نموج ورد تحضير شامل لمادة اللغة الانجليزية الصف الخامس الفصل الاول المنهاج الجديد 2016-2017

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Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :1 Lesson title :1

Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning a lot, along, family, model plane, soft toy slide, swing. Theme park, too water park
Horizontal Integration :: Vertical Integration:
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the 20
1 To follow simple oral SB p 4 based present –simple.
instructions. 1–1 / 1–3 assessment T: I sometime make model
To respond to questions Flash cards 1–7 / 1–8 plane
2 before ,during and after Audio 1–9 T: present some times ,
Pupil's book Communication always , never
2 : ss: Use them in oral 20
sentences .
To use the present simple for
3 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T:ask the same questions in the
3–8 past -simple.
4 T: use flash cards to present
To ask and answer in an 4–1 / 4–4 class:,
appropriate tone of voice 4–8 /4–9 Modlethe correct pronunciation
5 To use the past- simple questions of words 40
and short answers. ss: describe peoples,s
T: write their ideas on the board
to use adjective to describe ss: open their books p12 and
personality. describe pictures
Group Work ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Sunday 20th A& B
Monday 21st

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 1 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning:)
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment ex: Ali was at school yesterday?
Book4 ss: ask oral sentences
2- To respond to questions 2 ss:look at the story p4 40
before ,during and after Activity SS: ask about shapes ( objects in
3–1 / 3–3
listening. Book4 3–8 the class)
T: presents( How often )
To pronounce short Audio , 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati T: Play the recording again 20
,simple English words and Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on T:asks more comprehension
4- phrases correctly Wall Chart questions
k Observation ss:read the lesson.
To speak clearly with the board T:describe HB ex1; 10
5- reasonable speed and Flashcards ss: match the questions(in pairs)
volume. T: check their answering.
To use context and visual T:explaine HB ex2
clues to predict or identify ss:read the questions about the
meaning of unfamiliar text in ex 1
words ss: can do this individually
To read aloud with Q uestions with (Did you------?)
appropriate expression .

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 1- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 2- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow

3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help their friends ……………………..

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 1 Lesson title :- 3
Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: How often ,sometimes ,never
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision and presentation( how often )
To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 based list T: writes how often on the board . 5
instructions. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment T:ask questions about them and
5 present (how often ).
2 To ask questions and give 2 T: lets students open their books p5 30
Activity Book T:explain that they will hear four
answers in an appropriate
5 3–1 / 3–3 questions about pictures .
tone of voice . Audio 3–8 ss: describe the pictures orally.
Pupil's Communicatio T: plays the audio and pause after
Book 4–1 / 4–4 n each picture
To use reading strategies to 4–8 /4–9 ss: listen and mach.
3 understand simple reading Wall Chart Observation : Lets pupils to open their Activity
material. Books p5
board ss: read and complete with correct 5
Flashcards ss( work in pairs)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 3- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 4- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B
October 3- Suggestion for
improvement good ss check and
help their friends ……………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :1 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: how often
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To participate in simple classroom 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
exchanges Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the pictures
2 5 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 Ex2
To respond to questions 2 T: explain Ex3
before ,during and after Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss:ask each other questions - 15 M
3 listening. 5 Ex 4+5 1 using words in the book.(in
To ask and answer in an Audio 3–1 / 3–3 pairs)
Pupil's Book 3–8 T: ask pupils what they can ask - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice.
for the second questions(Did
4–1 / 4–4 you carry bags yesterday?)
To use short sentences to Flashcards 4–8 /4–9 ss: answer with Yes or No) - 20 M
talk with a partner about pupils work in pairs
4 familiar situations T: get afew of pairs of pupils to
demonstrate their dialogues .
To use reading strategies to T: check their work.
understand simple reading ss: listen and c - 25 M
material. complete the missing endings
To write simple sentences on to each word.
familiar topics T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 1- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
2- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :
Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :1 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: a long too,
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To demonstrate understanding of 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
spoken words in simple Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (Dear-sleeve, women) to present
instructions, exchanges and 14 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– new words
presentation . 2 ss: point to the sleeves - 15 M
2 Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– T: lets pupils open their
6 Ex 6+7 1 books( p14). - 15 M
To pronounce short ,simple Audio 3–1 / 3–3 T:asks oral questions about the
English words and phrases Pupil's Book 3–8 letter. - 20 M
correctly. T: lets pupils read the letter by
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 themselves.
3 4–8 /4–9 ss: read the questions below - 25 M
board the letter and answer them in
To use reading strategies to pairs.
understand simple reading Flashcards T: check their answering .
material. (Dear- t: explains Activity book(p6)
To demonstrate understanding of sleeve, ss: circle yes or No
simple information material, a women) ss: do Ex 6 complete sentences
diary . T: les student draw their

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 1- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
2- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 1 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
To recognise the sound of some Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (Dear-sleeve, women).
vowels . 7 Ex5+6+7 1–9 2–2 /3– T:explain that they will hear four
2 2 questions about pictures . - 15 M
To respond to questions Activity Book 2 4–3 /5–
before ,during and after 7 Ex 8+9+7 1 ss: describe the pictures orally. T: - 15 M
listening. Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Play the recording .
Pupil's Book 3–8 ss: listen and repeat. - 20 M
To use clues to understand ss: read the list of adjectives
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
new or unfamiliar words ss: pupils ask about each picture
3 4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
when listening . board
in Ex 6.
ss: read the activities
Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use
4 To pronounce short simple (Dear- appropriate tone of voice
English words. sleeve, (in pairs students ask and
women) answer questions)
5 to use and spell correctly learn T: play Play the recording
vocabulary. ss:listen and write correct words
T: check their writing
To use reading strategies to
6 understand simple reading

