007 - Tank Nozzle Loads

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ane2016 Piping engineering | Tanknozze loads CALCSTRESS Ama tobe more owledgesble Login/Sign up API 650 Requirements for Bottom Nozzles of Storage Tanks: Nozzle Movements, Local Stresses on Nozzles and Allowable Nozzle Loads Shell course of a storage tank fends to expand due to temperature difference and head pressure, The tank base is not possible to move fieely because of the base restriction. So the displacement of that location can’t reach to its free Synke base. Apparently movement. This takes part ina discontinuity area which is extended about, 1.3 RF. (Bx = all nozzles in that area are affected as follows: + Nozle Rotation: The rotation of shell in the discontinuity area makes all nozales rotate, Depending onthe atached piping flexibility, some loads are developed atthe nozzle and shell junetion + Radial Displacement: As mentioned earlier, due to chocking effects in the discontinuity area, the nozles tend to ‘move in radial direction due to thermal expansion and head pressure. At the bottom of tank where the chocking exists, some parts of circumferential membrane stress capacity go to the corresponding local stresses. This increased capacity can be ealeulated as a new allowable stress which is used when a local tensile membrane stress exists, It does not give eredit to a compression membrane stress because the tank may be empty or half. Figure | shows two extreme scenarios which may exist: fully restrained and semi-restrained, Ge : Fg I: Tink bot rerton pee Ina fully restrained boundary condition a bending moment is created in such a way it leads to a smaller rotation ‘comparing to a semi-restrained system. The real one is somewhere between them. The big rotation is our main concern because it leads to big nozzle loads. 1-Radial and rotational movements of nozzle calculation Figure 2 demonstrates final nozzle location stemming from thermal and head pressure of tank. These movements are input of CAESAR IL Figae 2: Radi and rotational movement of moze in diconinty aa It is assumed the tank has a different thickness at each shell courses, So the free pressure displacement along tank is ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt wm arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads «niform unless at discontinuity area. Free pressure and thermal movement can be calculated as follows: y= Rast a p= Ree 2 Ifeach shell courses is designed based on its head pressure, sc2 has nearly the same value along the tank height. A friction force between tank botiom and the ground prevent t expanding ely In teality it expands percent ofthe fie expansion. The expansion can be assumed as BA,nwhich 0s B-<1 w= A-y(t)+ Bap @ Where p+ A(1-B) @ 1.1-Caleulation of ¥(Z, Tank shell is chocked at its bottom, So similar to the chocking model in which an infinite beam on an elastic foundation is used to simulate pipe shell, a semi-infinite beam on an elastic foundation is used to develop beam deflection and slope fimetions. Referring to case 8 in able 8 of [7], the following funetions for are calery and 6: follows: f Wy \ 5 Fee 3: Sons beam on ance aon The boundary condition: wpe © Bx) = Ee F cospr (fx) = oP (cospx + infix) © y= 4 0 From applying the boundary condition in equation (5): ® o From equations (9) and (8): (19 mee From substituting factors, equations (8) and (10), in equations (8) and (6): ay O(fx) = Ape-F* (cospx +sinBx) 2) @ = 228 jc oon calculated in the chocking model 1-2-Radia and rotational movements of nozzle of «tank with « non-uniform shell thickness Referring to figure 2. yO) = be“P cos px 13) as beon caleulated in chocking model as 1285 e : ing ee. From (3) and (13) w is calculated ay wade cost Bay a(1—e* cost) + Bay ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt ant arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads Ais substituted from equation (4) to (14): w= (p+4;(1-A))(1- e-Fcos pL) + Bap us) ‘From equations (12), (13): 8(L) = ABe-®*(cosBL + sinBL) (16) 1-3-Radlal and rotational movements of tank nozzle with a uniform shell thickness ‘When the tank wall thickness is uniform along the tank height, pressure elongation of tank shell is according to figure 4. ‘Therefore equations (15) and (16) should be modified based on the shell pressure elongation profile [aac ‘ge 4: Pressure moverews of nk shel with wif hell hikes ay as) as) 20) For caleulation of w and 6, the shell profile should be considered in equations (15) and (16). Figure $ is used for the caleulation: Figue 5: Radian! rostona moveneut of poz of tak