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1 - Operation Manuel UFM V5.11 en

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Software UFM V5

Operation Manual
UFM V5.11
DATE: 01/09/16
 Copyright by
Promess Montage- und Prüfsysteme GmbH
Nunsdorfer Ring 29
D-12277 Berlin
Federal Republic of Germany
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2 Installing the Software ........................................................................................................................... 7
3 Software Start ......................................................................................................................................... 9
4 User and Rights Administration .........................................................................................................10
4.1 Login ................................................................................................................................................ 10
4.2 User Administration ......................................................................................................................... 11
4.3 User Rights ...................................................................................................................................... 13
5 Log function ..........................................................................................................................................15
6 Program Window ..................................................................................................................................18
7 Program Creation .................................................................................................................................25
7.1 Movement Steps .............................................................................................................................. 27
7.1.1 Positioning ................................................................................................................................... 27 Options ................................................................................................................................. 31 Trigger Positioning ............................................................................................................... 33
7.1.2 Press to Signal ............................................................................................................................. 36 Options ................................................................................................................................. 39 Feed Motion ......................................................................................................................... 40 “Press to Signal” Trigger ...................................................................................................... 41
7.1.3 Controller Module ........................................................................................................................ 42 Control Profile Module ......................................................................................................... 45 Trigger Module ..................................................................................................................... 46
7.1.4 Cycle Stop.................................................................................................................................... 47
7.1.5 Program End ................................................................................................................................ 47
7.2 Functions 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 48
7.2.1 Variables ...................................................................................................................................... 48
7.2.2 Gauging ....................................................................................................................................... 51 Gaugings from Independent Data Logging .......................................................................... 51 Gaugings from Step-based Data Logging (Curve Data) ..................................................... 62
7.2.3 Delay Time ................................................................................................................................... 68
7.2.4 Wait .............................................................................................................................................. 68
7.2.5 Taring ........................................................................................................................................... 68
7.2.6 Set tare ........................................................................................................................................ 69
7.2.7 Strain ............................................................................................................................................ 70 Determining the strain .......................................................................................................... 71
7.3 Functions 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 72
7.3.1 Conditional Jump ......................................................................................................................... 72
7.3.2 Jump ............................................................................................................................................ 73
7.3.3 Set Output .................................................................................................................................... 73
7.3.4 Set Status .................................................................................................................................... 74
7.3.5 Dialog Window ............................................................................................................................. 74
7.3.6 Comment ..................................................................................................................................... 75
8 Manual Operation .................................................................................................................................76
8.1 Jog ................................................................................................................................................... 77
8.2 Hand wheel function ........................................................................................................................ 78

8.3 Graph Recording in Manual Mode ................................................................................................... 78

9 Program Change...................................................................................................................................80
9.1 PC as program storage device ........................................................................................................ 80
9.2 PDM as program storage device ..................................................................................................... 82
9.2.1 Synchronisation PDM - PC .......................................................................................................... 83
10 Graph .....................................................................................................................................................86
10.1 Graph Window ................................................................................................................................. 86
10.2 Graph Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 88
10.2.1 Zooming in the Graph .............................................................................................................. 88
10.2.2 Edit Gaugings .......................................................................................................................... 89
10.2.3 Editing Envelopes .................................................................................................................... 90
10.2.4 Name Step ............................................................................................................................... 91
10.3 Edit as Table .................................................................................................................................... 91
10.4 Curve overlay ................................................................................................................................... 93
10.5 Graph Settings ................................................................................................................................. 93
11 Print .......................................................................................................................................................95
11.1 Curve Report ................................................................................................................................... 95
11.2 Program Listing ................................................................................................................................ 96
11.3 Printer Settings ................................................................................................................................ 97
12 Service ...................................................................................................................................................98
12.1 Station Settings ................................................................................................................................ 98
12.1.1 Station ...................................................................................................................................... 98
12.1.2 Inputs ..................................................................................................................................... 101 Position .......................................................................................................................... 101 Force .............................................................................................................................. 102 Virtual Inputs 1 – 4 ......................................................................................................... 109 Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 112 Slope .............................................................................................................................. 114 Live Input ....................................................................................................................... 115
12.1.3 Profibus DP ............................................................................................................................ 116
12.1.4 PROMESS Bus ...................................................................................................................... 117
12.1.5 Homing................................................................................................................................... 119 Units with Resolver Feedback ....................................................................................... 122 Units with absolute encoder feedback without an proximity switch (Line5)................... 126 Units with absolute encoder feedback and proximity switch ......................................... 128
12.2 General Settings ............................................................................................................................ 130
12.3 Inputs/outputs ................................................................................................................................ 133
12.3.1 I / O Expansion ...................................................................................................................... 134
12.4 Service Dialog for Bus Systems .................................................................................................... 136
12.5 PROMESS BUS ............................................................................................................................ 137
12.6 Safe data export ............................................................................................................................ 142
12.7 Parameter Access ......................................................................................................................... 143
12.8 Backing Up the Parameters ........................................................................................................... 143
12.9 Running Multiple Instances of UFM on a PC................................................................................ 145
12.9.1 Auto boot................................................................................................................................ 145
13 Communication PC - Application module .......................................................................................146

13.1 Connection Ethernet module ......................................................................................................... 146

13.2 Ethernet Communication ............................................................................................................... 147
13.3 Assignment IP address Ethernet Module ...................................................................................... 149
13.4 Assign IP Adress PC ..................................................................................................................... 151
13.5 Assign IP Adress PC Windows 7 ................................................................................................... 152
13.6 No Ethernet module found ............................................................................................................. 154
14 Firmware Update ................................................................................................................................155
14.1 UNIDRIVE SP ................................................................................................................................ 155
14.2 UNIDRIVE M .................................................................................................................................. 159
15 PLC Interface ......................................................................................................................................164
15.1 Reference motion after start-up ..................................................................................................... 164
15.2 Reference motion without a request .............................................................................................. 165
15.3 Cycle start ...................................................................................................................................... 165
15.4 Emergency Stop during a motion .................................................................................................. 166
15.5 Emergency Stop during standstill process .................................................................................... 166
15.6 Cycle Stop...................................................................................................................................... 167
15.7 Selection of Program Number ....................................................................................................... 168
16 Calibrating the Strain Gauge Amplifier (BA 626) ............................................................................169
17 PROMESS Bus ....................................................................................................................................171
17.1 Bus Terminator. ............................................................................................................................. 172
17.2 Cable Shield Connections ............................................................................................................. 173
17.3 Node - Address .............................................................................................................................. 174

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1 Introduction
The UFM-NC-MODULE system is a powerful tool to rapidly setup, alter, optimize
and adapt press and positioning tasks.
The basic element is the electro-mechanical assembly unit from PROMESS,
consisting of:

• assembly unit with motor, transducer and distance measuring device,

• motor power amplifier,
• NC module for NC control of the assembly program,
• programming and user software.

Several press units can be connected via a network and programmed from a single
programming device.
The following figure shows a block schematic:

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Installing the Software

Pos : 3 /UFM /UFM V5/HB Software V5 Betriebshandbuch/1a Ins tall ation @ 1\mod_1367926945899_71.doc x @ 3811 @ 1 @ 1

2 Installing the Software

Minimum requirements PC
Windows Vista/7/8/10 32 Bit: 2 GB RAM, 60 GB hard disk, 1-GHz-processor
Windows Vista/7/8/10 64 Bit: 3 GB RAM, 60 GB hard disk, 1-GHz-processor

To install the UFM software and database plugin on a PC, run “Setup.exe” from the
installation CD.
Choose the language to be used for the installation.

Follow the instructions given during the setup procedure.

The following files are created during the installation:

• C:\Promess\UFM5
Standard – installation directory (can be chosen freely).

• Directory for storing runtime data that is created or modified while using the

– Windows 7 / Vista

Installing the Software

The “ProgramData” folder is not visible by default in Windows 7 and Vista. You
can also open this folder from the path

– Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Promess\UFM5

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Promess\UFMRDatabase

The “Application Data” folder is not visible by default in Windows XP. You can also
open this folder on the path “Programs\Promess\UFM5\Service\Backup”.

Be sure to back up this directory on a regular basis to prevent data loss.

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Software Start

Pos : 5 /UFM /UFM V5/HB Software V5 Betriebshandbuch/3 Start des Programms @ 0\mod_1305802908241_71.doc x @ 2754 @ 1 @ 1

3 Software Start

To run the software please click the installed icon. If the network is set up correctly
the following screen opens.

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User and Rights Administration

Pos : 7 /UFM /UFM V5/HB Software V5 Betriebshandbuch/4 Benutzer ver waltung @ 0\mod_1291804272940_71.doc x @ 2413 @ 1222 @ 1

4 User and Rights Administration

A user must log in at start up. The user is logged in with the corresponding rights. If
an action is to be performed but your current user level does not have sufficient
rights, you have to change to a user with sufficient rights.

4.1 Login
The login dialog for logging in to the system is available in the menu

Name of currently logged user is displayed in

menu bar

There are two different cases of logins into the UFM software:
Case 1: There is no standard user.

Start of UFM
• Login dialog appears
• The user must log in correctly.
• If “Cancel” is pressed, the software will close.

• If a user logs out (logout button in login dialog), then the login dialog remains
open (modal) until the login is correctly performed. In this situation, the
software cannot be ended.

Change User
• If a user opens the login dialog to change users, the logout option does not
have to be used. Instead, the user can simply enter their login name and
password and confirm them.

User and Rights Administration

Case 2: There is a standard user.

A user can be declared as a standard user.

Start UFM
• The login dialog does not appear and the software starts directly.
• The standard user is not logged in automatically.

Case 1: log in as standard user.
• It is not possible to log out.

Case 2: Another user has logged into the system as the standard user.
• The logout button causes the current user to be logged out and the standard
user logged in.

Change User
• If a user opens the login dialog to change users, the logout option does not
have to be used. Instead, the user can simply enter their login name and
password and confirm them.

4.2 User Administration

To open the user administration, click the corresponding button in the login

You require administrator rights to do this!

The default administrator password = Bach

Please change the administrator password to prevent unauthorized access to

the system.

User and Rights Administration

Right codes:
C = Configure system (service)
P = Edit program
S = Edit steps
L = Load/save programs
M = Start movement

One user cannot be deleted: Admin

A user with administrator rights is entitled to create new users, to delete them and
to assign rights.

By default, a standard “UFM User” has been created with reduced rights. You can
delete this user at any time.

Creating a new user

To create a new user, enter the user name and password. Be sure to choose a
unique user ID. Next, click “Apply User”.

Delete User

To delete a new user, select the user in the user list. Next, click “Delete User”.

The administrator cannot be deleted!

Change Password

When logged in as administrator, you can change the password of a user. First
select the user in the list and then enter the new password. Next, click “Apply

Users who are currently logged in can also change their own passwords. To do this,
click “Change Password” to open the following dialog:

User and Rights Administration

Standard User

A standard user can be defined. If this is the case, the login dialog does not appear
when the program is started and the standard user will be logged on automatically.

To activate a user as a standard user, select the user in the user list and click the
“Standard User” button.
To deactivate the standard user, click the button again.

Export Users

This button can be used to export the entire User List including their rights.

Import Users

This button can be used to import a saved User List including their rights.

4.3 User Rights

The following rights can be assigned.

1 Administrator (permission for all actions and granting rights to other users)
a. Open/edit user administration
b. Edit reference run

2 Program editing
a. Insert/remove steps
b. Edit program preselection
c. Create new programs
d. Automatically receives rights 3 and 4

3 Edit step parameters

a. Permission to edit various steps of Step List
(steps cannot be added or deleted.)
b. Edit envelopes (graphs and tables)
c. Program allocation table

User and Rights Administration

d. Edit program preselection

4 Load programs
a. Load programs to change current program in NC module
b. Send programs

5 Movements
a. Start, step, stop, reference run
b. Manual operation, hand wheel

6 Configuration
a. Service
b. Unidrive parameters (parameter backup)
c. Safe data export

No rights

If a user attempts to access an area without sufficient permission:

• The following message will appear: “No permission for this function”.

• Configuration dialogs can be opened in order to view the settings. Changes

cannot be applied because “OK” or “Apply” are not active.

• If an attempt is made to access the User Administration, the system checks

for administrator permissions and the Login dialog appears again.

Default settings
The UFM is delivered with the following settings:

Administrator password = Bach

Standard UFM user with restricted permissions

UFM password = Bach

Be sure to choose passwords that prevent unauthorized use of the system.

