FAO Forage Profile - Paraguay

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Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles


Albrecht Glatzle and Dieter Stosiek
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FAO 2006










Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 5


Paraguay is a landlocked Central South American country (Figures 1 and 2) which has common frontiers
with Argentina (to the south and west), Brazil (east) and Bolivia (north). The total land area is 406752km2.
The country is divided in two major geographical regions, with distinct topography and geology, by the
south-flowing Paraguay River. Whereas the eastern region (Oriental) with 159827km2 has an undulating
landscape of rolling hills with abundant rainfall (up to 1 700 mm/year), the western part (Regin
Occidental or Chaco) is an extensive semi-arid to sub-humid alluvial plain with 246925km2 (AHK, 1999).
Paraguays population was estimated to be 5734139 in July 2001 and 6506464 in July 2006 (World
Factbook 2006, July 2006 est.), of which about 98% are in the eastern sector; the 2006 estimated growth
rate was 2.45%. More than 50% of the population is
considered urban. Agriculture and Forestry account
for 26% of GDP and 90% of exports (70% of which
goes into the neighbouring MERCOSUR [Southern
Cone Common Market] countries). Total GDP is
8273000000US $. The contribution of livestock to
the GDP is 8% (MAG, 1996).
Politically, the country is divided into 17
Departments of which the three largest ones are part
of the Chaco, whereas the 14 most populated ones
belong to the Regin Oriental (Figure 3).
Land tenure is unbalanced. More than 80% of
the farmers are small holders with properties of
less than 20 ha, but they account for less than 7%
of the total farming area, whereas farms larger than
1 000 ha (1% of farms) account for 77% of the
total farm land (GTZ, 1994). There are reports of
farm occupations, by a growing number of landless
campesinos, particularly in the Oriental sector of the
Note: ------------ boundary of Paraguay
Figure 1. Biogeographic provinces of South
America and location of Paraguay
Adapted from Tarso Zuquim and Lima Serrano (1997)

Figure 3. Republic of Paraguay: political

subdivision, departamentos Figure 2. Map of Paraguay
(GTZ 1994) (from World Factbook 2006 Website)
6 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile


Paraguay has two distinct main physiographic regions, the relatively dry plain of the Paraguayan Chaco
(Occidental Region) geologically young, with neutral to alkaline soils, and the humid Oriental sector
with ferralitic and mostly acidic soils on old crystalline rocks (gneiss, granite, schists).

Landforms.Within the two main physiographic zones, the Chaco Paraguayo and the oriental region,
there are further subdivisions to be featured (Figure 4):

A) The Chaco Paraguayo, which comprises about 60% of the country, is an alluvial plain with sediments
from the Andes, naturally limited to the east by the Rio Paraguay and to the south and south-west by the
Rio Pilcomayo. Altitudes range between 380m in the north-west and 80m in the south-east, where the
Paraguay and Pilcomayo Rivers join, a distance of 750km (Ramella and Spichiger, 1989). Mereles et
al. (1992) distinguish two major zones of the Chaco:
the Humid Chaco (Bajo Chaco), a plain liable to flooding, influenced by the Paraguay and
Pilcomayo Rivers (annual rainfall 900 to 1300mm);
the Dry Chaco (Chaco Boreal) with an annual rainfall range of 400 to 900mm, which is further
subdivided into 3 major sub regions (Glatzle, 1999):
The Central Chaco is derived from a former inland delta with a mosaic of so called campos (old
riverbeds with coarse sandy sediments) which contrast with the monte areas with fine textured
soils (formerly temporarily inundated by flooding of the ancient river system). Campos areas com-
prise 15% of this region.
Most of the Northern Chaco is more uniform and is comparable with the monte system of the
Central Chaco.
Sand dune areas in the far north-west of the Paraguayan Chaco are alluvial deposits remodelled by

B) Eastern Paraguay (Oriental Region) comprises 40% of the country. Altitudes range from above 600m
in the north-eastern corner (Pedro Juan Caballero) and 55 m in the south-west (Pilar). The Oriental sector
of Paraguay is a rather humid region of rolling hills with three major subdivisions (Bertoni and Gorham,
The Rio Paraguay Valley is an undulating lowland with plains, parts of which are liable to flooding
and with a few hills or strings of hills. Almost half of Paraguays population live here, where the
capital Asuncin is located.
The Central Plateau with many low hills
forms the continental divide between
the watersheds of the Rio Paraguay and the
Rio Alto Paran.
The Alto Paran Valley is an undulating
plain, rising to the west. As annual rainfall
is high, this zone has many large and small
watercourses, all draining to the Rio Alto
Paran, which runs through a deep gorge
and is dammed as the Itaipu reservoir
which powers the worlds biggest electri-
cal power plant.

Soils. The Paraguayan Chaco is dominated by

geologically relatively young eutric cambisols
and orthic luvisols with loamy textures (BGR,
2001). Sub-dominant are eutric regosols and
poorly developed arenosols (in the sand dune Figure 4. Paraguay: physiographic zones
area). Poorly drained eutric gleysols and (adapted from Bertoni and Gorham 1973)
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 7

planosols are found in inclusions of the Central Chaco (so called water-camps with temporary water
logging) and in the inundated areas of the Humid Chaco. As the distance from the Andes increases, soils
tend to become finer in texture. The dominating soils in the Chaco have no major limitations in soil
fertility, there are however big differences in water availability (drought and excess of water) over long
periods (Fatecha 1989). Soil pH ranges from mildly acid to mildly alkaline.
The horizons are deep with relatively high salinity. From north-east to south-west, right across the
Paraguayan Chaco, there is a belt of about 500km long and 50 to 75km wide with a shallow saline
ground water table. This transitional zone between the Dry and Humid Chaco is prone to dry land
salinity due to capillary ascension and salt enrichment at the soil surface, producing orthic solonetz
and solonchaks in the discharge area of saline ground water. In eastern Paraguay, ferric acrisols with
sandy to loamy texture are the main groups of soils in the rolling hills (Central Plateau). In contrast to
the Chaco with greyish soils, for the Oriental Region a reddish soil colour is typical, due to sesquioxide
formation in a rather humid environment. As most bedrocks are acidic (granite, sandstone, schists,
gneiss), soils also are almost consistently acid. The depth of the soil profile and also the pedogenetic
stage depends largely on its position in the relief of the landscape. Seasonally swampy, lower-lying areas
in the Rio Paraguay Valley, particularly in the south-western corner (vicinity of Pilar) produce soils with
hydromorphic properties (planosols). Intensively cropped basalt-derived ferric luvisols are the dominant
group in the Alto Paran Valley. Generally, the soils in the Oriental sector of Paraguay are considered
to have high to medium potential for rainfed crop production (two crops a year), so long as there are no
limitations of topography (steep slopes) or waterlogging in temporarily flooded areas. Contrary to the
Chaco, the region has been settled and farmed for several centuries and little of the original vegetation
remains undisturbed.


