Method Statement

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The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the various statutory Authorities and
Government Departments in respect of the existing services at and in the vicinity of the Site. The
Contractor shall also inform and liaise with the Authority/Department concerned should he
encounter any services at the Site; and arrange with and offer them all necessary assistance in
ensuring the timely diversion, disconnection, termination, or capping off of all utility services.

The Contractor shall also engage licensed cable detection workers to ascertain and confirm that
there are no live services cables before carrying out any excavation/demolition works.


Unless otherwise specified in the Sections, all materials arising out of the demolitions and
alterations work shall become the property of the Contractor who shall allow credit for the full
value to him of all materials salvaged.

Where provision is made in the Sections for the value of credits to be shown separately, the
Employer shall be entitled to purchase salvaged materials from the Contractor upon payment to
the Contractor of the credit value (if any) shown in the Sections.

Remove from the Site materials which are not required by the Employer. Unwanted materials
shall not be permitted to accumulate or become a health or fire risk.


3.1 Method and Procedure for Demolitions

The building shall be demolished progressively from the roofs down to the foundations on a
storey-by-storey and bay-by-bay basis, and/or on whatever other basis deemed expedient and
safe by the Contractor and to the approval of the Architect.
The Contractor shall employ methods that cause no shock or vibration likely to damage
surrounding properties, plant or equipment or buried services. The use of explosives will not be

The Contractor shall be responsible for the full protection and stability of those parts of the
buildings which are to remain as shown on the drawings.

The Contractor's method of demolition must comply strictly with CP 11 :1980.

The demolition of one part of the structure may result in other parts becoming unsafe or unstable.
The Contractor is required to study and predetermine where temporary supports, etc. will be
required. Provisions shall be made for adequate shoring, strutting and bracing designed by the
Contractor's Professional Engineer.

The Contractor shall submit with his tender for consideration of the Architect, a detailed statement
with regard to the method, procedure, plant, tools and equipment which he intends to follow and/or


This work shall consist of the construction of surface drains, box culverts, sumps and other
drainage structures in accordance with this Specification or as directed by the S.O. Drainage
works shall be constructed to the lines, levels, grades and cross-sections shown on the Drawings
or as directed by the S.O.



This work shall comprise the supply and installation of precast box culverts inclusive of
excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of headwalls, wing walls, aprons and sumps
and channel protection works, all in accordance with this Specification and the details shown on
the Drawings.

2.1 Precast Box Culverts

Precast box culverts shall be of approved manufacture complying with Australian Standard
Specification 1597 Part l, or any equivalent alternative standard acceptable and approved by the

2.2 Cement Mortar

Cement mortar, unless otherwise specified, shall contain 1 part ordinary Portland cement to 3
parts fine aggregate by volume. Water shall be added to the mix to produce a suitable consistency
for the intended use; all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

The ingredients for mortar shall be measured in proper gauge boxes and mixed on a clean
boarded platform or in an approved mechanical batch mixer.

All mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and no reworking of mortar shall be permitted

2.3 Bedding Material

Bedding shall consist of grade 20/20 concrete complying and bedding shall consist of clean,
natural sand or gravely sand of suitable gradation and quality, approved by the S.0. The material
shall have a maximum particle size of not more than 12mm.

2.4 Granular Backfill Material

Granular backfill material shall be sand, crushed stone, crushed gravel or a mixture of crushed
and natural aggregates, shall be essentially free from vegetative and other organic matter and
clay, and shall not contain lateritic or concretionary materials.

The material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality requirements:
a. the fines shall be non-plastic;
b. sand shall have a gradation conforming to the envelope in Table 1

Table 1 Grading Limits for Sand Backfill

BS Sieve Size % Passing By Weight

10.0 mm 100
5.0 mm 90- 100
1.18 mm 45- 80
300 um 10 - 30
150 um 2- 10

c. material other than sand shall have a gradation conforming to one of the envelopes
shown in Table 2;

Table 2 Grading Limits for Granular Backfill Other Than Sand

% Passing By Weight
BS Sieve Size
37.5 mm 100 - -
28.0 mm 70 -100 100 -
20.0 mm 60- 90 70 - 100 100
10.0 mm 45 - 75 45 - 75 -
5.0 mm 30- 60 35 - 65 45-75
2.0 mm 20 - 50 25 - 50 30-60
425 mm 10 -30 10 -30 15 -35
75 mm 0-2 0-2 0-2


3.1 Excavation for Precast Box Culverts

3.3.1 Unless otherwise directed by the S.O., prior to construction of a precast box culvert, the
earthworks at the required location shall have been first constructed to a level at least 600
mm above the top of the culvert design levels or to the top of subgrade levels, whichever
is lower, and the precast box culvert shall then be constructed in a trench excavated.

