A. Palestine at The Time of Jesus: Unit Ii. Jesus Christ: Life Words and Deeds

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ReEd 02

JESUS: The Fullness of God’s Revelation


c. SAMARIA (between Judea and Galilee) was once the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel
A. PALESTINE AT THE TIME OF JESUS Inhabitants: Samaritans, a hybrid population

Palestine is a name given by the Greeks. The world of Jesus and of the New Testament in general was Brief History of the Samaritans
Samaritans’ ancestors were Jews who intermarried with colonists who came from Assyria in in the 8 th century.
largely shaped by the Greek culture (Hellenism) and Roman colonialism. All of these invasions by foreign Consequently a mixed religion developed. After the return from Babylonian captivity, the Samaritans offered their assistance
oppressors brought about political and cultural imperialism in Palestine. in the rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. However, the Jews rejected their offer because they were regarded as idolatrous.
The Samaritans therefore, built their own temple on Mt. Gerizim, a mountain near Sychar(Jn. 4). From then on, rivalry and
At the cultural level, the enemies were the Greeks because their way of life attracted the interest of fierce hostility emerged between the Jews and the Samaritans even during the time of Jesus.
many Jews, especially the young, and made them forget about and undermine the ancient traditions.
At the socio-political level, the enemies were the Romans who occupied Palestine and made it a
province of their vast empire.

1MAJOR PLACES a. Uncleanliness and Cleanliness
a. JUDEA (South)
Unclean to be Clean again
mainly exiles coming from the tribe of Judah who Leviticus – gives a long list of people who are Jews need to take a ritual bath.
returned from Babylonian captivity (537 BCE). They’re considered unclean
called Jews and their land is Judea. . GALILEE examples: This involved a total immersion of the body and had to
. ..
Capernaum eating of forbidden food (Lv. 11:1 -8 ) be filled with running water or rain water.
Capital: Jerusalem Cana Tiberias touching of dead bodies (Lv. 11:24-28)

Nazareth women’s periods (Lv. 12:1-8)
where most of the population were concentrated. This Many ritual baths were found in private homes as well as
Mt. Tabor having leprosy (Lv 13: 1-3)
place became the seat of religion because all religious in the Temple.
childbirth, The mother should go to the Temple 40
classes had settled here. days after birth and undergo purification
ceremony; offer a sacrifice of lamb and a
Other important places: pigeon, or in the case of the poor, 2 turtle
*Jericho doves
*Bethlehem, where Jesus was born SAMARIA
. Mt. Gerizim
are not allowed to join in worshipping God and
could not enter the temple because God is holy and
pure and so must they.
b. GALLILEE (North)
Inhabitants . Emmaus . Jericho b. Taxes
was more cosmopolitan with many non-Jews JUDEA
There were taxes on:
Bethlehem i. the value of crops and property and also on people which is why the Romans had to hold a census from time to time.
Capital: Tiberias
ii. . transportation of goods for sale
luxurious and productive, more prosperous than Judea
iii. inheritance like slaves
Other important places: iv. a religious tax of one tenth of their income to the priests and Levites in the Temple of Jerusalem
*Nazareth where Jesus grew v. there was another Temple tax of half a shekel paid by all Jewish adult males.
*Capernaum, Jesus’ center of public ministry They are paid by coins:
example: wedding feast in Cana of Galilee i. silver coins (only for Roman currency) which were considered unclean by the Jews
( Jesus’ first miracle)
ii. bronze/not silver (Jew currency)
c. Houses constructed from mud and wood with 2 rooms for family and animals.