There is a pronounced rainfall gradient right across Paraguay. Mean annual rainfall increases from about
400mm in the north-west to 1700mm in the south-east (Snchez 1973, Figure 5). In the Chaco, about
80% falls in summer, whereas in the south-east corner mean monthly rainfall is more equally distributed,
with a slight depression in the driest months, July and August. The growing season lasts from October to
March in the Chaco. Typical crops are sorghum, cotton and groundnuts. In eastern Paraguay, arable lands
are often cropped twice a year under rainfed conditions,
with soybean, cotton or maize, followed by a winter
crop, such as temperate cereals.
Mean annual temperatures vary from 25.9 0C in
the north (Baha Negra) to 21.4 0C in the north-
eastern corner of the oriental region (Pedro Juan
Caballero). Summers are hot, even very hot. Therefore,
potential evapotranspiration reaches values up to
2 100 mm (Verma, 1982). Absolute maxima range
from 40.8 0C (Encarnacin) to 44.0 0C (Mariscal
Estigarribia). In winter, night frosts (to an absolute
minimum temperature of 6.0 0C) occur, except in the
extreme north east. Aerial parts of tropical grasses are
generally burnt off by frost. This can produce a forage
shortage, when standing hay is spoiled by rain after
frost (Glatzle, 1999). Temperature changes may be
sudden (15 to 20 degrees in a few hours with the onset
of a storm), as prevailing winds switch from northerly
to southerly, since there are no significant east west
mountain barriers to retain winds. Wind speed exceeds Figure 5. Paraguay (Chaco): rainfall and
6 m/s for 14% of the year, resulting in wind erosion temperature
8 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

of cleared, bare land (Hacker et al., 1996). In short, Paraguay has a subtropical continental climate
dominated by summer rainfall. It falls within the C climates of Kppens classification (Eidt, 1969).

Vegetation. The dominant vegetation formations are xeromorphic, thorny, dry deciduous forests in the
Chaco and subtropical rainforests in the East.
Dominant trees in the Dry Chaco are Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco, Chorisia insignis and
Schinopsis quebracho-colorado. Among the shrubs, various Prosopis spp., Acacia spp., Capparis spp.,
Ruprechtia triflora and Cercidium praecox are dominant on the monte type soils. In contrast, the sandy
campos, along the ancient riverbeds, are characterized by a savannah-like open woodland with the
dominant trees being Astronium fraxinifolium, Schinopsis heterophylla, Tabebuia caraiba and Jacaranda
mimosifolia. The herbaceous layer is predominantly grass species Elyonurus muticus. In the past, fires,
frequently lit by indigenous people, helped to keep the vegetation open (Hacker et al., 1996). Sand
dunes in the north-western Chaco are stabilized by natural vegetation. Their pronounced topography
differs markedly from the flat, sandy campos in the Central Chaco, but their savannah-like vegetation
is very similar. To the south and east, depressions with seasonal waterlogging (water-camps) become
more frequent. Here, the trees Prosopis ruscifolia, Calycophyllum multiflorum and Bulnesia sarmienti
indicate cracking clay soils. The centre of the seasonal ponds, however, have no woody vegetation. An
edaphic grassland with species tolerant of waterlogging like Hemarthria altissima, Leersia hexandra and
Paspalum spp. covers the ground. In the humid Chaco, the vegetation is characterized by a mosaic with
the irregular distribution of wetlands. The lower areas are seasonally waterlogged savannahs with a palm
(Copernicia alba) and grasses like those in the water-camps of the Central Chaco, whereas drier areas
typically support a tall Anadenanthera colubrina forest (Ramella and Spichiger, 1989). In the Oriental
Region, the littoral of the Rio Paraguay Valley resembles the Entre Rios Formations of Argentina
with open swampy grasslands and marshes. This region is suitable for cattle raising. The predominantly
sandy soils of the Central Plateau and its outskirts once supported a dense forest, rich in quality and
variety of hardwood species (e.g. Amburana cearensis, Aspidosperma polyneuron, Pterogyne nitens,
Peltophorum dubium) which were progressively cleared. Besides timber species there are yerba mate
(Ilex paraguariensis) and the tung-oil trees (Aleurites fordii) as well as the coco-palm (Acrocomia
totai) grown in pure plantations or mixed cropping systems. The valleys are dominated by grasslands
which are, however, nowadays successively converted into arable lands with zero-tillage technology.
The undulating plain of the Alto Paran Valley was also once covered by species-rich subtropical forest,
much of which has been converted in recent years to intensively cropped arable lands (particularly for
soy bean and temperate cereals).


There are about 10000000 head of cattle, 400000 sheep, 350000 horses, 120000 goats plus 1800000
pigs and some 15000000 poultry in Paraguay (DCEA, 2000). Figures in FAOSTAT for 2005 are 9.6M
cattle; 500 000 sheep; 360 000 horses; 155 000 goats; 1.6 M pigs and 17.9 M poultry (FAO, 2006).
Hence, cattle raising for meat and milk is by far the most important livestock sector. Livestock numbers
are shown in Table 1. There are about 310000 individual producers (99%) or companies (1%) on the
24000000ha of useful land (arable and grazing). On average there are 5.3 members per producer family.

