ME 6504 Metrology and Measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017 - 2018

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ME 6504 Metrology and measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017– 2018


3 0 03
 To provide knowledge on various Metrological equipments available to measure the dimensionof the
 To provide knowledge on the correct procedure to be adopted to measure the dimension ofthe


Introduction to Metrology – Need – Elements – Work piece, Instruments – Persons – Environment – their
effect on Precision and Accuracy – Errors – Errors in Measurements – Types – Control – Types of standards.


Linear Measuring Instruments – Evolution – Types – Classification – Limit gauges – gauge design –
terminology – procedure – concepts of interchange ability and selective assembly – Angular measuring
instruments – Types – Bevel protractor clinometers angle gauges, spirit levels sine bar – Angle alignment
telescope – Autocollimator – Applications.


Basic concept of lasers Advantages of lasers – laser Interferometers – types – DC and AC Lasers
interferometer – Applications – Straightness – Alignment. Basic concept of CMM – Types of CMM –
Constructional features – Probes – Accessories – Software – Applications – Basic concepts of Machine
Vision System – Element – Applications.


Principles and Methods of straightness – Flatness measurement – Thread measurement, gear measurement,
surface finish measurement, Roundness measurement – Applications.


Force, torque, power - mechanical , Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Electrical type. Flow
measurement:Venturimeter, Orifice meter, rotameter, pitot tube – Temperature: bimetallic strip,
thermocouples,electrical resistance thermometer – Reliability and Calibration – Readability and Reliability.
 Upon completion of this course, the Students can demonstrate different measurement technologies
and use of them in Industrial Components.

1. Jain R.K. “Engineering Metrology”, Khanna Publishers, 2005.
2. Gupta. I.C., “Engineering Metrology”, Dhanpatrai Publications, 2005.

1. Charles Reginald Shotbolt, “Metrology for Engineers”, 5th edition, Cengage Learning EMEA,1990.
2. Backwith, Marangoni, Lienhard, “Mechanical Measurements”, Pearson Education , 2006.

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ME 6504 Metrology and measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017– 2018



On completion of this course, the student will be able:

To understand the basics of metrology its relationship with the working
Environment and its effects on measurements.
To understand the various devices used and principle behind linear and angular
To understand the usuage of laser interferometers and Coordinate measuring
C504.4 To understand the various devices used and principle behind form measurements.
To Understand the the various devices used and principle behind measurement of
power , Flow and Temperature.




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ME 6505 PO 9

C504.1 3 2 3 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 - 1

C504.2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 - 1

C504.3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3

C504.4 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3

C504.5 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 - 3


S.No Knowledge Topics Course
level Outcomes
1 R, U Introduction to Metrology C504.1
2 R, U Need ,Elements , Work piece, C504.1
Persons , Environment , their effect on Precision and
3 R, U,Ap C504.1
Errors – Errors in Measurements C504.1
4 R, U,Ap

Types , Control , Types of standards. C504.1

5 R, U,Ap
S.No Knowledge Topics Course
level Outcomes
1 R, U, Ap Linear Measuring Instruments C504.2

2 R, U Evolution – Types – Classification C504.2

3 R, U,Ap Limit gauges – gauge design –Terminology C504.2

4 R, U, Ap, An concepts of interchange ability and selective assembly C504.2

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ME 6504 Metrology and measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017– 2018

5 R, U,Ap Angular measuring instruments – Types C504.2

6 R, U, Ap Bevel protractor clinometers angle gauges C504.2

spirit levels sine bar –Angle alignment telescope, C504.2

7 R, U,Ap
Autocollimator – Applications.
S.No Knowledge Topics Course
level Outcomes
1 R, U Basic concept of lasers Advantages of lasers C504.3

laser Interferometers – types – DC and AC Lasers C504.3

2 R, Ap, U
interferometer – Applications
3 R, Ap, U Straightness – Alignment C504.3

Basic concept of CMM – Types of CMM – Constructional C504.3

4 R, Ap, U
features – Probes – Accessories – Software – Applications
Basic concepts of Machine Vision System – Element – C504.3
5 R, Ap, U
S.No Knowledge Topics Course
level Outcomes
1 R, U, Ap Principles and Methods of straightness
2 R, Ap, U Flatness measurement, Thread measurement

Gear measurement, surface finish measurement C504.4

3 R, U, Ap
4 R, U, Ap Roundness measurement – Applications
S.No Knowledge Topics Course
level Outcomes
1 R, U, Ap, An Force, torque, power
2 R, U Mechanical , Pneumatic, Hydraulic and Electrical type
Flow measurement: Venturimeter, Orifice meter, C504.5
3 R, U, Ap
rotameter, pitot tube
Temperature: bimetallic strip, thermocouples, electrical C504.5
4 R, U, Ap
resistance thermometer
5 R, U Reliability and Calibration,Readability and Reliability
Ap – Apply; An – Analyze; U – Understand, E- Evaluate, C-Create

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ME 6504 Metrology and measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017– 2018


