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2008 PDF
2008 PDF
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1 author:
Serkan Tapkin
Antalya Bilim University
All content following this page was uploaded by Serkan Tapkin on 13 December 2014.
Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of fly ash as a filler replacement on the mechanical prop-
erties of asphalt–aggregate mixtures. Utilization of fly ash, which is the by-product of coal-fired power generation, is of
great importance from an environmental and economical point of view. In this study, a dense bituminous mixture com-
posed of calcareous aggregate was selected as the reference mixture. It was observed that there was a definite increase in
Marshall stability and decrease in flow values, especially when calcareous filler was replaced by Soma-type fly ash, which
was one of the three types of fly ashes used. The mechanical properties, namely elastic strain, elastic modulus, and perma-
nent strain, of the asphalt mixtures were determined by carrying out fatigue tests with a UMATTA tester for three types of
fly ashes, portland cement, lime, and control specimens. The changes in mechanical properties are important in the sense
that they affect the behavior of asphalt concrete pavement under applied loads. This mechanism can be explained basically
by bitumen extension. The fatigue life of fly ash specimens, especially Soma fly ash, was found to be considerably higher
than that of calcareous filler specimens. Based on this study, it is demonstrated that fly ash can be used effectively in a
dense-graded wearing course as a filler replacement.
Key words: fly ash, filler replacement, Marshall method, mechanical properties, fatigue test, performance, bitumen exten-
sion, fatigue life.
Résumé : L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner l’impact des cendres volantes comme matière de charge de remplace-
ment sur les propriétés mécaniques des mélanges asphalte-granulats. L’utilisation des cendres volantes, le sous-produit des
centrales thermiques alimentées au charbon, est d’une grande importance environnementale et économique. Dans la pré-
sente étude, un mélange bitumineux dense, composé d’agrégat calcaire, a été choisi comme mélange de référence. La stabi-
lité Marshall a définitivement augmentée et une diminution des valeurs d’écrasement a été remarquée, surtout lorsque la
matière de charge calcaire était remplacé par les cendres volantes de type Soma, l’un des trois types de cendres volantes
utilisés. Les propriétés mécaniques, dont la déformation élastique, le module élastique et la déformation plastique des mé-
langes asphaltiques ont été déterminées en effectuant des essais de résistance à la fatigue par un UMATTA pour trois types
de cendres volantes, du ciment Portland, de la chaux et des échantillons témoins. Les changements aux propriétés mécani-
ques sont importants en ce qu’ils ont un impact sur le comportement du revêtement en béton asphaltique sous les charges
qui y sont appliquées. Ce mécanisme peut être expliqué à la base par l’extension du bitume. La longévité à la fatigue des
échantillons de cendres volantes, surtout la cendre de type Soma, s’est avérée considérablement plus élevée que celle des
échantillons comportant des matières de charge calcaires. La présente étude a démontré que les cendres volantes peuvent
être utilisées de manière efficace comme matière de charge dans une couche d’usure de catégorie dense.
Mots-clés : cendres volantes, matière de charge de remplacement, méthode Marshall, propriétés mécaniques, essai de fati-
gue, rendement, extension du bitume, longévité à la fatigue.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]
Can. J. Civ. Eng. 35: 27–40 (2008) doi:10.1139/L07-082 # 2008 NRC Canada
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is accomplished by using polymer modifiers in the asphalt– material was evaluated for performance improvement of
aggregate mixtures. This modification can be done both by asphalt concrete pavements.
modifying bitumen with the polymer or by adding the
modifier directly in to the mixture of bitumen and aggre- 2. Historical background and definition of
gate during mixing process. The first technique needs spe- filler replacement
cialized equipment and therefore brings additional
expenditure. Asphalt modification by using polymers, Normally, stone dust produced during the aggregate
whether bitumen-based or mix-based, is an expensive proc- crushing process is used as filler in asphalt–aggregate mix-
ess and needs skilled workmanship and special equipment. tures. It is common practice to use hydrated lime, portland
Also, for developing countries, asphalt modification with cement, and some other materials in place of stone dust
polymers means more dependence on developed countries when it is not available in the required amounts. The influ-
for the transfer of technology, know-how, and, most impor- ence of mineral filler comes from the fact that although
tantly, importation of patented modifiers. The importance small in weight with respect to the total mix, its surface
of using waste materials, such as fly ash, in the modifica- area is quite large. In some cases, a reduction in the demand
tion of asphalt–aggregate mixtures comes into the scene at for bitumen can be accomplished by the addition of mineral
this point. Together with the economic considerations, us- filler because it fills the voids in the aggregate mass. How-
ing fly ash in asphalt–aggregate mixtures alters the mixture ever, in other cases, due to the increase in surface area, a
behavior in a beneficial way (Ali et al. 1996; Churchill larger demand for bitumen may be necessary. In this study,
and Amirkhanian 1999; Asi and Assa’ad 2005). various filler materials were selected to investigate this
The oldest application of asphalt–aggregate mix modifica- important effect on the characteristics of the mixture.
