Ecotourism As Potential Conservation Incentive and Its Impact On Community Development Around Nyungwe National Park (NNP) : Rwanda

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)

Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017

ISSN: 2454-1362,

Ecotourism as Potential Conservation Incentive and

its Impact on Community Development around
Nyungwe National Park (NNP): Rwanda
Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Science (PIASS), Natural Resources and
Environmental Management Department.
Abstract: This study investigated the potential of 1. Introduction
revenue sharing to act as an incentive to conserve
biological diversity using Nyungwe National Park 1.1. Tourism industry
(NNP) and its neighboring communities, the extent of
local community involvement in tourism development Tourism industry represents one of the main sectors
and conservation activities in western province of in the global economy, often referred to as the
Rwanda. The study used a structured questionnaire world’s largest single industry (UNEP, 2005).
to collect data from local residents, while face-to- Tourism development and biodiversity are
face interviews were conducted with key informants intrinsically linked (UNEP, 2005). Nature-based
from Rwanda National Tourism and Conservation tourism, including ecotourism, adventure and
Agency and local government officials as means to wilderness travel is a large and growing global
obtain deeper insights. industry (Hiwasaki 2003).
The findings established that there is little active
involvement of local communities in NNP. There is The areas that are particularly appealing to eco-
lack of empowerment to participate in decision tourists are often places with high biodiversity
making especially of community conservation (Honey, 1999). Tourism is also in a very special
outreach and tourism revenue sharing projects. The position to benefit local communities, economically
researcher believes that in the light of the research and socially, and to raise awareness and support for
results, the decision making system for Nyungwe conservation of the environment (UNEP, 2005).
National Park tourism and conservation Tourism in Africa, has previously contributed greatly
development plans is still highly top-down approach. to national economies, but has provided limited
It has also established that higher losses result from benefits to the local populations, yet the locals have
wildlife crop raiding as compared to benefits derived been and still the custodians of the natural resources
from conservation. There are some problems that that tourism depend on especially protected areas.
people cause to NNP, the main problem is tree Protected areas in developing countries are often
cutting, burning forest and hunting wild animals. viewed as a source of income from timber, oil,
People around NNP use woods, medicines, and mineral exploitation, or tourism by the government
honey as resources. It has established that tourism (Putz, 1988). Rao and Geisler (1990), however,
revenue sharing and related benefits could serve as indicate that the high dependence of the population
an incentive for conserving NNP and concluded that on natural resources for agricultural, energy,
if tourism is well managed, it can act as an incentive nutritional, medicinal, and other needs make
for conservation through stopping illegal activities. protection and conservation of protected areas to be
The study recommends that local communities difficult in many places.
around Nyungwe National Park should be Consulted
and involved in development programmes within
Conservation strategies in Africa have been
their villages from the start and this will ensure their
characterized by exclusion of human use of
participation in conservation activities.
resources in protected areas. In particular, this
approaches, which is often described as “fortress
Key words: Eco-tourism; Economic incentives;
conservation” or “the fines and fences” approach
Revenue sharing; Wildlife cost and benefits;
(Wells & Brandon, 1992:11)?
Ecotourism has been proposed as a viable economic
activity that can minimize negative human impacts
on wildlife habitats, yet provide an incentive to
preserve natural area (Isaac, 2000). This approach
also attempts to decrease local people’s dependence