Part A
01. What is measurement? Give its types.(Dec 11)
Measurement is a process of comparing the input signal (unknown magnitude) with a pre-defined
standard and giving out the result. Its types are : Direct comparison method, Indirect comparison
method, Primary measurement, Secondary measurement and Tertiary measurement.
02. What is a primary sensing element?
The primary sensing element is the first element of a measurement system. This element takes energy
from the measured medium and it produces an output depending on the measurand.
03.Compare the terms range and span.
Sl.No Range Span
The region between which the Span is the algebraic difference between
instrument is to operate is called the higher calibration value and the
range. i.e. Range = Lc to Hc lower calibration value. i.e. span = Hc-
e.g. The range of thermometer is 0 C The span of thermometer is 100 – 0 =
to 100oC 100oC

04.What is backlash?
Backlash is the maximum distance through which one part of the instrument may be moved without
disturbing the other part.
05.What is frequency response?
Frequency response is defined as the maximum frequency of the measured variable that the
measurement system (instrument) is capable of following without error.
06.What is hysteresis?
Hysteresis is a phenomenon which depicts different output effects when loading and unloading whether
it is a mechanical system or an electrical system and for that matter any system.
07.What is traceability?
Traceability is defined as the ability to trace the accuracy of a standard back to its ultimate source of
08.Define a measuring instrument.( Jun 2012)
A measuring instrument is a device that has many components to perform a particular function. It is
used to know about physical quantities such as length, weight, pressure, force etc.
09.What are analog and digital instruments?
Signals that vary in a continuous fashion and take on an infinity of values in any given range are called
analog signals and the devices which produce these signals are called analog devices. The signals which
vary in discrete steps and thus take up only finite different values in a given range are called digital
signals and the devices that produce such signals are called digital devices.
10.Define Sensitivity. (Jun 2012 , Dec2012) (Nov/Dec 2016)
Sensitivity maybe defined as the following relation:
Sensitivity = Change in the output signal
Change in the input signal
11.Define readability.(Dec. 12)
Readability is defined as the closeness with which the scale of an analog instrument can be read.
12.Define tolerance and zero line. (Dec. 13)
The basic dimension say 25 mm is the zero line.
Any variation to this basic dimension is the tolerance towards upward or downward limits.
13.Differentiate the terms reproducibility and repeatability.
Reproducibility is the degree of closeness between measurements of the same quantity where the
individual measurements are made under different conditions. Repeatability is the closeness between
successive measurements of the same quantity with the same instrument by the same operator over a
short time span.
14.Define the term error.
Error is the difference between the measured value (Vm) and the true value (Vt) of a physical quantity.
Error = + (Vm-Vt), + => Positive error, - => Negative error.

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ME 6504 Metrology and measurements Department of Mechanical Engineering 2017– 2018

15.Whatis dynamic error?

The difference between the changing value of the measured variable and the instrument reading is called
dynamic error.
16.Differentiate static and dynamic response. (Dec. 13)
The behaviour of systems subjected to inputs that do not vary with time is termed as static response.
The behaviour of systems subjected to dynamic inputs(continuously changing) is termed as dynamic
17.Define calibration. (Dec 2014)
Calibration is a set of operations that establish the relationship between the values that are indicated by
the measuring instrument and the corresponding known value of a measurand.
18.Why instruments are to be calibrated? (June 12)
Calibration is necessary to get meaningful results. Incases where sensing system and measuring system
are different, it is then imperative to calibrate the system as an integrated whole to take into account
the error producing properties of each component.
19.What is meant by primary calibration?
In primary calibration, a system is calibrated against a primary standard. While calibrating flow meters,
if the flow is determined through measurement of time and volume or mass of fluid, then it termed as
primary calibration.
20.What is meant by secondary calibration?
In Secondary calibration, a device that has been calibrated by primary calibration is used as a low
meter is used as a secondary standard to calibrate other flow devices.
21.Define interchangeable system. (Dec. 13)
Interchangeability means ease of replacement in the event of failure. Any one component selected at
random should assemble correctly with any other mating component, that too selected at random.
22.Write the difference between accuracy and precision.(Dec 2014) (Nov/Dec 2016)
The closeness of the measured value with respect to the true value is called as accuracy.
Precision refers to the ability of an instrument to reproduce its readings again and again inthe same
manner for a constant input signal.
23. What is Legal metrology? (Jun 2014)
Legal metrology is that part of metrology which treats units of measurement, methods of measurement
and measuring instruments, in relation to the statutory, technical and legal requirements. It assures
security and appropriate accuracy of measurements.
24. Differentiate between sensitivity and range with suitable example. (Jun 2014)(May/June 2016)
Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the change in output of the instrument to a change of input or
measured variable. Units are mm/micro-ampere,counts/roh,etc depending upon the type of input and
output.Range is the minimum and maximum values of a quantity for which an instrument is designed to
25. Explain line and end standards .(May/June 2016)
In the line standards the unit of length is defined as the distance between the centres of engraved lines as
in a steel rule. The International prototype metre and the imperial standard yard are line standards, since
the measure of length is determined as between two lines
When the length being measured is expressed as the distance between two surfaces, this is referred to as
end standard.
Part B
1. Give the structure of generalized measuring system and explain.(Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec2016)
2. i) Write short notes on sensitivity and readability. (Dec 2012 ,2014)
ii) Differentiate between 'precision' and 'accuracy' with suitable examples. ( Dec 2014 )
3. i) Differentiate between 'precision' and 'accuracy' with suitable sketches.
ii) Give a brief account on standards of measurements.( Dec 2009)
4.Write a detailed note on calibration of temperature measuring devices.( Dec 2012)
5. Describe briefly the different sources of errors in measurement.(Jun , Dec 2013)
6.i) Distinguish between repeatability and reproducibility. (Nov/ Dec 2014 )
ii) Discuss on calibration, error and correction curves.
7. i) Write short notes on interchangeability. (Dec 2014 )
ii) Briefly discuss on calibration procedure.
8.Describe in detail the various types of errors that may arise in measurements.(Dec 2012 & 2014)
9.i) Define calibration and interchangeability. (Jun 2014)
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ii) Explain the purpose of calibrating as instrument and discuss the various calibrating systems.
10. i) Define errors
ii) Explain the causes of those errors with suitable examples.(May/June 2016)(Nov/Dec 2016)
11. Elaborate on different methods of measurement. (May/June 2016)


