2 Efficiency Is Everything The Two Hour Workout 0.93

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com Michael Kirk

The 3 –
“You lift 2x a week.
You always record your weight, and every set and every rep. ex: 135lbs - 5/5/5
You always move up in weight (unless you didn’t complete full sets last week 5/5/4)“

Oh, and Eat Right but that’s a given.

Efficiency Is Everything – The Workout

How we used Themodynamics to make the gym Efficient.

You record your weight and always move up. 5/5/5 is a success, 5/5/3 means you better get at least
5/5/4 next week.

Get Attractive in 8 months, 2 hours a week.

Eat methodically delicious food to change your body.

How Engineering applies to working out
Beta 0.93 Efficiencyiseverything.com Michael Kirk

Michael Kirk – Efficiency Is Everything

Intro- How Engineering Applies To Working Out

 Hype!
 Saves Time Driving
 Earn More Money

In chemistry we often need a combination of reactions to yield a desired output.

However, the products going in often are not enough to yield a useful result. In chemistry we add
catalysts to speed up a reaction. This book is that catalyst, your body’s reaction still takes time.

I first started thinking about this “Thermodynamic problem”. Calories are Energy. Movement of objects
require Energy. If you move a heavy object it uses vastly more energy than a lighter object in a quicker
period of time.

E= mass * distance moved * gravity

We lift 2 hours a week, reducing time

Energy/s = heat.

Maximize energy, minimize seconds working out.

Increase the amount of heat and I can eat all the food without gaining the weight.

Its nice, I can eat 2,700 calories a day and lose weight.

I had the goal and in about 8 months, I’d achieved it. Thermodynamics worked.

Now we workout - 2 hours a week.

Decide Your Goal Now

Everyone has their own goals. This book will guide you to get in shape, 2 hours a week.

You aren’t going to get better at catching a football with this book.

My Goals:
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 Get you to lose fat

 Get you strength
 Get you looking attractive
 Get you in position to achieve anything

You have your own goals, and after following this book, you will be in the position to achieve them fast.
Your Goals:
 Lose Weight
 Get huge muscles
 Be an attractive beast
 Get a 6 pack
 Run a 5k
 Eat a ton of food without becoming unattractive

This book can be the foundation for the future you. You will get lean, develop a strength foundation,
become attractive, and learn skills it takes to make any goal, even non-workout related, come true.

If you want to run a marathon, the routine isn’t designed for you. The diet lessons still apply, but in an
extreme fashion. Marathon runners should research specific marathon programs.

2 hours a week.

Analysis Of Progress

I'll start by saying that it is going to take time. I usually tell people it takes 3 months to see the first bits
of results. It isn't much, but it's a nice step on the journey.

It's also a dangerous step. You have made good enough progress, you can skip a workout or take a few
days off your diet, right?

Unfortunately I see many people lose their interest, 3 months of progress isn't life changing. Yeah your
body looks a little different, but the first 3 months were the hardest. This is my warning to you.

At 6 months you will have the progress you have been dreaming of. At 8 months, any expectations you
originally had have been surpassed.

At 8 months you will be attractive. People will be attracted to you. Your own sex will respect you.
Random strangers will want to say hi or smile at you. The guys that used to flick rubber bands at me

At 8 months, this happens drastically all at once. It's a tipping point where everyone will notice.
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For myself this seemed to happen in the course of one week. It was weird, it was awesome.

At 8 months, you have learned enough to take over your body and make any future dreams come true.

8 months are going to go by regardless if you start dieting.

8 months from today you can be out of shape or attractive.
8 months is all the same to the rest of the world.

You can handle 8 months, you are in control, and this time you are going to apply engineering to make
this the easiest transformation you have tried.

Its also only 2 hours of exercise a week.

The Plan
 You will workout 2 days a week
 Your diet will be a major focus
 We will be tracking a lot, your body weight, your lifting weight, your sets
 Any extra workout is ‘dessert’, ‘dessert’ is delicious.
 You are going to do your absolute best to not skip a workout – its 2 hours a week… come on…
o If you do skip, make it up ASAP, within 24 hours. You need a good excuse for anything
 If you cave, you are going to send me an email, and we are going to get you through it.
[email protected]
Get hyped. You are ready for this journey. Start today, no excuses. Here are a list of things I want you to
do right now:
1. Drink a tall cup of water
2. Get a bag, put a piece of paper and a working pen in it.
3. Take out a gym shirt, gym pants, and any other gym gear needed, set it next to your bag
4. Make an awesome gym playlist, like 10-20 songs (optional, but its fun to make)
5. Find a gym that has a squat rack.