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 1- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
2- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :2 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : circle equal, hexagon, now, picture, rectangle shape, side, square, triangle
Horizontal Integration :: Vertical Integration:
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the use the 20
1 To respond to questions SB based past- simple questions and short
before ,during and after 1–1 / 1–3 assessment answers.
listening. Flash cards 1–7 / 1–8 ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
Audio 1–9 No we don't.
2 To use clues to understand Pupil's Communication T:ask the same questions in the
Book 2 past -simple. 20
new or unfamiliar words
T: use flash cards to present
when listening . 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 class: circle equal, hexagon,
3 3–8 now, picture, rectangle shape,
To begin to make inferences side, square, triangle,
when listening . 4–1 / 4–4 Modulate correct pronunciation
4–8 /4–9 of words
4 To pronounce short simple ss: describe peoples 40
English words. characters.
T: write their ideas on the board
ss: open their books p12 and
To use the past- simple questions describe pictures
5 and short answers. ss: listen and read the lesson.
Group Work T: ask oral questions about the
to use To use context and lesson
visual clues to predict or ss: listen and answer the
identify meaning of questions .(in pairs).
unfamiliar words ss: read the lesson correctly.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Sunday 20th A& B
Monday 21st Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 2 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
To demonstrate understanding 1–1 / 1– Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 of spoken words in simple 3 - based list yesterday
instructions, exchanges and Pupil's Book8 1–7 / 1– assessment ex:was Ali study English
presentation . 8 yesterday?
2- To respond to questions 1–9
Activity Book8 ss: answer the questions 40
before ,during and after ss:look at the story p88
listening. 2
Audio Pupil's T: Play the recording again
Book T:asks more comprehension
3–1 / 3–
To pronounce short Wall Chart 3 Communicati questions 20
,simple English words and 3–8 on ss:read the lesson.
4- phrases correctly board T:describe HB ex1;
Flashcards 4–1 / 4– Observation ss: match the questions(in pairs)
To speak clearly with the circle equal, 4 T: check their answering. 10
5- reasonable speed and hexagon, now, 4–8 /4– T:explaine HB ex2
volume. picture, 9 ss:read the questions about the
To use reading strategies to rectangle
text in ex 1
understand simple reading shape, side, k
square, ss: can do this individually
material. Q uestions with (Did you------?)

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 5- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 6- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow

3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help their friends ……………………..

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :
Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 2 Lesson title :- 3
Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: square , equal, sides ,shapes
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instruction Assessment Procedures Durati
Materials al Strategy Tool on
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1– Performance- Check Revision and present simple
instructions. 3 based list T: writes clever ,friendly, helpful 5
Pupil's Book 9 1–7 / 1– assessment ,hi, on the board .
To demonstrate understanding 8 T:ask questions about them and
2 of spoken words in simple Activity Book 1–9 present (kind). 30
instructions, exchanges and 9 T: lets students open their books p9
presentation. Audio Pupil's 2 T:explain that they will hear four
Book questions about pictures .
3–1 / 3– Communicatio ss: describe the pictures orally.
To demonstrate understanding
3 Wall Chart 3 n T: plays the audio and pause after
of spoken in presentations.
3–8 each picture
board Observation ss: listen and mach.
To use words and short 4–1 / 4– : Lets pupils to open their Activity
4 sentences to participate in Flashcards 4 Books p9 5
short simple exchanges. circle equal, 4–8 /4– ss: read and complete with correct
To pronounce short hexagon, now, 9 word
simple English words. picture, ss( work in pairs)
5- rectangle T: chech their answers
To use and spell correctly learn shape, side,
vocabulary. square,
6 triangle

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 7- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 8- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :2 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: but, now
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To pronounce short ,simple Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the pictures
English words and phrases 9 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 Ex2
2 correctly 2 T: explains (It was six
Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– squares ,but now it is a box - 15 M
To demonstrate understanding of 9 Ex 4+5 1 T: comparison of the past
3 spoken words in simple Audio 3–1 / 3–3 simple with the present simple
instructions, exchanges and Pupil's Book 3–8 Ex3 - 15 M
presentation ss:ask each other questions
9 4–1 / 4–4 using words in the book.(in
4–8 /4–9 pairs) - 20 M
To ask and answer in an
4 board T: ask pupils what they can ask
appropriate tone of voice. for the second questions(Did
Flashca9rds you carry bags yesterday?)
To prepare and present a ss: answer with Yes or No)
5 short simple dialogue to the pupils work in pairs - 25 M
class . T: get afew of pairs of pupils to
To use reading strategies to demonstrate their dialogues .
understand simple reading T: check their work.
6 material. ss: listen and c
complete the missing endings
to each word.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 3- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
4- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :2 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: Country side , horse, honey, something
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (Country side , horse, honey,
To demonstrate understanding of 10 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– something) to present new
spoken words in simple 2 words - 15 M
2 instructions, exchanges and Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss: point to the sleeves
presentation 10 Ex 6+ 1 T: lets pupils open their - 15 M
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 books( p10).
To pronounce short ,simple Pupil's Book 3–8 T:asks oral questions about the - 20 M
English words and phrases letter.
correctly. Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 T: lets pupils read the letter by
3 4–8 /4–9 themselves. - 25 M
board ss: read the questions below
To use reading strategies to
the letter and answer them in
understand simple reading Flashcards pairs.
material. (Country T: check their answering .
To write simple sentences on side , horse, t: explains Activity book(p10)
familiar topics. honey, ss: circle yes or No
something) ss: do Ex 6complete sentences
T o use and spell correctly T: les student draw their
learned vocabulary costumes

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 3- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
4- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :
Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 2 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : bee, Grade, inside, know :
Vertical Integration: Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To recognise the sound of some 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
consonants . Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (bee, Grade, inside, know).
11 Ex5+6+7 1 – 9 2–2 /3– T:explain that they will hear four
2 To use clues to understand 2 questions about pictures . - 15 M
new or unfamiliar words Activity Book 2 4–3 /5–
when listening . 11 Ex 8+9+ 1 ss: describe the pictures orally. T: - 15 M
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Play the recording .
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 ss: listen and repeat. - 20 M
To ask and answer in an ss: read the list of adjectives
3 Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
appropriate tone of voice. ss: pupils ask about each picture
4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
in Ex 6.
4 To sing a song after ss: read the activities
listening to an audio . Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use
() appropriate tone of voice
5 To pronounce short simple (in pairs students ask and
English words. answer questions)
T: play Play the recording
6 To use and spell correctly learn ss: listen and repeat the song .
vocabulary. ss:listen and write correct words
7 To use short sentences to talk T: check their writing
with a partner about familiar
situations T: play Play the recording
ss: listen and repeat the song .