d. Major Source of Living b. Sadducees VS Pharisees
i. Agriculture. Farming the land was always difficult because of (1) the rocky terrain, (2) lack of water and (3) dry season Sadducees Pharisees
of 5 months in a year. Origin connected to Zadok, Solomon’s Priest (1Kgs2:35) parush meaning” the separate”
Galilee was known for its wine and olive oil and large presses were built to obtain the wine and oil. Wheat and barley were the They separated themselves from those who knew not
common harvests. Sheep provided not only meat and wool but also milk and skins. They were especially valuable in the Jerusalem the law and from those whowere impure
area since they were used for sacrifices in the Temple. Goats symbol of evil were also kept in herds and prized for their meat, Economic party of wealthy priests and their friends who are belonged to the middle class
milk, skins and hair. wealthy landowners and layman
ii. Fishing *for the rich
e. Marriage at the age as early as 18 (boys) and 12(girls): After 12 months of Betrothal, the bride would be brought to the Religious *accepted the Torah *accepted other books as holy; determined the
Beliefs *rejected the belief of resurrection of the dead, books of the Hebrew Bible
groom’s house, the parents pronounced a blessing, and everyone joined in a great celebration of singing and dancing and feasting
lasting a week. after life, angel, spirit and last judgment *believe in the resurrection of the dead, after life,
angel, spirit and last judgment
f. Children considered as blessings and favor from the Lord. First-born son belonged to the Lord and should be brought back *reduced Judaism to external observance
to the Temple. Circumcision (boys) was 8th day after birth which marks the person’s belonging to the chosen people of God. Political Pro-Romans: party of Roman compromiser, Anti-Romans &Greeks
Preference meeting the demands of the Roman leaders and trying preserve Jewish religion and culture
g. Education combining religious attitude with politics to sustain power
BOYS. At the age 6 or 7, the father began the work of educating the child bringing him to Synagogue to learn precepts of the Law. If and influence
Synagogue had school, he learned to read and write, using the Torah text. At the age of 13 at his Bar Mitzvah ceremony, the Biblical Acts 23:8
boy was expected to show publicly that he knew the Torah. Text “For the Sadducees say there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit, but then Pharisees acknowledge them a//.
GIRLS. It was considered unnecessary but they did learn the Scriptures and performed domestic duties at home remaining with their
mother until they married. c. Herodians VS Zealots
Herodians Zealots
Origin supporters of the rules and policies of Herod founded by Judas of Galilee in 6CE
3PARTIES AND SECTS Antipas planning rebellion against the Romans
It was because of the foreign influences on Jewish people that conservative movements or groups had emerged Economic ordinary Jews ordinary Jews
years before Jesus’ time. These groups became influential in Jewish society. Modern scholars distinguish between Status
“parties” (i.e., they recognize the existence of others from whom they are separated) and “sects” (i.e., groups claiming an
Religious political more than religious party The term zealot in Hebrew means one who is
exclusive possession of the truth). Based on the distinction, the Pharisees and Sadducees were considered parties but the
Beliefs zealous on behalf of God.
Essenes were sect. They were known as religious fanatics who defended the
law of Moses and the national life of the Jewish people
a. Priestly Class: High Priest, Priest and Levite against the idolatrous Romans and Greeks.
Origin Political Pro-Romans Anti-Romans & Greeks
Levite were descendants of Levi Pro-Violence harming Jews Legalists like the Pharisees
High Priest & Priest strictly from the lineage of Aaron specifically that of Zadok Pro-Violence protecting the Jews
Economic Status Levi Biblical Mark 12:13-17 Lk. 6: 12-16
Text The Question about Paying Taxes The most famous zealot is the disciple of Jesus known
Levite & Priest supported by the tithes of the people as Simon the Zealot. Oddly, very little was recorded
High Priest constituted the wealthy aristocratic elite owning large, richly decorated about him.
houses unearthed by archeologists in the upper city.

Religious Function d. Scribes

Levite (lowest order) acting as guards, assistants, porters, and musicians Aaron emerged as interpreter of the Law in the period after the exile
Priest (middle order) observe special rules of purity before offering sacrifices; professional scholars trained in preservation, knowledge and interpretation of the Jewish Scriptures
could not touch anything unclean lest they be rendered unclean and undergo often called as “master of the Torah”, teachers of Law, Rabbi/Rabbomi
purification (i.e, The Good Samaritan in Lk. 10:25-37) “They loved to wear long robes of distinction and sat in places of honor”..”Woe to you teachers of the law…” - Mk 12:38
High Priest (highest order) alone can offer and enter the Holy of Holies as a Many of the scribes are Pharisees.
representative of the Jews in atonement for their sin.
He’s the titular head of the Sanhedrin appointed by the Roman procurator. e. Essenes
*Sanhedrin is the Jewish highest court that handles cases violating the flourished from about 200BC to 100AD which some scholars claim seceded from the Sadducees
Torah. gained popularity through the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Zadok monastic community practicing celibacy
Political Preference followed rigid system of discipline in the community; avoiding the Hellenistic / Greek corruption
Pro-Romans especially the High Priest as directly appointed by the Romans all property held in common; shared common meal; ensured ritual of purification; rejected animal sacrifice
In an effort to provide a faith-filled response to the natural questions of the early faith community: where he came Luke
from, what was his childhood like, and what did he do before he came among them as a thirty-year old man, the first two Flight of Joseph, Mary and Jesus to Egypt 6
chapters of Matthew and Luke have infancy narratives – stories about the birth of Jesus and his early life. Joseph was instructed in his dream
as Herod began to slaughter the innocent children who may be threat
to his throne Luke
*outlined as presented in the movie, The Nativity, except those that are italicized
Matthew 8 Presentation of Jesus in the temple of Jerusalem

