Human Capital Theory Assessing The Evidence
Human Capital Theory Assessing The Evidence
Human Capital Theory Assessing The Evidence
Technical report
May 2017
Foreword............................................................................................................................... 2
Executive summary ............................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
1 Human capital at the individual level ................................................................................12
2 Human capital at the organisational level .........................................................................30
3 Measuring human capital: the theoretical perspective ......................................................49
Conclusions and recommendations .....................................................................................58
Appendix 1: Research methodology.....................................................................................62
References ..........................................................................................................................67
We would like to thank the team who developed and conducted this research at the Ulster
University Business School. This report was written by Dr Martin McCracken, Professor
Ronan McIvor, Dr Raymond Treacy and Mr Tony Wall.
As the CIPD works to evolve the HR profession, there are important questions that must be
answered as to the value and nature of the relationship between people and work.
Scholarship in accountancy, and more recently in the HR and management domains, has
conceptualised value as the knowledge, skills and abilities, or human capital, of the
workforce. These characteristics and attributes, in their purest form, are the crucial inputs
from which value is generated by organisations. Human capital is therefore a fundamental
concept for the HR profession to understand if organisations of the future are to deliver long-
term success.
This technical report examines the academic perspective on human capital, its definition and
the fundamental concepts that underpin its conceptual value. By reviewing published
academic literature, this reports acts as an evidence base for the HR profession, by defining
a clear line in the sand from which future research and investment in capability can grow.
Complementing this report is an additional assessment of the measurement of people and
human capital, commonly described as HR analytics, which considers the academic
perspective on the process of measurement and reporting people data (Charlwood et al
2017). In combination, these technical assessments form part of the evidence for the
evolving HR body of knowledge, the implications and synthesis of which forms part of the
CIPD discussion report Human capital analytics and reporting: exploring theory and
evidence (Houghton 2017).
Building the evidence base for the value and contribution of people to business success is
central to enhancing the capability of HR professionals to build the conditions to create more
effective decision-making. Evidence such as this, written from the perspective of leading
academic thinkers, is one vital source of insight that can help to improve the capability of the
profession. This report offers a thorough and clear assessment of the academic debate as to
the nature of the value of people in organisations, and as such should be seen as an
important contribution to the HR and people management body of knowledge.
Edward Houghton
Executive summary
Oscar Wilde once said, ‘A cynic knows the cost of everything, but the value of nothing.’
Indeed, the same can be said for organisations that view their workforce as a cost, rather
than an asset to be nurtured and developed over time. Many modern-day organisations have
now come to the realisation that it is the firm’s intangible assets, such as the knowledge and
skill of their employees, that is fundamental to creating value and attaining a sustainable
competitive advantage over rival firms. Organisations today find themselves operating in a
knowledge economy, and this raises many questions as to how firms can facilitate the
creation, development and sharing of knowledge amongst its employees. Hence, the
management and measurement of human capital (HC) has become an issue of great
strategic importance.
1 What is human capital, social capital and intellectual capital, and how are they
considered in published academic literature?
2 How do the accounting and human resources management domains consider the
measurement of human capital? And how are these perspectives considered in
published academic literature?
This report critically reviews the literature surrounding HC management with the aim of
examining the contemporary academic perspectives on measuring human capital. It does
this by drawing insight from a variety of academic perspectives. This involved reviewing the
academic literature at both the individual and organisational level and underlining the factors
that help create an environment where HC can thrive. At the individual level, this involved
examining the antecedents which influence individual performance, such as motivational
psychology and employee engagement, employee behaviour, talent management and
career development. At the organisational level, issues such as capability development, firm
governance, corporate leadership and organisational behaviour were considered. Moreover,
in contrast to previous literature reviews on HC, this report takes a multi-level perspective
and examines how both employee- and corporate-level capabilities intertwine to improve firm
Summary of findings
The review also underlines the vital role social capital plays at both the individual and
organisational level in terms of creating value and stimulating new knowledge and
innovation. For instance, it has been highlighted that social capital is the catalyst that
converts the knowledge of individuals into the knowledge of the organisation, and vice versa.