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 3- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
4- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :3 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : costume, sewing, clever ,friendly, helpful ,hi, study
Horizontal Integration :: Vertical Integration:
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use context to demonstrate Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the 20
understanding of new words SB based present -simple.
when listening 1–1 / 1–3 assessment ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 No we don't.
2 To use the present simple for Audio 1–9 T:ask the same questions in the
facts. Pupil's Communication past -simple.
To use reading strategies to Book 2 T: use flash cards to present 20
3 understand simple reading class:costume,sewing,
material. 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 Modlethe correct pronunciation
3–8 of words
To use the past- simple questions ss: describe peoples,s
4 and short answers. 4–1 / 4–4 characters.
4–8 /4–9 T: write their ideas on the board
ss: open their books p12 and 40
5 to use adjective to describe describe pictures
personality. ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
ss: listen and answer the
Group Work questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Sunday 20th A& B
Monday 21st Form # Qf71-14rev.a
9- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation …………………
10- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow ………………………
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 3 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning:)
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment ex:Did you study English
To respond to questions Book12 yesterday?
2- before ,during and after 2 ss: answer the questions 40
listening. Activity ss:look at the story p12
3–1 / 3–3
3- Book12 3–8 T: Play the recording again
To pronounce short T:asks more comprehension
,simple English words and Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati questions 20
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on ss:read the lesson.
4- To speak clearly with the Book T:describe HB ex1;
reasonable speed and Wall Chart k Observation ss: match the questions(in pairs)
volume. T: check their answering. 10
5- To use reading strategies to board T:explaine HB ex2
understand simple reading Flashcards ss:read the questions about the
material. costume, text in ex 1
sewing ss: can do this individually
Q uestions with (Did you------?)

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 11- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 12- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow

3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help their friends ……………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 3 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: kind
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To respond to questions 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision and presentation
before ,during and after 1–7 / 1–8 based list T: writes clever ,friendly, helpful 5
listening. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment ,hi, on the board .
To demonstrate understanding 13 T:ask questions about them and
2 of spoken in presentations. 2 present (kind). 30
Activity Book T: lets students open their books p13
13 3–1 / 3–3 T:explain that they will hear four
To use words and short
3 Audio 3–8 questions about pictures .
sentences to participate in Pupil's Communicatio ss: describe the pictures orally.
short simple exchanges. Book 4–1 / 4–4 n T: plays the audio and pause after
. To pronounce short 4–8 /4–9 each picture
4 simple English words. Wall Chart Observation ss: listen and mach.
to use and spell correctly learn : Lets pupils to open their Activity
5- vocabulary. board Books p13 5
ss: read and complete with correct
Flashcards word
ss( work in pairs)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 13- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 14- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B
October 3- Suggestion for
improvement good ss check and
help their friends ……………………..
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :3 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the pictures
2 before ,during and after 13 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 Ex2
listening. 2 T: explain Ex3
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss:ask each other questions - 15 M
3 13 Ex 4+5 1 using words in the book.(in
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 pairs)
To prepare and present Pupil's Book 3–8 T: ask pupils what they can ask - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . for the second questions(Did
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 you carry bags yesterday?)
4–8 /4–9 ss: answer with Yes or No) - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board pupils work in pairs
4 understand simple reading T: get afew of pairs of pupils to
material. Flashcards demonstrate their dialogues .
T: check their work.
ss: listen and c - 25 M
complete the missing endings
to each word.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 5- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
6- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Form # Qf71-14rev.a

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :3 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: Dear-sleeve, women
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (Dear-sleeve, women) to present
14 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– new words
To pronounce short ,simple 2 ss: point to the sleeves - 15 M
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4 – 3 / 5 – T: lets pupils open their
correctly. 14 Ex 6+7 1 books( p14). - 15 M
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 T:asks oral questions about the
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 letter. - 20 M
T: lets pupils read the letter by
To use reading strategies to 4–1 / 4–4
Wall Chart themselves.
3 understand simple reading 4–8 /4–9 ss: read the questions below - 25 M
material. board the letter and answer them in
To draw an illustration based pairs.
on simple reading material. Flashcards T: check their answering .
To express an opinion based on (Dear- t: explains Activity book(p14)
information from a written sleeve, ss: circle yes or No
source women) ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences
T: les student draw their

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 5- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
6- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 3 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (Dear-sleeve, women).
15 Ex5+6+7 1–9 2–2 /3– T:explain that they will hear four
2 To ask and answer in an 2 questions about pictures . - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5–
To prepare and present 15 Ex 8+9+10 1 ss: describe the pictures orally. T: - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Play the recording .
Pupil's Book 3–8 ss: listen and repeat. - 20 M
ss: read the list of adjectives
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
To pronounce short simple ss: pupils ask about each picture
3 4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
English words. board
in Ex 6.
ss: read the activities
4 to use and spell correctly learn Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use
vocabulary. (Dear- appropriate tone of voice
sleeve, (in pairs students ask and
women) answer questions)
T: play Play the recording
ss:listen and write correct words
T: check their writing

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Reflection :
5- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
6- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :4 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning :answer, class, collection ,excite, helicopter ,lorry ,motorbike ,question ,transport
horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: going to
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use context to demonstrate Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the We,re 20
understanding of new words SB based going to do.
when listening 1–1 / 1–3 assessment T: Are you going to visit the
Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 Royal Automobile?.
2 To use the present simple for helicopter, 1–9 ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
facts. lorry, Communication No we don't.
To use reading strategies to motorbike 2 T:ask the same questions in the 20
3 understand simple reading past -simple.
material. Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T: use flash cards to present
Pupil's 3–8 class:,
To use the past- simple questions Book Modlethe correct pronunciation
4 and short answers. 4–1 / 4–4 of words
4–8 /4–9 ss: describe peoples,s
characters. 40
5 to use adjective to describe T: write their ideas on the board
personality. ss: open their books p12 and
describe pictures
ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
Group Work lesson
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.
ss: talk about the future .
ss: tell the time.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Outcomes Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Sunday 20 A& B
Monday 21st
Reflection :
15- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation …………………
16- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow ………………………
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 4 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: kind (adj)
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment ex: Are you going to visit the a
To respond to questions Book12 zoo?.
2- before ,during and after 2 ss: answer the questions 40
listening. Activity ss:look at the story p20
3–1 / 3–3
Book12 T: Play the recording again
3- 3–8
To pronounce short T:asks more comprehension
,simple English words and Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati questions 20
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on ss:read the lesson.
4- To speak clearly with the Book T:describe HB ex1;
reasonable speed and Wall Chart k Observation ss: match the questions(in pairs)
volume. T: check their answering. 10
5- To use reading strategies to board T:explaine HB ex2
understand simple reading Flashcards ss:read the questions about the
material. text in ex 1
ss: can do this individually
Q questions with (Are you going to
ss: ask questions a b out the time

