06 PAPB 06 Jquery Animation Ajax PDF

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Some key takeaways are that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, animation, and AJAX interactions. It provides cross-browser compatibility and an easy to use API.

Common uses of jQuery include selecting elements, modifying CSS styles and content, handling events, performing animations, and making AJAX requests to load and manipulate data without reloading the entire page.

jQuery simplifies DOM manipulation by providing methods to easily select elements, modify attributes and styles, insert/remove elements, and handle events. It also abstracts away browser differences to provide consistent behavior across all major browsers.

Javascript with jQuery,

Animation, AJAX
Aryo Pinandito
Why jQuery?
!  Lightweight – 14kb (Minified and Gzipped)
!  Cross-browser support (IE 6.0+, FF 1.5+, Safari
2.0+, Opera 9.0+)
!  CSS-like syntax – easy for developers/non-
developers to understand
!  Active developer community
!  Extensible – plugins
!  Powerful JavaScript library
!  Simplify common JavaScript tasks
!  Access parts of a page
!  using CSS or XPath-like expressions
!  Modify the appearance of a page
!  Alter the content of a page
!  Change the user's interaction with a page
!  Add animation to a page
!  Provide AJAX support
!  Abstract away browser quirks
!  Powerful JavaScript library
!  Access parts of a page using CSS or XPath-like
!  Modify the appearance of a page
!  Alter the content of a page
!  Change the user s interaction with a page
!  Rich library of methods for AJAX development (AJAX
= Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)
!  With jQuery and AJAX, you can request text, HTML,
XML, or JSON from a remote server using both HTTP
Get and HTTP Post.
Basic JQuery
!  Selecting part of a document is a fundamental
!  A JQuery object is a wrapper for a selected group of
DOM nodes
!  $() function is a factory method that creates JQuery
!  $("dt") is a JQuery object containing all the "dt"
elements in the document
Basic JQuery
!  .addClass() method changes the DOM nodes by
adding a class attribute
!  The class attribute is a special CSS construct
that provides a visual architecture independent of
the element structures
!  $("dt").addClass("emphasize") will change all
occurrences of <dt> to <dt class= emphasize >
Basic JQuery
!  To make this change, put it in a function and call it
when the document has been loaded and the DOM
is created. Example Function:

!  Structure and appearance should be separated!

Basic JQuery
!  JQuery provides an independent scheduling point
after DOM is created and before images are loaded:
!  No HTML changes required. All done in the script.
!  Better solution:

JQuery Changes DOM
!  .attr({ name ,! value })!
!  sets a new attribute (or many)
!  $( <i>hello</i> )!
!  Creates a new element
!  $( <i>hello</i> ).insertAfter( div.chapter!p );!
!  Creates element and inserts it into the document
!  .html()!or!.text()!or!.empty()!!
!  will replace matched elements with newly created elements
JQuery Selectors
!  CSS
!  p element name
!  #id identifier
!  .class classname
!  p.class element with class
!  pa anchor as any descendant of p
!  p>a anchor direct child of p
JQuery Selectors
!  XPath
!  /html/body//div paths
!  a[@href] anchor with an href attr
!  div[ol] div with an ol inside
!  //a[@ref='nofollow'] any anchor with a specific value
for the ref attribute
JQuery Filters
!  p:first first paragraph
!  li:last last list item
!  a:nth(3) fourth link
!  a:eq(3) fourth link
!  p:even or p:odd every other paragraph
!  a:gt(3) or a:lt(4) every link after the 4th or
up to the fourth
!  a:contains( click ) links that contain the
word click
!  JQuery uses chaining as follows

$( a:contains("ECS") ).parent().addClass("emphasize")!

$( p.data ).parent().hide('slow')!
JQuery Events
!  bind(eventname, function) method

!  'click'!
!  'change'!
!  'resize'!

