Science Lesson Plan

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Student-Teacher: Mahra Mohammed Date: 15-3-2018

EPC 2903 Primary Lesson Planning Template Year 2, Sem 2

Grade Level: 2B
Subject: Science
Learning Outcome: By the end of this lesson:

The student will be able to know all about the journey to the space.

Resources Preparation (what do you need to do/make before

Life of an astronaut in the space video: - - Check if the smart board is working
Markers - Print all worksheets
Worksheets (if I were an astronaut – Astronaut – a day -Write the LOs
in the life of an astronaut – circle the differences)
PowerPoint - Prepare the materials
Flash cards - Seat the students on mixed ability groups.
Kahoot website
iPad Key vocabulary/ Target Language

Astronaut – Space shuttle – Astronomers- Satellite.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Warming activity: - Each pair will have a paper with 2 pictures and they have to find the 5 differences
between the pictures.

Ask the children what are the people that study about space called?
What are the people that travel to the space called?

After they answer the questions, tell them that people that study about space are called astronomers and
the one who travels to space is called an astronaut.

Ask them who is the first person who went to the moon? They might answer Neil Armstrong.
Time: 15 min

Show them picture of Neil Armstrong and tell them the year of his visit to the moon which is July 20 th, 1969.

Explain to them how astronauts go to the moon, what difficulties they faced, get the children answers then
show them a video about the astronaut life in the space.

Using ppt slides:

Discuss about the video and explain the journey of an astronaut.

Discuss about the special suit they wear and show them image of a space suit and tell them the back pack
behind has a supply of oxygen which help them breath in space and the helmet protects from dust and the
sun light. They have thick heavy shoes to walk on moon.
Tell them that the vehicle that take them to the space called space shuttles which has a rocket and an
airplane called shuttle attached to it.

LA, MA, HA: will participate together in the discussion.

Independent Experience (small group activity 3)
Time: 15 min

They will write a paragraph on If I were an astronaut using the displayed words on the board to help them

in writing.

Extension: - Worksheet about astronaut.

Closing (review learning -LO)

Time: 10 min

The students will read their paragraph in front of the class.

Discuss the students writing.
Answer the Kahoot questions using ipad.

Assessment (to be done during activity time, who and what will be assessed?)

Observe the groups and check if they understand the topic through asking questions using Kahoot website : -
- Can you tell me how the astronaut travel to the space?
- Who are the people who study the space called?
- Who travels to the space are called?
- How the special suit helps the astronaut in the space?

Reflection WWW/EBI
WWW:-I used a very engaging video as a warming up activity and engaging worksheet.
EBI:- If I prepared the IPADS before the plenary is set.
I used the signs and the behavior chart to manage student’s actions during the explaining of the slides. I used
the dojo to choose the students and I gave them verbal praise and comments.

Next Steps in learning and teaching

regaining student’s attention for explanation of activity.

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