E Business Fundamentals 208922848

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Unit 1: E-Business:

• E-Business Fundamentals
• E-Business framework, E-Business application
• Technology Infrastructure for E-Business
• Strategies for Electronic Business, Business Models for E-business
• Web portals and Vortals concepts.
• E-Governance

Unit-2: Mobile and Wireless computing fundamentals:

• Mobile and Wireless computing fundamentals
• Mobile computing framework
• Mobile information access device
• Mobile computing application.

Unit-3: Payment Systems:

• Introduction to E-payment system
• Payment Systems
• Type of E-payment
 Digital token–based e-payment
 Smart card (Debit card and Credit Card)
 Credit card payment systems
• Risk in e-payment, designing e-payment
• Process of payment through credit cards

Unit-4: Security Environment:

• Security Environment
• Client–server security
• Data and message security
• Document security, firewall
• Cyber Laws
• Cyber Crime and Frauds
• Types and Tools of Hacking
• E-mail security

Unit-5: EDI:
• Application in business
• EDI software implementation
• VANs (value added net work) Internet based EDI.
• ERP: Only basic concepts
• SAP and Oracle Basic Concepts Only

Unit-6: Online Marketing Concepts:

• Online Marketing Concepts
• Consumer and Business markets-Online-Ordering Process
• Advertisement and Marketing on Internet
• Electronics Customer Support.
• Web-Catalogues,
• Business Case for Documents Library
• Types of Digital Documents
• Data Warehouses.

Text Readings:
1. Ravi Kalakotta & Whinston B., “Frontiers of e-Commerce”, Pearson
Education,Reprint 2009 New Delhi
2. Lauden and Traver. E-Commerce: Business Technology Society, 4th
Edition, 2009 Pearson Education, New Delhi
3. Schneider ,e-Commerce Strategy Technology and
Implementation,1st,edition,2008, Cengage Learning, India

Suggested Practicals / Lab Sessions:

1. Booking Railway Ticket on IRCTC Website on Internet

2. Making Online Payment via NEFT / RTGS / Debit Card / Credit Card

Suggested Readings:
1. Daniel Amor, “The E-Business (R) Evolution”, PHI Learning, New Delhi,
2. Hanson,E-Commerce & Web Marketing, Cengage Learning, India,1st
3. Kamlesh K. Bajaj & Debjani Nag, “E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hills, New
4. Joseph,E-commerce, Indian Perspective,PHI,3RD Edition,2009
5. Murthy C. S. V., e-Commerce, 2007, Himalaya Publishing House.
6. Parag Kulkarni & P.K.. Chande, IT Strategy for Business, 1st edition Oxford
University , Press 2008
Unit I

Q.1 What is electronic business and how does it differ from traditional business?

Q.3 How can an existing business take advantage of Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

electronic Business?

Q.4 What is Supplier-centric B2B electronic Business?

Q.5 Discuss the e-business adoption level in your country. What seem to be the main

barriers to adoption?

Q.6 “Confusion over the meanings of e-commerce and e-business will limit the adoption

of e-business in many businesses.” Discuss.

Q.7 Explain various reasons why a company may wish to introduce e- business.

Q.8 Describe the main attractions to business interested B2B e- business?

Q.9 Explain the risk factors of e-business?

Q.10 What are the hurdles to establish the trust on the e- business?

Q.11 Describe the Online Banking Scenario in India?

Q.12 Explain the role of Multimedia in the E-business?

Q.13 “E- business Vehicles on Information Highway” Explain the words.

Q.14 What are the impact of e- business on Indian Economy as well as developing


Q.15 Explain what a business model is and relate it to internet.

Q.16 Define the elements of a market and describe how electronic business influences

each of these elements.

Q.17 Explain various applications of e- business?

Q.18 What do you understand by a business model? Explain various types of it?
Q.19 What is an Affiliate model? Provide two examples of electronic Business

businesses that use this model.

Q.20 What is Manufacturer model? Describe its major advantages?

Q.21 What is Portal? Explain its Services with the help of a common portal.

Q.22 What is Vortal? How does it differ from Portal?

Q.23 What are the basic architectural elements of electronic Business? Explain them with

in architectural framework of electronic Business?