The trench to receive a culvert pipe shall be of sufficient width and depth to enable the
placing of bedding material and construction of pipe joints in accordance with this
Specification, and the bottom of the trench shall be trimmed to a suitably smooth plane
surface which shall be kept free from water, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. Where rock
or other hard unyielding foundation material is encountered in the trench, it shall be
excavated to a depth below the bottom of pipe design levels of at least 300 mm or 12.5
mm per 300 mm of fill to be placed over the top of the pipe, whichever is greater, up to a
maximum of 75% of the internal diameter of the pipe. The hard material so excavated shall
be replaced with suitable material uniformly compacted in layers of not more than 150 mm
compacted thickness to provide satisfactory support for the pipe, all to the satisfaction of
the S.O.

3.3.2 Where drainage conditions or other circumstances so require, the S.O. may direct the
Contractor to construct the precast box culvert without first constructing the earthworks to
the level specified above, in which case excavation and foundation preparation shall be in

Where existing ground levels are above top-of bedding material design levels and firm
foundation materials are encountered, excavation and foundation preparation shall be
similar to that described in the trench method above.

Otherwise a firm foundation plane shall be prepared, which shall be essentially free
draining along the line of the culvert, by trimming the existing ground, or such fill as it is
necessary to place and compact, over a width sufficient to permit satisfactory construction
of the pipe bedding, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. Hard materials shall be excavated
from the pipe foundation over width equal to the outside diameter of the pipe to the same
depth as specified in the trench method, and shall be replaced with suitable material
uniformly compacted in layers of not more than 150 mm compacted thickness to provide
satisfactory support for the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.
Where soft or unstable soil is encountered in the foundation, it shall be excavated over a
width of at least IS times the outside diameter of the pipe on each side of 1he culvert
center-line to the depth directed by the S.O., and replaced with suitable material uniformly
compacted in layers of not more than 150 mm compacted thickness to provide satisfactory
support for the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

3.4 Backfilling

Backfilling against precast box culverts and their appurtenant structures shall be carried out in
accordance with the construction methods above, using Granular Backfill Material.

Special care shall be taken to properly compact backfill without disturbing or damaging the precast
box culvert sections. Backfill shall be built up evenly on both sides of each box culvert along its
entire length.

Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., heavy plant and equipment shall not operate within 2.0
m of any precast box culvert until backfilling and, where appropriate, pavement construction bas
advanced to a stage which provides at least 300 mm of cover to the culvert.

3.4.1 Method

A. All spaces excavated under this Specification and not occupied by a permanent structure shall
be backfilled. Backfill material shall be free from large lumps, wood and other extraneous

B. Backfill not within the embankment areas shall be placed in layers not more than 250 mm in
depth (compacted measurement) and shall be compacted to a density comparable with the
adjacent undisturbed material.
C. Backfill within the embankment areas shall be made with approved material placed in um form
layers not to exceed 150 mm in depth (compacted measurement) and each layer shall be
constructed except that mechanical tampers may be used for compaction. Each layer of
backfill shall be wetted uniformly as necessary and compacted to the same requirements as
the adjacent earthwork. Unless otherwise approved by the S.O., hand tamping will not be
D. In placing backfill and embankment, the material shall be placed insofar as possible to
approximately the same height on both sides of the structure. If conditions require backfilling
appreciably higher on one side, the additional material on the higher side shall not be placed
until permission is given by the S.O. or until the S.O. is satisfied that the structure has enough
strength to withstand any pressure created.

E. Backfill for embankment shall not be placed behind the walls of box culverts until the top slab
is placed for the required time and not less than three days. Backfill and embankment behind
abutments held at the top by superstructure shall be carried up simultaneously behind
opposite abutments and sidewalls.

F. No backfilling shall be placed against any structure until permission shall have been given by
the S.O. Jetting of fill or other hydraulic methods involving or likely to involve, liquid or semi-
liquid pressure shall be prohibited.

G. Special care shall be taken to prevent any unduly high pressures against the structures.

H. The placing of embankment and the benching of slopes shall continue in such a manner that
at all times there will be a horizontal berm of thoroughly compacted material for a distance at
least equal to the height of the abutment or wall to be backfilled.


4.1 General

The type, size and class of pipe to be installed at each location shall be as shown on the Drawing
or as directed by the S.O. Culverts shall not be installed at any location until the type of pipe, the
exact location, the lines, levels and grades, the length of pipe and details of inlet and outlet
structure have been confirmed by the S.O. In addition, special requirements recommended by
the manufacturer with respect to assembly and installation shall be complied with. Especially
where elliptically reinforced pipe sections are used, care shall be taken to ensure that the loading
axes are positioned exactly vertically.
4.2 Butt Ended Pipe Culverts with Precast Concrete Collars

Before placing any concrete bedding, the pipes shall be assembled complete with precast
concrete collars to the correct levels and grades on precast concrete spacing blocks of the same
class of concrete as the bedding material and of sufficient size to eliminate any risk of settlement
of the pipes before or during concreting.