wits nim se diskness en A= Ay(1~B) + Appan(t=H/H) 2) VL) = rmar t(A~ BEF cos In API 650, Bis assumed 1, so equations (21) and (22) are reduced to: @3) ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt ant arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknozze loads YE) = Apman® PP COspL 4) From equations (3) (23) and (24): B= Bpmae(L = 2L/H) Wanisorm thickness ~ Apmax(1—e"Fteos pl. —5) + Ap 5) uniform shcinass = Bansform ay ® 26) orto + o en Baiporm orm» 5 te same as equation (16), 2-Stiffaess calculation of tank nozzle In piping stress softwares which are based on beam elements, flexibility of pipe nozzle connection to tank shell cannot be calculated, If the connection is modeled as rigid, the resulting nozzle loads increase significantly which is not in the softwares. In CAESAR I the realistic. So a piping stress engineer should consider flexibility of the connectio1 slifiness can be defined as restraints stiffness at proper nodes. Literally stiffness is expressed as a relation between loads and their corresponding deformations. API 650 introduces a method to calculate stiffiesses of nozale connections for radial force, longitudinal and circumferential bending moments. For a tank nozzles placed in a discontinuity area, radial and longitudinal deformations are correlated in such a way any radial force ends up not only a radial deformation, buta rotation and vice versa. Referring to figure 6, the relation between loads and deformations are as follows: 28) 29) G0) Inabove formala, 4A! shows effets ofthe longitudinal moment on radial movement and #8. shows effets of radial force on rotational movement, KK, end K, are extracted by using figures P-2A to P-2L shown in appendix of API 650 for reinforcement on neck and reinforcement on shell, A stress engineer must be aware that tank shell has usually less stiffness related to a pressure ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads vessel. Although this less stiflness leads to a less nozzle loads but it has some adverse effects: one is low allowable stresses and another is follow-up strain in which strain concentration at nozzles grows even in a stress range which is confirmed by ASME codes. Some finite element softwares such as FE Pipe give the strain concentration factor in results 3-Allowable nozzle loads ealeulati Passing a storage tank nozzle loads has been nightmare for the most stress engineers. Low allowable tank nozzle loads as well as tank settlements make the task challenging, If @ tank is designed based on API 650 the allowable nozzle loads in a discontinuity area can be calculated by the formula mentioned in appendix P of API 650. For a better understanding of concepts behind the formula which may help engineers to deal with a problem coming up in the nozzle Toads analysis, basis of the allowable nozzle loads calculations are mentioned as follows. As mentioned before, all nozles in discontinuity area tends to rotate and they are checked based on their locations (height): closer to tank bottom, more being chocked and rotated, The chocked area can sustain more local stresses comparing to an area which is out of the discontinuity area. The reason is a circumferential membrane stress due to cchocking balances a part of hoop stress. This balanced stress named as can be calculated as following (figure 7): Sr Sana "igure 6: Loads and ipacemeats tank nozaes ‘The tank shell tends to be elongated in the discontinuity area but because of being chocked, it cannot reach to its maximum pressure deformation, So a compressive stress is developed in shell element as shown in figure 7. Before being chocked, the element circumferential membrane stresses were limited !9 Saag isthe 45,11 allowable stress. But after the chocking, the local stresses can inrease to 54 (Snoop ~Seracong)t results to higher allowable stress. is Sypned as following Sie =SkonSasctng on Caen Seng Figae & Ppe rads change une itera presen interna exeral presse As shown in figure 8, shell radius reaches to its maximum value in absence of external pressure: Ar, When external ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt arie0168 ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt Piping ergineering | Terknozzle toads pressure applies, the radius decreases to a middle state shown in figure 8. Pi a4 Prue produce: Steep Ad Ssoctngt So, Shea G2) ara G3) Instate 1 an = eer oe Instate 2: Surface), 65) re _ (Ssep~Sanvne) G6) From equations (31) and (36): 6D bry Shp = Stowe 5 Refer to figure 7: Ar, = A,and Ar, = wpin which w, s pressure fraction of w calculated in equation (15): A,(1—e°F* cosBx) 