Lesson Plan v2

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The lesson plan outlines teaching students ways to cope with stress and anger by identifying triggers and practicing different coping strategies.

The lesson plan is about teaching 8th grade students how to overcome stressors and cope with anger by learning about triggers, developing coping skills, and keeping themselves under control when feeling overwhelmed.

The materials that will be used include worksheets on triggers and coping skills and a coping skills log to help students develop their own coping strategies. A PowerPoint presentation will also be used.

Lesson Plan

School Counselor: C. West

Lesson Plan Title: Overcoming Stressors: How to Cope with Anger
 Single Classroom Lesson
 Unit of Classroom Lessons: Lesson _____ of _____
 Small-Group Session Lessons: Lesson __2___ of __4___
Target Audience: 8th grade students
Evidence Base:
 Best Practice (commonly used and believed to be of high quality)
 Action Research (individual investigates own practice to improve content/delivery)
 Research-Informed (a review of research provides foundation for content/delivery)
 Evidence-Based (highest level of evidence, results published in peer-reviewed journal)

ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives:

Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write or
targeted group and goal: select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
M 1. Belief in development of whole Student(s) will:
self, including a healthy balance of
mental, social/emotional, and Students will evaluate stressors they may be
physical well-being. facing and select 1-2 strategies they can utilize
to positively cope.
B-SMS 6. Ability to identify and overcome

B-SMS 7. Effective coping skills

“Triggers and Coping Skills” Worksheet | Therapist Aid:

“Coping Skills Log” Worksheet | Therapist Aid: https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-


Computer, PowerPoint presentation, projector, pencils

Updated, June 2021
Describe how you will:
Introduce Lesson Review content from Lesson 1 of this unit.
Talk about major stressors that may occur in this age group.
Communicate the Today’s lesson will focus on figuring out ways that you can work through
Lesson Objective: stressors in the moment.
Teach Content: Discussion questions:
Why do you think people get overwhelmed? What ways do you think
they can keep from behaving certain ways when they get overwhelmed?

PowerPoint review:
Go over slides, asking questions and discussing each. Ask for examples to
check for understanding during the presentation.

Who has ever gotten overwhelmed?
Why does getting overwhelmed make things harder?
Why is developing coping skills important?
What are some ways in which you can keep yourself under control when
you get overwhelmed?
Practice Content: Have students work through “Triggers and Coping Skills” and “Coping
Skills Log” worksheets to develop their own coping skills.
Summarize/Close: Ask students to share the coping skills they came up with if they are
comfortable. Allow space for other students to ask questions or provide
feedback on coping skills.

Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, complete this section only once for the unit.
Participation Data Plan:
Anticipated number 5 to 8 students
of students:
Planned length of 30 minutes
ASCA Student Standards Data Plan:
For each lesson/unit/small group, school counselors will administer pre-/post-assessment aligned with the selected
ASCA Student Standards and student learning objectives.
Pre-/Post-Assessment items are:
1. Pre-Test given to students about common stressors and typical ways to cope with them.
2. Post-Test given to students about common stressors and typical ways to cope with them.

Updated, June 2021

Outcome Data Plan: (choose one and describe specific data point to compare)
Achievement: School counselor will compare reading levels of students before and after delivery of lesson.
Attendance: School counselor will compare number of absences last year to this year.
Discipline: School counselor will compare total number of disciplinary reports for peer-on-peer conflict first quarter
with second quarter
 Achievement (describe):

 Attendance (describe):

 Discipline (describe): School counselor will compare total number of disciplinary

referrals for students in small group in first and second quarter.
Follow-Up Plans
Explain your plan for students who missed the lesson.

Students who miss this lesson will be caught up another day during their related arts period.

Explain your plan for students who did not demonstrate mastery on the pre-/post-assessment
of student standards (M&B)/student learning objectives.

Students who did not demonstrate mastery on the pre-/post-assessment of student standards
will meet with counselor another day during their related arts period.

Updated, June 2021

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