Part A
01. Define metrology.
Metrology is a branch of science deals about the measurement of length, angle and other quantities which
are expressed in linear or angular terms.
02. Mention the various applications of a vernier.
Vernier is used to measure the linear distance, height of any objects, depth of drilled holes and marking
03. What are the possible sources of errors in micrometer?
The following are some of the possible sources of errors in micrometer:
Lack of flatness of the anvil
Lack of parallelism of the anvils at some, or all parts of the scale
Inaccurate setting of the zero reading
Inaccurate readings following the zero position and
Inaccurate readings shown by the fractional divisions on the thimble.
04. Define slip gauges.
Slip gauges are linear measuring instruments, rectangular blocks of steel having a cross section of
about 30 x 10 mm, with required thicknesses.
05. How will you wring two slip gauges?
The wringing of slip gauges are accomplished by pressing the faces into contact and then imparting
a small twisting motion whilst maintaining the contact pressure. The contact pressure is just sufficient to
hold the two slip gauges in contact and no additional internal pressure.
06.Name the different grades of slip gauges according to Bureau of Indian Standards.
IS 2984 – 1966, Bureau of Indian Standards for slip gauges specifies three grades of slip gauges namely
grade 0, grade I and grade II.
07.Define interferometry.
Interferometry is a field of science used to measure the surface nature by using light wave interference.
08.Define optical flat.
An optical flat is a circular piece of optical glass or fused quartz having its two plane faces flat and
parallel and the surfaces are finished to an optical degree of flatness.
09.Mention the various light sources for interferometry.
Mercury, cadmium, krypton, thallium, sodium, helium, neon and gas lasers.
10.Mention the applications of interferometry.
Surface flatness testing, surface contour testing, testing the parallelism of any surface with reference
to a standard optically flat surface are some of the applications of interferometry.
11.Define comparators.(Dec. 12, June 13)
Comparators are the measuring instruments which give only dimensional differences in relation to a basic
dimension. It can compare the unknown dimensions of a part with some standard or master setting.
12. Mention the various types of comparators available.
Mechanical comparators, mechanical-optical comparators, electrical and electronic comparators,
pneumatic comparators, fluid displacement comparators, projection comparators, multi-check
comparators and automatic gauging machines.
13. Mention the various applications of comparators.(May/June 2016)
The following are some of the ways in which the comparators used :i) In mass production, where
components are to be checked at a very fast rate. ii) As laboratory standards from which working or
inspection gauges are set and correlated. iii) For inspecting newly purchased measuring gauges and iv)
Comparators can be used as working gauges to prevent work spoilage and to maintain required tolerances
at all stages of manufacturing by attaching with the machines.
14. Define sine principle of measuring angles.
The sine principle of measuring angles is the angle included between two line is given by the sin-1 term of
the ratio between the opposite side and the hypotenuse of a right triangle.

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15. Define sine bar and mention its limitation.