Genealogy or family tree of Jesus 1 9 The Return of Jesus’ family in Palestine

` and the town of Nazareth in Galilee where Jesus was raised
tracing his roots to Abraham through the lineage of Joseph Luke

1 Detailed description about John the Baptist The Return of Jesus’ family in Palestine 7
how he came from Zechariah and Elizabeth and the town of Nazareth in Galilee where Jesus was raised

Brief mention in 2 verses only of 2 10 Genealogy of Jesus-Lk3:23ff

Mary’s betrothal to Joseph (a) tracing his roots to Abraham through the lineage of Mary

2 Angel’s annunciation to Mary

3 Visit of Mary to Elizabeth Some interesting details in Matthew and Mark that are Consistent and Contradicting
then, John’s birth and circumcision Contradicting
finding out that she was going to have a child by the Holy Spirit (b) 1emphasis on MEN 1emphasis on WOMEN 1 Jesus is from the line of David
Joseph privately breaking the engagement(c) JOSEPH, HEROD, MAGI MARY, ELIZABETH, ANNA His divine origin: virgin birth
Jesus lineage to David through Joseph Jesus lineage to David through Mary
Angel’s annunciation to Joseph 3
through a dream; then Joseph married Mary 2 Angel’s annunciation to 2 Angel’s annunciation to 2 Annunciation was made
Joseph (in a dream) Mary
4 Census ordered by Emperor Augustus Caesar
and they’re asked to return to their hometown 3 Bethlehem to Nazareth 3 Nazareth to Bethlehem to 3 Bethlehem (birth)
Joseph and Mary seem to Nazareth Nazareth (where Jesus
5 Joseph and Mary traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem reside in Bethlehem (Mt. 2:11); Joseph and Mary returned to grew up)
not mention of travel Nazareth after a short time in
6 Jesus’ birth in the manger in Bethlehem Bethlehem

Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem probably at home 4 4 First visitors are wealthy 4 First visitors are poor 4 people have known
wise men shepherds His birth
7 Visit of the shepherds to whom the Angel of the Lord
5 Murder of innocents; 5 Jesus is in no apparent 5 birth of the Messiah
appeared appeared
Flight to Egypt danger is a threat to the King;
Visit of Magi from the East 5
who followed the star & presented Jesus gifts: gold, frankincense and
Jesus’ role as Messiah,
Son of God, Savior

6 Family settles in Nazareth 6 Family returns Nazareth, 6 Birth place: Bethlehem

after departing Egypt which is already their home Jesus grew: Nazareth

“We heard Him say, ‘I will destroy this man-made temple,
and in three days I will build another that is made
without hands’.” –Mk. 14: 58 LITERAL SPIRTUAL

1 LITERAL SENSE l What was the real context in the past?
refers to the sense of the words themselves; “it is “that which
it has been expressed directly by the human author.”
It is the actual event, person and things described in the HISTORY
biblical text.

Relevance to
Mk 14: 58

In the literal sense, the temple was the actual building that once
stood in Jerusalem, in which the Israelite priests offered sacrifice,
the people worshipped, and God dwelt in the holy of Holies.

2 SPIRITUAL SENSE l What is the meaning expressed by the

biblical texts when read under the influence of the Holy
when what is signified by the words or text, the literal sense,
also has further signification.

A. Allegorical Sense l How do those things, events, or persons in the literal sense point to Christ?
refers to the meaning/symbolism that is hidden beneath the surface of the text.
Mk 14: 58
Allegorically, the temple points to Jesus, who said he was the true temple which would be destroyed and raised up in
three days (Jn. 2:19-21). Just as Jerusalem temple was the place for sacrifice for the Jew, so does Jesus body house the
everlasting sacrifice on Calvary for all humanity.

B. Moral Sense l How does the literal sense point to the Christian life in the Church?
is concerned with the moral lessons that can be drawn from the biblical text. If the events in Israel’s past “were
written down to instruct us” (1 Cor 10:11), then we can learn how we ought to live by paying attention to the
history of Israel, the words of the prophets, and the exhortation found in Israel’s wisdom traditions-indeed the
entire Bible.
Mk 14: 58
The moral sense of the temple is found in the Christian, whose body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor . 6:19). Just as
the temple contained the awesome presence of God, so do the bodies of Christians hold the presence of
the Holy Spirit by virtue of Baptism.

C. Anagogical Sense l How does the literal sense point to the Christian heavenly destiny and last things?
represents the shift in focus to the future, specifically to the end times or last things. It looks for the goal of our
journey through life as we “are led up” to our heavenly homeland.
Mk 14: 58
Analogically, the Jerusalem temple finds its future meaning in the heavenly sanctuary, where God
will dwell among us in our eternal home, as described in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 21:22).


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