WMS - Pipe Laying Outside
WMS - Pipe Laying Outside
WMS - Pipe Laying Outside
1. General
The intent of this document is to provide an outline to the work scope and details of the overall method of works
to be carried out in laying of gravity sewer/waste pipe lines outside the building.
3. Material
uPVC pipe and fittings
Warning tapes and wood strips to mark and barricade the excavated area.
Marking tape to indicate the presence of the buried pipe.
Refill media.(sand or suitable excavated soil)
DOC NO: APS/OPM/8/L/WI/1.1 Originally Issued Date: 01/10/2017 Revised Date: 00/00/0000 Rev: 00
uPVC pipe shall be stored in level ground with timber support spaced 1.5- 3m apart from each other.
Pipe fittings shall be stored in boxes in sheltered condition.
DOC NO: APS/OPM/8/L/WI/1.1 Originally Issued Date: 01/10/2017 Revised Date: 00/00/0000 Rev: 00
4.5 Connection to the manholes/Pump pit
Manholes to be constructed by keeping box outs for pipe laying or in situ construction.
After placing the manhole at the designated location, final pipe piece shall be installed and shall be
restrained using supports to maintain the pipe invert level.
When the openings to be filled with concrete, the Inner surface of concrete surface shall be chipped and
clean thoroughly to remove foreign materials. Recommended Sulphur resistant grout shall be applied on
the inner surface of the box outs. Formwork shall be provided to avoid any leakage of concrete and
opening shall provide to pour concrete.
7. Quality Control
Quality Control Procedures shall be referred to Quality Control Plan and conducted specifically as;
1) Preliminary
a. Site observations to find the services that will be interfere with actual work.
b. Confirmation and approvals of location to be excavated.
c. Obtain engineer approval for work method & shop drawing.
d. Material approval.
2) Site work
a. Mark the site to be excavated.
b. Proceed the site as per approved method statement & drawings.
c. Use only approved material for the particular work.
d. Pressure testing of new pipeline.
8. Safety Measures to be enforced
1) Particular awareness of safety measures will be taken in sewer pipe line installation works.
DOC NO: APS/OPM/8/L/WI/1.1 Originally Issued Date: 01/10/2017 Revised Date: 00/00/0000 Rev: 00
a.) Safety goggle must be worn including general PPE (helmet, reflector jacket, safety shoes) when
cutting asphalt or concrete layer.
b.) Always skill trained persons must operate tools & equipment.
c.) All trenches must be barricade by warning tape and when deep trenches are left open for certain
period it will be hard barricades.
d.) Excavation area must be barricaded considering swing area of the excavator.
e.) Only qualified and authorized operator must be operate any machinery.
f.) Use appropriate tools and machinery.
DOC NO: APS/OPM/8/L/WI/1.1 Originally Issued Date: 01/10/2017 Revised Date: 00/00/0000 Rev: 00