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 17- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 18- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 4 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: kind
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To respond to questions 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision of the verb goiormng to for
before ,during and after 1–7 / 1–8 based list future plans and practice the negative 5
listening. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment f
To demonstrate understanding 20+21 T: writespowerful
2 of spoken in presentations. 2 T:ask questions about them and 30
Activity Book present (kind).
19 3–1 / 3–3 T: lets students open their books p13
To use words and short
3 Audio 3–8 T:explain that they will hear four
sentences to participate in Pupil's Communicatio questions about pictures .
short simple exchanges. Book 4–1 / 4–4 n ss: describe the pictures orally.
. To pronounce short 4–8 /4–9 T: plays the audio and pause after
4 simple English words. Wall Chart Observation each picture
to use and spell correctly learn ss: listen and mach.
5- vocabulary. board : Lets pupils to open their Activity 5
Books p13
Flashcards ss: read and complete with correct
ss( work in pairs)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 19- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 20- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :4 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the pictures
2 before ,during and after 21 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 Ex2
listening. 2 T: explain Ex3
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss:ask each other questions - 15 M
3 20 Ex 4+ 1 using words in the book.(in
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 pairs)
To prepare and present Pupil's Book 3–8 T: ask pupils what they can ask - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . for the second questions(Did
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 you carry bags yesterday?)
4–8 /4–9 ss: answer with Yes or No) - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board pupils work in pairs
4 understand simple reading T: get afew of pairs of pupils to
material. Flashcards demonstrate their dialogues .
T: check their work.
ss: listen and c - 25 M
complete the missing endings
to each word.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 7- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
8- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :4 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: Dear-sleeve, women
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (Dear-sleeve, women) to present
22 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– new words
To pronounce short ,simple 2 ss: point to the sleeves - 15 M
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– T: lets pupils open their
correctly. 21 Ex 6 1 books( p14). - 15 M
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 T:asks oral questions about the
Pupil's Book 3–8 letter. - 20 M
T: lets pupils read the letter by
To use reading strategies to Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 themselves.
3 understand simple reading 4–8 /4–9 ss: read the questions below - 25 M
material. board the letter and answer them in
To draw an illustration based pairs.
on simple reading material. Flashcards T: check their answering .
To express an opinion based on () t: explains Activity book(p14)
information from a written ss: circle yes or No
source ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences
T: les student draw their

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 7- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
8- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Supervisor Date :………………..Signature :
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 4 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (transportcards).
23 Ex5+6+7 1 – 9 2–2 /3– T:explain that they will hear four
2 To ask and answer in an 2 questions about pictures . - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5–
To prepare and present 22 Ex 7+8+9 1 ss: describe the pictures orally. T: - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Play the recording .
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 ss: listen and repeat. - 20 M
ss: read the list of adjectives
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
To pronounce short simple ss: pupils ask about each picture
3 4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
English words. board
in Ex 6.
ss: read the activities
4 to use and spell correctly learn Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use
vocabulary. (Dear- appropriate tone of voice
sleeve, (in pairs students ask and
women) answer questions)
T: play Play the recording
ss:listen and write correct words
T: check their writing

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 7- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
8- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :5 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning :answer ,class ,collection ,excite, helicopter, lorry, motorbike ,question ,transport
horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: going to
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use context to demonstrate Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the We,re 20
understanding of new words SB based going to do.
when listening 1–1 / 1–3 assessment T: Are you going to visit the
Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 Royal Automobile?.
2 To talk about the future using helicopter, 1–9 ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
(going to) lorry, Communication No we don't.
To use reading strategies to motorbike 2 T:ask the same questions in the 20
3 understand simple reading past -simple.
material. Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T: use flash cards to present
Pupil's 3–8 class:,
To use the past- simple questions Book Modulate correct pronunciation
4 and short answers. 4–1 / 4–4 of words
4–8 /4–9 ss: describe peoples
characters. 40
to use adjective to describe T: write their ideas on the board
5 personality. ss: open their books p12 and
describe pictures
ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
Group Work lesson
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.
ss: talk about the future .
ss: tell the time.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Outcomes Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Sunday 20 A& B
Monday 21st
Reflection :
21- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation …………………
22- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow ………………………
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 5 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: kind (adj)
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment ex: Are you going to visit the a
To respond to questions Book12 zoo?.
2- before ,during and after 2 ss: answer the questions 40
listening. Activity ss:look at the story p20
3–1 / 3–3
Book12 T: Play the recording again
3- 3–8
To pronounce short T:asks more comprehension
,simple English words and Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati questions 20
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on ss:read the lesson.
4- To speak clearly with the Book T:describe HB ex1;
reasonable speed and Wall Chart Observation ss: match the questions(in pairs)
volume. T: check their answering. 10
board T:explaine HB ex2
5- To use reading strategies to Flashcards ss:read the questions about the
understand simple reading text in ex 1
material. ss: can do this individually
Q questions with (Are you going to
ss: ask questions a b out the time

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 23- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 24- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 5 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: kind
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To respond to questions 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision of the verb going to for
before ,during and after 1–7 / 1–8 based list future plans and practice the negative 5
listening. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment form
To demonstrate understanding 20+21 T: writespowerful
2 of spoken in presentations. 2 T:ask questions about them and 30
Activity Book present (transport).
20 3–1 / 3–3 T: lets students open their books p13
To use words and short
3 Audio 3–8 T:explain that they will hear four
sentences to participate in Pupil's Communicatio questions about pictures .
short simple exchanges. Book 4–1 / 4–4 n ss: describe the pictures orally.
. To pronounce short 4–8 /4–9 T: plays the audio and pause after
4 simple English words. Wall Chart Observation each picture
to use and spell correctly learn ss: listen and mach.
5- vocabulary. board : Lets pupils to open their Activity 5
Books p21
Flashcards ss: read and complete with correct
ss( work in pairs)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 25- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 26- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :5 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the pictures
2 before ,during and after 21 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 Ex2 going to for future plans and
listening. 2 practice the negative form
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– - 15 M
3 20 Ex 4+ 1 T: explain Ex3
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 ss:ask each other questions
To prepare and present Pupil's Book 3–8 using words in the book.(in - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . pairs)
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 T: ask pupils what they can ask
4–8 /4–9 for the second questions(Did - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board you carry bags yesterday?)
4 understand simple reading ss: answer with Yes or No)
material. Flashcards pupils work in pairs
T: get afew of pairs of pupils to
demonstrate their dialogues . - 25 M
T: check their work.
ss: listen and c
complete the missing endings
to each word.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 9- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
10- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :5 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: Dear-sleeve, women
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (powerful) to present new words
22 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– ss: point to the sleeves
To pronounce short ,simple 2 T: lets pupils open their - 15 M
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– books( p14).
correctly. 21 Ex 6 1 T:asks oral questions about the
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 letter. - 15 M
Pupil's Book 3–8 T: lets pupils read the letter by
To use reading strategies to
understand simple reading 4–1 / 4–4 - 20 M
Wall Chart ss: read the questions below
3 material. 4–8 /4–9 the letter and answer them in
To draw an illustration based board pairs.
on simple reading material. T: check their answering .
To express an opinion based on Flashcards t: explains Activity book(p14)
information from a written () ss: circle yes or No
source. ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences - 25 M
4 To write simple sentences T: les student draw their
5 on familiar topics costumes
ss: write simple sentences
on familiar topics

