
cabin. The RTC found probable cause for the issuance of
a search warrant; nevertheless, it denied the application
on the ground that Philippine courts have no criminal
jurisdiction over violations of R.A. No. 9165 committed on
foreign-registered vessels found in Philippine waters. Is
the ruling of the court correct? Support your answer with
reasons. (5%)
The court's ruling is not correct. The foreign-registered
vessel was not in transit. It was moored in South Harbor,
Manila, its port of destination. Hence, any crime
committed on board said vessel, like possession of
heroin, is triable by our courts (U.S. v. Ah Sing, G.R. No.
13005, October 10, 1917), except if the crime involves
the internal management of the vessel.
The RTC may assert its jurisdiction over the case by
invoking the territorial principle, which provides that
crimes committed within a state's territorial boundaries
and persons within that territory, either permanently or
temporarily, are subject to the application of local law.
Jurisdiction may also be asserted on the basis of the
universality principle, which confers upon all states the
right to exercise jurisdiction over delicta juris gentium or
international crimes, such as the international traffic
narcotics. The possession of 10 kgs. of heroin constitutes
commercial quantity and therefore qualifies as trafficking
of narcotics. Consequently, the denial of the search
warrant should have been anchored on the failure of the
court to conduct personal examination of the witnesses
to the crime in order to establish probable cause, as
required by Sections 3 and 4 of Rule 126. In any event,

there is no showing that the requisite quantum of

probable cause was established by mere reference to the
affidavits and other documentary evidence presented.
Municipal Law vs. International Law (2003)
An organization of law students sponsored an interschool debate among three teams with the following
assignments and propositions for each team to defend:
Team "A" - International law prevails over municipal law.
Team "B" - Municipal law prevails over international law.
Team "C" country's Constitution prevails over
international law but international law prevails over
municipal statutes. If you were given a chance to choose
the correct proposition, which would you take and why?
I shall take the proposition for Team C. International Law
and municipal law are supreme in their own respective
fields. Neither has hegemony over the other. (Brownlie,
Principles of Public International Law, 4th ed. p. 157.)
Under Article II, Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution, the
generally accepted principles of international law form
part of the law of the land. Since they merely have the
force of law, if it is Philippine courts that will decide the
case, they will uphold the Constitution over international
law. If it is an international tribunal that will decide the
case, it will uphold international law over municipal law.
As held by the Permanent International Court of Justice
in the case of the Polish Nationals in Danzig, a State
cannot invoke its own Constitution to evade obligations
incumbent upon it under international law.
I would take the proposition assigned to Team "C" as
being nearer to the legal reality in the Philippines,
namely, "A country's Constitution prevails over
international law but international law prevails over
municipal statutes". This is, however, subject to the place
of international law in the Philippine Constitutional setting
in which treaties or customary norms in international law
stand in parity with statutes and in case of irreconcilable
conflict, this may be resolved by /ex posteriori derogat lex
priori as the Supreme Court obiter dictum in Abbas v.
COMELEC holds. Hence, a statute enacted later than the
conclusion or effectivity of a treaty may prevail. In the
Philippine legal system, there are no norms higher than
constitutional norms. The fact that the Constitution
makes generally accepted principles of international law
or conventional international law as part of Philippine law
does not make them superior to statutory law, as clarified
in Secretary of Justice v. Lantion and Philip Morris
Mandates and Trust Territories (2003)
What are the so-called Mandates and Trust Territories?
Does the United Nations exercise sovereignty over these
territories? In the affirmative, how is this jurisdiction
The Mandates were the overseas possessions of the
defeated states of Germany and Turkey which were
placed by the League of Nations under the administration
of mandatories to promote their development and
ultimate independence. (Harris, Cases and Materials on
International Law, 5th ed., p. 131.) When the United

