Story - My Camping Experience X 4 Essays - Paper 2 Question 4

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Teluk Intan, Perak SPM Trial 2023 Paper 2 Part 3 Question 4 On the third day, we had the treasure

n the third day, we had the treasure hunt. We were given a map and a list
of clues. My team was determined to find the hidden treasure first. As we followed
My Camping Experience the clues, we reached a dense part of the forest. After some time, we realized we
Your teacher has asked you to write a story for your school magazine. The story were lost. Panic set in as the sun started to set. We tried retracing our steps, but
must have the title 'My Camping Experience'. every path looked the same. My mind raced with fear, but I knew I had to stay calm.
Your story should include: After what felt like eternity, we heard our camp instructor calling our
 a description of the campsite names. We shouted back and soon found our way to him. He guided us back to the
 the activities you had campsite, where everyone was waiting anxiously. The instructor reminded us of the
 the challenges you faced importance of sticking together and not straying too far from the group.
Write your story in 200-250 words in an appropriate style. That night, around the campfire, we shared our experiences and laughed
about our little adventure in the forest. Despite the challenges, I realized how much
Suggested Response 1 (98 words) I had learned and grown from the experience. I felt proud of myself for facing my
My Camping Experience fears and working with my friends to overcome obstacles. The camping trip turned
Last week, my school organized a camping trip to a beautiful national park. out to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.
On the first day, we set up our tents near a river and went hiking together.
The second day was the canoeing challenge. It was quite difficult. On the third day, Suggested Response 3 (473 words)
we had a treasure hunt in the forest, but we got lost along the way. Luckily, we My Camping Experience
heard our camp instructor calling our names and managed to leave the forest safely. Last week, my school organized a camping trip to a beautiful national park.
I learned a lot from all the challenges I faced during the camp. This trip I was both excited and nervous as it was my first time participating in such an
was the most unforgettable experience of my life. adventure. My friends were also coming along, which helped ease my anxiety a bit.
On the first day, we set up our tents near a sparkling river. The water
Suggested Response 2 (398 words) glistened under the sun, reflecting the lush greenery around us. Our camp instructor
My Camping Experience handed out a schedule packed with activities like hiking, canoeing, and a treasure
Last week, my school organized a camping trip to a beautiful national park. hunt. The first activity was a hike up a nearby hill. As we ascended, the path
I was excited yet a bit nervous as it was my first time taking part in such a camp. became steeper and more challenging. I slipped a few times, my heart racing each
My buddies were also coming along, which made me feel a bit more at ease. time, but managed to catch myself. My buddies, always ahead, never forgot to
On the first day, we set up our tents near a sparkling river. Our camp cheer me on. "Come on, you can do it!" shouted Alex. Their encouragement kept
instructor gave us a schedule filled with various activities like hiking, canoeing, me going.
and a treasure hunt. The first activity was hiking up a nearby hill. As we climbed, The second day featured a challenging canoeing adventure. We had to
the path became steeper and more challenging. I slipped a few times but managed navigate our canoe through a series of obstacles in the river. Initially, it seemed like
to catch myself luckily. Though my buddies were ahead of me, they never forgot a breeze, but as we approached the rapids, the real challenge began. The canoe
me but kept cheering me on. rocked violently, and my heart pounded in my chest. "Paddle harder!" yelled Sam,
The second day was the canoeing challenge. We had to navigate our canoe his voice barely audible over the rushing water. We paddled furiously, desperately
through a series of obstacles in the river. At first, it seemed easy. Things became trying to stay afloat. When we finally reached the shore, we collapsed in relief, our
more challenging when we came to the rapid section, our canoe rocked violently, muscles aching from the effort.
and I felt as if my heart was on my mouth. We paddled furiously and tried our very On the third day, we embarked on a treasure hunt in the forest. Armed with
best to stay afloat. We heaved in relief when we finally came ashore. a map and a list of clues, my team was determined to find the hidden treasure first.
"Our determination is cast in stone," I said, rallying my teammates. We followed
the clues into the dense forest, where the canopy blocked out much of the sunlight,
casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. As we ventured deeper, we realized we sunlight, casting eerie shadows on the forest floor. As we ventured deeper, we
were lost. Panic set in as the sun began to set, casting long, ominous shadows. We realized we were lost. Panic set in as the sun began to set, casting long, ominous
tried retracing our steps, but every path looked the same. "Stay calm," I told myself, shadows. We tried retracing our steps, but every path looked identical. "Stay calm,"
though my mind raced with fear. I told myself, my mind racing with fear.
After what felt like an eternity, we heard our camp instructor calling our After what felt like an eternity, we heard our camp instructor calling our
names. We shouted back and soon found our way to him. He guided us back to the names. We shouted back and soon found our way to him. He guided us back to the
campsite, where everyone waited anxiously. The instructor reminded us of the campsite, where everyone waited anxiously. The instructor reminded us of the
importance of sticking together and not straying too far from the group. importance of sticking together and not straying too far from the group.
That night, around the campfire, we shared our experiences and laughed That night, around the campfire, we shared our experiences and laughed
about our little adventure in the forest. The crackling fire and the starry sky created about our little adventure in the forest. The crackling fire and the starry sky created
a perfect backdrop for our stories. Despite the challenges, I realized how much I a perfect backdrop for our stories. Despite the challenges, I realized how much I
had learned and grown from the experience. I felt a sense of pride for facing my had learned and grown from the experience. I felt a profound sense of pride for
fears and working with my friends to overcome obstacles. This camping trip turned facing my fears and working with my friends to overcome obstacles. This camping
out to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. trip turned out to be one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.

