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RFID Based Vending Machine

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 3 Issue 5, August 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

RFID Based Vending Machine

Aye Aye Nyein1, Ohnmar Win2
1Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Mandalay), Mandalay, Myanmar
1Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Mandalay, Myanmar

How to cite this paper: Aye Aye Nyein | ABSTRACT

Ohnmar Win "RFID Based Vending The vending machine which provides the beverage like snacks, cold drink, it is
Machine" Published also used for ticketing. These systems are operated on either coin or note or
in International manually switch operated. This paper presents the system which operates not
Journal of Trend in on coin or note, it operates on RFID system. This system gives the access
Scientific Research through only RFID which avoid the misuse of machine. A small RFID reader is
and Development fitted on the machine. The identity card which contains RFID tag is given to
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- each person. If the ID card owner wants to get some snacks, by showing the ID
6470, Volume-3 | IJTSRD27851 tag to the reader is the only way to get the desired snacks and the amount to
Issue-5, August money to pay will be deducted from the account.
2019, pp.1844-1846,
https://doi.org/10.31142/ijtsrd27851 KEYWORDS: – RFID, LCD, Arduino UNO, DC motor

Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and I. INTRODUCTION

International Journal of Trend in Scientific As the world becomes more smarter, people replaces the automatic systems
Research and Development Journal. This instead of manpower system. The automatic machines become an important
is an Open Access role in our life. Nowadays, the shops use the automatic system such as
article distributed automatic selling system also called vending machine. A vending machine is an
under the terms of automated machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes
the Creative Commons Attribution License and lottery tickets to consumers after money, a credit card, or specially
(CC BY 4.0) designed card is inserted into the machine. The first modern vending machines
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by were developed in England in the early 1880s and dispensed postcards.
Vending machines exist in many countries, and in more II. Methodology
recent times, specialized vending machines that provide less The main components used in the system are
common products compared to traditional vending machine microcontroller, motor driver, DC motor, LCD display, RFID
items have been created and provided to consumers. The RC522 and power supply. Figure 1 shows the system block
vending machines first came into the market in the 18th diagram.
century, and then modern vending machines came up in the
19th century with the help of modern technologies. The
word vending is a Greek word, which means selling. The first
modern commercial coin based vending machine was
introduced in London and England for the purpose of selling
postcards. The Vending machine is simply a machine, which
works automatically and can sell out canned soups, packed
eatables, chocolates, candies, snacks, even hot drinks such as
coffee, tea, hot chocolate and also drinks like juices, soda
water, plain water, and even sometimes some sort of
stationery. Therefore, it is also known as Automatic Dispense Figure1. System Block Diagram
Machine. These machines are more reliable, easily accessible
and much more practical than the convention method of A. RFID Technology
purchase. Nowadays these machines are found almost RFID is a secure and cost effective electronic identification
everywhere like at schools, offices, small restaurants for wireless technology based on capacitive inductive resonant
selling snacks and drinks, even found at railway stations for system [1]. This technology incorporates radio frequency
selling tickets and thus avoiding the queue and in turn saves (RF) electromagnetic fields [3]. Passive RFID battery-less
time. This machine has a huge market with high annual package includes the RFID card and RFID reader with 13.56
revenues for both developed and developing countries. MHz operational frequency. Radio tag or transponder, RFID
Gradually, vending machines became a wide channel with reader, and a data base to store UIDs (unique identification
increase in sales and even the competition between the numbers) of RFID card tags and further details of card
manufacturers. It does have many benefits, first benefit is in holder, are the three significant components of RFID system
terms of setup, it is easy to setup a vending machine because [2]. RFID card is an identification card that stores a unique
it occupies very less space and is compact in size, it is a low serial number, consisting of a tag or transponder made up of
cost driven machine and can provide various products as the small spiral coil shape inductor antenna and an electronic
output. micro-chip [1]. RFID reader radiates 13.56 MHz frequency
radio signals, and in addition acts as a power source for

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD27851 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1844
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
passive RFID using EM field. Process of RFID doesn’t need
line of sight, and is also contactless, RFID reader just needs
to be in range of RFID card (usually <1m) in order to read
UID already stored in that specific card [2].