89 of 96

Nations replaced the League of Nations, the system of

Mandates was replaced by the System of Trust
Territories. The United Nations exercised residuary
sovereignty over the Trust Territories through the Trustee
Powers, who exercised the powers of sovereignty subject
to supervision by and accountability to the United
Nations. (Oppenheim-Lauterpacht, International Law,
Vol. I, 7th ed., pp. 213-214.) (Since there are no more
Trust Territories, this is just a matter of historical
Mandates pertains to the mandate system established
under Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of
Nations for the tutelage and guardianship of colonies and
territories formerly held by Germany and Turkey before
the First World War, by a victorious power on behalf of
the League of Nations until they were prepared for
independence. Territories under mandate were not under
the sovereignty of any State; they were administered by
a mandatory power which was responsible to the League
of Nations for the development and welfare of the
disadvantaged subject peoples towards independence.
Thus, mandated territories were under the jurisdiction of
the mandatory power, subject to the supervision of the
League of Nations. The general legal framework of the
mandate system passed into the trusteeship system of
the United Nations, together with mandated territories
which did not attain independence status by the end of
the Second World War. Trust territories and the
Trusteeship Council are created by the UN Charter. The
trusteeship system under Chapters XII and XIII of the UN
Charter is established under the supervision of the UN
Trusteeship Council under the authority of the General
Assembly for the promotion of political and socioeconomic development of peoples in trust territories
towards independent status. A new feature of the UN
trusteeship system is the creation of a new category of
territories, the strategic trust territories, which is under
the supervision of the Security Council instead of the
Trusteeship Council. Under the foregoing conditions, the
United Nations may not be said to exercise sovereignty
over trust territories, the functions and powers of the
Trusteeship Council and the General Assembly being
limited to administration and supervision under the
principle of self-determination as set forth in individual
trust agreements concluded in accordance with the UN
Charter. UN jurisdiction is exercised through
theTrusteeship Council under the authority of the
General Assembly, except with respect to strategic areas
or territories which are placed under the jurisdiction of the
Security Council.
Outer Space; Jurisdiction (2003)
What is outer-space? Who or which can exercise
jurisdiction over astronauts while in outer space?
There are several schools of thought regarding the
determination of outer space, such as the limit of air
flight, the height of atmospheric space, infinity, the lowest
altitude of an artificial satellite, and an altitude
approximating aerodynamic lift. Another school of
thought proceeds by analogy to the law of the sea. It
proposes that a State should exercise full sovereignty up

to the height to which an aircraft can ascend. Nonmilitant flight instrumentalities should be allowed over a
second area, a contiguous zone of 300 miles. Over that
should be outer space. The boundary between airspace
and outer space has not yet been defined. (Harris, Cases
and Materials on International Law, 5th ed.. pp. 251-253.)
Under Article 8 of the Treaty on the Principles Governing
the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of
Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies, a State on whose registry an object launched
into outer space retains jurisdiction over the astronauts
while they are in outer space.
Outer space is the space beyond the airspace
surrounding the Earth or beyond the national airspace. In
law, the boundary between outer space and airspace has
remained undetermined. But in theory, this has been
estimated to be between 80 to 90 kilometers. Outer
space in this estimate begins from the lowest altitude an
artificial satellite can remain in orbit. Under the Moon
Treaty of 1979 the moon and the other celestial bodies
form part of outer space. In outer space, the space
satellites or objects are under the jurisdiction of States of
registry which covers astronauts and cosmonauts. This
matter is covered by the Registration of Objects in Space
Convention of 1974 and the Liability for Damage Caused
by Spaced Objects Convention of 1972.
Principle of Auto-Limitation (2006)
1. What is the principle of auto-limitation? (2.5%)
Under the principle of auto-limitation, any state may by its
consent, express or implied, submit to a restriction of its
sovereign rights. There may thus be a curtailment of
what otherwise is a plenary power (Reagan v. CIR, G.R.
L-26379, December 27, 1969).
Reciprocity v. Principle of Auto-Limitation (2006)
2. What is the relationship between reciprocity and the
principle of autolimitation? (2.5%)
When the Philippines enters into treaties, necessarily,
these international agreements may contain limitations
on Philippine sovereignty. The consideration in this
partial surrender of sovereignty is the reciprocal
commitment of other contracting states in granting the
same privilege and immunities to the Philippines. For
example, this kind of reciprocity in relation to the principle
commitments under WTO-GATT. This is based on the
constitutional provision that the Philippines "adopts the
generally accepted principles of international law as part
of the law of the land and adheres to the policy of ...
cooperation and amity with all nations" (Tanada v.
Angara, G.R. No. 118295, May 2, 1997).
Right to Transit and Innocent Passage (2004)
II-B. En route to the tuna fishing grounds in the Pacific
Ocean, a vessel registered in Country TW entered the
Balintang Channel north of Babuyan Island and with
special hooks and nets dragged up red corals found near
Batanes. By international convention certain corals are
protected species. Just before the vessel reached the

