Christmas Voices

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Christmas Voices of

Mary and Joseph

Mary’s Monologue (1)
Luke 1:26-38

This is too much to take in. Me? Favored? By God? How can it be that I bear a
son … the Son of the Most High, who will reign forever on the throne of David?
Isn’t that person the Messiah?

And how is this (conception) possible since I am a virgin? The angel said that it
would be a miraculous virgin conception … conception through the Holy Spirit
and that the child shall be called the Son of God. This is so unbelievable … so

The angel said that nothing is impossible with God. He informed me that my
elderly cousin, Elizabeth who was barren, is now in her sixth month of
pregnancy. If that is possible then who am I to say that a virgin conception is
impossible? Lord, let it be done to me!

Mary’s Monologue (3)

Luke 2:6-20

The baby's here but there

was no room in the inn.
Because of the census,
Bethlehem is teeming with
people and the inn was full.
And so I wrapped the baby in
strips of cloth and laid him in
a manger.

Soon after, shepherds came

looking for Jesus, saying that
they had been directly
informed of his birth by an angel of the Lord. They knew that Jesus is the one
because he is wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger … just as the angel said.

According to the shepherds, the angel also announced that the child is the
Savior who is Christ the Lord. What do all these mean? Is this angelic
announcement a divine confirmation? Can it be that this child is indeed my
Savior who will save me from my sins?
Joseph’s Monologue (2)
Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-5

“I didn’t do it!” she said and I believe her. Mary has always been truthful. But
her story seems so incredible … pregnant through the Holy Spirit … a child
without a human father!

I intended to call off the engagement with Mary privately else she would be
stoned to death (Deut. 22:20-21). Then there was this strange dream … an
angel of the Lord telling me to marry her even though she is already pregnant

The angel revealed that this is no ordinary child. The child, Jesus, is of the Holy
Spirit. Yes, the angel told me to name him, “Jesus” which means “The Lord
saves”, for he will save our people from their sins. My heart is now somewhat at
ease after the revelation. I must help Mary keep this secret. I will marry her.

I understood later that what is happening to Mary is a fulfillment of Isaiah’s

prophecy hundreds of years earlier (Isa. 7:14) … that the virgin shall conceive
and bear a son.

We don't have a choice. We had to travel from Nazareth in Galilee back to my

place of birth, Bethlehem in Judea to register because Emperor Caesar had
issued a decree for a census. This census is probably a prelude to a tax. Once
again the Roman government had forced its hand upon our lives. Oh, how we
long to be free. When will the Messiah come and shatter the yoke of bondage
and set us free? Is it possible that the child Mary is carrying truly the Messiah,
our Savior?

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