The report also highlights the notion that in order to cultivate and develop HC, an
organisation must be able to identify and measure how more recent initiatives impact upon
the development of HC within organisations. The report also underlines the observation that
the measurement and reporting of HC becomes a fundamental knowledge source in itself for
not only facilitating the development of HC within organisations but also predicting and
sustaining HC performance in the longer term. Finally, the report emphasises the importance
of linking contemporary operating strategies to the design and generation of HC metrics in
order to improve organisational outcomes. The concluding sections of this report also
discuss areas for future research in terms of measuring the interaction between human,
social and structural capital, exploring the role of organisational teams and employee well-
being in the relationship between HC development and firm performance and, finally,
identifying how HC can be leveraged to facilitate organisational change.
The rise of intangible resources and intellectual capital
The twenty-first century has witnessed the transition from the production economy to the
knowledge economy, and there has been a paradigm shift in the way ‘assets’ are viewed
within organisations. Traditionally, the long-held belief was that a firm’s physical assets
paved the way for economic success; however, as Becker describes, ‘physical resources
explain only a relatively small part of the growth of income in most countries’ (Becker 1964,
p1). From a strategic management perspective, physical resources confer little advantage to
organisations because they can be bought and sold on the open market with ease
(Rothaermel 2012). In a knowledge economy, it is the intangible abilities and skills of the
workforce and the knowledge inherent within the organisation’s structures, routines, systems
and processes which can contribute towards the knowledge capital of the organisation
(Grant 1996a, Mahoney and Kor 2015). This knowledge capital is commonly referred to as a
firm’s intellectual capital (IC).
A firm’s IC is made up of human, social and structural capital (innovation and process
capital) (Edvinsson and Malone 1997). Human capital (HC), it can be argued, represents the
foundational level of IC. HC not only plays a vital role in developing and creating new ideas
and knowledge; it also facilitates social capital and the sharing of knowledge and ideas
through internal relationships (Han et al 2014). HC also complements a firm’s structural and
innovation capital, creating new and unique knowledge, for example, a scientist developing
or utilising a firm’s patents (Mahoney and Kor 2015).
The inherent problem with HC, however, is that, unlike organisational capital that the firm
owns (that is, patents, databases, and so on), HC can simply walk out the door and never
return (Coff and Raffie 2015). Hence, one can begin to see why the management and
measurement of HC is of paramount importance and why HC is becoming a key strategic
issue within organisations (Boudreau and Ramstad 2007, Thomas et al 2013, Ployhart et al
2014). Furthermore, there is a large and growing body of evidence that demonstrates a
positive linkage between the development of HC and performance at both the individual and
organisational levels (Becker 1993, Hitt et al 2001, Hatch and Dyer 2004, Kor and Mahoney
2005, Crook et al 2011, Crocker and Eckardt 2014). It can be argued that recruiting and
retaining the best employees becomes a key goal of HC management. However, talent
management is only part of the equation. The organisation also has to leverage the skills
and capabilities of employees by encouraging individual and organisational learning as
well as providing a supportive environment where knowledge can be created, shared
and applied. The next section in the report will define the concept of HC, which is a key
element of IC.
More than a decade later, Becker (1993, p3) defined HC as the ‘knowledge, information,
ideas, skills, and health of individuals’. Becker’s definition, like Schultz’s original
classification, is somewhat limited. However, Becker’s definition is interesting as it adds an
extra dimension in terms of the ‘health of individuals’. Indeed, the health and well-being of
individuals is an important factor in contemporary research which relates to the contextual
development of HC within organisations. Bontis et al (1999, p391) defines HC as ‘the human
factor in the organisation; the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that gives the
organisation its distinctive character. The human elements of the organisation are those that
are capable of learning, changing, innovating and providing the creative thrust which if
properly motivated can ensure the long-term survival of the organisation’. Bontis et al
highlight the importance of innovation, change and creativity and its role in HC. Moreover,
the definition emphasises the role of motivation in leveraging these capacities. The definition
acknowledges the importance of ‘distinctive character’. Finally, it alludes to the outcome of
business sustainability, referring to the ‘long-term survival of the organisation’.
More recent definitions of HC include that of Thomas et al (2013, p3), who define HC as the
‘people, their performance and their potential in the organisation’. The inclusion of the term
‘potential’ is important as it indicates that employees can develop their skill and abilities over
time. This definition is in line with the definition of Dess and Picken (1999, p8), who suggest
that HC consists of ‘the individual’s capabilities, knowledge, skills and experience of the
company’s employees and managers, as they are relevant to the task at hand, as well as the
capacity to add to this reservoir of knowledge, skills, and experience through individual
learning’. Dess and Picken’s definition of HC is much more expansive than others and
crucially highlights that individuals can ‘add’ to their knowledge base through learning.
