Front Runner 2 Lesson Plan

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10th A Grade – 2nd Language, 2 classes per week

Textbook: Front Runner 2, Corint
Topic: Democracy – 3rd Type Conditionals and Mixed ones
Vocabulary area: Words and structures related to fashion
Skills: Speaking, English in Use, Writing
 to provide a meaningful situation for Ss to use specific vocabulary related to
 to provide a situational context for Ss in order to notice verbal structures to
express conditional actions;
 to grasp the rule of forming and the meaning of various verbal structures with
 to understand the use of 3rd Type and Mixed Conditionals;
 to use the sequence of tenses in the appropriate way.
Assumptions: I assume that Ss have already been exposed to Zero, 1 st and 2nd
Conditionals and will be able to establish a logical sequence of what
they have already assimilated.
Class profile: These Ss are 10th graders and have already got used to English
grammar structures and vocabulary.
Teaching aids: Grammar Practice Intermediate – Longman, hand – outs, Students’

Activity 1 – Warm – up
- greetings, absentees, discussion
Aim: to motivate and involve Ss by means of personalization
Interaction: T – Ss
Timing: 2’

Activity 2 – Brainstorming – Freedom and democracy

Aim: - to practice lexical structures related to freedom in situational issues
 T. individualizes the groups using different symbols, provides each group
with a chart and asks Ss to write as many words as they know regarding
freedom and democracy;
 Ss will provide their word list on charts, stick them on the blackboard and read
Interaction: T – Ss, Ss – Ss - Group work
Timing: 4’

Activity 3 – Speaking
Aim: - to provide a situational context for Ss in order to notice the sequence of tenses
in 3rd and Mixed Conditionals
 T. asks Ss here different questions containing three different types of
sequences of tenses:
1. Martin Luther King was one of the famous figures fighting against
racial segregation in America.
If you had been a politician in USA of that time, how would you have
reacted regarding the determination of King’s actions?
2. If you have the absolute power, what would you do about the Republic
of Moldavia?
3. If you were a member of the International Organisation of Human
Rights, what would you have done for the Romanian students in the
Republic of Moldavia?
 Ss will provide answers and write them on the blackboard.
Interaction: T – Ss, Ss – T, Ss - Ss
Timing: 7’

Activity 4
Aim: - to grasp the type of the sequence of tenses in 3rd and Mixed Conditionals.
 T. asks Ss to identify the verb forms and their auxiliaries.
 Ss answer teacher’s questions.
Interaction: T – Ss
Timing: 5’

Activity 5 – Grammar
Aim: - to understand the verbal structures and their use in 3rd and Mixed Conditionals
 T. formulates theoretical ideas providing schemes and ideas for each type of
sequence of tenses.
 Ss take down the notes and interfere, where possible, with their own examples.
Interaction: T – Ss, Ss – T
Timing: 14’

Activity 5 – English in Use

Aim: - to use the new sequence of tenses in the appropriate context.
 T. provides Ss with three exercises of different typology checking
comprehension and using charts, laptop, projector and educational software.
 Ss fulfil the tasks and present the solutions.
Interaction: T – Ss, Ss – Ss - Group work
Timing: 15’

Home Assignment -3’

Using the words on the charts and the three types of sequence discussed, write
five things you would do if you were Bill Gates and comment upon them. The
paragraph should have up to 12 lines.

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