tion is the replacement of normal filler material by another Paving mixtures are composed of mineral aggregates held
suitable material available in nature or easily found on the together by an asphalt binder or bitumen. The mineral
market. This process is called filler replacement. In practice, aggregates are distributed throughout the mixture in sizes
filler replacement is put into application for cases where ranging from coarse to fine. Properly compacted asphalt
normal filler produced during the crushing process of rocks mixtures produce a structure whose stability, stiffness, and
from quarries is scarce or aggregate is not clean and inher- wearing properties are dependent on the interlocking of the
ent mud or clay constituents are present; thus, it becomes aggregate and the cohesiveness of the binder. Based on the
necessary to wash out the aggregate, which causes the total above rationale, mineral filler is defined as finely divided
loss of filler. mineral matter and includes material such as rock dust, slag
dust, portland cement, hydrated lime (used also as an anti-
There are several materials available on the market and in
stripping agent), fly ash, waste glass (Sobolev 2003), and
nature that may be used in place of normal filler. Fly ash, a
loess (Anderson et al. 1982). If a more formal definition is
by-product of coal-fired power generation, is an example of
sought to be given, mineral filler is the material passing a
such a material. Because of its origin, there is a rising inter-
No. 200 (0.074 mm) US standard sieve. In usual practice,
est in fly ash among scientists and civil engineers (Sobolev
the mineral filler used in asphalt–aggregate mixtures is the
and Naik 2005). The importance of fly ash as a waste mate-
tail-end product obtained during the crushing process of nat-
rial, from the economic point of view, draws major attention
ural rock that conforms with aggregate specifications. The
to this material by pavement engineers. The vast amount of
use of fly ash, portland cement, or other suitable materials
waste material produced daily is one of the major worldwide in place of natural mineral filler is universally accepted.
problems in waste management. Developing countries like
A controversial and unresolved question regarding filler
Turkey produce a considerable amount of fly ash in coal-
materials concerns the mechanisms by which fillers change
fired power plants every year and this huge amount of waste
the properties or behavior of paving mixtures. Brief consid-
creates a significant problem with respect to handling and
eration of such mechanisms may be helpful for the sake of
storage, which are important both from the economic and
completeness of the filler replacement theory.
environmental point of view. Nations are forced to search
The mineral filler, whether artificial or natural, can affect
for more suitable ways to recycle these waste materials, the
hot-mix asphalt concrete in a number of ways. It may:
main reason being primary environmental concerns and a
decreasing number of landfill sites. For a considerable . stiffen the asphalt cement
amount of time, researchers have been investigating the use
of fly ash in the construction industry, to enable better man- . extend the asphalt cement (it can be called the bitumen
agement of this important waste material and to improve the extension)
properties of construction materials. Fly ash has been used . alter the moisture resistance of the mix
extensively in concrete production for many years, but there . affect the aging characteristics of the mix
are limited applications where fly ash has been used in . affect the workability and compaction characteristics of
pavement engineering when compared with concrete appli- the mix (Anderson et al. 1982).
cations. This study aims to provide a suitable means for the
utilization of fly ash in dense bituminous mixtures. The mineral filler fraction is often referred to as the
The first aim of this study was to review available litera- amount of material filling the voids between the coarser
ture on the use of fly ash in asphalt concrete mixtures. Sec- sand and aggregate particles. This concept sounds very ele-
ond, the possibilities of improving the mechanical properties gant until an attempt is made to define the size range of the
of asphalt mixtures by using fly ash as mineral filler was coarser fraction that creates the voids. Puzinauskas (1983)
explored. Finally, the effect of the use of fly ash as a filler arrived at the conclusion that there is no single size that can
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be considered as filling the voids or creating the voids. More as an extender on density measurements, voids, and mechan-
appropriately, the filler, the dust or simply the minus No. ical properties of asphalt. Indirect tensile strength, creep,
200 (US standard sieve) fraction should be considered an and resilient modulus test results showed that the addition
extension of the mineral aggregate framework. It is this min- of class F fly ash provided superior fatigue life, rut depth
eral aggregate framework that is primarily responsible for resistance, and tensile strength.