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 9- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
10- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 5 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 2 (transport cards).
23 Ex5+6+7 1–9 2–2 /3– T:explain that they will hear four
2 To ask and answer in an 2 questions about pictures .
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– - 15 M
To prepare and present 22 Ex 7+8+9 1 ss: describe the pictures orally. T:
ashort simple dialogue . Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Play the recording .
Pupil's Book 3–8 ss: listen and repeat. - 15 M
ss: read the list of adjectives
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
To pronounce short simple ss: pupils ask about each picture
3 4–8 /4–9 - 20 M
English words. board
in Ex 6.
ss: read the activities
4 to use and spell correctly learn Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use
vocabulary. appropriate tone of voice - 25 M
worksheet (in pairs students ask and
answer questions)
T: play Play the recording
ss:listen and write correct words
T: check their writing.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 9- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
10- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :6 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning :ago,dentist,surgery,firefighter,firstation,policeman,scientist.want
horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: going to
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use context to demonstrate Performance- 2 T:revise questions of the past 20
understanding of new words SB based simple –affirmative-negative
when listening 1–1 / 1–3 assessment practice the negative form
Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 T: Dad went to the zoo .
2 To talk about the future using helicopter, 1–9 Did you live in a flag?(No we
(going to) lorry, Communication didn't)
To use reading strategies to motorbike 2 ss: answer with Yes ,we did or 20
3 understand simple reading No we didn't.
material. Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T:ask the same questions in the
Pupil's 3–8 past -simple.
To use the past- simple questions Book T: use flash cards to present
4 and short answers. 4–1 / 4–4 class:,
wall chart 4–8 /4–9 Modulate correct pronunciation
:jobs and of words 40
to use adjective to describe work ss: describe peoples
5 personality. characters.
T: write their ideas on the board
ss: open their books p24 and
describe pictures
Group Work ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.
ss: talk about the pictures .

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Outcomes Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Sunday 20 A& B
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 6 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: kind (adj)
Horizontal Integration : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday questions of the past
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment simple –affirmative-negative
To respond to questions Book12 practice the negative form
2- before ,during and after 2 40
listening. Activity ex Where did you go yesterday?.
3–1 / 3–3 ss: answer the questions
3- Book12 3–8
To pronounce short ss:look at the story p24
,simple English words and Audio Communicat T: Play the recording again 20
4–1 / 4–4
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 ion T:asks more comprehension
4- To speak clearly with the Book questions
reasonable speed and Wall Chart Observation ss:read the lesson.
volume. T:describe HB ex1; 10
board ss: read and order the questions(in
5- To use reading strategies to Flashcards pairs)
understand simple reading T: check their answering.
material. T:explaine HB ex1
ss:read the questions about the
text in ex 1
ss: can do this individually
Q questions with (Grandpa took
this photo thirty years ago .
ss: ask questions a b out the time

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Monday 28th A&B Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Tuesday 29th A& B
27- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation …………………
28- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
3- Suggestion for

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 6 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: kind
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To respond to questions 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision of the past simple –
before ,during and after 1–7 / 1–8 based list affirmative-negative Grandpa took 5
listening. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment this photo thirty years ago .
To demonstrate understanding 25 and to for future plans and practice
2 of spoken in presentations. 2 the negative form 30
Activity Book T: writespowerful
24 3–1 / 3–3 T:ask questions about them and
To use words and short
3 Audio 3–8 present (words).
sentences to participate in Pupil's Communicatio T: lets students open their books p25
short simple exchanges. Book 4–1 / 4–4 n T:explain that they will hear four
. To pronounce short 4–8 /4–9 questions about pictures .
4 simple English words. Wall Chart Observation ss: describe the pictures orally.
to use and spell correctly learn T: plays the audio and pause after
5- vocabulary. board each picture 5
ss: look and say
Flashcards their Activity Books p24
ss: read and complete with correct
ss( work in pairs)(ask and answer)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 29- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Wednesday A&B …………………
30th sept 30- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Tuesday 1st A& B
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :6 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision( wrie some years on the - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 board .
2 before ,during and after 25 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 students look at the board.
listening. 2 ss: ask the years
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– T: explain Ex3 - 15 M
3 24 Ex 4+ 1 ss:ask each other questions
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 using words in the book.(in
To prepare and present Pupil's Book 3–8 - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . T: ask pupils what they can ask
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 for the second questions(Did
4–8 /4–9 you carry bags yesterday?) - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board ss: answer with Yes or No)
4 understand simple reading pupils work in pairs
material. Flashcards T: get a few of pairs of pupils to
demonstrate their dialogues .
T: check their work. - 25 M
ss: listen and c
complete the missing endings
to each word.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 11- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
12- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :6 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: Dear-sleeve, women
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (powerful) to present new words
26 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– ss: point to the sleeves
To pronounce short ,simple 2 T: lets pupils open their - 15 M
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– books( p14).
correctly. 25 Ex 5+6 1 T:asks oral questions about the
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 letter. - 15 M
Pupil's Book 3–8 T: lets pupils read the letter by
To use reading strategies to
understand simple reading 4–1 / 4–4 - 20 M
Wall Chart ss: read the questions below
3 material. 4–8 /4–9 the letter and answer them in
To talk about events in the past. board pairs.
4 To express an opinion based on T: check their answering .
information from a written Flashcards t: explains Activity book(p14)
5 source. (writing) ss: circle yes or No
To write simple sentences ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences - 25 M
6 on familiar topics T: les student draw their
ss: write simple sentences
on familiar topics

