Oyu Tolgoi Oct 2014

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This notice is an integral component of the 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report (2014 OTTR) and should be read

in its entirety and must

accompany every copy made of the 2014 OTTR. The 2014 OTTR has been prepared using the Canadian National Instrument 43-101
Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

The 2014 OTTR has been prepared for Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. (TRQ) by OreWin Pty Ltd (OreWin). The 2014 OTTR is based on
information and data supplied to the authors by TRQ and Oyu Tolgoi LLC (OT LLC). The quality of information, conclusions, and
estimates contained herein are consistent with the level of effort involved in the services of the authors, based on: i) information
available at the time of preparation, ii) data supplied by outside sources, and iii) the assumptions, conditions, and qualifications set
forth in the 2014 OTTR. Each portion of the report is intended for use by TRQ subject to the terms and conditions of its contract with
the authors. Except for the purposes legislated under Canadian provincial and territorial securities law, any other uses of the report,
by any third party, is at that party’s sole risk. The 2014 OTTR is intended to be used by TRQ, subject to the terms and conditions of its
contract with the authors. Recognizing that TRQ has legal and regulatory obligations, the authors have consented to the filing of the
2014 OTTR with Canadian Securities Administrators and its System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR).

Readers are cautioned that actual results may vary from those presented. The factors and assumptions used to develop the
forward-looking information, and the risks that could cause the actual results to differ materially are presented in the body of this
report under each relevant section. The conclusions and estimates stated in the 2014 OTTR are to the accuracy stated in the
2014 OTTR only and rely on assumptions stated in the 2014 OTTR. The results of further work may indicate that the conclusions,
estimates and assumptions in the 2014 OTTR need to be revised or reviewed.

The authors have used their experience and industry expertise to produce the estimates and approximations in the 2014 OTTR.
Where the authors have made those estimates and approximations, they are subject to qualifications and assumptions and it should
also be noted that all estimates and approximations contained in the 2014 OTTR will be prone to fluctuations with time and
changing industry circumstances. The 2014 OTTR should be construed in light of the methodology, procedures and techniques used
to prepare the 2014 OTTR. Sections or parts of the 2014 OTTR should not be read or removed from their original context.

Except for statements of historical fact relating to TRQ, certain statements contained in the 2014 OTTR constitute forward-looking
information, future oriented financial information, or financial outlooks (collectively “forward-looking information”) within the
meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation and “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbour”
provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements and information may be
contained in this document and other public filings of TRQ. Forward-looking information and statements relate to future events or
future performance, reflect current expectations or beliefs regarding future events and are typically identified by words such as
“anticipate”, “could”, “should”, “expect”, “seek”, “may”, “intend”, “likely”, “plan”, “estimate”, “will”, “believe” and similar
expressions suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. These include, but are not limited to, statements
respecting anticipated business activities; planned expenditures; corporate strategies; and other statements that are not historical

Forward-looking statements and information includes statements concerning, among other things, cost reporting in the 2014 OTTR,
production, cost and capital expenditure guidance; development plans for processing resources; the generation of cash flow;
matters relating to proposed exploration and expansion; communications with local stakeholders and community relations;
negotiation and completion of transactions; commodity prices; mineral resources, mineral reserves, realization of mineral reserves,
existence or realization of mineral resource estimates; the development approach, the timing and amount of future production;
timing of studies, announcements and analyses, the timing of construction and development of proposed additional mines and
process facilities; capital and operating expenditures; economic conditions; availability of project financing on terms reasonably
acceptable to OT LLC, Rio Tinto and TRQ; exploration plans and any and all other timing, exploration, development, operational,
financial, budgetary, economic, legal, social, regulatory and political matters that may influence or be influenced by future events
or conditions. Actual results may vary from such forward-looking information for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to risks
and uncertainties disclosed in other TRQ filings at www.sedar.com.

Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information or statements. By their nature, forward-looking
statements involve numerous assumptions, inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, which contribute to the
possibility that the predicted outcomes will not occur. Events or circumstances could cause TRQ’s actual results to differ materially
from those estimated or projected and expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could
cause actual results to differ from these forward-looking statements are included in the “Risk Factors” section in the Company’s
Annual Information Form dated as of March 26, 2014 in respect of the year ended December 31, 2013 (the “AIF”).

Readers are further cautioned that the list of factors enumerated in the “Risk Factors” section of the AIF that may affect future results
is not exhaustive. When relying on TRQ’s forward-looking information and statements to make decisions with respect to TRQ, investors
and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Furthermore, the forward-
looking information and statements herein are made as of the date hereof and TRQ does not undertake any obligation to update
or to revise any of the included forward-looking information or statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or
otherwise, except as required by applicable law. The forward-looking information and statements contained herein are expressly
qualified by the cautionary statement.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx i
Project Name: Oyu Tolgoi

Title: 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report

Location: Omnogovi Aimag, Mongolia

Effective Dates:

Effective Date of Technical Report: 20 September 2014

Effective Date of Mineral Reserve Estimates:

 Southern Oyu Tolgoi 31 December 2013

 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension 20 September 2014

Effective Dates of Mineral Resource Estimates:

 Southern Oyu Tolgoi 19 March 2012

 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension 28 March 2014

 Hugo South 1 November 2003

 Heruga 30 March 2010

Qualified Persons:
Bernard Peters, BEng (Mining), FAusIMM (201743), employed by OreWin Pty Ltd as
Technical Director – Mining, was responsible for the overall preparation of the
2014 Technical Report and, the Mineral Reserve estimates of the 2014 Technical Report.

Sharron Sylvester, BSc (Geol), RPGeo AIG (10125), employed by OreWin Pty Ltd as
Technical Director – Geology, was responsible for the preparation of the Mineral Resources.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx ii
Effective Dates:

Effective Date of 2014 Technical Report: 20 September 2014

Effective Date of Mineral Reserve Estimates:

 Southern Oyu Tolgoi 31 December 2013

 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension 20 September 2014

Effective Dates of Mineral Resource Estimates:

 Southern Oyu Tolgoi 19 March 2012

 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension 28 March 2014

 Hugo South 1 November 2003

 Heruga 30 March 2010

Overall Preparation of the Technical Report and Mineral Reserve Estimates

/s/ Bernard Peters, BEng (Mining), FAusIMM (201743), Technical Director – Mining
OreWin Pty Ltd

Mineral Resources
/s/ Sharron Sylvester, BSc (Geol), RPGeo AIG (10125), Technical Director – Geology
OreWin Pty Ltd

140032014OTTRrev0.docx iii
1 SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Project Overview and Development .................................................................................. 1
1.2 Qualified Persons..................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Project Location and Ownership ......................................................................................... 7
1.4 Mineral Resource .................................................................................................................. 10
2014 CuEq Formula Derivation ....................................................................................... 11
1.5 Mineral Reserves ................................................................................................................... 19
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Open Pit Mineral Reserve ............................................... 19
Hugo North Underground Mineral Reserve ................................................................. 19
1.6 Economic Analysis ................................................................................................................ 22
Key Assumptions ............................................................................................................... 22
Investment Agreement (IA) and Taxation Assumptions ........................................... 22
Operating Assumptions ................................................................................................... 24
2014 Reserve Case Project Results ................................................................................ 24
1.7 Government and Community Relations .......................................................................... 29
1.8 Infrastructure .......................................................................................................................... 30
1.9 Power ...................................................................................................................................... 30
1.10 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ............................................................... 30
1.11 Water Management ............................................................................................................ 32
1.12 Open Pit Mining ..................................................................................................................... 32
1.13 Underground Mining ............................................................................................................ 34
1.14 Exploration.............................................................................................................................. 35
1.15 Human Resources and Training Strategy ......................................................................... 36
1.16 Occupational Health, Hygiene, and Safety .................................................................... 36
1.17 Concentrator ......................................................................................................................... 37
1.18 Concentrate Shipment and Handling .............................................................................. 37
1.19 Future Work ............................................................................................................................ 38
Underground Restart Planning and Execution ........................................................... 38
Tailings Storage Facility .................................................................................................... 38
Power Supply Determination .......................................................................................... 38
Innovation and Technology Opportunities ................................................................. 38
Water Permit ...................................................................................................................... 39
Alternative Production Cases ........................................................................................ 39

140032014OTTRrev0.docx iv
2 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 41
2.1 Issuer for Whom Report Prepared ...................................................................................... 41
2.2 Terms of Reference and Purpose of Report .................................................................... 41
2.3 Units of Measure and Currency ......................................................................................... 41
2.4 Sources of Information and Study Participants ............................................................... 41
2.5 Personal Site Inspections ..................................................................................................... 41
3 RELIANCE ON OTHER EXPERTS ...................................................................................................... 42
4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION .................................................................................. 43
4.1 Property Ownership and Boundaries ................................................................................ 43
4.2 Investment Agreement (IA) ................................................................................................ 47
Funding and Taxation ...................................................................................................... 47
Environmental Impacts .................................................................................................... 51
4.3 Rio Tinto Agreements ........................................................................................................... 54
4.4 Shivee Tolgoi Property .......................................................................................................... 55
4.5 Foreign Investment Regulation .......................................................................................... 56
Socio-Economic Impacts ................................................................................................ 57
Cultural Heritage Management Plan ........................................................................... 57
Community Policy, Planning, Consultation, and Engagement ............................... 58
5.1 Topography, Elevation, and Vegetation ......................................................................... 59
Topography and Elevation ............................................................................................. 59
5.2 Property Access .................................................................................................................... 59
Property Access – General ............................................................................................. 59
Property Access – Protected Areas .............................................................................. 60
5.3 Regional Population Centres and Infrastructure ............................................................ 60
5.4 Climate and Length of Operating Season ...................................................................... 60
Climate and Operating Season .................................................................................... 60
Data Sources ..................................................................................................................... 61
Air Temperature ................................................................................................................ 61
Relative Humidity .............................................................................................................. 61
Ground Temperature ....................................................................................................... 61
Solar Radiation .................................................................................................................. 62
Precipitation....................................................................................................................... 62
Thunderstorms and Lightning ......................................................................................... 63
Evaporation ....................................................................................................................... 63

140032014OTTRrev0.docx v
Wind Loading and Dust Generation ............................................................................. 64
5.5 Site Infrastructure and Local Resource Considerations ................................................ 64
Power .................................................................................................................................. 64
Water................................................................................................................................... 65 Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality ............................................................... 66
Site Infrastructure .............................................................................................................. 66
Other ................................................................................................................................... 67 Land Use ......................................................................................................................... 67 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................. 67 Ongoing Work ............................................................................................................... 68 Closure and Reclamation ........................................................................................... 68 Seismic Zone and Risk .................................................................................................. 69
6 HISTORY............................................................................................................................................. 70
6.1 Project Exploration History ................................................................................................... 70
Oyu Tolgoi Licence ........................................................................................................... 70
Joint Venture Licences .................................................................................................... 71
6.2 History of the Renegotiation of Mining Agreements in Mongolia ............................... 72
7 GEOLOGICAL SETTING AND MINERALISATION .......................................................................... 74
7.1 Geological Setting ................................................................................................................ 74
Deposit Model ................................................................................................................... 74 Geological Setting ....................................................................................................... 74 Mineralisation ................................................................................................................ 76 Alteration ........................................................................................................................ 76 Applicability of the Model to Oyu Tolgoi ................................................................. 77
Regional Geology ............................................................................................................ 79
District Geology................................................................................................................. 81 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 81 Sedimentary Lithologies .............................................................................................. 84 Intrusive Rocks ............................................................................................................... 84 Structure ......................................................................................................................... 87
8 DEPOSIT TYPES ................................................................................................................................. 91
8.1 Mineral Deposits .................................................................................................................... 91
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Deposit ................................................................................ 93 Southwest Zone ............................................................................................................. 94 Far South ......................................................................................................................... 97

140032014OTTRrev0.docx vi South Zone ..................................................................................................................... 97 Wedge ............................................................................................................................ 99 Central Zone ................................................................................................................100 Bridge Zone ..................................................................................................................103 West Zone.....................................................................................................................104
Hugo Dummett Deposits ...............................................................................................104 Hugo South ..................................................................................................................104 Hugo North ..................................................................................................................107 Hugo North Extension.................................................................................................111
Heruga ..............................................................................................................................111
Exploration Potential ......................................................................................................112 Heruga North ...............................................................................................................112 Javkhlant ......................................................................................................................112 Hugo West Shallow .....................................................................................................112 Hugo West ....................................................................................................................113 Deep Targets ...............................................................................................................113 Future Exploration Strategy .......................................................................................113
9 EXPLORATION ................................................................................................................................114
9.1 Fundamental Data .............................................................................................................114
Grids and Surveys ...........................................................................................................114
9.2 Imaging.................................................................................................................................114
9.3 Geological Mapping .........................................................................................................115
Surface Mapping ............................................................................................................115
Underground Mapping .................................................................................................115
9.4 Structural Studies .................................................................................................................116
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) ............................................................................................116
Hugo Dummett ...............................................................................................................118
Heruga ..............................................................................................................................121
9.5 Geochemical Surveys ........................................................................................................122
9.6 Geophysics...........................................................................................................................124
Oyu Tolgoi Licence .........................................................................................................124
Joint Venture Licences ..................................................................................................126
9.7 Trenching ..............................................................................................................................126
9.8 Petrology, Mineralogy, and Other Research Studies ...................................................126
Research Studies .............................................................................................................127

140032014OTTRrev0.docx vii
10 DRILLING .........................................................................................................................................128
10.1 Drill Programmes .................................................................................................................128
10.2 Drill Orientations ..................................................................................................................128
10.3 Drill Contractors ...................................................................................................................129
10.4 Core Diameters ...................................................................................................................132
10.5 Core Transport .....................................................................................................................132
10.6 Geological Logging ...........................................................................................................132
10.7 Recoveries and Rock Quality Designation ....................................................................133
10.8 Collar Surveys .......................................................................................................................134
10.9 Downhole Surveys ...............................................................................................................134
10.10 Core Storage .......................................................................................................................135
11 SAMPLE PREPARATION, ANALYSES AND SECURITY .................................................................136
11.1 Sampling Methods ..............................................................................................................136
Geochemical Sampling ................................................................................................136
Core Sampling ................................................................................................................136
Dry Bulk Density Determinations...................................................................................137
11.2 Analytical Laboratories ......................................................................................................140
11.3 Sample Preparation ...........................................................................................................141
11.4 Analytical Methods ............................................................................................................142
11.5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Methods ........................................................144
QA/QC Programme Outline.........................................................................................144
Standard Reference Materials .....................................................................................145
Blanks ................................................................................................................................145
Duplicate Samples .........................................................................................................146
Sample Security ..............................................................................................................146
11.6 Databases ............................................................................................................................147
12 DATA VERIFICATION .....................................................................................................................148
12.1 External Reviews 2002–2012 ..............................................................................................148
12.2 TRQ Reviews 2011–2012 .....................................................................................................148
13 MINERAL PROCESSING AND METALLURGICAL TESTING .........................................................150
13.1 Summary ...............................................................................................................................150
13.2 Evaluation of Testwork and Process Modelling .............................................................150
Grinding Capacity and Flotation Feed Size Modelling ...........................................150
Validation of the Minnovex Comminution Predictions ...........................................153

140032014OTTRrev0.docx viii
13.3 Sample Spatial Representation and Selection Criteria ...............................................154
Southwest Zone ...............................................................................................................155
Sampling of Other Reserve Case Orebodies ............................................................155 Central Zone ............................................................................................................158
Geostatistical Analysis of Hugo North Comminution Dataset ...............................159
13.4 Mineralogy ...........................................................................................................................160
Availability and Volume of Testwork Conducted ....................................................165 Variability Testwork .................................................................................................166 Effect of Processing Variables on Flotation .......................................................168 Flotation Capacity Modelling ..............................................................................170 Thickening and Filtration Capacity .....................................................................172
Metallurgical Predictions ...............................................................................................172 Payable Metal Recoveries ...................................................................................172 Penalty Element Mineralogy, Control and Economic Impact ......................174
13.5 Concentrate Production, Payable Penalty and Minor Elements ..............................177
Markets and Product Specification ............................................................................184
13.6 Future Work ..........................................................................................................................187
14 MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATES ..................................................................................................188
14.1 Mineral Resource Estimation .............................................................................................188
Databases ........................................................................................................................188
Geological and Grade Shell Models ..........................................................................188
Grade Capping and Evaluation of Outlier/Extreme Grades ................................192 Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) ....................................................................................192 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension ..............................................................195 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................196 Heruga ......................................................................................................................196
Composites ......................................................................................................................196
Exploratory Data Analysis ..............................................................................................197 SOT.............................................................................................................................198 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension ..............................................................198 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................199 Heruga ......................................................................................................................199
Estimation Domains ........................................................................................................199 SOT.............................................................................................................................199 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................200

140032014OTTRrev0.docx ix Hugo North and Hugo North Extension ..............................................................200 Heruga ......................................................................................................................203
Variography .....................................................................................................................203 SOT.............................................................................................................................203 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension ..............................................................208 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................215 Heruga ......................................................................................................................215
Model Setup ....................................................................................................................215 General ....................................................................................................................215 SOT.............................................................................................................................216 Hugo North and Hugo North Extension ..............................................................220 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................233 Heruga ......................................................................................................................233
Results of Estimation .......................................................................................................234
Model Validation ............................................................................................................242 SOT.............................................................................................................................242 Hugo North ..............................................................................................................245 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................247 Heruga ......................................................................................................................247
Mineral Resource Confidence Classification ............................................................248
14.2 Assessment of Reasonable Prospects for Economic Extraction ................................249
Copper Equivalence Formula ......................................................................................249 2014 Formula Derivation .......................................................................................249 Applicability Check ...............................................................................................254
Derivation of Cut-off Grades ........................................................................................256
Reasonable Prospects for Eventual Economic Extraction......................................256 Open Pit Mineral Resources Constraints ............................................................257 SOT Underground Mineral Resource Constraints .............................................257 Hugo North and Hugo South Mineral Resource Constraints..........................259
14.3 Tabulating Mineral Resources ..........................................................................................259
Mineral Resource Confidence Classification ............................................................259 Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) ....................................................................................260 Hugo North ..............................................................................................................260 Hugo South ..............................................................................................................261 Heruga ......................................................................................................................261

140032014OTTRrev0.docx x
14.4 Mineral Resource Statement ............................................................................................261
14.5 Factors That Could Affect the Mineral Resource Estimates .......................................264
14.6 Reconciliation with 2013 Mineral Resources ..................................................................264
15 MINERAL RESERVE ESTIMATES ......................................................................................................266
15.1 Mineral Reserve ...................................................................................................................266
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Open Pit Mineral Reserve .............................................269
Hugo North Underground Mineral Reserve ...............................................................270
Key Mining Assumptions ................................................................................................273
Reconciliation with 2013 OTTR Reserves .....................................................................274
Reserve Depletion ..........................................................................................................277
US SEC Industry Guide 7.................................................................................................278 Bankable Study .......................................................................................................278 Test Price for Commodities ...................................................................................279 Primary Environmental Analysis Submission .......................................................279
Mongolian Commercial Minerals ................................................................................281
16 MINING METHODS ........................................................................................................................282
16.1 Open Pit Mining ...................................................................................................................282
Open Pit Geotechnical .................................................................................................282 Geotechnical Assessment ....................................................................................283 Design Criteria .........................................................................................................285 Hydrogeological Assessment ...............................................................................286 Geotechnical Hazards ..........................................................................................289 3D Numerical Modelling .......................................................................................290 Pit Slope Design Considerations ..........................................................................290 Current Geotechnical Programmes ...................................................................291
Open Pit Mine Plan .........................................................................................................294 Mining Model ..........................................................................................................294 Pit Optimisation .......................................................................................................295 Pit Phase Selection .................................................................................................296 Mine Design .............................................................................................................296 Open Pit Mining Inventory Summary ..................................................................298 Open Pit Operation and Equipment ..................................................................298 Labour ......................................................................................................................299 Mining Equipment ..................................................................................................300 Drilling and Blasting ................................................................................................300

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xi Loading ....................................................................................................................302 Waste Dump and Stockpile Design ....................................................................303 Open Pit Mine Dewatering ...................................................................................305
16.2 Underground Mining ..........................................................................................................306
Introduction .....................................................................................................................306 Overview ..................................................................................................................306 Site Actuals ..............................................................................................................308
Geotechnical Conditions and Design........................................................................309 Overview ..................................................................................................................309 Subsidence ..............................................................................................................309 Rock Mechanics .....................................................................................................310 Caveability and Fragmentation ..........................................................................311 Mining Layout ..........................................................................................................311 Undercut Level ........................................................................................................314 Extraction Level .......................................................................................................315 Haulage Level .........................................................................................................317 Ground Control Methods/Support Regimes .....................................................318
Mine Design .....................................................................................................................320 Mining Method........................................................................................................320 Design Summary .....................................................................................................320 Mine Access ............................................................................................................322 Lateral Development ............................................................................................322 Mass Excavation .....................................................................................................326 Surface Facilities .....................................................................................................327
Ore Handling Design ......................................................................................................328
Development Rock Handling .......................................................................................331
Mine Services and Support Infrastructure Design .....................................................331 Mine Ventilation ......................................................................................................331 Production Area Ventilation .................................................................................333 Dust Management .................................................................................................334 Heating .....................................................................................................................334 Permanent Infrastructure Design .........................................................................335 Mine Services...........................................................................................................337
Development and Construction Schedule ...............................................................337 Milestones ................................................................................................................337

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xii Development Schedule ........................................................................................338
Equipment Fleet ..............................................................................................................340 Mobile Equipment ..................................................................................................340 Fixed Equipment .....................................................................................................341 Personnel ..................................................................................................................342 Training .....................................................................................................................344
16.3 Mining Production Schedules ...........................................................................................344
Scheduling Assumptions ................................................................................................344
Underground Production Schedule ............................................................................345
Open Pit Production Schedule ....................................................................................346
Processing Schedule ......................................................................................................348
17 RECOVERY METHODS ...................................................................................................................353
17.1 Summary ...............................................................................................................................353
17.2 Concentrator Production 2013-2014 ...............................................................................353
17.3 Metallurgical Parameters ..................................................................................................354
Concentrator Capacity Constraints ...........................................................................355
Timing ................................................................................................................................356
Blended Processing of Underground and Open Pit Ores .......................................356
Reserve Production Schedule ......................................................................................357
17.4 Mass Balance ......................................................................................................................360
17.5 Process Design Criteria ......................................................................................................362
Design Factors .................................................................................................................369
Equipment Supply ...........................................................................................................370
17.6 Process Description.............................................................................................................370
Overview ..........................................................................................................................370
Reagent and Grinding Media Storage and Supply ................................................374
Raw Water Supply ..........................................................................................................377
Process Water ..................................................................................................................377
Water Balance ................................................................................................................377
Concentrator Power ......................................................................................................379
18 INFRASTRUCTURE ...........................................................................................................................381
18.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................381
18.2 Power Demand, Distribution, and Supply ......................................................................383
Introduction .....................................................................................................................383
Power Demand ...............................................................................................................383

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xiii
Standby and Emergency Loads ..................................................................................385
Power Distribution ...........................................................................................................385 220 kV Overhead Line Systems and Substations ..............................................385 35 kV Infrastructure Power Supply .......................................................................385
Power Supply ...................................................................................................................386 Current Power Supply ............................................................................................386 Oyu Tolgoi Diesel Power Station ..........................................................................386 Future Power Supply ..............................................................................................386
18.3 Site Access ...........................................................................................................................387
Airport ...............................................................................................................................387
Access Roads ..................................................................................................................388 Internal Access Roads ...........................................................................................388
OT–GSK Road ..................................................................................................................388 General Description ...............................................................................................388 Road Maintenance ...............................................................................................390 Link to Border Facilities...........................................................................................390 Customs Bonded Zone and Marshalling Yard ..................................................390
Rail Considerations .........................................................................................................390
18.4 Mine Site Infrastructure ......................................................................................................391
General Site Development ...........................................................................................391
Accommodation Strategy and Camp Management Plan ...................................391 Introduction .............................................................................................................391 Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Camp .......................................................................393 Other Camp Facilities ............................................................................................395 Manlai Camp ..........................................................................................................397 Javkhlant Camp .....................................................................................................397 Khanbogd Camp ...................................................................................................398 Erchim Camp ..........................................................................................................398
Open Pit Truck Shop Complex .....................................................................................399 General ....................................................................................................................399
Mine Dry............................................................................................................................399
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Systems ...............................400 Introduction .............................................................................................................400 Communications Backbone ................................................................................400 Voice-Over-Internet Protocol...............................................................................401

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xiv Access Control System ..........................................................................................401 Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) System ...........................................................401 Fire Alarm System....................................................................................................401 Cable Television System ........................................................................................402 Underground Controls and Communications System ....................................402
Other Support Facilities and Utilities ............................................................................402 Operations Warehouse .........................................................................................402 Medical Centre ......................................................................................................402 Fire Station................................................................................................................403 Central Heating Plant ............................................................................................403 Underground Utility Services .................................................................................405 Raw Water System .................................................................................................405 Firewater System .....................................................................................................405 Domestic Water System ........................................................................................406 Sanitary Sewer System ...........................................................................................406 Return Water System ..............................................................................................407 Waste Disposal Facilities ........................................................................................407 Fuel Storage.............................................................................................................407 Core Storage Facility .............................................................................................407 Toyota Workshop ....................................................................................................407 Fencing .....................................................................................................................407
18.5 Water Conservation, Water Balance, and Water Demand.......................................408
Raw Water .......................................................................................................................408
Water Conservation .......................................................................................................408
Water Balance ................................................................................................................409
Water Demand ...............................................................................................................410
Groundwater Resources ...............................................................................................411
Gunii Hooloi Aquifer .......................................................................................................412 Main (Deep) Aquifer ..............................................................................................413 Streambed Aquifer System ...................................................................................413 Aquifer Water Quality ............................................................................................413 Aquifer Drawdown .................................................................................................414 Aquifer Yield ............................................................................................................415
Water Treatment and Bottling Plant ...........................................................................415 Water Storage and Pump Station .......................................................................415

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xv Potable Water .........................................................................................................415
Wastewater Systems ......................................................................................................415
18.6 Temporary Construction Facilities ....................................................................................415
Construction Camps ......................................................................................................415
Construction Water Supply ...........................................................................................416
Construction Warehouse ..............................................................................................416
Batch Plants .....................................................................................................................416
18.7 Tailing Storage Facility........................................................................................................416
Introduction .....................................................................................................................416
Design Studies .................................................................................................................417
Current Status ..................................................................................................................418
Design Criteria and Design Basis..................................................................................419 Design Tonnages ....................................................................................................419 Tailings Characteristics ..........................................................................................421 Embankment Borrow Material .............................................................................421
Description of Feasibility Design ...................................................................................422 Facility Layout .........................................................................................................422 Dam Structures ........................................................................................................425 Material Quantities and Take-offs .......................................................................426 Water Management ..............................................................................................430
Future Work ......................................................................................................................431
18.8 Innovation and Technology Opportunities....................................................................432
Project Monitoring and Optimisation..........................................................................432
Process Technology .......................................................................................................433
Underground Technology .............................................................................................433 Operating Systems and Technologies ...............................................................433 Data Management ...............................................................................................434 Geotechnical Research .......................................................................................434 Extraction Level Construction ..............................................................................435 Cave Production ....................................................................................................435 Cave Monitoring.....................................................................................................435
19 MARKETING ....................................................................................................................................436
19.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................436
19.2 Product Specifications .......................................................................................................436
Chinese Impurities Tolerance Levels ...........................................................................437

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xvi
19.3 Supply and Demand Forecasts........................................................................................438
Refined Copper Consumption.....................................................................................439
Global Copper Smelting Capacity .............................................................................439
19.4 Marketing Strategy – Overview ........................................................................................439
19.5 Logistics .................................................................................................................................440
20.1 Legal and Policy Framework ............................................................................................441
20.2 Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System .........................................441
20.3 Environmental and Social Baseline .................................................................................442
20.4 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment .............................................................443
Future Project Elements not Directly Addressed in the ESIA ...................................445
Scope of Impact on Communities and Community Members .............................445
Cumulative Impacts .......................................................................................................445
20.5 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures ........................................................446
Climate and Air Quality .................................................................................................446
Noise and Vibration........................................................................................................447
Water Resources .............................................................................................................448
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ...........................................................................449 Mitigation Measures ...............................................................................................450
Land Use and Displacement ........................................................................................452 Project Land Requirements ..................................................................................452 Summary of Residual Impacts to Land Use .......................................................452
Heritage ............................................................................................................................453 Summary of Impacts to Cultural Heritage .........................................................453
20.6 Environmental and Social Management Plans ............................................................454
20.7 Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Planning .........................................................455
Progressive Rehabilitation .............................................................................................455
Closure Planning .............................................................................................................456
Post-closure Monitoring .................................................................................................457
20.8 Water Management ..........................................................................................................457
Water Conservation .......................................................................................................457
Ongoing Work Programmes .........................................................................................458
21 CAPITAL AND OPERATING COSTS ..............................................................................................459
21.1 Capital Costs .......................................................................................................................459
Summary ...........................................................................................................................459

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xvii
Scope of Estimate...........................................................................................................460 Project Execution Plan ...........................................................................................460 Underground Mining ..............................................................................................461 Shafts.........................................................................................................................461 Concentrator Conversion .....................................................................................462 Infrastructure Expansion ........................................................................................462 EPCM Services .........................................................................................................462 Owner’s Costs .........................................................................................................463 Exclusions .................................................................................................................463
Estimate Assumptions .....................................................................................................463
Currency and Commodity Rates ................................................................................464
Sustaining Capital ...........................................................................................................465 Tailings Storage Facility Construction .................................................................465 Underground Sustaining capital ..........................................................................466 Infrastructure Sustaining Capital .........................................................................467
Contingency ....................................................................................................................467 Mine Closure ............................................................................................................467
Sustaining Capital Contingency ..................................................................................467 Open Pit ...................................................................................................................467 Underground ...........................................................................................................467 Concentrator ..........................................................................................................468 Infrastructure ...........................................................................................................468 Geoscience .............................................................................................................468 General and Administration .................................................................................468
21.2 Operating Costs ..................................................................................................................468
Summary ...........................................................................................................................468
Estimate Methodology ..................................................................................................469
Open Pit ............................................................................................................................470
Underground Operating Costs ....................................................................................470
Concentrator ...................................................................................................................471
Infrastructure Operating Costs .....................................................................................472
General and Administrative .........................................................................................473

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xviii
22 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................474
22.1 Key Assumptions ..................................................................................................................474
Investment Agreement and Taxation Assumptions .................................................474
22.2 Operating Assumptions .....................................................................................................476
22.3 Project Results – 2014 Reserve Case ...............................................................................476
22.4 Comparison to 2013 OTTR .................................................................................................486
22.5 Reserve Case Production Sensitivity................................................................................487
23 ADJACENT PROPERTIES ................................................................................................................492
24 OTHER RELEVANT DATA AND INFORMATION ...........................................................................493
24.1 Alternative Production Cases ...........................................................................................493
24.2 Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................................497
25 INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................499
25.1 Mineral Resource ................................................................................................................499
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Zones .................................................................................499
Hugo South Deposit........................................................................................................500
Hugo North Deposit ........................................................................................................500
Current Resource Estimation ........................................................................................501
Heruga Deposit ...............................................................................................................501
25.2 Mineral Reserve ...................................................................................................................503
25.3 Alternative Production Cases ...........................................................................................503
25.4 Concentrator .......................................................................................................................503
25.5 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................504
25.6 Water .....................................................................................................................................504
26 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................................................505
26.1 Alternative Production Cases ...........................................................................................505
26.2 Power Supply Determination ............................................................................................505
26.3 Water Permit ........................................................................................................................506
26.4 Concentrate Marketing ....................................................................................................506
26.5 Socio-economic Aspects of Mine Closure Plan ............................................................507
26.6 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................507
26.7 Documentation and File Management .........................................................................507
26.8 Future Strategies..................................................................................................................508
26.9 Concentrator .......................................................................................................................508
26.10 Infrastructure ........................................................................................................................509
Tailings Storage Facility ..................................................................................................509

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xix
27 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................................511
27.1 References ...........................................................................................................................511
27.2 Glossary of Symbols and Units ..........................................................................................512
27.3 Glossary of Abbreviations and Terms ..............................................................................514

Table 1.1 2014 Reserve Case Summary Production and Financial Results ............................. 4
Table 1.2 SOT – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based on
Average Grades ............................................................................................................. 12
Table 1.3 Hugo North – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based
on Average Grades ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 1.4 Hugo North Extension – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and
Calculation based on Average Grades .................................................................... 14
Table 1.5 Hugo South – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based
on Average Grades ....................................................................................................... 15
Table 1.6 Heruga – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based on
Average Grades ............................................................................................................. 16
Table 1.7 Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Resource Summary, 21 September 2014................................. 18
Table 1.8 Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ..................................................... 20
Table 1.9 Mineral Reserve Reconciliation 2014 OTTR and 2013 OTTR..................................... 21
Table 1.10 Economic Assumptions .................................................................................................. 22
Table 1.11 2014 Reserve Case Financial Results ........................................................................... 25
Table 1.12 2014 Reserve Case C1 Cash Costs .............................................................................. 25
Table 1.13 2014 Reserve Case Operating Costs and Revenues ............................................... 26
Table 1.14 2014 Reserve Case Total Project Capital Cost .......................................................... 27
Table 1.15 2014 Reserve Case After Tax Metal Price Sensitivity ................................................ 29
Table 1.16 Major Pre-Production Milestones ................................................................................. 35
Table 4.1 Contiguous Properties of the Project Area ................................................................ 43
Table 4.2 Boundary Coordinates of Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licence 6709A ................................ 46
Table 4.3 Exploration and Mining Licence Annual Maintenance Costs ............................... 46
Table 4.4 Details of Shivee Tolgoi Joint Venture Property ........................................................ 55
Table 5.1 Monthly Temperatures (°C) Based on Bayan Ovoo Data ...................................... 61
Table 5.2 Monthly Relative Humidity ............................................................................................ 61
Table 5.3 Design Soil Freezing Depths .......................................................................................... 62
Table 5.4 Rainfall Intensities (mmph) ............................................................................................ 62
Table 5.5 Rainfall Summary (mm) ................................................................................................. 63
Table 5.6 Design Evaporation Data .............................................................................................. 63
Table 5.7 Maximum One-Hour Wind Speeds (m/s) at Bayan Ovoo ...................................... 64
Table 5.8 Frequency of Dust Storms in the Gobi Desert ............................................................ 64
Table 7.1 Major Units of the Alagbayan Formation ................................................................... 85
Table 7.2 Major Units of the Sainshandhudag Formation ........................................................ 86

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xx
Table 7.3 Major Intrusive Rock Units .............................................................................................. 87
Table 7.4 Major Structures ............................................................................................................... 88
Table 9.1 Geochemical Sampling Totals, Joint Venture Area ..............................................122
Table 9.2 Soil Sampling ..................................................................................................................123
Table 10.1 Drillhole Summary Table ..............................................................................................130
Table 10.2 Summary of Average Drilling Recoveries .................................................................134
Table 11.1 Number of Density Measurements for Each Deposit .............................................137
Table 11.2 Bulk Density Values by Lithology ................................................................................139
Table 13.1 Number of Comminution Samples per Orebody ...................................................155
Table 13.2 Minnovex Comminution Test Result Density for Reserve Case Orebodies ........156
Table 13.3 Comparison of Mean Values for Hugo North Comminution Indices ..................159
Table 13.4 New Flotation Composite Selections for Hugo North ............................................165
Table 13.5 New Flotation Composite Selections for Central Zone .........................................166
Table 13.6 Optimum Primary Grind Size for Each Ore Type (P80, µm) ....................................168
Table 13.7 Base Data Template 31 – Copper Recovery ..........................................................173
Table 13.8 Base Data Template 31 – Gold Recovery................................................................173
Table 13.9 Base Data Template 31 – Silver Recovery ................................................................174
Table 13.10 Base Data Template 31 – Copper Assay in Concentrate ....................................174
Table 13.11 Plant Grinding Throughput Rates ...............................................................................174
Table 13.12 Base Data Template 31 – Arsenic and Fluorine in Concentrate .........................175
Table 13.13 Non-payable, Non-penalty Component Analyses Based on 5.0 kt
Shipments .......................................................................................................................183
Table 14.1 Database Close-off Dates ..........................................................................................188
Table 14.2 Surfaces and Lithology Solids in Geological Models, ............................................189
Table 14.3 Fault Surfaces in Geological Models ........................................................................190
Table 14.4 Grade Shell Construction Parameters ......................................................................191
Table 14.5 Domain Codes ..............................................................................................................192
Table 14.6 Outlier Restrictions/Grade Caps – SOT Deposit ......................................................193
Table 14.7 Grade Caps Applied to Cu, Au, and Ag Grade Domains –
Hugo North Area ...........................................................................................................195
Table 14.8 Outlier Restrictions (High Yield Restrictions) Applied to Cu, Au, and Ag
Grade Domains – Hugo North Area ..........................................................................195
Table 14.9 Outlier Restrictions/Grade Caps  Hugo South .......................................................196
Table 14.10 Outlier Restrictions/Grade Caps  Heruga ..............................................................196
Table 14.11 Hugo North Intra-Domain Boundary Contacts – Copper .....................................201
Table 14.12 Hugo North Intra-Domain Boundary Contacts – Gold ..........................................202
Table 14.13 Copper Correlogram Model Parameters by Domain ...........................................204
Table 14.14 Gold Correlogram Model Parameters by Domain ................................................206
Table 14.15 Copper Correlogram Parameters, Outside 0.6% Cu Grade Shell,
Hugo North .....................................................................................................................209
Table 14.16 Copper Correlogram Parameters, Inside 0.6% Cu Grade Shell and
Outside 1.0% Cu Grade Shell, Hugo North...............................................................210
Table 14.17 Copper Correlogram Parameters, Inside 1.0% Cu Grade Shell,
Hugo North .....................................................................................................................211

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxi
Table 14.18 Copper Correlogram Parameters, Inside BiGd, Hugo North................................212
Table 14.19 Gold Correlogram Parameters, Outside 0.3 g/t Au Grade Shell,
Hugo North .....................................................................................................................213
Table 14.20 Gold Correlogram Parameters, Inside 0.3 g/t Au Grade Shell and Outside
1.0 g/t Grade Shell, Hugo North.................................................................................213
Table 14.21 Gold Correlogram Parameters, Inside 1.0 g/t Au Grade Shell, Hugo North .....214
Table 14.22 Gold Correlogram Parameters, Inside BiGd, Hugo North .....................................214
Table 14.23 Search Parameters for Cu, As, and Mo Estimations – SOT ....................................218
Table 14.24 Search Parameters for Au and Ag Estimations – SOT ............................................219
Table 14.25 Copper Search Parameters, Outside 0.6% Cu Grade Shell, Hugo North ..........221
Table 14.26 Copper Search Parameters, Inside 0.6% Cu Grade Shell and Outside 1.0%
Cu Grade Shell, Hugo North .......................................................................................223
Table 14.27 Copper Search Parameters, Inside 1.0% Cu Grade Shell, Hugo North ..............226
Table 14.28 Copper Search Parameters, Inside BiGd, Hugo North ..........................................228
Table 14.29 Gold Search Parameters, Outside 0.3 g/t Au Grade Shell, Hugo North ............229
Table 14.30 Gold Search Parameters, Inside 0.3 g/t Au Grade Shell and Outside
1.0 g/t Grade Shell, Hugo North.................................................................................230
Table 14.31 Gold Search Parameters, Inside 1.0 g/t Au Grade Shell, Hugo North ................231
Table 14.32 Gold Search Parameters, Inside BiGd, Hugo North ...............................................232
Table 14.33 SOT Deposit – Grade and Tonnage Calculations at Variable Copper
Equivalent Cut-off Grades (Open Pit reported >0.22% CuEq Cut-off and
Underground reported >0.37% CuEq Cut-off) ........................................................235
Table 14.34 Hugo North – Grade and Tonnage Calculations at Variable Copper
Equivalent Cut-off Grades ..........................................................................................236
Table 14.35 Hugo North Extension – Grade and Tonnage Calculations at Variable
Copper Equivalent Cut-off Grades ...........................................................................238
Table 14.36 Hugo South – Grade and Tonnage Calculations at Variable Copper
Equivalent Cut-off Grades ..........................................................................................240
Table 14.37 Heruga – Grade and Tonnage Calculations at Variable Copper
Equivalent Cut-off Grades ..........................................................................................241
Table 14.38 Global Model Mean Grade Values by Domain in Each Zone (NN vs. OK
Estimates) .......................................................................................................................244
Table 14.39 Global Model Mean Grade Values by Domain in Each Zone (NN vs. OK
Estimates) .......................................................................................................................245
Table 14.40 SOT – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based on
Average Grades ...........................................................................................................250
Table 14.41 Hugo North – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based
on Average Grades .....................................................................................................251
Table 14.42 Hugo North Extension – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and
Calculation based on Average Grades ..................................................................252
Table 14.43 Hugo South – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based
on Average Grades .....................................................................................................253
Table 14.44 Heruga – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation based on
Average Grades ...........................................................................................................254

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxii
Table 14.45 Hugo North – Copper Equivalence Assumptions and Calculation using
2003 Price and Recovery Assumptions .....................................................................255
Table 14.46 Comparison of Revenue Ratios .................................................................................256
Table 14.47 Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Resource Summary, 21 September 2014...............................263
Table 14.48 Mineral Resource Reconciliation 2014 OTTR and 2013 OTTR ................................265
Table 15.1 Total Oyu Tolgoi 2014 Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ................................267
Table 15.2 OT LLC Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ......................................268
Table 15.3 EJV Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ................................................................269
Table 15.4 Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Open Pit Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ......270
Table 15.5 Total Hugo North Underground Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ..............271
Table 15.6 OT LLC Hugo North Underground Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 ...........272
Table 15.7 EJV Hugo North Underground Mineral Reserve, 20 September 2014 .................273
Table 15.8 Mineral Reserve Reconciliation 2014 OTTR and 2013 OTTR...................................275
Table 15.9 EJV Mineral Reserve Reconciliation 2014 OTTR and 2013 OTTR ...........................276
Table 15.10 Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Mineral Reserve 30 June 2014 ....................................277
Table 15.11 Reserve Depletion 31 December 2013 to 30 June 2014 .......................................277
Table 15.12 Ore Mined and Stockpiles ...........................................................................................277
Table 15.13 Survey and Reserve Model Reporting Reconciliation ...........................................278
Table 15.14 Metal Price Summary ...................................................................................................279
Table 16.1 Rock Hardness in Open Pit Area ................................................................................283
Table 16.2 Recommended IRAs for Geotechnical Domains...................................................287
Table 16.3 Summary of Geotechnical Recommendations for Domains in Weathered
Zone .................................................................................................................................289
Table 16.4 Base Data Template 31 (BDT31).................................................................................295
Table 16.5 Summary of Total Material by Pit Phases..................................................................298
Table 16.6 Open Pit Equipment Time-Use Categories ..............................................................299
Table 16.7 Open Pit Mining Equipment in Service .....................................................................300
Table 16.8 Preliminary Drill and Blast Design ...............................................................................301
Table 16.9 Loading Unit Production ..............................................................................................302
Table 16.10 Ultimate Open Pit Waste Dump and Stockpile Capacities..................................305
Table 16.11 In Situ Stress Regime .....................................................................................................311
Table 16.12 Development Quantities .............................................................................................321
Table 16.13 Shaft Station Elevations and Depth...........................................................................326
Table 16.14 Planned Mass Excavations for Hugo North Lift 1 ....................................................327
Table 16.15 Ventilation Flow Summary ...........................................................................................332
Table 16.16 Underground Mine Maintenance Shops..................................................................336
Table 16.17 Major Pre-Production Milestones ...............................................................................338
Table 16.18 Development Rate Summary .....................................................................................339
Table 16.19 Main C2S Decline Development Rates ....................................................................339
Table 16.20 Mobile Equipment Replacement Life .......................................................................341
Table 16.21 Workforce Make-up .....................................................................................................342
Table 16.22 Mining Schedule Parameters .....................................................................................345
Table 16.23 Summary of Pre-Production Milestones ....................................................................345

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxiii
Table 16.24 Production Schedule ...................................................................................................351
Table 17.1 Base Data Template 31 – Copper Recovery ..........................................................354
Table 17.2 Base Data Template 31 – Gold Recovery................................................................354
Table 17.3 Base Data Template 31 – Silver Recovery ................................................................354
Table 17.4 Base Data Template 31 – Copper in Concentrate ................................................354
Table 17.5 Base Data Template 31 – Arsenic and Fluorine in Concentrate .........................355
Table 17.6 Plant Throughput Rates................................................................................................355
Table 17.7 Ramp-up Profiles for Phase 1 and Phase 2 ..............................................................358
Table 17.8 Comparison of Concentrator Conversion Design Criteria and OTFS14
Reserve Peak Values ....................................................................................................359
Table 17.9 Correlations Used in Mass Balance Model ..............................................................361
Table 17.10 Primary Grind and Regrind Target Size Ranges ......................................................365
Table 17.11 Flotation Cell Design Criteria ......................................................................................367
Table 17.12 Concentrate Thickening and Storage Design Criteria ..........................................368
Table 17.13 Design Factors for Concentrator Conversion Equipment .....................................369
Table 17.14 Recommended Reagent Inventories and Delivery Methods ..............................375
Table 18.1 Summary of Infrastructure Facilities by Phase .........................................................381
Table 18.2 Peak Power Demand (MW) and Energy Consumption (GWh) ...........................384
Table 18.3 On-Site Operations Staffing ........................................................................................391
Table 18.4 Construction Manpower .............................................................................................392
Table 18.5 Accommodations Inventory.......................................................................................393
Table 18.6 Accommodation at SOT Camp ................................................................................395
Table 18.7 Accommodation at SOT Camp Expansion .............................................................396
Table 18.8 Accommodation at Manlai Camp ...........................................................................397
Table 18.9 Accommodation at Javkhlant Camp......................................................................397
Table 18.10 Accommodation at Khanbogd Camp....................................................................398
Table 18.11 Accommodation at Erchim Camp ...........................................................................398
Table 19.1 Specifications for Major Components of Oyu Tolgoi Concentrate ....................436
Table 19.2 Chinese National Impurities Tolerances ...................................................................438
Table 20.1 Baseline and Core DEIA Studies for Oyu Tolgoi ......................................................444
Table 20.2 Supplementary DEIA studies for Oyu Tolgoi .............................................................444
Table 21.1 Total Project Capital Cost– 2014 Reserve Case ......................................................460
Table 21.2 Currency Conversion Rates ........................................................................................464
Table 21.3 Major Commodity Pricing ...........................................................................................464
Table 21.4 2014 Reserve Case Operating Costs ........................................................................469
Table 22.1 Economic Assumptions ................................................................................................474
Table 22.2 2014 Reserve Case Financial Results .........................................................................477
Table 22.3 2014 Reserve Case Mining Production Statistics .....................................................477
Table 22.4 2014 Reserve Case C1 Cash Costs ............................................................................479
Table 22.5 2014 Reserve Case Operating Costs and Revenues .............................................480
Table 22.6 Total Project Capital Cost– 2014 Reserve Case ......................................................483
Table 22.7 After Tax Metal Price Sensitivity – 2014 Reserve Case............................................484
Table 22.8 After Tax Silver Price Sensitivity – 2014 Reserve Case .............................................484

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxiv
Table 22.9 2014 Reserve Case Cash Flow....................................................................................485
Table 22.10 2014 Reserve 140 Case Financial Results .................................................................489
Table 22.11 2014 Reserve 140 Case C1 Cash Costs ....................................................................489
Table 22.12 2014 Reserve 140 Case Operating Costs and Revenues ......................................490
Table 27.1 Table of Symbols and Units .........................................................................................512
Table 27.2 Table of Abbreviations and Terms .............................................................................514

Figure 1.1 Oyu Tolgoi Projected Long Section ............................................................................... 1

Figure 1.2 2014 Reserve Case Mining Areas ................................................................................... 2
Figure 1.3 Oyu Tolgoi Development Options ................................................................................. 7
Figure 1.4 Project Location ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 1.5 Oyu Tolgoi and Surrounding Licences .......................................................................... 9
Figure 1.6 Idealised Profile of Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT), Hugo Dummett, and
Heruga Deposits (Section Looking West) ................................................................... 17
Figure 1.7 2014 Reserve Case Processing ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 1.8 2014 Reserve Case Concentrate and Metal Production ....................................... 28
Figure 1.9 Open Pit Phase Designs ................................................................................................. 33
Figure 1.10 Hugo North Lift 1 Mine Design Projection ................................................................... 34
Figure 1.11 Isometric of Mine Design ............................................................................................... 35
Figure 1.12 Basic Oyu Tolgoi Flowsheet – Phase 1......................................................................... 37
Figure 1.13 Alternative Production Cases Mining Areas .............................................................. 40
Figure 4.1 Oyu Tolgoi Land Tenure ................................................................................................. 45
Figure 5.1 Power Northern China Grid .......................................................................................... 65
Figure 7.1 Schematic Section of Porphyry-Copper Deposit ..................................................... 75
Figure 7.2 Schematic Section Showing Typical Alteration Assemblages ............................... 77
Figure 7.3 Regional Setting, Gurvansaikhan Terrane ................................................................. 80
Figure 7.4 Regional Structural Setting, Gurvansaikhan Terrane ............................................... 80
Figure 7.5 Project Stratigraphic Column ....................................................................................... 82
Figure 7.6 Project Geology Plan ..................................................................................................... 83
Figure 8.1 Idealised Long Section (looking west) ........................................................................ 91
Figure 8.2 Deposit Layout Plan........................................................................................................ 92
Figure 8.3 Schematic Plan of SOT Deposit Showing Major Zones ............................................ 93
Figure 8.4 Geology Plan, SOT Area ................................................................................................ 95
Figure 9.1 Fault Locations and Orientations (2011 Interpretation) ........................................117
Figure 9.2 Hugo North Progression of Fault Models 2007-2014 ...............................................119
Figure 9.3 Hugo North Fault Locations 2014 ...............................................................................120
Figure 9.4 Summary Plan, Surface Copper Geochemical Anomalies .................................124
Figure 13.1 Correlation between SPI and MBI for Central Zone Comminution Samples.....151
Figure 13.2 Cumulative Frequency Distributions of SAG Power Index, Modified Bond
Index, TPUT, and P80 of Flotation Feed at 100% through Phase 1 Circuits ..........152
Figure 13.3 Flotation Feed P80..........................................................................................................153

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxv
Figure 13.4 Sample Locations for New Hugo North Samples Compared to Previous
Comminution Samples (in red) ..................................................................................157
Figure 13.5 Sample Locations for Central Zone Comminution Samples ................................158
Figure 13.6 Correlation between SPI and MBI for Central Zone Comminution Samples.....159
Figure 13.7 Presentation of QEMSCAN Results for 20 Hugo North Composites .....................161
Figure 13.8 Presentation of QEMSCAN Results – 12 Central Zone Composites .....................164
Figure 13.9 Sample Locations for Central Zone Flotation Composites – Plan View .............167
Figure 13.10 Sample Elevations for Central Zone Flotation Composites – Section .................168
Figure 13.11 Aminpro Modelled Size/Recovery Relationships – Southwest Zone Ore ...........171
Figure 13.12 Fluorine Recovery and Mass Yield to Concentrate – Hugo North and
Southwest Zone Locked-Cycle Correlation vs. Central Zone Ore Batch
Test ...................................................................................................................................175
Figure 13.13 Arsenic in Feed and Concentrate – Central Zone Ore .........................................177
Figure 13.14 Arsenic to Copper Ratios in Feed and Concentrate – Central Zone Ore .........177
Figure 13.15 Concentrate Production Volumes, 2012–2040, MP2014 .......................................178
Figure 13.16 Assays of Major Payable Metals in Concentrate, 2014–2044...............................179
Figure 13.17 Fluorine Content Compared to Penalty and Rejection Limits (MP2014) ...........181
Figure 13.18 Arsenic Content Compared to Penalty and Rejection Limits (MP2014) ............182
Figure 13.19 Projected Arsenic in Concentrate ............................................................................185
Figure 13.20 Projected Fluorine in Concentrate ............................................................................186
Figure 14.1 Copper Grade Shells and Gold Grade Shells – Hugo North, and Hugo
North Extension ..............................................................................................................203
Figure 14.2 SOT Deposit – Grade–Tonnage Curves at Various Copper Equivalent
Cut-off Grades (Open Pit reported >0.22% CuEq Cut-off and
Underground reported >0.37% CuEq Cut-off) ........................................................236
Figure 14.3 Hugo North – Grade–Tonnage Curves at Various Copper Equivalent
Cut-off Grades ..............................................................................................................237
Figure 14.4 Hugo North Extension – Grade–Tonnage Curves at Various Copper
Equivalent Cut-off Grades ..........................................................................................239
Figure 14.5 Hugo South – Grade–Tonnage Curves at Various Copper Equivalent
Cut-off Grades ..............................................................................................................240
Figure 14.6 Heruga – Grade–Tonnage Curves at Various Copper Equivalent Cut-off
Grades ............................................................................................................................241
Figure 14.7 Comparison of Hugo North Kriged Nearest Neighbour Cu Estimates
(uncapped) and 5 m Cu Composites with Depth (Va+Ign+Qmd+BiGd) .........246
Figure 14.8 Comparison of Hugo North Kriged Nearest Neighbour Au Estimates
(uncapped) and 5 m Au Composites with Depth (Va+Ign+Qmd+BiGd) .........247
Figure 14.9 Projected Plan View (looking upwards from below) of SOT MII Pit showing
Shapes used to Constrain SOT Zone Underground Resources ............................258
Figure 16.1 Fault Zones in the Open Pit Area ...............................................................................284
Figure 16.2 Inter-Ramp Pit Slope Angle .........................................................................................286
Figure 16.3 2013 Geotechnical Drilling Programme ...................................................................292
Figure 16.4 Open Pit Phase Designs ...............................................................................................297
Figure 16.5 Open Pit Labour Profile ................................................................................................299
Figure 16.6 Number of Haul Trucks Required ...............................................................................302

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxvi
Figure 16.7 Waste Dump Designs ...................................................................................................304
Figure 16.8 Cross-section Showing Dump Design Geometry ....................................................304
Figure 16.9 Open Pit Dewatering System......................................................................................305
Figure 16.10 Hugo North Lift 1 Mine Design Projection .................................................................307
Figure 16.11 Isometric of Mine Design .............................................................................................307
Figure 16.12 Annual Tonnage Profile for Underground Mine ......................................................308
Figure 16.13 Subsidence Predictions from Modelling ...................................................................310
Figure 16.14 Footprint Layout and Current Development in Relation to Major Faults ...........312
Figure 16.15 Illustration of Panel 0 – Panel 1 Boundary ................................................................314
Figure 16.16 Undercut and Cave Front ...........................................................................................315
Figure 16.17 Extraction Level Layout Parameters ..........................................................................316
Figure 16.18 Cave Section along Extraction Drift ..........................................................................316
Figure 16.19 Illustration of ‘Y’ Orepass Arrangement ...................................................................318
Figure 16.20 Lift 1 Mine Design ..........................................................................................................321
Figure 16.21 Summary of Feasibility Study Mine Design ...............................................................323
Figure 16.22 Cross-Section through Production Levels .................................................................324
Figure 16.23 Underground Conveying System Layout – Conveyor to Surface .......................329
Figure 16.24 Underground Conveying System Layout – Crusher Stations and Shaft 2 ..........330
Figure 16.25 Shafts and Ventilation Raises ......................................................................................332
Figure 16.26 Ventilation Build-up and Consumption by Activity ................................................333
Figure 16.27 Extraction Level Ventilation ........................................................................................333
Figure 16.28 Haulage Level Exhaust Connection..........................................................................334
Figure 16.29 Shaft 2 Loadout Exhaust Connection .......................................................................335
Figure 16.30 Development Metre Build-up .....................................................................................340
Figure 16.31 Mobile Equipment Fleet by Main Category ............................................................341
Figure 16.32 Underground National and Expatriate Personnel ..................................................343
Figure 16.33 Underground Production Schedule ..........................................................................346
Figure 16.34 Total Open Pit Material Movement Including Re-handle .....................................347
Figure 16.35 Open Pit Ore Processed ..............................................................................................347
Figure 16.36 Ore Processing and Grade by Ore Type .................................................................348
Figure 16.37 Concentrate Production by Ore Type .....................................................................349
Figure 16.38 Recovered Copper Production .................................................................................349
Figure 16.39 Recovered Gold Production ......................................................................................350
Figure 16.40 Recovered Silver Production ......................................................................................350
Figure 17.1 Life-of-Mine Ore Production Schedule ‒ OTFS14 Reserve Case ..........................357
Figure 17.2 Final Concentrate Production Schedule ‒ OTFS14 Reserve Case ......................359
Figure 17.3 MP2014 Flotation Feed P80 with Ball Mill 5.................................................................364
Figure 17.4 Comparison of MP08v2 and MP2014 – Ore Delivery .............................................365
Figure 17.5 Comparison of MP08v2 and MP2014 – Concentrate Production .......................366
Figure 17.6 Basic Oyu Tolgoi Flowsheet – Phase 1.......................................................................371
Figure 17.7 Overall Block Diagram on Completion of Phase 2 ................................................373
Figure 17.8 Location of New Facilities Relative to Phase 1 Installation ...................................374

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxvii
Figure 17.9 Comparison of Water Balance Model and Plant Data, June 2013 –
April 2014 ........................................................................................................................378
Figure 17.10 Seasonal Raw Water Demand ...................................................................................379
Figure 18.1 Annual Diversified Peak Demand Growth (MW) ....................................................384
Figure 18.2 Road from Oyu Tolgoi Site to Mongolia-China Border ..........................................389
Figure 18.3 Total Combined On-site Personnel ............................................................................392
Figure 18.4 Existing SOT and Manlai Camps .................................................................................394
Figure 18.5 SOT Camp Expansion ...................................................................................................396
Figure 18.6 Central Heating Plant General Arrangement .........................................................403
Figure 18.7 Peak Heat Loads and Heating System Capacity ..................................................404
Figure 18.8 Fire Protection Pump Zones ........................................................................................406
Figure 18.9 Simplified Site Water Balance.....................................................................................410
Figure 18.10 Location of Regional Aquifers ....................................................................................412
Figure 18.11 Aquifer Drawdown (40 years, base case conditions) ...........................................414
Figure 18.12 Cumulative Tailings Production for Cells 1 and 2 ...................................................420
Figure 18.13 Annual Tailings Production Rate over Mine Life ......................................................420
Figure 18.14 General TSF Arrangement of Cell 1 and Cell 2 (KCB, 2011) .................................424
Figure 18.15 TSF – Typical Reclaim Pond Section (KCB, 2011) .....................................................427
Figure 18.16 Golder Decant Pond Cross-Section Compared to 2011 KCB design
(Golder, 2013) ................................................................................................................428
Figure 18.17 Wet (upper) and Dry (lower) Sections for the TSF (Golder, 2013)........................429
Figure 18.18 Previous (KCB 2011) and Current Embankment Quantities by Year ..................430
Figure 22.1 2014 Reserve Case Processing ...................................................................................478
Figure 22.2 2014 Reserve Case Concentrate and Metal Production .....................................478
Figure 22.3 2014 Reserve Case Cumulative Cash Flow .............................................................482
Figure 22.4 NPV Comparison 2013 OTTR and 2014 OTTR ...........................................................486
Figure 22.5 2014 Reserve 140 Case Processing ............................................................................487
Figure 22.6 2014 Reserve 140 Case Concentrate and Metal Production ..............................488
Figure 22.7 2014 Reserve 140 Case Cumulative Cash Flow ......................................................491
Figure 24.1 Oyu Tolgoi Development Options .............................................................................493
Figure 24.2 Alternative Production Cases Mining Areas ............................................................494
Figure 24.3 Alternative Production Case A ..................................................................................495
Figure 24.4 Alternative Production Case B ...................................................................................496
Figure 24.5 Alternative Production Case C ..................................................................................497

140032014OTTRrev0.docx xxviii
The Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project (Oyu Tolgoi) is located in the Southern Gobi region
of Mongolia and is being developed by Oyu Tolgoi LLC (OT LLC). Oyu Tolgoi consists of a
series of deposits containing copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum. The deposits lie in a
structural corridor where mineralisation has been discovered over 26 km strike length. The Oyu
Tolgoi deposits stretch over 12 km, from the Hugo North deposit in the north through the
adjacent Hugo South, down to the Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) deposit and extending to the
Heruga deposit in the south as shown in Figure 1.1.

The series of deposits contain an estimated Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of
46.8 billion pounds of contained copper and 25.3 million ounces of contained gold and an
estimated Inferred Mineral Resource of 51.5 billion pounds of contained copper and
36.0 million ounces of contained gold. The Oyu Tolgoi trend is still open to the north and south
and the deposits have not been closed off at depth.

OT LLC is 66% owned by Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd (TRQ) and 34% owned by Erdenes OT LLC.
Rio Tinto plc (Rio Tinto) owns 51% of TRQ and Erdenes OT LLC is owned by the Government of
Mongolia (GOM). Rio Tinto is also the appointed manager of Oyu Tolgoi.

This report, the 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report (2014 OTTR), was prepared by Independent
Qualified Persons (QPs), acting on behalf of TRQ and is a summary of the Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility
Study 2014, July 2014 (OTFS14) prepared by OT LLC. OTFS14 has been presented to the board
of directors of OT LLC and submission to the Minerals Council of Mongolia remains subject to
approval by the OT LLC board. The 2014 OTTR is based on a review of the latest technical,
production and cost information prepared by OT LLC and is based on feasibility level study
work complying with Canadian National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral
Projects (NI 43-101). The 2014 OTTR meets the standards of US SEC Industry Guide 7
requirements for reporting Mineral Reserves.

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The 2014 Reserve Case assumes processing of 1.5 billion tonnes of ore, mined from the
SOT Open Pit and the first Lift in the Hugo North underground block cave. The mining areas
included in the 2014 Reserve Case are shown schematically in Figure 1.2.

Over time, there is expected to be multiple investment decisions made for Oyu Tolgoi and an
evaluation of each development option, as and when it is required, ensuring that the
commitments it makes represent the optimum use of capital to develop Oyu Tolgoi for

The initial investment decision was made in 2010 to construct the SOT Open Pit mine, a
100 ktpd concentrator and supporting infrastructure. These facilities are complete and the
operation has commenced commercial production. Processing operations have been in
production since December 2012, commercial production was achieved in September 2013,
and first concentrate exported in October 2013.

Part of the initial investment decision included continued investment into the development of
the Hugo North underground mine in parallel with mining the open pit. Lift 1 of Hugo North is
the most significant value driver for the project and plans for its further development are now
at a feasibility stage. The current investment decision for OT LLC is the continued
development of the underground mine in parallel with initial open pit operations.

To support the continued underground development programme, OT LLC in conjunction with

Rio Tinto and TRQ, has been advancing a project financing package with a group of
international banks. The different ore types at Oyu Tolgoi have different throughput rates in
the concentrator and 100 ktpd is the nominal capacity based on average processing rates.

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In August 2013, development of the underground mine was delayed to allow matters with the
GOM to be resolved. Further underground development is subject to resolution of
shareholder issues including the tax dispute , approval of OTFS14 by Oyu Tolgoi’s shareholders
and acceptance by the Mongolian Minerals Council, agreement of a comprehensive
funding plan including project finance, and receipt of all necessary permits. The project
financing is subject to the unanimous approval of the OT LLC Board of Directors, which
includes representatives from the GOM.

This delay has in turn postponed the timing of decisions relating to any expansions of the
operations. The 2014 OTTR production estimates assumed early works recommenced in
Q3’14, this has been delayed. This has yet to occur as of the date of the 2014 OTTR.

The project scope for the 2014 OTTR and evaluation of Mineral Reserves matches that of the
project financing. A summary of the production and financial results for the 2014 Reserve
Case are shown in Table 1.1

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 3 of 519

2014 Reserve Case
Description Units
Mineral Reserves
Total Processed bt 1.5
Cu Grade % 0.85
Au Grade g/t 0.32
Ag Grade g/t 1.94
Copper Recoverable Billion lb 24.9
Gold Recoverable Moz 11.9
Silver Recoverable Moz 78.0
Life Years 41
Expansion Capital US$B 4.9
NPV8% After Tax US$B 7.43
IRR After Tax % 29%
Payback Period Years 9
1. NPV8% is Net Present Value (NPV) at a rate of 8.0%.
2. IRR is Internal Rate of Return.
3. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows:
long-term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at $1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz.
The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining
and treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate
transport, metallurgical recoveries and royalties.
4. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net
Smelter Returns were copper at $3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at
$20.37/oz. For the open pit processing and general administration, the
following operating costs have been used to determine cut-off grades:
Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground costs are based on
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell
have been converted to Mineral Reserves. This includes low grade
Indicated Mineral Resources. It also includes Inferred Mineral Resources,
which have been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution. The SOT
Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at
1 January 2014. It does not include stockpiles.
6. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven
Mineral Reserves and only Indicated Mineral Resources were used to
report Probable Mineral Reserves. For Hugo North Measured and
Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral
7. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral
8. Economic analysis has been calculated from the start of 2015 and
exclude 2014. Costs shown are real costs not nominal costs. Expansion
capital includes only direct project costs and does not include non-cash
shareholder interest, management payments, tax pre-payments, forex
adjustments, or exploration phase expenditure.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 4 of 519

Major updates to the project status since the 2013 OTTR was completed and plans for Q4’14
 An updated Mineral Resource model and estimate for the Hugo North deposit. The
updated Mineral Resource estimate is similar to and confirms the previous estimates
contained in the 2013 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report dated as of March 25, 2013
(2013 OTTR). Mineral resource models for the other Oyu Tolgoi deposits have remained
the same.
 Updated Mineral Reserves estimates are broadly in line with previous estimates. The open
pit allows for depletion during 2013 and modified underground dilution and mining loss
assumptions resulting in lower grades and mining recovery.
 Underground ore handling will now be conveyed to surface via decline, which opens
Oyu Tolgoi to additional production flexibility and future optionality for increased
production. The new mine plan will make use of the existing shafts and the planned
shafts that were defined in the 2013 OTTR. OT LLC have indicated that the primary
advantage of the decline is that it will provide an upside opportunity to take advantage
of potential improved productivity and increased production from Lift 1, or early access
to a block cave on Hugo South.
 Although Project NPV has been reduced the primary causes were the delay (NPV8%
US$0.8 billion) and more cautious cave performance assumptions, which led to a
reduction in recovered metal and a slowing of ramp-up of the cave (NPV8%
US$1.5 billion).
 Underground block cave mine production remains at 95 ktpd.
 The plant rate for both cases is the current nominal 100 ktpd.
 Expansion capital of US$4.9 billion for the underground project, which is in line with the
US$5.1 billion estimate contained in the 2013 OTTR (excludes US$0.5 billion of capital
spent in 2013 and 2014).
 Signing of a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM in August 2014
has reset the timing obligation under the Investment Agreement (IA), which required that
power sources from within Mongolia be secured within four years, while the opportunity
for the establishment of an independent power provider (IPP) at Tavan Tolgoi is studied.
OT LLC has retained the right to construct a power station at Oyu Tolgoi.
 Oyu Tolgoi has a large Mineral Resource providing management with flexibility in
studying alternative paths for mine development to match future economic conditions.
Ongoing planning work using Inferred resources has identified the potential for further

The 2014 OTTR uses updated Mineral Resources for the Hugo North deposit and the Mineral
Resources for SOT, Hugo South and Heruga remain the same as previously published. The
overall strategy for the development of Oyu Tolgoi remains the same as it has been in
previous studies.

The 2014 OTTR includes Mineral Resources from the Oyu Tolgoi project (wholly owned by
OT LLC) and Entrée Joint Venture (EJV) licence areas. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the
Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée Gold Inc. (Entrée). The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the
Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive 80% of cash
flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above
this depth.

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Four deposits have been identified in the Mineral Resources at Oyu Tolgoi; they are SOT, Hugo
South, Hugo North, and Heruga. Hugo South and Hugo North comprise the Hugo Dummett
deposit. Heruga is a separate deposit south of the SOT deposit. The mine planning work to
date suggests the following relative ranking for overall return from each deposit, from highest
value to lowest:
 Hugo North
- Southwest Zone
- Central Zone
 Hugo South
 Heruga

Currently and in the initial years the predominant source of ore is the SOT Open Pit. In parallel
to this surface works, underground infrastructure, and mine development is ongoing for the
Hugo North underground block cave. Stockpiling allows the higher grade ore from Hugo
North to gradually displace the open pit ore as the underground production ramps-up to
reach 95 ktpd.

Ore is processed through the existing concentrator using conventional crushing, grinding, and
flotation circuits. The concentrate produced is trucked to smelters and traders in China.

Oyu Tolgoi is a remote greenfields project and extensive infrastructure has been constructed
in addition to the concentrating facilities. The major initial infrastructure elements include:
 Water Borefields;
 Water Treatment;
 Housing;
 Airstrip;
 Supporting Facilities, and
 Power.

Development of the entire resource is the objective of all stakeholders and over the life of
Oyu Tolgoi, OT LLC will continue to progress their understanding of these resources and
ultimately make decisions on development of the entire resource. The overall strategy for the
development of Oyu Tolgoi remains the same as it has been in previous studies.

Oyu Tolgoi’s large resource base represents outstanding opportunities for production
expansion. Figure 1.3 shows an example of the decision tree for the possible development
options at Oyu Tolgoi. This has been updated to include options that take advantage of
productivity improvements in plant throughput that have begun to be recognised in the
process plant. The decision tree shows options assuming that continuous improvements in
plant productivity are achieved over the next five years. Then there would be key decision
points for plant expansion and the development of new mines at Hugo North Lift 2, Hugo
South, and eventually Heruga. This provides an opportunity as OT LLC will have the benefit of
incorporating actual performance of the operating mine into the study before the next
investment decisions are required. OT LLC plans to continue to evaluate alternative

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production cases in order to define the relative ranking and timing requirements for overall
development options.

The following Qualified Persons (QPs) were responsible for the preparation of the 2014 OTTR:
 Bernard Peters, BEng (Mining), FAusIMM (201743), employed by OreWin Pty Ltd as
Technical Director – Mining, was responsible for the overall preparation of the report and
the Mineral Reserve estimates.
 Sharron Sylvester, BSc (Geol), RPGeo AIG (10125), employed by OreWin Pty Ltd as
Technical Director – Geology, was responsible for the preparation of the
Mineral Resources.

The majority of the identified mineralisation at Oyu Tolgoi occurs within the Oyu Tolgoi Licence
at the Hugo Dummett and SOT deposits. OT LLC holds its rights to the Oyu Tolgoi through
mining licence 6709A (OT Licence), comprising approximately 8,496 ha of property. The GOM
granted the OT Licence to IMMI (now OT LLC) in 2003 along with mining licences for three
properties identified as mining licences 6708A, 6710A, and 6711A. Subsequently,
licence 6711A has been relinquished.

The OT Licence includes the right to explore, develop mining infrastructure and facilities, and
conduct mining operations on Oyu Tolgoi. In 2006, the Mongolian Parliament passed new
mining legislation and changed the term of mining licences to a 30-year term with two
20-year extensions. Figure 1.4 shows the location of Oyu Tolgoi regionally relative to the
Mongolian-Chinese border. Figure 1.5 shows the deposits and licence boundaries.

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OT LLC has an economic interest in ML 15225A (Javkhlant) and 15226A (Shivee Tolgoi)
pursuant to an Equity Participation and Earn-in Agreement with Entrée (as amended in 2005).
This agreement contemplates the establishment of a joint venture between the parties that
provides for OT LLC to hold legal title in ML 15225A and 15226A, subject to the terms of the
agreement, and to OT LLC meeting prescribed earn-in expenditures. While a JV has not been
formed, the earn-in requirements have been met, and OT LLC’s participating interest in the
joint venture (including the licences) will be:
 In respect of the proceeds from mining from the surface to 560 m below the surface,
70%, and
 In respect of the proceeds from mining from depths beneath 560 m, 80%.

The vast majority of the identified mineralisation for the project occurs at the Hugo Dummett
and SOT deposits within Oyu Tolgoi Licence. The northernmost extension of the
Hugo Dummett deposit (Hugo North) crosses onto the Shivee Tolgoi Property. The Heruga
deposit lies, almost entirely within the Javkhlant Property, with only the northern extreme
passing into ML 6709A. There are numerous exploration targets across ML 6708A, 6709A,
6710A, 15225A, and 15226A.

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The OT Licence property was surveyed by an independent consultant in 2002 and by a
qualified Mongolian Land Surveyor in 2004 to establish the legal boundaries of the OT Licence

On 8 June 2011, the GOM passed Resolution 175, the purpose of which is to authorise the
designation of certain land areas for “State special needs” within certain defined areas in
proximity to Oyu Tolgoi. These State special needs areas are to be used for infrastructure
facilities necessary in order to implement the development and construction of major mineral
projects, including Oyu Tolgoi.

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Most of the areas designated for special needs are already subject to existing mineral
exploration and mining licences issued by the GOM to third parties and, in certain cases, a
Mineral Resource has been declared and registered with the applicable governmental
authorities in respect of such licenses. OT LLC has entered into certain consensual
arrangements with some of the affected third parties; however, such arrangements have not
been completed with all affected third parties. If OT LLC cannot enter into consensual
arrangements with an affected third party and such third party’s rights to use and access the
subject land area are adversely affected by application of Resolution 175, the GOM will be
responsible for compensating such third parties in accordance with the mandate of
Resolution 175.

It is not clear at this time whether the GOM will expect some of the compensation necessary
to be paid to such third parties to be borne by OT LLC or if it will assume that obligation alone.
It is also expected, but not yet formally confirmed by the GOM, that any consensual
arrangements effected with affected third parties by OT LLC will make the application of
Resolution 175 unnecessary.

To the extent that consensual arrangements are not entered into with affected third parties
and the GOM seeks contribution or reimbursement from OT LLC for compensation it provides
such third parties, the amount of such contribution or reimbursement is not presently
quantifiable and may be significant. The description of Resolution 175 has been provided by
OT LLC and has been relied on under Item 3 of NI 43-101 Reliance on Other Experts.

The total Mineral Resources for Oyu Tolgoi are shown in Table 1.7. A profile of Oyu Tolgoi
deposits are shown in Figure 1.6.

Mongolia has its own system for reporting Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources. OT LLC
registered a Mineral Reserve with the GOM in 2009. A key difference between the two
standards is the classification of material contained in Hugo North Lift 2, Hugo South, and
Heruga under Mongolian standards as reserves. This contrasts to the Canadian National
Instrument (NI) 43-101 definitions, which include only SOT and Hugo North Lift 1 in the Mineral
Reserve category.

The base case copper equivalent (CuEq) cut-off grade assumptions for each deposit were
determined using cut-off grades applicable to mining operations exploiting similar deposits.
The CuEq cut-off applied for the underground was 0.37% CuEq and the CuEq cut-off applied
to the open pit was 0.22% CuEq.

In order to assess the value of the total suite of minerals of economic interest in the mineral
inventory, formulae have been developed to calculate copper equivalency (CuEq) based
on given prices and metallurgical recovery factors.

The initial formula used to calculate the copper equivalent (CuEq) grade was developed in
2003 for Hugo North and SOT. There have been numerous variants on the formulae used since
that time.

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The 2014 copper equivalence formulae incorporate copper, gold, and silver, and also
molybdenum for Heruga. The assumed metal prices are $3.01/lb for copper, $1,250/oz for
gold, $20.37/oz for silver, and $11.90/lb for molybdenum.

Copper estimates are expressed in the form of percentages (%), gold and silver are
expressed in grams per tonne (g/t), and molybdenum is expressed in parts per million (ppm).

Metallurgical recovery for gold, silver, and molybdenum are expressed as a percentage
relative to copper recovery.

The unit conversions used in the calculation are as follows:

g/t to oz/t = 31.103477
lb/kg = 2.20462
tonne to lb = 2204.62
g/t to tonne = 1x10–6

This leads to a base formula of:

CuEq14 = Cu + ((Au x AuRev) + (Ag x AgRev) + (Mo x MoRev)†) / CuRev
† Mo and MoRev are only incorporated into CuEq calculations for Heruga

CuRev = (3.01 x 22.0462)
AuRev = (1,250 / 31.103477 x RecAu)
AgRev = (20.37 / 31.103477 x RecAg)
MoRev = (11.90 x 0.00220462 x RecMo)
RecAu = Au Recovery / Cu Recovery
RecAg = Ag Recovery / Cu Recovery
RecMo = Mo Recovery / Cu Recovery

Different metallurgical recovery assumptions lead to slightly different copper equivalent

formulas for each of the deposits; these are outlined in the following tables for SOT, Hugo
North, Hugo North Extension, Hugo South, and Heruga. In all cases, the metallurgical recovery
assumptions are based on metallurgical testwork. For SOT, actual mill performance has been
used to further refine the recovery assumptions over the life-of-mine. Recoveries are relative
to copper because copper contributes the most to the equivalence calculation.

All elements included in the copper equivalent calculation have a reasonable potential to
be recovered and sold, except for molybdenum. Molybdenum grades are only considered
high enough to support construction of a molybdenum recovery circuit for Heruga
mineralisation; hence the recoveries of molybdenum are assumed to be zero for the other

Copper equivalence assumptions and calculations for the various deposits are shown in
Table 1.2 to Table 1.6.

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.794 0.704 0.754 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.887 0.949 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.537 35.63

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 0.45 0.45 29.86
Grade of


Au Grade 0.31 0.166 11.05

Ag Grade 1.23 0.012 0.76
Mo Grade 0 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 0.45 0.31 1.23 0. 0.628 41.67

From Table 1.2 above, the base formula is adjusted for SOT as follows:
CuEq14(SOT) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.887) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.92 0.83 0.86 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.906 0.941 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.549 36.43

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.66 1.66 110.16
Grade of


Au Grade 0.34 0.187 12.38

Ag Grade 3.37 0.031 2.08
Mo Grade 27.43 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.66 0.34 3.37 27.43 1.878 124.62

From Table 1.3 above, the base formula is adjusted for Hugo North as follows:
CuEq14(HN) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.906) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.941)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 13 of 519

Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.92 0.84 0.86 0.00
Recovery Relative to Cu 1.00 0.913 0.942 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.553 36.69

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.59 1.59 105.51
Grade of


Au Grade 0.55 0.304 20.18

Ag Grade 3.72 0.035 2.29
Mo Grade 25.65 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.59 0.55 3.72 25.65 1.929 127.98

From Table 1.4 above, the base formula is adjusted for Hugo North Extension as follows:
CuEq14(HNE) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.913) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.942)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 14 of 519

Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.89 0.81 0.85 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.909 0.945 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.551 36.54

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.07 1.07 71.00
Grade of


Au Grade 0.06 0.033 2.19

Ag Grade 2.07 0.019 1.28
Mo Grade 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.07 0.06 2.07 1.122 74.48

From Table 1.5 above, the base formula is adjusted for Hugo South as follows:
CuEq14(HS) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.909) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.945)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 15 of 519

Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.86 0.79 0.82 0.635
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.911 0.949 0.736
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.552 36.61

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 0.42 0.42 27.87
Grade of


Au Grade 0.41 0.226 15.01

Ag Grade 1.47 0.014 0.91
Mo Grade 138.47 0.055 2.67
CuEq Grade & Revenue 0.42 0.41 1.47 138.47 0.70 46.47

From Table 1.6 above, the base formula is adjusted for Heruga as follows:
CuEq14(HERUGA) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.911) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949) +
(Mo x 11.9 x 0.0022046 x 0.736)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 17 of 519
Contained Metal
Tonnage Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
Classification Deposit Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%)
(Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb) (Mlb)
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Deposit – Open Pit (0.22% CuEq Cut-Off)
Measured 432 0.52 0.41 1.37 51.6 0.76 4,984 5,693 19,055 49 7,204
Indicated 740 0.38 0.23 1.12 55.4 0.52 6,282 5,477 26,726 90 8,471
Measured + Indicated 1,172 0.44 0.30 1.21 54.0 0.61 11,266 11,170 45,781 139 15,675
Inferred 390 0.29 0.16 0.87 43.6 0.38 2,465 1,952 10,862 38 3,253
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Deposit – Underground (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
Measured 14 0.40 0.78 1.15 38.8 0.83 121 342 509 1.2 250
Indicated 93 0.35 0.59 1.19 34.3 0.67 713 1,766 3,562 7.1 1,386
Measured + Indicated 107 0.35 0.61 1.18 34.8 0.69 833 2,108 4,072 8.2 1,636
Inferred 159 0.39 0.32 0.85 25.4 0.56 1,354 1,638 4,382 8.9 1,985
Hugo Dummett Deposits (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
OT LLC 98 1.97 0.46 4.48 30.3 2.26 4,231 1,446 14,046 6.5 4,865
Measured EJV 1 1.43 0.12 2.86 39.4 1.52 35 4 103 0.1 38
All Hugo North 99 1.96 0.46 4.46 30.4 2.25 4,267 1,450 14,149 6.6 4,902
OT LLC 749 1.56 0.34 3.35 34.3 1.78 25,737 8,268 80,718 57 29,362
Indicated EJV 128 1.65 0.55 4.12 33.6 1.99 4,663 2,271 16,988 10 5,633
All Hugo North 877 1.57 0.37 3.46 34.2 1.81 30,400 10,539 97,707 66 34,994
OT LLC 847 1.61 0.36 3.48 33.85 1.83 29,968 9,714 94,764 63 34,226
Measured +
EJV 129 1.65 0.55 4.11 33.70 1.99 4,698 2,276 17,091 10 5,670
All Hugo North 976 1.61 0.38 3.56 33.83 1.85 34,667 11,989 111,856 73 39,897
OT LLC 811 0.77 0.27 2.34 34.8 0.94 13,807 7,058 60,964 62 16,851
Inferred EJV 179 0.99 0.34 2.68 25.4 1.20 3,887 1,963 15,418 10 4,730
All Hugo North 990 0.81 0.28 2.40 33.1 0.99 17,695 9,021 76,382 72 21,581
Inferred Hugo South 845 0.77 0.07 1.78 66.4 0.83 14,372 1,861 48,406 124 15,384
Heruga Deposit (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
Inferred Heruga Javkhlant EJV 1,700 0.39 0.37 1.39 113.2 0.64 14,610 20,428 75,955 424 24,061
Inferred Heruga TRQ 116 0.41 0.29 1.56 109.8 0.61 1,037 1,080 5,819 28 1,565
Inferred (All Heruga) 1,816 0.39 0.37 1.40 113.0 0.64 15,647 21,508 81,774 453 25,626
Oyu Tolgoi All Deposits Grand Total
Measured 544 0.78 0.43 1.93 47.4 1.03 9,372 7,486 33,713 57 12,356
Indicated 1,711 0.99 0.32 2.33 43.4 1.19 37,394 17,782 127,995 164 44,851
Measured + Indicated 2,255 0.94 0.35 2.23 44.3 1.15 46,766 25,268 161,708 220 57,207
Inferred 4,201 0.56 0.27 1.64 75.0 0.73 51,533 35,979 221,805 695 67,830
1. The Mineral Resources include Mineral Reserves.
2. The contained gold and copper estimates in the tables have not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries.
3. The 0.22% CuEq cut-off is equivalent to the open pit Mineral Reserve cut-off determined by OT LLC.
4. The 0.37% CuEq cut-off is equivalent to the underground Mineral Reserve cut-off determined by OT LLC.
5. SOT open pit Mineral Resources exclude material mined in the open pit as at 31 December 2013.
6. CuEq has been calculated using assumed metal prices ($3.01/lb for copper, $1,250/oz for gold, $20.37/oz for silver, and $11.90/lb for molybdenum). Mo grades outside of
Heruga are assumed to be zero for CuEq calculations.
 SOT CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.887) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HN (OT LLC) CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.906) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 941)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HN (EJV) CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.913) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 942)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HS CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.909) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 945)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 Heruga CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.911) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 949) + (Mo (ppm) x 11.9 x 0.0022046 x 0.736)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
7. Totals may not match due to rounding.
8. EJV is the Entrée Gold Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant licences are held by Entrée Gold. The Shivee Tolgoi and EJV Javkhlant Licences are planned to be
operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive 80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this depth.
9. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

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The Mineral Reserves for the project have been estimated using the SOT and Hugo North
Mineral Resources. Total Mineral Reserves for the project, and the OT LLC and EJV Mineral
Reserves for the open pit and underground components of the project are shown in
Table 1.8. The Mineral Reserves for the 2014 OTTR are based on mine planning work prepared
by OT LLC. Mine designs were prepared using industry-standard mining software, assumed
metal prices as described in the notes to the Mineral Reserves, and smelter terms as set forth
in Section 22. The report only considers Mineral Resources in the Measured and Indicated
categories, and engineering that has been carried out to a feasibility level or better to
estimate the open pit and underground Mineral Reserve.

In order to estimate the Mineral Reserves, OreWin relied on the study work prepared by
OT LLC. Pit designs were prepared using industry standard methods, assumed metal prices as
described above, and smelter terms as set forth in the 2014 OTTR. The estimate was prepared
on a simplified project analysis on a pre-tax basis. Key variables noted by OreWin include:
marketing matters, water supply and management, and power supply. The report only
considers Mineral Resources in the Measured and Indicated categories, and engineering that
has been carried out to a feasibility level or better to estimate the open pit Mineral Reserve.

Mine planning work by OT LLC has continued since the previous Mineral Reserve estimate in
2013. The underground Mineral Reserve has increased by approximately 8 Mt.

The Hugo Dummett underground deposit will be mined by block caving; a safe, highly
productive, cost-effective method. The deposit is comparable in dimension and tonnage to
other deposits currently operating by block cave mining elsewhere in the world. The mine
planning work has been prepared using industry standard mining software, assumed metal
prices as noted in the tables.

For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable
Mineral Reserves. There is approximately 60 Mt of Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource
that has been converted to Probable Mineral Reserve. The engineering has been carried out
to a feasibility level or better to estimate the underground Mineral Reserve. To ensure that
Inferred Resources do not become included in the reserve estimate, copper and gold grades
on Inferred Resources within the block cave shell were set to zero and such material was
assumed to be dilution. The block cave shell was defined by a $15/t Net Smelter Return (NSR).

Further mine planning will examine lower shut-offs. The Hugo North Mineral Reserve is on both
the Oyu Tolgoi Licence and the EJV Shivee Tolgoi Licence.

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Recovered Metal
Ore Cu Au Ag
Estimate Cu Au Ag
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT)
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 621 0.40 0.24 1.13 4,363 3,233 17,122
SOT Mineral Reserve (Proven + Probable) 1,031 0.45 0.31 1.23 8,192 7,186 30,890
Hugo Dummett
Probable (Hugo North – OT LLC) 464 1.66 0.34 3.37 15,592 4,199 43,479
Probable (Hugo North – EJV) 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
Hugo North Mineral Reserve (Probable) 499 1.66 0.35 3.40 16,713 4,717 47,070
Oyu Tolgoi All Deposits Mineral Reserve
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 1,120 0.96 0.29 2.14 21,075 7,951 64,192
Total Mineral Reserve
1,530 0.85 0.32 1.94 24,905 11,903 77,960
(Proven + Probable)
1. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
2. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
3. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
4. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes Indicated Mineral Resources below the resource cut-off grade. It also includes Inferred
Mineral Resources, which have been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
5. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
6. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this
9. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
10. Totals may not match due to rounding.

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Case Mineral Reserve Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
2014 OTTR Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 1,120 0.96 0.29 2.14 21,075 7,951 64,192
Mineral Reserve 1,530 0.85 0.32 1.94 24,905 11,903 77,960
2013 OTTR Proven 433 0.53 0.42 1.37 4,175 4,388 14,860
Probable 1,107 1.02 0.30 2.29 22,311 8,501 68,141
Mineral Reserve 1,539 0.89 0.34 2.03 26,486 12,889 83,001
Difference Proven –23 0.00 0.00 0.00 –346 –435 –1,092
Probable 14 –0.06 –0.02 –0.15 –1,235 –551 –3,949
Mineral Reserve –9 –0.04 –0.01 –0.10 –1,581 –986 –5,042
% Difference Proven –5.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.3% –8.3% –9.9% –7.4%
Probable 1.3% –6.3% –5.3% –6.5% –5.5% –6.5% –5.8%
Mineral Reserve –0.6% –4.5% –3.8% –4.7% –6.0% –7.6% –6.1%
1. 2013 OTTR Mineral Reserves have the effective date 25 March 2013.
2. 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report Mineral Reserves have the effective date 20 September 2014.
3. Metal prices used for calculating the SOT Open Pit Net Smelter Return (NSR) and the Hugo North underground
NSR are as follows: copper at $3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz, all based on long-term metal
price forecasts at the beginning of the Mineral Reserves work. The analysis indicates that the Mineral Reserves
are still valid at these metal prices.
4. The NSR has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and treatment charges, deductions and
payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and royalties.
5. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t.
6. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes Indicated Mineral Resources below the resource cut-off grade. It also includes Inferred
Mineral Resources, which have been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
7. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
9. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves
(no Measured Mineral Resource for Hugo North in 2013 OTTR).
10. The base case financial analysis has been prepared using the following current long term metal price
estimates: copper at $2.87/lb; gold at $1,350/oz; and silver at $23.50/oz. Metal prices are assumed to fall from
current prices to the long term average over five years.
11. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
12. Totals may not match due to rounding

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The 2014 OTTR is an update of the Reserve Case previously presented in the 2013 Oyu Tolgoi
Technical Report (2013 OTTR). The results of the 2014 Reserve Case show an after tax NPV8%
of $7.4 billion. The case exhibits an after tax IRR of around 29% and a payback period of
around nine years.

Key economic assumptions in the analyses are shown in Table 1.10.

Parameter Unit
Copper Price $/lb 3.08
Gold Price $/oz 1,304
Silver Price $/oz 21.46
Treatment Charges $/dmt conc. 82
Copper Refining Charge $/lb 0.08
Gold Refining Charge $/oz 4.50

Both the process of negotiation and the final agreement in October 2009 of the
Investment Agreement (IA) with the GOM, presented an opportunity to confirm how the Laws
of Mongolia should be interpreted in their application to Oyu Tolgoi and provided for some
specific terms to apply to Oyu Tolgoi. For OT LLC, the agreement has provided the
confidence in the stability of the terms Oyu Tolgoi will operate under and reliably assess its
intended investment. The agreement itself is effective for an initial term of 30 years and an
extension of a further 20 years.

In accordance with the requirements outlined in the 2006 Minerals Law of Mongolia, upon
execution of the IA and the fulfilment of all conditions precedent, the GOM has become a
34% shareholder in OT LLC through the immediate issue of OT LLC’s common shares to a
shareholding company owned by the GOM. Upon a successful renewal of the IA after the
initial 30-year term, the GOM also has the option to increase its shareholding to 50%, under
terms to be agreed with TRQ at the time.

A number of conditions precedents were set down in October 2009 and were required to be
met before the IA terms came into effect. These were met and confirmed by the GOM in
March 2010, triggering the issuing of the GOM’s equity share in Oyu Tolgoi and bringing the IA
into full effect.

In the case of shareholder debt, loans (including existing shareholder loans at the time of the
agreement) initially attracted an interest rate of 9.9% (real) per annum with corresponding
adjustments to be made to the outstanding balance to reflect increases in US CPI during

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each period. The coupon rate applicable to redeemable preference shares was to be 9.9%
(real) and carry the same escalation terms. All principal and interest outstanding on
shareholder debt, outstanding coupon payments on redeemable preference shares, and the
face value of those redeemable preference shares must be paid in full prior to any dividends
on common shares being paid.

In 2011, an Amended and Restated Shareholders Agreement was concluded, which

reduced the applicable rate from 9.9% to LIBOR plus 6.5%. In addition, an in principle
agreement was reached to convert the balance of preference shares into ordinary shares.

Under the authority of the Shareholders Agreement, TRQ has the right to act as, or appoint, a
management team to oversee the construction and operation of Oyu Tolgoi.

OT LLC met the IA requirement to achieve commencement of production within seven years
of the effective date of the IA, 1 September 2013.

Under the terms of the IA, a range of key taxes has been identified as stabilised for the term of
the agreement at the rates and base currently applied. The following taxes comprise the
majority of taxes and fees payable to the GOM under Mongolian law and are shown with
their stabilised rates:
 Corporate income tax 25%
 Mineral royalties 5.0% (gross sales value)
 Value added tax 10%
 Customs duties 5.0%
 Withholding tax 20% (subject to applicable double taxation treaty
reduced rates)

OT LLC is also only subject to those taxes currently listed in the General Taxation Law and not
taxes introduced at any future date. These taxes are collectively noted as non-discriminatory
taxes and as such cannot be imposed on OT LLC in any manner other than that applied to all

OT LLC may also apply to take advantage of any future law or treaty that comes into force
and that would apply any rates lower than those specified in the IA.

In 2009, the GOM enacted amendments to the legislation governing the carry forward of
income tax losses. The loss carry forward period has been extended to eight years and if
sufficient, can be applied to offset 100% of taxable income. This was incorporated into the IA
tax stability terms. This contrasts with the previous law, in which losses carried forward for two
years were subject to a 50% limit.

The agreement also provides OT LLC with the benefit of a 10% tax credit for all capital
investment made during the construction period. The amount of this credit can be carried
forward and credited in the three subsequent profitable tax years. It is noted in the
agreement that if Mongolian Value Added Tax (VAT) payments, which are currently non-
refundable, become refundable in the future, the availability of the investment tax credit will
cease from that point. In that event, past earned investment tax credits will still be applied.

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Although it has a requirement to make its self-discovered water resources available to be
used for household purposes, it is confirmed in the IA that OT LLC holds the sole rights to use
these water resources for the Project. OT LLC has the right under the IA for a water use right
for the period of its mining licence.

The supply of power has been recognised as being critical to the project execution of
Oyu Tolgoi in the IA. OT LLC has been given the right to import power initially but must secure
power from sources within Mongolia from the fourth year of operation. Signing of a PSCA with
the GOM in August 2014 has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the
establishment of an IPP at Tavan Tolgoi is studied. OT LLC has retained the right to construct a
power station at Oyu Tolgoi.

OT LLC also has the right to construct roads for the transport of its product and airport facilities
for Oyu Tolgoi. A gravel road has been constructed to the town of Khanbogd and is being
maintained. A 105 km sealed road is being constructed to the Chinese border crossing at
Gashuun Sukhait. The remaining 23 km is expected to be completed in 2015. On the Chinese
side of the border a provincial road connects the border town of Ganqimaodao with the
Jingzang Expressway via the towns of Hailiutu and Wuyuan.

A permanent domestic airport, capable of servicing Boeing 737-800 series aircraft, has been
constructed at Oyu Tolgoi to support the transportation of people and goods to the site from
Ulaanbaatar. It further serves as the regional airport for Khanbogd soum.

The GOM has committed to providing OT LLC with non-discriminatory access to any railway
constructed between Mongolia and China. Energy Resources is currently constructing a
single-track heavy-haul rail from its UHG coal mine (approximately 120 km to the north-west of
Oyu Tolgoi) to Gashuun Sukhait, ultimately to be interconnected with the Chinese rail network
at Ganqimaodao on the Chinese side of the border. Once constructed, the South Gobi Rail
alignment would pass within 10 km of the Oyu Tolgoi lease area and therefore represents an
opportunity for eventual connection of the mine to the rail network.

A summary of the 2014 Reserve Case project financial results is shown in Table 1.11. The
estimates of cash flows have been prepared on a real basis based at 1 January 2015 and
discounted back to a current day NPV at a rate of 8.0% (NPV8%). Long-term metal prices
used for the analysis are copper $3.08/lb, gold $1,304/oz, and silver $21.46/oz. The NPV results
have been calculated starting from January 2015 as this matches the assumptions for the
recommencement of the ramp-up of activity on Hugo North Lift 1. Results of the LOM Case
are shown in Section 22.

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Discount Rate Before Taxation After Taxation
Net Present Value ($US M's) Undiscounted 27,025 23,378
5.0% 12,697 11,388
6.0% 10,950 9,875
7.0% 9,449 8,566
8.0% 8,156 7,430
9.0% 7,041 6,444
10.0% 6,076 5,586
Internal Rate of Return 28% 29%
Payback Period (Years) 9 9

C1 cash costs are shown in Table 1.12. C1 cash costs are those costs relating to the direct
operating costs of the mine site, namely:
 Mining
 Concentration
 Tailings
 General and administrative (G&A) costs
 Operational Support Costs
 Infrastructure
 Realisation Costs
 By-product Credits

5 Year 10 Year 20 Year

2014 Reserve Case
Average Average Average
Description $/lb Payable Copper
$/lb Payable $/lb Payable $/lb Payable
Copper Copper Copper
Mine Site Cash Cost 1.98 3.51 2.10 1.70
By-product Credit 0.66 1.69 0.91 0.61
C1 Cash Costs (Net of
1.31 1.82 1.19 1.09
By-product Credits)
Notes: Payments made directly to TRQ from OT LLC, principally 50% of the management payment as specified in
the terms of the IA and a 2.0% NSR based payment are not included in the C1 Cash Cost per pound of
payable copper. These payments due to TRQ add around 0.12 $/lb over the 2014 Reserve Case.

The revenues and operating costs, have been presented in Table 1.13, along with the net
sales revenue value attributable to each key period of operation.

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US$M $/t Ore Milled
5-Year 10-Year LOM
2014 Reserve
Average Average Average
Gross Sales Revenue 89,514 47.44 66.99 58.93
Less: Realisation Costs
Realisation Costs 9,773 5.07 6.69 6.43
Government Royalty 4,075 2.17 3.07 2.68
Total Realisation Costs 13,848 7.23 9.76 9.12
Net Sales Revenue 75,666 40.20 57.22 49.82
Less: Site Operating Costs
Mining (all sources) 8,761 6.13 6.17 5.77
Processing 11,324 7.54 7.36 7.46
Tailings 562 0.38 0.37 0.37
G&A 6,046 7.31 6.14 3.98
Infrastructure 1,363 1.06 1.04 0.90
Government Fees & Charges 3,682 3.06 2.86 2.42
Management and JV Payments 2,919 3.28 2.66 1.92
Total Site Operating Costs 34,657 28.76 26.61 22.82
2.0% NSR 1,595 0.85 1.21 1.05
Operating Margin 39,414 10.59 29.41 25.95
1. Turquoise Hill 2.0% NSR Payment is modelled to be non-tax deductible.
2. Other operating costs include payments forecast to be made to the EJV as calculated in the Financial

Total project direct capital costs are shown in Table 1.14. The changes in financial results for a
range of copper and gold prices are shown in Table 1.15.

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US$M Expansion Sustaining Total
Direct Costs
Open Pit  834 834
Underground 3,195 3,026 6,221
Concentrator 215 172 386
Infrastructure 370 230 600
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF)  1,378 1,378
Subtotal 3,780 5,640 9,420
Contractor Execution
EPCM 317  317
Subtotal 317  317
Owner Execution and Indirect Costs
O&M, Commissioning,
Owners Teams, Spares, 354 330 684
Subtotal 354 330 684
GOM Fees & Charges
Mongolian VAT 412 577 989
Subtotal 412 577 989
Total 4,864 6,546 11,410
Notes: Capital includes only direct project costs and does not include non-
cash shareholder interest, management payments, foreign exchange
gains or losses, foreign exchange movements, tax pre-payments, or
exploration phase expenditure.

2014 Reserve Case Processing and Concentrate and Metal Production are summarised in
Figure 1.7 and Figure 1.8 respectively.

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After Tax Values Gold ($/oz)

Copper ($/lb) 875 1,000 1,150 1,304 1,500 1,750

Project Net Present Value at 8% ($M) After Tax

2.50 1,941 2,356 2,914 3,451 4,155 5,108
2.75 3,643 4,102 4,667 5,245 5,943 6,735
3.08 5,983 6,396 6,861 7,430 7,952 8,743
3.50 8,550 8,940 9,415 9,900 10,508 11,269
3.75 10,073 10,467 10,930 11,398 11,991 12,741
Project Internal Rate of Return (IRR%) After Tax
2.50 13 14 15 17 19 23
2.75 16 18 19 21 24 29
3.08 22 23 25 29 32 41
3.50 29 31 35 40 60 -
3.75 35 38 44 - - -
Project Payback (Years)After Tax
2.50 10.9 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.4 9.0
2.75 10.0 9.8 9.5 9.2 8.9 8.5
3.08 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.3 7.9
3.50 8.4 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.6 3.2
3.75 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.4 3.2 3.6
Net Cash Costs (Net of By-product Credits)
2.50 1.47 1.41 1.35 1.28 1.19 1.09
2.75 1.48 1.43 1.36 1.29 1.21 1.10
3.08 1.50 1.44 1.38 1.31 1.23 1.12
3.50 1.52 1.47 1.40 1.34 1.25 1.14
3.75 1.54 1.48 1.42 1.35 1.26 1.16

In August 2013, development of the underground mine was delayed to allow matters with the
GOM to be resolved. Further underground development is subject to resolution of
shareholder issues including the tax dispute, approval of OTFS14 by Oyu Tolgoi’s shareholders
and acceptance by the Mongolian Minerals Council, agreement of a comprehensive
funding plan including project finance, and receipt of all necessary permits. The project
financing is subject to the unanimous approval of the OT LLC Board of Directors, which
includes representatives from the GOM.

The project financing facility targeted is approximately $4 billion. The overall terms and
conditions for project financing have been agreed with lenders. In addition to the core
lending group, the companies invited a wider selection of international banks to participate
in the project finance consortium. In 2014, the agreements with the financiers have been
subject to extension.

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Most of the infrastructure facilities required for Oyu Tolgoi were completed during Phase 1.
Certain infrastructure buildings and services will be expanded or added during Phase 2 and
these are identified as part of the facility descriptions.

OT LLC has a Power Purchase Agreement with the Inner Mongolia Power Corporation to
supply power to Oyu Tolgoi. The term of this agreement covers the commissioning of the
business, plus the initial four years of commercial operations.

In August 2014, OT LLC signed a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM
for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-based independent power provider (IPP). The aim of the
PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation between the GOM and
OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region. Participation in the PSCA
meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power supply within Mongolia four
years from the commencement of commercial production. Signing of a PSCA has reset the
four years obligation while the opportunity for the establishment of an IPP at Tavan Tolgoi is
studied. Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an IPP
to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to supply electricity, with
Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

OT LLC has completed a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
for Oyu Tolgoi. The ESIA undertaken as part of the project finance process was publically
disclosed in August 2012. The culmination of nearly 10 years of independent work and
research carried out by both international and Mongolian experts, the ESIA identifies and
assesses the potential environmental and social impacts of the project, including cumulative
impacts, focusing on key areas such as biodiversity, water resources, cultural heritage, and

The ESIA also sets out measures through all project phases to avoid, minimise, mitigate, and
manage potential adverse impacts to acceptable levels established by Mongolian
regulatory requirements and good international industry practice, as defined by the
requirements of the Equator Principles, and the standards and policies of the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and
other financing institutions.

Corporate commitment to sound environmental and social planning for the project is based
on two important policies: TRQ's Statement of Values and Responsibilities, which declares its
support for human rights, social justice, and sound environmental management, including the

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United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948); and The Way We Work 2009,
Rio Tinto’s Global Code of Business Conduct that defines the way Rio Tinto manages the
economic, social, and environmental challenges of its global operations.

OT LLC has implemented and audited an environmental management system (EMS) that
conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001:2004. Implementation of the EMS during the
construction phases to focus on the environmental policy; significant environmental aspects
and impacts and their risk prioritisation; legal and other requirements; environmental
performance objectives and targets; environmental management programmes; and
environmental incident reporting.

The EMS for operations consists of detailed plans to control the environmental and social
management aspects of all project activities following the commencement of commercial
production in 2013. The Oyu Tolgoi ESIA builds upon an extensive body of studies and reports,
and Detailed Environmental Impact Assessments (DEIA’s) that have been prepared for
project design and development purposes, and for Mongolian approvals under the following
 The Environmental Protection Law (1995);
 The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (1998, amended in 2001); and
 The Minerals Law (2006).

These initial studies, reports, and DEIA’s were prepared over a six-year period between 2002
and 2008, primarily by the Mongolian company Eco-Trade LLC, with input from Aquaterra on
water issues.

The original DEIA’s provided baseline information for both social and environmental issues.
These DEIA’s covered impact assessments for different project areas, and were prepared as
separate components to facilitate technical review as requested by the GOM.

The original DEIA’s were in accordance with Mongolian standards and while they
incorporated World Bank and IFC guidelines, they were not intended to comprehensively
address overarching IFC policies such as the IFC Policy on Social and Environmental
Sustainability, or the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy.

Following submission and approval of the initial DEIA’s, the GOM requested that OT LLC
prepare an updated, comprehensive ESIA whereby the discussion of impacts and mitigation
measures was project-wide and based on the latest project design. The ESIA was also to
address social issues, meet GOM (legal) requirements, and comply with current IFC good

For the ESIA, the baseline information from the original DEIA’s was updated with recent
monitoring and survey data. In addition, a social analysis was completed through the
commissioning of a Socio-Economic Baseline Study and the preparation of a Social Impact
Assessment (SIA) for the project.

The requested ESIA, completed in 2012, combines the DEIA’s, the project SIA, and other
studies and activities that have been prepared and undertaken by and for OT LLC.