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Log function

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5 Log function

You can access the log function through the user administration

To do this, you must have configuration or administrator permissions.

• Log table

The Log Table stores the following results for the stations:

– Logging in
– Logging out
– Saving programs
– Changes to program
– Parameter backup
– Changes to program presets
– Station settings
– User settings (permissions)

The entries are time-stamped.

Log function

General information on the event is shown under “Details”.

• Log file

Log files are stored under the *.log file extension for each station in the “log”
subdirectory under the ID path. This is where details on the changes to the
programs and system configuration are stored.
A separate log file is created for each joining program.

– Changes to programs are saved in separate log files under the

program name.

– Changes to the system configuration are saved in the STATIONLOG

file with the station settings.

Double-clicking a log file in the log table will open it if a log entry exists in

Example of a log file program

• Opening a log file

This opens any log file.

Log function

• Deleting log file

Click the “Delete Log File” button.

Choose the file to be deleted using “Open” and confirm your choice with

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Program Window

Pos : 11 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/6 Programmoberfl äche @ 1\mod_1446643874504_71.doc x @ 21348 @ 1 @ 1

6 Program Window
The program window consists of the following elements that you can show and
hide using the “Display” menu.

Program name Station name

Sensor display

Menu bar

Parts ID

Plugin bar

Signal graphs Gaugings

Function List

Step List


Status information

Step information
Program Window

Measurement values and variables have docking feature that allows them to be displayed at any of 4
different positions.

Available docking

In this position, measurement data and variables can be displayed separately,

above each other or next to each other.

The bar with the sensor indicators and buttons for starting movements cannot be

Function List

Bar with buttons for accessing various functions.

Step List

Program Window

The Step List displays all of the steps contained in a program.

The following is displayed:

• Step:
Step number

The following optional extensions are possible:

o A= data logging (DAQ) for this step

o M= Step is being monitored
o * = Step contains a trigger

• Function: function name

• Parameter: main parameters of function

• Comment: displays any comments included with a step

Monitored steps with an NOK status are displayed in “red”, unrecorded

measurement values are shown in “orange”.
If an overload occurs during a step, the entire row is marked “red”.

• Editing the Step List

The following editing options are available in the “Edit” :

Signal graphs

The captured data and curves are displayed in graphs here.

Status information

IP address of displayed UFM

Status, errors that occur are displayed here.

Step counter

Communication errors

Program Window

If communication from the PC software to the station is interrupted, this is indicated

when the background colour of the station IP address is violet.

Parts ID

If IDs have been captured for manufactured parts, they can be displayed here.
Displays values of variables used in program.

Measurement data

Displays values of measurement data captured by program.


This bar is used to load additional plugins for the program.


Program editor Program

preselection Graph: zoom out Send program to NC Open database
^^ program module viewer
Save Graph:
zoom in

Optimum view
Open Print Insert
Delete Arrange stations Load program
program step step
Full view from NC module
of graph


Pressing the buttons activates the following functions.

Step: Next step in program sequence will be performed.
Start: Complete program cycle will be started.
Ref: Reference run will be executed.
Stop: Program processing will be interrupted. Continue with “Start”

Program Window

Sensor indicators

The force, path and other definite sensor values can be displayed here.

Locking can be used to “freeze” the screen so that the arrangement can no longer
be modified. Both this and the “unlocking” function require administrator rights.

Full screen (F11)

The UFM window occupies the entire screen.

By pressing the F11 function key, you can switch between full screen and normal

Program Window


With the dashboard you can change between the part programs that are assigned
in the program preselection. Furthermore there is a display for the part ID’s and the
status, as well as a status counter (OK / NOK).

The part counter is not related to part programs.

Call Dashboard

Part ID
Status display

Status counter

Program selection

Program Window

Dashboard configuration

You can activate respectively deactivate the program preselection and part

In addition you can reset the part counter (status counter).

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Program Creation

Pos : 13 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/7 Programmerstellung @ 1\mod_1456225376776_71.doc x @ 32408 @ 12344344434433233443333342333333 @ 1

7 Program Creation

To create a new program, choose “File / New” or click the button on the toolbar.

You create a program by inserting functions into the Step List. The Step List is
processed step-by-step when the program is started.

Choose the required function:

Program Creation

All functions required to create the program steps can be accessed by right-clicking
the Step List.
Steps can be copied, inserted or deleted using the mouse or keyboard.
CTRL + Del.: Erase Step
CTRL + Ins.: Insert step
CTRL + C: Copy step
CTRL + V: Paste step

Context-sensitive menu, right

mouse click in Step List.

The right mouse button can also be used to copy and paste program steps.

Once saved, programs can be opened or deleted in the file menu under “Open

A comment can be added to any function step using the comment field. This
appears in the comment column of the Step List.

Program Creation

7.1 Movement Steps

7.1.1 Positioning
This function module is used to approach the various positions using absolute or
relative entries.
Two input variables of the movement can be recorded as a function of path or time.
One of these curves can be monitored (see Monitoring).
Click the “Positioning” button under Function.
The following window appears:


In the following boxes, enter the values you require or choose a variable:
• Position
Depending on which option is selected, positions can be approached
relatively or absolutely.
• Speed
• Acceleration
• Braking rate

The ratio of acceleration to braking rate should not exceed 5:1 or 1:5.
Recommendation 1:1


• Overload limit: Under “Overload sensor”, choose the sensor to be used to

monitor overloading and enter the limit conditions.

Program Creation

Data Acquisition

Choose the sensors for X and Y as well as the resolution for the X variable. You
can use the position or the time as the reference variable X of the data acquisition.
This recording can also be monitored.
A second sensor can be chosen for a second data acqisition using the same
reference variable. This recording can not be monitored.

To do this, select “Collect”.

A maximum of 4000 points can be recorded.


You can monitor the X/Y graph using an envelope.

• Envelope monitoring: Select this option to activate the monitoring.
• Learn curve limit: When activated, limit curves can be learned during the
next cycle. Any existing envelopes will be overwritten.
• Bundle at step end Curves are displayed relative to the final point of the
step during the learning process. This position is displayed as a zero point
and the curves are scaled in the negative direction. The curves of the
successive cycles are displaced in the negative or positive direction so that
the scaling is no longer correct in the absolute sense.
• Online Monitoring: The curve limit is monitored online and the status is also
set online while recording the data.

Program Creation

If the status is NOK, the shaft will be stopped immediately.

• Only load NOK curves: When this option is selected, NOK curves are
transferred to the PC.

• rel. to end value (Y)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end Y value of the step.
The differences between the end value of the curve and the points of the
envelope curves are defined by the teaching procedure. The envelope curve
is floating with Y end value. If the envelope curve is edited, the difference is
accordingly corrected.


upper limit curve

actual curce Y

actual curve

teach curve

Program Creation

Values of the envelope curves after teaching:

Switch not set. Switch set.

The absolute values are stored. The relative values are

• rel. to end value (x)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end X value of the step.
The differences between the end value of the curve and the points of the
envelope curves are defined by the teaching procedure. The envelope curve
is floating with X end value. If the envelope curve is edited, the difference is
accordingly corrected.

• No. Pts. Learning Curve

• Teach Adjustment

After defining your monitoring strategy, determine the number of points to be used
to teach the envelope and the distance from the envelope to the actual curve.

Program Creation Options

• Target window

– Custom target window

If you activate this function, you can adjust the target window for this
particular step.

– Stop command when entering target window

When entering the target window the axis will decelerate with the
current limit, not with the set deceleration.

– Extend step (DAQ)

Allows you to extend the DAQ by maximal 300 ms. In standard the DAQ
is stopped, when reaching the target window.

• Strain compensation

– Standard
The strain compensation is active until the target window is reached.

Program Creation

If slip-stick effects occur, high peak forces may be gauged shortly before reaching
the target position. This can create an overshoot of the axis. It is caused by the fact
that the axis cannot stop anymore at the calculated target position with the set
brake ramp, when the signal declines.

– Advanced

In the advanced mode it is possible to stop the compensation within 100 and 0
percent of the brake ramp. The axis will move to the target position that is updated
when the strain compensation is stopped.

100 % = start brake ramp

0% = standard behavior

Since the compensation for the position read out is continued to avoid a position
gap between the steps, there is a difference between the position value in the read
out and the target position. Because the target position is no longer adjusted when
the compensation is stopped. Therefore it might be necessary to adjust the target
position of the step.

Program Creation Trigger Positioning

Activate the trigger function.

The trigger function allows you to control the movement in various ways using up
to 7 sequential conditions. Using the signal inputs and digital user inputs, you can
modify the following parameters:

• User outputs
• Variables
• Tare
• Speed and target position (parameters)
• Resolution of recorded data (other)

Conditions can be linked to the signal and user inputs.

If “relative” is chosen for the movement, conditions that depend on the position also
have to be set to “relative”.

When the specified condition becomes true, you can control the ensuing action in
the following manner.

• Perform once when the condition is true (Deactivate trigger)

• Always perform when the condition is true. (Leave trigger activated)
• Always perform after the condition has become true (Trigger always true)
• Pause, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status will not be
• Pause NOK, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status will set to
• Next trigger, (when set, the next trigger will be processed)
• Previous trigger, (
Jumps back to the previous trigger condition. This is always the last trigger in
a trigger chain.

Program Creation

Some examples of the possibilities offered by this function:

• Change the speed during the movement

An additional 10 mm should be traversed after reaching the saddle point
(slope = 0) on the force-displacement curve.

10 mm

Slope <0 Pos.

• Two changes to the traversing speed during positioning.


• Write variable during movement

Program Creation

• loop using „pevious trigger“

Trigger 1: If force > n, then next trigger and Variable 1 = Variable 1 + 1

Trigger 2: If force < m, then previous trigger

Test completion of the trigger chain.

When the switch is set, the status will be set to NOK, if the trigger chain is not fully

Program Creation

7.1.2 Press to Signal

This function module is used to approach any given signal.
Two input variables of the movement can be recorded as a function of path or time.
One of these curves can be monitored (see Monitoring).
Click the “Press to Signal” button under Function.
The following window appears:


• Signal source: Choose the sensor input to be used to stop the movement.
In the following boxes, enter the values you require or choose a variable:
• Sensor limit: Enter the required condition to trigger the stop.
• Preliminary position: The entered speed is used while approaching this
position (depending on the option, the positions can be entered as relative or
absolute values).
• Speed to Prel. Pos.: Enter the speed to be used while approaching the
preliminary position.
• Acceleration: Acceleration during movement
• Max. force-fitting position: The joining unit is driven up to this position as a
• Force-fitting speed: Speed up to the start of the block range. The speed
change from the speed up to the preliminary position for force-fitting is
performed using a maximum braking ramp. For an increasing signal, the
speed is reduced to minimum 1% or maximum 100% (no controlling) of the

Program Creation

entered force-fitting speed. (For settings, see Options). The minimum speed
for controlling can be adapted to your problem in the program parameters.


• Overload limit: Under “Overload sensor”, choose the sensor to be used to

monitor overloading and enter the limit conditions.

Data Acquisition

Choose the sensors for X and Y as well as the resolution for the X variable. You
can use the absolute encoder (internal or external) or the time as the reference
variable X of the recording.

• This recording can also be monitored.

A second sensor (Y2) can be chosen for a second data recording using the same
reference variable.

• This recording cannot be monitored.

To do this, select “Collect”.

A maximum of 4000 points can be recorded.


Program Creation

You can monitor the X/Y graph using an envelope.

• Envelope monitoring: Select this option to activate the monitoring.
• Learn curve limit: When activated, limit curves can be learned during the
next cycle. Any existing envelopes will be overwritten.
• Join at last step: Curves are displayed relative to the final point of the step
during the learning process. This position is displayed as a zero point and
the curves are scaled in the negative direction. The curves of the successive
cycles are displaced in the negative or positive direction so that the scaling is
no longer correct in the absolute sense.
• Real-time envelope test: The curve limit is monitored online and the status
is also set online while recording the data.

If the status is NOK, the shaft will be stopped immediately.

• Only load NOK curves: When this option is selected, NOK curves are
transferred to the PC.

• rel. to end value (Y)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end Y value of the step.
The differences between the end value of the curve and the points of the
envelope curves are defined by the teaching procedure. The envelope curve
is floating with Y end value. If the envelope curve is edited, the difference is
accordingly corrected.


upper limit curve

actual curce Y

actaul curve

teach curve

Program Creation

Values of the envelope curves after teaching:

Switch not set. Switch set.