B. Arduino
Arduino Uno is a 8-bit microcontroller board based on the
ATMega328P. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6
can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP (In
Circuit Serial Programmer) header and a reset button. In this
system, Arduino microcontroller circuit serves as a data
processor that controls the motor connected to spiral spring.
Figure3. Circuit Diagram of Vending Machine
C. Spiral Mechanism
This is one of the most important parts on vending machine, The overall circuit diagram is shown in Figure 3.The
delivering mechanism. In this system, spiral mechanism is MDRC522 RFID was chosen as the card scanner. This 3.3V
used, with aluminum wire manually shaped into spiral with board was connected to Arduino in the system through a
the help of PVC Pipe. Vending machine has two chambers for level shifter circuit, allowing it to be operated safely by the
dispensing the items. Each chamber has one DC Motor 5V Arduino. RFID Vcc and ground are connected to Arduino
attached behind it, when someone and presses the button, supply and ground pins. MIS0 and MOS1pin are connected to
then corresponding motor rotates and dispense one item. Arduino microcontroller pin 11 and 12. SCK, RST and SDK
Dispensaries coil has been attached to motor to dispense the pins are connected to Arduino microcontroller pin 13, 9 and
item on rotation of motor, these coils are made by cloth 10 respectively.
hanger wires.
IV. Test and Results
III. System Design In the proposed vending machine, an Arduino Uno is a
In this paper, a prototype of vending machine that sells two master controller along with RFID tag and reader. In this
different types of food snacks is designed and constructed. system there are two chambers for dispensing the items.
There was two buttons to choose the type of snack. After Each chamber has one continuous rotation DC Motor
choosing the required snack type, place RFID card to the attached behind it, when someone inserts a RFID card on
RFID reader. Then the reader detects the card ID and vending machine and presses the button, then
displays the amount of money on LCD. Microcontroller corresponding DC motor rotates and dispense one item.
drives the motor driver to put out the chosen snack and the Dispensaries coil has been attached to DC motor to dispense
remaining balance is displayed on LCD. the Item on rotation of DC motor, these coils are made by
cloth hanger wires. If motor rotate fixed angle the products
are available to user at output of vending machine. Display
information on LCD display such as insertion of RFID card,
selection of product and Account balance.

Figure4. Top View of Vending Machine

Every consumer holds a passive RFID card with an

operational frequency of 13.56 megahertz. When consumer
brings his RFID card in the range of RFID reader, already
stored UID unique identification number in that particular
card is read by the RFID reader. Arduino software uses that
UID number to create a database against each RFID
consumer, in which details like consumer identity, current
balance, and after transaction balance against his card are
Figure2. System Flowchart stored. LCD displays current balance.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD27851 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1845
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470

Figure5. Experimental Test Result for RFID Card Figure7. Experimental Test Result for the Item 2
Detection Choose
If the user select one of the product by pressing the switch, V. Conclusion
metal spring are rotated. And then the product will be In this system, the user need to insert a RFID card and press
available to user at the output of vending machine and also a button of user choice and the vending machine will
remaining balance is displayed on the LCD screen. dispense the corresponding item for user. This RFID based
Vending Machine is majorly using four hardwares which are:
Arduino Uno, two continuous rotation DC motors, LCD, RFID
card and 12V power supply. Two buttons are for selecting
the items in the two chambers. LCD displays the messages
and instructions to operate the Machine. This system is
portable, affordable, consumes less power and can be made
easily available so that the user can use this system
whenever and whatever.

[1] M. Kisic, B. Dakic, M. Damnjanovic, A. Menicanin, N.
Blaz and L. Zivanov, "Design and simulation of 13.56
MHz RFID tag in ink-jet printing technology,"
Proceedings of the 36th International Spring Seminar
on Electronics Technology, Alba Iulia, 2013, pp. 263-
Figure.6. Experimental Test Result for the Item1 267.
[2] T. Good and M. Benaissa, "A low-frequency RFID to
In this system, the user need to insert a RFID card and press challenge security and privacy concerns," 2009 IEEE
a button of user choice and the vending machine will 6th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and
dispense the corresponding item for user. This RFID based Sensor Systems, Macau, 2009, pp.856-863.
Vending Machine is majorly using four hardwares which are: [3] K. Ackland, M. Lotya, D. J. Finn and P. Stamenov, "Use of
Arduino Uno, two continuous rotation DC motors, LCD, RFID slits of defined width in metal layers within ID-1 cards,
card and 12V power supply. Two buttons are for selecting as reactive couplers for near-field passive RFID at
the items in the two chambers. LCD displays the messages 13.56 MHz," 2016 IEEE International Conference on
and instructions to operate the Machine. This system is RFID (RFID), Orlando, FL, 2016, pp. 1-4.
portable, affordable, consumes less power and can be made
easily available so that the user can use this system [4] Richard van Nee. Basics and history of Vending.
whenever and whatever. http://www.ofdm-forum.com/library/Sec.pdf,2010.
[5] Jeremy Blum, “Arduino Tools and Programming”, 3rd
Edition, (2018)

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD27851 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 5 | July - August 2019 Page 1846

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