the stability and load carrying properties of hot-mix asphalt Also, Tons et al. (1983) investigated the use of class F fly
concrete (Puzinauskas 1983). ash as a bitumen extender. Bitumen was replaced by various
The portion of the filler with particles thicker than the percentages of different fly ashes. Tests were carried out on
asphalt film contributes to the interlocking of the aggregate. asphalt specimens to determine resistance to moisture dam-
The other portion of the filler, with particles smaller than age, thermal cracking, rutting, fatigue life, and asphalt hard-
the thickness of the asphalt film, is suspended in the asphalt ening in mixtures. Noticeable improvements were observed
and constitutes the binder in the mixture. The filler may ex- for asphalt hardening, moisture and freeze–thaw damage
tend the asphalt, thereby increasing the effective asphalt resistance, rutting resistance, fatigue life, density, and tensile
content in the mixture (Dukatz and Anderson 1980). Two strength.
types of stiffening effects may result from the portion of the Cabrera and Zoorob (1994) established that, based on a
mineral filler that is suspended in the asphalt: workability index at various temperatures, the pulverized fly
ash filler hot-mixed asphalt could be mixed and compacted
. a relatively small stiffening resulting from the volume at temperatures as low as 110 and 85 8C, respectively, with-
filling of the filler out any detrimental effects on engineering and performance
. a relatively large stiffening resulting from the physico- properties. They stated that there might have been consider-
chemical interaction between the asphalt and the surface able savings in energy without an additional asphalt cement
of the mineral filler (Puzinauskas 1983). requirement.
Table 2. Physical properties of coarse aggre- Table 4. Chemical composition of fly ash (FA) samples. LoI, loss
gates, tested in accordance with ASTM C127- on ignition.
80 (ASTM 1980b).
Oxide (%)
Property Test value FA Soma FA Cayirhan FA Kangal
Bulk specific gravity (kg/m3) 2754 (class F) (class F) (class C)
Apparent specific gravity (kg/m3) 2821 SiO2 50.48 49.74 27.92
Water absorption (%) 0.26 Al2O3 27.64 14.70 11.96
Fe2O3 4.80 9.04 5.14
Table 3. Physical properties of fine aggregates, SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 82.92 73.48 45.02
tested in accordance with ASTM C128-79 CaO 13.08 13.64 37.86
(ASTM 1979b). MgO 1.30 5.10 2.60
SO3 0.97 3.64 12.10
Property Test value Na2O 0.30 2.10 0.40
Bulk specific gravity (kg/m3) 2741 K2O 2.00 1.20 0.80
Apparent specific gravity (kg/m3) 2766 Na2Oeq 1.62 2.89 0.93
Water absorption (%) 1.43 LoI 1.07 2.44 3.15
Table 7. Marshall test results for calcareous filler. V.M.A., voids in mineral aggregate.
Table 8. Marshall test results for Soma (class F) fly ash filler. V.M.A., voids in
mineral aggregate.
Table 9. Marshall test results for Cayirhan (class F) fly ash filler. V.M.A., voids in
mineral aggregate.
bitumen contents are represented in Fig. 1. Voids in mineral coarsest. The values of specific surface areas are stated in
aggregate (V.M.A.) must be greater than 12%–13% accord- Table 13. These fly ash samples had approximately equal
ing to the same criteria set forth by this agency. The V.M.A. specific surface area values (Table 13). Kangal fly ash has
results tabulated in Tables 7–12 confirm this fact. the highest specific surface area, therefore, resulting in the
The particle size distribution graphs of six different filler highest optimum bitumen content (highest bitumen absorp-
specimens, which are grouped into two parts as fly ashes tion capacity). The research results confirm this assump-
and the others, are given in Figs. 2 and 3. The particle size tion. As can be seen in Fig. 1, the optimum bitumen
distribution analyses of filler materials were carried out by content of Kangal fly ash is 6.28%, which is the largest
Malvern Mastersizer (Malvern Instruments Ltd. 1997) work- amount of all fillers. Soma fly ash has a specific gravity
ing in a dry basis. All of the tests were carried at the same of 2105 kg/m3. It is the lightest among the fillers and it
laboratory with the same test conditions. Figure 2 shows the can affect some of the mixture properties. The amount and
particle size distribution of three types of fly ashes. It can the characteristics of the filler material can considerably al-
be observed that the finest of these three samples is Kan- ter the behavior of bituminous mixtures (Puzinauskas 1983;
gal fly ash (class C) and the Soma fly ash (class F) is the Dukatz and Anderson 1980; Carpenter 1952; Warden et al.