The absolute values are stored. The relative values are

• rel. to end value (x)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end X value of the step.
The differences between the end value of the curve and the points of the
envelope curves are defined by the teaching procedure. The envelope curve
is floating with X end value. If the envelope curve is edited, the difference is
accordingly corrected.

• No. Pts. Learning Curve

• Teach Adjustment

After defining your monitoring strategy, determine the number of points to be used
to teach the envelope and the distance from the envelope to the actual curve. Options
As the shutdown value is approached, the speed is slowed down. You can set the
minimum force-fitting speed to between and 1 and 100 percent. 100 percent
means no speed controlling; thus, the module will travel constantly at the force-
fitting speed.
The controller profile allows you to control how strongly the speed depends on the
approach to the target.

Program Creation Feed Motion

Activate the advancing movement.

The advancing movement is performed before the preliminary positioning. Enter

the speed you like to use. The acceleration value is applied from the “Join on
Signal” parameters. The value can only be changed in this window when the
advancing movement is activated.

Overload during Feed Motion

• Overload limit: Under “Overload sensor”, choose the sensor to be used to

monitor overloading and enter the limit conditions.

Test completion of the trigger chain.

When the switch is set, the status will be set to NOK, if the trigger chain is not fully

Program Creation “Press to Signal” Trigger

Activate the trigger function.

The trigger function allows you to control the movement in various ways using up
to 7 sequential conditions. Using the signal inputs and digital user inputs, you can
modify the following parameters:

• User outputs
• Variables
• Tare
• Speed and target position (parameters)
• Resolution of recorded data (other)

Conditions can be linked to the signal and user inputs.

If “relative” is chosen for the movement, conditions that depend on the position also
have to be set to “relative”.

When the specified condition becomes true, you can control the ensuing action in
the following manner.

• Perform once when the condition is true (Deactivate trigger)

• Always perform when the condition is true. (Leave trigger activated)
• Always perform after the condition has become true (Trigger always true)
• Pause, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status will not be
• Pause NOK, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status
will be set to NOK)
• Next trigger, (when set, the next trigger will be processed.)
• Previous trigger, (
Jumps back to the previous trigger condition. This is always the last trigger in
a trigger chain.

Test completion of the trigger chain.

When the switch is set, the status will be set to NOK, if the trigger chain is not fully

Program Creation

7.1.3 Controller Module

This module allows any connected signal to be held constant for a specific period
of time (duration) as long as it can be controlled by the positioning movement.
Thus, the joining unit moves forwards and backwards within definable limits
(min/max controller position) in order to eliminate deviations from the controlled
variable. The overload limit is also monitored for this process to prevent damage
to the various components.
This function distinguishes between the movement required to achieve the setpoint
and actual control process (control profile). Within the control profile, the speed and
acceleration are reduced to the setpoint using the approximation. The reduction
behavior of the speed can be controlled under “Profile”.


Controller profile

Program Creation


Choose the sensor to be controlled.

Enter the following parameters:

• Setpoint
• Start controller profile
This entry is relative to the setpoint.
• Signal direction
Enter whether or not the signal to be controlled becomes larger with
increasing position.
• Min. controller position
Enter the minimum permissible position (absolute or relative to start position
of function).
• Max. controller position
Enter the maximum permissible position (absolute or relative to start position
of function).

If the permissible positioning range is overrun, the step is stopped, the part
status will be set to NOK and the error message “Signal limit not reached”
will appear.

• Start Speed
This is the speed at which the controlling process begins and it is reduced
within the controller profile.
• Acceleration
This value applies to how setpoints are approached and the value can be
reduced for the controller profile under “Profile”.
• Duration
Enter the required controller duration. This time starts counting down when
the control value is reached for the first time. The time You can also set the
duration by using a variable.

A value of “zero” is equal to an infinite control time. In this case, the

controller must be stopped using the trigger function.

You can also stop the control process by the rising edge of an arbitrary input.


• Overload limit: Under “Overload sensor”, choose the sensor to be used to

monitor overloading and enter the limit conditions.

Program Creation

Data Acquisition

During the control process, all activated sensor inputs can be recorded as a
function of Time.
This recording can also be monitored.
An additional sensor can be used for a second recording. This recording cannot be

To do this, select “Collect”.

A maximum of 4000 points can be recorded.


You can monitor the X/Y graph using an envelope.

• DAQ from start control The DAQ starts with achieving the set point, not
with the start of the step.
• Envelope monitoring: Select this option to activate the monitoring.
• Learn curve limit: When activated, limit curves can be learned during the
next cycle. Any existing envelopes will be overwritt
• Bundle at step end Curves are displayed relative to the final point of the
step during the learning process. This position is displayed as a zero point
and the curves are scaled in the negative direction. The curves of the
successive cycles are displaced in the negative or positive direction so that
the scaling is no longer correct in the absolute sense.

Program Creation

• Online Monitoring The curve limit is monitored online and the status is also
set online while recording the data.

If the status is NOK, the shaft will be stopped immediately.

• Transfer only NOK curve: When this option is selected, only NOK curves
are transferred to the PC.

• No. Pts. Learning Curve

• rel. to end value (Y)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end Y value of the step.
The differences between curve end value end the points of the envelope
curves are defined by the teaching procedure. If the envelope curve is
edited, the difference is accordingly corrected.

• rel. to end value (x)

The envelope curves are employed relatively to the end Y value of the step.
The differences between curve end value end the points of the envelope
curves are defined by the teaching procedure. If the envelope curve is
edited, the difference is accordingly corrected.

• Teach Adjustment

After defining your monitoring strategy, determine the number of points to be

used to teach the envelope and the distance from the envelope to the actual
curve. Control Profile Module

• Control Profile
Here you can enter the traversing speed and the acceleration as the set
point is approached. The traversing speed and acceleration are decreased
as the control deviation becomes smaller. The higher the value is, the larger
the deviation from the linear reduction. High values create a lower reduction
in speed and acceleration for large control deviations. On the other hand,
they are decreased even more at small control deviations.

Program Creation

• Min. acceleration
Here you can enter the maximum reduction for the acceleration in the control
profile. The reference value is the acceleration entered under Parameters.
You can enter a minimum acceleration for the profile range as a value
between 1 and 100 percent. Trigger Module

Activate the trigger function.

The trigger function allows you to control the control process in various ways using
up to 7 sequential conditions. Using the signal inputs and digital user inputs, you
can modify the following parameters:

• User outputs
• Variables
• Tare
• Speed and target position (parameters)
• Resolution of recorded data (other)

When the specified condition becomes true, you can control the ensuing action in
the following manner.

• Perform once when the condition is true (Deactivate trigger)

• Always perform when the condition is true. (Leave trigger activated)
• Always perform after the condition has become true (Trigger always true)
• Pause, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status will not be
• Pause NOK, end the movement with the maximum ramp (status will set to
• Next trigger, (when set, the next trigger will be processed)
• Previous trigger, (

Program Creation

Jumps back to the previous trigger condition. This is always the last trigger in
a trigger chain.

Test completion of the trigger chain.

When the switch is set, the status will be set to NOK, if the trigger chain is not fully

Example: Stopping the control process through a digital input

7.1.4 Cycle Stop

This function interrupts the processing cycle at any time. The cycle will be
continued when restarted.

7.1.5 Program End

This function can be used to define the end of your program cycle. This function is
absolutely necessary for branched program structures. For straightforward cycles
without any branching, no entry is required here. After the last step, the program
jumps to the first step and waits for the restart.

Program Creation

7.2 Functions 1
7.2.1 Variables

There are 64 variables available for the process. This function can be used to
assign a variable to, for instance, the current position, a numerical value, the value
of a recorded variable or external sensor through the analogue input.
Furthermore, you can also perform calculations using these variables.
The values 1 to 58 of the variables are only saved temporarily in RAM.
When changing the program, variables 1 to 58 are set to zero.

The values of variables 59 to 64 are globally and permanently saved.

Variables 59 to 64 will still be saved after changing the program and shutting

• Current station
A value is assigned to a variable of the current station.

In this example the actual position value is assigned to variable 1.

• Other station

Program Creation

To use this option it is necessary to connect another station using the PROMESS-

Choose a variable to which you want to assign the value of a variable of another
Choose the node address of this station.

In this example the value of variable 9 of the station with the node address 13 is
assigned to variable 1.

Program Creation

Alais name

Program Creation

7.2.2 Gauging

It is possible to record values during step recording and for independent data

The gaugings are displayed in the gauging panel. Gaugings from Independent Data Logging

This function can be used to determine the actual values, maximum values,
minimum values and average values for all active signals independently from the
step recordings. The measurements are captured at a frequency of 500 Hz.

A maximum of 16 points can be defined.

Maximum 4 measurements can be recorded at the same time.

Program Creation

Alias Names

Gauing definition

• Gauging
Choose the measurement to be defined.
– Signal
Choose the signal input to be recorded.
• Type
Choose the type of measurement to be performed:
– Actual value
A value (Y) is recorded that exists when the step is performed. A
second signal can be recorded as the X value but not monitored.
– Single value
A single value is recorded when the trigger condition is true.
– Average
The average value is determined across a range when the trigger
condition is true.
– Max. Value
The maximum value is determined across a range when the trigger
condition is true.
– Min. Value
The minimum value is determined across a range when the trigger
condition is true.
– Variable
The measured value is assigned to a variable. This makes it easy to
monitor a variable.

You can assign a freely definable alias to the measured values that will then be
displayed in the functions. These names will be saved in the program files.

Program Creation

A click deletes all


Program Creation

Reference point

Measurements can be recorded as absolute or relative values. This is defined

using reference points.

• Absolute
The reference point is the absolute sensor value
The reference point of the measurement is the origin of the coordinate
system (0/0) for the X and Y axes.

• Relative
The following can be a reference point:
 Start: The start of the next step in the movement.
 End: The end of the next step in the movement.
– If: The reference point results from a freely programmable condition.

Program Creation

• “Start” as reference point

In absolute terms, the starting point of the measurement


• “End” as reference point

Program Creation

Example: Join on Signal => Floating end point

rel. 0

Ref. point
Value 3 mm in front of “Block”

X [mm]

Program Creation

• Reference point “If”

X value fluctuates absolutely

by the Y condition.

Program Creation


The measurement point is determined by the X trigger.

Any active sensor input can be used as a trigger.

• Trigger actual value

No trigger entry necessary.

• Trigger single value

• Trigger average
• Trigger maximum value
• Trigger minimum value

Choose the sensor input to trip the trigger and enter the
limits to be used when determining the average, maximum or minimum

• Trigger

The condition for start and accordingly end is the position where the
condition is true, that was set within the function “Trigger”.

• Variable
No trigger entry necessary. The value is set by the variable.

Program Creation


Activate the monitoring.

The monitored
signal is

Enter the upper and lower limits for measurement. If these limits are violated, the
status of the measured value and the global status will be set to NOK.


• Limits rel. to reference point

Choose this option to allow the limits to follow the reference point.

Example: Maximum value with end of reference point

– Limit monitoring absolute, “Rel. to reference point” option has not been

The movement is “Press to Signal” with a limit value of 50 N. The maximum value
is determined from 0,3 to 0,6 mm in front of the block.

Program Creation

Limit monitoring “Rel. to reference point”,

– “Rel. to reference point” option has been selected

Now the limits must be set relative to the block value of 50 N. To set the limits for
an identical curve to the absolute values OG 40 N and UG 30N, the upper limit
must be -10N (40 - 50 = - 10) and the lower limit -20 N (30 – 50 = - 20).

Program Creation

If the option is selected without adapting the relative limits, the following will occur:
The upper limit lie at 90 N and the lower limit at 80 N, since 30 N or 40 N is added
to the reference value of 50 N.

! If “Rel. to reference point” is chosen for limit monitoring, the limits must be
entered relative to the reference point.
• Display abs. values

If this option is selected, the X value of the absolute sensor value will be
displayed, even though the trigger causes the measurement to be recorded
relative to the reference point.

• Complete measurement at end of step

Program Creation

In some situations it is necessary to end the recording during a certain step. In

these cases, select this option and enter the step number during which the
measurement is to be stopped and completed.

If this option is not used, the measurement will be stopped using:

• Reversal of direction of the press

• Cycle end Gaugings from Step-based Data Logging (Curve Data)

The gaugings are recorded during the step.
Data recording must be activated for the step.

To ensure that the data will be recorded, triggering of the reference variable X must
be activated.
To create the step-based gaugings, click the “Curve Data” button under
“Monitoring” in the “Position”, “Join on Signal” or “Controller Module” functions.