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Due to low average annual precipitation in the project area, water management and
conservation are given the highest priority in all aspects of project design.

The development of a borefield to access groundwater reserves within the Gunii Hooloi
aquifer basin has been established as the most cost-effective option to meet the raw water
demand for the project. Water from the borefield is used for process water supply, dust
suppression in the mining areas, and potable use. Another major component of the water
management plan is the diversion of the Undai River to accommodate project facilities.
Undai River water is not used by the mine, the diversion is to preserve this water in the

OT LLC has affirmed it is committed to water conservation and has benchmarked its water
conservation efforts against other mines by assessing factors such as quantified water
consumption per tonne of concentrate produced. The current water budget is based on the
use of 550 L/t and operating performance of the concentrator suggests this is a reasonable
estimate. The water consumption compares favourably with other large operations in similar
arid conditions.

Based on the first two hydrogeological investigation programmes, the Gunii Hooloi aquifer
has been demonstrated and approved by the Ministry of Environment and Green
Development to be capable of providing 870 L/s, based on usage over 40 years and with
limitations on drawdown that ensure that the main body of the aquifer remains in confined

Updated hydrogeological modelling, completed in 2013, and based on all three

hydrogeological investigation programmes, demonstrates that the Gunii Hooloi aquifer is
capable of providing 1,475 L/s, based on the same time and drawdown conditions.

Hydrogeological analytical study and reporting, to Mongolian norms, remains to be

completed in order to demonstrate and gain approval from the Ministry of Environment and
Green Development of updated approved water reserve for the Gunii Hooloi aquifer.

Mining is in progress at the SOT Open Pit. Pit designs were not revised and the ten phases
used for the previous study have not been updated. The Reserve was re-estimated using the
updated Base Data Template (BDT31) prices, costs, recoveries, and other parameters. A plan
view of the ten pit phases is shown in Figure 1.9.

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The Hugo North orebody is planned to be mined by underground panel caving. The detailed
design of the first three panels (Panels 0–2) of the Hugo North Lift 1 mine has been completed
in OTFS14. Underground development activities were suspended by OT LLC in 2013 and
recommencement of the development is subject to the successful outcome of discussions
between TRQ, Rio Tinto and GOM. The 2014 OTTR production estimates assumed early works
recommenced in Q3’14, this has been delayed. The major milestone dates based on this
restart assumption are shown in Table 1.16.

Hugo North Lift 1 will commence production in 2019 and ramp-up to produce an average of
95 ktpd. To support mining of Hugo North Lift 1, two declines included in 203 km of lateral
development, five shafts, 6.8 km of vertical raise-boring, and 137,000 m3 of mass excavations
will be undertaken.

A significant change from the previous underground designs is that OT LLC has determined
that a conveyor decline will be developed as the primary materials handling method. OT LLC
determined that the change was NPV neutral, capital costs were in line with the shaft
haulage option and operating costs would be slightly lower. The total conveying and hoisting
capacity from the underground is planned to be approximately 140 ktpd. OT LLC have
indicated that the primary advantage of the decline is that it will provide an upside
opportunity to take advantage of potential improved productivity and increased production
from Lift 1 or early access to a block cave on Hugo South or a future Hugo North Lift 2. Figure
1.10 illustrates the planned mine development projected onto the site layout showing the
location of the twin declines relative to the processing plant and block cave. Figure 1.11
illustrates an isometric of the underground mine design.

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Milestone Date
Commission Shaft 2 Exhaust Fans March 2016
Commission Shaft 5 April 2017
Commission Shaft 2 – Cage August 2017
Commission Shaft 2 – Hoist, Loadout, Jaw Crusher December 2017
Crusher 1 and Associated Ore Handling System February 2019
First drawbell blasted May 2019
Conveyor to Surface No-Load Commissioning Complete December 2020
Crusher 2 Ore Handling System Available for Ore March 2021

OT LLC plans to continue exploration on the Oyu Tolgoi Project mining licences. The focus will
be on resources that will increase the life-of-mine schedule and potentially defer
development of deeper and lower grade resources. Smaller, incremental additions to the
resource base are to be sought as greater knowledge of the orebodies at the known
deposits, specifically geotechnical considerations, through infill drilling as part of a longer-
term goal to convert resources into reserves.

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Key targets identified from the exploration programmes to date that may warrant drill testing
include shallow targets at Hugo West and deep targets west and north of the West Bat Fault.

In addition to exploration drilling, further work will be conducted to improve confidence in

inferred level resources at the Hugo Dummett deposit, especially around Lift 1 Panels 3–5,
Lift 2, and Hugo South.

OT LLC has stated that its human resource and training strategy is key to a corporate vision of
ensuring that all Oyu Tolgoi staff and contractors meet and exceed international best
practice standards. The Human Resources strategy provides a framework of policies,
procedures, and processes that are well defined and aligned to support the achievement of
the overall business objectives of the company. OT LLC is working in partnership with relevant
Mongolian government agencies and non-government agencies (NGOs) to ensure that a
suitably qualified workforce is available to meet the requirements of the Oyu Tolgoi Project.
OT LLC’s policies and procedures for human resources and training meet all applicable
Mongolian Labour and Social Security Laws and regulations, including those contained within
the Labour Law of Mongolia (July 1999). International conventions and standards, including
applicable International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, the International Finance
Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (EBRD), guide the human resources and training strategy and activities.

OT LLC prioritises employment of local residents from the soums within the Project Area of
Influence—Khanbogd, Manlai, Bayan Ovoo, and Dalanzadgad—as well as from other areas
in the South Gobi region. OT LLC has a requirement that not less than 90% of the total
Oyu Tolgoi Project workforce consists of citizens of Mongolia. The OT LLC policies and
procedures are in place to meet this training requirement.

OT LLC’s HSE management system (HSE MS) has been implemented and been audited as
compliant against AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System and
OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety management system. The HSE MS was
developed to provide management with clear direction on HSE management, means to
ensure compliance, and a basis for driving improvements. The Oyu Tolgoi HSE MS applies to
all persons working for or on behalf of OT LLC, including contractors, suppliers, the general
public, special interest groups, and government representatives, and covers the health,
safety, and environmental management of all OT LLC’s activities, assets, products, and
services. Oyu Tolgoi had an All Injury Frequency Rate of 0.51 per 200 kh (thousand hours)
worked and no fatalities for the first half of 2014.

The HSE policy has been developed and is regularly reviewed in consultation with key
stakeholders. The policy is intended to reflect a best practice approach to health, safety, and
environment with the underlying principle that all people are accountable for health and

The HSE policy is seen as an enabler for the entire HSE MS. It provides high-level principles that
are intended to be implemented through the application of all parts of the HSE MS. The
policy is endorsed by the CEO of OT LLC to ensure the appropriate priority is placed on
implementation and compliance.

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Oyu Tolgoi employs a conventional SAG mill / ball mill / grinding circuit (SABC) followed by
flotation, as shown in the basic flowsheet (Figure 1.12).

Phase 1, which commenced production in 2013, uses two grinding lines, each consisting of a
SAG mill, two parallel ball mills, and associated downstream equipment to treat up to
100 ktpd of ore from the Southwest zone pit. Softer ore from the Central zone pit will be
processed from 2020 through 2050. Combined with Hugo North underground ore,
concentrator feed rates will be as high as 121 ktpd, which represents the tailings handling
capacity of the plant. The Phase 2 concentrator development programme optimises the
concentrator circuit to enable it to maximise recovery from the higher grade Hugo North ore.

Concentrate is sold in-bond free-on-board at a bonded yard on the Chinese side of the
border in Ganqimaodao. Sales contracts have been signed for 100% of Oyu Tolgoi’s
expected 2014 concentrate production and 92% of 2015 planned production; 84% of
concentrate production has been contracted for up to eight years.

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In August 2013, development of the underground mine was delayed to allow matters with the
GOM to be resolved. Further underground development is subject to resolution of
shareholder issues including the tax dispute , approval of OTFS14 by Oyu Tolgoi’s shareholders
and acceptance by the Mongolian Minerals Council, agreement of a comprehensive
funding plan including project finance, and receipt of all necessary permits. The project
financing is subject to the unanimous approval of the OT LLC Board of Directors, which
includes representatives from the GOM.

This delay has in turn postponed the timing of decisions relating to any expansions of the
operations. The 2014 OTTR production estimates assumed early works recommenced in
Q3’14, this has been delayed. This has yet to occur as of the effective date of the 2014 OTTR.

To achieve the ramp-up of activities detailed in the Project Critical Path schedule, a
considerable amount of preparatory work will need to be carried out. OT LLC has been
preparing for the restart and is currently well placed to commence the work.

OT LLC has a programme of studies to optimise the tailings storage facility (TSF) design. These
include bringing forward the Cell 2 operation to create larger tailings deposition areas that
will result in higher in-place tailing densities and greater storage capacity. Optimisation of the
TSF is also expected to improve tailings solids content at deposition, which is currently is lower
than the design assumptions but it is expected that this can be brought up to the design
assumption through optimisation of the operation of the TSF. This optimisation of the TSF will
potentially provide cost savings over the assumptions in OTFS14.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an
independent power provider to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to
supply electricity, with Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer. Full evaluation of the IPP option is
expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi.

OT LLC plans to investigate and implement projects in these areas: project monitoring,
process technology, and underground technology. The innovations and possible applications
outlined below are not exhaustive, nor definitive, but rather are currently viewed as having
the most significant potential impact for Oyu Tolgoi.

OT LLC plans a longer-term view to developing its operations management capability to

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maximise performance through evaluation and implementation of advanced technologies.
This approach would involve the strategic evaluation and collaboration with technology
partners before further developing and implementing system capabilities in a phased and
prioritised manner. Experience from a variety of industries has shown this approach to be
crucial in achieving an integrated system that maximises the potential of the various
technologies and the benefit to Oyu Tolgoi. The innovation and technology opportunities that
Rio Tinto is currently examining are:
 Project Monitoring and Optimisation
 Process Technology
 Underground Technology
 Operating Systems and Technologies
 Data Management
 Geotechnical Research
 Extraction Level Construction
 Cave Production
 Cave Monitoring

OT LLC’s strategy is to obtain approval for increases to the currently approved water reserve
ahead of any mine expansion plans. The objective of the study will be to assess the impact if
any on the concentrator expansion on water demand and to determine the need for
obtaining GOM approval for any substantial increase in the approved water demand from
the Gunii Hooloi aquifer.

The current estimate of average water demand for a concentrator expansion to 160 ktpd is
918 L/s, which is only marginally above the rate of 870 L/s that has already been approved by
the GOM.

The extensive resources at Oyu Tolgoi provide an opportunity to continually evaluate

investment decisions as the mines progress, deposit knowledge increases and economic
conditions change.

As part of that process, although outside of the scope of Mineral Reserve reporting, OT LLC
continues to examine alternative production cases to better define future work plans and
prepare for investment decision points. There is no certainty that the alternative production
cases will be realised. Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are
considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to
them that would allow them to be categorised as Mineral Reserves.

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The mine designs developed by OT LLC are shown schematically in Figure 1.13 and listed
below: are:
 SOT Open Pits (2014 Mineral Reserve)
 Hugo North Lift 1 Block Cave (Panels 0–2) (2014 Mineral Reserve)
 Hugo North Lift 1 Block Cave (Panels 3–5) (Inferred)
 Hugo North Lift 2 Block Cave (Inferred)
 Hugo South Block Cave (Inferred)
 Heruga Block Cave (Inferred)

These cases are part of the strategic planning that is being undertaken by OT LLC. The cases
have been analysed by OT LLC since 2005 and represent the long-term strategy for the
development of Oyu Tolgoi. This work examines the plant capacity for expansions. Figure 1.3
shows an example of the decision tree for the possible development options at Oyu Tolgoi.
This has been updated to include options that take advantage of productivity improvements
in plant throughput that have begun to be recognised in the process plant. The decision tree
shows options assuming that continuous improvements in plant productivity are achieved
over the next five years. Then there would be key decision points for plant expansion and the
development of new mines at Hugo North Lift 2, Hugo South and eventually Heruga. This
provides an opportunity as OT LLC will have the benefit of incorporating actual performance
of the operating mine into the study before the next investment decisions are required.
OT LLC plans to continue to evaluate alternative production cases in order to define the
relative ranking and timing requirements for overall development options.

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This report is titled the 2014 Technical Report (2014 OTTR) and has been prepared for TRQ.

The Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project (Oyu Tolgoi) is located in the Southern Gobi region
of Mongolia and is being developed by OT LLC. Oyu Tolgoi consists of a series of deposits
containing copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum. The deposits lie in a structural corridor
where mineralisation has been discovered over 26 km strike length. The deposits stretch over
12 km, from the Hugo North deposit in the north through the adjacent Hugo South, down to
the SOT deposit and extending to the Heruga deposit in the south. This report, the 2014 OTTR,
was prepared for TRQ. The 2014 OTTR is based on the most current technical, production and
cost information prepared by OT LLC to support project financing.

Independent Qualified Persons (QP), acting on behalf of TRQ, reviewed the available studies
as part of the preparation for the 2014 OTTR and in conjunction with TRQ prepared the
2014 OTTR with costs to the end of 2013 as reported to TRQ by OT LLC. The 2014 OTTR used
only Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources and is a complete study of all aspects of the
Project. The 2014 OTTR presents a reserve case (2014 Reserve Case) and is based on a
feasibility quality level study complying with NI 43-101, although some parts of Oyu Tolgoi are
further advanced and are in the execution phase. The work of the 2014 OTTR meets the
standards of US SEC Industry Guide 7 requirements for reporting Reserves.

Throughout this Report, measurements are in metric units and currency in United States dollars
unless otherwise stated.

This report was compiled by the Qualified Persons listed on the Title Page. Original authors
and companies are listed throughout the text. The primary source of information for 2014 OTTR
is the study Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 (OTFS14), which was prepared by OT LLC.

The following site visits were carried out by the Qualified Persons:
 Bernard Peters visited the property in March 2003, July 2003, April 2006, April 2009,
July 2010, October 2011, November 2012, and 28–31 January 2013, and
2–14 December 2013. Meetings were also attended in Ulaanbaatar with OT LLC (formerly
IMMI) and Mongolian authorities to discuss the Project from 2003–2011. Some of these
meetings did not include site visits. Other visits were made to OT LLC offices in Mongolia,
Australia, and China as part of work on Oyu Tolgoi.
 Sharron Sylvester visited the property from 28–31 January 2013, and 2–14 December 2013.
Other visits were made to OT LLC offices in Mongolia and Australia as part of work on
Oyu Tolgoi.

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The authors of this report state that they are Qualified Persons for those areas as identified in
the appropriate “Certificate of Qualified Person” attached to this report. The authors have
relied upon, and believe there is a reasonable basis for this reliance, the following experts and
reports have contributed information regarding legal, land tenure, corporate structure,
permitting, environmental, and other issues in portions of this Technical Report in the Sections
as noted below.

Reports used in Section 4, Property Description and Location (report used to affirm the
corporate structure and ownership of the licences related to Oyu Tolgoi):
 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 3.0 Ownership and Legal
- 4.0 Government and Community Relations

Reports used in Section 5, Accessibility, Climate, Local Resources, Infrastructure, and

 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 3.0 Ownership and Legal
- 5.0 Human Resources and Capability Development
- 7.0 Environment
- 8.0 Water Management

Reports used in Section 19, Marketing:

 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 17.0 Marketing
Reports used in Section 20, Environmental Studies, Permitting, and Social or Community
 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 3.0 Ownership and Legal
- 7.0 Environment
- 8.0 Water Management

Reports used in Section 22 Economic Analysis:

 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 3.0 Ownership and Legal
- 4.0 Government and Community Relations

Reports used in Section 24.1 Risk Assessment:

 OT LLC 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes:
- 21.0 Risk Assessment

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References to laws and regulations in this section are to the laws and regulations as they
existed 28 March 2014.

The project area comprises five contiguous properties, as listed in Table 4.1. In 2011, all mining
licences in Mongolia were subject to a review in accordance with a change in the geodesic
projection maintained by the GOM. As a result, the licences held by OT LLC were re-surveyed
and a slight reduction in total area is reported. This has been ratified by the GOM and new
licence certificates have been issued to reflect the changes. Table 4.1 shows both the
original and updated names and areas of the five properties. In general the information in
this section refers to the original licence numbers.

Original Mining Original Area (ha) Updated Updated Legal Owner

Licence Number Licence Number Area
Nov 2010 (ha)
6708A 4,537 MV-006708 4,533 OT LLC
6709A 8,496 MV-006709 8,490 OT LLC
6710A 1,764 MV-006710 1,763 OT LLC
15226A 54,760 of which MV-015226 54,653 of which Entrée LLC
(Shivee Tolgoi) 19,518 is under 39,864 is under (a subsidiary of
agreement agreement Entrée Gold Inc.)
15225A 20,346 all under MV-015225 20,327 all under Entrée LLC
(Javkhlant) agreement agreement (a subsidiary of
Entrée Gold Inc.)

OT LLC has an economic interest in ML 15225A and 15226A pursuant to an Equity

Participation and Earn-in Agreement with Entrée (as amended). This agreement
contemplates the establishment of a joint venture between the parties that provides for
OT LLC to hold legal title in ML 15225A and 15226A, subject to the terms of the agreement
and to OT LLC meeting prescribed earn-in expenditures. While a JV has not been formed, the
earn-in requirements have been met, and OT LLC’s participating interest in the joint venture
(including the licences) will be:
 In respect of the proceeds from mining from the surface to 560 m below the surface, 70%
 In respect of the proceeds from mining from depths beneath 560 m, 80%.

The vast majority of the identified mineralisation for the project occurs at the Hugo Dummett
and SOT deposits within Oyu Tolgoi Licence. The northernmost extension of the
Hugo Dummett deposit (Hugo North) crosses onto the Shivee Tolgoi Property. The Heruga
deposit lies, almost entirely within the Javkhlant Property, with only the northern extreme
passing into ML 6709A. There are numerous exploration targets across ML 6708A, 6709A,
6710A, 15225A, and 15226A.

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In October 2009, Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. (Ivanhoe) (subsequently renamed Turquoise Hill
Resources Ltd, TRQ), OT LLC, and Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited signed an Investment
Agreement (IA) with the GOM. The IA defines the fiscal and regulatory environment under
which the project will operate and stipulates that the GOM own 34% equity of OT LLC, with
the option to increase its equity holding by a further 16% after the IA is extended beyond its
initial 30-year term, providing the shareholders of OT LLC can reach agreement on the
arrangement at that time.

At the time of signing the IA, there remained a number of conditions precedent to it
becoming effective. On 31 March 2010, it was announced that these conditions had been
met or waived, and this was confirmed by the GOM. The main conditions that were met or
waived were as follows:
 The 2009 Mongolian feasibility study of Oyu Tolgoi was considered and submitted in
accordance with the laws and regulations of Mongolia.
 The balance of existing income tax losses, capitalised expenses, and outstanding tax
liabilities or credits was confirmed by the tax office. This condition was waived prior to the
Effective Date of the IA.
 The balance of existing shareholder loans were agreed upon.
 Company restructuring required to execute the agreement was completed.
 A standing working committee was established with members of the GOM and OT LLC to
provide a means to expedite permits, customs clearance, or general GOM
 Ivanhoe’s interests in mining licences 15225A and 15226A (referred to in the IA as
exploration licences 3148X and 3150X) held by Entrée Gold LLC were transferred to
OT LLC. Although the licences themselves have yet to be transferred to OT LLC, the
condition precedent is fully satisfied as it only required the transfer of economic interests
in the licence.

Ivanhoe acquired 100% interest in the mineral exploration rights to the area now covered by
ML 6709A pursuant to an earn-in agreement dated 5 May 2000 (and subsequently amended
13 March 2002) with BHP on an exploration licence (MEL) covering 1,120 km2 (112,000 ha)
(BHP Earn-in Agreement). The MEL, named ’210’ was originally issued to BHP on
17 February 1997 and was later re-named MEL 66X. In September 2000, the licence was
reduced in size and converted to four non-contiguous MELs, one of which represented
ML 6709A. The boundaries of ML 6709A, along with the surface projection of the main
deposits and proposed open pit outlines, are shown in Figure 4.1.

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The terms of the Earn-in Agreement called for Ivanhoe to spend a total of US$6 million on
exploration over seven years and to pay US$5 million to BHP. In return for receiving the transfer
of the MEL, Ivanhoe agreed to pay a 2.0% Net Smelter Return (NSR) royalty to BHP. Ivanhoe
met the terms of the BHP agreement in April 2002, giving it 100% interest in the Oyu Tolgoi
Licence. Ivanhoe subsequently acquired the 2.0% NSR in November 2003 in two payments
totalling US$37 million, thereby removing any future obligations to BHP (now BHP Billiton).

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On 23 December 2003, OT LLC was granted 100% registered title to ML 6709A in accordance
with the Minerals Law of Mongolia for a term of 60 years, with an option to extend the licence
for an additional term of up to 40 years. In 2006, the Mongolian Parliament passed a new
mining legislation that changed the term of mining licences to 30 years with two 20-year

The boundary coordinates of ML 6709A are defined in Table 4.2 by latitude/longitude and
also by UTM coordinates.

Latitude/Longitude, WGS-84 UTM, WGS-84, Zone 48N

Point Latitude Longitude Northing Easting
1* 42º 58' 31" N 106º 55' 01" E 4,759,595.99 646,096.71
2 42º 58' 31" N 106º 47' 31" E 4,767,924.92 645,918.99
3 43º 03' 01" N 106º 47' 31" E 4,768,149.90 656,099.64
4 43º 03' 01" N 106º 55' 01" E 4,759,820.93 656,289.77
* Point 1 corresponds with the north-west corner of the Licence, as shown in Figure 4.1, and then moving clockwise.

Payments to maintain mining and exploration licences in Mongolia are payable in advance
on an annual basis according to the schedule shown on Table 4.3. An exploration licence is
valid for a three-year period with two three-year extensions for a total of nine years. Prior to
expiry of the exploration licence, application can be made for conversion to a mining
licence. The current licences can be maintained for another three-year extension, referred to
as the pre-mining period, by making application and by paying annual fees of $1.50/ha
during this extension period as defined in Article 32.2.

Years of Licence Exploration Licence Cost Mining Licence Cost

Per Hectare Per Hectare
(US$) (US$)
1 0.10 15.00
2 0.20 15.00
3 0.30 15.00
4 1.00 15.00
5 1.00 15.00
6 1.00 15.00
7 1.50 15.00
8 1.50 15.00
9 1.50 15.00*
* Beyond Year 9, the mining licence fee remains at US$15.00/ha.

The approximate annual payments are US$127,000 for the Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licence
(8,496 ha), and $292,000 for the Shivee Tolgoi JV Mining Licence (39,864 ha). OT LLC is also
contractually obliged to meet payments on the Javkhlant JV Mining licence (20,237 ha;
$304,900) as well as ML 6708 (4,533 ha; $68,000) and ML 6710 (1,763; $26,441) for a total

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$818,870. OT LLC advises that all payments have been made to keep the licence in good
standing at the effective date of the Technical Report.

In the negotiations to conclude the IA, the parties agreed that the IA should conform with the
current 2006 Minerals Law terms: the term of the mining licences covered by the IA should be
30 years with two 20-year extensions.

The Oyu Tolgoi Licence was legally surveyed in August 2002 by Surtech International Ltd. using
the internationally recognised survey datum WGS-84 Zone 48N. In September 2004,
Geomaster Co. Ltd. (Geomaster), a licensed Mongolian land survey company, re-surveyed
the mining concession’s corner points based on the official Mongolian survey datum ‘MSK42’,
and marked the corners with concrete and steel pylons. In November 2004, Geomaster also
surveyed the northern boundary between the Oyu Tolgoi Licence and the adjacent
Shivee Tolgoi JV Property and marked it with wooden posts on 250–500 m intervals. The
differences between these two surveys are considered insignificant.

In early 2011, the GOM changed its official survey datum to WGS-84 Zone 48N. In
accordance with the requirements of the change, Geomaster resurveyed the licences, and
new licence certificates reflecting the slight change were issued to OT LLC.

On 17 May 2006, an expert group established by the GOM recommended registration of the
project’s open pit reserves under Mongolian guidelines; as part of its conclusions, the expert
group confirmed that IMMI (now OT LLC) had title to the Oyu Tolgoi Licence 6709A.

On 1 July 2009, a new experts group, the current Minerals Council, recommended to the
Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy and the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia
that the Oyu Tolgoi Commercial Minerals be registered. Commercial Minerals include
Mongolian Mineral Resources and Mongolian Mineral Reserves and can only be reported in
Mongolia by registration by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy. The Minerals
Council recommended that the IMMI licences be acknowledged and that the
Shivee Tolgoi 3148X and Javkhlant 3150X exploration licences should be converted to mining

This has now been done; the new licence numbers are Shivee Tolgoi 15226A and
Javkhlant 15225A. The IA describes the exploration and mining licences relating to Oyu Tolgoi
and confirms OT LLC’s interest in these licences.

The 2006 Minerals Law provides for a mining licence holder investing US$50 million or more in
the first five years of a project to enter into an investment agreement with the GOM that
regulates aspects of the investment environment, particularly stabilisation of rates for

In the case of Oyu Tolgoi, both the process of negotiation and the final agreement (the IA)
presented an opportunity to confirm how the Laws of Mongolia should be interpreted in their
application to the project and to provide some specific terms for the project. The IA gives
OT LLC confidence in the stability of the terms the project will operate under. The agreement

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has an initial term of 30 years with the right to be extended for a further 20 years provided
certain conditions are satisfied, including a provision that OT LLC makes capital cost
expenditures of at least US$9 billion within the first 29 years.

In conjunction with the IA, a Shareholders’ Agreement was entered into between OT LLC,
subsidiaries of Ivanhoe, and the GOM shareholder, Erdenes MGL LLC, on 6 October 2009,
which was subsequently amended and restated (the Amended and Restated Shareholders’
Agreement, or ARSHA), outlines the rights and obligations between the shareholders of
OT LLC, including obligations to provide funding to OT LLC to develop the project.

The IA was entered into by the GOM pursuant to, and in order to fulfil, Resolution Number 57
of the State Great Khural dated 16 July 2009. Under Resolution Number 57, the GOM is
charged to “agree and resolve with the investor the matter of increasing the amount of
State-owned shares to no less than 50% after compensating1 for the initial investment by
establishing in place the legal environment.” The GOM has the right to increase its
shareholding in OT LLC to 50% on terms to be agreed with the other shareholders. This right is
set out in Article 1.6 of the IA, which provides that:
1. The State will own 34% of the shares in Oyu Tolgoi.
2. After the IA is extended for a further 20 years, the State will have an option to acquire a
further 16% interest (bringing its total ownership interest to 50%) on terms governed by
the process set out in clause 16.10 of the ARSHA.

Under clause 16.10 of the ARSHA, the GOM may only increase its shareholding if:
1. The term of the IA is extended in accordance with Article 15.11.
2. The terms of the increase in the GOM’s shareholding are agreed between the GOM
and the non-GOM shareholders.

Accordingly, the GOM is only enabled to increase the GOM’s stake in Oyu Tolgoi after having
(first) established the value attributable to the initial investment and then compensating /
reimbursing that amount.

The combined effect of Resolution 57 and clause 16.10 of the ARSHA is that OT LLC is entitled
to negotiate the value to which it is entitled before the GOM may increase its stake in
Oyu Tolgoi.

In accordance with the IA, 34% of OT LLC’s equity was issued to Erdenes MGL LLC, an entity
wholly owned by the GOM. This 34% interest has now been transferred to a different entity
owned by GOM, Erdenes OT LLC.

During the Funding Period—a period ending three years after the commencement of
commercial production—the Ivanhoe subsidiaries are obliged to provide 100% of OT LLC’s
funding needs unless other funding, such as project financing is available. The GOM has the
right but not the obligation to contribute up to 34% of OT LLC’s funding requirements. After
the Funding Period the OT LLC shareholders are required to fund OT LLC in proportion to their
66/34% shareholdings. During the Funding Period, the Ivanhoe shareholders have the right to

1 The alternative translation for this term is reimbursing.

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determine whether funding provided to OT LLC is made in the form of debt or equity.
However, Mongolian ‘thin capitalisation’ laws create adverse tax consequences if OT LLC’s
debt-to-equity ratio exceeds 3:1. The ARSHA also imposes restrictions upon the amount of
equity that is issued during the Funding Period, defined in the ARSHA to mean the period
commencing 21 days after the Effective Date under the IA and ending three years after the
commencement of production (September 2013).

The aggregate of all Funding Equity (defined in the ARHSA to mean common equity issued by
OT LLC from 1 January 2012 to the end of the Funding Period) must not exceed 60% of the
Total Capital (defined in the ARSHA to mean the aggregate funding requirements) of OT LLC.

The 34% of funding provided to OT LLC by Ivanhoe shareholders during the Funding Period
constitutes an Outstanding Balance, which will be repaid by the GOM shareholder, together
with interest accruing at an effective annual interest rate of LIBOR (for the relevant quarter)
plus 6.5%, via the GOM shareholder’s entitlement to 34% of OT LLC dividends.

In the case of shareholder debt, loans (including existing shareholder loans that were in place
on 31 March 2010) made to OT LLC by shareholders attract an effective annual interest rate
of LIBOR (for the relevant quarter) plus 6.5%.

Under the Shareholders’ Agreement, OT LLC was entitled to issue preference shares to
shareholders in return for funding provided to OT LLC. Under the amendments effected by
the ARSHA, existing preference shares (Funding Shares) were deemed to have been
converted into common shares with effect from 31 January 2011.

The GOM shareholder remains undiluted by the conversion of preference shares and
continues to hold 34% of OT LLC’s common equity.

Under the ARSHA, the Ivanhoe shareholders may appoint members from the Ivanhoe group
(which includes Rio Tinto group members) to provide services and support to OT LLC. This
group of entities providing services and support to OT LLC is defined as the Management

A Management Services Payment equal to 3.0% of total operating and capital costs prior to
commencement of production and 6.0% of operating and capital costs during production is
payable to (the companies serving as) the Management Team. This payment is included in
the economic analysis as a project expense and under the IA is tax-deductible by OT LLC.
Pursuant to arrangements agreed between Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe, these parties have agreed
that Rio Tinto will be the provider of services support to OT LLC through the Executive
Committee for the construction and operation of Oyu Tolgoi. OT LLC achieved commercial
production in September 2013.

Under the terms of the IA, OT LLC is required to pay a 5.0% royalty on the net revenue earned
by OT LLC on the sale of copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum extracted from the
project area.

Under the terms of the IA, a range of key taxes has been identified as stabilised for the term of
the agreement at the rates and base currently applied.

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The taxes and fees payable to the GOM under Mongolian Law, and their stabilised rates,
 Corporate income tax 25%
 Mineral royalties 5.0% (sales value)
 Value added tax 10%
 Customs duties 5.0%
 Withholding tax 20%

In accordance with the Windfall Profits Tax (WPT) invalidating Law, as from 1 January 2011,
OT LLC will not be subject to the WPT.

OT LLC is also only subject to those taxes listed in the General Taxation Law at the time of
signing the IA and not taxes introduced at any future date. These taxes are collectively noted
as non-discriminatory taxes and as such cannot be imposed on OT LLC in any manner other
than that applied to all taxpayers. Taxes to be withheld are calculated at the rates specified
as in force at the signing of the IA, which includes in accordance with any applicable double
tax treaties and which rates will be stabilised. OT LLC may also apply to take advantage of
any future law or treaty that comes into force and that would apply any rates lower than
those specified in the IA.

The GOM in 2009 enacted amendments to the legislation governing the carry forward of
income tax losses. These terms are incorporated into the IA. The loss carry forward period has
been extended to eight years and, if sufficient, can be applied to offset 100% of taxable
income. This contrasts with the previous law, in which losses were carried forward for two
years and were subject to a 50% limit.

The IA also provides OT LLC with the benefit of a 10% tax credit for all capital investment
made during the construction period. The amount of this credit can be carried forward and
credited in the three subsequent profitable tax years. At present, VAT payments are non-
refundable because OT LLC is a mining company that is not producing a finished product.

It is noted in the agreement that if VAT payments become refundable in the future, then the
availability of the investment tax credit will cease from that point. In that event, past earned
investment tax credits will still be applied.

Although OT LLC is required to make its self-discovered water resources available to be used
for household purposes, the IA confirms that OT LLC holds the sole rights to use these water
resources for Oyu Tolgoi. The contract for the utilisation of water with the GOM water
authority may be executed for 30 years with subsequent 20-year periods of renewal.

OT LLC has a Power Purchase Agreement with the Inner Mongolia Power Corporation to
supply power to Oyu Tolgoi. The term of this agreement covers the commissioning of the
business plus the initial four years of commercial operations.

In August 2014, OT LLC signed a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM
for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-based independent power producer (IPP). The aim of
the PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation between the GOM
and OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region. Participation in the

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PSCA meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power supply within
Mongolia within four years from the commencement of commercial production. Signing of a
PSCA has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the establishment of an IPP
at Tavan Tolgoi is studied.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an IPP
to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to supply electricity, with
Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

OT LLC has the right to construct roads for the transport of its product and airport facilities to
suit project needs. The GOM has committed to providing OT LLC with non-discriminatory
access to any railway constructed between Mongolia and China, if such a railway is
constructed. The GOM has also resolved to resume land (under Government Resolution 175
dated 8 June 2011) for the benefit of Oyu Tolgoi (in particular, to support the infrastructure
needs of the project).

Many of the environmental provisions contained in the IA track the requirements of the Air
Pollution, Energy and Water Law, and OT LLC gives a contractual commitment to comply
with these laws. The environmental provisions in the IA can be summarised as follows:
 OT LLC agrees to comply with the international environmental law treaties to which
Mongolia is a party, and to Articles 35 (General Obligation of Mine Licence Holder) and
37 (Environmental Protection) of the Minerals Law, and agrees to obtain detailed
environmental impact assessment reports (the DEIA Reports) in accordance with the Law
on Environmental Impact Assessment.
 OT LLC has the right to review and comment on the DEIA Reports prior to the DEIA
Reports being submitted to the State central administrative authority in charge of
 OT LLC agrees to obtain permits and licences for the Mine Project as required under
environmental laws, and the GOM agrees to process applications for permits in
accordance with Mongolian Law.
 OT LLC agrees to implement an environmental protection plan (EPP), and environmental
monitoring and analysis programme, and to procure an independent report for the State
central administrative authority in charge of environment every three years. Such report
must address OT LLC’s implementation of the EPP.
 OT LLC agrees to make the EPP and independent reports available to the public, provide
local communities with sufficient relevant information, and regularly consult with local
communities on the impact of its operations on the local environment.
 OT LLC agrees to deposit funds equivalent to 50% of its environmental protection cost for

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the particular year, prior to the start of that year, into a bank account established by the
State central administrative authority in charge of environment.
 Each deposit will be refunded annually to OT LLC upon full implementation of each EPP
for that year in all material respects.
 If OT LLC fails to fully implement in all material respects the measures specified in an EPP
for that year, then the deposit will be used for the implementation of the EPP. If the
deposit is insufficient, then experts shall be appointed to determine the additional
actions and funds required by OT LLC.
 OT LLC agrees to submit an annual report detailing its comprehensive environmental
monitoring and analysis programme associated with Core Operations to the State
central administrative authority in charge of environment.
 If any material adverse impact is found by the environmental monitoring and analysis
programme, then OT LLC will take necessary measures to eliminate such material
adverse impact at OT LLC’s expense.
 OT LLC agrees to pay compensation for unanticipated and irreversible ecological
damage directly caused by the operations of the Mine Project based on the ecological
and economic value for the permanently damaged natural resources, to the extent
prescribed by the Law on the Environmental Protection, and other relevant laws and
 Compensation referred to above will be determined by an independent group of
environmental experts appointed by the State central administrative authority in charge
of environment, taking into consideration the views of OT LLC, and OT LLC will cooperate
with the experts in such determination.
 OT LLC has the right to access and use its self-discovered water resources (including the
water resources the subject of the Water Approval) for purposes connected with the
Mine Project during the life of the Mine Project, including: to construct, commission,
operate, and rehabilitate the Mine Project. The following provisions apply to self-
discovered water:
- The approved volume of self-discovered water resources (as specified in the Water
Approval) is only sufficient to meet the Mine Project’s water requirements, and the
rights to use such self-discovered water resources will not be granted to other
economic entities.
- In respect of self-discovered water resources discovered or approved after the date
of the IA, and where these water resources fully satisfy and exceed the requirements
of the Mine Project, the State central administrative authority in charge of water
matters may provide the portion of such excess water resources for use of other
economic entities on terms to be agreed with the OT LLC, and OT LLC will be
compensated for its exploration costs in proportion to the volume of water made
available to the other economic entities.
- OT LLC will make its self-discovered water resources available to be used for
household purposes, herder families, and agricultural activities of the local soum
 OT LLC will pay fees to the GOM for surface and underground water removed and
consumed for the purpose of mine development and mining of minerals at the rate
specified in the Law on Water, 2012, and Law on Water Pollution Fee, 2012, effective at

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that time, and these fees will be treated as a deductible expense from the taxable
income of OT LLC; however, such fees, and the terms upon which the OT LLC may use
such water, will be no less favourable than those applicable from time to time to other
domestic and international users, and will take into account whether the water is suitable
for industrial or household use. Fees for use of water have not been stabilised by the IA.
The Law on Fees for Use of Water and Mineral Water has been consolidated with other
laws on the use of natural resources and has been replaced with the Law on Natural
Resources Use Fee, dated 17 May 2012. The rates under the Law on Natural Resources
Use Fee will apply to OT LLC.
 OT LLC will support the GOM in the establishment of safe drinking water for the local
soum centre directly affected by the Mine Project as identified in the DEIA Reports.
 Recognising that the quality of self-discovered water may vary considerably, OT LLC will
support the GOM to upgrade or treat these water resources for household purposes and
agricultural activities of the local soum communities, or provide infrastructure for water
transportation for local household use only.
 The GOM will ensure that a contract on water utilisation is awarded upon request of
OT LLC (including in relation to the water resources the subject of the Water Approval) in
accordance with the Law on Water, the Law on the Natural Resources Fees, and the
Government Resolution 326 and 327 of 2013. As the Oyu Tolgoi project is classified as a
mineral deposit of strategic importance, the contract with OT LLC on water utilisation will
have a term of 30 years in accordance with the Law on Water, and may be extended
for periods of 20 years each time in accordance with the Law on Water.
 The GOM will grant to OT LLC within 30 days after its request all necessary contracts on
water utilisation and other water permits to ensure that sufficient water is available at all
times for the Mine Project.
 OT LLC` has the following obligations with regard to water utilisation:
- Comply in all material respects with the conditions and requirements set forth in
Article 30 of the Law on Water, the contract on water utilisation, and the
DEIA Reports. Compliance with such conditions and requirements will be audited by
an independent, competent, professional firm, and the audit outcome will be
provided to the State central administrative authority in charge of environment with a
copy to OT LLC.
- Not reduce from the current level the quality and quantity of the existing potable and
livestock water supplies used by existing users at the date of the IA within the water
resources area defined in the DEIA Reports.
- Apply modern technology and procedures to minimise the volume of water used by
the Mine Project, maximise the efficiency of water usage, and recycle used water
where reasonably practicable to do so having regard to technology and procedures
used in similar operations.
- Rehabilitate the environment damaged by Core Operations in accordance with
Mongolian and international standards and codes in effect when the mine is closed
in whole or in part.

The Power Plant Project will implement the environmental protection provisions of the IA as
described in the ESIA (July 2012). A Supplemental ESIA specifically for the Power Plant Project
is forthcoming.

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On 18 October 2006, Ivanhoe entered into a Private Placement Agreement with Rio Tinto
International Holdings Limited (Rio Tinto), a wholly owned member of the Rio Tinto Group.
Under the terms of the agreement, Rio Tinto agreed to acquire 19.7% of the issued and
outstanding common shares of Ivanhoe in two tranches. Through a series of other
agreements with Ivanhoe, Mr Robert Friedland, and others; through its exercise of warrants;
and through purchases, Rio Tinto has since increased its shareholding in Ivanhoe to
approximately 51%. Under the terms of the Private Placement Agreement, Rio Tinto and
Ivanhoe established a joint Technical Committee to oversee and approve all aspects of the
engineering, construction, development, and operation of Oyu Tolgoi. Rio Tinto also acquired
a right of first refusal in the event of Ivanhoe proposing to dispose of any interest, direct or
indirect, in Oyu Tolgoi to a third party, other than the GOM.

On 8 December 2010, Ivanhoe entered into a Heads of Agreement with Rio Tinto. The terms
of this agreement include but are not limited to:
 Rio Tinto agreed to make available to Ivanhoe a non-revolving interim funding facility of
up to US$1.8 billion to be used to fund expenditures in respect of Oyu Tolgoi, while the
parties agreed to work together to complete the project financing.
 Pursuant to the terms of a governance agreement, Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe established a
joint Operating Committee, through which decisions concerning the exercise of
Ivanhoe’s indirect voting rights in OT LLC are made at both the board of directors’ level
and the shareholder level.
 Pursuant to the terms of a Management Agreement, a Rio Tinto affiliate could be
appointed to manage, supervise, and conduct all matters and activities related to
Oyu Tolgoi.

On 17 April 2012, Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, under
which Rio Tinto agreed to support and provide certain elements of a comprehensive funding
package for Ivanhoe to underpin the development of Oyu Tolgoi. The parties also agreed to
make changes to Ivanhoe’s board and management. More specifically, under the
Memorandum of Agreement, among other terms:
 Rio Tinto agreed to provide a standby commitment for the full amount of a US$1.8 billion
rights offering by Ivanhoe. Rio Tinto also agreed to provide US$1.5 billion of bridge
financing to Ivanhoe. The proceeds from the rights offering and the bridge financing
funding are to be used by Ivanhoe only to fund expenditure in respect of Oyu Tolgoi.
 Rio Tinto restated its commitment to work with Ivanhoe to secure the project financing
and agreed to provide completion support by way of a guarantee of certain obligations
of Ivanhoe under the project financing. Once project financing is in place, both the
US$1.8 billion interim funding facility made available under the 2010 Heads of Agreement
and any amounts drawn down under the US$1.5 billion bridge financing are required to
be repaid to Rio Tinto in full.
 It was agreed that a new 13-member Ivanhoe board would be formed, the majority of
whom were to be independent directors, comprising:
- Eleven Rio Tinto-nominated directors, six of whom would be independent until at least
18 January 2014.

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- Two directors nominated by Robert Friedland, one of whom was to be independent,
for so long as Mr Friedland retains an interest in Ivanhoe of at least 10%.
 It was agreed that Rio Tinto would be entitled to nominate, and the Ivanhoe board
would approve, the CEO and CFO of Ivanhoe.
 Ivanhoe issued to Rio Tinto a new anti-dilution subscription right to enable it to maintain its
proportional interest in Ivanhoe and approximately 74.2 million additional fixed price
Series D share warrants.

Following the Ivanhoe rights offering, which expired on 19 July 2012 (in which approximately
99.2% of the shares were taken up in the initial subscriptions of the offering rights), Rio Tinto
together with 7999674 Canada Inc., also a wholly owned member of the Rio Tinto Group,
increased its shareholding in Ivanhoe from approximately 50.9% to approximately 51%.

Copies of the Private Placement Agreement, the Heads of Agreement, and the
Memorandum of Agreement have been filed on SEDAR and can be accessed at

On 9 November 2004, the Shivee Tolgoi Effective Date, an Earn-In and Equity Participation
Agreement was finalised between Ivanhoe and Entrée Gold Inc., giving Ivanhoe the right to
earn an interest in a portion of the overall area of Entrée’s Shivee Tolgoi Property, initially
referred to as the Shivee Tolgoi Earn-in Property (see Figure 4.1). On 11 March 2008, Ivanhoe
notified Entrée that it had incurred sufficient expenditures (>$27.5 million) to earn a
60% interest, as was outlined in the initial agreement. At the end of June 2008, Ivanhoe
notified Entrée that it had incurred sufficient expenditures (>$35 million) to earn an 80%
participating interest and thereby form a joint venture. The property is now referred to as the
Shivee Tolgoi Joint Venture. Details of the EJV licences are provided in Table 4.4.

Mining Mining Area Area of Licence Date Date of Licence

Licence Licence (ha) Agreement Extension
Name (ha)
15226A Shivee Tolgoi 54,653 19,478 27 October 2009 27 October 2039
15225A Javkhlant 20,327 20,327 27 October 2009 27 October 2039
Total 39,805

The JV property is adjacent to the north, east, and south of the Oyu Tolgoi Licence and
includes Entrée’s Javkhlant Mining Licence (15225A) and the eastern portion of the Shivee
Tolgoi Mining Licence (15226A). The boundaries of the mining licences are defined by latitude
and longitude coordinates and by UTM coordinates with datum set to
WGS-84 Zone 48N.

In October 2009, Entrée received notice that its application for conversion of the
Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant exploration concessions to mining licences had been approved
by the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia. Successful conversion of these exploration
licences to mining licences was a condition precedent to the IA signed in October 2009 by

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Ivanhoe Mines (now TQR), the parent company of OT LLC, and Rio Tinto plc, minority partner
in the project, with the GOM. It was a condition of the IA that the rights held by Ivanhoe
Mines in respect of ML 15225A and 15226A were to be transferred to OT LLC; this had been
effected by an assignment agreement dated 1 March 2005 executed by Ivanhoe Mines in
favour of OT LLC.

Under the terms of the Entrée-Ivanhoe Mines Joint Venture, Entrée retains either a 20% or 30%
carried interest in the Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant mining licences, depending on the depth
of mineralisation. The duration and financial obligations to the GOM for the mining licences
are described in Section 4.1.

Major changes have been recently made into foreign investment regulations of Mongolia.
On 3 October 2013, the Mongolian Parliament passed the new Investment Law, which
provides a complex regulatory regime on foreign and local investments in Mongolia.

Key features of the Investment Law include:

 Foreign investors may invest in Mongolia upon being registered at the State Registration
of Legal Entities.
 A foreign State-owned legal entity is only required to obtain permission where a
proposed investment in Mongolia involves the acquisition of one-third or more of the
shares in an entity involved in a “sector of strategic importance”, which is the minerals,
banking and finance and media and communication sectors.
 The Investment Law grants a land possession right to foreign investors and it will only be
enforceable once the 2003 Land Law is amended or revised, which is yet to be done.
 A foreign investor may be entitled to a tax stabilisation, if its investment in Mongolia is
more than MNT30 billion. Types of taxes that may be covered in tax stabilisations are:
corporate income tax, customs duty, value-added tax, and payment for use of minerals
resources (royalty). It applies to an investment agreement.
 A period of tax stabilisation is different depending on an amount of investment and a
region or province in which the investment is made. The maximum period of tax
stabilisation in a mining sector is 18 years. A period of investment agreement may be
longer than the period of tax stabilisation.
 A foreign investor who is investing more than MNT500 billion may enter into an investment
agreement with the Minister in charge of investment issues.

The Regulation on Establishing Investment Agreement was adopted by the GOM on

21 February 2014 in accordance with Article 20.6 of the Investment Law. Foreign investors
submit an application to enter into an investment agreement and the Ministry of Economic
Development decides whether or not to enter into the agreement. The Ministry of Economic
Development may reject to enter into the agreement. It is also stated that the GOM does
have the right to suspend or terminate an investment agreement if an investor fails to perform
obligations under the agreement.

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In recognition that several environmental and social baseline studies and impact assessment
reports have been prepared for the various components of Oyu Tolgoi since 2003, OT LLC
commissioned a consolidated ESIA in 2010 that is intended to pull together all of the
environmental and social baseline and impact assessment work done to date into one report
for lender review. The ESIA is a living document that has been updated and expanded with
the latest available data. It was circulated for public disclosure in the Project Area of
Influence in 2012. The public feedback was obtained. Currently, the management plans are
under implementation.

The 2010 ESIA and the 2009 SIA Final Report that preceded it are intended to align with
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards, European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Performance Requirements, Rio Tinto’s Communities
Standard, and Ivanhoe Mines’ ‘Statement of Values and Responsibilities’.

The Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) applies to the construction, operational,
decommissioning, and post-closure phases of Oyu Tolgoi. It is designed to ensure that the
project avoids, minimises, mitigates, or compensates any impact on cultural heritage and
archaeological items in the Project Area of Influence. It covers all project activities that have
the potential to result in impacts to tangible or intangible heritage related to:
 Mining and quarrying of materials.
 Road construction (access roads, main road) and associated borrow pit excavation.
 Site preparation and infrastructure installation.
 Staging areas used for construction.
 Excavation and protection of dykes, culverts, and diversion channels.
 Waste rock storage and waste management activities.
 Increased human presence, including driving, consultation activities, and monitoring
 Construction of worker housing.
 Increased presence of foreigners in the workforce with different ideologies, values, and
cultural traditions who interact with the local population.
 Site rehabilitation and reclamation.

The CHMP describes methods to effectively identify, map, document, and protect any
archaeological resources that may be encountered during the project. The objectives of this
management plan are to:
 Outline the legal obligations/project standards with regard to the protection of cultural

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 Identify the actual and potential sources of impact on both tangible and intangible
 Establish effective plans, programmes, and procedures for managing archaeological
sites and cultural assets, including potential chance finds during construction and
 Define roles and responsibilities.
 Define monitoring and reporting procedures.
 Define training requirements.

The building and maintenance of enduring relationships with communities, Government, non-
government organisations, and civil society in the Project Area of Influence, based on trust,
openness, and the pursuit of mutual interests, is the foundation of the Oyu Tolgoi Community
Relations Policy. This policy is in accordance with Rio Tinto’s community standards. Elements
of the policy are listed below.
 Multi-year community plan,
 Baseline communities’ assessment,
 Community and regional investment, cooperation,
 Cultural heritage,
 Resettlement of families and/or communities,
 Legally binding agreements with communities,
 Proposed compensation payments.

To maintain ongoing dialogue with local communities, OT LLC operates five local offices—the
site administration office, Khanbogd soum centre, and Dalanzadgad, Bayan Ovoo, and
Manlai soums—in addition to its head office in Ulaanbaatar. These offices are staffed by
trained personnel who conduct regular informal and formal information sessions with local
residents to keep them apprised of project developments, to identify any potential impacts
or community grievances, and to jointly collaborate on mitigation measures.

The plan will be reviewed regularly, at least every three months during construction, to ensure
that it remains valid and meets the needs of OT LLC, local communities, and other relevant

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The topography of the project area largely consists of gravel-covered plains, with low hills
along the northern and western lease borders. Small, scattered rock outcrops and colluvial
talus are widespread within the northern, western, and southern parts of the property.

The Project is centred at approximately latitude 43°00'45"N, longitude 106°51'15"E or UTM

coordinates 4,764,000 mN and 651,000 mE with datum set to WGS-84, Zone 48N. The SOT and
Hugo Dummett deposits are the principal zones of mineralisation defined on the Project and
these occur within a north–north-east trending, 8.0 km long and 1.0 km wide mineralised
corridor in the central portion of the Project at elevations ranging from approximately
1,140–1,215 masl.

Access to the property from the Mongolian capital, Ulaanbaatar, is possible either by an
unpaved road, via Mandalgovi, a 12 hour drive under good conditions, or by air.

A permanent domestic airport has been constructed at Oyu Tolgoi to support the
transportation of people and goods to the site from Ulaanbaatar. It further serves as the
regional airport for Khanbogd soum.

The permanent airport is 13 km north of the Oyu Tolgoi camp area. It is a non-precision
approach, visual flight rules (VFR) facility. The runway surface is concrete 3,250 m long x 45 m
wide, with a concrete apron at the terminal building. The runway has been aligned to the
prevailing north-west–south-east wind direction to minimise cross-wind conditions and
facilitate optimal landing and take-off conditions. The design is set to service commercial
aircraft up to the Boeing 737-800 series aircraft.

The Trans-Mongolian Railway crosses the Mongolia-China border approximately 420 km east
of the property, traversing the country from south-east to north-west through Ulaanbaatar to
the border with Russia. At the Mongolian-Chinese border the rail gauge changes from the
Russian standard to the Chinese standard. The Chinese Government has upgraded 226 km of
road from Ganqimaodao to Wuyuan, providing a direct road link between the Mongolian
border crossing at Gashuun Sukhait, 80 km south of Oyu Tolgoi, and the Trans-China Railway
system. A 105 km sealed road is being constructed to the Mongolian-Chinese border crossing
at Gashuun Sukhait. The remaining 23 km is expected to be completed in 2015.

Ulaanbaatar has an international airport, and Mandalgovi and Dalanzadgad have regional
airports. There is currently charter air service between the site and Ulaanbaatar. The closest
regional airport in China is at Hohhot. There are no airport facilities at Wuyuan or Bayan Ovoo.

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The Small Gobi Strictly Protected Area (SGSPA) is approximately 80 km south of the mine
licence area, on the Mongolia-China border. The access road corridor traverses through
13 km of the protected area. With the acceptance of the EIA for the corridor in June 2004,
OT LLC has received approval to cross through this area.

There are a number of communities in the South Gobi (Omnogovi) relatively near the project
site. The most prominent is Dalanzadgad, population 21,581 (as of the end of 2013), which is
the centre of the Omnogovi aimag and is 220 km north-west of the Oyu Tolgoi property.
Facilities at Dalanzadgad include a regional hospital, tertiary technical colleges, a domestic
airport, and a 6 MW capacity coal-fired power station. OT LLC sees Dalanzadgad as a
suitable centre for regional recruiting and training and in 2010 signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science that included the
conduction of a new mining-focused professional and technical training centre there.

In addition to new vocational centres at Dalanzadgad and Ulaanbaatar, OT LLC is investing

in facilities and equipment upgrades at five vocational educational establishments in the
country, and the Rio Tinto Group (including OT LLC) is entering partnerships with universities for
specific programmes. In particular, the Rio Tinto Group will provide the National University of
Mongolia (NUM) with educational resource materials, scholarships, and internships. In turn,
NUM will support the company’s public education and awareness initiatives and deliver short-
term courses.

Other Omnogovi aimag communities near Oyu Tolgoi include Khanbogd, the centre of the
Khanbogd soum, 45 km to the north-east and closest to the site, with a population of
approximately 4,712 (as of the end of 2013); Bayan Ovoo (population 1,600), 65 km to the
west; and Manlai (population 2,400), 150 km to the north. These communities could all
conceivable increase in size as a result of the Oyu Tolgoi Project. Farther north, Mandalgovi
(population 13,500), the capital of the Dundgovi aimag, 310 km north of the project on the
road to Ulaanbaatar, could also be subject to project-related effects.

The South Gobi region has a continental, semi-desert climate. The spring and autumn seasons
are cool, summers are hot, and winters are cold. Typical of desert climates, the site has low
average humidity and significant variations in daily temperatures.

Knight Piésold conducted an extensive evaluation of the available climatic information for
the Project area using regional data from bibliographical sources and local data from nearby
climate stations.

The climatic conditions are such that the operating season for the Project will cover the entire
year on a continuous shift basis. Minor disruptions are expected and have been allowed for in
the Project operating hours estimates.

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Data were derived primarily from climatic records for Bayan Ovoo, approximately 65 km west
of Oyu Tolgoi, and from two years of available Oyu Tolgoi site data. Although these data
have some limitations, they are considered adequate for use in design. Data were also
obtained from Khanbogd, approximately 45 km north-east of the site, Dalanzadgad, 220 km
north-west, and Hailiutu, 200 km south-west, but the information from Bayan Ovoo was
deemed the most representative of conditions at Oyu Tolgoi.

Temperatures range from an extreme maximum of about 50°C to an extreme minimum of

about –34°C. The typical air temperature in winter fluctuates between +6°C and –21°C. In the
coldest month, January, the average temperature is –13°C. Data from Bayan Ovoo are
shown in Table 5.1.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Minimum –34 –33 –25 –22 –13 0.4 4 3 –5 –20 –27 –33
Average –13 –8 –0.4 9 18 23 25 23 17 7 –3 –10
Maximum 9 16 24 31 38 50 40 39 39 30 25 14

The average relative humidity ranges from 18.7% in May to 53.3% in January. Daily relative
humidity is dependent on current temperature and varies considerably.

Table 5.2 shows monthly relative humidity statistics using the calculated hourly averages from
the site weather station. The design relative humidity for summer is based on an analysis of the
July 2002 and 2003 hourly temperatures and corresponding relative humidity values. The
design relative humidity for a 1 July temperature of 34.5°C is 15.1%.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Minimum 19 13 3 2 1 1 5 8 1 2 5 11
Average 53 38 24 24 19 31 37 36 34 30 41 44
Maximum 81 67 88 90 100 97 100 100 100 81 85 81

From the data available to date, the minimum recorded ground temperature is –22°C and
the maximum is 40°C. Table 5.3 shows the design freezing depths at the site based on the
Mongolian Climate Data and Geophysical Parameters.

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Soil Type Freezing Depth (m)
Clayey soil 1.7
Sandy soil 2.1
Gravely soil 2.5

Solar radiation data have been collected at the Oyu Tolgoi site station since 2002. Solar
radiation is measured in watts per square metre (W/m2) and fluctuates during the day,
ranging from 0 W/m2 at night and peaking soon after mid-day. The average daily maximum
for the two years of data available is 655 W/m2, the highest daily maximum is 1,030 W/m2, and
the lowest daily maximum is 76 W/m2.

Maximum levels of solar radiation are lower during the winter. The average daily maximum is
429 W/m2 for January and 859 W/m2 for July.

Average annual precipitation is 57 mmpa, 90% of which falls as rain and the rest as snow.
Snowfall accumulations rarely exceed 50 mm. Maximum rainfall events of up to 44 mmph for
a 1-in-10 year, 10-minute storm event have been recorded. In an average year, rainfalls
occur on only 19 days, and snow falls on 10–15 days. The ground snow load is 0.1 kPa.
Monthly rainfall data are shown in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5. Both tables are derived from
Bayan Ovoo data for 1975–2002.

Return Rainfall Intensity (mmph)

Interval 1-in-2 1-in-10 1-in-20 1-in-50 1-in-100 1-in-500
Duration Years Years Years Years Years Years
10 minutes 15.4 44.2 63.5 99.8 138.3 284.2
30 minutes 10.0 28.7 41.3 64.8 89.9 187.7
60 minutes 6.8 19.5 28.0 44.0 60.9 125.2
2 hours 4.3 12.3 17.7 27.8 38.6 79.3
3 hours 3.2 9.2 13.3 20.9 28.9 59.4
6 hours 1.9 5.5 7.9 12.4 17.2 35.4
12 hours 1.1 3.2 4.6 7.3 10.1 20.7
24 hours 0.7 1.9 2.7 4.2 5.9 12.0
48 hours 0.4 1.1 1.5 2.3 3.2 6.3
72 hours 0.3 0.8 1.0 1.6 2.2 4.2

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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Maximum daily 2.1 3.8 4.4 10.4 19.0 16.2 29.5 102.0 19.2 4.0 4.3 1.5 
Average monthly 0.4 0.4 0.8 1.4 3.1 8.1 18.1 17.8 5.0 0.9 0.6 0.2 56.8
Average rain
0.6 0.6 1.0 0.8 1.5 3.0 4.5 3.9 1.4 0.6 0.7 0.4 19.0
days per month

Local records indicate that thunderstorms are likely to occur from 2–8 days each year at
Oyu Tolgoi. Electrical activity generally totals about 29 hours each year. An average storm will
have up to 83 lightning flashes a minute.

Given the importance of this variable for determining project water requirements, a number
of different methods were used to generate and analyse evaporation data to determine
design levels. The results are summarised in Table 5.6. It should be noted that site
measurements are ongoing to confirm these results.

Month Sublimation Evaporation (Open Total

(Water bodies Frozen in Water bodies) (mm)
Winter) (mm) (mm)
January 22 82 104
February 41 101 142
March  142 142
April  256 256
May  439 439
June  378 378
July  382 382
August  285 285
September  192 192
October  132 132
November 53 11 64
December 27 88 115
Total 143 2,488 2,631

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Wind is usually present at the site, predominantly from the north. Very high winds are
accompanied by sandstorms that often severely reduce visibility for several hours at a time.
At present, site-specific wind monitoring data are available for only a short period of time, less
than a year. Based on regional information, windstorms can have gusts up to 50 m/s.
Snowstorms and blizzards with winds up to 40 m/s occur in the Gobi region for five to eight
days each winter. Spring dust storms are far more frequent and can continue through June
and July. The average storm duration is six to seven hours. An average of 120 hours of dust
storm activity and 220 hours of drifting dust are recorded each year.

Based on the Mongolian Code, the Basic Wind Speed is 34 m/s. Maximum one hour speeds
recorded at Bayan Ovoo are shown in Table 5.7. The number of dust storms per month is
shown in Table 5.8.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
13.4 14.0 15.4 18.1 16.6 16.2 16.3 14.8 16.0 18.6 19.3 14.5
Wind Speed

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
No. of days 0.7 1.0 2.4 4.7 4.1 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.6 0.7 1.9 0.7

OT LLC has a Power Purchase Agreement with the Inner Mongolia Power Corporation to
supply power to Oyu Tolgoi. The term of this agreement covers the commissioning of the
business plus the initial four years of commercial operations.

In August 2014, OT LLC signed a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM
for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-based independent power producer (IPP). The aim of
the PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation between the GOM
and OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region. Participation in the
PSCA meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power supply within
Mongolia within four years from the commencement of commercial production. Signing of a
PSCA has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the establishment of an IPP
at Tavan Tolgoi is studied.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an IPP
to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to supply electricity, with
Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

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Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

The locations of power providers in Northern China is shown in Figure 5.1.

The Project area is located within the closed Central Asian drainage basin and has no
outflow to the ocean. Most riverbeds in this drainage basin are ephemeral creeks that remain
dry most times of the year. The Undai River is the most significant hydrological feature of the
Project area. A tributary of the river passes through the site.

Flows after heavy summer rainstorms often result in very turbulent, high-velocity mud flows,
locally termed ‘Gobian wild floods’. These floods have been known to destroy road crossings
and to carry away vehicles caught in the riverbeds. No surface flow data are available for
these isolated and episodic flood events. During exploration, only two such events were
experienced from 2002–2009. Further discussions with locals indicate these events can occur
yearly (excluding current drought conditions).

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Shallow springs are used by wildlife and livestock as drinking water sources. Migratory wildlife
movements during summer months in the Gobi are likely to be dictated by the presence of
surface water in natural springs.

Water quality baseline data for surface waters throughout the Project area, access road
corridor, and aquifer areas are being collected through current monitoring programmes.

Potential impacts on surface water systems in the Project area include local changes to
natural flow paths and depletion of springs, ephemeral wetlands, and salt-marshes from
project development and operation activities. The mitigation and design work with regard to
surface water focused on the potential impacts to surface water quality include increased
sedimentation and risk of pollution of springs, ephemeral wetlands, and salt-marshes from
increased erosion, contaminated dust fallout, contaminant spills, and accidents associated
with project construction and operational activities.

Fugitive dust control management plans and spill management systems are being used to
avoid and mitigate potential impacts to air and surface water quality. These studies are used
to mitigate impacts that may result in loss of wildlife habitat, decrease in wildlife health, and
decrease in wildlife population because of higher mortality rates.

On and off-site infrastructure associated with the upgrading of road facilities at the site and
along the corridor include the formation of dedicated stream crossings, which may reduce
the number of undefined and informal crossings that now exist along tracks within the

Detailed groundwater investigations to date have been concentrated in the Gunii Hooloi,
Galbyn Gobi, and Nariin Zag aquifer areas to assess the potential to meet Oyu Tolgoi’s
estimated water demand. Groundwater investigations conducted in the mine licence area
focused on assessment of required dewatering rates for mine works and the potential to
meet the Project’s camp and construction water demands.

Process water supply has been registered and will be piped from the Gunii Hooloi basin to the
north-west of the Project area. Current studies are ongoing at site to confirm groundwater
model predictions with respect to dewatering of the pit and underground and groundwater
environmental impacts.

Oyu Tolgoi is a remote greenfields project and extensive infrastructure has been constructed
in addition to the concentrating facilities. The major initial infrastructure elements include:
 Water Borefields
Water is supplied from the Gunii Hooloi basin, which extends 35–75 km north of
Oyu Tolgoi. Bores were developed in the south-west and the north-east areas of the
Gunii Hooloi borefield with storage lagoons along the pipeline designed to provide for
emergency use without impacting site water needs.

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 Water Treatment
A permanent water treatment facility and bottling plant has been constructed to treat
raw water from the Gunii Hooloi borefield to drinking (potable) and domestic water
 Housing
Accommodation facilities have been constructed to support the operations phase of the
Project. Temporary facilities will also be constructed throughout the Project to support
additional manpower requirements for construction and expansion demands.
 Airstrip
The airport is located approximately 7.0 km north of Oyu Tolgoi and facilitates for the
transport of people and goods to the site from Ulaanbaatar and other points of
 Supporting Facilities
Administration, training, mine equipment maintenance, gatehouse, medical centre, fire
station, heating plant, fuel storage, and warehouse facilities, among others were
constructed to support operational requirements over the life-of-mine.
 Railroads
Initially, the transport of bulk supplies and the delivery of copper concentrate to China is
by access road to the railhead. However, direct rail transport is considered a long-term
transportation solution after this initial development period.

The land surrounding the mine licence area is predominantly used for nomadic herding of
goats, camels, and sheep by small family units. Use is based on informal traditional Mongolian
principles of shared grazing rights with limited land tenure for semi-permanent winter shelters
and other improvements. Initiation of the herder support programme has reduced the
incidence of land use conflict between current mineral exploration and grazing practices.
The Project intends to maintain co-existence of traditional grazing practices and mineral
development except where there is a risk to public safety or livestock.

The Law of Mongolia on Environmental Impact Assessment (2001) and the guidelines issued
for the IMMI EIA (2001) require the inclusion of a risk assessment in project documentation.
‘Risk assessment’ means identification and prediction of the possible emergencies and
accidents that could occur during the production process or natural disasters, and
elimination and mitigation of their consequences.

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A complete list of outstanding work to be completed at various stages of development, and
current status, is included in the report. Key work includes baseline studies and assessment of
project-related impacts along the access road corridor from Mongolia-China border to
Wuyuan, China; wildlife population dynamics, habitat use, ecology and migratory habits of
key species within the region; trans-boundary issues, cumulative effects, human health risks,
and noise effects; and continued evaluation of acid mine drainage and metal leachate
potential, hydrology, water quality of surface water occurrences, groundwater resources, air
quality, soil chemistry; and projected impacts. Completion of this work will aid in customising
and improving existing environmental management and monitoring plans as part of an
Adaptive Environmental Management System.

As part of overall project planning, OT LLC has prepared a preliminary reclamation and
closure plan. Certain features of the mine, such as the open pit, waste dumps, and tailings
impoundment, will create permanent changes to the current landscape that cannot be
completely remedied through reclamation. The closure plan will; however, ensure that these
disturbed areas are seismically and chemically stable as to limit the ecological impacts to the
surrounding water, air, and land.

The closure plan for the Project will address the socio-economic impacts of mine closure
considering that the existence and economic survival of some communities may have
become dependent on the Project. Issues include ongoing environmental management
during and after reclamation, loss of jobs, and socio-economic impact to the region.

The primary reclamation objective is to develop the mine in a manner that prevents leaving
an unsustainable environmental legacy and that considers community input and values.
Other key objectives are as follows:
 Protect public health and safety during all stages of project development.
 Prevent or mitigate environmental degradation caused by mining-related activities.
 Return the maximum amount of disturbed land to pre-mining conditions suitable for
nomadic herdsmen and their grazing animals.
 Secure the open pit areas, subsidence zones, waste dumps, and tailings storage facilities
to ensure public and environmental safety.
 Plan and implement reclamation techniques that eliminate the need for long-term
maintenance presence on-site and permit OT LLC to ‘walk away’ from the reclaimed
mine with no environmental or social encumbrances.

OT LLC is and will continue to develop environmental monitoring plans, including proposed
activities and schedules, to ensure that environmental parameters meet the criteria,
standards, and limits laid out in the EIA and Environmental Protection Plan. In accordance
with Mongolian Law, OT LLC will undertake monitoring at its own expense using approved
methods and accredited facilities. The monitoring permits procedures and activities to be
adjusted and/or modified as necessary to ensure optimal environmental protection.

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Parameters to be monitored during the closure and post-closure phases of the mine include
the following:
 Surface water and groundwater quality.
 Physical stability of tailings deposits.
 Physical stability of the river water diversion dike, waste rock dumps, drainage ditches,
and concrete shaft/raise caps.
 Isolation of open pit voids and unfilled subsidence zones, including status of open water
and erosion controls.
 Success of indigenous revegetation, including remediation as required until proven to be
 Condition of groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers, survey monuments, and other
 Effectiveness of dust control measures on waste rock, tailings storage facility, and other
waste areas with specific attention to potential wind-blown contaminant sources.

OT LLC reported in IDOP that a seismic hazard assessment of Oyu Tolgoi was completed. The
seismicity of Oyu Tolgoi was determined to be low, and the seismicity of eastern Mongolia is
generally low. However, to the west of Oyu Tolgoi lies the Mongolian Altai – a tectonically
active mountain range stretching 1,700 km from south-west Siberia to the Gobi Desert. The
easternmost extension of the Mongolian Altai is known as the Gobi Altai, which dies out
approximately 50–100 km west of Oyu Tolgoi.

The Research Centre for Astronomy and Geophysics of Academy of Science (Seismology
Centre) is responsible for assessing seismology in Mongolia. OT LLC appointed the Seismology
Centre to perform a seismic assessment for the project.

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The existence of copper in the Oyu Tolgoi area has been recognised since the Bronze Age,
but contemporary exploration for Mineral Resources did not begin until the 1980s, when a
joint Mongolian and Russian geochemical survey team identified a molybdenum anomaly
over the Central zone. Evidence of alteration and copper mineralisation at the South zone
was first noted by Garamjav in 1983, during a regional reconnaissance of the area. In
September 1996, Garamjav guided geologists from Magma Copper Company (Magma) to
the area. These geologists identified a porphyry-copper leached cap over Central zone and
quickly moved to secure exploration tenements. Magma was subsequently acquired by BHP
(BHP), later BHP-Billiton. The target at Oyu Tolgoi was a large supergene-enriched porphyry.

Geophysical surveying at Oyu Tolgoi was first initiated by BHP in 1997. An airborne
magnetometer survey was flown at a height of approximately 100 m on 300 m spaced, east-
west oriented lines over approximately 1,120 km2 of BHP’s mineral concession. The survey
provided good resolution of the magnetic features to facilitate geological and structural
interpretation across the concession areas. BHP also undertook an induced polarisation (IP)
survey using a single gradient array with a 2,000 m AB electrode spacing and a ground
magnetometer survey. The first survey was conducted on north-south oriented lines and
produced data that were difficult to reconcile to the then-known geology. A later survey by
Ivanhoe Mines Ltd (Ivanhoe) in 2001 was conducted on east-west oriented lines and
therefore perpendicular to the structural trend. This immediately showed the close correlation
between mineralisation and chargeable response, which has proven to be highly successful
in further exploration. Both IP datasets were surveyed by a local Mongolian surveying team at
250 m line spacing. The surveys covered the Southern, Southwest, Central, and North
exploration targets but did not extend into the Far North region that ultimately became the
Hugo Dummett deposit.

BHP carried out geological, geochemical (stream sediment and soil), and geophysical
surveys and diamond drilling programmes (23 drillholes total) in the Central and South zones
in 1997 and 1998. Copper and gold values were encountered at depths from 20–70 m below
surface, and a supergene-enriched, chalcocite blanket was encountered in one drillhole
(OT-3). Based on the results of this drilling, BHP performed a Mineral Resources estimate in
1998, but the resulting tonnage and grade estimate was considered too small to meet BHP
corporate objectives, and BHP elected to offer the property for joint venture. Ivanhoe visited
Oyu Tolgoi in May 1999 and agreed to acquire 100% interest in the property, subject to a 2.0%
net smelter return royalty. In 2000, Ivanhoe completed 8,000 m of reverse circulation (RC)
drilling, mainly at the Central zone, to explore the chalcocite blanket discovered earlier by
BHP. Based on this drilling, Ivanhoe updated the Mineral Resources estimates.

In 2001, Ivanhoe continued RC drilling, mostly in the South zone area, to test for additional
supergene copper mineralisation, and then drilled three core holes to test the deep
hypogene copper–gold potential. One of these holes, OTRCD150, drilled over
Southwest zone, intersected 508 m of chalcopyrite mineralisation from a depth of 70 m,
grading 0.81% Cu and 1.17 g/t Au. This marked the discovery of the SOT deposit.

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These results encouraged Ivanhoe to mount a major follow-up drill programme. In late 2002,
drilling in the far northern section of the property intersected 638 m of bornite–chalcopyrite-
rich mineralisation in drillhole OTD270, starting at a depth of 222 m. This hole marked the
discovery of the Hugo Dummett deposit. A first-time Mineral Resources estimate for the
deposit was prepared in 2004, and the Mineral Resources were updated in 2005 and again in

In 2004, a scoping study was prepared to evaluate the economics of mining the SOT deposit
by open pit methods. In 2005, the first integrated development plan (IDP05) for the Project
was prepared, which envisaged the SOT deposit being mined as an open pit and the
Hugo North deposit being developed as an underground block cave mine.

Ivanhoe initiated a 6.7 m diameter exploration shaft (Shaft 1) into the Hugo North deposit. The
Shaft 1 headframe, hoisting plant, and associated infrastructure were completed in
January 2006. The shaft had been sunk to a depth of 1,385 m by January 2008. Shaft 1 is
designed to provide access to the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits. Development from
the shaft has enabled additional delineation drilling and rock characterisation for proposed
mining operations. Lateral development is currently in progress.

In 2010, the integrated development plan (IDP) was updated as a development and
operating plan (IDOP) within the framework of a signed and effective IA with the GOM. The
2010 integrated development plan (IDP10) assumed that the mining operation would still
comprise open pit mining of the SOT deposit and block caving of an initial part of the Hugo
North deposit.

The initial Hugo North Lift 1 with several open pit mine phases, is the subject of the feasibility
study submission. The potential development of the Hugo North Lift 2 (with a Lift 1 low-grade
panel extension) and Hugo South underground mining will continue to be studied.

During 20112012, a detailed integrated development and operating plan was prepared
(DIDOP) but not submitted as a report update of IDOP and IDP10. The latter has been
superseded by the 2013–2014 Oyu Tolgoi submission to the Minerals Council of Mongolia for

Ivanhoe Mines initiated exploration work on the Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant licences in
November 2004, following the signing of an earn-in agreement with Entrée Gold.

Before that time, Entrée had undertaken soil geochemical surveys, ground magnetics,
Bouguer gravity and pole-dipole geophysical surveying, and geological mapping, but had
failed to locate any mineralisation of significance.

Starting at the northern boundary of the Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licence, an IP survey was run on
100 m spaced lines oriented east-west to trace the northern projection of the Hugo North
deposit. This initial IP survey used gradient array with 11,000 m AB electrode spacing and
covered an area extending 5.6 km north of the boundary and 10 km in width. Subsequent IP
surveys covering smaller areas within the larger area were carried out with gradient arrays.

The IP surveys resulted in the delineation of a significant chargeability feature being traced

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for approximately 4.0 km north along strike of the Hugo North deposit. Additional IP
chargeability targets were also revealed 2.5–3.0 km west of the Hugo North trend and are
referred to as the Eagle anomalies.

Ivanhoe commenced drilling northward from the northern boundary of the Oyu Tolgoi Mining
Licence in 2005. A first-time resource estimate for the Hugo North Extension deposit was
completed in 2006. Underground mining plans for Hugo North Extension were included in a
Sensitivity Analysis Addendum to the DIDOP report.

In 2005 and 2006, Ivanhoe Mines (Mongolia) Inc. (now OT LLC) conducted IP surveying on
100 m spaced, east-west lines across Entrée Gold’s Javkhlant licence to the south of the SOT
Mineral Resource area. This resulted in the discovery of three significant chargeability IP
anomalies subsequently named the Sparrow South, Castle Rock, and Southwest Magnetic
anomalies. Core drilling was initiated to test these IP anomalies in early 2007. A series of
successful drillholes in the area supported a first-time Mineral Resources estimate over what is
now known as the Heruga deposit (formerly the Sparrow South anomaly) in 2008.

The negotiation and execution of mining agreements between the GOM and investors is a
relatively recent phenomenon. The renegotiation of mining agreements is even less common
and appears to have been influenced by political considerations as well as the relative
commercial leverage exercised by the investor. Accordingly, there really is no '“general
market practice” as such with respect to this topic.

In the interim between passage of the 1997 Minerals Law and the 2006 Minerals Law, the
international commodity market improved greatly in comparison with the 1990s, and
Mongolia’s political, economic, and legal environment underwent a major transition. This is
reflected in amendments to the regulatory environment and changes to the fiscal regime of
the mining sector. Among other changes, the royalty rate was increased from 2.5%–5.0%; a
so-called windfall profit tax was introduced on certain mineral products such as gold and
copper at the rate of 68%; and a revised version of tax legislation was enacted, including the
Law of Mongolia on Corporate Income Tax dated 29 June 2006 (the Corporate Income Tax
Law). The 2006 Minerals Law also introduced State participation requirements in so-called
deposits of strategic importance.

The Law of Mongolia on Investment came into effect on 1 November 2013 (Investment Law)
and replaces the Law of Mongolia on Foreign Investment, enacted on 10 May 1993 and the
Law of Mongolia on the Regulation of Foreign Investment in Business Entities Operating in
Sectors of Strategic Importance, enacted on 17 May 2012.

In accordance with the Investment Law, investors may enter into an investment agreement
with the Government, if the proposed investment exceeds MNT 500 billion. The Investment
Law is very much a framework law and the Government only recently issued the relevant
regulations in relation to entering into such investment agreements. As of today's date, it is
hard to locate any information as to whether any investors have entered into investment
agreements under the new regime.

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In 2007, the GOM renegotiated tax terms of the Tsairt Mineral Stability Agreement and the
Boroo Gold Stability Agreement as follows.
 Tsairt Minerals Stability Agreement – The GOM and Tsairt Minerals LLC entered into an
amendment agreement to the Tsairt Minerals Stability Agreement on 23 August 2007,
pursuant to which the terms relating to corporate income tax and royalties were
 Boroo Gold Stability Agreement – Under the amended stability agreement, Boroo Gold
was required to pay corporate income tax applicable under the Corporate Income Tax
Law and royalties at increased rate of 5.0%.

Both amendments were signed by representatives of the GOM and the mining companies.
The Finance Minister entered into the amendment agreements on behalf of the GOM in
accordance with the terms of the 1997 Minerals Law. The amendments modified the tax
terms of the relevant mineral projects, which were stabilised for the agreed period to make
them consistent with changes to the fiscal regime made by the GOM after 1998.

Limited information is publicly available in respect of the renegotiation process for these two
agreements, but it is understood that, even after renegotiation, they were significantly less
favourable to the GOM than the current Oyu Tolgoi IA.

In September 2011, a faction of 20 members of the Parliament of Mongolia (MPs) submitted a

petition to the Prime Minister demanding a renegotiation of the Oyu Tolgoi IA.

The GOM sent a letter to Ivanhoe Mines and Rio Tinto inviting them to renegotiate the IA. The
changes related to the GOM acquiring an additional 16% interest in the project and the
application of a sliding-scale royalty to the project. In response, the companies delivered
letters to the GOM and the National Security Council noting that the IA had been presented
to the Parliament of Mongolia for review, and was signed by the GOM in full compliance with
all applicable Mongolian Laws, regulations, and parliamentary resolutions, and will deliver a
fair distribution of values from the project to all stakeholders.

Subsequently, the GOM reaffirmed that the IA was signed in full compliance with all laws and
regulations of Mongolia, and on 6 October 2011 issued a joint statement, together with
Rio Tinto and Ivanhoe, in which all parties reaffirmed their commitment to the existing terms of
the IA.

In September 2012, a faction of 24 MPs again submitted a petition to the Prime Minister
calling for the enforcement of a Parliamentary Resolution that the GOM should own 50% of
the project once investors recoup their initial investment. That demand was also dropped.

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The information in this section is collated from geological and technical reports completed on
the project during the period 2003–2011, the PhD thesis completed by Alan Wainwright on the
Oyu Tolgoi deposit setting in 2008, and other sources as noted.

The Oyu Tolgoi deposits display copper–gold porphyry and related high-sulfidation copper–
gold deposit styles.

The following discussion of the typical nature of porphyry-copper deposits is sourced from
Sillitoe (2010), Singer et al. (2008), and Sinclair (2006).

Porphyry-copper systems commonly define linear belts, some many hundreds of kilometres
long, and some occurring less commonly in apparent isolation. The systems are closely
related to underlying composite plutons, at paleo-depths of 5–15 km’s, which represent the
supply chambers for the magmas and fluids that formed the vertically elongate (>3 km)
stocks or dyke swarms and associated mineralisation.

Commonly, several discrete stocks are emplaced in and above the pluton roof zones,
resulting in either clusters or structurally controlled alignments of porphyry-copper systems. The
rheology and composition of the host rocks may strongly influence the size, grade, and type
of mineralisation generated in porphyry-copper systems. Individual systems have life spans of
circa 100,000 years to several million years, whereas deposit clusters or alignments, as well as
entire belts, may remain active for 10 million years or longer.

Deposits are typically semicircular to elliptical in plan view. In cross-section, ore-grade

material in a deposit typically has the shape of an inverted cone with the altered, but low
grade, interior of the cone referred to as the ‘barren’ core. In some systems, the barren core
may be a late-stage intrusion.

The alteration and mineralisation in porphyry-copper systems are zoned outward from the
stocks or dyke swarms, which typically comprise several generations of intermediate to felsic
porphyry intrusions. Porphyry copper–gold–molybdenum deposits are centred on the
intrusions, whereas carbonate wall rocks commonly host proximal copper–gold skarns and
less commonly, distal base metal and gold skarn deposits. Beyond the skarn front, carbonate-
replacement copper and/or base metal–gold deposits, and/or sediment-hosted (distal-
disseminated) gold deposits can form. Peripheral mineralisation is less conspicuous in non-
carbonate wall rocks, but may include base metal or gold-bearing veins and mantos. Data
compiled by Singer et al. (2008) indicate that the median size of the longest axis of alteration
surrounding a porphyry copper deposit is 4–5 km, while the median size area of alteration is
7–8 km2.

High-sulfidation epithermal deposits may occur in lithocaps above porphyry-copper deposits,

where massive sulfide lodes tend to develop in their deeper feeder structures, and precious
metal-rich, disseminated deposits form within the uppermost 500 m.

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Figure 7.1 shows a schematic section of a porphyry-copper deposit, illustrating the
relationships of the lithocap to the porphyry body and associated mineralisation styles.

Note: Figure from Sillitoe (2010).

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Porphyry-copper mineralisation occurs in a distinctive sequence of quartz-bearing veinlets as
well as in disseminated forms in the altered rock between them. Magmatic-hydrothermal
breccias may form during porphyry intrusion, with some breccias containing high-grade
mineralisation because of their intrinsic permeability. In contrast, most phreatomagmatic
breccias, constituting maar–diatreme systems, are poorly mineralised at both the porphyry
copper and lithocap levels, mainly because many such phreatomagmatic breccias formed
late in the evolution of systems, and the explosive nature of their emplacement fails to trap
mineralising solutions.

Copper mineral assemblages are a function of the chemical composition of the fluid phase
and the pressure and temperature conditions affecting the fluid. In primary, unoxidised or
non-supergene-enriched ores, the most common sulfide assemblage is chalcopyrite ±
bornite, with pyrite and minor amounts of molybdenite. In supergene-enriched ores, a typical
assemblage can comprise chalcocite + covellite ± bornite, whereas in oxide ores a typical
assemblage could include malachite + azurite + cuprite + chrysocolla, with minor amounts of
minerals such as carbonates, sulfates, phosphates, and silicates. Typically, the principal
copper sulfides consist of millimetre scale grains, but may be as large as 1–2 cm in diameter
and, rarely, pegmatitic (larger than 2 cm).

Alteration zones in porphyry-copper deposits are typically classified on the basis of mineral
assemblages. In silicate-rich rocks, the most common alteration minerals are K-feldspar,
biotite, muscovite (sericite), albite, anhydrite, chlorite, calcite, epidote, and kaolinite. In
silicate-rich rocks that have been altered to advanced argillic assemblages, the most
common minerals are quartz, alunite, pyrophyllite, dickite, diaspore, and zunyite. In
carbonate rocks, the most common minerals are garnet, pyroxene, epidote, quartz,
actinolite, chlorite, biotite, calcite, dolomite, K-feldspar, and wollastonite. Other alteration
minerals commonly found in porphyry-copper deposits are tourmaline, andalusite, and
actinolite. Figure 7.2 shows the typical alteration assemblage of a porphyry-copper system.

Porphyry-copper systems are initiated by injection of oxidised magma saturated with sulfur-
and metal-rich, aqueous fluids from cupolas on the tops of the subjacent parental plutons.
The sequence of alteration and mineralisation events is principally a consequence of
progressive rock and fluid cooling, from >700°C to <250°C, caused by solidification of the
underlying parental plutons and downward propagation of the lithostatic–hydrostatic
transition. Once the plutonic magmas stagnate, the high temperature, generally two phase
hyper-saline liquid and vapour responsible for the potassic alteration and contained
mineralisation at depth and early overlying advanced argillic alteration, respectively, gives
way, at <350°C, to a single-phase, low to-moderate-salinity liquid that causes the sericite–
chlorite and sericitic alteration and associated mineralisation. This same liquid also is a source
for mineralisation of the peripheral parts of systems, including the overlying lithocaps.

The progressive thermal decline of the systems combined with syn-mineral paleo-surface
degradation results in the characteristic overprinting (telescoping) and partial to total
reconstitution of older by younger alteration and mineralisation types. Meteoric water is not
required for formation of this alteration and mineralisation sequence, although its late ingress
is commonplace.

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Note: Figure from Sillitoe (2010).

Features that classify the Oyu Tolgoi deposits as porphyry-copper-type deposits include:
 Mineralisation is in or adjoining porphyritic intrusions of quartz-monzodiorite composition.
 Multiple emplacements of successive intrusive phases and a variety of breccias are
 Mineralisation is spatially, temporally, and genetically associated with hydrothermal
alteration of the intrusive bodies and host rocks.
 Large zones of veining and stockwork mineralisation, together with minor disseminated
and replacement mineralisation, occur throughout large areas of hydrothermally altered
rock, commonly coincident wholly or in part with hydrothermal or intrusion breccias.

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 Hydrothermal alteration is extensive and zoned, which is common to porphyry-copper
deposits. Major alteration minerals in the biotite–chlorite, intermediate argillic, sericite,
and K-feldspar alteration zones include quartz, chlorite, sericite, epidote, albite, biotite,
hematite–magnetite, pyrophyllite, illite, and carbonate. Advanced argillic alteration
zones can contain minerals such as kaolinite, zunyite, pyrophyllite, muscovite, illite, topaz,
diaspore, andalusite, alunite, montmorillonite, dickite, tourmaline, and fluorite. In the
leached cap, smectite and kaosmectite can also occur. The alteration assemblages are
consistent with the physio-chemical conditions of a porphyry environment.
 Pyrite is the dominant sulfide, reflecting the typical high-sulfur content of porphyry-
copper deposits. The major ore minerals include chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite,
covellite, and enargite. In some zones, minerals such as tennantite, tenorite, cubanite,
and molybdenite have been identified. Gold typically occurs as inclusions in the sulfide
 Copper grades are typical of the range of porphyry-copper grades (0.2% to >1.0% Cu).

The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry-copper deposits display a range of mineralisation styles, alteration
characteristics, and deposit morphologies that are likely to reflect differences in structural
controls, host rock lithology, and depth of formation. For the most part, structural influences
account for the differences in shape and distribution of mineralisation within the deposits. The
more typical copper–gold porphyry style alteration and mineralisation tend to occur at
deeper levels, predominantly within basalt and quartz-monzodiorite.

High-sulfidation mineralisation and associated advanced argillic alteration are most common
within the wall rocks (basaltic tuffs and fragmental rocks) to the quartz-monzodiorite, where it
intrudes to levels high in the stratigraphic succession and in narrow structurally controlled
zones. High-sulfidation mineralisation often forms in steam condensate zones and then
collapses back into the hypogene zone, causing overprinting and textural destruction.

The Hugo Dummett deposits have several features that are unusual when compared with
typical porphyry-copper systems, including:
 Anomalously high copper and gold grades, particularly in the northern part.
 An unusually weakly altered pre-mineral volcano-sedimentary cover sequence that lies
just above the porphyry system.
 Quartz + sulfide vein contents commonly exceeding 15%, and locally in excess of 90%, in
the high-grade part of the deposit.
 A highly elongate, gently plunging tabular shape to the high-grade stockwork system.

The formation of the known, 800 m extent, high-grade portion of the Hugo Dummett deposits
as a tabular, intensely veined, sub-vertical body contrasts markedly with most porphyry-
copper deposits, which tend to have steep, roughly cylindrical, or elongate forms. The
unusual form of the Hugo Dummett deposits could be the result of emplacement within a
structurally restricted zone. The lack of alteration in the overlying sequence is likely a reflection
of the chemical inertness of the siltstone sequences.

The Heruga deposit is also slightly unusual in that, unlike the other Oyu Tolgoi deposits, it has
distinctly higher grades of molybdenum, which form a molybdenum-rich carapace at higher
elevations overlying gold–copper-rich mineralisation at depth.

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The Oyu Tolgoi porphyry deposits are hosted within the Gurvansaikhan Terrane, part of the
Central Asian Orogenic Belt, rocks of which now comprise the South Gobi region of Mongolia
(Figure 7.3 and Figure 7.4).

Development of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt consisted of Palaeozoic age accretionary
episodes that assembled a number of island and continental margin magmatic arcs, rifted
basins, accretionary wedges, and continental margins. Arc development ceased by about
the Permian. During the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous, north-south extension occurred,
accompanied by the intrusion of granitoid bodies, unroofing of metamorphic core
complexes, and formation of extensional and transpressional sedimentary basins. North-east–
south-west shortening is superimposed on the earlier units and is associated with major strike-
slip faulting and folding within the Mesozoic sedimentary basins.

The Gurvansaikhan Terrane is interpreted to be a juvenile island arc assemblage that consists
of highly deformed accretionary complexes and volcanic arc assemblages dominated by
imbricate thrust sheets, dismembered blocks, mélanges, and high-strain zones. Lithologies
identified to date in the Gurvansaikhan Terrane include Silurian to Carboniferous terrigenous
sediments, volcanic-rich sediments, carbonates, and intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks.
Sedimentary and volcanic units have been intruded by Devonian granitoids and Permo-
Carboniferous diorite, monzodiorite, granite, granodiorite, and syenite bodies, which can
range size from dykes to batholiths.

Major structures to the west of the Gurvansaikhan Terrane include the Gobi-Tien Shan sinistral
strike-slip fault system that splits eastward into a number of splays in the Oyu Tolgoi area, and
the Gobi Altai Fault system, which forms a complex zone of sedimentary basins over-thrust by
basement blocks to the north and north-west of Oyu Tolgoi (refer to Figure 7.4). To the east of
the Gurvansaikhan Terrane, regional structures are dominated by the north-east striking East
Mongolian Fault Zone, which forms the south-east boundary of the terrane. This regional fault
may have formed as a major suture during Late Palaeozoic terrane assembly, with Mesozoic
reactivation leading to the formation of north-east elongate sedimentary basins along the
fault trace.

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Note: Figure from Wainwright (2008).

Note: North is to top of plan.

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The Oyu Tolgoi copper–gold porphyry deposits are situated in a poorly exposed inlier of
Devonian mafic to intermediate volcanic, volcaniclastic, and sedimentary rocks that have
been intruded by Devonian to Permian felsic plutons. These rocks are unconformably overlain
by poorly consolidated Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and younger unconsolidated
sedimentary deposits. A district-wide stratigraphic column that shows the relative thicknesses
of the various lithologies is presented in Figure 7.5.

Two major stratigraphic sequences are recognised in the project area:

 Tuffs, basaltic rocks, and sedimentary strata of probable island-arc affinity, assigned to
the Upper Devonian Alagbayan Group.
 An overlying succession containing conglomerates, fossiliferous marine siltstones,
sandstones, water-lain tuffs, and basaltic to andesitic flows and volcaniclastic rocks,
assigned to the Carboniferous Sainshandhudag Formation. The two sequences are
separated by a regional unconformity that, in the Oyu Tolgoi area, is associated with a
time gap of about 10–15 Ma.

The volcanic and sedimentary rocks are cut by several phases of intrusive rocks ranging from
batholithic intrusions to narrow discontinuous dykes and sills. Compositional and textural
characteristics vary.

A thin covering of gently dipping to horizontal Cretaceous stratified clay and clay-rich gravel
overlies the Palaeozoic sequence, infilling paleo-channels and small fault-controlled basins.

The Oyu Tolgoi area is underlain by complex networks of poorly exposed faults, folds, and
shear zones. These structures influence the distribution of mineralisation by both controlling
the original position and form of mineralised bodies, and modifying them during post-mineral
deformation events. The district geology is shown in Figure 7.6.

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The Oyu Tolgoi copper–gold deposits currently comprise, from north to south:
 Hugo Dummett (includes the Hugo North Extension zone, which is the extension of the
Hugo North deposit onto the joint venture ground).
 Hugo South.
 SOT (includes the Southwest, South, Wedge, Central, Bridge, Western, and Far South
 Heruga.

The surface traces and surface projection of the distinct porphyry centres define a north–
north-east trending mineralised corridor underlain by east dipping panels of Upper Devonian
or older layered sequences intruded by quartz-monzodiorite and granodiorite stocks and
dykes (refer to Figure 7.5).

Four major lithological divisions are present within the Alagbayan Group, and each of these
divisions consists of two or more mappable subunits (Table 7.1).

The two lower units are commonly strongly altered and form important mineralisation hosts,
while the two upper units lack significant alteration and mineralisation. Unit DA4 is separated
from the underlying Alagbayan Group units by a contact-parallel fault, known as the
Contact Fault.

The Sainshandhudag Formation is divided into three major units at Oyu Tolgoi: a lowermost
tuffaceous sequence, an intermediate clastic package, and an uppermost
volcanic/volcaniclastic sequence (Table 7.2). The unit post-dates porphyry mineralisation and
is separated from the underlying Devonian rocks by a regional unconformity.

Intrusive rocks are widely distributed through the Oyu Tolgoi area and range from large
batholithic intrusions to narrow discontinuous dykes and sills. At least seven classes of intrusive
rocks can be defined on the basis of compositional and textural characteristics (Table 7.3).

Copper–gold porphyry mineralisation is related to the oldest recognised intrusive suite,

consisting of large Devonian quartz-monzodiorite intrusions that occur in all of the deposit

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Unit Lithologies Description
DA1 Basaltic flows and Two subunits:
volcaniclastic rocks; Lower: grey to green, finely-laminated, volcanogenic siltstone and
several hundred metres interbedded fine sandstone (DA1a).
in thickness. Upper: dark green, massive porphyritic (augite) basalt. Overlies
and partially intercalated with basal unit (DA1b).
DA2 Dacite tuff / Three subunits:
volcaniclastic rocks; at Lower: monolithic to slightly polylithic basaltic lapilli tuff to
least 200 m thick volcaniclastic conglomerate/breccia. Underlies and partially
intercalated with middle unit (DA2a)
Middle: buff to dark green, dacite lapilli tuff. Overprinted by
intense sericite and advanced argillic alteration (DA2b_1)
Upper: weakly altered to unaltered polymictic block tuff to
breccia, with lesser intercalated lapilli tuff (DA2b_2).
DA3 Clastic sedimentary Two subunits:
sequence; Polylithic conglomerate, sandstone, and siltstone. Abundant in the
approximately 100 m South zone and parts of the Hugo South deposit (DA3a).
thick Rhythmically interbedded carbonaceous siltstone and fine brown
sandstone. Ubiquitous in drillholes in Hugo North and is also
discontinuously distributed in the more southerly deposits (DA3b).
DA4 Basaltic flows / Three subunits:
fragmental rocks, Dark green basaltic volcanic breccia with vesicular, fine-grained
siltstone; approximately to coarsely porphyritic basaltic clasts is the dominant lithotype;
600 m thick interlain with volcanogenic sandstones and conglomerates
Thinly interbedded red and green siltstone, which contain
subordinate basalt layers in their lower levels (DA4b).
Massive green to grey sandstone with rare siltstone interbeds

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Unit Lithologies Description
CS1 Andesitic lapilli tuff and Andesitic lapilli tuff with abundant fiamme, and subordinate block
volcaniclastic rocks; tuff to breccia.
approximately 200 m
CS2 Conglomerate, Typically shows a progression from a lower conglomerate-
sandstone, tuff, and sandstone-siltstone dominant unit (CS2a) to an overlying siltstone-
coal; approximately waterlain tuff unit (CS2b). Carbonaceous siltstone and coal beds
200 m thick occur in the lower part of the sequence.
CS3 Basaltic and andesite Four subunits:
lava and volcaniclastic Basal: thin volcanic sandstone (CS3a).
rocks; approximately Lower middle: discontinuous porphyritic basaltic andesitic lava
800 m thick sequence (CS3b).
Upper middle: thick basaltic breccia-to-block tuff unit (CS3c_1).
Upper: intercalated to overlying porphyritic basalt flow sequence

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Unit Lithologies Age Description
Intrusions Quartz-monzodiorite to 371 ± 2 Ma Texturally and compositionally varied.
monzodiorite Typically phenocryst-crowded, with >40%
plagioclase phenocrysts up to 5.0 mm
long, and 10–15% biotite and hornblende.
Abbreviated to Qmd.
Intrusion, Biotite-granodiorite 366 ± 4 Ma Contain large plagioclase phenocrysts
dykes and with lesser small biotite phenocrysts, within
sills a fine-grained to aphanitic brown
groundmass. Intrusions are
compositionally and texturally varied and
probably include several intrusive phases.
Forms a large stock at Hugo North (BiGd).
Intrusions Syenite, granite, quartz- 348 ± 3 Ma Large, polyphase granitic complex
monzonite, quartz–diorite, bounding Oyu Tolgoi to the north-west.
and quartz–syenite
Dykes Hornblende–biotite andesite 343 ± 3 Ma Typically strongly porphyritic with feldspar,
and dacite hornblende, and biotite. Quartz
phenocrysts are common.
Dykes Rhyolite; range from metres 320 ± 10 Ma Aphanitic and aphyric. Intrusive breccias
and sills to a few tens of metres wide are common along dyke contacts,
commonly incorporating both rhyolitic
and wall rock fragments within a flow-
banded groundmass.
Dykes Basalt / dolerite; in deposit Carboniferous Intrude all stratified units. Typically
area range from metres to a aphanitic to fine-grained, locally
few tens of metres wide; in vesicular, and contain variable amounts
Southwest part of the of plagioclase phenocrysts.
project can occur as large,
sill-like intrusive masses
Intrusions Alkaline granite Permian Large, circular intrusion exposed just east
of Oyu Tolgoi that is defined by abundant
pegmatite dykes.

The Oyu Tolgoi area is underlain by complex networks of faults, folds, and shear zones. Most of
these structures are poorly exposed on surface and have been defined through integration
of detailed exploration data (primarily drillhole data), property-scale geological mapping,
and geophysical data. There is evidence for several phases of deformation and reactivation
of the early faults during later deformational events. Major fault structural elements are
summarised in Table 7.4.

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Structure Setting Description
Central Fault West–north-west striking, moderately north Fault consists of several splays and may have experienced multiple periods of
dipping structure that lies between the Hugo displacement. Early fault displacement resulted in north side down apparent
South deposit and the Central zone of the SOT offset, followed by a later apparent reverse displacement of lesser magnitude.
deposit. Visible as linear magnetic feature cutting the overlying Sainshandhudag
Contact Fault Low-angle thrust fault generally parallel to Places overturned upper Devonian sedimentary and volcanic rocks belonging to
bedding; occurs from Heruga deposit in the the DA4 unit over upright Devonian sediments of unit DA3b. Does not truncate
south to the Hugo Dummett deposits in the mineralisation.
7100 Fault North-west strike, steep dip Offset of north side down, displacement of all rock units
Bogd Fault East- West strike, steep dip Oblique slip fault with dextral lateral displacement
Lower Fault North–north-west striking, moderate dip Deposit parallel fault, shear zone
110 Fault East–west strike, mod. dip to North Boundary between Hugo North and Hugo South
Axial Fault Hypothetical, based on alignment of the Alignments suggest an underlying north–north-east striking fault or fault zone
Southwest and Central zones and the Hugo controlled emplacement of porphyry intrusions and related hydrothermal
Dummett deposits, and the elongate form of activity.
the Hugo Dummett deposit.
West Bat, East Bat Faults North–north-east trending, bounding Hugo Control the structural high, which hosts Hugo Dummett. Offsets of post-mineral
Dummett deposit. stratigraphic contacts measure at least 1.0 km (east side up) for the West Bat
Fault, and 200–300 m (west side up) for the East Bat Fault.
East Bounding and West North-east to north–north-east trending; Form a primary control on the distribution of copper and gold mineralisation.
Bounding Faults bounding the Southwest zone. Presence of mineralised clasts within the fault zones implies faults were active
East bounding fault is a gently listric, steeply west dipping fault zone in the order
of >50 m wide. The fault has been modelled as a series of segments displaced
across newly interpreted north-west–south-east trending faults.

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Structure Setting Description
Bor Tolgoi and Bor Tolgoi North-east to north–north-east trending; Display 300–500 m of west side down apparent offset of stratigraphic contacts.
West Faults bounding the Heruga deposit.
Boundary Fault system East–north-east striking fault zone; juxtaposes Faults within this system include the North Boundary Fault, an unnamed splay of
the Devonian sequence hosting and overlying the North Boundary Fault, and the Boundary Fault. Faults dip steeply to the north
the Oyu Tolgoi deposits against the or north-west, and occur as strongly-developed, foliated gouge and breccia
Carboniferous granitic complex to the north. zones ranging from tens of centimetres to several tens of metres wide.
North-west Shear Zone Ductile shear zone that cuts across the far Wide shear zone with mylonitic to ultra-mylonitic rocks in the centre, grading
north-west corner of the Oyu Tolgoi area. outward over about 200 m to rocks lacking visible ductile strain. Marks the break
between the Alagbayan and Sainshandhudag Formations and the
Carboniferous granitic complex.
Solongo Fault East to east–north-east striking, sub-vertical Typically occurs as a strongly tectonised, foliated zone up to several tens of
structure; cuts across Oyu Tolgoi just south of metres wide. Forms a major structural break; a minimum of approximately
the Southwest and South zones. 1,600 m of south side down stratigraphic offset where it juxtaposes mineralised
basalt (unit DA1) in the South zone against sediments correlated with the upper
Alagbayan Formation (unit DA4) to the south.
North-west trending faults SOT Sub-vertical to steeply north-east dipping faults associated with rhyolite dykes.
East–north-east striking Regional bounding faults at Heruga deposit. Form prominent features on both magnetic and satellite images. Geological
faults mapping shows a 500 m apparent dextral displacement of dykes and
stratigraphic contacts across the faults.

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Variations in bedding attitude recorded in both oriented drill core and surface outcrops
define two orientations of folds at Oyu Tolgoi: a dominant set of north-east trending folds, and
a less-developed set of north-west trending folds. These folds are well defined in bedded
strata of both the Sainshandhudag Formation and Alagbayan Group. They may be present in
stratified rocks throughout the property, but outcrop and drillhole data are insufficient to
define them in many areas. There is no evidence of a penetrative fabric (e.g., cleavage)
associated with folding.

Together, the two orientations of folds form a dome-and-basin interference pattern, but it is
not possible to determine their relative ages. Both of the dominant fold orientations occur in
Lower Carboniferous strata, indicating that both folding events post-date mineralisation.

Sedimentary facing direction indicators, including grading, scour and fill structures, load
casts, and cross-bedding, are sporadically observed in drill core by Oyu Tolgoi geologists
along the east flank of the Hugo Dummett deposit. These suggest that parts of the
Alagbayan Group are overturned. However, no large isoclinal folds have been mapped from
drill core. These folds are cut by dykes of the 366 Ma biotite-granodiorite suite and therefore
were formed within the Late Devonian. Such folds and geopetal features are difficult to
ascribe to regional tectonic events, and may simply be localised features of rapid facies
changes in a proximal submarine volcanic environment.

When completed, a structural mapping programme currently underway at OT LLC may result
in the revision of some elements of the interpretations. Preliminary results of this work are
discussed in Section 9.4.

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The deposits that are incorporated in the current mine plan are the SOT and Hugo North
(Lift 1). The Hugo North (Lift 2), Hugo South, and Heruga deposits are currently outside the
mine plan but are included in the Life-of-Mine Case outlined in Section 1.

Figure 8.1 is a schematic long section showing the open pit and underground mineralised
areas. Figure 8.2 shows the locations of the major deposit areas in relation to the Oyu Tolgoi
and Joint Venture licence boundaries. The figure also indicates the drill collars and clearly
outlines the major deposit and prospect areas.