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 11- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
12- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 6 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration: the past
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 2 (my uncle took the photo
27 Ex5+6+7 1–9 2–2 /3– yesterday)
2 To ask and answer in an 2 ss :ask oral sentences using
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– past events. - 15 M
To prepare and present 26+27 Ex 1 T:explain that they will hear four
ashort simple dialogue . 7+8+9 3–1 / 3–3 questions about pictures .
Audio 3–8 - 15 M
Pupil's Book ss: describe the pictures orally. T:
4–1 / 4–4 Play the recording .
To pronounce short simple Wall Chart 4–8 /4–9 - 20 M
English words. ss: listen and repeat.
ss: read the list of adjectives
to use and spell correctly learn ss: pupils ask about each picture
vocabulary. Flashcards
in Ex 6. - 25 M
ss: read the activities
worksheet (in pairs make sure they use
appropriate tone of voice
(in pairs students ask and
answer questions)
T: play Play the recording
ss:listen and write correct words
T: check their writing.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 11- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
12- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :7 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning :blanket ,bracelet, earrings ,expensive ,rattle, useful
horizontal Integration : comparative Vertical Integration: comparisons
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To develop strategies to Performance- 2 T:revise the comparative 20
understand SB based Amman is bigger than Salt. .
spoken word and simple 1–1 / 1–3 assessment ss: give oral sentences using
sentences. Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 comparative .
2 participate in simple classroom helicopter, 1–9 T: present superlatives (pupils
exchanges . lorry, Communication use classroom object )to ask
motorbike 2 sentences 20
3 To recognize the use of simple ss: ask more sentences.
suffixes to change meaning of Audio 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T:ask the same questions in the
words(er-est). Pupil's 3–8 past -simple.
Book T: use flash cards to present
4 To use context and visual clues to 4–1 / 4–4 class:,
identify the meaning of wall chart: 4–8 /4–9 Modulate correct pronunciation
unfamiliar words jobs and of words 40
work ss: describe peoples
5 To use the past- simple questions characters.
and short answers. T: write their ideas on the board
ss: open their books p24 and
To use print or electronic describe pictures
6- bilingual dictionaries to help Group Work ss: listen and read the lesson.
understand unfamiliar words T: ask oral questions about the
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.
ss: talk about the pictures .

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Sunday 20th A& B
Monday 21st
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 7 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: kind (adj)
Horizontal Integration : comparative Vertical Integration: comparisons
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision use flashcards to revise 10
1 To discuss own ideas and 1–7 / 1–8 - based list blanket earnings rattle bracelet
those of others about a Pupil's 1–9 assessment
simple topic . Book28 T:write adjective on the board
2- To respond to questions 2 (expensive,useful,colourful) 40
before ,during and after Activity T: Elicit sentences using the
3–1 / 3–3
listening. Book27 3–8
adjectives on the board.
ss: answer the questions
To pronounce short Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati ss:look at the story p27 20
,simple English words and Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on T: Play the recording again
4- phrases correctly Book T:asks more comprehension
To speak clearly with the Wall Chart Observation questions
reasonable speed and ss:read the lesson. 10
volume. board T:describe HB ex1;
5- Flashcards ss: read and order the questions(in
To use reading strategies to pairs)
understand simple reading T: check their answering.
material. T:explaine HB ex1+2
ss:read the questions about the
text in ex 1
ss: work in pairs to complete the
task using picture clues to write

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 31- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 32- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 7 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: kind
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To demonstrate understanding 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision of the write adjective on
of spoken in presentations. 1–7 / 1–8 based list the board (expensive ,useful, 5
Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment colourful)
To use words and short 29 ss: open their books p29.
2 sentences to participate in 2 30
ss: read and the examples.
short simple exchanges. Activity Book
ss: work in pairs (the boy is
To recognize the use of simple 28 3–1 / 3–3
Audio 3–8 younger than the man).
suffixes to change meaning of T:choose pairs of pupils to
3 words(er-est Pupil's Communicatio
Book 4–1 / 4–4 n demonstrate their answers to the class.
4–8 /4–9 T: lets students write examples on
. To complete sentences. their notebook.
Wall Chart Observation
4 T: asks pupils to open HBp28
board ss: read and circle ;. 5
to use c correct spilling and T:check their working.
5- punctuation with the assistance Flashcards
of peers and teacher

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 33- I feel satisfied with ……………… …………………
Wednesday A&B 34- Challenges that faced me ……some don't follow
30th sept
Tuesday 1st A& B 3- Suggestion for
October improvement good ss check and
help their friends

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :7 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision( using the flashcards - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at their books .
2 before ,during and after 25 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 T:: asks their names and ages
listening. 2 T: Which present they think are
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– best for your cousins. - 15 M
3 24 Ex 4+ 1 ss:ask each other questions
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 using words in the book.(in
To prepare and present a Pupil's Book 3–8 - 15 M
short simple dialogue . T: ask pupils to read the list of
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 present .
4–8 /4–9 ss: give their opinions about the - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board present .ss: read the example.
4 understand simple reading ss:complete the task in pairs .
material. Flashcards complete the missing endings
to each word.
ss:pupils can work individually . - 25 M
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 13- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
14- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :7 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: heavy horse ,hour, kilo, metre, smell, trunk ,weigh
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 (animalsl) to present new words
30 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– T:: Use the ruler to present
To pronounce short ,simple 2 metre.(words) - 15 M
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss: point to the
correctly. 29 Ex 5+6 1 T: put object that are heavy on
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 the scales. - 15 M
Pupil's Book 3–8 T:asks oral questions about
To use reading strategies to
T: lets pupils read the the speed
understand simple reading Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 bubles at the top. - 20 M
3 material. 4–8 /4–9 T: explain the text about
To talk about events in the past. board animals
4 To express an opinion based on ss: read the text
information from a written Flashcards ss: compare answers in pairs
5 source. Worksheet3 T: check answers as a class.
To write simple sentences ss: do Ex 5+ - 25 M
6 on familiar topics

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 13- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
14- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 7 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration: the past
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To recognize the different sounds 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision: uses - 15 M
of some vowel Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 2 Flashcards(animals)
31 Ex5+6+7 1–9 2–2 /3– (ss :ask oral sentences using
2 To ask questions and make 2 past events.
statements in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– T:explain that they will hear four - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice 30+27 Ex 1 questions about pictures .
To sing a song . 7+8+9 3–1 / 3–3 ss: describe the pictures orally.
Audio 3–8 T: Play the recording . - 15 M
Pupil's Book ss: listen and repeat.
4–1 / 4–4 ss: read the list of adjectives
To pronounce short simple
3 Wall Chart 4–8 /4–9 ss: pupils ask about each picture - 20 M
English words.
in Ex 6.
4 To write simple sentences ss: read the activities
on familiar topics Flashcards (in pairs make sure they use - 25 M
appropriate tone of voice
worksheet (in pairs students ask and answer
T: play Play the recording(song)
ss:listen and
T: check their listening