Land and livestock Table 1. Livestock numbers

tenure. With respect 1980 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
to land and livestock Cattle nos (,000) 5 854 8 254 9 788 9 737 9 889 9 260 10 128 9 622 9 622
Goat nos (,000) 115.0 148.2 122.6 123 124 125.5 105.5 159.5 155
tenure systems, land
Sheep nos (,000) 380 457 386 402 406 410 423 525 500
ownership is unbal- Horse nos (,000) 310 334.6 410.9 400 358 358 360 360 360
anced. Farms between Pig nos (,000) 955.5 2 444 2 525 1 800 1 804 1 365 1 474 1 507 1 600
1 and 20 ha own less Poultry nos (,000,000) 12.4 17.6 14.9 16.1 16.2 16.3 17.7 17.9 17.9
than 15% of the live- (FAO databases, 2006)
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 9

Table 2. Land tenure system in Paraguay as analysed by most recent

stock and represent more agricultural census
than 70% of all produc-
Number of Rel. no. of Total area Rel. no. of Rel. no. of
ers/producer families. Farm size farms farms (%) (1000 ha) total ha (%) cattle (%)
per class per class per class
On the other hand, the Landless 7 962 2.6 0 0 0.7
producer class with more < 1 ha 21 977 7.2 8.5 0.1 1.0
than 1000ha (1% of the 1 to 5 ha 92 811 30.2 222.8 0.9 3.7
farms) owns 77% of the 5 to 10 ha 66 605 21.6 430.7 1.8 4.0
farm land and 60% of 10 to 20 ha 66 223 21.6 806.8 3.4 5.9
20 to 50 ha 31 519 10.3 857.9 3.6 6.3
the livestock population
50 to 100 ha 7 577 2.5 502.6 2.1 3.5
(Table 2). 100 to 200 ha 4 279 1.5 569.2 2.4 3.7
About 25% of pro- 200 to 500 ha 3 503 1.1 1 050.0 4.4 6.0
ducers in Paraguay are 500 to 1000 ha 1 525 0.5 1 011.0 4.2 5.3
involved exclusively 1000 to 5000 ha 2 356 0.7 4 982.4 20.9 22.0
in crop production. Of 5000 to 10.000 ha 533 0.1 3 644.9 15.3 13.5
> 10.000 ha 351 0.1 9 730.9 40.9 24.4
the rest, 89% run mixed
Total 307 221 100 23 817.4 100 100
farms (Molas et al., (MAG 1992)
1996), combining, meat
or milk production and Table 3. Distinctive characteristics of farms in the Oriental Region and the
crops, to diversify activi- Chaco
Relative number of Avg. no.
ties and minimize risk. Region Number of
national farms with of cattle
The remaining 11% are farms of cattle size producers Cattle Pigs Sheep per farm
exclusively livestock Oriental 300 523 6.8 mil. 38 ha 7.2% 74% 69% 6% 30
producers. Smallholders Chaco 6 698 3.0 mil. 1 850 ha 11.5% 97% 29% 25% 450

are usually subsistence (MAG, 1992 and DCEA, 2000)

oriented and labour
intensive with limited use of technology and external inputs. However, farms at all production levels are
commercially orientated, obviously with increasing market orientation, as the farm size gets bigger. Farms
over 1000ha contribute more than three quarters of the agricultural exports of the country (GTZ, 1994).
The most striking difference between farming systems in eastern Paraguay and the Chaco is average
farm size and average stock number per farm (Table 2\3). Whereas in the sparsely populated Chaco
(1inhabitant per 2km2) large farms (up to 50000ha) predominantly produce beef, in the more densely
populated Oriental Region (32inhabitants perkm2) farm size is much smaller and farms are much more
oriented to mixed farming. Beef and milk production is highly commercialized, whereas small ruminants
and pigs are predominantly kept for subsistence or have only local commercial importance (no exports).
Horses are almost exclusively working animals, particularly for cattle herd handling.
There is practically no permanent housing of ruminants. Steer fattening in feedlots has shown
marginal profitability. Animals are ranched on natural or improved pastures. Even in intensive dairy
systems milking cows gain part of their feeding requirements on pastures near milking pens. Tethering
is common among smallholders and landless campesinos, otherwise they keep their animals on public
land between the fences at both sides of public roads. Stocking densities on range, bush land and
sown pastures vary from about 10 (Alto Paraguay) to 0,2ha (Central Department) per head of cattle,
depending on the agro-ecological conditions and feed and supplement availability.
Paraguay has a multicultural rural population with strong minorities (native Indians of at least
eight different ethnicities and languages, groups of settlers of Brazilian, German or Japanese origin
and foreign investors) which differ considerably in their production systems, production levels and
organizational structures. While the native Indians live predominantly by subsistence agriculture on
communally owned land, most of them showing little affinity for animal husbandry, typical Paraguayan
campesinos and foreign groups of settlers generally apply mixed farming systems on privately owned
land, being predominantly market oriented. Foreign investors, representing a fairly high proportion in
the Chaco (Table 3), are exclusively commercially oriented and frequently grow monocultures, such as
beef, soy bean or cotton.
The organizational structure of Paraguayan campesinos and foreign investors is relatively weak.
However almost all emigrant settlers communities are organized into marketing co-operatives. Among
10 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