8) From equations (37) tums to: Shp = Sroop(1— €-P* cosBx ) G9) 3-2-Allowable nozzle loads ‘The allowable nozale loads are based on maximum local stress at nozzle connection, Refer to the chocking model, external loads on the nozzle cause circumferential local membrane stresses and longitudinal local bending stresses. ‘Theses stresses are calculated based on the following formulas: Longitudinal local bending suess: 9, = .367f% ) Longitudinal local bending stress: 0. = 0.643755 ay Regarding Kelloga’s model: f= £2. for radial force and f = for bending moments qis the nozzle radius. The equation (41) changes to the following formula: 05 = 0.64355 Fe (42) (43) a (44) ay! a a5) aC 2 46) Inwhich an arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads * (48) Tt Yp.¥, and ¥, are allowable cogificignts for F,,M, and Mzespectively. Referring to appendix P of API 650 figures P- 4A and P-AB are used to obtain _¥,,¥, and ¥gmeters (44), (45) and (46) mist be less than one and can be writen as follows. The allowable stress in stress combination is considered! instea.1s, 155, = 9) as i (50) fe. SI we 6) ‘The above formmilas are very similar to equations (42) and (43), Only some coefficients are different. Therefore the formulas in API 650 are based on circumferential local membrane stress achieved in Kelloga’s method. Hl — Fare 9: Alowabl nozde nad m po A,B, Cand C* ‘As mentioned earlier, equation (39), chocking effect results in an increase in allowable load which is function of nozale height. It doesn't give any credit to circumferential compressive stresses because tank may be empty or half. Referring to figure (9), stresses should be cautiously studied separately indifferent points A, B, C and C. et Fig 10: Suess onan clmene st pott A [Regarding figure 10, stresses in an element A may be combined as bellow: Siara: Local longitudinal bending stress caused by radial fore, P, at point A Scena’ Local longitudinal bending stress caused by longitudinal moment, ( M, at point A Sura’ Local circumferential membrane stress caused by radial force, P, at point A Sea Local circumferential membrane stress caused by longitudinal moment, (yf, at point A API 650 uses old revision of ASME BPVC section VIII Div 2 in which the stress criteria as mentioned as follows: FLAP SKS, (52) ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt m arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads As mentioned before, K’ is assumed 1.1 by API 650 instead of 1.5, It leads to a safer design. In equation (52) only primary membrane stress is incorporated, (53) Sho Can be estimated by the way explained bellow instead of using its precise value given by equation (45) where Shoop taches 10 S,Figure II shows how 5,,$ calculated, The curve fFanbe assumed asa straight lie. 2p Figure 12: estimation of (1 e-Pee Gx) 0.8 avaighelne (5) son spe B-# 3 5,-28 _2at With substituting = “Zin equation (54): Sy = 08155, 69) With equations (53), (49), (50) and (55) 115, * ° (56) ‘The above equation is extracted and valid for stresses at point A. Applying a similar method for points B, C and C” result inthe following equations: For Point B: a A (7) ap @) +a) =1-07 For ointc (58) ~A esos, Forteinec 69 ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt arie0168 Piping engineering | Tanknazzle loads ‘The following notes should be considered when using those formulas + The minimum value of (1~0,75-44) which is 0.1 occurs outside ofthe discontimity area where the chocking effect diminishes and so the whole stress capacity is used for hoop stress + When the circumferential membrane stresses due to external loads are compressive, hoop stress doesn’t provide any margin for allowable loads. So S}, should not be considered in equation (53) and equation (S3) changes to: IScnral + ISeaneal © 1.15, ) Piping stress engineers may use the nomograms which are mentioned on figures P-SA and P-SB in appendix P of API 650, 4-Tank settlement Settlement of storage tanks are usually considerable comparing to settlement of other equipment. Settlement highly depends on tank dimensions and soil conditions. Depending on the connected piping flexibility, it may eause some problems to connecting pipes and nozdles. During seltlement a connected pipe tends to be pulled down by the tank. If the piping s Moreover, usually pipes connecting to storage tanks have a heavy isolating valve near nozzles. So stress engineer stem has enough flexibility to accommodate the settlement, it will not lead to a dangerous situation should find a solution to deal with not only piping flexibility but sustained stresses, 41-Solutions 4 eRe ducing of settlement One of the best solutions is settlement reduction which can be achie\ ed by connecting pipes after hydro test when the tank is not empty, preferably half-fill tank. Therefore only settlement thatthe pipes incorporate is long term setlement. Civil engineers are expected to give the long term settlement to stress engineers. 