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British Standard

Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

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lbocvzr lbocvzr
20 February 2004

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CONFIRMED incorporating
JULY 1989 Amendment No. 1)

Methods of

Test for paints —

Part F2: Determination of resistance to
humidity (cyclic condensation)
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

It is recommended that this Part be read in conjunction with the general

information in the Introduction to BS 3900 issued separately (revised edition
published March 1969).

UDC 667.61 + 667.613.2:620.193.23

BS 3900-F2:1973


This Part of BS 3900 was first published in 1966 and is based on DEF-1053
Method No. 25 “Resistance to humidity under condensation conditions”. More
recently, with the implementation of ISO 6270:1980 as BS 3900-F9
“Determination of resistance to humidity (continuous condensation)”, it was
decided that this Part of BS 3900 should be retained for a limited period while
there is still some requirement by users.
While the two methods have some common features, the method described in
this Part is carried out using cyclic condensation conditions, and this is
reflected in the difference in the titles. Because of the likelihood of the
withdrawal of this Part following the decision by ISO not to accept this method,
users are recommended to consider the adoption of the method described in
Part F9.
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of
a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 and 2 and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

© BSI 12-1999

ISBN 0 580 07109 X

BS 3900-F2:1973


Foreword Inside front cover
1 Scope 1
2 Supplementary information 1
3 Apparatus 1
4 Sampling 1
5 Test panel 1
6 Procedure 2
7 Test report 2
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

© BSI 12-1999 i
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 3900-F2:1973

1 Scope 3.2.2 Heating. The cabinet shall be heated through

the medium of the water by a heater placed
This Part of BS 3900 describes a procedure for
immediately below the water reservoir or,
determining the resistance to humidity under
alternatively, by a heater completely immersed in
condensation conditions, induced by cyclic
the water.
temperature changes between 42 °C and 48 °C, of a
single coat film or multicoat system of paint, 3.2.3 Temperature cycle. The heater shall be
varnish or related product. controlled by two thermostats (placed in the air
space above the water) in such a way that the
2 Supplementary information temperature of the air space is cycled continuously
from 42 °C to 48 °C and back to 42 °C
The method of test described below requires to be in 60 ± 5 minutes.
completed, for any particular application, by the
The times required for heating and cooling shall be
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

following supplementary information. This

approximately equal. A recording thermometer is
information is to be derived from the British
desirable for ensuring that the temperature cycle is
Standard or other document for the product under
test or, where appropriate, is to be the subject of
agreement between the parties to the test. 3.2.4 Air circulation. The air in the cabinet shall be
circulated by means of a fan in such a way that the
1) Material and surface preparation of substrate.
temperatures at any two points in the air space do
2) Method of application of test coating to not differ by more than 1.0 °C at any given moment.
3.2.5 Spacing of panels. With cabinets as usually
3) Thickness, in micrometres, of dry coating, constructed, it is inadvisable to place the panels less
including method of measurement in accordance than 40 mm apart or less than 40 mm from any side
with BS 3900-C51) and whether it is a single coat of the cabinet.
film or a multicoat system.
3.2.6 Suspension of panels. If the panels hang in the
4) Duration and conditions of drying of the coated cabinet, it is essential that the hooks and rods from
panel before testing (or conditions of stoving and which they are suspended shall be made of glass or
ageing, if applicable) before testing. plastics material. If racks are used, the panels shall
5) Duration of test. stand vertically and be suitably insulated from any
6) How inspection of the test coating is to be made metal parts.
and what characteristics are to be considered in The position of the panels in the cabinet shall be
evaluating its resistance properties. interchanged throughout the test period, once
every 24 hours.
3 Apparatus NOTE The cabinet should be opened only at intervals
of 24 hours, for inspection of panels, maintenance of the water
3.1 The apparatus shall consist of a closed cabinet in level, rotation of panels, etc.
which the relative humidity is maintained at
approximately 100 % and the temperature is cycled 4 Sampling
continuously over the range 42 °C to 48 °C, thereby
ensuring that copious condensation occurs on test A representative sample of the product to be tested
panels positioned vertically within the cabinet. (or of each product in the case of a multicoat system)
shall be taken as described in BS 3900-A13). The
NOTE If the cabinet is copper lined, the copper should be tinned
or coated with a suitable organic coating to prevent the solution
sample(s) shall then be examined and prepared for
of small amounts of copper in the water. testing as described in BS 3900-A24).
3.2 The design and dimensions of the apparatus are
left to the user’s discretion, provided that the
5 Test panel
following conditions are observed. 5.1 Materials and dimensions. Unless otherwise
3.2.1 Humidification. The humidity shall be specified or agreed the test panel shall be of
maintained by evaporation of distilled water2) from burnished steel complying with the requirements of
a reservoir covering (or situated in) the bottom of BS 3900-A35), of approximate
the cabinet. The water shall be maintained free dimensions 150 mm × 100 mm × 1.25 mm.
from grease or oil. NOTE Results of tests carried out on different substrates do not
necessarily correlate with each other.