The SOT deposit has historically been treated as a number of separate zones; however, for
mining purposes, the one pit (or potential future underground beneath the pit) will extract all
SOT mineralisation, and therefore the descriptors in this section have taken the approach that
the orebody comprises a number of mineralised zones within an overall single deposit

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Note: DH = diamond drillhole, UGD = underground drillhole, RC = reverse circulation drillhole, PCD = polycrystalline
drillhole. Green polygons 0.3% Cu grade shells, purple polygon 0.6% Cu grade shell, dotted line is approximate
location of Heruga North mineralisation.

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The SOT deposit includes the main Southwest, South, Wedge, and Central zones (Figure 8.3)
and a number of smaller, fault-bounded zones, described in the following subsections. The
planned open pit will incorporate the majority of these zones.

The zones form contiguous sectors of mineralisation representing multiple mineralising centres,
each with distinct styles of mineralisation, alteration, and host rock lithology. The boundaries
between the individual deposits and zones coincide with major faults. Faulting has resulted in
different erosional histories for the zones, depending on the depth to which a zone has been
down-faulted or uplifted relative to neighbouring zones. A level plan showing the simplified
geology of the SOT area is included as Figure 8.4.

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The Southwest zone is a gold-rich porphyry system characterised by a south-west plunging,
pipe-like geometry that has a vertical extent of up to 700 m. The high-grade core of the zone
is about 250 m diameter; the low-grade shell (0.3% Cu) surrounding the core may extend for
distances as much as 600 m x 2 km.

Over 80% of the deposit is hosted by massive to fragmental porphyritic augite basalt of the
Upper Devonian Alagbayan Group, with the remainder hosted by intra-mineral,
Late- Devonian, quartz-monzodiorite (Qmd) intrusions.

The quartz-monzodiorite intrusions form irregular plugs and dykes related to several distinct
 Early, strongly altered quartz-veined dykes mainly limited to the high-grade Central zone
core (informally referred to as OT–Qmd).
 Superimposed younger fragmental dykes entraining early quartz vein clasts but lacking
strong sulfide mineralisation (informally referred to as xQmd).
 Voluminous massive Qmd containing weaker mineralisation, flanking and underlying the
high-grade core.

Several phases of post-mineral dykes cut the Southwest zone. Most of the dykes belong to the
rhyolite (Rhy), hornblende–biotite andesite (And), or biotite-granodiorite (BiGd) intrusive
phases. Dykes commonly have steep dips and many are localised along faults. The rhyolite
dykes tend to strike west to west‒north-west in the deposit core and north-east when
emplaced along major faults. Hornblende–biotite andesite dykes strike east–north-east
except where they intrude along the major north-east trending faults.

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Note: WB – West Boundary; EB – East Boundary; WBAT – West Bat Fault; SOL – Solongo Fault; STH – South Fault;
STH3S – South 3 Splay; RHY – Rhyolite; CENT – Central Fault. Faults with an AP prefix are from a 2010 structural
interpretation by Alasdaire Pope. Faults with a KJ prefix are from a 2011 structural interpretation by K.Jennings.

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Most of the Southwest zone, including the entire high-grade, gold-rich core of the zone, lies
between two north-east striking faults, termed the West Bounding Fault and the East Bounding
Fault. Both faults are clearly defined on ground-magnetic geophysical images, and their
positions and orientations are well constrained by numerous drillhole intersections.

The bounding faults consist of foliated cataclasite, gouge/breccia, and mylonitic bands that
occur in zones ranging from a few metres to a few tens of metres wide. The cataclasite within
the fault zones contains abundant quartz, quartz sulfide, and sulfide (pyrite, chalcopyrite,
sphalerite, and galena) clasts in a comminuted matrix that is locally overprinted by fine-
grained pyrite and chalcopyrite. These relationships imply that at least some of the fault
movement was contemporaneous with mineralisation. Kinematic indicators within the fault
zones imply dominantly sub-horizontal, sinistral movement on the bounding faults. Both faults
have local sub-parallel splays. Correlation of drillhole intersections constrains an average fault
dip of 80° towards 310° for both faults.

The East Bounding Fault juxtaposes younger rocks to the south-east against the Alagbayan
Group rocks (augite basalt) hosting the deposit, while the West Bounding Fault is mainly intra-
formational within the augite basalt. The West Bounding Fault is commonly intruded by
hornblende–biotite andesite dykes, whereas rhyolite dykes are more common along the
East Bounding Fault.

Fault geometry and kinematics, vein orientations, and overall geometry at Southwest support
a structural model invoking formation of a dilational fault transfer zone. This zone is delineated
by the West Bounding Fault on the north-west and the East Bounding Fault on the south-east.
The preferred vein orientation within the core of the zone reflects the local stress geometry
within this zone of dilation. The Southwest zone probably formed as a sub-vertical cylindrical
body and attained its present west–south-west plunge during post-mineral regional
deformation. This post-mineral rotation is consistent with the easterly stratigraphic dips of both
pre and post-mineral rocks in the area.

Quartz-dominant veins with variable amounts of sulfide (pyrite, chalcopyrite, and bornite),
K-feldspar, chlorite, and carbonate are ubiquitous in the Southwest zone, and there is a
general correlation between vein density and copper and gold grades. Most veins are
several millimetres to several centimetres wide, although veins within the core of the zone can
be up to a metre thick or more. Vein contacts can be either planar or variably deformed,
and folded and/or faulted veins are common. Veins within the high-grade core display sub-
parallel to sheeted forms with a preferred south-west dipping orientation. These pass into
more irregularly oriented stockwork veins in peripheral mineralised zones, where sub-vertical
north to north-west striking orientations are most common.

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Alteration within the basaltic rocks at Southwest zone consists of moderate chlorite, biotite,
hematite–magnetite, weak sericite, and pink albite fracture and vein selvages. Hematite
overprints magnetite. Quartz-monzodiorite is typically pervasively altered with quartz, sericite,
and pyrite, as well as albite within vein selvages, small radiating clusters of tourmaline, and
fluorite in quartz veins. Advanced argillic alteration, consisting of quartz, sericite, and kaolinite
with late dickite veins, is associated with the high-sulfidation mineralisation in the quartz-
monzodiorite breccia.

The Far South is considered to be an extension of the Southwest zone, and is separated from it
by a major north-west–south-east trending fault. The zone is approximately 100 m x 250 m in

The South zone is developed mainly in basaltic volcanics and related to small, strongly-sericite
altered quartz-monzodiorite dykes. Zone dimensions are about 400 m x 300 m in area, and
mineralisation extends to depths of more than 500 m.

The South zone occurs within an east to north-east dipping sequence of Alagbayan Group
strata (basalt and basaltic tuff units), intruded on the south-west by an irregular quartz-
monzodiorite body. Much of the basalt sequence contains fragmental textures with juvenile
pyroclasts and is texturally similar to the overlying basalt tuff sequence, which was previously
interpreted to be dacitic in composition. However, whole-rock geochemistry has shown that
the basaltic tuff sequence is similar in composition to the underlying basalt and to have been
affected by advanced argillic alteration to give it the appearance of a dacitic tuff.

To the north-east, the altered and mineralised rocks are overlain by mudstones and
conglomerates of the upper Alagbayan Group, which pass up-section into the overlying
basalt and sediment sequence and ultimately into rocks of the Sainshandhudag Formation.

The zone is cut by numerous barren dykes, most of which belong to the post-mineral rhyolite
and basalt intrusive suites. These dykes are typically only a few metres wide, with the
exception of a major, east-west rhyolite dyke that cuts through the middle of the South zone
and attains widths of up to a few tens of metres. This wide dyke commonly balloons into
larger intrusive masses where it intersects the South and Solongo faults. Although irregular in
form, the rhyolite dykes have approximate west to west–north-west strikes and steep dips. In
contrast, the basalt dykes have moderate north-east dips, which are sub-parallel to contacts
within the stratified host rocks.

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The South zone lies within a faulted block that is bounded on the north-west by the north-east
striking South Fault and on the south by the east–north-east striking Solongo Fault. The South
Fault forms a zone with several strands over a width of up to 90 m, which juxtapose
progressively younger strata on the north-west against older strata to the south-east. Drillhole
intersections of these faults typically consist of gouge and breccia zones up to several metres
wide. To the west, the faults strike into a large quartz-monzodiorite intrusion. The faults are
difficult to trace through the intrusion, and offset of the intrusive contact is minimal, implying
that most movement pre-dated emplacement of the quartz-monzodiorite.

The Solongo Fault truncates the southern edge of the South zone. It forms a wide, strongly
tectonised zone. Stratigraphic offset on the Solongo Fault is at least 1,600 m (south block
down). Consequently, no significant mineralisation has been identified on the south side of
the fault at shallow (<1,000 m) levels.

Copper mineralisation in the South zone is associated with stockworks of thin (usually <10 cm)
quartz–sulfide veins. In surface exploration pits and trenches, veins occur as steep, north-west
striking, strongly sheeted sets. However, veins intersected in drillholes have a stockwork style
and lack the strong preferred orientation visible in surface exposures.

In the South zone, mineralisation is hosted dominantly in quartz-monzodiorite in the south-

western part of the zone, in basalt throughout the central part, and in a minor zone of
basaltic tuff and breccia on the northern margin. Contorted quartz veins are present, but
there is no clearly defined zone of high quartz vein density such as at the Southwest zone. As
a result, fracture-controlled sulfide veins are minor, and sulfides are present dominantly as
disseminated chalcopyrite, bornite, and molybdenite. Chalcopyrite is the principal copper
sulfide, but in higher grade areas bornite locally exceeds chalcopyrite in abundance.
Magnetite occurs as disseminations and as veins; small zones with elevated gold values are
found locally.

A small zone of high-sulfidation mineralisation lies within a quartz-monzodiorite breccia in the

western part of the zone, adjacent to the South Fault. Mineralisation here consists of pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite, covellite, and primary chalcocite in quartz–sericite–kaolinite alteration,
with late dickite veins.

An oxide zone approximately 60 m thick overlies the South zone and consists of malachite,
azurite, cuprite, chrysocolla, neotocite and tenorite, hosted within basalt and quartz-

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The Wedge zone has an irregular, crescent-like shape. The zone is about 500–600 m at the
widest point in the north, tapering to a width of about 200 m in the south, and approximately
1,400 m long. Mineralisation extends to depths of over 500 m.

The Wedge zone occurs within a north-east dipping sequence of Upper Devonian Alagbayan
Group strata similar to that hosting the adjacent South zone. However, in the Wedge zone the
basaltic tuff unit is significantly thicker (up to 180 m) than in the South zone and forms the
dominant host to copper mineralisation. On the north-east, structurally overlying non-
mineralised rocks of the Alagbayan Group (unit DA4) and the lower Sainshandhudag
Formation (of Carboniferous age) form the immediate hanging wall to mineralisation.

Mineralised rocks in the Wedge zone are cut by abundant barren dykes, including biotite
granodiorite, hornblende–biotite andesite, and rhyolite compositions. Biotite granodiorite and
hornblende–biotite andesite are more common along the north-west margin of the zone and
typically strike north-east, parallel to the East Bounding Fault. These intrusions were interpreted
as sills, frequently intruding along the stratigraphic contact between the basaltic tuff and the
overlying sedimentary strata. In 2011, most contacts were re-interpreted as steep-dipping,
north-east trending features. Rhyolite dykes are common throughout the zone and typically
have steeply dipping contacts but varied strike orientations.

The Wedge zone is a rectangular fault block bounded on the west by the north-east striking
East Bounding Fault and on the south by the east–north-east striking South Fault. Within this
block, stratigraphic contacts are continuous and relatively planar, showing little evidence of
structural disruption.

Movement on the East Bounding and South faults has juxtaposed younger strata within the
fault block hosting the Wedge zone against older strata on the adjacent blocks containing
the Southwest and South zones. Stratigraphic contacts are relatively continuous between the
Wedge zone and the Central zone, implying that displacement on the East Bounding Fault is
largely transferred to the Rhyolite Fault (between the Southwest and Central zones), leaving
the Wedge and Central zones as a structurally intact block that has been displaced
downward relative to the Southwest and South zones.

Fault disruption is common along the contact between the Alagbayan Group basaltic tuff
and the overlying sedimentary strata. However, there is no evidence of significant
stratigraphic omission or repetition associated with this faulting, and the movement may be
relatively minor.

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The Wedge zone contains a core of high-sulfidation mineralisation hosted principally in
basaltic tuff and breccia, grading downward and southward into chalcopyrite mineralisation
in basalt and quartz-monzodiorite host rocks.

High-sulfidation mineralisation consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, enargite, covellite, and

primary chalcocite in advanced argillic-altered host rocks. Higher grades of copper
(>0.8% Cu) occur in a shallowly east dipping zone in the upper hundred metres of basaltic
tuff/breccia unit. Gold is absent except locally in drillholes adjacent to the South Fault.
Mineralisation is open to the north.

High-sulfidation mineralisation grades downward into chalcopyrite, with lesser bornite within
massive augite basalt host rocks, and pyrite and chalcopyrite mineralisation in quartz-

Basaltic tuff and breccia within the Wedge zone are characterised by advanced argillic
alteration consisting of kaolinite, zunyite, pyrophyllite, muscovite, illite, topaz, diaspore,
alunite, montmorillonite, late dickite, and fluorite. A barren, specular, hematite-rich sector
occurs marginal to the advanced argillic alteration and is progressively overprinted by
advanced argillic alteration assemblages with increasing copper grades towards the centre
of the zone. The advanced argillic alteration grades downward into biotite and chlorite
alteration with hematite overprinting magnetite, mainly within massive augite basalt host
rocks underlying the basaltic tuff/breccia.

In the southern part of the Wedge zone, sericite and pyrite alteration is present within the

The Central zone is about 2,300 m wide and tapers from about 200 m in length in the east to
more than 600 m to the west. Mineralisation extends to depths of over 500 m.

The Central zone is hosted within a swarm of feldspar-phyric quartz-monzodiorite intrusions,

emplaced into porphyritic augite basalt and overlying basaltic tuff of the Alagbayan Group.
The basaltic tuff is in turn overlain by unmineralised sedimentary and mafic volcanic rocks of
the Alagbayan Group unit DA4, which dip moderately to the east.

Several phases of intra-mineral and late-mineral quartz-monzodiorite intrusions have been

distinguished in the Central zone based on textural variations and intensity of mineralisation
and alteration. Most have dyke forms, emanating from a larger intrusive mass to the north
and west of the zone. The quartz-monzodiorite dykes terminate within the base of the
sedimentary units of the upper Alagbayan Group.

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Basalt flows and basaltic tuffs of the Alagbayan Group are preserved as a series of isolated,
irregular, moderately north to north-east dipping bodies within the quartz-monzodiorite dyke
swarm. These volcanic windows are up to 200 m thick and extend several hundred metres
down-dip to the limit of drilling. The contact between the basaltic tuff and the overlying
sedimentary sequence is commonly faulted and forms the upper limit to mineralisation, as
elsewhere in the Oyu Tolgoi district.

Post-mineral dykes are common in the Central zone and comprise rhyolite, biotite-
granodiorite, hornblende–biotite andesite, and dacite dykes. The rhyolite dykes are most
abundant, with most being west and west–north-west striking bodies in the southern half and
on the periphery of the zone. Biotite-granodiorite dykes along the eastern margin of the zone
tend to strike north to north–north-east. East–north-east striking hornblende–biotite andesite
dykes occur mainly along the north-eastern margin of the zone.

The structural setting within the Central zone is still not well understood.

Drillholes show little evidence of significant post-mineral faulting, and the mineralogical
zoning, grade distribution, and continuity of contacts are consistent with the overall area,
being contained in a structurally intact block. However, there is also evidence to suggest that
a series of north-west trending faults both bound and displace some of the host augite basalt
blocks. Given that the majority of the high-grade mineralisation in the Central zone lies within
the augite basalt units, some discontinuity of grade match is noted within and between the
fault-bounded blocks. Additional work is required to better constrain the structural model for
the Central zone.

Post-mineral faults form minor zones of breccia and cataclasite in some drillholes, but it is not
possible to correlate these intersections between drillholes to define continuous fault surfaces.
Pre or syn-mineral faults, if present, are largely obscured by intrusive and hydrothermal

The Central zone is overlain to the east by non-mineralised conglomerate, mudstone, and
siltstone of the hanging wall to mineralisation, the Alagbayan Group (DA4). Wide zones of
breccia and foliated breccia lie along the basal contact of, and within, the lower portion of
these sedimentary strata. The displacement history of these faults is uncertain, and they may
be related to minor post-mineralisation movement between the two rheologically contrasting
rock packages.

Along its southern margin, the Central zone is juxtaposed against the Southwest zone area by
an east-west striking fault that is now occupied by a rhyolite dyke swarm (the Rhyolite Fault).
The basaltic tuff and overlying sedimentary units have been uplifted and eroded from the
block south of this fault.

Mineralised veins within the Central zone show a range in orientations, the most common of
which have south-west, west, and north-west dipping attitudes. Vein orientations are similar to
those documented in the Southwest zone, although the degree of preferred orientation in
the core is weaker in the Central zone by comparison. Similar preferred vein orientations in
the Central and Southwest zones suggest that these two zones were formed in a similar
structural regime.

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However, the Central zone lacks the strong bounding fault control that is fundamental to the
form and geometry of the Southwest zone; this may account for the more irregular form of
the mineralised body in the Central zone.

Post-mineral tilting of the Central zone is implied by bedding dips in the enclosing and
overlying stratigraphic sequence. Rotating the structural data for the Central zone sufficiently
to restore bedding to horizontal indicates a strong preference for sub-vertical veins within the
zone at the time of formation.

Mineralisation in the Central zone is characterised by an upward-flaring, high-sulfidation zone

that overprints and overlies porphyry-style chalcopyrite–gold mineralisation. A secondary-
enriched supergene chalcocite blanket tens of metres in thickness overlies the high-
sulfidation covellite–pyrite zone.

Chalcopyrite–gold mineralisation is dominant on the southern and western margins of the

Central zone within either basalt or quartz‒monzodiorite adjacent to intrusive contacts with
basalt. Higher grades are associated with zones of intensely contorted quartz stockwork veins,
where the gold (ppm) to copper (%) ratios reach 2:1. Peripheral, lower grade mineralisation
has gold to copper ratios of less than 1:1. Hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite,
and gold are disseminated in the zone and are also found as fracture fillings. Hematite is
pervasive and overprints magnetite.

The high-sulfidation part of the Central zone lacks significant gold and contains a mineral
assemblage of pyrite, covellite, chalcocite/digenite, enargite, tennantite, cubanite,
chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. Dominant host rocks are dacite tuff and quartz-monzodiorite.
Higher grade mineralisation is associated with disseminated and coarse-grained fracture-
filling sulfides in zones of intense contorted quartz stockwork veins and anastomosing zones of
hydrothermal breccias. Hydrothermal breccia consists of quartz vein and quartz‒
monzodiorite fragments within an intensely sericitised matrix. The sulfide-filled fractures cut
both the quartz veins and enclosing wall rock. High-grade mineralisation grades outward to a
broad, weakly veined, low-grade halo of dominantly disseminated sulfides. Pyrite,
chalcopyrite, bornite, and enargite occur here as relic grains replaced by chalcocite and
covellite, and pyrite also hosts small inclusions of covellite. Covellite, chalcocite, and enargite
occur as intimate intergrowths or as free disseminations. Cubanite and tennantite are
intergrown with, or replace, enargite, and molybdenite occurs locally with quartz.

A supergene enrichment zone overlies the high-sulfidation assemblage and underlies a 20–
60 m thick, hematitic limonite, goethite-rich leached cap. The supergene zone consists of
pyrite, hematite, and chalcocite/digenite, with lesser amounts of colusite, enargite, tenorite,
covellite, bornite, chalcopyrite, cuprite, and molybdenite. Pyrite is the dominant sulfide and is
present as disseminated crystals. Sooty chalcocite occurs as rims or microveinlets in pyrite
and covellite, and as independent disseminations. Colusite occurs as single grains or
intergrown with chalcocite/digenite and/or pyrite. Tenorite occurs interstitial to silicate-iron
oxide grain boundaries. Micrograins of chalcopyrite replaced by bornite and covellite occur
as small inclusions within pyrite.

Minor exotic copper oxide mineralisation occupies a bedrock depression on the north-
eastern flank of the Central zone. Chrysocolla, malachite, and neotocite mineralisation is

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found over a 400 m x 300 m area as a thin, two to four metre thick layer at the base of the
gravels. The leached cap is generally devoid of mineralisation except on the edges of the
eastern and southern flanks of the zone, where patchy malachite and neotocite occur.

Alteration in the Central zone shows a close spatial relationship to mineralisation and original
host lithology. Biotite–chlorite and intermediate argillic alteration coincide with chalcopyrite–
gold mineralisation within basalt. Advanced argillic and sericite alteration coincides with the
high-sulfidation mineralisation within quartz-monzodiorite and basaltic tuff/breccia.

The biotite–chlorite zone consists of an assemblage of biotite, chlorite, epidote, sericite, albite,
carbonate, and anhydrite. Hematite and minor magnetite are present in veins and as
disseminations. Biotite has been overprinted by chlorite and sericite, and magnetite has been
altered to hematite. Anhydrite and carbonates occur as late veins. K-feldspar alteration
increases at depth beneath the Central zone, occurring as vein selvages within biotite-
altered basalt.

Intermediate argillic alteration forms a narrow zone separating the advanced argillic and
sericite alteration from the biotite chlorite alteration. Intermediate argillic alteration is
characterised by a creamy yellow to pale green coloured assemblage of kaolinite, chlorite,
pyrophyllite, and illite.

Advanced argillic and sericite alteration are associated with high-sulfidation mineralisation,
hosted primarily within dacite and quartz‒monzodiorite. The advanced argillic assemblage
consists of topaz, quartz, zunyite, diaspore, alunite, illite, andalusite, late kaolinite, and dickite.
There is a zonation from an advanced argillic assemblage of zunyite, andalusite, and alunite,
associated with higher grade hydrothermal breccia-hosted mineralisation, to a muscovite,
sericite-dominant peripheral zone, associated with lower grade disseminated mineralisation.

Alteration within the supergene zone is characterised by illite, muscovite, kaolinite, alunite,
and pyrophyllite. Montmorillonite, smectite, kaosmectite, illite, and kaolinite are the dominant
clay minerals in the leached cap.

The Bridge zone has a triangular shape, tapering from about 500 m wide in the north to about
30 m wide in the south, and is approximately 250 m in length. Mineralisation extends to depths
of over 500 m.

The Bridge zone consists of copper-mineralised basalt and quartz-monzodiorite between the
Southwest and Central zones.

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Low-grade copper mineralisation is characterised by lower vein densities than in surrounding
zones and is hosted in chlorite and epidote-altered basalt and lesser sericite- and albite-
altered quartz-monzodiorite. Magnetite veinlets post-date the quartz veins but predate the
main sulfide event.

Chalcopyrite, bornite, and pyrite are mainly disseminated, with fracture- or vein-controlled
sulfides being less prominent. There is no clear geological boundary distinguishing the
disseminated mineralisation from the adjacent peripheral zone mineralisation.

The definition of the West structural zone is based on a soil anomaly and fault interpretations.
Drillholes testing the Southwest zone and Far South zone mineralisation were collared in the
West zone and drilled to the south-east to intercept the mineralisation in these zones. To date,
results have not been not encouraging.

The Hugo Dummett deposits, Hugo North and Hugo South, contain porphyry-style
mineralisation associated with quartz-monzodiorite intrusions, concealed beneath a
sequence of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The
deposits are highly elongated to the north–north-east and extend over 3 km. The dividing line
between the two deposits is 4,766,300 mN, a location marked by the thinning and locally
discontinuous nature of the high-grade copper mineralisation (defined by greater than 2.0%
copper). The line, which is broadly coincident with the east striking 110° Fault (refer to
Figure 7.6 for the projections of the major faults in the area of the Hugo Dummett deposits),
separates the gold- and copper-rich zone hosted in augite basalt and quartz-monzodiorite of
the Hugo North deposit from the more southerly, gold-poor, ignimbrite- and augite basalt-
hosted mineralisation at Hugo South.

Early technical reports filed by Ivanhoe Mines on the project refer to the Far North zone; this
was the initial name for the Hugo Dummett area, and its use has been discontinued. Part of
the Hugo North deposit extends onto the Shivee Tolgoi mining licence. This area is known as
the Hugo North Extension and is referred to as the Copper Flats deposit in technical reports
filed by Entrée Gold.

The Hugo South deposit is separated from the SOT deposit group by the Central Fault and
from the Hugo North deposit by the 110° fault. The deposit is tapered, being approximately
650 m wide and about 850–1,300 m long.

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The Hugo South deposit is hosted by an easterly dipping sequence of volcanic strata
correlated with the lower part of the Devonian Alagbayan Group and by quartz-
monzodiorite intrusive rocks. The stratigraphically lowest rocks in the sequence consist of
porphyritic (augite) basalt flows and minor volcaniclastic strata. These are overlain by basaltic
tuffs and breccias forming a sequence varying from 100–200 m thick. The basaltic fragmental
sequence was previously thought to be dacitic in composition. Whole-rock geochemistry has
shown it to be similar in composition to the underlying basalt, and it has been affected by
advanced argillic alteration to give it the appearance of a dacitic tuff. As such, the true
boundary between the augite basalt and the fragmental rocks is difficult to determine, being
texturally destroyed and diffuse in character.

Weakly altered to unaltered sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the upper Alagbayan Group
and Sainshandhudag Formation structurally overlie the mineralised sequence along the
eastern flank of the Hugo South deposit. The thickness of the non-mineralised Alagbayan
Group sequence commonly exceeds 600 m, although structural thickening within the
sequence may be possible. The Sainshandhudag Formation strata unconformably overlie,
and are locally faulted against, the Alagbayan Group.

There are several phases of intrusive rocks in the Hugo South deposit. The oldest recognised
intrusions are quartz-monzodiorite bodies, which underlie the entire deposit area and contain
low copper grades. Quartz-monzodiorite contacts are irregular but overall show a preferred
easterly dip, sub-parallel to contacts in the enclosing stratified rocks. The quartz-monzodiorite
is broadly contemporaneous with alteration and mineralisation; two varieties are
distinguished on the basis of alteration characteristics and position within the deposit:
 An intensely quartz-veined phase that occurs along the upper margin of the main
intrusive body or as a separate east dipping tabular body in the overlying strata.
 A lower grade, more weakly veined variety, which makes up the large intrusive body
forming the lower part of, and underlying, the entire deposit.

Late to post-mineral biotite-granodiorite intrusions form a north–north-east striking dyke

complex cutting across the western edge of the deposit. Correlations between drillhole
intersections and measurements of individual contacts indicate that dyke contacts have a
moderate to steeply west dipping preferred orientation.

Younger intrusions include rhyolite, hornblende–biotite andesite, dacite, and basalt–dolerite

compositional varieties. These intrusions usually occur as dykes with sub-vertical orientations,
or less commonly as easterly dipping sills emplaced along stratigraphic contacts. They are
non-mineralised and appear to be volumetrically insignificant except locally in the deposit.

The Hugo South deposit lies within a north–north-easterly elongate block bounded on the
north and south by moderately north dipping faults and on the east and west by steep,
north–north-east striking faults. Strata within the block form a homoclinal sequence dipping
moderately to the east–south-east.

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Deformation of the Hugo South deposit is dominated by brittle faulting. Major faults cutting
the deposit can be grouped on the basis of orientation into four sets:
 East–west striking, moderately north dipping faults (e.g., 110 Fault and Central Fault). The
110 Fault defines the division between the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits,
although mineralisation is continuous across the fault. The Central Fault is a shallowly to
moderately north dipping structure that lies beneath the southern part of the Hugo
Dummett deposit.
 Steep north–north-east-striking faults (e.g., East Fault, West Bat Fault, East Hugo Fault, and
Axial Fault). The linear mineralised trend defined by the Central and Southwest zones of
the Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) deposit and the Hugo Dummett deposit likely reflects the
presence of a deep, north–north-east striking crustal fault or fault zone controlling
magma emplacement and mineralisation, termed the Axial Fault. The West Bat Fault is a
north–north-east striking, sub-vertical structure that extends along the west side of the
Hugo Dummett deposit. It cuts the north-western edge of the Hugo North deposit but is
well to the west of the main part of the Hugo South deposit. The East Bat Fault is a north–
north-east striking, sub-vertical structure along the east side of the Hugo Dummett
deposit. The East Hugo Fault is a north to north–north-west striking, steeply east dipping
zone of strong to intense brecciation and clay gouge along the east limb of the Hugo
South and Hugo North deposits.
 North–north-east striking faults that dip moderately east, sub-parallel to lithological
contacts (e.g., Contact and Lower). The Contact Fault has been interpreted as a
bedding-parallel detachment zone that normally occurs at the contact between
tectonised mudstones stratigraphically overlying the deposit (unit DA3) and overlying
basalt flows and volcaniclastic rocks (unit DA4). This interpretation remains to be
confirmed. The Lower Fault is as an intensely brecciated, clay gouge-rich zone within the
middle or lower part of the mineralised body, typically 200–400 m below the Contact
 East-west striking, sub-vertical faults (e.g., East-West). The East-West Fault cuts across and
displaces the northern end of the Hugo South deposit.

Two orientations of folds were identified in the Hugo South deposit area: a dominant set of
north–north-east trending folds, and a subordinate set of north-west trending folds. Both of the
dominant fold orientations are also found in Carboniferous post-mineral strata, indicating that
both events post-date mineralisation and may have modified the form of the deposit.

Copper mineralisation at the Hugo South deposit is centred on a high-grade (typically

>2.0% Cu) zone of intense quartz stockwork veining, which in much of the deposit is localised
within narrow quartz-monzodiorite intrusions and extends into the enclosing basalt and
basaltic fragmental units. The intense stockwork zone has an elongate tabular form, with a
long axis plunging gently to the north–north-west and an intermediate axis plunging
moderately to the east. Copper grades gradually decrease upwards from the stockwork
zone through the upper part of the massive augite basalt and the basaltic tuff, and a
broader zone of lower grades lies below and to the west in basalt and quartz-monzodiorite.

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Dominant sulfide minerals at Hugo South are chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, and pyrite,
with minor molybdenite, enargite, tennantite, and covellite. Sphalerite and galena are less
common. Sulfides are zoned, with bornite ± chalcopyrite, chalcocite, and tennantite
comprising the highest grades (>2.5% Cu), grading outward to chalcopyrite (1.0%–2.0% Cu).
Pyrite–chalcopyrite ± enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and (rarely) covellite occur in
a lower grade zone (<1.0% Cu), mainly in advanced argillic-altered basaltic tuff.

Alteration in the Hugo South deposit is typical of copper porphyry systems, including K-silicate
(minor), advanced argillic, muscovite/sericite, and intermediate argillic styles. The mineral
groupings used to define individual zones are not necessarily true assemblages that formed
contemporaneously, but are associations that may represent several paragenetic stages. The
distribution of the alteration is strongly lithologically controlled: basaltic tuff typically shows
strong advanced argillic alteration, whereas basalt tends to be chlorite–muscovite–hematite-
altered with pyrophyllitic advanced argillic alteration in its uppermost parts. Pockets of
advanced argillic alteration are present locally in the high-grade zone in the quartz-

The Hugo North deposit is virtually contiguous with the Hugo South deposit and lies within a
similar geological setting. The two deposits are separated by a 110°-striking, 45°–55° north
dipping fault that displaces Hugo North vertically down a modest distance from Hugo South.
Hugo North extends from +500 masl to depths well below 400 masl, has a strike length in
excess of 1,800 m, and is 500 m wide.

Host rocks at Hugo North are an easterly dipping sequence of volcanic and volcaniclastic
strata correlated with the lower part of the Devonian Alagbayan Group and with quartz-
monzodiorite intrusive rocks that intrude the volcanic sequence.

The stratigraphically lowest rocks in the host sequence are basalt flows and minor
volcaniclastic strata, overlain by a basaltic tuff and breccia sequence. The basaltic tuff
sequence has been affected by advanced argillic alteration to give it the appearance of a
dacitic tuff. The host sequence basaltic volcanics are overlain by dacitic block and ash tuff
and dacitic ash flow tuff. Weakly altered to unaltered sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the
upper Alagbayan Group and Sainshandhudag Formation structurally overlie the mineralised
sequence along the eastern flank of the deposit.

Intrusive rocks at Hugo North are dominated by quartz-monzodiorite bodies that underlie the
entire deposit area and host a significant portion of the copper and gold mineralisation.
Intrusive contacts are typically irregular but overall show a preferred easterly dip, sub-parallel
to stratification in the overlying rocks. The sub-parallel position of the quartz-monzodiorite to
the overlying strata may suggest that the intrusion was more of a sill emplacement that
became tilted to the east, possibly due to the many intrusive events in the Carboniferous.
More work is required to confirm this theory.

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The quartz-monzodiorites are contemporaneous with alteration and mineralisation. The
quartz-monzodiorite is considered to be the progenitor porphyry, and two zones are
distinguished on the basis of alteration characteristics and position within the deposit.

A late to post-mineralisation biotite-granodiorite intrusion forms a northerly striking dyke

complex cutting across the western edge and deeper levels of the deposit. At higher levels,
the biotite-granodiorite flares out considerably to form a voluminous body. Although this
intrusion locally contains elevated copper grades adjacent to intrusive contacts or within
xenolith-rich zones, it is essentially barren.

Based on correlations between drillhole intersections and measurements of individual

contacts using oriented drill core, the positions and orientations of dyke contacts are
reasonably well established in the Hugo North deposit area. Dominant dyke orientation varies
with depth. At levels above approximately 250 m RL, where the biotite-granodiorite cuts
through the non-mineralised hanging wall strata, it is present as a single intrusive mass with
contacts dipping moderately to steeply to the west. The hanging wall sequence model to be
completed in 2014 should identify the nature of the contact between the hanging wall strata
and the biotite-granodiorite and assist in modelling the subsidence zone. Below this level, the
biotite-granodiorite is more complex, found as multiple and sub-parallel to anastomosing
dykes that cut through the quartz-monzodiorite intrusion and mineralised Alagbayan Group

The Hugo North deposit lies within easterly dipping homoclinal strata contained in a north–
north-easterly elongate fault-bounded block. The northern end of this block is cut by several
east-west and north-east striking faults near the northern boundary of Oyu Tolgoi. The
structural geometry and deformation history of the Hugo North deposit generally similar to
those of the Hugo South deposit.

Several iterations of the structural framework have been modelled between 2007 and 2014.
The following paragraphs describe the structural setting of the Hugo North deposit as
understood from the 2014 modelling. The structural interpretation was updated in 2014.

Deformation of the Hugo North deposit is dominated by brittle faulting. Major faults cutting
the deposit can be grouped on the basis of orientation into the following sets:
 East-west striking, moderately north dipping faults (e.g., 110). The 110 Fault defines the
division between the Hugo North and Hugo South deposits.
 East-west striking, steeply dipping faults with locally varying dips between north and south
(Bogd, Bumbat, Dugant, and Blacktail). These faults offset the lithology and mineralisation
in oblique slip fashion (dextral displacement).
 Steep, north–north-east-striking faults (e.g., East and West Bat, 160, and Axial). The linear
mineralised trend defined by the Central and Southwest zones of the SOT deposit and
the Hugo Dummett deposit likely reflects the presence of a deep, north–north-east
striking crustal fault or fault zone controlling magma emplacement and mineralisation,
termed the Axial Fault. The sub-vertical, north–north-east striking West Bat Fault runs along
the west side of the Hugo North deposit and cuts the western edge of the northern part
of the deposit.

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The north–north-east striking East Bat Fault follows the east flank of the Hugo Dummett
deposit, well east of the known deposit extents. The 160 Fault can be traced through the
southern part of the Hugo North deposit, where it cuts across stratigraphic contacts at
moderate angles and forms a sharp break in alteration intensity and copper grade.
 North–north-east striking, moderately east dipping faults sub-parallel to lithological
contacts (e.g., Contact, Lower, and Intermediate). The Contact Fault is a bedding-
parallel detachment zone that normally lies at the contact between tectonised
mudstones that stratigraphically overlie the deposit (unit DA3) and overlying basalt flows
and volcaniclastic rocks (unit DA4). The Lower Fault at Hugo North is an intensely
brecciated, locally foliated, clay-rich gouge zone within the middle or lower part of the
high-grade mineralised body, typically at a level 200–400 m below the Contact Fault. The
Intermediate Fault is sub-parallel to the augite basalt (Va) and ignimbrite (Ign) contact.
 East–north-east striking faults (e.g., Boundary Fault System, Kharaa, Eroo, and Rhyolite).
The Boundary Fault follows the intrusive contact of the granitic complex in the north-west
part of the Oyu Tolgoi area and juxtaposes strongly mineralised rocks against post-
mineral Carboniferous strata near the northern property boundary. The North Boundary
Fault juxtaposes Carboniferous granitic rocks against Carboniferous strata to the south.
The sub-vertical, east–north-east striking Rhyolite Fault cuts across the southern part of the
Hugo North deposit and coincides with a wide zone of rhyolite dykes. The Kharaa and
the Eroo may be reactivated faults associated with the North Boundary Fault System.
 North-west striking faults that offset (oblique slip) lithologies and in some case
mineralisation (7100, Noyon, Gobi, Burged, Javkhlant). These faults may have an oblique
slip component.

Fold styles and orientations in the Hugo North deposit are similar to those at Hugo South, with
most folding restricted to the upper part of the Alagbayan Group and overlying
Sainshandhudag Formation.

The highest-grade copper mineralisation in the Hugo North deposit is related to a zone of
intensely stockworked to sheeted quartz veins known as the QV90 zone, so named because
>90% of the rock has >15% quartz veining. The high-grade zone is centred on thin, east
dipping quartz-monzodiorite intrusions or within the apex of the large quartz-monzodiorite
body, and extends into the adjacent basalt. In addition, moderate-to-high-grade copper
and gold values occur within quartz-monzodiorite below and to the west of the intense vein
zone, in the Hugo North gold zone. This zone is distinct and has a high Au (ppm) to Cu (%)
ratio of 0.5:1.

Bornite is dominant in the highest-grade parts of the deposit (3.0%–5.0% Cu) and is zoned
outward to chalcopyrite (2.0% Cu). At grades of <1.0% Cu, pyrite–chalcopyrite dominates.
Within the upper levels where advanced argillically altered basaltic tuff is reported, the
assemblage comprises pyrite–chalcopyrite ± enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and
more rarely covellite.

The high-grade bornite zone consists of relatively coarse bornite permeating quartz and
disseminations in wall rocks, usually intergrown with subordinate chalcopyrite. Pyrite is rare to
absent except locally where the host rocks are advanced argillically altered. Although

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chalcocite is commonly found with bornite at Hugo South, it is less common at Hugo North.
High-grade bornite is associated with minor amounts of tennantite, sphalerite, hessite,
clausthalite, and gold that occur as inclusions or at grain boundaries.

Elevated gold grades in the Hugo North deposit occur within the up-dip (western) portion of
the intensely veined, high-grade core and within a steeply dipping lower zone cutting
through the western part of the quartz-monzodiorite. Quartz-monzodiorite in the lower zone
exhibits a characteristic pink to buff colour, with a moderate intensity of quartz veining (5.0%–
25% by volume), and is characterised by finely disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite.
Sulfides are disseminated throughout the rock in the matrix as well as in quartz veins. The fine-
grained bornite has a black sooty appearance. Red colouration of the rock type is attributed
to fine hematite dusting, primarily associated with albite.

The Hugo North deposit is characterised by copper–gold porphyry and related styles of
alteration similar to those at Hugo South. These include biotite–K-feldspar (K-silicate),
magnetite, chlorite–muscovite–illite, albite, chlorite–illite–hematite–kaolinite (intermediate
argillic), quartz–alunite–pyrophyllite–kaolinite–diaspore–zunyite–topaz–dickite (advanced
argillic), and sericite–muscovite zones. The distribution of alteration zones is similar to that in
the Hugo South deposit except that the advanced and intermediate argillic zones are more
restricted and lie mainly along the outer and upper margins of the intrusive system.

Chlorite–illite marks the outer boundary of the advanced argillic zone, mainly in the coarse,
upper part of the basaltic tuff/breccia.

Quartz–pyrophyllite–kaolinite–dickite (advanced argillic) is hosted mainly in the lower part of

the basaltic tuff, although on some sections at Hugo North it extends into strongly veined
quartz-monzodiorite. The advanced argillic zone is typically buff or grey, and late dickite on
fractures is ubiquitous. Within the advanced argillic zone, a massive quartz-alunite zone forms
a pink–brown bedding-parallel lens. As with elsewhere within the property, the advanced
argillic alteration is texturally destructive and often obliterates the contact between the
augite basalt and overlying basaltic tuff. As a result, a diffuse lithological and mineralisation
contact typically characterises this zone.

Topaz is widespread as late alteration controlled by structures cutting both the advanced
and intermediate argillic zone. In certain areas topaz appears to replace parts of the quartz-
alunite zone. In addition, topaz may also occur disseminated with quartz–pyrophyllite–

Hematite–siderite–illite–pyrophyllite–kaolinite–dickite (intermediate argillic) is an inward

zonation from the advanced argillic zone. It is commonly hosted by augite basalt but may
also occur in basaltic ash-flow tuff. Hematite usually comprises fine specularite and may be
derived from early magnetite or Fe rich minerals such as biotite or chlorite.

Hematite–chlorite–illite–(biotite–magnetite)–(chlorite) is transitional to the intermediate argillic

zone and is commonly hosted by augite basalt. It is characterised by a green colour and
relict hydrothermal magnetite, either disseminated or in veins.

Muscovite–illite (sericite) generally occurs in the quartz-monzodiorite intrusions and is a feature

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of the strongly mineralised zone. Alteration decreases with depth in the quartz-monzodiorite.

The Hugo North Extension is a term used to delimit that part of the Hugo North deposit that
extends into the Joint Venture ground. The zone extends from the licence boundary north for
approximately 700 m and appears to be closed off to the north; drilling on a section
approximately 150 m north of the northernmost extent of the Hugo North Extension grade
shell has indicated that mineralisation is truncated by an east-west trending fault. North of the
fault, the prospective stratigraphy has been down-dropped to depths greater than 2,000 m
below the surface.

The Heruga deposit is the most southerly of the currently known deposits at Oyu Tolgoi. The
deposit is a copper–gold–molybdenum porphyry deposit and is zoned with a molybdenum-
rich carapace at higher elevations overlying gold-rich mineralisation at depth. The top of the
mineralisation starts 500–600 m below the present ground surface.

The deposit has been drilled over a 2.3 km length, is elongated in a north–north-east
direction, and plunges to the north. Exploration of the down-plunge extension was active as
at 31 March 2012. The northern boundary of the mineralisation is assumed to be the Solongo
Fault, which marks the southern boundary of the planned SOT open pit.

Quartz-monzodiorite intrusions intrude the Devonian augite basalts as elsewhere in the district,
and again are considered to be the progenitors of mineralisation and alteration. Within
Heruga itself, quartz-monzodiorite intrusions are small compared to the stocks present in the
Hugo Dummett and SOT areas, perhaps explaining the lower grade of the Heruga deposit.
Non-mineralised dykes, which make up about 15% of the volume of the deposit, cut all other
rock types. However, the quartz-monzonite body appears to flare to the east and forms a
large stock within the Heruga North area of interest.

The deposit is transected by a series of north–north-east trending vertical fault structures that
step down 200–300 m at a time to the west and have divided the deposit into at least two
structural blocks.

Mineralised veins have a much lower density at Heruga than in the more northerly SOT and
Hugo Dummett deposits. High-grade copper and gold intersections show a strong spatial
association with contacts of the mineralised quartz-monzodiorite porphyry intrusion in the
southern part of the deposit, occurring both within the outer portion of the intrusion and in
adjacent enclosing basaltic country rock.

At deeper levels, mineralisation consists of chalcopyrite and pyrite in veins and disseminated
within biotite–chlorite–albite–actinolite-altered basalt or sericite–albite-altered quartz‒
monzodiorite. The higher levels of the orebody are overprinted by strong quartz–sericite–
tourmaline–pyrite alteration where mineralisation consists of disseminated and vein-controlled
pyrite, chalcopyrite, and molybdenite.

There is no oxide zone at Heruga. No high-sulfidation style mineralisation has been identified
to date.

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The project has significant exploration prospectivity, and exploration activities are ongoing.
Over the course of 2013, emphasis shifted from drilling to data acquisition, compilation, and
interrogation to identify and prioritise a pipeline of exploration targets on the mine licences.

The objective is to develop low-cost options with the potential to directly improve the value
of the operations and to focus on deposits that could represent enhanced opportunities in
line with the current development of the Oyu Tolgoi orebodies.

The Exploration Team is also continuing to build legacy datasets in 2014 with a focus on
ground magnetics, geophysical modelling, geochronological studies, core re-logging, and
surface geological mapping programmes.

The Heruga North zone, which in earlier reports was referred to as the New Discovery zone, is
the down-plunge extension of the Heruga mineralisation. The top of Heruga North is
approximately 1,100 m below surface and plunges gradually downward as it extends to the
north. The Solongo Fault forms the projected northern limit of mineralisation associated with

An exploration drilling programme was completed at Heruga North in late 2012. Since that
time the fundamental data have been validated and a preliminary structural and geological
model has been created. The next step is to estimate the resources of the entire Heruga and
Heruga North system; this work will be undertaken in late 2014.

The Javkhlant target area is an area of interest within the current exploration work
programme. The Javkhlant target was originally identified from regional IP surveying in 2005.
EJD0035A, drilled in 2010, encountered an intercept of 30 m at 0.92% Cu from a depth of
1,422 m.

The Javkhlant target is currently being advanced through geophysical and geochemical
analysis to determine prospectivity and identify potential drilling targets.

At present, this is the southernmost known mineralisation on the Oyu Tolgoi trend.

Hugo West Shallow was identified in 2013 following a review of the current drilling data,
mapping, and geophysics. It is located in the north part of the SOT block that hosts the
current open pit resources. The deposit is a small porphyritic intrusion on the footwall of the
Central Fault. Drilling completed on this deposit in Q4’13 and Q1’14 identified low-grade
mineralisation that is currently being advanced to modelling. The mineralisation is hosted in
the Devonian host sequence and Qmd intrusives and is characteristic of the SOT zones.

Other potential analogous shallow targets have been identified within the SOT deposit and

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are currently being studied. These potential targets will be prioritised by business needs, drill
testing will be identified and planned as part of the current work programme.

The Hugo West Deep target was identified in 2012 by a magnetotellurics (MagTell) survey and
geological review. The area was drill tested in 2013. The first drillhole returned 502 m at
0.54% Cu and 0.32 g/t Au. The mineralisation associated with the Hugo West Deep target is
hosted entirely within the Qmd intrusives. The mineralisation is currently thought to represent
an extension of the grade shells associated with Hugo North and Hugo South. The current
drilling has identified a large, low-grade target that will require future work to identify
potential resources. The target area is currently being studied to identify future drill testing
requirements based on business needs.

Three deep, high-grade targets have been identified by the current exploration reviews: West
of West Bat Fault, North of West Bat Fault, and Heruga North Bornite. These three targets are
currently being studied via various geological, geophysical, and geochemical methods. The
current exploration review will aim to identify future potential drilling requirements, if any.

Exploration will continue on the Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licences scaled to meet the business
strategy and in line with annual budgets. The focus will be on resources that could change
the life-of-mine schedule and defer development of deeper and lower grade resources. The
work aims to identify smaller, incremental additions to the resource base, increase knowledge
of the orebodies at the known deposits, and plan infill drilling as part of a longer term goal to
convert resources into reserves.

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Coordinates used by Ivanhoe Mines, and subsequently by OT LLC, for exploration on the
project are mostly UTM coordinates with the datum set to WGS-84, Zone 48N. The boundary
coordinates of the mining and exploration licences are defined by latitude and longitude
coordinates. The official Mongolian survey datum is MSK42 using the Baltic mean sea level as
the elevation datum. Ivanhoe Mines noted the coordinates obtained using the MSK42 data
were almost identical to those using WGS-84, Zone 48N.

Various topographic surveys have been completed on the project area, the most recent of
which was in 2010 by Geomaster, covering a 10 km x 10 km area using an electronic total
station instrument with an accuracy of 5.0 cm. The survey had a contour interval of 1.0 m.

In 2011, the governing authority in Mongolia changed the official survey datum to WGS84,
Zone 48N. As a consequence, there has been a small shift in the bounding coordinates of the
licences. Geomaster is completing a new survey of the boundaries using the total station
instrument on behalf of OT LLC.

OT LLC acquired a GeoEye satellite image in 2012 and used it to derive a new topographic

In 2001, Ivanhoe commissioned Pacific Geomatics from Vancouver to produce 1:100,000

scale LandSat satellite images and a structural and alteration interpretation over a 1,500 km2
area centred on the project. These data are integrated into a GIS database and have been
used to aid in the structural interpretation of the project and for alteration mapping.

In 2003, Ivanhoe requested that Pacific Geomatics provide Quickbird imaging over the entire
Oyu Tolgoi Mining Licence.

In 2012, OT LLC engaged Fugro Spatial to acquire GeoEye imagery over the entire area of
the mining licences and to extend this coverage along key infrastructure corridors such as the
Gunii Hooloi water borefield and the road to the China/Mongolia border. Resolution is
approximately 0.5 m in the vertical and horizontal components.

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Geological mapping programmes have been restricted by the paucity of outcrop in the
project area.

Outcropping mineralised zones (Southwest, South, and Central) were mapped at 1:1,000
scale and the central part of the Oyu Tolgoi Licence area at 1:5,000 scale in 2001. The entire
Oyu Tolgoi Licence area was mapped at 1:10,000 scale in 2002.

Additional geological and structural mapping was completed by Alan Wainwright during
2005–2008 as part of his PhD thesis research.

Mapping on the Shivee Tolgoi Licence consists of 1:20,000 and 1:10,000 scale regional
mapping, with detailed prospect-scale mapping at 1:2,000 scale, undertaken between 2004
and 2008.

In 2011, David Crane initiated a detailed 1:2,500 surface geological mapping programme
across part of the Javkhlant area west and south-west of Heruga. This programme focused on
determining stratigraphic relations that may indicate vectors to prospective stratigraphy.

The long-term aim is to complete a detailed geological map of the entire mine licence area
at a scale of 1:5000.

Detailed geological mapping has been undertaken on exposed development faces on the
1300 Level in the Hugo North underground workings. The mapping was done initially on paper
sheets, which were scanned, imported to Vulcan software, geo-referenced, and converted
to lithological and structural strings for interpretation.

The mapping was used to help predict ground conditions in front of planned development
and to validate the geology model interpreted from drillholes. The 2014 geology model
update incorporates useful information from the underground mapping, such as the location
and nature of contacts between the BiGd and Qmd units in areas of sparse drilling coverage.

Underground mapping will recommence when the underground development restarts.

The following programmes will help define the relationships of the fault structures:
 In addition to the underground mapping data used in the updated 2014 Hugo North
geology model, efforts to improve the understanding of the faults on the 1300 Level
include re-logging the underground core. Core photos were re-examined to look for fault
zones that had not previously been recognised by the core loggers. In an ongoing 2014
programme, the underground geology mapping will be integrated with the Adamtech
photos, geotechnical mapping data, and the previous underground mapping by
Ivanhoe to create a detailed map of the 1300 Level underground.

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 The hanging wall sequence east of the Hugo North deposit (Carboniferous units
adjacent to the BiGd) and west of the West Bat Fault is being modelled as part of a 2014
programme. This was not done in the past because modelling focused on the orebody.
This work will lead to a better understanding of the continuity of structures across the
West Bat Fault and the relationship with the overlying Carboniferous sediments.

During 2010–2011, the structural and geological model for SOT was updated with all currently
available information and based on level plan interpretations. Major faults identified from this
programme are incorporated in the updated 2011 SOT resource block model.

A provisional fault hierarchy for the area was established:

 Early stage: north–north-east trending faults (East Boundary, West Boundary, and
 Middle stage: north–north-west trending faults (AP01, AP02, AP03, AP04, AP05, AP06,
AP011, and Rhyolite).
 Late stage: east–north-east trending faults (Solongo Fault system and associated splays).

Figure 9.1 shows the current fault interpretation for SOT.

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Key elements from the work completed to date are as follows:
 11 new faults were modelled from level plan interpretations.
 Faults in the southern part of the Hugo fault model were extruded to the margins of the
model for convenience. The result is that the northern part of the SOT open pit and Hugo
South fault models overlap, but do not actually link together structurally or geologically.
Rectification of this issue is planned and is critical to obtaining a district-wide coherent
structural architecture.
 The East Boundary Fault was extended to the north, re-modelled as a steeply west
dipping, gently listric fault, and interpreted as a >50 m wide fault zone characterised by
fault gouge, lithological repetitions, and a swarm of BiGd dykes. The fault has been
modelled as a series of segments displaced across newly interpreted north-west–south-
east trending faults.
 The geologically unusually shallow-dipping BiGd intrusions in the Central Pit were re
modelled as steeply dipping dykes, compatible with the BiGd intrusions associated with
the well-constrained East Boundary Fault in the Southwest zone. The dykes are
interpreted to be intimately associated with extensional faulting along the East Boundary

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Fault. The orientation of these dykes presents a potential geotechnical risk, and further
work will be required to confirm the sub-vertical reinterpretation. This is currently being
addressed through a programme of pit mapping and reconciliation to the resource
geology model.
 The previously modelled east-west trending Rhyolite Fault between the Southwest and
Central zones, which was the northernmost fault in the 2007 model, was retained but re-
modelled into segments separated by the newly interpreted north-west–south-east
trending faults.
 The north–north-west trending faults appear to be sub-vertical to steeply north-easterly
dipping. Faults AP04, AP05, and AP06 are coincident with a swarm of presumably
synchronously intruded rhyolite dykes (which have the same strike, but shallower, 60°–70°
dips) between the Central and Southwest zones.

It was concluded that:

 The East Boundary Fault is likely to form a significant geotechnical and hydro geological
feature during mining operations.
 Changes in interpretations of the dip of the BiGd intrusions, when confirmed, could have
significant benefits for slope design. In the previous model, BiGd dykes are not only
parallel to the slope, but also immediately below the ramps on the east side of the pit,
posing a major slope stability hazard. It was recommended that the BiGd units in the
Central zone be re-modelled, with geotechnical holes sited to determine whether the
BiGd units are favourably steeply dipping (as in the 2011 work), or unfavourably dipping
west, parallel to the Central Pit slope (as previously modelled).

The interpretation of the structural framework of Hugo North has evolved over time. Rio Tinto
staff, on behalf of OT LLC, performed an initial structural review of the faulting and fault
models during 2009–2010 for the Hugo Dummett deposit area in support of the planned block
cave mining operation. The result was a preliminary fault model based on apparent
displacements of geological boundaries, coupled with interpretation and analysis of
structural data collected from drill core. These interpretations were used as a guide for the
2011 and 2014 structural framework used to construct the Hugo North geology model
(Figure 9.2).

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The 2011 geology model introduced several north-east and north-west trending faults to the
Hugo North geology model. These structures were added based on faults in the drillholes and
to accommodate offsets in lithology that were previously explained by folding and the
thickening and thinning of the volcanic package. The cross-sectional and plan section
interpretations in the 2014 model added an additional set of east-west faults in the north-east
extension area to explain the sudden directional change of the strike of the ore body from
north-south trending to north-east trending. These faults are steep-dipping, but dip direction
may change locally from north to south. These east-west faults are interpreted as being late

During 2010–2011, a significant amount of work was undertaken to review the geological and
structural setting of the Oyu Tolgoi mineralisation, particularly in the Hugo North area. This
work formed the basis of the 2011 structural interpretation of Hugo North, which added a
series of north-east and north-west faults and one east-west trending faults in addition to the
legacy faults from the 2007 geology model. The 2014 geology model then added east-west
faults in the north-east extension area to explain the directional change of the orebody from
north trending to north-east trending as a series of dextral offsets.

The additional faults that were modelled in each year of the model updates are as follows
(Figure 9.3):
 2007: The Legacy faults include the Contact, Lower, Intermediate, 160, 110, West Bat,
East Bat, North Boundary, Rhyolite, and 7100.
 2011: Kharaa and Eroo (north-east trend), Noyon, Gobi, Javkhlant, Burged, and the
Kharaa-Suult (north-west), Selenge (east–west).
 2014: Bogd, Bumbat, and Dugant (east–west). Bogd replaces the Selenge.

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Key elements from the work completed to date are as follows:
 The north-west and north-east trending faults effectively broke apart and offset the
deposit parallel faults (Contact, Intermediate, Lower).
 There is an offset in lithology and mineralisation along the 7100 Fault, indicating an
oblique slip nature.
 The Kharaa and the Eroo may be (reactivated?) splays from the North Boundary Fault.
 The Bogd, Bumbat, and Dugant offset the mineralisation and lithology and have an
oblique slip component associated with them, including significant dextral movement
across the Bogd Fault.
 If the deposit is turned on its side, then the north-west and north-east faults form a basin
such that the volcanic units are close to horizontal. This theory is conceptual at present.
The model of the hanging wall sequence should help in understanding this development
in the ore deposition cycle.

An elementary fault hierarchy for Hugo North was established, although more work needs to
be done to understand and confirm the fault hierarchy:
 Early stage: The deposit parallel faults Contact, Lower, Intermediate, and160.
 Mid stage: The north-west trending faults are earlier than the East Bat and West Bat faults.
However, the 7100 cuts the West Bat Fault and so may have been reactivated.
 Mid to Late stage: North Boundary, Kharaa, Eroo, 110, and Rhyolite faults.
 Late stage: East-west trending oblique slip faults in the north-east extension area (Bogd,
Bumbat, and Dugant).

Future work to locate the faults in the hanging wall sequence (HWS) will target the BiGd and
volcanic sequence contact above the block cave and model the faults on the west side of
the West Bat Fault. The HWS model should help the understanding of whether or not certain
faults cut across the West Bat Fault and if the BiGd/HWS contact is faulted.

Oyu Tolgoi staff updated the Heruga structural and geological model in 2013 and it was
reviewed by Alasdaire Pope in October 2013. Notes on the structural setting of the Heruga
orebody are summarised below.

The surface map shows a north-east trending Carboniferous syncline axial trace directly
above the Heruga deposit footprint. Level plans 1.0 km down in the mineralised zone show a
Devonian core with Carboniferous on the flanks, i.e. an anticline. The corresponding anticline
axial trace at surface lies ~500 m to the east, suggesting that the axial surface dips in the
order of ~60°to 70° to the west–north-west.

On level plans and cross-sections the anticline looks like a positive flower structure
(i.e. transpressive – a pop-up structure) developed in an east dipping homocline, but the
surface map shows anticline and syncline fold closures. This may be a potentially important
difference in trying to understand the genesis and geometry of the deposit, and may
indicate the presence of more mineralisation in the immediate vicinity.

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The current model has been built from serial cross-sections. Due to wide drillhole spacing on
the flanks of the deposit, the model has an irregular, saw-tooth geometry when viewed in
level plans. By concentrating on individual distinctive marker units and smoothing the
interpretation to something that looks geologically reasonable, the geological setting of the
deposit, in the faulted core of an anticline, becomes apparent.

Faults have been modelled as vertical. However, the easterly offset surface anticline axial
trace and parallel related faults suggest that the north-east trending faults may also dip
steeply west. This is also suggested by sequential level plans where the mineralised Qmd in
the northern part of the deposit migrates across three fault panels while maintaining the
same contact relationships and showing no sign of displacement. If faults seen in drillholes
have been projected vertically to surface and to depth, then the modelling could
conceivably have included more faults than are really there, instead of correlating fewer,
steeply west dipping faults.

There is a generally modest to poor correlation between faults in the Heruga model and
those mapped on surface. It is important to link poorly drill-defined faults, and often barely
more than conceptual faults, to the well-defined surface fault traces. This is an important part
of integrating the sub-surface geology with the surface in order to de-risk the interpretation.
Interpreted faults that do not correspond with, or at least fit the pattern of, surface-mapped
faults can be considered high risk. The degree of non-correlation between modelled and
surface-mapped faults is an indicator of the level of uncertainty and hence geological risk in
the model.

Work completed on the Joint Venture area includes trenching, soil and mobile metal ion
(MMI) sampling, rock chip and grab sampling, and stream sediment and pan concentrate
sampling. The total geochemical dataset is summarised in Table 9.1.

Although Ivanhoe and previous companies completed a great deal of prospecting and
litho-geochemical sampling in the Oyu Tolgoi Licence area, the data have been superseded
by drilling information in the SOT and Hugo Dummett areas. This work is summarised in
Table 9.2 for the soil samples collected between 1997 and 2008.

Licence Year Rock Chip Soil Stream Trench

Samples Samples Sediment Samples
Shivee Tolgoi 2003–2003 75 2,140 – 450
2004 – – – 1,363
Javkhlant 2002–2003 45 – 25 –
2006–2007 43 314 – –

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Area/Prospect Year Company
Southwest 1997–1999 BHP
Copper Flats 2002–2003 Entrée Gold
Eastern Entrée 2003–2004 Entrée Gold
Oortsog 2003–2004 Entrée Gold
Southwest 2004 Entrée Gold
West RAB 2004 Ivanhoe
Western Entrée 2004–2005 Entrée Gold
Exotic Cu 2005 Ivanhoe
OT South 2005 Ivanhoe
Hugo South 2005–2006 Ivanhoe
West 2006 Ivanhoe
Gandulga 2006 Ivanhoe
Ulaan Khuud 2006 Ivanhoe
BHP3 2006 Ivanhoe
Heruga 2008 Entrée Gold

During 2011, all previous geochemical surveys completed in the Oyu Tolgoi area were
reviewed (Sketchley, 2011). Survey data were levelled and compiled into a single dataset,
and the anomalies were ranked according to location and type (Bell et al., 2012). Anomalous
zones were compared to the rock chip and drill databases. Known anomalies are shown in
Figure 9.4.

Results of the review:

 Anomalous areas are considered to be related to known and explored mineralisation or
are lithologically associated.
 Areas not previously covered by soil geochemistry are underlain by large intrusions, non-
prospective rock exposures, or thick alluvial cover.
 Highly prospective areas have been extensively drilled, and thick cover sequences
render buried mineralisation undetectable by surface geochemical methods.

From this review it was concluded that no new or additional infill surface sampling was
warranted in the licence areas.

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The initial geophysical surveys conducted by BHP in 1997 and 1998 consisted of airborne
magnetics, ground magnetics, and gradient-array IP. The airborne magnetic survey was
flown on 300 m spaced east-west lines with approximately 100 m mean terrain clearance. The
ground magnetic survey and IP survey were completed on 250 m line spacings; the latter
showed chargeability anomalies over the SOT Central, South, and Southwest zones.

In 2001, Ivanhoe Mines contracted Delta Geoscience of B.C., Canada, to conduct gradient-
array IP on 100 m spaced north-south lines over the 3.0 km x 4.0 km core block of Oyu Tolgoi.
Using multiple current (AB) electrode spacings ranging from 1,000–3,600 m, the sulfide
assemblages in the Southwest, South, and Central zones were clearly defined on all of the AB
plans, indicating significant vertical depths for the mineralisation in all zones. Delta
Geoscience re-oriented the IP survey lines to east-west and resurveyed the core block of
Oyu Tolgoi on 100 m spaced lines using multiple current AB electrode spacings. This survey
resulted in an entirely different chargeability signature that reflected a continuous zone of
sulfide mineralisation extending north–north-easterly from the south-western end of the
Southwest zone through to the northernmost extent of the property, for a total strike length of
approximately 5.0 km. Detailed total field, ground magnetic surveys, reading 25 m x 5.0 m

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and 50 m x 10 m centres, were completed over the full Oyu Tolgoi mining lease. The data
were merged to produce a high-quality magnetic image of the block.

In 2002, the geophysical programme was further expanded to include a gravity survey over
the Oyu Tolgoi concession block. The survey was controlled by GPS with readings taken on
50 m centres over the core of the concession and 100 m centres over the extremities. The
Bouguer map was reduced to residual gravity for contouring.

In 2005, telluric electromagnetic (TEM) surveying was also conducted over the eastern half of
the concession in conjunction with extensive TEM surveying used to define the Cretaceous-
aged, semi-consolidated sedimentary basins along the Galbyn Gobi and Gunii Hooloi valleys,
south-east and north-east, respectively, from Oyu Tolgoi. These basins developed along the
East Mongolian Fault system and a splay off the fault, and form reservoirs for extensive water

At Oyu Tolgoi, the TEM work was designed to delineate smaller drainage basins that could
have channelled copper-rich surficial waters from the exposed copper deposits during the
Cretaceous period. These pregnant waters could potentially have precipitated copper into
river gravels downstream to form secondary exotic copper deposits, although to date no
such deposits have been discovered. Moreover, given the relative lack of supergene
alteration of the known deposits and a paucity of evidence of unroofing of the porphyries,
the potential for a large-scale exotic copper deposit is considered unlikely.

A Zeus-based geophysical survey operation started at Oyu Tolgoi on 19 June 2009 and
terminated on 11 November 2009. Survey work continued during 2010 outside the Ivanhoe
ground in the Shivee Tolgoi licence. The Zeus IP survey used east-west lines, which resulted in
the generation of north-south trending anomalies.

The Zeus System is a high-powered, low signal-to-noise ratio induced polarisation / resistivity
instrumentation platform. The Zeus system is based on the use of multiple signal measuring
systems with broadly spaced electrode configurations.

The owners claim that post-acquisition processing then allows images of conductive and
resistive blocks to depths below 3 km. However, no inversion is carried out on the data, and
independent reviews have identified this as a potential issue. To address this, the owners have
recently pursued inversion processing of the data. However, progress has been slow because
of the complexity of inverting gradient array-type Three-dimensional (3D) IP data.

During 2011, Fugro was contracted to complete a district-wide magnetotellurics (MagTell)

survey. Experience with MagTell has shown that the data can detect and delineate isolated
conductors at substantial depths, and reliable 3D models of conductivity can be derived that
are readily integrated with geology. The Fugro field crew collected 1,006 individual stations
covering the main mineralised zones from Ulaan Khuud in the north extending down to
Javkhlant. Approximately 30 planned stations around the SOT area and to the west of the
Hugo deposits were omitted because of mine construction activities. Approximately 10% of
the stations were repeated because of high noise levels that were attributed to cultural
activity. Results are currently being interpreted in the context of new target generation
activities within the district.

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An initial IP survey (and detailed magnetics), using gradient-array with 11,000 m electrode
spacing, commenced north of Oyu Tolgoi but was eventually extended through 2005 to
cover all of the ground within the Shivee Tolgoi licence and to include the Javkhlant licence
area. Three north-south trending chargeability anomalies were defined.

In late 2008, a 26.6 km2 detailed magnetometer survey was undertaken in the Hugo North
Extension area. Lines were oriented east–west at 25 m spacing with continuous readings. Two
large magnetic features were found in the survey area.

At the same time, a 26.6 km2 detailed magnetometer survey was undertaken in the Heruga
area to obtain a more detailed view of the geology and structure. Lines were oriented east-
west at 25 m spacing, with continuous readings.

During mid-2011, a ground-magnetic survey was undertaken to the east and west of
Javkhlant and Heruga, extending eastward to the edge of the Khukh Khaad mining licence
to the east and westward into the Manakht licence:
 Manakht licence – 1,138 line km over 161 lines with 25 m line spacing oriented east-west,
with continuous readings.
 Khukh Khaad licence – 1,007 line km over 221 lines with 25 m line spacing oriented east-
west, with continuous readings.

A GEM GSM 19W (v7) Proton Precession equipment unit was used for this work.

During 2002, two trenches were completed over surface exposures of the Southwest zone.
Both trenches were approximately 60 m in length and provided early-stage geological and
assay information about the area.

During 2003 and 2004, an extensive 8,000 m trenching programme was carried out over the
South and Southwest zones, plus an additional 20 km of trenches were completed in various
other locations throughout the licence. Trenches at the South zone ranged in length from
280–1,177 m and averaged around 600 m. Trenches were generally excavated 25 m apart,
sampled over 2 m intervals, and assayed for Cu, Au, Mo, As, and Ag.

A number of trenches were excavated in 2009–2011 to support construction activities. These

were reviewed by site geologists to confirm mapping across the licence areas. The vast
majority of the excavations were within Cretaceous clays, however, and no sampling was
carried out.

A number of research, petrological, and mineralogical studies have been performed. These
include age dating of key lithological units, detailed stratigraphic reviews, petrographic and
spectral analysis of alteration products and minerals, and detailed structural reviews,
particularly in the areas proposed for the block caving operation at Hugo Dummett.

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Ivanhoe Mines established, and OT LLC maintains, an in-house petrology laboratory in the
Oyu Tolgoi Geosciences Department. Equipment for making polished mineral specimen
blanks and polished thin sections is currently in use.

Alteration minerals are determined by short-wave infrared spectrometry—short-wave infra-

red (SWIR) or portable infrared mineral analyser (PIMA) analysis—on typical specimens from a
number of alteration zones in each drillhole.

A programme of preparing mineralisation samples and making metallurgical index estimates

from all of the Oyu Tolgoi deposits was undertaken between 2002 and 2006.

A number of research theses have been completed on the project area and are listed below
in alphabetical order by author surname:
 Amaramgalan, S., 2008. U-Pb geochronology and multi-isotope systematics of granitoids
from Mongolia, Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Implications for granitoid origin and crustal
growth during the Phanerozoic: PhD thesis, Okayama University, Japan, 162 p.
 Ayush, O., 2006. Stratigraphy, geochemical characteristics and tectonic interpretation of
Middle to Late Paleozoic arc sequences from the Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au deposit:
MSc thesis (in Mongolian), Mongolian Univ. Science and Technology, Ulan Bator,
Mongolia, 80 p.
 Jargaljav, G., 2009. Mineralisation and metasomatic alteration of Central Oyu copper–
gold deposit: PhD thesis (in Russian), Irkutsk Technical University, Irkutsk, 129 p.
 Khashgerel, B., 2010. Geology, whole-rock geochemistry, mineralogy and stable isotopes
(O, H and S) of sericitic and AA alteration zones, Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au deposits,
Mongolia: PhD thesis, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan, 114 p.
 Myagmarsuren, S., 2007. Sulfide mineral paragenesis at the Hugo Dummett porphyry Cu-
Au deposit, Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia: MSc thesis, Tohoku University, Japan, 93 p.
 Oyunchimeg, R., 2008. Sulfide mineralogy and gold mineralisation at Hugo Dummett
porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Oyu Tolgoi mineral district, Mongolia: PhD thesis (in Mongolian),
Mongolian Univ. Science and Technology, Ulan Bator, Mongolia, 116 p.
 Savage, N., 2010. Origin of clasts, mineralisation and alteration within the DA2a
conglomerate, Heruga porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Oyu Tolgoi, Mongolia; evidence for
an older porphyry system or part of the early Oyu Tolgoi paragenesis?: M.Sc Mining
Geology Dissertation, Cambourne School of Mines UK. 119 p.
 Wainwright, A. J., 2008. Volcanostratigraphic framework and magmatic evolution of the
Oyu Tolgoi porphyry Cu-Au district, South Mongolia: PhD: Univ. British Columbia,
Vancouver, 263 p.

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Core drillholes are the principal source of geological and grade data for Oyu Tolgoi. A small
percentage of the total drilling comes from reverse circulation (RC) or combined RC/core
drilling. Most of the RC holes were drilled in the early days of exploration at the SOT deposit.
Combined RC/core holes, which have RC at the top of the hole and core drilling at the base,
also make up a small percentage of the total number of holes on the project.

The first drilling was completed by BHP in 1997 and 1998, when 23 core holes (3,902 m) were
drilled at the SOT deposit. Ivanhoe carried out approximately 109 holes (8,828 m) of reverse
circulation (RC) drilling in 2000, mainly at Central zone, to explore the chalcocite blanket
discovered earlier by BHP.

In 2001, Ivanhoe continued RC drilling (16 holes totalling approximately 2,091 m), mostly in the
South zone area; however, a combined RC collar/core tail drilling method was tested for hole
number OTRCD149. Ivanhoe drilled two additional holes using this method (OTRCD50 and 52),
along with seven additional RC holes totalling 801.5 m (up to hole OTRC158), before switching
to core drilling methods for all of its exploration.

As of 31 December 2013, a total of approximately 1,115,706 m of drilling in 2,603 holes has

been completed on the project. Of this, 1,022,254 m was core drilling in 1,807 holes and
72,696 m was completed in 713 RC holes. The drilling has been spread mostly over the Hugo
Dummett, SOT, and Heruga deposits. These totals include approximately 525 holes (75,427 m)
drilled as part of a condemnation programme to assist in the determination of suitable sites
for the proposed plant, infrastructure, and dumps, and for water and geotechnical purposes.

Table 10.1 is a summary of all drillholes; the drillhole collars are shown in Figure 9.4.

The drillholes are drilled at a wide range of azimuths and dips depending on the orientation
of the mineralisation, but an east to west orientation is dominant throughout the project area.
Drilling is normally oriented perpendicular to the strike of the mineralisation. Depending on the
dip of the drillhole and the dip of the mineralisation, drill intercept widths are typically greater
than true widths.

Average drillhole lengths at the Hugo Dummett and SOT deposits range from 316 m (South
zone) to 894 m (Hugo North) and average around 525 m overall.

The drill spacing is a nominal 70 m on and between drill sections in the SOT zones. Drill spacing
at Hugo North is on approximate 125 x 75 m centres. Drill spacing typically widens toward the
margins of the deposits.

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Diamond drilling on the project has been almost continuous since 2001, using a variety of
different contractors. Most of the more recent drilling was contracted to Major Pontil Pty Ltd.
(Major), based out of Australia, which has used a variety of rigs, some with depth capabilities
in excess of 2,500 m; these include UDR 1000, 1500, and 5000, LM90, and Schramm rigs.

Other drilling campaigns have been completed by Gobi Drilling, Can Asia, Mongolia Drilling
Services, Australian Independent Diamond Drillers, and Soil Trade.

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Deposit Surface Length of RC Length of Comb Length of UG Core Length of PCD Length of All Total
Core Surface Holes RC RC/Core Comb Holes UG Core Holes PCD Holes Length
Holes DDH (m) Holes RC/Core Holes Holes (m)
(m) (m)
Hugo Dummett Deposit
Hugo South 143 100,109 45 3,263 12 8,886 – – – – 200 103,787
Hugo North 383 294,067 8 2,737 4 2,417 150 29,977 – 545 329,198
Total Hugo Dummett 526 394,176 53 6,000 16 11,303 150 29,977 – – 745 441,456
SOT Deposit
Southwest Zone 233 130,641 31 6,668 3 2,092 – – – – 267 139,401
Central Zone 240 90,511 71 6,694 – – – – – – 311 97,205
South Zone 90 33,542 30 4,405 2 891 – – – – 122 38,838
Wedge Zone 47 27,186 12 1,337 – – – – – – 59 28,523
West Zone 47 17,614 115 4,929 – – – – – – 162 22,543
Total SOT 657 299,494 259 24,033 5 2,983 – – – – 921 326,510
‘Other’ Drilling
Shaft Farm (exploration
25 19,499 28 847 – – – – – – 53 20,346
and geotechnical)
X-Grid 6 571 – – – – – – 6 571
East Side Licence 18 3,901 164 21,780 8 2,400 – – – – 190 28,081
‘Other’ 189 32,174 120 11,160 – – – – – – 309 43,334
Total ‘Other’ Drilling 238 56,145 312 33,787 8 2,400 – – – – 558 92,332
Entree JV Drilling
Far South 68 73,170 14 3,272 – – – – – – 82 76,442

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Deposit Surface Length of RC Length of Comb Length of UG Core Length of PCD Length of All Total
Core Surface Holes RC RC/Core Comb Holes UG Core Holes PCD Holes Length
Holes DDH (m) Holes RC/Core Holes Holes (m)
(m) (m)
Shivee Tolgoi: Hugo
114 96,844 75 5,604 2 736 – – 52 3,335 243 106,519
North Ext
Javkhlant: Heruga Total 54 72,447 – – – – – – – – 54 72,447
Total Entree JV Drilling 236 242,461 89 8,876 2 736 – – 52 3,335 379 255,408
Grand Total (All Drilling) 1,657 992,277 713 72,696 31 17,422 150 29,977 52 3,335 2,603 1,115,706
Note: Includes all holes drilled to 12 May 2011. Not all of this drilling is relevant to the Mineral Resource estimate.
Some of these holes were collared in the Shivee Tolgoi lease and drilled back into the Oyu Tolgoi lease.
Includes holes drilled for geotechnical, water, and condemnation purposes.
Approximately 79% of the combined RC/core drilling is by core methods.

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The vast majority of core diameters at the SOT and Hugo Dummett deposits have been either
PQ-size (85 mm nominal core diameter), HQ-size (63.5 mm nominal core diameter), or NQ-size
(47.6 mm nominal core diameter), with a small percentage drilled with BQ-size core (35.5 mm
nominal core diameter). Most holes at Hugo North were collared with PQ core and were
reduced to HQ at depths of around 500 m prior to entering the mineralised zone. A few holes
have continued to depths of about 1,300 m using PQ diameter. The depth of size reduction in
any given hole varies depending on drilling conditions.

Many of the deeper holes, especially at Hugo North (including Copper Flats), include multiple
daughter holes (wedges) drilled from a PQ diameter parent drillhole. A bend is placed in the
parent hole at the location where the planned daughter holes are to branch off. The bend is
achieved by means of a Navi-Drill® (navi) bit, which is lowered down-the-hole to the desired
depth and aligned along the azimuth of the desired bend. As the navi bit advances, a bend
is achieved at the rate of 1° every three metres. No core is recovered from the navi-drilled
interval, and the core diameter is reduced, generally to HQ size.

Most core has been drilled using Ball Mark™ or Ace™ oriented core marking systems to assist
with geological and structural interpretations and for geotechnical purposes. More recently a
Reflex ACT II Rapid Descent tool has been used for core orientations.

At the drill rig, the drillers remove core from the core barrel and place it directly in wooden or
plastic core boxes. Individual drill runs are identified with small wooden or plastic blocks,
where the depth (m) and drillhole number are recorded. Unsampled core is never left
unattended at the rig; boxes are transported to the OT LLC core logging facility at the main
camp twice a day under a geologist’s or technician’s supervision. Core is transported in open
boxes in the back of a truck. Those holes drilled specifically for geotechnical purposes
typically use triple tubes, which are pumped out at the rig, transferred to a steel V-rail, and
logged on-site before transport back to the core shed.

The RC logging involves capture of geological, alteration, and mineralisation data on paper
logging forms.

Core logging facilities are indoors. Core logging takes place on sturdy steel racks, each of
which is capable of holding upwards of 25 or more core boxes. Upon arrival at the core shed,
the core is subject to the following procedures:
 Quick review.
 Box labelling check: The core boxes are checked to ensure they are appropriately
identified with the drillhole number, metres from–to, and box number written with a
permanent marker on the front.
 Core re-building: Core is rotated to fit the ends of the adjoining broken pieces.
 Core photography.

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 Geotechnical logging, using pre-established codes and logging forms, includes: length
of core run, recovered:drilled ratio, rock quality designation (RQD), and maximum length,
structural data, and oriented core data. Orientated core measurements were logged as
interval data using standardised codes for structural and vein data only; the orientated
core measurement did not usually begin until the hole was within the mineralised zone.
 Geological logging: Until August 2010 this was completed on paper logging forms. After
that, OT LLC implemented a digital logging data capture system, using commercially
available acQuire® software, which uses standardised templates and validated logging
codes that must be filled out prior to log completion. The logging is entered directly into
laptops at the core shed and is wirelessly synchronised with the geological database. The
template includes header information, lithology description and lithology code, graphic
log, coded mineralisation, and alteration.
 The geologist marks a single, unbiased cutting line along the entire length of the core for
further processing.

Recovery data were not collected for the RC drill programmes.

OT LLC’s geological staff measure the following core recovery and rock quality designation
(RQD) parameters at the core logging area:
 Block interval
 Drill run (m)
 Measured length (m)
 Calculated recovery (%)
 RQD measured length (m)
 Calculated RQD (%).

The methodology used for measuring recovery is standard industry practice.

In general, OT LLC reports that core recoveries obtained by the various drilling contractors
have been very good, averaging between 97% and 99% for all of the deposits. In localised
areas of faulting and/or fracturing, the recoveries decrease; however, this occurs in a very
small percentage of the overall mineralised zones. In addition, OT LLC notes decreased
recoveries near surface in overlying non-mineralised Cretaceous clays and to a lesser extent
in some of the oxidised rocks (generally above 100 m depth), owing to the lower
competencies of these units.

Table 10.2 shows the recovery averages per year from 1998–2013.

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All Drilling Recoveries Below 100 m
Year Recovery Number of Recovery Number of
(%) Measurements (%) Measurements
1998 75.6 19 n/a n/a
2001 97.4 5,784 98.4 3,876
2002 97.8 33,964 98.6 26,359
2003 97.4 61,182 98.8 48,722
2004 97.7 66,116 98.6 54,605
2005 98.6 25,224 99.1 21,927
2006 98.5 21,570 99.1 17,909
2007 98.3 17,986 98.4 15,867
2008 99.5 8,905 99.6 8,151
2009 99.8 1,956 99.8 1,845
2010 99.3 12,312 99.9 11,741
2011 99.5 22,117 99.8 21,524
2012 99.5 15,832 99.8 15,384
2013 99.4 9,598 99.7 9,390

Collar survey methods were similar for core and RC drillholes.

Upon completion of a drillhole, the collar and anchor rods are removed, and a PVC pipe is
inserted into the hole. The drillhole collar is marked by a cement block inscribed with the
drillhole number (e.g., OTD663). Proposed drillhole collars are surveyed by a hand-held GPS
unit for preliminary interpretations. After the hole is completed, a Nikon theodolite or DGPS
instrument is used for final survey pickup. The two collar readings are compared, and if any
significant differences are noted the collar is re-surveyed; otherwise the final survey is
adopted as the final collar reading.

RC drillholes were typically not downhole surveyed. Drillholes are assumed to be without
deviation from the collar survey. In general, most RC holes are less than 100 m in depth and
therefore unlikely to experience excessive deviations in the drill trace.

OT LLC uses downhole survey instruments to collect the azimuth and inclination at specific
depths of the core drillholes for most of the diamond drilling programmes. The principal types
of survey method used over the duration of the drilling programmes include Eastman Kodak,
Pontil, Flexit, Ranger, gyro, and north-seeking gyro.

No downhole survey data were collected during the first 149 holes drilled on the project,
including the initial core drill programme by BHP in 1998 and the 125 RC holes completed by
Ivanhoe in 2001 and 2002.

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The first surveys initiated by Ivanhoe were for holes OTRCD149, 150, and 152, which were
surveyed by the Eastman Kodak method. Ivanhoe used this method interchangeably with
gyro and Ranger as the principal means of measuring deviations until approximately drillhole
OTD397, after which gyro, north seeking gyro, Flexit, and Ranger methods were used. A small
percentage of the holes in the database remain unsurveyed. It should be noted that the
Eastman Kodak, Pontil, Flexit, and Ranger methods derive azimuth measurements using a
magnet and are therefore subject to potential problems that can be caused by magnetic
minerals, common at some of the deposits on Oyu Tolgoi.

Since January 2006, the procedure has been to measure deviations initially using a Flexit
instrument along 30–60 m intervals to monitor the drillhole progress. At completion, all holes
are re-surveyed with a north seeking gyro or SRG gyro instrument at approximately 5.0–20 m
intervals. The gyro instruments are not dependent on magnetic readings and are therefore
considered to be more appropriate methods for this style of deposit and the depth of the

OT LLC has a detailed validation programme built into the database to reveal any moderate
kinks or deviations in the downhole data. All of these are checked and adjusted, if required,
before finalising the database.

All core is stored in a secure location at the main camp. Core is stacked on pallets in a stable,
3 x 3 box configuration to a height of about 1.0 m (15 boxes per pallet). Each pallet is
covered with a canvas tarpaulin, which is labelled with drillhole identification and the interval
stacked in the pallet.

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Ivanhoe Mines’ sampling programmes at Oyu Tolgoi included stream sediment, soil, trench,
and rock chip samples. All of the sampling was carried out by Ivanhoe personnel or

Sampling performed by Entrée Gold and Ivanhoe Mines personnel on the Shivee Tolgoi JV
leases also included stream sediment, soil, trench, and rock chip samples.

Because all of these early-stage sampling methods have been superseded by drill data,
which form the basis of the Mineral Resources estimates, the early-stage sampling methods
are not discussed further.

The core cutting protocols at the now decommissioned OT Camp core shed for core drilling
in both the Oyu Tolgoi and Shivee Tolgoi JV areas were as follows:
 Core is photographed.
 The uncovered core boxes are transferred from the logging area to the cutting shed
(approximately 50 m) by forklift on wooden pallets.
 Long pieces of core are broken into smaller segments with a hammer.
 Core is cut with a diamond saw, following the line marked by the geologist. The rock saw
is regularly flushed with fresh water.
 Both halves of the core are returned to the box in their original orientation.
 The uncovered core boxes are transferred from the cutting shed to the sampling area
(approximately 50 m) by a forklift carrying several boxes on a wooden pallet:
- Constant two metre sample intervals are measured and marked on both the core
and the core box with a permanent marker.
- A sample tag is stapled to the box at the end of each two metre sample interval.
- Sample numbers are pre-determined and account for the insertion of quality
assurance and quality control (QA/QC) samples (core twins, standards, blanks).
 Samples are bagged. These are always half-core samples collected from the same side
of the core. Each sample is properly identified with inner tags and marked numbers on
the outside. Samples are regularly transferred to a sample preparation facility operated
by SGS Mongolia LLC (SGS Mongolia) approximately 50 m from the sample bagging

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The core cutting and sampling procedures in the new Crane-Kavalieris core shed have been
modified slightly to the following.
 Core is photographed.
 A pallet jack transfers the core boxes on pallets to the core cutting room.
 Long pieces of core are broken into smaller segments with a hammer.
 The core is placed in a core cradle and cut in half using automated feed Almonte core
 Half the core is placed directly into a pre-numbered sample bag and half the core is
returned to the core tray.

The unsampled half of the core remains in the box, in its original orientation, as a permanent
record. Where additional sampling is required (e.g., for metallurgical testwork), a skeleton
core is left. In some cases, however, the additional testwork has consumed the entire core,
and only photographic records remain. Core boxes are subsequently transferred to the on-
site core storage area.

Non-mineralised dykes that extend more than 10 m along the core length are generally not

Ivanhoe Mines and later OT LLC collected an extensive database of bulk density
measurements for the SOT and Hugo Dummett deposits from core samples dating back to
2002. Currently, there are 49,365 bulk density determinations in the database relating to the
deposits as shown Table 11.1.

Prospect Number of Bulk Density

Measurements (g/cm3)
HGN 17,962 2.75
HGS 8,600 2.76
SOT 19,905 2.74
Heruga 2,898 2.82
Total 49,365 2.77

Before March 2012, 10 cm samples of full or half core were taken at approximately 10 m
intervals per drillhole for bulk density determination. The bulk density for non-porous samples
(the most common type) is calculated using the weights of representative samples in water
(Wwater) and in air (Wair). The bulk density is calculated by the formula:
Density = Wdried in air / (Wdried in air-Wwater)

In March 2012, the immersion method was improved slightly to account for minor porosity in
the rocks. The sample size was increased to 20 cm lengths of full core. The samples are
weighed and then oven dried for 12 hours at 105°C. The dry weight is then measured.

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The sample is then lowered into a basket submerged in water beneath the scales and the
immersed weight is measured. The sample is removed from the suspended basket, excess
water is brushed off, and the saturated weight is measured. Bulk density is then calculated:
SG = Wdried in oven / (Wsaturated – Wwater)

Using the saturated weight is an improvement on the previous method because it accounts
for the water absorbed by the sample during immersion to give a more accurate measure of

Less commonly, porous samples were dried and then coated with paraffin before weighing.
Allowance was made for the weight and volume of the paraffin when calculating the bulk

In March 2012, a calliper method was introduced as a quality assurance check on the
immersion method. Because the calliper method requires a cylinder of core, the procedure
changed to taking a representative rock sample every 20 m. The samples are 20 cm long
and cut perpendicular to the core axis using a core saw to create a cylinder for
measurement. Where substantial chipping occurred when cutting the ends, the samples
were rejected. The samples are weighed and then oven dried for 12 hours at 105°C. The dry
weight is measured and the sample is then measured using a digital calliper. Three
measurements are taken of the diameter of the cylinder and two measurements of the
length. These values are then averaged.

The formula for the calliper method is:

SG = Wdried in oven / (π x (((d1 + d2 + d3) / 3) / 2)2 x (l1 + l2) / 2)

Wdried in oven = Weight of sample dried in oven
D1-3 = Diameters of the core in three positions
L1-2 = Lengths of the core in perpendicular position

Table 11.2 summarises the bulk density values for the key lithologies.

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Lithology Lithology Average Lithology Lithology Average
Code Density Code Density
Value Value
Andesitic ignimbrite Basaltic volcaniclastic
Andi 2.70 Vat 2.85
Andesitic lava (CS3b) Fine laminated tuff
AndL 2.69 Vatl 2.81
Gold-rich Qmd Dacitic block-ash tuff
Auqmd 2.75 Vbx 2.71
Basalt Andesitic-dacitic
Ba 2.72 volcanic breccia Vbx2 2.73
Brown augite basalt Porphyritic basalt
BasL 2.68 Vp 2.77
lava (CS3c_2)
Basaltic lapillic tuff Tuffaceous sandstone
Bat 2.67 VSst 2.75
Bi granodiorite Xenolithic biotite-
BiGd 2.70 xBiGd 2.72
Conglomerate Xenolithic porphyritic
Cong 2.73 xPan 2.75
Cretaceous clay Xenolithic quartz-
Cret 2.04 xQmd 2.74
Carbonaceous shale CSh 2.50 Blank (used for control) (blank) 2.29
Porphyritic dacite Dac 2.64 Khanbogd Granite Kgte 2.66
Dacitic flow Coarse volcaniclastic
DacL 2.63 Vcx 2.67
with sedimentary clasts
Dolerite dykes Dol 2.79 Rhyolitic Ignimbrite RhyI 2.67
Early Qmd Eqmd 2.81 Hornfels Hfs 2.67
Fault zone Fine-grained
Fz 2.71 Gd 2.65
Globular ignimbrite Intrusive breccia
Glob 2.79 Qmdx 2.71
Hornblende–Biotite- Dacite-basalt breccia
HbBi 2.68 DacB 2.68
Hydrothermal breccia Hbx 2.76 Diorite Dio 2.75
Ignimbrite - dacitic to Trachyandesite lava
andesitic ash flow tuff / Ign 2.83 Tand 2.66
lapilli tuff
Basaltic- tuffs and flows L 2.79 OT quartz-monzodiorite OT-Q 2.74
Late Qmd Lqmd 2.78 Quartz-monzonite Qm 2.74
Quartz-monzodiorite Qmd 2.75 Andesitic tuff AndT 2.72
Quartz vein Quaternary cover
Qv90 2.78 Qco 2.18
percentage >90% with

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Lithology Lithology Average Lithology Lithology Average
Code Density Code Density
Value Value
a vein percentage
Rhyolite Porphyritic augite
Rhy 2.62 Va 2.84
basalt (DA1b)
Fine grained Sst – –
2.73 –
Average All Lithologies – – – – 2.75

Until September 2011, all routine sample preparation and analyses of the Oyu Tolgoi samples
were carried out by SGS Mongolia, which operates an independent sample preparation
facility at the Oyu Tolgoi site and an analytical laboratory in Ulaanbaatar. SGS Mongolia, part
of the global SGS Group, and predecessors have maintained a full service laboratory in
Ulaanbaatar since the late 1990s. This laboratory was recognised as having ISO 9001:2000
accreditation and conforms to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for specific registered tests.
The laboratory performs all fire assay analyses.

Since September 2011, a second pulp has also been sent to the ALS Chemex facility in
Vancouver, Canada, for inductively-coupled plasma and LECO analyses. ALS also acts as
the check assay lab for SGS and vice versa. Since 2005, ALS Chemex has held ISO/IEC 17025

During 2002 and 2003, the on-site sample preparation facility and analytical laboratory were
operated under the name Analabs Co. Ltd. (Analabs). Analabs is an Australian-based
company controlled by Scientific Services Limited, which was bought by the SGS Group in
2001. SGS is an internationally recognised organisation that operates more than
320 laboratories worldwide, many of which have ISO 9002 certification. The operating name
of the Mongolian subsidiary was changed to SGS Mongolia LLC (SGS Mongolia) in 2004.

Until May 2005 (OTD900), SGS Welshpool in Perth, Australia, was designated as the secondary
(check) laboratory. This laboratory currently has ISO: 17025 accreditation, but whether it did
at the time of the analyses is unknown.

After May 2005, the secondary laboratory was changed to Genalysis Laboratory Services Pty
Ltd. (Genalysis), also in Perth. The National Association of Testing Authorities Australia has
accredited Genalysis to operate in accordance with ISO/IEC: 17025 (1999), which includes
the management requirements of ISO 9002:1994.

Check assays were also performed by ActLabs Asia LLC, part of the global ActLabs Group,
which has maintained a full service laboratory in Ulaanbaatar since 2006. The laboratory has
sample preparation, weighing, fire assaying, wet laboratory, and instrumentation sections.

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It maintains an ISO: 17025 accreditation and participates in CANMET and Geostats
Proficiency Testing Programmes.

Check assays in the early phases of project drilling were performed by Bondar Clegg and
Chemex laboratories. It is not known what certification these laboratories held at the time of
the check assay programmes.

All Ivanhoe Mines rock and drill samples since 2002 and subsequently, all OT LLC samples
since 2010 have been submitted to the same sample preparation and analytical laboratory
that was operated by either Analabs or SGS.

The preparation laboratory was installed in 2002 as a dedicated facility for Oyu Tolgoi during
exploration and resource definition stages. The laboratory was operating continuously up to
the end of 2008, when it was put on care and maintenance during a slowdown in drilling
operations. It re-opened sporadically during 2009, and resumed continuous operations in mid-
2010, when drilling operations increased. Although the facility has mostly dealt with samples
from the project, it also has, on occasion, prepared some samples from other Ivanhoe Mines
projects in Mongolia. In March 2014 the facility was again put under care and maintenance
as drilling operations ceased.

Split-core samples were prepared for analysis at the on-site sample preparation facility
operated by SGS Mongolia. The prepared pulps were then shipped by air to Ulaanbaatar
under the custody of either Ivanhoe Mines or OT LLC personnel, where they were assayed at
the laboratory facility operated by SGS Mongolia.

All sample preparation procedures and QA/QC protocols were established by Ivanhoe Mines
in consultation with SGS Mongolia and have been continued by OT LLC. The maximum
sample preparation capacity has been demonstrated to be around 600 samples per day
when the sample preparation facility is fully staffed.

The sample preparation facility has one large drying oven, two Terminator jaw crushers, and
three LM2 pulverisers. The crushers and pulverisers have forced air extraction and compressed
air for cleaning.

The sample preparation protocol for Oyu Tolgoi samples is as follows:

 Coding – An internal laboratory code is assigned to each sample at reception.
 Drying – The samples are dried at 75°C for up to 24 hours.
 Crushing – The entire sample is crushed to obtain nominal 90% at 3.35 mm.
 Splitting – The sample passes twice through a nominal one inch (approximately 2.5 cm)
Jones™ splitter, reducing the sample to approximately 1.0 kg. The coarse reject is stored.
 Pulverisation – The sample is pulverised for approximately five minutes to achieve nominal
90% at 75 µm (200 mesh). A 150 g sample is collected from the pulveriser and sealed in a
Kraft™ envelope. The pulp rejects are stored on-site.
 The pulps are put back into the custody of OT LLC personnel, and SRM control samples
are inserted as required.

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 Shipping – The pulps are stored in a core box and locked and sealed with tamper-proof
tags. Sample shipment details are provided to the assaying facility both electronically
and as paper hard copy accompanying each shipment. The box is shipped by air to
Ulaanbaatar where it is picked up by SGS Mongolia personnel and taken to the
analytical laboratory. SGS Mongolia staff confirm by electronic transmission that the seal
on the box is original and has not been tampered with.
 Storing and submitting – The pulp rejects are stored on-site at the laboratory for several
months and then returned to the project office in Ulaanbaatar for storage.

Between sample processing, all equipment is flushed with barren material and blasted with
compressed air. Screen tests are done on crushed and pulverised material from one sample
taken from the processed samples that make up part of each final batch of 20 samples to
ensure that sample preparation specifications are being met.

Reject samples are stored in plastic bags inside the original cloth sample bags and are
placed in bins on pallets and stored at site. Duplicate pulp samples are stored at site in the
same manner as reject samples.

SGS Mongolia routinely assayed all samples submitted for gold, copper, iron, molybdenum,
arsenic, and silver on two metre composite intervals.

Up to September 2011, copper and molybdenum were determined by acid digestion of a

sub-sample, followed by an AAS finish. Samples were digested with nitric, hydrochloric,
hydrofluoric, and perchloric acids to dryness before being leached with hydrochloric acid to
dissolve soluble salts and made to volume with distilled water. Routine assays up to 2.0% Cu
used a sub-sample size of 0.5 g, whereas a sub-sample size of 0.25 g was used for samples
expected to be over-range, or >2.0% Cu. The detection limits of the copper and
molybdenum methods were 0.001% and 10 ppm, respectively.

Gold was determined using a 30 g fire assay fusion cupelled to obtain a bead and digested
with aqua regia, followed by an atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) finish, with a
detection limit of 0.01 g/t. The same acid digestion process used for copper and
molybdenum was also used for analyses of silver and arsenic with detection limits of 1.0 ppm
and 100 ppm, respectively.

A trace elements composites (TEC) programme was undertaken in addition to routine

analyses. Ten-metre composites of equal weight were made up from routine sample pulp
reject material. The composites were subject to multi-element analyses comprising a suite of
47 elements determined by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy/mass
spectrometry (ICP-OES/MS) after four-acid digestion. Additional element analyses included
mercury by cold vapour AAS, fluorine by potassium hydroxide (KOH) fusion / specific ion
electrode, and carbon/sulfur by LECO furnace. Results from the TEC programme were used
for deleterious element modelling.

During 2011, an audit of assay techniques was instigated on the restricted suite of Cu, Au, Fe,
Mo, Ag, and As. The audit suggested that high detection limits for As, Ag, and Mo restricted
the usefulness of the information gained from these elements to only well mineralised areas.

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The most serious example of high-detection thresholds was for As, where 99% of the As assays
were found to be below the threshold for repeatable data, the threshold being equal to five
times the lower detection limit. The result is that all elements analysed, apart from Cu and Fe,
are considered to have been compromised for exploration purposes by the detection limit.
Since Au is assayed by a separate fire assay method, the assays are deemed not to have
been compromised.

Similarly, gold concentrations were historically analysed using a 30 g fusion with an atomic
absorption (AA) determination. This gives an accurate range from 0.01–10 g/t Au; however,
by using inductively-coupled plasma/atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) to analyse the
gold in solution concentration, a ten times decrease in detection limit is possible with a similar
upper detection limit. The current drill database shows 50% of the Au analyses are below five
times the current detection limit.

As a consequence, a shift to high-resolution ICP-mass spectrometry (MS) for routine samples

was implemented in September 2011. Given the relative complexity of ICP-MS equipment
and the tendency for laboratories to centralise them globally to assist with operation and
maintenance, this has necessitated a shift to an offshore laboratory for analysis of all resource
and exploration samples.

As a result, the following actions were taken:

 SGS continued to manage the on-site sample preparation facility.
 SGS in Ulaanbaatar was appointed the primary laboratory for Au and F to ensure rapid
turnaround of gold values.
 ALS (Vancouver) was appointed the primary laboratory for the high-resolution multi
element ICP-MS based suite (42 elements) and LECO sulphur and carbon analyses.
 ALS and SGS were to act as the secondary laboratories for each other, reinstating the
secondary laboratory checks systematically in resource and exploration drilling. The
check sample rate was at a nominal check rate ratio of one sample in 20.

The intended outcome for this was to:

 Identify grade and mineralisation type (Cu, Au).
 Identify new mineralisation from pathfinder elements (As, Bi, Pb, Zn, etc.).
 Determine the distribution of potential credit elements (Ag, Mo).
 Determine deleterious elements and allow mitigation procedures to be prepared (S, As,
F, Cl, Se, and Ti).
 Support the mapping of deleterious alteration or rock types to allow mitigation
procedures to be prepared (Si, K, Na, and Ca).
 Support the mapping of rock types for appropriate logging of litho-types.

Run-of-mine samples from the open pit and concentrator are subject to a separate
analytical flowchart at the mine laboratory situated within the concentrator complex on-site.

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Geological aspects of the QA/QC programme were set up during 2001 by Charles Forster,
who was Ivanhoe Mines’ manager for Oyu Tolgoi at the time. Simple analytical quality control
procedures were followed until March 2002 when a formal programme was set up under the
direction of Dr. Barry Smee, P. Geo., an independent quality control consultant. This work
included development of procedural guidelines, laboratory audits, and preparation of
reference materials, with initial on-site monitoring conducted by designated Ivanhoe Mines
and later OT LLC staff.

All sampling and QA/QC work before 2007 was overseen on behalf of Ivanhoe Mines by its
QA/QC Manager Dale A. Sketchley, M.Sc., P. Geo. QA/QC reviews were intermittent in the
period 2007 to end-2010.

Ivanhoe Mines had also retained independent geologist/geochemist Dr. Barry Smee to
conduct semi-annual audits of both the preparation and analytical facilities from March 2002
through 2008 (Smee, 2008). Dr. Smee’s reports over this period are available through OT LLC.

The most recent audit of QA/QC data was completed on behalf of Ivanhoe Mines by
Dale Sketchley in 2011.

Samples were initially assembled into groups of 15 or 16 samples, and then four or five quality
control samples were interspersed to make up a batch of 20. The quality control samples
inserted by Ivanhoe Mines consisted of one duplicate split core sample, one uncrushed field
blank, a reject or pulp preparation duplicate, and one or two standard reference material
(SRM) samples (<2.0% Cu and >2.0% Cu if higher grade mineralisation was present based on
visual estimates). The two copper SRMs were necessary because SGS Mongolia used a
different analytical protocol to assay all samples >2.0% Cu. The SRMs were matrix-matched to
ensure consistency with routine analytical samples. OT LLC has continued this procedure.

The split core, reject, and pulp duplicates are used to monitor precision at the various stages
of sample preparation. The field blank can indicate sample contamination or sample mix-
ups, and the SRM is used to monitor accuracy of the assay results.

The SRMs are prepared from material of varying matrices and grades to formulate bulk
homogenous material. Ten samples of this material are then sent to each of at least seven
international testing laboratories. The resulting assay data are analysed statistically to
determine a representative mean value and standard deviation necessary for setting
acceptance/rejection tolerance limits. Blank samples are also subjected to a round-robin
programme to ensure the material is barren of any of the grade elements before the blank
samples are used for monitoring contamination.

From January 2006 (OTD930/EGD53) to mid-2007, the check assay programme was in
abeyance based on recommendations from Smee (2006), who concluded:
“The check analysis confirms the conclusions drawn from the ongoing quality control
program, but at a considerable cost in time, effort, and money. I recommend that the
check assay program be discontinued.”

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Check sampling was re-instated in mid-2007 and continued through to mid-2009, when it was
again discontinued due to a slowdown in drilling activities.

In September 2011, when the change in laboratory protocols was initiated, check assays
once again became routine in the programme. Insufficient data are currently available from
the re-introduced programme to draw firm conclusions; however, no evidence of bias is
apparent from the small dataset that is available.

Standard reference materials (SRMs) routinely used at Oyu Tolgoi are matrix-matched and
developed from drill core crushed rejects. Materials are pulverised, screened to minus 75 μm,
homogenised, and tested for homogeneity, and then sets of randomly selected samples are
sent to international laboratories for round-robin testing.

Tolerance limits for SRMs were set at two and three standard deviations from final round-robin
mean value of the reference material. A single batch failed when SRM assays were beyond
the three-standard deviation limit, and any two consecutively assayed batches failed when
SRM assays were beyond the two-standard deviation limit on the same side of the mean.

The performance of the SRM samples was monitored as the assay results arrived at site in the
period 2002–2007. The ability of the laboratories to return assay values in the prescribed SRM
ranges steadily improved to more than 99% by end-2007. All samples were given a ‘fail’ flag
as a default entry in the project database. Each sample was re-assigned a date-based ‘pass’
flag when the assays passed acceptance criteria.

In August 2007, a commercial molybdenum SRM was introduced to monitor molybdenum

assays from Heruga. Because other deposits at Oyu Tolgoi have low molybdenum values,
close to detection limit, a molybdenum standard had not previously been required. In August
and September 2007, the failure rate of the SRMs increased to 9.0% and 5.0%, respectively.
The higher failure rate was attributed to the commercial SRM not being matrix-matched to
core samples and therefore producing a significantly low bias in the molybdenum assays. In
October 2007 the commercial SRM was replaced with a matrix matched molybdenum SRM,
and by January 2008 the failure rate had fallen to 1.0%.

The 2011 Sketchley review noted that for SRMs analysed between 1 January 2008 and
1 November 2010, the laboratory has a slight upward drift for copper, resulting in an
operating range for some SRMs that partly overlaps the two standard deviation tolerance
limit established for SRM data.

