Technology of Slag Utilization in Highway Construction

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John Emery Geotechnical Engineering Limited
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Paper prepared for Presentation at the

Environmental Benefits of In-situ Material Recycling and Strengthening Session

2004 Annual Conference

Transportation Association of Canada
Québec City, Québec

Research and applied utilization activities for the increased use of ferrous and
nonferrous slags in civil and highway construction are presented. The overall use of
blast furnace slag is relatively well known for a range of highway construction
applications from granular base to supplementary cementitious materials. In contrast to
blast furnace slag, which is volumetrically stable and straightforward in its construction
uses, steel slag contains hydratable oxides that can result in volumetric instability that
must be dealt with through appropriate steel slag aging, testing and quality control to
ensure its appropriate use in highway construction. Particular care must be taken to
prevent potential steel slag expansive behaviour in confined applications. Quality
requirements and guidelines on steel slag expansivity to further the use of appropriate
quality steel slags, with demonstrated acceptable performance, in aggregate and
cementitious applications are outlined.

There is a full range of proven civil and highway construction uses - from aggregate to
cementitious materials - for copper, nickel and phosphorus nonferrous slag. The use of
air-cooled nickel slag is presented, based mainly on practical highway experience and
in the Dominican Republic with ferronickel slag. It has been shown in the laboratory,
and more importantly during highway construction, that air-cooled, crushed nickel slag
can be an excellent aggregate in granular base, engineered fill and hot-mix asphalt.
There is a good potential for increased ground, granulated copper and nickel slags use
as supplementary cementitious materials that is being developed, which takes
advantage of the 'latent energy' content. The scope of a new technical text on the
technology of slag utilization is reflected throughout to provide a practical context for the
highway engineer.


Slag is the molten byproduct or coproduct of many metallurgical and special (coal-fired
thermal plants for instance) operations, that is subsequently cooled (air, pelletized,
foamed or granulated) for use, or, unfortunately in too many cases, disposal. Ferrous
(iron and steel) and nonferrous (copper and nickel for instance) metals are the most
commonly used, world-wide, structural and functional materials. The resulting large
quantities of slags produced and their potential impact on the environment have
prompted materials scientists and civil engineers to explore the technically-sound, cost-
effective and environmentally-acceptable use of a wide range of slags in civil and
highway construction.

Research and laboratory testing, field evaluation, and practical utilization demonstration
in construction with appropriate specification and quality requirements, are the trilogy of
slag use development for highway construction. The ultimate purpose of any slag
utilization study is to open up avenues for the appropriate use of a particular slag with
specific characteristics. There are three main points fundamental to conducting the
effective study of a specific slag, which forms the basis for uses in highway

• First, there must be a sound understanding of the overall compositional and physical
properties of the specific slag being investigated, especially any potentially negative
characteristics (volume expansivity related to hydratable oxides for instance). The
slag properties to be considered are chemistry (typically as oxides), composition
(mineralogy), physical and mechanical including a comparison of these properties
with those of other slags and related materials which may be replaced by the
specific slag, or used in conjunction with the slag.

• Second, in order to achieve appropriate and optimum utilization of a specific slag, it

is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of the production, properties,
design methods, construction uses and specifications of the conventional material(s)
that the slag may replace or incorporate the slag. The conventional materials could
be bulk (aggregate for instance) or cementitious (portland cement for instance). The
relationship of the processing methods and properties between conventional
material(s) and slag(s) must be understood and investigated so that any potential
use of the specific slag in highway construction can be thoroughly exploited.

• Third, it must be recognized that slags are distinct, rather unique materials, and
generally different from any natural mineral materials. Like any other byproduct or
coproduct (or waste unfortunately too often), slag is a type of special raw material
with its own characteristics, that must generally have additional processing for uses
in highway construction. It is important, therefore, that highway material and
construction specifications based on conventional mineral resources and materials
do not preclude the use of suitable quality slags with demonstrated satisfactory
performance for the intended purpose. The importance of proper slag processing,
with quality control, for approved highway uses cannot be over emphasized.

Each specific slag, in terms of type, process and source, should be fully evaluated for
each proposed use, given the significant differences in properties that can be involved
and the specific performance requirements for aggregate and cementitious uses.


Slag utilization in highway construction is an overall process which includes several

stages from slag production to end uses. Successful utilization is generally based on
several stages or links. The overall general process consists of seven links, as shown
in Figure 1, any one of which might affect the final use of the specific slag in highway
construction. These links include: pre- or post-treatment of slag; chemical and physical
(particularly potential expansion and deleterious components) properties and the factors
which affect them; and the evaluation of potential field performance for the intended
uses. Comprehensive slag utilization studies consist of three main stages: treating and
processing; intrinsic properties; and properties of end products (uses). The slag uses
shown in Figure 1 are divided into three broad areas: use as granular material or hot-
mix asphalt aggregate (there is often a wide range of aggregate uses - from granular
material to special applications such as filter media); use as portland cement concrete
aggregate; and use in cementitious applications (slag cements).