Sine bar is an angular measuring device working on the sine principle. The devices operating on sine
principle are capable of „self generation‟. So the measurement is usually limited to 450 from loss of
accuracy point of view.
16. Differentiate between sine bar and sine centre. (May/‟June 13)
Sine bar is used for locating any work to a given angle and to change unknown angle. The conical work
is difficult to mount on sine bars, to overcome this sine centre is used. In this two blocks are mounted on
top surface of sine bar at each end, these block have centres and can be clamped at any position.
17. Why the sine bars are impractical and inaccurate as the angle exceeds 450?
The sine bars are impractical and inaccurate as the angle exceeds 450, because of the following reasons:
i) The sine bar is physically clumsy to hold in position.
ii) The body of the sine bar obstructs the gauge block stack even if relieved.
iii) Slight errors of the sine bar cause large angular errors.
iv) Long gauge stacks are not nearly as accurate as when compared with shorter gauge blocks.
v)Temperature variation affects the accuracy.
18.Define angle decker.
Angle decker is an optical instrument used for the measurement of small angular differences, changes or
deflection, plane surface inspection etc.
19.State the various uses of angle decker.(May/June 2016)
The angle decker is used in theMeasurement of angle of a component
Checking the slope angle of a V-block
Measurement of angle of cone or taper gauge and
Precise angular setting of machines for operations.
20.What is the constructional difference between an autocollimator and an angle decker?
The illuminated target used in the auto collimator is replaced by an illuminated scale on a glass screen
which is set in the focal plane of the objective lens.
21.Write the constructional requirements of the sine bar for accurate measurement.(Dec 2014)
i)The rollers must have equal diameter and equal cylinders.
ii) The rollers must be placed parallel to each other and also to the upper face.
iii) The accurate center to center of rollers must be known.
iv) The top surface of the bar must be flat with high degree of accuracy.
22.Write the difference between comparator and measuring instrument. (Dec 2014)
Comparators are the measuring instruments which give only dimensional differences in relation to a basic
dimension. It can compare the unknown dimensions of a part with some standard or master setting. E.g.
Dial gauge used as mechanical comparator.
Measuring instruments are measuring devices that transform the measured quantity or a related quantity
into an indication or information. E.g. Equal arm balance.
23.State the working principle of an electronic comparator. (Jun 2014)
In an electronic comparator, transducer induction or the principle of application of frequency modulation
or radio oscillation is followed.
24.What are the advantages of electrical and electronic comparator? (Jun 2014)
i)It has less number of moving parts.
ii)Magnification obtained is very high.
iii) Two or more magnifications are provided in the same instrument to use various ranges.
iv) The pointer is made very light so that it is more sensitive to vibration.
25.What is meant by interchangeability? (Nov/Dec 2016)
Component selected randomly should assemble correctly correctly with any other mating component
Thiscomponent.This is interchangeability
26. Write short notes on bevel protractor.(Nov/Dec 2016)
The bevel protractor is a type of protractor that is circular and has a pivoted arm used for measuring and
marking off angles. This type of protractor is commonly used for architectural and mechanical purposes.

Part B
1.State the principle of intereferometry. (Nov/Dec. 12)
2. i) Write the advantages of pneumatic comparators.
ii)Explain with a schematic sketch the construction and working principleofsolex pneumatic comparator.
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3. i) Explain the working of the „Johansson Micrometer‟. (May/June 2016)

ii) Discuss the operation of a pneumatic comparator. (Nov/Dec 14)
4. i) Write the advantages and disadvantages of the mechanical comparator.
ii) Explain how a differential pneumatic comparator works and briefly enumerate its advantages.
5. i) Explain the use of sine bar.
ii) Explain why sine bars are not suitable for measuring angles above 45°.
6. Explain the construction and working of optical bevel protractor.(Nov/Dec 14)
7.Explain the working principle of Angle Dekkor. (Nov/Dec 2016)
8.i) Explain with a schematic sketch the working principle of solexpneumatic comparator.(May/Jun 14)
ii) Describe the working principle ,advantages and disadvantages of optical comparators.(May/Jun
9.Shafts of 75±0.02 mm diameter are to be checked by the help of a Go,No-Go snap gauges.Design the
gauge,sketch it and show its Go size and Not go size dimensions.Assume normal wear allowance and
gauge maker‟s tolerance..(May/Jun 14)
10.Describe with sketch the working principle of Toolmaker‟s microscope. (Nov/Dec 14)
11.Explain sigma comparator with neat sketch. (May/June 2016)
12. Discuss about various types of limit gauges with a neat sketch. (May/June 2016)(Nov/Dec 2016)
Part A
1.Define laser and laser instrument.
Laser is the acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Laser instrument is a device which produces powerful, monochromatic, collimated beam of light. The
waves in the beam of light are coherent.
2.State the advantages of coherent light.
The advantage of coherent light is that whole of the energy appears to be emanating from a very small
sharp point and the beam can be focused into either a parallel beam or onto a very small point by using
3.Define wavelength.
Wavelength is defined as the distance between two adjacent crusts or two adjacent roughs in a wave.
4.State the principle of laser.
When the photon comes from higher energy level to lower energy level, it releases another photon. The
sequence of triggered identical photon from stimulated atom is known as stimulated emission. This
multiplication of photon through stimulated emission leads to coherent, powerful, monochromatic,
collimated beam of light emission. This light emission is called laser.
5.What is laser micrometer?
Laser micrometer is a measuring device used for checking the profiles of complex components like
turbine blades.
6.Name the various optical elements used in laser interferometry.
The following are some of the optical elements used in laser interferometry:
i) Beam splitter ii) Beam benders and iii) Retro reflectors.
7.Mention the various components present in the laser interferometry.
The various components present in the laser interferometry are two frequency laser source, optical
elements, laser head‟s measurement receiver and measurement display.
8.Briefly explain two frequency laser source.
Normally He-Ne type generates stable coherent light beam of two frequencies with one polarized
vertically and another horizontally relative to the plane of the mounting feet. This laser oscillates at two
slightly different frequencies by a permanent magnet of cylindrical shape around the cavity. The two
components of frequencies are distinguishable by their opposite circular polarization.
9.Mention the various advantages of AC laser interferometer.
The advantages of AC laser interferometer are listed below:
* High repeatability * High accuracy * Long range optical path * Easy installation
* Wear and tear are less.
10.Mention the applications of two frequency laser interferometer.
Two frequency laser interferometer is used to measure displacement, high precision measurements of
length, angle, speed and refractive indicies as well as derived static and dynamic quantities.
11.Define concentricity.
Concentricity is defined as the matching of components like hollow shafts and spindles in a same line of
operation or in a single centre.
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12. Define axial slip of a machine tool.