Q.24 Describe the Domain name system and how it manages the mane space?

Q.25 Explain the differences between internet, extranet and internet from an e-business


Unit 2

Q.1 Explain the mobile computing Framework in detail?

Q.2 What is wireless networking? Define various characteristics of it?

Q.3 Describe the concept of Cellular communication? Explain about the basic cellular

system parts?

Q.4 Explain about various mobile information access devices?

Q.5 Describe the mobile computing applications?

Q.6 What is Mobile Business? How does it differ from electronic Business?

Q.7 What are the online payment issues in mobile Business?

Q.8 Write short notes on :

a. VSAT b. GSM
Q.9 What are Satellite Networks? Explain their working also?

Q.10 Explain the uses of wireless media in current business scenario?

Q.11 Discuss about the benefits of Wireless and mobile computing?

Q.12 What is m-Banking? What is its future in India?

Q.13 What is m-Marketing? What are the different ways used for it?

Q.14 What is m-Payment? What are the benefits of using mobile payments?

Q.15 What risks do consumers face when using mobile Payments, and can they be


Q.16 What is the difference between the mobile banking and online banking?

Q.17 What are the features of mobile banking?

Q.18 Explain the following:


Q.19 Why Satellite networks are so popular for global communication?

Q.20 What is Cell? Explain the cell structure in cellular communication.

Q.21 Discuss about the limitations of Mobile environment.

Q.22 Explain about Infrared transmission for wireless network?

Q.23 What are the risks involved with m-marketing?

Q.24 Discuss about the various security mechanisms used in mobile computing


Unit 3

Q.1 What is electronic Payment? What are its characteristics?

Q.2 What is electronic money? How it is secure from traditional money.

Q.3 What are common electronic payment methods? Discuss them.

Q.4 Discuss the basic requirements of an online payment system.

Q.5 what are online micro payments? What are the special considerations involved in the

design of an online micro payment system?

Q.6 Discuss and differentiate between prepaid and postpaid electronic payment systems.

Q.7 Define- Interoperability in the context of online payments systems.

Q.8 Describe what is meant by scalability, in an online payment system.

Q.9What is Smart card? Explain step by step by procedure to define the working of

payment by Smart card.

Q.10 Explain the following:

a. Digital Cash b. Electronic Cheque

Q.11 What is Electronic Cash? Define the properties of it.

Q.12 What is Smart Card? Define various characteristics of it.

Q.13 Describe the process to make a transaction by using Electronic cash. Explain the

advantages of Electronic Cash.

Q.14 Define e-Wallets. Explain the working procedure of it by taking Example.

Q.15 Explain various design issues involved in electronic payment system.

Q.16 What are the major risks involved the electronic payments. Define them.

Q.17 Explain all the methods of digital token based electronic payment systems.

Q.18 Define Electronic Cheque. Explain their advantages and disadvantages.

Q.19 Write a note on relationship based smart cards.

Q.20 Explain the methods of credit card based electronic payment systems.

Q.21 Define the role of third party in credit card payments using third party verification.

Q.22 Explain the advantages of online credit card payment system.

Q.23 What is digital money? Define its unique characteristics.

Q.24 Differentiate traditional Payment system with electronic payment system.

Q.25What are the major risks in using Credit Card payment system.

Unit 4

Q.1 What is a firewall and how does it protects a site?

Q.2 Briefly describe the various types of firewall.

Q.3 Compare the IP packet screening routers with the application level proxy firewall.

Q.4 Explain Client-server network security and various threats faced by this.

Q.5 What are the security mechanisms used for protecting network security threats.

Q.6 Explain the following:

a. Viruses b. Worms

c. Trojan Horse d. Logic Bomb

Q.7 Describe various threats to Message Security.

Q.8 What is meant by integrity of a message? Describe a technique to ensure the integrity

of an e-mail message.

Q.9 Describe a symmetric Key cryptosystem? What are the important issues related to

key distribution and management.

Q.10 What is public key cryptosystem? What are its advantages?

Q.11 What is Digital signature? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the digital


Q.12 What is Digital Certificate? Describe the commonly used standard for the digital

Q.13 Describe a technique used for non repudiation of an electronic transaction.