The following window appears:

Program Creation

A maximum of 8 values can be defined for a step.

Both curve and step-independent data share the maximum of 16 data points
and are displayed together in the measurement panel.

All types of measurement data can be defined for step-independent data logging.
See chapter Fehler! Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden.

The selection is expanded to include the “Window” and area type.

Program Creation

• Type Window

This type allows the data recorded during the step to be monitored within a window

To create a window, enter the min. and max. values for the X and Y axes. This
defines the coordinates of the 4 window edges.

You can define 3 different types for the edges:

• Not allowed
The actual curve must not cross this edge.

• Neutral

Program Creation

The actual curve of this edge may cross this edge from any direction for any
number of times.

• Oriented (in / out)

The curve may only cross this edge in the direction of the arrow.

If the arrows are used, the curve must enter and exit the window across
these edges. If a neutral edge of the window is crossed instead of the
required edge, a NOK status will be generated.

If several arrows with the same orientation are used, these are linked to
each other by a logical “OR” condition.

• Window value

The following values can be recorded within a window:

– Average
– Maximum value
– Minimum value
– Final recorded value

Enter the required settings in order to determine a value within a given window.

Program Creation

• Type Aera

Calculates the area underneath a curve or a part of a curve.

• A change of the algebraic sign of the Y signal stops the recording.

• If there is a condition set, that exceeds the recording of the curve, the
area calculation is stopped with the end of the recording.

Reference point
Measurements can be recorded as absolute or relative values. These are defined
using reference points.

• Absolute
The reference point is the absolute sensor value
The reference point of the measurement is the origin of the coordinate
system (0/0) for the X and Y axes.
• Relative
The following can be a reference point:
 Start: The start of the next step in the movement.
 End: The end of the next step in the movement.
If: The reference point results from a freely programmable condition.
For more detailed information on reference points, refer to the sections on
independent data logging. See page 54


Program Creation

• Limits rel. to reference point

Choose this option to allow the limits to follow the reference point.

• Display abs. values

If this option is selected, the X value of the absolute sensor value will be
displayed, even though the trigger causes the measurement to be recorded
relative to the reference point.

Step-based gaugings are shown in the step list as a row attached without a
step number.

Program Creation

7.2.3 Delay Time

You can program waiting times to be used while running the program cycle. The
delay time is entered in seconds (min = 0.001 seconds / max. 99999999 seconds =
approx. 2777 hours), or transferred as the value of a variable.

7.2.4 Wait

The program continues, when the condition is true. You can set a time out. Within
the set time the condition has to become true, otherwise the cycle is continued with
the set step.

7.2.5 Taring
This function can be used to tare a signal input. This means that the sensor is set
to zero during execution.

Choose the input that you want to tare.

Program Creation

Do not test sensor offset

If the “Tare” command is executed, the software tests whether the nominal load
can still be displayed, because taring the utilizable range of the AD converter may
not be sufficient.
If this is the case, the following warning will be issued: Sensor offset has moved

Display tare value

Direct the mouse cursor to the sensor read out, you will see the current tare value.

7.2.6 Set tare

This function will set the signal input to any given value. If tare is set to zero, it will
be removed from the system. Next, the unaltered values resulting from the
calibration data will be displayed.

Program Creation

7.2.7 Strain

This function allows you to compensate for bending in the press frame resulting
from the forces applied during the positioning movement. In accordance with the
Strain factor, the shaft is positioned further down. The compensation is linear.

• Sensor
Choose the sensor to be compensated.

• Signal input
Choose the signal to be used for calculating the Strain compensation.
• Value
Enter the Strain to be created by a specific force (per).

• Disable error “Strain compensation”

If stick slip occurs in your process and you are using strain gain
compensation, it might be useful to disable the error message. The error is
set, when the position of a new force value in the DAQ is behind the last
stored value. In case of a huge sudden force decline, this might happen
caused by the calculation of the strain compensation

Strain can only be compensated for positioning steps. For all other steps
where this is active, only the positioning display is compensated. The
movement is not affected.

The strain factor is reset at each program start regardless whether or not it
has been programmed. This prevents strain factors from other programs from
being re-used in other programs.

Program Creation Determining the strain

To determine the strain of your system, proceed as follows:
Create a program where the “Press to Signal” function is used to drive against a
very stiff block (e.g., base plate of your press frame or a steel block).
Disable strain compensation (value = 0).
Drive just in front of the block and execute the “Join on Signal” step to ramp up the
nominal load of the joining unit at a very low speed (e.g., 0.1 mm /s). Record a
curve with a high resolution. Finally, drive back to the home position.

A graph similar to the following will appear:

If necessary, zoom out from the slope area.

In the approximately linear range of the slope, use two points to calculate the strain
factor. You can determine the coordinates of these points using the mouse cursor.
Drive the mouse to the largest and smallest points in the linear section of the
curve. The values for the force and path are displayed above the graphic.

Determine the difference between the position and the signal value.
Finally, enter these values.

Program Creation

7.3 Functions 2

7.3.1 Conditional Jump

This function allows you to use branching in your program.

• Condition

The branch will be followed when the specified condition is true.

The following can be used as the left operands:

• All activated signal inputs

• Measurement data
• User inputs
• User outputs
• Variables
• OK / NOK (other) statuses

The following can be used as the right operands:

• Variables
• Boolean variables (true / false)

These operators can be used.

• Branch target
Enter the target of the branch.

The branching step is displayed bright blue in the Step List when you select the
condition in the Step List.

Program Creation

7.3.2 Jump
With this function you can jump to any step within the cycle.

7.3.3 Set Output

This function can be used to set or reset 16 user outputs.

(For this, hardware expansion modules such as Profibus or CTNet I/O are

The “All” option can be used to set or reset all outputs.

Program Creation

7.3.4 Set Status

This function can be used to change the global status, if necessary.

To mark “manipulated” results in the database, the database is set accordingly to

the ManOK or ManNOK status.

7.3.5 Dialog Window

This function can be used to configure a user dialog.
The following entries are possible:

• Message
Enter the text here to appear in the dialog step.
• Input confirmation
Select this option to display only a confirmation message on the screen. The
message may consist of maximum 30 characters.
• Parts ID
Dialog for entering part IDs into the database. A maximum of 20
alphanumerical characters can be used for ID1 and ID2. For ID3 you can
use a maximum of 80 characters.
• DB Integer 1

Program Creation

Freely configurable field for entering an integer into the database.

• DB String 1
Freely configurable field for entering an string into the database.
• Variables
This option can be used to enter the value of a variable through the dialog.
• Single Execution
The “Single Execution” option can be used to determine whether to open the
dialog window just once or during each joining cycle. If this option is not
selected, the dialog will open during each cycle. If this option is selected, the
dialog will only be opened once after every program execution and every
reference run.
• Cycle Stop

If you choose this option, the unit must be restarted after quitting this dialog with
Once the cycle has been completed, the following input window appears.

Confirm each entry with “OK”. If this confirmation is not given, the unit can not be
started again (cycle stop) or the cycle will remain interrupted until confirmation is

7.3.6 Comment

This command only serves to insert comments into the Step List for purposes of

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Manual Operation

Pos : 15 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/8 M anuelles Verfahren @ 1\mod_1411046418188_71.doc x @ 4995 @ 1222 @ 1

8 Manual Operation

To operate manually, open the “Command” menu and select “Manual Operation” or
press the F5 function key.

In this window, you can control the shaft in manual mode.

Begin by opening “Settings” and enter the required values.

• Position change
Relative path to travel when extending/retracting.
• Speed
Speed that is traveled during continuous extension/retraction.
• High speed
High speed that is traveled during continuous extension/retraction.
• Acceleration
Acceleration value to be used for movements.

Manual Operation

• Analog
Here, you can select a sensor input and determine the value at which the
unit is to be stopped, similar to the “Join on Signal” function.

 Test direction
Determines which direction of movement is to be used to activate
the shutdown by signal.

This function is only effective when you start using Analog

Retract/Extend or when Analog mode is selected while using the hand
wheel mode.

• Overload
Choose the overload source and the shutdown value for each direction to
protect the system.

If the shutdown value is exceeded a “overload message” is displayed, but there is

no homing request.

8.1 Jog

Starts a reference
run if necessary.
Shaft drives around the
programmed path. If the
button is released before the
movement has ended, the
press will stop. To travel the
programmed path again, When this button is pressed,
press this button again. shaft drives at the
programmed fast speed until
the button is released again.

When this button is pressed,

shaft drives at the When this button is pressed, the
programmed standard speed shaft drives at the programmed
until the button is released. fast speed until the specified
defined condition becomes true.

Manual Operation

8.2 Hand wheel function

Using this function, the unit is driven using pulses generated from a connected
digital hand wheel.

Switches between
positioning and analog

• Transmission ratio
This option allows you to set the ratio between the input and output pulses. A ratio
from 1:1 to 1:100 can be adjusted.

8.3 Graph Recording in Manual Mode

Graphs can be recorded while driving the unit.

Zooms into graph


To do this, select the reference variable X and the dependent variables Y, Y2.

The curve is recorded during the movement.

Manual Operation

• Optimum View
This option allows you to find the best scaling for the curve in the graph
When this option is not selected, the graph will be scaled according to the
values currently displayed.

• Reset at Direction Change

This causes the curve to be redrawn each time the direction is changed.
When not selected, the display has to be deleted manually.

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Program Change

Pos : 17 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/9 Programmwec hsel @ 1\mod_1410938756906_71.doc x @ 4953 @ 1223 @ 1

9 Program Change

The NC module programs can be changed manually using the PC or through the
PLC. Using the PC, open the program that you wish to send to the NC module and
confirm this in the next window with “Yes”.

To change the program using the PLC, you first have to enter the programs into an
allocation table because the program can only be opened from the PLC using
binary-coded numbers.

The programs can be stored at a PC or a PROMESS PDM.

If you use a PDM as storage, you can use the UFM without a PC, in case data
storage is not required.

9.1 PC as program storage device

Program pre-selection

You can access the allocation table through the file menu.
Choose the “Program Pre-selection” option or click the corresponding button on the

Program Change

• Program assignment

The allocation is performed by double-clicking the Program Name column or with

the help of a right mouse click, then choose “ assign program”. In the Explorer
window that appears, choose the required program.

Delete program assignment

To delete a program assignment click do right click at the program and choose

Program Change

9.2 PDM as program storage device

To use a PDM as a program storage device, you have to activate this function
in the menu „Service/Station settings/Station“.

Program pre-selection

You can access the allocation table through the file menu.
Choose the “Program Preselection” option or click the corresponding button on the

• Program assignment

The allocation is performed by double-clicking the Program Name column or with

the help of a right mouse click, then choose “ assign program”. In the Explorer
window that appears, choose the required program

When the programm was send successfully to the PDM you see the following

Program Change

9.2.1 Synchronisation PDM - PC

The synchronisation displays whether the stored programs at the PC and the PDM
are identical.

This status is shown as follows:

Border around the Program Pre-selection icon

In the status bar of the Program Pre-selection dialog:

Green = synchronous

Program Change

Red flashing = asynchronous

Magenta = Fault PROMESS Bus

Error reading the program allocation table of the PDM.

Programs that are at in asynchronous state are displayed red in the chart.

To re-establish the synchronous state you must overwrite the program either at the
PC or the PDM.

• Program Pre-selection

Using this button you can load a stored program pre-selection chart.
If you close the program pre-selection dialog, the chart is always stored at the PC
in: C:\ProgramData\Promess\UFM5\UFM\“NC-Module Path”\”Program_PDM
serial number.txt“

This is for example helpful, if you like to use the same pre-selection chart at
multiple stations. You do not have to create the chart over and over, because you
can load the chart file from the station you created it once.

Doing this the part programs are not copied !

You should make a backup of this file, when you have finished the assignment, so
you can load it, in case the PDM fails.

Program Change

• Delete program at PDM

To delete part programs in the PDM storage click the button “delete”.
Choose the part programs to be deleted and confirm with “OK”

• Sort

To call the “sort by …” function, do a right mouse click at the program pre-selection

You can sort by the following criteria:

• # (program number)
• Program name
• Date PC
• Date PDM
• Status (synchronous / asynchronous)

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Pos : 19 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/10 Gr afi k @ 0\mod_1329726417864_71.doc x @ 3221 @ 1223333222 @ 1

10 Graph

10.1 Graph Window

The following settings are possible for the display of the graph:
 Display of gaugings (windows)
Display of curve gaugings

This is only possible for gaugings whose scaling corresponds to the axis

• Left-mouse button functions:

– Clicking a gauging or curve in the legend will display or hide it.

