Innovative Activities

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SCHOOL: West Covina High School_________________________ DATE: 8/31/2018 ____ TEACHER: Mr. B
CALIFORNIA STATE PE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: HSC1: 1.1, 2.1, 3.10____________________________________________________________
COMMON CORE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: _________________________________________________________________________________________
TEACHING PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS (TPE’s): 1b, 4d, 4i, 7c, 8c __________________________________________________________________
UNIT / THEME _______Cooperative Activity____________ACTIVITY_______Almost Infinite Circle____________________TIME / PERIOD: 45 mins
TEACHING STYLE __Command Method________________________________________ GRADE: ____9_____ LESSON #____10______OF____14___
EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NEEDED: (55) rope (3’) and Baseball Field or Open BlackTop_______ NUMBER OF STUDENTS: ________55_________

1.1 Combine and apply movement patterns, simple to complex, in aquatic, rhythms/dance, and individual and dual activities.

2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.

3.10 Identify and utilize the potential strengths of each individual in physical activities.

Lesson Learning Objectives

For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.

1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor):
Psychomotor Domain Objectives

Students will use different movements in order to get out of the almost infinite

2. CA PE Standards (Cognitive):
Cognitive Domain Objectives:

Students will demonstrate how vigorous activity can be done using rope

Take your time and

3. CA PE Standards (Affective):
Affective Domain Objectives:

Students will encourage their partners based on their strengths to solve the problem
of getting out of the rope

Sequence of Skill Development / Practice

(In this section, you MUST DESCRIBE specifically how you will TEACH and
MANAGE your stated objectives and Arrange the class for each of the
following lesson components.
Estimate You cannot simply state what you will be doing during the lesson. You must Beginning with the first What key words will you use
describe how you will be teaching and managing each of the following areas: transition, EACH SECTION to help students learn and
should have a defined understand the content?
Lesson Components management strategy. This can
(Lesson does not necessarily have to follow this order specifically): be described and/or illustrated.
 Transition to Learning Area

Good morning, today we will start by using the last group of students for the
Ice Breaker:
1-3 mins
“Truth is Stronger Than Fiction”
55 Students
Will the last 17 students go into your groups and tell one truth or fiction? The
rest of your group must guess whether you are telling a fact or fiction X
X Communication is key in
You have 5 minutes (Sun) X O (Me) getting out of the almost
X infinite circle
 Warm up: Provide a list of activities and a description for each X
4-9 mins Show of hands, how many of you guessed right? Great. Stay where you are. We X
will be doing stretches for the next activity.

10-15  Transition
Now partner up with the same partners you has yesterday.

16-18  Introduction
Today we will be attempting to get out of an almost infinite circle. Look up Do Not break the rope
here and take a look.

As you can see you and your partner will try and get out of the circle
WITHOUT breaking the rope.
If you and your partner have successfully gotten out of the rope, switch
19-21 partners with someone else and see if you can do it in the same amount of time.
mins I’ll be walking around checking to see if any guidance is needed.
Show picture of almost infinite circle
22-32  Closure Walk around from group to
mins Today you learned not only how to communicate with each other but how to do group
it effectively
Use the checklist to see if
Take some time and write down in your journals. Do not worry about making students are participating or
mistakes, if you need to cross out your mistake with one line and continue goofing off
33-45 Those goofing off, ask to
After you have finished writing, go change over and head to your next class. demonstrate to bring them
back to the activity

Evaluation / Assessment Procedures Journals are placed on

students’ number with a
library pencil inside
These assessment procedures must tie directly to the lesson objectives for all
three previously described learning objectives. In other words, how will you
assess the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain?)

You must describe an assessment tool that will be used for each domain

1. Psychomotor Assessment Method

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

Student Name Participated (Y) (N) 0 points Communicating

1 point with 1 partner
(Y) (N)

Students will follow the rubric depicted at the top. If the student was trying
then they were moving. That doesn’t necessarily mean they were talking with
their partner, that is why the last column is added.

2. Cognitive Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
Students will answer the following question in their journals:

Name 3 other activities that a vigorous activity can be achieved:


3. Affective Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):

In their prompt section of their journal, students will answer the following

How were you able to communicate effectively with your partner?

Name 2 other ways you can provide positive feedback to your partner.

 (Include a method and strategy to modify the activity to include
students with disabilities)

Students with anxiety disorder can use felt string in the chance they get
frustrated and want to break the rope.

 Include a strategy to address the learning needs of an ESL student.

An ESL student would be partnered up with another student fluent in their

language. The English speaking student will assist, by choice and refer to
the picture below in case the ESL student is unsure of what to do
Alternate Activity
Describe what you will do in the event of inclement weather.

Do not simply say you will move your class into to the gym. Consider the
reality that you will likely be sharing the gym with 2-4 other classes. You need
to describe an alternate activity and a place where you will teach this activity.

This activity can be done inside an unoccupied classroom. If none is available

the gym provides sufficient space.

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