Appendix 2 - Railway Crossing Calculation DN1050

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Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Rail Crossing Calculation for ABP
Job No: 41-24306

Appendix 2 -
Railway Crossing Calculation
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Rail Crossing Calculation for ABP Job No: 41-24306

Pipeline Conditions Steel Properties

Type / OD (mm) DN1050 1067.0 Young's Modulus (Es) 2.1E+08 kPa
Pipe Grade / SMYS (MPa) X70 485 Coefficient of Thermal Exp. ( ) 1.17E-05 per °C
Wall Thickness (tw) 19.6 mm Poisson's Ratio (vs) 0.30
Weld Type Seamless and ERW
Design Pressure (MAOP) 10.20 MPa
Enter value between 1800 and 4300. If pipe depth > 4300, enter 4300
Buried Height 2000 mm (conservative)

Design Factor 0.72 0.72 is used for crossing calc as per AS2885.1-2007 Section 5.7.3 c) (i)
Installation Temperature 21 °C
Max Operating Temperature 60 °C
Min Operating Temperature -10 °C

Pipeline Options
Trenched Construction? Other
Soft to medium clays and silts with low to medium plasticities; loose
Soil Type / Description sands and gravels
Soil Unit Weight 18.9 kN/m3 Recommended value from RP1102: 18.9
Single or Double Track Crossing? Double

Pipeline Results

Cyclic Circumferential
stress S-Hr 52419 kPa
Cylic Long stress S-Lr 38097 kPa
Circumferential stress S-Hi 272538 kPa
Effective Stress Seff (T2Min) 347631 kPa
Seff (T2Max) 320599 kPa
% of Allowable / Limit
Effective stresses are within allowable limits. 99.6
Girth weld stresses are within fatigue limits. 78
Longitudinal weld stresses are within fatigue limits. 33.13
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Rail Crossing Calculation for ABP Job No: 41-24306

RP1102 Rail Crossing Calculation Input Data

Input obtained from 1102 Figures/graphs
Input Data RP1102 Calculated/Input Data
Design Pressure MAOP 10.20 MPa Other Trenched Construction/Other ?
Pipe Material X70 H/Bd 1.79
Yield Strength SMYS 485 MPa tw/D 0.018
Outside Diameter D 1067 mm Bd 1118 D + 51mm if unknown, if trenched Bd = D
Wall thickness tw 19.6 mm Bd/D 1.05
Buried Height H 2000 mm
DF - for allowable stress DF 0.72

RP 1102 Soil Data

Soil Reaction Mod E' 3.4 MPa 2
Soil Unit weight y 18.9 kN/m3 Recommended value from RP1102
Soil Resilient Mod Er 34 MPa

Earth Load tw
K He f ,E'
Circ stiffness factor K-he 3346 Obtained from figure 3 D
Earth Burial factor Be 0.54 Soil A Obtained from figure 4 H
Earth Excavation factor Ee 0.911 Obtained from figure 5
B e f
D Be 33398.3 kPa B d
E f
Earth Excavation factor Ee e
Live Load w 96.0 kPa 96KPa as per Section 1.45
Impact Factor Fi 1.711156667 DLA: Default calculated based on Figure 7 for railways, else use DLA (refer App W of
Railroad Cyclic Stresses
Stiffness factor K-Hr 452.47 Obtained from figure 8 K Hh f ,Er
Geometry factor G-Hr 0.553161376 Obtained from figure 9 D
Circ Double Track factor N-Hr 1.274939429 Obtained from figure 10
Cyclic Circ stress S-Hr 52419.2 kPa
Long stiff factor K-Lr 472.22724 Obtained from figure 11
Long Geo factor G-Lr 0.380625017 Obtained from figure 12
Long Double Track factor N-Lr 1.290275333 Obtained from figure 13
Cylic Long stress S-Lr 38097.1 kPa
Internal Pressure Stress P (D tw )
S Hi
Circ stress S-Hi 272537.7551 kPa 2t w

Check for Allowable Stresses

Coeff thermal expansion alpha 1.2E-05 per °C Obtained from Table A1
Young's Modulus Steel Es 2.1E+08 kPa Obtained from Table A1
Installation Temperature T1 21.0 °C
Max Operating Temperature T2-max 60.0 °C 39.0
Min Operating Temperature T2-min -10.0 °C -31.0

T component at max T2 93,541.5 kPa E*alpha* T

T component at min T2 -74,353.5 kPa E*alpha* T

Poisson's ratio of steel vs 0.3

Possion's component 91,780.8 kPa v(S-he + S-hi)

Max Circumferential stress S1 358,355.3 kPa S1 S He S Hh S Hi

High Temp Max Longitudinal stress S2 (T2max) 36,336.4 kPa S2 SL Es t (T2 T1 ) s ( S He S Hi )

Low Temp Max Longitudinal stress S2 (T2min) 204,231.4 kPa
S3 P
Max Radial stress S3 -10,200.0 kPa
Effective Stress Seff (T2Max) 320,599.4 kPa
Seff (S1 S2 )2 (S 2 S3 ) 2 (S3 S1 ) 2
Seff (T2Min) 347,631.1 kPa

Allowable Stress Sa 349200 kPa SMYS x DF

Effective stresses are within allowable limits.