Due to the change in analytical method in 2011, the SRM materials are currently undergoing

Barren material was procured from a local site and tested to ensure its barren nature for use
as field blanks. Tolerance limits for field blanks were set at 0.06 g/t Au, 0.06% Cu, and
10 ppm Mo. Batches are automatically failed and re-assayed if these tolerance limits are
exceeded, unless values are extremely low, in which case a barren override is applied in the
database, and the batch remains as is.

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Evaluation of the blank samples submitted to the laboratory in the period 2002–2007
indicated a low incidence of contamination for the analytical programmes for the SOT and
Hugo Dummett deposits. A few cases of sample mix-ups were identified during the review of
the blank performance, which were investigated at site and corrected.

No evidence of systematic contamination was noted for the review of data from
1 January 2008 to 1 November 2010 (Sketchley, 2011).

Duplicates routinely used at Oyu Tolgoi include core, coarsely- crushed rejects, and pulps.
Core duplicates are taken in the field from one-half of core that has been split along a
continuous line marked along the middle of the core, parallel to the long axis. Coarsely
crushed rejects and pulp duplicates are taken in the laboratory by using a riffle splitter. Assays
of each type follow the parent sample in a batch.

Laboratory check pulp samples sent to an umpire laboratory were only used up to the end of
2005 for the SOT and Hugo Dummett deposits. Other duplicate sample types employed in the
QA/QC programme were core, coarse reject, and pulp.

In the period 2002–2007 copper generally performed very well with absolute relative
difference results well within expected limits; gold absolute relative difference results are were
higher than copper but considered acceptable. Core duplicates for both copper and gold
were above the ideal arbitrary absolute relative difference value of 30%, which was related
to an uneven distribution of mineralisation between core halves as typically caused by quartz
vein and fracture-controlled mineralisation.

At Hugo North, percentage differences for gold for the coarse reject and pulp duplicate
samples were about the same because of the finer reject crushing size. Although the reject
precision was within the ideal threshold, the pulp duplicates tended to be higher, probably
because most gold values lay near the detection limit where precision was poorer. This is
further supported by an improvement in precision at higher grades, although there is also a
possibility of gold liberation during pulverisation. For copper, both coarse reject and pulp
duplicates were also similar because of the finer reject crushing size, with both being well
within the ideal limits.

The review of the 2008–2010 data noted a strong bias for several gold duplicate samples,
which is most likely related to sample mix-ups, as that pattern is present for core, coarsely
crushed, and pulp samples. The remaining data display normal distribution patterns, and the
precision is deemed acceptable for the types of material and mineralisation being examined
(Sketchley, 2011).

Sample security relies on the fact that the samples were always attended to or locked in a
sample dispatch facility. Sample collection and transportation were always undertaken by
company or laboratory personnel using company vehicles. Chain-of-custody procedures
included filling out sample submittal forms that were sent to the laboratory with the sample
shipments to ensure that the laboratory received all the samples.

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Before August 2010, all geological and geotechnical drillhole data were entered into an
MS Access® relational database that had been developed in-house. Data were exported
from the main database to meet end-user requirements.

In August 2010, OT LLC elected to migrate the Access® database to a full Oracle content
(OCDB) acQuire® database with links to the end-user software programmes. The database is
read-only for these programmes, preventing accidental overwriting and ensuring up-to-date
live and centralised data, rather than distributed databases.

Before August 2010, all drillhole data were initially manually recorded in the field or in the core
logging shed on paper logging sheets. The logging geologist then introduced logging
information into the MS Access® database, which had a series of embedded checking
programmes to look for obvious errors. Formational names were subsequently assigned
according to the accepted geological interpretation and position within the stratigraphic

With the move to the acQuire® database, which instituted direct digital data capture, the
design stubs for the logging sheets do not permit any invalid data. No drillhole can be
completed and entered into the database until the logging is correctly entered.

SGS Mongolia reports the results digitally by email and submits signed paper certificates.
General turn-around is approximately seven days. All hard copy assay certificates are stored
in a well-organised manner in a secure location on-site.

Before August 2010, the digital assay results were imported to the MS Access® files once the
assay data had been received from the laboratory in Ulaanbaatar. With the subsequent
direct import to the acQuire® database, none of the assay data are entered manually.
Project personnel visually check each assay on the signed paper certificate against the assay
entry in the digital database.

Final surveyed collars (total station) are entered manually into the database and are visually
checked against the preliminary, hand-held GPS readings. No double data entry is applied
during the entry of the final collar coordinates.

Data are presented in up-to-date 50–100 m spaced drill sections in two directions (north-west
and north-east) and reconciled to 50 m spaced level plans to ensure that domains (solids)
were properly constructed and interpretations were sound. Sections and levels are reviewed
regularly to ensure that all holes crossed the target where planned and that data density is
sufficient to make an appropriate interpretation.

The solids of all lithologies and mineralisation types are present on the interpretations, and if
significant deviations are noted in the holes, or they appear to miss their targets, additional
holes are planned to infill untested areas in the model.

OT LLC intends to develop a comprehensive and coherent geological (geometric) model

based on sound and accurate geological information as the basis for future resource

Digital data is backed up regularly.

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A number of data reviews have been undertaken by independent third-party consultants as
part of preparation of technical reports on the project, including the following:
 Roscoe Postle Associates (RPA), 2002 – Review of exploration information from earlier
work by BHP and Ivanhoe and visited the project site in Mongolia and the Analabs assay
laboratory in Ulaanbaatar. A suite of independent core samples was collected and
assayed. Duplicate analytical datasets were examined. No biases or errors were noted
that would affect Mineral Resource estimates.
 AMEC and AMEC Minproc, 2002–2007 and 2012 – Review of QA/QC data and
databases in support of Mineral Resource estimates undertaken in 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006,
2007 and 2012, and independent core check sampling. QA/QC reviews showed
acceptable analytical precision, low contamination, and a small number of sample mix-
up errors. The database iterations reviewed were considered sufficiently error-free to
support Mineral Resource estimation.
 Barry Smee, 2002–2008 – Review of sample preparation, analytical, and QA/QC data.
Inspections and reports were completed in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2008. No
significant biases or errors were noted that would affect Mineral Resource estimates.
 Quantitative Geoscience, 2007–2008, 2010 – Data verification of previous AMEC
estimates, review of on-site sample preparation facility, independent sampling, and
review of geology, mineralisation, core sampling, sample preparation, QA/QC, and
Mineral Resource modelling for the Heruga and Heruga North (New Discovery) areas and
for geotechnical drilling underway at Hugo North. No biases or errors were noted that
would affect Mineral Resource estimates.

Other than the issues noted above, all reviewers have concluded the Oyu Tolgoi drillhole
dataset was sufficiently free of errors, reasonably accurate, precise, and free of
contamination, and suitable for use in estimating Mineral Resources.

In 2011, TRQ carried out a review of the QA/QC system. The review covered laboratory
audits, quality assurance procedures, quality control monitoring, and database
improvements at Oyu Tolgoi for the period 2008 to 2010. Recommendations arising from the
review included:
 QA/QC improvements at site:
 Updating SRM inventory and sample storage.
 Re-designing batch layouts.
 Re-instating bias charts, failures table, load statistics, failure rates.
 Upgrading analytical suites.
 Improving density measuring techniques.
 Rectifying SRM failures and duplicates mix-ups.

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 Completing check assaying.
 Completing regular progress reports.
 Preparation laboratory improvements:
 Minimising fine particle extraction biases.
 Using correct pulverising amounts.
 Rectifying safety issues.
 Using correct sizing test amounts.
 Proper archiving.
 Database improvements:
 Improving functionality.
 Correcting integrity issues.
 Fixing operational issues.

Implementation of the recommendations by OT LLC continues, with a number of the

recommendations either already addressed, such as changes in analytical methods for multi-
element exploration suite, or under advisement.

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Oyu Tolgoi currently has three orebodies scheduled for production: the Southwest and
Central zones of the SOT deposit, and Hugo North. Three additional deposits (Hugo South,
Heruga, and Heruga North) remain in the assessment phase and are scheduled for a later
stage of development.

The Southwest zone is now being mined by an open pit mine. Central zone ores will also be
mined by open pit mining methods. Hugo North will be mined by underground block caving.

A substantial amount of metallurgical testwork has been conducted over the years, which
was presented in the IDOP (Integrated Development and Operating Plan) report of May 2011
and the 2013 OTTR.

The latest work has focused on verifying assumptions made during design with actual
operation experience gained from the start of commissioning the concentrator. In addition
further floatation variability test have been conducted on Hugo North, Central zone, and
blends of Southwest zone and Hugo North.

On completion of the variability flotation test work on the individual deposits a series of
locked cycle tests were conducted on further composites representing chronological blends
of ore planned to feed the mill in the mine plan.

Southwest zone and Hugo North blend locked cycle tests, not only responded as well, but
better than either the Hugo North or Southwest zone composites individually. The composite
with 25% Hugo North and composites containing 50% Hugo North achieved 92.8% recovery to
a 30.2% copper grade and 92.5% recovery to a 27.3% copper concentrate respectively.

The Central zone covellite–chalcopyrite composite yielded a concentrate grade of 17.1%

with 62.2% copper recovery and 32.3% gold recovery, which is significantly higher than in the
batch tests. There was only enough material to perform a single cleaner test on the Central
zone covellite–chalcopyrite composite, which gave a copper recovery of 70.9% to a copper
grade of 25.5%.

For Phase 1, Minnovex Minerals Services derived two generic equations to describe the
capacity and the flotation feed sizing expected from Southwest zone ore. Both equations use
the same comminution parameters as developed for use in its Comminution Economic
Evaluation Tool (CEET):
 SAG Power Index (SPI), (in minutes) – closed-circuit small-scale dry grinding test
conducted on –12.7 mm ore.
 Modified Bond Index (MBI or BWI, kWh/t) – a short form of the Bond Ball Mill Index test,
which is calibrated or validated by several full Bond tests.

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 Minnovex Crushing Index (Ci) – developed from the sample preparation process for SPI,
which is a predictor for the fraction of material already finer than SAG discharge closing
screen size.

These parameters were used to model a large number of conventional SAG mill / ball mill
(SABC) circuits, with successful prediction of capacity (or throughput (TPUT) the instantaneous
tonnage per hour (tph) achievable through grinding x 8,059.2 h/a) and P80 (the 80% passing
size of grinding circuit product). The Phase 1 plant has achieved and exceeded design
production rates with primary grind P80 in-line, or better than predicted by the model.

The exercise was not repeated for Hugo North ore.

Because the equations developed are generic, good agreement is to be expected on any
ore fed to the same circuit configuration, which is within the range of comminution indices
presented by the majority of Southwest zone ore. Figure 13.1 shows the correlation between
SPI and MBI, the two strongest determinants of capacity, for Central zone comminution
samples, and Figure 13.2 shows the range of all 336 comminution samples as a cumulative
frequency distribution of SPI and MBI. Also plotted are the distributions of 137 samples from
Hugo North testing in 2007, a further 82 samples from the more northerly set tested in 2011,
and 74 Central samples – these data are discussed in more detail in Section 13.3.3. All the
Hugo North samples fall within the Southwest zone range tested and modelled, while half of
Central zone ore samples fall within the Southwest zone SPI data range.

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These correlations effectively describe the capacity and the product sizing from the Phase 1
circuit and will not be improved upon unless operational experience indicates that fine-
tuning of the constants with actual operating data is required. It is an empirical, power-based
method that allows capacities and product sizings with different ores to be estimated from
the same constants and exponents applied to new comminution parameters, as long as the
SAG circuit configuration and closing screen aperture are kept constant. These equations
assume that the SAG mill can be kept near full loading on soft ore (e.g. with a high
percentage of Central zone ore).

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With the planned feed change to softer and higher grade underground Hugo North ore, the
mill volumetric constraint becomes one of concentrate handling and tailings handling
capacities. The volumetric capacity limit is a capped throughput at 5.5 ktph (44.3 Mtpa,
121 ktpd), this value is derived from tailings capacity.

The constraint is experienced on Central zone chalcocite and covellite ores in 2036 and 2037
when Central zone ore exceeds 40% of the feed and the balance is primarily Hugo North ore.

The projected P80 for flotation feed with and without the conversion Ball Mill 5 are shown in
Figure 13.3. During the Hugo North years 2020–2036 it is projected that the flotation feed will
be slightly above the optimum P80 for Hugo North. However, the flotation test results indicate
little sensitivity for recovery in the expected range of grind sizes. The effect of a change in
SAG:ball mill power ratio has been estimated by taking the original flotation feed P 80
predicted by the Minnovex equation and adding the kWh/t change in ball mill energy
applied to the tonnage processed, resulting in a finer flotation feed P 80 than for the reference

The prediction of throughput and transfer size is fundamental to the mine planning process
and is the basic determinant of annual production capacity. It is also fundamental to
predicting the capacities of the operation in a variable ore source environment. However, it is
necessary to validate the predictions in early operation so that they can either continue to
be used with increased confidence; or if the predictive power is poor, be replaced by a
better system.

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Plant surveys were carried out in November 2013 and survey samples were submitted for
comminution testing. This allowed correlation of plant capacity against ore body
characteristics. Besides SPI, MBI, and crushing index (Ci) measurements, other tests performed
on the samples included the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JK) drop-weight tests
to evaluate potential alternative predictive methods.

It was concluded that the actual SAG mill capacity in Surveys 1 and 2 was in excess of the
generic model by about 10%, when corrected for charge level. In addition, the SAG mill
appeared to be producing more fines than anticipated, leading to a finer P80 in flotation
feed than expected. The surveys recorded P80 values of 130–150 µm on relatively hard ore
with a work index of 22.6 kWh/t, Ci of 19.5, and SPI of 117.3. These parameters are at the 40th
percentile for Southwest zone ore SPI, but at the 80th percentile for Hugo North SPI and
above the 90th percentile for both orebodies for MBI. With the same material, the generic
model used in the mine plan would have predicted a P80 of 218 µm.

Due to the difficulties in representative sampling of coarse SAG mill feed and the impact of
belt cuts on survey stability, these results must still be considered indicative, but encouraging,
for Phase 2 performance. Sensitivity analysis to JK drop-weight parameters around Survey 2
was also carried out by simulation. When the survey hardness parameters were replaced with
values representing the softest and hardest Southwest zone ores, SAG capacity increased by
19% and decreased by 15.5%, respectively, while achieving product P 80 values of 130–134 µm.
This is in line with the capacities indicated by the generic capacity prediction model,
although P80 appears to be more conservatively estimated by the Minnovex model.

The number of samples and tests for each orebody is listed in Table 13.1. The major recent
additions are as follows:
 Twenty variability composites from 72 holes throughout the Hugo North block cave, for
abrasion index and crusher work index. Sub-samples were taken for mineralogy, head
grade, and rougher flotation testing.
 Thirteen variability samples from Central zone, selected based on copper mineralogy,
pyrite grade, and location, for Bond ball mill, Bond rod mill, and crusher work index. A
blended sample of covellite ores was taken for JK tests, and flotation tests were carried
out on samples categorised as chalcocite, covellite and chalcopyrite, based on
dominant copper speciation.
 Seven composites from the Southwest zone, designed to represent the first seven years of
the mine’s life, subjected to mineralogy and flotation testing. Two master composites
represent the years when Southwest zone ore is processed individually and then as a
blend with Hugo North.

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Deposit / Zone Years of No. of Holes No. of Samples
Scheduled Production Sampled Tested
Southwest Zone 0–9, 13–30 77 204
Central Zone 10–30 25 74
Hugo North 7–25+ 79 239
Hugo South Sensitivity cases 6 15

The Phase 1 design has been based on Southwest zone ore with up to 9.0% mixture of early
Hugo North ore. No further testwork has been carried out on Southwest zone ore since IDP09,
other than the following:
 QEMSCAN on overall Southwest zone composites to provide simulation inputs for regrind
optimisation for fluorine rejection to inform the final number of Phase 1 regrind mills.
 Roughing and cleaning tests to produce representative tailings materials for humidity cell
testing on Southwest zone, Hugo North, and Central zone ore types and blends.
 Physical simulation of process water and measurement of process water quality by taking
raw water from the borefield and applying an equivalent number of grinding and
flotation water exchanges as applied at the full-scale water balance.
 Determining the impact of simulated process water on flotation performance.
 Bulk solids handling testwork on Southwest zone concentrate to inform the Phase 1 and
Phase 2 bagging plant designs.
 Production of Southwest zone composites representing early ore to assist in
 Production of Southwest zone composites representing 25% and 50% Hugo North
admixture for locked cycle tests.

With the completion of the Phase 1 design for Southwest zone ore, the primary design focus
for sample selection for the study was better definition of the northern third of the Hugo North
Lift 1 block cave envelope, as can be seen from a comparison of the charts in Figure 13.4.

Cave initiation is in the vicinity of 4,767,700 mN and 651,650 mE. Ore located south of
4,766,800 mN would not report to the current block cave drawpoints, but would be mined as
a separate Hugo South block cave.

Comminution test sampling density is given in Table 13.2.

The sample density on a life-of-mine basis was doubled in the Hugo North block cave
compared to the open pit orebodies because of the inability to re-sample a block cave by
drilling once fragmentation has commenced. Sample density in the open pit orebodies is

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2–4 times higher in the early production years than for the life-of-mine as a whole, and as
such meets the criteria normally applied in the SPI methodology for new orebodies.

Orebody SPI Ci Modified Bond BWI Reserve Case SPI Density

Tests Tests Tests Tests LOM Production (tests per Mt)
Southwest Zone 219 106 209 31 699 0.31
Central Zone 73 13 71 5 263 0.28
Hugo North/Entree 239 218 237 18 436 0.55
Total 514 206 480 54 1,398 0.37

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A secondary focus of the study was better definition of the life-of-mine response of the
Central zone, which will be processed with Hugo North and Southwest zone ores. A plan view
and sections of Central zone comminution composite sample locations are presented in
Figure 13.5.

Little additional comminution work was done on Central zone ore in this phase of study
because prior work had shown that the Central zone indices were uniformly low for both SPI
and MBI, resulting in volumetric limitation of the flotation circuits at the plant design tonnage
before the SAG mill or flotation feed sizing limits were met. There is a trend of increasing
hardness with depth. Owing to the reasonably good correlation between SPI and MBI for
Central zone ore, as shown in Figure 13.6, there is potential to use the grind times in flotation
testwork to infer hardness in SPI terms.

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The earlier Hugo North comminution dataset was populated more densely to the south of the
prior block cave envelope. The cave initiation point subsequently moved north to the
orebody inflexion point to access a high gold core that has recently accounted for more
value at higher long-term gold price projections (Table 13.3).

Dataset SPI MBI Ci TPUT P80

(min-1) (tph in (Phase 1 P80 in µm)
Phase 1)
2011 dataset 88.1 16.1 19.5 4,906 219
Prior dataset 76.2 19.6 17.4 5,557 231
Combined dataset 81.4 18.1 18.3 5,279 226

The 2011 dataset is compared to the prior dataset and the combined dataset in Figure 13.2.
TPUT and P80 are derived from the generic Minnovex formulae and reflect the hypothetical
situation where Lines 1–2 are fed with 100% Hugo North ore.

Comparison of the combined dataset with the previous dataset indicates a 5.0% reduction in
the predicted capacity to 5,279 tph from 5,557 tph, compared to that currently attributed in
the block model. This potential bias has been corrected by inclusion of the 82 sample results
in the Hugo North block model update for OTFS14.

Minnovex Modified Bond index results were checked against the Standard Bond Index test on
18 samples, with generally good agreement, moderate scatter, and no evidence of bias. This

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indicated that the MBI results can be used to populate the block model and wherever else
Standard Bond index results may be required, as in the calculation of incremental ball milling

A large number of direct and indirect mineralogical assessments have been carried out on
ore and flotation products, in the following categories:
 Routine thin sections on intervals of core in conjunction with logging to qualitatively
assess the nature of the copper mineral and gangue mineral assemblage.
 Routine semi-quantitative clay mineral measurements by infrared spectroscopy to assist
in alteration classification and to potentially identify rheology-modifying species that
could be problematic in processing.
 Visual logging of all core with respect to estimated sulfide mineral totals.
 Mineralogical assessment of ore sections from all orebodies by Terra Mineralogical
Services (TMS), including analysis of gold association, fluorine deportment in ore and
concentrate, copper mineral associations in tailing, and leach residues (49 reports and
memos from 2002–2005).
 The production by TMS of a spatial ‘metallurgical index’ block model of metallurgical
degree of difficulty, primarily for the Southwest and Central zones, but also with some
coverage of Hugo North (Far North Extension as then known).
 Diagnostic leach work on oxide and secondary copper zones to distinguish between
chalcocite, chalcopyrite, and covellite.
 QEMSCAN on particulate Southwest and Hugo North composites (flotation feed and
rougher concentrates).
 Full QEMSCAN analysis on all 20 flotation feed composites from Hugo North and Central
zone testwork programmes (Blue Coast/SGS).
 X-ray diffraction and QEMSCAN on composites of flotation tailings produced for NAF/PAF
 Mineralogy inferable from the 48-element ICP assays on 24,000 intervals over all deposits.
 Liberation analysis by conventional particle counts on Heruga.

A graphical summary of QEMSCAN results for the 20 Hugo North composites, are given in
Figure 13.7.

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The first graph in Figure 13.7 displays mineral abundance by weight in the feed, summing to
100%. Sulfides are at the bottom in the stacked chart, with pyrite in red. Pyrite is only present
at significant levels in three of 20 composites and when present is usually accompanied by
higher-than-average levels of copper sulfides, which leads to easier separation. Little dilution
of concentrate by pyrite has been observed in previous flotation work, as expected from this

Copper sulfides plus pyrite rarely form more than 10% of the total weight, with chalcopyrite,
bornite, and chalcocite/covellite present at 3.9%, 2.7%, and 0.04%, respectively by weight.
Quartz is the dominant rock-forming mineral (46% on average), followed by sericite mica
(24%), chlorite (3.0%), and feldspar (5.0%). Clays account for 1.0%–18% of the mineral
components in the composites, but average less than 5.0% overall. The broad footprint of the
cave is likely to minimise daily variation in clay content to very manageable levels in the
grinding and flotation circuits.

Oxides, primarily of iron (magnetite, hematite, and goethite), average only 2.8% and
carbonates 5.4%. The former are too low to provide much benefit from magnetite recovery,
while the latter present useful buffering capacity to minimise acid mine drainage from
tailings. Apatite is present at 0.6 wt%, and is moderately variable. It can locally form a
significant source of fluorine in feed and thus, by entrainment, in concentrate. Overall, the
previous work has indicated less fluorine contributed by apatite, than by sericite and fluorite.

The second graph shows the relative contributions of chalcopyrite, bornite, and
chalcocite/covellite to the total copper content of the feed. Due to its high stoichiometric
grade, on average bornite contributes 52.3% of the copper, followed by 45.5% from
chalcopyrite, only 1.1% from chalcocite/covellite, and 1.2% from other copper sulfides. The
latter will also include the sulfosalts tennantite and, to a much lesser degree, tetrahedrite. The
former is the predominant arsenic source for Hugo North and is difficult to depress, even at
high pH. In Central zone ore, arsenic reports to concentrate at 78% of the copper recovery
and is likely to be similarly related in Hugo North. The high bornite content implies a limiting
average grade of 46% copper in concentrate. The metallurgical correlations from flotation
testwork include the dilution contributed by pyrite flotation, by entrained free gangue
minerals, and by incomplete liberation of both minerals from the copper sulfides. This results in
an average 35% reduction in copper grade below the theoretical limit established by
quantitative mineralogy.

Incomplete liberation also results in incomplete copper sulfide recovery, as indicated by the
lowest pair of graphs. The left graph shows the rougher feed cumulative liberation yield (CLY)
profile. A copper-sulfide mineral grade versus incremental recovery plot is obtained by
including progressively less-liberated particles from the lower right to the upper left, until all
copper sulfide containing particles have been included, at the 100% recovery axis. At
roughing sizes from P80 110–220 µm, there is a fair degree of variation in liberation level, which
is only partially independent of the P80 variation from the different sample work indices.
Hugo North composites HN1 and HN8 are softer, finer, but less well-liberated, while HN18 and
HN19 are harder, coarser, and also less well-liberated. The average Hugo North rougher
flotation grade-recovery point (96%–12% Cu or 26% copper sulfides) is included for reference,
at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical target lines. It is comfortably to the left of any
of the 20 CLY curves, allowing room to include significant dilution resulting from the 10% mass
yield to rougher concentrate that occurs naturally from gangue entrained in water in froth
after 30 minutes of continuous froth removal.

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All but four of the 20 composites intersect the 100% recovery axis between 30%–45% copper
sulfides, which is at the bottom of the normal range of liberation for porphyry copper
processing. Lower plant recoveries are to be expected for the other four composites, with
only 20%–25% copper sulfides when 100% of the copper distribution is included. The data also
demonstrates the importance of regrinding, compared to other, better-liberated porphyry
copper deposits, where regrind circuits are sometimes considered an optional extra. If a 90%
liberation level is considered necessary for the production of marketable concentrate, as is
usual, then overall copper recovery in roughing would have to be restricted to 80%–85%, if
the regrind circuit were shut down, compared to 93% overall with regrind. This assumes that
the normal offset between theoretical CLY distribution and actual plant recovery
performance applies.

The right-hand graph shows the same data for the cleaner feed size distribution, at a P 80 of
45 µm. This is constructed from a weighted average of the data for separate –38 µm and
–106 +38 µm fractions. The degree of liberation after regrinding to the target Hugo North size
distribution is much higher than in roughing and the variability much reduced. All but two of
the 20 composites meet the 100% copper distribution axis at 65%–85% copper sulfides and the
concentrate is 90%–96% liberated at the 97% cleaner recovery target. The two composites
that have liberation challenges are HN1 and HN8, which also showed sub-normal liberation in
roughing. Referring to Table 13.4, the copper assays for both composites are below 1.0%, so
that not much copper distribution is at risk. They are unlikely to present more than 5.0% of the
draw at any given time.

The mineralogy of the Central zone composites, Figure 13.8, shows more complex sulfide
speciation, significant levels of copper present as arsenic-bearing enargite, much higher
pyrite content (8.0%–24%) and much finer and more variable grain sizes at rougher and
cleaner feed sizes. Bornite is minor in all zones and chalcopyrite is predominant in the Central
chalcopyrite zone, represented by composite C13 and also by composites C6 and C7. In the
other composites, most of the copper is present as covellite, followed by chalcocite, then by
chalcopyrite, enargite and bornite.

It is possible to produce Central zone concentrate of 25% grade and 75% recovery by use of
very high pH in cleaning. These levels are shown in copper sulfide grade and cleaner stage
recovery terms in the cleaner feed liberation graph. However, the use of lime to pH 12 at
25 µm to depress/liberate pyrite is very expensive and is untested in blends with majority Hugo
North ore to reflect the conversion case, further high pH is expected to depress copper and
final gold recoveries for Hugo North ores and so Central zone ores will be processed instead
at Hugo North conditions.

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The samples selected in the latest confirmatory programme of work on the northern area of
Hugo North are shown in Table 13.4 and Table 13.5. The confirmatory work better investigated
low pH conditions for Central zone ore flotation of composites that were both spatially and
mineralogically discrete in terms of sulfide speciation. It also generated flotation results for
Hugo North composites, which displayed the full range of copper head grades, gangue
mineralogy/alteration, and for which comminution characteristics had been defined in
SPI/MBI/Ci terms.

Designator Grade Alteration

Cu (%) Au (g/t)
HN1 0.99 0.07 Intermediate Argillitic (IA)
HN2 1.85 0.43 Mainly sericitic (SER)
HN3 4.18 0.38 Mix of IA, chloritic (CHL) & SER
HN4 2.34 0.38 IA
HN5 3.16 0.75 Mainly SER
HN6 2.69 1.18 Mix of IA, CHL & SER
HN7 3.15 1.26 SER
HN8 0.81 0.15 SER
HN9 4.04 1.82 SER
HN10 1.30 0.24 Mainly IA
HN11 2.68 1.05 Mainly CHL
HN12 0.79 0.11 Mix of SER & CHL
HN13 3.15 1.11 Mix of IA, CHL & SER
HN14 3.04 0.95 Mainly SER
HN15 3.09 0.50 Mainly SER
HN16 2.49 0.57 Mainly SER
HN17 2.57 0.37 SER
HN18 3.25 1.25 SER
HN19 1.43 0.37 SER
HN20 3.79 0.44 Mainly IA

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Comp. Weight Cu Au Approximate Ratio of Pyrite to
Composite Descriptor
No. (kg) (%) (g/t) Copper Mineral Content
High Pyrite 1 C1 30.1 0.75 0.15 80:19
North East High Pyrite C2 45.1 0.85 0.40 80:19
Central- central C3 41.5 0.66 0.16 80:20
High Pyrite 2 C4 27.7 0.46 0.10 85:14
Low Pyrite 1 C5 21.1 0.71 0.05 59:40
Low Pyrite 2 C6 21.1 0.74 0.38 52:47
South C7 19.7 0.93 0.15 75:24
South East C8 18.4 0.72 0.08 72:27
North East Low Pyrite C9 39.6 0.47 0.18 68:31
Deep C10 36.0 0.68 0.21 74:25
Chalcocite 1 C11 45.1 0.98 0.13 32:67
Chalcocite 2 C12 49.9 0.85 0.16 81:18
Chalcopyrite C13 51.9 0.59 0.82 58:41

The locations of the additional flotation samples are aligned with the Hugo North
comminution samples. Spatial variability composites for flotation were generated from three
to seven interleaved sub-samples of the core intervals selected for the comminution samples.
These are designated by points of a common colour on Figure 13.4. The new Hugo North
flotation samples are described in Table 13.4. Selection criteria for compositing were primarily
spatial, with fairly tight groupings that could be tracked via similar height-of-draw. However,
the process managed to differentiate a wide range of head grades for head grade-recovery
relationship development and also managed to classify partly by alteration type.

Plan views and sections of Central zone flotation composite sample locations are presented
in Figure 13.9 and Figure 13.10, respectively. These samples were selected solely on the basis
of flotation characteristics rather than comminution characteristics, since these are likely to
be a greater constraint in operation than the latter. Central zone flotation samples were
selected for compositing for variability testwork, as shown in Table 13.5, and were
differentiated by dominant copper mineralogy and pyrite content to characterise the major
performance drivers. Sample selection also retained some spatial separation to allow future
refinement of the block model performance predictions by zone.

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Flotation feed sizing in the block model outputs is established by the SAG mill / ball mill power
split and the ratio between SPI and MBI for Southwest zone, Central zone, and Hugo North. As
discussed earlier, a correction is required for the addition of Ball Mill 5. The economic
optimum flotation feed sizes are summarised in Table 13.6. These values have been
approached quite closely by the grinding circuit design and production schedule predictions
via the hardness parameters in the block model, which allows the continued use of the IDOP
metallurgical predictions for Hugo North and Southwest zone with minor corrections of the
latter for recent operating experience. The size-by-size Aminpro grind‒recovery optimisation
approach is described in Section on the flotation capacity modelling.

Deposit/Composite IDP05 Aminpro 2007

Southwest Zone 180 180
Hugo South 150 –
Hugo North 140 116
Central (average) 138 179

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In the absence of penalty element liberation problems, the coarsest regrind sizing that
achieves 90% liberation of copper sulfides in cleaner feed is generally considered a good
estimate of the optimal regrind level in plant operation. Hugo North ore has showed uniformly
lower fluorine levels than Southwest zone ore in concentrate from locked-cycle testwork. In
testwork, one-third of the Hugo North concentrates would exceed the 300 ppm fluorine
penalty level. Penalties between the 300 ppm penalty threshold and the 1,000 ppm rejection
level are insufficient to repay much investment.

The Aminpro work also used Southwest, Hugo North, and Entrée kinetic flotation work by PRA
in Vancouver to develop flotation simulation models in roughing and in cleaning that could
be calibrated against the kinetic work and used to simulate the effects of ore type, copper
head grade, primary grind level, rougher pH, regrind level, and cleaner pH.

In general, the following trends were observed:

 With sufficient collector adjustment, copper recovery is insensitive to pH within broad
ranges (pH 7to 11).
 Gold recovery is adversely affected by lime addition (both pH and Ca++ concentration
above pH 9) and is not as responsive to additional collector. This has influenced a slower
ramp-up of Central zone pit development in OTFS14 until high-gold Hugo North ore has
been processed (2022‒2024). Gravity gold recovery is a possible contingency to recover
slow-floating gold, while unit cell operation on regrind cyclone underflow is a possible
means of preventing as much gold from becoming slow-floating by reducing over
 Additional collector and retention time is required at high copper head grades (feed
forward strategy required to link collector addition to copper metal units in flotation
 Better copper grade‒recovery response and pyrite rejection are typically achieved with
dithiophosphinate collector (3418A) than with any single xanthate (isopropyl, isobutyl, or
amyl). However, xanthate storage and mixing facilities have been provided for potential
synergistic addition with secondary gold collectors. The Blue Coast testwork completed in
2012 indicated a slight advantage in copper and gold recovery with potassium amyl
xanthate. The results were not conclusive, however, against the comparative 3418A tests
conducted at higher rougher concentrate grades.
 Additional cleaner collector is required at finer regrinds and higher pH values.
 There is a benefit from staged addition of collector.
 Rougher flotation kinetics might be slower at low pulp potential (eH). In recent
confirmatory testwork, rougher flotation response was delayed until the flotation pulp
potential (absolute) was above 0 millivolts. This trend was exacerbated by even modest
lime additions, because increasing pH reduces eH. It is possible that this observation is a
reflection of batch testwork and not representative of a continuous flow system. The
cyclone overflow eH in almost all concentrators (except those treating ores with
extremely high pyrite content, or an active pyrite or pyrrhotite content) is routinely in the

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range of 0–50 mV, with no specific chemical interventions or additional aeration in the
grinding circuit. Even the most-pyritic Oyu Tolgoi ores have less than 15% pyrite content,
which is not chemically active. If low eH is encountered, then additional aeration may be
warranted. There is space to retrofit conditioners or aeration devices of a few minutes’
capacity on the ball mill floor below the cyclones. In this event, it might also be
necessary to retrofit an additional pumping stage, for which the grinding basement has
sufficient space.

Testwork to assess the effect of water quality on flotation has been conducted since IDOP. A
bore water composite was collected from the Gunii Hooloi bore field as a simple average of
samples from individual wells. Testwork was conducted at SGS, with Vancouver tap water
used as a control. The testwork indicated that, for Southwest zone ore, recycle water was
favourable to the copper grade-recovery curve at lower grades (possibly due to collector
recycle), but unfavourable to copper recovery at higher grades. One year of experience at
Oyu Tolgoi has shown no ill-effects from using process water.

The selection of flotation design criteria for mechanical cells in the concentrator conversion
has taken account of the following information:
 The laboratory bench kinetic testwork at Ammtec in roughing and cleaning, while
achieving the rougher and cleaner overall stage recoveries required by the mass
 The review of flotation kinetics by Aminpro and the results of the Minemaster model for
Hugo North and Central zone ores. Column cell and mechanical requirements were
confirmed at both 30 µm and 40 µm grinds by Aminpro simulations around results from
PRA kinetic flotation test programmes carried out in Vancouver.
 Comparison with cell capacity allocations for Lines 1–2 in Phase 1, before and after an
additional rougher bank.

Aminpro evaluated the kinetic tests carried out at PRA in Vancouver to determine rate
constants (k) and maximum recoveries (Rmax). These values formed the basis of the detailed
design of the Phase 1 flotation circuit design. Two examples of the output for Southwest zone
ore rougher flotation are given in Figure 13.11 and reflect FLEET methodology (FKT and VSKT
tests). The curves shown represent fitting of rougher timed recovery results for four particle size
fractions for each mineral (+150, –150+75, –75+25, and 25 µm). The rougher work was carried
out on Southwest, Central, Hugo North, and Entrée composites. Similar results are available at
+32, –32+25, –25+20, and –20 µm in cleaning for Entrée ore (Hugo North extension).

The mineral contents are developed from indicator assays (Au, Ag, F, Cu, Mo, and Fe, As, S)
and balanced to 100%.

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Changing the flotation P80 changes the weighting in each of the size fractions, which in turn
alters grade-recovery curves. As in the Ammtec evaluation, the additional operating and
capital costs associated with increased grinding were set against the additional revenue
from copper and gold recovery. This was extended to the cleaner circuit and repeated for
each ore type. This exercise was not repeated in the feasibility study for the concentrator
conversion design, but rather retention times were specified from laboratory tests and
compared with the capacities and retention times specified for Phase 1.

After the addition of the extra rougher bank for the conversion, rougher retention times and
froth carrying capacities will be near those used in Phase 1. Currently the mechanical
cleaners are handling a higher-than-expected flow due to low column stage recovery (20%
versus 60% design). The mechanical cleaners, which are not being expanded, will have
slightly shorter retention time and increased froth loading compared to Phase 1. The high
recirculation of column cleaner tails observed in Phase 1 is not projected to persist when
treating the high-grade Hugo North ore with 10 column cells in place of four in Phase 1.

The initial selection of column cell capacities for the expansion was factored from the Phase 1
design and the Minemaster modelling. The Phase 1 columns are currently operating at a
copper stage recovery near 20%. It is projected that when treating Hugo North ore the
recoveries will be above the Phase 1 design of 40% due to coarser regrind (45 µm versus
35 µm) and lower upgrade ratios. The column cell expansion was determined by froth-
carrying capacity rather than retention time. The Phase 1 column cell dimensions were
retained for the six additional concentrator conversion cells.

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Testwork has not focused on generating large volumes of concentrate and tailings for
thickening and filtration testwork, as was carried out for Southwest Oyu ore. To allow for a
conservative design, the same unit thickener capacities have been used for concentrate
thickening as in Phase 1, despite the coarser regrind targets.

The same is true in the final tailings area, where the dewatering duty for blended Southwest,
Central, and Hugo North tailings is similar to Phase 1. Phase 1 thickener optimisation is still in its
infancy, but significant reductions in flocculant addition (from 30–20 g/t) have recently been
achieved, while improving underflow density.

Phase 1 adopted conservative design margins in thickener unit area, which can be further
enhanced by higher flocculant addition. In a recent operating period in which one thickener
was out of service, the remaining thickener was operated at rates to 75 ktpd. It is unlikely that
the conversion will push the existing thickeners to capacity. As a contingency measure in
detailed design, more thickener area is available at locations that the original Fluor design
had reserved for two additional tailings thickeners. Such additions would be motivated by
operating experience on Southwest zone ore.

Phase 1 filtration performance has performed to specification. Filtration has been trouble-
free, allowing a very straightforward scale-up for the conversion, which includes the addition
of two more identical filters. Industrial experience indicates that cake formation rates will
increase by 14% due to the envisaged coarser Phase 2 regrind (45 µm vs. 35 µm). A location
for a fifth pressure filter has been reserved in the layout as a contingency against a further
20% increase in peak filtration duty.

It is recommended that further Hugo North tailings thickening and concentrate pressure
filtration testwork at 0.1 m2 scale be conducted before detailed design, but after
underground development has progressed, to allow lower cost acquisition of larger-diameter
core samples from a greater number of access points. Phase 1 operating performance will
continue to be monitored.

The current models used for metallurgical performance and throughput estimation are
presented in Table 13.7 to Table 13.11. The key changes from DIDOP include:
 A change in the grade-recovery point for Southwest ore, with a 1.5% absolute decrease
in copper assay in concentrate and a corresponding 1.8% absolute increase in copper
recovery at mean copper and Cu:S ratio in feed.
 A reduction in gold recovery for Southwest ore. The relationship between gold and
copper recovery was validated as shown below:
- BDT29 (DIDOP / initial Phase 1: Au Recovery(%) = 0.8 x Cu Recovery(%) + 9.8
- BDT31 (OTFS14 / revised Phase 1): Au Recovery(%) = 0.8 x Cu Recovery(%) + 4.8
 Similar relationships between gold and copper recovery being recommended for the

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Central ores. The relationships are similar in nature to that shown above for Southwest ore
gold recovery. The 4.8 intercept is maintained, but the copper recovery multipliers
(gradients) replace the 0.8 factor for Southwest zone. The new recommended gradients
are chalcocite (0.70) and Central zone covellite (0.65) with chalcopyrite remaining the
same as Southwest zone (0.8).
 Reductions in the ‘a’ constant multiplier term in copper recovery from Central zone
chalcocite (–10%), covellite (–5.0%), and chalcopyrite (–10%) to account for blended
feed operations at Hugo North optimised parameters.
 Reductions in concentrate grades from Central zone chalcocite (–5.0%), covellite (–
5.0%), and chalcopyrite (–1.5%), which were also required to shift the overall grade-
recovery curve for blended feed operations at parameters optimised for Hugo North ore
(primary grind P80, regrind P80, and cleaner pH).

The parameters used for Hugo North were also applied to the Entrée ore, which is a
continuation of the same orebody beyond the Oyu Tolgoi lease boundary. Additional
testwork conducted in 2012 on 20 Hugo North composites did not materially affect
comminution or recovery estimates, given the greater volume of earlier work and the use of
fresh core. The Hugo North core for the Blue Coast testwork at SGS was stored outside (at
ambient conditions, but kept dry) for six years before selection, crushing, and freezer storage
at SGS. Similarly, the Central zone core was stored outside for eight to ten years before
testing. While local conditions are relatively non-conducive to oxidation, it is possible that
flotation response suffered as a result. It is recommended that fresh core from the 23 drillholes
from the 2013 infill drilling programme be preserved in frozen storage as a precaution.

The formulae in Table 13.7 to Table 13.11 have been incorporated in interim operating cost
estimates for cut-off determination purposes. The throughput algorithms are used for
scheduling the MP2014 mine plan in OTFS14. The higher ratio of ball mill power after the
concentrator conversion is modelled by applying an additional stage of ball milling on the
original flotation feed sizing predicted by the Minnovex model.

All Ores
A x[(b x Cu%)/(1+b x Cu%)] x [1–exp(–b x Cu% )]
Southwest Zone Hugo North Central Zone Central Zone Central Zone
a = 98 a = 95 Covellite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite
b = 14.5 b = 15 a = 80 a = 72 a = 88
b = 15 b = 15 b = 12.2

All Ores

C x (d x Cu Recovery)
Southwest Zone Hugo North Central Zone Central Zone Central Zone
c = 4.8 c = 9.8 Covellite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite
d = 0.80 d = 0.80 c = 4.8 c = 4.8 c = 4.8
d = 0.65 d = 0.70 d = 0.80

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All Ores
13 + 0.8 x (Cu Recovery)

Southwest Zone Hugo North Central Zone Covellite Central Zone

and Chalcocite Chalcopyrite
–3.6 x (Cu:S)2 + 2.9 x (Cu) + 20 –3.6 x (Cu:S)2 +
(12.8 x Cu:S) + 22.5 (11.4 x Cu:S) + 15.3 (12.8 x Cu:S) + 21

All Ores
Flotation feed P80=113 x Ci0.26 x
SPI-0.60 x BM0.88
Maximum P80 guideline = 220 µm
Throughput in tph (instantaneous = 29,320 x Ci0.19 x SPI -0.36 x BM -0.24
Maximum throughput = 5.5 ktph (hydraulic limitation)

Arsenic and fluorine are the only penalty elements that have been identified in the Reserve
Case orebodies. Enargite is the primary arsenic carrier in all orebodies, although tennantite is
locally important.

High flotation pH is the primary mineral processing control on arsenic recovery, but it is only
partially effective because of the difficulty in depressing enargite and the related copper
losses. In addition, high pH has an adverse impact on gold recovery and is therefore not
expected to be used often.

Fluorine distribution in concentrates is more variable, being locally present as coarser-grained

fluorite or finely intergrown topaz in some high-fluorine areas, but with a background level
distributed as 0.6%–2.0% fluorine in sericite, which itself represents 15%–30% of the weight of all
orebodies. Regrind level and the degree of entrained gangue removal are the primary
control mechanisms for fluorine.

As long as concentrator feed is managed such that rejection levels are avoided, the modest
impact of fluorine and arsenic penalties averaging less than $5/t of concentrate. To handle
production peaks while maintaining a base load for contract, a certain amount of the
Oyu Tolgoi concentrate production has been considered for sale to traders for subsequent
blending. This could be an avenue for disposal of high-penalty element concentrates.

For arsenic in copper concentrate, the production model assigns a rate of

$2/tonne/1,000 ppm above a 3,000 ppm threshold up to the rejection level of 5,000 ppm. For
fluorine, the production model assigns a rate of $2/tonne/100 ppm above a 300 ppm

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threshold up to the rejection level of 1,000 ppm. The penalties are in line with terms from
custom smelters. However, it has been reported that no fluorine penalties have been applied
under the contract terms in operation since sales commenced in late 2013, so some
conservatism is inherent in the Net Smelter Return (NSR) estimates.

Previous analyses of Hugo North and Southwest zone ore data from locked-cycle test results
are shown in Figure 13.12, where the blue line describes the formula used for predicting
fluorine in concentrate for all ore types in IDP10, IDOP, and now OTFS14 (Table 13.12). The
testwork results support the fluorine content of concentrates from the Central zone and Hugo
North orebodies. For Central zone ore, the fluorine assay in concentrate from 82 batch
cleaner variability tests was predicted to be 0.153 (adjusted to pass through origin) of the
fluorine assay in feed (green line).

Fluorine and arsenic predictions for all ore types for MP2014 are as shown in Table 13.12.

Arsenic in concentrate (ppm) Fluorine in concentrate (ppm)

[m x ConCu % x As (ppm)] / Cu%
For Southwest zone ores: 0.3 x Fluorine in feed (ppm) for
m = 0.125 all ores
For all Other ores:
m = 0.780

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The fluorine grade in final concentrate from Southwest zone ore has been almost twice what
would have been projected from the relationship above based on batch test and locked-
cycle results. It is suspected that the especially good fluorine rejection in the lab work is a
function of a generally finer P80 than currently targeted in plant operation (P80 of 25 µm vs.
35 µm) and partly because the bead mill used in batch mode in Ammtec laboratory work
had a very steep size distribution, with most of the top 20 wt% very close in size to the P80. In
the past, size-by-size fluorine analysis of the final Southwest zone concentrate has indicated a
rapid increase in fluorine at coarser sizes.

As a result of this trend, and the use of tower mills and the coarser regrind in future, it was
decided to increase the factor from 0.15 to 0.3 for all ore types to account for the plant
response. This has not presented a problem with rejection limit in the production schedules.

Given its less-variable mineralogy and positive association with copper minerals, arsenic in
concentrate should be predictable with greater precision than fluorine. The relationship in
Table 13.12 was derived from locked-cycle tests for Hugo North and Southwest zone ores and
was used for all ores in IDOP. It has been retained for OTFS14 and relates arsenic in
concentrate directly to arsenic in feed, with a negligible intercept at normal arsenic levels.
Because the mineralogy has indicated that arsenic is largely contained in copper sulfosalts
(primarily enargite), which recover almost as well as the primary copper minerals, this result
also requires that the As:Cu ratio in concentrate differs from the ratio in feed only by the ratio
of arsenic to copper recovery.

A simpler correlation was originally developed on Central zone ore for 49 batch cleaner
variability tests from chalcocite, covellite, and chalcopyrite zones (Figure 13.13). The
correlation is of acceptable quality but has much greater scatter than for the Hugo North
and Southwest zone data and has a gradient of 24 rather than 21.

The updated hypothesis described above was tested by correlating As:Cu ratios in feed and
concentrate for the same data in Figure 13.14. A much better correlation was obtained. The
gradient of 0.78 infers that the arsenic recovery predicted for Central zone ore is 78% of the
copper recovery.

Although this relationship is expected to hold for all ores at Oyu Tolgoi, with enargite being
the predominant arsenic carrier in all cases, there is a persistent over-estimation of the arsenic
in final concentrate from current Southwest ore. As a result, the recovery ratio constant was
reduced to 0.125 to match the current arsenic levels in concentrate.

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Concentrate volumes for sale as predicted by the production model are presented in
Figure 13.15 and the forecast levels of copper, gold and silver are shown in Figure 13.16.
Molybdenum content is insufficient in the Reserve Case orebodies to justify production of a

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separate concentrate, but does have value for Heruga in the life-of-mine case. Concentrate
production volumes are dominated by the increasing contribution from Hugo North from 2020

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Copper assay varies with higher grade Hugo North production and increased bornite content
early in the block cave. The peak grades from underground bornite are moderated by
simultaneous treatment of large amounts of Central zone ore in 2022–2026. High copper
content, especially high Cu:S ratio, is attractive to most smelters as it provides high copper
yield while not taxing acid recovery and handling systems. The peak anticipated grades
(MP2014) of near 35% Cu are projected in 2022 and 2023. The life-of-mine average after
conversion is competitive with other imports to the Chinese market at 28% Cu. The minimum
annual production grades of 23%–24% Cu in the last few years are less attractive, but are on
a par with Erdenet product and represent small volumes far in the future.

Gold assay is much more variable, with early peaks in 2014 and 2019 coinciding with
extraction of the high-gold core to the maximum depth for successive phases of the
Southwest zone pit. A lower gold peak is obtained in 2023, reflecting early production from
the high-gold zone of Hugo North. With open pit ore ramping up again in 2036, gold assay
increases to a peak in 2049. Silver represents a much lower percentage of value and is
elevated in the final years by virtue of a higher Ag:Cu ratio in feed. The significant variability in
precious metals content may require shifts in concentrate allocations to smelters. Some
smelters are better set up for precious metals recovery than others, thus making better
margins relative to the amount of gold paid for.

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Arsenic and fluorine are penalty elements, but the terms have relatively little economic
impact. At high levels in concentrate, smelters are unable to deal acceptably with arsenic
and fluorine and, rather than a penalty, their presence becomes a basis for rejecting the
concentrate. The Chinese State inspection agency also monitors quality and enforces
national limits. Consequently, the primary concern is staying well clear of the rejection limits,
and retaining the ability to respond to a potential decrease in the rejection limit if
environmental standards become more stringent.

Predicted levels of fluorine and arsenic in concentrate resulting from simultaneous processing
of all the ore types according to the MP2014 production plan are shown in Figure 13.17 and
Figure 13.18.

For each element, the annual mean level and the maximum level expected in a 5.0 kt
shipment is estimated. Due to the differing sources of variation and measures available to
control it, maximum fluorine is assessed at 1.2 times the annual average level, while maximum
arsenic is assessed at 1.3 times the annual average. The fluorine variation allowed is based on
an analysis of variation in Southwest production to date.

Average concentrate production is usually in a possible penalty position with regard to

fluorine, if typical terms were applied. However, current shipments are not attracting a
penalty and peak shipment levels still retain a minimum 10%–20% margin below the rejection
level (1,000 ppm).

Average concentrate production will occasionally attract arsenic penalties when Central
zone ores forms a significant fraction of feed. Arsenic maintains a minimum 30% margin to the
rejection level.

Both fluorine and arsenic are modelled in the mine plan and neither element is expected to
present significant long-term marketing difficulties. However, the primary control over fluorine
rejection is in the hands of the concentrator, while the primary control over arsenic is by long-
term planning and short-term grade control at the open pit mine. In Phase 1 and Phase 2,
sufficient blending capacity exists in the concentrate slurry storage tanks (5–10 kt) and in the
load-out shed (25 kt) to mitigate most process upsets affecting fluorine in a 5.0 kt smelter
shipment. Such upsets would include loss of regrind efficiency or capacity or loss of control
over column cleaner operation. Longer-term excursions in arsenic content in feed could be
managed by maintaining a larger-than-usual inventory of higher arsenic as bagged product
at the site and scheduling its release over a longer time.

Depression of arsenic by elevated pH in cleaning is not particularly effective and would

affect gold recovery from Southwest zone and Hugo North ores. It would be a less-expensive
measure whenever Central zone chalcocite and covellite ores predominate, when gold
grades are much lower. Optimised cleaning schemes for Southwest zone and Central zone
ores are possible when processed sequentially, but this is not possible in a mine plan
optimised around aligning the grinding and volumetric capacity limits.

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In addition to conventional payable and penalty elements, smelters are also interested in
non-payable elements from which they may derive by-product credits (rhenium, mercury,
selenium). There are also components that may be penalised in certain cases depending on
other sources of smelter feed and their levels (bismuth, thallium). Other critical, non-penalty
elements not tracked by the Oyu Tolgoi production model are also of importance in assessing
a smelter’s productive capacity (sulfur via the acid plant) or its operating costs and slag
chemistry (Al, Ca, Mg, SiO2, Fe). Such elements can be assayed directly in production year
composites, or their overall variation inferred from other indicator assays or mineralogy.
Finally, the particle size and the moisture of the concentrate are required to assess the
dusting and bulk handling characteristics in the feed preparation and gas handling areas.

The expected means and ranges of these parameters are presented in Table 13.13. None of
the parameters listed would appear to give smelters cause for concern. The ranges are
necessarily wide to reflect the assay results from a variety of ore types treated over an
extended life-of-mine. They also vary due to the uncertainty in their recoveries to

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Component Unit Combined Long-term Typical Range
(5.0 kt lots)
Al Ppm 4,000–15,000
Ba Ppm 20–100
Be Ppm <0.1
Bi Ppm <10
Ca Ppm 500–3,000
Cd Ppm 5–80
Cl Ppm 20–150
Co Ppm 50–200
Cr Ppm 15–100
Fe % 22–36
Ge ppm 0.5–3
Hg ppm 0.2–5
K ppm 1,500–3,500
Li ppm <5
Mg ppm 500–4,000
Mn ppm 50–400
Mo ppm 500–4,000
Na ppm 300–1,500
Ni ppm 50–150
P ppm < 100
Pb ppm 100–1,000
Pd ppm 0.05–0.3
Pt ppm 0.02–0.15
Re ppm 0.02–0.4
S % 26–36
Sb ppm 5–400
Se ppm 150–500
SiO2 % 3–10
Sn ppm 1–8
Sr ppm 15–300
Te ppm 4–60
Ti ppm 500–1,600
Tl ppm < 0.5
V ppm 20–100
Y ppm 2–10

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Component Unit Combined Long-term Typical Range
(5.0 kt lots)
Zn ppm 200–3,000
Zr ppm 200–600
Moisture % 7–9
D80 microns 25–50

The process decisions made in OTFS14 will affect the quality of the concentrates produced. In
particular, processing the Central zone ores will increase arsenic content to levels that
exceed penalty limits. The quality of concentrates that will result from the blended treatment
of Central zone and Hugo North ores and, later, Central and Southwest zone ores can only
be inferred from testwork and orebody knowledge. The performances from unblended ore
composites of each type are known.

Final concentrate locked-cycle test concentrate assays were generated under conditions
that follow those applied in Phase 1. Minor elements that were non-payable and non-penalty
in nature were taken directly from the ranges observed in those tests. The major payable
metal (Cu, Au) and penalty element (As, F) assay trends are best determined by applying the
metallurgical prediction formulae for recoveries and final concentrate copper grade to the
head grades predicted by the open pit and underground mining plans, block models, and
dilution and mixing models.

Marketing studies produced by Rio Tinto Marketing are reported in Section Sales
contract terms were negotiated in 2012 and 2013. Phase 2 is beyond the range of any
realistic contract commitments and must be evaluated in the context of the current and
medium-term marketability of similar materials currently in the market. Product specification
will generally become more attractive and volumes will increase as the tonnage of high-
grade Hugo North ore increases rapidly from 2020 onwards.

The high levels of arsenic in early Central zone ore will need to be managed by blending with
the low-arsenic Hugo North ore, as has already been discussed. The projected annual and
peak arsenic levels are presented in Figure 13.19. The arsenic content in final concentrate is a
fairly direct function of As:Cu ratio in feed, and this parameter is one of the constraints in the
mine production schedule.

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As Hugo North ore production ramps down after 2036, arsenic levels are projected to
increase significantly, but the metallurgical models predict an average level of only
2,900 ppm – substantially lower than the current rejection limit of 5,000 ppm. The open pit
mine plan has used a lower internal limit of 3,000 ppm as a monthly average to avoid
approaching rejection levels on a shipment-by-shipment basis. Contracts have been drafted
so that payables and penalty elements are assessed on the weighted average of all lot
assays in a 5.0 kt shipment.

Fluorine is projected to be above the usual penalty level but below the rejection limit
throughout the mine life. Penalties are not always applied, but the 1,000 ppm rejection limit is
legally enforceable. The expected level of fluorine in the concentrate is presented in
Figure 13.20. Unlike arsenic, control of fluorine is primarily within the scope of processing rather
than pit grade control. The spread between peak shipment assays and annual average
levels is based on variation observed in the first year of operation.

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Major constituent non-payable, non-penalty components such as Fe, S, silica, and alumina
are important for smelter metal and mass balances and are predictable from the mineralogy
of ore and concentrate. The balance of less-significant components (minor elements) each
form less than 1.0% of the total weight. Typical values and expected ranges are reported in
Table 13.13 in Section 13.5. Ranges have been predicted from the full elemental assays for
concentrate from each ore type, based on achieving a 100% mineral and/or metal balance
in final concentrate with the predicted mineralogy and the average minor element assays.

Unlike the payable and penalty grades, major and minor non-penalty / non-payable
components are stated as ‘typical’ values and are not expected to be a source of contract
dispute, although moisture ranges should be respected, even with bagged product, to
minimise freight costs either to seller’s account (in Mongolia) or buyer’s account (in China).
Allowances have been made for the greater variation to be expected in a 5.0 kt shipment
(representing one day’s production at the Phase 2 peak) than in a monthly or annual

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Additional work is required in the following areas to advance the design of the process plant:
 Phase 2 detailed engineering.
 Ongoing metallurgical testing programme for Hugo North and Central zone ores.
 Concentrator conversion feasibility study update.
 Pre-feasibility programme for additional resources (Heruga, Hugo South).
 Smelter studies.
 Heap leach studies.
 Magnetite recovery.
 Gravity or magnetic separation of gold from the regrind circuit.
 Other improvements to gold recovery.
 Enhanced tailings treatment to reduce water retention.

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The following subsections describe the methods used for and results of the mineral resource
estimation for the SOT, Hugo Dummett and Heruga deposits.

Database close-off dates for the Mineral Resource estimates are summarised in Table 14.1.

Deposit Data Close-out Date

Hugo South 1 November 2003
Heruga 21 June 2009
SOT 12 May 2011
- Southwest Zone
- Central Zone
- Wedge
Hugo North 14 February 2014
Hugo North Extension 14 February 2014

OT LLC produced 3D geological models of the major structures and lithological units based
on the structural and geological information outlined in the geological discussion in this
report. The geological shapes for the deposits are listed in Table 14.2 and Table 14.3.

For each deposit, appropriate copper and gold shells at various cut-off grades (Table 14.4)
were also defined. These shapes were then edited on plan and section views to be consistent
with the structural and lithological models and the drill assay data.

Checks on the structural, lithological, and grade shell models indicated that the shapes
honoured the drillhole data and interpreted geology.

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Model Component Comment
Surfaces – General
Topography Project-wide
Base of Quaternary cover Project-wide
Base of Cretaceous clays and gravels Project-wide
Base of oxidation Project-wide, but relevant only for SOT
Base of supergene alteration Project-wide, but relevant only for SOT
Solids/Surfaces – Lithology
Top of quartz-monzodiorite (Qmd) Hugo South only
Quartz-monzodiorite (Qmd) solid Hugo North, Hugo North Extension, SOT
Augite basalt (Va) D1 SOT
Augite basalt (Va) D1 solid Hugo North
Ignimbrite (Ign) DA2 SOT
Ignimbrite (Ign) DA2 solid Hugo North
Hanging Wall Sequence DA3, solid Hugo North
Base of ash flow tuff (DA2a - Ign) Project-wide
Base of unmineralised volcanic and sedimentary Project-wide. Used as a hanging wall limit to
units; DA2b or DA3 or DA4 grade interpolation
Hanging wall sequence (HWS), DA3, DA4, CS1– SOT zones
Biotite-granodiorite (BiGd) dykes Project-wide, most important in Hugo deposits.
Unmineralised unit
Biotite-granodiorite (BiGd) dykes solid Hugo North. Unmineralised unit
Rhyolite (Rhy) dykes Project-wide, most important in SOT zones.
Unmineralised unit
Rhyolite (Rhy) dykes, solid Hugo North. Unmineralised unit
Hornblende–biotite granodiorite, solid Hugo North, Unmineralised unit
Hornblende–biotite andesites, dacites (And) SOT zones
dykes; HbBiAnd, Dac

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Model Component Comment
Surfaces – Faults
East Bat Fault Hugo area: used to define Hugo North eastern
West Bat Fault Hugo area: used to define Hugo North, Central
and West zones western limits
Contact Fault Hugo North: defines post volcanic sequence,
sub-parallel to lithological contacts
7100 Fault Hugo North, north-west trending fault
Lower and Intermediate Faults Hugo North, north trending faults sub-parallel to
lithological contacts
Bogd Fault Hugo North, east-west fault in Hugo North
Khar Suult Fault Hugo North, east-west fault in southern area
Kharaa and Eroo Faults Hugo North, north-east trend fault in Northern
Bumbat and Dugant Faults Hugo North, east-west fault in Hugo North
Burged, Noyon, Gobi, Javkhlant Faults Hugo North, north-west trending series of faults
160 Fault Hugo North, north trending fault
110 Fault Hugo area: forms boundary between Hugo
South and Hugo North deposits
North Boundary Fault Hugo North area: used to define north-western
Central Fault Hugo South area: forms boundary between
Hugo South deposit and SOT Central zone
East Bounding Fault SOT area: forms eastern boundary to the
Southwest zone and western boundary to the
Wedge zone
West Bounding Fault SOT area: forms informal western boundary to the
Southwest zone (generally marks contact
between unmineralised Qmd and mineralised
Rhyolite Fault SOT area: marks boundary between Southwest
and Central zones, Hugo North
South Fault (includes South Splay 3) SOT area: marks boundary between Wedge and
South zones
Solongo Fault SOT area: defines the southern edge of the South
AP and KJ fault series SOT area: Internal faults in the area of estimated
mineral resources

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Deposit Grade Shell
Au (g/t) Cu (%) Mo (ppm)
Southwest Zone >0.7 >0.3 –
Central Zone >0.7 >0.3 –
South >0.3 >0.3 –
Bridge – >0.3 –
Wedge – >0.3 –
Hugo South – 0.6; 1.0; 2.0 –
Hugo North 0.3; 0.6; –
1.0 qtz veining 15% by vol.
Hugo North Extension 0.3; 0.6; –
1.0 qtz veining 15% by vol.
Heruga 0.3; 0.3 100

The lithological shapes and faults, together with copper and gold grade shells and deposit
zones, constrain the grade analysis and interpolation. Typically the faults form the first order of
hard boundaries constraining the lithological interpretation.

The solids and surfaces were used to code the drillhole data. Sets of plans and cross-sections
that displayed colour-coded drillholes were plotted and inspected to ensure the proper
assignment of domains to drillholes.

Domains were established using the codes outlined in Table 14.5, where the domain variable
used in grade estimation was a four-digit integer code composed from the following fields in
the composite database: deposit (DPOSIT), grade shell (GS_CU or GS_AU), lithology (FLAG),
and supergene (SUPERG).

A third digit in the code was originally intended to accommodate a greater number of
lithology codes, but currently remains unused.

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(1st digit) (2nd digit) (4th digit)
Value Code Value Code Value Code
Default / None 0 Outside grade shells 1 VA 1
Southwest Zone Inside 0.3 (% or g/t) Ign
1 2 2
(SW) grade shell
Central Zone (CO) Inside 0.7 (g/t) Au Qmd
2 3 3
grade shell
South Zone (SO) 3 – – HWS 4
Far South (FS) 4 – – BiGd 5
Bridge (BZ) 5 – – Ands 6
Wedge (WZ) 6 – – Rhy 7
West (WO) 7 – – Clay 8
South of the – –
8 – –
Solongo fault
Supergene 9 – – – –

Extreme (outlier) copper and gold grades were evaluated using histograms, probability, and
cumulative distribution function plots.

No cap was applied to the copper for SOT estimation. For most domains, an outlier restriction,
rather than grade capping, was applied to gold, silver, molybdenum, and arsenic during
grade estimation. A 50 m isotropic outlier sample search distance was used during estimation
for the main lithological units: Va, Ign, Qmd, and HWS. A 20 m x 20 m x 15 m isotropic outlier
sample search distance was used during estimation for dykes.

Top-cuts were applied to composites before applying the outlier search restriction to further
limit the risk of outlier Au values in four domains, and consisted of 3.0 g/t Au in two domains
and 8.0 g/t Au in the other two domains. The predicted metal removed for each element by
capping, excluding blocks above the oxide surface, is as follows:
 Au = 3.5%
 Ag = 3.7%
 As = 0.4%
 Mo = 2.7%

Grade caps for the SOT zones are summarised in Table 14.6.

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Outlier Search Restriction Threshold Global
Domain As Mo Au Ag Threshold
(g/t) (ppm) (g/t) (g/t) Au (g/t)
1101 110 230 0.6 2.9 –
1103 115 85 0.6 2.5 –
1201 500 260 2.0 2.9 –
1203 500 260 1.0 2.9 –
1301 n/a n/a 6.0 4.5 8.0
1303 n/a n/a 8.0 4.5 –
2101 200 80 0.4 2.1 –
2102 900 260 0.7 2.1 –
2103 105 150 0.7 2.9 –
2104 100 12 0.15 1.0 –
2201 800 250 0.9 3.5 –
2202 1,100 240 0.9 3.5 –
2203 1,100 250 0.9 3.5 –
2204 – – n/a n/a –
2301 n/a n/a 2.3 3.5 –
2302 n/a n/a 0.7 3.5 –
2303 n/a n/a 0.7 3.5 –
3101 400 70 0.55 3.6 3.0
3102 401 70 0.32 3.6 –
3103 500 85 0.55 4.6 3.0
3104 – – 0.1 – –
3201 1,050 85 3.0 8.5 –
3202 800 130 3.0 8.5 –
3203 1,050 85 3.0 8.5 –
3204 – – n/a 8.5 –
3301 n/a n/a 3.0 8.5 –
3303 n/a n/a 3.0 8.5 –
4101 110 230 0.6 2.9 –
4103 115 – 0.6 2.5 –
4201 500 350 2.0 2.9 –
4203 500 350 1.0 2.9 –
4301 n/a n/a 6.0 4.5 8.0
4303 n/a n/a 8.0 4.5 –
5101 110 82 0.6 2.9 –
5102 110 82 – – –

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Outlier Search Restriction Threshold Global
Domain As Mo Au Ag Threshold
(g/t) (ppm) (g/t) (g/t) Au (g/t)
5103 115 85 0.6 2.5 –
5104 – – – – –
5201 500 130 2.0 2.9 –
5202 – – n/a n/a –
5203 500 130 1.0 2.9 –
6101 900 130 0.28 1.6 –
6102 900 130 0.42 3.0 –
6103 900 130 0.42 3.0 –
6104 105 5.5 0.05 0.5 –
6201 500 160 1.5 4.0 –
6202 1,100 490 1.5 4.0 –
6203 1,100 160 1.5 4.0 –
6204 900 – n/a n/a –
6301 n/a n/a 1.5 4.0 –
6303 n/a n/a 1.5 4.0 –
7101 300 150 0.45 2.9 –
7103 105 30 0.31 2.9 –
7201 105 160 1.3 4.0 –
7203 105 160 1.3 – –
7301 n/a n/a 1.3 4.0 –
7303 n/a n/a 1.3  –
9100 – 150 0.4 3.8 –
9200 – 245 1.0 – –
BiGd – – 0.35 – –
And – – 0.35 – –
Rhy – – 0.35 – –

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A combination of outlier restriction and grade capping was applied during grade estimation
for the Hugo North area (Hugo North and Hugo North Extension). In most cases, an outlier
restriction of 50 m was used to control the effects of high-grade samples within the domains,
particularly in the background domains where unrestricted high-grade composites tended to
result in over-representation of high-grade estimates owing to the disproportional numbers of
high-grade to lower grade composites. In outlier-restricted kriging, outliers (i.e. values above
the specified cut-off) are restricted to the specified threshold value if their distance to the
interpolated block is greater than 50 m. If the distance to the interpolated block is less than
50 m outliers are used at their full value. The outlier thresholds applied at Hugo North and
Hugo North Extension were defined at the 99th percentile of their respective population. The
thresholds for restrictions are shown in Table 14.7 (copper) and Table 14.8 (gold).

Grade Domain Cu Au Ag
(%) (g/t) (g/t)
101 1.0 1.2 2.5
102 – 0.4 8
103 1.5 2.0 –
104 – N/A –
105 – 2.0 10.5
21+202+203+204 5.5 2.5 17
205 n/a no cap n/a
301+303 9.5 3.5 –
302 3.5 no cap n/a
304 n/a – n/a
305 n/a 6.0 2.5

Grade Domain Cu Au Ag
(%) (g/t) (g/t)
102 2.5 – –
103 – – 10.5
104 – – 1.5
105 3.0 – –
301+303 – – 21
101, 21+202+203+204,
– – –
205, 302, 304, 305

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The grade caps on outlier grades employed at Hugo South are summarised in Table 14.9.

Grade Domain Cu Au Mo
(%) (g/t) (ppm)
2.0% Cu shell 11 2.0 600
1.0% Cu shell 5 2.0 1,100
0.6% Cu shell 3 2.0 1,100
Background 3 1.5 1,100
No. of assays capped 18 21.0 14

As well as top-cutting of extreme grades, some outlier restriction was also applied for the
Heruga deposit, particularly in the background domains. Top-cutting was generally applied
at values close to or above the 99th percentile for gold and molybdenum. No cap was felt
warranted for copper. The grade caps on outlier grades employed at Heruga are shown in
Table 14.10.

Domain Metal Domain Cap Distance Outlier Cap
Background Au 1,000–4,000 3.0 g/t 50 m 1.0 g/t
Background Au 5,000 3.0 g/t 50 m 0.3 g/t
Background Mo All 1,000 ppm 100 m 500 ppm
0.3 g/t Au shell Au 2,000 3.0 g/t – –
0.3 g/t Au shell Au 4,000 5.0 g/t – –
0.7 g/t Au shell Au 2,000 10 g/t – –
100 ppm Mo shell Mo All 3,000 ppm – –

The drillhole assays were composited into downhole composites of a fixed length that was
considered appropriate when taking into account estimation block size, required lithological
resolution, and probable mining method. This compositing honoured the domain zones by
breaking the composites on the domain boundary for all deposits except in the Hugo North
models. The domains used in compositing were derived from a combination of the grade
shells and lithological domains. Composite lengths of 8.0 m (approximately half the selective
mining unit (SMU) size of 15 m) were used for SOT, and 5.0 m lengths were used for all other

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Intervals of less than the fixed length (8.0 m or 5.0 m) represented individual residual
composites from end-of-hole or end-of-domain intervals. Composites that had a length of less
than 1.5 m (Hugo North) or 2.0 m (Heruga and SOT) were excluded from the dataset used in

For SOT, the following default values were applied to any unsampled intervals during
 Cu 0.005%
 Au 0.005 g/t
 Ag 0.5 g/t
 As 25 ppm
 Mo 2.5 ppm

At Hugo North, the composites included any post-mineralisation dyke intervals that were
deemed too small to be part of a dyke geology model. Any unsampled intervals included in
the composites dataset for Hugo North were set to:
 Cu 0.001%
 Au 0.01 g/t

For the Heruga deposit, the composites included any post-mineralisation dyke material
intervals that were deemed too small to be part of a dyke geology model. Any unsampled
intervals included in the composites dataset for Heruga were set to:
 Cu 0.001%
 Au 0.01 g/t
 Mo 10 ppm

The lithological, structural, and mineralised domains for Hugo North and SOT were reviewed
to determine appropriate estimation or grade interpolation parameters. Several different
procedures were applied to the data to discover whether statistically distinct domains could
be defined using the available geological objects.

The data analyses were conducted on composited assay data, typically using either 8.0 m or
5.0 m downhole composites. Descriptive statistics, histograms and cumulative probability
plots, box plots, contact plots, and X–Y scatter plots were completed for copper and gold in
each deposit area.

Results obtained were used to guide the construction of the block model and the
development of estimation plans.

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Copper grades inside the grade shells display generally similar means and coefficients of
variation (CVs) between zones, and low CVs of between 0.6 and 0.75. The Va, Ign, and Qmd
units were able to be combined inside the grade shells due to similar mean values seen in
univariate statistics. Outside the copper grade shells, and in Va or in the combined Va+Qmd
units in the South zone, CVs are similar to those inside the grade shells. Other copper domains
outside the grade shells typically display lower mean grades and higher CVs when compared
to Va outside the grade shells or Va+Qmd in the South zone.

Gold grades inside the 0.3 g/t Au grade shells of the significant gold-bearing domains
(Southwest, Far South, Bridge, and Central zone) display generally similar means and CVs,
and low CVs (<1). Samples inside the 0.7 g/t Au shell are dominantly in the Va unit of the
Southwest zone, are similar in mean and CV to the Qmd inside the 0.7 g/t Au shell of
Southwest, and show low CVs (~0.7). The few samples inside the 0.7 g/t Au shell of the Central
zone show lower mean grades and higher CVs than Southwest inside the 0.7 g/t Au shell.

Outside the gold grade shells in Va unit, CVs are similar to inside the grade shells, with the
exception of the combined Va+Qmd unit in the South zone, which has a very high CV due to
some extreme outlier grades. Other gold domains outside the shells typically display lower
mean grades and higher CVs when compared to the Va units outside shells.

The correlation coefficients between Cu–As, Cu–Mo, and Au–Ag, although varying by
domain, were generally weak, ranging from 0.2–0.4, 0.2–0.4, and 0.20–0.25, respectively.

Copper grades in the mineralised units (Va, Ign, Qmd, and xBiGd) show single lognormal to
near-normal distributions inside each domain (0.6% and 2.0% Cu Shells). Coefficients of
variation values are low at 0.3 to 0.6. There are small variations in grade as a result of
lithological differences within the copper domains: generally, Qmd and Va have the highest
values, followed by Ign. Xenolithic biotite-granodiorite (xBiGd) has the lowest grades of all

The cumulative distribution function patterns of copper data for all domains show evidence
of three populations: a higher grade population (above a copper threshold value of 2.0%–
2.5% Cu), a lower grade zone (threshold value of 0.4% Cu to 0.5% Cu), and a background
lowest-grade domain. The pattern supports the construction of the quartz-vein shell (2.0% Cu
is approximately co incident) and the 0.6% Cu shell.

Gold grade distributions at Hugo North show typical positively skewed trends. The distributions
are slightly more skewed than those for copper, but the level of skewness can still be
described as only mild to moderate within each domain. The Qmd shows higher average
gold values than the Va unit, which in turn is higher than the ignimbrite. Coefficients of
variation values for the host lithologies are moderate, varying from 0.6 to 0.9. The cumulative
distribution function pattern of gold data of all domains and the background domain shows
evidence for three populations: a higher grade population (above a gold threshold value of
1.0 g/t Au), a lower grade zone (threshold value of 0.2– 0.3 g/t Au), and a background
lowest-grade domain. The pattern supports the construction of the 1.0 g/t Au and 0.3 g/t Au
grade shells.

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At Hugo North the gold-to-copper relationships that were identified in 2005 are poorer.
Generally two trends may be present. The more common is a low gold trend that outlines a
Au:Cu ratio of about 1:10 in the mineralised volcanic units. The Qmd unit also displays the 1:10
Au:Cu ratio trend but also shows a more gold enriched Au:Cu ratio at about 1:2.

Copper grade behaved as expected between grade shells. No significant ‘within shell’
variations due to lithology were observed. Gold grade distributions showed typical lognormal
trends in all domains. Molybdenum grades were generally low, but Hugo South was observed
to have higher molybdenum grades than Hugo North.

Copper grades within the 0.3% Cu shell generally displayed single distributions with some
evidence for a lower grade population resulting from the presence of unmineralised post-
mineral dykes that had not been captured by wireframes. CVs were relatively low at
0.5 to 0.6. The cumulative distribution function plot for the entire population supported the
construction of a grade shell in the 0.3%–0.4% Cu range.

Gold grades were observed to display a moderate positive skew and multiple populations
with evidence of lower grade populations in the range of 0.2–0.3 g/t Au.

Molybdenum grades within the 100 ppm Mo shell display a low-to-moderate positive skew
and a single population distribution.

A strategy of soft, firm, and hard (SFH) boundaries was implemented to account for domain
boundary uncertainty (dilution) and to reproduce the input grade sample distribution in the
block model. Soft boundaries allowed full sharing of composites between domains during
grade estimation; firm boundaries allowed sharing of composites from within a certain
distance of the boundary; and hard boundaries allowed no composite sharing between
domains. Contact plots and visual inspection of grade distributions were also used in cases
where results were unclear or were contrary to geological interpretations.

The following major faults were considered as hard boundaries in all cases: Central, Solongo,
East Boundary, West Boundary, Rhyolite, and South (near the mineralised zones). The
exceptions are the boundaries between the Southwest and Bridge zones, and the Southwest
and Far South zones, which were determined as soft, firm, or hard on a case-by-case basis
from statistical relationships.

Boundaries between elements, lithologies, and grade shells were based on compilation of
detailed SFH matrices. Typically, the following boundaries were broadly applied; however,
actual boundaries as indicated in the SFH matrices are complex:
 Silver uses the same SFH relationships as gold.

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 Arsenic and molybdenum use the same SFH relationships as copper.
 For copper, the contact between the Qmd and Va units is typically a soft boundary, but
can be firm or hard. The Ign boundary with the Qmd and Va units is more often than not
a soft boundary, but can on rare occasions be hard.
 Gold relationships across changing lithologies are more complex, and no general
observations can be drawn.
 The Central, West, Wedge, and South zone boundaries are each hard to all other zones.
The boundaries between the Southwest, Bridge, and Far South zones are soft in most
 Grade shell boundaries are typically firm; most commonly sharing samples within 40 m of
the boundary, but occasionally a more restricted distance is used, where a boundary
can share samples within 20 m of the boundary.

Grades for blocks within the three copper grade shells were estimated with a hard boundary
between the shells; only composites within the shell were used to estimate blocks within the

Different boundary designations of soft, firm, or hard can be used for the different lithologies,
depending on the grade shell. The intra-domain contact boundaries are summarised in the
matrix in Table 14.11 for copper and in Table 14.12 for gold. The various copper and gold
grade shells used to constrain the selection of composites and blocks during the interpolation
of block grades at Hugo North and Hugo North Extension are illustrated in Figure 14.1.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 200 of 519

Shell Va Qmd Ign xBiGd
Va Soft Hard Firm Firm
Qmd Hard Soft Firm Firm
Ign Firm Firm Soft Firm
HWS Firm Firm Firm Soft
0.6% Cu Shell
Va Soft Firm Firm Firm
Qmd Firm Soft Firm Firm
Ign Firm Firm Soft Firm
HWS Firm Firm Firm Soft
xBiGd Hard Hard Hard Hard
Qtz Vein (2.0% Cu) Shell
Va Firm Firm Hard Hard
Qmd Firm Soft Hard Hard
Ign Firm Hard Soft Hard
HWS Hard Hard Hard Soft
xBiGd Hard Hard Hard Hard

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Shell Va Qmd Ign xBiGd
Va Soft Firm Soft Firm
Qmd Hard Soft Firm Firm
Ign Soft Firm Soft Soft
xBiGd Hard Firm Soft Soft
HWS – – – –
0.3 g/t Au Shell
Va Soft Firm Firm Hard
Qmd Firm Soft Hard Firm
Ign Soft Firm Soft Hard
xBiGd Hard Hard Hard Hard
HWS Firm Firm Soft Soft
1.0 g/t Au Shell
Va Soft Firm Hard Hard
Qmd Firm Soft Hard Hard
Ign Hard Soft Soft Hard
xBiGd Hard Hard Hard –
HWS – – – –

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Data analysis showed no discernible difference between the two main host lithologies, augite
basalt and quartz-monzodiorite at Heruga. Therefore, for estimation purposes the
two lithologies were able to be grouped into a single lithology domain. The post-
mineralisation lithologies (Lqmd, BiGd, HbBiAn) were assigned zero grade. Within each
structural domain, the cells in the model were therefore coded according to whether or not
they were mineralised or unmineralised, and which grade shell they fell within.

The quality of the variogram model fits for copper correlograms were excellent for the
Southwest zone inside copper grade shells and good for the Central zone inside the copper
grade shells. The quality of copper model fits in other domains ranged from moderate to
good. Model fits for gold correlograms were less robust than for the copper correlograms.
Gold grade shells are typically smaller than the copper grade shells, and are also divided into
0.3 g/t Au and 0.7 g/t Au datasets, resulting in less data being available to support
correlogram construction for each grade shell domain.

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The correlogram-model fits for copper and gold are considered to be of acceptable quality
for global and local grade estimation at the Indicated level of confidence, or at the
measured level of confidence for well-drilled domains.

Model fits for silver, arsenic, and molybdenum were moderate-to-good for the larger domains
inside grade shells. For other domains, fits were typically interpretable.

Table 14.13 summarises the results of the copper correlograms by domain, and Table 14.14
shows the results for gold by domain.

Domain Structure Gamma Bearing Plunge Dip Range X' Range Y' Range Z'
(RotZ) (RotY) (RotX) (m) (m) (m)
1101 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.55 -13 5 -21 77.8 18.9 165
Exp2 0.15 -13 5 -21 101.6 915 473
1103 Nugget 0.25 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.57 -29 12 7 154.5 102.3 321
Exp2 0.18 -29 12 7 27.1 14.1 25
1201, 1203 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.36 230 -70 0 31.1 23.2 70.3
Exp2 0.49 230 -70 0 391.9 347.3 256
2101 – 2103 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.5 -5 2 12 23.9 34.8 13.6
Exp2 0.4 -5 2 12 79.7 141 259
2104 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.752 90 -45 0 35.7 80 58.1
Exp2 0.098 90 -45 0 588.6 400 400
2201 – 2204 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.55 31 11 12 49.9 51.4 105
Exp2 0.25 31 11 12 913 346.2 134
3101, 3103 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 60 -75 0 31.7 16.4 46.5
Exp2 0.2 60 -75 0 197.9 176.1 86.6
3102 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Sph1 0.5 -46 13 -10 125 90 40
Sph2 0.35 16 28 -32 160 120 200
3104 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.752 90 -45 0 35.7 80 58.1
Exp2 0.098 90 -45 0 588.6 400 400

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Domain Structure Gamma Bearing Plunge Dip Range X' Range Y' Range Z'
(RotZ) (RotY) (RotX) (m) (m) (m)
3201 – 3204 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.652 320 0 -36 25.7 153.4 56.7
Exp2 0.248 320 0 -36 1,145.1 109 343
4101, 4103 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.55 -8 4 4 118.2 16.2 42
Exp2 0.15 -8 4 4 91.3 397.3 1805
4201, 4203 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.65 50 -5 58 50 60 20
Exp2 0.2 50 -5 58 75 25 30
5101 – 5103 Nugget 0.05 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 0 0 0 30 30 30
Exp2 0.35 0 0 0 180 180 180
5104 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.752 90 -45 0 35.7 80 58.1
Exp2 0.098 90 -45 0 588.6 400 400
5201 – 5203 Nugget 0.13 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.35 1 3 15 100 40 200
Exp2 0.52 1 3 15 300 70 40
6101 – 6103 Nugget 0.35 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.5 38 -9 -19 220 116.2 53.8
Exp2 0.15 38 -9 -19 700 279.3 1,000
6104 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.752 90 -45 0 35.7 80 58.1
Exp2 0.098 90 -45 0 588.6 400 400
6201–6204 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 40 -11 -61 256.4 58 53.8
Exp2 0.2 40 -11 -61 188.7 1,089.3 126
7101 Nugget 0.34 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.54 0 0 0 190 190 190
Exp2 0.12 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000
7103 Nugget 0.329 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.3 33 -6 3 48.9 9.3 296
Exp2 0.371 33 -6 3 121.3 96.3 226
7201, 7203 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.58 0 0 0 23 23 23
Exp2 0.12 0 0 0 22 22 22
9101 – 9203 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.9 0 0 0 100 100 100

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Domain Structure Gamma Bearing Plunge Dip Range X Range Y Range Z
(RotZ) (RotY) (RotX) (m) (m) (m)
1101 Nugget 0.4 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.46 24 -27 -96 86.6 32 105
Exp2 0.14 -46 16 -9 107.6 258.1 1,896
1103 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.34 12 -65 -93 146.7 9.5 123
Exp2 0.36 -3 -8 8 69.8 139.2 691
1201, 1203 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 43 -28 -66 28.7 27.1 10.1
Exp2 0.2 43 -28 -66 230 285.8 93.7
1301 Nugget 0.21 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.49 140 0 -55 97.4 76.3 120
Exp2 0.3 140 0 -55 533.3 414.3 182
1303 Nugget 0.33 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.42 37 88 -66 31 130.1 85
Exp2 0.25 37 88 -66 62 407.9 61.2
2101 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 8 -37 -132 552.5 180.9 272
Exp2 0.2 -103 13 14 98 8.3 469
2102–2103 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.55 -10 23 13 22.6 67.1 29.7
Exp2 0.35 -10 23 13 129.8 285 186
2104, 3104, 5104, 6104 Nugget 0.05 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.757 4 22 -19 28.6 29.9 28.3
Exp2 0.193 4 22 -19 223.3 220.6 221
2201–2303 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.45 56 13 53 97.3 20 32.4
Exp2 0.4 56 13 53 122.4 299.4 122
3101 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.625 -46 -1 0 16.1 26.1 18.6
Exp2 0.275 -46 -1 0 316.2 312.5 319
3102 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.585 -13 23 41 30.3 30.2 30.9
Exp2 0.315 -13 23 41 294.8 289.3 291
3103 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.722 -22 5 -8 22.2 22.7 23.1
Exp2 0.178 -22 5 -8 138.2 137.7 138
3201–3303 Nugget 0.207 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.376 104 3 14 211.6 41.7 5.1
Exp2 0.417 3 53 -69 34 248.1 14.2

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Domain Structure Gamma Bearing Plunge Dip Range X Range Y Range Z
(RotZ) (RotY) (RotX) (m) (m) (m)
4101, 4103 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.65 0 0 0 21 21 21
Exp2 0.25 0 0 0 435 435 435
4201–4303 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.55 0 -15 0 130 35 62
Exp2 0.15 -33 -10 15 359.1 487.1 2,126
5101 Nugget 0.35 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.45 -18 -34 -154 45.4 8.9 143
Exp2 0.2 -31 34 -32 159.2 496.5 2,300
5102–5103 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 10 40 3 60 100 30
Exp2 0.3 10 40 3 100 700 130
5201–5203 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 43 -28 -66 28.7 27.1 10.1
Exp2 0.2 43 -28 -66 230 285.8 93.7
6101–6103 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.6 44 -30 -23 108.7 8.2 47.6
Exp2 0.25 48 4 -64 90.2 278.5 480
6201–6303 Nugget 0.1 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.4 0 0 0 135 135 135
Exp2 0.5 0 0 0 135 135 135
7101 Nugget 0.15 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.35 49 -81 118 161.1 44.6 27.2
Exp2 0.35 -4 2 2 64.9 410.5 19
7103 Nugget 0.3 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.54 55 -45 19 175.2 55.7 8.7
Exp2 0.15 18 115 40 26.9 41.5 408
7201–7303 Nugget 0.4 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.45 0 0 0 15 15 15
Exp2 0.15 0 0 0 140 140 140
9101–9203 Nugget 0.2 – – – – – –
Exp1 0.16 0 0 0 30 30 30
Exp2 0.64 0 0 0 130 130 130

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Data in some shells were subdivided into north and south sectors for the variographic analysis
to take into account the flexure in direction of the deposit that occurs near the 4,767,600 mN

The mineralisation controls observed were considered to be related to the intrusive history
and structural geology (faults). The patterns of anisotropy demonstrated by the various
correlograms tended to be consistent with geological interpretations, particularly to any
bounding structural features (faults and lithological contacts) and quartz + sulfide vein
orientation data.

The nugget variance tended to be low-to-moderate in all of the domains assessed. Copper
variograms generally had nugget variances of between 15%–20% (relative) of the total
variance, except in BiGd, where the nugget is 38% of total variance. The nugget variance for
gold variograms varied from 5.0%–25%.

Both copper and gold displayed short ranges for the first variogram structure and moderate-
to-long ranges for the second variogram structure (where modelled).

The model parameters for copper outside the 0.6% Cu grade shell are summarised in
Table 14.15; for copper inside the 0.6% Cu grade shell and outside the 1.0% Cu grade shell in
Table 14.16; for copper within the 1.0% Cu grade shell in Table 14.17; and for copper within
the BiGd in Table 14.18.

The model correlogram parameters for gold outside the 0.3 g/t Au grade shell are
summarised in Table 14.19; for gold inside the 0.3 g/t Au grade shell and outside the 1.0 g/t Au
grade shell in Table 14.20; for gold within the 1.0 g/t Au grade shell in Table 14.21; and for gold
within the BiGd in Table 14.22.

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Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
1011_1 Outside 1 Va 1 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
0.6% Cu
1012_1 2 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
1013_1 Shell 3 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1014_1 4 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1015_1 5 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1016_1 6 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1017_1 7 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1021_1 2 Ign 1 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
1022_1 2 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
1023_1 3 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1024_1 4 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1025_1 5 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1026_1 6 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1027_1 7 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
1032_1 2 0.1 2 Spherical 0.4 45 -15 -90 118 123 87 Spherical 0.5 45 -15 -90 675 382 99
1033_1 3 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1034_1 4 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1035_1 5 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1036_1 6 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110
1037_1 7 0.17 2 Spherical 0.39 270 60 0 88 16 69 Spherical 0.44 270 60 0 507 539 110

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Estimation Cu Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
2011_1 Inside 1 Va 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
0.6% Cu
2012_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2013_1 Shell and 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2014_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
1.0% Cu
2015_1 Grade 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2016_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2017_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2021_1 2 Ign 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2022_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2023_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2024_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2025_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2026_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2027_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2032_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2033_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2034_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2035_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2036_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2037_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2041_1 4 HWS 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2042_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
2043_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2044_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2045_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2046_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
2047_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104

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Estimation Cu Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
3011_1 Inside 1% 1 Va 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
Cu Grade
3012_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
3013_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3014_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3015_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3016_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3017_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3021_1 2 Ign 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
3022_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
3023_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3024_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3025_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3026_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3027_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
3032_1 2 0.06 2 Spherical 0.4 5.854 56.774 -61.813 47 104 20 Spherical 0.54 5.854 56.774 -61.813 224 356 40
3033_1 3 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3034_1 4 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3035_1 5 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3036_1 6 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104
3037_1 7 0.11 2 Spherical 0.59 181.102 25.659 56.31 175 140 103 Spherical 0.3 181.102 25.659 56.31 654 192 104

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Estimation Domain Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
1051_1 BiGd High 5 BiGd 1 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1052_1 2 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1053_1 3 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1054_1 4 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1055_1 5 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1056_1 6 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1057_1 7 0.08 2 Spherical 0.1 345 0 -65 94 90 164 Spherical 0.82 345 0 -65 319 214 205
1051_l2 BiGd 1 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
Outside of
1052_l2 2 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
1053_l2 Shell 3 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
1054_l2 4 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
1055_l2 5 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
1056_l2 6 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58
1057_l2 7 0.38 2 Spherical 0.19 356.384 -19.683 79.372 42 25 12 Spherical 0.43 356.384 -19.683 79.372 133 129 58

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Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
1011_1 Outside of 1 Va 1 0.23 2 Spherical 0.32 45 -75 -90 179 174 98 Spherical 0.45 45 -75 -90 619 442 139
0.3 g/t Au
1012_1 2 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300
1013_1 Shell 3 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300
1021_1 2 Ign 1 0.23 2 Spherical 0.32 45 -75 -90 179 174 98 Spherical 0.45 45 -75 -90 619 442 139
1022_1 2 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300
1023_1 3 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300
1031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.23 2 Spherical 0.32 45 -75 -90 179 174 98 Spherical 0.45 45 -75 -90 619 442 139
1032_1 2 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300
1033_1 3 0.23 2 Spherical 0.36 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 150 125 200 Spherical 0.41 355.729 -10.545 -44.007 762 300 300

Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2

ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
2011_1 Inside 1 Va 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
0.3 g/t Au
2012_1 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
2013_1 Shell and 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2021_1 2 Ign 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
1.0 g/t Au
2022_1 Grade 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
2023_1 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
2032_1 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
2033_1 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2041_1 4 HWS 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
2042_1 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
2043_1 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2
ID Shell Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
3011_1 Inside 1 Va 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
3012_1 1.0 g/t Au
2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
3013_1 Shell 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3021_1 2 Ign 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
3022_1 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
3023_1 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3031_1 3 Qmd 1 0.18 2 Spherical 0.19 45 0 120 61 63 26 Spherical 0.63 45 0 120 170 104 52
3032_1 2 0.22 2 Spherical 0.35 345 0 90 94 32 57 Spherical 0.43 345 0 90 599 373 176
3033_1 3 0.15 1 Spherical 0.85 281.31 -25.659 -16.102 36 89 106 Spherical 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Estimation Domain Nlith Rock Zone Variance Variogram Structure 1 Structure 2

ID Type Code Nugget Structure
Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor Model Sill Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor
Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Type (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis
Axis Axis
1051h1 BiGd 5 BiGd 1 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
1052h1 2 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
1053h1 3 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
1051_1 BiGd 1 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
Outside of
1052_1 2 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
1053_1 Shell 3 0.05 2 Spherical 0.78 345 -45 0 44 69 237 Spherical 0.17 345 -45 0 298 235 241
Note: Models are spherical (SPH) or exponential (EXP). Traditional ranges are used for the exponential variograms. Axis rotations are left-hand, right-hand, left-hand for the Z, X, and Y axis, respectively.

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Correlograms indicated a north-easterly trend at Hugo South. The deposit displayed a
consistent steep easterly dip with a flat plunge. Ranges were longest along strike of the
respective trend for copper and a mixture of along-trend and down-dip of the trend for gold.
Ranges tended to be less than 75 m for the first variogram structure in all metals and less than
200 m for the second variogram structure.

Although data are limited, an attempt was made to model directional variograms for gold,
copper, and molybdenum. Copper and gold showed relatively low nuggets of 25%–35%
(relative) of the total variance, whereas molybdenum was moderate-to-high at 40% of the sill.
All three metals showed relatively short first variogram structures and long second variogram
structures of 250–300 m.

The block size selected for the SOT block model was based on mining selectivity
considerations for open pit mining. It was assumed the smallest block size that could be
selectively mined as mill feed or waste, referred to the selective mining unit (SMU), was
approximately 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high. A sub-cell model was used for resource
estimation, where the ‘parent’ (maximum) block dimensions were equal to those of the
ultimate resource block model (20 m x 20 m x 15 m) and the minimum sub-cell dimensions
down to 5.0 m x 5.0 m x 5.0 m. The actual sub-cell sizes vary as necessary to fit the specified
boundaries of the wireframes used to tag the block model. Grade variables were regularised
to the tonnage-weighted (volume x density) mean of the like-domained sub-cell source
grade values enclosed in the parent blocks.

For Hugo North, mining selectivity was less of an issue because the mining method envisioned,
block cave mining, and does not allow for consideration of selectivity. A sub-celled model
was used for resource estimation that has parent block dimensions equal to
15 m x 15 m x 15 m and minimum sub-block dimensions down to 5.0 m x 5.0 m x 5.0 m. Like the
SOT model, the actual sub-block sizes in the Hugo North model vary as necessary to fit the
specified boundaries of the wireframes used to tag the block model.

Bulk density data were assigned to a unique assay database file. These data were
composited into 8.0 m and 5.0 m fixed-length downhole values for the SOT and Heruga
models, respectively.

Various domain coding was done on the block models in preparation for grade interpolation.
The block models were coded according to zone, lithological domain, and grade shell. Post-
mineral dykes were considered as potentially selectively mineable. For Hugo North, sub-
celling was used to honour lithology, grade, and structural contacts.

Blocks above topography were removed from the block model. Non-mineralised units were
flagged using a lithology code and were excluded during the interpolation process.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 215 of 519

Blocks in the Hugo North model were assigned an estimation domain using a combination of
grade shells or alteration and lithology.

With the exception of Central zone, only the hypogene mineralisation was estimated. The
base of the interpreted sulfide oxidation surface defined the top of the hypogene
mineralisation in the SOT zones.

Resource modelling at SOT consisted of grade interpolation by ordinary kriging (OK). Nearest
neighbour (NN) grades were also interpolated for validation purposes.

Search ellipsoid orientations were based upon the geometry of macro-scale grade trends,
typically reflected in the grade shell boundaries. A three-pass kriging strategy was used to
estimate the block grades. The first estimation pass kriging neighbourhood corresponds
approximately to blocks expected to satisfy Measured and Indicated classification criteria.
The kriging neighbourhood was expanded and relaxed with each successive pass while
maintaining the same axial ratios for samples searches as in the first pass.

Estimations were run one domain at a time, with three passes per domain. The following
exceptions represent groups of domains that were permitted to be estimated together:
 All supergene outside grade shells (three passes).
 All supergene inside grade shells (three passes).
 All BiGd dykes (one pass).
 All Andesite dykes (one pass).
 All Rhyolite dykes (one pass).

The selection of sample search ellipsoids was largely based on macro-scale grade controls
seen in the average grade shell orientation within a given domain. In some domains, such as
Southwest, search ellipsoid selection was influenced by grade trends that were identifiable
within a grade shell by using robust anisotropic variogram models and/or visual identification
of grade trends seen in drillholes.

The ranges and the rotation angles for the various search ellipsoids used in estimation at SOT
are shown in Table 14.23 (copper, arsenic, and molybdenum) and Table 14.24 (gold and

A block discretisation of 4 x 4 x 2 was used when estimating block grades. Pass 2 was
executed on blocks that did not receive an interpolated grade in Pass 1, and Pass 3 was
executed on blocks that did not receive an interpolated grade in Passes 1 or 2. For all
elements, a minimum of six composites and maximum of nine composites, as well as a
maximum of three composites per drillhole, were required for the first and second estimation
passes. For the third pass, a minimum of two composites and a maximum of eight composites
were required, as well as a maximum of five composites per drillhole. A single estimation pass
was used to estimate dyke blocks, requiring a minimum of three composites, a maximum of
eight composites, and a maximum of five composites per drillhole.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 216 of 519

During estimation of the sub-celled model, the estimated grade of the parent cells was
assigned to each sub-cell. Grade composites flagged as less than zero grade were excluded
from sample selection. Grade composites less than two metres in length were also excluded.
The composites were length-weighted during estimation. Composites were weighted by
ordinary kriging according to variogram parameters, with the exception of dyke grades,
which were estimated using inverse distance weighting to the second power (ID2)

The bulk density estimation domains were based on three attributes: deposit, oxidation plane
(above or below the lowest modelled limit of oxidation), and lithology. ID2 was used to
estimate the bulk density values in the sub-blocked block model. The bulk density estimation
domain boundaries were treated as hard boundaries; bulk density composites from one
domain could not be used to inform blocks of another domain. Only bulk density composites
from specific domains were used to inform target blocks of the same domain. The estimation
search neighbourhood used an isotropic search of 100 m as well as conditions on sample
counts: a minimum of two and a maximum of 12 composites within the search radius, and a
maximum of two samples from any individual drillhole to inform the block estimate. A total of
12 bulk density estimation domains lacked samples in the composite database. Default bulk
density values from nearby, lithologically similar domains were assigned to each of the
domains lacking composites.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 217 of 519

SOT Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Pass X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Long Long Intermed. Intermed.
(RotZ) (RotY’) (RotX”) (m) (m) (m) Axis Az. Axis Dip Axis Az. Axis
Southwest, South, Bridge, Far South, 50 0 -70 1 75 60 40 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
Wedge, and West
2 105 90 60 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
3 400 300 200 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
Central 0 0 0 1 60 60 75 0 -90˚ n/a n/a
2 90 90 115 0 -90˚ n/a n/a
3 300 300 375 0 -90˚ n/a n/a
Supergene 0 0 0 1 60 60 30 90 0˚ 0 0˚
2 90 90 45 90 0˚ 0 0˚
3 240 240 120 90 0˚ 0 0˚
Dykes 0 0 0 1 300 300 300 n/a n/a n/a n/a

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 218 of 519

SOT Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Pass X-Axis Y-Axis Z-Axis Long Long Intermed. Intermed.
(RotZ) (RotY’) (RotX”) (m) (m) (m) Axis Az. Axis Dip Axis Az. Axis
Southwest, BZ, Bridge, Far South, 50 0 -70 1 75 60 40 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
Wedge, and West
2 125 90 60 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
3 375 300 200 050 0˚ 140 -70˚
Central 50 0 -90 1 75 60 40 050 0˚ 0 -90˚
2 125 90 60 050 0˚ 0 -90˚
3 375 300 200 050 0˚ 0 -90˚
South 130 0 0 1 60 40 60 130 0˚ 0 -90˚
2 90 60 90 130 0˚ 0 -90˚
3 240 160 240 130 0˚ 0 -90˚
Supergene 0 0 0 1 60 60 30 90 0˚ 0 0˚
2 90 90 45 90 0˚ 0 0˚
3 240 240 120 90 0˚ 0 0˚
Dykes 0 0 0 1 300 300 300 n/a n/a n/a n/a

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 219 of 519

Interpolation was limited to the mineralised lithological units (Va, Ign, Qmd, and xBiGd). Only
composites belonging to those units were used. Grades and metal values within blocks
belonging to all other units (post-mineral dykes and sediments) were set to zero.

Modelling consisted of grade interpolation by OK, except for bulk density, which was
interpolated using a combination of simple kriging and inverse distance weighting to the third
power (ID3). Restricted and unrestricted grades were interpolated to allow calculation of the
metal removed by outlier restriction. Grades were also interpolated using NN methods for
validation purposes. Blocks and composites were matched on estimation domain.

The search ellipsoids were oriented preferentially to the general orientation of each
estimation domain. The search strategy employed concentric expanding search ellipsoids.
The first pass used a relatively short search ellipse relative to the long axis of the correlogram
ellipsoid. For the second pass, the search ellipse was increased by 50% (up to the full range of
the correlogram) to allow interpolation of grade into those blocks not estimated by the first
pass. A final, third, pass was performed using a larger search ellipsoid.

To ensure that at least three drillholes were used estimate blocks in Pass 1, the number of
composites from a single drillhole that could be used was restricted to three. Similarly, Pass 2
required a minimum of two drillholes to generate an estimate. The number of composites
allowed from a single hole was restricted to three.

The search parameters for copper outside the 0.6% Cu grade shell are shown in Table 14.25;
for copper within the 0.6% Cu grade shell and outside the 1.0% Cu grade shell in Table 14.26;
for copper within the 1.0% Cu grade shell in Table 14.27; and for copper within BiGd in
Table 14.28.

The search parameters for gold outside the 0.3 g/t Au grade shell are shown in Table 14.29; for
gold inside the 0.3 g/t Au grade shell and outside the 0.1 g/t Au grade shell in Table 14.30; for
gold inside the 0.1% Au grade shell in Table 14.31; and for gold inside BiGd in Table 14.32.

These parameters were based on the geological interpretation, data analyses, and
variogram analyses. The number of composites used in estimating grade into a model block
followed a strategy that matched composite values and model blocks sharing the same feed
code or domain. The minimum and maximum numbers of composites were adjusted to
incorporate an appropriate amount of grade smoothing.