Suggested Response 4 (456 words) Vocabulary Enhancement 1

My Camping Experience
Last week, my school organized a camping trip to a stunning national park. 1. ease the anxiety:
I was both exhilarated and apprehensive, as it was my first time embarking on such e.g. Taking deep breaths helped ease her anxiety before the exam.
an adventure. My friends were also coming along, which provided a comforting 2. sparkling river:
sense of camaraderie. e.g. They enjoyed picnicking by the sparkling river on a sunny day.
On the first day, we pitched our tents near a sparkling river. The water 3. glistened under the sun:
shimmered under the sunlight, reflecting the verdant foliage around us. Our camp e.g. The dew on the grass glistened under the morning sun.
instructor handed us a schedule brimming with activities like hiking, canoeing, and
4. lush greenery:
a treasure hunt. The initial activity was a hike up a nearby hill. As we ascended, the
path grew steeper and more arduous. I slipped several times, my heart pounding e.g. The resort was surrounded by lush greenery and tropical
with each misstep, but managed to regain my balance. My friends, always ahead, flowers.
never forgot to cheer me on. "Come on, you’ve got this!" shouted Alex, his voice 5. ascended the hill:
echoing through the trees. Their encouragement was a lifeline. e.g. They ascended the hill to get a better view of the valley below.
The second day featured a rigorous canoeing adventure. We had to 6. racing heart:
navigate our canoe through a series of river obstacles. Initially, it felt manageable, e.g. Before the performance, her racing heart made her feel
but as we approached the rapids, the true challenge emerged. The canoe rocked
violently, and my heart pounded in my chest. "Paddle harder!" yelled Sam, his
voice barely audible over the roaring water. We paddled frantically, desperate to 7. like a breeze:
stay afloat. When we finally reached the shore, we collapsed in relief, our muscles e.g. Solving the puzzle was like a breeze for her.
quivering from the exertion. 8. real challenge began:
On the third day, we embarked on an exciting treasure hunt in the forest. e.g. After training, the real challenge began during the competition.
Armed with a map and a list of clues, our determination was cast in stone. We 9. rocked violently:
plunged into the dense forest, where the thick canopy obscured much of the e.g. The boat rocked violently in the stormy sea.
10. heart pounded in chest: 8. The soothing music __________ child's __________ about the dark. (To
e.g. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for the results. make someone feel less worried.)
9. Her earrings __________ as she walked. (To sparkle brightly under
11. barely audible: sunlight.)
e.g. His voice was barely audible over the noise of the crowd. 10. His __________ his __________ during the intense race. (Strong heartbeat
12. desperately tried: felt.)
e.g. They desperately tried to find their lost dog in the 11. Hiking through the __________ of the rainforest was refreshing. (Thick
neighborhood. and healthy green vegetation.)
13. stay afloat: 12. The distant music was __________ from their picnic spot. (Not able to be
e.g. With the life jacket, he managed to stay afloat in the deep pool. heard.)
14. collapsed in relief: 13. With his experience, finishing the project was __________. (Very easy.)
e.g. They collapsed in relief when they found their lost keys. 14. She __________ to finish her homework before bedtime. (Tried very hard.)
15. sense of pride: 15. The __________ when they started the complex experiment. (When a
e.g. She felt a sense of pride after completing the marathon. difficult task started.)