Check for Fatigue

Girth fatigue endurance limit Sfg 485000 kPa (Automatic Lookup) Obtained from Table 3
check for S-Lr < Sfg x DF dSL 38097 kPa

Girth weld stresses are within fatigue limits.

Long fatigue endurance limit Sfl 172369 kPa Obtained from Table 3
check for S-Hr < Sfl x DF 124106 kPa Sfl x DF
Longitudinal Wel Stresses 41115.05346 kPa
Longitudinal weld stresses are within fatigue limits.
Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

1. Introduction
Arrow Energy (the Principal), is proposing to develop a pipeline network in central eastern Queensland that
will deliver coal seam gas from its gas fields in the Bowen and Surat Basins to a proposed LNG facility to be
located on Curtis Island near Gladstone. The proposed network will be approximately 1,200km long and will
incorporate scraper stations and intermediate mainline valves.

A pipeline licence has been granted for the major part of the proposed pipeline from the Surat Basin,
however an environment impact assessment of the initial 100km at the start of this pipeline, to the Kogan
North Central Gas Processing Facility near Dalby in south-eastern Queensland, is required.
No part of the proposed pipeline from the Bowen Basin has yet been assessed and this preliminary
engineering is associated with the full extent of approx. 610km of pipeline length, the subject of a separate

The ABP system will consist of a DN800 (32”), Class 600 buried steel pipeline.
This calculation also reflects a possible future upgrade of the ABP system to a DN1050 (42") pipe diameter.

The aim of this calculation is to determine the minimum pipeline wall thickness with respect to
penetration resistance by excavators.

The design parameters are:

DN1050 (possible upgrade)
API 5L X70
MAOP/Design Pressure 10.2 MPa
Design Temperature: -10 to 60°C

2. Design Basis and Scope

The basis for performing this calculation is in accordance with AS 2885.1-2007 Section 5.4.2, which
requires numerous design, operation and constructability issues to be investigated and (where
applicable) wall thickness values to be calculated. The wall thickness shall be the greatest of the values

The methods and equations will be used as they appear in the standard when determining the required
wall thickness for the design pressure of 10.2MPa(g). The wall thickness required to prevent full bore
rupture and limit the release rate to 10GJ/s will be a factor in the selection of pipe for high consequence

The further requirements of AS2885.1 are covered in separate calculations.

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

3. Assumptions
3.1 Code Related Inputs

3.1.1 Specified Minimum Yield Strength

API Grade SMYS (MPa) UTS (MPa)

X 70 485 570 (minimum)

(Source: API 5L, Table 6)

3.1.2 Pressure Class & Pressure

A Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP) of 10.2 MPa(g) is assumed.

3.2 Design Basis Inputs

3.2.1 Additional Allowances

The gas flowing through the pipeline is assumed to be 'Sales Gas' quality. Consequently the gas is
deemed to be 'Non-Corrosive'. Therefore, the pipeline will have a corrosion allowance of 0 mm.

3.2.2 Location Classes

It is expected that the route will consist of both rural and high consequence areas. The high
consequence areas may have a variety of location classes however their requirements are common and
they will therefore be grouped together. For this preliminary calculation Sensitive areas (s) and T2 areas,
which have a limiting release rate of 1GJ/s, have not been designed for in this calculation.

3.3 Calculation Inputs

The following inputs have been used for the calculations.

Fracture Area - 80 mm2 at V-notch

Young's Modulus - 205,000 MPa

Charpy Impact Energy - 90J (assumed value)

B Factor - 1.3 for High Consequence Areas. A value of 1.3 has been
selected for conservatism over the equally credible value of 1.0

Maximum discharge rate hole diameters (refer Appendix)

- 10 GJ/s = 144 mm

The expected gas composition used in this calculation was specified by Arrow Energy and
is in the Design Basis (08-GHD-3-02-0045). To be conservative, the rich gas composition
has been used.

The largest credible excavator size is assumed to be 35 tonnes.