them are so called colonies Table 4. Comparison of traditional and present production
of Japanese and Mennonites (a parameters of beef cattle herds and grazing lands in the Chaco
religious community of German Production system: Traditional Modern
From the most important production parameters......
origin which settled in the
Calving rate (%) 50 90
Chaco and in eastern Paraguay Mortality calves (%), first year 25 5
mainly in the first half of the past Mortality adults (%) 10 1
century). These colonies exert a Fattening period till 450 kg LW (months) 48 28
strong impact on national markets Proportion of cows in the herd (%) 38 34
........ result in the following production indices:
in special sectors such as dairy
Extraction rate (%) 7 28
products, vegetables and yerba
Energy efficiency (kg LW GJ-1 ME) 2.8 5.3
mate. Liveweight production (kg LW ha/a) from ME consumed:
2.5 GJ ME ha/a (native bushland) 7.1 13.3
Herd productivity and breeds. 25 GJ de ME ha/a (sown pasture) 71 133
Beef is commonly produced (Glatzle, 1999)
in extensive systems on the
165 000 km2 of native pastures and grazed bush land plus 33 000 km2 of cultivated pastures. Main
capital investments refer to fencing, establishment of herd handling facilities, construction of dams or
so called Tajamares (basins for rain water collection) and pasture establishment and maintenance.
Traditionally, there was little veterinary care and infrequent herd mustering, no seasonal bull service,
no weaning control and little genetic improvement. Therefore, traditional herd productivity is low
compared to production figures which are regularly achieved nowadays by a growing number of cattle
farmers (Table 4).
The energy efficiency of forage was modelled on the basis of the production parameters of both
traditional and modern systems. The improved herd productivity results in almost twice as much
liveweight being produced from a unit of fodder energy consumed. Moreover, up to a tenfold rise in
liveweight production per area (across the whole herd) is achieved by improving the forage base. Hence,
improved pasture establishment results in a better land use efficiency (Table 4) as long as the production
system is ecologically compatible. More efficient beef production technologies are increasingly adopted
by cattle farmers, as indicated by an increase by 66% of the nation-wide extraction rate in the past 20
years (Table 6).
As far as the milk sector is concerned, 40% of the farms own milking cows (in the average 3.6 per
farm). Only part of them (estimated at 25%) have access to milk collection and processing systems.
The remaining 75% are either subsistence oriented or depend on local markets for fresh milk or
homemade cheese. There is a big variation of production levels, taking into account all (not only
the commercial) milk producers. Whereas the nation-wide average production parameters are poor,
specialized commercial milk producers achieve remarkably high production levels (Table 5) applying
high technology, and covering up to 75% of the daily feed requirements with concentrates and silages,
in order to raise milk yields and to achieve a more balanced production across the seasons.
The Criollio breed, derived from Spanish and later British cattle importations, is a well adapted, small
framed and robust, double purpose breed, highly fertile but otherwise low in production. This traditional breed
forms about 70% of the Paraguayan cattle population (MAG 1992). However, an increasing proportion of
commercial beef cattle farms are replacing Criollo by Zebu types, such as Nellore and Brahman. Frequently a
high level of Zebu-genes is maintained in the herds, served by bulls of British (Angus, Hereford) or European
continental (Gelbvieh, Fleckvieh, Limousine) breeds in order to produce a fast growing, environmentally
adapted and resistant industrial cross. In
Table 5. Milk production parameters in Paraguay comparing
commercial dairying, almost exclusively the national average with data from a commercial farm and
Holstein Friesian genes are incorporated a Mennonite cooperative
by substitution crossing. In addition National Granja Colonia
some hardy dual purpose breeds, such as average Guarap Menno
Heifer age at first service (months) 36 20 - 24 24
Santa Gertrudis or Brown Swiss are kept.
Calving interval (days) 450500 380400 400
Artificial insemination is practised within Lactation period (days) < 180 305 305
well organized cooperatives or on very Average production (kg milk/cow/year) 650 4 500 2 500
big farms. (Molas et al. 1996)
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 11

Table 6. Paraguay statistics of production, exports and consumption of animal products and
important agro-industrial by-products used as animal feeds
Item 1980 1990 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2004 2005
Beef production (1000) 107 189 226 226 231 246 239 215 215
Extraction rate (% cattle slaughtered)1 8.7 13.0 12.8 12.8 13.2 14.2 13.9 13.3 n.r.
Live cattle net export (1000 head) 0.8 0.01 108.0 36.0 9.8 52.2 33.0 1.7 n.r.
Net beef export (1000 tonnes) incl. offal 1.0 97.5 23.0 22.7 33.9 18.9 41.5 82.3 n.r.
Mutton and goat meat production (1000 tonnes) 2.8 3.4 3.1 3.1 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.9 3.7
Pig meat production (1000 tonnes) 85.2 118.1 115.7 117.4 118.8 120.0 114.0 156.0 105
Poultry meat production (1000 tonnes) 14.7 24.7 34.1 36.6 37.6 41.6 34.7 38.8 38.8
Production of cattle hides (1000 tonnes) 15.8 29.4 35.0 35.0 35.8 38.4 37.8 34.4 34.4
Production of greasy wool (tonnes) 486 721 848 845 850 850 699 850 850
Milk production2 (1000 tonnes) 163.0 225.8 403.8 444.2 445.0 445.0 329.8 362.0 372.4
Milk production2 per milking cow (kg/yr) 1 890 1 900 2 320 2 400 2 410 2 410 2 400 2 310 2 370
Net milk product imports (1000 kg milk equiv.) 4.7 15.2 51.8 41.5 30.5 9.4 22.6 29.1 n.r.
Human consumption:
Bovine meat supply (kg/cap/yr) 34.1 20.3 40.1 39.0 36.9 42.0 34.4 n.r. n.r.
Total meat supply (kg/cap/yr) 67.3 55.0 71.3 70.2 67.9 72.4 73.0 n.r. n.r.
Milk supply (kg/cap/yr) 49.7 52.7 87.1 89.9 86.1 83.9 n.r. n.r. n.r.
Agro-industrial by-products for concentrates:
Wheat3 bran (1000 tonnes) 21 65 100 75 45 58 63 n.r. n.r.
Seed cake4 (1000 tonnes) 51.1 107.2 94.0 215.5 191.4 213.0 n.r. n.r. n.r.
1 Sources: MAG (1992), DCEA (2000) and FAO (2006)
2 Only commercialized milk
3 Bran yield: about 25% of wheat production - wheat exports
4 Seed cakes (production - exports) of soy bean, cotton, sunflower and groundnuts
n.r. = no record

Production, marketing and consumption of animal products. Since the early 1980s the cattle
population grew by about 50% from approx. 6500000 to almost 10000000 (MAG, 1992 and DCEA,
2000). In the same period, beef and milk production more than doubled, and indicators of production
levels, such as average extraction rate of slaughter animals and milk yields per milking cow, increased
by about 65% and 25% respectively (Table 6). These higher production levels can be attributed to better
herd handling, improved veterinary care and the use of adapted and productive breeds, but also to the
expansion of the area sown to improved pastures. Moreover the amount of agro-industrial by-products
available increased considerably in the past two decades, particularly in medium to large scale dairy
In 2000, total agricultural imports reached a value of US$ 383241000 and exports a value of US$
647699000 (FAO 2005) by 2003 figures were US$207.7 for imports and US$1.02 billion for exports.
Net beef exports accounted for 4 to 9% of the total beef production in the past years (Table 6). Beef
exports vary from year to year and depend very much on the outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease and
a positive immunological status of the animals due to compulsory vaccinations; meat exports beyond
South America are insignificant. Beef imports are negligible, like imports and exports of other meats.
Almost all wool and hides are processed locally or discarded.
There is only commercial milk production where an efficient and reliable collection system and
a processing plant have been built up. This is the case in the Central Department (around the capital
Asuncin) with about 1 000 000 inhabitants, in the Boquern and Presidente Hayes Departments
(Chaco) and the Departments Caaguaz and Alto Paran (Oriental Region). Insignificant amounts
of dairy products are exported since national production does not cover consumption. Imported milk
equivalents (predominantly from Argentina) account in recent years for 7 to 13% of the national
production of commercialized milk (Table 6).
More than half of the meat consumed is beef. As stated in Table 6, total meat consumption is high
in Paraguay. On the other hand the supply of processed milk is unsatisfactory (less than 2/3 of the
150kg/head/yr recommended by the FAO).
12 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile