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

on natural resources by substituting alternative based conservation (CBC) that include local
livelihood activities (Sayer, 1991). Where those communities in the management of natural resources.
mentioned natural resources are intrinsic to everyday In our country, community conservation face
livelihood and household budgets, even well funded challenges related to the insufficient of natural
coercive conservation generally fails (FAO, 2005). resources base and rising population pressure.
Rwanda can be described as a country with severe
In order to involve the communities in park demographic stress relying for subsistence on a
protection and conservation and to let local limited resource base. About 57% of Rwandans live
community benefit from the park, the park authority, in abject poverty and people occupying or living in
Rwanda Development Board (RDB) has introduced a the vicinity of the world’s areas richest in
revenue sharing program that consists of sharing a biodiversity are the poorest (Rwanyiziri, 2011). In
percentage of tourism income between the country Rwanda, the level of public involvement in decision
and communities surrounding the park so that local making of natural resources management is still low.
communities who have to bear the cost of This low level of participation can be explained by
conservation also benefit from it and have a stake in available resources, schedules, budgets, and staffing
its success. On the park side, this is one of the ways (Rwanyiziri, 2011). The decentralization policy
that can increase awareness amongst local people allowed establishes environmental committees from
with the hope that they will support conservation and the village level to district level (REMA, 2010).
contribute to park protection. The revenue sharing However, these structures are not fully operating.
program has been in existence for several years and Officially, districts are supposed to allocate sources
ongoing sensitization and awareness raising to this program (fund, staff and other resources) but
campaigns are carried out by Park staff. However it is noted that some districts do not have sufficient
threats from the local communities towards the park resources to allocate all programs and environmental
and ongoing conflict still exist. issues are not mainstreamed in their plan and budget
(REMA, 2010). Community sensitization requires
fund mobilization and resources (money, facilities,
Therefore it is essential to have a better
etc.). However, most of time there is lack of fund for
understanding of local community attitudes towards
that activity (REMA, 2010).
the park and conservation and to the revenue sharing
program in particular (Adams and Hulme 2001 cited
by Scholte, 2010). This would help improve revenue 1.3. Ecotourism as an incentive to conservation
sharing to ensure that it meets community Ecotourism is defined by Honey (1999), as “travel to
expectations but would also help community fragile, pristine and usually protected areas that
conservation teams better guide their work to have a strives to be low impact and (usually) small scale.
bigger impact on improving community awareness Ecotourism occurs on a smaller scale than forms of
and support and to understand the needs and mass tourism, and is based on the conservation of
expectations of the communities for this support nature and gaining an understanding of local cultures
(Adams and Hulme 2001 cited by Scholte, 2010). (Hawkins and Khan, 1998:196).

1.2. Conservation in Rwanda Ecotourism has generated great interest from

The natural resources such as forest, land, water, etc, governments, tourism enterprises, tourists,
remain central to rural people’s livelihoods (FAO, conservation groups; and other stakeholders within
2005). While biodiversity provides the basis for the industry (Hvenegaard, 1994; Lindberg &
economic growth, the tendency has been towards Hawkins, 1993). It helps educate the traveler,
over-exploitation and degradation (Rwanyiziri, provides funds for conservation; directly benefits the
2011). As human population increased trough time economic development and political empowerment
without an increase of natural resources, the of local communities; and fosters respect for
ecological footprint (the amount of nature needed to different cultures and for human rights”. One of the
support a human being) increases also (Rwanyiziri, principles in ecotourism equation is that; “it provides
2011). financial benefits and empowerment for local people.

Conservation approaches started with “fortress Since 2005, ORTPN has initiated a revenue sharing
conservation” that excluded the local populations scheme whereby 5 percent of tourism revenues from
from the use of natural resources (Kusters, 2009). the park fees are utilized to support local community
This approach considered local people as ignorant projects around national parks, aiming to sensitize
destructors against whom nature should be protected local people to fill that parks are as one of their own.
(Wells & Brandon, 1992:11). In the 1980’s, that old Some of the private tour operators also offer
conservation approach was replaced by a new community-based tourism activities, such as stays
conservation approaches known as “community with a local family, village walks, banana beer

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Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

production or even volunteering opportunities in Respondent from local communities selected