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high seas, the Coast Guard patrol intercepted the vessel

and seized its cargo including tuna. The master of the
vessel and the owner of the cargo protested, claiming the
rights of transit passage and innocent passage, and
sought recovery of the cargo and the release of the ship.
Is the claim meritorious or not? Reason briefly. (5%)
The claim of innocent passage is not meritorious. While
the vessel has the right of innocent passage, it should
not commit a violation of any international convention.
The vessel did not merely navigate through the territorial
sea, it also dragged red corals in violation of the
international convention which protected the red corals.
This is prejudicial to the good order of the Philippines.
(Article 19(2) of the Convention on the Law of the Sea)
Sovereignty; Definition; Nature (Q10-2006)
3. How is state sovereignty defined in International Law?
State sovereignty signifies independence in regard to a
portion of the globe, and the right to exercise and enforce
jurisdiction therein, to the exclusion of any other state the
functions of the state [See Island of Las Palmas Case
(US v. The Netherlands) 2 R.IAA. 829]. Sovereignty
means independence from outside control. The 1933
Montevideo Convention expresses this in positive terms
as including "the capacity to enter into relations with
other states."
Under the principle of state sovereignty in International
Law, all states are sovereign equals and cannot assert
jurisdiction over one another. A contrary disposition
would "unduly vex the peace of nations" (Da Haber v.
Queen of Portugal, 17 Q. B. 171).
4. Is state sovereignty absolute? (2.5%)
State sovereignty is not absolute. On the contrary, the
rule says that the state may not be sued without its
consent, which clearly imports that it may be sued if it
consents. Moreover, certain restrictions enter into the
picture: (1) limitations imposed by the very nature of
membership in the family of nations; and (2) limitations
imposed by treaty stipulations. The sovereignty of a state
therefore cannot in fact and in reality be considered
absolute (Tanada v. Angara, G.R. No. 118295, May
Sovereignty is absolute with respect to exclusive
competence over internal matters [See Island of Las
Palmas Case (US v. The Netherlands) 2 R.IAA. 829],
subject only to such limitations as may be imposed or
recognized by the state itself as part of its obligations
under international law. In the international plain, state
sovereignty is realized as the coexistence with other
sovereignties under conditions of independence and
State Sovereignty; Effective Occupation; Terra
Nullius (2000)
a) What is the basis of the Philippines' claim to a part of
the Spratly Islands?

The basis of the Philippine claim is effective occupation
of a territory not subject to the sovereignty of another
state. The Japanese forces occupied the Spratly Island
group during the Second World War. However, under the
San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951 Japan formally
renounced all right and claim to the Spratlys. The San
Francisco Treaty or any other International agreement
however, did not designate any beneficiary state
following the Japanese renunciation of right.
Subsequently, the Spratlys became terra nullius and was
occupied by the Philippines in the title of sovereignty.
Philippine sovereignty was displayed by open and public
occupation of a number of islands by stationing of military
forces, by organizing a local government unit, and by
awarding petroleum drilling rights, among other political
and administrative acts. In 1978, it confirmed its
sovereign title by the promulgation of Presidential Decree
No. 1596, which declared the Kalayaan Island Group part
of Philippine territory.
Territorial Sea vs. Internal Waters (2004)
Distinguish briefly but clearly between: (1) The territorial
sea and the internal waters of the Philippines.
A. (1) TERRITORIAL SEA is an adjacent belt of sea with
a breadth of twelve nautical miles measured from the
baselines of a state and over which the state has
sovereignty. (Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention on the
Law of the Sea.) Ship of all states enjoy the right of
innocent passage through the territorial sea. (Article 14 of
the Convention on the Law of the Sea.) Under Section 1,
Article I of the 1987 Constitution, the INTERNAL
WATERS of the Philippines consist of the waters around,
between and connecting the islands of the Philippine
Archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions,
including the waters in bays, rivers and lakes. No right of
innocent passage for foreign vessels exists in the case of
internal waters. (Harris, Cases and Materials on
International Law, 5th ed., 1998, p. 407.) Internal waters
are the waters on the landward side of baselines from
which the breadth of the territorial sea is calculated.
(Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, 4th ed.,
1990, p. 120.)
Concept of Association (2010)
What is the concept of association under international
Under international law, an association is formed when
two states of unequal power voluntarily establish durable
links. In the basic model, one state, the associate,
delegates certain responsibilities to the other, the
principal, while maintaining its international status as a
state. Free associations represent a middle ground
between integration and independence.
Association under international Law, is a formal
arrangement between a non-self-governing territory and
independent State whereby such territory becomes an
associated State with internal self-government, but the
independent state is responsible for foreign relations and