3.3.1 Charpy Impact Energy

The calculation determines wall thickness from an assumed Charpy value of 90J based on critical defect
length. The wall thickness due to resistance to penetration has a low sensitivity to this value.

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

4. Calculation Procedure
The calculation process requires numerous iterative steps. This calculation does not provide evidence of
the iterative steps undertaken to produce the finally selected pipe wall thickness, but does provide the
working for the selected thickness

4.2 Resistance to Penetration

AS 2885.1 outlines the method to evaluate the pipe's ability to resist penetration for standard excavator
sizes and bucket tooth types. The excavator sizes outlined in the standard are as follows: 5, 10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 35, 40 & 55 tonne machines. The documented bucket teeth types are ‘general purpose’, single
and twin 'tiger teeth’ and 'penetrating tooth'.

The pipe's resistance to penetration for excavator threats is calculated using Equation M3 (AS 2885.1).

The force exerted by a bucket (FBUCKET) is calculated using Equation M4. The ‘B’ factor is applied to
obtain the maximum force assuming the worst possible geometry (FMAX), which varies between 0.75 and
1.3. Refer Equation M2.

The maximum force exerted on the pipe from a bucket and excavator combination can then be
compared with the force required to penetrate the pipe, ultimately determining if the excavator's tooth
can penetrate the pipe.

4.3 Critical Defect Length

The critical defect length (CDL) is the axial length of a defect that just exceeds the pipes ability to retain
a flaw, such that the defect grows causing the pipe to rupture. The critical defect length is dependent on
the pipeline parameters (diameter, grade, wall thickness) and the instantaneous operating pressure.

Calculating the critical defect length allows the type of failure mode to be determined by comparing the
critical defect length with the maximum defect length an excavator can produce (L max). If the critical
defect length is greater than the excavator defect length, then the defect will not grow and the failure
mode is LEAK. In contrast, if the critical defect length is smaller than the excavators defect length, then
the failure mode is RUPTURE. As per AS2885.1, the critical defect length must be at least 150% of the
maximum defect length for the pipe to be considered No Rupture.

The method used to calculate the critical defect length for lower toughness steels is given in Section
4.8.5 – Critical Defect Length (AS 2885.1). This approach is an iterative process. A MS Excel
spreadsheet was developed to solve the equations.

The following Equations from AS 2885.1-2007 have been utilised:

Equation 4.8.5(2);
Equation 4.8.5(4);
Equation 4.8.5(5);
Equation 4.8.5(3).

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

4.4 Special Provisions for High Consequence Areas

4.4.1 No Rupture
AS 2885.1 Clause 4.7.2 specifies that the pipeline shall be designed such that rupture is not a credible
failure mode for the following location classes: T1, T2, I, S (and HI areas with the potential for an
escalation in consequences). The Safety Management Study (risk assessment) will determine if the
pipeline route passes through any of the aforementioned High Consequence Areas.

No Rupture is achieved by one of the following:

The hoop stress shall not exceed 30% of SMYS or;
The largest equivalent defect is determined for the location class, and the hoop stress at MAOP is
selected such that the critical defect length is not less than 150% of the axial length of the largest
equivalent defect. This is conservatively applied to part-through wall defects, ie it assumes
that non-leaking defects, of sufficient size, can still lead to rupture. This approach is
approporiate for the purposes of preliminary calculations.

4.4.2 Maximum Discharge Rate

AS 2885.1 (Section 4.7.3) specifies that the maximum allowable discharge rate shall not exceed 10 GJ/s
in Residential (T1), Industrial (I) and some heavy Industrial (HI) location classes.

Sensitive (S) locations shall be limited to 1 GJ/s, however these are not considered in this preliminary

5. Calculation Results
5.1 Resistance to Penetration

The results of the resistance to penetration calculation, summarised and tabled below, show that the
High Consequence pipe cannot be penetrated by a 35T excavator irrespective of tooth type. The wall
thickness for pipe in High Consequence areas was set by the CDL requirements listed in Section 5.2


General Purpose Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 68.40% 12.5 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Twin Tiger Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 68.40% 12.5 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Single Penetration Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 68.40% 12.5 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Leak Leak

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

Single Tiger Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 68.40% 12.5 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Leak Leak

DN1050 (possible upgrade)

General Purpose Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 77.20% 14.53 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Twin Tiger Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 77.20% 14.53 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

Single Penetration Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 77.20% 14.53 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Leak

Single Tiger Tooth

Excavator Weight
Pipe Wall Thickness 5T 10T 15T 20T 25T 30T 35T 40T 55T
High Cons. 77.20% 14.53 mm B = 1.3 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Leak

5.2 Special Provisions for High Consequence Areas

A 35 tonne excavator has been assumed to be the largest credible excavator size that could potentially
impact the pipeline using any of the four tooth types.