If you have some excuse for not being able to do any of these, you have 24 hours to finish all 4.

In the next 24 hours:

1. Go to the gym, do ANYTHING, don’t get injured
2. Eat a chicken breast, put spices and salt on it – no gravy or cheese.
3. Ask yourself, can you do that again?
4. Finish reading this book, it won’t take longer than 2 hours. Efficiency!
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1. The Workout
 Find a Dream Position
 Saves Time Driving
 Earn More Money

I am a huge fan of Starting Strength by Mark Riptoe, I highly recommend his book to teach fantastic form.

I’ve taken his suggested workout and modified it to be faster and produce similar results. He suggests 3 gym
visits a week, with a few bonus exercises – unnecessary.

The concept is to do warm ups, then complete a “Heavy Set”

Each bullet is a separate Heavy Set:

 3x5 Squats
 3x5 Overhead Press
 1x5 Deadlifts
 3x5 Bench

(Number of Sets x Number of Repetitions)

Heavy weight, good form, and If you complete the set, next gym visit you move up in weight by 5 to 10 lbs.

If you fail, you get another 2 gym visits until you go down in weight 80% and try again.

Go from as low as 45lbs on any lift to ~220lbs in 8 months.

An example,

I will assume a 160lb person

Some notes on that goal:

 Warm up with all sorts of light weight
 Most people do their first ‘Heavy lift’ around - body weight * 0.6 as a starting weight.
 160 lbs * 0.6 = ~95lbs week 1 heavy set.
 You will get close to 1.5x Body Weight in ~8 months
 Starting at 95lbs means in 8 months getting up to 270lb squat.
 3x5

Overhead Press
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 I suggest starting with 45lbs and focusing on good form. Moving up 5lbs a week.
 You probably wont be Overhead Pressing 220lbs, stick to the program and you will have amazing
 3x5
 I suggest taking your body weight multiply by 0.6 and using that a starting weight.
 160 lbs * 0.6 = ~95lbs week 1 heavy set
 You can expect to get close to 2x Body Weight in ~8 months
 Starting at 95lbs means in 8 months getting up to 270lb deadlift.
 1x5 (when it gets heavy, you will do a lot of warmup sets). Do 3x5 your first few weeks for
Bench Press
 I suggest taking your body weight multiply by 0.5 and using that a starting weight.
 160lbs *0.5 = 80lbs week 1 heavy set
 220lbs is a great, probably unobtainable goal. Body weight is usually the standard goal.
 3x5

These weights sound really heavy right? They are, and by moving up 5lbs a week, you won’t notice the
difference. Stick to the plan below and have good form.

Your first week is going to be kind of odd. Start with absurdly light weight and youtube open.
Your goal is to have fantastic form with each lift, and be able to move the weight quickly from starting
position, to end position. If you it takes you any longer than weightless(moving your body without
weight), its too heavy. Week one should be easy and a focus on form. Error on lighter weight.

Write down week 1’s weight. Next week, you move up 5 lbs. Every week, you move up 5 lbs.

Day A - Squat 3x5, Bench 3x5.

Day B Deadlift 1x5, Overhead Press 3x5.

Alternate each workout, you can go from 45 lbs to 220 deadlift in 35 weeks.
Might seem like a long time, but by then you will have completely transformed. Imagine the difference
between a 45 lb bench and a 200 lb bench. It's pretty drastic.

Tip I have is to write down your weight and reps every week for every set. It's motivating and keeps you

As an example of Week 1-
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Squat first, it uses more of your body, more energy. Don’t sweat it, I often bench first because the squat
racks are in use.
1. Warm-Up with 45lb Bar, going from top, all the way down, deep squat below parallel
2. Do another Warm-Up of 75lbs(0.8* Heavy Set Weight), about 5 reps. Feel good about it. Great
form. Take a minute or two break
3. Do your first Heavy Set, 90lbs, 5 reps, all the way down.
4. Wait two or 3 minutes, another 90lb set, 5 reps.
5. Another 2 or 3 minutes break, 90lb set, 5 reps.
6. Done squatting for the entire week.
Record your set, Squat - 90lbs - 5/5/5

1. Warm up with the 45lb Bar, feel good about the form. Almost like you are stretching.
2. Do a 65lb(0.8*Heavy Set Weight) warmup, 5 reps.
3. Do your 80lb Heavy Set, 5 reps
4. Take a short break, do the second 80lb Heavy Set, 5 reps
5. Take another break, do the third 80lb Heavy Set, 5 reps
Record your set, Bench – 80lbs – 5/5/5

Go home.

