Pen Table Files

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The document discusses how to customize the line widths, styles, and colors used for plotting different drawing entities in Creo by editing a pen table file.

You can change the line widths and styles used for plotting different entities by editing the pen table file located at <loadpoint>/text/table.pnt and assigning different pens (with customized line widths and styles) to different entity color names.

The basic components of a pen table file are pen number, thickness, pattern, color, and color_name. Lines beginning with ! are comments. Attributes can be specified in different units and order, separated by ;. Color is specified using RGB values.

Changing Plot Lines Using a Pen Table File

Pen Assignments Explanation

By default, Creo Elements/Pro plots drawing entities with one of eight different pens
(numbered 1-8) assigned by entity color.

Each pen has a line width and line style (also called line “font”) associated with it as well as a
color. The colors for various entities and the corresponding pen those entities are plotted with
are shown on the chart below (next page).

Note the column labeled color_name in the chart. Each entity type (except “curves”) has a
special color_name parameter associated to it as well as a visible on-screen color. The visible
on-screen color is what you’ll see in Creo by default for each entity type. However, it is
important to note that entities are plotted by their color_name, not by the visible on-screen

Although you can change the on-screen colors by altering them using ViewDisplay
SettingsSystem Colors, the system will continue to plot them according to their

For example, if you change the visible color for all lettering to be GREEN, the system will
still plot letters using pen #2. Even though the visible color was changed, the system still
associates lettering to the color_name called letter_color which is plotted with Pen #2.

To plot letter_color with another pen, you must reassign the color_name within a pen table

The system uses the pen table file located at <loadpoint>/text/table.pnt as its default pen
table file. This file may be edited or modified to create new variants based on your needs.
Users may elect to have one or more different pen table files to control the line sizes,
weights, and fonts for all specific printers.

Details on how to edit and modify a pen table file follow the chart on the next page.
Construction of a Pen Table File

Pen definitions occur inside the pen table file. This simple text file which applies attributes to
each pen. The text entries must adhere to two rules. The pen number must be the first entry on a
line and the color_name (if used) must be the last entry. Other attributes can be in any order.

Basic Nomenclature:
 Lines beginning with a “!” are comments.
 Use “\” at the end of a line to continue the entry on the next line.
 Use “;” when specifying more than one attribute to separate them.
 Units may be specified in inches (in) or centimeters (cm). They may also be mixed in the
same entry. Examples are provided below.

Possible attributes with examples of each are shown below:

 thickness
o thickness 0.2 cm – produces .2 centimeter thick lines
o thickness .005 in – produced .005 inch thick lines
o thickness .010 in – produces .010 inch thick lines
 pattern
o 0.1, 0.1 in – produces two dashes of .1 inch width (the pattern repeats)
o 0.2, .01, .01 cm – produces a dash of .2 cm width followed by two shorter dashes
of .01 cm length (the pattern repeats)
 color
o color 0.0 0.0 0.7 – using the RGB palette, this produces a medium blue color
o color 1.0 0.0 0.0 – using the RGB palette, this produces a bright red color
 color_name – (this value comes from the chart on previous page)
o pen 1 letter_color – specifies that all lettering be drawn with pen #1 instead of the
default pen #2 (from the table on the previous page)
o pen 3 datum_color – specifies that all datums be drawn with pen #3 (as
dashed/hidden lines) instead of the default pen #1


The following example sets pen 1 to be .005 inches thick. It also sets a pattern with two longer
dashes followed by a single shorter dash (the pattern repeats). The plot color for pen 1 will be a
medium green/blue (color 0 .5 .5). Note that the units are different for the thickness and pattern.
Note that there is not a “color_name” parameter added to the end of the line. This leaves the
defaults in place per the table on the previous page.

pen 1 thickness .005 in; pattern 0.2, 0.2, 0.1 cm; color 0 .5 .5;

The next example re-maps the attention_color to pen #6 (instead of the default pen #5).
pen 6 attention_color
Configuring a Pen Table File for Use

The option pen_table_file sets the master/default pen table for Creo Elements/Pro. If
this configuration option is not present, the system uses the default pen table file located at:
<loadpoint>/text/table.pnt Users may choose to edit the default file if permissions allow.
Otherwise, setting pen_table_file in and specifying the fully qualified pathname to
the file will override the default.

For example, the entry below would override the default pen table file with one
contained in a Windows XP directory under the users’ home:

pen_table_file C:\documents and settings\<username>\my documents\prowork\table.pnt

Pen table files may also be specified inside the plotter configuration file (.pcf) for each specific
printer. This allows specific control of line weights and fonts rather than overriding default
values for all printers.

Sample Pen Table File

A sample pen table file containing basic line weights is shown below. This will create very thin
lines from all pens. By starting with this file and slowly tweaking the thicknesses, you can dial in
the plot characteristics you desire from your printer.

! All pens are set to .005 in this file. This is a basic setting.
! To vary thickness, tweak individual values for different pens.
! Other options are available. Refer to documentation on "pen table files"
pen 1 thickness .005 in
pen 2 thickness .005 in
pen 3 thickness .005 in
pen 4 thickness .005 in
pen 5 thickness .005 in
pen 6 thickness .005 in
pen 7 thickness .005 in
pen 8 thickness .005 in

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