Other definitions of HC have emphasised different outcomes of HC. For example, Frank and
Bernanke (2007) and Acemoglu and Autor (2009) emphasise the role of HC on worker
productivity in their respective definitions, while authors such as Davenport (1999)
acknowledge the role of HC on job performance. Another important definition is that of
Ployhart et al (2014), who define HC in the context of organisational/unit-level outcomes.
Ployhart et al refer to this type of HC as HC resources.
Coff and Kryscynski 2011, Crocker and Edkardt 2014, Nyberg et al 2014, Ployhart et al
Within this stream of literature, Ployhart et al (2014) distinguish between HC resources and
strategic HC resources, both of which relate to firm-level outcomes (see Appendix 1). A key
distinction between HC resources and strategic HC resources relates to the outcome of the
resource, that is, best practices (performance parity) versus differentiation (competitive
Figure 1: A distinction between human capital and human capital resources (adapted
from Ployhart et al 2014)
More recently, there has been growing tensions with the multi-level HC literature. For
example, recent research has started to examine the idea of emergence (see Ployhart et al’s
2014 framework) and linked the impact of individual-level KSAOs and other characteristics to
unit-level performance (Ployhart and Moliterno 2011, Ployhart et al 2014). Conversely, as
critics such as Crocker and Eckardt (2014) argue, the literature has, up until recently,
neglected the reverse relationship, that is, how unit-level outcomes may facilitate individual
performance (Crocker and Eckardt 2014, Eldor and Harpaz 2016, Aryee et al 2016.). For
example, Eldor and Harpaz (2016) examined how a learning climate can facilitate employee
engagement and extra role behaviours, and Aryee et al (2016) applied Vroom’s motivational
framework at the unit level to examine how collective HC (ability) and aggregated service
orientation (motivation) impact individual-level service quality.
According to Bourdieu (1986), social capital can be defined as ‘the relational networks in
actual and potential capital based on individual or social units’. Tseng et al (2014) highlight
that network members effectively develop social capital through connections and mutual
trust. Trust is an important element of social capital. For example, in order for people to co-
operate to achieve their goals, they need not only to know one another, but also to trust each
other so that they will not exploit or cheat in their relationship, and can expect truly to benefit
from their co-operation (Field et al 2003). Coleman (1990) also emphasises the role of trust
and suggests that social capital is ‘a human asset, categorised as trust, social structure, and
effective sanction’. The term ‘effective sanction’ refers to penalties for deviating from
obligations and norms. At the organisational level, social capital is defined as the
‘organisational value in relationships members form to engage in collective action’ (Nahapiet
and Ghoshal 1998, p243).
Social capital also represents a key component of IC that enables the development of both
human and organisational capital through the sharing of ideas and knowledge, facilitated by
network structures, ties and relationships (Edvinsson and Malone 1997, Nahapiet and
Ghoshal 1998, Tseng et al 2014, Mayo 2016). Not only does social capital enable the
development of HC by augmenting existing knowledge with new knowledge embedded
within internal relationships (Coleman 1988), it also facilitates the development of structural
capital by converting the tacit knowledge of individuals into explicit knowledge to be shared
throughout the organisation (Kogut and Zander 1992, Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995). This
enables the development of organisational capital such as routines and processes, which
are inherently difficult to emulate outside the focal organisation (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995,
Edvinsson and Malone 1997, Nahapiet and Ghoshal 1998, Felício et al 2014, Grigoriou and
Rothaermel 2014, Tseng et al 2014, Wei-Lei and Yi-Chih 2016a). Furthermore, it can often
constitute a source of innovation and competitive advantage, for example, patents (Lepak
and Snell 1999, Subramaniam and Youndt 2005, Cabello-Medina et al 2011).
structures, information systems and proprietary databases. In other words, it is the
knowledge assets that are left behind when humans leave work each day.