Q.14 What is cryptography and how it used for the message Security.

Q.15 Define the following:

a. Sniffing Attack b. Spoofing Attack

Q.16 Describe Firewall design policy.

Q.17 What is e-mail Security. Define various approaches used for providing email


Q.18 Describe various methods by which computer virus has been exchanged and


Q.19 Classify various types of computer fraud? Describe Credit Card Fraud.

Q.20 What is Cyber Crime? Explain major types of it.

Q.21 Explain the following:

a. Copyright Piracy b. Spoofing

Q.22 What is Hacking? Describe various hacking techniques?

Q.23 What is Cracking? How it is differ from hacking?

Q.24 Write short notes on:

a. Cyber Law b. Cyber Court

Q.25 Describe about the SET protocol for secured transactions.

Unit 5
Q.1 What is Electronic Data Interchange? Explain the advantages of EDI over paper

based system.

Q.2 Describe the paper based ordering process and how EDI alters the process.

Q.3 What are the basic building blocks of EDI? Explain them.
Q.4 “EDI improves the customer services.” Explain it.

Q.5 Explain the layered architecture of EDI.

Q.6 Differentiate EDI with E-Mail.

Q.7 Describe the information flow in the EDI.

Q.8 What are the benefits of using EDI? Explain them.

Q.9 Explain the role of EDI in improving the processes of International Trade.

Q.10 What is Financial EDI? Describe various types of it.

Q.11 Write short notes on:

a. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) b. Automated clearinghouse(ACH) Transfer

Q.12 “EDI adoption in Health care community reduces the administrative cost.” Explain


Q.13 How EDI can improve the Manufacturing Procurement system. Define in detail.

Q.14 Why Standardization needs in EDI? Explain any two standards of EDI.

Q.15 What do you understand by the ANSI ASC X12 Standard?

Q.16 Describe the impact of EDI on supply chain Management of a manufacturing plant.

Q.17 Explain the process of EDI software implementation.

Q.18 What is Value Added Network? What are the salient features of a value added

network provider?

Q.19 What is VAN? Define the functions of a VAN.

Q.20 Explain about Internet based EDI.

Q.21 Describe the similarities and dissimilarities of VAN based EDI and Internet Based


Q.22 What is Enterprise Resource planning? Define its Architecture?

Q.23 What is ERP? Explain its advantages and disadvantages.

Q.24 Why ERP is adopted by organizations?

Q. 25 Explain some criteria for the selection of the ERP product.

Unit 6

Q.1 What is electronic marketing? Describe various tools used for electronic marketing.

Q.2 Explain the link between e-marketing and e-business and why they may be

considered separately.

Q.3 What is Online Marketing? What are the advantages and limitations of it.

Q.4 Describe the following:

a. Search Engine Marketing b. Email Marketing

Q.5 What is Electronic market Place? Describe it for Buyer and Seller.

Q.6 Explain step by step procedure of Online order Processing.

Q.7 Define the term Electronic Customer Support.

Q.8 Explain the nature of marketing in electronic Business environments.

Q.9 What is online advertising? Explain Active Advertising and Passive Advertising.

Q.10 Describe the guidelines for advertising on Internet.

Q.11 Describe the online shopping status in India.

Q.12 What are the reasons for decline advertising revenue for websites.

Q.13 What is Web Catalogs. Explain the role and features of web catalogs in electronic


Q.14 Write short notes on:

a. Digital Library b. Data Ware house

Q.15 What do you understand by corporate digital library and its function.

Q.16 What is digital document? Explain various types of it.

Q.17 What is Data warehouse? Explain various types of it.

Q.18 How data warehouse help for decision support.

Q.19 Explain various characteristics of data warehouse.

Q.20 Define various advantages of data warehouse.

Q.21 Explain the process to build data warehouse architecture.

Q.22 Write short notes on:

a. Data Mart b. Data Mining

Q.23 What are digital document schemes. Define them.

Q.24 What are Active Documents? Give the names of those areas where these types of

documents are used.

Q.25 How digital documents are differ from paper documents.

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