Axial slip of a machine tool is defined as the axial movement of the spindle which follows the same
pattern and is due to the manufacturing error.
13.Distinguish between coordinate and conventional metrology.
In coordinate metrology, the linear dimensions in three coordinates are carried out by using the machines.
In conventional metrology, it is not possible to carry out the linear measurements in three coordinates.
14. What do you mean by the alignment test on a machine tool?
The alignment test on a machine tool is carried out to check the grade of manufacturing accuracy of the
machine tool.
15.Mention the various geometrical checks made on machine tools.(Jun 2014)
The geometrical checks made on machine tools are :
 Straightness and flatness of guide ways and slide ways of machine tool.
 Flatness of machine tables
 Parallelism, equidistance and alignment of the slide ways.
 True running and alignment of shaft and spindle.
 Lead of lead screw or error in pitch.
16. Differentiate geometrical test and practical test on a machine tool.
* The geometrical test is carried out to check the grade of manufacturing accuracy of the machine tool.
Practical test is carried out to check the accuracy of the finished component.
* Geometrical test consists of checking the relationship between various machine elements when the
machine tool is idle.
* Practical test consists of preparing the actual test jobs on the machine and checking the accuracy of
the jobs produced.
17.Mention the various types of measuring machines.
Measuring machines are classified as:
 Length bar measuring machine
 Newall measuring machine
 Universal measuring machine
 Coordinate measuring machine and
 Computer controlled coordinate measuring machine.
18. What is CMM?
CMM stands for Coordinate Measuring Machine and it measures the linear dimensions in three coordinates
for various components. These machines have precise movement in X, Y and Z coordinates which can be
easily controlled and measured. Slide in each direction is equipped with a precision linear measurement
transducer which gives digital display and senses positive and negative directions.
19. Define position accuracy. (Dec. 12)
Position accuracy is defined as the difference between the positions read out of machine along an
individual axis and value of a reference length measuring system. Position accuracies in X, Y and Z axis
are measured and these three are needed for position accuracy.
20. Mention the various types of coordinate measuring machine.(May/June 2016)
Coordinate measuring machine is classified as:
 Cantilever type
 Bridge type
 Horizontal bore mill
 Vertical bore mill and
 Spherical coordinate measuring machine.
21. Mention the application of CMM in reverse engineering.
CMM is used to determine the shape, position and maximum metal condition of the component. It also
ensures the economic viability of NC machines by reducing their down time for inspection results.
22.Define machine vision (computer vision or Intelligent Vision). (Dec 2012,Jun 2014)
Machine vision is defined as the means simulating the image recognition and analyze the capabilities of
the human system with electronic and electromechanical techniques.
23. What are the advantages of machine vision system?(May/June 2016)
The advantages of machine vision system are:
* Reduction of tooling and fixture cash
* Elimination of precise part location
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* Detection of defect
* Dimensional verification of integrated automation.
24. What are the advantages of Laser in interferometry? (Dec 2014)(Nov/Dec 2016)
The laser provides a source of coherence and truly monochromatic light. The property of clearance
enables it to be projected in a narrow pencil of beam without any scatter.
25. Name the different stages involved in the machine vision based measurements. (Nov/Dec 2016)
 Analog to digital conversion
 Removal of noise/patterns, improve contrast
 Find objects in the image
 Take a measurement of the object/relationships
 To match the above description with similar descriptions of known objects
26. Write the features of CMM.(Dec 2014)
i) In faster machines with higher accuracies, the stiffness to weight ratio has to be high in order to reduce
dynamic forces.
ii) All the moving members, the bridge structure Z-axis carriage and Z-column are made of hollow box
iii) Errors in machine are built up and fed into the computer system so that error compensation is built up
into the software.
iv)All machines are provided with their own computers and the CMM is able to measure three-
dimensional object from the variable datums.
Part B
1. i) Describe the working principle of a dual frequency laser interferometer and state its application.
ii) How are the displacements measured using laser interferometer? (Dec 12)
iii) Explain the construction and working principle of laser interferometer with neat diagram.
2. i) Explain the working principle of AC laser interferometer and how the displacement is measure
ii) Explain the use of laser interferometer in angular measurement. (May/June 2016)
3. i) Explain the various geometrical tests that are to be done to get a better accuracyin the machine
ii) Describe the use of Lasers as a means of alignment testing (or) Discuss the testing of machine tools
using interferometer.(Nov/Dec 12)
4. Explain in detail the operation of a machine vision system.
5. i) With neat sketch explain the various types of CMM based on its construction. (Jun 13)
ii) State the possible sources of errors in CMM.(May/June 2016)
6. i) Write short notes on applications and advantages and disadvantages of CMM. (Jun 14)
ii) List out the various probes used in CMM and explain the working principle of touch trigger probe.
7.Explain the construction details of column type CMM. (Jun 14)
8.Explain in detail the various methods of testing acc uracy of horizontal milling machine and lathe using
laser interferometer.(Jun 14)
9.With a neat sketch explain the working of AC laser interferometer and its advantages.(Nov/Dec
14)(Nov/Dec 2016)
10.Explain the construction, measuring principle of CMM and its advantages.(Nov/Dec 14)(Nov/Dec 2016)
Part A
01.Mention the various terminologies of a screw thread.
Screw thread, crest, flank, root, lead, pitch, helix angle, flank angle, depth of thread, included angle,
major diameter, minor diameter, addendum and dedendum are some of the screw thread terminologies.
02.Define Drunken thread error. (Nov/Dec 2016)
In any screw thread if the thread is not cut to the true helix then the Drunken thread error will form. The
thread is having erratic pitch in which the advance of helix is not regular in one complete turn of the
03.What is the effect of flank angle error?
Flank angle error causes a virtual increase in the effective diameter of a bolt and decrease in the effective
diameter of the nut.
04.How will you measure the major diameter of a screw thread?
The major diameter of a screw thread can be measure by using either ordinary micrometer or bench