Because of growing tensions within the IC literature and calls for greater construct clarity, it
is often recommended that structural capital be subdivided into the following categories
(Edvinsson and Malone 1997):
Structural capital has an important interdependent relationship with human and social
capital. For example, it is the knowledge residing within individuals (HC) that contributes to a
firm’s innovation capital, such as patents – innovation capital. On the other hand, an
employee may interact with a firm’s existing patents and databases to create new knowledge
(Mahoney and Kor 2015, Molloy and Barney 2015). For example, Mahoney and Kor 2015
use the example of a scientist who interacts with the firm’s intellectual assets (for example
patents and tacit knowledge) to create and share new knowledge (Nonaka and Takeuchi
1995). Hence, the co-specialisation of human, social and structural assets becomes a critical
issue in the development of IC.
assets as ‘claims to future benefits, which have neither a physical nor financial form’, for
example, knowledge flows created through R&D (Sydler et al 2014). Finally, Rastogi (2003,
p232) defines IC from a capability standpoint and argues that ‘intellectual capital may
properly be viewed as the holistic or meta-level capability of an enterprise used to co-
ordinate, orchestrate, and deploy its knowledge resources’. Taken together, IC refers to the
ability of the organisation to leverage the knowledge resources embedded within the firm’s
human, social and structural capital in order to give the firm a knowledge advantage.
Both tensions and complementarities can exist between various forms of knowledge capital.
Hence, it is vitally important that management are able to measure the various interactions
between human, social and structural capital in the pursuit of organisational outcomes. In
light of the above analysis, it can be argued that it is the unique combinations and co-
specialisation of human, social and organisational assets that create knowledge (intellectual)
capital and the potential for competitive advantage.
Finally, from a theoretical standpoint, there can also be instances where HC and social
capital are contradictory. Traditional HC theory suggests that firms should not invest in the
general skills of the workforce as this will lead to increased employee turnover because of
the transferability of the skills in other organisations (Becker 1964). On the other hand, social
exchange theory suggests that employees may perceive investment in general skills as an
investment in their development and thus may reciprocate by staying with the incumbent firm
(Koster et al 2011). Once again the stance the organisation takes is very much dependent
on the type of strategy the firm adheres to and the HC goals the organisation aims to meet.
The above sections highlight the important role HC plays in the creation of knowledge
capital. Not only does HC combine with social capital to create new knowledge, HC can also
interact with structural capital. However, it has also been highlighted that while human, social
and structural capital combine to form IC, there can be strategic differences in how the
various forms of capital are deployed. In this sense, it is imperative that management can
measure the various interactions between the different capitals. As this report focuses on the
human aspect of IC in terms of management and measurement theory, the review also
acknowledges the relationship between HC and social capital and structural capital in the
following sections.
1 Human capital at the individual level
This section focuses on HC at the individual level, commonly referred to as the micro-
foundational level within the HC literature. Although the main focus will be on the employee
and job performance, the commentary also shows how an individual’s knowledge, skills,
abilities and other characteristics (KSAOs) can contribute to organisational-level capabilities.
This in turn will help link this section (the micro-foundational level) with section 2 (the
organisational level). Moreover, the reverse relationship will also be discussed, that is, how
collective/organisational-level practices influence micro-level HC (Aryee et al 2016, Eldor
and Harpaz 2016). The importance of measurement is discussed throughout the section
owing to the observation that the measurement of individual-level HC initiatives can facilitate
the development of organisational-level capabilities.
First, HC theory is discussed and the main principles underlying HC theory are outlined.
Following this, the tensions within HC, that is, competing/complementary theories of HC, are
outlined. We then review the antecedents of HC at the individual level, which include
employee training, opportunities for learning, employee development and career
management, non-cognitive skills, employee motivation and engagement, and talent
management and succession. Finally, employee and social issues, for example employee
diversity, equality, and health and safety, are discussed.
Applied in the context of organisations, HC theory suggests that individuals who invest in
education and training will increase their skill level and be more productive than those less
skilled, and so can justify higher earnings as a result of their investment in HC. As Becker
(1993, p19) suggests, ‘schooling raises earnings and productivity mainly by providing
knowledge, skills and a way of analysing problems’. Moreover, Becker’s ideas play an
important role in contemporary employee development and learning literature, as HC theory
fuels the idea that employees’ knowledge and skills can be developed through investment in
education or training, that is, learning (Grant 1996a, Hatch and Dyer 2004).
However, Becker (1964) challenged this assumption and argued that organisations would be
more willing to share the costs of firm-specific training as it is valuable to the incumbent firm
only. This is due to the observation that employees and potential employers would not
benefit from the same level of productivity if they changed jobs.