41.2 Supporting Obviously type of supports which are placed at near nozales affects stresses caused by settlement in following ways: + Common foundation: Pipes which are supported on tank foundation have the same displacement as the tank settlement has. Consequenily it resulis ina lower stress. + Adjusting support If setlement profiles versus time are available, some adjustable supports can be used. The supports should be adjusted infield + Spring Hangers: Spring hangers make the comected pipes more flexible and consequently it leads to lower stresses at nozzles. Most of the time it is considered the best way because it sustains the heavy valve weight. +1-4-Piping Routes Stress engineers may resort to this method to make the piping system more flexible. The solution may bring up two problems: firstly this method requires enough room especially for large bore pipes. Moreover it makes the pipe more vulnerable to vibration and dynamic loads by reducing natural frequency of the piping system Secondly this solution leads to an increase in sustained stress because rout change impli adding some piping components. As said before, heavy isolating valves deteriorate the situation more. To sum up, stress engineers should be aware ofthe solutions and select the best one depending om the situation, 4-2 Category of stresses caused by settlement Itis important to know which stress category should be assigned for stresses caused by seitlement. Generally primary stress is mote dangerous and critical than secondary stress because the primary one is not reduced after going beyond yielding points. So primary stresses should be checked against lower allowable stresses. Regarding the mentioned explanation, putting settlement stress in primary category makes intensity stress more difficult to satisfy its stress ipskwuucalstress.comiltankenozzle-loadslcvt naz018 Piping engineering | Tarknozze loads criteria, The nature of settlement loading is similar to secondary loading because it disappears after reaching to yielding point. It points out setlement stress is not as dangerous as a primary load such as weight. However it is not cyclic, it may be considered in a secondary loading category. Depending on the situation and mentioned items stress engineer may make the best decision. Nomenclature Ro Outertank radios ‘Taarnal expansion coeficient AT Temperature dffeence ofan sel (design and insallation temperature) Shoop Hoopstess in tank shat P Head pressure often euting fom tank content FE — lsticty modulus of ane sbell 1B Percentage expansion oftank boom ‘y(L) Tank shel defomation roms feepostion at ght of @(L) Takes lope tie of ip Feecpesue movement of tank shall by Freeh movement oft she 4 Feetott movement of tsa AP, Feeepesue movement oftank slat noze A ‘Masinum ee pesue movement of tank sell at tnkbotom Headpresue ate A Maximum head pss (a tankboten) Ps Pax Ho Takheighe 1b Haghtof moze Slope oftankakel witha uniform thickness dueto pressure movement Wy Resultant radial deflection at nozaleresuking foe dial free 4, Resultant otston in the varia plane rsukng fom longivedia! moment ‘Resultant rotation in the hovzonal plane res Som cheumnferetal moment Fa Radial force exerted onnozite -M, Longitudinal bending moment exerted on nozale M, — Ccunferenial moment exened on nozae Ky Shell stifess coeffcen foe ria force LK, Shell siness coefficient for longi! moment K, Shell sitfnes count for cxcunferentil moment CCkcumferenial compressive suess esting ftom chocked shel attank bottom Sq Shell allowable sess at design temperature Sup Stall lowale suess at design temperature in checked aea| Gz Local loagitudinal bending sess og Local dicumfevntal membrane sess a Nozeradias Y, Allowable coefficient comesponding to Fg ¥, allowable coefficient coesponding toMy Ye Allowable coeticeet comexponding to Me Sp Local sree at nozleresuing from Fg Sy, ‘Local ses at nozzle reslng fom M, Sug Local ses at nozele resting fom Me PL Local primary sues category Py Gone primary sues category Quick Links ‘About Us ‘Use Links lowe ipskwnucalstress.comiftankenozzle-loadsicv sont arco Pig ergeerng | Trkraze lone res Sas mercies ao {©2015 hy Success Consuing. 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