local communities (ORTPN, 2004). randomly from 3 districts (Nyamagabe,
Nyamasheke, Nyaruguru; Fig. 1), from each district
1.4. Objectives one sector was selected randomly from 3 sectors that
bordered with NNP. From each sector, 1 village was
This study aims to understand the impact of NNP randomly selected. From each village, 30 households
revenue sharing scheme on community development were selected randomly, making 90 households in
around Nyungwe National Park. In other words,
whether or not the sharing of tourism revenues and
related benefits from tourism to NNP with local
communities has served as an incentive towards
conservation, and to determine the extent to which
current tourism revenue sharing projects have
addressed community-related problems, issues,
concerns and whether communities link such benefits
to conservation. The specific objectives were: (1) To
determine the views of the local community towards
the scheme administered by RDB to share tourism
revenue and benefits with the local community; (2)
To determine the views of both local community on
whether economic benefits reach the local
communities from tourism in NNP; (3) To determine
the extent of community participation, and how
RDB/ park management staff interface with local
community around NNP; (4) To assess the attitudes
Figure 1. Map of Nyungwe Forest showing three
and behavior of local population towards
neighboring sectors that were used for the interview
conservation within NNP; (5) To find out whether
communities link tourism revenue sharing as an
incentive for conservation; and (6) To determine if 2.2. Data analysis
ecotourism can serve as a potential incentive for
conservation in NNP. The data was transcribed onto a standard form in the
field, in such a way that the data could be coded and
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS assigned numerical values for its subsequent
2.1. Data collection analysis. For example for demographic data, a
This study used a combination of survey method and variable like female was coded (1) while male was
interview method to gather information. Surveys are coded (2).
the most common method of generating primary data
as Zikmund (2000:66) explains, a survey is a Responses to categorical data was also assigned
research technique in which information is gathered numerical values and entered. Statistics was run for
from a sample of people by using a questionnaire. In all questions, in order to generate statistical
addition, the study used an interview method to be information using independent or grouped variables.
able to obtain more insight into the research problem. Frequencies of different responses were expressed in
percentages and graphed where appropriate.
The interviews were applied to key informants from
ORTPN and government official who could provide 3. RESULTS
helpful information that may not be obtainable from 3.1. Demographic characteristics of the
secondary data. Questionnaires were administered to respondents
respondents from local communities. After
identifying 3 administrative sectors that were In total, 82.5% of responds were male and 17.5%
adjacent to NNP, a random selection method was female. Female were less dominant in the interviews
used in order to select respondents. In this case, it because when they were found with their husband,
should be explained that the random technique was they considered the answers of their husband to be
used because all the population units under study sufficient. Most respondents were in the age group
were considered homogeneous and, therefore, any 25–35 in Nyaruguru and Nyamasheke, while it was
one of them had an equal chance of being included in 36–46 in Nyamagabe District (Fig. 2a).The results
the sample. clearly indicate that respondents were matured (in
age) and hence expected to have knowledge and
awareness of what happens in and around their

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Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

communities. More respondents had received

primary education. Very few respondents had
received secondary education (Fig. 2c). The study
area is rural and most of community members were
farmers who had stayed working on their farms
rather than going to school. Moreover, many of those
community members who had obtained higher
educational qualifications were working in town. As
a primary occupation, almost all respondents were
farmers few exceptions were those respondents who
were students, those who did business and
Government employee (Fig. 2b). More respondents
have between 3-5 children; others have between 1-3
Figure 2. Age distribution (a), Occupation (b),
children (Fig. 2d).
(a) education background (c) and number of

More respondents have houses with roofing by Iron

sheet, very few exceptions of houses that are roofed
by thatch (Fig. 3a), their houses are constructed by
woods, the very few exception houses that are
constructed by bricks (Fig. 3b). More respondents
have health insurance and very few respondents
don’t have any health insurance (Fig. 3c). Access to
clean water is estimated to 95% (Fig. 3d). More
respondents have access to
Schools and very few respondents don’t have access
to school in Nyaruguru and Nyamasheke district
where schools are far from their home (Fig. 3e).
Farming is the main economic activity with 91.7%,
(b) and very few respondents are looking after cattle and
women are doing handcraft activities (Fig. 3f).

( c) (b)


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Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

(d) Figure 3. Roofing material (a) house

construction material (b) access to health
insurance (c), access to clean water (d), access
to school (e) and main economic activity for the
respondent (f)

3.2. Knowledge of NNP and its associated

tourism activity.
In Nyaruguru District there are no tourism activities
in the villages and all respondents in Nyamagabe and
Nyaruguru Districts have tourism activities in their
(e) villages (Fig. 4a). 47.5% of the respondents benefit
employment, 30.8% benefit the village development
through rood construction, electricity, and other good
infrastructures like schools, health centers (Fig. 4b).
There are positive changes that tourism can make to
the village. Tourists are seen less frequently and
some respondents in Nyaruguru district who have
never seen any tourist (Fig. 4c).



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Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,


(c )


Figure 4. Knowledge of Revenue sharing

Scheme (a), Livelihood improvement from the
program (b), and Level of consultation on park (c)
management issues (c)

3.3. Knowledge about Tourism Revenue

Sharing Scheme

More respondents know about revenue sharing (Fig.