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Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
1011_1 Pass 1 Outside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
0.6% Cu
1012_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1013_1 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1014_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1015_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1016_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1017_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1021_1 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1022_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1023_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1024_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1025_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1026_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1027_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 2.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1031_1 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1032_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1033_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1034_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1035_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1036_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1037_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 2.5 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1011_2 Pass 2 Outside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 0 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
0.6% Cu
1012_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1013_2 shell 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1014_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1015_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1016_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1017_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1021_2 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1022_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1023_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1024_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1025_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1026_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1027_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 2.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1031_2 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1032_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1033_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1034_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 221 of 519

Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
1035_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1036_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1037_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 2.5 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1011_3 Pass 3 Outside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 0 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
0.6% Cu
1012_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1013_3 shell 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1014_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 2.5 75 75 75 3 9 1 3
1015_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1016_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1017_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1021_3 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1022_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1023_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1024_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1025_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1026_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1027_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 2.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1031_3 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1032_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1033_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1034_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1035_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1036_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1037_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 2.5 100 50 100 3 9 1 3

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 222 of 519

Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
2011_1 Pass 1 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
0.6% Cu
2012_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2013_1 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2014_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2015_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2016_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2017_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2021_1 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2022_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2023_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2024_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2025_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2026_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2027_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2031_1 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2032_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2033_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2034_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2035_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2036_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2037_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2041_1 4 HWS 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2042_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2043_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2044_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2045_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2046_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2047_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2011_2 Pass 2 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
0.6% Cu
2012_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2013_2 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2014_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2015_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2016_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2017_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2021_2 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2022_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2023_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2024_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
2025_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2026_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2027_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2031_2 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2032_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2033_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2034_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2035_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2036_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2037_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2041_2 4 HWS 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2042_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2043_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2044_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2045_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2046_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2047_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2011_3 Pass 3 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
0.6% Cu
2012_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2013_3 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2014_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 4 75 75 75 3 9 1 3
2015_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2016_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 4 75 75 75 3 9 1 3
2017_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2021_3 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2022_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2023_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2024_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2025_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2026_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2027_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2031_3 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2032_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2033_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2034_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2035_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2036_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2037_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2041_3 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2042_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
2043_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2044_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2045_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2046_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2047_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
3011_1 Pass 1 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1.0% Cu
3012_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3013_1 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3014_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3015_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3016_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3017_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3021_1 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3022_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3023_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3024_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3025_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3026_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3027_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3031_1 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3032_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3033_1 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3034_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3035_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3036_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3037_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3011_2 Pass 2 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1.0% Cu
3012_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3013_2 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3014_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3015_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3016_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3017_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3021_2 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3022_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3023_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3024_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3025_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3026_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3027_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Copper Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Grade Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Shell Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
3031_2 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3032_2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3033_2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3034_2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3035_2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3036_2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3037_2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3011_3 Pass 3 Inside 1 Va 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1.0% Cu
3012_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3013_3 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3014_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 5 75 75 75 3 9 1 3
3015_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3016_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3017_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 5 75 75 75 3 9 1 3
3021_3 2 Ign 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3022_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3023_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3024_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3025_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3026_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3027_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3031_3 3 Qmd 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3032_3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3033_3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3034_3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3035_3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3036_3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3037_3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Domain Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY –- Semi- HY – Minor Minor Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
1051_1 Pass 1 BiGd 5 BiGd 1 20 -20 -80 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1052_1 2 45 -20 -90 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1053_1 Domain 3 0 -15 -85 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1054_1 4 -5 -20 -65 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1055_1 5 15 -20 -75 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1056_1 6 -15 -20 -65 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1057_1 7 -30 -30 -50 120 80 40 3 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
1051_h2 Pass 2 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1052_h2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1053_h2 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1054_h2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1055_h2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1056_h2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1057_h2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1051_h3 Pass 3 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1052_h3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1053_h3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1054_h3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1055_h3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1056_h3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1057_h3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1051_l2 Pass 1 BiGd 5 BiGd 1 20 -20 -80 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
Outside of
1052_l2 2 45 -20 -90 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1053_l2 Shell 3 0 -15 -85 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1054_l2 4 -5 -20 -65 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1055_l2 5 15 -20 -75 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1056_l2 6 -15 -20 -65 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1057_l2 7 -30 -30 -50 180 120 60 3 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
1051_l3 Pass 2 1 20 -20 -80 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1052_l3 2 45 -20 -90 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1053_l3 3 0 -15 -85 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1054_l3 4 -5 -20 -65 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1055_l3 5 15 -20 -75 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1056_l3 6 -15 -20 -65 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
1057_l3 7 -30 -30 -50 360 240 120 3 50 50 15 3 9 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY – Semi- HY – Minor Minimum Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Shell Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
1011_1 Pass 1 Outside 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 15 9 15 1 3
0.3 g/t Au
1012_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1013_1 shell 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1021_1 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 1.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1022_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1023_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1031_1 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 1 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1032_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1033_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1 100 50 100 9 15 1 3
1011_2 Pass 2 Outside 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 15 6 12 1 3
0.3 g/t Au
1012_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1013_2 shell 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1021_2 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 1.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1022_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1023_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1031_2 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 1 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1032_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1033_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1 100 50 100 6 12 1 3
1011_3 Pass 3 Outside 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 15 3 9 1 3
0.3 g/t Au
1012_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1013_3 shell 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1021_3 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 1.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1022_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1023_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1031_3 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 1 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1032_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1 100 50 100 3 9 1 3
1033_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1 100 50 100 3 9 1 3

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Estimation Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY – Semi- HY – Minor Minimum Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Shell Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
2011_1 Pass 1 0.3 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2012_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2013_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2021_1 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2022_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2023_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2031_1 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2032_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1.1 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2033_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2041_1 4 HWS 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0.8 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2042_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2043_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
2011_2 Pass 2 0.3 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2012_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2013_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2021_2 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2022_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2023_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2031_2 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2032_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1.1 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2033_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2041_2 4 HWS 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0.8 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2042_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2043_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
2011_3 Pass 3 0.3 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2012_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2013_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2021_3 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2022_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2023_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2031_3 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2032_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1.1 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2033_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2041_3 4 HWS 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0.8 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2042_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
2043_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 230 of 519

Estimation Estimation Au Grade Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY – Semi- HY – Minor Minimum Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Shell Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
3011_1 Pass 1 1.0 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3012_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3013_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 1.2 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3021_1 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3022_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3023_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 0.5 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3031_1 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3032_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3033_1 3 15 -15 90 120 80 40 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
3011_2 Pass 2 1.0 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3012_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3013_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 1.2 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3021_2 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3022_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3023_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 0.5 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3031_2 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3032_2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3033_2 3 15 -15 90 180 120 60 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
3011_3 Pass 3 1.0 g/t Au 1 Va 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3012_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3013_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 1.2 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3021_3 2 Ign 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3022_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3023_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 0.5 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3031_3 3 Qmd 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3032_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
3033_3 3 15 -15 90 360 240 120 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 231 of 519

Estimation Estimation Domain Nlith Rock Zone Bearing Plunge Dip Major Semi- Minor HY HY – Major HY – Semi- HY – Minor Minimum Maximum Limit Maximum
ID Pass Type Code (Z) (Y) (X) Axis Major Axis Threshold Radius Major Radius Samples Samples Samples Samples
Axis Radius Per Est Per Est Per Hole Per Hole
1051h1 Pass 1 BiGd 5 BiGd 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1052h1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1053h1 Domain 3 15 -15 90 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1051h2 Pass 2 1 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1052h2 2 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1053h2 3 15 -15 90 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1051h3 Pass 3 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1052h3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1053h3 3 15 -15 90 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1051_1 Pass 1 BiGd 5 BiGd 1 55 -70 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
Outside of
1052_1 2 -15 15 20 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
Au Grade
1053_1 shell 3 15 -15 90 120 40 80 0 50 50 50 9 15 1 3
1051_2 Pass 2 3 55 -70 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1052_2 3 -15 15 20 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1053_2 3 15 -15 90 180 60 120 0 50 50 50 6 12 1 3
1051_3 Pass 3 1 55 -70 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1052_3 2 -15 15 20 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3
1053_3 3 15 -15 90 360 120 240 0 50 50 50 3 9 1 3

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 232 of 519

Estimation of sub-cells at the boundary of grade or lithology domains was based on assigning
the parent cell grade to the sub-cells; the end result being that all like-flagged sub-cells within
the larger parent cell contain the same grade.

For both copper and gold, a combination of outlier restriction and grade capping was used
to control the effects of high-grade samples within the domains. This is discussed in
Section 14.1.3.

Grade variables were regularised to the tonnage-weighted (volume x density) mean of the
sub-cell source grade values enclosed in the parent blocks before they were provided for use
in detailed engineering and tabulation of Mineral Resources.

The cell size was 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high. Domain codes were assigned by a simple
majority. In the case of assigning dyke codes to the block model, a slightly higher percentage
of 60% was necessary. For the ore percent model, the default value was set to 100% but
modified to reflect where blocks were intersected by dykes. Percent below topography was
also calculated into the model blocks.

Modelling consisted of grade interpolation by OK, and also NN for validation purposes. The
search ellipsoids were oriented preferentially to the orientation of the copper grade shells,
with the long axis at 20° east of north, with no plunge, and dipping 55° to the south-east.

A two-pass approach was instituted for interpolation within the grade shells. The first pass
allowed a single hole to place a grade estimate in a block, while the second allowed a
minimum of two holes from the same estimation domain. A single-pass, two-hole minimum
rule was used in the background domains. All blocks received a minimum of three and
maximum of four composites from a single drillhole (for the two-hole minimum pass).
Maximum composite limits varied by metal: nine for copper, 15 for gold, and 12 for
molybdenum. Most interpolation runs implemented an outlier restriction to limit grade
smearing in areas of limited data.

Bulk density data were assigned to an assay database file. These data were composited into
15 m fixed-length downhole values to reflect the block model bench height.

The selected block size was 20 m east x 20 m north x 15 m high for consistency with previous
modelling at the Oyu Tolgoi deposits. It was also considered to be a suitable block size for
mining studies using the block cave approach, the assumed mining method for the Heruga
deposit. The parent blocks were divided into sub-cells when flagging the model with dyke
wireframes. The block model was coded according to zone, lithological domain, and grade
shell. Post-mineral dykes and the late quartz-monzodiorite were assumed to represent zero-
grade waste cutting the mineralised lithologies.

Only the mineralised lithologies were estimated, i.e. Qmd and Va. All other units in the model
were set to zero grade. Modelling consisted of grade interpolation by OK. As part of the
model validation, grades were also interpolated using NN, ID3, and OK of uncapped
composites. Density was interpolated by ID3.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 233 of 519

The search ellipsoids were oriented preferentially to the general trend of the grade shells. A
staged search strategy was applied, with the first pass at 200 m and a second at 400 m. A
minimum two-hole rule was applied to both passes. Any blocks not interpolated by the first
two passes were populated in a third pass that removed the two-hole constraint. Outlier
restriction was applied as a second cap whereby grades over a particular threshold were
only used in blocks within a specified distance from a drillhole (50–100 m). Outside of this
distance the lower capped value was used.

The sub-cells in the final model were regularised to parent cell size after estimation was

The results of the Mineral Resource estimates are presented below as grade and tonnage
tables at variable copper equivalent cut-off grades for different resource classifications, and
as copper and gold grade-tonnage curves. The information is arranged as follows:
 SOT: Table 14.33 and Figure 14.2.
 Hugo North: Table 14.34 and Figure 14.3.
 Hugo North Extension: Table 14.35 and Figure 14.4.
 Hugo South: Table 14.36 and Figure 14.5.
 Heruga: Table 14.37 and Figure 14.6.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 234 of 519

CLASS CuEq Cut- Tonnage Grade Contained Metal
off (%) (Mt)
Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.22 445 0.76 0.52 0.42 1.37 51.2 5,105 6,035 19,564 50
0.30 407 0.81 0.55 0.45 1.40 53.1 4,931 5,928 18,286 48
0.37 370 0.85 0.58 0.49 1.43 54.6 4,714 5,799 16,994 45
0.50 295 0.96 0.64 0.58 1.50 57.0 4,139 5,448 14,191 37
0.60 233 1.07 0.69 0.68 1.55 58.1 3,550 5,080 11,628 30
0.70 184 1.18 0.74 0.79 1.60 59.5 3,002 4,693 9,493 24

0.80 144 1.30 0.79 0.92 1.66 60.9 2,508 4,294 7,721 19
0.90 117 1.41 0.83 1.06 1.72 62.1 2,120 3,953 6,430 16
1.00 94 1.52 0.86 1.20 1.77 64.1 1,778 3,623 5,348 13
1.25 59 1.76 0.92 1.52 1.87 68.9 1,201 2,892 3,551 9
1.50 37 1.98 0.96 1.87 1.95 72.9 794 2,250 2,351 6
2.00 13 2.49 1.06 2.63 2.11 74.2 305 1,104 887 2
2.50 4 3.07 1.25 3.36 2.40 74.1 121 474 338 0.7
3.00 2 3.66 1.44 4.07 2.73 87.1 56 229 153 0.3
3.50 1 4.11 1.60 4.62 2.75 92.4 31 131 78 0.2
0.22 834 0.54 0.38 0.27 1.13 53.0 6,994 7,243 30,289 97
0.30 705 0.59 0.41 0.30 1.16 55.7 6,412 6,885 26,354 87
0.37 586 0.64 0.44 0.34 1.20 57.1 5,730 6,417 22,591 74
0.50 374 0.75 0.51 0.43 1.28 59.6 4,220 5,152 15,357 49
0.60 249 0.86 0.57 0.52 1.34 60.2 3,115 4,138 10,757 33
0.70 161 0.97 0.62 0.64 1.41 58.9 2,189 3,281 7,251 21

0.80 103 1.10 0.67 0.78 1.47 56.8 1,516 2,584 4,882 13
0.90 68 1.23 0.71 0.93 1.55 58.0 1,070 2,045 3,381 9
1.00 48 1.35 0.75 1.09 1.61 59.8 790 1,682 2,480 6
1.25 23 1.62 0.81 1.47 1.74 62.9 411 1,081 1,284 3
1.50 12 1.85 0.87 1.79 1.84 63.0 229 686 706 2
2.00 3 2.36 0.98 2.55 2.07 60.2 60 228 186 0.4
2.50 1 2.95 1.15 3.32 2.38 69.1 17 70 51 0.1
3.00 0.2 3.63 1.40 4.12 2.56 65.0 6 25 15 0.03
3.50 0.1 3.95 1.53 4.46 2.52 56.8 3 15 8 0.01
0.22 1,279 0.61 0.43 0.32 1.21 52.4 12,099 13,278 49,853 148
0.30 1,112 0.67 0.46 0.36 1.25 54.8 11,343 12,813 44,640 134
0.37 956 0.72 0.50 0.40 1.29 56.1 10,444 12,216 39,585 118
0.50 669 0.84 0.57 0.49 1.37 58.5 8,359 10,600 29,547 86
0.60 482 0.96 0.63 0.59 1.44 59.2 6,665 9,219 22,385 63
Measured + Indicated

0.70 345 1.08 0.68 0.72 1.51 59.2 5,192 7,973 16,744 45
0.80 248 1.22 0.74 0.86 1.58 59.2 4,023 6,879 12,603 32
0.90 185 1.34 0.78 1.01 1.65 60.6 3,190 5,998 9,811 25
1.00 142 1.46 0.82 1.16 1.71 62.6 2,569 5,305 7,828 20
1.25 82 1.72 0.89 1.51 1.83 67.2 1,612 3,973 4,835 12
1.50 49 1.95 0.94 1.85 1.92 70.5 1,023 2,937 3,057 8
2.00 16 2.47 1.04 2.61 2.10 71.7 365 1,332 1,072 3
2.50 5 3.06 1.23 3.35 2.40 73.5 137 544 389 0.8
3.00 2 3.65 1.44 4.08 2.71 85.0 61 254 169 0.4
3.50 1 4.09 1.59 4.60 2.73 88.7 35 145 86 0.2
0.22 549 0.43 0.32 0.20 0.86 38.3 3,818 3,590 15,243 46
0.30 415 0.49 0.35 0.23 0.91 40.8 3,246 3,115 12,086 37
0.37 318 0.54 0.39 0.26 0.93 40.3 2,697 2,702 9,455 28
0.50 141 0.67 0.48 0.34 0.94 38.2 1,492 1,541 4,244 12
0.60 75 0.78 0.56 0.40 0.96 34.9 928 975 2,317 6
0.70 43 0.89 0.64 0.45 0.96 30.9 605 620 1,324 3

0.80 26 0.98 0.72 0.47 0.94 25.4 410 395 780 1

0.90 14 1.09 0.79 0.55 1.01 24.7 249 253 464 0.8
1.00 8 1.21 0.86 0.63 1.09 25.4 152 161 281 0.4
1.25 2 1.52 0.91 1.10 1.44 33.0 42 74 97 0.15
1.50 1 1.79 1.04 1.35 1.68 35.3 18 34 42 0.06
2.00 0.1 2.32 1.58 1.33 2.08 27.8 5 6 9 0.01
2.50 0.03 2.72 2.19 0.96 1.53 28.3 2 1 2 0.002

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CLASS CuEq Cut- Tonnage Grade Contained Metal
off (%) (Mt)
Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.10 108 1.79 0.42 4.11 29.2 2.06 4,277 1,461 14,327 7
0.22 103 1.87 0.44 4.29 30.0 2.16 4,262 1,455 14,219 7
0.30 100 1.93 0.45 4.40 30.1 2.22 4,246 1,450 14,128 7
0.37 98 1.97 0.46 4.48 30.3 2.26 4,231 1,446 14,046 7
0.50 94 2.03 0.48 4.61 30.8 2.34 4,200 1,435 13,890 6
0.60 91 2.08 0.49 4.69 31.1 2.39 4,174 1,426 13,768 6
0.70 89 2.12 0.50 4.78 31.4 2.44 4,142 1,417 13,636 6

0.80 86 2.17 0.51 4.88 31.6 2.49 4,100 1,403 13,466 6

0.90 83 2.21 0.52 4.98 31.9 2.54 4,056 1,390 13,306 6
1.00 79 2.28 0.54 5.12 32.2 2.62 3,985 1,373 13,068 6
1.25 69 2.47 0.59 5.56 32.7 2.85 3,753 1,320 12,338 5
1.50 62 2.62 0.64 5.90 33.1 3.02 3,559 1,260 11,708 5
2.00 50 2.87 0.69 6.40 33.2 3.30 3,184 1,117 10,374 4
2.50 38 3.16 0.75 6.94 34.1 3.64 2,667 929 8,542 3
3.00 28 3.45 0.81 7.35 35.2 3.96 2,138 732 6,650 2
3.50 19 3.74 0.87 7.79 35.4 4.29 1,589 542 4,829 2
0.10 923 1.30 0.29 2.83 30.4 1.49 26,484 8,503 84,061 62
0.22 835 1.42 0.31 3.08 32.6 1.62 26,223 8,411 82,716 60
0.30 787 1.50 0.33 3.23 33.6 1.71 25,983 8,338 81,705 58
0.37 749 1.56 0.34 3.35 34.3 1.78 25,737 8,268 80,718 57
0.50 687 1.67 0.37 3.56 35.1 1.90 25,202 8,128 78,667 53
0.60 643 1.75 0.39 3.72 35.3 1.99 24,729 8,003 76,884 50
0.70 607 1.81 0.40 3.85 35.4 2.07 24,276 7,879 75,186 47

0.80 572 1.88 0.42 3.99 35.4 2.15 23,760 7,737 73,270 45
0.90 534 1.96 0.44 4.14 35.4 2.24 23,131 7,577 71,062 42
1.00 492 2.06 0.47 4.32 35.2 2.36 22,333 7,377 68,332 38
1.25 396 2.32 0.54 4.82 34.4 2.65 20,225 6,824 61,338 30
1.50 328 2.54 0.60 5.24 33.0 2.92 18,416 6,304 55,297 24
2.00 238 2.94 0.69 5.92 31.9 3.37 15,403 5,310 45,300 17
2.50 176 3.29 0.77 6.46 32.7 3.77 12,771 4,379 36,616 13
3.00 132 3.59 0.85 6.90 32.4 4.12 10,407 3,601 29,194 9
3.50 94 3.88 0.94 7.32 31.5 4.47 8,078 2,858 22,204 7

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CLASS CuEq Cut- Tonnage Grade Contained Metal
off (%) (Mt)
Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.10 1,031 1.35 0.30 2.97 30.3 1.55 30,761 9,964 98,388 69
0.22 938 1.47 0.33 3.21 32.3 1.68 30,485 9,866 96,935 67
0.30 887 1.55 0.34 3.36 33.2 1.77 30,230 9,788 95,833 65
0.37 847 1.61 0.36 3.48 33.9 1.83 29,968 9,714 94,764 63
0.50 780 1.71 0.38 3.69 34.6 1.95 29,401 9,563 92,557 60
Measured + Indicated

0.60 734 1.79 0.40 3.84 34.8 2.04 28,903 9,429 90,652 56
0.70 696 1.85 0.42 3.97 34.9 2.12 28,418 9,295 88,821 53
0.80 658 1.92 0.43 4.10 34.9 2.20 27,860 9,141 86,736 51
0.90 618 2.00 0.45 4.25 34.9 2.28 27,188 8,967 84,367 48
1.00 571 2.09 0.48 4.43 34.8 2.39 26,318 8,750 81,400 44
1.25 465 2.34 0.54 4.93 34.1 2.68 23,978 8,144 73,676 35
1.50 390 2.56 0.60 5.34 33.0 2.94 21,975 7,565 67,004 28
2.00 288 2.92 0.69 6.01 32.2 3.36 18,587 6,427 55,674 20
2.50 215 3.26 0.77 6.54 32.9 3.75 15,438 5,308 45,158 16
3.00 160 3.56 0.84 6.98 32.9 4.09 12,546 4,333 35,844 12
3.50 114 3.86 0.93 7.40 32.2 4.44 9,667 3,400 27,034 8
0.10 1,033 0.65 0.23 1.97 31.3 0.79 14,698 7,681 65,552 71
0.22 935 0.70 0.25 2.14 33.3 0.86 14,455 7,437 64,375 69
0.30 874 0.74 0.26 2.24 34.2 0.90 14,171 7,284 63,025 66
0.37 811 0.77 0.27 2.34 34.8 0.94 13,807 7,058 60,964 62
0.50 678 0.85 0.30 2.53 34.7 1.04 12,783 6,468 55,264 52
0.60 571 0.93 0.32 2.72 33.5 1.13 11,730 5,897 49,926 42
0.70 486 1.00 0.34 2.88 33.2 1.22 10,769 5,328 45,092 36

0.80 415 1.08 0.36 3.03 32.7 1.30 9,828 4,756 40,434 30
0.90 341 1.16 0.38 3.21 31.8 1.40 8,730 4,134 35,225 24
1.00 281 1.25 0.39 3.41 31.1 1.49 7,725 3,529 30,866 19
1.25 173 1.46 0.42 3.98 29.1 1.73 5,590 2,328 22,149 11
1.50 103 1.68 0.47 4.65 28.4 1.97 3,812 1,550 15,435 6
2.00 33 2.19 0.57 5.55 25.7 2.56 1,594 608 5,887 2
2.50 13 2.70 0.64 5.98 31.3 3.10 764 263 2,467 1
3.00 6 3.16 0.59 6.39 36.9 3.55 417 114 1,228 0.5
3.50 3 3.63 0.51 7.07 41.9 3.98 210 43 594 0.2

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CLASS CuEq Cut- Tonnage Grade Contained Metal
off (%) (Mt)
Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.10 1.2 1.35 0.12 2.71 37.5 1.44 36 4.5 105 0.1
0.22 1.2 1.36 0.12 2.72 37.5 1.45 36 4.5 105 0.1
0.30 1.2 1.37 0.12 2.74 37.8 1.46 36 4.5 105 0.1
0.37 1.2 1.38 0.12 2.77 38.4 1.47 36 4.4 104 0.1
0.50 1.1 1.43 0.12 2.86 39.4 1.52 35 4.4 103 0.1
0.60 1.1 1.47 0.12 2.93 40.6 1.56 35 4.2 101 0.1
0.70 1.0 1.52 0.13 3.04 41.1 1.62 34 4.2 99 0.1

0.80 0.9 1.61 0.14 3.20 41.6 1.72 32 4.1 94 0.1

0.90 0.9 1.63 0.14 3.25 42.0 1.74 32 4.1 93 0.1
1.00 0.9 1.66 0.14 3.29 42.2 1.77 31 4.0 90 0.1
1.25 0.7 1.84 0.17 3.72 45.6 1.97 26 3.5 78 0.1
1.50 0.5 2.04 0.20 4.27 52.1 2.19 21 3.1 66 0.1
2.00 0.2 2.56 0.18 4.53 31.0 2.71 12 1.3 31 0.02
2.50 0.1 2.98 0.23 5.22 28.3 3.16 7 0.8 18 0.01
3.00 0.1 3.35 0.37 6.32 27.8 3.62 4 0.7 12 0.004
3.50 0.03 3.55 0.67 6.46 30.3 3.98 2 0.6 6 0.002
0.10 151 1.43 0.47 3.61 31.7 1.73 4,764 2,291 17,520 11
0.22 139 1.54 0.51 3.86 33.0 1.86 4,728 2,282 17,296 10
0.30 133 1.60 0.53 4.02 33.4 1.94 4,694 2,276 17,127 10
0.37 128 1.65 0.55 4.12 33.6 1.99 4,663 2,271 16,988 10
0.50 121 1.73 0.58 4.31 33.6 2.09 4,597 2,261 16,720 9
0.60 112 1.82 0.62 4.53 33.0 2.20 4,504 2,247 16,372 8
0.70 103 1.93 0.67 4.82 32.2 2.35 4,377 2,228 15,942 7

0.80 92 2.07 0.74 5.18 31.5 2.53 4,219 2,200 15,416 6

0.90 85 2.18 0.79 5.46 31.3 2.67 4,101 2,172 14,995 6
1.00 80 2.26 0.83 5.67 31.2 2.77 4,008 2,142 14,642 6
1.25 70 2.45 0.92 6.11 31.6 3.02 3,790 2,065 13,763 5
1.50 63 2.61 0.98 6.44 32.1 3.21 3,605 1,981 12,976 4
2.00 52 2.86 1.09 6.94 32.9 3.52 3,263 1,809 11,553 4
2.50 44 3.04 1.16 7.27 33.4 3.75 2,944 1,640 10,274 3
3.00 33 3.30 1.27 7.72 33.8 4.07 2,403 1,349 8,199 2
3.50 22 3.65 1.41 8.43 34.3 4.51 1,739 982 5,862 2
0.10 152 1.43 0.47 3.60 31.7 1.72 4,800 2,295 17,626 11
0.22 140 1.54 0.51 3.85 33.0 1.85 4,764 2,286 17,401 10
0.30 134 1.60 0.53 4.00 33.5 1.93 4,730 2,281 17,232 10
0.37 129 1.65 0.55 4.11 33.7 1.99 4,699 2,276 17,093 10
0.50 122 1.72 0.58 4.30 33.6 2.08 4,632 2,265 16,823 9
Measured + Indicated

0.60 114 1.81 0.62 4.51 33.1 2.20 4,539 2,251 16,473 8
0.70 104 1.93 0.67 4.80 32.2 2.34 4,411 2,232 16,040 7
0.80 93 2.06 0.73 5.17 31.6 2.52 4,251 2,204 15,510 7
0.90 86 2.17 0.78 5.44 31.4 2.66 4,133 2,176 15,088 6
1.00 81 2.26 0.82 5.64 31.4 2.76 4,039 2,146 14,733 6
1.25 71 2.45 0.91 6.09 31.8 3.01 3,816 2,069 13,841 5
1.50 63 2.60 0.98 6.42 32.2 3.20 3,626 1,984 13,041 4
2.00 52 2.86 1.08 6.93 32.9 3.52 3,275 1,811 11,584 4
2.50 44 3.04 1.16 7.27 33.4 3.75 2,951 1,640 10,291 3
3.00 33 3.30 1.27 7.72 33.8 4.07 2,407 1,350 8,210 2
3.50 22 3.65 1.41 8.43 34.3 4.51 1,741 983 5,868 2
0.10 205 0.88 0.31 2.46 25.1 1.08 3,992 2,062 16,200 11
0.22 196 0.92 0.32 2.53 25.4 1.12 3,972 2,034 15,958 11
0.30 190 0.94 0.33 2.59 25.5 1.15 3,947 2,010 15,775 11
0.37 179 0.99 0.34 2.68 25.4 1.20 3,887 1,963 15,418 10
0.50 158 1.07 0.37 2.87 24.8 1.30 3,721 1,877 14,572 9
0.60 141 1.14 0.40 3.06 24.6 1.39 3,549 1,803 13,866 8
0.70 126 1.21 0.43 3.24 24.5 1.48 3,363 1,731 13,105 7

0.80 110 1.30 0.47 3.50 24.7 1.59 3,129 1,656 12,340 6
0.90 96 1.38 0.51 3.73 25.0 1.69 2,919 1,573 11,558 5
1.00 88 1.43 0.53 3.87 25.1 1.76 2,772 1,495 10,909 5
1.25 68 1.58 0.59 4.22 25.6 1.95 2,375 1,297 9,231 4
1.50 50 1.75 0.68 4.56 27.1 2.16 1,908 1,080 7,258 3
2.00 22 2.19 0.88 5.27 30.1 2.73 1,064 621 3,728 1
2.50 12 2.56 0.99 5.84 34.5 3.16 678 382 2,258 0.9
3.00 6 2.96 1.11 6.27 39.9 3.63 375 204 1,159 0.5
3.50 3 3.24 1.28 6.70 39.0 4.01 208 119 627 0.3

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Grade Contained Metal
CuEq Cut- Tonnage
CLASS Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
off (%) (Mt)
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.10 1,700 0.49 0.05 1.39 54.0 0.53 18,436 2,843 75,720 202
0.22 1,372 0.58 0.06 1.51 59.1 0.62 17,409 2,561 66,743 179
0.30 1,085 0.67 0.06 1.64 63.4 0.72 15,952 2,212 57,359 152
0.37 845 0.77 0.07 1.78 66.4 0.83 14,372 1,861 48,406 124
0.50 567 0.96 0.08 2.06 67.5 1.02 12,004 1,416 37,613 84
0.60 466 1.06 0.08 2.20 66.6 1.13 10,896 1,220 33,060 68
0.70 392 1.15 0.08 2.31 64.8 1.22 9,911 1,056 29,119 56

0.80 303 1.28 0.09 2.47 60.3 1.35 8,551 838 24,071 40
0.90 233 1.43 0.09 2.65 55.4 1.50 7,354 646 19,834 28
1.00 198 1.53 0.09 2.77 53.2 1.60 6,670 549 17,575 23
1.25 127 1.79 0.09 3.16 49.1 1.87 5,009 387 12,894 14
1.50 70 2.18 0.12 3.81 46.3 2.28 3,380 274 8,628 7
2.00 39 2.64 0.15 4.59 44.5 2.76 2,269 186 5,763 4
2.50 23 2.99 0.17 5.08 43.8 3.13 1,493 126 3,706 2
3.00 12 3.35 0.21 5.57 41.1 3.52 857 77 2,078 1
3.50 5 3.68 0.25 6.17 40.7 3.87 428 42 1,046 0.5

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CLASS CuEq Cut- Tonnage Grade Contained Metal
off (%) (Mt)
Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq Cu Au Ag Mo
(%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%) (Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb)
0.10 2,845 0.31 0.29 1.17 89.5 0.50 19,347 26,298 106,930 561
0.22 2,554 0.33 0.31 1.24 96.3 0.54 18,699 25,405 102,211 542
0.30 2,219 0.36 0.33 1.31 103.4 0.58 17,505 23,862 93,758 506
0.37 1,816 0.39 0.37 1.40 113.0 0.64 15,647 21,508 81,774 453
0.50 1,180 0.46 0.44 1.57 132.5 0.75 11,850 16,841 59,492 345
0.60 854 0.49 0.51 1.69 142.8 0.83 9,279 14,004 46,445 269
0.70 583 0.53 0.60 1.81 152.1 0.92 6,768 11,173 33,861 195

0.80 367 0.55 0.72 1.92 156.0 1.02 4,484 8,531 22,566 126
0.90 224 0.57 0.89 2.00 152.6 1.13 2,834 6,404 14,419 75
1.00 134 0.57 1.12 2.07 134.3 1.25 1,694 4,794 8,906 40
1.25 45 0.57 1.64 2.39 112.6 1.53 568 2,386 3,464 11
1.50 18 0.61 2.04 2.99 137.1 1.81 238 1,153 1,688 5
2.00 3 0.72 2.93 3.89 99.7 2.40 49 292 389 1
2.50 1 0.97 3.69 4.02 71.5 3.07 16 89 97 0.1
3.00 0.3 1.10 4.27 4.03 73.0 3.52 8 47 44 0.1
3.50 0.2 1.22 4.60 4.42 74.8 3.82 4 22 22 0.03

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Validation was completed at the time of updating the model in 2011.

A visual validation of the variogram models and search ellipsoids was completed as a check
for reasonableness against grade trends and grade shells. These checks were performed for
copper and gold in the major domains at a minimum and for less-significant domains when
deemed appropriate.

Checks were also performed on the ID2 bulk density model. A visual review of the density
model was completed on 15 m level plans and 50 m east–west vertical sections. The model
slices were displayed together with the 8.0 m bulk density composite database. The
composites and estimated blocks were scrutinised to identify blocks with unreasonable
density values compared to the composite values. The ID2 block model estimate, the NN
interpolation, and bulk density composites were compared to assess global bias. Mean
density value comparison charts and swath plots were also prepared to assist in validating
the density estimation.

A NN interpolated model was created to approximate the declustered composite

distribution. This NN model was used to check for global bias of the block grade estimates
above zero cut-off and for local bias using swath plots. The NN model was also used as the
first step in checking model smoothing, using volume-variance corrections from the
composite scale to the SMU scale.

Visual checks were completed comparing composites to blocks as well as behaviour of

grade estimates near firm boundaries. Histograms of blocks with and without firm boundaries
were compared to assess the impact on removal of troughs that were not seen in the
composite histograms.

A final set of checks was performed to compare the 2005 model to the 2011 model and to
compare elements of the 2007 model to the 2011 model:
 Examination of dilution inside the 2005 and 2011 models, first, by assuming whole-block
dilution, (i.e. selective mining cannot occur on a scale finer than 20 m x 20 m x 15 m)
and, second, by assuming selective mining of dykes as was applied in 2005, although
100% of the dykes interpreted in 2011 were assumed to be ‘selectively mineable’ for the
purposes of those dilution calculations.
 Comparison of the 2007 and 2011 model copper and gold grade maps on level plans.
The most notable areas of grade change between the 2007 and 2011 models occurs at
the grade shell margins; often for only a single block width.
 Comparison of the 2007 and 2011 model ‘grade shell difference maps’ for copper and
gold on plans and sections. Very significant differences were noted where the grade
shell strategy had changed, e.g., the creation of Cu grade shells in Southwest and Far
South in 2011 where none were used in 2007, and of 0.3 g/t Au grade shells in Southwest
and Far South where only 0.7 g/t Au shells had been used in 2007. Outside of these areas,
the 2011 grade shells generally appear to be slightly more conservative than the 2007
grade shells.

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 Block model estimates were checked for global bias by comparing the average metal
grades (with no cut-off) from the model (OK) with means from NN estimates. Results
showed a good relationship (Table 14.39).
 Evaluation of the 2007 versus 2011 volumes of each primary lithology in 30 m swaths for
blocks classified as Measured or Indicated in 2007. Results indicated an acceptable
 Comparison of 2007 versus 2011 dyke volumes by calculating directly from percent
variables. The 2011 dyke volume falling within the designated pit was 3.0%–4.0% higher
than in 2007, with 63.8 Mm3 in 2007 and 65.8 Mm3 in 2011. A visual plan-view comparison
of dyke difference between 2007 and 2011 was also completed.
 Examination of histograms of 2005 block grades, 2011 block grades, and 2011
composites for Cu and Au in select domains. The histograms display the reduction in 2011
of troughs seen in the 2005 block distribution that were not observed in the composite
 Review of plans and sections of classification differences where the block class was ‘1’ or
‘2’ in the 2005 model but not the same as assigned in the 2011 model, or vice versa, or
where both models shared the same values. Overall volumes were similar, though the
2005 classification was considered to be more liberal near the grade shell boundaries,
and it was determined that some of the documented classification criteria may not have
been strictly followed in the 2005 classification.

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Domain/Zone NN Estimate OK Estimates % Difference
Cu (%) –SOT
Southwest – Far South Va 0.217 0.220 +1.4
Southwest – Va 0.386 0.395 +2.3
Southwest – Qmd 0.040 0.042 +5.0
Southwest – Bridge Cu Shell 0.414 0.426 +2.9
Central Cu shell 0.611 0.613 +0.3
Central background 0.107 0.105 -1.9
South Cu Shell 0.474 0.470 -0.8
South background 0.172 0.172 –
Wedge Cu Shell 0.501 0.485 -3.2
Southwest – Far South Va 0.217 0.220 +1.4
Au (g/t) – SOT
Southwest Au Shell 1.350 1.358 +0.6
Southwest background (Va) 0.323 0.321 -0.6
Southwest background (Qmd) 0.044 0.046 +4.5
Central Au Shell 0.603 0.579 -4.0
Central background 0.074 0.073 -1.4
South Au Shell 0.345 0.344 -0.3
South background 0.077 0.077 –
Wedge 0.054 0.052 -3.8

Ore control activities undertaken through the mining process in the SOT pit enabled a further
validation of the SOT model.

A block-to-block comparison of the resource model to the current ore control model
indicates that the two models are in good agreement. The resource model appears to be a
global predictor of tonnes above the range of cut-offs. At all grade ranges, the resource
model is within 1.0% agreement with the ore control model. The comparison does however
indicate a slight reduction (1.0%) in tonnes above 0.6% copper. However, this grade category
represents only 3.0% of the total tonnes.

A block-to-block comparison of copper grades in the ore control model to the grade of the
resource model indicates that at Cu >0.0% (both models), the ore control grade is
approximately 6.6% higher, (i.e. 0.306% ore control versus 0.287% resource model). This
observation is in-line with the observed results reported by the Oyu Tolgoi open pit team. As
the cut-off is raised, the observed variance (var) also changes from a high of 12% at 0.1% Cu
(var=0.431 ore control model versus var=0.381 resource model) to a low of -3.0% at 0.9% Cu

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 244 of 519

(var=0.960 ore control model versus var=0.989). Again, the negative variations of grade at the
higher grade ranges should be balanced by the relative tonnes in this range.

Model reconciliation will continue to be used to validate and improve the resource
estimations based on actual production data.

Detailed visual validation of the Hugo North block models was performed in plan and section,
comparing resource block grades to original drillhole data. The checks showed good
agreement between drillhole composite values and model cell values. The addition of the
outlier restriction values succeeded in minimising grade smearing.

Block model estimates were checked for global bias by comparing the average metal
grades (with no cut-off) from the model (OK) with means from NN estimates. Results showed a
good relationship (Table 14.39).

Models were also checked for local trends in the grade estimates (swath plot). This was
undertaken by plotting the mean values from the NN estimate versus the OK results for
benches in 30 m swaths and for northings and eastings in 40 m swaths.

The OK estimate would be expected to be smoother than the NN estimate, thus the NN
estimate should fluctuate around the kriged estimate on the plots. The two trends behaved
as predicted and showed no significant trends of copper or gold in the estimates.

Swath plots of uncapped copper estimations along easting, northing, and elevation are
shown in Figure 14.7. The same information for gold estimation is shown in Figure 14.8.

Domain/Zone NN Estimate OK Estimates % Difference

Cu (%) – Hugo North
All Zones 0.896 0.901 -1.0
Qtz-vein Domain 2.712 2.697 -0.5
0.6% Cu Domain 0.938 0.915 0.8
Cu background (outside 0.6%) 0.289 0.289 0.0
Au (g/t) – Hugo North
All Zones 0.255 0.252 -2.6
1.0 g/t Au Zone 1.291 1.243 -2.1
0.3 g/t Au Zone 0.504 0.530 -3.7
Au background 0.127 0.117 -7.8

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140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 246 of 519
Visual inspection of the estimates indicated no significant issues with the model. The
smoothing in the estimates was checked independently. Grade-tonnage predictions
produced for the model show that grade and tonnage estimates were validated by the
change-of-support calculations over the likely range of mining grade cut-off values (0.8%–
1.2% Cu).

The block model estimates were checked for global bias by comparing the OK grades (with
no cut-off) from the model with the NN estimates. No bias was identified.

Local trends in the grade estimates were verified using swath plots. The trends behaved as
predicted and showed no significant bias in the estimates.

A detailed visual validation of the Heruga resource model found that flagging of the drill data
file and the block model was performed correctly. The block model estimates were checked
for global bias by comparing the average metal grades from the model with means from

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 247 of 519

unrestricted NN estimates. No bias was identified.

The distribution of the grades in the model was compared to the distribution of the original
drillhole data, the composites used to build the model, and the declustered NN model. In all
cases, although smoothed due to the kriging interpolation method, the model was found to
reflect the underlying data used to build it. The degree of smoothing occurring within the
model was considered reasonable for the type of deposit and the likely block cave mining

The resource model was also checked for trends and local bias using 50 m swath plots that
compared the restricted OK estimates to NN estimates. The trends behaved as predicted
and showed no significant bias in the estimates.

An initial classification was assigned using a set of rules based on estimation (OK) passes,
distances to nearest composites, and numbers of holes used to inform the block estimates. A
separate ID2 estimation was run for copper grade composites at SOT, which was used to
derive the initial classification in the model. At SOT, the initial block classification was then
assessed and modified with an algorithm designed to eliminate isolated blocks of a particular
classification by ‘switching’ them to majority classification of the surrounding blocks.

At Hugo North, block classification confidence is based on the copper grade variable. A
three pass inverse distance squared (ID2) estimation of Cu composites was used to capture
the distance from a block centroid to the nearest composites; the closest anisotropic
distance was captured from Pass 1 and Pass 2, and the closest Cartesian distance was
captured from Pass 3. For the ID2 estimation the principal mineralised rock types Va, Ign, and
Qmd were treated as one group, and unmineralised rock types BiGd and Rhy were treated
as another group. Contacts between these two groups were treated as hard. The HWS rocks
were not classified. The seven search anisotropy zones used for 2012 copper grade estimation
were used for the ID2 estimation.

At Hugo North, block confidence classification is based on three processes: preliminary block
classification using a script based on distance to a drillhole and number of drillholes used to
estimate a block, generation of probability model for the three confidence categories, and
manual ‘cleaning’ using polygons generated in sectional view.

A series of probability models were generated using the preliminary classification code of ‘1’
for Measured, ‘2’ for Indicated, and ‘3’ for Inferred. Using a threshold value of 50%, the
probability shells were compared to the preliminary classification block code. Boundary
polygons reflecting the three categories were then manually digitised to eliminate the
inclusion of isolated blocks and incorporate geologic and grade continuity. The probability
shells were used as a guide for confidence.

The polygons were then connected to create a 3D solid. Blocks were then recoded as
Measured, Indicated, or Inferred based on these solids.

Mineral Resources were classified based on the criteria outlined in Section 14.3.1.

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In order to assess the value of the total suite of minerals of economic interest in the mineral
inventory, formulae have been developed to calculate copper equivalency (CuEq) based
on given prices and recoveries.

The initial formula used to calculate the copper equivalent (CuEq) grade was developed in
2003 for Hugo North and SOT. There have been numerous variants on the formula used since.

The base 2014 copper equivalent formula incorporates copper, gold, silver, and
molybdenum. The assumed metal prices are $3.01/lb for copper, $1,250/oz for gold,
$20.37/oz for silver, and $11.90/lb for molybdenum. Copper is expressed in block grade in the
form of percentages (%). Gold and silver are expressed in block grades in the form of grams
per tonne (g/t). Molybdenum is expressed in block grades in the form of parts per million
(ppm). Metallurgical recovery for gold, silver, and molybdenum are expressed as percentage
relative to copper recovery.

The unit conversions used in the calculation are:

g/t to oz/t = 31.103477
lb/kg = 2.20462
tonne to lb = 2,204.62
g/tonne to tonne = 1x10-6

This leads to a base formula of:

CuEq14 = Cu + ((Au x AuRev) + (Ag x AgRev) + (Mo x MoRev)† ) / CuRev
† Mo and MoRev are only incorporated into CuEq calculations for Heruga

CuRev = (3.01 x 22.0462)
AuRev = (1,250/31.103477 x RecAu)
AgRev = (20.37/31.103477 x RecAg)
MoRev = (11.90 x 0.00220462 x RecMo)
RecAu = Au recovery/Cu Recovery
RecAg = Ag recovery/Cu Recovery
RecMo = Mo recovery/Cu Recovery

Different metallurgical recovery assumptions lead to slightly different copper equivalent

formulas for each of the deposits; these are outlined in the following tables for SOT, Hugo
North, Hugo North Extension, Hugo South, and Heruga. In all cases, the metallurgical recovery

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assumptions are based on metallurgical testwork. For SOT, actual mill performance has been
used to further refine the recovery assumptions over the life-of-mine. Recoveries are relative
to copper because copper contributes the most to the equivalent calculation.

All elements included in the copper equivalent calculation have a reasonable potential to
be recovered and sold, except for molybdenum. Molybdenum grades are only considered
high enough to support construction of a molybdenum recovery circuit at Heruga, and
hence the recoveries of molybdenum are zeroed out for the other deposits.

Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.794 0.704 0.754 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.887 0.949 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.537 35.63

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 0.45 0.45 29.86
Grade of


Au Grade 0.31 0.166 11.05

Ag Grade 1.23 0.012 0.76
Mo Grade 0 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 0.45 0.31 1.23 0. 0.628 41.67

From Table 14.40 above, the base formula is adjusted as follows:

CuEq14(SOT) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.887) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.92 0.83 0.86 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.906 0.941 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.549 36.43

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.66 1.66 110.16
Grade of


Au Grade 0.34 0.187 12.38

Ag Grade 3.37 0.031 2.08
Mo Grade 27.43 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.66 0.34 3.37 27.43 1.878 124.62

From Table 14.41 above, the base formula is adjusted as follows:

CuEq14(HN) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.906) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.941)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.92 0.84 0.86 0.00
Recovery Relative to Cu 1.00 0.913 0.942 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.553 36.69

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.59 1.59 105.51
Grade of


Au Grade 0.55 0.304 20.18

Ag Grade 3.72 0.035 2.29
Mo Grade 25.65 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.59 0.55 3.72 25.65 1.929 127.98

From Table 14.42 above, the base formula is adjusted as follows:

CuEq14(HNE) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.913) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.942)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.89 0.81 0.85 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.909 0.945 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.551 36.54

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 1.07 1.07 71.00
Grade of


Au Grade 0.06 0.033 2.19

Ag Grade 2.07 0.019 1.28
Mo Grade 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.07 0.06 2.07 1.122 74.48

From Table 14.43 above, the base formula is adjusted as follows:

CuEq14(HS) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.909) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.945)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $3.01/lb $1,250/oz $20.37/oz $11.9/lb
Recovery 0.86 0.79 0.82 0.635
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 0.911 0.949 0.736
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 66.36

Au Credit 1 0.552 36.61

Ag Credit 1 0.009 0.62
Mo Credit 1 0 0.03
Cu Grade 0.42 0.42 27.87
Grade of


Au Grade 0.41 0.226 15.01

Ag Grade 1.47 0.014 0.91
Mo Grade 138.47 0.055 2.67
CuEq Grade & Revenue 0.42 0.41 1.47 138.47 0.70 46.47

From Table 14.44 above, the base formula is adjusted as follows:

CuEq14(HERUGA) =
Cu + ((Au x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.911) + (Ag x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949) +
(Mo x 11.9 x 0.0022046 x 0.736) / (3.01 x 22.0462)

The historical metal equivalence formula developed in 2003 assumed a copper price of
$0.80/lb and a gold price of $350/troy oz, with 100% recovery of both metals. As indicated
above, the OTFS14 metal equivalence formula incorporates updated metal prices and
application of metal recoveries. An applicability check was performed by comparing the
formulae in terms of revenue ($/t) and cut-off grade. The results for Hugo North are shown in
Table 14.45.

Comparative results indicate the CuEq formulae are relatively insensitive to the changes in
prices and application of recoveries since 2003. Using the average grade for Hugo North of
1.66% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au (Table 14.41), the two equivalent copper grades are approximately
equal (1.877 vs. 1.878). The relative differences between the 2003 and 2014 metal
equivalence formulae are approximately 8.0% in terms of revenue measured in $/t. Note that
while silver has been added to the metal equivalence formulae, its relative contribution in
terms of revenue is minor.

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Cu Au Ag Mo
Metal Price $0.8/lb $350/oz 0 0
Recovery 100 100 0 0
Recovery Relative to Cu 1 1 0 0
Conversion Factor 22.0462 0.0321507 0.0321507 0.0022046

% Cu g/t Au g/t Ag ppm Mo CuEq $/t

Cu Credit 1 1 17.64

Au Credit 1 0.638 11.25

Ag Credit 1 0 –
Mo Credit 1 0 –
Cu Grade 1.66 1.660 109.79
Grade of


Au Grade 0.34 0.217 3.83

Ag Grade 3.37 0 –
Mo Grade 27.43 0 –
CuEq Grade & Revenue 1.66 0.34 3.37 27.43 1.877 113.61

Table 14.46 compares revenue ratios for four cases:

 Case 1: 2003 metal equivalence assumptions (price and no recoveries).
 Case 2: 2003 metal price assumptions and OTFS14 metallurgical recoveries.
 Case 3: OTFS14 pricing and no metallurgical recoveries.
 Case 4: OTFS14 pricing and metallurgical recoveries.

Silver was omitted from the comparison because it provides only a minor contribution. The
revenue ratio has low sensitivity to copper grades (and also gold grades). Comparing the
OTFS14 metallurgical recoveries to the 2003 formula recoveries results in a lower CuEq
contribution by gold. When using the OTFS14 metallurgical recoveries (Case 2 vs. Case 4), the
relative differences in CuEq between the two formulas are approximately 1.0% and 5.0% in
terms of revenue ratio (RevAu / RevCu). However, when comparing Case 1 (2003) to Case 4
(OTFS14) the relative difference in CuEq is extended to approximately 2.0% and the
difference in revenue ratio is approximately 14%. Hence, if reserves were stated using the
2003 formula, they would overestimate the contribution of gold to copper equivalent by 9.0%
compared to use of the current formula that incorporates the metals prices and recoveries
used to develop the OTFS14 resources.

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1 2 3 4
Cu $/lb 0.8 0.8 3.01 3.01
Au $/oz 350 350 1,250 1,250
Cu 100 92 100 92
Recovery Au 100 83 100 83
Au/Cu 1 0.91 1 0.91
Cu 36.596692 36.596692 36.596692 36.596692
Au 0.032107 0.029101 0.032107 0.029101
Au 11.24 10.19 40.13 36.38
Revenue Cu 29.28 29.28 110.16 110.16
Ratio 0.38 0.35 0.36 0.33
Cu 1.66 1.66 1.66 1.66
Grade Au 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34
CuEq 1.88 1.86 1.87 1.85

Cut-off grades were determined using Base Data Template 31 (BDT31) assumptions. The Net
Smelter Return (NSR) per tonne of ore needs to equal or exceed the production cost of a
tonne of ore for the mine to break even or make money.

For the underground mine, the break-even cut-off grade needs to cover the costs of mining,
processing, and general and administrative (G&A). A NSR of $15.34 per tonne would be
required to cover costs of $8.00 for mining, $5.53 for processing, and $1.81 for G&A. This
translates to a CuEq break-even underground cut-off grade of approximately 0.37% CuEq for
Hugo North. This cut-off grade has been used for tabulating underground Mineral Resources
in this report.

In the open pit, the mining cost for a tonne of waste is the same as for a tonne of ore.
Therefore, the marginal open pit cut-off grade is determined where a tonne of material
covers the processing and G&A. A NSR of $8.36/tonne would be required to cover process
costs of $6.20 and G&A of $2.16 per tonne. This NSR translates to a copper equivalent
marginal open pit cut-off grade of 0.22% for Southwest ore. This cut-off grade has been used
for tabulating open pit Mineral Resources in this report.

CIM Definition Standards require reported Mineral Resources to have reasonable prospects
for eventual economic extraction. The following subsections address the reasonable
prospects for eventual economic extraction together with commentary on conceptual
mining considerations and other constraints used in tabulating the Mineral Resources.

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Constraining 3D shapes were generated by ascribing positive values that defray mining,
processing, and G&A costs to blocks that have been assigned to Measured, Indicated, and
Inferred (MII) Mineral Resource categories.

In 2014, OT LLC undertook pit optimisation that was used to confirm the current reserve pit
designs. The parameters used for the pit optimisation work are described in BDT31. The metal
prices used were: copper price of $3.01/lb, silver price of $20.37/oz, and gold price of
$1,250/oz. A pit shell was generated from the pit optimisation work using all the estimated
blocks classified as Measured, Indicated, or Inferred. The result was a pit shell (MII Pit Shell)
that was larger than the reserve pit design to be used to constrain the estimates that would
go into the SOT mineral resource reporting.

The reserve pit design contains Inferred Mineral Resources that are ignored in the declaration
of Mineral Reserves. Given that this Inferred material is located within the reserve pit, it is
considered to be amenable to mining and, provided the Inferred blocks are above the
economic cut-off, they are considered to have reasonable prospects of future economic
extraction and thus can be stated as Mineral Resources.

Using the BDT31 prices and other parameters, a marginal copper equivalent cut-off of
0.22% CuEq was calculated for SOT. This cut-off grade represents the point at which the
copper revenue is equal to the processing and G&A costs. The use of a marginal cut-off is
based on industry standard practice. It is calculated assuming that there is a decision point at
the pit rim, if the revenue from processing is less than the cost then the block is assumed to be
waste. As a result, the SOT open pit mineral resources are tabulated at a marginal cut-off
grade of 0.22% CuEq.

Blocks coded as being within the oxide horizon are excluded from the mineral resource on
the basis of being considered to be mineralogically unfavourable within the existing
processing options.

Mining depletion has also been accounted for by using the 2013 year-end mining surface to
constrain Inferred Mineral Resource material reported within the reserve pit design.

The SOT deposit has several mineralised areas beneath the MII Pit Shell that are considered to
be targets for future underground mining. Located within 3 km of the planned Hugo North
underground mine and associated infrastructure, these target areas could also be used for
access to and hoisting or conveying from any underground operation at SOT.

Underground constraining stope-block shapes (based on assumed mechanised block

caving) were defined with at least a 100 m x 200 m footprint for the four areas (Figure 14.9).
Constraining 3D stope-block shapes were outlined based on estimation of economic criteria
that would pay for primary and secondary development, mining, ventilation, tramming,
hoisting, processing, and G&A costs, i.e. the underground stope shape cut-off. In delineating
the constraining stopes-block shapes, a mining costs of $12/t was used, which included
primary and secondary development, mining, ventilation, tramming, and hoisting costs. These
stope-block shapes and the cost assumptions used in generating them have not been

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 257 of 519

updated in this study because the infrastructure built for Hugo North Lift 1, and perhaps in
future for Hugo South, could provide synergies for lower capital intensity underground
development at SOT.

Using the MII Pit Shell and the underground constraining shapes, mineral resources have been
stated for those blocks that are located within the constraining underground cave shapes
and that met a marginal cut-off grade of 0.37% CuEq (Section 14.2.2).

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To assess reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction and to declare
underground resources at Hugo North, an underground resource-constraining shape (the
“reasonable prospects of economic extraction,” or RPEE, shell) was prepared on vertical
sections using economic criteria that would pay for development, block-cave mining,
ventilation, haulage, hoisting, processing, and G&A costs.

A primary and secondary development cost of $8.0/t and a mining, process, and G&A cost
of $12.45/t were used to delineate the RPEE shape cut-off. Using OT LLC’s Base Data
Template 29 (BDT29) gold price of $970/oz and a revised copper price of $3.00/lb, it was
estimated that a 0.50% copper cut-off would return $21.74/t, which would cover the RPEE
shape cut-off costs stated above. The RPEE shell was developed in 2012 and has not been
updated in 2014. The infrastructure built for Hugo North Lift 1 would provide synergies for lower
capital intensity underground development at subsequent Hugo North panels. Mineral
resources within the RPEE shell at Hugo North are reported at a breakeven copper equivalent
cut-off grade of 0.37%.

Estimates classified as Inferred Mineral Resource within the Lift 1 block cave shape are
assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution in the reserve. Thus, they are not treated in the
same way as Inferred Mineral Resources within the open pit final reserve shell.

Inferred Mineral Resources at Heruga and Hugo South have been constrained only by using a
CuEq cut-off of 0.37%.

Once the open pit and underground constraining shapes were generated, resources were
stated for those model cells within the constraining underground stope-block shapes that met
a given CuEq cut-off grade.

Classification was undertaken using a set of rules based on estimation (OK) passes, distances
to nearest composites, and numbers of holes used to inform the cell estimates to establish an
initial classification. A separate ID2 estimation was run for copper grade composites at SOT,
which was used to interpolate the initial classification model. The initial classification was then
assessed and modified with an algorithm designed to eliminate isolated cells of a particular
classification by switching them to majority classification of the surrounding cells.

Confidence categories, contained in the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and

Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, were
applied to the resource block models.

Mineral Resources were classified based on the criteria outlined in the following sections.

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A three-hole rule was applied where cells contained an estimated grade from three or more
composites from different holes, all within 50 m and at least one composite within 30 m of the
cell centroid. These cells were classified as Measured Mineral Resource.

The drillhole spacing over much of the SOT area is approximately 70 m. The drillhole spacing
and geological and grade continuity over this area was considered to support an Indicated
Mineral Resource classification in this area. A two-hole rule was used where cells containing
an estimated grade were required to have been informed by two or more composites from
different holes. Furthermore, for the Southwest zone, the two holes were required to be within
a distance of 75 m, with at least one hole within 55 m of the cell centroid. For the remaining
SOT zones, the two holes were required to be within 65 m with at least one hole within 45 m of
the block centroid.

Estimates in the SOT area with that did not meet the classification criteria for Measured
Mineral Resource or Indicated Mineral Resources were assigned to the Inferred Mineral
Resources category if the cell centroid was within 150 m of a copper composite.

Recent underground drilling has resulted in sufficient confidence in geological and grade
continuity to support Measured Mineral Resources in proximity to underground drillholes.
Blocks classified as Measured Mineral Resources have satisfied the following criteria:
 A three-hole rule was used for OK-estimated Cu blocks with three or more composites
from three different holes, from three different search octants, all within 50 m and at least
one composite within 35 m of the block centroid, all distances from ID2 Pass 1. The
distance used is the closest anisotropic distance.
 Blocks were constrained by the Measured classification solid generated using sectional
interpretation and block probabilities.

The drillhole spacing over much of the Hugo North area is approximately 125 m x 75 m. The
minimum nominal drillhole spacing of 75 m (horizontal) between drillholes and 150 m
between drill lines for Indicated Mineral Resources was determined in the course of a study
on drillhole spacing conducted in 2004. The following conditions need to be met to classify
blocks as Indicated Mineral Resources:
 A three-hole rule was used for OK-estimated Cu blocks not classified as Measured and

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 260 of 519

with three or more composites from three different holes, all within 50 m distance from
ID2 Pass 1. The distance used is the closest anisotropic distance.
 A three-hole rule was used for OK-estimated Cu blocks with three or more composites
from three different holes, all within 150 m and at least one composite within 105 m of the
block centroid, all distances from ID2 Pass 2. The distance used is the closest anisotropic
 A two-hole rule was used for OK-estimated Cu blocks with two or more composites from
two different holes, all within 150 m with at least one hole within 75 m of the block
centroid, all distances from ID2 Pass 2. The distance used is the closest anisotropic
 Blocks were constrained by the Indicated classification solid generated using sectional
interpretation and block probabilities.

All blocks in the Hugo North model with an OK-estimated Cu grade that did not meet the
classification criteria for Measured or Indicated Mineral Resources were assigned to Inferred
Mineral Resources if the block centroid was within 150 m of a composite. The distance used is
the closest Cartesian distance captured from Pass 3 of the ID2 estimation described above.
 Blocks were constrained by the inferred classification solid generated using sectional
interpretation and block probabilities.

There are no Measured Mineral Resources at Hugo South.

Interpolated cells were classified as Inferred Mineral Resources if they fell within 150 m of a
drillhole composite. All mineralisation at Hugo South is currently classified as Inferred Mineral

There are no Measured Mineral Resources at Heruga.

Interpolated cells were classified as Inferred Mineral Resources if they fell within 150 m of a
drillhole composite. All mineralisation at Heruga is currently classified as Inferred Mineral

The summary of the Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Resources is presented in Table 14.47.

Mineral Resources are classified in accordance with the 2010 Canadian Institute of Mining,

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Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral

The Mineral Resources have various effective dates:

 SOT 9 May 2012.
 Hugo North 28 March 2014.
 Hugo South 1 November 2003.
 Heruga 30 March 2010

The contained copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum estimates in the Mineral Resource
tables have not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries. However, the differential
recoveries were taken into account when calculating the copper equivalency formula
explained in Section 14.2.1. The various recovery relationships at Oyu Tolgoi are complex and
relate both to grade and Cu:S ratios.

Mineral Resources were also estimated for trace and impurity elements, including arsenic,
fluorine, and sulfur, as well as the copper, gold, silver, and molybdenum estimates reported in
these tables.

A sulfide mineral abundance model was created for SOT and Hugo North that will allow
improved estimates of geometallurgical modelling and assist with characterisation of tailings
acid rock drainage (ARD) capacity.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 262 of 519

Contained Metal
Tonnage Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
Classification Deposit Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%)
(Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb) (Mlb)
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Deposit – Open Pit (0.22% CuEq Cut-Off)
Measured 432 0.52 0.41 1.37 51.6 0.76 4,984 5,693 19,055 49 7,204
Indicated 740 0.38 0.23 1.12 55.4 0.52 6,282 5,477 26,726 90 8,471
Measured + Indicated 1,172 0.44 0.30 1.21 54.0 0.61 11,266 11,170 45,781 139 15,675
Inferred 390 0.29 0.16 0.87 43.6 0.38 2,465 1,952 10,862 38 3,253
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT) Deposit – Underground (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
Measured 14 0.40 0.78 1.15 38.8 0.83 121 342 509 1.2 250
Indicated 93 0.35 0.59 1.19 34.3 0.67 713 1,766 3,562 7.1 1,386
Measured + Indicated 107 0.35 0.61 1.18 34.8 0.69 833 2,108 4,072 8.2 1,636
Inferred 159 0.39 0.32 0.85 25.4 0.56 1,354 1,638 4,382 8.9 1,985
Hugo Dummett Deposits (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
OT LLC 98 1.97 0.46 4.48 30.3 2.26 4,231 1,446 14,046 6.5 4,865
Measured EJV 1 1.43 0.12 2.86 39.4 1.52 35 4 103 0.1 38
All Hugo North 99 1.96 0.46 4.46 30.4 2.25 4,267 1,450 14,149 6.6 4,902
OT LLC 749 1.56 0.34 3.35 34.3 1.78 25,737 8,268 80,718 57 29,362
Indicated EJV 128 1.65 0.55 4.12 33.6 1.99 4,663 2,271 16,988 10 5,633
All Hugo North 877 1.57 0.37 3.46 34.2 1.81 30,400 10,539 97,707 66 34,994
OT LLC 847 1.61 0.36 3.48 33.85 1.83 29,968 9,714 94,764 63 34,226
Measured +
EJV 129 1.65 0.55 4.11 33.70 1.99 4,698 2,276 17,091 10 5,670
All Hugo North 976 1.61 0.38 3.56 33.83 1.85 34,667 11,989 111,856 73 39,897
OT LLC 811 0.77 0.27 2.34 34.8 0.94 13,807 7,058 60,964 62 16,851
Inferred EJV 179 0.99 0.34 2.68 25.4 1.20 3,887 1,963 15,418 10 4,730
All Hugo North 990 0.81 0.28 2.40 33.1 0.99 17,695 9,021 76,382 72 21,581
Inferred Hugo South 845 0.77 0.07 1.78 66.4 0.83 14,372 1,861 48,406 124 15,384
Heruga Deposit (0.37% CuEq Cut-Off)
Inferred Heruga Javkhlant EJV 1,700 0.39 0.37 1.39 113.2 0.64 14,610 20,428 75,955 424 24,061
Inferred Heruga TRQ 116 0.41 0.29 1.56 109.8 0.61 1,037 1,080 5,819 28 1,565
Inferred (All Heruga) 1,816 0.39 0.37 1.40 113.0 0.64 15,647 21,508 81,774 453 25,626
Oyu Tolgoi All Deposits Grand Total
Measured 544 0.78 0.43 1.93 47.4 1.03 9,372 7,486 33,713 57 12,356
Indicated 1,711 0.99 0.32 2.33 43.4 1.19 37,394 17,782 127,995 164 44,851
Measured + Indicated 2,255 0.94 0.35 2.23 44.3 1.15 46,766 25,268 161,708 220 57,207
Inferred 4,201 0.56 0.27 1.64 75.0 0.73 51,533 35,979 221,805 695 67,830
1. The Mineral Resources include Mineral Reserves.
2. The contained gold and copper estimates in the tables have not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries.
3. The 0.22% CuEq cut-off is equivalent to the open pit Mineral Reserve cut-off determined by OT LLC.
4. The 0.37% CuEq cut-off is equivalent to the underground Mineral Reserve cut-off determined by OT LLC.
5. SOT open pit Mineral Resources exclude material mined in the open pit as at 31 December 2013.
6. CuEq has been calculated using assumed metal prices ($3.01/lb for copper, $1,250/oz for gold, $20.37/oz for silver, and $11.90/lb for molybdenum). Mo grades outside of
Heruga are assumed to be zero for CuEq calculations.
 SOT CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.887) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0.949)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HN (OT LLC) CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.906) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 941)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HN (EJV) CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.913) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 942)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 HS CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.909) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 945)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
 Heruga CuEq% = Cu% + (( Au (g/t) x 1,250 x 0.0321507 x 0.911) + ( Ag (g/t) x 20.37 x 0.0321507 x 0. 949) + (Mo (ppm) x 11.9 x 0.0022046 x 0.736)) / (3.01 x 22.0462)
7. Totals may not match due to rounding.
8. EJV is the Entrée Gold Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant licences are held by Entrée Gold. The Shivee Tolgoi and EJV Javkhlant Licences are planned to be
operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive 80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this depth.
9. Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 263 of 519

Areas of uncertainty that could materially affect the Mineral Resource estimates include the
 Commodity pricing.
 Interpretations of fault geometries.
 Effect of alteration as a control on mineralisation.
 Lithological interpretations on a local scale, including dyke modelling and discrimination
of different Qmd phases.
 Pit slope angles.
 Geotechnical assumptions related to the proposed block cave design and material
 Metal recovery assumptions.
 Dilution considerations.
 Contaminants such as arsenic and fluorine.
 Estimates of operating costs used to support reasonable prospects assessment.
 Changes to drill spacings and number of drillhole composites used to support
classification categories.

Mineral Resources were last publically reported in the 2013 Technical Report March 2013
(2013 OTTR). A comparison of the 2013 OTTR and 2014 Mineral Reserves is shown in
Table 14.48.

The Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources have increased by approximately 80 Mt with
a 2% decrease in Cu grade, a. 0.4% decrease in gold grade, and a 6% increase in silver
grade. This has resulted in a 2% increase in recovered copper, a 2% increase in recovered
gold, and a 10% increase in recovered silver.

A comparison of the 2013 OTTR and 2014 EJV Mineral Reserves is shown in Table 15.9. The
Mineral Reserves have increased by 4.0 Mt with an 8.1% decrease in Cu grade, an 11.3%
decrease in gold grade, and a 0.6% decrease in silver grade. This is matched by a 2.8%
increase in recovered copper, a 0.4% decrease in recovered gold, and an 11.2% increase in
recovered silver.

Relative to the previously reported resources, in copper equivalent (CuEq) terms, this
represents an increase of less than 1% CuEq metal in the Measured and Indicated categories,
and a decrease of approximately 8% CuEq metal in the Inferred category.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 264 of 519

Contained Metal
Tonnage Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
Classification Cu Au Ag Mo CuEq
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (%)
(Mlb) (koz) (koz) (Mlb) (Mlb)
2014 OTTR
Measured 544 0.78 0.43 1.93 47.4 1.03 9,372 7,486 33,713 57 12,356
Indicated 1,711 0.99 0.32 2.33 43.4 1.19 37,394 17,782 127,995 164 44,851
Measured + Indicated 2,255 0.94 0.35 2.23 44.3 1.15 46,766 25,268 161,708 220 57,207
Inferred 4,201 0.56 0.27 1.64 75.0 0.73 51,533 35,979 221,805 695 67,830
2013 OTTR
Measured 466 0.52 0.42 0.96 50.6 0.79 5,335 6,294 14,459 52 8,088
Indicated 1,709 1.08 0.34 2.42 46.2 1.29 40,530 18,496 133,102 174 48,619
Measured + Indicated 2,175 0.96 0.35 2.11 47.2 1.18 45,865 24,791 147,561 226 56,707
Inferred 4,369 0.57 0.26 1.65 76.5 0.76 54,463 36,867 231,442 737 73,103
Absolute Difference (2014 – 2013)
Measured 78 0.26 0.01 0.97 –3.2 0.24 4,037 1,191 19,254 5 4,268
Indicated 2 –0.09 –0.02 –0.09 –2.8 –0.10 –3,136 –714 –5,106 –11 –3,768
Measured + Indicated 80 0.02 0.00 0.12 –2.9 –0.03 901 477 14,147 –6 501
Inferred –168 0.01 0.01 –0.01 –1.5 –0.03 –2,930 –887 –9,637 –42 –5,274
Percentage Difference (2014 / 2013)
Measured 17% 50% 2% 101% -6% 30% 76% 19% 133% 9% 53%
Indicated 0.1% -8% -5% -4% -6% -8% -8% -4% -4% -6% -8%
Measured + Indicated 4% -2% 0.4% 6% -6% -2% 2% 2% 10% -3% 1%
Inferred -4% -2% 2% 0% -2% -4% -5% -2% -4% -6% -7%

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 265 of 519

The Mineral Reserves for the project have been estimated using the SOT and Hugo North
Mineral Resources. Total Mineral Reserves for the project and the OT LLC and EJV Mineral
Reserves for the open pit and underground components of the project are shown in
Table 15.1. The Mineral Reserves for the 2014 OTTR are based on mine planning work
prepared by OT LLC. Mine designs were prepared using industry-standard mining software,
assumed metal prices as described in the notes to the Mineral Reserves, and smelter terms as
set forth in Section 22. The report only considers Mineral Resources in the Measured and
Indicated categories, and engineering that has been carried out to a feasibility level or
better to estimate the open pit and underground Mineral Reserve.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 266 of 519

Deposit by Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Southern Oyu Tolgoi (SOT)
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 621 0.40 0.24 1.13 4,363 3,233 17,122
SOT Total Mineral Reserve 1,031 0.45 0.31 1.23 8,192 7,186 30,890
Hugo Dummett
Probable (Hugo North – OT LLC) 464 1.66 0.34 3.37 15,592 4,199 43,479
Probable (Hugo North – EJV) 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
Hugo North Total Mineral Reserve 499 1.66 0.35 3.40 16,713 4,717 47,070
Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Reserve
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 1,120 0.96 0.29 2.14 21,075 7,951 64,192
Total Mineral Reserve 1,530 0.85 0.32 1.94 24,905 11,903 77,960
1. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
2. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
3. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
4. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
5. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
6. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560m, and 70% above this
9. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
10. Totals may not match due to rounding.

The Hugo North Mineral Reserve contains ore that is on the OT LLC Oyu Tolgoi licence and on
the EJV Shivee Tolgoi licence. The EJV Shivee Tolgoi licence is subject to a joint venture
agreement (EJV) between OT LLC and Entrée Gold. The part of the Mineral Reserve that is on
the Oyu Tolgoi licence and is 100% owned by OT LLC is shown in Table 15.2. The part of the
Mineral Reserve that is on the EJV Shivee Tolgoi licence and is subject to the OT LLC Entrée
Gold joint venture agreement is shown in Table 15.3.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 267 of 519

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 1,086 0.94 0.28 2.09 19,955 7,432 60,602
Total OT LLC Mineral Reserve 1,496 0.83 0.32 1.89 23,784 11,384 74,369
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
6. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
7. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
9. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560m, and 70% above this
10. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
11. Totals may not match due to rounding.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 268 of 519

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven – – – – – – –
Probable 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
Total EJV Mineral Reserve 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
6. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
7. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560m, and 70% above this
9. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
10. Totals may not match due to rounding.

The Mineral Reserves in the SOT Open Pit are shown in Table 15.4. Pit designs were prepared
using industry-standard mining software, assumed consensus metal prices as described
above, and smelter terms as set forth in Section 22. The estimate was prepared on a simplified
project analysis on a pre-tax basis. The report only considers Mineral Resources in the
Measured and Indicated categories, and engineering that has been carried out to a
feasibility level or better to estimate the open pit Mineral Reserve.

The silver grades used and reported by OT LLC in the SOT Open Pit mine planning work for the
2014 Mineral Reserve are the silver grades reported in the 2005 Mineral Resource model for
SOT. This is the result of a timing issue in that the silver grades were not completed when the
mine planning work was undertaken. Subsequent to the mine planning work, the silver grades
in the 2012 resource model were updated and have been reported in the current Mineral
Resources for SOT. As discussed in Section 14, the silver grades in the current resource model
are lower than the 2005 model silver grades. Silver is a by-product and this difference has
been calculated to have an NSR value of approximately $0.10/t. OreWin considers that this is
within the accuracy of the study work and is not a material issue.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 269 of 519

OreWin has therefore concluded that the Mineral Reserve is valid. However it is
recommended that the Feasibility Study review the resource estimates for silver and that the
updated mine planning work take account of any changes to silver and other elements.

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal

(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 621 0.40 0.24 1.13 4,363 3,233 17,122
Total SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserve 1,031 0.45 0.31 1.23 8,192 7,186 30,890
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
6. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.

Mine planning work by OT LLC has continued since the previous Mineral Reserve estimate in
2013. The underground Mineral Reserve has increased by approximately 8 Mt.

The Hugo Dummett underground deposit will be mined by panel caving, a safe, highly
productive, cost-effective method. The deposit is comparable in dimension and tonnage to
other deposits currently being developed by panel cave mining elsewhere in the world. The
mine planning work has been prepared using industry-standard mining software, assumed
metal prices as described above, and smelter terms as set forth in the 2014 OTTR. For Hugo
North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral
Reserves. There is approximately 60 Mt of Measured Mineral Resource that has been
converted to Probable Mineral Reserve. The engineering has been carried out to a feasibility
level or better to estimate the underground Mineral Reserve.

To ensure that Inferred Resources do not become included in the reserve estimate, copper
and gold grades on Inferred Resources within the block cave shell were set to zero and such
material was assumed to be dilution. The block cave shell was defined by a $15/t NSR. Further
mine planning will examine lower shut-offs.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 270 of 519

The Hugo North Mineral Reserve is on both the OT LLC Oyu Tolgoi licence and the EJV Shivee
Tolgoi licence. Total Hugo North Mineral Reserves are shown in Table 15.5 and the OT LLC and
EJV Mineral Reserves are shown in Table 15.6 and Table 15.7.

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal

(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t) Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven – – – – – – –
Probable 499 1.66 0.35 3.40 16,713 4,717 47,070
Total Hugo North Underground Mineral
499 1.66 0.35 3.40 16,713 4,717 47,070
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
6. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this
8. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
9. Totals may not match due to rounding.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 271 of 519

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven – – – – – – –
Probable 464 1.66 0.34 3.37 15,592 4,199 43,479
Total OT LLC Hugo North Underground
464 1.66 0.34 3.37 15,592 4,199 43,479
Mineral Reserve
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
6. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560m, and 70% above this
8. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
9. Totals may not match due to rounding.

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 272 of 519

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven – – – – – – –
Probable 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
Total EJV Hugo North Underground
35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
Mineral Reserve
1. Table shows only part of the Mineral Reserve.
2. Metal prices used for calculating the financial analysis are as follows: long term copper at $3.08/lb; gold at
$1,304/oz; and silver at $21.46/oz. The analysis has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and
treatment charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and
3. For mine planning the metal prices used to calculate block model Net Smelter Returns were copper at
$3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz.
4. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t and the underground (including some mining costs) costs are based on $15.34/t.
5. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes low grade Indicated Mineral Resources and Inferred Mineral Resources, which have
been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
6. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
7. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this
8. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
9. Totals may not match due to rounding.

Key assumptions are summarised below; other assumptions are documented in the
2014 OTTR:
 Metal prices used for calculating the SOT Open Pit NSR and the Hugo North Underground
NSR are copper $3.01/lb, gold $1,250/oz, and silver $20.37/oz based on long-term metal
price forecasts at the beginning of the Mineral Reserve work. Analysis indicates that the
Mineral Reserve is still valid at these metal prices.
 The NSR has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and treatment
charges, deductions and payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical
recoveries, and royalties.
 For the open pit, processing and general and administration operating costs have been
used to determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central
Covellite, and Central Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t.

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 For the underground a footprint cut-off of $15/t NSR and column height shut-off of
$15/t NSR were used to maintain grade and productive capacity.
 For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resource within the shell has been
converted to Mineral Reserve. This includes low-grade Indicated Mineral Resource and
Inferred Mineral Resource assigned zero grade treated as dilution.
 Only Measured Resources were used to report Proven Reserves and only Indicated
Resources were used to report Probable Reserves.
 EJV is the Entrée Gold Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi and Javkhlant licences are held
by Entrée Gold. The EJV Shivee Tolgoi and EJV Javkhlant Licences are planned to be
operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive 80% of cash flows after capital and operating
costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this depth.
 The Mineral Reserves are not additive to the Mineral Resources.
 The underground Mineral Resource cell models used for reporting the Mineral Reserves
are the models reported in the Mineral Resource section of 2014 OTTR. The 2012 SOT
resource model prepared by OT LLC has been used for the open pit Mineral Reserve.

The processing schedule philosophy adopted for the mine planning work assumes feeding
the open pit ore into the plant at an elevated cut-off grade and stockpiling low grade
material for later treatment. This philosophy provides some insulation against metal price
cycles and reduces the risk that the Mineral Reserve size is overestimated.

Mineral Reserves were last publically reported in the 2013 Technical Report March 2013
(2013 OTTR). A comparison of the 2013 OTTR and 2014 Mineral Reserves is shown in Table 15.8.
The Mineral Reserves have decreased by approximately 8 Mt with a 4.5% decrease in Cu
grade, a 3.8% decrease in gold grade, and a 4.7% decrease in silver grade. This is matched
by a 6.0% decrease in recovered copper, a 7.6% decrease in recovered gold, and a 6.1%
decrease in recovered silver.

A comparison of the 2013 OTTR and 2014 EJV Mineral Reserves is shown in Table 15.9. The
Mineral Reserves have increased by 4.0 Mt with an 8.1% decrease in Cu grade, an 11.3%
decrease in gold grade, and a 0.6% decrease in silver grade. This is matched by a 2.8%
increase in recovered copper, a 0.4% decrease in recovered gold, and an 11.2% increase in
recovered silver.

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Case Mineral Reserve Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
2014 OTTR Proven 410 0.54 0.42 1.38 3,829 3,952 13,768
Probable 1,120 0.96 0.29 2.14 21,075 7,951 64,192
Mineral Reserve 1,530 0.85 0.32 1.94 24,905 11,903 77,960
2013 OTTR Proven 433 0.53 0.42 1.37 4,175 4,388 14,860
Probable 1,107 1.02 0.30 2.29 22,311 8,501 68,141
Mineral Reserve 1,539 0.89 0.34 2.03 26,486 12,889 83,001
Difference Proven –23 0.00 0.00 0.00 –346 –435 –1,092
Probable 14 –0.06 –0.02 –0.15 –1,235 –551 –3,949
Mineral Reserve –9 –0.04 –0.01 –0.10 –1,581 –986 –5,042
% Difference Proven –5.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.3% –8.3% –9.9% –7.4%
Probable 1.3% –6.3% –5.3% –6.5% –5.5% –6.5% –5.8%
Mineral Reserve –0.6% –4.5% –3.8% –4.7% –6.0% –7.6% –6.1%
1. 2013 OTTR Mineral Reserves have the effective date 25 March 2013.
2. 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report Mineral Reserves have the effective date 20 September 2014.
3. Metal prices used for calculating the SOT Open Pit Net Smelter Return (NSR) and the Hugo North underground
NSR are as follows: copper at $3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz, all based on long-term metal
price forecasts at the beginning of the Mineral Reserves work. The analysis indicates that the Mineral Reserves
are still valid at these metal prices.
4. The NSR has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and treatment charges, deductions and
payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and royalties.
5. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t.
6. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes Indicated Mineral Resources below the resource cut-off grade. It also includes Inferred
Mineral Resources, which have been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
7. For SOT only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated
Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. The SOT Open Pit Mineral Reserves are Mineral Reserves in the pit at 1 January 2014. It does not include
9. For Hugo North Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves
(no Measured Mineral Resource for Hugo North in 2013 OTTR).
10. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560 m, and 70% above this
11. The base case financial analysis has been prepared using the following current long term metal price
estimates: copper at $2.87/lb; gold at $1,350/oz; and silver at $23.50/oz. Metal prices are assumed to fall from
current prices to the long term average over five years.
12. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.

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Case Mineral Reserve Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
2014 OTTR Probable (EJV) 35 1.59 0.55 3.72 1,121 519 3,591
2013 OTTR Probable (EJV) 31 1.73 0.62 3.74 1,090 521 3,229
Difference Probable (EJV) 4 –0.14 –0.07 –0.02 31 –2 361
% Difference Probable (EJV) 11.7% –8.1% –11.3% –0.6% 2.8% –0.4% 11.2%
1. 2013 Mineral Reserves have the effective date 25 March 2013.
2. 2014 Oyu Tolgoi Technical Report Mineral Reserves have the effective date 20 September 2014.
3. Metal prices used for calculating the SOT Open Pit Net Smelter Return (NSR) and the Hugo North underground
NSR are as follows: copper at $3.01/lb; gold at $1,250/oz; and silver at $20.37/oz, all based on long-term metal
price forecasts at the beginning of the Mineral Reserves work. The analysis indicates that the Mineral Reserves
are still valid at these metal prices.
4. The NSR has been calculated with assumptions for smelter refining and treatment charges, deductions and
payment terms, concentrate transport, metallurgical recoveries and royalties.
5. For the open pit processing and general administration, the following operating costs have been used to
determine cut-off grades: Southwest at $8.37/t, Central Chalcocite, Central Covellite, and Central
Chalcopyrite at $7.25/t.
6. For the underground block cave, all Mineral Resources within the shell have been converted to Mineral
Reserves. This includes Indicated Mineral Resources below the resource cut-off grade. It also includes Inferred
Mineral Resources, which have been assigned a zero grade and treated as dilution.
7. Only Measured Mineral Resources were used to report Proven Mineral Reserves and only Indicated Mineral
Resources were used to report Probable Mineral Reserves.
8. EJV is the Entrée Joint Venture. The Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are held by Entrée. The
Shivee Tolgoi Licence and the Javkhlant Licence are planned to be operated by OT LLC. OT LLC will receive
80% of cash flows after capital and operating costs for material originating below 560m, and 70% above this
9. The base case financial analysis has been prepared using the following current long term metal price
estimates: copper at $2.87/lb; gold at $1,350/oz; and silver at $23.50/oz. Metal prices are assumed to fall from
current prices to the long term average over five years.
10. The Mineral Reserves reported above are not additive to the Mineral Resources.

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The 2014 OTTR Mineral reserves are reported as at 31 December 2013. OT LLC undertook pit
surveys and reported the depletion from the SOT Mineral Reserve as at 30 June 2014. The
remaining Mineral Reserve within the SOT Pit is shown in Table 15.10. The Reserve depletion
from 31 December to 30 June 2014 is shown in Table 15.11. The survey calculation of the Ore
mined with the grades from the grade control model is shown in Table 15.12, and the
reconciliation of the depletion and ore mined is shown in Table 15.13.

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal

(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Southern Oyu Tolgoi Deposits (Remaining In Pit)
Proven 398 0.54 0.41 1.38 3,726 3,785 13,343
Probable 617 0.40 0.24 1.13 4,333 3,210 17,001
Mineral Reserve (Proven + Probable) 1,015 0.45 0.30 1.23 8,059 6,995 30,344

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal

(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Proven 12 0.46 0.59 1.39 103 167 425
Probable 5 0.35 0.22 1.06 29 23 121
Reserve Depletion 17 0.43 0.48 1.30 133 190 546

Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal

(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Survey Jan–June 2014 Ore Mined 17 0.43 0.48 1.30 132 192 547
Stockpile Inventory 20 0.35 0.19 0.96 129 93 485

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Classification Ore Cu Au Ag Recovered Metal
(Mt) (%) (g/t) (g/t)
Cu Au Ag
(Mlb) (koz) (koz)
Reserve Depletion 17 0.43 0.48 1.30 133 190 546
Survey Jan - June 2014 Ore Mined 17 0.43 0.48 1.30 132 192 547
Reconciliation 0.1% -0.1% -0.8% 0.0% -0.6% 1.1% 0.1%

The Mineral Reserve reported for NI 43-101 is also applicable for reporting the Ore Reserve
under the US SEC Industry Guide 7. OreWin estimated the Oyu Tolgoi Mineral Reserves for the
NI 43-101 2014 OTTR, which are based on feasibility study work. The definitions of the Mineral
Reserve classifications under NI 43-101 are the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM) Definition
Standards – For Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, Prepared by the CIM Standing
Committee on Reserve Definitions and adopted by CIM Council on 11 December 2005. The
definitions below are quoted from the CIM Definition Standards – For Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves, page 5.

After consideration of guidelines and other information regarding the declaration of Reserves
for the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (US SEC) reporting, OreWin
considers that the 2014 OTTR is suitable for declaring a Reserve as defined in US Industry
Guide 7.

Documentation underlying Mineral Reserves determined in accordance with Industry Guide 7

generally includes the following:
 A ‘final’ feasibility study.
 Utilisation of the historic three-year average price for the commodity that expected to
be mined in determining economic viability.
 Primary environmental analysis has been submitted to government authorities.

OT LLC is in an advanced stage of project financing with a core lending group of financiers
for an approximately $4.0 billion project-finance facility. The core lenders group is comprised
of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Export Development Canada,
International Finance Corporation, BNP Paribas and Standard Chartered Bank, US Ex-Im Bank
and its adviser, Standard Bank, the World Bank Group’s Multilateral Investment Guarantee
Agency and the Australian Export Finance and Insurance Corporation.

TRQ has advised OreWin that bids have been received from a number of banks that would
allow OT LLC to achieve its project financing target and discussions are ongoing with the
lenders to finalise the terms of those offers. The project financing is subject to the unanimous
approval of the OT LLC Board of Directors, which includes representatives from the GOM and
the financiers are aware of this requirement. OreWin therefore considers it reasonable to

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conclude that the bankable study test in US SEC Industry Guide 7 has been met.

The base case financial analysis has been prepared using current long-term metal price
estimates of:
 Copper $3.08/lb
 Gold $1,304/oz
 Silver $21.46/oz

The 2005 SME Guide Section 53 describes how the Test Price for commodities should be
"If a Mineral Reserve is reported using a price lower than the test price, the forward-
looking discounted cash flow must be positive, and the Reserve Sensitivity Test (based
on an undiscounted cash flow) need not be performed. When applicable, a statement
should be made that a Reserves Sensitivity Test was completed, or that such a test was
not applicable."

The metal prices for the previous three years, their average and the metal prices used for the
Mineral Reserve estimates are shown in Table 15.14. The sensitivity analysis using the three year
averages shows the after tax NPV8% of US$9,635 million compared to the base case
US$7,430 million. The results are improved compared to the base case financial analysis, as
the averages for the copper, gold and silver prices are higher. This indicates that the Mineral
Reserve is still valid at the three year average prices.

Cu Au Ag
Year Ended
($/lb) ($/oz) ($/oz)
2012 3.61 1,669 31.15
2013 3.34 1,411 23.79
2014 3.15 1,288 20.13
Average 3.37 1,456 25.02
Reserve NSR 3.01 1,250 20.37
Base Case Financial Analysis 3.08 1,304 21.46

The 2007 SME Guide Section 56 describes how the permitting and legal requirements of
US SEC Industry Guideline 7 should be applied. It indicates that:
"To demonstrate reasonable expectation that all permits, ancillary rights and
authorisations can be obtained, the reporting entity must show understanding of the
procedures to be followed to obtain such permits, ancillary rights and authorisations.
Demonstrating earlier success in getting the necessary permits can be used to

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document the likelihood of success."

Based on the understanding of the procedures and the history of permitting, it is considered
reasonable to assume that the final environmental permitting will be granted without resulting
in a change to the Reserve.

OT LLC has completed a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)
for Oyu Tolgoi. The culmination of nearly 10 years of independent work and research carried
out by both international and Mongolian experts, the ESIA identifies and assesses the
potential environmental and social impacts of the project, including cumulative impacts,
focusing on key areas such as biodiversity, water resources, cultural heritage, and

The ESIA also sets out measures through all project phases to avoid, minimise, mitigate, and
manage potential adverse impacts to acceptable levels established by Mongolian
regulatory requirements and good international industry practice, as defined by the
requirements of the Equator Principles, and the standards and policies of the International
Finance Corporation (IFC), European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and
other financing institutions.

Corporate commitment to sound environmental and social planning for the project is based
on two important policies: TRQ's Statement of Values and Responsibilities (March 2010), which
declares its support for human rights, social justice, and sound environmental management,
including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948); and The Way We
Work 2009, Rio Tinto’s Global Code of Business Conduct that defines the way Rio Tinto
manages the economic, social, and environmental challenges of its global operations.

OT LLC has commenced the development and implementation of an environmental

management system (EMS) that conforms to the requirements of ISO 14001:2004.
Implementation of the EMS during the construction phases will focus on the environmental
policy; significant environmental aspects and impacts and their risk prioritisation; legal and
other requirements; environmental performance objectives and targets; environmental
management programmes; and environmental incident reporting. The EMS for operations will
consist of detailed plans to control the environmental and social management aspects of all
project activities following the commencement of commercial production in 2013. The
Oyu Tolgoi ESIA builds upon an extensive body of studies and reports, and DEIA’s that have
been prepared for project design and development purposes, and for Mongolian approvals
under the following laws:
 The Environmental Protection Law (1995).
 The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (1998, amended in 2001).
 The Minerals Law (2006).

These initial studies, reports and DEIA’s were prepared over a six-year period between 2002
and 2008, primarily by the Mongolian firm Eco-Trade LLC, with input from Aquaterra on water

The original DEIA’s provided baseline information for both social and environmental issues.
These DEIA’s covered impact assessments for different project areas, and were prepared as

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separate components to facilitate technical review as requested by the GOM.

The original DEIA’s were in accordance with Mongolian standards and while they
incorporated World Bank and IFC guidelines, they were not intended to comprehensively
address overarching IFC policies such as the IFC Policy on Social and Environmental
Sustainability, or the EBRD Environmental and Social Policy.

Following submission and approval of the initial DEIA’s, the GOM requested that OT LLC
prepare an updated, comprehensive ESIA whereby the discussion of impacts and mitigation
measures was project-wide and based on the latest project design. The ESIA was also to
address social issues, meet GOM (legal) requirements, and comply with current IFC good

For the ESIA the baseline information from the original DEIA’s was updated with recent
monitoring and survey data. In addition, a social analysis was completed through the
commissioning of a Socio-Economic Baseline Study and the preparation of a Social Impact
Assessment (SIA) for the project.

The requested ESIA, completed in 2012, combines the DEIA’s, the project SIA, and other
studies and activities that have been prepared and undertaken by and for OT LLC.

Mongolia has its own system for reporting Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources. OT LLC
registered a Mineral Reserve with the GOM in 2009. A key difference between the two
standards is the classification of material contained in Hugo North Lift 2, Hugo South and
Heruga under Mongolian standards as reserves. This contrasts to the Canadian National
Instrument (NI) 43-101 definitions, which include only SOT and Hugo North Lift 1 in the Mineral
Reserve category.

The system is based on a review by Mongolian experts in a number of disciplines. A significant

difference between the Mongolian system and NI 43-101 is that, under the Mongolian system,
resources and reserves are not valid until registered by the GOM. A committee of Mongolian
experts examines a report prepared by the Owner using a set of guidelines and then, based
on a consensus of nominated experts, a recommendation is made to the Minister for Mineral
Resources and Energy.

The recommendation to the Minister states the resources and reserves and any conditions.
The Minister then issues an order registering the resources and reserves. OT LLC have
submitted an update of the Mongolian Mineral Resource and Reserve to the GOM, which is
based on the production and costing in a production case assuming that the plant is not
expanded and that additional mines are developed (2014 LOM Case).

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In the 2013 Pit Slope Management Programme (PSMP) nine boreholes were drilled totalling
4,120 m, using conventional geotechnical mud rotary and coring methods. The boreholes
were drilled from surface to a maximum depth of 600 m at inclinations between 55° and 65°
from the horizontal. Some of the boreholes were equipped with time domain reflectometry
(TDR) and hydrogeology monitoring instrumentation (vibrating wire piezometers). Some of the
holes were also used for packer testing and geophysical logged using acoustic televiewer

The drilling programme was completed at the end of 2013, and analysis of the drilling and
hydrogeology data is still ongoing. The pit slope design has not changed.

In terms of pit slope monitoring, prism monitoring has been implemented with two robotic
total stations (RTS) installed on opposite sides of the pit. The pit, dumps, and stockpiles are all
monitored regularly.

Pit slope stability investigations and design for the Oyu Tolgoi open pit mine were originally
completed by SRK (Australia) in 2005. In May 2009, OT LLC retained Golder Associates Limited
(Golder) to carry out a review of the proposed pit slope designs. In mid-2010, OT LLC
commissioned Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation (T&I) to lead a study to examine the
hydrogeological and geotechnical conditions of the open pit area to determine the
anticipated pit slope performance and design criteria, the expected groundwater
conditions, and dewatering and slope depressurisation requirements for the planned pit
sequence. T&I prepared scopes of work and engaged three consulting firms, Golder,
Schlumberger Water Services (Schlumberger), and Aquaterra, to complete the study. The
work was intended to provide feasibility level geotechnical assessment for the first seven
years of planned mining and pre-feasibility level assessment for Year 8 through the planned
life-of-mine (LOM).

Golder conducted the following field investigations from 4 December 2010 to

21 February 2011:
 Drilled 12 new geotechnical core holes (denoted OTD1629/GT01 to OTD1640/GT12) with
core orientation.
 Collected rock samples for laboratory testing.

OT LLC performed ATV surveys in the 12 new geotechnical holes and in 14 existing open pit
exploration holes. Golder interpreted the survey results to determine structural data.
Aquaterra completed the hydrogeological field testing (packer testing) on the geotechnical
drillholes, and Schlumberger provided pit wall pore pressure predictions.

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Two main rock zones are present in the open pit area: the Weathered Zone and the
Bedrock Zone. Field assessment of rock hardness, point load tests, and laboratory rock test
results indicated that the rocks found within the Weathered Zone are weak and those within
the Bedrock Zone are moderately strong to very strong; uniaxial compressive strength (UCS)
values are shown in Table 16.1. The basalt, granodiorite, andesite, and rhyolite dykes are the
strongest rock units (UCS values varying from 62–133 MPa), followed by the porphyritic augite
basalt, quartz-monzodiorite, dacite, and conglomerate rocks (R4, 50 MPa < UCS < 100 MPa).
The siltstone-sandstone, ignimbrite, and fault zone rocks have the lowest strengths. The
average fresh and altered ignimbrite UCS tests indicated moderately strong rock (R3, UCS in
the range of 25–50 MPa).

Based on the rock mass classification system, rock mass quality is expected to be fair within
the Weathered Zone (40 <RMR <60). Within the Bedrock Zone, the main rock masses to be
exposed on the pit walls are estimated to be generally of good rock mass quality (RMR >60).
The ignimbrite may show fair rock mass quality where the argillic alteration is more intense.
Fair to poor rock mass quality is expected within some fault zones (Figure 16.1). The intrusion of
dykes on the ‘old’ faults, like the Solongo fault, improved the rock mass conditions, creating
fair to good rock mass quality.

Zone Hardness Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS)

Weathered Zone Weak R2, 5 MPa <Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) <25 MPa
Bedrock Zone Moderately strong; to R3, 25 MPa <UCS < 50 MPa
Very strong R5, UCS >100 MPa

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Limit equilibrium stability assessments were carried out for rock mass failure, considering the
potential for circular and bi-linear failure surfaces formed by the combination of the major
geological structures and through the rock mass. Based on the recommended inter-ramp
slope angles, the stability analyses confirmed that the overall pit wall would exhibit a Factor
of Safety (FS) higher than the accepted criterion of FS = 1.3, even when considering a lower
overall rock mass strength with a disturbance factor of 0.7. A more conservative inter-ramp
angle was recommended within the ignimbrite.

Given the strong, fair to good rock quality of the rock masses and the results of the limit
equilibrium analyses, the main consideration for rock slope failure will be structurally
controlled mechanisms (kinematics) at either a small scale (i.e. wedge fallout from benches)
or a larger scale (i.e. slope failure along persistent joints or faults).

The structural data collected from the geotechnical and reconciled exploration drillholes
were used to develop and assess seven structural design domains, labelled West, East, South,
Solongo, Southwest, Northwest, and Middle. The locations of these structural domains were
predominantly based on the orientations of major faults, lithological boundaries, and rock
mass quality. Where required, these domains were further subdivided into sub-domains based
on the rock type. For example, the East domain, corresponding to the east wall of the Central
and South pits, was sub-divided into the sediments and intrusive structural sub-domains.

Based on stereonets generated for each structural domain, kinematic analyses were
conducted to investigate structurally controlled failure in rock slopes―planar, wedge, and
toppling failures. Each domain was analysed kinematically every 30° to cover all wall
orientations expected to daylight through the different phases of mining.

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Feasibility level pit slope design recommendations were made for each design domain,
considering the proposed bench face angles (BFA, or batter angle) and berm widths based
on the rock mass quality and the structural controls. For simplicity, three BFA angles were used
in the design: 60°, 65°, and 70°. BFA = 65° corresponds to fair rock mass quality and some
structural controls. BFA = 60° corresponds to areas with high structural controls, and BFA = 70°
to areas with minimum structural controls and good rock mass quality. In addition, the pit
design recommendations considered vertical separation of single (15 m) or double (30 m)
benches, berm widths varying from 7.5–15 m, and inter-ramp angles (IRA) of 38°–52°.

The convention used to define the orientation of each design sector was the wall dip
direction, which corresponds to the direction perpendicular to the wall when looking into the
pit. However, these orientations were redefined because the Oyu Tolgoi team uses a
programme that requires the strike of the wall, which would be equivalent to the wall dip
direction of minus 90°, to be considered as well.

The resulting design criteria recommendations are summarised as follows:

 Single, 15 m bench height (or batter) configuration in all rock slopes.
 Maximum BFA of 65° in Weathered Zone.
 Average BFA of 70° in Bedrock Zone.
 Minimum berm width of 7.5 m.
 Where structural controls are present, other berm widths of 9.0 m, 12 m, and 15 m to
match the recommended IRA angles.

Figure 16.2 shows a typical inter-ramp bench design. The pit slope design recommendations
for the geotechnical domains are listed in Table 16.2, followed by a summary of the
geotechnical parameters for domains in weathered rock in Table 16.3.

In its review, Golder suggested that applying the slope angles over extended wall heights was
not appropriate at the current stage of design because drillholes are the primary source of
data and no structural mapping has been performed. Therefore, Golder recommends that
the final and interim walls be subdivided into a series of bench stacks, either by providing haul
road traverses or by including geotechnical berms at least 15 m wide or more at about 90 m
vertical intervals (six benches x 15 m high). These berms would also protect personnel from
potential major rock falls, allow for horizontal drain hole water controls, provide some flexibility
in wall development, provide access for instrumentation, and allow for periodic bench clean-

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The rock mass is expected to exhibit low to very low hydraulic conductivity; however,
Schlumberger recommended that long horizontal drains be installed to ensure adequate
depressurisation behind the pit walls. Pore-pressure monitoring will be required to investigate
whether natural (or gravitational) drainage is adequate or if sub-horizontal drains are
required. Installation of additional piezometers may be required for this monitoring.

Surface drainage ditches should be maintained along the outside perimeter of the pit to
collect and convey surface water away from the pit slopes in areas where water run-off
could affect the stability of the pit face.

For the overburden, slope stability will also vary with slope height and overburden thickness. It
was recommended that the slopes be fully dewatered and then excavated with different
slopes as a function of height, varying from 2.4H:1V for 30 m high slopes to 0.8H:1V for <5 m
high slopes.

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Wall Dip From 000° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330°
Direction To 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 360°
Wall Strike From 270° 300° 330° 000° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240°
Direction To 300° 330° 360° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270°
1_5 West (Combined) GT_DOMCODE = 1
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 8.5 8.5 8.5 13.5 17.5 13.5 13.5 16 15 12.4 12.4 8.5
IRA 47 47 47 38.3 33 38.3 38.3 35 36 40.3 40.3 47
2_2 East (Volcanic) GT_DOMCODE = 2
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 9 9 9 11 11 12 12 7.5 7.5 9 9 9
IRA 46 46 46 42 42 41 41 49 49 46 46 46
2_3 East (Intrusive) GT_DOMCODE = 3
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 8 8 8 11 11 11 14 8 8 9 8 8
IRA 48 48 48 42 42 42 37 49 49 46 48 48
2_4 East (Sediment) GT_DOMCODE=4
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 8 8 9.5 11 15 9.5 7.5 7.5 9.5 9.5 7.5 7.5
IRA 48 48 45 42 36 45 52 52 45 45 52 52
3_2 South (Volcanic) GT_DOMCODE = 5
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 7.5 10.6 11 13.5 13.5 13.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
IRA 50 43 41 38 38 38 52 52 52 52 49 49
3_3 South (Intrusive) DOMS = 6
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 7.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 10 10 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
IRA 50 39 38 38 44 44 52 52 52 52 52 49
3_4 South (Sediment) – 2_4 GT_DOMCODE = 7
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 9 9 10 11 16 9.5 7.5 7.5 9.5 9.5 7.5 7.5

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Wall Dip From 000° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330°
Direction To 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330° 360°
Wall Strike From 270° 300° 330° 000° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240°
Direction To 300° 330° 360° 030° 060° 090° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270°
IRA 46 46 45 42 35 45 52 52 45 45 52 52
4_5 Solongo (Combined) GT_DOMCODE = 8
BFA 70° 70° – – – – – – – – 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 – – – – – – – – 15 15
Berm Width (m) 7.5 11 – – – – – – – – 7.5 7.5
IRA 50 42 – – – – – – – – 50 50
5_5 Southwest (Combined) GT_DOMCODE = 9
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° – – – – – – – 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 – – – – – – – 15
Berm Width (m) 7.5 11 17.5 17.5 – – – – – – – 7.5
IRA 51 42 33 33 – – – – – – – 51
6_5 Northwest (Combined) GT_DOMCODE = 10
BFA - 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° – – – – –
Bench Height (m) - 15 15 15 15 15 15 – – – – –
Berm Width (m) - 14.4 14.4 14.4 12.5 12.5 8 – – – – –
IRA - 37 37 37 40 40 48 – – – – –
7_5 Middle (Combined) GT_DOMCODE = 11
BFA 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70° 70°
Bench Height (m) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Berm Width (m) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 12 12 11 11 8 7.5 7.5
IRA 52 50 50 51 51 41 41 42 42 48 52 52

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Domain BFA Bench Height Berm Width IRA GT_DOMCODE
(m) (m)
1 West 65° 15 12 38° 65°
2 East 65° 15 9 42° 65°
3 South 65° 15 9 42° 65°
4 Solongo 65° 15 9 42° 65°
5 Southwest 65° 15 13.5 37° 65°
6 Northwest 65° 15 13.5 37° 65°
7 Middle 65° 15 9 42° 65°
Solongo Fault 65° 15 8 45.0° 13
Overburden 65° 15 8 45.0° 65°
Note: Current design inter-ramp slope angle varies by domain.

Golder reviewed the updated phased pit shells from the geotechnical viewpoint. Golder
developed a preliminary hazard model, which was subsequently refined by the Oyu Tolgoi
planning team by applying the following individual hazard ratings, varying from 0–2, for the
SOT pit slope design:
 Rock mass rating (RMR) values:
- RMR 0–20: hazard rating = 1.
- RMR 21–40: hazard rating = 0.75.
- RMR 41–60: hazard rating = 0.5.
- RMR 61–80: hazard rating = 0.25.
- RMR 81–100: hazard rating = 0.
 Rock type:
- Ignimbrite: hazard rating = 1.
- Sediments: hazard rating = 0.75.
- Other rocks: hazard rating = 0.
 Proximity to fault type of alteration:
- Clay: hazard rating = 1.
- Chlorite: hazard rating = 0.6.
- Sericite: hazard rating = 0.4.
 Variation of inter-ramp angle:
- 36°–38°: hazard rating = 2.
- 38°–42°: hazard rating = 1.6.
- And so on until >50°: hazard rating = 0.

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An overall hazard index was estimated by summing all the individual hazard ratings; the index
varies from 0–6. As an example, a pit wall located close to faults, with poorer rock mass
quality and argillic alteration, would receive a high hazard index rating.

The overall hazard index mapping identified the following areas as having higher
geotechnical hazards:
 Rhyolite fault separating the Central and Southwest pit areas.
 Inclined AP01 fault daylighting on the southern wall of the Central pit.
 Occurrence and proximity to the other major faults, including the Solongo fault.
 Occurrence of the potentially weaker ignimbrite rock mass on the East domain.
 Unfavourable dipping (and continuous) major set on the West wall of the final pit.

The hazard index mapping was also used to assist in determining the best locations for the
switchbacks of the ramps.

Slightly conservative pit slope configurations in areas with high hazards are recommended. As
a result, the geotechnical hazards (and risks) are considered to be low for the recommended
slope design. Small bench-scale failures can be expected locally where structural conditions
are unfavourable or blasting practices are poor. Additionally, seasonal variations in
temperature such as winter freeze and spring thaw may adversely affect bench stability and
increase rock fall hazards.

The open pit mine area has been divided into 10 phases. Three-dimensional (3D) stability
numerical analyses were carried out for two critical periods over the LOM―2021 (end of
Phase 3) and 2038 (end of Phase 8) using Flac3D© software.

The 3D results indicate that the proposed pit walls are expected to be stable based on the pit
shell configurations, material properties, and groundwater conditions considered in these
analyses. These results confirmed the results of the two-dimensional (2D) limit equilibrium
stability assessments that were carried out on 10 representative cross-sections.

