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The key takeaways are that the paper proposes a design of a low-cost vending machine that dispenses everyday products using radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for transactions.

The proposed design of the vending machine uses an Arduino microcontroller, stepper motor, LCD display, push buttons, and IR sensor. It is operated using RFID instead of cash for transactions.

The main components used in the design are an Arduino UNO microcontroller, stepper motor, LCD display, push buttons, RFID tags, and an IR sensor.

ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue

ISBN: 978-81-930411-4-7


Sunil Kumar Richa Pandey

Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra Birla Institute of Technology Mesra
Ranchi, India Ranchi, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— The concept and challenge of vending machine in using Finite State Machine is proposed [1]. A distributed
India is getting higher as technology has advanced. The and cascade lossy source coding with a side information
proposed work relates to the design of a real time vending
vending machine using control decoder technique is used
machine. This can serve small enterprises with less initial cost
and also for common products. The design is formulated by [2]. In China vending machine operated by GPRS were
keeping the Radio frequency identification (RF-id) code as the also developed. Where people can order items by using
base which is being generated for different regular customers. their phone number and also they can pay bill by using
This shall help both ways in simplify the transaction and
complexity. The two or three products which are being GPRS [3].
identified are programmed as per their cost which serve
for better dealing. The three identified inputs are (1) Quality II. METHODOLOGY
(2) Quantity (3) Costing. This machine is helpful to purchase
day to day needs, in places like Hostel, Hospital, canteen etc. In this article a vending machine is designed and
operated by using RF-id in spite of using money. The
Keywords—Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), internal circuit consists of stepper motor, LCD display,
Arduino UNO R3,Spline, Auger, Vending Machine Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, Push button and IR

Vending machines providing soft drink [4] or beverages

[5] are common in market but in India it is very rare to get
machine which can provide other day to day products. Our
main motive is to design a low cost and effective vending
machine, which can provide other small products. Vending
machine is a machine which dispenses an item such as
snacks, medicines, food items, beverages etc. to customers
automatically on payment into slots of the machine. The
principle is so simple: the customers pay to the machine,
and the machine will give the user’s selected goods. The
credit of vending machine goes to Hero of Alexandria, a
first-century engineer and mathematician. Typically two
types of payment modes are available for payment
purposes: Credit/Debit Cards or Cash [1].

Vending machine has become a widely increasing

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the vending machine
channel for sales gradually, especially for Food and
Beverages companies. They offer various benefits such as
portability in terms of set up, low cost driven and offer In the above figure the layout of vending machine
wide reach due to less space constraints. Vending machines is shown. As shown in figure when the system got power
are now designed in such a way that their status can be supply the microcontroller will go to on stage and it will
known from far space. Most of the vending machines are run the loaded program. According to the program “select
based on CMOS, SED and Microcontroller technologies item” will display on the LCD screen. Then customer will
[1]. select the required product by pushing the respective
pushbutton. Then the microcontroller will ask to insert RF-
This paper presents a novel design of simple vending
id for further processing. After touching the RF-id, the LCD
machine using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). will show command to choose the quantity for the opted
product. When the customer mention the required quantity
So , in simple way we can say that vending machine is a the motor will turn as programmed in the microcontroller
machine that used to sell goods without human and the items will fall down at the bottom of vending
monitoring. An automatic beverages vending machine machine.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-4-7

A. Stepper Motor
A stepper motor is a brushless, synchronous
electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large no.
of steps. The motor’s position can be controlled precisely
without any feedback mechanism. A Stepper motor works
on the principle of electromagnetism. There is a soft
iron/magnetic rotor shaft surrounded by the electromagnetic
stators. The stator and rotor have poles which are teethed.
When the stator are energized the rotor moves to align itself
along with the stator.