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In deciding the constitutionality of the Memorandum of

Agreement on the Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) Aspect
of the GRP-MILF Tripoli Agreement on Peace of 2001,
the Supreme Court had ruled that the concept of
association under international law is not recognized
under the 1987 Constitution as it runs
counter to the national sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the Republic. (Province of North Cotabato v. GRP
Peace Panel on Ancestral Domain, G.R. No. 183591,
Oct. 14, 2008)

enforcement measure involving the use of

armed forces by the UN Security Council under
Article 42; and
enforcement measure by regional arrangement
under Article 53, as authorized by the UN
Security Council. The allied forces did not
launch military operations and did not occupy
Iraq on the claim that their action was in
response to an armed attack by Iraq, of which
there was none. Moreover, the action of the
allied forces was taken in defiance or disregard
of the Security Council Resolution No. 1441
which set up "an enhanced inspection regime
with the aim of bringing to full and verified
completion the disarmament process", giving
Iraq "a final opportunity to comply with its
disarmament obligations". This resolution was
in the process of implementation; so was Iraq's
compliance with such disarmament obligations.

Use of Force; Exceptions (2003)

Not too long ago, "allied forces", led by American and
British armed forces, invaded Iraq to "liberate the Iraqis
and destroy suspected weapons of mass destruction."
The Security Council of the United Nations failed to reach
a consensus on whether to support or oppose the "war of
liberation". Can the action taken by the allied forces find
justification in International Law? Explain.
The United States and its allied forces cannot justify their
invasion of Iraq on the basis of self-defense under Article
51 attack by Iraq, and there was no necessity for
anticipatory self-defense which may be justified under
customary international law. Neither can they justify their
invasion on the ground that Article 42 of the Charter of
the United Nations permits the use force against a State
if it is sanctioned by the Security Council. Resolution
1441, which gave Iraq a final opportunity to disarm or
face serious consequences, did not authorize the use of
armed force.
In International Law, the action taken by the allied forces
cannot find justification. It is covered by the prohibition
against the use of force prescribed by the United Nations
Charter and it does not fall under any of the exceptions to
that prohibition. The UN Charter in Article 2(4) prohibits
the use of force in the relations of states by providing that
all members of the UN "shall refrain in their international
relations from the threat or use of force against the
territorial integrity or political independence of any state,
or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of
the United Nations." This mandate does not only outlaw
war; it encompasses all threats of and acts of force or
violence short of war. As thus provided, the prohibition is
addressed to all UN members. However, it is now
recognized as a fundamental principle in customary
international law and, as such, is binding on all members
of the international community. The action taken by the
allied forces cannot be justified under any of the three
exceptions to the prohibition against the use of force
which the UN Charter allows. These are:
1. inherent right of individual or collective selfdefense under Article 51;

Use of Force; Right of Self-defense (2002)

