B11. Manajemen Luka Tekan 2017 Ok
B11. Manajemen Luka Tekan 2017 Ok
B11. Manajemen Luka Tekan 2017 Ok
Certified Basic Wound Therapy
In 1995, a horse-riding accident
transformed Christopher Reeve from an
actor indelibly identified with Superman
into a quadriplegic and an outspoken
advocate for the disabled. Ten years
later, Reeve's death from complications
of a bedsore called attention to one of
the most serious problems facing people
with disabilities.
Luka Tekan Kegagalan perawat
Pressure ulcer
Reactive Tissue
hyperemia Perfusion ischemia
Hypoxia become Capillaries Metabolic wastes
Resolves edematous leak because of accumulate
Resolution Increased
In interstitial space
Pressure Shear
Kejadian lembab
luka tekan Faktor
ekstrinik Gesekan
Toleransi Nutrisi
Faktor Oksigenasi
Temperatur kulit
Category/Stage I: Nonblanchable Erythema Category/Stage IV: Full Thickness Tissue Loss
Category/Stage III: Full Thickness Skin Loss Suspected Deep Tissue Injury: Depth Unknown
Tentukan faktor risiko dengan : Braden scale, Norton scale,
Gosnell scale, dll
Hilangkan atau kurangi faktor risikonya : TEKANAN
Edukasi ke klien & keluarga tentang risikonya
Tingkatkan aktivitas dan mobilisasi : buat jadwal reposisi
Gunakan prosedur mengangkat dan menggeser dengan
Tingkatkan status nutrisi
Perhatikan kebersihan kulit
Manajemen inkontinensia
Gunakan bahan pelindung tubuh yang halus atau matres /
cushion yg mengurangi penekanan
SENSORY 1. Completely 2. Very Limited : 3. Slightly 4. No
PERCEPTION : limited : Responds only limited : respond impairment
Respond to unresponsive to painful stimuli but can’t
pressure- communicate
MOISTURE : 1. Constantly 2. Very moist 3. Occasionally 4. Rarely
Degree to moist moist moist
moisture expose
ACTIVITY : 1. Bedfast 2. Chairfast 3. Walks 4. Walks
Degree of occasionally frequently
physical activity
MOBILITY : 1. Completely 2. Very limited 3. Slightly 4.No
Ability to change immobile limited limitation
& control position
NUTRITION : 1. Very poor 2. Probably 3. Adequate 4.
Usual food intake inadequate Excellent
FRICTION : 1. Problem 2. Potential 3. No apparent
Degree of need problem problem
assistance in
Pada skala braden bila didapatkan
rentang skor nilai > 18, maka pasien
tidak beresiko mengalami luka
tekan, tetapi bila skor nilai ≤18,
maka pasien mengalami resiko
terjadi luka tekan.
Lifting dan
reposisi yang
benar dan baik
Buat jadwal
• Pengkajian kulit
• Kebersihan kulit
• Pertahankan kelembaban kulit
Skin Care • Pertahankan temperatur kulit yang stabil
• Optimalkan status nutrisi
• Jadwal mobilisasi
Mechanical • Hindari gesekan dan lipatan
loading & • Kurangi penekanan pada tumit
support • Tingkatkan kegiatan dan mobilisasi
surface • Gunakan “support rurface” yang sesuai
Reposition the individual in such a way that pressure is
relieved or redistributed: When choosing a particular position
for the individual, it is important to assess whether the pressure is
actually relieved or redistributed.
Avoid positioning the individual on bony prominences with
existing non-blanchable erythema: If an individual is positioned
directly onto bony prominences with pre-existing non-blanchable
erythema, the pressure and/or shearing forces sustained will
further occlude blood supply to the skin, thereby worsening the
damage and resulting in more severe pressure ulceration.
Avoid subjecting the skin to pressure and shear forces.
Lift — don’t drag
Use a split leg sling mechanical lift when available to transfer an
individual into a wheelchair or bedside chair when the individual needs
total assistance to transfer.
Do not leave moving and handling equipment under the individual after
use, unless the equipment is specifically designed for this purpose.
Use the 30° tilted side-lying position
Mattress Replacement System Integrated Bed
LENGTH X 0 < 0.3 0.3 – 0.6 0.7 – 1.1 – 2.0 2.1 – 3.0
(in cm2)
6 7 8 9 10 >
3.1 – 4.0 4.1 – 8.0 8.1 – 12.1 –
12.0 24.0
0 1 2 3 Sub-score
None Light Moderate Heavy
0 1 2 3 4 Sub-score
TYPE Epithelial Granulation Necrotic
Closed Slough
Tissue Tissue Tissue
Pressure Ulcer Healing Chart
To monitor trends in PUSH Scores over time
(Use a separate page for each pressure ulcer)
Length x
Tissue Type
PUSH Total
Luka dengan kedalaman
stadium 4
Aplikasi dressing merangsang granulasi
Aplikasi SECONDARY dressing merangsang granulasi
Bryant AR, Nix DP, et al. Acute & chronic wounds current management concepts.
2007. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Mosby elsevier. p. 48-39.
Carville K. Wound care manual. 2007. 5th ed. Western Australia: Silver Chain
Nursing Association. p. 12-8.
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan STIKES Hang Tuah Surabaya Volume 3 Nomer
2/April 2012
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory
Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of
Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide. Emily Haesler (Ed.). Cambridge
Media: Perth, Australia; 2014.
Linnman M. The science of support surface: nomenclature, design for
performance, selection.
Call E, Black J. Using devices for pressure ulcer prevention and treatment. 2016.
Weber State University, Salt Lake City.
Australian Wound Management Association. Pan Pacific Clinical Practice
Guideline for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Injury. Cambridge
Media Osborne Park, WA: 2012.
Kunjungi website