The 3D numerical analyses also indicated that while faulting clearly influences the patterns of
deformation in the pit slopes, complex 3D failure mechanisms associated with faulting were
not predicted at the end of 2021 (Phase 3) or 2038 (Phase 8).

Areas where yielding and ground movements were predicted, were relatively localised within
the pit walls and did not extend to pit infrastructure on the ground surface.

Recommendations related to operational considerations include:

 Double-benching to maximise slope angles.
 Controlled blasting with pre-split blasting to maximise slope angles.
 Thorough bench clean-up and scaling using equipment that can safely reach the crest
of the bench.

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With the exception of the eastern walls within the ignimbrite, double-benching may be
possible if the bench faces are clean and stable to enable safe drilling and excavation.

For practical reasons, the Oyu Tolgoi team decided to use four berm widths in design: 7.5 m,
9.0 m, 12 m, and 15 m. However, berm widths of 10.5 m and 13.5 m, for example, could be
considered for the final wall to increase the IRA by 1–2ºº in some design sectors.

A geotechnical drilling programme was conducted as part of the 2013 Pit Slope
Management Programme (PSMP), targeting the areas for mining in the next three to
five years within the Southwest mineralisation boundary to better define pit slope angles. A
better understanding of the geological conditions in the field is particularly important for
setting the pit slope parameters for Phases 4, 5, and 9.

The purpose of the 2013 geotechnical drilling programme was to increase the confidence
level of “orebody knowledge” for the geotechnical model, particularly in relation to the
establishment of Phases 4 and 5. This was achieved through the collection and interpretation
of geotechnical and geophysical drillhole data. The drilling programme results will be
assessed to determine the potential to steepen the pit slope angle (inter-ramp slope angle).

Data collected from the geotechnical drilling programme will be used for several purposes:
obtaining structural geological information by orientating the core; sampling for subsequent
laboratory testing of rock and defect strength properties; installation of vibrating wire
piezometers; time‒domain reflectometry monitoring; and packer testing in selected
boreholes for hydrogeological monitoring.

The hydrogeological outcomes are fully integrated into the geotechnical analysis, using
sophisticated 2D and 3D numerical techniques. The objective is to provide pit wall design
parameters that are compatible with achievable depressurisation targets relative to the mine
excavation schedule.

The 2013 geotechnical drilling programme included nine boreholes totalling 4,120 m, using
conventional geotechnical mud rotary and coring methods. The borehole locations are
shown in Figure 16.3. The boreholes were drilled from surface to maximum depth of 600 m, at
inclinations of between 55° and 65° from the horizontal. Some of the boreholes were
equipped with Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and hydrogeology monitoring
instrumentation (vibrating wire piezometers). Some of the holes were also used for packer
testing and geophysical logged using Acoustic Televiewer (ATV).

The drilling programme was completed at the end of 2013, and analysis of the drilling and
hydrogeology data is still ongoing. Pit slope design has not changed.

An Ace tool core orientation device was run down the boreholes as part of the PQ core
barrel assembly. Triple-tube core barrels that allow the core to be hydraulically pumped out
from the splits were used to preserve the quality of the core prior to logging.

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ATV images provide a valuable and independent method for evaluating in situ geology. The
data generated have extensive applications for geotechnical, hydrogeological, geophysical
and geological purposes. The methodology or “classification scheme” for interpreting the
raw images is critical to achieve the best outcomes for future use of the data.

Packer testing was carried out to assess the variability of a borehole as it intersects various
hydrogeological units. The objective of this investigation is to determine the natural hydraulic
conductivity of bedrock. The testing was done to help understand the detailed
hydrogeological properties of the various horizons; proper design of the hydrogeological

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programme will help in developing a plan for in-pit sump pumping, refining the design as
required, ensuring the right equipment is ordered, and constructing the hole.

Monitoring piezometers (multiple levels) were installed to infill critical data gaps of the existing
piezometers in the open pit area. The ongoing data are required to support pit design work.

Vibrating wire piezometers (VWP) are pressure transducers, which when installed within an
open borehole and sealed with a cement-bentonite grout, allow water pore pressure to be
measured. Piezometers were installed in the geotechnical boreholes to:
 Monitor the passive response of in- pit slope pore pressures due to the advance of
mining, the reduction of hydraulic head in the pit, and the effects of rock mass
 Collect, update, and validate the current pit slope pore pressure models and also feed
into future planned FS level slope design work. At present, no piezometers are installed in
slopes of the active phases of the mine.
 Monitor for possible transient increase in bedrock groundwater pressures and flux rates
due to occasional Undai recharge events and later to monitor the response / benefit
attained in the bedrock system from implementing the diversion (piezometers between
the Undai River and the west pit wall).
 Provide a baseline of groundwater pressures that can later be used to assess whether a
front of recharge and increased pore pressure occurs as the TSF expands (piezometers
between the planned TSF and the east wall).

The hydrogeological study currently underway is being conducted by Schlumberger Water

Services (SWS) and Aquaterra RPS. The objectives are to improve the understanding of the
hydrogeological conditions directly within the mine footprint and also external to the ultimate
pit; and to develop a predictive pore pressure capacity to be used in the assessment of pit
wall stability and also of external impacts on, or by, the Undai River and tailings storage

The hydrogeological field programme (packer test) was carried out in six boreholes and
involved 3,500 m diamond drilling with in situ downhole testing in each hole to quantify the
hydrogeological characteristics of targeted fault / dyke structures and the rock mass fabric.
Each hole will also be completed as either standpipe monitoring wells or cemented vibrating
wire pressure transducers.

At the end of the field programme, a 3D district hydrogeological model will be developed to
provide a predictive capacity in assessing groundwater conditions. The requirements for
depressurisation of the pit walls will be assessed, water inflows will be predicted, and
strategies will be developed for pit water management and depressurisation.

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OT LLC carried out the mine planning and scheduling work for the Oyu Tolgoi open pits. This
work included the integration of the underground plans.

The OTFS14 work is based on metallurgical parameters and BDT31.

The mining model was created from the latest resource model (mpst15.v9). The recovered
copper, gold and silver grades, and the NSR were calculated for each block. The calculated
NSR was stored in a mining model and used for open pit optimisation.

The NSR is the revenue paid for the concentrate at the mine gate, and excludes costs for
mining, processing, and G&A. NSR is the in situ value after allowances have been made for:
 Recovery to concentrate
 Smelter deductions
 Concentrate transport
 Smelter treatment and refining charges
 Royalties

The resulting NSR values were used to classify the ore blocks in the pit optimisation process.
The NSR values for the 2014 OTTR were calculated using the parameters described in
Table 16.4. The NSR calculation does not include penalties for impurities such as arsenic and
fluorine. The penalties have been minimised through blending in the production schedule
and are accounted for in the financial analysis.

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Parameter Copper Gold Silver
Payment and Deductions
Metal Prices US$3.01lb US$1,250.00/oz US$20.37/oz
Payment Levels 96.0% of full Cu content If >30 g/dmt then 90%
<1 g/dmt, 0%
of full Ag content
– <3 g/dmt, >1 g/dmt, –
90% of Au content
– <5 g/dmt, >3 g/dmt, –
94% of Au content
– <10 g/dmt, >5 g/dmt, –
95% of Au content
– <15 g/dmt, >10 g/dmt, –
96% of Au content
– <20 g/dmt, >15 g/dmt, –
97% of Au content
– >20 g/dmt, 97.5% of Au –
Deductions Minimum one unit/dmt N/A All <30 g/dmt
Treatment and Refining
Treatment – $80/dmt –
Refining and PP $0.080/lb $8.00/oz $0.45/oz
Price Participation $0.00/lb – –
Penalties Arsenic: No penalty to 3,000 ppm. Thereafter $2.00/dmt penalty per
1,000 ppm. Rejection level 5,000 ppm.
Fluorine: No penalty to 1,000 ppm. Rejection level 1,000 ppm.
GOM 5.0% of payable metal value + IVN Royalty 2.0% –
(non tax-deductible)
Moisture Content 8.0% – –
Transportation $25.00/wmt – –

The pit optimisation was completed by OT LLC using the current resource model. Only
resources classified as Measured or Indicated were used in the optimisation. Inferred
resources were treated as waste.

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The pit phase selection was based mainly on the incremental revenue factors. The following
key metallurgical and production constraints were also considered:
 Concentrator operational constraints require that Central ore be delayed until adequate
production quantities of ore from Hugo North underground are available for optimum
 The Southwest phases need to provide enough ore to fill concentrator production until
 The goal for Phase 1 was to achieve 45 Mt of ore with a high value. Phase 2 targeted
100 Mt of ore.
 The pit shells for Phases 4–5 were determined in a similar fashion by subsequently
expanding the pit out of Phase 2 at the minimum 80 m bench width. The goal is to reach
the bottom of the gold core as soon as possible.
 Phases 8 and 9 are mainly a pushback designed to trim Phase 10.
 Phase 10 is the ultimate pit.

The open pit design work focused on the Southwest and Central zones of the SOT deposit.
The zones fall within the following pit phases:
 Phase 1 Southwest
 Phase 2 Southwest
 Phase 3 Southwest
 Phase 4 Southwest
 Phase 5 Southwest
 Phase 6 Central
 Phase 7 Central (predominately chalcocite) and Southwest
 Phase 8 Southwest limit with Central (stripping phase)
 Phase 9 Southwest
 Phase 10 All SOT zones

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The objection of the phase design strategy was to minimise the early mining costs and
maximise the economic return. The following design objectives were also considered for the
design of the internal pit phases:
 The first five phases were limited to the Southwest orebody. This allows for the prioritisation
of the Southwest ore in the schedule. A minimum mining width of 80 m between each
 Two exit haul roads per phase.
 General haul road design parameters of 40 m haul road width and 10% haul road

A plan view of the 10 pit phases is shown in Figure 16.4.

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The open pit mining inventory is summarised by pit phase in Table 16.5.

Phase Ore Waste Strip NSR Cu Au Ag F As Total

(Mt) (Mt) Ratio ($/t) (%) (g/t) (g/t) (ppm) (ppm) Material
Phase 1 23 4 0.18 58.41 0.59 1.09 1.54 2,205 8.69 27
Phase 2 52 24 0.45 42.83 0.51 0.69 1.38 2,040 10.50 76
Phase 3 41 48 1.15 31.12 0.56 0.16 1.73 1,894 70.92 89
Phase 4 103 146 1.42 30.34 0.42 0.42 1.26 1,719 20.58 249
Phase 5 151 261 1.73 24.28 0.38 0.27 1.13 1,583 41.65 412
Phase 6 55 70 1.27 23.17 0.60 0.08 1.38 2,018 197.88 125
Phase 7 92 85 0.93 22.39 0.54 0.12 1.17 1,934 187.37 177
Phase 8 60 233 3.85 21.04 0.45 0.05 0.91 1,886 139.91 293
Phase 9 33 198 5.95 21.89 0.33 0.30 1.00 1,360 19.37 232
Phase 10 420 801 1.91 26.65 0.44 0.33 1.23 1,728 75.57 1,221
Total 1,031 1,870 1.81 27.34 0.45 0.31 1.23 1,770 78.52 2,901
Note: As at 31 December 2013.

The open pit mining operations are scheduled for nominally 365 per annum. It was assumed
that 15 days per annum will be lost due to unscheduled delays due to weather conditions.
The open pit equipment will operate 24 hours per day in two 12-hour working shifts.

The effective utilisation for the equipment will depend on the performance of the
maintenance and operation teams. The open pit time-use categories are shown in
Table 16.6.

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Area Parameter Unit Haul Electric Hydraulic Front-
Trucks Shovel Shovel End
Maintenance Available Time (availability)
Percent % 88.00 88.00 88.00 88.00
Available Hours per Year h/a 7,709 7,709 7,709 7,709
Operations / Utilised Time (use of availability)
Percent % 85.2 88.0 88.0 78.7
Utilised Hours per Year h/a 6,569 6,783 6,783 6,069
Operations Efficiency
Operating Delay % 20.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Operating Hours per Year h/a 5,255 5,087 5,087 4,552
Effective Utilisation % 60 58 58 52

Based on operating requirements, OT LLC has prepared a comprehensive labour roster that
includes local and expatriate personnel. Figure 16.5 shows the anticipated numbers of local
and expatriate personnel as the national workforce ratio increases over the years. Total
labour decreases significantly when the open pit production rate drops from 110 Mtpa to
60 Mtpa in year 2023.








Expat Labour National Labour

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The open pit mine is a conventional shovel and truck operation. OT LLC’s workforce carries
out the drilling, loading, hauling, and dumping. The equipment maintenance is conducted
under Service Agreements with the original equipment manufacturers’ in-country dealers.

The 2014 OTTR assumes the use of 34 m3 diesel hydraulic shovels, 56 m3 electric rope shovels,
and 290 t class diesel trucks. The equipment estimates are based on the specifications and
data provided by the equipment suppliers in their submissions to the OT LLC tender process.

The equipment fleet requirements at start up and at five-year intervals are listed in Table 16.7.
The shovel and drill hours are based on equipment productivities. Truck hours are derived
from the cycle time estimates and shovel numbers.

Unit 2014 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055
Shovel – 34 m3 Hydraulic Diesel – RH340 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shovel – Rope Electric – 495HR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
FEL – WA1200 18 m3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Trucks for Tailings (290 t) 7 7 14 11 8 10 13 13 17 0
Truck 290 t – 930E-4SE 21 21 28 15 13 18 25 31 39 54
Production Drill – Diesel – PV-351D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Production Drill – Electric – PV-351E 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Caterpillar 24M 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1
Caterpillar 16M 3 3 5 4 2 4 3 5 6 3
Komatsu D475 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 3 8 13
Komatsu D375 4 4 4 4 2 3 3 3 3 1
Komatsu WD600 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Komatsu HD785WT 2 2 4 4 2 3 3 4 4 4
Komatsu PC600 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2
Komatsu WA500 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
Komatsu WA250 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 3 4 3
HM400 Service Trucks 2 2 4 3 2 2 3 3 4 2
CAT735 Service Truck 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1

Production blast holes are drilled 16.5 m deep x 311 mm diameter. The OT LLC team designs,
fires, and monitors the blasts, while a contractor provides down-the-hole services, including
the supply and storage of explosives. It is assumed that ammonium nitrate fuel oil (ANFO) is
used in dry holes and high-density explosives (RIOFLEX) in wet holes. Given the prevailing
conditions, up to 90% of holes so far have been found to be wet, requiring the use of 90%
high-density explosives for blasting.

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Almost all materials within the open pit are assumed to be blasted; free digging is only
possible in the first or second benches covered by weathered or clay material.

Two of the production drills are diesel units and two are electric. As replacements are
required, one diesel drill will be maintained in service and the other will be replaced with an
electric power drill.

Table 16.8 shows the drilling and blasting design parameters.

Drilling Parameter Unit Dry Wet

Drillhole diameter mm 311 311
Pure penetration rate m/h 42.0 42.0
Collar penetration rate m/h 20.9 20.9
Bench height m 15.0 15.0
Burden m 8.4 8.4
Spacing m 9.7 9.7
Subdrill m 1.5 1.5
Total hole depth m 16.5 16.5
Effective minutes per hour min 60 60
Effective hole volume bcm 1,222 1,222
Collar time per hole min 6.0 6.0
Drilling time per hole min 23.6 23.6
Steel change time per hole min 0.5 0.5
Setup time per hole min 1.5 1.5
Total time per hole min 31.6 31.6
Holes per hour holes/h 1.9 1.9
Re-drills % 5 5
Effective production bcm/h 2,207 2,207
Density t/m3 2.8 2.8
Effective drill rate per hour m/h 29.8 29.8
tph 6,090 6,090
t/a 53,350,205 53,350,205
Proportion of Pattern Type % 10 90
Average Annual Production ktpa 30,634 30,634
Effective Utilisation % 57.4 57.4

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The primary loading fleet consists of two 34 m3 diesel hydraulic shovels and two 56 m3 electric
rope shovels. Generally, one of the shovels will be used to mine ore from the lower pit
benches and the others will be used to strip waste for the development of the next phase.
Also in operation are two 18 m3 front end loaders (FEL).

Table 16.9 shows loading fleet data used for production scheduling.

56 m3 Bucket Shovel 34 m3 Bucket FEL 18 m3 Bucket FEL

Annual production (Mtpa) 30.7 20.1 5.1

The LOM requirements for haul trucks are shown in Figure 16.6.

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The designs for active waste dumps assume a swell factor of 30% for the material delivered
from pit benches, considering natural sorting and 10% compaction of the dumps. It is also
assumed that the blasted waste rock will settle at the natural angle of repose of 37°. The plan
is to build the dumps in 15 m high lifts, forming 30 m high benches with 40 m wide haul roads
at 10% grade. The dump height is designed to a maximum of 70 m, or the 1,230 mRL, based
on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) submitted to the GOM in 2007. However, an
additional 15 m lift would be required on the West and South dump for additional capacity to
provide flexibility for non-acid-forming (NAF) placement and the tailings stockpile.

The design criteria consider selective placement of rock on the dumps to ensure that
potentially acid forming (PAF) waste is isolated from stream sediments to eliminate the risk of
off-site migration of ARD post-closure. The designs include the following:
 Placement of a three metre thick initial NAF lift on the western half of the dumps, in an
area where the surface does not contain clay.
 Placement of a 1–3 m thick NAF cap on the reclaimed dump surface to mitigate the
effects of erosion and to inhibit water penetration into the dump.

The following dumps have been designed:

 Tailings stockpile (TSF dump) – This dump stores NAF oxide and sediment material to be
used in the construction of the tailings storage facility (TSF). This stockpile is dynamic, with
material dumped from the open pit being removed for TSF construction as required.
 West waste dump – This dump overlies some clay material and the adjacent Undai River;
primarily used for storing PAF material.
 South waste dump – Approximately half of this dump area overlies clay and so does not
require the NAF bottom lift. This dump can be managed to store different types of
material depending on cycle times and waste rock characteristics.
 SOM dump – This dump stores any oxide material that contains copper grades greater
than 0.25%.

The optimised mine plan requires the milling cut-off grade to be raised, which relies on the
ability to stockpile the ore mined to date from the open pit. As of the end of 2013,
approximately 18 Mt of ore have been stockpiled. The stockpile has been divided into three
categories: high-grade (HG), medium grade (MG), and low grade (LG). Of the total
stockpiled, 0.8 Mt have been allocated to HG, 11 Mt to MG, and around 6.2 Mt to LG.

The LG and MG stockpiles are part of the mine planning strategy to optimise project value
and are categorised as mining reserves. These stockpiles will continue to grow, while the HG
ore will be fed to the concentrator on start-up.

The waste dump and stockpile designs consider an overall slope angle of 18° after
reclamation. The designs and a cross-section of the dump design geometry are shown in
Figure 16.7 and Figure 16.8, and the ultimate capacities of the dumps and stockpiles are
listed in Table 16.10.

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57,340 kt

52,465 kt
121,896 kt
TSF Cells
TSF Dump
78,786 kt

West Dump
84,136 kt

Undai River
810,143 kt

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Waste Dump Capacity (Mt)
TSF Dump (East) 79
West Dump 84
South Dump 810
SOM Dump 52
Total Waste 1,026
Low Grade Stockpile 122
Medium Grade Stockpile 57
Total Stockpile 179

As the open pit deepens, it is planned to install diesel-powered pumps for pit dewatering. The
water will be pumped to a dam at the process plant. Pumps have been sized depending on
pit depths. Figure 16.9 shows the dewatering system for the open pit. Pumping requirements
are dependent on the mining schedule. Pump replacement and repair allowances are
included in the operating costs. The pump requirement estimates are based on the bench
positions of each pit phase in each year.

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The Hugo North, Hugo South, and Heruga orebodies are planned to be mined by
underground panel caving methods. OTFS14 states that the designs first three panels
(Panels 0–2) of the Hugo North Lift 1 mine has been completed at feasibility study level.

Hugo North Lift 1 will commence production in 2019 and ramp-up to produce an average of
95 ktpd. To support mining of Hugo North Lift 1, two declines included in 203 km of lateral
development, five shafts, 6.8 km of vertical raise-boring, and 137,000 m3 of mass excavations
will be undertaken.

A significant change from the previous underground designs is that OT LLC has determined
that a conveyor decline will be developed as the primary materials handling method. OT LLC
determined that the change was NPV neutral, capital costs were in line with the shaft
haulage option and operating costs would be slightly lower. The total conveying and hoisting
capacity from the underground is planned to be approximately 140 ktpd. OT LLC have
indicated that the primary advantage of the decline is that it will provide an upside
opportunity to take advantage of potential improved productivity and increased production
from Lift 1 or early access to a block cave on Hugo South or a future Hugo North Lift 2.

In total, 499 Mt will be mined at a grade of 1.66% Cu and 0.35 g/t Au. Figure 16.10 illustrates
the planned mine development superimposed with site layout, Figure 16.11 illustrates an
isometric of the mine design, and Figure 16.12 illustrates the annual tonnage profile.

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The first underground development at Oyu Tolgoi started with sinking the bulk sample Camel
Well shaft (3.6 m diameter x 74 m deep) in the open pit area between October 2004 and
January 2005. Surface works for the first shaft to access the Hugo North deposit, Shaft 1,
began in February 2004, and sinking started in February 2005. The 1,300 m level station was
reached in October 2007, with the station developed and sinking continuing to a final depth
of 1,385 m by January 2008. A temporary bucket loadout arrangement was fitted by
March 2008 to support off shaft lateral development.

Two kilometres of horizontal development from Shaft 1 were completed initially, primarily to
provide access to and geotechnical characterisation of the orebody and the surrounding
conditions to support the Pre-feasibility Study. This development was subsequently expanded
in parallel with the beginning of the Feasibility Study in 2010, focusing on additional data
gathering to support studies as well as advancing pre-production access. In 2012, after the
completion of 11 km of horizontal development, the Shaft 1 bucket hoisting arrangement was
converted to a skip-and-cage arrangement to support a more intensive development and
construction programme. A total of 16 km of lateral development was undertaken from
Shaft 1 before the underground project was placed into care and maintenance in
August 2013.

Lateral development performance has been very good, with advance rates matching and
exceeding feasibility study rates and excavation and ground support being of high quality.

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Ground conditions and response to mining have been as expected. Negligible water has
been intersected.

Surface works for Shaft 2, a 10 m finished diameter shaft, began in July 2006 and was placed
on hold in December 2007. Shaft 2 works recommenced in April 2010 and by August 2013,
Shaft 2 sinking reached a depth of 1,167 m. Shaft-sinking is now adjacent to underground
development and is ready for breakthrough upon restart, which will establish an independent
second means of egress and additional ventilation. Ground conditions have been as
expected with negligible water intersections.

A surface-to-underground raisebore was commenced in mid-2010 adjacent to Shaft 1, with a

planned 500 m upper leg and 800 m lower leg. Significant challenges were encountered
while both piloting and reaming, and the raise excavation was abandoned. The ventilation
strategy for the underground project was reviewed and changed, resulting in removal of all
surface-to-underground raisebores previously planned for the project in preference to sinking
an additional shaft (Shaft 5). Shaft 5, a 6.7 m finished diameter shaft, commenced surface
works in August 2012 and sinking in April 2013. At August 2013, sinking had reached a depth of
208 m, progressing on schedule with ground conditions as expected.

Hugo North is considered to be highly suitable for the caving method of mining.
Three caveability assessments were undertaken for OTFS14 using the Laubscher Modified
Rock Mass Rating (MRMR) rock mass classification system, the Mathews extended stability
chart, and Flac 3D numerical modelling. The risks associated with caveability and
propagation are considered to be low. High stress conditions, a highly fractured rock mass,
and a large caving footprint are key factors. Surface subsidence analysis does not raise any
concern for surface infrastructure in place or planned.

Fragmentation analysis illustrates fine fragmentation with all geotechnical domains.

Secondary breaking requirements are not expected to pose a risk to production schedule
ramp-up or full production rates.

Predicted abutment stresses are considered to be high, and focus has been placed on
optimising mine design and ground support to manage excavation stability.

The predicted fracture limits (determined as the point of having a notable impact on key
infrastructure such as hoisting shafts) by the end of mining Hugo North Lift 1 are shown by the
red outline in Figure 16.13. A fence will be constructed 100 m outside this red outline to restrict
access. The subsidence angles are predicted to be nearly vertical at the northern and
southern limits of the cave, where confinement is highest, and are approximately 55° in the
east and west, where confinement is lowest. All shafts and permanent infrastructure are
planned to be situated outside the predicted fracture limits.

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Note: fracture limits = thick red line.

Shaft 1 is closest to the fracture limits. Shaft 1 will be used as a hoisting shaft until the Shaft 2
loadout and primary crusher are commissioned by early 2019. Thereafter the primary function
of Shaft 1 is for intake ventilation. This provides additional contingency against an
unexpectedly larger cave subsidence damage area, as a bald concrete lined shaft can
withstand higher ground movement than a shaft reliant on the close tolerances of operating
hoisting infrastructure.

The OTFS14 drilling programme, which concentrated on the cave initiation area and the first
four years of production ramp-up, provided critical characterisation data and confirmed that
the Hugo North orebody is highly faulted and sheared. In situ stress measurements estimated
at the extraction horizon are high: σ1 = 58 MPa (sub-horizontal with a dip direction of 055°),
σ2 = 33 MPa (sub-horizontal with a dip direction of 145°), and σ3 = 27 MPa (sub-vertical). An
analysis of geotechnical domain data confirmed that a lithology basis for domain assignment
remains valid. Laubscher rock mass rating (RMR) values for the different lithologies vary
between 43 and 53.

Stress orientations have been calculated, with the sub-horizontal major principal stress
bearing towards 055°. The in situ stress regime, summarised in Table 16.11, represents the latest

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version from the geotechnical assessment in the study.

The rock mass strengths of the orebody units were divided by a range of mining stress levels as
predicted from the cave-scale modelling: isolated drifts under in situ stresses (60 MPa),
average abutment stresses (80 MPa), and high abutment stresses (100 MPa). Results indicated
that closure strains up to 5.0% were possible from high abutment stress loading on the
extraction and undercut levels.

Depth Range σ1 σ2 σ3
(m) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
Linear 0-1,330 0.049z 0.028z 0.022z
Domain 1 0-600 0.047z 0.031z 0.024z
Domain 2 600-800 0.071z – 13.95 0.012z + 11.08 0.027z – 1.59
Domain 3 >800 0.031z + 17.50 0.026z – 0.33 0.015z + 7.66
Note: z = depth below surface.

The Hugo North orebody is a highly jointed rock mass classed as fair to poor. The rock mass of
MRMR 40–45 is caveable at HR >20–23, or at approximate dimensions of 80 m x 80 m to
100 m x 100 m. Other key points from the analysis include:
 Major faulting will significantly influence caving and should promote cave propagation.
 Stress caving is likely to dominate the cave propagation.
 The rock mass is caveable, with a predicted critical hydraulic radius of approximately 20–
23 m to sustain continuous caving for median rock mass conditions.

To best manage the risk of drive and pillar damage from high abutment stresses and the
highly fractured orebody, the footprint design has been divided into three production panels.
The footprint layout is shown in Figure 16.14.

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Panel 1

Panel 0

Panel 2

The design was influenced by the following key geotechnical criteria:

Principal Stress:
 Undercut face perpendicular or sub-perpendicular to principal stress direction of 055°
strike: This provides lower stress conditions immediately in front of the undercut face, and,
coupled with drive pillars parallel to principal stress as mentioned above, provides highest
 Extraction drives parallel or sub-parallel (±20°) to principal stress direction of 055° strike:
This provides best use of the clamping forces from the high horizontal stress on the major
apex to improve pillar stability. It also improves the development quality and advance
rate of extraction panel drives, undercut drill drives, and apex inspection drives.

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 Undercut face intersecting major structure at an angle, not parallel, to structure: A key
structure in the central and southern areas of the footprint is the north-south trending
Lower Fault. Key structures in the northern area of the footprint are the H Fault, trending
north-east–south-west, and other similar faults parallel to the West Bat and Contact faults,
which are major orebody bounding faults.
 Extraction drives intersecting major structure at an angle, not parallel, to major structure.
This provides best conditions for development quality and advance rate, along with long
term stability of key development openings.

Undercut Stability:
 Undercut length under 350 m: Longer undercut faces increase the number of active
undercut drives that are required to operate in series, increasing the risk of one undercut
drive delaying the retreat of the undercut face. Additional active undercut drives add
complexity and congestion. Long undercut faces are considered to aid in concentration
of undercut stresses near the centre of the undercut face.
 Undercut rate of retreat greater than 80 mpa, or 7.0 m per month, as measured along
the undercut drill drive: Slower undercut retreat rates increase the time dependent stress
deterioration along the zone in front of the undercut face, in particular the half blasted
pillar area that establishes the undercut lead-lag.
 Undercut lead-lag of 10 m (±1) undercut blast (2.5 m): Larger lead-lags increase the half-
blasted pillar area in front of the undercut face, increasing the risk of ground damage
and collapse.
 Implementation of the Wide W undercut design with apex level: The Wide W design
increases the volume of undercut pillar and major apex pillar, improving pillar and drive
stability. The apex level, elevated above the undercut level with drives located along the
peak of the major apex pillar, provides several benefits, including improved ability to
inspect undercut blasts, swell void for the toe area of undercut blast rings, a platform for
monitoring the undercut amount of swell mucking, and an additional platform for
remedial drilling of unblasted stubs. These operational benefits decrease the risk of
undercut delay causing stress loading and potential damage and collapse.

To implement the design criteria over the Hugo North Lift 1 footprint, a three-panel approach
was adopted. This approach includes two panel boundaries. The northern panel boundary
between Panel 0 and Panel 1 changes in undercut orientation and development drive
orientation, as illustrated in Figure 16.15. The panel interfaces are not ideal, but are
considered manageable and have often been used at several operations in the past. These
boundaries are in isolated areas and are a lesser problem than ongoing issues with long
undercut faces and slow-moving caves.

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Undercut pillars next to the advancing cave front are likely to experience vertical stresses on
the order of 45 MPa. Sigma 1 comes into the undercut face in a horizontal direction from a
bearing of 055° (normal to the cave front) and angles down through the undercut pillars at
up to 110 MPa, then reduced to in situ levels two or three pillars (30–45 m) behind the
undercut front. These stresses result in high modelled closure strains (up to 5.0%) immediately
at the undercut front and lower strains (2.0%–5.0%) behind the undercut face.

Figure 16.16 illustrates the undercut blasting area and cave front. The 10 m lead-lag shown
between adjacent undercut drives to manage stress build-up near the undercut face results
in an undercut face orientated at 70° to the undercut and extraction drive. The minimum
undercut retreat rate (along an undercut drive) will be 7.0 m per month to prevent stress
build-up and management of time-dependent ground deterioration.

The 4.0 m wide x 4.2 m high undercut drives spaced every 28 m are considered to be
supportable and adequate. Apex inspection drives, located 17 m above the undercut level
and spaced every 28 m, are situated along the peak of the major apex pillars and are

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considered important in managing successful undercutting activities.

Based on geotechnical modelling and cave flow models, 28 m x 15 m drawbell spacing with
an El Teniente layout was selected. Pillar stability and recovery were major factors in selecting
the drawpoint spacing. To promote interactive draw, drawcone centroids within a drawbell
are spaced 10 m apart. Layout parameters are illustrated in Figure 16.17.

The advanced undercut sequence allows the extraction level panel drives to be mined
ahead of the undercut face. A safety zone running the length of the undercut face will be
established on the extraction level underneath the advancing undercut face. This zone will
be 34 m wide, starting 17 m, or 45°, in front of the undercut, and ending 17 m, or 45°, behind
the undercut face. The development of the drawpoint drives will begin 17 m behind the
undercut face, and full drawbell excavation will begin at least 60° behind the undercut face.
This is shown in Figure 16.18.

The 4.5 m wide x 4.5 m high extraction panel drives spaced every 28 m, and the
4.5 m wide x 4.2 m high drawpoint drives, are considered to be supportable and adequate.

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Modelling suggests haulage level excavations could be subject to short term abutment
stresses of up to 100 MPa associated with the passing of the leading edge of the cave. Stress
levels along the haulage drives are reduced to 60–70 MPa underneath the active cave, then
increase to 80–90 MPa once draw ceases. Because of its orientation relative to σH, stresses at
the north limb haulage level are approximately 10 MPa lower than at the south limb for all

Over time, immediately below the haulage level, stresses are modelled to increase to
100 MPa or higher and remain at elevated levels. This suggests that the haulage drives are
near the bottom of the stress shadow beneath the cave.

The main production orepasses are located along the central axis of the footprint strike. As
illustrated in Figure 16.19, each orepass system is configured in a ‘Y’ shape where two 2.8 m
diameter x 15 m long upper orepass legs (each supporting tonnage from one extraction
drive) feed ore through a small storage bin into one 3.5 m diameter x 13 m long lower orepass
leg. A truck chute is used to load material from the base of the 3.5 m diameter raise into
haulage trucks.

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Geotechnical modelling of this arrangement, including exposure to elevated passing
abutment stresses, illustrated highest stresses building in the area where the two upper
orepass legs converge into the storage bin Y junction. To manage, the distance (or the pillar)
between the converging upper orepass legs has been designed at a minimum of five metres.
The orepass design is considered supportable and stable. From a geotechnical perspective,
the short length of orepass legs minimises the time duration between excavating and
installing steel lining, which aids in managing the risk of time dependent orepass failure. The
mid-level access also provides an extra working platform if pre or post-support is required.

Different support regimes are proposed as a function of the anticipated ground conditions
and induced stress regimes that may be encountered during the development and
operation of the Lift 1 caves.

Two main support categories are specified for heading profiles, relating to ‘Good’ ground
(Rock Mass Rating) and ‘Poor’ ground. For on-footprint development, 80% of the ground is

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classified as Good and 20% as Poor. For off-footprint development, 90% of the ground is
classified as Good and 10% as Poor. A review of geotechnical conditions for on-footprint
development carried out late in the Feasibility Study programme indicated that a split of 60%
Good ground and 40% Poor ground may be more representative. The costing of the
underground has used the 60% Good ground and 40% Poor ground assumption.

The following ground support elements are included in all ground support designs:
 Fibre-reinforced shotcrete between 50–100 mm thickness, having a minimum UCS of
20 MPa in 72 hours; 30 MPa in seven days; and 40 MPa in 28 days.
 Rock bolts 25 mm diameter, threaded, fully-encapsulated resin-grouted thread bars with
a minimum yield strength of 200 kN. All rock bolts will have a standard bearing and
domed face plates. The minimum bolt length is 2.4 m.
 Cable bolts installed at all intersections will be 18 mm and 22 mm single-strand cables
with a minimum yield strength of 331 kN and 510 kN, respectively, installed with a high-
tensile domed face plate. For zones of high deformations such as on footprint or
strainburst-prone rock masses, cables are to be installed with a two metre debonded
section at the collar and pre-tensioned to 10 tonnes. Cable bolts are also installed in any
drive profile greater than 6.0 m wide.
 The ground support for all major excavations (namely the crusher chambers, ore bins,
etc.) have been designed to minimise the deformations predicted by the modelling and
to avoid any later rehabilitation, which will be extremely difficult to undertake due to
either construction or production activities.

The ground support recommendations proposed are based on the anticipated average
ground conditions and stress regime; hence, these are minimum support requirements and
additional ground support may be required where the conditions demand. Additional
ground support elements include:
 An additional shotcrete layer from floor to floor will be applied for poor ground
classification and for extraction-level and haulage-level drives for added support and to
embed mesh layer.
 Debonded cable bolts will be installed in high-stress areas such as extraction drives and
haulage drives.
 A yielding rock bolt, diamond/chain mesh, and debonded cable bolt installation is
proposed for the strain prone zones.
 Strapping on the extraction level, installed around pillar ribs including bullnoses and
camel backs, will be the OSRO/Cable strap design.
 Steel will be installed in each drawpoint on the extraction level to support drawpoint
drive and brow area.

Underground development support recommendations have been standardised for all

heading types and ground conditions.

The proposed cave monitoring system includes a micro-seismic system, Time Domain
Reflectometers (TDR), extensometers, and open drillholes. Cave flow monitoring systems
comprise Smart Markers, Network Markers, and Cave trackers (Elexon Pty Ltd) installed

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primarily down surface drillholes. These systems are safeguards against potential hazards and
increase the understanding of cave flow for adjusting draw strategy to optimise recovery.

Panel caving has been the basis for underground mine planning at Hugo North since order-
of-magnitude studies were carried out in 2005. The weak, massive nature of the orebody and
its location between 700 m and 1,400 m below surface make it well suited both
geotechnically and economically to the large-scale caving method of underground mining.
Caving requires a large early capital investment but is highly productive and has low
operating costs. The long operating life of the mine supports this initial capital investment.

Hugo North Lift 1 will use the panel caving mine method to extract ore, which will be
transported through a shaft hoist and conveyor to a surface ore handling system. The Lift 1
mining levels are approximately 1,300 m below surface. The orebody has average dimensions
of 2,000 m long x 280 m wide. A total of 2,231 drawpoints are planned to be developed within
the mining footprint, accessed from 52 extraction drives.

The mine design consists of 203 km of lateral development, five shafts, and two decline
tunnels from surface. Five shafts are required to provide access for mining personnel and
equipment, for production, and for intake and exhaust ventilation-ways. The primary life of-
mine ore handling system will transport ore to surface by a series of conveyors to surface. An
overview of Lift 1 is shown in Figure 16.20. Table 16.12 outlines the development quantities.

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Lateral Development Vertical Development and Mass Excavation
Area Metres Area Unit Value
Complete Development
15,747 Shaft Development m 6,144
General Access &
Apex and Undercut Level 52,530 Raises 2.0‒6.0 m diameter m 6,807
Extraction Level 59,542 Ore Bins 10.8 m diameter m 93
Mass Excavation for
Haulage Level 15,998 m3 60,077
Intake Drives 17,018 Ore Handling Excavations m3 76,760
Exhaust Drives 16,168
Conveyor 18,916
Total Lateral Development 203,023

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The focus of the Feasibility Study mine design is to demonstrate the technical and financial
feasibility of Hugo North Lift 1, to optimise ore production potential, and to manage capital

Shaft 1 is the existing pre-production access and services shaft. It is 6.7 m in diameter,
concrete-lined, equipped with fixed-guides, and, sunk to a depth of 1,385 m. The steel
headframe supports two winders. One winder operates a double-deck, six-tonne capacity
cage (1.5 m x 3 m) with a personnel capacity of 32 people per deck. The other winder
operates two 9.5 tonne skips with 3.5 ktpd muck hoisting capacity. Mine air heaters
connected to a sub-collar plenum provide heated intake air. Underground fans connected
to ducts in the shaft provide exhaust ventilation during the pre-production period.

Shaft 2 will be a dual-purpose service and production shaft and a primary intake ventilation
shaft. It will be 10 m diameter, concrete-lined, equipped with fixed guides, and sunk to a
depth of 1,284 m. The shaft will be equipped with a service cage and have a capacity of
39 tonnes and be able to accommodate a peak of 150 persons on a single deck.

Mine personnel and material access will commence through Shaft 1. Personnel utilise the
Shaft 1 1300 level station for mine access with materials delivered to the 1344 station until
commissioning of Shaft 2. Shaft 2 will be the primary access for personnel, equipment, and
materials upon service cage commissioning in mid-2017.

Primary access from Shaft 2 is along two access drives that connect the Shaft 2 1256 service
level station to the main workshops, offices, and extraction level. Traffic will travel in a
clockwise direction from Shaft 2 to the workshops and mine workings in the footprint area.

Six distinct levels will be developed to support Lift 1 of the Hugo North mine. These are shown
in Figure 16.21, followed by a cross-section through the production footprint in Figure 16.22.
The mine footprint is divided into three mining panels: Panel 0, Panel 1, and Panel 2. The
panel division allows the apex, undercut and extraction drives to be oriented to optimise the
undercut face length. It also allows alignment to major fault structures and principle stress as
the ore body dimension changes along strike.

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A: Complete Development (As built) E: Haulage Level

B: General Access and Facilities F: Intake Drives

C: Apex and Undercut Level G: Exhaust Drives

D: Extraction Level H: Conveyor System

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The apex and undercut levels provide access tunnels for production drilling and blasting with
the purpose of undercutting the orebody. Production holes are drilled from undercut level
tunnels up and into parallel tunnels on the apex level. Development of the apex level allows
inspection for undercut drillhole deviation prior to each blast.

The extraction level is designed for the efficient development of drawbells and LHD operation
to extract ore from drawpoints. The undercut is situated 17 m above the extraction level to
provide adequate pillar between the levels. The undercut and apex drives are parallel to the
extraction level production drives.

The extraction level drives will be spaced 28 m apart, using an El Teniente-style drawbell
layout with 15 m spacing. The drawpoints are oriented at a 60° angle to the extraction drives
to optimise the pillar size between drawbells and accommodate loader access. The
extraction drives drain from the centre to the perimeter drives to stop water from flowing into
the exhaust raises and orepasses.

The purpose of the haulage level is to collect material from the extraction level and undercut
level and transport it to crushers for size reduction. The haulage level will be 44 m below the
extraction level. It is designed to support one-way traffic from the crusher to the truck loading
chutes and returning to the crusher. In general, it is located under the centre of the footprint,

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serving orepasses from each extraction drift. Haulage drives will be driven 5.4 m wide x 6.1 m
high with fully arched back profile.

The intake ventilation system is designed to provide fresh air to the mining footprint level, main
travel ways, working areas within the mine, and the fixed facilities.

Fresh air for the mining footprint level will be supplied through two sets of two intake tunnels
parallel to the extraction perimeter drives, 5.0 m wide x 5.5 m high, running the length of the
footprint. A series of 3 m diameter raises will connect the intake drives to the perimeter drives
on the extraction level.

The exhaust ventilation level allows passage of used air out of the mine. Fresh air enters the
east and west side of the mining footprint, removing dust from LHD mucking, and exhausts
down a two metre diameter central ventilation raise adjacent to the orepasses. Two parallel
drives on the exhaust level, 5.8 m wide x 6.5 m high, will run the length of the orebody along
the centre of orebody axis.

Exhaust drives also connect to exhaust raises from the haulage level in each truck loading
chamber to collect dust from the truck-loading chutes. Return air will exit the mine through
6.0 m high x 7.0 m wide return air drives.

The conveyor to surface and parallel service drive are pressurised with fresh air from Shaft 3,
allowing dust generated from the conveyors to be exhausted to surface.

Trucks haul ore from chutes to crushers on the west side of the mining footprint. Ore is crushed
and transferred by a series of conveyors directly to surface or to the Shaft 2 hoisting system.
Truck shop facilities will be constructed west of Crusher 1 location to provide optimal access
and to minimise truck downtime.

The conveyor-to-surface system consists of one 130 m conveyor that transport ores from
Transfer 5 to three 2,200 m conveyors up to surface. This will be the primary ore handling route
for the LOM. Shaft 2 will serve as the initial ore handling route to surface until the conveyor-to-
surface system is commissioned. At this time the Shaft 2 system will serve as a backup ore
handling system.

Vertical development will include shaft development, orepasses, and ventilation raises. With
the exception of the shafts, all vertical development is planned to be done with raisebore
and boxhole machines.

Five shafts will be required to support Lift 1 of the Hugo North mine. A list of the shafts is in
Table 16.13.

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Diameter Depth Function
(m) (m)
Shaft 1 6.7 1,385 Early Development and Intake
Shaft 2 10.0 1,284 Skipping, Primary Cage Access, Intake
Shaft 3 10.0 1,148 Intake
Shaft 4 11.0 1,149 Exhaust
Shaft 5 6.7 1,178 Exhaust

Two types of orepasses will be constructed to handle the production and development muck
from the extraction and undercut levels:
 Central orepasses
 Perimeter orepasses.

The ore bin will be raisebored from the exhaust level at a 3.5 m excavated diameter, 14.5 m
long with a dip angle of 70° to the haulage truck chute chamber. The orepasses will be
raisebored at a 2.8 m excavated diameter, 18 m long with a dip angle of 65° from the
exhaust level to the extraction level. After being excavated, the orepasses will be lined with
20–50 mm rolled-steel plate (thickness dependent on throughput) capable of handling rock
flow wear up 24 Mt.

Most of the ventilation raises will be 3 m diameter and range from 20–100 m long. An
exception is the central exhaust raises, which are relatively short (16 m) and will be
excavated at a two metre diameter. All ventilation raises will be supported with remotely
applied fibre shotcrete.

Several mass excavations will be required to support Lift 1 of the Hugo North mine. Each will
have unique support requirements and excavation methodology, depending on ground
conditions, geometry, access, and overall functionality. Feasibility level designs and
excavation plans have been done for the largest and most complex of these excavations, as
listed in Table 16.14.

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Excavation Number Size (W x L x H) Volume
Truck Chute Chamber 36 6.4 m x 21.0 m x 8.9 m 1,100
Shaft Ore Bins 2 10.8 m (dia. excavated) x 46 m 4,200
Crusher Chamber 2 23.0 m x 27 m x 45.0 m 13,000
Tail End Chamber 3 various 4,000
Conveyor Transfer Chamber 6 various 3,000–15,000
Drive Chamber 1 14.2 m x 23.3 m x 12.5 m 2,887
Loadout Feeders 1 – 15,400

The underground mine will require a number of surface facilities to support the overall
Oyu Tolgoi operation.

Current facilities at the collar of Shaft 1 were constructed as required and have been
expanded to suit requirements. Current facilities include offices, dryhouse, warehouse, lamp
room, shop, generators, boiler plant, and miscellaneous ancillary facilities. Most of these
facilities will stay in service until the completion of the mine construction in 2020.

The production shaft area will include the collars of Shafts 2, 3, and 5. Also in this area are the
220 kV substation, shaft take-away conveyors, and overland conveyor to the concentrator
coarse ore stockpile. The permanent mine office and dryhouse will be located near the collar
of Shaft 2.

The Shaft 4 area will be equipped with the main exhaust fans and an electrical substation.

The underground conveyor to surface system will connect to a surface take-away conveyor
and onto the overland conveyor.

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Load haul dump (LHD) muckers will deliver run of mine ore from draw points to the grizzly
stations on the extraction level.

Orepasses will connect the grizzly stations to the truck loading stations at the haulage level.
Each in line truck loading station will be equipped with a hydraulically operated loading
chute, complete with variable throat openings and active lip for total flow control, to load
the haul trucks. The truck loading stations will be located at the perimeter and central
orepasses to load the 160 t capacity (2 x 80 tonne trailers) side dump Powertrans road trains.
The trucks will deliver ore to two crushers.

The design capacity of each of the crushers is 4.0 ktph, which will satisfy the 95 ktpd
production target. The crusher sizing has been refined to reflect the latest vendor information
for two 1,600 mm x 2,400 mm top service ultra duty (TSU) gyratory crushers. Crushed ore
discharges into a 640 tonne surge bin. Each crusher station will be equipped with a rock
breaker and an overhead bridge crane for service. The station will be operated remotely
from a central control facility on the surface.

Primary ore flow will be diverted toward the conveyor to surface system will feed a short
transfer conveyor and onto the first of a series of three incline conveyors to the surface. The
conveyor to surface system will be the primary ore handling system.

Ore diverted towards Shaft 2 via the short horizontal conveyor feeds into a two-way diverter
chute installed above a 5.0 kt ore storage bin. Ore is either fed directly into this bin or diverted
onto a short conveyor for discharge into a second 5.0 kt ore storage bin. Ore will be
reclaimed from ore bins onto the skip loadout conveyor via apron feeders and be
discharged to skips for hoisting material to surface.

The conveyor to surface incline conveyor will deliver ore to the new coarse ore stockpile feed
conveyor and discharge material onto the stockpile. The stockpile feed conveyor will be
parallel to the existing stockpile feed conveyor. The new stockpile feed conveyor will be
similar in construction to the existing system for commonality of parts.

The total conveying and hoisting capacity from the underground is planned to be
approximately 140 ktpd. This conveyor to surface system is planned to move an average
daily throughput of 95 ktpd. Simulation work by OT LLC suggested trucking to the conveyor to
surface system could have a capacity of 106 ktpd. The Shaft 2 hoisting capacity is designed
to be 30 ktpd and Shaft 1 hoisting capacity is designed to be 3.5 ktpd. The ore handling
system will include five apron feeders and 16 belt conveyors. Two-way diverter chute will be
arranged to optimise operability and maintainability and to reduce geotechnical risk
associated with large excavations. The underground conveyor system is shown in Figure 16.23
and Figure 16.24.

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Shaft 1 is equipped with skips and a hoist with a capacity of 3.5 ktpd. This is intended to be
used for development hoisting only, and not for production hoisting.

Production hoisting will be through Shaft 2. Shaft 2 will utilise two 60-tonne capacity bottom
discharge skips to hoist the ore from underground to the surface. The design capacity of the
hoist is 30 ktpd over a planned operating time of 19.2 hours.

When completed, Shaft 2 will be 10 m in diameter and equipped with rigid guides. Skips will
be loaded by a conveyor loading arrangement located on the –28.2 mRL, 1,202.2 m below
collar. The surface discharge of ore from the Shaft 2 skips will take place below collar level
into an ore bin. The skip loading system is designed as an automated and continuous
operation for loading the skips without stopping the loadout conveyors.

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The Shaft 2 skips will discharge ore into a 200 t capacity surface bin within the headframe.
Ore will be reclaimed from the bin on an apron feeder. Reclaimed ore will be discharged
onto the 1,400 mm wide Shaft 2 discharge conveyor running at a belt speed of 2.5 m/s.

The discharge conveyor will transfer ore onto the existing open pit overland conveyor and
stockpile feed conveyor to deliver ore to the coarse ore stockpile.

The Shaft 2 skips will discharge ore into a 200 tonne-capacity surface bin within the
headframe of Shaft 2. Ore will be reclaimed from the bin on an apron feeder. Reclaimed ore
will be discharged onto the 1,400 mm wide Shaft 2 discharge conveyor running at a belt
speed of 2.5 m/s. The discharge conveyor will transfer ore onto the existing open pit overland
conveyor and stockpile feed Conveyor 1 to deliver ore to the coarse ore stockpile.

The conveyor to surface incline conveyor will deliver ore to the new coarse ore stockpile feed
Conveyor 2, and discharge material onto the stockpile. The stockpile feed Conveyor 2 will be
parallel to the existing stockpile feed Conveyor 1. The new stockpile feed conveyor will be
similar in construction to the existing system for commonality of parts.

Before the Shaft 2 loadout and skip-hoisting system is commissioned, all rock will be hauled by
50 tonne trucks to the Shaft 1 hoisting system. This will consist of a jaw crusher on top of a
storage bin, with rock conveyed to a flask-loaded skip system.

At the time of commissioning the Shaft 2 loadout and skip-hoisting system, an 8.5 ktph jaw
crusher will be installed on top of Shaft 2 ore storage bin 011, and the trucks will haul rock to
this crusher as well as the Shaft 1 jaw crusher. The crusher discharge will be fed into the ore
bin for loading into the skips in Shaft 2. This material will be delivered to the concentrator

In 2018, the production gyratory crusher and conveying system from the orebody will be
commissioned. At this time all production rock, and most development rock, will be handled
through the production crusher and conveying system for delivery to the concentrator.

At full production, fresh air will enter the mine through one of three shafts and exit through
two dedicated exhaust shafts as well as the conveyor to surface portal. The ventilation system
is primarily a pull design with the main exhaust fans on exhaust shafts. The system components
are outlined in Table 16.15 and Figure 16.25.

The ventilation system is designed to handle peak demand. This was determined by
modelling the system for the year 2026 to simulate operating conditions at full production,
when the maximum number of extraction drifts will have been opened for production. In
addition, all off-footprint drifts will have been developed and all mine facilities incorporated
into the ventilation plan.

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Shaft Diameter Flow Direction 2016 2023
(m) Start of Production Full Production
(m3/s) (m3/s)
Shaft 1 6.7 Intake 310 425
Shaft 2 10.0 Intake 550 900
Shaft 3 10.0 Intake N/A 1,210
Shaft 4 11.0 Exhaust N/A 1,780
Shaft 5 6.7 Exhaust 875 645
Conveyor to Surface N/A Exhaust N/A 150
Total Intake at Mine Level Density 774 2,282

Future design may consider the potential to add a ventilation management system that
could be used to reduce airflow to non-operating headings and drifts in non-peak times, thus
optimising ventilation performance and power usage.

The capacity of the ventilation system will increase incrementally as various shafts and fans
are brought on line. Figure 16.26 shows the ventilation build-up and loads during the
construction period to 2019.

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The extraction level will be ventilated from both east and west fringes, as shown in
Figure 16.27. Fresh air will enter the level through raises from the intake airways below the
level. The air will travel through the extraction drifts to the centrally located exhaust raise and
then down to the exhaust airway. This arrangement allows one mucker to work in fresh air at
each end of the extraction drift.

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Dust management will be required in various locations throughout the underground mine:
 Extraction Level Dust Control – The two main dust creation areas are the drawpoint
loading locations and the LHD dump locations. Each drawpoint will be fitted with water
sprays to suppress dust. The extraction drift ventilation system will include intake raises
along the rim drift and central exhaust raises.
 Haulage Level Truck Chute – Each central truck-loading chute will be fitted with an
adjacent exhaust raise to remove dust directly to the exhaust circuit. At each of the
two crusher truck dumps, air will be drawn across the dumping area, capturing the dust
created and depositing it directly to an exhaust raise that feeds to the return air
ventilation system. The exhaust connection is shown in Figure 16.28. The crusher dump
locations will also be fitted with water sprays to suppress dust.
 Ore Handling – Dust collectors will be located on the apron feeders under each crusher.
Transfer chutes will be enclosed and fitted with water sprays. Conveyors will be fitted with
dust covers, with conveyor airflow along the direction of ore travel. Dust created from
the Shaft 2 loadout will be removed directly to Shaft 5 as shown in Figure 16.29.

Mine air heaters will be installed on all intake shafts: Shaft 1, Shaft 2, and Shaft 3. Heaters will
need to be running any time there is a possibility of the intake air being at freezing
temperatures. The design temperature for the heated air entering the mine is +2°C. The
system will use hot water from a central heating plant delivered to glycol heat exchangers to
transfer heat to each mine air heater glycol loop, which in turn heats intake air from ambient
to design discharge temperature.

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The main warehousing area for the mine is the central warehouse on the surface.
Underground warehousing facilities will also be available, divided among the five
underground shop areas. Mine development materials such as pipe, rock bolts, wire mesh,
etc., will be stored in cut outs, muck bays, and other temporary facilities near the working

The underground maintenance shops will consist of service bays/garages, auxiliary storage,
and warehouse facilities for the maintenance of the underground mobile equipment fleet
and fixed plant equipment. The maintenance facilities for the underground mine are
summarised in Table 16.16.

Major equipment overhaul and rebuilds will be done in central service facilities on the
surface. Tyre repairs and recapping will be done in a central tyre shop on the surface.

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Shop Title Location Main Service
Shaft 1 Shop Near Shaft 1 – 1300 Level Development, construction, and service equipment
Main Shop Extraction level Production equipment and general fleet
Haulage Truck Shop Haulage level Production haul trucks
Undercut level (north-
Drill Shops (two) Undercut drills and development equipment
east and south-west)
Electrical equipment, including temporary power
Electrical Shop Part of main shop
reticulation systems
Fixed Plant Shop Part of haulage shop Crushers, conveyors, and fixed plant
Pipe Shop(s) Part of main shop Water and air piping

Underground equipment will be fuelled at one of three locations: the Shaft 1 maintenance
shops, the extraction-level fuel station near the main shop, and the fuelling station on the
haulage level. In addition, fuel/lube service trucks will deliver fuel to slow moving equipment
such as drills that are not working in the vicinity of the permanent fuel stations. The fuel will be
received and stored in surface storage tanks dedicated to the underground mine. Storage
capacity will equal six weeks of fuel use at 44 kL/d, the maximum rate of consumption.

Fuel will be delivered in daily batches through a pipeline in a borehole from the surface
storage facility to a single receiving station near the bottom of Shaft 1; the pipeline will be
empty except during the transfer. From the fuel-receiving station, fuel will be transferred via
transfer pipe or truck to fuelling stations on the extraction level, haulage level, and undercut

Lubricants will be supplied to the underground in totes, which will be stored in specifically
designated drifts in the fuelling areas, sealed off with spillage bunds and fire doors. Waste oil
will be collected in empty totes for delivery to the surface.

A single international supplier of explosive products for Oyu Tolgoi will supply blasting agents
selected for underground mine development and production during project execution. As
per Mongolian regulations, a maximum of three days’ production worth of explosives will be
stored underground.

The main underground magazine will include storage areas for bulk explosive product
reagents, packaged explosives, and detonators. A total of four storage bays will be provided
within the magazine gates. Additional storage areas to house waste and equipment will be
outside but in close proximity to the main magazine.

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The main underground personnel facilities will be adjacent to the main maintenance shop on
the extraction level, approximately 450 m from Shaft 2.

One section of the lunchroom is designed to function as the main refuge area. The capacity
of this refuge area is restricted to 200 persons because of the limitations of the heat
dissipation capability of the emergency cooling system within the parking drift. Therefore,
during an emergency, some personnel will need to be relocated to other nearby refuge

Portable refuge stations will be strategically located in areas of the mine for ease of access in
the case of an emergency. These will include both permanent and a network of portable
MineARC or similar 20-person refuge stations.

The underground mine will require the following services:

 Compressed air.
 Service water.
 Mine dewatering system.
 Fire protection.
 Shotcrete/concrete delivery.
 Electric power distribution.
 Communications, instrumentation, and data system.

The project schedule includes three major components: Development, Construction, and
Production. Each schedule was developed separately but was linked to the others to
develop an overall Life-of-Mine project schedule. Refining the schedules required multiple
iterations to ensure all components matched and provided the optimal solution. Key inputs
into the schedules were frozen in Q1’14. Based on these schedules, the key milestones to first
ore are as shown in Table 16.17.

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Milestone Date
Commission Shaft 2 Exhaust Fans March 2016
Commission Shaft 5 April 2017
Commission Shaft 2 – Cage August 2017
Commission Shaft 2 – Hoist, Loadout, Jaw Crusher December 2017
Crusher 1 and Associated Ore Handling System February 2019
First drawbell blasted May 2019
Conveyor to Surface No-Load Commissioning Complete December 2020
Crusher 2 Ore Handling System Available for Ore March 2021

The development heading advance rates are based on simulations developed to model
various advance scenarios, heading configurations, and crew situations. These rates are
calibrated against actual job site performance and used in the scheduling package.

The development rates used for the schedule are summarised in Table 16.18.

The conveyor to surface (C2S) is developed from both surface and underground with
planned breakthrough along CVB-020. The breakthrough location is driven by the availability
of underground resources to commence incline development. Transfers are developed off
critical path behind the advancing face by a dedicated mass excavation crew. Table 16.19
outlines the development rates of the conveyor decline.

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Area Type Dimension Development Rate
(m) (m/d)
(width x height)
Off Footprint On Footprint
Undercut Drifts B 4.0 m W x 4.2 m H – 6.0
Undercut Perimeter B2 5.0 m W x 5.5 m H – 4.3
Undercut Cross-cut B3 4.5 m W x 5.5 m H – 4.3
Apex Rim B3 4.5 m W x 5.5 m H – 6.0
Extraction Drifts E1 4.5 m W x 4.5 m H – 4.3
Drawpoint Drifts E2 4.5 m W x 4.2 m H – 4.3
Drawbell Drifts E3 4.5 m H x 4.2 m H – 4.3
Extraction Perimeter E4 5.0 m W x 5.5 m H – 4.3
Vent Drifts (on-ftp) X1 5.0 m W x 5.5 m H – 4.3
Vent Drifts (on-ftp) X2 5.8 m W x 6.5 m H – 3.3
Vent Shaft 5 Exhaust X3 6.0 m W x 6.0 m H 4.8 –
Vent Drift Y 6.0 m W x 7.0 m H 4.8 3.3
Raise Bore Cut-out Y2 6.0 m W x 7. 0 m H – 3.3
Haulage Drift Straight Q 5.4 m W x 6.1 m H 3.2 3.2
Haulage Drift Corner QA 6.0 m W x 6.1 m H 3.2 3.2
Conveyor L 6.0 m W x 5.4 m H 5.1 –
Ramp Access H 5.0 m W x 5.5 m H 6.2 4.3

Decline Development Primary Heading Muckbays / Cross-cuts

(m/d) (m/d)
Conveyor Drive 4.6 1.6
Service Drive 5.0 1.2
C2S = conveyor to surface

Development requirements will increase to a maximum of 13 crews in 2018, then gradually

decrease until the mine is completely developed in 2032. Figure 16.30 shows the total metres
per period, the general location of these metres, and the cumulative number of metres

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The underground mobile equipment fleet is classified into seven broad categories:
 Mucking
 Haulage
 Drilling
 Raisebore / boxhole
 Utility and underground support
 Surface support
 Light vehicles

The underground equipment fleet will increase in size from currently more than 90 units to a
more than 290 units in 2019. Fleet size and composition will fluctuate with demand and
changes in the work requirements. Figure 16.31 shows the LOM equipment fleet. Each unit of
equipment is scheduled for a major rebuild at 60% of its forecast life and will be replaced at
100% of scheduled life. Table 16.20 shows the planned life of select major classes of

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Equipment Type Replacement Life
Mucking 21
Haulage 30
Drilling (Face) 25
Drilling (Ground Support) 25
Shotcrete Sprayer 20
Utility 30

The major fixed equipment will include:

 Material handling (crushing and conveying).
 Fans and ventilation equipment.
 Pumping and water handling equipment.
 Power distribution equipment.
 Data and communications equipment.
 Maintenance equipment (shop furnishings).

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The IA with the GOM requires that the workforce consist of predominantly Mongolian
nationals, but recognises the need for foreign technical and managerial expertise during the
early years of the operation. The IA sets specific ceilings for the ratio of Mongolian citizens to
expatriates at different stages of mine construction and operations. The ratios used for the
underground mine are outlined in Table 16.21.

Project Stage Mongolian Expatriate

(%) (%)
Mining Contractor 75 25
Construction contractor 60 40
OT LLC Operations 90 10

During the life of the mine, the work force for the underground mine will approach 100%
Mongolian. Figure 16.32 shows the changing mix over the life of the mine.

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OT LLC will develop and operate a training facility and training programme for miners,
mechanics, process plant operators, and technicians. Development of the training
programme is continuing with input from OT LLC and major contractors and in coordination
with the GOM.

The area-specific training programmes are grouped into categories as defined in the Training
Management Plan – Underground Operation. These categories are:
 Mobile equipment operations.
 Technical and trade.
 Fixed plant operations.
 Lifting equipment.
 Blasting.
 Safety.
 People management.

The Hugo North mine will be highly mechanised. To satisfy its need for skilled equipment
operators, the Oyu Tolgoi underground mine department will use computerised equipment
simulators to be used for training operators. This programme has been successful to date and
will continue to be expanded to match the ramp-up in the number of employees.

The 2014 OTTR has examined production from open pit mining of the SOT zones and
underground mining from Hugo North. OT LLC has prepared both the open pit and
underground mining work and schedules. The case adopted for the 2014 OTTR assumes no
plant capacity, is based on Mineral Reserves only, does not include Inferred Mineral
Resources, and does not include underground mining areas other than Hugo North Lift 1.

The following scheduling methodology was used to balance mine, mill, and stockpile
 Underground ore is designated as the priority feed. After the available underground ore
is fed to the plant, the additional capacity is met with open pit ore.
 Plant throughput capacity is determined by calculating the available mills hours after the
underground ore is processed.
 The production schedule is based on Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves only. No
Inferred resources were used.
 The open pit schedules were based on mining inventories by bench reported within the
pit stages.
 Low-grade stockpiling was used to balance the mining rate where necessary.

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The parameters in Table 16.22 are carried in the detailed schedule.

Variable Unit Variable Unit

Copper grade Cu % Mill hours for each kt of ore HPKT
Gold grade Au g/t Copper recovery %
Silver grade Ag g/t Gold recovery %
Arsenic grade As g/t Silver recovery %
Fluorine grade F ppm Net smelter return NSR $/t
Sulfur grade S% SAG power index SPI
Iron grade Fe % Modified bond index MB
Molybdenum grade Mo ppm Crusher index Ci
Note: Annual throughput (Mtpa) = (365 x 24)/(1,000 x HPKT)

The underground production schedule was developed using PCBC, a cave modelling
software package. The production start date is scheduled for 1 November 2018, following
commissioning of the primary crusher and conveyor system to Shaft 2. The production rate will
ramp-up from 2018–2026, when the mine begins producing at a steady-state rate of 95 ktpd.

Table 16.23 shows major pre-production milestones and Figure 16.33 reports annual
production through the life-of-mine.

Milestone Date
Start Undercut Ring Drill and Blast September 2018
First Bell May 2019
Hydraulic Radius December 2019

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35,000 7.00

30,000 6.00

25,000 5.00

% or g/t
20,000 4.00

15,000 3.00

10,000 2.00

5,000 1.00

- -
1 6 11 16 21 26
HN 1 OTLLC HN EJV1 Cu % Au g/t Ag g/t

The annual total movement from the open pit by pit phase including the stockpile re-handle
is shown in Figure 16.34. The open pit ore processed is shown in Figure 16.35.

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Ore kt

1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
SW Central Chalcocite Central Covellite Central Chalcopyrite

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Highlights of the production schedule are summarised below:
 Southwest open pit ore is the main concentrator feed during the first five years of
operations. The first central ore is mined in 2019.
 During 2025–2035 the underground reaches a steady state production rate of 95 ktpd.
The open pit production is maintained to fill the remaining concentrator capacity.
 The underground will be completed in 2038 and open pit production is increased to fill
the concentrator until the open pit is completed in 2055.

The processing schedule was balanced to meet the available mill hours after the
underground material was processed.

The processing schedule by metallurgical ore type with the copper, gold, and silver feed
grades are shown in Figure 16.36. Total concentrate production by ore type is shown in Figure
16.37. The recovered copper, gold, and silver production is in Figure 16.38 to Figure 16.40. The
production schedule is in Table 16.24.

70,000 4.20

60,000 3.60

Grade: %Cu, g/t Au, or g/t Ag

50,000 3.00

40,000 2.40
kt Processed

30,000 1.80

20,000 1.20

10,000 0.60

- -
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
6 Hugo North 1 SW 2 Central Chalcocite
3 Central Covellite 4 Central Chalcopyrite %Cu
g/t Au g/t Ag

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Concentrate kt



1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
6 Hugo North 1 SW 2 Central Chalcocite 3 Central Covellite 4 Central Chalcopyrite



Copper Production Mlb






1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
6 Hugo North 1 SW 2 Central Chalcocite 3 Central Covellite 4 Central Chalcopyrite

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Gold Production koz






1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
6 Hugo North 1 SW 2 Central Chalcocite 3 Central Covellite 4 Central Chalcopyrite




Silver Production koz






1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41
6 Hugo North 1 SW 2 Central Chalcocite 3 Central Covellite 4 Central Chalcopyrite

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Year Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 21 31 41 51 Total
Year From 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2035 2045 2055
Year To 2024 2034 2044 2054 2064
Open Pit
Ore kt 39,771 46,001 46,323 23,682 41,534 38,190 181,650 124,089 233,101 257,485 – 1,031,826
Waste kt 49,434 48,293 57,884 72,321 66,767 67,622 283,181 533,921 489,967 186,955 – 1,856,343
Total Movement kt 89,205 94,294 104,206 96,002 108,300 105,812 464,832 658,010 723,068 444,440 – 2,888,169
Underground kt – – – – 881 1,905 75,398 329,934 91,047 – – 499,165
Processed kt 29,986 35,704 34,991 35,350 33,456 32,812 202,194 409,528 387,464 340,908 6,482 1,548,875
NSR 50.03 54.30 39.00 20.50 29.87 50.82 71.15 78.68 36.05 24.28 8.73 49.78
Cu 0.55 0.65 0.57 0.37 0.45 0.59 1.20 1.36 0.68 0.38 0.18 0.84
Au 0.84 0.83 0.42 0.16 0.34 0.82 0.40 0.31 0.17 0.33 0.11 0.32
Ag 1.45 1.61 1.59 1.21 1.21 1.56 2.59 2.87 1.52 1.16 0.96 1.92
As 10.35 24.77 49.95 33.71 18.48 18.46 82.05 80.39 92.45 59.86 37.42 71.88
Tput 29.76 36.43 35.47 36.11 34.33 33.77 42.98 41.67 40.41 35.26 32.76 39.13
F 2,147 2,156 1,924 1,704 1,855 1,747 1,791 2,027 1,837 1,707 1,406 1,862
S 1.61 1.60 1.52 1.37 1.44 1.75 2.84 2.52 3.05 2.34 1.45 2.52
Fe 7.81 7.31 6.97 6.48 6.79 6.50 5.52 4.59 5.58 6.31 6.24 5.65
Mo 31.34 34.99 46.61 37.33 47.66 66.48 48.10 37.47 45.92 53.60 39.10 45.39

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Year Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 21 31 41 51 Total
Year From 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2035 2045 2055
Year To 2024 2034 2044 2054 2064
Bulk Conc kt 551 753 655 417 489 642 6,723 17,351 8,796 4,168 32 40,577
Con Cu % 26.32 27.18 26.87 25.69 26.05 26.43 31.90 29.02 25.46 24.08 23.89 28.00
Con Au g/t 34.80 29.90 16.86 9.63 17.23 31.50 9.53 5.90 5.11 18.64 12.42 9.24
Con Ag g/t 62.86 63.57 69.97 79.74 66.24 65.22 65.02 57.51 53.35 70.74 125.19 60.11
Con As ppm 92 130 291 294 157 210 1,203 1,213 1,799 1,236 1,253 1,252
Con Mo ppm 1,094 1,063 1,597 2,031 2,089 2,178 927 567 1,297 2,810 5,107 1,111
Con F ppm 603 654 587 512 547 506 401 388 464 532 421 437
Recovered Copper Mlb 319 451 388 236 281 374 4,728 11,100 4,938 2,212 17 25,044
Gold koz 616 724 355 129 271 650 2,061 3,291 1,444 2,498 13 12,051
Silver koz 1,113 1,539 1,473 1,068 1,042 1,346 14,054 32,081 15,089 9,480 128 78,413

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Oyu Tolgoi is being developed in phases:
 Phase 1 – all work required to bring the Southwest zone orebody into full commercial
production through commissioning and ramp-up of Lines 1 and 2, by the addition of
essential services and infrastructure. The Phase 1 concentrator was commissioned in early
2013. Nameplate capacity of 96 ktpd was achieved 6 August 2013. Operating data
acquired since that time have been used in Phase 2 design, which addresses the delivery
of Hugo North ore via underground Lift 1 in conjunction with open pit mining.
 Phase 2 – all additional work required to process Hugo North Lift 1 production plus open
pit ore to match Phase 1 SAG mill capacity, including:
- The addition of a fifth ball mill to achieve a finer primary grind P80 of 150–160 µm for a
blend of Hugo North and open pit ores, compared to 180 µm for Southwest.
- Additional roughing and column flotation capacity to process the higher level of
concentrate production when processing the higher grade Hugo North ore.
- Additional concentrate dewatering and bagging capacity.
- Minimal allowance for incremental expansion beyond Phase 2 other than to ensure
that Phase 2 will not interfere with possible future expansion.

The concentrator commenced ore commissioning in January 2013 with production of first
copper-gold concentrate on 31 January 2013 and has been ramping up to full production.
Commercial production was achieved in September 2013

The ramp-up of the concentrator is progressing at a rate that would be normally expected for
a project of this scale. Mill throughput is ramping up to the nominal 100 ktpd design capacity,
with milled throughput exceeding design in April, 2014.

Concentrator feed grades have been consistently lower than planned, particularly for
copper, planned 2013 average 0.57% 2014 average to date 0.60%, and gold planned 2013
average 0.76 g/t 2014 average to date 0.99 g/t. As a result recoveries to concentrate have
been lower than planned. Concentrator performance, as measured by recovery, has
improved with operating experience and improving head grade.

Concentrate production has progressively increased, as a combination of increasing mill

throughput and grade and improvements in concentrator performance with recovery.
Concentrates grades have been at or near design, particularly for copper, despite lower
feed grades, as a result metal production has improved as mill throughput and feed grade
have improved.

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The metallurgical parameters used for the 2014 OTTR were issued in BDT31. The relevant
metallurgical data and formulae are shown in Table 17.1 to Table 17.5. These parameters
were used for the 2014 Mineral Reserve estimate. Further details are available in
Section 13.4.2.

The parameters used for Hugo North were applied to all Hugo North including the Entrée
(Shivee Tolgoi) ore. Although only limited testwork has been carried out on the EJV area it is
considered that the results indicate the Entrée area is similar to the rest of Hugo North.

The throughput rate algorithm is as used in IDP10 and was developed by SGS from regression
analysis of CEET simulation runs for 30,000 Southwest zone blocks over Years 1–30 and the SGS
database of projects. This formula was applied to all the blocks in the mining model and used
for production scheduling.

All Ores
A x[(b x Cu%)/(1+b x Cu%)] x [1–exp(–b x Cu% )]
Southwest Zone Central Zone Central Zone Central Zone Hugo North
a = 98 Chalcocite Covellite Chalcopyrite a = 95
b = 14.5 a = 72 a = 80 a = 88 b = 15
b = 15 b = 15 b = 12.2

All Ores

C x (d x Cu Recovery)
Southwest Zone Hugo North Central Zone Central Zone Central Zone
c = 4.8 c = 9.8 Covellite Chalcocite Chalcopyrite
d = 0.80 d = 0.80 c = 4.8 c = 4.8 c = 4.8
d = 0.65 d = 0.70 d = 0.80

All Ores
13 + 0.8 x (Cu Recovery)

Southwest Zone Central Zone Central Zone Hugo North

Chalcocite and Chalcopyrite
–3.6 x (Cu:S)2 + –3.6 x (Cu:S)2 + 2.9 x (Cu) +
(12.8 x Cu:S) + 22.5 (12.8 x Cu:S) + 21 (11.4 x Cu:S) + 15.3

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Arsenic in concentrate (ppm) Fluorine in concentrate (ppm)
[m x ConCu % x As (ppm)] / Cu%
For Southwest Zone ores: 0.3 x Fluorine in feed (ppm) for
m = 0.125 all ores
For all Other ores:
m = 0.780

The throughput rate algorithm shown in Table 17.6 was developed by SGS from these
relationships and the SGS database of projects. This formula was applied to all the blocks in
the mining model and used for production scheduling.

All Ores
Flotation feed P80=113 x Ci0.26 x SPI-0.60 x BM0.88
Maximum P80 guideline = 220 µm
Throughput in tph (instantaneous = 29,320 x Ci0.19 x SPI -0.36 x BM -0.24
Maximum throughput = 5.5 ktph (hydraulic limitation)

The parameters described below are considered the major capacity determinants for the
OTFS14 concentrator conversion design.

The peak production plateau from the underground mine is 95 ktpd / 33.25 Mtpa, with
additional tonnage supplied from open pit orebodies to progressively higher limits set by:
 SAG milling capacity (annual average tonnage varies primarily with SPI from 81–
117 ktpd).
 Ball milling capacity (soft constraint, with pumping and cyclone changes, but ultimately
limited by flotation losses).
 Tailings pumping volumetric capacity (approximately 121 ktpd through one tailings line
after applying 92% availability).
 Flotation and concentrate handling equipment (approximately 125 ktpd at peak
underground heads, whenever open pit ore is not available).
 Current water permit limit of 870 L/s with seasonal water balance variation at the tailings
dam from summer evaporation, winter ice formation, and spring thaw (steady-state
tonnage limit still undefined but expected to be up to 145 ktpd at OTFS14 average
annual unit raw water projection of 0.47 m3/t (concentrator only) with wastewater
recycle to tailings thickeners).

The capacity of the grinding circuit to receive ore is measured in terms of available mill hours
at a specific rate. This is expressed as TPUT, the annual tonnage achievable in 8,059 running
hours (92% availability) through Lines 1–2. Design was based upon the then-current MP08v2

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‘No Expansion’ mine plan. The Central zone ores are particularly soft and have
correspondingly high TPUT values. The capacity to treat them is limited by other plant
constraints such as the hydraulic limitations of the tailings system.

The concentrator volumetric capacity may be dependent on either the concentrate or

tailings production rates. The OTFS14 production basis is to operate at the lesser of TPUT or the
tailings handling capacity (121 ktpd, or 44.2 Mtpa).

Completion of the concentrator conversion is driven by the underground cave production

ramp-up schedule. Commissioning is scheduled for June 2021, at which point underground
ore is projected to comprise 23% of concentrator feed, with corresponding stress on the
original Phase 1 grinding, flotation, and dewatering capacity design criteria. Mining of
Central zone ores with a high As:Cu ratio will elevate arsenic in the final concentrate, and so
requires co-processing of low As:Cu ratio ores, such as Hugo North. Production sequencing to
avoid penalty or rejection levels of arsenic is discussed in Section 17.3.4.

Separate processing of Hugo North ore was recommended in the 2009 Technical Evaluation
Group (TEG) review and adopted in IDOP and DIDOP. However, following the independent
decision to constrain Phase 2 to the original two grinding lines in Phase 1, there was found to
be little potential to segregate processing conditions because of the Phase 1 plant design,
where the products from the separate grinding lines are combined before flotation. Even if it
proved possible to provide separate and equal flotation and pumping capacities for each
line, and to replicate the sampling arrangements for separate processing and accounting for
tailings streams, there remained little ability to separate the process water systems to allow
independent pH control of both flotation circuits.

It was subsequently decided to select a compromise of grinding and flotation conditions for
the different ores, and to process underground and open pit ores by blending through
Lines 1 and 2. Hugo North would provide up to 95 ktpd of the maximum concentrator
capacity of 121 ktpd. Open pit feed would vary as required to keep the concentrator at its
maximum capacity. This also led to a change in philosophy, where grinding synergy would be
maximised by combining hard and soft ores for maximum capacity and minimum unit cost,
while trying to minimise the consequences of negative flotation synergy in terms of sub-
optimal concentrate grade and recovery at compromise conditions. This has had a negative
impact on Central zone ore reserves of recoverable metal, but a positive impact on project

The optimum conditions for treatment of Southwest zone, Hugo North, and Central zone ores
vary significantly in terms of primary grind and regrind sizes and also in operating pH in
flotation roughing and cleaning. Hugo North ore carries the highest value and so compromise
processing conditions are set much closer to those that are optimal for its copper and gold
recovery, than for those that are optimal for Central zone ore metallurgy. As a consequence,
recovery and grade from the Central zone ores have been reduced, as discussed in
Section 13.2.

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The production schedule has evolved from IDP07 to the current OTFS14. The plan that has
persisted is to process all of the high-value underground ore while displacing lower value
open pit ore. As the cave matures, softer Central zone ore will be delivered up to the
concentrator grinding or tailings handling capacity. When underground production
eventually decreases, the total plant capacity will again decline with a return to harder
Southwest zone ore, where the lower copper head grades and concentrate grades allow less
blending of soft, high-arsenic Central zone ore, without exceeding maximum arsenic in
concentrate limits or falling below minimum copper grade targets.

Figure 17.1 shows the Reserve Case production schedule by ore type. Soft constraints on
maximum concentrate production and arsenic content and minimum concentrate grade
are respected in the mine scheduling process, with a hard limit on volumetric capacity when
processing soft ore types.

Keeping the conversion equipment ramp-up and the transition of Phase 1 from Southwest
zone to underground and Central zone ores in step presents several challenges and
opportunities. The open pit and underground development schedules must to be reviewed
continuously in future work to maintain a feasible production schedule.

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To ensure concentrate marketability with less than 5,000 ppm of arsenic (rejection limit) in
every concentrate shipment, large volumes of higher arsenic Central zone ore can only be
processed when accompanied by a suitable volume of low-arsenic, high-copper Hugo North
ore. Such volumes are available only after Hugo North approaches full capacity through the

After commissioning the conversion equipment, the Phase 2 circuit is scheduled to operate at
77% open pit ore / 23% Hugo North ore in mid-2021. It is appropriate to construct and
commission the conversion equipment in reverse order from the traditional ‘front-to-back’
process flow order, since the initial exposure is due to lack of concentrate handling capacity,
rather than lack of grinding capacity.

A review and update of the conversion schedule should be carried out when the study is
upgraded. This may indicate value in earlier installation of flotation capacity, especially if
debottlenecking efforts upstream are successful.

The ramp-up profile for the conversion equipment is faster than for Phase 1, which was
originally benchmarked at the 65th percentile for large copper concentrator start-ups, but
was subsequently corrected for staggering the twin lines (Table 17.7).
 The dual line ramp-up profile is two months longer than the individual profile for either line
to avoid overloading the construction, commissioning, and operating resources. Similarly,
ramp-up for conversion equipment will be shorter than even for an individual line start-
up, since each component can be brought on in parallel and is not required to run the
other components.
 Concentrator utility tie-ins will be made in advance of Phase 2 commissioning, leaving
fewer systems to troubleshoot.
 Hugo North and open pit ore will be delivered evenly onto the stockpiles for both Lines 1
and 2. However, for full-scale advance testing of operating conditions, Hugo North ore
could be campaigned through one line during a scheduled shutdown of the other
grinding circuit in Phase 1 in order to gain operating experience without overloading the
flotation and dewatering areas.

Month Month Month Month Month Month Month

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Phase 1, Lines 1–2 ramp-up (%) 4 15 30 52 69 86 100
Conversion ramp-up (%) 15 50 85 100 – – –

For the conversion, with the feed change to softer underground and Central zone ores, the
milling capacity could exceed the volumetric capacity of the Phase 1 tailings system. To take
account of this limitation, the Phase 2 concentrator capacity is redefined to 5.5 ktph, or

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121 ktpd, at 92% concentrator availability.

The final concentrate production schedule is shown in Figure 17.2. As compared to the LOM
in Figure 17.1, the tonnage and concentrate production peaks occur in different years
because throughput is limited either by the milling power or the volumetric constraint, while
concentrate production is dependent on ore feed grade. Table 17.8 compares the
concentrator conversion limiting design criteria with the OTFS14 production schedule annual
peak values.

Description Unit Conversion Reserve Mine Year

Design Criteria Plan Peak
Copper Feed Grade % Cu 3.0 1.67 2025
Annual Tonnage Mtpa 44.3 43.46 2021
Regrind Duty kW 6,714 5,596 2043
Concentrate Production ktpa 3,361 1,931 2025

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In 2013, it was determined that the Line 3 concentrator expansion to 160 ktpd ore throughput,
as described in the 2012 DIDOP report, could not be approved given project financing
constraints. Instead, a concentrator conversion was investigated, incorporating incremental
changes to the Phase 1 plant to treat a blend containing majority higher grade Hugo North
underground ore. The Hugo North orebody has characteristics compatible with the
conventional SAG milling, ball milling, and flotation technology used in the Phase 1 plant. The
conversion includes additional ball mill power to allow a finer flotation feed size compared
with the Phase 1 grind size; this, in turn, will increase the flotation recovery of copper and
gold. Use of the conventional flowsheet maximises use of the existing Phase 1 concentrator
assets for treatment of Hugo North ore and has low process risk.

For the OTFS14 Line 3 expansion, several comminution variants on the basic process route
were investigated. These included: buffer stockpiles, gravity gold separation, mine-to-mill
optimisation, secondary crushing or HPGR, two-stage ball milling, rougher flotation, regrind
milling, additional regrind ball storage, cleaner flotation, Jameson cell retrofit.

Simulation of the process mass balance was undertaken for the Phase 2 expansion.

For OTFS14, a concentrator design throughput of 121 ktpd was selected based on the mill
volumetric constraint. The potential to overload the concentrate handling system due to high
copper grades in the individual orebodies was examined and considered highly unlikely,
given the capacity headroom available. The copper grades that would be required to
overload the system exceed all values in the mine plan and any reasonable likelihood of
short-term variation above those plan values, mainly because of the large number of
underground drawpoints that are open at any one time.

The process inputs modelled to match MP08v2 have been confirmed to meet the final
production schedule in OTFS14.

At the feasibility level, there was no significant need to track particles by size, and so few unit
operation types were required to simulate the concentrator. The most common were
flotation cells, mix tanks, distributors, splitters, phase separators, filters, thickeners, and pumps.

The recovery and grades calculated in the model were based on correlations developed in
the laboratory flotation programme and integrated with metallurgical predictions in the mine
production schedule. Copper recovery has been correlated against copper head grade.
Copper grade in concentrate has been correlated to the Cu:S ratio in ore.

In the model, no recovery distinction was made between individual copper species, e.g., for
Hugo North the recoveries of chalcopyrite, bornite, and chalcocite were set as equal and
were dictated by the calculated overall copper recovery. In the flotation model, recoveries
were stated for gold, silver, arsenic, fluorine, and pyrite. The desired grade was achieved by
dilution with gangue minerals in proportion to their presence in the feed stream to the
flotation units. The correlations used in the model are shown in Table 17.9.

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Metallurgical Value Equations and Parameters
Final Concentrates Cuf = % Cu in Ore, Sf = % S in OreCur =%Cu in Ro
feed, Cuc =% Cu in final Conc
Copper Recovery (%) a + (b x Cuf)/(1+b x Cuf) x(1-e-bx%Cuf)
Hugo North a = 95 ; b = 15
Southwest Zone a = 98 ; b = 14.5
Central Zone Covellite a = 80 ; b = 15
Central Zone Chalcocite a = 72 ; b = 15
Central Zone Chalcopyrite a = 88 ; b = 12.2
Copper Grade (%)
Hugo North (2.9 x Cu Recovery) + 11.4x(CuF:SF) + 15.3
Southwest Zone (12.8 x CuF:SF) - 3.6 x (CuF:SF)2 + 22.5
Central Zone Covellite 20.0
Central Zone Chalcocite 20.0
Central Zone Chalcopyrite (12.8 x CuF:SF) - 3.6 x (CuF:SF)2 + 21
Gold Recovery (%) c + (d x Cuf) d x Cu Recovery + c
Hugo North c = 9.8 ; d = 0.80
Southwest Zone c = 4.8 ; d = 0.80
Central Zone Covellite c = 4.8 ; d = 0.65
Central Zone Chalcocite c = 4.8 ; d = 0.70
Central Zone Chalcopyrite c = 4.8 ; d = 0.80
Silver Recovery (%), All Ores 0.8 x Cu Recovery + 13.0
Rougher Concentrate Grade (%) Cur x (Cuc /Cur)K
Hugo North K = 0.6
Southwest Zone + Central Zone Ores K = 0.5

Recirculating loads have been altered between Phase 1 and 2. In Phase 1, cleaner
scavenger concentrate was recycled to the regrind circuit, increasing the flow through the
regrind cyclones. In the current model, the scavenger concentrate is returned directly to the
cleaner flotation cells. The assumption is that material once reground to a certain size is
unlikely to benefit by return to the same circuit with pre-classification and the same product
size criterion.

A 200% circulating load is assumed for the regrind circuit processing only rougher
concentrate, compared to 100% in the Phase 1 design. This reflects the impact of material
that has already been reground no longer being present in the new feed to the regrind
circuit. These modifications allow Lines 1 and 2 to continue to operate without modification of
the regrind classification and pumping circuits.

The mass balance model allowed the assessment of all unit operations from the coarse ore
stockpiles to concentrate dewatering, tailings disposal, water reclaim, and tailings storage

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facility (TSF) evaporation. Thus it was possible to effectively evaluate the overall process and
raw water demands and the impacts on shared facilities such as pebble crushing,
concentrate handling, tailings thickening, and the TSF.

The process design criteria are the key elements used for plant design. This section discusses
the overall design assumptions and constraints for selection of equipment for the major
process plant duties. The DIDOP design criteria have been modified to accommodate the
concentrator conversion for OTFS14. They include, for example, criteria for sizing the SAG and
ball mills, pebble crushers, flotation cells, regrind Vertimills, filtration and thickening units, and
concentrate storage and bagging facilities.

As discussed above, two mine plans were generated during the execution of the project:
MP08v2 at the commencement of the study, and Mine Plan 2014 (MP2014) closer to
completion of OTFS14. Mass balance flows and ore analyses for plant design were taken from
the MP08v2 based on year 2021, the year of peak concentrate production and near-peak
overall tonnage processed. All concentrator conversion upgrades were based on MP08v2.

The mine plan MP2014 issued during the course of the project was designed to narrow the
difference between the grinding and hydraulic limits by controlling the admixture of
Central zone ore over much of the mine life. Because the mine plan was designed with these
constraints, minimal changes to the major processes were required. The co-processing of
Hugo North and Central zone ore allows the low-arsenic, high-copper Hugo North to dilute
the high-arsenic Central zone ore to keep the concentrate below penalty limits (3,000 ppm
arsenic). After providing additional capability with the 5th ball mill, grinding and volumetric
throughput were maximised by allowing the flotation feed P80 to flex within the range already
experienced with finer-grained ore in Phase 1.

The development of the design criteria is an iterative process in which process assumptions
must match and keep pace with test results, mine plans, economic constraints, vendor data,
etc. For example:
 Grinding testwork and preliminary mill selection provide the key capacity input to the
mine, resulting in a production plan. In many cases, increments are determined by the
largest available equipment or the size of the equipment already installed to minimise
holding costs for insurance spares.
 Flotation recoveries and concentrate analyses provide the head grade-related capacity
and product quality constraints used to tune the mine plan to maximise NSR while still
producing a readily marketable product.
 The production plan is incorporated into the design criteria and ultimately drives the next
mass balance.
 The mass balance usually identifies shortfalls or inconsistencies that demonstrate the
need for additional testwork before ultimately refining the production plan.

The capacity of the concentrator conversion plant is constrained by the tailings volumetric
capacity when softer Hugo North and Central zone ores are processed, and then reverts to
the grinding TPUT (throughput) when Southwest zone ore processing resumes in 2038.

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The tailings volumetric capacity is based on the maximum motor power installed for pumping
tailings through the overland tailings pipeline to the TFS. This limit is similar to that derived from
recent CFD analysis of the tailings thickener feed distributor. The TPUT constraint is based on
parameters developed in the grinding testwork, notably SPI (SAG mill Performance Index),
MBI (Modified Bond Index) and Ci (Minnovex Crushing Index). These parameters are inputs to
the Minnovex formulae that generate the grinding model outputs, specifically TPUT
(throughput, or instantaneous grinding rate) and the P80 product sizing to flotation feed.

The current MP2014 mine plan is compared with the MP08v2 peak design mine plan and
concentrator design envelopes in Figure 17.3 and Figure 17.4. While the production schedules
shift, there is less than 1.0% difference in peak ore delivery or concentrate production.

Metallurgical grades and recovery models developed from testwork used for flotation
predictions are based on meeting the optimum primary and regrind ranges, which has been
the design objective. An additional ball mill (Ball Mill 5) was required to compensate for the
higher SAG mill capacity with underground and Central zone ore feed. The softer ore results in
a higher SAG throughput, but requires a higher ball mill to SAG mill power ratio to maintain
flotation feed P80.

The Ball Mill 5 circuit is identical to the existing four ball mill lines and will be operated in
parallel with them. For MP08v2, the total ball milling power was capable of achieving a
predicted P80 of 140 µm when Southwest zone and Hugo North were to be processed
concurrently and Central zone ore was to be introduced only as Hugo North production
ramped down. However, in MP2014, Hugo North and Central zone ore are processed
together to reduce concentrate arsenic levels and maximise capacity. As a result, the
predicted P80 in the MP2014 production schedule exceeds 150 µm continuously from 2021–
2037, at the height of Hugo North production.

Figure 17.5 shows the predicted flotation feed P80 along with the ore specific P80 targets and
percentage of Hugo North in mill feed. Hugo North ore is not particularly sensitive to the
primary grind size, but the addition of the fifth roughing bank increases retention time by 25%
to compensate.

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Orebody Primary Grind Regrind
P80, µm P80, µm
Hugo North 125 –160 40 – 45
Southwest Zone 150 –180 30 – 40
Central Zone Chalcopyrite 180 – 200 30 – 40
Central Zone Chalcocite 180 – 200 30 – 40
Central Zone Covellite 180 – 200 30 – 40

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In addition, a contingency plan exists for configuration of the fifth mill in series rather than in
parallel, should additional SAG mill capacity be developed by upstream debottlenecking.
Flotation feed top size is controlled more effectively by series operation than by parallel
operation, especially when the new feed to the circuit is pre-classified at a size coarse
enough to allow additional grinding effort to be directed only to the coarsest 20 wt% of
particles with the lowest recovery, rather than spreading it across the entire distribution that is
coarser than the target grind. The net effect is a steeper flotation feed particle size

The regrind circuit has ample capacity to maintain the target grind for efficient concentrate
cleaning at 121 ktpd capacity, as indicated in Figure 17.5.

The metallurgical relationships developed are typically correlations between copper head
grade and recovery and Cu:S ratio for concentrate grade.

Flotation cell criteria are compared in Table 17.11 at the peak head grade condition.
Retention times are specified per cell, with eight cells in line in roughing, four cells in cleaning,
and four cells in cleaner scavenging.

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Parameter Rougher Cleaner Scavenger Column
Cu concentrate grade (%) 15 30.8 15 42.9
Stage Cu recovery (%) 96 87 87 60
Carrying capacity, maximum (tph/m2) 1.5 2 2 1.75
Retention time (minutes/cell) 2.5 2.5 2.5 –

Flotation circuit design is constrained by layout, available area, cell froth-carrying capacity
limits, and minimum residence time requirements. Because of the change to much higher
grade Hugo North ore, eight additional 160 m3 rougher bank cells have been selected for
installation in the flotation area reserved for expansion in the Phase 1 design. An additional
rougher bank was selected over a cleaner and cleaner scavenger bank because the
rougher circuit was approaching its carrying capacity limits, as well as the rougher stage
recovery being lower than the cleaner stage recovery in operation on Southwest ore.
Residence time considerations are limited to maintaining minimum per cell residence times of
2.5 minutes to minimise short-circuiting potential. The rougher and cleaner cell retention
scale-up factors relative to the latest SGS bench testwork are1.65 and 2.5, respectively.

The design cleaning circuit recovery, at 3.0% copper in the feed, is 96%. With rougher losses,
this equates to 93% overall copper recovery at peak head grade. By virtue of the head
grade-recovery relationship, recoveries are projected to fall to 91% at average Hugo North
heads of 1.66% Cu and to 87% at the Reserve Case average head grade of 0.84%. For
comparison purposes, Southwest zone ore currently demonstrates 90%+ recoveries at head
grades in this range, but is unburdened by the higher pyrite content in a 20% admixture of
high-pyrite Central zone ore.

Additional column cells have been included to process the expected increased volume of
concentrate. The column cell dimensions are identical to Phase 1 (5.5 m diameter x 16 m
high). The concentrator conversion will require six new columns.

The concentrate thickener sizing parameters were based on testwork performed by

FL Smidth; it was determined that one additional 23 m diameter thickener, identical to the
two supplied in Phase 1, will be required. Although the Phase 2 concentrate volumes are
triple the concentrate volumes in Phase 1, the Phase 1 concentrate thickeners were so
significantly over-sized that the addition of a third similar thickener will suffice for the
conversion. The intent is to run two units and have one on standby, compared to current
operation with one unit operating and one on standby.

The concentrate thickening and storage design criteria (Table 17.12) assume the following:
 Use of Magnafloc 5250 or equivalent anionic flocculant.
 Specific settling rate of 0.055 m2/tpd at flocculant dosage of 10–15 g/t and 0.04 m2/tpd
at flocculant dosage of 15–20 g/t.
 Feed auto-dilution to 10%–15% solids.

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Design Parameter Unit Phase 1 Phase 2
Concentrate Flow tph 118.7 240
Concentrate Flow tpd 2,849 5,291
Unit Thickening Rate m2/tpd 0.055 0.055
Area Required m2 157 291
Thickeners Provided ea 2 3
Diameter m 23 23
Area Provided m2 830 1,245
Concentrate Tanks ea 1 2
Concentrate Tank Volume m3 4,200 8,400
Storage Capacity h 42.8 26.6
Desired Capacity h >28 >24

The Phase 1 concentrate filtration sizing parameters were based on Southwest zone
concentrate testwork performed by Larox at a 25 µm P80. Existing operations data are used
for Phase 2 design. The filtration rate for Southwest at 35 µm is taken as the midpoint between
the peak and median three-day moving average filtration rates from May to
December 2013, scaled up to the expected Phase 2 P80 of 40 µm. They result in the addition
of two more 144 m2 horizontal plate filters, identical to the two supplied in Phase 1. The design
criteria include:
 Concentrate storage requirement minimum of 28 hours.
 Filtration rate of 0.75 tph/m2.
 Cake moisture of 8.5%.
 Cake bulk density of 1.99 t dry solids/m2.
 Filter cycle time of 10.5 minutes.

Concentrate bagging design is based on existing operations data. Operations reports that
the maximum bagging rate, without circuit upgrades, is 3,934 tpd (wet) based on three of
four bagging modules operating simultaneously. For Phase 2 the following design upgrades
are required to increase the bagging plant capacity:
 Automation of the sampling, sealing, and scanning stages to allow the use of
four modules simultaneously, providing a 33% increase in capacity.
 Installation of four additional modules. It is conservatively estimated that shared use of
the existing roller conveyors will result in the four new modules providing a capacity
increase of 50% instead of 100% because of queuing interference.
 Increase of bag capacity from 2.0–2.5 tonnes. This would reduce the number of bags
being filled by 20% and should result in an almost 25% increase in capacity (note that
actual bag filling time is not capacity limiting). Rather than increase bag height, it is
recommended that the vibration cycle be extended and the cross-section of the base
of the bag be increased to improve stability.

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With these upgrades the bagging plant will have a product design bagging rate of
411 tph (wet) (378 tph (dry)). At a planned usage rate of 7,100 h/a, the bagging capacity
would be 2.7 Mtpa compared to a peak planned production of 1.9 Mtpa. This may obviate
the need to automate, although this may be desirable from the perspective of operating
cost reduction.

No additional tailings thickening capacity is planned for Phase 2 as the conversion is based
upon the existing tailings capacity.

Reagent consumption based on laboratory flotation testwork.

A design factor is an additional safety allowance applied to nominal capacities to account

for short-term surges and variability in plant operation. Design factors are not applied
uniformly across the plant but instead target equipment that typically must operate in a surge
mode, such as feeders, conveyors, and pumps. A 10% allowance (1.1 design factor) has
been adopted for the new equipment of this type.

For process equipment such as grinding mills and flotation cells, which are sized from design
criteria, a design factor of 1.0 is applied. Process equipment can generally tolerate normal
process variations with minor changes in performance.

The design factors adopted for new equipment are shown in Table 17.13. Some existing
equipment will fall below its design factors as a result of the expansion.

Item Factor Basis

Anticipated Capacity Increase (C) 1.21 100 / 121 ktpd
Normal Process Variation (N) 1.10 Estimated
Process Equipment 1.00 Sizing based upon design criteria
General Pumps and Piping 1.10 Normal process variation
Thickener U/F and O/F Piping 1.50 Two of three thickeners operating (3/2 = 1.5)
Material handling (concentrate) 1.10 Normal process variation
Gravity Flow Launders Fill Fraction 0.5 Industry practice
Reagent Supply (Flow) 2 Industry practice
Gland and Seal Water Supply 1.5 Industry practice
Froth Factor – Rougher Concentrate 1.5 Industry practice
Froth Factor – Cleaner Concentrate 3 Industry practice
Froth Factor – Column Concentrate 4 Industry practice

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The selection of process equipment suppliers for the concentrator was based on sole-
sourcing from existing Phase 1 suppliers. Along with the benefits of operator familiarity and
commonality of spares, sole-sourcing was particularly appropriate in the following
 To the same manufacturer as used in Phase 1 when long-term, high-level technical
support will be necessary for the life of the operation.
 To the same manufacturer and equipment model/size as used in Phase 1 when larger
equipment has not been proven up and when Phase 1 design has made provision for
certain models and model dimensions, e.g., Phase 1 ball mill aisle, Phase 1 flotation cells,
and Phase 1 pressure filter suppliers.
 To suppliers with which Rio Tinto Procurement has negotiated strategic agreements, e.g.,
supplier of general electrical equipment and variable-speed drives.

This section describes the flowsheet and general arrangement of the expanded processing
facilities, starting at reception of ore from the overland conveying system and continuing
through the concentrator to concentrate load-out and the distribution of tailings at the
storage facility.

The description includes the modifications to be made to process Lines 1 and 2 to accept
higher milling rates and head grades following the first three years after ore delivery from
Hugo North Lift 1.

The primary crushing and overland conveying systems that deliver crushed ore to the coarse
ore stockpile do not need to be modified for Phase 2. The underground provides for the
delivery of ore to the existing coarse ore storage gantry via an additional parallel conveyor,
which was allowed for in the Phase 1 design.

Oyu Tolgoi employs a conventional SAG mill / ball mill / grinding circuit (SABC) followed by
flotation, as shown in the basic flowsheet (Figure 17.6).

Coarse ore is slurried and ground to approximately 2.0 mm in semi-autogenous grinding

(SAG) mills. Screening of the discharge separates out +15 mm particles, which are transferred
to pebble crushing for size reduction and then returned to the SAG mills. About 10%–15% of
the feed circulates from the SAG mills to the pebble crushers, depending on ore type and
grate condition. SAG mill screen undersize is ground further in ball mills operating in closed
circuit with cyclones.

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The cyclone underflow returns to the ball mills, while the overflow with an 80% passing size of
140–180 µm is distributed by gravity to the rougher flotation cells. The rougher concentrate is
then reground in vertical tower mills to 35 µm before delivery to the first stage cleaners. The
concentrate from the first stage cleaners is pumped to the column cells, which produce the
final grade concentrate.

Tailings from the cleaner and rougher flotation cells are combined, thickened, and pumped
to the tailings storage facility (TSF), where they settle to their terminal density, allowing the
recycle of process water to the concentrator. The cleaner concentrate is thickened, filtered,
bagged, and shipped to market.

Phase 1 uses two grinding lines, each consisting of a SAG mill, two parallel ball mills, and
associated downstream equipment to treat up to 100 ktpd of ore from the Southwest zone
pit. Softer ore from the Central zone pit will be processed from 2020 through 2050. Combined
with Hugo North underground ore, concentrator feed rates will be as high as 121 ktpd, which
represents the tailings handling capacity of the plant. The Phase 2 concentrator
development programme optimises the concentrator circuit to enable it to maximise
recovery from the higher grade Hugo North ore.

In approximately 2017, Cell 2 of the TSF will become available for use, and the tailings
pumping system will be upgraded to feed TSF Cells 1 and 2.

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In 2020, before the underground mine reaches full capacity, Lines 1 and 2 will be expanded
to allow them to handle both higher tonnage and higher grade material. The ball milling,
rougher flotation, flotation columns, concentrate filtration, thickening, bagging and bagged
storage facilities will be upgraded to accommodate the gradual introduction of ore from
underground. In general, the augmentations embody the operational and maintenance
philosophies guiding the design of Phase 1 and provide, as much as practicable, a seamless
production environment.

The intent of Phase 2 is to treat all of the high-value Hugo North ore delivered by the mine,
supplemented by open pit ore to fill the mill to its capacity limit. The open pit ores have
different optimal processing conditions than does the Hugo North ore, and the concentrator
operation will target capturing maximum value from the higher NSR of the underground ore.
These conditions approximate those for Southwest zone ore but will not be optimal for
Central zone ore, and the concentrate grade and recovery from the Central zone ore has
been corrected accordingly. The high-grade of Hugo North ore will generate high tonnages
of concentrates, which will beneficially dilute impurities, particularly arsenic from the
Central zone ore.

Figure 17.7 is a block diagram of the process on completion of Phase 2. As shown in

Figure 17.8, most of the new processing facilities will be located within the existing
concentrator building. Installation of a new ball mill, column cells, and concentrate
thickening will require the concentrator building to be expanded to the north.

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From Open Pits

From Underground Mine

Cleaners Cleaner Scavengers Tails Thickeners

3 Bank of 4x160m3 3 Bank of 4x160m3 2 x 80m D

Coarse Ore
Stockpile Phase 1

Columns Columns
Pebble (4 @ 5.5m D x 16m) (6 @ 5.5m D x 16m)
SAG Mill
(2 @ 38' by 20')
3 MP1000

Con Thickeners Con Thickeners

(2 x 23m D) (1 x 23m D)
Ball Mill Ball Mill
(1 @ 24' by 36') (4 @ 24' by 36')

Con Stock Tank

(2 @ 18m D x 18m)

Rougher Rougher Con Filter Con Filter

Flotation Flotation (2 x 144m2) (2 x 144m2)
1 Bank 8x160m3 4 Bank 8x160m3

Con Storage
25,000 t
Regrind Mill
(6 VTM 1500)

Con Bagging

4 Modules 4 Modules


Lines 1& 2
(Phase 1)

Con Conversion
OTFS14 Upgrades

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New Air New Concentrate New Flotation
New Ball Mill
New Electrical Compressors Thickener Columns

SAG Mills

New Bagging
Plant Modules
Coarse Ore

New Dust


New Filter

Thickeners Emergency Process 220 kV Concentrator Pebble
Pond Water Ponds Substation Crushing

The existing concentrator substation to the south will be expanded to supply the additional
electrical loads. The Phase 1 bagging plant will be expanded by the addition of four more
bagging modules. This expansion was anticipated in the Phase 1 design, and ample room
was provided for the new equipment. Figure 17.9 is a plan of the expanded concentrator,
showing the relative locations of Phase 1 and Phase 2 equipment and the modest increase in
building footprint.

