s2 Puma Petro Brochure Doc-b80-Exs019 en High

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ASTM 847 (DIN)

EN ISO 8754 (DIN)
EN ISO D6481
ASTM 7751

S2 PUMA for Elemental Analysis in

the Petrochemical Industry
Quality Control for Lubricants and Fuels with Accuracy and Precision

Innovation with Integrity
Get all Information you need for Fuels and
Oils – Elemental Analysis with the S2 PUMA

To guarantee optimal engine and machine performance

while maintaining the best-possible protection of our
environment, today's fuels and lubricants are real high-tech
blends. When producing, using, and recycling these sub-
stances it is important to have a clear and precise under-
standing of the content and composition of accompanying
elements and additive metals. X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
analysis is the ideal method to accomplish this: With this
technique, an elemental analysis can be conducted quickly
and precisely. This ensures that additives are used econom-
ically, the properties of lubricants and fuels are guaranteed,
and that our environment is protected.
S2 PUMA performs elemental analysis reliably,
precisely, and quickly
The range of uses for XRF in elemental analysis in the field
of petrochemicals is very broad, ranging through the entire
product life cycle of lubricants and fuels. For example,
sulfur can be found in crude oil in amounts of up to five
mass percent and above, but in lubricating oils only variable
proportions ranging from the upper ppm range to percent
are permitted, and in automobile fuels only a few ppm.
In order to quickly and reliably determine the quality and
quantity of the constituents in such blends, Bruker devel-
oped the S2 PUMA: An energy-dispersive X-ray spectrom-
eter (EDXRF) in the form of an easy-to-operate, bench-top
device, which can be ideally configured for the kind of anal-
yses that are typical in the petrochemical industry. Thanks
to its user-friendly TouchControl™ with intuitive user inter-
face, users without any special training can perform precise
Our S2 PUMA is frequently used in the petrochemical
industry in the following areas:
„„ Sulfur analysis in fuels such as car or ship diesel (ASTM
D4294, EN ISO 20847 (DIN), EN ISO 8754 (DIN)
„„ Verification of additives in lubricants, particularly Ca, Zn,

P, and Mg (ASTM D6481, ASTM D7751)

„„ Metal abrasion analysis (e.g. Fe, Cu, Pb) in lubricating oils

„„ Monitoring of bio-fuel production, for example through P

or Fe measurements

S2 PUMA for best data quality –
Optimum precision, best accuracy
and norm compliant

Sulfur analysis done quickly and

easily with the S2 PUMA
Instrument specifications and parame-
ters for sulfur analysis in the petrochem-
ical industry are specified in norms such
as ASTM D4294, EN ISO 20847 (DIN),
and EN ISO 8754 (DIN). The S2 PUMA
easily satisfies the requirements of
these norms.
A calibration of the instrument is carried
out with prepared sulfur standards.
Fig. 1 shows an overlaid spectra of vari-
ous standards in the concentration range
from 0 to 1000 ppm S and illustrates the
possibility to use them for quantitative
Fig. 1: Superimposed spectra of sulfur in paraffin
measurements. standards in the concentration range of 0
to 1000 ppm S. The peak is integrated over
S2 PUMA – Sulfur measurements
the yellow area; for background correction
with excellent precision and the blue shaded area is used.
compliance to ASTM D4294
When dealing with the precision of
sulfur measurements in petrochemical
products, ASTM D4294 is a strict norm.
To demonstrate that the data is suffi-
ciently precise, a sample with 25 ppm
sulfur was measured 42 times in series
(see Figure 3). The sample must be
prepared fresh each time. The deviation
of the mean values of every two con-
secutive measurements here may not
exceed certain values which are concen-
tration-dependent. For sulfur concentra-
tions of 25 ppm this value is 3.5 ppm.
These criteria may only be exceeded in a
maximum of one value in 20 cases. Fig. 2: Calibration line for sulfur in paraffin in the
range of 0 to 1000 ppm
ASTM D4294: Above all doubts with
S2 PUMA results. Table 1: Calibration results for sulfur in paraffin

Concentration Correlation
Element limit (300 s,
range [ppm] (R2)
3s) [ppm]
Sulfur 0-1000 0.6 0.99998