– Clicking a curve will display the gaugings.
(Hide by clicking in the graphic)


• Displaying values on the curve

Move the mouse across the area of interest to display the values:

• Displaying values of gaugings

Move the mouse across the gauging to display its values.


10.2 Graph Menu

The Graph menu allows you to make the following settings:

You can open the menu by right-clicking the graph.

10.2.1 Zooming in the Graph

Zoom functions:

• Section
While pressing down the left-mouse button, draw a box containing the view
you wish to display.

While pressing down the right-mouse button in the graph, you can move the
displayed section of the curve in all directions.


10.2.2 Edit Gaugings

To graphically edit the gaugings or windows, right-click the graph or open the
“Graph” menu.

Activate the Edit Mode by

click „Edit gaugings”

To select a gauging or window, left-click the gauging or its limits when the mouse
cursor is displayed as a hand symbol. The limits are shown in magenta.

• Moving the gauging limits without changing the distance to the limit points
Left-click a limit (mouse cursor is displayed as a hand symbol). Hold down the
mouse button and move the limits.

• Moving the gauging limits while changing the distance to the limit points
Left-click a corner point (mouse cursor is displayed as a hand symbol). Press down
the mouse cursor and move the point.


10.2.3 Editing Envelopes

To edit the envelopes of your force-displacement graphs, right-click the graph or
open the “Graph” menu.

• Drag the Upper/Lower Limit Points

Choose the upper or lower limit curve to edit one of the nodal points of the
Next, click the point to be edited. While pressing down the mouse button,
drag the point to the new position.
To move an entire envelope, click the curve and drag it to the new position
while pressing down the mouse button.
• Add/Delete points to/from upper/lower limit
Choose “Add/Delete point to/from upper/lower limit” to add or remove a
nodal point.
Click the position where the nodal point is to be inserted.
Click the point to be deleted.


10.2.4 Name Step

This function can be used to assign names to the tabs of the steps being

Click “Change” to apply the name.

10.3 Edit as Table

The following table will open. Click the cell to be edited and enter the new value.

You can copy the table to Clipboard, edit it, and paste it back in from Clipboard.



10.4 Curve overlay

Using this function, you can overlay curves from up to 20 cycles. The last 100
cycles are stored in RAM independently of the program.

10.5 Graph Settings

Here you can set the colours of the graph elements such as curves, gaugings,
backgrounds and the axis scaling, for instance.
Right-click the graphic or open the “Graph” menu and then choose “Settings”.

• General
Settings for axis scaling, background colour, axis labelling and the border
colours of the part status


• Curves

Curve colour settings

• Gauging
Settings for gauging colour, as well as line width and colours to indicate the
part status

You can also adjust the transparency of the OK and NOK colour for the window
Pos : 20 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1


Pos : 21 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/11 Druc k @ 1 \mod_1450181493817_71.doc x @ 28368 @ 1222 @ 1

11 Print

The “Print” function is available in the “File” menu or by clicking the button in the

You can choose from the following printing options:

• Curve report: Printout of graph with status messages and Gaugings for
displayed step
• Program listing: CNC program
11.1 Curve Report


11.2 Program Listing


11.3 Printer Settings

This dialog can be opened from the File menu and allows you to configure your
Pos : 22 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1


Pos : 23 /UFM/UFM V5/H B Software V5 Betri ebs handbuc h/12 Ser vic e @ 1\mod_1461652940764_71.doc x @ 50759 @ 12334444443334442232222223 @ 1

12 Service
The Service menu allows you to make the following settings:

You must have configuration rights to change these settings.

12.1 Station Settings

12.1.1 Station


Memory type for programs in NC module
PDM as program storage device

This defines the storage location of the part programs. You can store the programs
at a connected PC (deactivated) or at a PROMESS PDM. Choosing PDM as
storage location, you can only select one PDM for storing the part programs. You
can assign one PDM only to one UFM station.

Storage capacity PDM = 200 part programs with 2000 longs

The last used part program will be loaded automatically when powering on the

• Storage type programs in NC module

You can store the program in the NC module in various different ways:
1. Non-volatile memory (permanent memory): The programs will be saved
even after switching off the power. (Max. program size: 300 longs)
2. Volatile memoryThe programs will be lost when the main power is switched
off and must be reloaded after switching back on again. (max. program
size: 2000 longs)
The program size is displayed beneath the Step List.

Communication parameters

• Baud rate
Sets the baud rate between the Ethernet module and the controller.

• Ack-Bit behavior

There are 3 different modes of functionality for the Acknowledge-Bit

1. Ack-Bit if axis ready

The Acknowledge-Bit is set, when motion cycle is finished. Irrespective,
whether the data transfer is finished.
2. Ack-Bit if axis ready and data transmitted
The Acknowledge-Bit is set, when the motion cycle is finished and the data
are transmitted to the PC.
3. Ack-Bit if axis and DB-Healthy ready


The Acknowledge-Bit is set, when the motion cycle is finished and the data
are stored for example in the database (DB Healthy is set)
The Acknowledge-Bit is set, when the motion cycle is finished and the data
are stored for example in the database (DB Healthy is set)

I/O configuration

• Hand wheel function

To use the hand wheel for manual positioning, choose this option.

This switches off the standard functionality of the incremental input.


Here, you determine how many decimal places to display with the variables.

• Name: Here, you define the station names as they are to be displayed in the
header of the UFM software for the active station.


If the switch is set, the part ID’s (1-3) will be reset by every cycle start and must be
transferred again during the program flow.


12.1.2 Inputs

This is where you define the sensor inputs for your system.

There are two predefined settings: The position of the UFM encoder and the force

Three other inputs offer predefined functionality but are freely programmable:
Slope, Slope 2 and live input.

Four other inputs are freely programmable for sensors.

All of the entries under “Inputs” must be confirmed by clicking “Apply”;

otherwise; they will be discarded.

• Activated
Here you can configure whether to use the sensor in the system.

• Visible
Determines whether the input will be visible in the online sensor display. Position

Corresponding to your UFM type in station parameters the following values can be

• Min. / max. position

• Min. / max. speed
• Min. / max. acceleration
• Min. / max. braking rate

You cannot edit these values because they are predefined by PROMESS.


User defined position limits

Here you can limit the stroke position you can enter. If a user offset is defined, it is
displayed and the corresponding possible positioning range.

• Decimal points
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed for the position. Force

This input is set right and calibrated when delivered.



Choose the input where the force transducer is connected to. There are the
following possibilities:

• PDM-S (Digital strain gauge preamplifier), connected by the PROMESS-

• Analogue at the drive
• Beckhoff-Coupler with analogue clamp


When selecting PDM-S you can choose the defined link in the PROMESS-Bus.
Select the one that transfers the value you want to use.
To define further links open the link list box or define the link using the PROMESS-
Bus dialogue

• Taring during Reference Run

This option determines whether the sensor is to be tared after performing a

reference run (sensor value = 0)


• Min. / Max. Value

Here you define the minimum/maximum values that can be entered for the
Max. possible
sensor value

This input boxes display the maximum values that can be achieved using the
current calibration, since the chosen AD input only reaches its maximum
digital value for these values.

• Unit
Choose the units to be displayed for the sensor.

• Smoothing
This adjusts the force sampling rate in the PDM-S from 0.1 to 2.7ms.

• Decimal points
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed.

• Alias
You can assign a freely definable alias, that will then be
displayed in the functions

PDM-S offers the option of grid calibration. This allows the force sensor to
be linearized using up to 10 straight lines to compensate for non-linearity in
the sensor characteristic.



grid calibration


After clicking the “Calibrate” button, the following dialog opens:

If you have set up a new PDM-S in the PROMESS-BUS, open the standard
settings dialog by clicking the “Standard Settings” button.

Enter the sensitivity of the strain-gauge sensor in mV/V together with the nominal
Confirm with “OK”.
The following message appears:


If you really want to configure a new PDM-S, confirm again by clicking “OK”.
Otherwise click “Cancel” to prevent deleting the existing calibration.

Click OK to calculate a two-point calibration curve for the PDM-S using the values.

This does not replace the calibration curve of the force sensor.

Custom settings for PDM-S

You have the possibility to adjust the ADC input voltage to use a wider range of the
AD converter, if the sensor sensitivity differs to the 2 mV/V standard. Further you
have the ability to use sliding wage scaling to filter.
The supply voltage of the strain gauge sensor is 10 VDC. The sensor signal can be
amplified by factor 21 or 231.
The input range of the AD converter you can choose3 levels:
– +/- 0.625 V
– +/- 1.25 V
– +/- 2.5 V

Next, perform the calibration as described below or use the PROMESS calibration

Calibration PDM-S

Now you can linearize the sensor by recording a maximum of 11 points.

Make sure that the sensor is not subjected to loading and set the zero point by
clicking this button for the first point.

Next, open the “Manual Procedure” dialog and apply a force load to the sensor for
a point to be defined.

While moving along the axis, be sure to read the force value from the
reference sensor to prevent overloading the test specimen.

Click the button to accept the point.

Please enter here the value of

the reference sensor

To enter additional points, proceed as follows:

While entering the calibration points, you can move the sensor with no restrictions.
You can also freely choose both the quantity (2 to 11) and position of the various

Click this button to apply the calibration data to PDM-S.

• Copy factor and offset to Windows clipboard

Copies the calibration

values to clipboard


Analogue at the drive

Enter your settings for the force input.


• Factor / Offset
These values are only for purposes of display and are calculated from the
results of the calibration (see Calibration section 0).

• As with Unit, the Min. and Max values are given by the UFM type.
(only for display purposes)
Max. possible value
( max. value A/D

• Smoothing
This applies a smoothing function to the force value from 1 to 8 ms.

• Decimal points
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed.

• Alias
Here you can enter a freely definable name for the force sensor. This sensor
is then displayed in the functions under this name.

If the max. possible sensor value is lower than the nominal value of the
sensor in use, the analogue preamp has to be recalibrated. See Technical
Manual (“Strain Gauge Amplifier” section).

Service Virtual Inputs 1 – 4

You can define any 4 sensors here.



• Input
Choose the hardware source here that is connected to the sensor.
Sources can include:

 Force (Strain gauge)
 Encoder

o Drive
 Analog input 1 (force)
 Analog input 2
 Analog input 3
 Encoder input: drive
 Encoder input: module
 Motor current
 Current speed
 Speed setpoint
 Acceleration setpoint
 Current position
 Position setpoint
 Target Position

o Variables

64 variables

o Drive Com
– Requires release of sensor from other stations (see section

Optional; Beckhoff expansion module required

o Beckhoff

 4 analog inputs (1 – 4)

o User Inputs

 16 inputs
Optional; field bus or CTNet I/O expansion module required

• Taring during Reference Run

This option determines whether the sensor is to be tared after performing a

reference run (sensor value = 0)

• Factor / Offset
These values are only for purposes of display and are calculated from the
results of the calibration (see Calibration section).


• Min. / Max. Value

Here you define the minimum/maximum values that can be entered for the

This input boxes display the maximum values that can be achieved using the
current calibration, since the chosen AD input only reaches its maximum
digital value for these values.

• Unit
Choose the units to be displayed for the sensor.

Changing the units, e.g., from N to kN, has no effect on the calibration factor.
This has to be manually changed.

If you choose a distance unit, you have set whether the signal chance is
equal or unequal to the movement of the UFM.

• Smoothing
Applies a smoothing function to the sensor value. A maximum of 3 values
can be used for smoothing. (zero = single values)

• Decimal points
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed.

• Alias
Here you can enter a freely definable name for the input. This sensor is then
displayed in the functions under this name.

Service Calibration

Input Drive Analogue

Click the “Calibration” button to enter the calibration dialog.

• Entry of calibration values for factory-standardized sensors

You can directly enter the factor and offset of the straight-line approximation
if your sensor is equipped with a standardized ±10 VDC output signal, for

In this case, the offset is usually zero.

The factor is the result of the nominal value for the sensor/input resolution in

• Calibration using a reference sensor

 This is performed as a two-point calibration.

In general, you can record the first point as a reference point because no force is
applied there.

To create the first point, click the button in front of the Digital Value box of Point 1.


This displays the current digital value of the sensor.

Install the reference sensor inside the holder. Ensure that the nominal load of the
reference corresponds to the load of the joining unit.

Open the “Manual Movement” window by clicking “Manual Movement”


In this window, you can control the shaft in manual mode.

Begin by opening “Settings” and enter the required values.