5.2.1 Critical Defect Length


Critical Defect Lengths

Wall Design Factor Charpy Impact Critical Defect Length
Thickness (mm) (incidental) Energy (mm)

High Cons. 12.50 mm 68.40% 90 J 166.5 mm

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

DN1050 (possible upgrade)

Critical Defect Lengths

Wall Design Factor Charpy Impact Critical Defect Length
Thickness (mm) (incidental) Energy (mm)

High Cons. 14.53 mm 77.20% 90 J 166.4 mm

5.2.2 No Rupture

The No Rupture wall thickness for High Consequence pipe is tabulated below. Even though the pipeline
cannot be penetrated by a 35 tonne excavator, the No Rupture requirements for 150% CDL have been
applied. Consideration has not been given to Facilities and Road / Rail crossing pipe which can occur
within a High Consequence Area, however it is envisaged that wall thicknesses and subsequently CDL
would be larger.

High Consequence Pipe (12.5mm) DN800

35 Tonne Excavator
Tooth Type Tooth Hole Diameter Critical Defect CDL% of Hole Size
General Purpose 110 mm 166.5 mm 151%

Twin Tiger 110 mm 166.5 mm 151%

Single Tiger 30 mm 166.5 mm 555%

Penetration 80 mm 166.5 mm 208%

High Consequence Pipe (14.53mm) DN1050

35 Tonne Excavator
Tooth Type Tooth Hole Diameter Critical Defect CDL% of Hole Size
General Purpose 110 mm 166.4 mm 151%

Twin Tiger 110 mm 166.4 mm 151%

Single Tiger 30 mm 166.4 mm 555%

Penetration 80 mm 166.4 mm 208%

It can be seen that the worst case is for single point contact from a general purpose or tiger tooth bucket
and it has been found that 12.5 mm thick pipe for the DN800 and 14.53 mm thick pipe for the DN1050
are required to (just) satisfy the 150% rule.

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

5.2.3 Maximum Discharge Rate

Calculations (shown in the appendix) to determine the energy discharge rate show that the hole size to
produce an energy discharge rate of 10 GJ/s, is approximately 144 mm, which is larger than the
maximum tooth diameter for a 35 tonne excavator. The equations and graphs used are valid for sales
quality natural gas at typical ambient air temperatures, discharged through an orifice under choked flow
conditions and have been taken from Appendix Y of AS2885.1. These equations are typically only used if
the hole size is less than 25% of the pipeline diameter as they become increasing conservative with
increasing percentage of hole size to diameter. As the results indicate that the hole size is less 25% of
the pipeline diameter the equations are approximately valid.

The hole size required to produce an energy dischage rate of 1 GJ/s, has been calculated to be
approximately 46 mm (shown in the appendix). The largest defect caused by a 35 tonne excavator
(equipped with twin tiger teeth) is 110 mm (refer to Table M3, Appendix M of AS 2885.1 – 2007), which
is clearly greater than the required hole size for limiting energy release rate of 46 mm in a T2 location
class zone. However the results above show that the pipeline is not penetrated for an excavator size of
up to 35 tonnes (the maximum credible threat) and as such the pipeline meets the requirements of
limiting energy release rates in a T2 location class zone.
Please note this calculation is not dependent on pipe size and is applicable to both the DN800 and
DN1050 pipe sizes.

5.3 Measurement Length

Measurement length is defined in AS2885.1 as the radius of the 4.7 kW/m2 radiation contour for a full
bore rupture. It is calculated in accordance with Clause 4.10

The hand calculation appended uses the method of AS2885 Appendix Y to calculate a measurement
length of 900m. To be conservative, a measurement length of 1100m for the DN800 will be used in the
initial SMS workshop.

In addition, for a possible future upgrade of the ABP to DN1050 pipe size, the measurement length is
approximated to be 1250m.

6. Conclusion
The wall thicknesses summarised below meet the resistance to penetration requirements. Note that there is
some conservatism in this calculation.


Minimum Wall
Location Comments
- No penetration
- No Rupture governs WT (for credible 35 tonne
High Consequence 12.5 mm excavator)
- Max discharge rates are acceptable

Client: Arrow Energy CALCULATION
Project: ABP
Calculation Title: Resistance to Penetration Job No: 41-24306

DN1050 (possible upgrade)

Minimum Wall
Location Comments
- No penetration
- No Rupture governs WT (for credible 35 tonne
High Consequence 14.5 mm excavator)
- Max discharge rates are acceptable

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