Additives in lubricants – there is simply no better
way than the S2 PUMA
Sulfur isn't the only element that plays a central role in
lubricants and fuels. That is why the S2 PUMA is also
capable of determining the quality and quantity of addi-
tives used in the refinement of lubricants. These addi-
tives, such as abrasion minimizers or pitting protection
additives, are added to lubricating oils in small quantities
in order to achieve or improve certain properties. Due to
their complex formulations, these special chemicals can
sometimes be very expensive, so the quantities added
are decisive for the quality, efficiency, but also the envi-
ronmental friendliness of the product.
S2 PUMA – Norm compliance for Mg, P, S, Cl, Ca,
Zn, and Mo
In addition to the norm ASTM D6481 now also
ASTM D7751 is applied for these measurements. This
Fig. 3: Repeatability of duplicate measurements of 25
ppm sulfur standards in accordance with ASTM norm takes into account the important additive elements
D4294. The horizontal red lines denote the allowed magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, calcium, zinc,
limits for reproducibility according to the norm. The and molybdenum in concentration ranges typical for
high requirements placed on the determination their use in lubricants.
of sulfur in fuels, such as those contained in the
ASTM D4294 norm, but also the requirements of Using the example of zinc as abrasion-reducing additive,
EN ISO 20847 (DIN) and EN ISO 8754 (DIN), are Figure 4 depicts the calibration line on the S2 PUMA.
met by the S2 PUMA.
Table 2 shows the calibration results for zinc in lubri-
cants on the S2 PUMA, and Table 3 gives typical repeat-
abilities of ten measurements of additive elements in
The S2 PUMA meets all requirements of ASTM D7751
and D6481 on the analysis of additives. Calibration over
a wide range of concentrations, the low detection limit,
the small standard deviation, and very good accuracy
make the S2 PUMA the ideal partner when it comes to
the analysis of oil additives. The S2 PUMA can also be
used to examine used oils. Here the amounts of heavy
metals, halogens, etc. contained determine the type of
recycling or disposal.
No matter which lubricating oil you need to specify:
The S2 PUMA delivers spot-on ASTM compliance for
D6481, D7751 and other.
Fig. 4: Calibration line for zinc in a lubricating oil matrix

Table 2: C alibration results for zinc in a lubricating oil matrix

Detection Standard
Concentration Correlation
Element limit (100 s, deviation
range [ppm] (R2)
3s) [ppm] [ppm]
Zinc 0 - 0.4 0.3 8 0. 99997

Table 3: Repeatability data for 10 measurements of a QC sample for additives in lubricants according to ASTM D7751

Measurement Mg [%] P [%] S [%] Cl [%] Ca [%] Zn [%] Mo [%]

Rep. 01 0.099 0.113 0.514 0.0238 0.203 0.124 0.0100

Rep. 02 0.105 0.114 0.517 0.0238 0.204 0.124 0.0099

Rep. 03 0.103 0.112 0.514 0.0249 0.202 0.123 0.0101

Rep. 04 0.100 0.113 0.516 0.0249 0.204 0.124 0.0100

Rep. 05 0.105 0.113 0.515 0.0238 0.204 0.124 0.0100

Rep. 06 0.103 0.113 0.512 0.0237 0.202 0.123 0.0100

Rep. 07 0.105 0.113 0.514 0.0236 0.203 0.124 0.0100

Rep. 08 0.104 0.114 0.514 0.0248 0.202 0.123 0.0101

Rep. 09 0.097 0.114 0.518 0.0240 0.204 0.124 0.0099

Rep. 10 0.100 0.113 0.516 0.0237 0.203 0.124 0.0099

Mean value 0.102 0.113 0.515 0.0241 0.203 0.124 0.0100

Abs. standard
0.0030 0.0004 0.0018 0.0005 0.0009 0.0005 0.0001

Rel. standard
3.4 % 0.5 % 0.4 % 2.1 % 0.5 % 0.5 % 0.7 %

Certified value 0.100 0.110 0.500 0.025 0.200 0.120 0.010

Technological innovations as key to best
results and reliable evaluation

The S2 PUMA is eminently suitable for elemental analysis

when examining engine and machinery lubricants as well as
fuels. The analyzer works cost-effective and quick, but still
offers a high degree of sensitivity and precision. It is just as
possible to precisely analyze important additive elements
such as calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and molybdenum as it
is to analyze other additive and trace elements like magne-
sium, potassium, silicon, sulfur, or barium. Even the main
indicator elements for abrasion conditions, such as iron,
copper, and lead, can be determined with the same high
level of precision.
We offer the S2 PUMA in a range of different device con-
figurations. The S2 PUMA Single and S2 PUMA XY Auto-
changer models are popular in the petrochemical industry.
Whereas the Single model is manually fed with one sample
at a time, the XY Autochanger can automatically analyze up
to 20 samples in one sequence. Here, new samples can be
added to the queue at any time – even while the measure-
ment process is running!
The S2 PUMA provides you with top-notch elemental anal-
ysis in a compact device: With its optimized optical con-
struction with 50 Watt X-ray tube and silicon-drift detector
(SDD), the HighSense™ technology developed by Bruker
offers high count rates and excellent repeatability which
guarantees the best in analysis results. The optional use of
the XFlash LE detector ensures high transmission rates due
to its ultra-thin entry window to quantify light elements and
increases the S2 PUMA’s capabilities even more.
„„ Unmatched detection limits, precision, and speed
with HighSenseTM technology
„„ Helium mode for best analytical performance of