On October 13, 2001, members of Ali Baba, a political
extremist organization based in and under the protection
of Country X and espousing violence worldwide as a
means of achieving its objectives, planted high-powered
explosives and bombs at the International Trade Tower
(ITT) in Jewel City in Country Y, a member of the United
Nations. As a result of the bombing and the collapse of
the 100-story twin towers, about 2,000 people, including
women and children, were killed or injured, and billions of
dollars in property were lost. Immediately after the
incident, Ali Baba, speaking through its leader Bin
Derdandat, admitted and owned responsibility for the
bombing of ITT, saying that it was done to pressure
Country Y to release captured members of the terrorist
group. Ali Baba threatened to repeat its terrorist acts
against Country Y if the latter and its allies failed to
accede to Ali Baba's demands. In response, Country Y
demanded that Country X surrender and deliver Bin
Derdandat to the government authorities of Country Y for
the purpose of trial and "in the name of justice." Country
X refused to accede to the demand of Country Y. What
action or actions can Country Y legally take against Ali
Baba and Country X to stop the terrorist activities of Ali
Baba and dissuade Country X from harboring and giving
protection to the terrorist organization? Support your
answer with reasons. (5%)
(1) Country Y may exercise the right of self-defense, as
provided under Article 51 of the UN Charter "until the
Security Council has taken measure necessary to
maintain international peace and security". Self-defense
enables Country Y to use force against Country X as well
as against the Ali Baba organization.
(2) It may bring the matter to the Security Council which
may authorize sanctions against Country X, including
measure invoking the use of force. Under Article 4 of the
UN Charter, Country Y may use force against Country X
as well as against the Ali Baba organization by authority
of the UN Security Council.
Under the Security Council Resolution No. 1368, the
terrorist attack of Ali Baba may be defined as a threat to

For an association to be lawful, it must comply with the

general conditions prescribed in the UN General
Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV) of 14 December 160: (1)
the population must consent to the association; and (2)
the association must promote the development and wellbeing of the dependent state (the non-self-governing
territory). Association subject to UN approval.


92 of 96

peace, as it did in defining the September 11, 2001

attacks against the United States. The resolution
authorizes military and other actions to respond to
terrorist attacks. However, the use of military force must
be proportionate and intended for the purpose of
detaining the persons allegedly responsible for the
crimes and to destroy military objectives used by the
terrorists. The fundamental principles of international
humanitarian law should also be respected. Country Y
cannot be granted sweeping discretionary powers that
include the power to decide what states are behind the
terrorist organizations. It is for the Security Council to
decide whether force may be used against specific states
and under what conditions the force may be used.
Use of Force; Self-Defense (2009)
A terrorist group called the Emerald Brigade is based in
the State Asyaland. The government of Asyaland does
not support the terrorist group, but being a poor country,
is powerless to stop it.
The Emerald Brigade launched an attack on the
Philippines firing two missiles that killed thousands of
Filipinos. It then warned that more attacks were
forthcoming. Through diplomatic channels the Philippines
demanded that Asyaland stop the Emerald Brigade;
otherwise, it will do whatever is necessary to defend
Receiving reliable intelligence reports of another
imminent attack by the Emarld Brigae, and it appearing
that Asyaland was incapable of preventing the assault,
the Philippines sent a crack commando team to
Asyaland. The team stayed only for a few hours in
Asyaland, succeeded in killing the leaders and most of
the members of the Emerald Brigade, then immediately
returned to the Philippines.
(a) Was the Philippine action justified under the
international law principle of self-defense? explain your
answer (3%)
The Philippines action cannot be justified as selfdefense. Self-defense is an act of a State by reason of
an armed attack by another State. The acts of terrorism
in this case were acts of private group and cannot be
attributed to Asyaland, which does not support the
Emerald Brigade. Article 51 of the Charter of the United
Nations has no applicability, because self defense in
Article 51 contemplates a response to a legitimate armed
attack by a State against another State. The attack of
Emerald Brigade is an attack by a private group without
authority as an organ of Asyaland.
Yes, the Philippine action was justified. Article 51 of the
U.N. Charter affirms the inherent right of States to
individual or collective self-defense. The terrorist group
Emerald Brigade had already launched actual armed
attacks on the Philippines which killed thousands of
Filipinos with a warning that more attacks were
forthcoming. Asyland, on the other hand, had failed to
fulfill its obligations, under international law, to prevent
the use of its territory for the staging of terrorist acts