Slag Production


Chemical and Expansion Physical and

Mineral Properties Properties Mechanical Properties

Use in Highway

Granular and Hot- Concrete Cementitious

Mix Asphalt Aggregate Applications
Engineered Fill, Subbase and Base

Raw Material for Cement

Coarse Aggregate
Asphalt Concrete

Blended Cement
Fine Aggregate


Figure 1 - Overall Process of Slag Utilization in Highway Construction

There are three relationships to be considered for slag utilization, as shown in Figures 2
and 3: (i) the relationship between chemical and mineral composition and any
potentially 'negative' properties; (ii) the relationship between any negative slag
properties and the performance requirements and properties of the end products (uses);
and (iii) the rational use of slags with different properties to ensure optimum use of the
specific slag. For example, volume expansion is the main factor likely to affect the
successful use of a specific steel slag as a highway construction material; volume
expansion is dependent on the chemical and mineral composition of the specific slag
and thus critically affects the evaluation of the slag and its quality control.

Relationship 1 Relationship 2

Physical and
Chemical and Mechanical Properties Properties of
Mineral Including Potential End Products
Composition Expansion Property, (Utilization)
(Volume Expansion or
Expansion Stress)

Relationship 3

Figure 2 – Relationships for Slag Utilization in Highway Construction

Subbase Blended
and Base, Cement, Concrete
Land Fill
Hot-Mix Raw Aggregate,
Asphalt for, Material for Non-Clinker
Ballast for Cement Slag ement
Rail Track, Manufacture

The requirement for stability of slag in use (from lenient to rigorous) →

The degree of use of latent (chemical) energy in slag (from none to full) →

Figure 3 – Typical Grades of Slag Utilization in Highway Construction

To effectively use a slag, it is necessary to know how its chemistry and mineral
composition affect any potential negative properties (volume expansion of steel slag for
instance) (Relationship 1), and how the negative properties can affect the performance
of the end products (uses) (Relationship 2). Relationship 3 is dependent on
Relationships 1 and 2. Relationship 1 determines the necessary treatment modification
of the properties of the specific slag and related quality control. Relationship 2 is
essential to enable the slag, with known or modified properties, to be put into use in civil
or highway construction. Once Relationship 2 is known quantitatively and
demonstrated, the use becomes viable. Once Relationship 1 is known, suitable
Relationship 2 treatment methods, if necessary, can be chosen and then Relationship 3
for optimal end uses established. It is imperative that all potential negative behaviour
and/or deleterious components are thoroughly checked and evaluated for a specific slag
in terms of the intended and optimal use requirements (Figure 3).

Slag is actually an energy-containing material, particularly when rapidly solidified

(pelletized or granulated) from the molten state to a vitrified form (process energy
locked in - latent energy). In determining the uses of a specific slag, proper attention
should be paid to the optimum use of this energy potential. This is one of the three
objectives of byproduct and coproduct (or waste) utilization: protection of the
environment; full use as a bulk and/or energy resource; and technical beneficiation for
value-added uses. The term “slag utilization” can be defined as the effective use of a
specific slag to achieve these objectives. Under this definition, landfill is clearly not

utilization and does not contribute to a sustainable society. On the other hand, any
cementitious use of a slag could be considered as energy recovery and the highest
value added. For example, the use of slag as a skid-resistant aggregate involves the
use of its surface characteristics such as hardness, where hardness is a strength
related property with little energy recovery. On the other hand, use as a cementitious
material in blended cement essentially recovers the latent (invested) energy. It is very
important to focus on cementitious (energy) uses of slags where possible, rather than
just aggregate (bulk) uses. More quantitative assessment is generally needed for
higher end uses of a slag. This is shown in Figure 3, where from left to right, increasing
potential invested (process) energy is 'recovered', necessitating a higher degree of
stability and more rigorous quantitative work to quantify slag performance properties.


The reason for a specific slag not currently being fully utilized is often due to a general
lack of quantification work on the properties of the slag (expansion potential for
instance) and the performance requirements of the end products (uses). A technical
opinion unsupported by thorough characterization and performance testing is not
sufficient to encourage the use of a slag in the construction industry without misgivings
or concerns. Unfortunately, the impact of past utilization mistakes is very difficult to
overcome even for proven uses. Usability criteria and properties of composites made
from a specific slag can be determined from a study of the basic properties of the slag
and the specific application specifications for a use, particularly stability and deleterious
materials control requirements.