volatile samples
„„ S2 PUMA XY Autochanger with failsafe recognition

of liquid cups

S2 PUMA – Analytical performance
comes in handy with ease of use
and lowest cost of ownership
With the analysis of light elements in particular, their
low-energy radiation is absorbed by the surrounding
air. Consequently, such measurements are carried out
in a helium atmosphere or under vacuum. Since such
vacuum analyses may not be conducted with highly
volatile samples, such as fuels, it pays off that the
S2 PUMA XY Autochanger automatically detects these
samples when loaded and prevents the formation of
a vacuum. A sample-chamber that is reduced to the
smallest possible dimensions translates into minimal
consumption of helium, which means very low operat-
ing costs but high analytical capability.
EDXRF together with the S2 PUMA provides you with
everything you need for monitoring and optimizing lubri-
cants and fuels:
„„ The highest in analytical accuracy and precision
S2 PUMA with SampleCareTM: Unique protection
in compliance with international standards
„„ HighSense technology for excellent detection
against contamination of important system com-
ponents ensures the best in device availability
limits, with high spectral resolution
„„ Outstanding results for light elements such as

magnesium, due to the XFlash LE detector with

its thin, coated X-ray entry window
„„ The SampleCare technology protects important

system components against contamination,

ensuring high system up-time with no
maintenance effort
„„ With TouchControl any user can quickly

and efficiently measurements – in nine user

„„ The S2 PUMA is fully network-capable, so it

requires no peripherals: After installation no PC,

mouse, keyboard, printer, etc. are necessary to
carry out measurement or for result output
„„ The integrated SPECTRA.ELEMENTS software

makes data acquisition, analysis, and

visualization of the results a breeze

The S2 PUMA detector cap provides the detector

with additional protection against dust and liquids

Technical Data
S2 PUMA Single S2 PUMA XY Autochanger
Element range Sodium to americium (Na – Am) with standard XFlash®
Carbon to americium (C – Am) with XFlash® Light Element (LE)
Concentration range From ppm to 100 %
X-ray tube Pd or Ag anode; max. power 50 W; max. voltage 50 kV (low kV version: 30 kV max.)
Primary beam filters 10-position automatic filter changer; for wide range elemental analysis
pre-installed filters: 5 μm Ag, 20 and 500 μm Al, 100 and 250 μm Cu
Detector XFlash® Silicon Drift Detector: Peltier cooled (no need for liquid nitrogen)
Collimator masks For small spot analysis: 1, 3, 8, 12, 18, 23 and 28 mm (optional)
Sample observation Integrated HD video camera, for exact sample positioning and documenting the
measurement position of a sample (optional)
Mode Air mode
Gas flushing (optional): Helium for liquids and loose powders
Vacuum pump (optional): Enhanced light element performance for hot-pressed disks,
low cost of operation
TouchControl™ Integrated 12.1” TFT touchscreen, multilingual user interface
Connectivity Built-in Ethernet port RJ45, 4x USB ports for mouse, keyboard, printer
Power requirements 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, max. power consumption 600 VA

Bruker AXS is continually improving its products and reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Sample types Loose powders, granules, solids, pressed pellets, fused beads and liquids up to
20 mL
Sample rotation (optional)
S2 PUMA Single S2 PUMA XY Autochanger
Sample sizes Up to 51.5 mm Ø samples. Liquids, Up to 40 mm Ø and 38 mm height in
loose powders and smaller samples in sample holders, max. weight 200 g or
liquid cups: up to 20 mL 51.5 mm Ø as sample ring.
Sample loader Single position, EasyLoad XYTM sample tray, 20-position,
manual removable. Grabber with automatic sam-
ple detection
Dimensions 67 x 71 x 37 cm; 87 kg 67 x 71 x 61 cm; 108 kg
width x depth x height; weight 26.2 x 27.8 x 14.6“; 192 lbs 26.2 x 27.8 x 23.8“; 238 lbs
Quality & safety DIN EN ISO 9001:2008; CE-certified Machinery directive 2006/42/EC; Electrical
equipment 2006/95/EC; Electromagnetic Compatibility 2004/108/EC; Fully radia-
tion-protected system; radiation < 1 μSv/h (H*); German type approval (BfS) for
X-ray safety; Conform to ICRP, IAEA, EURATOM
Order No. DOC-B80-EXS019. © 2016 Bruker AXS.
TouchControl™, SampleCare™, EasyLoad™, DynaMatch™,
HighSense™ and DustShield™ are trademarks of Bruker AXS Inc.;
XFlash® is a registered trademark of Bruker Nano Analytics
DuraBeryllium® is a trademark of Moxtek® Inc.

Bruker AXS GmbH

Karlsruhe · Germany
Phone +49 721 5 09 97-0
Fax +49 721 5 09 97-56 54
[email protected]


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