Fig. 3. IR Sensor

C. Arduino UNO R3 microcontroller

The Arduino UNO R3 [7] is a microcontroller board based

on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins out
of which, 6 analog inputs, 6 can be used as PWM outputs a
Fig. 2. Steeper motor 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a reset
button , a power jack, and an ICSP header. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
TABLE I. SPECIFICATION OF STEPPER MOTOR connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with
an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
Motor Type PM Stepper
Step Angle 7.50 degree
Step per Rotation 48
Frame Size 35mm
Max. Holding Torque 20 103 Nm
Drive circuits Unipolar
Drive Voltage 24V
Coil resistance per phase 50 ohm
Insulation Resistance 100 ohm

B. IR Sensor

IR sensor consist of transmitter and receiver LED

to detecting the object according to adjustment of
sensitivity. Transmitted light received by receiver after
reflection through an object. Its working is based on
Fig. 4. Arduino UNO R3
Reflected light incident on reverse biased IR sensor. When
photons are incident on reverse biased junction of this
diode, electron hole pairs are generated. As a result reverse
D. LCD Display & RF-id
leakage current were found. This IR sensor is used for
detecting the motor rotation, according to selection of an
A LCD Display is used to display the selection of item
item and also the amount of an item.
appear on the screen after pressing the push button and RF-
id [6] will be provided to selective customers only, so that
they can operate the vending machine whatever they want.
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-4-7


Select Product

Select 1

Fig. 5. LCD display No

Select 2

If product Product Re-
available initialization


Insert RF-id for

No selected product

Cancel the
Fig. 6. RF-id If Yes
TABLE II. Product Types
Product Out
S.No Products Select Option

1 Kurkure Select 1

2 Candy Select 2 End

These tables shows that selection of two products which is Fig.7. Flowchart for proposed Vending Machine
available in the vending machine i.e. Kurkure and Candy in
select1 and select 2 respectively as input provided by the
customers through RF-id.
Our proposed algorithm works on various steps, first: in the
initial step the operation starts with selecting the desired
product, after selection of product it check its availability if
it is available then the vending machine will wait for taking
RF-id else if it is not available then again initialization of
product takes place. If RF-id does not recognize with the
database of the vending machine then it will automatically
cancel the request of the customer, if RF-id matched with
the database then product is obtained from the Vending
ELK Asia Pacific Journals – Special Issue
ISBN: 978-81-930411-4-7


This paper mainly focuses on the design of a low cost
and effective vending machine, which can provide day to [1] V.V.S vijay krishna et.al “Design and implementation of an
automatic Beverages Vending Machine and its Performance
day goods. To implement the machine we interface software Evaluation using Xilinx ISE and Cadence” IEEE 4th ICCNT July 4-6
and hardware components and try to make it simpler as well 2013 .
as compact, so that it can be carry or place anywhere. At the [2] Behzad Ahmadi, Osvaldo Simeone “ Distributed and cascade lossy
same time the use of Arduino UNO microcontroller make source coding with a side information vending machine”IEEE
the system more versatile. transaction on information theory, vol. 59, No 10, october 2013 pp
[3] Zhang Wen, Zhang Xin Long, “Design and implementation of
automatic vending machine based on the short message payment”,
We are thankful to Robomart for providing RF-id, Arduino [4] Kwangsoo Kim, Dong Hwan Park, Hyochan Bang, “Smart coffee
vending machine using sensor and actuator network”. 2014 IEEE.
UNO R3 microcontroller, stepper motor in my project. We
[5] Tao Xu, Yongen Chen, Yu Feng, “The design of intelligent
are also thankful to our guide Mrs. Richa Pandey for their multimedia automatic beverage machine coontrol system”,
valuable guidance. We are also gladful to Dr. M.K Mishra, International conference on measuring technology and
Vice Chancellor, BIT Mesra and Prof. R.C. Jha, H.O.D mewchatronics automation, 2010.
EEE, BIT Mesra, for providing continuous inspiration and [6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification
encouragement. [7] http://arduino.cc/en/main/arduinoBoardUno

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