Lesson Plan: Stages Enabling Objectives Interaction Patterns Techniques and Procedures Duration

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Fedrian Hasmand

Level: INT1 - Smart Choice Intermediate 1
Lesson: 5 Where’s the Party?
Teaching Focus: Listening
Terminal Objective: SWBAT understand some interviews about different New Year’s traditions.
Materials: Smart Choice Intermediate 1 p. 33, audio files, tracks 6, 7
Teaching Aids: PPt slides, worksheets.
Personal Aims: To be able to give instruction clearly.

Stages Enabling Objectives Techniques and Procedures Duration
SWBAT review the T-S 1. T greets Ss. 10’
previous lesson by 2. T checks Ss’ attendance list.
answering T’s questions. 3. T asks questions about the previous lesson.
4. T reviews the grammar.

T: Class, what did we learn last session?

Ss: We learned about special cultural events and the adverbial clauses: before, after and
T: That’s right. However, I will review some of the grammar.

SWBAT recognize the S-S 1. T distributes a passage and a grid to each person of the pairs. (APPENDIX 1) 10’
topic of the lesson by 2. T gives Ss 2 minutes to read the passages.
doing an information gap 3. T invites Ss to mingle and ask information to their friends about their passages and fill
activity. check marks on the grids based on the information.

4. T reviews Ss` work by showing a slide.

T: Okay, we’ve come to today’s lesson now. I’ll first give you these pieces of paper.
T: Read the passage on top. Your passage is probably different from your friend’s passage. I
give you two minutes to read it.
T: See the check mark in your grid. It is according to the passage you’ve read.
T: Now, fill all the other column in the grid by asking questions to your friends, “What’s the
New Year’s tradition in ...?” (Note: T writes the question on the board) Then your friends will
read their passage to you, and you will fill your grid based on his/her passage. (Note: T gives
T: What’re you going to do?

SWBAT understand the S-S 1. T shows a wordle puzzle (APPENDIX 2) on the screen and invites Ss to identify any 5’
target vocabulary by difficult vocabulary.
answering T’s question 2. T invites Ss to ask each other about words they do not understand.
about a wordle puzzle. 3. T reviews Ss’ work by showing the next slide.

Fedrian Hasmand

Stages Enabling Objectives Techniques and Procedures Duration
T: Now, let’s see the wordle puzzle. You may ask your friends for the meaning of difficult
Ss: Okay Sir.
T: Do you understand all the words now?
Ss. Yes, we do.
T: Great let’s check out their definitions on the screen.

SWBAT use the T-S 1. T divides Ss into two groups. 5’

vocabulary items by 2. T shows some pictures with incomplete sentences on the screen and asks Ss about them.
completing sentences (APPENDIX 3)
shown on the screen.
T: Okay, now see this picture. Group A, how do you complete the sentence?
T: How about this picture? Group B, how do you complete the sentence?

SWBAT predict the T-S T invites Ss to predict what they are going to listen based on the pictures and sentences they 5’
content of the listening came up with earlier.
T: Now, we’re going to listen to a recording. Based on the previous pictures and sentences,
what do you think we are going to listen to? Is the recording about different New Year’s
Ss: Yes, it is.

SWBAT state the objective T-S T asks Ss about the TO of today’s lesson. 2’
of the lesson.
T: So, everyone, do you know what we are going to learn today?
Ss: We are going to learn about New Year’s traditions.
T: Correct. We’re going to understand some interviews about different New Year’s traditions.


SWBAT understand the T-S 1. T shows the three top pictures of p. 33 using i-Tools.
main ideas of the listening 2. T invites Ss to look at the three pictures carefully and guess what nationalities are the
material by matching the person of each picture. (Note: their answers are not evaluated)
three pictures on p. 33 3. T asks Ss to open their books p. 33.
with three dialogs. 4. T lets Ss read and understand the first 5 questions of Activity 1.
5. T informs Ss that they are going to answers the questions individually while listening to the
6. T reminds Ss that this particular recording is very important to remember because it will be
used for their assessment.
7. T plays the track 6 once.
8. T reviews Ss’ work by asking some questions.

T: What your answer to number 1? Which country?

Fedrian Hasmand

Stages Enabling Objectives Techniques and Procedures Duration
Ss: Mexico.
T: Why do you think number 1 belongs to Mexico?
Ss: Because …

SWBAT understand the T-S 1. T lets Ss read and understand the next 5 questions of Activity 1. 10’
details of the listening 2. T informs Ss that they are going to answers the questions individually while listening to the
material by determining recording.
true and false information. 3. T reminds Ss once again that this particular recording is very important to remember
because it will be used for their assessment.
4. T plays the track 6 for the second time.
5. T reviews Ss’ work by asking some questions.

T: So, is it true that in Scotland it is lucky to be visited by a debt collector?

Ss: No, it isn’t.
T: Why do you think it is not true?
Ss: Because ….

SWBAT understand the T-S 1. T invites Ss to open p. 33. 10’

details of the listening 2. T invites Ss to read the three questions on Listening Plus.
material by completing 3. T invites Ss to listen to track 7 played by T only once, and complete the chart individually.
chart in Listening Plus. 4. T reviews Ss’ work by using iTools.