Fill in the blanks by using the following words: Vocabulary Enhancement 2

eased the ... anxiety; sparkling river; glistened under the sun; lush greenery; 1. muscles aching:
ascended the hill; racing heart; like a breeze; real challenge began; e.g. After the gym workout, her muscles were aching for days.
rock violently; heart pounded in ... chest; barely audible; desperately tried; stay 2. embarked on:
afloat; collapsed in relief; sense of pride; e.g. They embarked on a new business venture together.
1. The boat needed repairs to __________ during the long voyage. (To 3. cast in stone:
remain floating.) e.g. The rules of the competition were cast in stone and couldn't be
2. His parents watched with a / an __________ as he received the award. (A altered.
feeling of satisfaction in one's achievements.) 4. rallying the team:
3. Climbing the steep path, they __________ with determination. (Climbed e.g. The coach was rallying the team before the championship
up a hill.) match.
4. The __________ looked magical under the moonlight. (A river that reflects 5. dense forest:
bright light .) e.g. They got lost in the dense forest during their hiking trip.
5. After the long hike, she __________ at the campsite. (To suddenly relax.) 6. casting eerie shadows:
6. His __________ signaled his excitement as he opened the gift. (Heartbeat e.g. The old castle walls were casting eerie shadows in the
that is fast and strong.) moonlight.
7. The earthquake made the building __________. (Moved unsteadily back 7. ventured deeper:
and forth.) e.g. They ventured deeper into the cave to explore its hidden
8. panic set in: 5. His __________ warning about the future made everyone uneasy. (Giving the
e.g. Panic set in when they realized they were lost in the unfamiliar impression that something bad is going to happen.)
city. 6. The streetlights were __________ on the deserted street. (Creating strange
9. ominous: shadows.)
e.g. The dark clouds gathering on the horizon looked ominous. 7. Climbing the mountain left him with __________ but satisfied. (Feeling
10. retracing steps: painful in the muscles.)
e.g. They retraced their steps to find the lost necklace. 8. The children marveled at the beautiful, __________ during the camping trip.
11. mind raced with fear: (The night sky filled with stars.)
e.g. As she heard the strange noise, her mind raced with fear. 9. His decision to move abroad was __________e after receiving the job offer.
12. felt like an eternity: (Fixed.)
e.g. Waiting for the test results felt like an eternity. 10. His __________ as he waited for the doctor's diagnosis. (Thinking quickly due
13. crackling fire: to worry.)
e.g. They warmed themselves by the crackling fire on a chilly 11. The __________ provided shelter for many wildlife species. (A thick area of
evening. vegetation.)
14. starry sky: 12. The journey through the traffic jam __________. (Seemed to last for a very
e.g. Camping in the mountains, they enjoyed the clear, starry sky. long time.)
15. perfect backdrop: 13. As the storm approached, __________ among the campers. (Suddenly feeling
e.g. The beach provided a perfect backdrop for their wedding a strong sense of anxiety.)
ceremony. 14. She was __________ to finish the project before the deadline. (Uniting a
Fill in the blanks by using the following words: 15. __________ her __________, she found the keys she had dropped. (Going
muscles aching; embarked on; cast in stone; rallying the team; dense forest; back along the same route taken.)
casting eerie shadows; ventured deeper; panic set in; ominous; retracing ... steps;
mind raced with fear; felt like an eternity; crackling fire; starry sky;
perfect backdrop;

1. Before sunrise, they __________ the long road trip. (Started or begun.)
2. The campers gathered around the __________ to roast marshmallows. (A fire
that makes snapping sounds.)
3. As they __________ into the forest, the trees grew taller. (Explored further
4. The park was a / an __________ for the outdoor concert. (An ideal