2 days later…

1. Warm up with the 45lb bar
2. Do another Warm-Up of 75lbs(0.8* Heavy Set Weight), about 5 reps. Take a break.
3. Do your first Heavy Set, 90lbs, 5 reps, focus on form. Take a break.
4. (optional) Wait a few minutes do another 90lb set, 5 reps. Take a break.
5. (optional) Another 2 or 3 minute break, 90lb set, 5 reps.
Record your set, Deadlift - 90lbs – 5

Deadlifts are funny, at light weights, they are very easy. I suggest doing these optional sets at lighter
weights. Once you start doing heavy weights, you will have 3 or 4 warmup sets. By the time you finish
your heavy set, you will be exhausted. Enjoy the ‘desert’ sets while they last 

Overhead Press

1. Do 45lbs set, 5 reps.

2. Take a break, do another 45lb set, 5 reps.
3. Take another break, do 45lb set, 5 reps.
Overhead press is hard. Start low, focus on form, and consistently grind higher weights every week.
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Week 2 and on…

Add 5lbs to every heavy set. You are moving up in weight, 5lbs, every week. If you did all 5/5/5, you
move up in weight. “But it was heavy”, move up, if you fail, we have a plan:

1. Try it for 2 more weeks, make sure you are writing down the reps for each set(5/5/2)
2. If you cant get to 5/5/5, your next week weight will be Current Weight*0.8= Next Weeks Weight
3. Focus on form, eat better, and do it again.

We do this for 8 months. Add 5lbs a day, good form.

This program gives a foundation for your future. If you liked it, you can keep doing it for even better
gains. If you want to do body building, you are body building with a 145 lb overhead press instead of an
80 lb overhead press. If you want to begin serious strength training, you have a good foundation.

If you only want to get in shape in 2 hours a week like we do - it’s a great routine.

That's a routine that gives you an attractive body. I'll mention that diet was a major component and will
be key to this workout.

Action For You: Go to the gym now. You have 72 hours to get the membership/equipment for this.
Equipment needed: Squat Rack, Bench, 45lb Olympic bar, and minimum 400lbs in free weight.

72 hours - Anything longer is an excuse. Find a gym and do your best. Week 1.

2. Diet Decisions

When I first started working out, I was about 20lbs heavier than I wanted. I made the decision to start by
losing weight.
I did this for two reasons, I wanted to make sure I had the self control to lose weight and I wanted to
reduce the amount I’d have to diet later.

There are 3 stages your body can be in:
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1. Cut mode – Losing weight, you don’t grow much muscle, but you burn fat
2. Maintenance – You aren’t gaining or losing weight. You don’t grow much muscle, but you also
don’t put on much fat.
3. Gains mode – you gain muscle fast but also gain some fat.

This book is going to focus on modes 1 and 3. We want to get you in shape fast. Get muscle fast. Lose
weight fast. We won’t mess around with Maintenance.

The first thing you need to decide is which you are going with.

You should pick one, and stick with it for many months. If you are going to lose weight, you should
continue until you hit your goal weight. If you are going to gain, you should do it for minimum 4 months.
I recommend 6 to 12 months, with a sweet spot at 8 months.

Gain Mode
Let me answer your questions:

 No you won’t get ‘Bulky’.

o You won’t look like the huge bald guy at the gym that looks like a sumo wrestler.
o You aren’t going to be less attractive than when you started
 Gaining is not easy. It is still a diet, and personally I consider it harder than cutting.
o Yes you pigged out 1 or 2 days in a row. Have you tried eating like that for 2 months?
 You aren’t gaining as much fat as you think, if you follow the workout, I expect most of the
weight you gain is muscle.
 You aren’t eating enough

I get push back when I suggest gaining. Every moment you spend working toward your goal you are
getting more muscle and more attractive. My challenge, start gaining and stick with it for a few months.
If you get ‘bulky’, stop, and begin to cut.