The main forage resource for ruminant Table 7. Areas (millions of hectares) of native and cultivated
livestock is natural pasture, cultivated pastures and extensively grazed bush land in Paraguay
pastures, and native bush. The total Forage resource Native pasture Sown pasture Bush land Total
area dedicated to livestock production Oriental Region 4.7 2.0 1.7 8.4
Occidental Region 5.5 1.3 4.7 11.5
is 19 900 000 ha, distributed in the
Paraguay 10.2 3.3 6.4 19.9
Oriental and Occidental Regions as (Molas et al. 1996)
shown in Table 7.

Native Grazing Resources in Eastern Paraguay. Most of the grazing lands in the Oriental Region are
marginal for agriculture due to natural constraints such as poor drainage, shallow soils, and rocky soil.
Basically there are two types of native pastures in Eastern Paraguay.
Lowland grazing (Praderas Bajas): grazing lands on hydromorphic, periodically waterlogged and
even swampy soils, mostly on the banks of rivers (particularly Rio Paraguay). However, there
are also extended stretches of plains with hydromorphic planosols with an impermeable clayey
subsoil towards the central Oriental Region along riverain zones. Within these grazing lands, the
dominant herbaceous species are large tussock grasses generally with low palatability and nutri-
tive value Sorghastrum agrostoides, Panicum prionitis, Andropogon lateralis, and A. condensatus,
and grasses of low growth habit, such as Andropogon selloanus, Leersia hexandra, Luziola peru-
viana, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Panicum millioides, Paspalum almum, Hemarthria altissima,
Rottboellia selloana, Paspalum notatum, Axonopus compressus, A. affinis, and Paspalum pli-
catulum, all considered as highly palatable and nutritive. Moreover, herbaceous legumes such as
Desmodium canum, Aeschynomene americana, Macroptilium lathyroides and Arachis spp. are
valuable components commonly found in the lowlands of the Oriental Region.
Hillside grazing (Praderas Altas): These are grazing lands in the rolling hills of eastern Paraguay,
predominantly at sites, sub-optimal for cropping in the Central Plateau and the Alto Paran Valley.
Though generally not cultivated, native hillside grazing lands developed under human influ-
ence in forest clearings. Most of them maintain the aspect of a savannah or open woodland with
varying densities of trees (even the planted coco-palm Acrocomia totai). In the Central Plateau,
grazing lands are often restricted to sandy soils with rocky outcrops (granite, sandstone, schist)
and of limited fertility (high acidity, high aluminium and low phosphorous contents). In the Alto
Paran Valley, fertility characteristics of the basaltic soils are better, however, grazing lands fre-
quently present slopes marginal for agriculture. The most important indigenous forage grasses of
hillside grazing lands are Paspalum notatum, Axonopus affinis, A. compressus, Paspalum plicatu-
lum and Andropogon lateralis. Common valuable native legumes are Chamaecrista rotundifolia,
Stylosanthes guianensis, Arachis spp., and Alysicarpus sp.. Among the grasses of low stock accept-
ability are Imperata brasilensis and Aristida spp.. Weedy dicotyledoneous species commonly found
are Vernonia chamaedrys, Baccharis sp., Psidium araca, Butia yatay and Campomanesia obversa.

Native Grazing Resources of the Chaco Region. The Occidental (Chaco) Region is an extended alluvial
plain with a gradient of rainfall and soil texture from north-west to south-east (more rain and finer
texture as the distance from the Andes Mountains increases). The agro-ecological conditions are good for
permanent pastures. However cropping faces some limitations and risks from the quantity and distribution
of rainfall (Dry Chaco) and temporary waterlogging (Humid Chaco) respectively (Figure 4). The native
grazing resources in the two major physiographic sub regions of the Chaco can be described as follows:
The Humid Chaco (Bajo Chaco): The grazing lands of the Humid Chaco are predominantly
palm savannahs with Copernicia alba on poorly drained, hydromorphic gleysols and planosols.
The palm Copernicia tolerates fires and temporary waterlogging. It is found in densities of up to
100 trunks per hectare and its spread is promoted by livestock (Degen, 1996). These natural graz-
ing lands contain many grasses of medium to high nutritive value and palatability, such as Leersia
hexandra, Hemarthria altissima, Panicum elephantipes, Diplachne uninervia, Hymenachne
amplexicaulis, Paspalum lividum, P. alcalinum, P. almum, Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum nervo-
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 13