All joints shall be fully mortared with 1:3 cement mortar before concreting of the cradle, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O. The concrete cradle shall be cast as one monolithic unit. Alternatively,
part of the concrete cradle below the underside of the pipe may be constructed monolithically at
least 24 hours before the assembly and mortaring up of the pipe sections and collars, on condition
that shear connectors are provided across horizontal construction joints to the satisfaction of the

During installation, the ends of the pipes shall be butted and the collar centred about the joint
using wedges or other approved means. The annular shall be completely filled with 1:3 cement
mortar with only sufficient water added to ensure adequate workability and the wedges removed
before finally fairing the joint. Special care shall tie taken to ensure that excess cement mortar is
neatly cleaned off. For pipes over 900 mm in diameter the jointing space shall be filled from inside
the pipe after completion of embankment construction using 1:3 cement mortar. When installed,
the clearance between the outer diameter of pipe and the inner diameter of collar shall be at least
20 mm.

Following pipe assembly and mortaring up as above, the remainder of the cradle shall be cast
monolithically, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Where vertical construction joints in the concrete cradle are unavoidable due to circumstances on
Site, transfer bars shall be provided to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Special care shall be taken when placing the concrete cradle to avoid the entrapment of air
underneath the pipe. To eliminate this possibility, concrete shall be placed to one side of the pipe
only until such time as the level of the concrete surface rises above the underside of the pipe on
the side remote from that on which concrete is being placed. The concrete shall then be brought
up at the same level on both sides of the pipe.
4.3 Rebated Pipe Culverts

The method of construction shall follow that described in Section 4.2 for butt ended pipe culverts
except for the exclusion of precast concrete collars

The rebated joint shall be internally flush and fully mortared with 1:3 cement mortar, all to the
satisfaction of the S.O.

4.4 Spigot and Socket Pipe Culverts

The bedding material shall be accurately shaped by a template to the lower part of the pipe
exterior for a height of at least 10% of the outside diameter of the pipe. Gaps shall be left in the
bedding material and recesses dug in the earth foundation of sufficient width and depth to
accommodate the socket without it resting on the bottom of the recess. The widths of the recesses
in the foundation and the bedding shall both exceed the width of the socket by more than 50 mm.

Jointing of the pipes shall be carried out strictly in accordance the manufacturer’s
recommendations, all to the satisfaction of the S.O.

Concrete pipes as specified above shall be laid true to line end level, each pipe being separately
boned between sight rails. Pipes shall be laid in an upstream direction with the sockets towards
the inlet and shall rest on even foundations for the full length of the barrel. Rubber ring joints shall
be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Prior to jointing, rubber
rings and jointing surfaces shall be cleaned of all contaminants except for specified lubricants.
The spigot of each pipe shall be inserted concentrically in the socket of the one previously laid,
and the pipe then adjusted and fixed in its correct position with the spigot correctly entered in the

Care shall be taken to see that the rubber ring is adequately compressed to seal the joint. All
pipes shall be laid ID the satisfaction of the S.O.


A. The type and size of precast box culvert to be installed at each location shall be as shown on
the Drawings or as directed by the S.O. Precast box culverts shall not be installed at any
location until the exact location, the lines, levels and grades, the length of culvert and details
of inlet and outlet structures have been confirmed by the S.O. In addition, special requirements
recommended by the manufacturer shall be complied with.

B. Precast box culverts shall be laid on bedding in conformity with the dimensions shown on the
Drawings. Where specified on the Drawings or directed by the S.O., Type B bedding shall be
laid on a layer of crushed aggregate of maximum particle size not exceeding 50 mm.

C. All joints shall be fully mortared with 1:3 cement mortar, all to the satisfaction of the S.O. In
addition, a 3 mm layer of 1:3 cement mortar shall be spread on top of the legs of the invert in
order to ensure uniform bearing between the invert and lid.

D. Lifting holes shall be filled with 1 :3 cement mortar.


A. The existing wingwalls, aprons and concrete bedding shall be demolished wherever indicated
on the Drawings to expose the existing pipe culvert on the side(s) to be extended. The end or
the existing pipe culvert to be extended shall then be wire-brushed or some other means
employed to give a clean pipe end.

B. Extension joints shall be formed as shown on the Drawings by injecting Thioflex 600 - Gun
Grade (manufactured by Expandite) or its equivalent to a thickness of not less than 25 mm in
the 15 mm wide gap between the existing pipe and the new pipe. The remaining space in the
gap shall then be filled with Flexcell Expansion Filler.

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