# 2008 NRC Canada
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Table 10. Marshall test results for Kangal (class C) fly ash filler. V.M.A., voids in
mineral aggregate.
Table 11. Marshall test results for lime filler. V.M.A., voids in mineral aggregate.
Table 12. Marshall test results for portland cement filler. V.M.A., voids in mineral
1952). During the mixing process at high temperatures, the pressive and interesting observation is the increase in the
bitumen and filler come together to form a paste. The ulti- Marshall stability values and decrease of flow values for
mate physical and chemical characteristics of this paste Soma fly ash specimens (versus control specimens with cal-
determine the mixture behavior. Bitumen extension and careous filler).
stiffening effect controlled by the filler content and its Table 14 reports the maximum stability values obtained
characteristics are two phenomenons that are frequently from each data set of different fillers. It can be seen that
mentioned in published literature (Puzinauskas 1983; the average stabilities of Soma fly ash specimens are app-
Dukatz and Anderson 1980; Carpenter 1952; Warden et al. roximately 11% higher and the average flow values are
1952). Although the experimental results provide ade- approximately 17% lower than that of calcareous filler
quate guidance for the mix design process, to further clar- (control) specimens (Table 14). Also, the average air void
ify filler–bitumen interaction, more complete studies are values of Soma fly ash specimens are approximately 53%
needed. higher than that of the control specimens. Finally, the aver-
The effect of filler replacement with fly ash, lime, and age specific gravity values of Soma fly ash specimens are
portland cement is given in Tables 14 and 15. The most im- approximately 4% lower than that of calcareous filler
# 2008 NRC Canada
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Fig. 3. Particle size distribution of portland cement, lime, and calcareous filler.
specimens. The reasons why Soma fly ash specimens per- ing from the filler–bitumen interaction is realized in the
form better than the other two types of fly ashes can be asphalt concrete specimens prepared with Soma fly ash.
stated as follows: (2) The aluminium oxide (Al2O3) percentage of Soma fly
ash specimens is 27.64%, which is more than twice that
(1) Soma fly ash (class F) is the coarsest of the three types of the other types of fly ash. The aluminium oxide por-
of fly ashes (Fig. 2). Therefore, the stiffening effect aris- tion of fly ash can be considered to be responsible for
# 2008 NRC Canada
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Table 13. Specific surface areas of dif- shown in Table 15. In this table, the stability values are
ferent types of filler materials, tested in taken as the reference point as these are important mechani-
accordance with ASTM C204-00 cal parameters of asphalt. Also, the stability values act as a
(ASTM 2000). dominant figure in the design process of asphalt–aggregate
mixtures. Therefore, the bitumen content values that produce
Filler type (m2/kg) Test value
a stability value similar to that of the control specimens
Calcareous filler 322.9
(with calcareous filler) have to be represented. The maxi-
Soma fly ash 249.4
mum stability values obtained for different types of fly ash
Cayirhan fly ash 242.7
are greater than those of the control specimens. A represen-
Kangal fly ash 277.0
tative bitumen content value that gives approximately equal
Lime 582.2
stability values to the optimum bitumen content of 5%, as it
Portland cement 265.3
was defined for the control specimens, is accepted as the
‘‘adjusted bitumen content’’ of the different fillers. These
values are presented in Table 15.
The Marshall quotient values in Table 15 are presented in
the bond with bitumen and, therefore, for the higher Fig. 4. This figure shows the favourable behavior of fly ash
strength and stiffness of the Marshall specimens. specimens when compared with a calcareous type of filler.