sum and Eriochloa montevidensis. Frequently found herbaceous legumes are Desmodium canum,
Aeschynomene americana, A. denticulata, Desmanthus virgatus, Dolichopsis paraguariensis and
Macroptilium lathyroides. Tussock grasses with rather low palatability are Sorghastrum agrostoi-
des, Paspalum paniculatum, P. plicatulum and P. conspersum. Reported carrying capacities are
one American Livestock Unit (454 kg LW) per 2 to 4 ha (Ramrez and Laneri, 1989). Besides
mechanical or chemical treatments or burning of the shrubby weeds (Acacia curvifructa, Prosopis
ruscifolia and Geoffroea decorticans, and Tessaria dodoneaefolia), there are practically no inter-
ventions for the maintenance of good grazing economically feasible or necessary (Glatzle, 1999).
Periodically and episodically flooded areas with waters from the Pilcomayo river in regions with
rather low rainfall (below 750mm) are to be considered as a transitional zone between the Humid
and the Dry Chaco. This zone along the left side riverbanks of the upper Picomayo-river is exposed
to an extremely varying water regime, which may cause seasonally flooded grasslands to be recon-
verted into xeromorphic bush and vice versa within a few consecutive years.
The Dry Chaco: Traditionally the most important natural grazing resource in the Dry Chaco are
the espartillo grasslands (campos) on the regosols or arenososls in old riverbeds of the former
inland delta which shaped the landscape of the Central Chaco. These grasslands are characterized
by abundance of the grass Elyonurus muticus (espartillo), not particularly palatable. Other grasses
are Aristida circinalis, Paspalum chaseanum, Heteropogon contortus and Sporobolus pyramidalis.
The espartillo-grasslands present a wealth of native legumes as soon as fire frequency is reduced
and disturbance by grazing increased. Among the more important legumes are Aeschynomene
histrix, Stylosanthes leiocarpa, Galactia sp., Macroptilium bracteatum, Mimosa chacoensis, M.
nuda, Rhynchosia balansae, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Zornia crinita (Hacker et al., 1996).
Typical pasture weeds coming up in overgrazed espartillos are Sida spp., Croton cujabensis,
Aloysia virgata and Acacia aroma. In former decades, a relatively high proportion of the campos
was used for cropping by early European settlers and indigenous horticulturalists. Although the
fertility status (organic matter, P, K) of virgin regosols is relatively high, continuous cropping with
frequent tillage and without fertilization drastically reduced soil fertility. Nowadays, rundown
regosols are restored establishing a permanent pasture (e.g. with Pangola grass) and introducing a
suitable legume (e.g. Stylosanthes hippocampoides or Alysicarpus vaginalis).
Towards the sub-humid parts of the Central Chaco (south and east), inclusions of edaphic grasslands
on poorly drained gleysols (so called water-camps) are found with increasing density. The forage
species occurring in the water-camps are essentially those listed for the Copernicia savannahs in the
Humid Chaco.
Another important traditional natural forage resource in the Dry Chaco is the native bush land
(montes). Browsing the mostly thorny woody plants, such as Acacia praecox, A. aroma, Caesalpinia
paraguariensis, Ruprechtia triflora, Capparis tweediana and C. retusa and eating the pods of various
Prosopis and Acacia spp. (Morello and Toledo, 1959) supports an average stocking density of about one
bovine animal unit to 10 to 15ha of bush (Fretes et al., 1969). Understorey grasses are virtually absent:
Setaria globulifera, S. fiebrigii and Digitaria sacchariflora are practically the only grasses found, but
in very low frequency. There are studies demonstrating a severe degradation of the monte soils due
to overgrazing under traditional grazing regimes. However, Admoli et al. (1990) estimated the area
affected by soil degradation in Chaco bush land to be less than one% of the total area. Abril and Bucher
(2001) reported that soil organic carbon losses are much lower under cultivated pastures than in over
utilized bush land.



Sown pastures with introduced forages. The establishment of pastures with selected grasses and
legumes on cleared land raises herd productivity per unit area about ten fold (Glatzle and Cabrera,
14 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

1996, and Table 3). Hence it is not surprising that the area of cultivated pastures increased five to six
fold since 1980, mostly at the expense of native forests and bush. Large scale land clearing and pasture
establishment obviously has adverse effects on landscape and species diversity and carbon sequestration.
Therefore it is indispensable to take into account a number of land clearing regulations in order to
maintain or create a healthy and diverse agro-ecosystem. A steadily increasing number of farmers leave
at least 25% of the forest, woodlands or bush of a property intact (Ley Forestal 422/73).
Leave intact a bush strip of 100m width in east-west orientation, perpendicular to the prevailing
wind (north-south) every 500m and around the property (Resolucin No. 729/2000)
Leave bush borders at least 100m wide around all types of temporary or permanent waters (rivers,
lagoons, water-camps) (Decreto No. 18.831/86).
A significantly higher biodiversity was found when pastures contained a large number of native
bush niches (strips and islands) and when the use of fire as a management tool was restricted or
avoided (Glatzle, 1999). Moreover, at sites with an elevated dry land salinity risk (high water table of
saline ground water in a semi-arid climate, such as the Chaco), native bush fulfils the important role
of preventing salinity due to the very high suction forces produced by many Chaco woody species,
capable of keeping the ground water at a low level (Glatzle et al., 2001). Bush clearing at sites prone to
salinization has resulted in the loss of valuable pasture land.
Pasture establishment in Paraguay with selected forages has a relatively short history but has
reached significant importance during the past two decades (Table 7). Probably with the introduction
and multiplication of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) by an American agricultural advisor of the
Mennonite colonies in the Central Chaco, Robert Unruh, in the early nineteen fifties, cultivated pastures
attained economic importance for the first time. Later on, a number of other introduced grasses gained
commercial importance and were multiplied on a national level (Table 8). When the German-Paraguayan
Project Estacin Experimental Chaco Central started in the early 1990s, a new era started for the
commercial use of introduced pasture legumes (Table 8).
In order to maintain productivity, cultivated pastures require, even more than native grazing lands, a
correct adjustment of stocking rates. Typical stocking rates range from about 0.5 to 2 bovine units per
hectare along the rainfall gradient across Paraguay, from north-west to south-east. Maximum energy
conversion from Panicum maximum cv. Gatton and Cynodon nlemfuensis pastures in the Central Chaco
Table 8. Commercially important pasture grasses and legumes in Paraguay
Botanical name Cultivar or/and Importance
common name
Cultivated grasses
Panicum maximum Gatton Since 1990 most important grass for newly cleared lands. In the Chaco, many
100000 ha of highly productive Gatton pastures.
Panicum maximum Colonial and Grown on the more fertile basaltic soils in East Paraguay. Less important in
Tanzania the Chaco.
Cenchrus ciliaris Buffel grass, Since the 1950s. Several 100000 ha in the Dry Chaco. Otherwise replaced by
Texas 4464 Gatton.
Cynodon nlemfuensis Estrella Several 100000 ha along the limit of the Dry and Humid Chaco, in the Humid
Chaco, and on the fertile soils in East Paraguay.
Brachiaria brizantha Marand Wide spread in East Paraguay predominantly on infertile sandy soils. In the
Chaco not frequent. Tolerant to spittle bug.
Digitaria eriantha var. pentzii Pangola Several 10000 ha on sandy soils and at shortly inundated sites in East and
West Py.
Urochloa mosambicensis Nixon Important since 1995 in the Chaco to restore rundown Gatton and buffel
Cultivated legumes
Alysicarpus vaginalis Alyvag Restores rundown arable regosols in the Chaco. Combines well with Pangola.
Also used as a summer active ley legume.
Stylosanthes Oxley Excellent to restore rundown arable regosols. Combines well with Pangola.
Desmanthus virgatus Filadelfia Cultivated legume, native to the Chaco. Adapts well to heavy textured soils.
Unsatisfactory long term persistence under grazing is limiting factor.
Leucaena leucocephala Cunningham and Used as a fodder bank by an increasing number of smallholders and big
Tarramba farms.
Trifolium repens Haifa Winter active, to be mixed into permanent pastures in the Alto Paran Valley,
East Py.
Melilotus alba Sweet clover Winter active ley legume, relatively rare.
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 15

