My Spring Break 2018: Maria Guerrero Publication Assignment

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March 2018

Maria Guerrero

My Spring Break
This is Maria’s Spring Break Newsletter. This newsletter
will be sharing the details to the best trip I have ever
been on. I will be sharing where I went, what I did, and
what I saw! I traveled to Joshua Tree National Park and
Inside this issue
Crystal Cove State Park. Here I did some camping, hik-
ing, cooking, and took long walks on the beach. This Overview ...............................1

newsletter will be very informative and might even give First Stop ...............................2
Second Stop & Camp Life .......3
you some ide-
A Word From Our Editor ........4
as on where
to go next
spring break!
Please enjoy.
The Food The Drive
On this trip we The most important part of any trip is the drive. On this Spring
cooked on a gas lit Break trip we traveled over a total of 25 hours in the car, and I
stove and we made loved every minute of it. The drive from Phoenix Arizona to
many delicious Joshua Tree National Park is roughly about a 4 hour drive. The
meals. The first drive from Joshua Tree National Park is about a 3 hour drive.
night we cooked up Spacing out these driving distances made for a more effective
some seasonal and less stressful travel experience. I would recommend this for
chicken with rice anyone who has trouble sitting in a car for a long amount of
and cooked vege- time!
tables. The second
night we cooked
cheese tortillas First Stop
with rice and vege-
tables. The third
The first stop on our Spring Break trip was Joshua Tree National
night was the best
State Park! This National Park is located in southern California.
meal of the entire
This Park is made up of rugged rock formations and stark de-
trip! We drove
down to a local sert landscapes. The Park is known for it’s abundance of spec-
store and bought tacular Joshua Trees that fill the entire National Park. This Park
the ingredients for was an adventure
my favorite meal of to camp in. At
the trip. This meal Joshua Tree we
was made up of spent the first half
bacon wrapped of our day scaling
shrimp, cooked and hiking the gi-
vegetables shish ant, intricate rock
kabobs and cheese formations. Later
filled dates. Yum! in the night we
decided to make a
fire and cook out!
If you are looking
for somewhere
beautiful and full
of exploration Joshua Tree is the right place to visit. A couple of
tips to anyone who might want to camp at Joshua Tree is to
bring a warm sleeping bag. The night was full of an amazing sky
full of stars, but the temperature was very windy and cold!
Second Stop
The second stop on our Spring Break trip was
Crystal Cove National Park! This National
Park is located at Laguna Beach, California.
This Park has a large hiking trail on large hills
overlooking the ocean. Here we took long
hikes on the beautiful hill trails. I wandered
down to the beach ,played in the sand, and
read my favorite book. The weather during
the day was perfect, with cool breeze in the
air. Crystal Cove Park is a wonderful place to
go to have an adventure and to relax.

“My heart lives in California, I never want to leave.” -Maria Guerrero

Camp Life
Camp life was one of the best experiences I sleeping bag and to bring enough blankets
have ever had. This trip was my first time and towels. Night time in both camp grounds
camping and I learned a lot from this adven- got very cold at night so its important to be
ture. The first thing I learned from camp life prepared. When camping always make sure
was how to cook on a small gas lit stove. It is to have the proper and essential supplies.
important to bring foods that are perishable
and easy to cook. We prepped our cooler with
vegetables, fruits, and granola bars. The sec-
ond thing I learned is to
make sure to bring extra
pairs of clean clothes and
socks. I learned how to
properly set up a tent. The
final and most important
lesson I learned was to al-
ways have a warm enough
A Word From Our Editor
A special thanks to our readers! I hope you enjoyed this
newsletter and gained some new ideas for your next
spring break! Joshua National State Park and Crystal
Cove State Park are great vacation locations and I
highly recommend them. I had so much fun and
learned so many new skills from my first time camping.
My favorite activities were hiking on the beautiful long
trails and seeing all the amazing plants and animals. I
relaxed on the beach with a good book and some great
friends. I hope all of my readers get the opportunity to
camp and make amazing memories . When camping
always make sure to have a good, fun group of com-
panions and a great camp site, and you are guaranteed
a great time!

Maria Guerrero HERE

7710 East Clarence Pl

Phone: 520.461.9488
[email protected]

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