Answer Allquestions in This Section.: Confidential Section A (45 Marks)

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Section A[45 marks]

Answer allquestions in this section.

2 3
1. The functions f and g are defined by f : x → for x ∈ℝ, x ≠ and g : x → 4 x +a for x ∈ℝ,
3−2 x 2
where a is a constant.
(a) Find an expression for f −1 (x). [3 marks]
(b) Find the possible values of a given that the equation f (x)=g ( x) has two equal roots.
−1 −1

[4 marks]

6 6 6 6
2. Use the binomial expansions of ( √ 2+1 ) and ( √ 2−1 ) to evaluate ( √ 2+1 ) + ( √ 2−1 ) .
Hence, show that 197≤ ( √ 2+1 ) ≤198 . [7marks]

3. The matrices A and B are given by

−1 2 1 −35 19 18

(−3 1 4
0 1 2
), B=
(−27 −13 45
−3 12 5 . )
Find the matrix A B and deduce the inverse of A. [6marks]
Hence, solve the system of linear equations
x – 2y – z=-8,
3x – y – 4z= -15,
y + 2z = 4. [4marks]

4. (a) Express z=1+ √ 3 i in the form r ( cos θ+i sin θ ) , where r is the modulus and θ is the
argument of the complex number.
Hence, show that ( 1+ √ 3 i )5 =16−16 √ 3 i. [5marks]

(b) Express z 6 z ¿ in the form of x + yi, where z ¿ is the conjugate of z and x , y ∈ R .


1 1 2 2
5. The parametric equations of a curve are x=t− and y=t+ . By taking y −x or
t t
otherwise, show that the curve is a hyperbola [3marks]
(a) The coordinates of the vertices and foci [2marks]
(b) The equations of the asymptotes [1marks]
(c) Sketch the curve [2marks]

6. The vertices of a triangle PQR have coordinates P(2 ,−3 ,−1), Q(4 , 5 ,1), R(−1 ,−2 ,6).
(a) Find the vectors ⃗ PR. [2marks]

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

(b) Hence, using a vector product, find a unit vector that is normal to both vectors ⃗ PR.
Section B [15 marks]
Answer anyonequestion in this section.

7. (a) Solve the equation

lo g 4 (2 x+3)+lo g 4 (2 x+ 15)=1+ lo g4 (14 x+5) [5 marks]

(b) (i) Given that 4 sin x+5 cos x =0, find the value of tan x. [2 marks]

(ii) Hence, solve the equation (1−tan x)(4 sin x+5 cos x)=0 in the interval
0 ≤ x ≤ 36 0o , giving your values of x to the nearest 0.1o.
[3 marks]

(c) Prove that

16+9 si n2 θ
=5+3 cos θ
5−3 cos θ

16+9 si n2 θ
Find the least value of .
5−3 cos θ
State the exact value of θ, in radians in the interval 0 ≤ θ<2 π, at which this
least value occurs.
[5 marks]
1−2 x
8. (a) Find the expansion  √
( 1+3 x )2  in ascending powers of 
set of values of  x  for which the expansion is valid.
x  until the term in  x
. State the

[8 marks]
(b) If the expansion of ( 1+ax )
 in ascending powers of  x  until the term in  x  is
1 1 2
1+ x− x
15 225 , find the values of  a  and  n .
[4 marks]
Using these values of  a  and  n , and taking  x=0 . 08 , find the value of √ 127  correct
to four decimal places.
[3 marks]


Trigonometrical identities
sin ( A±B ) =sin A cosB±cos A sin B
cos ( A±B )=cos A cos B∓sin A sin B
tan A±tan B
tan ( A±B )=
1∓tan A tan B
sin 2 A=2 sin A cos A
cos 2 A=cos A−sin2 A=2 cos2 A−1=1−2 sin2 A

2 tan A
tan 2 A=
1−tan 2 A

Sum of series
For an arithmetic series
1 1
S n = n ( a+l )= n [ 2 a+ ( n−1 ) d ]
2 2
For a geometric series
a ( 1−r n )
S n= ,r ≠1

Binomial expansions

( a+b )n =an + n an−1 b+ n an−2 b2 +.. .+ n an−r b r +.. .+b n , n∈ Ζ +

() () ()
1 2 r
n ( n−1 ) 2 n ( n−1 ) .. . ( n−r + 1 ) r
( 1+ x )n=1+ nx+ x +.. .+ x +. .. , n ∈Q ,|x|<1
2! r!

Parabola with vertex ( h,k ) and focus ( a+h , k ) and directrix x=−a+ h
( y−k ) =4 a ( x−h )
2 2 2
Ellipse with centre ( h,k ) and foci (−c +h , k ) , ( c+h , k ) where c =a −b
( x−h )2 ( y −k )2
+ 2
a b
2 2 2
Hyperbola with centre ( h,k ) and foci (−c +h , k ) , ( c+h , k ) where c =a + b
( x−h )2 ( y−k )2
− 2
a b

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

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