against the Philippines. As such, in the face of another

imminent attack by the Emerald Brigade, and it
appearing that Asyland was incapable of preventing the
assault, the Philippines was therefore justified in
resorting to military action to protect its own security as
an act of self-defense.
(b) As a consequence of the foregoing incident, Asyaland
charges the Philippines with violation of Article 2.4 of the
Nations Charter that prohibits the threat or use of force
against the territorial integrity or political independence of
any State. The Philippines counters that its commando
team neither took any territory nor interfered in the
political processes of Asyaland. Which contention is
correct? Reasons (3%)
The contention of Asyaland is correct. The Philippines
violated Article 2(4) of the Charter of the United Nations,
which prohibits States from the threat or use of force
against territorial integrity of any State.
The contention of the Philippines is the correct one. State
practice and the U.N. Security Council's actions after
9/11 indicate a trend towards recognizing that a State
that suffers large-scale violence perpetrated by non-State
actors located in another State has a right to use force
(1) that other State proves unwilling or unable to reduce
or eliminate the source of the violence,
(2) the use of force is proportional to the threat posed by
the non-State actor, and
(3) the use of force is temporary and does not result in
non-consensual occupation or annexation of territory.
(c) Assume that the commando team captured a member
of the Emerald Brigade and brought him back to th
Philippines. The Philippine Government insists that a
special international tribunal should try the terrorist. On
the other hand, the terrorist argues that terrorism is not
an international crime and, therefore, the municipal laws
of the Philippines, which recognize access of the
accused to constitutional rights, should apply. Decide
with reasons. (3%)
The terrorist should be tried in the Philippines. Section 58
of Republic Act No. 9372, thr Human Security Act
provides for its extraterritorial application to individual
persons who, although outside the territorial limits of the
Philippines, commit an act of terrorism directly against
Filipino citizens where their citizenship was a factor in the
commission of the crime.
Human Rights; Civil and Political Rights (2007)
The City Mayor issues an Executive Order declaring that
the city promotes responsible parenthood and upholds
natural family planning. He prohibits all hospitals
operated by the city from prescribing the use of artificial
methods of contraception, including condoms, pills,
intrauterine devices and surgical sterilization. As a result,
poor women in his city lost their access to affordable
family planning programs. Private clinics, however,
continue to render family planning counsel and devices

93 of 96

to paying clients.
(b) Is the Philippines in breach of any obligation under
international law? Explain.
The acts of the City Mayor may be attributed to the
Philippines under the principle of state responsibility
Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and
Political rights requires that Philippine law shall prohibit
any discrimination and shall guarantee to all persons
equal and effective protection against discrimination on
any ground such as social origin, birth or other status.
The Executive Order of the City Mayor discriminates
against poor women.
The Philippines is in breach of its obligations under the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) of which the
country is a signatory.
Under the CEDAW, State Parties shall take all
appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against
women in the field of health care inorder to ensure, on
basis of equality of men and women, access to health
care services, including those related to family planning
(Article 12, Section 1) Women shall likewise have
access to adequate health care facilities, including
information, counseling and services in family planning.
(Article 14, Section 2[b]).
The Philippines is not in breach of any obligation under
international law. The protection of the life of the unborn
from conception is consistent with Article 6(1) of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Recognizes
the inherent life of every child. While Article 24(2)(f) of
the Convention of the Rights of the Child requires that
States Parties to develop family planning, education, and
services and Article 10(h), Article 12(2) and Article 14(b)
of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of
Discrimination against Women requires that States
Parties to provide access to information, advice and
services in family planning, they do not prescribe any
specific form of such information and services.
Constitutive Theory vs. Declaratory Theory (2004)
Distinguish: The constitutive theory and the declaratory
theory concerning recognition of states.
According to the CONSTITUTIVE THEORY, recognition
is the last indispensable element that converts the state
being recognized into an international person. According
to the DECLARATORY THEORY, recognition is merely
an acknowledgment of the pre-existing fact that the state
being recognized is an international person.(Cruz,
International Law, 2003 ed.)
Human Rights; Civil and Political Rights; Freedom
from Torture (2010)
Which statement best completes the following phrase:
a. Freedom from torture is a right Subject to
derogation when national security is threatened
b. Confined only during custodial investigation
c. Which is non-derogable both during peacetime