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05.How will you measure the minor diameter of a screw thread?

The minor diameter of a screw thread can be measured by using either taper parallels or rollers and slip
06.How will you measure the effective diameter of a screw thread?
The effective diameter of a screw thread can be measured by using the following methods:
i) One wire method ii)Two wire method and iii) Three wire method.
07.How will you measure the pitch diameter of a screw thread?
The pitch diameter of a screw thread can be measured by using the following methods:
 Pitch measuring machine
 Tool makers microscope
 Screw pitch gauge.
08.What is best size of wire?(May/June 2016)
Best size of wire is the diameter of the wire in such a way that it makes contact with the flanks of the
thread on the pitch line.
09.State the applications of tool maker‟s microscope.
Tool maker‟s microscope is used to
a) Measure the linear dimension
b) Measure the pitch of a screw
c) Measure the thread angle
d) Compare the thread forms
e) Measure the centre to centre distance.
10. List out the various forms of thread gauges.
Thread gauges are classified as:
 Plug screw gauge
 Ring screw gauge and
 Caliper gauge.
11.What do you mean by lead angle? (Nov/Dec. 13)
Lead angle is the angle between the tangent to the helix and the plane perpendicular to the axis of
12.Mention the various methods used for measuring the gear tooth thickness.(Jun 2014)
To measure the gear tooth thickness, the methods used are:
 Gear tooth vernier
 Base tangent method
 Constant chord method and
 Measurement over pins or balls.
13.Define backlash.
Backlash is the distance through which a gear can be rotated to bring its non-working flank in contact with
the teeth of mating gear.
14.Define constant chord.
Constant chord is defined as the chord joining the points which are on the opposite faces of the tooth.
15.A spur gear of 4 mm module has 60 teeth. Calculate the pitch circle diameter and base pitch for
pressure angle of 200.
Pitch circle diameter = Module x number of teeth = 4 x 60 = 240 mm.
Base pitch = Module x π cos(pressure angle) = 4πcos(20) = 11.7 mm
16.What are the instruments used for direct measurement of surface finish?
The following instruments used for direct measurement of surface finish:
 Stylus probe instruments
 Tomlinson surface meter
 Profilometer and
 Taylor – Bobson - Talysurf .
17.Write the formula used for measuring the radius of the circle.
Radius of the circle R = ((l – d)2) / 8d
Where, R = Radius of the circle
l = Distance between the balls
d = diameter of pins.

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18.What are the various factors affecting surface roughness? (Nov/Dec 2016)(May/June 2016)
The surface roughness is affected by:
 Work piece material
 Vibrations of the work and machine
 Method of machining and
 Type of tool and fixtures used.

19. Define degree of fullness in form factor.

Degree of fullness is defined as the ratio between the area of metal present and the area of the enveloping
20.Define degree of emptiness in form factor. (Nov/Dec. 13)
Degree of emptiness is defined as the ratio between the area of empty space and the total area of the
enveloping portion.
21. Briefly explain straightness of a line in two planes.(Jun 2014)
A line is said to be straight over a given length if the variation of the distance between the two points on
the two planes perpendicular to each other and parallel to the direction of a line remaining within the
specified tolerance limits.
22. What do you mean by roundness?
Roundness is defined as a condition of a surface of revolution where all the surfaces intersected by any
plane perpendicular to a common axis in case of cylinder and cone.
23. Name the various devices used for the measurement of roundness.
The roundness is measured by,
 Diametral gauge, Circumferential conferring gauge
 Rotating on centre, Three point probe and Accurate spindle.
24. Name the four reference circles used in measurement of roundness. (Dec 2014)
 Least squares circle
 Minimum zone or minimum radial separation circles
 Maximum inscribed circle and
 Minimum circumscribed circle
25.Derive the expression for „Best size of wire‟ in screw thread measurement.( Nov/Dec 2014)