The relevant, necessary slag quantification work for engineered fill, rail ballast, subbase
and base material, erosion control material and hot-mix asphalt aggregates includes:
laboratory testing (volume expansion characterization for instance); evaluation;
establishing processing requirements; establishing specification requirements and
quality control procedures; and combining this technical suitability with a check of
environmental factors and cost-effectiveness. For slag use as portland cement
concrete aggregate, the quantification requirements are more detailed given the
importance of long-term durability and stability in a wide range of environments and
structures. For slag use in blended cement, in addition to the quantification of
pozzolanic/hydraulic properties, stability and durability for various substitution ratios, the
grindability (cost) of the slag is very important.

Recent quantification work carried out by the authors has resulted in some useful
criteria for slag utilization. It should be noted that each specific slag must be fully
quantified and checked for each specific use as these are only general guidelines.

Prediction of Volume Expansion – Criterion for Slag Use as a Granular Material

For steel slag use as a granular material (aggregate) in unconfined applications such as
granular base and hot-mix asphalt aggregate, volume expansion (stability) is still of

major concern[1]. (A detailed quantification for confined applications such as
structural fill or concrete aggregate is imperative and these uses must always be
viewed with great care as only special quality steel slags will demonstrate the
required volumetric stability [1,2].) A usability criterion for unconfined applications
has been developed based on the physical properties of a given slag:

(γ s − γ o )
F≤k × 100% Equation 1
γ s2

where F is the hydratable oxide content (CaO and/or MgO) of a given slag; γs is the
specific gravity of the slag; γo is the bulk relative density of the slag; and k is a constant
related to the slag's physical properties. When the hydratable oxide content of a given
steel slag is less than the right hand term, the slag will not expand macroscopically
when used as a granular material. This must then be confirmed through standard slag
expansivity testing [3].

Volumetric Stress – Criterion for Use in Rigid Applications

For slag used in a rigid matrix (portland cement concrete for instance), the resulting
integrity and volume stability are basically controlled by the minimum allowable stress of
the matrix material and the maximum volumetric stress (expansion stress) of the slag
used in the matrix. A criterion for this has been developed as follows [2]:

πdσ e
σd = k ≤σ Equation 2

where σd is the ‘dangerous’ stress level of the slag aggregate (N/m2); k is a factor of
safety larger than 1; d is the particle size of the slag aggregate; R is the particle cracking
ratio; σe is the volumetric expansive stress of a compacted mass of the slag on a unit
area at unit height (N/m3) which is obtained from a laboratory accelerated autoclave
testing for a given slag; and φ is a filling factor for the slag aggregate. When the
maximum tension stress of a given slag is less than the allowable stress σ, the entire
product will not fail or lose strength owing to the fact that the matrix strength is
sufficiently high to constrain the expansion stress generated from the slag particles.
Once again, it is necessary to confirm this through detailed durability testing of the
concrete incorporating the specific slag. It is imperative that only special quality
steel slags, of clearly proven suitability, are considered for concrete aggregate,
cementitious and confined application uses [1,2].

Autoclave Disruption Testing

A laboratory autoclave disruption testing method [3] has been developed to evaluate the
quality of slag aggregates for use in highway construction. In this test, a slag sample is
separated into different size fractions and examined petrographically. Specific amounts

of slag particles are chosen to test each size fraction of the slag. The slag samples are
then placed in a simple autoclave for testing. The disruption ratio is then used to assist
in evaluating the expansion potential and/or deleterious material content of the slag


There is a full range of proven highway construction applications for suitable quality
nickel, copper and phosphorus slags. One of the recent positive developments was the
use of large quantities of air-cooled nickel slag in the reconstruction and widening of the
Duarte Highway in the Dominican Republic [4,5]. The specific nickel slag is a coproduct
of ferronickel production by the smelting of laterite ore by Falcondo at Bonao.

Background Information

The reconstruction and widening of 140 kilometres of the Dominican Republic's Duarte
Highway from Santo Domingo (capital and largest city) north to Santiago (second
largest city) was completed between 1994 and 1996 at a cost of some US $150 million.
This Project was completed under the supervision of the Secretaria de Estado de Obras
Públicas y Communicaciones (SEOPC) to the highest of international standards.