Vocabulary Enhancement 3 12. rigorous:
1. stunning: e.g. The rigorous training regimen prepared the athletes for the
e.g. The sunset over the ocean was stunning, with vibrant hues of competition.
orange and pink.
2. exhilarated: Fill in the blanks by using the following words:
e.g. After winning the championship, the team felt exhilarated and stunning; exhilarated; apprehensive; camaraderie; shimmered; verdant foliage;
celebrated their victory. brimming with; arduous; misstep; echoing; lifeline; rigorous;
3. apprehensive:
e.g. He felt apprehensive about starting a new job in a foreign 1. Hiking through the __________ of the rainforest was a peaceful experience.
country. (Green leaves or vegetation.)
2. She wore a / an __________ dress to the party that caught everyone's
4. camaraderie: attention. (Extremely impressive.)
e.g. The camaraderie among the teammates was evident in their 3. The __________ task of writing a thesis required months of research and
celebrations after each game. writing. (Difficult and tiring.)
5. shimmered: 4. She regretted her __________ during the presentation and vowed to
e.g. The stars shimmered in the night sky above the campsite. prepare better next time. (A wrong step.)
6. verdant foliage: 5. She felt __________ after completing her first solo hike up the mountain.
e.g. The garden was filled with verdant foliage that provided shade (Feeling very happy.)
and beauty. 6. The applause was __________ in the auditorium after the performance.
7. brimming with: (Repeating sound.)
e.g. The market was brimming with fresh fruits and vegetables. 7. The dew on the leaves __________ in the morning sunlight. (To shine with
8. arduous: a soft light.)
e.g. Climbing to the summit was an arduous journey that tested 8. Her speech was __________ optimism and encouragement. (Full of
their endurance. something.)
9. misstep: 9. The financial aid provided a / an __________ to the struggling family.
e.g. He made a misstep on the icy path and nearly slipped. (Something that is essential.)
10. She was __________ about the dentist appointment because of her
10. echoing: toothache. (Anxious.)
e.g. His voice was echoing through the empty hallway. 11. She followed a / an __________ schedule to complete her assignments on
11. lifeline: time (Extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.)
e.g. The GPS tracker was their lifeline during the hiking trip in the 12. Working together on the project fostered __________ among the
wilderness. colleagues. (Mutual friendship among people.)

Vocabulary Enhancement 4
1. navigate: Fill in the blanks by using the following words:
e.g. They used a map and compass to navigate through the dense navigating; obstacles; approached; emerged; violently; frantically; quivering;
forest. exertion; cast in stone; plunged into; obscured; identical;
2. obstacles:
e.g. Overcoming financial obstacles, they managed to start their 1. The deadline __________ and they intensified their efforts to complete the
own business. project. (To move closer to.)
3. approached: 2. His identity was __________ by the mask he wore to the masquerade ball.
e.g. As they approached the finish line, the crowd cheered loudly. (Kept from being seen.)
4. emerged: 3. She __________ as a leader among her peers due to her dedication and
e.g. The sun emerged from behind the clouds, brightening the sky. skills. (To become.)
5. violently: 4. She __________ her studies, determined to succeed in her exams. (To
e.g. The storm winds blew violently, shaking the trees. suddenly begin something enthusiastically.)
6. frantically: 5. The tiny bird was __________ with fear in the palm of his hand.
e.g. They searched frantically for the lost keys before giving up. (Trembling rapidly.)
7. quivering: 6. The two cars parked side by side were __________ in color and model.
e.g. Her voice was quivering with emotion as she delivered the (Exactly alike.)
speech. 7. He slammed the door __________ in anger. (In a forceful manner.)
8. exertion: 8. The team faced numerous __________ but persevered to achieve their
e.g. After the marathon, he felt drained from the exertion. goals. (Something that blocks.)
9. cast in stone: 9. She worked __________ to finish the project before the deadline. (In a
e.g. The plans for the event were cast in stone and couldn't be hurried manner.)
altered. 10. The project required a lot of mental __________ to analyze the data.
10. plunged into: (Physical or mental effort.)
e.g. They plunged into the icy water for a refreshing swim. 11. __________ the bustling city streets was challenging for the tourists. (To
11. obscured: find one's way.)
e.g. The fog obscured their view of the mountain peak. 12. His decision to retire early was __________ after years of planning.
12. identical: (Fixed.)
e.g. The twins looked nearly identical, making it difficult to tell
them apart.

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