 Eat 80% of your body weight in grams of protein

o Common estimation, a 150lb person eats 120g protein.
 The goal is to gain about 1lb a week.
o This requires a lot of discipline, so much that I think it trained me for cutting
o This is about 500 extra calories a day
o Ensure you are eating at least 75% of your body weight in grams of protein
 0.75 * Body Weight = Minimum Grams of Protein to consume daily
 Stick to the workout routine, push yourself to move up in lifting weight. If you get stuck
o Eat more food.
o Fix your form
o But probably you aren’t eating enough
 Every day you stick to the bulking diet, you are getting stronger, bigger muscles, and sexier.
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 You can always cut later, and I’m going to make it easy

I find most people WISH they could gain weight and muscle as easy as they originally worried.

For ladies, I continue to recommend gaining, but do it more mild. Think of it like gaining at maintaince.
Females do not grow muscle at the same rate as guys. The best way for me to describe what my wife

 Eat your regular meals, but don’t hold back. If you are hungry, feed yourself.
 My very attractive wife gains about 0.5 lb a week on average.
 After the holidays she cuts with me. She always is ready to wear a bikini, but she gets back to
skinny bodyweight by March.
 Her butt is bigger, and in my own personal opinion, she has sexy shoulders/back. You don’t
know how sexy this is until you see it.

This chapter is going to help you decide on which diet to choose. I will have a dedicated chapter to each

I’m going to keep this short.

If you eat normal amounts of food, you are going to stall and get stuck. Your body doesn’t have the
excess energy to lift and build muscle. If you move up in weight, you are often getting better at form
rather than getting stronger muscle.

If you lifted heavy weights for 2 years at maintenance, you would get the results we see in 8 months.

Maintenance is a suggested option AFTER this 8 month program.

This program is designed for Bulking, then Cutting.

Losing Weight
If I had to put percentages on how often I cut, I’d say about 25% if the time. The other 75% of the time, I
am in bulk mode.

It is easy to lose weight, especially when you have all the muscle you will gain from this program. If you
do a serious bulk, you will have the discipline to have a successful cut.

One of the nicer things is that your first week, you can expect to lose 5-15 lbs of water weight. This
seems to always be a pleasant surprise as it cuts at least a month off your diet time.
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We will aim for 1lb a week of weight loss AFTER you have muscle. Before, you can lose 2lbs(I won’t
recommend it, but people do it)

I’ll get into these details later.

3. Gain Mode
This is far tougher than people imagine, but yes, you can eat everything and feel good about it.

The goal is to gain at least 1lb of weight a week. This will inevitably be both muscle and fat, but mostly

This muscle is going to grow and grow as you lift. Remember, you are rapidly going up 5lbs a week a
weight. Your body is about to transform if you feed it correctly.

1lb a week is the goal, about 500 calories more than usual a day.

However, it can be tougher than you think to consistently eat more food. Consider:

Before this routine, a 2000 Calorie/Day person was stagnant.

Add 500 Calories for the new exercise routine you started.

Add 500 Calories for the Gain.

Imagine eating breakfast lunch and dinner, getting your 2000 calories, and now you have to eat 1,000
more. Its not easy. But the results are astounding.

It’s a lot of food, and there are two go to:

 Bulk Cooking
 Protein Shakes

Bulk Cooking is actually awesome. Make your best recipes, but in mass. I loved doing this with Alfredo,
Fajitas + homemade refried beans, Thai fried Rice, you name it. Make it taste good and eat a lot.
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Protein Shakes were the lazy way out. In a minute, you can take 20-50g protein + 400 to 1000 calories.
All I needed was Milk.

If I missed out on protein, I could always take 2 scoops Whey. If I needed Calories, I’d add 2 tbsp Olive
Oil to my protein shake.

At the peak, I did a combination –

Breakfast – Protein Shake, 1 scoop Whey, 12 oz milk, 1 tbsp olive oil
Lunch – Huge lunch, awesome leftovers from dinner the night before.
Dinner – Something that tastes good, eat a lot of it.
Before Bed – Protein Shake, 1 scoop Whey, 12 oz milk, 2tbsp Olive oil

It worked and it seemed pretty time efficient. Make bulk protein shakes on Sunday, refrigerate. Cook 1
meal a day.

The lifestyle is great. Its quick, not that expensive, healthy since you are in Gain mode.

It doesn’t have to be rigid. Get the Calories, get the protein. You need to be feeding your body if you are
going to be moving up 5lbs a week.

4. Tracking Success
There are a lot of workout tips that I’ve picked up from years of research and practice. This chapter is
something I began from the beginning, using metrics to track success.

In the factory, we have graphs, charts, and graphics showing our progress toward goals.

There is a great quote “What gets measured, gets managed”.

If you are tracking something, you will take an extra bit of effort to make it toward your goal.

