To Contain and To Deliver
To Contain and To Deliver
To Contain and To Deliver
Transfer pipettes: It transfers a known volume of liquid without further subdivisions. They include both volumetric and
Ostwald-Folin pipettes. They consist of a cylindrical bulb joined at both ends to narrower glass tubing. A calibration mark is
etched around the upper suction tube. The bore of delivery orifice should be sufficiently narrow to prevent rapid outflow of
liquid and incomplete drainage.
Measuring pipettes: These are graduated or measuring pipette and can dispense different volumes as these have many
graduations. It has uniform graduations along its length. Two kinds are available; the Mohr pipette has graduations ends
above the tip and serological pipette has graduated marks down to the tip. Mohr pipet is self draining. The serological
pipette must be blown out to deliver the entire volume of the pipette and has an etched ring (or pair of rings) near the bulb
end of the pipette signifying that it is a blow-out pipette. Serological pipettes have a larger orifice than do the Mohr
pipettes and thus drain faster. Measuring pipettes are used for the transferring and measurement of reagents and making
dilutions and are not considered sufficiently accurate for measuring samples and calibrators. Micropippet is also a
measuring pippet which can measure less than 1mL.
These are pipettes to measure micro liter of volume. Inner wall of pipette can be coated with liquid so most micropipettes
are calibrated to contain (TC) that stated volume rather than to deliver it.
Semiautomated and automatic pipettes: These are programmable pipets that can automatically take up the specified
volume and can dispense in multiple wells at same time. There are 3 types’ air-displacement, positive-displacement and
dispenser pipets.
Pipette terms:
Adjustment - altering the pipette so that the dispensed volume is within the specifications.
Air Displacement Pipettes - are meant for general use with aqueous solutions. In air displacement pipettes, a certain
volume of air remains between the piston and the liquid.
Aspirate - to draw up the sample.
Blow-out - to empty the tip completely.
Calibration check - checking the difference between the dispensed volume and the selected volume.
Dispense - to deliver the sample.
Positive Displacement Pipettes - are used for high viscosity and volatile liquids. In positive displacement pipettes, the
piston is in direct contact with the liquid.