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 13- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
14- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :8 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : blouse ,clothes ,shop, football, boots, quarters past shopping center, sport shop
Horizontal Integration :: past continuous tense Vertical Integration:
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use cluse to Performance- 2 T:revise questions in the past 20
understand of new words when SB based continuous tense questions
listening 1–1 / 1–3 assessment and affirmative forms .
Flash cards 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
2 To pronounce short simple Audio 1–9 No we don't.
English words Pupil's Communication T:ask the same questions in the
To use reading strategies to Book 2 past -simple. 20
3 understand simple reading T: use flash cards to present
material. 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 class:,
3–8 Modlethe correct pronunciation
To respond to questions before of words
4 during and after listening . 4–1 / 4–4 ss: describe peoples,s
4–8 /4–9 characters.
T: write their ideas on the board 40
5 to demonstrate recognition of ss: open their books p12 and
word formation describe pictures
ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
Group Work ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 35- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Sunday 20th A& B …………………
Monday 21st
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
36- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow ………………………

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 8 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: past continuous
Horizontal Integration past continuous tense : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday (What were you doing on
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock?
To respond to questions Book32 ss: read the first sentence .
2- before ,during and after 2 T: play the first sentence 40
listening. Activity T:ask oral questions about it.
3–1 / 3–3
3- Book31 3–8 ss: answer the questions
To pronounce short T: divide the class into groups to
,simple English words and Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati act the story. 20
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on ss:look at the story p32
4- To speak clearly with the Book T: Play the recording again
reasonable speed and Wall Chart Observation T:asks more comprehension
volume. questions. 10
5- To use reading strategies to board ss:read the lesson.
understand simple reading Flashcards T:describe HB ex1;
material. ss: match the questions(in pairs)
T: check their answering.
T:explaine HB ex2
ss:read the questions about the
text in ex 1
ss: can do this individually

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 37- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
Monday 28th A&B …………………
Tuesday 29th A& B 38- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 8 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: past continuous
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To respond to questions 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision past continuous tense and
before ,during and after 1–7 / 1–8 based list presentation 5
listening. Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment T: ask 5 pupils to come and ask them
To demonstrate understanding 33 to mime an action e.g running, eating
2 of spoken in presentations. 2 drinking.. 30
Activity Book ss: guess what each one doing ,ex you
32 3–1 / 3–3 were running .and so on.
To use words and short
3 Audio 3–8 ss: open their books p33 and describe
sentences to participate in Pupil's Communicatio what they can see in the pictures
short simple exchanges. Book 4–1 / 4–4 n T:ask questions about them
. To pronounce short 4–8 /4–9 T: lets students open their books p33
4 simple English words. Wall Chart Observation T:explain that they will hear four
to use and spell correctly learn questions about pictures .
5- vocabulary. board ss: describe the pictures orally. 5
T: plays the audio and pause after
Flashcards each picture
ss: listen and mach.
ss: compare answers in pairs
: Lets pupils to open their Activity
Books p31
ss: read and complete with correct
ss( work in pairs)
T: chech their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

A& B Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :8 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning:
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the
2 before ,during and after 33 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 pictures( the wall chart)
listening. 2 T: explain Ex3 p33
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss:ask each other questions - 15 M
3 32 Ex 4 1 using words in the book.(in
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 pairs)
To prepare and present Pupil's Book 3–8 T: ask pupils what they can ask - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . for the second questions(What
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 were you doing on Saturday at 1
4–8 /4–9 o'clock. - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board ss:ask and answer oral
4 understand simple reading questions.
material. Flashcards pupils work in pairs
T: get a few of pairs of pupils to
demonstrate their dialogues . - 25 M
T: check their work.
ss: listen and c
complete the task.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 15- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
16- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :8 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: bowling, bowling alley, jeweler's
Horizontal Integration past actions Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (bowling alley,jeweler,s) to
34 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– present new words
To pronounce short ,simple 2 T: revise family –sister brother
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– mother grandma, grandpa. - 15 M
correctly. 33 Ex 5+6 1 T: lets pupils open their
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 books( p34).
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 ss: describe the picture and text - 15 M
T: ask what shops are in a
To use reading strategies to Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 shopping center
3 understand simple reading 4–8 /4–9 T:asks oral questions about the - 20 M
material. board letter.
To draw an illustration based T: lets pupils read the letter by
4 on simple reading material. Flashcards themselves.
To use and spell correctly (jeweler's ss: read the questions below - 25 M
learnt vocabulary bowling the letter and answer them in
5 alley) pairs.
T: check their answering .
t: explains Activity book(p33)
ss: circle yes or No
ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences
T: les student draw their

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 15- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
16- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 8 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards(food) - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (What were you doing on Friday
35 Ex5+6+7 1 – 9 2–2 /3– afternoon at 8 o'clock?
2 To ask and answer in an 2 T:explain that they will hear three - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– questions about pictures .
To prepare and present 34Ex 8+9+ 1 - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . Audio 3–1 / 3–3 ss: describe the pictures orally.
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 T: Play the recording . - 20 M
ss: listen and repeat.
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4
To pronounce short simple ss: read the list of adjectives
3 4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
English words. board
ss: pupils ask about each picture
in Ex 6.
4 to use and spell correctly learn Flashcards ss: read the activities
vocabulary. (Dear- (in pairs What were you doing
sleeve, (in ------?
women) inpairs students ask and answer

T: check their writing

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 15- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
16- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :9 Lesson title :1
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : helicopter, interesting ,lorry ,motorbike transport
Horizontal Integration :: past continuous tense Vertical Integration:
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To use cluse to Performance- 2 T:revise (helicopter, 20
understand of new words when based interesting ,lorry, motor bike.
listening Flash cards 1 – 1 / 1 – 3 assessment transport)
Audio , 1–7 / 1–8 ss: describe what forms of
2 To pronounce short simple Pupil's 1–9 transport they can see in the
English words Book p36 Communication picture
To use reading strategies to flashcards( 2 ss: in pairs says a true or false
3 understand simple reading sentences about the text . 20
material. helicopter, 3–1 / 3–3 Observation 1 T:asks questions in the past
interesting 3–8 continuous tense questions
To respond to questions before ,lorry, motor and affirmative forms .
4 during and after listening . bike. 4–1 / 4–4 ss: answer with Yes ,we do or
Transport) 4–8 /4–9 No we don't.
T:ask the same questions in the
5 to demonstrate recognition of past -simple.
word formation T: use flash cards to present 40
Modulate correct pronunciation
of words
Group Work T:asks pupils what other things
they can see from theit house.
Elicit ideas and put relevant on
the board.
ss: listen and read the lesson.
T: ask oral questions about the
ss: listen and answer the
questions .(in pairs).
ss: read the lesson correctly.