and in a situation of armed conflict

d. Both (a) and (b)
e. None of the above
C. Freedom from torture is a right which is nonderogable both during peacetime and in a situation of
armed conflict. Article 2(2) of the U.N. Convention
Against Torture provides that No exceptional
circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a
threat of war, internal political instability or any other
public emergency, may be invoked as a justification of
Because of the importance of the values it protects, the
prohibition of torture has evolved into a peremptory norm
or jus cogens, that is, a norm that enjoys a higher rank in
the international hierarchy than treaty law and even
ordinary customary rules. The most conspicuous
consequence of this higher rank is that the norm
prohibiting torture cannot be derogated from by States
through international treaties or local or special customs
or even general customary rules not endowed with the
same normative force. (Prosecutor v. Furundzija, ICTY,
December 10, 1998).
Genocide (2010)
The dictatorial regime of the President A of the Republic
of Gordon was toppled by a combined force led by Gen.
Abe, former royal guards and the secessionist Gordon
Peoples Army. The new government constituted a Truth
and Reconciliation Commission to look into the serious
crimes committed under President As regime. After the
hearings, the Commission recommended that an
amnesty law be passed to cover even those involved in
mass killings of members of indigenous groups who
opposed President A. International human rights groups
argued that the proposed amnesty law is contrary to
international law. Decide with reasons. (4%)
The proposed amnesty law is contrary to international
The indigenous group may constitute an ethnic group
which is protected by the law on Genocide. If the mass
killing was committed with the intent to destroy
(dolusspecialis) the said ethnic group as such, in whole
or in part, then the crime of Genocide was committed.
The international norm for the prevention, prosecution
and punishment of Genocide is a peremptory (just
cogens) norm of international law and, therefore, nonderogable. (Prosecutor v. Blagojevic and Jokic, ICTY,
January 17, 2005)
Even if the mass killing was not committed with the
dolusspecialis to destroy the ethnic group as such, the
same may still constitute the Crime Against Humanity of
Extermination if the mass killing was widespread and
systematic or the War Crime of Intentionally Attacking
Civilians if the same took place in the context of or was
associated with an armed conflict. The norm for the
prevention, prosecution and punishment of crimes
against humanity and war crimes are also customary
norms of international and therefore binding on all States.

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(Prosecutor v. Stakic, ICTY, July 31, 2003)

Thus, Republic of Gordon has the obligation
international law to prosecute and punish all
involved in the mass killing of the members
indigenous group and providing amnesty to
involved is violative of this obligation.

of the

Wilson doctrine vs. Estrada doctrine (2004)

(2-a-5) Distinguish: The Wilson doctrine and the Estrada
doctrine regarding recognition of governments.
Under the WILSON DOCTRINE, recognition shall not be
extended to any government established by revolution or
internal violence until the freely elected representatives
of the people have organized a constitutional
government. Under the ESTRADA DOCTRINE, the
Mexican government declared that it would, as it saw fit,
continue or terminate its diplomatic relations with any
country in which a political upheaval had taken place and
in so doing it would not pronounce judgment on the right
of the foreign state to accept, maintain or replace its
government. (Cruz, International Law, 2003 ed.) (In view
of recent developments, the Wilson doctrine and the
Estrada doctrine are no longer in the mainstream of
public international law.)
Retorsion (2010)
A state which resorts to retorsion in international law
a. Must ensure that all states consent to its act
b. Cannot curtail migration from the offending
c. Can expel the nationals of the offending state
d. Should apply appropriate response within
appreciable limit
e. None of the above
Explain you answer/ (2%)
D. A State which resorts to retorsion in international law
should apply proportionate response within appreciable
Retorsion consists in retaliation where the acts
complained of do not constitute a legal ground of offense
but are rather in the nature of unfriendly acts done
primarily in pursuance of legitimate State interests but
indirectly hurtful to other States. (R. Sarmiento, Public
International Law Bar Reviewer, 2009 Revised Edition, p.
To be valid in international law, acts of retorsion should
not be excessive when compared to the unfriendly acts
committed by the offending State. Moreover, they should
not violate aStates obligation under Article 2(3) of the
U.N. Charter to settle their disputes by peaceful means in
such a manner that international peace and security and
justice are not endangered.
Reparation (2007)
In 1993, historians confirmed that during World War II,
"comfort women" were forced into serving the Japanese
military. These women were either abducted or lured by