• Position change
Relative path to travel when extending/retracting.
• Speed
Speed that is traveled during continuous extension/retraction.
• Speed (fast)
Speed that is traveled during fast extension/retraction.
• Acceleration
Acceleration value to be used for movements.
• Analog
Here, you can select a sensor input and determine the value at which the
unit is to be stopped, similar to the “Join on Signal” function.
 Test direction
Determines which direction of movement is to be used to activate
the shutdown by signal.
This function is only effective if you start using the Analog
Retract/Extend function or when Analog mode is selected while using
the hand wheel mode.

• Overload source

Choose the overload source and the shutdown value to protect the system.


Drive in small steps to approx. 80% of the rated capacity. Watch the force indicator
of the reference sensor so that the unit is not overloaded.

To create the second point, click the button in front of the Digital Value box of Point

When recalibrating, you can also use the “Analog Extend” method.
As the source of the signal limit, choose the sensor to be calibrated and enter
approx. 80% of the nominal capacity as the signal limit. While extending, the unit
will be automatically held at the limit value. Slope

There are 2 inputs available for calculating the slope.

Choose the sensor inputs to be used for calculating the slope.

To make a clean calculation of the slope, you must eliminate as many disturbances
as possible from the signals. The following options are available for this purpose.

• Delta X:
Here, you define the spacing to be used when calculating the slope = ∆Y /
∆X. The higher the noise levels in your signal, the larger the value of delta X
to be used.
• Oversampling


The oversampling function is used to calculate the slope at up to 6

intermediate points when, due to disturbances, a relatively large value of
delta X is used to calculate the slope. This calculation is performed using the
selected delta X. This helps to increase the reaction speed, which is
relatively slow due to the large value of delta X being used.

• Smoothing
Applies a smoothing function to the sensor value. A maximum of 3 values
can be used for smoothing. (zero = single values)

• Decimal places
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed.

• Alias
Here you can enter a freely definable name for the input. This sensor is then
displayed in the functions under this name.

To calculate the second derivative of a curve, use slope 1 as Y of slope 2. Live Input

This input allows you to combine four sensor inputs in a calculation.

• Inputs
Choose the inputs to be combined.
• Operator
The following operations are possible:


+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication

• Factor
This can be multiplied with the result of the operation.

• Decimal points
Choose how many decimal places are to be displayed.

• Alias
Here you can enter a freely definable name for the input. This sensor is then
displayed in the functions under this name.

• Unit
Choose the units to be displayed for the result.

12.1.3 Profibus DP

• Profibus settings

Enter the node address for the Profibus DB to be assigned to the station.


12.1.4 PROMESS Bus

Here you configure the node address of the UFM Control. Furthermore you can
activate the I/O expansion

Do not assign the same node address to different stations. If you do, there will be
no communication on the PROMESS Bus.

I / O Expansion

To activate the I/O expansion choose PDM I/O or “Beckhoff” in I/O Extension
in station settings at “PROMESS Bus” in the service menu.

You can freely use the function as follows:

– program changes and JOG function (7 free digital I/10 free digital O)
– program changes (10 free digital I/10 free digital O)

– free (16 digital I/O)

When choosing the Program Transfer option, you also have ten inputs or ten
outputs freely available.

Inputs I11 to I15 plus strobe (I16) are used for binary-coded transmission of
program numbers. Outputs O11 to O15 with strobe (O16) are used to mirror the
program number after loading the transferred program.

When Program Transfer and Jog are selected, inputs I8 to I10 have the following
I10 = Jog enable (must be set to use the jog function)
I9 = Jog out (press stamp extends)
I8 = Jog in (press stamp retracts)

Using program change, you can use the “Auto-Strobe” function, if you use a
program selector switch. If “Auto-Strobe” is activated, the strobe is set
automatically, when you change the program number.


12.1.5 Homing

Enter the settings here that determine how the system responds to requests for
reference runs.

You must have administrator rights to change these settings.

This message will no

longer appear once
the position of the
setting master has
been determined.


Choose the source whose sensor is to be monitored for overloading during the
reference run. Next, enter appropriate limit values. (Source and value have been
preconfigured at factory by PROMESS).


• Reference motion required

If this option is selected, a reference run must be performed after switching
on the system (Power On) to determine the zero point.

• Fast motion to zero point


If this option is selected, a reference run will only performed after the system
is switched on. Once the zero point has been determined for the system, it
will only be approached in subsequent operation.

• Speed fast motion to zero

Enter the driving speed at which homing is to be performed.

• Home Position
Here you can define depending on the PROMESS Zero Point, the User
Offset and the user defined position limits a Home Position, the axis will
travel to, when starting a Homing or a fast travel to Zero Point.

PROMESS Zero Point

Position indicator = 0

User Offset
Position indicator = 0

Home Position
Position indicator = Value Home Position

Relieving after exceeding the max. travelling position or overload after

homing procedure.

In this situation you can relive the axis this way:

Choose in the menu Service =>Station Settings=> Homing=> Setup Zero Point =>
Manuel Motion


Click the button „Setup Mode“.

Then confim the following message:

Now relief the axis and after that go back to normal operation.

Set Zero Point

To activate this function, click this button:

After clicking the “Set Zero Point” button, the following dialog opens:

Service Units with Resolver Feedback

• Motor position

You can manually drive the unit here and the motor speed and position will be
displayed in increments.

• Proximity switch position

Home the unit to determine the position of the proximity switch. The position should
lie between 8192 and 57344 increments. This is important in order to safely
determine the position of the zero point signal.

If you have removed the motor, you must check this value.


User offset

The user offset allows you to displace the PROMESS zero position of the press
(home position). The unit drives to this position when homing or moving to the
Shows the latest stored value.

– New value
Shows the latest detected value which can be stored by the „apply“ button.

You can also edit and apply the offset to shift the zero point to a certain

If you have defined a Home Position, the unit will start up to this position in
the Homing procedure.

Home Position

Here the Home Position is shown in relation the PROMESS Zero Point and the
user offset..

In this example the distance of the Home Position (20 degrees) to the PROMESS
zero point is 25 degrees and caused by the user offset 20 degrees to the zero
point of the unit.


Reference gauge

This function utilizes the reference gauge to determine an absolute reference to the
PROMESS zero point of your system. If the UFM unit is replaced, you can re-
measure the position of the reference gauge and determine the correction to be
applied as a user offset. If an offset is already entered there, it will be taken into
consideration when calculating the corrective offset.

Zero point
Position of
reference gauge
relative to
PROMESS zero User offset

Reference gauge


When determining the position of the setting master, it is important to ensure
that there are no spring elements in the system. The spring characteristic
would otherwise make it impossible to determine the correct position. The
system should be as stiff as possible.

After replacing the press, always check the user offset correction before
continuing with production.

• Motor current limit

The master position is determined using limit values for the motor current.
The percentage entry is relative to the nominal current of the motor.

You can change this value on the Settings tab.

Make sure to never change this value since changes will affect the master
position due to expansion in the system.

• Search direction
This determines whether the master position will be searched in the positive
or negative direction of movement.

Determines the master position automatically

The position thus determined is then displayed.

This deletes the stored position of the setting master.

• User offset


– Current value
This displays the currently stored offset value.

– New value
This displays the currently determined value that has been stored by clicking

You can manually enter and apply an offset here in order to move the zero
point of the system. Units with absolute encoder feedback without an proximity switch (Line5)

When these units are new, the distance between the stamps and the flange is
always the same (Example:60 mm).

60 mm Reference offset

PROMESS zero point Motor offset

Motor zero point


• Motor position

The motor position is determined when the motor is decoupled and must lie
between 300 and 1500 rpm.

• Promess zero point

The PROMESS zero point is determined from the motor and reference offsets.

The motor offset can be determined automatically by driving the unit against the
mechanical stop.

If the motor offset deviates from the initial values when new, this indicates that the
unit has been involved in a collision causing the coupling to slip.

If the unit’s zero point has been moved, please contact the PROMESS SERVICE.

The reference offset can be automatically determined by PROMESS using a

setting master that maintains 60 mm of separation between the PROMESS zero
point and the flange surface.


• Motor current limit

The master position is determined using limit values for the motor current.
The percentage entry is relative to the nominal current of the motor.

You can change this value on the Settings tab.

• Search direction
This determines whether the offset will be searched in the positive or
negative direction of movement.

If you receive a new press from PROMESS, the new motor and reference
offset values are given on sticker applied to the case. Enter these under “New

• Apply
Once the values have been determined automatically or you have entered
them, you must confirm by clicking “Apply”.

User offset / Setting master / Home Position see page 123 Units with absolute encoder feedback and proximity switch

Reference offset

PROMESS zero point Motor offset

Motor zero point


• Motor position

The motor position is determined when the motor is decoupled and must lie
between 300 and 1500 rpm.

• Proximity switch position

Home the unit to determine the position of the proximity switch. The position should
lie between 8192 and 57344 increments. This is important in order to safely
determine the position of the zero point signal.

• Promess zero point

The PROMESS zero point is determined from the motor and reference offsets.

The motor offset and reference offset can be determined automatically. For this,
the unit performs a reference run and searches for the initiator.

To store the values thus determined, click “Apply”.

If the motor offset deviates from the initial values when new, this indicates that the
unit has been involved in a collision causing the coupling to slip.

If the unit’s zero point has been moved, please contact the PROMESS SERVICE.


User offset / Setting master / Home Position see page 123

12.2 General Settings

This is where you can make the general system settings.

Connect stations

Choose whether all of the network stations are to log on the PC automatically when
the program starts or whether only the preselected stations are to be connected.

To preselect the stations that are to be connected, click the “TCP/IP” button.

The following window appears:


Click the “Find” button to display all of the stations available in your network (LED
is lit bright green). Clear the selection for stations that you do not want to connect
to manually.

To add further TCP/IP addresses, type them directly into the “TCP/IP Address”

Error message

Here you can configure whether to display the error messages in a window .

… or only in the status bar.

The following error messages may appear in a message window:

 Overload Bit 0
 Homing error Bit 1
 Emergency stop Bit 2
 Start signal lost Bit 3
 Program error, no program loaded Bit 4
 Strain compensation Bit 5
 Contouring error too large Bit 6
 Max. position reached Bit 7


 Reset module Bit 8

 Converter has tripped Bit 9
 ADC overload Bit 10
 Parking brake Bit 11
 CTNet Beckhoff IO coupler error (commun./version) Bit 12
 Motor overload Bit 13
 Sensor Konfiguration Bit 14
 Signal limit too early Bit 16
 Signal limit not reached Bit 17
 Measured value not captured Bit 18
 Upper limit violated Bit 19
 Lower limit violated Bit 20
 Left limit violated Bit 21
 Right limit violated Bit 22
 Top envelope Bit 23
 Bottom envelope Bit 24
 Curve memory full Bit 25
 Trigger Bit 26
 Math error Bit 27
 Man. OK Bit 28
 Man. NOK Bit 29
 Sensor offset error Bit 30

Size of sensor display/ Step tab

The slider can be used to set the size of the following elements:

Sensor displays
Size of step tabs used to page between different graphs
Size of start button

This is particularly helpful when the program is operated using a touchscreen.

Size of variable display


You can define how wide to display the variables here:

– Standard

– Wide


Choose your preferred language from the list box.

12.3 Inputs/outputs
Here, you can check the digital 24 Vdc I/Os as well as the analogue inputs on the
Unidrive and application module.

• Unidrive SP

Selected control parameters

Unidrive of the power component are
displayed here. Definitions of
these can be found in the
Application module
Unidrive SP manual.


Display of CPU workload

• CPU Load

CPU cycle time


RT Load = present workload of Real-Time Task

RT Peak = peak load of workload for the Real-Time Task
(Reset peak load by using the „R” button.)
NRT = Cycle time of the Non Real-Time Task

• Unidrive M

12.3.1 I / O Expansion

This expansion is optional. You have to integrate the expansion in the

“PROMESS-BUS“ and activate the function in the menu “Service/Promess-

You can see the state of the inputs and outputs.



– Beckhoff I/O extension

– SI-IO Module


– User I/O

Visualizes the state of the inputs and outputs at the .net interface.

12.4 Service Dialog for Bus Systems


In this window, you can check which of the input or output bits are to be transmitted
through the bus.



The PROMESS bus allows you to transfer data from maximum four Promess
Digital Modules (PDM) as well as transmit sensor signals and variables between
maximum four UFM controllers (SM applications).