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 9 Lesson title :- 2
Number of Classes :2 Date: from to
Previous Learning: past continuous
Horizontal Integration past continuous tense : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duratio
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool n
1–1 / 1–3 Performance Check Revision ask pupils about 10
1 To follow simple oral 1–7 / 1–8 - based list yesterday (What were you doing on
instructions. Pupil's 1–9 assessment Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock?
To respond to questions Book36 ss: read the first sentence .
2- before ,during and after 2 T: play the first sentence 40
listening. Activity T:ask oral questions about it.
3–1 / 3–3
3- Book35 3–8 ss: answer the questions
To pronounce short T: divide the class into groups to
,simple English words and Audio 4–1 / 4–4 Communicati act the story. 20
phrases correctly Pupil's 4–8 /4–9 on ss:look at the story p36
4- To speak clearly with the Book T: Play the recording again
reasonable speed and Wall Chart Observation T:asks more comprehension
volume. questions. 10
5- To use reading strategies to board ss:read the lesson.
understand simple reading Flashcards T:describe HB ex1;
material. ss: match the questions(in pairs)
T: check their answering.
T:explaine HB ex2
ss:read the questions about the
text in ex 1
ss: can do this individually

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 39- I feel satisfied with …………………ss participation
A&B …………………
A& B
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
40- Challenges that faced me ……some ss don't follow
3- Suggestion for improvement good ss check and help
their friends ……………………..

Lesson Plan

Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title : 9 Lesson title :- 3

Number of Classes :1 Date: from :- to
Previous Learning: past continuous
Horizontal Integration : : Vertical Integration: past simple
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Durati
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool on
1 To use cluse to 1–1 / 1–3 Performance- Check Revision past continuous tense and
understand of new words when 1–7 / 1–8 based list presentation 5
listening Pupil's Book 1–9 assessment T: ask and ask them to mime an action
37 e.g running, eating drinking..
2 To respond to questions 2 ss: guess what each one doing ,ex you 30
before ,during and after Activity Book were running .and so on.
listening. 36 3–1 / 3–3 ss: open their books p33 and describe
To demonstrate understanding Audio 3–8 what they can see in the pictures
3 of spoken in presentations. Pupil's Communicatio T:ask questions about them
Book 4–1 / 4–4 n T: lets students open their books p33
4–8 /4–9 T:explain that they will hear four
To use words and short
Wall Chart Observation questions about pictures .
sentences to participate in ss: describe the pictures orally.
short simple exchanges. board T: plays the audio and pause after 5
. To pronounce short each picture
5- simple English words. Flashcards ss: listen and mach.
to use and spell correctly learn ss: compare answers in pairs
vocabulary. : Lets pupils to open their Activity
Books p31
ss: read and complete with correct
ss( work in pairs)
T: check their answers

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework

A& B Form # Qf71-14rev.a
Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title :9 Lesson title :4
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: past continuous
Horizontal Integration Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– Revision - 15 M
To respond to questions Pupil's Book 1–7 / 1–8 6 students look at the
2 before ,during and after 33 Ex3 1–9 2–2 /3– 2 pictures( the wall chart)
listening. 2 T: explain Ex3 p33
To ask and answer in an Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– ss:ask each other questions - 15 M
3 32 Ex 4 1 using words in the book.(in
appropriate tone of voice.
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 pairs)
To prepare and present a Pupil's Book 3–8 T: ask pupils what they can ask - 15 M
short simple dialogue . for the second questions(What
Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 were you doing on Saturday at 1
4–8 /4–9 o'clock. - 20 M
To use reading strategies to board ss:ask and answer oral
4 understand simple reading questions.
material. Flashcards pupils work in pairs
To demonstrate recognition of T: get a few of pairs of pupils to
5 word formation demonstrate their dialogues . - 25 M
T: check their work.
ss: listen and c
complete the task.
T: check answers.
T:writes correct answers on the
Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :
Outcomes 17- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
18- Challenges that faced me ……………………………

Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Prepared by : School principle Date :……………….. Signature :

Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5 grade Unit title :9 Lesson title : 5
Number of Classes : 1 Date: from to
Previous Learning: bowling, bowling alley, jeweler's
Horizontal Integration past actions Vertical Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources & Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral instructions . 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 T: uses Flashcards - 15 M
Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (building place activities) to
39 Ex4 1–9 2–2 /3– present new words
To pronounce short ,simple 2 T: revise morning afternoon
2 English words and phrases Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– .evening, at night)
correctly. 37 Ex 5+6 1 T: lets pupils open their - 15 M
Audio 3–1 / 3–3 books( p39).
Pupil's Book 3 – 8 ss: describe the picture and text
T: ask what shops are in a
To use reading strategies to Wall Chart 4–1 / 4–4 shopping center - 15 M
3 understand simple reading 4–8 /4–9 T:asks oral questions about the
material. board letter.
To draw an illustration based T: lets pupils read the letter by
4 on simple reading material. Flashcards themselves. - 20 M
To use and spell correctly (jeweler's ss: read the questions below
learnt vocabulary bowling the letter and answer them in
5 alley) pairs.
T: check their answering . - 25 M
t: explains Activity book(p33)
ss: circle yes or No
ss: do Ex 7 complete sentences
T: les student draw their

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 17- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
18- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..
Lesson Plan
Class / Level : 5th grade Unit title : 9 Lesson title 6
Number of Classes : 2 Date: from to
Previous Learning : Vertical Integration:
Horizontal Integration
No. Specific Outcomes Resources Instructional Assessment Procedures Duration
& Materials Strategies Strategy Tool
1 To follow simple oral 1–1 / 1–3 1–3 / 1– 2 Revision: uses Flashcards - 15 M
instructions . Pupil's Book 1 – 7 / 1 – 8 6 (What were you doing on Friday
39 Ex5+6+7 1 – 9 2–2 /3– afternoon at 8 o'clock?
2 To ask and answer in an 2 T:explain that they will hear three - 15 M
appropriate tone of voice. Activity Book 2 4–3 /5– questions about pictures .
To prepare and present 34Ex 8+9+ 1 - 15 M
ashort simple dialogue . 74/75 3–1 / 3–3 ss: describe the pictures orally.
Audio 3–8 T: Play the recording . - 20 M
Pupil's Book ss: listen and repeat.
4–1 / 4–4
To pronounce short simple ss: read the list of adjectives
3 Wall Chart 4–8 /4–9 - 25 M
English words. ss: pupils ask about each picture
board in Ex 6.
4 to use and spell correctly learn ss: read the activities
vocabulary. Flashcards (in pairs What were you doing
(Dear- (in ------?
sleeve, inpairs students ask and answer
women) questions)

T: check their writing

Day & Date Section Period Fulfilled Homework Reflection :

Outcomes 17- I feel satisfied with ……………………………………
18- Challenges that faced me ……………………………
Form # Qf71-14rev.a
3- Suggestion for improvement ………………………..

Form # Qf71-14rev.a

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