(3) The apparent specific gravity of Soma fly ash is The fatigue life of fly ash specimens is relatively higher
2105 kg/m3, which is the smallest of the three types of when compared with the fatigue life of the control mix.
fly ashes. Also, this value is much smaller than the
specific gravity of the calcareous filler. Therefore, it 4.3. Experimental methods
can be concluded that the filler–bitumen paste of Soma
fly ash specimens shows better bitumen extension when 4.3.1. Fatigue life analysis of Marshall specimens
compared with the specimens prepared with other types Fatigue can be defined as the ‘‘phenomenon of fracture
of fillers. under repeated or fluctuating stress having a maximum
value generally less than the tensile strength of the material’’
These results conform well with the results obtained by (Austin and Gilchrist 1996). Another definition for fatigue is
Tons et al. (1983) in the sense that class F fly ash acts as a that ‘‘it is a process of progressive localized permanent
superior bitumen extender. Two other fly ash materials and structural change occurring in a material subjected to condi-
lime did not show superior properties versus calcareous tions that produce fluctuating stresses and strains at some
filler, with respect to stability. But, on the other hand, lime point or points and which may culminate in cracks or com-
has an average flow value of approximately 22% lower than plete fracture at a sufficient number of fluctuations’’ (ASTM
calcareous filler. This interesting behavior of lime comes 1963). Fatigue in asphalt pavement surfaces is caused by the
from the fact that it has the highest specific surface area of repetitive application of vehicular loads, which induce fluc-
582.2 m2/kg. However, lime filler specimens also have the tuating stresses and strains in the bituminous surface layer.
smallest average stability values. Another major drawback Under traffic loading, the layers of a flexible pavement
is related to the behavior of the portland cement specimens structure are subjected to continuous flexing. The distress,
(Table 14). As can be seen, these samples also show supe- which is caused by the fatigue phenomenon, begins with
rior properties because of the high specific gravity of port- cracking that shows up as map or alligator cracking patterns
land cement. The highest average Marshall quotient value, on the surface.
which gives important information about the stiffness modu-
lus of the mixture, was obtained for Soma fly ash speci- 4.3.2. Repeated load indirect tensile test
mens. This gives an important indication for fatigue life The repeated load indirect tensile test is a commonly used
prediction of these types of specimens (i.e., the higher the tensile test for stabilized materials. Most of the early re-
stiffness of the specimens, the longer the fatigue life is). ported tests have been reported for concrete or mortar; how-
The fatigue life of Soma fly ash specimens is the highest ever, this test is currently applied to cement-treated gravel,
among all specimens. The minor variations in the specific lime-soil mixtures, and asphalt-stabilized materials. This
gravity values of the Marshall specimens can be explained test involves loading a cylindrical specimen with a compres-
by the changes in the specific gravity values of filler ma- sive load along two opposite sides, which results in a rela-
terials. tively uniform tensile stress acting perpendicular to and
From the point of view of economics, the aim of the de- along the diametral plane of the applied load. Finally, a
signer is to minimize the cost of the bitumen that is being splitting failure generally occurs along the diametral plane
used in the design. In the case where fly ash or other waste (Austin and Gilchrist 1996).
material is used as filler material, there is no extra cost to Under the applied force, perpendicular and horizontal
pay for the replacement operation. The most important point stresses, elastic modulus and strain values can be easily cal-
that has to be emphasized is that ‘‘fly ash replacement pro- culated. The fatigue life can be determined from the reduc-
vides real economy.’’ This is the major difference from the tion of the elastic modulus value to a limiting value, defined
polymer modification option. The optimum bitumen content as a fraction of the initial value (generally 50%) or as a
for calcareous filler is approximately 5%. Comparisons be- number of load repetitions that cause the first crack to arise
tween calcareous filler and the other filler materials are in the specimen (Brown 1990).
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Table 14. Volumetric mix properties of mixtures with maximum stability based on
different types of filler materials.
Table 15. Mixture properties and the ‘‘adjusted bitumen content’’ values.
4.3.3. Elasticity modulus, permanent and elastic While the test is being carried out, with predefined intervals,
deformations the elastic and plastic deformations are recorded and tensile
The UMATTA tester (ELE-UMATTA 1994) is a testing stress, resilient strain, and elastic modulus values are calcu-
system that is used to find both the elastic modulus and the lated. The experiment is conducted in a temperature-
permanent and elastic deformations of the previously pre- controlled unit and the interior and surface temperature of
pared Marshall specimens (Wallace and Monismith 1980). the specimen is continuously recorded.
