OSS 101 December 2015
OSS 101 December 2015
OSS 101 December 2015
OW/ : 2 wu 3T1IWAr 3W : 50
O S S- 1 01
General Instructions :
(i) This is an objective type question paper. Options for the correct answer must be marked
only in OMR sheet.
(iii) The question paper consists of 50 questions each of which carries one mark.
(iv) Each question has four alternatives, one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your
correct alternative/answer below the corresponding question number in the OMR sheet
and then mark the rectangle for the .same number in that column. If you find that none
of the given alternatives is correct then write 0 and mark in column 0.
(v) Do not waste time in reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by
one. You may come back to the left out questions, if you have time at the end.
OSS-101 2
R7777R7 14
(i) zre WIPE( 3777-E7V * / 3R.. * Re- ch,41 cfri OMR Mlle Mi7 /
(ii) sw a1I4wrif
(iii) T 5R-q-ziwrI 50 37 m 3T 3 T /
(v) JR7-97. *-1 r7 twig 6(614' 77u. *,-P47 krw onfq zi-k wi
Rrrei r*, q-4 sm* gem, tai 1T evmai *
1. Social Sciences deal with
(1) Human society
(2) Interpersonal relationships
(3) Social issues
(4) All of the above
2. Locally elected representative body looking after the management of local affairs
(1) Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs)
(2) Public sector banking institutions
(3) Educational institutions
(4) None of the above
2. t-vati 111 1-1C11 (q)lell) "gig (.91 1:2Trtzr vg -citArr 36eAr Pmiti
(1) TiWrzi* try tit.viN (It.aTR.aTri.)
(3) *Am
(4) ZErziw Tef
(4) Zrrzt
OSS-101 5
7. Rise of new information and communication technologies leading to greater global
integration in a feature of
(1) Agrarian society
(2) Rural society
(3) Industrial society
(4) Post-industrial society
9. The Indian sepoy posted at Barrackpore who had to sacrifice his life for raising his
voice against discrimination by the British was
(1) Mangal Singh
(2) Mangal Kishore
(3) Mangal Pandey
(4) Mangal Roy
OSS-101 6
7. idka 3TRW 74rfa. .4.11 C.J)144)eil w 744, Iti t1 4.11\31 .4t
(1) )I ch
(2) MI ui k1+1Ni
(3) afralft wn ,i
(3) -
(4) WIT Tfift
9. 30t Wrff i '4-411-m aTrarftd R.1019, aTrqg dot CR, aTEA mill' *I al*
(e6-47) t4 airy 4:to4l( ITR414 14141 i
(1) Tirru
(2) -4Tra 1*-44K
(4) TiTTa
(3) trAl
(4) 31:14W
OSS-101 7
13. Who discovered the route to India in 1498 ?
(1) Christopher Columbus
(2) Ibn Battuta
(3) Captain James Cook
(4) Vasco da Gama
17. Which of the following is listed as a Fundamental Duty in the Indian Constitution ?
(1) To defend the country
(2) To defend the national animal
(3) To defend national currency
(4) None of the above
18. The system under which the whole village would own the land is referred to as
(1) Ryotwari system
(2) Mahalwari system
(3) L vt)
(4) WIT 4 A Qi Tef
(1) lzremt
(3) Wri-Iti cT
OSS-101 9
19. The Civil Disobedience Movement was held in the year
(2) fluid/
(3) k-aleitIcli
(4) klAdi
23. t 1 TT c titAi
(1) 250
(2) 500
(3) 200
(4) WIT 4A Qi Ter
OSS - 101 11
25. Greenhouse effect results in
(1) Increase in oxygen
(2) Environmental cooling
(3) Global warming
(4) Rise in population
29. The headquarters of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) are located in
(1) Geneva
(2) India
(3) China
(4) Pakistan
(3) 414
(4) 41 chf-c11-1
(1) NIA
OSS-101 13
31. Bourgeoisie refers to the class of people that
(4) Governor
OSS-101 14
31. ita-Tr 4 aimq 4-4Ti 4A
(1) 3r41g-I-1111A f4440T -srRI t
(2) do41q-1-14TITAI 3IT71t
(4) 1951
(1) TfircrIW
(2) 3R Tide
OSS-101 15
37. Jati refers to division of people according to
(1) skin colour (2) gender
(3) height (4) occupation
OSS-101 16
37. Al C1 A al-RTAT kp* aTIVR tIK 7q- 7q 41(.11 ?
(4) 3tRIT
45. Which countries constitute the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) ?
(1) Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
(2) Indonesia, Malaysia, Germany, China, India
(3) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Britain, Germany
(4) Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Philippines, Germany
46. Mikhail Gorbachev succeeded as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in
(1) 1986 (2) 1988
(3) 1985 (4) 1995
47. The domination and exploitation of economies of some countries by others is called
(1) Colonialism (2) Affluence
(3) Integration (4) Differentiation
49. Which famous German sociologist explained the concept of class in terms of "life
chances" ?
(1) Karl Marx (2) Max Adler
(3) Max Weber (4) Marianne Weber
48.r TM rrcT
(1) t eq
(2) t «a flh
(3) t\AliitMiLcI t‘.71qiow-ci «afro q
(4) are:t-t \.3 1 1 I Mil 41 041
(4) 3114.ffi 14
OSS-101 19
WrZi ‘11'M'q wrg
OSS-101 20 35,000