by grazing steers (into animal liveweight per ha) was attained by a stocking rate of 1.8AU/ ha (Stosiek et
al., 1997). This figure exceeds, however, the recommended long term ecological optimum stocking rate
for this zone (0.8 to 1.2AU/ha). Maintenance interventions, such as woody weed control, are necessary
to maintain long term profitability of sown pastures.
Other grasses cultivated on a commercial scale, but of much less importance than the ones mentioned
in Table 8, are: Chloris gayana cv. Callide, Panicum coloratum cv. Bambatsi, Brachiaria decumbens,
B. mutica, B. humidicola, Cynodon sp. Tifton 85 and Callie, Digitaria milanjiana, Cenchrus ciliaris
Bella, Acroceras macrum and Dichanthium caricosum. Pasture legumes of secondary importance are:
Macroptilium atropurpureum Siratro, Lotononis bainesii, Stylosanthes scabra cv. Seca and Siran, S.
hamata cv. Amiga, Clitoria ternatea cv. Milgarra and Chamaecrista rotundifolia cv. Wynn.

Other Fodders. Among the most important cultivated forages is Silage Sorghum for dairy enterprises.
In the Central Chaco (accounting for about 50% of the national milk production), the area cultivated
with Silage Sorghum is estimated at over 10 000 ha. At smallholder level in Eastern Paraguay some
silage is made from Pennisetum purpureum (Cameroon grass). Part of the grain Sorghum (23000 tonnes
16000 ha in Paraguay) and maize (900000tonnes 370000ha in Paraguay) is used for concentrates, to
be mixed at farm or at small commercial enterprise level with the agro-industrial by-products obtained
predominantly from oilseeds (Table 6). No statistics are available on total concentrate feed production,
nor on the proportions used to feed dairy cows, pigs, horses or poultry. However, concentrates used for
beef production are negligible.
A typical emergency feed is sugar cane, grown on a small area on many farms and harvested in the
dry season. During prolonged drought periods (about one in 10 years), whole sugar cane (produced in
more humid Eastern Paraguay) is sold to cattle farmers in the Dry Chaco to enable them to maintain at
least their breeding herd. There is little haymaking in Paraguay.
Similarly, there is virtually no irrigated fodder production due to
the absence of irrigation water in the Chaco (and poor external drainage)
the high rainfall reliability in Eastern Paraguay
the high opportunity costs (irrigated vegetables are more profitable than forages).

Constraints. The main constraints to pasture establishment, grassland management, forage and ruminant
production and product marketing in Paraguay are the following:
Shrubby weed invasion in cultivated pastures and native grasslands (requires interventions every
two to three years)
Soil compaction due to overstocking and loss of soil plasticity (loss of organic matter)
Reduced pasture productivity due to nitrogen deficiency in older pastures
Uncontrolled fires entering from neighbouring properties, destroying fodder reserves
Wind erosion on sandy, denuded soils
Increasing pests and diseases, such as leaf cutting ants (Acromyrmex landolti and Atta vollenwei-
deri), grasshoppers (Staurorhectus longicornis), caterpillars (Spodoptera frugiperda), spittle bugs
(Zulia sp.), red spider mite (Tetranychus sp.), buffel blight (Pyricularia grisea), ergot (Claviceps
maximensis) etc.
Unexpectedly prolonged droughts, particularly in the Chaco
High risks of dryland salinity within a belt of about 500km long and 50 to 75km wide with a shal-
low saline ground water table, right across the Paraguayan Chaco from north-east to south-west
Long distances to the slaughter houses (reduces profitability for beef)
Absence of milk collection systems in many parts of the country.

Pasture seed production. There is a strong small to medium scale pasture seed production in the Central
Chaco of Paraguay at farm level. The seed produced are Panicum maxium cv. Gatton, Cenchrus ciliaris
cv. Texas 4464 and Bella, Urochloa mosambicensis, Chloris gayana cv. Callide, selections of Digitaria
milanjiana, Panicum coloratum cv. Bambatsi, Sorghum sudanense, Leucaena leucocephala, Alysicarpus
vaginalis, Desmanthus virgatus cv. Filadelfia and Stylosanthes hippocampoides cv. Oxley. Total seed
production attains several hundred tons a year. Although there is no pasture seed certification, seed
16 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

quality commonly competes with certified Argentine or Brazilian seed. Most seed is locally marketed
directly between farms or via the co-operatives of the zone. Bigger seed producers also export Gatton
Panic seed to neighbouring Argentina and Bolivia. However, practically all Brachiaria spp. seed and
most Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania and cv. Colonial seed which are used in Paraguay, are imported
from Brazil, because seed yields are too low under local conditions.