BS 3900-C5, “Determination of film thickness”.
2) BS 3978, “Water for laboratory use”.
3) BS 3900-A1, “Sampling”
4) BS 3900-A2, “Examination and preparation of samples for testing”.
5) BS 3900-A3, “Standard panels lot paint testing”.

© BSI 12-1999 1
BS 3900-F2:1973

5.2 Preparation and coating of test panel. The 6.4 Final inspection. At the end of the specified
test panel shall be prepared in accordance with test period, remove the panel from the cabinet, blot
BS 3900-A3,6) unless otherwise specified, and shall it with absorbent paper and immediately examine
then be coated by the specified method with the the whole test surface for blistering or other signs of
product or system under test in accordance with deterioration. Allow the panel to stand at room
BS 3900-A47). temperature for 24 hours and examine the test
The back and edges of the panel shall also be coated, surface again for loss of adhesion, rust staining,
using a good quality protective paint not containing change of colour, embrittlement or other
zinc chromate or any similarly water-soluble characteristics which may be specified.
pigment. Carefully remove a 150 mm × 50 mm strip from the
5.3 Drying of test panel. The coated panel shall be test surface with a non-corrosive paint remover9)
dried (or stored) for the specified time and under the and examine the exposed metal for signs of
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

specified conditions and, unless otherwise specified, corrosion. Where panels are required to be kept for
shall be conditioned at a temperature of 23 ± 2 °C reference purposes the exposed area shall be
and relative humidity of 50 ± 5 % for a minimum protected by a suitable transparent lacquer.
of 16 hours, with free circulation of air and not
exposed to direct sunlight. 7 Test report
5.4 Thickness of coating. The thickness of the dry The test report shall include at least the following
coating shall be determined by the method specified, information:
in accordance with BS 3900-C58). 1) A reference to this British Standard.
2) Type and identification of the coating under
6 Procedure test.
6.1 General. The test procedure shall be carried out 3) The items of supplementary information
immediately upon completion of the conditioning referred to in 2.
4) The British Standard or other document
6.2 Exposure procedure. Expose the panel in the supplying the information referred to in 7 3)
cabinet for the specified period. above.
6.3 Interim inspections. For interim inspections 5) Any deviation, by agreement or otherwise,
during the test period, if specified, the panel shall be from the test procedure described.
removed from the cabinet, blotted with absorbent
6) The thickness of the coating(s) tested,
paper, examined for blistering or other signs of
determined in accordance with 5.4.
deterioration and immediately returned to the
cabinet. 7) The results of the test in terms of the stated
8) Date of the test.

6) BS 3900-A3, “Standard panels lot paint testing”

7) BS 3900-A4, “Notes for guidance on paint application”.
8) BS 3900-C5, “Determination of film thickness”.
9) See BS 3761, “Non-flammable solvent-based paint remover”.

2 © BSI 12-1999
Licensed Copy: lbocvzr lbocvzr, University of Loughborough, 20 February 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

BS 3900-F2:
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