Db=2AP sec x

Where ,Db= wire diameter, X= included angle

AP=P/4, Therefore, Db=2(P/4)*sec x, Db=P/2*sec x

Part B
1. i) Derive the formula for measuring the effective diameter of thread by 3 wire method.
ii) How will you check the thread form and angle using the principle of optical Projection?
2. i) Describe the two wire method of finding the effective diameter of screw threads. (Jun14)
ii) How to measure the pitch of a screw thread by using the Tool maker‟s Microscope? Discuss in detail.
3. i) What is the “Best wire size”? Derive an expression for the same in terms of the pitch and angle of the
thread. (Jun 2013, Jun 2014)
ii) Explain the principle of measuring gear tooth thickness by base tangent method.
4. i) Describe a method for inspecting the involute profile of a spur gear tooth. Describe the construction of
gear tooth verniercaliper. (Nov/Dec 2016)
ii) How to check the composite errors of the gear by using Parkinson gear testing machine? Explain it in
5. i) Explain in detail about radius measurements.
ii) Explain the working principle of Tomlinson surface meter with a neat sketch.
6.i) Explain with sketch the working of Talysurf instrument for surface finish measurement. (Jun14)
ii) Describe the methods of measuring straightness of a surface.
7.i) Discuss in detail about comparison methods used for measuring surface finish.
ii) Write short notes on MECRIN.
8. What is the symbol for fully defining surface roughness and explain each term?(Jun 14)
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9.i) Explain constant chord method for tooth thickness measurement.( NovDec 14)
ii) Describe any one method of roundness measurement.(Nov/Dec 14)(Nov/Dec 2016)
10.i)Explain Tomlinson Surface meter with neat sketch.(Nov/Dec 14)
ii)What is meant by flatness and explain any one method to measure the flatness. (Dec 14)
11.Derive the expression for finding the effective diameter by three wire method. (May/June 2016)
12. Define various terminologies of screw thread with suitable diagram. (May/June 2016)


Part A
01. What is a load cell?(Dec 12)(May/June 2016)
When the strain gauge – elastic member combination is used for weighing it is called a load cell. Load
cells utilize an elastic member as the primary transducer and strain gauge as secondary transducer.
02. How is force measured using a Hydraulic load cell?
When a force is applied on a liquid(oil) medium contained in a confined space, the pressure of the liquid
increases which is proportional to the applied force. Hence a measure of the increase in pressure of the
liquid becomes a measure of the applied force when calibrated.
03. How is force measured using a Pneumatic load cell?
If a force is applied to one side of a diaphragm and an air pressure is applied to the other side, some
particular value of air pressure will be necessary to exactly balance the force. This air pressure is
proportional to the applied force. Hence a measure of this air pressure becomes a measure of the applied
force when calibrated.
04. How is force measured using an elastic force meter (Proving ring)?
When the Proving ring is subjected to a force (tensile or compressive) across its diameter, it deflects. This
deflection ( relative displacement) which is proportional to the applied force is measured using a precision
micrometer or dial gauge or displacement transducer. Hence a measure of this relative displacement
becomes a measure of the applied force when calibrated.
05. What is the working principle of unequal arm balance?
An unequal arm balance works on the principle of moment comparison. The beam of the unequal arm
balance is in equilibrium position when:
Clockwise rotating moment = Anticlockwise rotating moment
06. What is the working principle of pendulum scale?(Dec. 12)
The unknown force is converted into a torque which is then balanced by the torque of a fixed standard mass
arranged as a pendulum.
07. What is the use of D.C. Electric type dynamometer?
The most versatile and accurate dynamometer is the D.C. Electric type dynamometer. This is a cradled
dynamometer and is widely used for power and torque measurements of internal combustion engines,
pumps, small steam turbines and other mechanical equipments.
08. How is torque measured using Mechanical torsion meter?
When a torque is applied to the shaft of the torsion meter, it causes displacement of pointer relative to scale
on account of angular twist of the length of the shaft between the two flanges. This angular twist is
measured and calibrated in terms of torque.
09. How is torque measured using Electrical torsion meter?(Dec. 12)
When a torque is applied to the shaft of the torsion meter, there is a relative displacement between the two
slotted discs. This produces a phase shift between the pulses generated in the inductive pickups. When
these pulses are compared with the help of an electronic timer, it will show a time interval between the
two pulses. This time interval is proportional to the twist of the shaft and hence is proportional to torque.
10. How is flow measured using Orifice meter?
When an orifice plate is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid whose flow rate is to be measured, the orifice
plate causes a pressure drop, between the converging of the fluid and diverging of the fluid, which varies
with the flow rate. This pressure drop is measured using a differential pressure sensor and when
calculated this pressure drop becomes a measure of flow rate.
11. How is flow measured using Venturimeter?
When a venturimeter is placed in a pipe carrying the fluid whose flow rate is to be measured, a pressure drop
occurs between the entrance and throat of the venturimeter.This pressure drop is measured using a
differential pressure sensor and when calculated this pressure drop becomes a measure of flow rate.

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12. How is flow measured using Rotameter( Variable-area meter) ?