5a), more respondent have improved the livelihood
through livestock, schools, and good roads programs
(Fig. 5b). Almost all respondents from all districts
noted that there was a complete lack of any
community involvement in decision-making,
comprising 95% of respondents in all districts.
Respondents were not consulted over issues such as Figure 5 . Knowledge of Revenue sharing Scheme
deciding on conservation priorities of NNP nor on (a), Livelihood improvement from the program (b),
revenue sharing projects that aimed at improving and Level of consultation on park management issues
their livelihoods and they would like to be invited in (c)
decision making meetings (Fig. 5c). Although few of
respondents expressed that they participated in 3.4 Tourism benefits as an incentive for
meetings involving management and conservation of conservation
the park, one government official in the interview
explained that the ORTPN, in collaboration with
All respondents thought that tourism revenue sharing
government, makes policies and decisions regarding
and related benefits could serve as an incentive for
the management and conservation of the park, and
conserving NNP. All respondents in districts
then communicate this to community residents
revealed that, if tourism is well managed, it can act
through their administrative leaders (local
as an incentive for conservation through stopping
government leaders). However, he indicated that the
illegal activities (Fig. 6).
communities do not have the power to change any
policy or any decision.

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Vol-3, Issue-10, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362,

Among the Challenges faced by NNP as ORTPN’s represents an increasing threat to the survival of
staff indicated that poverty is a great challenge to the wildlife and of conservation efforts in NNP.
existence of the ANP. He mentioned that because the
community does not have enough food, they tend to Crop raiding is a critical issue for communities living
seek food from hunting in the park and practice other around NNP and is a cause of much of the conflict
illegal activities like seeking fire wood to prepare between community members and NNP. Most
their food. respondents in three districts reported that crop
raiding was a major threat to their economic survival.
In Rwanda and around NNP in particular,
communities depend on farming for their survival, so
crop raiding can lead to misery and friction between
local communities and wildlife. To-date, there has
been little interest from managers to investigate the
patterns of raiding activity by wildlife and its
potential impact on farmers’ food and household
economic security (Hill, et al., 2002). To understand
exactly how particular types of human-wildlife
conflict impact on people’s lives, we need to
understand something of what that situation means to
those individuals (Hill, et al., 2002). As one
community member put it, “when our animals by
mistake go to the park, they are impounded and we
are either charged a fine or imprisoned, but when
their wildlife comes to our fields, they don’t care and
expect us not to care either. Therefore, ORTPN has
to accept the responsibility.
Figure 6. Tourism benefit as incentive for
This feeling responds to Scheyvens’ (1999) eco-
4. DISCUSSION tourism framework, which spells out signs of
community disempowerment when agencies initiate
or implement ecotourism ventures and treat
Nature-based tourism is seen by many as one savior
communities as passive beneficiaries by failing to
of wildlife conservation, capable of generating a flow
involve them in decision-making, hence a majority of
of revenue to pay the costs of conservation and to
community members feel that they have little or no
meet the needs of local communities (Adams, 2004).
say over whether or not tourism initiatives operate or
Local communities living around NNP have
the way in which they operate. In due course, a
appreciated the ecological services provided to them
compensation program should be implemented to
by NNP. This appears to be a strong basis on which
ensure that local people are part of the overall
to improve the relationship between NNP and the
management of the problem, and can participate in
local community. Furthermore, local community
determining what they consider to be an appropriate
respondents in three districts appreciated the
compensation package. Otherwise, conflict between
importance of protecting and conserving NNP.
communities and wildlife around NNP will remain a
threat to conservation and survival of many species.
However, this support for NNP was based largely on The issue of loss of life and livelihood requires
their appreciation of the ecological services that NNP landmark, realistic and cost effective solutions that
provides. Therefore, it appears fundamental to will shift the economic burdens away from local
correct the imbalance in the flow of revenue and communities to institutions charged with managing
benefits from tourism to three districts, as a way of wildlife for the national benefit. In turn, this will
improving community-park relations. As human ultimately encourage a constructive engagement
populations in Rwanda have increased, and as natural between local communities and the task of
habitats face increasing threats from neighboring conserving wildlife in their neighborhood. A new
communities, people and animals are increasingly concept to share 5% of revenue deriving from
coming into conflict over space for farmland and tourism was proposed for implementation. Projects
food. Communities living around NNP have suffered were identified and money has been set aside since
reduced crop yields, are susceptible to injury and 2002.
death, as a result of which wildlife may attacked as a
means both of self-defense and of gaining some
As contended by Tosun (2000), community
compensation for the damage suffered, and this
involvement in tourism can be considered from at