The conversion will share facilities with the Lines 1–2 reagent supply systems. The modifications
to the reagent system are described below. The recommended inventories and method of
delivery for the reagents are summarised in Table 17.14. In general the aim is to have 45 days
of reagent inventory on hand at or near the plant site.
 Lime – No additional lime storage capacity, beyond the four 1.0 kt silos installed in
Phase 1 is required. An additional metering station will be required at the new rougher
bank and the column cells.
 Primary Collector – The primary collector will be Aerophine 3418A (sodium di-isobutyl
dithiophosphinate). Consumption will peak at nearly 1,700 kgpd, approximately 65%
more than the Phase 1 usage. The Phase 1 system has ample dilution capacity to supply
the conversion. An additional metering station will be required at the new rougher bank.

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Consumable Unit Design Design Proposed Proposed Phase 1 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 2 Total Description of Additional
Usage Usage Inventory Inventory In-Plant Warehouse In-Plant Warehouse Inventory Additional Number
(units/mo) (per day) (d) (t) Storage Inventory Storage Inventory (d) Phase 2 Required
(t) (#) (t) (t) Storage (#)

125 mm balls1 t 1,809 59 30 1,784 1,800 – – – 44 – –

75 mm balls1 t 2,171 71 30 2141 1,440 – – 192 23 24 t isotainers 8
16mm balls t 70.9 22 15 324 165 – – – 8 – –
Lime t 3,000 100 45 4,500 4,000 – – – 50 – –
3418A kg 50,647 1,665 45 75 40 40 – 80 72 18 m3 isotainers 3
Collector-2 kg 161,293 5,302 45 239 40 40 – – 11 – –
Frother-1 kg 54,265 1,784 45 80 41 12 – 40 45 FCL (18 m3 2
Tails Flocculant kg 72,353 2,378 45 107 3 140 – 105 45 750 kg bag 140
Conc Flocculant kg 3,169 104 45 5 0.3 1 – 4 41 750 kg bag 6
Anti-scalant m3 9 0.28 45 17 – 19 – – 67 – –
Anti-corrosive m3 9 0.28 45 17 – 14 – – 49 – –
1 125 mm, 75 mm, and 16 mm media based upon 90% bin fill.

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 Secondary Collector – The proposed on-site inventory for Phase 1 is 40 tonnes, which has
not been increased for the conversion. An additional metering station will be required at
the new rougher bank. No secondary collectors are currently added in Phase 1.
 Frother – Frother distribution in Phase 1 provides for the use of two frothers, methyl isobutyl
carbinol (MIBC) added neat, and a secondary frother (polyglycol ether or similar) added
as a low concentration solution in water. Primary frother consumption in Phase 2 will be
roughly equal to Phase 1 design at 15 g/t, peaking at nearly 1,800 kgpd due to a
reduction in estimated consumption, as corroborated by May-to-December 2013
consumption reports. No additional frother tankage will be required. Delivery will be in
18 m3 isotainers off-loaded by forklift and placed on a racking system, from which the
contents will be pumped to the plant storage. Additional metering stations for each type
will be required at the new rougher bank.
 Tailings Flocculant – The major flocculant will be a non-ionic type such as Magnafloc 338.
Tailings flocculant use will increase to 2,400 kgpd, proportionate to tonnage. No new
flocculant preparation equipment will be installed. The proposed reagent inventory is
considered adequate for Phase 2. Recent testing of an alternate flocculant has led to
higher underflow densities at significantly reduced consumption.
 Concentrate Flocculant – The flocculant used for concentrate thickening is an anionic
variety, such as Magnafloc 5250. Concentrate flocculant demand will increase to
110 kgpd, but the Phase 1 capacity is sufficiently under-utilised that expansion will not be
necessary. An additional flocculant metering pump and dilution system will be installed.
Reagent inventory will be increased to five bulk bags.
 Water Treatment Chemicals –The existing anti-scalant and corrosion inhibitor supply
systems will be adequate for both the process and raw water systems. The reagent
inventory is also adequate for Phase 2.
 Grinding Media – No additional inventory is required for SAG milling.
For ball milling, the new Ball Mill 5 will use the existing 1.6 kt ball storage system for 75 mm
balls and the ball conveying system will be modified to deliver to it. An additional
inventory of 192 tonnes of 75 mm media in quarter-height isotainers is provided.
Using Phase 1 regrind media consumption estimates, the regrind mills will consume
about 22 tpd of 16 mm media, reducing on-site inventory to eight days of operation.
However, actual operating data for 2013 indicate a large decrease in consumption,
from the design 2013 plan of 130–60 g/t for Southwest zone ore for OTFS14. Long-term
consumptions in regrind milling are budgeted in terms of g/kWh for the various ore

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Raw water is used for:
 Cooling;
 Gland seal;
 Domestic and fire water;
 Column and filter wash water, and
 Total water inventory make-up to replace water lost to evaporation and to the settled

Raw water is delivered by pipeline from the lagoon to the raw water tank, from where it is
pumped through cartridge filters to the grinding and air compressor cooling systems. Spent
cooling water will supply a second gland seal water tank interconnected with the Phase 1
gland seal water tank. Excess spent cooling water will flow by gravity to the tailings collection
box and make its way to the process water tank via the tailings thickener overflow; any
shortfall in gland seal water requirement will be made up directly from the cooling water

The concentrator conversion equipment will be serviced by the existing water system with
minimal modification. The gland seal water storage capacity will be expanded and
appropriate connections added to the existing network.

The bulk of the process water is added to the SAG mill feed chutes and the cyclone feed
pump boxes in high volumes at low pressure. The ball mills are secondary addition points. The
rest of the process water is circulated around the mill at higher pressure for sprays, utility
hoses, and other miscellaneous uses. A booster pump is provided for high-pressure washing of
the mill liners. The increased tonnage in Phase 2 will require additional process water but no
system modifications.

The concentrator raw water demand varies seasonally due to evaporation, ice formation on
the TSF, and the release of water during spring thaw. The total site raw water demand has
been estimated to range from a low of 678 L/s in June to as high as 932 L/s in the February-
March period, with an average of 732 L/s. The design groundwater pumping capacity is
900 L/s. Utilising drawdown of the lagoons will slightly reduce the lagoon recharge rate, but
the current projection is that the peak instantaneous raw water demand could exceed
900 L/s at the Phase 2 volumetric limit of 121 ktpd, and approach it at the average of
117.43 ktpd in the peak Phase 2 year (2021). This compares with the long-term average
Gunii Hooloi groundwater extraction of 870 L/s approved by the Ministry of Environment and
Green Development based on average usage over 40 years. The largest water loss, 564 L/s, is
the entrained water in the settled tailings. The Phase 1 design specified a final tailings settled
density of 73.5%. That value has not been realised to date and a value of 70% has been used
in the water balance model.

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Figure 17.9 compares actual plant data and the water balance model. The shutdown of one
tailings thickener and reduced tonnage in February–March 2014 proved challenging for the
model assumptions about ice formation and melting. This can be seen in the ‘data wraps’,
with June to December plant data being from 2013, while the January to April data are from
2014. Figure 17.10 illustrates the projected raw water demand for OTFS14 under different
weather assumptions.

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Based on the estimated raw water demand and the available 400,000 m3 surge capacity
provided by the two raw water lagoons, the nominal raw water pumping rate of 1,900 L/s
appears adequate. Uprating of the raw water pipeline capacity by installation of an
intermediate pump station would be required for capacity beyond the current mine plan.
Normally the cooling water demand is lower than the raw water demand. However, the
significant increase in reclaim rate and subsequent reduction in raw water demand during
the spring thaw means that cooling water must be recirculated to balance the demands.

With the addition of the concentrator conversion loads, the peak operating load demand
from the existing 220 kV concentrator substation will increase by an estimated 20 MW (from
116–136 MW), and the nominal operating (diversified) load will increase by an estimated
19 MW (from 106–125 MW). The operating power demand includes the diversity, demand,
and percent duty factors specific to the type of equipment and process.

Total demand for Phase 1 and the concentrator conversion combined during normal
operating conditions is estimated at 150 MW peak operating load and 144 MW nominal
operating (diversified) load. This includes the peripheral 35 kV ring loads to the concentrator
account. This nominal operating load results in an estimated annual power consumption of
1,093,800 MWh for the combined concentrator, an incremental increase of 161,400 MWh for
the concentrator conversion.

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The existing concentrator 35 kV line will distribute power through cable feeders to the
 One 16 MVA, 35 kV–10.5 kV Ball Mill 5 oil-filled transformer, and
 One 16 MVA, 35 kV–6.3 kV oil-filled transformer from a new 35 kV GIS switchgear section
to be added.

The modifications will provide power for all of the new conversion equipment, in addition to
the power demands of the relocated air compressors and the new column cells.

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Most of the infrastructure facilities required for Oyu Tolgoi were completed during Phase 1.
The facilities discussed in this section are summarised in Table 18.1.

Certain infrastructure buildings and services will be expanded or added during Phase 2; these
are identified as part of the facility descriptions.

Facility Initial Expansion

Power Supply From China No change
220 kV Substations Central substation No change
No change to concentrator
Concentrator substation
220 kV substation
Shaft farm substation to be
Shaft farm substation
Upgrade existing 35 and 10.5
Power distribution 220 / 35 / 10.5 kV
kV systems
2 x 20 MW diesel power
Standby-power No change
Access Roads Internal access roads Expanded internal access
OT Road Wildlife crossings added
Concentrate logistics facilities Expanded logistics facilities
North gatehouse –
Airport Regional airport No change
SOT camp expansion (1,580
Camp Accommodations SOT camp (2,818 beds)
No additional construction
Manlai camp (2,921 beds)
camp facilities required
Erchim camp (879 beds) –
Javkhlant camp (1,722 beds) –
Khanbogd Camp (1,539 beds) –
Maintenance Facilities Gobi Maintenance Complex UG facilities
Open Pit Truck Shop –
Toyota Workshop –
Administration Building 410-person office –
Central Mine Dry 1,200 lockers –
Water Systems Undai River diversion No change
Water distribution Raw water Expansion of existing systems
High pressure firewater Expansion of existing systems

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Facility Initial Expansion
Domestic water Expansion of existing systems
Sewer Expansion of existing systems
Return water No change
Raw Water Supply from
900 L/s No change
Water treatment & bottling
Water Treatment No change
Wastewater Treatment 4,200 equivalent person No change
ICT Distributed control system Expansion of existing systems
Electrical monitoring system Expansion of existing systems
Local area network / voice-
Expansion of existing systems
over internet protocol
Fire alarm system Expansion of existing systems
Access control system Expansion of existing systems
Closed-circuit television Expansion of existing systems
Cable television Expansion of existing systems
Operations Warehouse 8,100 m2 + 4,500 m2 6,600 m2
Medical Centre Medical centre No change
Fire Station Built during early construction No change
2.0 x 7.0 + 2.0 x 29 MW central 2.0 x 29 MW expansion +
Central Heating
heating plant 2.0 x 15 MW diesel backup
Waste Disposal One landfill cell Two landfill cells
Two leachate cells One leachate cell
Incinerator No change
Recycling and composting

Fuel Storage: – –
Light Vehicle Fuel Depot 100 kL gasoline No change
Light Vehicle Fuel Depot 800 kL diesel No change
Mine Fleet Fuel Depot 2,800 kL diesel No change
Diesel Power Station 200 kL diesel No change
Underground Diesel Storage – (see Section 16)
Core Management Core Management Centre No change
Construction Water Supplied by 19 site bores by raw water system
Batch Plants Batch Plant No. 1 – 60 m3/hr No change
Batch Plant No. 2 – 240 m3/hr –
Batch Plant No. 3 – 40 m3/hr –

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The Oyu Tolgoi Project is energy-intensive, with requirements of a peak of 145 MW since start-
up, increasing to 246 MW in the longer term after completion of the underground
development. A reliable and stable power supply is essential for operations and safety.

OT LLC has a Power Purchase Agreement with the Inner Mongolia Power Corporation to
supply power to Oyu Tolgoi. The term of this agreement covers the commissioning of the
business plus the initial four years of commercial operations.

In August 2014, OT LLC signed a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM
for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-based independent power producer (IPP). The aim of
the PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation between the GOM
and OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region. Participation in the
PSCA meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power supply within
Mongolia within four years from the commencement of commercial production. Signing of a
PSCA has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the establishment of an IPP
at Tavan Tolgoi is studied.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an IPP
to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to supply electricity, with
Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

Estimated annual peak power demand for the site over the life of the mine is shown in
Figure 18.1, and an estimate of power demand on the Oyu Tolgoi power system is tabulated
in Table 18.2. This is based on a combination of actual site loads and load factors, and, where
applicable, these factors are used for the future loads. These levels will be reviewed
progressively as the project develops. The numbers indicate the maximum load estimated for
that year.

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Area Year of Project
Unit 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Central Substation MW 15 15 15 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 17
Concentrator MW
114 114 114 114 114 114 133 133 133 133 133
Shaft Farm Substation MW 13 25 37 54 70 71 77 86 95 98 101
Growth Allowance MW – 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Total Peak MW 141 155 168 186 203 205 232 242 253 257 260
Total Energy GWh 1,098 1,132 1,201 1,280 1,336 1,354 1,630 1,675 1,745 1,762 1,786

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Standby loads are defined as those required to keep minimal process functions operating.
Emergency loads are defined as those required to keep critical equipment operating to
maintain the health and safety of personnel or minimise damage to critical equipment.

The diesel power station (DPS) provides standby power. Emergency loads are supplied either
by the diesel power station via the 35 kV system or by dedicated generators such as those
located at the administration building and central substation. No additions are required to
the DPS.

The central substation, approximately 500 m south of the concentrator facility, currently
receives power from the IMPC, later from the IPP coal fired power plant at Tavan Tolgoi and
distributes it to the various facilities at either 220 kV or 35 kV. The substation consists of an
outdoor, double bus 220 kV switchyard, two 31.5/41.5/51.5 MVA 220 kV/35 kV transformers
and an indoor 35 kV substation. The 220 kV switchyard has 19 bays.

Four 220 kV overhead transmission lines radiate from the central substation, two feed the
concentrator substation 500 m to the north, and two feed the shaft farm substation 800 m to
the south-east.

Two 220 kV/35 kV transformers provide power to the indoor 35 kV substation, which uses 35 kV
GIS to supply the concentrator ring loads, including primary crushing, conveying, and tailings
pumping, some infrastructure loads, and the borefield loads.

The 35 kV infrastructure power distribution system consists of:

 Three 35 kV rings (north, south, and concentrator). The north and south rings are fed from
the shaft farm substation, and the concentrator ring is fed from the central substation.
 Two radial 35 kV overhead power lines to supply the borefield, fed from the concentrator
substation. This feeder extends approximately 70 km to the north-east of the site.
 35 kV feed to the underground mine.
 Temporary supply to community loads (Khanbogd and Bayan Ovoo).

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Oyu Tolgoi is supplied with electricity from China in accordance with three agreements with
Inner Mongolia Power (Group) Co. Ltd (IMPC):
 An Electricity Purchase and Sale Agreement for Oyu Tolgoi between OT LLC, IMPC, and
 An Operation and Maintenance Agreement between OT LLC and IMPC
(O&M Agreement).
 A Dispatch Agreement between OT LLC and IMPC (Dispatch Agreement).

Supply is physically obtained from a 220 kV double-circuit transmission line from Inner
Mongolia. Either circuit is capable of supplying approximately 400 MW and thus Oyu Tolgoi’s
load can be met entirely from one circuit. To date the reliability of the electricity supply from
IMPC has been very good, with no full outage of the transmission line recorded.

IMPC built, owns, operates and maintains the section of transmission line that operates in
Inner Mongolia. As part of the O&M Agreement, OT LLC agreed to pay IMPC’s costs for the
operation and maintenance of this section. The capital cost of the line is recovered through
the electricity tariff in the IMPC PPA, but there is a requirement for OT LLC to make a final
payment for the undepreciated capital at the end of the term of the IMPC PPA.

The section of transmission line that operates in Mongolia was built by OT LLC. Currently
discussions are underway with the GOM to transfer ownership of this section of the line to the
National Transmission Line Company (NPTG), as required under Mongolian Energy Law.

The diesel power station on the Oyu Tolgoi site consists of two plants, each with 20 MW
capacity, connected to the site 35 kV grid to supply standby and emergency power in the
event of loss of power from external sources.

The OTFS14 is based on extension of the existing supply arrangements described above. In
parallel; however, OT LLC is developing opportunities to benefit from its base demand and
the Tavan Tolgoi coal reserves in Mongolia by linking to a new power plant primarily
supported by Oyu Tolgoi demand.

OT LLC has a Power Purchase Agreement with the Inner Mongolia Power Corporation to
supply power to Oyu Tolgoi. The term of this agreement covers the commissioning of the
business plus the initial four years of commercial operations.

OT LLC will be the primary customer for the power plant with capacity charge obligations
covering the entire 450 MW gross capacity and high reliability requirements. The IPP’s charges
will be predetermined and structured to reflect operating costs, debt repayment, and equity
return profiles of the IPP.

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In August 2014, OT LLC signed a PSCA with the GOM for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-
based IPP. The aim of the PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation
between the GOM and OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region.
Participation in the PSCA meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power
supply within Mongolia within four years from the commencement of commercial production.
Signing of a PSCA has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the
establishment of an IPP at Tavan Tolgoi is studied.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an
independent power provider to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to
supply electricity, with Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

A permanent domestic airport has been constructed at Oyu Tolgoi to support the
transportation of people and goods to the site from Ulaanbaatar. It further serves as the
regional airport for Khanbogd soum. No upgrade of facilities is required.

The airport is 13 km north of the Oyu Tolgoi camp area. It is a non-precision approach, visual
flight rules (VFR) facility. The runway surface is concrete, with a concrete apron at the
terminal building. The runway has been aligned to the prevailing northwest-southeast wind
direction to minimise cross-wind conditions and facilitate optimal landing and take-off
conditions. The design criteria are set to service commercial aircraft up to the Boeing 737-800
series aircraft.

Principal airport design features are as follows:

 3,250 m long x 45 m wide runway
 International Civil Aviation Organisation Reference Code for aerodromes: 4C
 Projected life: 30 years
 Two arrivals and departures per day
 Terminal building for 120 passengers per hour
 Car park for 40 vehicles
 Perimeter road for security patrols
 Perimeter fence for access security
 Aerodrome category II.

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Other key design criteria are as follows:
 airport service type: private and business, non-scheduled
 airport elevation: nominal 1,200 m above mean sea level
 no aircraft refuelling capability on site
 space provided for future expansion of the airport
 areas of disturbance minimised as much as practicable
 flight paths over existing camp areas and structures avoided

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) suggests that runway facilities should be
sited and oriented for best wind coverage, given the terrain constraints. Secondary or cross-
wind runway facilities should supplement the primary runway. The current design incorporates
a primary runway only, which has been sited to favour the prevailing winds. The prevailing
wind direction was considered to be north and the secondary direction to be north-west. To
favour the prevailing wind and avoid approach path restrictions, the selected runway
orientation was northwest-southeast. Terminal Building

The terminal building is 37.5 m wide x 45 m long and includes an entry area with a check-in
counter, security check point with x-ray machine for baggage inspections, personnel metal
detection equipment, a departure lounge sized for 128 persons, two cafes, offices, and male
and female washrooms. Electricity is provided from an independent diesel generator
equipped with a standby unit.

All internal access roads are constructed of graded gravel. The road base is built on
scarified/compacted existing ground where suitable; where the ground surface is unsuitable
for use as a wear course, it has been replaced with well-graded gravel and sandy fines. The
top elevation of the shoulders of the gravel pavement surface is approximately the same
level as the surrounding surface except at pipeline crossings. Side-drain ditches are provided
parallel to the road for stormwater drainage. During the expansion additional access roads
will be constructed for the expanded operations camp, the shotcrete and concrete storage
facility for the underground, the conveyor-to-surface service portal and Shaft 4.

To support the development of Oyu Tolgoi, the existing access road from Oyu Tolgoi to China
and the border crossing will be upgraded. This road is referred to here as the OT–GSK Road.
The detail design was performed by a Mongolian design company, Mongolian Construction
and Project Consultant (MCPC), based in Ulaanbaatar. The total length of 105 km is public
from the North gatehouse to the Mongolia–China border and is currently under construction
(Figure 18.2). Zones 1 (27 km), 2A (27 km), 2B (27 km), and 4.77 km of Zone 3 are complete
providing a fully tarred road from the North Gate to the intersection with the Energy

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Resources Coal Road. The final sections of Zone 3 and Zone 5, which total around 23 km, are
still to be built and are scheduled for construction in 2014 or 2015.

During the expansion phase of the project, three wildlife crossings will be added to the
OT–GSK road in the central valley at Locations 7, 8, and 10 as shown in Figure 18.2. Crossings
at Locations 7 and 8 will be 50 m wide and provide 4.5 m clearance for wildlife to pass under
the road. The crossing at location 10 will consist of a 75 m overpass with a three-span
configuration for structural efficiency. The wildlife crossings are intended to protect the
migratory patterns of the Asiatic wild ass (see Section 20, Environment).

The crossings will be precast concrete girder bridges, with 4.5 m vertical clearance above
ground. The bridge deck will be cast-in-place, and girders will be supported on bearings at
the concrete abutment walls and on piers where applicable. The abutments will be founded
on spread footings and have cantilevered gravity wing walls to retain the road fill. Concrete
aprons will extend outside the deck. The crossings will incorporate a structurally supported
5.0 m high visual barrier to obscure the animals’ view of traffic and encourage use of the
crossing. The approach ramp is designed with a 5.0% grade to minimise the fill volume while
maintaining design speeds of 80 km/h. Drive lines will be included to funnel wildlife toward the

OT Site

Wildlife Crossing
Site #7

Wildlife Crossing
Site #8

Javkhlant Camp

Wildlife Crossing
Site #10

Gashuun Sukhait
OT-GSK Road Border Crossing
220 kV O/H Line
Wildlife Crossing Mongolia

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Under clause four of the ‘Agreement with Respect to the Construction of the Oyu Tolgoi
Road’ (Road Agreement), the Ministry of Roads, Transport, Construction, and Urban
Development and OT LLC will enter into a separate agreement detailing the terms and
conditions for the following:
 The maintenance and operation of the OT–GSK road.
 The charging and collection of tolls and fees.
 The conditions for the transfer of the OT–GSK road to the State.

OT LLC is developing an agreement with the GOM for the maintenance and transfer of the
OT–GSK road.

The GOM has prepared a Master Plan for the strategic development of the border precinct
and OT LLC will upgrade infrastructure and develop facilities to support its logistic operations
in accordance with the border Master Plan. The OT LLC border improvement scope will
involve upgrading the road link between the existing Mongolian customs facility at the
Mongolian border in Gashuun Sukhait and the existing Chinese customs facility at the
Mongolian-Chinese border in Ganqimaodao. The inter linking roads between the borders will
be upgraded, subsequent to discussions with the GOM, to meet the expected project-
related traffic needs at the border crossing, including the upgrade and dedication of two
border crossing checkpoints. Also to be developed is a secured bonded yard at
Gashuun Sukhait to accommodate the concentrate fleet, should there be any unanticipated
border closures and a laboratory for the testing of incoming chemicals and reagents. The
bonded yard will be expanded in 2020 when the volume of concentrate production

A secured customs bonded zone and marshalling yard has been added at the Oyu Tolgoi
site. It serves as a marshalling yard to assemble convoys for the outbound concentrate fleet,
a storage area for extra bags of concentrate and a Mongolian General Custom
Administration approved customs bonded zone. The marshalling yard will be expanded in
2020 to address the increase in concentrate exports at that time. Office facilities will not need
to be upgraded.

The GOM has committed to providing OT LLC with non-discriminatory access to any railway
constructed between Mongolia and China. Energy Resources is currently constructing a
single-track heavy-haul rail from its UHG coal mine (approximately 120 km to the north-west of
Oyu Tolgoi) to Gashuun Sukhait, ultimately to be interconnected with the Chinese rail network
at Ganqimaodao on the Chinese side of the border. Once constructed, the South Gobi Rail
alignment would pass within 10 km of the Oyu Tolgoi lease area and therefore represents an
opportunity for eventual connection of the mine to the rail network.

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Some consideration has been given to establishing a rail link to the site for the transport of:
 Concentrate (outbound to various Chinese smelters).
 Coal for the power plant (inbound from Mongolian coal mines).
 Diesel fuel (inbound from Russia).
 Other inbound equipment and consumables.

OTFS14 expansion activities are essentially within the footprint of the existing Oyu Tolgoi site.
While some general site development is involved, the scope is relatively minor, primarily
involving site finishing rather than general development.

In assessing camp capacity requirements, OT LLC considers the total number of operations
and construction personnel, without differentiating between the type and quality of
accommodation facilities for any group.

Table 18.3 shows the build-up of operations staffing over the first few years of the Project.
These numbers include all personnel on payroll and based at the Oyu Tolgoi site, including
those who are not on-site at a given time. The construction staffing plan is shown in
Table 18.4. The construction manning is driven by estimated labour hours and therefore only
includes personnel who are on-site, without considering any individuals on a roster break.

The combined staffing plan for both operations and construction through 2052 is shown in
Figure 18.3. The number of people on-site peaks at approximately 7,910 in 2016.

Area 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Operations Support 316 310 304 270 261 193 171 171
Open Pit 704 706 717 725 723 679 632 584
Underground Mine – – – – 303 1,916 1,694 1,974
Concentrator 557 547 538 536 535 535 535 535
Infrastructure 279 284 283 282 282 282 282 282
Tailings 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67
Quarry / other 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Cat 2/3 Contractors 1,970 1,970 1,970 1,600 1,700 1,800 2,000 1,800
Total 3,926 3,917 3,912 3,512 3,904 5,505 5,414 5,446

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Area 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Underground Mine – 712 1,349 1,631 1,603 137 20 –
Contractors – 841 2,447 1,585 1,287 1,383 703 –
EPCM – 74 128 116 65 54 63 –
Owner 11 62 74 74 78 36 22 11
Total 11 1,689 3,998 3,406 3,033 1,610 808 11

Oyu Tolgoi has five discrete camps, as listed in Table 18.5. In 2016, when the workforce peaks,
camp occupancy (including off-site camps) will be about 80%. Camp occupancy is the total
percentage of the overall camp beds being accounted for by the staffing plan. The
remaining beds are available for non-site based Oyu Tolgoi employees, vendor
representatives and other visitors. The bed count for operations staffing reserves a bed for all
operations personnel whether they are on-site or not. The construction bed count covers the
required on-site labour and does not hold beds for construction workers who may be on a
rotation leave.

Before the staffing peak in 2016, there will be ample beds on-site to meet the demands of
operations and construction, without making full use of the off-site Javkhlant or Khanbogd
camps. At the peak of on-site manpower, when international contractors may need
segregated accommodation, the Erchim Camp will be devoted for construction use and
overflow will be housed at Manlai or Javkhlant.

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Name Location Beds 2017 Expansion Total
SOT Camp On-site 2,818 1,582 4,346
Manlai Camp On-site 2,921 – 2,921
Javkhlant Camp Off-site (70 km) 1,722 – 1,722
Khanbogd Camp Off-site (45 km) 1,539 – 1,539
Erchim Camp On-site 879 – 879
Total Beds 9,879 1,582 11,461

Subsequent to the 2016 staffing peak, the Javkhlant and the Khanbogd camps will be
phased out of use and by 2021 will no longer be required to meet the staffing needs of the
Project. After that, all accommodations will be provided on-site.

The SOT and Manlai camps are the main accommodation facilities for Oyu Tolgoi. The
SOT Camp was initially built for construction purposes but has been converted for operations
use. It is at the north-west corner of the mine site, adjacent to the Undai River and within
1.0 km of the centre of the concentrator site to the immediate east. The layouts of the existing
SOT Camp and the Manlai Camp, are shown in Figure 18.4, the latter being a kilometre to the
south-east of SOT.

The SOT Camp provides both dormitory-style and ger accommodation facilities with the
number of beds listed in Table 18.6.

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Operations Camp

Main Camp

Manlai Camp

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Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

1 per ger 25 25 Dorm
1 per ger 162 162 Private
2 per ger 432 216 Dorm
2 per ger 1 1 Private
4 per ger 1,095 274 Dorm
1 per room 23 23 Dorm
1 per room 186 186 Private
2 per room 847 424 Dorm
2 per room 19 10 Private
Couples accommodation 6 3 Private
Senior Staff Block 16 16 Private
VIP Block 6 6 Private
Total Beds 2,818

The rest of the SOT Camp includes all the services and amenities of a small, self-contained
community. The blocks and other facilities are connected by service roads. SOT Camp

In 2016–2017, the SOT Camp will be expanded to the north as shown in Figure 18.5. A total of
1,582 beds will be added (Table 18.7).

The new buildings will be of modular construction and will include four senior dormitory wings,
six junior dormitory wings, a bus shelter, camp administration building, commissary, dining
room / kitchen, laundry, a recreation/pub facility and a central spine corridor. The dormitory
modules will be complete with utility rooms, including electrical, ICT, alarm/valve, janitorial,
and housekeeping rooms. The standards of the facilities will be comparable to those already
in operation and hence will not set precedence to upgrade the other facilities.

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New Operations
Camp Expansion

New 35 kV
Overhead Line

Toyota Workshop

Ger Camp
North Gate House

Existing Operations
Soccer Field Camp

Ger Staff
Bottling Plant


Mine Dry

Existing Kitchen
Construction Site

Treatment Plant KEY

Phase 2

Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

1 per room 430 430 Private
2 per room 1,152 576 Dorm
Total Beds 1,582

The modular kitchen and pre-engineered dining facility will be designed to accommodate
1,000 meals at a time on a two-sitting basis, for a capacity of 2,000 people. The pub-style
establishment will provide seating for 150 people at tables and lounge chairs, with additional
areas included at the bar and open patio.

A bus shelter with seating for 200 people will be located at the east end of the camp
expansion area. Light vehicle parking will also be provided at the east end of the camp in a
centralised area to prevent the vehicle traffic within the main camp area.

During detail design, alternative designs for the camp expansion, including container-style,
steel-frame, demountable modules, will be considered for cost efficiency.

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The Manlai camp is about 1.0 km south of the concentrator (see Figure 18.4). As shown in
Table 18.8, it provides 2,921 beds. In addition to dormitory units, the Manlai camp is self-

Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

2 per ger 68 34 Dorm
4 per ger 694 174 Dorm
1 per room 143 143 Private
2 per room 1,726 863 Dorm
2 per room 290 145 Private
Total Beds 2,921

The Javkhlant Camp was originally provided for workers engaged in constructing the
OT–GSK road and the power line from China to the Oyu Tolgoi site (see Figure 18.2). It consists
of dormitory-type units and gers with the number of beds shown in Table 18.9. In addition to
accommodation, the Javkhlant Camp is self-contained.

The Javkhlant Camp is not currently used to a large degree because it is remote from site,
approximately 70 km away on the OT–GSK road. It will be used for the construction of the
wildlife crossings and during peak periods. Most of this camp will then be phased out of use
over time, leaving only approximately 100 beds for ongoing maintenance of the road and
concentrate haul fleet.

Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

4 per ger 192 48 Dorm
1 per room 18 18 Dorm
1 per room 23 23 Private
2 per room 392 196 Dorm
2 per room 51 26 Private
4 per room 962 241 Dorm
6 per room 84 14 Dorm
Total Beds 1,722

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The Khanbogd Camp is located in the town of Khanbogd. As shown in Table 18.10, it has
1,539 beds. Being 45 km away from the mine site, this camp is not currently in use and so it
represents a bed surplus (April 2014). It will be used as required during peak construction
periods, but will also be phased out of use once construction is complete.

Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

1 per ger 2 2 Dorm
2 per ger 2 1 Dorm
3 per ger 18 6 Dorm
4 per ger 951 238 Dorm
5 per ger 67 14 Dorm
Weatherhavens 499 Dorm
Total Beds 1,539

The Erchim Camp was originally located north of the site but has been relocated to an area
south-west of the central heating plant. It has 879 beds, as shown in Table 18.11.

The Erchim Camp is currently being used by operations but will be made available to major
international contractors when a stand-alone, segregated camp is most practical for
management of the construction workforce.

Type Beds Rooms Bathroom Type

2 per room 42 21 Private
4 per ger 185 46 Dorm
4 per room 403 101 Dorm
5 per room 249 50 Dorm
Total Beds 879

The current forecast for the number of international contractor personnel is listed below.

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International Contractor Workforce:

 2014 0
 2015 332
 2016 1,177
 2017 624
 2018 240
 2019 580
 2020 266
 2021 0

With a peak of nearly 1,200 people in 2016, the number of international contractor personnel
will exceed the capacity of the Erchim camp. During these years, some workers will need to
be housed at either the ger camp section of the Manlai camp or off site at the Javkhlant
Camp. Depending on conditions at the time, it may also be possible to expand the Erchim

Construction of the open pit truck shop complex is complete.

The complex includes buildings for the truck shop, washing shop, lubricant storage building
and welding and machine shop.

The mine dry is a centralised, permanent operations facility whose primary purpose is to
provide site staff with a place to shower and change into work clothes and back into clean
street clothes. This includes and is not limited to open pit, concentrator, and truck shop
maintenance staff.

A mine dry within the shaft farm will facilitate the underground personnel. The dry will be of
comparable standard to the existing facilities.

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Communications is a vital part of Oyu Tolgoi’s infrastructure and operational capabilities. A
state-of-the-art information, security, data, and voice communications system is installed to
ensure that operational needs are met. A fibre optic communications backbone extends
through the entire mine site and out to the borefield to support the following principal
 Distributed Control System (DCS).
 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based control systems.
 Electrical monitoring system (EMSys).
 Local Area Network (LAN).
 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system.
 Security system, including closed-circuit television (CCTV) and access control system
 Fire alarm system (FAS).
 Digital trunk radio system (DTR).
 Cable television (CATV) for operations personnel entertainment.

Each of the above components will be expanded to support modifications to the surface
concentrator, underground development, power distribution system, and operations camp.
Components and suppliers will be similar to those used for the existing facilities. This will
provide continuity in support services and parts inventories of the systems and make use of
the training and experience gained by site personnel. The network backbone infrastructure
will continue to provide connectivity at the expanded and new facilities.

All of the required subsystems communicate through the Oyu Tolgoi fibre optic
communications backbone. The communications network comprises an inside battery limits
(ISBL) section serving the mine facilities, and an outside battery limits (OSBL) section serving
the raw water supply system.

Expansion of the existing backbone will be provided to the following primary locations:
 To Shaft 4 and the borehole concrete/shotcrete receiving station, by overhead pole line.
 To the new operations camp, as an extension of the backbone from the existing
operations camp.
 Throughout the underground mine and to the mine dry office complex, via Shaft 1,
Shaft 2, and the conveyor-to-surface development.

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The VoIP system provides the capability for users to perform voice communications on the
10 Gbit Ethernet backbone to all users within the voice network. Using appropriate software,
and with redundant CPUs, it is possible to expand the number of users by adding additional
call servers, IP client licences and media service cards. It is planned to upgrade the existing
system based on the number of additional users and services required for the new operations
camp, mine dry building and underground mine operation. Allowances are included for
servers and licensing to support the additional users.

The access control system is part of the site security system. Protected facilities include
buildings, security turnstiles, vehicle gates, fence surveillance, and other like facilities. The
access control system is transmitted on the 10 Gbit Ethernet backbone. This includes card
access to selected areas of the plant where security access is deemed necessary. The
access control system will be expanded to the new operations camp, mine dry building, and
throughout the underground mine.

The CCTV system comprises a local server plus recorder system, including cameras and video
encoder devices. All cameras are connected to the local server plus recorder and also to the
security system backbone and the control centre. Automatic and manual (discretionary)
display of any video input can be played on any video output. The CCTV system is supported
by the 10 Gbit Ethernet backbone.

The CCTV system will be expanded to provide cameras for process monitoring in the
concentrator and underground mine materials handling / utilities areas. CCTV monitors will be
installed in the mine dry control room for the underground monitoring. Expansion to the
security applications is provided by CCTV surveillance of the new operations camp, mine dry
building and underground offices/work areas.

The fire alarm system consists of thermal flame detectors, ionisation smoke detectors, and
manual pull stations. The fire alarm system provides monitored digital outputs of alarms for
connection to the plant process distributed control system (DCS). The central fire alarm panel
is installed in the North gatehouse.

The fire alarm system will be expanded by adding identical equipment / designs in all new
building infrastructure and in the underground mine. Upgrades will include a main fire alarm
panel in the mine dry control room to monitor the underground mine. This panel will reside on
the fire alarm system network, report to the existing fire alarm panels in the concentrator
control room and in the North gatehouse, and will also interface with the underground mine
PLC control system.

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The cable television system provides Mongolian, Chinese, and English TV channels at the
accommodation facilities. It includes satellite farm equipment, head-end equipment,
antennas, optical and/or coax system amplifiers, equalisers, splitters, and taps. The new
operations camp will be provided with additional head-end equipment, distributed in
sufficient quantity to suit the personnel serviced by the camp.

This system interfaces with surface operations and provides network connectivity in
underground shafts and tunnels for the control systems (DCS and PLC), electrical monitoring
system (EMSys), fire alarm system (FAS), access control system (ACS), closed circuit TV (CCTV),
and communication systems. The underground mine support communications system will
include the following items:
 Personnel and vehicle tracking using radio frequency identification (RFID) hardware.
 Mine management/ dispatch system for management of underground vehicle
 Mobile voice communications using ultra high frequency (UHF) radio, with the potential
to migrate to integrate with wireless, portable VoIP phones.
 VoIP telephone system for general voice applications.
 Hard-wired mine telephone/ paging system.

The operations warehouse is a 45 m x 180 m heated building adjacent to the construction

warehouse that provides 8,100 m2 for the storage of process equipment parts, spares, critical
piping and valves.

Ongoing operation and development of the underground mine will increase the demand for
heated warehouse storage space by approximately 6,600 m2. A new 52.5 m x 126 m
operations warehouse will therefore be constructed adjacent to the existing one. Similar to
the existing operations warehouse, it will be fitted with shelves, offices, lunch room,
loading/unloading areas, and roll-up doors. As the warehouse expansion design enters detail
design, a needs analysis and functional specification will be developed.

The existing surface medical infrastructure is capable of servicing the construction and
operational needs of the existing operation and the OTFS14 expansion activities.

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The existing fire station is capable of servicing the existing operation and the expansion
construction and operation, no changes are required for OTFS14.

A central coal-fired boiler plant was completed in 2012. The plant provides hot water heating
for the concentrator building, open pit truck shop, construction and operations warehouses,
administration building, SOT and Manlai camps, electrical substations and all other surface
facilities, as well as mine air heating systems for Shafts 1, 2, and 3. Hot water from the central
boiler plant is supplied and returned through a primary circulation loop to the various
secondary circulation and heating loops, which are complete with dedicated hot
water/glycol heat exchangers to provide heating to the end users.

The central heating plant includes a single boiler house building, two 7 MW boilers,
two 29 MW boilers, a single coal stockpile and coal handling system, a single common 100 m
high exhaust stack, a boiler house electrical annex, a boiler house mechanical annex, and a
fire water pump station. The plant general arrangement is shown in Figure 18.6.

New diesel
storage tanks and
pump skid

New 2x15 MW
diesel boilers

New 2x29 MW
coal boilers
Boiler ID Fans

Boiler annex Boiler FD Fans

building extension
and new pump

Boiler annex
existing pumps to
be upgraded

Central Heating

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The central heating plant was designed for the future expansion of two more 29 MW boilers,
which will be installed to meet the demands of the increasing underground mine ventilation
load. The expansion is currently anticipated in 2016 to meet the 2017 system load. In addition,
the two existing boilers in the main camp area, which are not currently in use, will be returned
to service to reduce overall demand on the central heating plant. In 2021, two 15 MW diesel
boilers will be added at the central heating plant to provide sufficient back-up capacity in
case one of the 29 MW coal-fired boilers is down for repair and to provide trimming capacity
for any brief moments of peak heat loads.

The distribution system will also be expanded to accommodate the new facilities, including
lines to Shaft 1 to service the larger mine air heaters that will replace the temporary units, to
supply the air heaters at Shafts 2 and 3, and to meet the needs of the concentrator
conversion, the new operations warehouse, and the operations camp expansion.

Anticipated heating loads and system capacity to 2028 are shown in Figure 18.7.

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The underground utility services include raw water, firewater, domestic water, sewage, and
return water.

Raw water distribution from the borefield lagoon to the site and throughout the site is
designed as a gravity-flow system. Raw water will be provided to the underground mine for
makeup and other services during construction and operations. Local flow meters are
provided to monitor raw water consumption in each area.

The borefield lagoon for raw water storage is about 4.5 km away from site. The lagoon can
hold 400,000 m3 of water to provide approximately one week of emergency/buffer storage in
case of any interruption in the supply of water from the borefield.

Six fire pump stations (Figure 18.8) are available on-site to provide firewater for end users. The
pump stations are at the following locations:
 Raw water treatment and bottling plant.
 (former) Construction warehouse.
 Concentrator.
 Shaft 1.
 Shaft 2.
 Central heating plant.

The fire protection pump zones cover the majority of the on-site facilities. Remote on-site and
off-site facilities are not connected to the high-pressure firewater system, but instead rely on
local manual fire protection. Fire detection and alarm systems are installed at key facilities
and report to the mill area control room in the process plant or to the North gatehouse, which
is be manned 24 h/d.

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Raw water
treatment & Concentrator zone
bottling plant zone

Shaft #2 zone
warehouse zone

Central heating
Shaft #1 zone
plant zone

Firewater systems are to be provided for the underground mine and associated maintenance
and explosives storage areas. These systems are self-contained and serviced from the raw
water distribution system via the shafts.

Domestic water is only used for washing, shower, and eye-wash stations, not for drinking. The
raw water for domestic use is treated in the water treatment and bottling plant and then
delivered from the plant to end users by HDPE SDR 13.5 pipe. Use areas include the central
heating plant, warehouse, open pit truck shop, concentrator, primary crusher, 220 kV central
substation, diesel power station, North gatehouse, operation camp, and administration
building. The system will be extended to include the operations warehouse expansion and
the operations camp expansion.

The sanitary sewer system collects sanitary wastewater from the central heating plant,
warehouse, open pit truck shop, Shafts 1 and 2, concentrator, North gatehouse, operations
camp and administration building and delivers it to the wastewater treatment plant. Sanitary
wastewater from remote areas such as the primary crusher and 220 kV central substation is
collected in local holding tanks and trucked to the wastewater treatment plant. The system
will be expanded to include the operations camp expansion and operations warehouse

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The sanitary sewer system is not intended for chemical wastewater, underground mine
dewatering effluent or oil wastewater, which will generally be sent to tailings in the return
water line.

The return water system is used to transport dewatering water from Shaft 1 and Shaft 2,
effluent from the new wastewater treatment plant and emergency water from the central
heating plant to tailings storage. It does not include the existing plant discharge water, which
is transferred to a holding tank to be used for dust suppression.

Any additions to Waste Facilities will be made as part of the sustaining capital plan.

Diesel fuel is delivered by the supplier in a tank truck. The fuel is unloaded and stored in
storage tank farms.

No changes to the open pit or diesel power stations are required for OTFS14. Separate diesel
storage for underground use is included at the shaft farm. The underground storage and fuel
distribution system will be supplied from three surface storage tanks, batch transferred to
underground storage day tanks by means of 50 mm piping installed down a dedicated

The existing core storage is capable of servicing the existing operation and the expansion
operation, no changes are required.

Toyota has constructed a light-vehicle maintenance facility for contract maintenance of all
light vehicles at the site. The facility is complete and fully functional but is now being used for
general purpose maintenance storage. This shop will be used to provide light / medium
vehicle maintenance for the construction fleet.

The entire site boundary is surrounded by a mine lease perimeter fence with security gates at
entrance/exit points. The fence is a conventional post-and-chain mesh, wide-type,
approximately two metres high. Supplementary security fencing will be required at individual
infrastructure facilities for the expansion activities.

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Water demand for the Oyu Tolgoi facility has been calculated at between 588 L/s and
785 L/s, with an average yearly demand of 696 L/s, to meet a nominal production rate of
100 ktpd. The primary source of raw water to meet these requirements is the Gunii Hooloi
basin, which extends 35–70 km north of the Oyu Tolgoi site.

The raw water supply system was completed in 2012.

Minimising water use throughout all the operational aspects has been a key focus of
attention during mine planning and design. As examples of water conservation planning, the
following initiatives have been implemented:
 Reuse of cooling water –The process plant is the largest consumer of water. Within the
plant, all water discharged from the cooling systems, still categorised as clean water, is
sent to the process water pond for reuse in the concentrator.
 High-efficiency tailings thickeners – The tailings thickener at Oyu Tolgoi uses advanced
techniques and is able to achieve a tailings solids content of 60%–64%, which significantly
reduces the amount of water sent to the TSF. These design modifications help to greatly
reduce the amount of reclaim water released and evaporative losses from the TSF.
 High-efficiency TSF reclaim – The TSF has been designed so that tailings are deposited in
discreet cells, rather than broadly across the facility, to reduce evaporative losses. The
entire base of the TSF rests on natural or installed clay and includes a comprehensive
seepage collection system to minimise seepage losses. The TSF reclaim system has been
designed to ensure that all supernatant water and collected seepage is returned to the
process plant for reuse.
 100% mine water recovery – All water encountered in the underground and open pit
mines is recovered for use as process water or for dust suppression. Recovery of mine
water helps to reduce site demand for raw water from the Gunii Hooloi aquifer. From a
water balance perspective, this mine recovery water has conservatively not been
included as inflow.
 100% treated wastewater reuse – All treated wastewater produced in the site
wastewater treatment plant will be reused in the process plant or for dust suppression.
 100% truck wash water reuse – A comprehensive water treatment system has been
installed at the project mine truck washing facility to allow all truck wash water to be
continuously recycled and reused.
 Lagoon floating cover – A floating cover is placed over the entire raw water storage
lagoon to eliminate evaporative water losses and to limit the accumulation of dust within
the lagoon.
 Selection of low or zero water use equipment – Examples of this include the selection of
air cooling systems at the hazardous waste incinerator and central heating plant.

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Ongoing attention to water conservation will be maintained during operation through the
continuous review of key performance indicators for water use and implementation of
additional water conservation measures.

A site water balance has been established that identifies water supply, recovery loops and
losses at Oyu Tolgoi during routine 110 ktpd operations. Notable features of the water
balance with regard to water recovery and reuse include:
 Tailings thickener recovery loop ‒ 76% (2,356 L/s of 3,088 L/s) of water is recovered for
reuse within the concentrator.
 TSF reclaim loop ‒ a further 6.6% (205 L/s of 3,088 L/s) of water is recovered for reuse
within the concentrator.
 Cooling water recovery ‒ raw water supply (163 L/s) for concentrator equipment cooling
is recovered to the process water pond and reused in the concentrator.
 Treated wastewater recovery ‒ Recoverable treated domestic wastewater (anticipated
3.4 L/s) is returned to the process water pond and reused in the concentrator (or reused
for dust suppression).
 Mine water recovery ‒ Recoverable water from mining operations is returned to the
process water pond and reused in the concentrator (or reused for dust suppression).
 Zero discharges ‒ Water is fully recovered and reused within the system and there are no
planned discharges.

A simplified site water balance is shown in Figure 18.9.

As a result of the water conservation and reuse measures, more than 80% of the water used in
production consists of recycled water; water will typically be used more than five times
before being lost. Oyu Tolgoi is expected to consume less than 550 L/t of ore, which is less
than half the typical water usage rate (1,220 L/s of ore) for copper‒gold concentrating mines

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Source: Oyu Tolgoi ESIA

Most water losses will be from the TSF, primarily associated with water that is locked in solids
(retained in the tailings soil matrix), but also due to evaporation. Additional water losses will
result from dust control in the underground mine and the roads associated with the open pit
and infrastructure. Minor water losses relate to construction activities (e.g., concrete
production), infrastructure maintenance (e.g., heating system make-up), and unrecoverable
water from domestic water use.

The water demand estimate for Oyu Tolgoi assumes a peak design processing rate of
110 ktpd and 64% tailings density. Although the need for mine dewatering at a rate of up to
90 L/s is predicted, this value is uncertain and may not be realised, therefore has been
conservatively excluded from design assumptions of water demand from the water supply

The total site design water demand for Phase 1 ranges from 588–785 L/s, with an average of
696 L/s, to support the nominal production rate of 110 ktpd. The breakdown of the peak
water demand for Phase 1 provided here demonstrates the significance of the
concentrator’s water usage:
 Concentrator (especially TSF) 670 L/s

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 Domestic, washing, and heating 16 L/s
 Power plant (now not expected at OT) 22 L/s
 Dust suppression 59 L/s
 Underground mine 30 L/s
 Total 797 L/s

At the 110 ktpd production rate, the anticipated average concentrator demand is 628 L/s
and peak demand is 670 L/s.

Project water supply investigations began in early 2002 with geophysical surveys of known
sedimentary basins within a feasible distance of the project area. This early exploration
indicated the presence of at least six substantial groundwater deposits within the region, all
within 100–200 km’s from Oyu Tolgoi:
 Tsagaan Tsav 800 L/s
 Balgasyn Ulaan Nuur 150 L/s
 Galbyn Gobi 300 L/s
 Tavan Ald 130 L/s
 Nariin Zag 50 L/
 Zairmagt 30 L/s

Based on initial assessment, Galbyn Gobi was selected for further work, considering its high
potential for aquifer development and relatively close proximity to the project site.

Figure 18.10 shows the locations of the three regional aquifers initially selected for
consideration: Galbyn Gobi, Gunii Hooloi, and Nariin Zag.

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Source: Oyu Tolgoi Integrated Development and Operations Plan, May 2011.

The suitability of the Gunii Hooloi resource has been determined through three key
groundwater exploration and testing programmes undertaken for OT LLC by Aquaterra, one
2003/2004, the second from January to September of 2007 and the third using the significant
additional body of data generated with completion of the borefield construction in
2011/2012 and the 2011 drilling and testing programmes.

The results from the three key field investigation programmes were integrated to promote a
detailed understanding and a detailed hydrogeological model has been developed to
represent the natural behaviour and dynamics of the aquifer system.

The geology in the Gunii Hooloi area is highly faulted and structurally complex, giving rise to
aquifer features that include shallow alluvial aquifers, shallow bedrock with weathering-
enhanced permeability, and deeper, structurally controlled aquifers.

The shallow alluvial aquifers occur in near-outcrop colluvial deposits, alluvial outwash plains,
and alluvium in modern creek beds. Alluvial deposits cover approximately 70% of the
concession area. Recharge to the shallow aquifers is via infiltration along the interface
between bedrock outcrop and colluvium, direct infiltration from rainfall, and creek flow.
These shallow aquifers are typical of water supplies used by local people for domestic and
livestock purposes along drainage features in the surrounding area.

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Bedrock lithologies within the project area are typically of very low permeability, although
secondary permeabilities resulting from fracturing and weathering are not uncommon. The
upper weathering and transported horizons are generally of low permeability.

Gunii Hooloi is a fault-controlled sedimentary basin within a basement graben structure. The
sedimentary in-fill sequence includes undifferentiated Quaternary sediments, underlain by the
Upper Cretaceous Bayanzag and Bayanshiree formations. The surface topography of the
sedimentary basin is relatively flat and subdued. In contrast, the bedrock topography that
defines the basin profile outcrops around the margins of the basin and forms pronounced
topographic highs.

The basin contains two main aquifer systems: a major, deep, largely confined aquifer, and a
localised, unconfined streambed aquifer associated with active drainage channels. The key
characteristics of these systems are outlined below.

The deep aquifer in the Gunii Hooloi basin is the source of raw water for the Project. The main
water-bearing unit typically consists of a stratified sequence of sands, gravel, sandstones,
siltstones, and gravelstones interbedded with lesser clayey aquitard horizons. The unit is
aerially extensive (>550 km2) and flows continuously for over 40 km to the north-east. It ranges
in thickness from 30 m in the south-west to >260 m in the large north-eastern sector. An
extensive, clayey, confining aquitard overlies the main aquifer and separates it from the
near-surface system; the clay layer ranges in thickness from 10 m in the south-west to
approximately 100 m in the north-east.

The streambed aquifer system is a discrete river alluvial feature associated with the major
surface water drainage networks. The shallow water is usually found in alluvium materials less
than five metre thick.

As with the regional deep Gunii Hooloi aquifer, surface water systems extend farther north-
east, but these appear to be fed from seasonal rainfall and there is no evidence of linkage to
the regional aquifer. Neither is there seen to be any connection between the deep aquifer
and the shallow herders’ wells in near-surface streambed aquifers.

Field measurements from the 2007 test programme indicated that water in the deep
Gunii Hooloi aquifer was generally saline, with TDS in the range of 1,500–5,300 ppm and
averaging 2,760 ppm. Other testing has found salinity levels ranging from 1,300–3,200 ppm
with an average of 2,400 ppm. The water is also slightly alkaline, with an average pH of 7.46
as measured in 2007.

Water in the shallow streambed aquifers was found in the 2007 field measurements to have
TDS mostly below 800 mg/L and averaging 690 mg/L. Water quality in shallow herders’ wells is
usually better, often having a salinity of less than 350 ppm. Most wells are associated with
surface drainage features that recharge seasonally.

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Given the minor amount of recharge to the main aquifer system, abstraction of groundwater
at the rates proposed will result in drawdown of the aquifer water levels. Assessments were
based on the predicted aquifer drawdown limits of up to 75 m over 40 years at Gunii Hooloi. It
is recognised that the depletion of these aquifers will take many hundreds of years to recover.
However, the groundwater model of Gunii Hooloi predicts that even after 40 years of
extraction, the deep aquifer system will remain confined and is likely to have no effect on the
streambed aquifers. Predicted aquifer drawdown is illustrated in Figure 18.11.

Environmental studies for the Project (see Section 20, Environment) have found that the
drawdown would have very low potential for affecting the environment or shallow water
resources currently accessed by herders. The shallow water systems present in some parts of
the Gunii Hooloi area are stream-fed shallow groundwater within riverbeds that are
replenished following summer rainfall; water levels within the riverbeds are highly variable. The
deep layer of clay above the deep aquifer is expected to limit leakage from the shallow
riverbed systems that could result from the drawdown. Considering the seasonal and annual
variations in water levels within the river sediments, any leakage would be insignificant.

Drawdown will be monitored, and the aquifer model will be updated and refined as more
data become available. As necessary, abstraction from the boreholes will be adjusted to
optimise drawdown characteristics and protect the shallow groundwater resources.

Source: Gunii Hooloi Groundwater Model Report, Aquaterra, December 2013.

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Based on the first two hydrogeological investigation programmes, the Gunii Hooloi aquifer
has been demonstrated and approved by the Ministry of Environment and Green
Development to be capable of providing 870 L/s based on usage over 40 years and with
limitations on drawdown that ensure that the main body of the aquifer remains in confined

Updated hydrogeological modelling, completed in 2013, and based on all three

hydrogeological investigation programmes, demonstrates that the Gunii Hooloi aquifer is
capable of providing 1,475 L/s based on the same time and drawdown conditions.

Hydrogeological analytical study and reporting, to Mongolian norms, remains to be

completed in order to demonstrate and gain approval from the Ministry of Environment and
Green Development of updated approved water reserve for the Gunii Hooloi aquifer.

The existing water treatment and bottling plant is capable of servicing the existing operation
and the expansion construction and operation, no changes will be made.

The existing water storage and pumping station is capable of servicing the existing operation
and the expansion construction and operation.

The existing facilities are adequate to cater for the existing operation and the expansion
construction and operation.

The existing wastewater treatment plant is adequate to manage OTFS14 expansion

requirements. This facility was installed within the main camp area, was upgraded from
800 equivalent people (EP) capacity to 4,000 EP in 2006 and is fully operational to
accommodate the sewage production of the construction and operations labour force. All
sewage generated on-site will either be pumped directly to the plant or transported by truck
to an unloading bay.

Operations has now assumed control of the original construction camps. The construction
workforce will make use of the existing camp facilities in an integrated manner with

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Construction water for the expansion will originate from the Gunii Hooloi borefield.

A 90 m x 50 m construction warehouse has been built and is in daily use. As the function of
the warehouse has evolved into an operations warehouse, more warehouse facilities will be
required for expansion construction. Therefore, the operations warehouse expansion will be
built early in the expansion programme for use as a construction warehouse. This will provide
an interim space of 52.5 m x 126 m for the expansion construction needs.

Batch Plants No. 1, 2, and 3 are complete and operational. No further batch plants are

Batch Plant No. 3 optimally operates at 40 m3/h and provides a dedicated supply of
concrete for the underground mine.

OT LLC owns eight 10 m3 concrete mixer trucks and plans to augment the delivery fleet by
six 10 m3 units for the expansion activities. Any further short-term mixer truck capacity will be
provided by contractors as required.

Concrete will be delivered from the surface batch plants through slicklines in Shafts 1 and 2.
At the peak of construction, additional slicklines will be installed in sacrificial boreholes near
the end-use points to improve construction rates and reduce shaft station congestion. Shaft 1
already has two slicklines (152 mm) with a hopper capable of feeding each. Shaft 2 will be
fitted with four 152 mm slicklines, which will remain in service for LOM requirements.

Several options for the design of the tailings storage facility (TSF) for Oyu Tolgoi have been
investigated since 2002. Knight Piésold (KP), Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB), and Golder
Associates (Golder) were all engaged at various times to identify and develop alternative
sites, deposition strategies, and layouts.

Site selection was based on consideration of such aspects as local topography, location
relative to other project facilities, required storage capacity, potential environmental
impacts, water conservation, and the potential for future TSF expansion. Central or perimeter
discharge, paste tailings, and conventional thickened tailings deposition methods were all
evaluated. Because of the flat topography, most designs required the construction of a
perimeter embankment to retain the tailings within a basin. Layout design grew out of the
decisions for the TSF site, the OTFS14 Reserve Case mine plan, and the tailings disposal

The selected site for tailings deposition is 2 km east of the open pit, 5.0 km south-east of the

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process plant, and is based on the deposition of conventional thickened tailings. The
concept is to construct cells using perimeter embankments that would be expanded over
the LOM.

The 2014 Reserve Case requires the construction of five independent tailings cells of the same
design. Since the 2014 Reserve Case runs to 2055 and tailings dam design is likely to adapt
over time to maximise water recovery and minimise construction cost, discussion here is
limited to the first two cells. These are sufficient for the first 18 years of mine life and are a
feasible design for the storage of the remaining tailings for the purposes of cost estimation,
economic evaluation, and environmental compliance.

The Cell 1 facility was designed to store tailings produced from a concentrator designed to
process 100 ktpd and has already been constructed. The tailings impoundment layout for two
such cells (see Figure 18.14 in Section 18.7.5) comprises two 2 km x 2 km cells (1 and 2), each
subdivided into four sub-cells (A through D). Tailings are spigotted from the west embankment
into the sub-cells to promote water run-off toward the reclaim pond at the north-east corner
for water recovery. Water is reclaimed from the pond by a floating barge and pumped back
for re-use in the process plant.

Klohn Crippen Berger (KCB) has been involved as the tailings design consultant since the first
main pre-feasibility study in 2006 (KCB, 2007b). KCB performed the early site assessments and
field and laboratory testwork, and evaluated various square cell geometries based on both
low-permeability and flow-through embankment designs.

Following additional site assessments and investigations of foundation conditions, water

management, and changes to the mining approach in 2008 and 2010, KCB produced a
feasibility study update report in 2011 (KCB, 2011).

The 2011 feasibility design, which was ultimately adopted for the project, with some
modifications, consists of two tailings deposition cells, each 2 km x 2 km in size surrounded by
earth fill embankments up to 70 m high, with a total storage capacity for 720 Mt of tailings. As
a result of subsequent field measurements of settled density, the design capacity has been
reduced to 670 Mt, sufficient for the first 18 years of operations.

The current estimate of tailings production over the life of the 2014 Reserve Case is 1.528 bt.
The capacity of the TSF will therefore have to be increased for continuing mine operations
after Year 18. OT LLC is currently in the process of developing alternative layouts and designs
for three additional cells to meet these storage requirements. This further work will consider
several factors, such as:
 The clay reserves north and east of Cells 1 and 2.
 Foundation material types, foundation strength, and associated embankment stability in
the footprint options.
 Material requirements for dam construction and the availability of non-acid-forming
(NAF) and borrow materials.
 Haul distance from the open pit and the open pit configuration for the later phases of
the mine plan.

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 Routing of the tailings pipeline alignment.
 Optimisation of the current design based on deposition and construction experience.
 Embankment stability and performance.
 Environmental impacts of a raised impoundment compared to a more expansive

At the time of OTFS14, future facility expansion beyond Cell 2 has not been completed to a
feasibility level design and will be deferred until operational experience is obtained from
Cells 1 and 2 and can be incorporated into the expansion designs. The tailings and
embankment behaviour, as well as overall TSF performance, will be monitored during the
early operation of Cells 1 and 2. For this study, the quantities and costs developed for
Cells 1 and 2 have been prorated and scheduled for the full life of both the Reserve case
and the LOMC, an appropriate assumption considering the flat terrain across the site.

Construction of the starter dam began in 2011, based on the KCB embankment design
drawings and specifications; progress to date is discussed in Section 18.7.3. In mid-2013, KCB’s
design contract for the TSF was terminated, and Golder Associates was engaged to conduct
Quality Control testing and interim design for Years 1–5 based on the KCB feasibility study
construction drawings. KCB was retained to perform Quality Assurance reviews.

The Golder design work is currently underway. Golder seeks to optimise embankment design
and reduce material quantities, but because its work has not been independently reviewed,
the quantity estimates developed for Cells 1 and 2 have not been applied to the OTFS14
expansion designs for Cells 3, 4, and 5. This is considered to be conservative because the
future cells will share one common wall with an existing cell.

The starter dam construction was completed in 2013 in time for the concentrator start-up. The
QC reports indicate that the work was largely completed in accordance with the starter dam
design drawings issued by KCB. However, a number of issues arose shortly after start-up,
 The tailings were observed to be much more fluid than expected and did not create a
well-formed beach.
 The tailings beach slope was observed to be about 0.6% initially and then flattened to
0.3% versus the design assumption of 1.0%.
 Tailings density was estimated to be about 1.26 t/m3, significantly lower than the design
assumption of 1.45 t/m3.
 Large ponds needed to be generated within each sub-cell to achieve a degree of
clarity in the decant pond.

All of these factors resulted in more water being stored with the tailings, higher rates of rise,
poorer return water quality, and the need for higher embankment raises. However, the
ultimate storage volume of the design remains overwhelmingly a function of the settled
tailings density.

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It was subsequently determined that many of the tailings thickener rake ploughs had sheared
off, resulting in lower concentrations of solids than the design assumption of 62%–64%. Due to
these depositional properties, a number of embankment modifications were implemented:
 All upstream and modified centreline construction designs in the KCB design were
changed to downstream construction.
 Embankment zonation and specifications were not modified, but the embankment zones
were kept relatively wide to facilitate construction.
 Because of poor trafficability on the west beach slope, an intermediate bench was
added to each stage in this area for distribution pipeline raises.
 The east dike needed to be raised quickly to accommodate the flatter beach slopes
and the additional tailings reporting to the east side of the embankment. This was
accomplished immediately before winter 2013–2014, and the tailings surface has since
been equilibrating at a slope of about 0.45% (May 2014 results). Tailings flocculation and
rheology testwork has indicated the potential for steepening the slope to 0.5% and
beyond with a closer approach to design deposition densities.

Golder re-evaluated the foundation shear strength and concluded that embankment
quantities could possibly be reduced during the next few years. These assumptions remain to
be fully modelled, but initial results indicate that quantities can be maintained at or below
the KCB projections.

KCB prepared a design criteria report as part of the feasibility study (KCB, 2011). Parameters
include site climatic and hydrology conditions, design throughputs and total storage
requirements, operating requirements, and environmental considerations. Minimum
standards for geotechnical and hydro-technical design include return periods for design
precipitation events, required factors of safety for static conditions and seismic events, and
allowable deformations under seismic loading conditions.

The design tonnages and throughputs for the OFTS14 plan are compared to the tonnages
used in the 2011 feasibility design in Figure 18.12 and Figure 18.13. The current estimate of
tailings production over the mine life is 1,528 Mt. The feasibility level TSF design provides
storage for 670 Mt of tailings, and conceptual designs have been developed to provide
storage for the rest of the tailings.

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The tailings characteristics are summarised as follows:
 Gradation testing of the tailings indicates the material is a typical copper tailings sandy
silt with 45%–65% fines (less than 74 µm) and clay-sized material (less than 2 µm) ranging
from 6.0%–16%.
 The design density of the tailings was estimated to be 1.45 t/m3 for initial placement in the
starter dam and consolidating to 1.5 t/m3 for the ultimate facility. Tailing densities during
initial start-up were found to be about 1.26 t/m3, however, having been adversely
affected by poor thickener performance and limited drainage with few sub-cells in use.
A density of 1.35 t/m3 is being used in current projections to reflect anticipated
improvements in sub-cell management and thickener performance.
 Hydraulic conductivity for consolidated tailings at shallow depth is estimated to be
1x10-7 m/s, decreasing to 5x10-9 m/s at the base of the tailings impoundment due to
increased consolidation pressure.
 Geochemical testwork predicts that tailings from Central zone, the Wedge zone,
Hugo South, and Heruga will be strongly potentially acid forming (PAF). Non-acid-forming
(NAF) tailings are predicted from Southwest zone, Hugo North, the Shaft Farm area, and
Hugo North Extension (Rio Tinto, 2011a).
 The original design assumed that tailings would be pumped at a target density of 64%
solids, forming an assumed overall beach slope of 1.0%. Performance to date suggests
that densities at discharge may be in the range of 58%–60% solids. With the lower solids
concentration, beach slopes of about 0.5%–0.7% are anticipated, with short-term beach
slopes much shallower.
 Based on laboratory testwork, the tailings were expected to form a hard crust as they
dried that would aid in inhibiting dust formation in periods of inactivity. Performance data
have shown the tailings beaches remain wet during tailings deposition, with little dust
emission. Estimates of evaporative losses have therefore been updated in the water
balance to reflect the larger wetted area.

The TSF will be developed by constructing engineered earth fill and rock fill embankments.
Locally borrowed general fill and clay materials will be used for the starter dam. The clay
borrow material will also be used for lower permeability liners where Cretaceous clay is not
present and within core zones.

Two categories of waste have been designated: potentially acid forming (PAF) and non-
acid-forming (NAF). Most of the embankment will be constructed of various mine waste rock
materials and will include:
 Oxide waste rock – This material will act as the processed filter zones between the fine
tailings and the coarser waste. The oxide units are NAF and can be segregated for
construction; the remaining oxide would be classified as PAF and placed in waste rock
 Sedimentary rock – This material will be placed at the base of the downstream
embankment shells as a NAF filter and drainage system.

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 Random waste rock – Both NAF and PAF waste rock from the open pit will be placed in
the embankment shells of the TSF where water cannot come into contact with the PAF,
while NAF-only material will be used where these materials could be in contact with

The mine plan indicates that NAF rock types comprise about 30% (547 Mt) of the total
1,966 Mt of waste rock to be produced. The timing and ability to effectively separate the NAF
rock will affect the potential to use all of it for embankment construction. Dam zoning to
incorporate some PAF rock into the dry sections of the embankment shells may be required.
OT LLC has developed a draft strategy to identify and segregate waste products by
chemistry and physical characteristics (gradation) (Rio Tinto, 2011b). All filter zones and the
basal blanket layer will be constructed of NAF oxide and sedimentary rock units.

This section describes the FS design (KCB, 2011) of the TSF. Where changes have been made
or are anticipated based on recent operating experience, these are noted.

For the first 18 years of production, the TSF will consist of two cells, each approximately 4.0 km2
in size, to store a total of 670 Mt of tailings. The facility will be constructed in two stages,
starting with Cell 1 and then continuing with Cell 2. The general arrangement of the cells is
shown in Figure 18.14.

This footprint has not changed since 2011, although embankment slopes in final design may
not be as shown. OT LLC has not yet decided which embankment design to adopt, but the
alternative Golder design is expected to result in equal or lower net present cost over the
mine life than the KCB design.

Each cell will be divided into four parallel sub-cells by berms. Berms, or splitter dikes, will
constrain the active tailings beach to one sub-cell. An alternative method of tailings
deposition management, whereby the number of spigots is increased to include the south-
west side of the tailings, is being evaluated. This would eliminate the splitter dikes and present
a cost savings.

Supernatant water will run down the active beach to the eastern embankment and flow
from there to one of two reclaim ponds situated on the north-east corner of Cell 1 and south-
east corner of Cell 2. The two reclaim ponds may be combined in future by eliminating the
central north embankment of Cell 1. However, the two cells would need to be combined
within the next two years to eliminate the centre dike between Cells 1 and 2. The current cost
estimate is conservatively based on each cell being raised independently, with some
duplication of one of four walls for each cell.

The original impoundment design is based on the assumption that the tailings beach will
slope from the deposition point to the reclaim pond at an average of 1.0%. Sensitivity
analyses were completed for beach slopes varying from 0.7%–1.5% for the starter dam facility.
At flatter beach slopes, the eastern dike must initially be raised more quickly (while the
western dike is raised more slowly). Likewise, flatter beach slopes tend to correspond to lower
placed-tailings density, which requires the embankments to be raised more quickly. This is

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underway in the 2014 construction season. Recent rates of rise (May 2014) have reduced
considerably, indicating both melting of winter ice and tailings consolidation.

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The earth and rock fill embankments constructed to store the tailings will be up to 70 m high
and will generally vary in form based on the varying tailings deposition and water
management regimes around the perimeter of each cell.

As part of the scope of work awarded to Golder Associates in mid-2013, Golder re-evaluated
foundation strengths to see if it was possible to permit steeper final embankment slopes that
would use less material within the embankment at a given elevation. Because these design
input assumptions have not been reviewed by the ITRB, the more conservative slopes and
embankment quantities developed by KCB are being used at this time. Golder’s design
assumptions will be evaluated further in a monitoring programme during operations, which
will include monitoring piezometers, surveying beaches, surface observations, inclinometer
measurements, and embankment surveys.

Currently, Golder has been tasked to design the impoundment for flatter beach slopes of
0.6% for the initial years of operation. This redesign will affect short-term embankment
quantities, bringing additional material forward. Once stable beach slopes are established,
embankment quantities are expected to be as forecast.

Due to the low tailings density and low deposition gradients observed during start-up and the
resulting high raise rates, shorter-term design modifications have been necessary. All the KCB
design sections were modified to a downstream construction approach because a stable
beach was not available for use in either the centreline or modified upstream construction
method. This approach is able to impound the soft tailings without requiring support from the
tailings themselves.

The current embankment sections follow the original design of the KCB decant pond cross-
section, which was applied around the entire perimeter of the Cell 1 embankment. No
modifications were made to the filter and clay layers previously developed and approved by
the ITRB.

A preliminary quantity estimate provided by Golder compares favourably to the KCB quantity
estimate in terms of total volume of materials. Planning for the project will continue with the
current, more conservative KCB estimate until a design review is completed and the ITRB has
approved the design modifications to implement the Golder design.

Three types of embankment sections have been developed for construction:

 Reclaim pond section – This section is in the vicinity of the reclaim pond area where a
minimum three metre deep water pond will accumulate against the upstream face of
the embankment during operations. This section was originally and continues to be
designed as a downstream-constructed embankment with a low hydraulic conductivity
zone (Cretaceous clay) to limit seepage. Figure 18.15 shows the original KCB design, and
Figure 18.16 shows the similar Golder design for the typical reclaim pond section and the
various material types used to construct this portion of the embankment.

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 Dry section – This section will be used at the upstream end of the TSF where seepage will
only occur during periods of active tailings deposition. Golder has added operational
benches to support the spigot discharge line. This section is now also being downstream
constructed with filter zones incorporated to prevent migration of tailings into the
embankment. Figure 18.17 (lower image) shows a typical dry section.
 Wet section – This section will also be raised using the downstream approach and will
incorporate filter zones to prevent migration of tailings into the embankment. The
operational benches for placement of spigot pipelines have been removed; otherwise
the section is the same as the dry section. Figure 18.17 (upper image) shows a typical wet

The foundation characterisation has identified brittle clay deposits that will require varying
downstream buttress berms according to the thickness of clay. Buttresses may range in width
up to 500 m, and the resulting overall downstream slope of the embankments may range
from 2.5H:1V to 9.2H:1V (horizontal to vertical).

In general, the steeper slopes are applicable to the southern/south-east part of the
embankment, where foundation clays become discontinuous and bedrock is present, and
the flatter slopes apply to the north-west part of Cell 2. Given that the stability of the dam on
the clay foundation is dependent upon the rate of consolidation and pore pressure
dissipation, an observational and monitoring approach will be used to monitor the
embankment foundation and test fills to validate and refine the final geometry.

As stated previously, material quantities are based on the more conservative KCB estimates.
Although the downstream construction approach generally requires more embankment
construction material, the KCB values are conservative for OTFS14 purposes considering the
flatter slopes KCB assumed compared to the present estimates by Golder. The following
approach was used to adjust the KCB quantities to the current concentrator tailings
 The annual KCB material take-offs (MTOs) were copied into columns
(Year, Cell 1 volume (m3), Cell 2 volume (m3)).
 The planned concentrator production from the original KCB 2011 report was copied into
a parallel column by year.
 The amount of embankment material required each year was copied into a parallel
column so that annual tailings and embankment quantities could be seen.
 The amount of embankment material was plotted against the total amount of tailings for
a given year. The correlation between embankment volume and tailings volume (in m3
tailings) was developed using the tailings density of 1.45 t/m3 from the original design.
 The above correlation and the OTFS14 tailings production estimate were then used to
estimate the amount of embankment material required for a given tailings tonnage. The
tailings density was adjusted to the current estimate of 1.35 t/m3.
 The OTFS14 tailings production estimate then yields the amount of embankment material
required in a given year.

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The correlation between the original KCB and current embankment quantities at various
tailings densities is shown in Figure 18.18. Embankment quantities based on KCB 2011 and
assumed tailings densities of 1.25, 1.35, and 1.45 t/m3 are presented on the left ordinate axis,
and tailings production is presented on the right ordinate axis. It can be seen that the amount
of embankment material required each year is lower than in the original KCB design, primarily
due to the lower concentrator tailings production, even at the lowest tailings density
assumption of 1.25 t/m3. This excludes the effect of the lower slope, which has resulted in the
need for additional embankment raising in the 2014 construction season.

Embankment quantity projections for the OTFS14 cost estimate are based on an in-place
density of 1.35 t/m3, which corresponds to a density of 72% solids This includes the effect of
additional consolidation pressure with depth (ultimately to 70 m).

Water management is one of the major drivers of the design and operational planning for the
TSF. Water for Oyu Tolgoi is supplied from a well field some distance from the mine site and is
expensive. Water conservation is a major objective of project planning, and the concept of
depositing tailings in sub-cells is intended to minimise evaporation losses and promote water
release from the tailings by consolidation. Section 13 discusses the concentrator and tailings
water balance, which dominates site raw water use. The balance has conservatively used
1.30 t/m3 (approximately 70% solids at tailings SG of 2.8) to demonstrate the sufficiency of the
raw water supply for the Reserve case. Optimisation of water use will involve balancing the
evaporative and entrained water losses on the tailings dam, since the greater rate of rise
leads to more water being entrained in tailings (due to less drainage) but less water being lost

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to evaporation (due to less wetted area per tpd). Currently, entrainment losses exceed
evaporation and sublimation losses by a factor of 10.

Water will be reclaimed from the eastern side of the impoundment by a pump barge that will
return supernatant water back to the process plant. The normal water depth in the reclaim
pond will be three metres but has been found to be shallower as a result of the flat beach
slopes. Clarification ponds off the embankment are being evaluated to see if the clarity of
the reclaim water can be improved while maintaining a small reclaim pond on the
embankment itself. The water balance completed for Section 13 indicates that enough water
would be available from the borefield to support a tailings production rate of approximately
140 ktpd if sufficient raw water storage were provided for seasonal variation. This easily
exceeds the peak annual tonnage equivalent of 119 ktpd projected in the Reserve case (for
2029), which is accommodated without any need for additional site water storage.

A diversion ditch on the north side of Cell 1 will divert surface water around the TSF. The ditch
will be realigned farther to the north before Cell 2 is constructed. The ditch has been
designed for a 24-hour, 100-year return period precipitation event. Seepage and
precipitation falling directly onto the embankment is collected in a toe collection ditch at the
toe of the embankments.

This ditch will be approximately 4.0 m deep and has been designed to carry the anticipated
amount of seepage (20–40 L/s) and run-off from a 24-hour, 100-year return period
precipitation event. The ditch will direct water to two toe collection ponds on the east and
west sides of the TSF.

Seepage from the impoundment to groundwater will be limited by the reduced permeability
of the tailings themselves and also by the natural Cretaceous clay deposit that underlies
approximately 75% of the impoundment footprint. The clay is generally absent in the south-
east corner of the facility, and therefore a 1.0 m thick liner of compacted Cretaceous clay
has been placed there.

The following items will be addressed as future work based on the current TSF design for
Oyu Tolgoi:
 The current design needs to be optimised given the operating conditions and lower
tailings solids content at deposition.
 Golder Associates is currently developing design drawings for the first five years of
operation, and this work will need detailed review.
 It may be more cost effective overall to implement Cell 2 earlier than Year 5 (2018), as
planned, in terms of the amount of embankment material required to store the tailings.
Larger tailings deposition areas will result in higher in-place tailing densities (faster
drainage and drying time) and greater storage capacity. This approach will be
evaluated for potential cost savings.
 At a revised target density of 1.35 t/m3, the KCB 2011 feasibility design for the TSF provides
for storage of 670 Mt of tailings produced over the first 18 years of mine life. Once
operating conditions are understood, the facility will need to be expanded to support
continued mining beyond that capacity. Designs for the three additional cells required to

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store the total 1.5 bt of tailings will be based on the deposition and construction
experience gained in optimising the current design.
 The TSF location was originally required to remain inside the OT Licence Area 6709A
boundary, but this constraint has been removed. It may therefore be possible to expand
the facility to the east or north in the future.
 Embankment slopes should be optimised based on observations from test fills and
conditions during the construction period. The design is currently based on assumptions
of pore pressure response that could be conservative. The instrumentation and
monitoring programme should be expanded to improve understanding of foundation
 Observations made during operations with regard to beach formation and water
recovery are being evaluated to optimise the number of sub-cells in the TSF design.
Alternately, the sub-cells may be eliminated entirely and an expanded spigot discharge
system used to manage tailings deposition.

OT LLC plans to make use of the services of Rio Tinto Technology & Innovation to provide
expertise to take advantage of opportunities and add value to Oyu Tolgoi. The current have
been setup to investigate and implement projects in these areas: project monitoring, process
technology and underground technology. The innovations and possible applications outlined
below are not exhaustive, nor definitive, but rather are currently viewed as having the most
significant potential impact for Oyu Tolgoi in the long-term.

Rio Tinto plans a longer-term view to developing its operations management capability to
maximise performance through evaluation and implementation of advanced technologies.
This approach would involve the strategic evaluation and collaboration with technology
partners before further developing and implementing system capabilities in a phased and
prioritised manner. Experience from a variety of industries has shown this approach to be
crucial in achieving an integrated system that maximises the potential of the various
technologies and the benefit to Oyu Tolgoi.

Rio Tinto Technology & Innovation has set up an operational optimisation centre in Brisbane,
Australia that can remotely monitor most parameters tracked by field instrumentation and
on-line measurements from several Rio Tinto processing plants around the world. At present,
three operations are being monitored closely through pilot programmes to demonstrate
 Oyu Tolgoi concentrator
 Kennecott Utah Copper concentrator,
 Rio Tinto Coal Australia coal-washing plants
Subject matter experts from a variety of industry and academic partners are contractually
engaged in review of real-time data with a clear mandate to rigorously implement changes
in operating procedures and monitor performance to lock in gains. To date, Oyu Tolgoi has
benefited particularly from stabilised control of flotation cell levels, pH optimisation, and the

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retention of expert knowledge as the start-up teams move on to other projects.

Advanced grinding circuit control and higher-level optimising control ability are targeted for
development in the next phase of study. Another area of opportunity is mine-to-mill
optimisation to maximise SAG mill capacity under an Integrated Value Chain engagement.
Examples are designing tighter drill patterns and customising powder factors, efforts that
have been successful in increasing capacity by several percentage points at other

Rio Tinto has supported a number of new technologies through its investment in the Rio Tinto
Centre for Advanced Mineral Recovery at Imperial College London. Examples include:
 Copper NuWaveTM, a new mineral sorting technology that uses microwaves to estimate
the copper content on a rock-by-rock basis
 MicroHammerTM, a microwave pre-treatment process for reducing ore hardness and
enhancing value mineral liberation
 Peak Air Recovery, an air control technique in flotation that exploits the link between
flotation air recovery and valuable mineral recovery.

These techniques have been applied at demonstration plant scale at other Rio Tinto
operations and are being tested at laboratory scale on Oyu Tolgoi ore samples with a view to
incremental gains in contained copper output and/or recovery.

OT LLC has identified a variety of opportunities that have the potential to materially improve
the performance of Oyu Tolgoi and ongoing operations at Hugo North Lift 1.

While many of the design principles in OTFS14 are specific to caving, the project and
operating processes are very much standard in small to medium-size underground mines and
are being extended to the context of large-scale caving. Given the scope of underground
mining proposed at Oyu Tolgoi, any improvements in these processes have the potential to
contribute substantial safety and financial benefits to the business.

Rio Tinto has developed a wide-ranging underground improvement strategy that identifies
and prioritises capacity and innovation opportunities through the core stages of design,
construction, and operation. The strategy is based around leveraging both internal and
external expertise to improve existing technologies and processes and develop new ones.
While it covers the full scope of underground mining projects within Rio Tinto, the strategy is
very much focused around opportunities for improvement at Hugo North Lift 1.

It is anticipated that a number of improvements will be made in terms of mine design as well
as development and production processes throughout the life of the Hugo North Lift 1.

Given the rapid advances in communication technologies over the past 10 years, particularly

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in fibre optics and wireless networking, sophisticated communication and monitoring systems
can now be readily adapted to the underground environment at what is expected to be
reasonable cost and with high reliability. There are other types of operating systems that have
become commonplace in other industries could have potential application in underground

Key developments in these types of systems being investigated and implemented at Oyu
Tolgoi include:
 Wireless communication infrastructure throughout all areas of the underground mine,
supported by a fibre optic backbone. This system could provide real time monitoring and
data collection of all activities. Testing and development of wireless communication
products for Oyu Tolgoi are currently in progress in conjunction with technology partners.
 Traffic management / collision avoidance system. Further evaluation and development
in conjunction with technology partners is required for this system to be successful on the
scale required for Oyu Tolgoi. The intensity of activity in large-scale cave mining from the
large numbers of people and equipment required gives rise to a variety of safety risks,
particularly in terms of interaction between people and equipment within the
constrained space and limited visibility of the underground environment.

Together with communications infrastructure, effective data management is crucial to

founding and realising the full benefits of an effective operations management system.
Underground mines commonly use a variety of technologies or systems operating on
independent data platforms with different data structures, standards, and security. Having a
common and integrated approach to data management will minimise issues associated with
the excessive effort required to obtain, analyse, use, and assess information in isolation,
ultimately leading to more-effective decision-making and improved performance. Two data
management opportunities that Rio Tinto is examining are:
 Optimisation of Operations: The combination of comprehensive real-time monitoring and
integrated data management offers the potential to utilise expert systems to rapidly and
accurately analyse mining performance information to develop performance forecasts
for the short, medium, and long term.
 Shafts 3 and Shaft 4 – Potential Opportunity for Innovation: Shafts 3 and Shaft 4 provide
full ventilation capacity to support production ramp-up to the design production rate
during ongoing development and construction. After restart construction activity for
Shaft 4 is planned to commence 17 months and after 28 months for Shaft 3, opportunity
exists to develop and test potential shaft-sinking innovations ranging from incremental
improvements and potentially fundamental changes in the shaft-sinking method. The
benefits realised through innovation in shaft sinking may be predominantly in the area of
safety as opposed to productivity or cost.

Geotechnical engineering design principles for underground mines have evolved from
experience at hundreds of mines over many years. An array of empirical and numerical
models and methods have been developed and refined, but these largely pertain to lower

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stress mining environments and are less accurate in predicting stress conditions, rock mass
strength, and overall stability in higher-stress situations such as those in very deep mines or in
cave mining operations. Given the lack of other prediction methods, geotechnical engineers
have no alternative but to design stringent, comprehensive ground support systems,
excavation procedures, and pillar requirements.

Rio Tinto is funding a programme of research through the Centre for Excellence in Mining
Innovation in Canada aimed at improving the knowledge and understanding of stress and
rock mass conditions in the caving environment. Known as the Rio Tinto Centre for
Underground Mine Construction, the research programme involves detailed measurement
and testing of actual conditions within operating mines, including Hugo North Lift 1, with
evaluation by a widely experienced group of geotechnical experts from universities, research
organisations, and companies throughout the world. The information obtained is expected to
allow for ongoing improvements to the geotechnical design aspects of the Hugo North mine,
particularly during the first several years of development.

Rio Tinto is evaluating several methods and processes aimed at improving the quality and
schedule duration of drawbell construction. The anticipated process improvements are
expected to help Hugo North maintain scheduled drawbell construction rates in areas of
poor ground conditions and instability and to exceed construction rates in other areas.

The primary design cave production method is the use of load-haul-dump vehicles to load
rock from drawpoints and transfer it to an ore pass for subsequent transport by trucks to the
crushing station. Rio Tinto is working with a number of mobile equipment manufacturers, and
engineering evaluations to date have indicated that payload capacity could be increased
by as much as 20% with other types of equipment such as electric / hybrid powered loaders.
An additional advantage would be reduced diesel consumption and corresponding
ventilation requirements.

The size and flow behaviour of broken rock within the cave volume is perhaps the most
significant area of uncertainty in cave mining. Rio Tinto is working with technology and
research organisations to develop cave-monitoring systems capable of real-time
measurements of rock material size and flow behaviour in the cave. Rio Tinto has indicated
that initial trials and testing have been promising and if development is successful, such
systems will be deployed at Hugo North.

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The Oyu Tolgoi Sales and Marketing group has identified customers and agreed off-take
commitments for the sale of all available products in 2014 and 2015. Its main focus for 2014
has been:
 Continuing ramp-up of customer collections to return to normal inventory levels by end
 Executing trial shipments to alternative logistics routes, including non-Chinese markets.
 Identifying and entering into long-term agreements with buyers for post-2016 production.

Shipment of Oyu Tolgoi concentrates commenced in 2013, after issue of the necessary
approvals by the Chinese authorities.

The concentrate is loaded into two-tonne bags and shipped ‘delivered at place’ (DAP) by
truck to the Mongolian‒ Chinese bi-lateral trade border at Gashuun Sukhait (GSK)‒
Ganqimaodao, and also to the dedicated customer pickup facility at the Huafang terminal
in China, approximately 7 km from the border. At these locations, the customers will pay for
the copper concentrate by means of a letter of credit and take responsibility for delivery of
the concentrate by truck or train to the respective smelter(s).

Product specifications are updated for the short-term and medium-term planned production
schedules. The OT LLC marketing group communicates and discusses any specification
changes with Oyu Tolgoi customers.

Major Elements (2013–2017)

Element Unit Average Minimum Maximum
Cu % 24 21 35
Au g/dmt 28 7 70
Ag g/dmt 67 40 100
As ppm 400 20 1,100
F ppm 550 300 850
Cd ppm – 5 80
Pb ppm – 200 5,000
Hg ppm 1 0 2.5
Moisture % 8 6 10

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Minor Elements (all periods)
Element Unit Minimum Maximum
Al ppm 4,000 10,000
Ba ppm 20 50
Be ppm <0.5 <0.5
Bi ppm <10 <10
Ca ppm 900 3000
Cl ppm 20 150
Co ppm 50 200
Cr ppm 15 100
Fe % 25 30
Ge ppm 0.5 5
K ppm 1,500 4,000
Mg ppm 1,000 4,000
Mn ppm 50 300
Mo ppm 500 2,500
Na ppm 500 1,500
Ni ppm 50 150
P ppm 50 200
Pd ppm 0.1 0.3
Pt ppm 0.02 0.08
Re ppm 0.02 0.3
S % 32 38
Sb ppm 5 300
Se ppm 150 350
SiO2 % 3 9
Sn ppm 1 5
Sr ppm 15 100
Te ppm 4 30
Ti ppm 500 1,500
V ppm 20 70
Y ppm 2 8
Zn ppm 300 3,000
Zr ppm 200 500

The national impurity limits in China are issued jointly by the General Administration of Quality
Supervision Inspection and Quarantine of the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of
Environmental Protection. The last such document was issued in April 2006 and specified the
upper limits for impurities found in imported copper concentrate as shown in Table 19.2.
Copper concentrate with impurities content above these limits cannot be approved for
import into China. Copper concentrate with impurities content above these limits cannot be

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approved for import into China. The study work on Oyu Tolgoi indicates that the concentrate
will be below the impurities tolerance levels.

Element Upper Limit (ppm)

As 5,000
Pb 6,000
F 1,000
Cd 500
Hg 100
Source: Wood Mackenzie

Copper industry analysts forecast a surge in new production internationally in the next four
years. Although there is reason to be sceptical of the timing owing to disruptions in mine
supply and the delay in new projects coming on, the supply is expected to eventuate. The
average annual increase in production for the next four years is expected to be
approximately 840 ktpa Cu, with 4.2 Mt of new production forecast between 2012 and 2017,
underpinned by mid to large-sized projects. This wave of new mine supply is expected to
result in a continued surplus of mined concentrates during the period, resulting in higher
treatment and refining charges for miners, while also encouraging new smelter capacity.

Despite the supply surplus forecast for 2014–2017, China (currently the main export destination
of the Mongolian mining sector) has become increasingly reliant on imported copper
concentrates. This trend is expected to continue through to 2017.

The OT LLC analysis of the copper market suggests long-term dynamics for copper will be
driven by a combination of factors. Significant increases are forecast in copper consumption
per capita, owing particularly to the industrialization and urbanization of China and other
emerging markets such as India and Brazil. A back-drop of strong copper demand and
constrained supply is expected to offer fundamental support to copper prices. In recent
years, supply has failed to respond quickly enough to increased demand from emerging
regions. Global electrification and the growth of China and India will drive the increasing
intensity of use per capita GDP.

Copper demand will also benefit from a greater long-term focus on renewable sources of
energy and energy-efficient technologies such as wind turbines and electric / hybrid vehicles,
which are of copper-intensive fabrication.

The forecast risks in bringing on new copper supply pertain to technical difficulties, increased
political unrest, the length of time required for permitting and approvals, and unforeseen
disruptions caused by operational failures, strikes, and labour shortages.

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With expansions in smelting capacity, the Chinese share of the custom copper concentrates
market has increased rapidly over the last few years. The combination of reserve exhaustion
and declining grades will mean that production from existing capacity will decline, while
committed brownfield expansions will need to maintain current output levels.

Overall, global smelting capacity is expected to increase by the end of 2025. China is
forecast to see the majority of growth in the next five years. Historically, raw material
constraints have resulted in low utilisation rates, which have exacerbated the regional
Chinese demand for concentrate, and this trend is forecast to continue. The issue in the years
ahead will be the availability of concentrates for the custom smelters as Chinese capacity
continues to grow. The market for custom, or traded, concentrates – those that are mined
and processed by different companies – now accounts for more than half of the copper
concentrates processed. The proportion of total concentrate production accounted for by
the custom market has risen in recent years due to the rapid growth of the custom smelting
industries in China and, to a lesser extent, India. Despite limited domestic resources, Chinese
companies have invested heavily in smelting capacity and are highly dependent on the
custom market for raw materials.

Oyu Tolgoi concentrate sales will need to capture a 25% market share eight years after start
up. This is considered by OT LLC to be realistic, given the quality of the concentrate at the
time and the relative proximity to Chinese smelters. In the intervening period, Oyu Tolgoi
output will form a smaller percentage of the import market, starting at only 8.0% in 2013. After
2021, Oyu Tolgoi’s production is projected to decline at a rate that would also result in a
smaller percentage of total market share than the 2021 peak. Even if Oyu Tolgoi production is
maintained at close to the peak levels through further mine expansions, Oyu Tolgoi’s market
share is expected to continue to decline as Chinese concentrate demand continues to

The OT LLC’s marketing team will have Mongolian marketing staff, recognising their
importance and roles in marketing and sales for the Oyu Tolgoi product, and to develop
capability of the Mongolian employees. Key considerations in the development of the
marketing strategy include:
 Location of customer compared to imported material landed at Chinese ports (OT LLC
to pay freight differential from mine to customer versus port to customer).
 Precious metals recovery and payment.
 Length of contract.
 Percentage of off-take to smelters versus traders.
 Percentage of tonnage on contract versus spot.
 Percentage of feed for any one smelter.
 Number of customers for a given scale of operation.

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 Management of concentrate quality and volume during commissioning and ramp-up.
 Alternate off-shore logistics and costs.
 Delivery point and terms.

The commercial terms OT LLC will receive are planned be in line with conditions on the
international concentrates market.

The smelter terms used in this study are based on OT LLC’s assessment of the copper market
and standard smelter terms in general use throughout the industry.

The Oyu Tolgoi Project is located in the undeveloped region of southern Mongolia with no
railway service. The mine will operate continuously, year-round, to produce copper
concentrate, which will need to be transported by truck from the mine to the Mongolian /
Chinese bi-lateral trade border at Gashuun Sukhait / Ganqimaodao. The customers will then
be responsible for further transport within China or abroad.

An outbound logistics model has been developed and is now being synchronised with the
logistics capabilities of the current contracted customer. Customers are aware that the
assumptions surrounding logistics may change and that OT LLC has committed to an open
dialogue with them.

The border facilities are rudimentary in nature and until such time that it obtains International
Trade status, it is likely to remain limited in its capacity to process bi-lateral trade. Operating
hours and schedule are limited by several factors, and is subject to sporadic closures.
Weather, communications, and energy failures all contribute to this situation. Efforts are
underway on both sides of the border to increase its capacity and efficiency.

In the event of a Mongolian / Chinese border shutdown, the outbound transport convoy
(trucks and trailers) will divert to a secure and bonded holding yard on the Mongolian side of
the border. The convoy will recommence on its original passage across the border, heading
to Huafang terminal. Daily customer order shipments will be sequenced in the marshalling
yard and moved into bond once quality clearance is issued. At this point all export
documentation will be compiled to satisfy Mongolian Customs and other agencies.

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This section provides a summary of the legal and policy framework for Oyu Tolgoi;
environmental baseline studies and values; environmental assessment and permitting
requirements; environmental management plans; environmental impact and mitigation
measures; environmental design; construction management plan; and closure and
rehabilitation plans with respect to compliance with Mongolian National Standards (MNS)
and conformance with international guidelines and requirements, specifically those for the
International Finance Corporation (IFC), World Bank (WB), and European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Where applicable, the text refers to relevant information from the updated environmental
and social impact assessment (ESIA) for the project completed in 2012.

The Mongolian Constitution (1992) sets out the personal rights and freedoms of the people of
Mongolia, including the right to a healthy and safe environment and protection against
environmental pollution and ecological imbalance (Article 16.1.2). It also describes the
system of government and allocates powers and responsibilities to each branch of

In general, national laws are introduced and enforced by the central government. The
Ministry of Environment and Green Development (MEGD) has legal authority for
environmental protection legislation and regulations. The Ministry of Natural Resources and
Mines (MNRM) has legal authority for mining legislation and regulations. The central
government delegates some powers to provincial (aimag) and regional (soum) levels.

The environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) (OT LLC, 2012) provides a good
overview of the applicable environmental legislation and regulations currently applicable to
the project.

Oyu Tolgoi has developed a comprehensive Health, Safety and Environmental Management
System (HSE MS) that meets the requirements of the Rio Tinto HSEQ Management System
Standard. The management system is designed on the principles of continual improvement
and adopts the methodology of Plan, Do, Check and Review, which comprises 17 discrete
elements for implementation.

In addition, the HSE MS incorporates elements of the Social Management System, which will
continue to be aligned to meet the requirements of the Rio Tinto Communities Standard. The
2012 Oyu Tolgoi HSE MS has been audited and is certified to ISO14001 and OHSAS18001.

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The baseline assessment was prepared by Citrus, for OT LLC, by drawing upon the wide range
of internal and independent studies that have been prepared for Oyu Tolgoi since 2003. The
existing information was reviewed and assessed for accuracy, consistency, and validity.
Where additional baseline data became available in 2010 and 2011 prior to the completion
of the ESIA, these were incorporated in the publically disclosed ESIA.

Plans for ongoing data collection and studies are set out in the corresponding impact
assessment chapters and management plans of the ESIA, as well as supplementary
Operational Management and Monitoring Plans, to ensure baseline data continues to
improve and that the results of ongoing monitoring and improved knowledge are integrated
into updated and revised management plans and procedures.

In each baseline chapter of the ESIA, the following issues were considered in order to draw
together the data and provide an overview of the sources, robustness, and validity of the
original data:
 Clarity of data sources with key references cited, ensuring a clear appreciation of the
origin of information used.
 Identification of third-party data verification undertaken by Oyu Tolgoi.
 Clear descriptions of the methodologies used to develop the baseline data.
 Identification of where Oyu Tolgoi has commissioned further data collection, or where
data collection remains ongoing.

The baseline chapters presented in the ESIA are, necessarily, a summary of an extensive body
of research and assessment that has been ongoing over many years covering the
biophysical environment and human environment.

The biophysical environment baseline addresses the following topics:

 Climate and climate change.
 Air quality.
 Noise and vibration.
 Topography, geology, and topsoils.
 Water resources.
 Biodiversity.
 Ecosystem services.

The human environment baseline addresses the following topics:

 Population and demographics.
 Employment and livelihoods.
 Land use.
 Transport and infrastructure.

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 Cultural heritage.
 Community health, safety, and security.

OT LLC is committed to sustainable development through effectively managing its

environmental, social, and economic responsibilities. Throughout development, OT LLC’s
primary intent is to assess and prevent the potentially adverse effects that mining activities
can have on the natural environment, and to plan appropriately for future mining operations
at Oyu Tolgoi.

OT LLC’s environmental work for Oyu Tolgoi is compliant with Mongolian regulatory
requirements, internal policies and procedures, and external agreements. The environmental
management plans for the project are designed to ensure that key environmental factors are
monitored and protected.

The Oyu Tolgoi ESIA of 2012 built upon an extensive body of studies, reports, and detailed
environmental impact assessments (DEIAs) prepared since 2002 for project design and
development purposes and for Mongolian approvals under the following laws:
 The Environmental Protection Law (1995).
 The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment (1998, amended in 2001).
 The Minerals Law (2006).

The various earlier studies and reports have been updated regularly by a number of certified
Mongolian DEIA consultants, with oversight by Sustainability East Asia and input from
RPS Aquaterra on water issues.

The DEIAs provided baseline information for both social and environmental issues and were
generally structured under a core categorisation of Mining and Processing, Transport and
Infrastructure Corridor, Gunii Hooloi Water Supply, Coal Fired Power Plant, and Airport. In
addition, a number of specific DEIAs were required to address arising/updated facilities and
requirements not covered under the broader categories. Examples are specific assessments
for the fuel depot, use of chemicals, and the Undai River diversion.

All DEIAs were prepared and approved in accordance with Mongolian standards, but,
although developed to meet international standards, they were not specifically intended to
comprehensively address overarching IFC or EBRD social or environmental sustainability

In preparing the ESIA, the baseline environmental and social information, assessments, and
monitoring and mitigation requirements were updated with recent data and management
plans that meet IFC and EBRD performance standards/requirements. In addition, a social
analysis was completed through the commissioning of a Socio-Economic Baseline Study and
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Oyu Tolgoi.

Table 20.1 summarises the previous key baseline studies and core DEIAs prepared for
Oyu Tolgoi, and Table 20.2 summarises of the supplementary DEIAs and studies.

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EIA Study Title Description Date Status
Environmental Baseline Study for Covers geography, geological, hydrology, hydrogeology, soil, climate, air
Oyu Tolgoi quality, flora and fauna, the socio-economic status, and infrastructure of the 2002 No approval required
Oyu Tolgoi site and its surrounding areas.
Environmental Baseline Study for Covers geography, geological, hydrology, hydrogeology, soil, climate, air
Town Planning quality, flora and fauna, the socio-economic status and infrastructure of
2012 No approval required
potential development and interconnecting infrastructure areas for Khanbogd
town developments.
Oyu Tolgoi EIA Volume I: DEIA of the road and power line proposal from Oyu Tolgoi to the Gashuun 2004 Approved
Transport and Infrastructure Sukhait border crossing. Provides approval for access through the South Gobi 2006 Approved
Corridor from Oyu Tolgoi to Strictly Protected Area (SGSPA). A number of amendments have been 2010 Approved
Gashuun Sukhait undertaken to address changing alignments. 2012 Approved
Oyu Tolgoi EIA Volume II: DEIAs for the proposed aquifer and water supply system for the provision of a 2004 Approved
Water Supply from the Gunii sustainable water supply to the Oyu Tolgoi. A number of amendments have 2009 Approved
Hooloi Aquifer been completed to capture developments in the groundwater resource 2010 Approved
assessment and water supply pipeline design. 2012 Approved
Oyu Tolgoi Volume III: DEIA of the open pits, underground mine, concentrator, tailings, and all facilities
Oyu Tolgoi Mining and Processing and support infrastructure located within the Oyu Tolgoi Mine Licence Area. The 2006 Approved
Facilities assessment was largely based on IDP05, but reflected the general permitting 2012 Approved
layout of May 2006. The maximum production rate was assumed to be 85 ktpd.
Oyu Tolgoi Volume IV: EIA documentation drafted for a coal-fired power plant at the Oyu Tolgoi site.
2006 Not submitted
Coal Fired Power Plant An amendment has been undertaken to reflect updates in design for three
2011 Approved
150 MW generating units.

Project EIA Component Description Date Status

DEIA for the fuel facility built in 2004 within the Mine Licence Area. Amendment 2005 Approved
Fuel Station Facility
completed for extension of the fuel depot. 2010 Approved.
Shaft 1 DEIA for Shaft 1, including headframe facilities, waste rock, and water disposal. 2005 Approved.
Shaft 2 DEIA for Shaft 2, including headframe facilities, waste rock, and water disposal. 2006 Approved.
Diesel Power Station DEIA for the diesel power station located within the Mine License Area. 2007 Approved.
Supplementary DEIA for the construction camp waste water treatment plant 2007
Waste Water Treatment Plant Approved.
expansion to 4,000-person equivalent capacity.
DEIA of hard rock quarry, concrete batching plant, and crusher located at the 2007
Quarry Batch Plant and Quarry Approved.
northern boundary of the Mine Licence Area.
The assessment included the initial development of six 2 MW diesel power 2007
20 MW Diesel Power Plant Approved.
stations followed by a Stage 2 addition of four 2 MW diesel generators.
Covers the importation, storage, use, and disposal of chemicals. Amendments 2008 Approved
Chemicals have been undertaken to update chemicals being used in construction, 2011 Approved
commissioning, and operation. 2012 Approved
DEIA for future project facilities, infrastructure, and Heruga underground mine 2009
Javkhlant-Entrée Lease Area Approved
located within the southern Javkhlant-Entrée lease area.
DEIA for project facilities, infrastructure, and portion of the Hugo Dummett 2009
Shivee Tolgoi-Entrée Lease Area Approved
underground mine located within the northern Shivee Tolgoi-Entrée lease area.
Main Fuel Storage Facility DEIA for the main fuel storage facility within the Oyu Tolgoi Mine Licence Area. 2011 Approved
Undai River Diversion Detailed 2011
DEIA for diversion of the Undai River. Approved
Environmental Impact Assessment
Covers the development of a 35 kV power line connecting Oyu Tolgoi to 2012
Oyu Tolgoi to Khanbogd Power Approved (based on
Khanbogd. DEIA has been developed, but approval was obtained based on a
Line screening submission)
DEIA screening submission.

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In addition to the Project elements identified above, certain other activities and facilities are
expected to be developed over time, either as part of or in support of the project, which do
not constitute part of the Project for the purposes of the ESIA. These include:
 Project expansion to support an increase in ore throughput from 100–160 ktpd.
 Long-term Project power supply. Under the terms of the IA, OT LLC will source electricity
from within Mongolia within four years of the commencement of Project operations.
OT LLC may develop a coal-fired power plant within the Oyu Tolgoi Mine Licence Area
to provide the required power from Mongolian sources.

While the impacts and management of these future Project elements are not directly
addressed in the ESIA, they are considered in the cumulative impact assessment.

