Advantage & Disadvantage of Ibs

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These are several advantage of implementing IBS. One of the obvious drivers to use IBS
is a reduction of construction build time. IBS project has proven to complete faster compared to
conventional construction project due to the usage of standardised components and simplified
construction process. It proved to build faster since on-site and manufacturing activities are
usually undertaken in parallel. It cut down the duration of work and simplifies the processes by
reducing onsite activities and number of trades.
In term of cost, IBS offers significant save in labour and material cost, as the number of
labour forces required in IBS is far lower than those required in traditional method (Na and
Liska, 2008). It is however, necessary to emphasises that the relatively far fewer workers still
need to be imparted training and skill appropriate to IBS. It is expected such trained skilled
worker in IBS would much more quality conscious then the unskilled labour doing manual jobs
in conventional construction.

IBS can also reduce harassment to local communities. Fewer tradesmen visiting
construction site in IBS projects has reduced local disturbance (BRE, 2002). This benefit is
critical for hospital, school and hotel refurbishment projects, particularly in the city centre area.
IBS offers improvement in quality, productivity and efficiency from the use of factory
made products, thus reducing the possibilities of poor workmanship and lack of quality control.
The quality of the final IBS products are normally much superior to the conventional work as the
former are produced under rigorously controlled condition (Haas and Fangerlund, 2002).
Complex shapes and finishes can be inspected and any substandard component rejected
before it gets erected into the structure. IBS also as observed provide high quality surface
finishes where joints section is the only part to be grouted, eliminating the requirement of
plastering (CIDB, 2003).

IBS construction site have proven to look much tidy and organised compared to the wet
and dirty conventional method sites. Wastage of temporary works such as timber formworks and
props, which are normal in conventional construction are not there when one apply IBS. Thus
it reduces the risk related to health and safety by promoting safer working condition (Blismas,
2007 and BSRIA, 1998).

In housebuilding sector, IBS improves the build rate of housing scheme dramatically by
increasing the number of house completion over the period of time. This will help developers
to meet the demand in housing and contributes to government’s aim to provide sufficient
supply of affordable housing (Blismas, 2007 and BSRIA, 1998).

IBS also proved that wastage can be reduced greatly due to prefabrication of most of the
building components. The system offers the potential to minimise the environmental impact of
construction in many ways. Prefabrication in factory environment enables waste reduction
through process orientation that entails controlled production and standardise process. IBS
also promotes economic and environment sustainability as component moulds could be used
repeatedly for different projects, allowing economic of scale and reduction in amortisation cost
(CIDB, 2003). IBS in some ways could be a cheaper method of construction compared to
conventional method. The saving could come from lesser number of workers. IBS can also be
cheaper if one consider the whole life costing of the building. There are direct cost saving in
material, construction over-head, while indirect cost saving occur due to faster delivery of
building. This particular advantage in beneficial for the construction of small shops and offices.
Further, construction of prefabricated elements in IBS results in considerable reduction in the use
of scaffolding, shuttering and other temporary support as compared to onsite construction.

Disadvantages Of IBS
Although there are many benefits in IBS, there are few weaknesses.The initial cost of IBS
is high. The cost required is the cost of set up the factory, standardize the sizes, and improve
quality of the products, casting beds and supportmachinery. (Scridb, 2010). Adoption
of IBS requires the governance of a specific organization, which is costly in terms of
standardisation of sizes, improve the building regulations through research, quality of the
products and so on.
The extra cost is also needed to train foreign unskilled and semi skilled labourers so that
they are able to doIBS construction work. However, the training will be wasted if the worker
decided not to stay in our country. It will be wasteful either for the constant change of worker
and theretraining of new worker. (Lim, P.C, 2006). Hence, only large project undertaken can
becost effective. (Scridb, 2010).
Besides, the IBS cause the contractors and manufacturers to use this technology tomo
nopolize the market. The reason is that many companies are still unwilling to adopt it because
the high investment cost. As a result, small and medium industries that are refusing to change
will be involved in an unhealthy competition among them. (Lim, P.C,2006).
The IBS also have the disadvantage in site accessibility. As the IBS components are
transported to the site and heavy machineries are involved in the installation process, the road
surface at the site must be in good condition. Temporary site access must also exist for heavy
vehicle. Hence, much money will be used in improving the road condition. Crusher run is
necessary to be laid to improve the existing site access ground condition. The site access to the
prefabricating factory must be consider so that manufacturing plant will not be delay in loading
and unloading. (Lim, P.C, 2006). In addition, the transport used to bring IBS components have to
be redesign so that it is able to bring larger IBS components. Redesigned lorries must be suitable
and follow theroad regulation. At present, according to the road regulations, the transporters
can bring limited weight, length and depth of IBS components. Thus, the optimum carrying
capacity is not meet. (Lim, P.C, 2006).
IBS also have the problem of joint. Water leakage is always occurs in IBS constructed
building. It is more obvious especially in country like Malaysia where raining occur frequently in
the whole years.

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