At present little research is carried out actively in Paraguay in the fodder and pasture sector. However,
in the past, international or bilateral programmes and projects introduced and screened pasture species,
initiated trials on pasture and herd handling and grazing management, and disseminated innovations in
the forage and livestock sector. For example:
an American agronomist employed by the MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) who introduced
buffel grass and initiated pasture cultivation in the Chathe Servicio Tcnico Interamericano de
Cooperacin Agrcola (STICA) who evaluated for the first time cattle breeds, native and intro-
duced to Paraguay
a Swiss project in connection with the Instituto Agrario Nacional (IAN) in Caacup
a USAID project in connection with PRONIEGA (Programa Nacional de Investigacin y
Extensin Ganadera) in Pozo Colorado
a French project in connection with the Fondo Gandero in La Patria
a German project in co-operation with DIA (Direccin de Investigacin Agrcola) in the Central
Chaco (Estacin Experimental Chaco Central, Cruce de los Pioneros).
Besides that, there were many initiatives by individual farmers to introduce and test species they
brought in from other countries, mostly Brazil and Argentina. Most of the Brachiaria species and a
number of Cynodon cultivars came in through this channel and were spread from farmer to farmer.
More recently, livestock farmers interested in applied experimentation became privately organized
in the Consorcio Ganadero para la Experimentacin Agropecuaria (CEA). CEA holds a highly
appreciated international congress on technology transfer every year in Asuncin at the headquarters
of the Asociacin Rural del Paraguay (ARP). CEA members even organized an information travel
of farmers to Queensland, Australia, from where a lot of new ideas and aspects on cattle breeds and
grass cultivars came into the country. Moreover, the ARP is the organizer of a big annual Agricultural
Trade Fair, where regularly cattle breeds and adapted pasture seed are exposed and marketed. On a
regional level, farmers conscious of sustainable and profitable production systems organize themselves
in so called CREA-groups (Consorcio Regional de Extensin Agropecuaria). Some private CREA
groups work very efficiently, and sometimes contrast favourably with public extension services, such as
divisions of the Ministry based Direccin de Extensin Agrcola y Ganadera (DEA) or even services
offered by credit institutes, such as CAH, BNF and Fondo Gandero. Only about one in ten farms is
reached by a pubic extension service at a nation-wide average (Molas et al. 1996). However, many
producers co-operatives provide competent technical assistance to their members.
A new programme has started in October 2001 at Loma Plata, Chaco, the Iniciativa para la
Investigacin y Transferencia de Tecnologa Agraria Sostenible (INTTAS), initiated by the private
foundation DeSdel-Chaco (Fundacin para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Chaco), and sponsored by
the Swiss foundation AVINA (Accin para la Vida y la Naturaleza). This programme integrates,
co-ordinates and complements the on-farm-experimentation and technology dissemination activities
carried out by various co-operatives and their extension services, and private farmer groups within the
Paraguayan Chaco. Furthermore, INTTAS is to reactivate a virtually paralysed public research station
in the Chaco Region, implementing joint research programmes, and to promote regular exchange of
experience with private and public entities of interest from the other Chaco countries, Argentina and
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 17

The Direccin de Investigacin Agrcola (DIA), part of the Ministry of Agriculture, carries out
research mainly in the cropping sector in 9 research stations spread over the country. However, little
importance is given to research in pastures and forages. The mandate of another Ministry-dependent
research unit, the Direccin de Investigacin de Produccin Animal (DIPA), is to conduct research
in the animal production sector in three stations across the country. Again, the products of cooperative
based and other private initiatives on animal breeding, animal selection and improvement of herd
handling are more obvious than public efforts in this field. The low efficiency of public research in
Paraguay is primarily due to the lack of operational funds. More than 80% of the small budgets available
(including revenues generated on the research stations) are used to cover the personnel costs.
In contrast to many other countries throughout Latin America efforts to revamp public-sector
agricultural research and development agencies in Paraguay have yet to come to fruition. Major change
was proposed in the mid-1990s in the form of the establishment of a national agricultural research
institute, the Paraguayan Institute of Agrarian Technology (IPTA), as a joint public-private venture with
multiple funding sources. The proposal for the creation of IPTA is still pending, however, and it now
appears that no legislative decision will be made until at least 2002, following a public reform process
that is currently underway in Paraguay Beintema et al. (2000). On the other hand meanwhile, a strong
negative selection process is being observed, by skilled technicians and scientists moving away from the
public sector (DIA and DIPA) into private research and development entities.
Some kind of extension work and small scale experimentation in the forage and livestock sector is
done by institutions of higher education which are:
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA) - Universidad Nacional de Asuncin (UNA)
Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias (FCV) - Universidad Nacional de Asuncin (UNA)
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (FCA) - Universidad Catlica Nuestra Seora de Asuncin (UCA)
Facultad de Ingeniera Agronmica Ciencias Agrarias (FCA) - Universidad Nacional del Este
Distinguished Technicians currently engaged in public or private research programmes in the pasture
and forage sector are:
Cabrera, Antero
Jefe Seccin Pastura
Estacin Experimental Chaco Central
Cruce de los Pioneros
Ruta Trans-Chaco -km 412, PARAGUAY
E-Mail: [email protected]
Daiub, Alfredo Salinas
Ing. Agr.
Estacin Experimental Pilar
Tacuary esq. Dr. Mazzei, PARAGUAY
Tel: xx-595-86-32884
E-mail: [email protected]
Fast, Alfredo
Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNA
Dpto. Produccin Animal
Campo Universitario, San Lorenzo, Paraguay
E-Mail: [email protected]
Klassen, Dr. Norman
Servicio Agropecuario, Chortitzer Komite
Loma Plata - 101 / Chaco
C.d.c. 883 Asuncin, PARAGUAY
E-Mail: [email protected]
Molas, Oscar
18 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, UNA

Campo Universitario, San Lorenzo, PARAGUAY
E-Mail: [email protected]
Naeguele, Alberto
Servicio Agropecuario, Chortitzer Komite
Loma Plata - 101 / Chaco
C.d.c. 883 Asuncin, PARAGUAY
Tel: xx 595 918 2301

Abril, A. and E.H. Bucher (2001): Overgrazing and soil carbon dynamics in the western Chaco of Argentina.
Applied Soil Ecology 16, 243 - 249
Admoli, J., E. Sennhauser, J.M. Acero and A. Rescia (1990): Stress and disturbance: Vegetation dynamics in
the dry Chaco region of Argentina. Journal of Biogeography 17, 491 - 500
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Glatzle, A. (1999): Compendio para el Manejo de Pasturas en el Chaco. Edicin El Lector, Asuncin, Paraguay
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Gorham, J.R. (1973): The Paraguayan Chaco and Its Rainfall. In J.R. Gorham (ed.). Paraguay: Ecological
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GTZ (1994): PARAGUAY. Perfil del pas con informaciones y comentarios relacionados al desarrollo
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Agricultura y Ganadera, Asuncin, Paraguay
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 19

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Glatzle, Dr. Albrecht
Asesor Tcnico Administrativo de la Iniciativa para la Investigacin y Transferencia de Tecnologa
Agraria Sostenible (INTTAS)
Loma Plata - 1045 / Chaco
C.d.c. 883 Asuncin
Tel: xx 595 (0)918 3150
Fax: xx 595 (0)918 3050
E-Mail: [email protected]

Stosiek, Dieter
Agrosys (Systemas Agropecuarios para el Chaco)
Filadelfia 578 / Chaco
Casilla de Correo 984
Asuncin 9300
Tel: xx 595 (0)91 2132
E-Mail: [email protected]

[The profile was prepared in 2001; minor editing was done by J.M. Suttie and S.G. Reynolds in
November 2001 and S.G. Reynolds further modified the profile in May 2006.]

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