The potential impacts of the Project on the human environment may extend farther than the
direct physical impacts of the Project on the biophysical environment. As a result, the Project
Area of Influence (for the purposes of the ESIA) also extends to include:
 Communities and community members that will be directly affected by the Project in
ways that are foreseeable and within the reasonable control of the Project during
construction, operations, and closure. This includes economically and physically
displaced persons such as herder families whose winter camps and access to traditional
summer pastures may be affected by the Project.
 Communities and community members that may be directly affected by population
influx, e.g., effects on water supply, wastewater, solid waste, housing, and other public
services or facilities, including Khanbogd soum and Khanbogd soum centre
 Communities and herder households that may be affected by potential changes to
local and regional groundwater supplies in the Gunii Hooloi basin, downstream of the
Oyu Tolgoi site, and along transportation corridors where access to, and water supplies
in, established herder wells may be affected.

Cumulative impacts are defined by the IFC as the combination of multiple impacts from
existing projects, the proposed project, and/or anticipated future projects that could result in
significant adverse and/or beneficial impacts that would not be expected in the case of a
stand-alone project.

Geographical areas, communities, and regional stakeholders could be subject to cumulative

impacts from further developments at Oyu Tolgoi together with other existing or planned
projects, trends, and developments within the South Gobi region. These will include:
 Macro-economic impacts across the Mongolian economy.

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 Impacts on communities and infrastructure in the South Gobi region related, for example,
to influx, economic changes, and pressure on infrastructure. Specifically, within
Omnogovi aimag, this includes the soums of Khanbogd, Bayan Ovoo, Manlai, and
Tsogttsetsii and the aimag capital, Dalanzadgad.
 Biodiversity impacts related to the fragmentation of ecosystems by roads and other
 Impacts on water resources in terms of both shallow aquifers for herder water supplies
and deep aquifers for potential industrial water supplies.

The ESIA addresses a project with a 27-year design life. It is anticipated that the Project will
continue in operation well after that date, possibly at higher production rates. Such plans are
still at an early stage, so while they are referred to in the ESIA, they are not evaluated in the
ESIA because of the limited amount of information available.

Similarly, a number of future developments of project-associated facilities are still under

evaluation, and no clear decision has yet been made as to the preferred approach to be
adopted by the Project. These include:
 The potential for a future rail link to be constructed from the South Gobi into China for the
export of coal from the Tavan Tolgoi area. If the rail link is constructed, then the Project
would propose the construction of a spur line from the Oyu Tolgoi site to join the rail link.
This would have significant impacts in terms of reducing the volume of heavy vehicles
transporting concentrate from Oyu Tolgoi and coal from other mines into China. This is a
decision that is being evaluated by the Government and is not under the control of the
 The future power supply for the Project. In accordance with the IA, power will be
supplied from China during the first four years of project operations by the Inner Mongolia
Power Company, after which Oyu Tolgoi is required to source electricity from within

Cumulative impacts are addressed in Chapter C13: Cumulative Impacts of the ESIA.

The key issues in terms of potential impact to air quality include:

 Dust emissions, together with their impact on human health and their potential to cause
nuisance to those exposed.
 Emissions of potentially polluting gases: sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and
carbon monoxide (CO), and their potential impact on human health.
 Emissions of other potentially hazardous species, including hydrochloric acid (HCl),
dioxins and furans, cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), hydrogen fluoride (HF), and
their potential impact on human health.
 Emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) (principally CO 2).

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Those receptors considered relevant to Project noise include:
 Worker accommodation facilities within the MLA, which will be used during the
operational and decommissioning phases of the Project.
 Established and permanent winter herder camps, although these are farther than 10 km
from the MLA. The herder winter camp resettlement programme undertaken to move
herders away from the construction activities associated with the Project was completed
in 2004. Oyu Tolgoi has since developed new winter camp locations and wells for
relocated herder families that previously had established nomadic camps within 10 km of
the Project site.
 Local population in the vicinity of project activities outside the MLA, including the
infrastructure corridor to the south, the airports, and the borefield and its associated
infrastructure, although the borefield operation is not expected to be a significant source
of noise.

Khanbogd, the nearest soum centre, is 35 km to the north-east of the MLA and is therefore
not expected to be affected by noise during operations. Should this position change with, for
example, future developments connected to the Project, all necessary studies and approvals
will be undertaken in accordance with the Project Standards.

Through a review of the Project design basis, construction schedule, scoping and baseline
assessment, the key noise and vibration issues considered to be associated with the Project
 Noise impacts on herders from the operation of the Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road.
 Noise impacts on herders from the construction and use of the permanent airport.
 Noise impacts on workers within the MLA.

The screening assessments and acoustic modelling undertaken for the ESIA have
demonstrated that, with appropriate mitigation, the noise and vibration impacts of the
Project will be negligible.

Aircraft noise will be noticeable for several kilometres from the airport. Modelling and
monitoring of noise at the airport have shown that these impacts are minor, of short duration,
and limited to daytime when a flight is landing or taking off.

Actual and potential impacts on the topography, geology, and topsoil arising from the
construction, operation, and closure of the Project are as follows:
 Construction of mine infrastructure, including the tailing storage facilities (TSF) and waste
rock dump (WRD) areas.
 Impacts associated with the open pit.
 Block caving mining activities, resulting in a surface subsidence zone.
 Creation of structures such as the camps and shaft headframe.

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 Diversion of the Undai River and other ephemeral watercourses.
 Losses of topsoil from erosion by wind and water around earthworks, topsoil stockpiles,
and rehabilitated areas.
 Potential subsidence impacts of the area overlying the Gunii Hooloi aquifer.

Impacts during closure will relate to legacy issues associated with the open pit, block caving,
TSF, WRD, and potential settlement associated with drawdown of the deep aquifer that will
have been used to supply the Project’s operational water requirements. While the scope here
discusses closure at the end of the Project, Oyu Tolgoi also considers the potential for early or
forced closure every year. The Closure Plan, which was prepared based on the June 2012
design status.

By means of careful design and planning processes, Oyu Tolgoi aims to prevent and mitigate,
as far as practically possible, impacts on topography, landscape, geology, and topsoil. The
key design measures taken to avoid impacts are listed below.
 As areas are decommissioned, e.g., the closure of the first cell of the TSF, progressive
rehabilitation and landscaping will be undertaken while under OT LLC control, allowing
vegetation to become established without any impacts from grazing by herd animals,
which will be kept out by the MLA fence.
 The WRD areas will be rehabilitated as soon as feasible. Stored topsoil will be used to
rehabilitate the lower slopes of the waste rock facilities where the risk of losing the topsoil
through windblown erosion is limited. The WRD area will not be used by underground
mining operations; at the end of the operational life of the open pit, the remaining active
areas will be stabilised and rehabilitated. This rehabilitation will be carried out
concurrently with the underground block caving, with the aim of having the WRD
rehabilitation completed a significant time (decades) before the end of the mine life.
 Mitigation of the impacts on the topography and landscape will focus on the final design
of the WRD, preferably resulting in a similar profile to the Khanbogd Mountain or the
steep-sided Javkhlant Mountain.
 Landscaping will be considered to lessen the visual impact of buildings. Per Oyu Tolgoi’s
obligation under the Land Law, this will include assigning over 10% of the built areas
within the MLA as a green zone. Plants are currently being grown at a nursery in
Khanbogd near a local well. These saplings will be transplanted to the MLA and watered
until established.

Based on an appraisal of the baseline conditions and sensitivities discussed in Chapter B6:
Water Resources of the ESIA, the following key issues were identified:
 The impact of the various elements of the project on surface water systems, including
ephemeral watercourses and ephemeral and permanent springs. These impacts could
affect water quantity, quality, or the length of time an ephemeral watercourse sustains
surface or groundwater flows over the course of a year.
 The impact of the Project’s water demand on the deep aquifer water resources of
Gunii Hooloi and its significance to the overall water resources of the region and impacts
on potential future water use.

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 The impact of the project on shallow aquifer resources across the Project Area of

These key aspects of surface water systems, deep groundwater resources, and shallow
groundwater resources are influenced by a variety of interactive impacts, including:
 Impacts on flora and fauna due to potential disruptions to ephemeral surface water and
groundwater flows and springs, and access to these water sources by wildlife.
 The impact of the diversion of the Undai River on downstream springs and water users
and risks to the Undai diversion from the adjacent WRD and other infrastructure, including
the quality of the water that drains from these features.
 The impact on surficial aquifers and local ephemeral watercourses of water abstraction
for construction water supply and of dewatering associated with excavation and
operation of the open pit and underground workings.
 The impact of water abstraction for construction purposes from locations outside the
 The impact of the abstraction of deep aquifer water resources, which are generally non-
potable, on shallower potable water aquifers, including the surficial aquifers along the
ephemeral watercourses used by herders and wildlife.
 Impacts on herder water supplies, particularly at their winter camps, which are critical for
the maintenance of their livelihoods.
 The impact of the increased water demand due to the known and predicted future
increase in population of Khanbogd soum centre.

The impacts on the aquifers in the Gunii Hooloi basin are influenced by the Project water
demand. Minimising water demand is a KPI that has been at the forefront of the design of the
Project. OT LLC is engendering a culture of water conservation throughout the company, its
employees, and contractors and has set targets for water conservation and recycling at all
levels of the Project. Examples include choosing sanitary ware that reduces water
consumption through to using treated and recycled wastewater in the concrete batch plant.

In 2011, OT LLC implemented a Regional Biodiversity Assessment (RBA) as part of the risk
assessment process for impacts on various identified biodiversity features. The risks were
categorised as critical, high, medium, and low, as discussed below. Proposed mitigation
options for the potential impacts on specific biodiversity features are addressed in
Chapter D6: Flora and Fauna Construction Management Plan of the Project ESIA.

The detailed hydrological and hydrogeological investigations undertaken to date have given
OT LLC a good appreciation of where the most likely impacts on surface hydrology and
surficial aquifers will occur and of how to develop mitigation measures to address them
(Chapter C5: Water of the ESIA).

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There are, however, a number of uncertainties relating to the likelihood and magnitude of
project-induced impacts on biodiversity features. These uncertainties relate to the likelihood
for impacts to shallow water systems and associated biodiversity features resulting from
drawdown of the deeper regional aquifer and from mine dewatering. Although the RBA
process categorised the likelihood of impacts as low, and thus a risk assessment of
medium/low, the following hydrological items are still considered to retain some degree of
inherent uncertainty in impact risk assessment:
 Effect of dewatering on the mine surface area.
 Maintaining surface water and groundwater flow in the Undai River.
 Connectivity between the deep Gunii Hooloi aquifer and overlying surficial and alluvial
aquifers and the deep Galbyn Gobi aquifers.
 Connectivity between the deep Durulj Mount Southern aquifer and overlying surficial

Ecosystem services is a concept that cuts across conventional approaches of looking at

issues from a subject-specific basis and enables the interactions between the biophysical and
human environments to be identified. Most, if not all, of these issues, impacts, and associated
mitigation actions are addressed within either the Biodiversity Mitigations or other chapters of
the ESIA.

Mitigation actions have been developed for all potential critical and high risk impacts to
priority biodiversity features. In addition to these measures, OT LLC has more recently decided
to provide wildlife underpasses for the Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road owing to concerns
about connectivity issues before the mitigation actions take effect, even though loss of
connectivity was originally ranked as only a medium risk. OT LLC is currently in discussions with
project financing lenders and biodiversity advisors to explore the best suite of mitigation
actions and/or offsets to reduce the potential habitat fragmentation that may occur as a
result of the construction of the Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road.

Actions OT LLC will take to mitigate low and moderate risk impacts to priority biodiversity
features, or impacts to lower priority biodiversity features, are described in Chapter D6: Flora
and Fauna Construction Management Plan of the ESIA, and in various other management
plans, including:
 Water Resources Management Plan.
 Atmospheric Emissions Management Plan.
 Land Use Management Plan and related Land Disturbance Procedures.
 Non-Mineral Waste Management Plan.
 Hazardous Materials Management Plan.

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Oyu Tolgoi has committed to a goal of Net Positive Impact (NPI) on biodiversity. As such,
residual impacts on priority biodiversity features will be offset to achieve this goal. The RBA
programme implemented in 2011 included the preparation of a Biodiversity Offset Strategy
for the Project that outlines what needs to be done to achieve an NPI on biodiversity. This
strategy is based on wide technical consultation and aims to demonstrate the technical
feasibility of achieving NPI.

Oyu Tolgoi will have unavoidable residual impacts on biodiversity. Residual impacts are
predicted for 15 priority biodiversity features, two ecosystems, and three priority habitats
known or likely to occur in the Project Area of Influence. Predicted residual impacts include
direct habitat loss, indirect habitat loss, and increased mortality from increased hunting,
increased collecting, collisions with vehicles and power lines, and increased numbers of
natural predators. Conservation of the Asiatic wild ass is recognised as the highest priority for
Oyu Tolgoi, given the international importance of the Southern Gobi region to this rapidly
declining, globally endangered species and the residual impacts it is likely to be significant to
the project.

Biodiversity offsets are recognised as fundamental to the Rio Tinto environmental tool kit and
as such OT LLC has produced a draft Biodiversity Offset Guidance Note (Rio Tinto, 2010) to
assist business units in developing technically, socially, and politically feasible and robust
offset plans.

This guidance identifies four major sequential stages in the design of offsets:
1. Offset Scoping – Identify goals and a long list of potential sites in the region or country
broadly considered as possibilities for offsets.
2. Offset Screening – Screen the potential offset sites against biological, political, economic,
and social criteria. This involves brief consideration of possible types of conservation
intervention and additional criteria: what actions could be undertaken, and would these
make a real difference on the ground? Extensive stakeholder consultation, including
Government, expert organisations, and local communities, is conducted.
3. Net Positive Impact (NPI) Accounting – Estimate possible biodiversity gains using the
Rio Tinto NPI Accounting Tool. The accounting data are used to define an offset project
or projects that are most likely to achieve NPI for the operation.
4. Final Approval and Selection – Communicate the Biodiversity Offsets Strategy to the
regulator or group of key stakeholders for final consultation and approval. Following any
adjustments post-approval, the final output of the design process is a Biodiversity Offsets

OT LLC’s Biodiversity Offset Strategy is described in detail in Chapter C6: Biodiversity and
Ecosystem Services of the ESIA.

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Displacement impacts arising from the construction, operation, and closure phases of the
Project are as follows:
 Total physical displacement of herder households from the Mine Licence Area (MLA) and
displacement of winter camps from a 10 km residential exclusion zone around the MLA.
 Economic displacement of herders affected by reduced access to and/or loss of
summer pastures due to land taken for the airport.
 Division of pastures caused by the construction of linear project components, including
the Oyu Tolgoi-to-Gashuun Sukhait Road and the water supply pipeline (construction
 Disruption to herding activities.
 Loss of wells and other impacts to water availability/quality, e.g., impeded access to
 Overall reduction of pastureland in Khanbogd soum, leading to increased competition
for grazing and over-use of remaining grazing land.

OT LLC will require approximately 10,500 hectares (ha) of land to construct and operate the
mine and ancillary facilities. This includes land for the MLA that was granted in 2009; and
additional land required for the TSF, concentrator, batch plant, airports, Gunii Hooloi borefield
and water pipeline, and transport/infrastructure corridor between Oyu Tolgoi and
Gashuun Sukhait.

Land will also be temporarily disturbed during the construction phase for activities such as the
installation of worker construction camps, excavation of borrow pits, and soil stripping along
the water pipeline and transmission line corridors.

Significant residual land use and displacement impacts after the implementation of
mitigation measures by Oyu Tolgoi will include:
 Herder resettlement and associated changes to herding activities and livelihoods as a
result of physical and economic displacement.
 Reduction in the overall quantity of grazing land available for local pastoralists.
 Division of pastures for some herder families, affecting seasonal migration routes and
access to grazing land and other resources.
 Increases in mining-related employment and new and diversified land- and non-land-
based income opportunities and associated increases in income and household wealth.
 Improved pastureland management within the soum, including positive changes to
livestock raising and production, and thus rural livelihoods.

The overall impact of physical and economic displacement of herders is significant and will

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require resettlement with well-designed and -implemented livelihood restoration and
pastureland management programmes.

The loss of pastures and other land use changes is likely to be adverse for local herders in the
short term, but effective implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan is expected to
potentially result in benefits for affected herders in the long term from increased income
generation opportunities, education, training assistance, and other regional community
development programmes being implemented by OT LLC.

From early in the EIA process for the various project elements, OT LLC has attempted to
design out impacts to archaeological heritage. Wherever possible, changes have been
made to the location of fixed project elements and the design of project linear features, such
as the roads and the water pipeline, in consideration of archaeological findings.

Mitigation measures are summarised below.

 Realignment of the Oyu Tolgoi-to-Gashuun Sukhait Road – Archaeological investigations
for the original (2004) Oyu Tolgoi-to-Gashuun Sukhait transport corridor identified
significant material archaeological findings, which was one of several factors leading to
the realignment of the road. Further surveys were conducted for revised routing options
in 2006 and again in 2010 and 2011.

The 2010 investigations discovered five burial sites that were subject to rescue excavations by
MASIA in early 2011. No additional sites along the corridor were found to be at risk of road
construction impacts during the most recent survey. As a result, potential impacts are
considered to have been avoided (Chapter B12: Cultural Heritage of the ESIA).
 Alignment of the Gunii Hooloi Water Supply Pipeline – a number of possible grave sites
were identified close to the Gunii Hooloi borefield water-gathering pipelines and
production boreholes (OT S-1, OT S-2, and OT S-3). As a result, the main pipeline
alignment and connection network were designed to avoid damage to the graves
(Chapter B12: Cultural Heritage of the ESIA).

No significant finds were encountered within the footprint of both the temporary or
permanent airports, and therefore no design changes were made on the basis of
archaeological significance.

Considering that the project is at an early stage of operation, many of the impacts on cultural
heritage have already been realised in relation to land disturbance, topsoil stripping, and
construction of new access roads and associated borrow pits. Existing and possible future
impacts are listed below:
 Physical loss of tangible heritage (physical resources) from physical land disturbance
associated with the construction phase of the project.

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 Indirect disturbance of tangible heritage through the operation of construction vehicles
and machinery, operations vehicles, dust deposition, and vibration effects.
 Damage and/or deliberate disturbance of heritage by project workers and/or incomers
to the region.
 Loss of intangible heritage over time as the patterns of work, kinship, worship, and sources
of income change; this includes the loss of “traditional livelihoods” as herders transition
from subsistence to waged-based employment.

During the operations phase, the potential for permanent physical disturbance of
archaeological and paleontological sites is expected to be low, since the scale and intensity
of additional earthworks and engineering activities will be limited in comparison to the
construction phase. Similarly, further impacts during the decommissioning phase are
expected to be limited because any further major ground disturbance is unlikely.

However, some levelling, landscaping, contouring, and other land-based activities do have
the potential to result in further minor archaeological impacts. Should these activities remain
within the existing disturbance footprint, no significant impacts are expected. Nevertheless,
predicted changes to traditions and the traditional way of life are considered long-term

The development of environmental and social management plans for the Project has been a
two-stage process:
 Stage 1: Construction Phase Management Plans to control the health, safety,
environment, and social (HSES) management aspects of day-to-day construction
activities, were initially developed based on the outcomes of the ESIA and were used as
the basis of management during the Project construction phase, which ended in
December 2012.
 Stage 2: Operations Phase Management Plans have been developed and implemented
that control the HSES management aspects of all project activities since the completion
of construction in December 2012 and the commencement of mining operations.

The management plans address the management of health, safety, environment, and social
aspects associated with the project. The scope of coverage for these plans is defined as
 The physical and biological environment as may be affected by activities associated
with on-site and off-site project facilities, managed under the integrated Health, Safety,
and Environment Management System (the 2012 Oyu Tolgoi HSE MS), including
biodiversity, air quality, water resources, waste management, transportation, emergency
response, mine closure and rehabilitation, and health and safety.
 Occupational health and safety (OHS) issues that are managed under the integrated
2012 Oyu Tolgoi HSE MS.

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 Social and community issues, which are managed under the Oyu Tolgoi Social
Management System (SMS) during the construction and operations phases. The SMS is
aligned with the Rio Tinto Communities Standard, and some issues that involve both
community issues and HSE issues are managed jointly under the integrated 2012
Oyu Tolgoi HSE MS. Social issues addressed under the SMS include those related to
community relations, consultation and stakeholder engagement, labour/worker
management, community health and safety, influx management, resettlement, cultural
heritage, regional development, and other potential socio-economic impacts of the
Project on third parties.

Progressive rehabilitation and planning for closure is a critical and integral part of the business
process and demonstrates a commitment to sustainable development. Progressive
rehabilitation involves the continuous technical and biological rehabilitation of disturbed
areas following completion of works activities. Closure planning involves the development of
strategies to avoid or mitigate potential environmental and social impacts associated with
closure to the extent that is financially appropriate.

The progressive rehabilitation planning that forms part of the Oyu Tolgoi Closure Plan adheres
to all regulatory requirements of the GOM and industry best practices as stated in IFC and
EBRD performance standards and the Rio Tinto Closure Standard (Rio Tinto, 2009).

Progressive reclamation will be performed on any areas of the mine site where it is deemed
practical to do so and with consideration of the need to preserve future mine expansion
options. Disturbed areas that are no longer used in the active operation will be technically
and biologically rehabilitated concurrently with ongoing mining operations, as practicable.

Significant progressive rehabilitation opportunities exist for the technical and biological
rehabilitation of disturbed land following completion of construction. Examples include:
 Historically used temporary airport.
 Historically used borrow pits and quarries used to support construction activities (e.g., of
airport, Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road).
 Land disturbed areas following completion of installation of underground pipelines (e.g.,
for the Gunii Hooloi raw water supply pipeline).
 Land disturbed areas following completion of drilling activities (e.g., from exploration).
 Historically used tracks and access roads (e.g., the diversion road used during
construction of the Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road).
 Any other areas that have been subject to land disturbance during construction, but
which are no longer used.

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Opportunities for further progressive reclamation related to the underground and open pit
mines or surface facilities and infrastructure are more limited. The main ones presented in the
Closure Plan relate to the following:
 Any facility that is either redundant or no longer in use will be decommissioned and
 Landfill cells and lagoons at the waste management centre will be progressively
maintained during operations by placing a rock cover over the waste every day. The
waste disposal grounds have a life of up to 30 years, after which the cell will be closed
and a second phase initiated if necessary.
 The waste rock dumps are currently planned to be progressively reclaimed, as
practicable, over the mine operating life. The dumps will be constructed with set-back
berms so that the slopes can adhere to the final stable configurations during operations.
Completed parts of the dump will be covered with a suitable thickness of NAF material
during operations, followed by progressive placement of topsoil/growth media and
revegetation, where possible.
 Cells 1 and 2 of the TSF will be the first to be completed and will be allowed to desiccate
over time. Alternatively, a NAF cover may be constructed progressively over PAF tailings
surfaces, taking into account the potential to re-use those cells for tailings deposition in
the future. In the meantime, to mitigate environmental impacts due to inactive and dry
tailings surfaces, interim reclamation measures may include the placement of a thin layer
of NAF cover to protect against wind erosion and maintain surface water run-off quality.

There are potential opportunities for local communities and herder groups to participate in
the implementation of several progressive rehabilitation measures that could result in
economic benefits and capacity development for those involved. The Closure Plan outlines
some of these opportunities.

The Oyu Tolgoi Mine Closure Plan for OT LLC, (June 2012) is based on the design status at that
time. The Closure Plan documents the outcomes of an order-of-magnitude closure study
conducted with the following objectives:
 Compliance with the Rio Tinto corporate Closure Standard.
 Compliance with relevant international guidelines and directives.
 Documentation of closure vision, objectives, and targets.
 Early development of strategies to meet closure objectives and targets.
 Early identification of likely site-specific closure issues and assessment of risks.
 Identification of action items that should be conducted to manage and mitigate risks
and enable efficient and effective closure methods and technologies in the future.
 Preparation of a preliminary closure schedule based on current information.
 Estimation of costs associated with the closure, developed to an intended accuracy of
an order-of-magnitude study.
 Development of a multi-disciplinary information resource.

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A large number of parameters will be monitored during the closure and post-closure phases
of the mine, to characterise both physical and chemical stability of the project area and the
environmental impact of the Project.

Physical stability monitoring at the site will cover the following facilities, structures, and
 The open pit and future subsidence area.
 Mine site and disturbed areas.
 Waste rock dumps and TSF.
 Undai River diversion.
 Site security features.

The Closure Plan describes the post-closure chemical stability monitoring at specific facilities,
such as the following, in more detail:
 Open pit and subsidence area.
 Mine site and disturbed areas.
 Waste rock dumps.
 Tailings storage facility.
 Undai River diversion.
 Gunii Hooloi borefield (water levels).

Minimising water use throughout all the operational aspects has been a key focus of
attention during mine planning and design. As examples of water conservation planning, the
following initiatives have been implemented:
 Reuse of cooling water – The process plant is the largest consumer of water. Within the
plant, all water discharged from the cooling systems, still categorised as clean water, is
sent to the process water pond for reuse in the concentrator.
 High-efficiency tailings thickeners – The tailings thickener at Oyu Tolgoi uses advanced
techniques and is able to achieve a tailings solids content of 60%–64%, which significantly
reduces the amount of water sent to the TSF. These design modifications help to greatly
reduce the amount of reclaim water released and evaporative losses from the TSF.

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 High-efficiency TSF reclaim – The TSF has been designed so that tailings are deposited in
discreet cells, rather than broadly across the facility, to reduce evaporative losses. The
entire base of the TSF rests on natural or installed clay and includes a comprehensive
seepage collection system to minimise seepage losses. The TSF reclaim system has been
designed to ensure that all supernatant water and collected seepage is returned to the
process plant for reuse.
 100% mine water recovery – All water encountered in the underground and open pit
mines is recovered for use as process water or for dust suppression. Recovery of mine
water helps to reduce site demand for raw water from the Gunii Hooloi aquifer. From a
water balance perspective, this mine recovery water has conservatively not been
included as inflow.
 100% treated wastewater reuse – All treated wastewater produced in the site
wastewater treatment plant will be reused in the process plant or for dust suppression.
 100% truck wash water reuse – A comprehensive water treatment system has been
installed at the project mine truck washing facility to allow all truck wash water to be
continuously recycled and reused.
 Lagoon floating cover – A floating cover is placed over the entire raw water storage
lagoon to eliminate evaporative water losses and to limit the accumulation of dust within
the lagoon.
 Selection of low or zero water use equipment – Examples of this include the selection of
air cooling systems at the hazardous waste incinerator and central heating plant.

Ongoing attention to water conservation will be maintained during operation through the
continuous review of key performance indicators for water use and implementation of
additional water conservation measures.

As of March 2014, ongoing work programmes for developing water resources include:
 Gunii Hooloi Resource – Completion of updated modelling and analytical calculation of
water resource based on data from final bore drilling installation, supplementary drilling,
and testing programme and initial operational data.
 Oyu Tolgoi Regional Model – Updating the hydrogeological model for the Oyu Tolgoi
region based on supplementary drilling and testing programme and updated
monitoring, including monitoring response from open pit development to further define
and understand the regional influence of the mine operations.
 Khanbogd Resource – Completion of hydrogeological model and analytical calculation
of water resource based on supplementary Khanbogd drilling and testing programme.
 Undai River Assessment – Review of monitoring of the Undai River diversion, including
hydrogeological and ecological assessment of the performance of the established
spring and the influence on downstream shallow water conditions.

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The capital costs cover the entire scope of the OTFS14. The capital cost estimate represents
the overall development and includes the Hugo North underground mine, supporting shafts,
the concentrator conversion project, and the infrastructure expansion project. The capital
estimate also includes the costs associated with the EPCM and Owner’s project execution

The total estimated cost to design, procure, construct, and commission the complete
expansion capital costs, inclusive of an underground block cave mine, supporting shafts,
concentrator conversion, and supporting infrastructure expansion, is $4,864 million. The
expansion and sustaining capital costs are summarised in Table 21.1.

All capital costs are expressed in Q1’14 U.S. dollars. No allowances are made for currency
fluctuations or interest during construction.

The estimates for each major component cover:

 The direct field cost of executing the project.
 Indirect cost associated with the design, construction, and commissioning of the new
 Mongolian customs duties, Mongolian VAT.
 Some allowances for contingency.

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US$M Expansion Sustaining Total
Direct Costs
Open Pit  834 834
Underground 3,195 3,026 6,221
Concentrator 215 172 386
Infrastructure 370 230 600
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF)  1,378 1,378
Subtotal 3,780 5,640 9,420
Contractor Execution
EPCM 317  317
Subtotal 317  317
Owner Execution and Indirect Costs
O&M, Commissioning,
Owners Teams, Spares, 354 330 684
Subtotal 354 330 684
GOM Fees & Charges
Mongolian VAT 412 577 989
Subtotal 412 577 989
Total 4,864 6,546 11,410
Notes: Capital includes only direct project costs and does not include non-cash
shareholder interest, management payments, foreign exchange gains or
losses, foreign exchange movements, tax pre-payments, or exploration
phase expenditure.

The project execution plan (PEP) key outputs include:

 Project management and delivery strategies.
 Contracting plan and list of major installation packages.
 Level 1 Project Master Schedule.

In summary the PEP management plan entails the following strategy:

 The Owners Team will be directly responsible for the overall programme management
and will establish the project governance, overall execution plan, systems, and
procedures to be adopted across the Project to ensure the overall business drivers are

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 The Owners team will manage overall interfaces between the project and contractors,
EPCM, and existing site operations.
 OT LLC Operations will provide the support and services for any interface with external
stakeholders and with the GOM. Any engagement required for construction with these
parties will be facilitated through OT LLC Operations.
 An Owners team, consisting of the Owner’s team personnel and service providers, will
focus on the execution of the underground mine development, mass excavations, and
associated infrastructure. OT LLC personnel will transition into leading and controlling life-
of-mine (LOM) activities and, through project execution, will progressively develop the
capacity to undertake the long-term footprint construction activities.
 OT LLC Operations will provide common services where existing capability exists, such as
IT Infrastructure, Finance, Procurement, HR, HSE, and Training.
 An internationally recognised EPCM company will be engaged to deliver the capital
portion of Phase 2, excluding the mining and shaft-sinking activities.

The scope in this area covers the following:

 Underground lateral development.
 Underground vertical development.
 Surface to underground decline development.
 Underground construction:
- Ore handling system consisting of two crushers and conveying system to deliver the
ore to the surface via the decline conveyor and Shaft 2.
- Underground workshops and facilities to support the development and ongoing
operation of the mine.
 Surface construction:
- Surface ore handling system to deliver ore from the decline surface portal and Shaft 2
to the coarse ore stockpile at the concentrator.
- Supporting facilities (e.g., mine dry, boreholes for concrete delivery).
 Engineering and other indirect services to support the above scope.
 Operations ramp-up and training to support the ongoing operation of the underground

The scope in this area covers the following:

 Shaft 2:
- Production (29 ktpd) and ventilation intake shaft, 1,284 m deep x 10.6 m diameter.
- Shaft headframe 96 m high above ground.

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- 1,167 m of shaft-sinking and the concrete headframe completed under Phase 1
 Shaft 3: ventilation intake shaft, concrete lined, 1,148 m deep x 10 m diameter.
 Shaft 4: ventilation exhaust shaft, concrete lined, 1,220 m deep x 11 m in diameter.
 Shaft 5: ventilation exhaust shaft, concrete lined, 1,195 m deep x 6.7 m in diameter.
 Engineering and other indirect services to support the above scope.

Conversion of the Phase 1 100 ktpd capacity concentrator to efficiently process underground
ore includes the following:
 One ball mill.
 One rougher flotation line.
 Six flotation columns.
 One concentrate thickener.
 Two concentrate filters.
 Four concentrate bagging modules.
 Associated minor equipment.
 Engineering and other indirect services to support the above scope.

The scope in this area covers the following:

 Central heating plant expansion: two 29 MW coal-fired boilers and two 7 MW diesel fired
backup boilers.
 Operations camp expansion.
 Operations warehouse expansion.
 Animal crossings on the Oyu Tolgoi to Gashuun Sukhait road to China.
 Expansion of three logistics centres at Oyu Tolgoi, Gashuun Sukhait, and Hua Fang.
 Extensions of related backbone utilities.
 Engineering and other indirect services to support the above scope.

The scope of EPCM services covers the following:

 Refurbishment of existing site concrete batch plant to operate throughout Phase 2.
 Construction warehouse mobile equipment.

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 Project management of the surface and underground facilities (excludes shaft-sinking
and lateral development activities), including:
- Engineering management
- Project control services
- Contract administration
- Materials management
- Construction management
- No-load commissioning.

The scope in this area covers the following:

 Overall programme management of the complete Phase 2 works.
 Government permit applications.
 Customs / border management.
 Construction insurances.
 Interface management with the Operations group.
 Overall engineering and construction management of the underground lateral and
vertical development, including underground mass excavations and shaft-sinking.

The cost estimate excludes the costs associated with:

 Cost due to currency fluctuations from the nominated fixed exchange rates.
 Cost of financing and interest during construction.
 Operating costs.
 Working capital.
 Changes in Mongolian duties or VAT rates.
 Changes to design criteria.
 Cost recovery by sale of construction buildings, camps, or equipment.

The following estimate assumptions are excluded from schedule contingency analysis, and if
they cannot be achieved, the project schedule may be delayed and / or execution duration
extended. On a project of this magnitude, time-dependent costs, e.g., overheads,
equipment rental etc., may be considerable:
 All permissions required to initiate the Project on time will be received without incurring
additional cost or affecting the schedules.

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 Transportation access from point of manufacture to the Project site, including the border
crossing, will be unrestricted.

For consistency of estimating and conversion of native currency costs to the US dollar
reporting currency, fixed rates of currency exchange and key project commodities were
established and applied across all source estimates. Major currency exchange rates and
commodity rates are shown in Table 21.2 and Table 21.3. The estimate does not provide for
variation of exchange rate, and any significant changes should be regarded as requiring
changes to approved funding (up or down.)

Currency Unit / US$ US/ Unit

Mongolian Tugrik (MNT) 1,674.0 0.00060
Chinese Yuan (RMB) 6.0910 0.1642
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 1.0490 0.9533
Euro (European Union) 0.7340 1.3624

Major Commodity Unit Value

Diesel Fuel litre 1.29
Power kWh 0.12
Concrete – Surface works up to 35 MPa US$/m3 245.00
Concrete – UG works up to 35 MPa US$/m3 275.00
Concrete – UG works 35–80 MPa (High Strength) US$/m3 400.00
Shotcrete (40 MPa Fibrecrete) US$/m3 430.00
Backfill US$/m3 25.40
Surface rock hauling (up to 1.6 km haul) US$/t 1.30
Charter Flights UB–OT US$/return trip 400.00
Site Support Services Camp Man-Day 36.77

Specific commodity pricing assumptions include the following:

 Currency exchange rates were prepared by OT LLC Finance and represent the average
interbank buy/sell rates over Q4’13.
 Diesel fuel is an average rate based on five months of summer fuel and seven months of
winter fuel. Rates were provided by OT LLC Operations based on actual Q4’13 costs.

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 The rate for power has been based on the existing Chinese IMPC PPA agreement. (Note
that this PPA expires in 2017, and the extension of the arrangements or the use of
domestic power may cause power costs to increase.)
 Concrete and shotcrete rates have been derived from first principles and checked
against past project experience. Rates are based on the engineered mix designs, batch
plant operation, OT LLC quarry operation, and use of imported bulk cement.
 Backfill rate is based on average costs experienced for Phase 1 construction.
 Surface rock handling rates were derived from first principles assuming use of the OT LLC
open pit fleet equipment and of local decline and shaft waste stockpiles.
 Charter flight costs were provided by OT LLC Operations based on actual Q4’13 costs.
 Site support costs allow for a combination of services to be provided by the OT LLC
Operations group in support of the Phase 2 capital works construction, including airport
facilities, site busing, site inductions, basic PPE, site medical, bottled drinking water, and
camp and messing services. Rates were provided by OT LLC Operations based on actual
Q4’13 costs.

Potentially acid forming (PAF) mine waste is used for construction of the major tailings
embankment structure, the downstream shell. Of the total amount of embankment material,
70%–80% is composed of mine waste that will be placed by the mine fleet, and so is included
in the open pit haulage estimate. Allowance is made for dozing mine dumped material to
achieve the final contour. Other mine waste requiring controlled placement will be delivered
to a stockpile located between the pit and Cell 1 and will then be reloaded and hauled to
the tailings storage facility (TSF) by a fleet of 60 tonne trucks.

KCBL provided the designs and the MTOs for the civil works of Cells 1 and 2. Rio Tinto
Technology and Innovation (T&I) developed conceptual designs for Cells 3, 4, and 5 based
on the KCBL work for Cells 1 and 2. The quantities in cubic metres were classified into various
placement zones. The material handling costs for the embankment materials vary with haul
distance, hence with the cell being constructed or raised.

TSF construction costs average $35 million per year over the life-of-mine.

A cost of $18 million is included for replacement of the concentrator support mobile
equipment, and $76 million is allowed for replacement of the mobile equipment supporting
the construction of the tailings dam. Replacement is based on the operating life of each
piece of equipment, which varies from 10–15 years.

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A total of $150 million is included to replace the fixed processing plant equipment after it is no
longer feasible to maintain its designed function. Replacement costs are based on 0.5% per
annum of the initial capital value.

An allowance of $4 million is included to modify the expanded process streams after

commencement of their operation. Most process plants typically require some minor
changes to the initial design to attain design or optimum capacity.

Sustaining capital is capital costs incurred after the Project has commenced operations. The
items in this category are required to either replace worn-out or exhausted assets or to
support planned growth of the mine that does not increase production capacity. Projects
that improve operational efficiency, safety, or costs are usually considered sustaining capital.
For Hugo North, sustaining capital costs fall under four main categories:
 Ongoing Development: All mine development, lateral or vertical, is capitalised until after
first ore (May 2019). All development not directly associated with the final material
handling system, off-footprint ventilation infrastructure, permanent shafts, and main shops
will be considered sustaining capital after that time.
 Undercutting and Caving: All undercut drill and blast, associated swell mucking, and
drawbell drill and blast are considered sustaining capital. The only exception is the
portion of this work done prior to first ore.
 Ongoing Construction: Construction activities included under the category of sustaining
capital are projects that are considered routine and are an integral part of the mine
operations. The mine schedule provides the information required to determine how many
of each type of installation was required during each schedule period. The following
work is included in this category:
- Drawpoint lintels
- Grizzlies
- Truck-loading chutes
- Ventilation control doors
- Gathering sumps
- Power stations (for portable substations)
- Stations for portable refuge stations
- Concrete road construction
- Ventilation controls and bulkheads
- Service doors.

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 Mobile Equipment Rebuild and Replacement: The annual cost of mobile equipment
replacement is based on estimated operating hours. Mobile equipment rebuild and
replacement schedules are a product of the mining schedule. The following
methodology was used to determine the annual cost of mobile equipment rebuild and
- Rebuild life is estimated as 60% of the initial life of the equipment.
- Rebuild cost is assessed at 40% of the base unit cost.
- Replacement cost is assessed at 100% of the base unit cost plus development
allowance and freight.
- No replacement costs are provided for any of the mobile equipment during the final
four years of mine operations, and no rebuild costs are provided for any of the mobile
equipment during the final two.

Sustaining capital includes the following:

 Replacement of communication and information technology (ICT) equipment at a rate
of 10% per annum of initial capital value.
 Refurbishment/replacement of the central heating plant boiler every 10 years.
 Refurbishment of process and non-process buildings approximately every 10 years.
 Expansion of the waste management centre in 2015 to provide additional capacity to
meet life-of-mine requirements.

The cost estimate is based on the remediation activities described in the Closure Plan. A
25% contingency is included.

Contingency has been applied to the sustaining capital portion of each area of Operating

A contingency of 4.6% on sustaining capital costs is included.

A contingency of 7.2% on sustaining capital costs is included.

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A contingency of 0.5% on sustaining capital costs is included.

A 2.0% contingency on operating costs is included.

A contingency of 5.0% on sustaining capital costs is included.

A contingency of 4.2% on sustaining capital costs is included.

Mine operations at Oyu Tolgoi commenced in July 2011 with the start-up of the open pit
mine. First mill feed to the concentrator was in August 2012, and the first concentrate was
produced in 2013. Feed from the underground mine is planned to commence Q2’19 and to
ramp-up to the full underground design tonnage of 95 ktpd. The mill operating rate at that
time will be a nominal 110 ktpd, with supplementary ore feed provided from the open pit
mine. Once the Hugo North Lift 1 underground mine resource is mined out in 2038, the
operation will revert back to a nominal 100 ktpd feed from open pit mining until 2050. The mill
will continue to operate on open pit feed from the low- and medium-grade stockpile until
closure, scheduled for 2055.

The life-of-mine operating cost estimates begin 1 January 2014. The estimate includes all
expenses to operate and maintain the Oyu Tolgoi plant. The following battery limits are
 All costs are in Q1’14 U.S. dollars, based on fixed exchange rates.
 Costs pre-31 December 2013 are excluded.
 Escalation is excluded from the operating costs.
 No cost of financing is included.
 Royalties and joint venture fees are included.
 The operating costs for 2014 and 2015 were adjusted to match the Q3’13 approved
operating plan and the Q1’14 business forecast update.
 Power has been treated as a purchased utility from a third-party provider.

The estimates were built up on the fundamental principle of centrality, giving them an equal
probability of upside and downside. Life-of-mine total costs are shown in Table 21.4.

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US$M $/t Ore Milled
5 Year 10-Year LOM
2014 Reserve
Average Average Average
Mining (all sources) 8,761 6.13 6.17 5.77
Processing 11,324 7.54 7.36 7.46
Tailings 562 0.38 0.37 0.37
G&A 6,046 7.31 6.14 3.98
Infrastructure 1,363 1.06 1.04 0.90
Government Fess & Charges 3,682 3.06 2.86 2.42
Management & EJV Fees 2,919 3.28 2.66 1.92
Total Site Operating Costs 34,657 28.76 26.61 22.82
2.0% NSR 1,595 0.85 1.21 1.05
Operating Margin 39,414 10.59 29.41 25.95
1. Turquoise Hill 2.0% NSR Payment is modelled to be non-tax deductible.
2. Other operating costs include payments estimated to be made to the EJV as calculated in the Financial

All operating cost estimates were prepared on a first principles basis wherein all expenses
have been quantified as much as possible and unit cost rates applied. Estimates were
prepared by major operating cost function, as follows:
 Open pit mine.
 Underground mine.
 Process plant – inclusive of concentrator and bagging plant.
 Tailings – inclusive of tailings pumping, tailings dewatering, and tailings storage facility.
 Infrastructure.
 General and Administrative (G&A) – inclusive of operations support.
 Geosciences.

Operating cost estimates were also developed by expense type classified into the following
 Labour – cost to employ all direct OT LLC staff.
 Fixed overheads – accommodation and meals, travel, business overheads, insurances,
and general expenses.
 Utilities – power and water charges.
 External services – third-party contracted services.

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 Materials and supplies – fuels, equipment spares and parts, process consumables and
reagents, other maintenance materials.

Pricing is predominantly based on operating experience and market conditions as at Q4’13.

Escalation is excluded from all operating cost estimates. Contingency for operating costs has
been calculated based on similar principles as those used for the initial capital costs.

The open pit operating costs were developed by the OT LLC open pit Technical Services
team based on the OTFS14 mine plan. The operating costs are driven mainly by the hauling
unit requirement, which will increase as the pit deepens and hauling distances increase.

The following boundaries are noted for the scope of the open pit operating cost estimate:
 The operating cost for any ore rehandle at the concentrator stockpile (coarse ore) is
carried by the concentrator.
 The primary crusher and conveyors designed to size and transfer open pit ore from the
truck dump to the coarse ore stockpile are within the scope of the concentrator for both
capital and operating cost estimates.
 The open pit provides material for construction of the tailings dam, either at a dump or
directly to the dam wall. Costs for rehandle and any placement costs beyond dumping
are carried in the tailings sustaining cost estimate.

Mine Underground operating costs are the costs of operating the underground mine,
including all indirect costs. The costing for operations is based on the following assumptions:
 Labour is either a fixed value (i.e. one hoist man on duty, two electricians on duty, etc.)
or on equipment productivity (one driver per truck).
 Labour rates are standard rates provided by Oyu Tolgoi.
 Material costs are the same as used in the capital estimate. For specific replacement
costs, such as skips, the costs used in the initial purchase costs are considered to be valid
for the life of the mine.
 Indirect costs are similar to those for the capital phase of the Project.

The estimate is derived on the following key headings:

 Mine Management: This includes the mine management and technical services groups,
administration, safety, and training activities.
 Mine Production: This includes all direct costs associated with moving production ore
from the drawpoints to the primary crushers. This includes mucking, secondary blasting,
grizzly/raise/chute operations, truck haulage, and ground repair.
Costs are developed in the XERAS model from time-phased equipment performance
data from the production simulation, as well as predictions of oversize material projected
in the geotechnical models, both provided by OT LLC.

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 Rock Handling: This includes all crushing and conveying of rock from the truck dump at
the crusher to the coarse ore stockpile at the concentrator. It does not include power
costs or shaft-hoisting operations.
Costs are based on ore throughput rates from the mine plan and estimated equipment
maintenance costs on a per tonne basis. Labour costs are based on fixed crew sizes
developed from the equipment in service during a given period.
 Shaft and Logistics Operations: This includes the operating costs of all shafts for service
and rock hoisting and the operation of the logistics system to deliver supplies from the
surface to designated delivery points underground. This specifically includes logistics
support for all initial construction activities prior to first ore.
 Maintenance Overhead: This includes all maintenance overhead for the life of the mine:
maintenance management, planning, indirect labour support, vendor reps, and other
similar support functions. This covers both OT LLC and mine contractor functions.
Maintenance labour costs for fixed plant are included here for estimating purposes.
 Electrical & Instrumentation: This includes costs for electrical and instrumentation and
communication maintenance labour.
 Mine Services: This includes labour and equipment costs to perform routine mine-wide
services such as road maintenance, drainage and pumping, and maintenance of utility
 Utility Back-Charges: This carries all charges for utilities, the largest being electrical power.

The concentrator operating costs were developed by the OT LLC based on OT LLC Phase 1
operating cost data derived from the Q3’13 financial plan. The following battery limit
clarifications are noted:
 Operating costs for any ore rehandle before gyratory crushing are carried by the open
 The conveyors used to transfer underground ore from the shafts to the coarse ore
stockpile are within the underground mine capital cost scope but within the
concentrator operating cost scope.
 Tailings operating labour costs are included in the concentrator area, with OT LLC
operating and construction equipment labour integrated with the overall concentrator
labour plan. Incremental costs to move benign waste from the open pit to the local
stockpile at the TSF are included in the open pit mine estimate.
 Tailings operating costs for fuel and other non-labour construction equipment costs are
presented separately in Section 21.1.5.

The OT LLC Q3’13 plan costs for 2014 and 2015 were used as the basis for the life-of-mine plan;
warehouse unit costs were used for most consumables. OT LLC labour rates and staffing were
based upon the OT LLC 2014–2018 five-year plan with later staffing flexed for changes in
national productivity, expatriate ratios, Phase 2 capital scope additions, and economies
during the mature operational phase after underground mining of Lift 1 is completed.

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VAT and duties were applied on a weighted average basis, and no contingency was
Annual operating costs are projected to vary primarily as a function of unit power cost and
percentage of expatriate personnel. Unit costs vary primarily as a function of capacity and
thus average ore hardness. Phase 2 tonnage is expected to vary around a nominal 96 ktpd,
ranging from 85 ktpd with the hardest ore to a hydraulic limit of 121 ktpd on the softest ore.
The life-of-mine average throughput is projected at 103 ktpd. Phase 2 annual costs are not
significantly changed from Phase 1 costs.

The infrastructure operating cost estimate covers the costs directly attributable to operational
activities of the infrastructure department. The main responsibilities of this department are to
operate and maintain all Phase 1 and Phase 2 site infrastructure, including:
 Central heating plant (CHP).
 Raw water supply from the borefields north of the site.
 Heavy mine equipment (HME) facility.
 Warehouse (buildings only).
 Water bottling plant.
 Electrical utilities other than the power plant and 220 kV distribution.
 Camp facility (buildings only).
 Airport.
 Light vehicle facility.
 Other building maintenance, including the waste management centre.

The basis of the cost estimate is the Q1’14 plan, followed by a detailed estimate from 2015–
2038, and an estimate for long-term costs from 2038–2055.

The cost of maintaining a department to manage this work and to update the resource
geology has also been included and estimated based on expected activity relative to the
2014 reference year.

Direct drilling expenses from surface and underground are included under Sustaining Capital
and only to the extent of 4,000–5,000 metres of drilling per year to prove up additional
prospects to an order-of-maintenance level, or resources to a higher level, to allow for
strategic production planning updates.

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The General and Administrative (G&A) costs encompass costs not directly attributable to
operational output such as the mining and processing operations. G&A costs are divided into
two main areas: Operations Support, comprising departments based at Oyu Tolgoi, and
General and Administrative, covering those departments principally operating from OT LLC’S
Ulaanbaatar offices.

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The 2014 OTTR is an update of the Reserve Case previously presented in 2013 OTTR. The results
of the 2014 Reserve Case show an after tax NPV8% of US$7.4 B. The case exhibits an after tax
IRR of around 29% and a payback period of around nine years. The estimates of cash flows
have been prepared on a real basis as at 1 January 2015 and discounted to a Net Present
Value (NPV) at a rate of 8.0% (NPV8%). The NPV results have been calculated starting from
January 2015 as this matches the assumptions for the recommencement of the ramp-up of
activity on Hugo North Lift 1.

The key economic assumptions for the analyses are shown in Table 22.1.

Parameter Unit Long-Term Financial Average Financial

Analysis Assumptions Analysis Assumptions
Copper Price $/lb 3.08 3.09
Gold Price $/oz 1,304 1,304
Silver Price $/oz 21.46 21.40
Treatment Charges $/dmt conc. 82.21 82.34
Copper Refining
$/lb 0.08 0.08
Gold Refining Charge $/oz 4.50 4.50

Both the process of negotiation and the final agreement of the IA presented an opportunity
to confirm how the Laws of Mongolia should be interpreted in their application to the Project
and provided for some specific terms to apply to Oyu Tolgoi. For OT LLC, the agreement has
provided the confidence in the stability of the terms the Project will operate under and
reliably assess its intended investment in the Project. The agreement itself is effective for an
initial term of 30 years with an available extension of a further 20 years.

In accordance with the requirements outlined in the 2006 Minerals Law of Mongolia, upon
execution of the IA and the fulfilment of all conditions precedent, the GOM has become a
34% shareholder in OT LLC through the immediate issue of OT LLC’s common shares to a
shareholding company owned by the GOM. Upon a successful renewal of the IA after the
initial 30-year term, the GOM also has the option to increase its shareholding to 50%, under
terms to be agreed with TRQ at the time.

A number of conditions precedent were set down in October 2009 and were required to be
met before the IA terms came into effect. These were met and confirmed by the GOM in
March 2010, triggering the issue of the GOM’s equity share in the Project and bringing the IA
into full effect.

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Despite its role as an equity owner, the GOM will not be required to contribute to the initial
capital cost of the Project. TRQ, as the parent company, retains the right to fund the Project
by way of a combination of debt, redeemable preference shares and common shares
provided the debt to equity ratios fall within the 3:1 ratio required by Mongolian Law.

In the case of shareholder debt, loans (including existing shareholder loans at the time of the
agreement) initially attracted an interest rate of 9.9% (real) per annum with corresponding
adjustments to be made to the outstanding balance to reflect increases in US CPI during
each period. The coupon rate applicable to redeemable preference shares was to be 9.9%
(real) and carry the same escalation terms. All principal and interest outstanding on
shareholder debt, outstanding coupon payments on redeemable preference shares and the
face value of those redeemable preference shares must be paid in full prior to any dividends
on common shares being paid.

In 2011, an Amended Shareholders Agreement was concluded, which reduced the

applicable rate from 9.9% to LIBOR plus 6.5%. In addition, an in principle agreement was
reached to convert the balance of preference shares into ordinary shares. Both adjustments
were to take place based on the 31 January 2011 balances, although the preference share
conversion had not occurred by 31 December 2011.

Under the authority of the Shareholders Agreement, TRQ has the right to act as or appoint a
Management Team to oversee the construction and operation of Oyu Tolgoi. The
management team is compensated with a Management Services Payment equal to 3.0% of
total operating and capital costs prior to commencement of operations and 6% of operating
and capital costs during operations. This payment is included in the economic analysis as a
project expense and is confirmed as tax deductible in the IA.

OT LLC is required to achieve commencement of production within seven years of the

effective date of the IA.

Under the terms of the IA, a range of key taxes has been identified as stabilised for the term of
the agreement at the rates and base currently applied. The following taxes comprise the
majority of taxes and fees payable to the GOM under Mongolian Law and are shown with
their stabilised rates:
 Corporate income tax 25%
 Royalties 5.0% (gross sales value)
 Value added tax 10%
 Customs duties 5.0%

In accordance with the Excess Profits Tax invalidating Law, as from 1 January 2011, the
taxpayer will not be subject to the excess profits tax or any similar windfall tax.

OT LLC is also only subject to those taxes currently listed in the General Taxation Law and not
taxes introduced at any future date. These taxes are collectively noted as non-discriminatory
taxes and as such cannot be imposed on OT LLC in any manner other than that applied to all

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OT LLC may also apply to take advantage of any future law or treaty that comes into force
and which would apply any rates lower than those specified in the IA.

In 2009, the GOM enacted amendments to the legislation governing the carry forward of
income tax losses. The loss carry forward period has been extended to eight years and if
sufficient, can be applied to offset 100% of taxable income. This contrasts with the previous
law in which losses carried forward for two years and were subject to a 50% limit.

The agreement also provides OT LLC with the benefit of a 10% tax credit for all capital
investment made during the construction period. The amount of this credit can be carried
forward and credited in the three subsequent profitable tax years. It is noted in the
agreement that if VAT payments, which are currently non-refundable, become refundable in
the future, the availability of the investment tax credit will cease from that point. In that event,
past earned investment tax credits will still be applied.

Although it has a requirement to make its self-discovered water resources available to be

used for household purposes, it is confirmed in the agreement that OT LLC holds the sole rights
to use these water resources for the Project. The contract for the utilisation of water with the
GOM water authority is in effect for 30 years with subsequent 20-year periods of renewal.

The supply of power has been recognised as being critical to the execution of Oyu Tolgoi in
the IA. OT LLC has been given the right to import power initially but must secure power from
sources within Mongolia from the fourth year of operation.

OT LLC also has the right to construct roads for the transport of its product and airport facilities
to suit the Project’s needs. The GOM has committed to providing OT LLC with non-
discriminatory access to any railway constructed between Mongolia and China if such a
railway is constructed.

A summary of the 2014 Reserve Case project financial results is shown in Table 22.2 and the
mining production statistics are shown in Table 22.3.

The estimates of cash flows of the Project have been prepared on a real basis based at
1 January 2014 and discounted to an NPV at a rate of 8.0% (NVP8%). Long-term metal prices
used for the analysis are copper $3.08/lb, gold $1,304/oz, and silver $21.46/oz.

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Discount Rate Before Taxation After Taxation
Net Present Value (US$M) Undiscounted 27,025 23,378
5.0% 12,697 11,388
6.0% 10,950 9,875
7.0% 9,449 8,566
8.0% 8,156 7,430
9.0% 7,041 6,444
10.0% 6,076 5,586
Internal Rate of Return – 28% 29%
Project Payback Period (Years) – 9 9

2014 Reserve 5-Year 10-Year LOM

Case Average Average Average
Quantity Ore Treated Mt 1,519 34.5 37.5 37.0
Copper Feed Grade % 0.85 0.53 0.89 
Gold Feed Grade g/t 0.31 0.51 0.45 
Silver Feed Grade g/t 1.93 1.44 2.06 
Copper Recoveries % 87 87 88 
Gold Recoveries % 75 75 77 
Silver Recoveries % 82 81 83 
Copper Concentrate Mt (dry) 40.12 0.60 0.97 0.98
Copper Concentrate Grade % 28 27 30 
Contained Metal in Concentrate
- Copper Mt 11.2 0.2 0.3 0.3
- Copper Blb 24.8 0.4 0.6 0.6
- Gold Moz 11.5 0.4 0.4 0.3
- Silver Moz 77.5 1.3 2.1 1.9

2014 Reserve Case Processing and concentrate and metal production are summarised in
Figure 22.1 and Figure 22.2 respectively.

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Mine site cash costs are shown in Table 22.4. Those costs relating to the direct operating costs
of the mine site, namely:
 Mining
 Concentration
 Tailings
 General and administrative (G&A) costs
 Government fees and charges (excluding corporate taxation)
 Management payments

Description $/lb Payable Copper

Mine Site Cash Cost 1.98
By-product Credit 0.66
Net C1 Cash Costs (Net of By-product Credits) 1.31
Notes: Payments made directly to TRQ from the Project, principally 50% of the management payment as specified in
the terms of the IA and a 2.0%NSR based payment (2.0% Ex-BHP Payment)are not included in the Mine Site Cash Cost
per pound of payable copper. These payments due to TRQ add to around 0.12 $/lb over the 2014 Reserve Case.

The revenues and operating costs have been presented in Table 22.5, along with the net
sales revenue value attributable to each key period of operation.

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US$M $/t Ore Milled
Total 5-Year 10-Year LOM
2014 Reserve Average Average Average
Gross Sales Revenue 89,514 47.44 66.99 58.93
Less: Realisation Costs
Realisation Costs 9,773 5.07 6.69 6.43
Government Royalty 4,075 2.17 3.07 2.68
Total Realisation Costs 13,848 7.23 9.76 9.12
Net Sales Revenue 75,666 40.20 57.22 49.82
Less: Site Operating Costs
Mining (all sources) 8,761 6.13 6.17 5.77
Processing 11,324 7.54 7.36 7.46
Tailings 562 0.38 0.37 0.37
G&A 6,046 7.31 6.14 3.98
Infrastructure 1,363 1.06 1.04 0.90
Government Fees & Charges 3,682 3.06 2.86 2.42
Management and JV Payments 2,919 3.28 2.66 1.92
Total Site Operating Costs 34,657 28.76 26.61 22.82
2.0% NSR 1,595 0.85 1.21 1.05
Operating Margin 39,414 10.59 29.41 25.95
1. Turquoise Hill 2.0% NSR Payment is modelled to be non-tax deductible.
2. Other operating costs include payments forecast to be made to the EJV as calculated in the Financial

The Total Project direct capital costs required are shown in Table 22.6.

The changes in financial results for a range of copper and gold prices are shown in
Table 22.7. The changes in financial results for a range of silver prices are shown in

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After Tax Values Gold ($/oz)

Copper ($/lb) 875 1,000 1,150 1,304 1,500 1,750

Project Net Present Value at 8% ($M) After Tax

2.50 1,941 2,356 2,914 3,451 4,155 5,108
2.75 3,643 4,102 4,667 5,245 5,943 6,735
3.08 5,983 6,396 6,861 7,430 7,952 8,743
3.50 8,550 8,940 9,415 9,900 10,508 11,269
3.75 10,073 10,467 10,930 11,398 11,991 12,741
Project Internal Rate of Return (IRR%) After Tax
2.50 13 14 15 17 19 23
2.75 16 18 19 21 24 29
3.08 22 23 25 29 32 41
3.50 29 31 35 40 60 -
3.75 35 38 44 - - -
Project Payback (Years)After Tax
2.50 10.9 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.4 9.0
2.75 10.0 9.8 9.5 9.2 8.9 8.5
3.08 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.3 7.9
3.50 8.4 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.6 3.2
3.75 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.4 3.2 3.6
Net Cash Costs (Net of By-product Credits)
2.50 1.47 1.41 1.35 1.28 1.19 1.09
2.75 1.48 1.43 1.36 1.29 1.21 1.10
3.08 1.50 1.44 1.38 1.31 1.23 1.12
3.50 1.52 1.47 1.40 1.34 1.25 1.14
3.75 1.54 1.48 1.42 1.35 1.26 1.16

Table 22.8. Cumulative cash flow for the 2014 Reserve Case is depicted in Figure 22.3 and a
complete cash flow is provided in Table 22.9.

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US$M Expansion Sustaining Total
Direct Costs
Open Pit  834 834
Underground 3,195 3,026 6,221
Concentrator 215 172 386
Infrastructure 370 230 600
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF)  1,378 1,378
Subtotal 3,780 5,640 9,420
Contractor Execution
EPCM 317  317
Subtotal 317  317
Owner Execution and Indirect Costs
O&M, Commissioning,
Owners Teams, Spares, 354 330 684
Subtotal 354 330 684
GOM Fees & Charges
Mongolian VAT 412 577 989
Subtotal 412 577 989
Total 4,864 6,546 11,410
Notes: Capital includes only direct project costs and does not include non-cash
shareholder interest, management payments, foreign exchange gains or
losses, foreign exchange movements, tax pre-payments, or exploration
phase expenditure.

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After Tax Values Gold ($/oz)

Copper ($/lb) 875 1,000 1,150 1,304 1,500 1,750

Project Net Present Value at 8% ($M) After Tax

2.50 1,941 2,356 2,914 3,451 4,155 5,108
2.75 3,643 4,102 4,667 5,245 5,943 6,735
3.08 5,983 6,396 6,861 7,430 7,952 8,743
3.50 8,550 8,940 9,415 9,900 10,508 11,269
3.75 10,073 10,467 10,930 11,398 11,991 12,741
Project Internal Rate of Return (IRR%) After Tax
2.50 13 14 15 17 19 23
2.75 16 18 19 21 24 29
3.08 22 23 25 29 32 41
3.50 29 31 35 40 60 -
3.75 35 38 44 - - -
Project Payback (Years)After Tax
2.50 10.9 10.5 10.2 9.8 9.4 9.0
2.75 10.0 9.8 9.5 9.2 8.9 8.5
3.08 9.2 9.0 8.8 8.5 8.3 7.9
3.50 8.4 8.3 8.1 7.9 7.6 3.2
3.75 8.1 7.9 7.7 7.4 3.2 3.6
Net Cash Costs (Net of By-product Credits)
2.50 1.47 1.41 1.35 1.28 1.19 1.09
2.75 1.48 1.43 1.36 1.29 1.21 1.10
3.08 1.50 1.44 1.38 1.31 1.23 1.12
3.50 1.52 1.47 1.40 1.34 1.25 1.14
3.75 1.54 1.48 1.42 1.35 1.26 1.16

After Tax Values Silver ($/oz)

15.00 17.50 20.00 21.46 22.50 25.00
Project Net Present Value at 8% ($M) After Tax
NPV 8% 7,320 7,364 7,408 7,430 7,451 7,495

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US$M Year
Cash Flow Statement 1 2 3 4 5 6–10 11–20 21–30 31–LOM
Gross Revenue 2,394 1,672 920 1,210 1,977 16,913 37,690 16,684 10,053 89,514
Realisation Costs 408 294 181 213 296 2,716 6,470 3,130 1,735 15,443
Net Sales Revenue 1,986 1,378 739 997 1,681 14,197 31,220 13,554 8,318 74,072
Site Operating Costs
Mining 218 206 199 206 228 1,256 2,666 2,245 1,538 8,761
Processing 268 260 261 254 257 1,458 2,960 2,818 2,789 11,324
Tailings 14 13 13 13 13 74 149 142 132 562
G&A 298 260 244 235 223 1,038 2,041 1,120 586 6,046
Infrastructure and Other 40 34 35 36 37 205 651 304 239 1,581
Total Site Operating Costs 838 773 753 743 757 4,031 8,466 6,629 5,283 28,274
Operating Surplus / (Deficit) 1,149 605 -13 254 923 10,166 22,754 6,925 3,035 45,798
Indirect Costs (incl.
188 232 221 227 225 977 1,758 1,363 1,194 6,383
Net Profit Before Income Tax 961 373 -234 27 699 9,189 20,996 5,562 1,841 39,414
Income Tax -60 -39 0 0 0 0 2,078 1,140 527 3,647
Net Profit After Income Tax 1,021 412 -234 27 699 9,189 18,918 4,422 1,313 35,767
Capital Expenditure 438 1,203 1,051 1,177 1,109 2,602 2,330 813 1,666 12,389
Net Cash Flow After Tax 583 -791 -1,285 -1,150 -411 6,587 16,587 3,609 -352 23,378

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An analysis comparing the 2013 OTTR and 2014 OTTR financial models was carried out. The
analysis considered the impact of a one year delay, the delay from slower ramp-up, the
draw point losses and dilution impact on grade and the changes in prices and costs from
2013 to 2014.

The one year delay was modelled by applying an extra year of discounting to the 2013 OTTR
financial model. The slower ramp-up was modelled by a further six months of discounting
discounting using the 2013 OTTR financial model.

Using the 2014 OTTR, the drawpoint losses and dilution were modelled by applying the
following factors to increase the Hugo North Lift 1 grades: 8% to the copper grade, 8.5% to
the gold grade and 9.7% to the silver grade. Further analysis compared the combined
differences of and the changes in metal prices and costs from 2013 to 2014. It should be
noted that the results of the analysis are only indicative and have used broad assumptions to
model the differences between the scenarios. A waterfall chart of the analysis is shown in
Figure 22.4. The chart shows that the one year delay reduces the After Tax NPV8% by
approximately $760 M, the further six months delay is another $360 M, the impact of
drawpoint losses and dilution is $1,105 M and the remaining differences for metal prices and
costs are $225 M.

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To analyse the impact of productivity improvements in the plant throughput, a revision to the
2014 Reserve Case production schedule has been prepared and costed. The analysis
assumes that there is a 5% increase in plant throughput for five years. This case has been
called the 2014 Reserve 140 Case; only Mineral Reserves are used for the economic analysis.

The analysis of the 2014 Reserve 140 Case was prepared by OreWin, OT LLC, and TRQ using
the costs and assumptions from the 2014 Reserve Case. A summary of the production is
shown in Figure 22.5 and Figure 22.6. The underground production from Hugo North Lift 1
remains the same as in the 2014 Reserve Case. The additional plant capacity is consumed by
bringing forward open pit ore from the SOT Open Pits.

A summary of the 2014 Reserve 140 Case cash flow analysis is shown in Table 22.10.
Cumulative cash flow for the 2014 Reserve 140 Case is depicted in Figure 22.7. Mine site cash
costs, revenues, operating costs, and capital costs are shown in Table 22.11 and Table 22.12.

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140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 488 of 519
Discount Rate Before Taxation After Taxation
Net Present Value (US$M) Undiscounted 27,637 24,067
5.0% 13,030 11,662
6.0% 11,247 10,115
7.0% 9,714 8,778
8.0% 8,393 7,619
9.0% 7,252 6,613
10.0% 6,264 5,738
Internal Rate of Return – 29% 30%
Project Payback Period (Years) – 9 9

5-Year 10-Year 20-Year

2014 Reserve Case
Average Average Average
Description $/lb Payable Copper
$/lb Payable $/lb Payable $/lb Payable
Copper Copper Copper
Mine Site Cash Cost 1.90 3.50 2.21 1.84
By-product Credit 0.66 1.53 0.88 0.63
C1 Cash Costs (Net of
1.23 1.97 1.33 1.21
By-product Credits)
Notes: Payments made directly to TRQ from OT LLC, principally 50% of the management payment as specified in
the terms of the IA and a 2.0% NSR based payment are not included in the C1 Cash Cost per pound of
payable copper. These payments due to TRQ add around 0.12 $/lb over the 2014 Reserve Case.

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US$M $/t Ore Milled
Total Life of 5-Year 10-Year LOM
Mine Case Average Average Average
Gross Sales Revenue 89,436 40.72 55.33 59.43
Less: Realisation Costs
Realisation Costs 9,681 4.68 5.79 6.43
Government Royalty 4,068 1.84 2.53 2.70
Total Realisation Costs 13,750 6.52 8.32 9.14
Net Sales Revenue 75,686 34.20 47.01 50.30
Less: Site Operating Costs
Mining (all sources) 7,614 4.35 4.80 5.06
Processing 10,518 7.25 7.02 6.99
Tailings 526 0.36 0.35 0.35
G&A 7,058 7.28 6.10 4.69
Infrastructure 997 0.80 0.69 0.66
Government Fess & Charges 3,255 2.48 2.34 2.16
Management and JV Payments 2,887 2.72 2.23 1.92
Total Site Operating Costs 32,856 25.24 23.51 21.83
2.0% NSR 1,595 0.72 0.99 1.06
Operating Margin 41,236 8.24 22.51 27.40

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3,000 30,000

2,500 25,000






-1,000 Year

-1,500 -10,000

-2,000 -15,000
Net Cash Flow Cumulative Net Cash Flow

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This section is not used.

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Oyu Tolgoi is a very large project that includes four separate deposits. The long-term
development of Oyu Tolgoi would involve the development of the resources on all deposits.
Alternative production cases have been developed to provide early stage analysis of the
development flexibility that exists with respect to later phases of the Oyu Tolgoi deposits
(Heruga, Hugo South, and the second Lift of Hugo North).

Development of these deposits will require separate development decisions in the future
based on then prevailing conditions and the development experience obtained from
developing and operating the initial phases of Oyu Tolgoi.

Oyu Tolgoi’s large resource base represents outstanding opportunities for production
expansion. Figure 24.1 shows an example of the decision tree for the possible development
options at Oyu Tolgoi. This has been updated to include options that take advantage of
productivity improvements in plant throughput that have begun to be recognised in the
process plant. The decision tree shows options assuming that continuous improvements in
plant productivity are achieved over the next five years. Then there would be key decision
points for plant expansion and the development of new mines at Hugo North Lift 2, Hugo
South and eventually Heruga. This provides an opportunity as OT LLC will have the benefit of
incorporating actual performance of the operating mine into the study before the next
investment decisions are required. OT LLC plans to continue to evaluate alternative
production cases in order to define the relative ranking and timing requirements for overall
development options.

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As part of the long-term development strategy, although outside of the scope of reserve
reporting, OT LLC continues to examine alternative production cases to better define future
work plans and prepare for investment decision points. The mine designs developed by OT
LLC are shown schematically in Figure 24.2 and listed below:
 SOT Open Pits (2014 Mineral Reserve)
 Hugo North Lift 1 Block Cave (Panels 0–2) (2014 Mineral Reserve)
 Hugo North Lift 1 Block Cave (Panels 3–5) (Inferred)
 Hugo North Lift 2 Block Cave (Inferred)
 Hugo South Block Cave (Inferred)
 Heruga Block Cave (Inferred)

Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative
geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would allow them to
be categorised as Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that the Alternative Production
Cases will be realised.

These cases will be part of the strategic planning that is being undertaken by OT LLC. There
are three production expansion cases described by the decision tree shown in Figure 24.1.
The expansions shown are:
 Case A - Continuous improvement of plant throughput of 5.0% per year for five years
 Case B - Case A plus a 100% plant expansion after approximately 20 years

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 Case C - Progressive expansion of the plant to 350 ktpd

Case A assumes that there is an increased in plant throughput productivity of 5.0% per year
for five years as described in the 2014 Reserve 140 Case and that the additional mines are
developed. The average throughput rate is approximately 140 ktpd or 51 Mtpa and potential
processing schedule for Case A is shown in Figure 24.3.

Case B is an extension of Case A and assumes that the plant capacity is doubled after
approximately 20 years to an average throughput rate of 260 ktpd or 95 Mtpa. Case C
assumes that there are progressive plant expansion to a rate of 350 ktpd or 128 Mtpa. With
each successive expansion case there is a reduction of the mine life that would necessitate
the success of further exploration to continue production. In Case C this would be required to
bring the exploration potential to production in approximately 30 years.

The work on the alternative production cases is not yet at feasibility study stage, in particular
the definition of the expansion sizes and costing of the cases. It is recommended that the
options be studied further and that the timing of the new mines be defined in more detail.

Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative
geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would allow them to
be categorised as Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that the alternative production
cases will be realised.

Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the
economic considerations applied to them that would allow them to be categorised as Mineral Reserves. There is no
certainty that the alternative production cases will be realised.

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Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the
economic considerations applied to them that would allow them to be categorised as Mineral Reserves. There is no
certainty that the alternative production cases will be realised.

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Under the NI 43-101 guidelines, Inferred Mineral Resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the
economic considerations applied to them that would allow them to be categorised as Mineral Reserves. There is no
certainty that the alternative production cases will be realised.

As part of regular risk assessment and management for Oyu Tolgoi, OT LLC undertakes risk
assessments. The risk assessments are subjected to evaluations and the preparation of risk
management approaches. Each of the risks is assigned a Risk Owner to monitor and manage
the risk. OT LLC undertakes last major assessment workshops involving personnel from across
Oyu Tolgoi. The last workshop was in November 2013. All risks identified were combined into
the project risk register, and records the controls that have been implemented throughout
the process to date, or that are firmly incorporated within the project scope/design.

The primary risk breakdown structure for the risk analysis are as follows:
 Approvals
 Resources
 Marketing
 Development Schedule
 Commercial / Project Management
 Engineering / Design
 Implementation

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 Operations Readiness
 Operations
 Closure

In addition to the operational and project risks that are assessed by OT LLC, TRQ has identified
events or circumstances could cause TRQ’s actual results to differ materially from those in the
forward-looking statements in the study work. Important factors that could cause actual
results to differ from these forward-looking statements are included in the Risk Factors section
in the TRQ Annual Information Form dated as of 26 March 2014 for the year ended 31
December 2013.

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 The geology of the Project is well understood.
 The deposits are considered to be examples of a copper–gold porphyry system and
related high-sulfidation types of deposits.
 The deposits are grouped into three areas: Heruga, SOT and Hugo Dummett.

The exploration programme relies strongly on geophysical survey data (IP and magnetics),
and other target anomalies still remain within the Project land holdings.

Four discrete zones have been identified in the SOT system, each of which are potentially
mineable by open pit methods. In the current Technical Report, the resource estimate has
been re-estimated in 2012. The base case assumes a CuEq cut-off of 0.22% but includes the
results of alternative scenarios down to 0.2% CuEq cut-off. The base case CuEq cut-off grade
assumption was determined using cut-off grades applicable to mining operations exploiting
similar deposits.

The Southwest zone consists primarily of pyrite–chalcopyrite mineralisation related to biotite-

magnetite alteration, overprinted by chlorite–sericite alteration. Mineralisation is
characterised by high gold contents with Au:Cu ratios (g/t Au to % Cu) of about 1:1 in the
main part of the deposit, rising to 3:1 in the core of the system and at depth. Gold in the
Southwest zone is closely associated with chalcopyrite and occurs intergrown with
chalcopyrite, as inclusions and fracture infills within pyrite, or on grain boundaries of pyrite.
The Southwest zone is essentially hosted in augite basalts.

South zone mineralisation is hosted in quartz-monzodiorite in the south-west and basalt

throughout the central portion of the zone. Chalcopyrite is the principal copper sulfide, but in
higher grade areas bornite locally exceeds chalcopyrite. Alteration in basaltic rocks consists
of chlorite, biotite, hematite–magnetite, and weak sericite. Quartz-monzodiorite has been
altered by advanced argillic alteration. Small zones with elevated gold values occur locally.

Mineralisation in the Central zone is characterised by an upward-flaring high-sulfidation zone

that overprints and overlies porphyry-style chalcopyrite–gold mineralisation. A secondary
enriched supergene chalcocite blanket tens of metres in thickness overlies the high-
sulfidation covellite–pyrite zone. The high-sulfidation portion of the Central zone contains a
mineral assemblage of pyrite, covellite, chalcocite–digenite, enargite, tennantite, cubanite,
chalcopyrite, and molybdenite. Dominant host rocks are dacite tuff and quartz-monzodiorite.
Higher grade mineralisation is associated with disseminated and coarse-grained fracture-
filling sulfides in zones of intensely contorted quartz stockwork veins and anastamosing zones
of hydrothermal breccias. Chalcopyrite–gold mineralisation is dominant on the south and
western margins of Central zone within either basalt or quartz-monzodiorite adjacent to
intrusive contacts with basalt.

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The high-sulfidation part of the Central zone lacks significant gold. Alteration in the Central
zone shows a close spatial relationship to mineralisation and original host lithology. Biotite–
chlorite and intermediate argillic alteration coincide with chalcopyrite–gold mineralisation
within basalt. Advanced argillic and sericite alteration coincide with the high-sulfidation
mineralisation within quartz-monzodiorite, and ignimbrite.

The Wedge Deposit contains a zone of high sulfidation mineralisation hosted principally in
dacite tuff, grading downward and southward into chalcopyrite mineralisation in basalt and
quartz-monzodiorite host rocks. High-sulfidation mineralisation consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite,
bornite, enargite, covellite, and primary chalcocite in advanced argillically-altered host
rocks. The high-sulfidation mineralisation grades downward into chalcopyrite, with lesser
bornite within basalt host rocks, and pyrite + chalcopyrite mineralisation in quartz-
monzodiorite. Gold is absent, except locally in drillholes adjacent to the South Fault.

Copper mineralisation at the Hugo South deposit is centred on a high-grade (typically

>2.0% Cu) zone of intense quartz stockwork veining, which in much of the deposit is localised
within narrow quartz-monzodiorite intrusions and extends into the enclosing basalt and dacite
tuff. The intense stockwork zone has an elongate tabular form, with a long axis plunging
shallowly to the north–north-west, and an intermediate axis plunging moderately to the east.
Copper grades gradually decrease upwards from the stockwork zone through the upper part
of the basalt and the dacite tuff, and a broader zone of lower copper grades occurs below
and to the west in basalt and quartz-monzodiorite.

The highest-grade copper mineralisation in the Hugo North Deposit is related to a zone of
intense stockwork to sheeted quartz veins. The high-grade zone is centred on thin, east
dipping quartz-monzodiorite intrusions or within the upper part of the large quartz-
monzodiorite body and extends into the adjacent basalt. In addition, moderate-to-high-
grade copper and gold values occur within quartz-monzodiorite below and to the west of
the intense vein zone, in the Hugo North gold zone. This zone is distinct in its high gold (ppm)
to Cu (%) ratios (0.5:1). Bornite is dominant in the highest-grade parts of the deposit (3.0%–
5.0% Cu), and is zoned outward to chalcopyrite (2.0%). At grades of <1.0% Cu, pyrite–
chalcopyrite ± enargite, tennantite, bornite, chalcocite, and rarely covellite occur, hosted
mainly by advanced argillically altered dacite tuff.

Elevated gold grades in the Hugo North deposit occur within the up-dip (western) portion of
the intensely veined high-grade core, and within a steeply dipping lower zone cutting
through the western part of the quartz-monzodiorite. Quartz-monzodiorite in the lower zone
exhibits a characteristic pink to buff colour, with a moderate intensity of quartz veining (25%
by volume). This zone is characterised by finely disseminated bornite and chalcopyrite,
although in hand specimen the chalcopyrite is usually not visible. The sulfides are
disseminated throughout the rock in the matrix as well as in quartz veins. The fine-grained
sulfide gives the rocks a black sooty appearance. The red colouration is attributed to fine
hematite dusting, mainly associated with albite.

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The Hugo North Deposit is characterised by copper–gold porphyry and related styles of
alteration similar to those at Hugo South. This includes biotite–K-feldspar (K-silicate),
magnetite, chlorite–muscovite–illite, albite, chlorite–illite–hematite–kaolinite (intermediate
argillic), quartz–alunite–pyrophyllite–kaolinite–diaspore–zunyite–topaz–dickite (advanced
argillic), and sericite–muscovite zones.

The current Hugo North and Hugo South resource models were developed using industry-
accepted methods and are considered acceptable for incorporation into resource
estimates. The updated SOT model has been developed using a 2D level-plan projection
method. It is recommended that a wireframe solid grade shell approach be used for further
updates. If OT LLC continue to use the 2D level-plan projection method then a separate a
wireframe solid grade shell approach should also be prepared to allow a comparison of the
resource estimate and provide a confirmation of the results. OreWin concurs with OT LLC's
conclusion that the estimates for Ag, As, and Mo may require review and revision. Revision of
the Ag estimate may even result in an increase in grade relative to the 2005 model. OT LLC
has reported the grades for Ag from the 2012 resource model for Mineral Resources but has
used the Ag grade from the 2005 model for Mineral Reserves.

The Mineral Resources were classified using logic consistent with the CIM definitions referred
to in NI 43-101. The mineralisation of the Project satisfies sufficient criteria to be classified into
Measured, Indicated, and Inferred Mineral Resource categories.

The Heruga project, which lies within the Javkhlant MEL, contains a large zone of porphyry
copper–gold–molybdenum mineralisation that has been subject to ongoing systematic
drilling by OT LLC.

The copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry-style mineralisation at Heruga is hosted in Devonian

basalts and quartz-monzodiorite intrusions, concealed beneath a deformed sequence of
Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous sedimentary and volcanic rocks. The deposit is cut
by several major brittle fault systems, partitioning the deposit into discrete structural blocks.
Internally, these blocks appear relatively undeformed, and consist of south-east dipping
volcanic and volcaniclastic sequences. The stratiform rocks are intruded by quartz-
monzodiorite stocks and dykes that are probably broadly contemporaneous with
mineralisation. The deposit is shallowest at the south end (approximately 500 m below
surface) and plunges gently to the north.

The alteration at Heruga is typical of porphyry style deposits, with notably stronger potassic
alteration at deeper levels. Locally intense quartz–sericite alteration with disseminated and
vein pyrite is characteristic of mineralised quartz-monzodiorite. Molybdenite mineralisation
seems to spatially correlate with stronger quartz–sericite alteration.

Copper sulfides occur at Heruga in both disseminations and veins/fractures. Mineralised veins
have a much lower density at Heruga than in the more northerly SOT and Hugo Dummett

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Modelling of mineralisation zones for resource estimation purposes revealed that there is an
upper copper-driven zone and a deeper gold-driven zone of copper-gold mineralisation at
Heruga. In addition, there is significant (100–1,000 ppm) molybdenum mineralisation in the
form of molybdenite. Locally high gold grades (exceeding 50 g/t) appear to be associated
with base metal ± molybdenite in late stage veins.

The Mineral Resource estimate for the Heruga deposit was prepared by Stephen Torr of
Ivanhoe Mines under the supervision of Scott Jackson of Quantitative Group. A close-off date
of 21 June 2009 for all survey (collar and downhole) and assay data incorporated into the

Ivanhoe created three dimensional shapes or wireframes of the major geological features of
the Heruga deposit. To assist in the estimation of grades in the model, Ivanhoe also manually
created three dimensional grade shells (wireframes) for each of the metals to be estimated.
Construction of the grade shells took into account prominent lithological and structural
features, in particular the four major sub-vertical post-mineralisation faults. For copper, a
single grade shell at a threshold of 0.3% Cu was used. For gold, wireframes were constructed
at thresholds of 0.3 g/t and 0.7 g/t. For molybdenum, a single shell at a threshold of 100 ppm
was constructed. These grade shells took into account known gross geological controls in
addition to broadly adhering to the abovementioned thresholds.

QG checked the structural, lithological, and mineralised shapes to ensure consistency in the
interpretation on section and plan. The wireframes were considered to be properly
constructed and honoured the drill data.

Interpolation domains were based on mineralised geology, and grade estimation based on
ordinary kriging. Bulk density was interpolated using an inverse distance to the third power
methodology. The assays were composited into 5.0 m downhole composites; block sizes were
20 m x 20 m x 15 m.

QG also built a model from scratch using the same wireframes and drill data used in the
Ivanhoe model. Gold, copper, and molybdenum were interpolated using independently
generated variograms and search parameters. QG compared the two estimates and
consider they are well within acceptable limits thus adding additional support to the estimate
built by Ivanhoe.

The Mineral Resources for Heruga were classified using logic consistent with the CIM
definitions required by NI 43–101. Blocks within 150 m of a drillhole were initially considered to
be Inferred. A three dimensional wireframe was constructed, inside of which the nominal drill
spacing was less than 150 m. The shape aimed to remove isolated blocks around drillholes
where continuity of mineralisation could not be confirmed. Within the 150 m shape there
were a small number of blocks that were greater than 150 m from a drillhole. These were
included because it was considered that geological and grade continuity could be
reasonably inferred within the main part of the mineralised zone. Of the total tonnes classified
as Inferred, approximately 95% are within 150 m of a drillhole while the average distance of
the Inferred blocks is approximately 100 m.

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The Mineral Reserves are based on feasibility study level work carried out by OT LLC. The study
work has been used to support project financing and meets requirements for Mineral Reserve
reporting under the NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and those of US
Industry Guide 7. This result meets the main objective of the 2014 OTTR. OT LLC plans to
continue to study and optimise the operation in order to maximise the value of the Mineral

OT LLC identified a problem with the Ag grade in the resource model and reverted to the
2005 Ag grade for mine planning work. As discussed in Section 14, the silver grades in the
current resource model are lower than the 2005 model silver grades. Silver is a by-product
and this difference has been calculated to have an NSR value of approximately $0.10/t.
OreWin considers that this is within the accuracy of the study work and is not a material issue.
OreWin has therefore concluded that the Mineral Reserve is valid. However it is
recommended that OT LLC review the resource estimates for silver and that the updated
mine planning work take account of any changes to silver and other elements.

Oyu Tolgoi is a very large project that includes four separate deposits. The long-term
development of Oyu Tolgoi would involve the development of the resources on all deposits.
Alternative Production Cases have been developed to provide early stage analysis of the
development flexibility that exists with respect to later phases of the Oyu Tolgoi deposits
(Heruga, Hugo South, and the second Lift of Hugo North). Development of these deposits will
require separate development decisions in the future based on then prevailing conditions
and the development experience obtained from developing and operating the initial phases
of Oyu Tolgoi.

The extensive resources at Oyu Tolgoi provide the company with the opportunity to
continually evaluate investment decisions as the mine progresses, deposit knowledge
increases and economic conditions change.

The Feasibility Study for the Oyu Tolgoi Expansion project is on based on sufficient
metallurgical testwork, and limited operating experience in the concentrator, to enable
reasonable predictions of ore body performance when treated through the existing, as
constructed, concentrator and an expanded concentrator.

The concentrator production data provided by OT LLC indicates a project developing from
commissioning into production with an indication that with further operational experience
and optimisation, that design throughputs and recoveries should be achievable.

Ongoing metallurgical testwork supported by operating experience is expected to improve

forecast modelling, grade / recovery / throughput, parameters for future ore types and

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There are limited changes to site infrastructure beyond that already established. The changes
proposed are reasonable and in most cases are expansions of existing systems.

Ongoing hydrogeological aquifer modelling and monitoring of actual aquifer performance

with operations is indicating that the aquifer has a greater capacity than currently licensed.
However, the expansion does not require any additional water than that licenced, 918 L/s.

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Recommendations have been stated throughout the text of the report. OT LLC has
commenced production from the open pit and the concentrator, and the underground
mine at Hugo North is being developed. OT LLC intends to use this experience and apply it to
the continued study and operation of the project. OreWin concurs with this plan. The key
recommendations for further work are:

Oyu Tolgoi is a very large project that includes four separate deposits. The long-term
development of Oyu Tolgoi would involve the development of the resources on all deposits.
Alternative Production Cases have been developed to provide early stage analysis of the
development flexibility that exists with respect to later phases of the Oyu Tolgoi deposits
(Heruga, Hugo South, and the second Lift of Hugo North). Development of these deposits will
require separate development decisions in the future based on then prevailing conditions
and the development experience obtained from developing and operating the initial phases
of Oyu Tolgoi.

The extensive resources at Oyu Tolgoi provide the company with the opportunity to
continually evaluate investment decisions as the mine progresses, deposit knowledge
increases and economic conditions change.

The work on the alternative production cases is not complete, in particular the definition of
the expansion sizes and costing of the cases. It is recommended that the options be studied
further and that the timing of the new mines be defined in more detail.

The supply of power has been recognised as being critical to the execution of Oyu Tolgoi in
the IA. OT LLC has been given the right to import power initially but must secure power from
sources within Mongolia from the fourth year of operation.

The PPA is now in place to allow power to be imported from Inner Mongolia. The next phase
of the IA is for OT LLC to source power from Mongolia by the fourth year of operation in
accordance with the terms of the IA.

In August 2014, OT LLC signed a Power Sector Cooperation Agreement (PSCA) with the GOM
for the exploration of a Tavan Tolgoi-based independent power producer (IPP). The aim of
the PSCA is to lay out a framework for long-term strategic cooperation between the GOM
and OT LLC for a comprehensive energy plan for the South Gobi region. Participation in the
PSCA meets OT LLC’s obligation in the IA to establish a long-term power supply within
Mongolia four years from the commencement of commercial production. Signing of a PSCA
has reset the four years obligation while the opportunity for the establishment of an IPP at
Tavan Tolgoi is studied.

The PSCA provides a framework for a broad range of power-related issues, including the
establishment of a power generation source, transmission lines, and power imports. The
centrepiece of the PSCA is an open, international tender process to identify and select an IPP

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to privately fund, construct, own, and operate a power plant to supply electricity, with
Oyu Tolgoi as the primary consumer.

Full evaluation of the IPP option is expected to take 9–12 months.

OT LLC plans to actively participate in the processes of the PSCA to ensure that there is a
timely and reliable power supply solution for Oyu Tolgoi and this approach is endorsed.

OT LLC’s strategy is to obtain approval for increases to the currently approved water reserve
ahead of any mine expansion plans. The objective of the study will be to assess the impact if
any of the concentrator expansion on water demand and to determine the need for
obtaining GOM approval for any substantial increase in the approved water demand from
the Gunii Hooloi aquifer.

The current estimate of average water demand for a concentrator expansion to 160 ktpd is
918 L/s, which is marginally above the rate of 870 L/s that has already been approved by the

Long-term sales contracts have been signed for 75% of Oyu Tolgoi’s concentrate production
in the first three years, while 50% of concentrate production is contracted for ten years
(subject to renewals). In addition to the signed contracts, in early November 2012, OT LLC
committed in principle, subject to the conclusion of detailed sales contracts, up to 25% of
concentrate available for export would be made available at international terms to smelters
in Inner Mongolia for the first ten years.

OT LLC has developed a marketing plan and currently includes consideration of the following
 Location value to customer compared to imported material landed at Chinese ports.
 Precious metals recovery and payment.
 Length of contract.
 Percentage of off-take to smelters versus traders.
 Percentage of tonnage on contract versus spot.
 Percentage of feed for any one smelter.
 Number of smelters for a given scale of operation.
 Management of concentrate quality and volume during commissioning and ramp-up.
 Alternate off-shore logistics and costs.
 Delivery point and terms.
 Packaging.

A detailed timeline has been developed for marketing, logistics, and contract-to-cash

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functions. OT LLC’s Sales and Marketing will be supported by Rio Tinto Copper Marketing, led
by its Chief Marketing Officer. The marketing team will oversee and execute all sales and
marketing activities on behalf of OT LLC.

The preliminary mine closure and reclamation plan includes provisions to ensure that adverse
socio-economic impacts of mine closure are minimised and positive impacts are maximised.
To this end, OT LLC has planned that allowances will be incorporated into the annual mine
operations budget starting 10 years before mine closure to address the costs of:
 Lost employment by the mine workforce.
 Adverse effects on supply chain businesses and downstream businesses, affected
communities, public services, and infrastructure.
 Promoting ongoing sustainability among affected stakeholders and communities.

The details of additional socio-economic aspects of a conceptual mine closure plan have
not yet been fully developed and are the subject of work to be done in the near future.

OT LLC has advised that it expects revisions to the project scope, which may include:
 Operations camp expansion.
 Border facilities upgrade.
 Concentrate bagging plant upgrade.
 Power substation expansions.
 Central maintenance complex.
 Central control room.
 Borefield expansion.
 Operations warehouse expansion.
 Core storage warehouse.

There may be additions to scope beyond these items and all items and updated cost
estimates will be included in further studies.

Oyu Tolgoi has been developed quickly and as a result clear audit trails for work have not at
times been maintained. It is recommended that systems and procedures be developed and
implemented for the storage of the latest versions of data, with accompanying
documentation and labelling, to ensure that the most up-to-date and correct files are always
readily available to all concerned without any possibility of mistakenly accessing and using
incorrect data.

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The geological aspects of mine design and construction are discussed below.

The present geological interpretations are acceptable for the geological and resource
models at the levels of confidence stated. The geological interpretations and models are
likely to change as the project proceeds to detailed mine design and construction.

From 2010–2014, OT LLC reviewed and re-evaluated much of the data collected in support of
mine design and construction. These reviews included consideration of the additional drilling
completed in the project area, incorporation of revised, and more detailed, structural and
lithological interpretations, consideration of changes in interpretation of the evolution and
genesis of Oyu Tolgoi deposits, and the results of geotechnical reviews. A number of areas
were identified that could benefit from targeted work programmes, particularly in the areas
of structure and rock mechanics.

The result was development of proposed work for 2014 and beyond that addressed
geological issues that could directly affect the mine design and construction. The OT LLC
work programme is likely to include the following:
 Continuing to incorporate reconciliation data to assess performance of resource models,
especially for the SOT deposit.
 Continuing with underground and open pit face mapping to improve geological and
structural understanding and validate the structural and geological models.
 Undertaking drill testing of structural discontinuities identified in the structural and
geotechnical reviews. The results of such testwork would be incorporated into the block
 Reviewing the updated block models to pinpoint areas where there are gaps in
knowledge concerning lithology, alteration, structure, and mineralisation that require
targeted drill testing. Such gaps are considered to be more likely on the orebody margins
or in areas where high-grade mineralisation is in direct contact with areas interpolated as
 Building a 3D district geological and structural model that will assist in further exploration
and in the definition of additional drill targets in the near-mine environment.
 Evaluating future work in the Hugo South and Hugo North Lift 2 areas to further enhance
the understanding of the overall resource development strategy.
 Completing the quantification of the mineralised inventory within Heruga North.
 Continuing with exploration programmes scaled to business needs to investigate
opportunities to expand the project resource base and improve the mine development

The concentrator has only recently progressed from commissioning into production with
many unit operations within the concentrator not being fully optimised for throughput and

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It would be anticipated that improvements in throughput and recovery will be achieved to
reach and surpass design assumptions together with reduction in unit operating costs. This
could be achieved by:
 Optimisation of grinding control through improved power splits between SAG and Ball
 Optimisation of grind size to achieve the optimum recovery / throughput economic
 Optimisation of reagent control / type for flotation and thickener unit operations;
 Optimisation of regrind recycle and sizing for cleaner flotation;
 Improved availability of equipment through gaining of operating experience and
implementation of preventative maintenance practices; and
 Improved operator and technical experience with the concentrator equipment and ore

This optimisation would include ongoing circuit surveys and modelling, metallurgical testwork
and support from reagent and equipment suppliers.

Additional work is required in the following areas to advance the design of the process plant:
 Phase 2 detailed engineering.
 Ongoing metallurgical testing programme for Hugo North and Central zone ores.
 Concentrator conversion feasibility study update.
 Pre-feasibility programme for additional resources (Heruga, Hugo South).
 Smelter studies.
 Heap leach studies.
 Magnetite recovery.
 Gravity or magnetic separation of gold from the regrind circuit.
 Other improvements to gold recovery.
 Enhanced tailings treatment to reduce water retention.

OT LLC has a programme of studies to optimise the TSF design. These include bringing forward
the Cell 2 operation to create larger tailings deposition areas will result in higher in-place
tailing densities and greater storage capacity. Optimisation of the TSF is also expected to
improve tailings solids content at deposition, which is currently is lower than the design
assumptions but it is expected that this can be brought up to the design assumption through
optimisation of the operation of the TSF. This optimisation of the TSF will potentially provide
cost savings over the assumptions in OTFS14.

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The following items are planned to be addressed by OT LLC as future work based on the
current TSF design for Oyu Tolgoi:
 The current design needs to be optimised given the operating conditions and lower
tailings solids content at deposition.
 It may be more cost effective overall to implement Cell 2 earlier than Year 5, in terms of
the amount of embankment material required to store the tailings. Larger tailings
deposition areas will result in higher in-place tailing densities (faster drainage and drying
time) and greater storage capacity. This approach is to be evaluated for potential cost
 Currently the density of concentrator thickened tailings is 1.26 t/m3 this is lower than the
design assumption of 1.45 t/m3, and this is having a potential adverse effect on the
project water balance, higher water usage, and capacity of the tailings facility, less
capacity of existing design. The testwork undertaken during the project design indicated
a tailings density of 1.45 t/m3 can be achieved from the tailings thickeners. As the
concentrator has only recently progressed from commissioning into production and
many aspects of the concentrator have not been optimised, optimisation of thickener
control and flocculant additions, are expected to achieve the design thickener
underflow density. At a revised target density of 1.35 t/m3, the KCB 2011 feasibility design
for the TSF provides for storage of 670 Mt of tailings produced over the first 18 years of
mine life. Once operating conditions are understood, the facility will need to be
expanded to support continued mining beyond that capacity. Designs for the three
additional cells required to store the total 1.5 bt of tailings will be based on the deposition
and construction experience gained in optimising the current design.
 Embankment slopes should be optimised based on observations from test fills and
conditions during the construction period. The design is currently based on assumptions
of pore pressure response that could be conservative. The instrumentation and
monitoring programme should be expanded to improve understanding of foundation
 Observations made during operations with regard to beach formation and water
recovery are being evaluated to optimise the number of sub-cells in the TSF design.
Alternately, the sub-cells may be eliminated entirely and an expanded spigot discharge
system used to manage tailings deposition.

Achieving the design tailings density to the tailings dam will assist in:
 Improvements in water return, from the tailings dam and thickener, tailings beach angles
 Steeper beach angles in the tailings dam further improving ultimate settled density in the
dam, and
 Providing improved storage capacity towards design values.

This improvements from current assumptions will achieve reduced costs for the TSF sustaining
capital over the life of the project.

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References to other reports and information have been identified throughout the report in
the sections to which the references relate.

OT LLC, 2014 : Oyu Tolgoi Feasibility Study 2014 prepared by OT LLC July 2014. Volumes 1 to 23.

Volume Title
1.0 Executive Summary
2.0 Country And Regional Settings
3.0 Ownership And Legal
4.0 Government And Community Relations
5.0 Human Resources And Capability Development
6.0 Occupational Health, Hygiene, And Safety
7.0 Environment
8.0 Water Management
9.0 Geology And Mineral Resource Estimates
10.0 Underground Mining
11.0 Open Pit Mining
12.0 Metallurgical Process And Process Plant
13.0 Tailings Storage Facility
14.0 Infrastructure
15.0 Project Execution Plan
16.0 Operational Readiness
17.0 Marketing
18.0 Capital Costs
19.0 Operating Costs
20.0 Summary Of Financial Results
21.0 Risk Assessment
22.0 Next Study Stage And Restart Planning
23.0 Life Of Mine Case (Plan)

OreWin Pty Ltd, 2014: Oyu Tolgoi Alternative Production Analyses prepared for TRQ,
September 2014.

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), 2000: CIM Standards for
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines: Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, August, 2000

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 511 of 519

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), 2003: Estimation of Mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves, Best Practice Guidelines: Canadian Institute of Mining,
Metallurgy and Petroleum, 23 November 2003,

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), 2005: CIM Standards for
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines: Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, December 2005,

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), 2010: CIM Standards for
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, Definitions and Guidelines: Canadian Institute of
Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, November 2010,

Symbol / Unit Meaning

' Minute (plane angle)
" Second (plane angle)
% Percent
< Less than
> Greater than
°C Degrees Celsius
µm Micrometre (micron)
a Annum (year)
bt Billion tonnes
cm Centimetre
cm2 Square centimetre
cm3 Cubic centimetre
Fd Day
d/wk Days per week
dmt Dry metric tonne
g Gram
g/t Grams per tonne
h Hour (not hr)
ha Hectare (10,000 m2)
kg Kilogram
kg/m3 Kilograms per cubic metre
kg/t Kilograms per tonne
kh Thousand hours

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 512 of 519

Symbol / Unit Meaning
km Kilometre
km/h Kilometre per hour
km2 Square kilometre
koz Thousand Troy ounces
kPa Kilopascal
kt Thousand tonnes
ktpd Thousand tonnes per day
ktph Thousand tonnes per hour
L Litre
lb Pound
m Metre
M Million
m/s Metres per second
m2 Square metre
m3 Cubic metre
masl Metres above (mean) sea level
mg Milligram
Mlb Million pounds
mm Millimetre
mmpa Millimetres per annum
mmph Millimetres per hour
Moz Million ounces
MPa Megapascal
Mt Million tonnes
oz Ounce
ppb Parts per billion
ppm Parts per million
t Metric tonne (1,000 kg)
t/a Tonnes per annum
tpd Tonnes per day
t/m3 Tonnes per cubic metre
W/m2 Watts per m2
wk Week (seven days)
wmt Wet metric tonnes

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 513 of 519

Abbreviation / Term Description
AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
AB Multiple Current Electrode IP
ABA Acid Base Accounting
ACS Access control system
AC-Tek Advanced Conveyor Technologies
AFS Aminpro-Flot Simplex
AIF Annual Information Form
Aminpro Amelunxen Mineral Processing Ltd.
ANFO Ammonium nitrate fuel oil
ARD Acid rock drainage
ATV Acoustic televiewer
BCF Proprietary software
BiGd Biotite-granodiorite
BWI Ball Mill Work Index
CATV Cable television
CCTV Closed-circuit television
Comminution Economic Evaluation
CHR Critical hydraulic radius
CIM Canadian Institute of Mining
CuEq Copper-equivalent
DCS Distributed Control System
DDH Diamond drillhole
Detailed Environmental Impact
DEM Discrete element modelling
DFN Discrete fracture networks
Detailed Integrated Development
Operations Plan
DTR Digital trunk radio system
European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development
European Federation of National
Associations Representing
EFNARC producers and applicators of
specialist building products for

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Abbreviation / Term Description
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EJV Entrée-OT LLC joint venture
EMS Environmental Management System
EMSys Electrical monitoring system
Entrée LLC Subsidiary of Entrée-Gold Inc.
EP Equivalent people
Engineering, Procurement, and
Construction Management
Environmental and Social Impact
FAS Fire alarm system
FEL Front-end loader
FIFO Fly-in-fly-out
FLEET Flotation Economic Evaluation Tool
FRS Fibre-reinforced shotcrete
FS Feasibility study
G&A General and administration
Gbit Gigabit (109 bits)
GIS Geographic information system
GOM Government Of Mongolia
GSI Geological Strength Index
Health & Safety Management
HEPA High-efficiency particulate air
HI Hollow inclusion
HME Heavy mobile equipment
Health, Safety, and Environment
Management System
Investment Agreement with the
GOM, effective October 2009
Inductively-Coupled Plasma Optical
ICP-OES/MS Emission Spectroscopy/Mass
Information and Communications
Integrated Development
Operations Plan
IDOPTR IDOP Technical Report
IDP05 Integrated Development Plan 2005
IDP10 Integrated Development Plan 2010
IDZ Isolated Draw Zone

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 515 of 519

Abbreviation / Term Description
IFC International Finance Corporation
IFC Issued for Construction
Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia
IMMI Environmental Impact
IP Induced Polarisation
IRMR In-situ Rock Mass Ratings
IRR Internal rate of return
ISBL Outside battery limits
JV Joint venture
LAN Local Area Network
LCT Locked cycle testwork
LHD Load-haul-dump
LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate
LOM Life-of-mine
MagTell Magnetotellurics
MCE Maximum Credible Earthquake
MEL Mineral exploration licence
MFT Modified Flotation Tests
MRMR Mining Rock Mass Ratings
MRS Mesh-reinforced shotcrete
MS Mass Spectrometry
MTO Material take-off quantity (m3)
NAF Non-acid forming
NGI Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Canadian National Instrument
NI 43-101 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for
Mineral Projects
Nearest neighbour estimation
NPV Net Present Value
NSR Net Smelter Return
OSBL Outside battery limits
OCDB Oracle Content Database
OEL Occupational exposure limits
OK Ordinary kriging estimation method
OT LLC Oyu Tolgoi LLC
PAF Potentially acid forming

140032014OTTRrev0.docx Page 516 of 519

Abbreviation / Term Description
Block cave modelling proprietary
PEP Project Execution Plan
PFS Pre-feasibility study
PIMA Portable Infrared Mineral Analyser
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PMF Probable maximum flood
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
Quality assurance and quality
Qmd Porphyritic quartz-monzodiorite
QP Qualified Person
RC Reverse circulation
Research Centre of Astronomy and
RDP Round Determinate Panel
ROM Run of mine
RQD Rock quality designation
RSP Review and Strategic Plan
RTCP Rio Tinto Copper Projects
SAG Semi-autogenous grinding
SBR Sequencing Batch Reactor
SGSPA Small Gobi Strictly Protected Area
The grade used to determine the
shut-off grade point at which each drawpoint is
SIA Social Impact Assessment
SLC Sub-level cave
SMU Selective mining unit
SOM Stockpiled in an oxide material
SPI SAG Performance Index
SPI SAG Power Index
SRG North seeking Gyro
SRM Synthetic Rock Mass Modelling
SWIR Short-wave infrared
TDR Time Domain Reflectometers
TEC Trace elements composites
TEM Telluric electromagnetic
TR Technical Report
TRQ Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd.

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Abbreviation / Term Description
TSF Tailings storage facility
UCS Unconfined Compressive Strength
UG FS Underground feasibility study
US CPI United States Consumer Price Index
United States Securities and
Exchange Commission
UTS Unconfined Tensile Strength
VAT Value Added Tax
VFR Visual flight rules
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol

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