Aggregate Selection

The SEOPC took considerable efforts to mitigate the impact of the Duarte Highway
construction work on the physical environment. The terrain, at several points along the
route, required very deep and difficult cutting and filling, with extensive watercourse
protection throughout and the use of large quantities of granular borrow fill. In addition
to these borrow fill requirements (engineered fill), there was the requirement for large
quantities of granular subbase and hot-mix asphalt crushed aggregates. The prime
sources of these aggregates were large river bed gravel deposits that were selected,
processed and rehabilitated to minimize environmental impacts. The SEOPC also
implemented the use of nickel slag aggregate (stockpiled 'waste' slag) as a large,
environmentally-friendly, suitable aggregate source from the Falconbridge Dominicana,
S.A. (Falcondo, part of Falconbridge, a Canadian company) laterite ore ferronickel

The Falcondo ferronickel smelter was conveniently located near the middle of the
project with large quantities of nickel slag 'stockpiled' in the slag disposal area. Due to
the thermal shock of air-cooling, the molten nickel slag is 'fragmented' to a convenient
size for engineering fill and granular subbase use. There was a concern for the volume
stability and leachate characteristics of the Falcondo nickel slag aggregate, based on
the erroneous assumption that it is similar to steel slag which does exhibit volumetric
stability problems, as discussed above [3]. A thorough technical literature review and
laboratory testing program was completed for the SEOPC to check the volume stability
and leachate characteristics. The testing results for nickel slag aggregates used in the
Duarte Highway construction are summarized in Table 1. Based on considerable

Table 1
Summary of Test Results
Nickel Slag Aggregates – Dominican Republic

Nominal 25 mm Nominal 25 mm Nominal Retained
Minus Sample 1 Minus Sample 2 25 mm Minus

JEGEL Slag Aggregate Autoclave Disruption Test Pass

1.18 to 2.36 mm 50/0/0 50/0/0 -

2.36 to 4.75 mm 50/0/0 49/1/0 -
4.75 to 6.7 mm 50/0/0 50/0/0 -
6.7 to 9.5 mm 50/0/0 50/0/0 -
9.5 to 13.2 mm 50/0/0 50/0/0 -
>25 mm - - 12/0/0
Pass Pass Pass
Autoclave disruption testing was also completed for two particles of nickel slag
which exhibited cracking attributed to thermal shock. Both particles passed the
autoclave disruption test (remained sound and did not exhibit any additional

Slag Aggregate Petrographic Examination [3] Pass

A 1700 g sample of the nominal 25 mm minus nickel slag (passing 25 mm, retained
4.75 mm) was examined by a petrographer. The sample was found to consist solely
of hard nickel slag. Occasional cracked particles were identified (thermal cracking)
as well as some very vesicular particles, but no deleterious or non-slag particles
were identified. One particle of nickel slag appeared to have some cemented sand
attached to it, but the particle itself was hard.

Slag Aggregate Expansion Test [3] Pass

Percent 0.06 (negligible) 0.04 (negligible) Not Tested

7 days at 60°C

practical positive international experience, satisfactory local use for several years,
leachate characterization, mineralogical evaluations and the favourable comprehensive
accelerated stability and durability testing, the Falcondo nickel slag was given full
project approval for engineered fill, granular subbase and hot-mix asphalt aggregate
use. Several million cubic metres of the Falcondo nickel slag were used during the

project, thus replacing a substantial amount of river gravels and making a very positive
contribution to the environment. The regular construction industry use of Falcondo
nickel slag is now being established for domestic and export markets.


It has only been possible here to outline the guiding philosophy for slag utilization and
provide a fairly detailed example based on nickel slag use as engineered fill, granular
subbase and hot-mix asphalt aggregate during the Duarte Highway reconstruction and
widening project in the Dominican Republic. Hopefully, the requirements for a full
quantification of a specific slag and thorough evaluation for intended uses have been
clearly indicated along with the sustainable development objective of taking advantage
of the full range of potential uses, particularly cementitious. A technical text
“Technology of Slag Utilization” giving a much more detailed and comprehensive
treatment of slag utilization in civil and highway construction will be available from the
authors in late 2004.


1. Wang, G., "Properties and Utilization of Steel Slag in Engineering Applications",

1992, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia.

2. Wang, G. and Montgomery, D., "Criteria for the Use of Slag in Concrete - A
Numerical Method", Proceedings, Symposium on Use of Fly Ash, Silica Fume,
Slag, Natural Pozzolans and Other By-Products in Concrete and Other
Construction Materials, 1992, Milwaukee, USA.

3. Farrand, B., and Emery, J., "Recent Improvements in the Quality of Steel Slag
Aggregate", Transportation Research Record, 1468, 137-141, 1995.

4. Emery, J., "Asphalt Technology for Mega Transportation Projects", Proceedings,

Canadian Technical Asphalt Association Annual Meeting, 1999, Québec,

5. Caribbean Fast-Track, World Highways, 4 (5), 25-28, 1995.

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