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ISSN: 2454-1362,

least two viewpoints: in the decision-making process 5. CONCLUSIONS AND

and in the benefits of tourism development. This is RECOMMENDATIONS
not the same in case of NNP. Although ORPTN had
already initiated projects from revenues generated in
A. Conclusion
2003, communities at large were not involved in
making decisions about which projects to implement.
Districts took the lead in identifying projects for The major objective of ecotourism is to provide
ORTPN to fund. Their participation and involvement benefits to local communities. Therefore, the key
are considered when they are having economic objective of sharing revenue from tourism is to
benefits via revenue sharing and encouraging them to promote community conservation outreach through
operate small scale businesses such as animal projects that in line with ecotourism principles,
husbandry, beekeeping and other small businesses. thereby to promote and enhance conservation
However, while much of this could help in relations and minimize negative impacts from both
influencing political support at the district level, wildlife and local communities around NNP. For
there is a need to make a clear distinction between ecotourism to follow its principles, community
district and community needs and priorities. conservation outreach projects and revenue sharing
Otherwise, sharing of revenue from tourism will projects need to be successful in changing
remain a weak link in the equation and will have a community attitudes and behavior towards NNP.
little impact on the major target group among local Consequently, there is need to re-evaluate and
communities, who bear most of the costs of living emphasize on the following: Local community
next to NNP, and who have the greatest impact on participation, community empowerment, linking
the conservation of the park as (Tosun, 2000) have benefit to conservation. The local participation has
already revealed in his several studies. been described as “giving people more opportunities
to participate effectively in development activities. It
means empowering people to mobilize their own
Most respondents in three districts knew of the capacities, be social actors rather than passive
scheme to share tourism revenue. Respondents were subjects, manage their resources, make decisions and
clear that decisions made at district levels do not control the activities that affect their lives. Local
reach them. Respondents from three districts community participation viewed as a process
indicated that sharing of tourism revenues with local includes, but goes beyond, sharing social and
communities around NNP could reduce the conflict economic benefits, and differs from beneficially
between park management and local communities approach, in which people receive benefits but are
and increase their participation in park management. not empowered. To empower and involve local
Furthermore, respondents from three districts communities is to give them a degree of control.
emphasized the significant role that sharing tourism Once there has been some discussion and resolution
revenue could play in improving attitudes towards about the benefits, how they will be distributed and
NNP and in reducing illegal activities. For the for how long they will be received, then communities
conservationist, the real question is whether nature- will know what to expect and what conditions are
based tourism can provides an effective incentive for attached, and will directly link that to conservation. It
communities to take conservation action (Kiss, should not just be about sharing benefits, because
2004). Such incentives can take several forms. The communities should also expect to share costs, which
ideal is a direct linkage, in which tourism earnings in turn facilitates a collective understanding and
are so high that people deliberately protect agreement on cost sharing and its enforcement.
biodiversity to protect that income (Kiss, 2004). Therefore, benefits should be in line with the energy
For ecotourism to promote conservation, local people invested throughout the development phase of the
must clearly benefit and understand that the benefits project and communities should be able to see where
they receive are linked to the PA (Brandon, 1996). If benefits are coming from. The view is that rural
benefits do not stay in local areas or are narrowly populations have few alternatives to economic
distributed, they may not provide sufficient activities that degrade or destroy the resources.
economic incentives to reduce livelihood dependence Ecotourism is seen as representing a source of
on resources inside PAs. So far, the evidence income, which should in turn act as an incentive to
indicates that when changes have taken place, halt destructive practices or continuing sound
ecotourism has been but one component of change resource management practices.
(Brandon, 1996). For communities to benefit from
tourism in NNP, considerable attention needs to be
given towards their perceptions, views and Monitoring and evaluation should be given attention
understanding of tourism and conservation, and to and made part of an ongoing process. It allows
increasing their involvement in decision-making adjustments and changes to be made as projects
about projects aimed at improving their livelihood. unfold, developing key objectives and indicators to
measure impacts of their social and economic

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ISSN: 2454-1362,

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