It is permissible to assign a sensor value to several different targets so that, for

instance, it can be available for two different controllers.
The communication status between the various participants is indicated by LEDs:

Green = participant is currently communicating on the bus

Red = participant is not currently communicating on the bus

To initiate communications between the participants, they first have to be linked to

each other. To do this, assign a source to a target.

Sources include PDM modules as well as UFM controllers. Only UFM controllers
can be targets.
Several signals can be transmitted from a PDM. Typically all available signals are
to be transmitted. In certain exceptions when many links have been configured, it
might be necessary to switch off the excessive signals.

These PDM types are available:

– PDM-S: 1 Strain gauge / 1 Encoder input (TTL)
– PDM-A: 4 * +/- 10 VDC / 1 Encoder input (TTL)
– PDM-IO: 16 inputs / 16 outputs
– PDM-P: Piezo sensor amplifier


Configuration PDM-S

The following window appears:

In this window you can activate or deactivate signal transmission from a PDM-S.
The configured node address, firmware version, serial number and baud rate are
all displayed in addition to the type.

– The OK/NOK source allows you to determine which UFM controller controls
the OK/NOK LED of the PDM-S.

Configuration PDM-A

You can activate or deactivate the signal transmission from a PDM-A.

The configured node address, firmware version, serial number and baud rate are
all displayed in addition to the type.


For the analogue input 1+2, bzw repectively 3+4 you can switch the input voltage
between +/- 10 VDC and +/- 4 VDC.

The OK/NOK source allows you to determine which UFM controller controls the
OK/NOK LED of the PDM-A.


The configured node address, firmware version, serial number and baud rate are
all displayed in addition to the type.


To activate and configure the I/O module see chapter Fehler! Verweisquelle
konnte nicht gefunden werden. (Station settings / PROMESS Bus)

UFM Controller (SM applications)

The PROMESS bus allows you to transmit a maximum of four sensor inputs from a
UFM controller to another controller.

Choose the source and target controller and then the signal whose value is to be
transmitted from a source to a drive com input of the target. A maximum of four
drive com inputs can be defined to control the targets.

Linking a sensor to a target station

To link a sensor to a target station, proceed as follows:

Open a virtual input under “Service / Station Settings / Inputs”. Activate the input.


Assign it to a predefined drive com input.

Now you can use the sensor from the other station as a virtual input.


12.6 Safe data export

For the active station, this window displays the status of the plugin that has been
activated for safe writing of data to the UFM controller.

Safe data export means that the DB healthy bit of the higher level controller (PLC)
is not set until all plugins have written their cycle data and communicated this to
the UFM controller.

If a registered plugin has been quit for instance, this will be shown in red. The DB
healthy bit of the higher level controller is not set until the checkmark is cleared
from the “safe writing” box.

If the plugin was stopped unintentionally, please restart it and do not clear the
checkmark from the box.


12.7 Parameter Access

Only administrators are authorized to access these parameters.

Parameters from the main component can be viewed and modified here.

For information on the meanings of the parameters, refer to the Unidrive SP


Only highly experienced users are permitted to modify the parameters. If you
have any questions about these parameters, be sure to contact the PROMESS
service department.

12.8 Backing Up the Parameters

After successfully installing the joining modules, we urgently recommend saving

backup copies of the various parameter sets. To do this, open the “Parameter
Backup” option in the Service menu.

• Station (left half of dialog)

The following is displayed:

– Time of last backup

– Type of joining unit
– Serial number of unit

• The parameters that are saved are indicated below “Converter”.


– Converter parameters
– Parameters of currently connected SM application module

• Extensions

– Parameters of PROMESS PDM module

To back up the parameters, click .

• Naming of Backup File

The name uses a combination of the UFM type and serial number with the
px5 file extension. The type and serial number are separated by underscore

Example: 364022_47111802.px5

Save this file afterwards on an external storage medium.

• Writing Parameters
Click the “Open” button to choose the file that you wish to overwrite. If
preferred, de-select some of the parameters in the file. Only those
parameters that are contained in the file are available here.

Station tag

The article number, serial number of the Electromechanical Press and the
identification number ot the station are stored here.

When the Mechanical Unit or the Applications module is exchanged, you have to
adapt the data. The maintenance of these data makes sure, that you do not restore
a wrong parameter set.
To change this data you have to have admin rights.


It is absolutly necassary to backup the parameters after changes. Your old

backups can not be restored any more.

12.9 Running Multiple Instances of UFM on a PC

To operate several instances of UFM on a PC, you must change the instance
name of the connection.
Create a copy of the desktop icon for the plugin and UFM.
Right-click the new icon to open the properties.
Edit the name of the additional instance, e.g., change “UFM” to “UFM2” under

The plugin and UFM will connect using these identical instance names.

Instance name

12.9.1 Auto boot

Please copy this link not the „UFM_nc.exe” to the „Windows auto boot “

Pos : 24 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1

Communication PC - Application module

Pos : 25.1 /UFM/UFM V5/T ec hnisc hes H B V5/ Kommuni kati on UFM PC @ 1 \mod_1453884329439_71.doc x @ 30441 @ 1222222 @ 1

13 Communication PC - Application module

The communication can be done using the delivered Ethernet module.

13.1 Connection Ethernet module

Cable No. 11592001 Pin
Ethernet X2 21 22 23 24 18
App. Mod 5 3 2 4 1

SM Applikation Module

X1 X2
Power Suppl. (extern.) (RS 422) (Pin)
21 22 23 24
11 12 13 14
25 26 27 28
Stromaufnahme: max. 90 mA
Cat 5 Crossover PC
Ethernet Module Cat 5 Switch

X4 X5
RS485 (RJ45) RS485 (RJ45)
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
NC RX/TX 0V +24VDC NC RX/TX 0V +24VDC Ethernet
10/100 Mbit
5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8

Cable Cat 5


Communication PC - Application module

13.2 Ethernet Communication

To communicate by Ethernet, you have to assign a common IP address to the
PROMESS Ethernet Module and your PC!
Which address is assigned to the Ethernet Module?
Change the IP address of the Ethernet module: => 13.3

The address is assigned by PROMESS and you can find it in

the delivery protocol of the unit.
In the state of delivery the IP address is in the range:
Which address should you assign to your PC?

To connect to an Ethernet Moduls, that is in delivery state,

assign a IP adrerss in the 192.168.x.x range and as
subnet mask.

Change IP Address PC: => 13.4 Windows XP / 13.5 Windows 7

Promess recommends the installation of a Sub net, in case of using more then one

Communication PC - Application module

Point to point connection with only one press unit.

Sub Net mit mehreren Fügeeinheiten und Switch





Communication PC - Application module

13.3 Assignment IP address Ethernet Module

To assign a IP address to the Ethernet Module you need to have a functional
TCP/IP network connection on your PC.

If you have not assigned a fixed IP address please do this as described in chapter
13.4 (windows XP), chapter 13.5 (Windows 7)

Open the program „UFM5 ChangeIP”

Choose the right network adapter.

Click on „Search”.

Communication PC - Application module

Select the module, whose address you like to change. Enter the new address
values. Click the “Change selected…” button.

If you like to change the address of not reachable device, you have to install the
“WinPCap” driver.

When done, please reset the Ethernet module, by interrupting the power

Communication PC - Application module

13.4 Assign IP Adress PC

Open the „Network and Dial-up Connections“ in your “Windows Control Panel“. and
open the properties of the LAN connection you like to use.

Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then on „Properties“

Communication PC - Application module

Enter the IP adress and the Subnet mask

13.5 Assign IP Adress PC Windows 7

Open the „Network and Dial-up Connections“ in your “Windows Control Panel“. and
open the properties of the LAN connection you like to use

Communication PC - Application module

The property window of the connection opens.:

Klick on Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and then „properties“. The

following window opens:

Enter the IP adress and the Subnet mask


If necessary ask your Network administrator for the right settings.

Communication PC - Application module

13.6 No Ethernet module found

If you can not find any Ethernet Module this might be caused by the fact, that the
address of your PC and your Ethernet Module are not in the same network.
The IP Adress of your Ethernet Module, whenit was shipped, is documented
in the protocol you have got with the shipment.
Make sure, that you set the address of your PC corresponding to this address.
If the Ethernet Module is not anymore in the state of delivery and you do not know
the address, go ahead as follows:

If possible, connect the PC and the module directly.

Open the program „UFM5 ChangeIP”

See chapter: 13.3

Pos : 25.2 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1

Firmware Update

Pos : 25.3 /UFM/UFM V5/T ec hnisc hes H B V5/UFM Fir mwar e U pdate @ 1\mod_1471872953316_71.doc x @ 280296 @ 122 @ 1

14 Firmware Update
Start the “Winflash.exe” program in the installation directory “UFM_NC.EXE”.


Before continuing with the “Update”, press the Emergency Stop button on
your system and close all running programs on your PC.

Start the “Winflash.exe” program in the installation directory “UFM_NC.EXE”. The

start window appears.
Click “Next”.

Firmware Update

Choose the following in the next window: “Download a compiled program” =>

“Search” for the file “CTNet0_Node_12.bin” that is you used to perform the

You can find the file in the installation directory of the UFM software.

Click “Next”.

Firmware Update

Choose „CT-TCP/IP“ as the connection protocol and “Slot 2” under “Settings”.

Enter the IP address of

the station you like to

Choose slot 2
(Slot of the applications

Under “Change Communications Settings”, adapt the COM interface (hardware) to

the interface defined in the Redirector. Use 38.4 Kbit/s as the baud rate.

Adjust if necessary the „Advanced…“ settings.

Enter 3001 as TCP

Server Port
Firmware Update

=> “Next”

=> “Next”
To start the “Download”, click the red button.

It is absolute necessary to close the UFM software.

While an update is running, you can click “Cancel” if necessary to abort the

Firmware Update

End the update process by clicking “Finish”.

After a successful update please reset the drive by switching off and on


Before continuing with the “Update”, press the Emergency Stop button on
your system and close all running programs on your PC.

Start the “Winflash.exe” program in the installation directory “UFM_NC.EXE”. The

start window appears.
Click “Next”.

Firmware Update

Choose the following in the next window: “Download a compiled program” =>

“Search” for the file CTNet0_Node_12M.bin” that is you used to perform the

You can find the file in the installation directory of the UFM software.

Click “Next”.

Choose „CT-TCP/IP“ as the connection protocol.

Firmware Update

Enter the IP
address of the
like to update.

Choose slot 3

Adjust if necessary the „Advanced…“ settings.

Enter 502 as TCP

Server Port
=> “Next”

Firmware Update

=> “Next”

To start the “Download”, click the red button.

It is absolute necessary to close the UFM software.

While an update is running, you can click “Cancel” if necessary to abort the

End the update process by clicking “Finish”.

Firmware Update

After a successful update please reset the drive by switching off and on

Pos : 25.4 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1

PLC Interface

Pos : 25.5 /UFM/UFM V5/T ec hnisc hes H B V5/SPS Sc hnitts tell e @ 0 \mod_1305797708296_71.doc x @ 2739 @ 1222222 @ 1

15 PLC Interface
1 Remarks
The interface is designed to ensure a complete handshake, so that times do not
have to be programmed or considered for the signal transmission.
2 Acknowledgement
The output signal "Ack." is used to confirm "System ready" and to acknowledge the
detection of a PLC signal.

Signal description

Signal Function Meaning

Reference motion Input Start of reference motion
Cycle start Input Cycle start
OK Output Part OK and cycle end
NOK Output Part NOK and cycle end
Ack Output Acknowledgement signal
Reference request Output Reference request from the NC module
OK/NOK Outputs Program interruption / cycle stop

15.1 Reference motion after start-up

Reference request


Reference motion start

After a start-up of the NC module, the reference request and Ack are set
The PLC sets the signal reference motion,
The NC module acknowledges the signal by resetting the Ack signal,
The PLC resets the signal start reference motion, when the signal reference request has been reset by the
NC module,
The NC module confirms that the signal start reference motion has been reset, by setting the Ack signal.

If the signal start reference motion is cancelled during execution of the command, the PC stops the reference
motion and the signal reference request remains set.

PLC Interface

15.2 Reference motion without a request

Reference request


Reference motion

The PLC sets the signal reference motion,
The NC module confirms the signal by resetting the Ack signal and setting the signal reference request,
The PLC resets the signal start reference motion, when the signal reference request has been reset,
The NC module confirms that the signal start reference motion has been reset by setting the Ack signal.