The system operates automatically and is controlled with Based on these experiment results, the fatigue life of
the help of a personal computer and software called UMAT asphalt pavements have been modelled in laboratory condi-
(ELE-UMATTA 1994). The parameters, such as applied tions and extensive tests have been conducted to investi-
load level, load repetition, and time to reach maximum load- gate the effect of fly ash replacement on mixture
ing level, are given as an input before starting the test. properties. These tests were carried out with a UMATTA
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Fig. 5. Elastic strain versus pulse count of specimens prepared with different fillers.
tester (ELE-UMATTA 1994). The aim of these experi- It can be observed that different types of specimens show
ments was to model the fatigue or alligator cracking on quite different patterns with respect to their fatigue lives. As
the pavement structure. can be seen from the graphs in these figures, Soma fly ash
In this study, repeated indirect loadings were applied on specimens have the longest fatigue life and calcareous filler
Marshall specimens and lateral deformations were measured. specimens have the shortest. When these graphs are ana-
The experiment was terminated when visible cracks started lysed, it can be seen that there are some peak points in the
to occur on the specimen surface. elastic strain versus pulse count graphs. After these points
are reached, if the test is continued, a strain-hardening por-
5. Test results and discussion tion with a second peak value can be observed (Tapkn
1998). In this study, the tests were terminated at the point
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dif- where the first visible crack was seen on the specimen sur-
ferent types of fillers on properties of dense bituminous face. Therefore, the fatigue lives were calculated on this
mixes. For the calcareous aggregate, calcareous type of basis. Initial strain values, maximum strain values, final
filler, and 60/70 penetration bitumen used throughout the strain values, and the pulse counts corresponding to these
entire study, the optimum bitumen content was found to be final strain values are presented in Table 16.
approximately 5.0%. The six sets of specimens, each com-
posed of three different samples, were prepared using the There are various approaches for the determination of
5.0% bitumen content (the optimum bitumen content for fatigue life of dense bituminous mixtures in published litera-
calcareous filler specimens). Although the air void contents ture (Tapkn 1998). In this study, the first visible crack ap-
of the Marshall specimens prepared with Kangal fly ash proach was used. According to this, an average fatigue life
and lime are above 6%, these specimens were tested to of the Soma fly ash specimens is approximately 36.8%
determine their fatigue lives. These types of mixes per- higher than that of the control specimens.
formed very well in the fatigue tests when compared with The average initial resilient strains of the Soma fly ash
control specimens. The fatigue tests were carried out in a specimens are 97.4% lower than that of calcareous filler
temperature-controlled unit. The test temperature was specimens. This is a clear indicator for the anticipated lon-
40 8C to resemble the in situ conditions that initiate fati- ger fatigue life of this material. The average maximum resil-
gue cracking. The Poisson’s ratio was taken as 0.35 and ient strain of Soma fly ash specimens is 26.8% less than that
the pulse period was selected as 500 ms. Loading time of the control specimens. This means that Soma fly ash
was 100 ms, the rest period was 400 ms, and the applied specimens are exposed to a considerably lower amount of
load was 1000 N. All of the tests were carried out with resilient strain and, therefore, such materials would have
these testing parameters and the test results presented in longer fatigue lives. The final average resilient strain of the
Figs. 5, 6, and 7 are the average values of the three sets Soma fly ash specimens is 5.6% less than the reference
of asphalt concrete specimens. Figure 5 represents the elas- specimen. This is shown in the strain hardening portion of
tic strain versus pulse count of six different types of speci- the graphs in Fig. 5, which comes after the first peaks. With
mens prepared with different fillers. Figure 6 represents the this redistribution of the load in the specimen body, the
elastic modulus versus pulse count of the same specimens. Soma fly ash specimens show longer fatigue lives.
Figure 7 represents the permanent strain versus pulse count The elastic modulus versus pulse count of six different
of these specimens. types of filler specimens are presented in Fig. 6. The mini-
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Fig. 6. Elastic modulus versus pulse count of specimens prepared with different fillers.
Fig. 7. Permanent strain versus pulse count of specimens prepared with different fillers.