I’ve found tracking my workout, my diet, and my weight has yielded phenomenal results in each area.

 Weekly weights for each lift. The number of reps completed for each set.
o IE Bench Press – 185lbs - 5|5|3
o 185Lb bench, 5 reps done the first set, 5 the second set, only 3 on the third set
 Body weight
o This is especially important during losing weight to ensure you are making progress
toward the goal
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o During Bulk Mode, gaining weight every week shows you are eating enough food for
energy and growing muscle.
 Calorie Counting
o During a cut, I’ll count every calorie. I use My Fitness Pal, a calorie counting app.
o To be accurate, I weigh/measure all my food
o If this seems like a lot of work, it isn’t. However, by making the effort to count calories,
you bet you are going to eat good.

5. Cutting Fat
This is oddly my favorite part about the routine. After a few years of doing Bulk/Cut cycles, I’ve gotten
really good at it. The thing I learned is having great tasting food + a methodical way of making and
eating food.

Companies are exploiting our biology and psychology to make us eat food. We are bombarded with food
advertisements. Good tasting food is made cheap by loading it with Sugar and Fats. Our body is
constantly telling us to make impulse eating decisions. We will counter each of these
 Adding spices to foods to make them taste great
 Creating an easy diet that removes decision making
 Making a diet flexible to lose weight and occasionally indulge

We were born in an age where we understand Calories and our biology. This makes it absurdly easy to
lose weight by calculating Total Daily Energy Expenditure and measuring our Caloric Intake.

I really dressed that up, counting calories.

I have gotten much pushback from people after suggesting counting calories because many people think
‘Just Eat Healthier’.

Eating 5,000 Calories worth of apples and Carrots might be ‘healthy’ but you will gain weight if you are
only burning 2,000 Calories.

“I’ll just eat less” works… but I’ve often seen eating less today, means splurging tomorrow.

The solution, measuring your calories.

“What gets measured, gets managed”

If you are making the effort to count calories and portion your food you will lose weight.
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 You are doing thermodynamically proven weight loss

 You are doing metrics, which as discussed –will be motivating in its own right
 You spend 5 minutes a day portioning food, you aren’t going to waste that effort on a bad day

Counting Calories isn’t difficult, we have apps and calculators for that.

To Start:
1. Calculate your TDEE (Google “TDEE Calculator”)
2. Take, TDEE and subtract 500 = Daily Caloric Goal
3. Download a Calorie counting app, I like MyFitnessPal
4. Count Calories

A 500 calorie deficit

 Loses 1lb of weight a week
 Is nearly unnoticeable
 Really easy to do
 Flexible, allows you to eat anything, as long as you are under at the end of the day

How I Eat During Cut Days

I usually learn a few 500 or 600 calorie meals that are easy to make for breakfast and lunch.

I’ve done combinations of

 oatmeal and yogurt
 chicken rice and lentils – most cost Efficient
 Protein Powder and Milk

The beautiful thing is…

You can choose anything

500 calories. Donuts at work? Count the calories.

I usually eat this way for breakfast and lunch. Dinner - Alfredo, Thai Fried Rice, Fajitas. I’d measure it out,
and as long as I was close to my goal, I could eat anything.

I seriously think that people diet too hard, calorie counting makes it almost unnoticeable.

1lb weight loss a week, every week, week after week.

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6. The Day Of The Lift

My personal lifting routine:

Lift after work, Drink lots of water 1 hour before then stop unless you are thirsty.

Get to the gym, change in the bathroom closest to the entrance (the locker room was a minute of extra
steps, efficiency!)

Straight to the squat racks(they had the longest lead time at the gym)

Squat the bar(45lbs), do a large number of reps, stretch.

Squat your warmups, Good form, feel good about the warmup.
Turn on music(explained later)
Squat Heavy Weight

Write down weights, start Overhead Press, similar.

Mess around with bicep curls, pullups, or something random if I’m still feeling it. Otherwise go home.

1 hour

7. Bonus: Motivation
Psychology plays a huge role at the gym. If you aren’t feeling great, its hard to lift great.

 Look at last weeks lifts and know what you are doing next.
 If you aren’t in the zone as you are about to lift. Get a drink of water then go.
 Record your form when you start doing very heavy lifts.
 When you are lifting, tell yourself “Only 2 more and I’m done for the entire week”
 You will discover muscles you didn’t know you had.
 Caffeine is a stimulant… I ran my fastest mile ever because I accidentally had 14 cups of green
tea.(I thought I was hydrating)
 Get in The Zone- it’s a real thing.


