Core Mathematics C3: GCE Examinations Advanced / Advanced Subsidiary

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GCE Examinations
Advanced / Advanced Subsidiary

Core Mathematics C3
Paper A
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

• Answer all the questions.
• Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, unless a different degree
of accuracy is specified in the question or is clearly appropriate.
• You are permitted to use a graphic calculator in this paper.


• The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
• The total number of marks for this paper is 72.
• You are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers.

Written by Shaun Armstrong

 Solomon Press

These sheets may be copied for use solely by the purchaser’s institute.
1. Evaluate
15 1
∫2 3
2x − 3
dx. [5]

2. y
3x + 1

O 1 3 x

3x + 1
The diagram shows the curve with equation y = , x > 0.
The shaded region is bounded by the curve, the x-axis and the lines x = 1 and x = 3.

Find the volume of the solid formed when the shaded region is rotated through four
right angles about the x-axis, giving your answer in the form π(a + ln b), where
a and b are integers. [6]

3. A curve has the equation y = (3x − 5)3.

(i) Find an equation for the tangent to the curve at the point P (2, 1). [4]

The tangent to the curve at the point Q is parallel to the tangent at P.

(ii) Find the coordinates of Q. [3]

4. Giving your answers to 2 decimal places, solve the simultaneous equations

e2y − x + 2 = 0

ln (x + 3) − 2y − 1 = 0 [7]

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C3A page 2
5. (i) Find the exact value of x such that

3 tan−1 (x − 2) + π = 0. [3]

(ii) Solve, for −π < θ < π, the equation

cos 2θ − sin θ − 1 = 0,

giving your answers in terms of π. [5]

6. The functions f and g are defined by

f : x → 3x − 4, x ∈ ,

g:x→ , x ∈ , x ≠ −3.

(i) Evaluate fg(1). [2]

(ii) Solve the equation gf(x) = 6. [4]

(iii) Find an expression for g −1(x). [2]

7. (i) Express 2 sin x° − 3 cos x° in the form R sin (x − α)° where R > 0
and 0 < α < 90. [3]

(ii) Show that the equation

cosec x° + 3 cot x° = 2

can be written in the form

2 sin x° − 3 cos x° = 1. [1]

(iii) Solve the equation

cosec x° + 3 cot x° = 2,

for x in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 360, giving your answers to 1 decimal place. [4]

Turn over

 Solomon Press
C3A page 3
8. The functions f and g are defined for all real values of x by

f : x → x − 3a,

g : x → 2x + a,

where a is a positive constant.

(i) Evaluate fg(−2a). [2]

(ii) Sketch on the same diagram the graphs of y = f(x) and y = g(x), showing the
coordinates of any points where each graph meets the coordinate axes. [4]

(iii) Solve the equation

f(x) = g(x). [4]

9. y
y = 2x − 3 ln (2x + 5)

O x


The diagram shows the curve with equation y = 2x − 3 ln (2x + 5) and the normal
to the curve at the point P (−2, −4).

(i) Find an equation for the normal to the curve at P. [4]

The normal to the curve at P intersects the curve again at the point Q with
x-coordinate q.

(ii) Show that 1 < q < 2. [3]

(iii) Show that q is a solution of the equation

x= 12
ln (2x + 5) − 2. [2]

(iv) Use an iterative process based on the equation above with a starting value
of 1.5 to find the value of q to 3 significant figures and justify the accuracy
of your answer. [4]

 Solomon Press
C3A page 4

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