!  $("a[@href]").bind('click',function(){!
Other JQuery Effects using CSS

!  Example:

Animation using JQuery
Ex: Show/Hide The Old Way
Ex: Show/Hide with jQuery
! !$("#foo").toggle('slow');!
!!! ! !return!false;!
! !});!
JQuery provides simple show and hide animation
using .toggle() and can be wrapped on event using
anonymous function.!
Controlling Animation Speed

!  Where speed is 'slow', 'normal' or 'fast'

!  Or you can specify using integer number value which

is translated into milliseconds

Custom Animation Effects using
jQuery .animate()
!  Perform a custom animation of a set of CSS


!  More information
!  http://api.jquery.com/animate/
jQuery .animate() Example
To animate the opacity, left offset, and height of the image simultaneously:
Asynchronous JavaScript
and XML (AJAX)
'Old' Way of
Getting/Sending Data
!  In traditional JavaScript coding, to fetch or send
information to or from a database or a file on
webserver requires making an HTML form and GET
or POST data to the server
!  User clicks "Submit" button to send/get the
information, waits for the server to respond, then a
complete new page loads with results
!  Since server returns a new page each time user
submits input, traditional web apps can run slowly
and tend to be less user-friendly
Things change…
!  Until recently, we didn t have any alternative to this
load/wait/respond method of web browsing.
!  Ajax (sometimes written AJAX) is a means of using
JavaScript to communicate with a web server
without submitting a form or loading a new page.
!  Ajax makes use of a built-in object,
XMLHttpRequest, to perform this function.

!  This object is not yet part of the DOM (Document

Object Model) standard
!  The term Ajax was coined in 2005, but the
XMLHttpRequest object was first supported by
Internet Explorer several years before this.
!  Ajax stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and

!  The word asynchronous means that the user isn't

left waiting for the server the respond to a request,
but can continue using the web page.
Typical Method Using AJAX
1.  A JavaScript creates an XMLHttpRequest object, initializes it
with relevant information as necessary, and sends it to the
server. The script (or web page) can continue after sending it
to the server.
2.  The server responds by sending the contents of a file or the
output of a server side program (written, for example, in
3.  When the response arrives from the server, a JavaScript
function is triggered to act on the data supplied by the
4.  This JavaScript response function typically refreshes the
display using the DOM, avoiding the requirement to reload or
refresh the entire page.
The Back End
!  The part of the Ajax application that resides on the web
server is referred to as the back end .
!  This back end could be simply a file that the server
passes back to the client, which is then displayed for the
!  Alternatively, the back end could be a program, written
in PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, C, or some other language
that performs an operation and sends results back to
the client browser.
!  An XMLHttpRequest object can send information using
the GET and POST methods to the server in the same
way that an HTML form sends information.
Example – Ajax The Old Way
function GetXmlHttpObject(handler) {
var objXmlHttp = null; //Holds the local xmlHTTP object instance

//Depending on the browser, try to create the xmlHttp object

if (is_ie){
var strObjName = (is_ie5) ? 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' : 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP';
objXmlHttp = new ActiveXObject(strObjName);
objXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handler;
//Object creation errored
alert('Verify that activescripting and activeX controls are enabled');
// Mozilla | Netscape | Safari
objXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
objXmlHttp.onload = handler;
objXmlHttp.onerror = handler;
//Return the instantiated object
return objXmlHttp;
Example – Ajax with jQuery
!  $.get("process.php",!{!name:!"John",!time:!

!  $.post("process.php",!{!name:!"John",!time:!
Student Assignment
!  Made a simple login page using HTML5 and CSS3 that
consists of two text inputs for:
!  Username
!  Password
!  Using jQuery:
!  Validate the form that the username input is a valid email and
may not be left blank
!  Validate the password that it should have numbers, lowercase,
and uppercase letters. The password should consists of 8 or
more letters.
!  Send the login data to a web server using jQuery's AJAX
!  The server side script in web server should process the data
and returns a success or failure message depends on the
username and password received.
!  The login page should display any messages given from server
side scripts to the user.
!  http://www.w3schools.com/ajax/default.asp
!  http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/
!  http://daniel.lorch.cc/docs/ajax_simple

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