Individual Fitness

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SCHOOL: West Covina High School_________________________ DATE: 3/1/2019 ____ TEACHER: Mr. B

CALIFORNIA STATE PE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: HSC 1: 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 3.1, 3.5___________________________________________________________

COMMON CORE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: _________________________________________________________________________________________

TEACHING PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS (TPE’s): 1b, 2c, 3g, 7c ______________________________________________________________________

UNIT / THEME _______Individual Fitness______ACTIVITY_______Triathlon_____________________________TIME / PERIOD: 45 mins

TEACHING STYLE __Command Method________________________________________ GRADE: ____9_____ LESSON #____10______OF____14___

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES NEEDED: Gym or Field (by baseball field), track __________________ NUMBER OF STUDENTS: ________55_________

2.1 Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least four days each week.

2.2 Participate in challenging physical fitness activities using the principles of exercise to meet individual needs and interests.

2.5 Justify the use of particular physical activities to achieve desired fitness goals.

3.1 Participate in physical activities for personal enjoyment.

3.5 Evaluate and refine personal goals to improve performance in physical activities.


Students will ensure that students stay on task and are doing the movements correctly “strong core…strong body”
“body straight head down”
Lesson Learning Objectives

For each domain, do not write what the students will be doing…write
specifically what the students will be learning.

6 stations will have exercises that

1. CA PE Standards (Psychomotor): will promote a strong core in order
to be successful in each part of a
Students will learn different movements in order to properly train for a
triathlon. Overarching idea is core strength is vital to different aspects of the
race. Each station reinforces the idea that core muscles should be tight Strong core meaning: transverse
throughout each workout. abdominis, external abdominal
oblique, Internal abdominal Remember to embrace
2. CA PE Standards (Cognitive):
oblique and rectus abdominis. your core. Imagine that
someone is about to punch
Students will learn different exercises that will enhance other physical you in the stomach.
3. CA PE Standards (Affective):

Each station is focused on core but

Students will learn how their body reacts to certain exercises. Some are more with a different movement. There
challenging than others. Their worksheet will have a section where they can is more than one way to engage
write a quick self-reflection as to which exercise gave them the most trouble the core and students will learn
and why they think that it is. Afterwards, one or two ideas as to what they can some examples.
do to improve. Reiterate core

Student outcome is measure on

how they perceive themselves
doing the activity.
Time Sequence of Skill Development / Practice Keep trying and sooner
Estimate than later you will get the
exercise that gave you the
most trouble.
(In this section, you MUST DESCRIBE specifically how you will TEACH and
MANAGE your stated objectives and Arrange the class for each of the
following lesson components.

You cannot simply state what you will be doing during the lesson. You must
describe how you will be teaching and managing each of the following areas:

1004 Warm up

Students walk onto the field and are grouped into 4 rows with 8-9 students per row.
4 CPP students will line up to represent each row.

I will call out the exercise for the warm up, calling out the cadence and students
responding with repetitions

Beginning with the first transition,

EACH SECTION should have a
1004- defined management strategy. This
1010 Activity explained can be described and/or illustrated. What key words will you
use to help students learn
and understand the
Students will stay in the row as I explain the activity and what a triathlon is. CPP content?
student will pass a handout. Whiteboard will be used for key terms.
Students will then move into their respective station 1-6.

1010- Transition Students fall into any row

1012 where a CPP student is
After the CPP student has introduced the activity for that station, iPoly student will
standing I want 9 students
perform the exercise. The diagram below shows the station and location.
in rows 1-3 and 8 students
in the last row. “ready”
1012- Activity

Ask students questions that have them thinking about what was challenging and
then give them the handout so that they can answer on their own.
On white board, draw
triangle and each part of
1031- the triathlon…in the
1036 middle write the different
Cool Down Activity
types of abdominal
Arm across the body for a count of ten…switch…jumping jacks is a 4 count muscles that strengthen
exercise…1-2-3-4 and they repeat 1! the core

Comments and Questions

Cool Down
Evaluation / Assessment Procedures Remember to walk around
and re-iterate in each
station to embrace their
core as if someone was
Note: about to punch them.
These assessment procedures must tie directly to the lesson objectives for all
three previously described learning objectives. In other words, how will you
assess the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective domain?)

You must describe an assessment tool that will be used for each domain

1. Psychomotor Assessment Method

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
CPP student will ask iPoly student to check their pulse. IPoly student will
know that they are doing a vigorous activity because of their elevated pulse.

2. Cognitive Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
What can you do to improve on the skills you had some difficulty in” This will
get them thinking how each exercise, when grouped together assists in training
for a triathlon.

3. Affective Assessment Method:

(Include the Assessment Tool to be Used for this Domain Objective):
Students will be asked how they felt when they finished each station.
Name two things you can tell yourself to uplift yourself to try something
different in exercise.

(Include a method and strategy to modify the activity to include students with

The student with Anxiety Disorder benefits tremendously with this unit.
Lifting weights, whether body weight or free weights, releases endorphins. The
student will develop a month long plan and follow it and provide feedback to
the success or improvements necessary for their plan.

Station 1: Students can jump without a jump rope. If the student has a
disability they can mimic the move using their arms to make giant windmill

Station 2: Students can use assistance from other students to squat down.
Station 3: Students can be on their knees if their core is not strong enough.
Station 4: NA
Station 5: Students can do the swimming motion on their back instead of in the
prone position.
Station 6: Students can bring their knees to their chest instead of doing the
flutter kicks.

Alternate Activity
Describe what you will do in the event of inclement weather.

Do not simply say you will move your class into to the gym. Consider the
reality that you will likely be sharing the gym with 2-4 other classes. You need
to describe an alternate activity and a place where you will teach this activity.

In the case of inclement weather and we have to move into the gym. Station 2,
3, 5 and 6 can be done without taking up too much room. Also, the cognitive
side of actually doing a triathlon can be further explored. In other words,
talking about and writing down how a triathlon bring to light strengths and

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