If the signal start reference motion is cancelled during execution of the command, the PC stops the reference
motion and the signal reference request remains set.
15.3 Cycle start

Home request

ts 4
Life Bit


2 5

Description ta tprg tb
The PLC sets the start signal
The NC module confirms the signal by resetting the Ack signal and resetting OK or NOK
The PLC detects the cycle end through the signal OK or NOK
The NC module confirms the start-signal reset, by setting the Ack signal
If the signal start is cancelled during the program cycle, the NC module stops the motion and the signals
Ack, OK and NOK are set.

PLC Interface

15.4 Emergency Stop during a motion





In the case of an Emergency Stop, the Emergency Stop chain is opened,
The press unit reacts by stopping the motion,
The PLC resets the start signal, when an Emergency Stop situation is detected,
After clearing the Emergency Stop situation, the PC confirms the flank change of the Emergency Stop signal
after the start-signal has been reset,

15.5 Emergency Stop during standstill process




In the case of an Emergency Stop, the Emergency Stop chain is opened,

The NC module confirms by resetting the Ack,
Closing of the Emergency Stop chain is responded to by setting the Ack.

PLC Interface

15.6 Cycle Stop

Ref. request.

L Bit



Cycle stop tb

ta >= 10ms, tb >= 20ms, tsch = Duration of program step to cycle stop

ts = Save data in database

 The PLC sets the start signal when live bits are present and no reference request is present.
 The NC module acknowledges the signal by resetting the acknowledgement.
 The PLC recognizes the cycle stop from the OK or NOK signal plus Quit or from the signal cycle
 (This signal is only available via the bus system or the expansion module)
 The PLC resets the start signal.
 Setting the start signal again continues the cycle.
 The outputs OK or NOK plus Quit are reset.

PLC Interface

15.7 Selection of Program Number

E Prog. Bit 1

E Prog. Bit 2

E Prog. Bit n

E Strobe

A Prog. Bit 1

A Prog. Bit 2

A Prog. Bit n

A Strobe Prog.

1. Creates a binary coded program number
2. Strobe is set for the transfer.
3. Program number is mirrored (0 if no program is valid)
4. Strobe is acknowledged after loading program.
5. Strobe is reset by PLC and NC module.
6. Acknowledgement of program number remains valid until a new Program is
loaded by the other side.

Pos : 25.6 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1

Calibrating the Strain Gauge Amplifier (BA 626)

Pos : 25.7 /UFM/UFM V5/T ec hnisc hes H B V5/Abgleic h AST BA 626 @ 1 \mod_1436427675385_71.doc x @ 6443 @ 1 @ 1

16 Calibrating the Strain Gauge Amplifier (BA 626)

If it is necessary to recalibrate the strain gauge preamplifier, proceed as follows:
• Offset
To eliminate an offset from the force sensor, adjust potentiometer R1. (See
amplifier drawing.) Adjust the potentiometer until the digital value displayed
in the sensor calibration dialog is approximately zero in the absence of a

• Gain
Click “Manual Method”.
Before applying a load, set the speed to a very small value (e.g., 0.5 mm/s).
Drive in small steps to approx. 80% of the rated capacity. Watch the force indicated
by the reference sensor.

Apply a load and adjust the amplifier using potentiometer R2 (gain) until the value
shown on the joining unit agrees with the value shown on the reference sensor.

With higher loads, avoid remaining in this position for a longer period of time.
Relieve the unit from any loads during the calibration process.

• Position of calibration potentiometer


Zero point of


Repeat this step until you are certain that the system is properly calibrated.

Calibrating the Strain Gauge Amplifier (BA 626)

To calibrate the unit on a regular basis, PROMESS recommends creating a

calibration program.

This program may appear as follows:

Program step Function Description

1 Positioning Positioned just in front of reference sensor
2 Join on Signal Application of definite force
3 Holding time 2 s Reading of applied force
4 Positioning Unit is driven back

Pos : 25.8 /Seitenumbruc h @ 0\mod_1133348983396_71.doc x @ 306 @ @ 1


Pos : 25.9 /UFM/UFM V5/T ec hnisc hes H B V5/Pr omess- Bus @ 0\mod_1343377001138_71.doc x @ 3581 @ 1222 @ 1


The PROMESS bus is based on the CTNet BUS from Control Techniques.

This bus allows digital PROMESS PDM modules to be interconnected and also
enables communications between UFM controllers.

Bus master
node 12

Bus terminator
Bus slave
Bus node 13

Promess digital module

node 23

Promess digital module

node 22

In this example, the Promess Digital Modules transmit signals to the master power
component (node 12) as well as to the slave power component (node 13).
The power components can also transmit signals and variables to each other.


17.1 Bus Terminator.

Make sure to correctly terminate the bus using terminating resistors. The
bus data lines must be terminated using 82 Ω (0.25 W) at the SM
Applications of the master and behind the last node in the bus.

• Master

Terminate the SM Applications of the master using terminals 6 and 8.

Pin 6 Pin 8


• Terminator for PDM-S, PDM-A, PDM-P

The bus on the Promess PDM digital module can be terminated using the DIP
switch provided there. The location of the switch is shown in the figure below.


DIP switch

17.2 Cable Shield Connections

The cable shields should be connected to each other at the location where they
emerge from the cable. Use them to create a short wire strand that connects the
CTNet shield to the corresponding terminal. For reasons of safety, the CTNet
shield must be grounded at one point. In case of a catastrophic failure, this ground
connection prevents the cable shield from transmitting electrical current to another
device in the CTNet network or within the cable itself. For EMC reasons, the
ground line should only be connected at a single point.


17.3 Node - Address

• SM – Applications

These settings are made using the UFM software under:

“Service / Station Settings / PROMESS-BUS”

The following addresses can be assigned:

Function Node Address

Master 12
Slave 13
Slave 14
Slave 15


DIP switch
5 6




DIP Function 0ff On

1 Node address binary-coded as bit
2 Node address binary-coded as bit
3 Baudrate 5 Mbit/s 2.5 Mbit/s
4 Not used
5 Boot loader Start
6 Default parameters Load


Node Address
1) (Bit 2) Bus

off off 22
on off 23
off on 24
on on 25

All switch changes do not take effect until first switching the unit off and then
switching it back on.

=== Ende der Liste für T extmar ke Inhalt ===

Determining the strain ........................................ 71
Dialog window .................................................... 74
Ack-Bit behavior ...............................................99
Display ............................................................... 18
Acknowledgement ............................................164
display abs. values ............................................. 67
administrator password.......................................14
Display abs. values ............................................ 61
Alais name variable ............................................50
Do not test sensor offset .................................... 69
Alias Names for Data ..........................................52
Assign IP Adress PC ........................................151
Autoboott ..........................................................145 Edit as Table ...................................................... 91
Edit menu ........................................................... 20
editing envelopes ............................................... 90
bending compensation........................................70
Editing the Step List ........................................... 20
Bundle at step end ........................................28, 44
Emergency Stop during a motion ................... 166
bus terminator ...................................................172
Emergency Stop during standstill process....... 166
C Envelope monitoring .............................. 28, 38, 44
Calibrating .........................................................169 envelopes, editing .............................................. 90
calibration .........................................................112 Error message ................................................. 131
Change Password ..............................................12 Ethernet Communication ................................. 147
Communication errors ........................................20 Export Users ...................................................... 13
communication parameters ................................99 F
Complete measurement at end of step ..............61
Fast motion to zero point ................................. 119
Conditional jump .................................................72
feed motion ........................................................ 40
Configuration PDM-A ........................................138
Firmware Update ............................................. 155
Configuration PDM-S ........................................138
Full screen ......................................................... 22
Connect stations ...............................................130
Connection Ethernet module ............................146
controller module ................................................42 Gauging ............................................................. 51
controller profile, Join on Signal .........................39 graph .................................................................. 86
CPU Load .........................................................133 graph display, functions of left-mouse button .... 86
Creating a new user ............................................12 Graph menu ....................................................... 88
current station .....................................................48 graph settings .................................................... 93
curve data ...........................................................62 graph zoom ........................................................ 88
custom settings .................................................106 Graphs in manual mode..................................... 78
Cycle Stop ........................................................167 H
Cycle Stop dialog window ...................................75 Hand wheel ........................................................ 76
D Homing ............................................................. 119
DAQ from start control ........................................44 I
Dashboard ..........................................................23 I / O Expansion ........................................ 117, 134
Dashboard configuration.....................................24 Import Users ...................................................... 13
DB integer ...........................................................74 input confirmation............................................... 74
DB string .............................................................75 input position .................................................... 101
deactivate trigger ..........................................33, 46 inputs................................................................ 101
default settings ....................................................14 Inputs of Unidrive LT 24 VDC .......................... 133
Delay time ...........................................................68 instance name.................................................. 145
Delete User .........................................................12 Introduction .......................................................... 6

IP address Ethernet Module .............................149 Press to Signal ................................................... 36
IP Adresse PC Windows 7................................152 previous trigger ...................................... 33, 41, 46
J Print .................................................................... 95
Printer Settings .................................................. 97
Join at last step ...................................................38
Printer setup ....................................................... 97
Jump ...................................................................73
Profibus DB node address ............................... 116
Profibus DP ...................................................... 116
language ...........................................................133 Program assignment
Learn curve limit .....................................28, 38, 44 delete ............................................................. 81
leave trigger activated ...................................33, 46 Program change ................................................ 80
limits rel. to reference point.................................67 program creation ................................................ 25
Limits rel. to reference point ...............................59 program end ....................................................... 47
Live input ..........................................................115 Program pre-selection.................................. 80, 82
Log file ................................................................16 Program start ....................................................... 9
Log function ........................................................15 Program window ................................................ 18
Log table .............................................................15 PROMESS BUS ............................................... 137
Login ...................................................................10 proximity switch position .................................. 129
M Proximity switch position .................................. 122
Manual mode ......................................................76 R
Manual operation ................................................76 Real-time envelope test ............................... 28, 38
monitoring ...........................................................59 reference gauge ............................................... 124
monitoring window ..............................................64 Reference motion without a request ................ 165
multiple instances of UFM ................................145 reference point ............................................. 54, 66
N rel. end value (x) .......................................... 30, 39
Name Step ..........................................................91 rel. end value (Y) .......................................... 29, 38
next trigger ....................................................33, 46 rel. zum Endwert (x) ........................................... 45
No Ethernet module found ................................154 rel. zum Endwert (Y) .......................................... 45
No rights..............................................................14 relative to reference point .................................. 67
Non-volatile memory ...........................................99 relative to reference point .................................. 59
rights .................................................................. 13
Online Monitoring ..........................................28, 45
Only load NOK curves ........................................29 Selection of program number .......................... 168
open program .....................................................26 sensor display .................................................. 132
Options, Press to Signal .....................................39 Service ............................................................... 98
Outputs of Unidrive 24 VDC .............................133 service dialog for bus systems ......................... 136
set output ........................................................... 73
Set Status .......................................................... 74
parameter backup .............................................143 Set tare .............................................................. 69
parts ID ...............................................................74
setting the zero point........................................ 121
PC minimum requirements ................................... 7
Signal description PLC interface...................... 164
PDM as program storage device ..................82, 99
Signal flow cycle start ...................................... 165
PDM-S ..............................................................103
Signal flow reference motion after start-up ...... 164
PDM-S grid calibration ......................................104 Single execution ................................................. 75
PDM-S Standard Settings.................................105 Size of variable display .................................... 132
PLC interface ....................................................164
slope................................................................. 114
Positioning ..........................................................27
Standard User .................................................... 13

station settings ....................................................98 U
Station tag .........................................................144 User administration ............................................ 11
Step tab.............................................................132 user offset ........................................................ 125
step-based gaugings ..........................................62 User offset ........................................................ 123
Storage capacity PDM ........................................99 User Rights ........................................................ 13
storage type for programs...................................99
variables ............................................................. 48
virtual inputs ..................................................... 109
Tare display value ...............................................69 Volatile memory ................................................. 99
Taring ..................................................................68
TCP/IP ..............................................................130
Wait .................................................................... 68
Toolbar ................................................................21
window ............................................................... 63
trigger always true ........................................33, 46
window value ..................................................... 65
trigger chain ..................................... 35, 40, 41, 47
trigger measurement...........................................58 Z
trigger positioning ...............................................33 zoom .................................................................. 88
Trigger, Press to Signal ......................................41

PROMESS. For more efficiency.

PROMESS Gesellschaft für

Montage- und Prüfsysteme mbH

Nunsdorfer Ring 29 | D-12277 Berlin

Fon +49 (0)30 / 62 88 72 - 0
Fax +49 (0)30 / 62 88 72 - 59
[email protected]

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