SWBAT make inferences S-S 1. T tells Ss to close their books. 10’

about the listening material 2. T divides Ss into six groups by numbering Ss from 1 to 6.
by answering T’s 3. T shows some questions on the screen and tells that each S has to remember the
questions in groups. question according to his/her number. (APPENDIX 4)
4. T invites Ss to discuss within the group about the answers to the questions, and inform
that each group has to decide the group’s answer (one answer for each group).
5. T invites a representative from each group to answer the question.
6. T reviews Ss work.

SWBAT reach the TO. S-S 1. T tells Ss that they are to be assessed. 20’
2. T decides each S to be Scotland, Korea or Mexico.
3. T shows interview questions to Ss (APPENDIX 5).
4. T invites each Ss to interview his/her friend next to him/her using the questions.
5. T gives Ss scores.

Fedrian Hasmand

Stages Enabling Objectives Techniques and Procedures Duration
T: We are now in the assessment stage. You’re all are going to be given score by this
activity. So, you mustn’t open your books or notes.
T: You are to interview your friend and answer the interview questions.
T: S A, you are going to be the first interviewer, and S B, you are going to be the first
interviewee. After the interview, S B will appoint any other friend as the next interviewee to
be interviewed by him/her. Everybody has to be ready when appointed by him/her at any

SWBAT response T-S 1. T distributes to Ss some paper, written “I want to spend New Year’s Eve in …, because 5’
personally to the listening …” (APPENDIX 6)
material by deciding the 2. T invites Ss to complete the sentences using their own ideas and feelings about the
best place to spend the places mentioned in the listening materials.

New Year’s Eve among

the places mentioned.
SWBAT think critically by T-S T runs a simple discussion with Ss about how they spend the next New Year’s Eve. 10’
discussing about how they
spend New Year’s Eve.

Fedrian Hasmand

In Denmark, on New Year’s Eve, it is tradition to go to the houses of people you love and throw dishes at their door!
Those who collect lots of broken dishes in the morning are considered to be “lucky”, as they have many loyal friends and family!


Dressing up
Throwing buckets of Watching an old Waiting for the New Throwing dishes at

scarecrows and then


water out of windows British comedy show Year in the graveyard beloved people’s door
burning them.

Denmark √


Puerto Rico



In Ecuador, before New Year’s Eve, people dress up a scarecrow. It represents all the bad things that happened in the past year.
Close to midnight, they gather outside their home and burn the scarecrow, thus destroying the bad luck!

Dressing up
Throwing buckets of Watching an old Waiting for the New Throwing dishes at

scarecrows and then



water out of windows British comedy show Year in the graveyard beloved people’s door
burning them.


Ecuador √

Puerto Rico


Fedrian Hasmand


In Puerto Rico, on the first day of the new year, people “wash away” the old year by throwing buckets of water out of their windows!


Dressing up
Throwing buckets of Watching an old Waiting for the New Throwing dishes at

scarecrows and then


I water out of windows British comedy show Year in the graveyard beloved people’s door
burning them.



Puerto Rico √



In the City of Talca in Chile, people go to the graveyard, sit on chairs and wait for the arrival of the New Year next to their deceased!

Dressing up
Throwing buckets of Watching an old Waiting for the New Throwing dishes at

scarecrows and then



water out of windows British comedy show Year in the graveyard beloved people’s door
burning them.



Puerto Rico

Chile √

Fedrian Hasmand


Every New Year’s Eve, many Germans watch an old British comedy show called “Dinner for One”.
Interestingly enough, the show is pretty much unknown in UK and USA, although Germans love it!

Dressing up
Throwing buckets of Watching an old Waiting for the New Throwing dishes at

scarecrows and then



water out of windows British comedy show Year in the graveyard beloved people’s door
burning them.



Puerto Rico


Germany √

Fedrian Hasmand



Pay all your _____ before New Year’s.


I’m very _____ to have this party on New Year’s Eve.


In Mexico, New Year’s is not very _________.


We went to a boat ______ on New Year’s Eve last year.

Fedrian Hasmand

The New Year’s fireworks display was ___________.


New Year’s in Sidney is _____________.


What happens on ___ ______ ___ in Korea?

New Year’s Eve

1. What funny things can possibly happen when a Mexican tries to eat twelve grapes in
twelve seconds?
2. Do you think Yang-hee wants to spend New Year’s in San Francisco for the second
time? Why?
3. Besides turning on all the lights, what other things can be done to avoid a Korean from
sleeping in New Year’s Eve?
4. Do you think Pilar wants to spend New Year’s in London again? Why?
5. If a Scottish has no money to pay his/her debt before midnight in New Year’s Eve, what
can he/she do?
6. Do you think Gordon wants to spend another New Year’s in Sidney? Why?
Fedrian Hasmand


Q1: I’ve heard that the New Year is a good time to be in Scotland. What so special about

Q2: What happens on New Year’s Eve in Korea?

Q3: Tell me about the New Year in Mexico.

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

Fedrian Hasmand

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................
I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

Fedrian Hasmand

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................

I want to spend New Year’s Eve in (choose between Scotland, Korea, Mexico, Sidney, San Francisco or London) …………………………………….
because (give some reasons) ………………………………….............................................................................................................................................


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