The increase in flow rate will make the float to rise higher and vice versa. That is,the position of the float
becomes a direct indication of flow rate. ( by noting the position of the float with respect to the
graduations on the tapered tube ).
13. How is flow measured using Pitot tube ( Total pressure probe )?
The pitot tube is introduced in the fluid flow area. The differential pressure ( Impact pressure – Static
pressure ) is measured using a differential pressure sensor. This differential pressure becomes a measure
of flow rate at that point where the pitot tube is present in the flowing fluid.
14. Mention any two temperature measuring devices.
* Bimetallic thermometers * Pressure thermometers* Thermistors and* Thermocouples.
15. What is a bimetallic strip? Name its types.(Dec. 12)(May/June 2016)
A bimetallic strip is made of two thin strips of metal which have different thermal co-efficients of
expansion. The two metal strips are joined together by brazing, welding or riveting so that the relative
motion between them is arrested.Different common forms of bimetallic sensors are: * Helix type
* Spiral type * Cantilever type and * Flat type.
16. Name the metals used in Bimetallic strips.
High expansion material - * Brass* Nickel-iron alloys with chromium and manganese.
Low expansion material - * Invar (alloy of nickel and iron )
17.What are the important properties a material should have to be selected for bimetallic
The following properties should be high:
* Co-efficient of expansion * Modulus of elasticity * Elastic limit after cold rolling
* Electrical conductivity * Ductilityand * Metallurgical ability.
18. State the two principles on which Bimetallic thermometers work.
* All metals change in dimension, i.e. expand or contract when there is a change in temperature.
* The rate at which this expansion or contraction takes place depend on the thermal co-efficient of expansion
of the metal and this thermal co-efficient of expansion is different for different metals. Hence the
difference in thermal expansion rates is used to produce deflections which are proportional to temperature
19. How is temperature measured using pressure thermometer?
When a liquid, gas or vapour filled system is subjected to a temperature change, the volume of the liquid,
gas or vapour changes causing a pressure difference in the filled system. This pressure difference
becomes an indication of temperature changes when calibrated.
20. What is the principle used in thermocouples? (or) What is “Principle of thermo electricity”? (or)
What is seebeck effect?( Dec 14)
The principle states that “ When two conductors of two different metals A and B are joined together at
one end to form a junction, and this junction is heated to a higher temperature with respect to the free
ends, a voltage is developed at the free ends and if these two conductors of metals at the free ends are
connected, then the emf setup will establish a flow of current”.
21. State “ Law of intermediate metals ” in thermocouples.
In a circuit consisting of two dissimilar homogeneous metals having the junctions atdifferenttemperatures,
the emf developed will not be affected when a third homogeneous metal ismade a part of the circuit,
provided the temperature of its two junctions are the same.
22. State “ Law of intermediate temperatures ” in thermocouples.
The thermal emf produced when a circuit of two homogeneous metals exists between a first temperature
and a second and thermal emf produced when the same circuit exists between the second temperature and
a third are algebraically equal to the thermal emf produced when the circuit exists between first and third
23.What is the principle involved in fluid expansion thermometer? (Jun 14)
In fluid expansion thermometer, the change in pressure in the bulb is taken as an indication of the
24.Give the principle of hot wire anemometer. (Jun 14) (Nov/Dec 2016)
When a fluid flows over a heated surface, heat is transferred from the surface, and so its temperature
reduces.The rate of reduction oftemperature is related to flow rate.
25.What are the materials used for thermocouples? (Nov/Dec 2016)
Iron, Copper, Rhodium, Tungsten and Iridium.

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26.What are the physical characteristics of temperature measuring sensor?(Dec 14)

Resistance Temperature Detectors are the sensors used to measure the temperature by correlating the
resistance of the RTD element with temperature.
Part B
1. i) Explain the working of hydraulic load cell. (Dec 12)
ii) Explain the working of mechanical torsion meter. (Dec 12)
2. i) Explain the working of pneumatic load cell. (Jun 12)
ii) Explain the principle and working of an electrical torsion meter with a sketch.
3. i) Explain with a neat diagram the purpose and operating principle of aventurimeter.
ii) Explain in detail about the measurement of fluid velocity. (Jun 13)
4. i) Write short notes on thermocouples. (Dec 12) (May/June 2016)
ii) How does a thermistor work? Explain. (Dec 12) (May/June 2016)
5.Explain the working principle of an electrical resistance thermometer and state its advantages.
6.i) Explain the method of measuring force using a strain gauge load cell.(May 14)
ii) Explain how an Eddy current dynamometer works.(May 14)
7. i) Explain the working principle of an electrical resistance thermometer.(May 14)(Nov/Dec 2016)
ii) What are thermo couples? State its applications.(May 14)
8. i) With a neat sketch explain Proving ring for force measurement.(Dec 14)
ii) Explain the working principle of Hydraulic dynamometer to measure the shaft power.(Dec 14)
9.i) Explain the rotameterand orificemeterwith neat sketch. (Dec 14)(May/June 2016) (Nov/Dec 2016)
ii) Explain any one type of pyrometer for measuring temperature.(Dec 14)
10. Discuss the working principle of bourdan tube pressure gauge.(Nov/Dec 2016)

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