false promises of jobs as cooks or waitresses, and

eventually forced against their will to have sex with
Japanese soldiers on a daily basis during the course of
the war, and often suffered from severe beatings and
venereal diseases. The Japanese government contends
that the "comfort stations" were run as "onsite military
brothels" (or prostitution houses) by private operators,
and not by the Japanese military. There were many
Filipina "comfort women."
a. Name at least one basic principle or norm of
international humanitarian law that was violated by the
Japanese military in the treatment of the "comfort
The treatment of comfort women by the Japanese
military violated Article XXVII of the Geneva Convention
(IV), which provides that: Women shall be especially
protected against any attack on their honour, in particular
against rape, enforced prostitution, or any form of
indecent assault.
The treatment of comfort women by the Japanese
military violated Article III of the Geneva Convention (IV)
which prohibits outrages upon personal dignity in
particular humiliation and degrading treatment.
The principle of military necessity was violated. It
prohibits the use of any measure that is not absolutely
necessary for the purposes of the war. Military necessity
is governed by several constraints: An attack or action
must be intended to help in the military defeat of the
enemy, it must be an attack on a military objective and
the harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be
proportional and not excessive in relation to the concrete
and direct military advantage anticipated. Having to force
women of the enemy state to serve the sexual needs of
the soldiers is not absolutely necessary for the conduct of
the war.
b. The surviving Filipina "comfort women" demand that
the Japanese government apologize and pay them
compensation. However, under the 1951 San Francisco
Peace Agreement -the legal instrument that ended the
state of war between Japan and the Allied Forces -all the
injured states, including the Philippines, received war
reparations and, in return, waived all claims against
Japan arising from the war. Is that a valid defense?
The defense is not valid. Under the preamble of San
Francisco Treaty, Japan Undertook to conform to the
protection and observance of human rights. The San
Francisco Treaty must yield to the United Nations
Charter which provides for respect of human rights.
Article 103 of the United Nations Charter provides that
the obligation of the member-States prevail over any
other international agreement. The waiver in Article 14(a)
of the San Francisco Treaty is qualified by Article 14(b),
which stated that Japan had no resources presently
sufficient to make complete reparation for all such
damages and sufferings and meet its other obligations.
Thus the waiver was operative only while Japan had
inadequate resources.

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No, that is not a valid defense. Even if it could be argued
that the Philippines, by signing said Peace Agreement
had the right as a state to bring further claims, it had no
authority to waive the individual right to reparations
vested directly in its nationals who were victims of sexual
slavery. The Philippines can only validly waive its right to
recovery of reparations for injuries to the state. Moreover,
there is no defense for the violation of jus cogens norms.
No. The claim is being made by the individuals, not by
the State and it is recognized that individuals may also
be subjects of international law apart from the state.
Further, the San Francisco Peace Agreement could not
be interposed as a valid defense as this could not have
been contemplated therein. The use of comfort women
was only confirmed long after that Agreement. Moreover,
Article 17 (3) of the New Civil Code provides that
prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or
property, and those which have for their object public
order, policy and good customs, shall not be rendered
ineffective by laws or judgments promulgated, or by
determinations or conventions agreed upon in a foreign
c. The surviving Filipina "comfort women" sue the
Japanese government for damages before Philippine
courts. Will that case prosper?
The Filipina comfort women cannot sue Japan for
damages, because a foreign State may not be sued
before Philippine courts as a consequence of the
principles of independence and equality of States
(Republic of Indonesia vs. Vinzon, 405 SCRA 126
The case will not prosper in view of the doctrine of
sovereign immunity from suit. However, a person who
feels aggrieved by the acts of a foreign sovereign can
ask his own government to espouse his cause through
diplomatic channels. The comfort women can request
the Philippine government, through the Department of
Foreign Affairs, to espouse its claims against the
Japanese government. (Holy See v. Rosario, G.R. No.
101949, December 1, 1994). The sovereign authority of a
State to settle the claims of its national against foreign
countries has repeatedly been recognized. This may be
made without the consent of the nationals or even
without consultation without them. (Dames and Moore v.
Regan, 433 U.S. 654, [1981])
No. since the Philippines is a signatory to that
Agreement, courts may not entertain a suit since that has
been waived by the State. Moreover, it can be argued
that there was no state action since the prostitution
houses were being run by private operators, without the
control or supervision of the Japanese government.
(Southeast Case, United States v. Wilhelm List,
Nuremberg Case No. 7, 1949)

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