Table 16. Resilient strains of specimens with different fil- Table 17. Resilient modulus of specimens with
lers. different fillers.
mum value of the resilient modulus values is the point that As can be seen from Table 17, Soma fly ash specimens
is believed to be the end of the fatigue life. From this point have the highest initial resilient modulus (Eo). On the other
of view, Table 17 shows the behavior difference between hand, the calcareous filler specimens have the lowest initial
the six different types of specimens. resilient modulus. The initial resilient modulus of Soma fly
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Fig. 8. Region of crack initiation for permanent strain versus pulse count (Tapkin 1998).
ash specimens was 65.7% higher than the control specimens ence value of 36.8% obtained from the analysis of elastic
and the minimum resilient modulus (Emin) was 217.9% strain and elastic modulus graphs of Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.
higher than the control specimens. This represents the signif-
icant behavioral difference between these two types of 6. Conclusions and recommendations
specimens with respect to their mechanical performance.
Therefore, it is also clear from Table 17 and Fig. 6 that the Filler replacement with fly ash provides a considerable
Soma fly ash specimens will have the longest fatigue life. economy of bitumen in asphalt–aggregate mixtures designed
This supports the results of the resilient strain analysis. for the equivalent stability. From the physical interaction
Figure 7 shows the permanent strain versus pulse count of of fly ash and bitumen paste, a more preferable asphalt–
six different types of filler specimens. Permanent strains aggregate mixture behavior is obtained. This asphalt–aggregate
recorded during the tests show that as the number of load mixture behavior was investigated from the point of view
repetitions increase, permanent strains also increase. At the of rheological properties of the mixtures, namely by carry-
initial stages of the test, this increase is gradual and nearly ing out fatigue tests. The fatigue life of fly ash specimens,
linear. When Fig. 7 is examined, it can be observed that, especially Soma fly ash, was found to be considerably
after a number of load repetitions, the rate of increase in higher than that of the control specimens. This is a very
permanent strains gets higher and, at later stages, again promising result that can be explained mainly by the stiff-
drops. Before visible cracks are observed on the samples, ening and void-filling effects of the fly ash filler acting as
the increase in permanent strains with load repetitions again a bitumen extender in the asphalt–aggregate mixture. Soma
becomes nearly linear. Crack initiation, which is not visible fly ash is the coarsest among the investigated types of fly
and not easily detectable, most probably will occur in be- ash — it has the highest Al2O3 content and has the lowest
tween the two linear portions of permanent strain plots specific gravity — therefore, the specimens prepared with
(Tapkn 1998). This is shown in Fig. 8 for the permanent Soma fly ash had the longest fatigue lives.
strain versus pulse count relation. Fly ash filler replacement will draw the interest of pave-
It is believed that crack initiation starts before pulse count ment engineers as utilization of fly ash is an important prob-
reaches the point where the rate of increase in permanent lem both from an economic and environmental point of
strain is at its maximum. From each permanent strain – view. Also, another alternative, polymer modification, is a
pulse count plot, these points are determined by a single more expensive process that brings additional cost to the
procedure. To each permanent strain – pulse count relation, overall design. Fly ash can be obtained easily with little
a regression curve is fitted and the pulse counts at which cost and the addition of fly ash to the asphalt–aggregate
rate of increase in permanent strains start to change abruptly mixtures does not need any specialized equipment or skilled
are determined. According to these discussions, the fatigue workmanship.
lives of specimens can be thought of as the number of load The physico-chemical interaction between fly ash and the
repetitions at which the rate of increase in permanent strains bitumen should be studied with the help of techniques used
is highest (Tapkn 1998). These critical pulse counts are in materials science. The use of scanning electron micro-
shown in Fig. 9 for the entire series of specimens tested. scopy can resolve many questions about the interaction of
When the values of these six sets of specimens are exam- fly ash and bitumen paste. Also, fatigue tests were carried
ined (which change between 38 325 and 50 344 pulse out using the 5% optimum bitumen content, which was the
counts), it can be seen that the difference between the fati- calculated value for calcareous filler specimens. The same
gue lives of the calcareous filler and Soma fly ash filler tests can be carried out with the adjusted bitumen contents
specimens with respect to permanent strain measurements is obtained for the different types of fillers, to validate eco-
31.4%. This value conforms well with the fatigue life differ- nomic considerations with respect to the use of these fillers.
# 2008 NRC Canada
Tapkn 39
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