 Make a gym playlist, only to be used at the gym. Pick songs that make you go wild.
o Louder is better
o The day you need the power, Dance. Don’t even feel bad about it because you are
moving up in weight that day.
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 Believe in the broscience a little, especially if you think it helps you move up in weight.
 Uh… have a partner slap your chest before a bench you find difficult. Like a few good pats…
Dude it works…

Kinda get where I’m going here? Have fun with it. Find quirks that work, and believe in it.

8. Bonus: Broscience tips

 If someone gives you form advice.

o Don’t necessarily believe it, but thank them -
o Take it as an opportunity to have someone record your form, use a video.
o Google the correct way
o Take advice as ‘someone see something they don’t like’, right or wrong, its worth

 I’d do daily form records when I was doing heavy weight deadlift.
 The first time you hit 135 on anything, you put both 45lb weights on. You earned it.
 Creatine really works, and its crazy. Seems safe from what I read, give it a google.
 Reduce binge drinking days and cheat days. Seriously makes a difference over the weeks.
 Do some upper back and biceps during dessert. Have fun with it.

9. Failing
Failing is an expected lesson that everyone will go through.

Failing can be:

 Eating Poor
 Fail on a Lift
 Stop lifting completely.
 Stop exercising
 Stop Dieting

There are a few stages I’ve learned

 Mistake
o It’s a bad day, one-off.
 Failed
o Intended for something and could not achieve
o Are you being realistic? How close were you to your goal?
o Can you move on and keep cranking?
 Giving up
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o You skipped multiple days of good diet and exercise

o You might as well quit?
o Contrary, take a break, and you are going to pick a date in the next 2ish weeks that you
are going to start again. Take a break, enjoy life, and get back at it. Life isn’t ridged.

If you came here because you failed-

Any time you have spent so far has been beneficial to your body. Every moment.

The good days, the mediocre days – they play into who you are today.

I have failed, I got lazy, I made excuses. But that was then, we have the rest of our lives to live. We need
to look at the long term. Pick a date coming up soon, and lets get it.

2 hours a week

Cut back. Don’t Gain too hard or Cut to hard. I don’t do more than 1lb a week gain or cut. Try 0.5lbs a

Try it again, whats the worst thing that’s going to happen?

Go get it- this is all in your head anyway. At least you aren’t in Napolean’s army invading Russia in the
winter. People lived through that.

You can do it! Don’t be weak.

Injury seems to happen to everyone, and fortunately has rarely happened to me.

However, I did have terrible form on my pullups and I hurt my shoulder. I took 3 months off(quite
drastic) and waited for it to heal. I caution on safety.

I’ve had some difficulties benching, and I’ve switched to 8-12 reps of lighter weight as my body healed.

I will have no issue in lowering weight if the form is dangerous. Error on caution.
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There is still plenty you can do during an Injury. You can maintain or cut fat. Make this injury an
opportunity to trim. Muscle Memory is a real thing, you will get that back decently fast.

10. Wrapping up + Adjust

After about 8 months you will have bulked and cut and are seeing the results. If you feel like an extra
few months bulking would do you good, go for it. If you feel like you want to cut more or less, adjust.

Then you will choose your next routine.

I stuck with mine because- 2 hours a week

But we also started playing some Rec league football. I’ve often run an occasional mile or 5k, play with
the little cousins, do a warrior race, name it. You finish and you are ready to do what you want.

You probably are pretty attractive now, I’ll suggest you keep doing something similar. I’ve gotten really
bad and would do 1 workout every other week. I suggest not dropping below once week and making up
for lost workout ASAP.

Do you have bigger hopes? Do you want to become a body builder? Wrestler? Instagram Model? You
have the foundation, now you specialize. In 8 months you got your body in a condition you are ready to
begin anything in this realm.

1.) Define a Goal, Lose weight, gain muscle, complete a challenge

2.) Losing Weight
3.) Gaining Muscle
4.) Complete a Challenge
5.) Metrics, Track your weights, your lifts, your schedule. Stick to it. Consistency
6.) Protein Per Dollar Applied
7.) Calorie Per Dollar Applied
8.) Form, PDCA, plan how you will do the lift this time, Do (with it recorded), Check, Adjust.
9.) Dieting Tricks
10.) Mass Production Food

Working out diet tips – Doesn’t matter when you eat protein, before bed, after meal. Same goes with

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