Becker argued that firms will be less willing to pay for general skills primarily because, in a
competitive labour market, where workers receive their marginal product, firms could never
recoup their investments in general skills, so they will never pay for general training.
Moreover, as the skills are classed as ‘generic’ in nature, an employee could easily switch to
another employer as their skills are not firm-specific. Thus, the firm would lose its initial
investment. Instead, Becker argued that employees themselves would have the right
incentives to improve their general skills because, in competitive markets. they are the sole
beneficiaries of the improvements in their productivity (Acemoglu and Pischke 1999).
Moreover, workers can undertake such investments quite easily by accepting a lower wage
than their productivity during the period of training (Becker 1964). The logic behind this
observation relates to the idea that employees will view paying for general training as an
investment, which they anticipate will lead to higher future wages, regardless of the firm they
are working with.
Oliveira and Holland (2007) and Oliveira and Da Costa (2014) also argue that Becker
disregards any education or training that is neither formally structured nor requires financial
investment. In other words, Becker places too much emphasis on investments in formal
training (that is, general and specific), and neglects the role of informal training/informal
learning. Informal learning is essentially learning by doing, or learning from experience. For
example, employees can learn a lot by just casually experimenting on the job. Barron et al
(2007) have highlighted that informal learning is especially prevalent at the beginning of a
worker’s employment.
Acemoglu and Pischke (1999) emphasise that while Becker subdivides skills into general or
specific, many skills tend to be industry-specific. For example, knowing how to use a printing
machine is of limited use outside the printing industry. Nevertheless, under Becker’s
framework, these skills are ‘general’ because typically there are many firms in the same
industry using similar technologies. Estevez-Abe et al (2001) build on Becker’s framework
and make a distinction between general, industry- and firm-specific skills. The authors argue
that industry-specific training can be defined as training which boosts the productivity of all
other firms in the industry, but not outside the industry. Examples include skills acquired
through apprenticeships and at vocational schools.
Finally, Becker’s theory largely ignores the role of non-cognitive abilities. In recent years
there has been a growing focus on non-cognitive skills and abilities (Heckman and
Rubinstein 2001, West et al 2016). In contrast to cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills are not
directly related to the process of acquiring knowledge through the senses, experience or
reasoning. Instead, non-cognitive skills consist of the behaviours, mindsets, attitudes,
learning strategies and social skills that can have a profound effect on the way human
beings learn. For example, an employee may be cognitively strong, but if they do not have
the resolve to attend training sessions within the organisation, they will never reach their full
potential. In this sense, factors such as self-efficacy, grit, motivation, self-control, resilience,
optimism, hope and the ability to work with others become important to the success of
employees in organisations (Heckman and Rubinstein 2001, Luthans et al 2007, 2008, Avey
et al 2010a, West et al 2016). Furthermore, the measurement of non-cognitive abilities is
also becoming a key issue within organisations (Avey et al 2010b).
From a theoretical standpoint, Becker’s theory has also been the subject of debate. For
example, Spence (1973) offers a theoretical response to HC theory and the findings of
Becker’s research in the form of signalling theory. While Becker argues that investment in
education and training will improve productivity and earnings, Spence (1973) takes a
different view and argues that because of the unobserved ability of workers (information
asymmetry), education merely serves as a signal to employers regarding the quality of
workers, that is, an MBA or a degree from a prestigious university or college. According to
Connelly et al (2011, p43), ‘Spence’s model stands in contrast to human capital theory
because he de-emphasizes the role of education for increasing worker productivity and
focuses instead on education as a means to communicate otherwise unobservable
characteristics of the job candidate (Weiss, 1995).’
According to Hämäläinen and Uusitalo (2008), this controversy is difficult to resolve because
in most cases both theories have identical predictions. For instance, both predict that
earnings rise with education. However, the policy conclusions are very different. According
to the HC theory, increases in educational levels has important effects on productivity and
economic growth. Conversely, signalling theory posits that education has no effects on
productivity and, even though investments in education may be profitable for the individuals
pursuing education, they are, in general, not beneficial for society as a whole (Hämäläinen
and Uusitalo 2008). In this sense, signalling theory is offered as a theoretical response to the
findings of Becker. Moreover, there have been a number of articles which find support for
signalling theory. For example, Hämäläinen and Uusitalo (2008) find support for signalling
theory in their study on Finnish polytechnic school reform.
Finally, some researchers take an alternative perspective on the outcomes of HC theory. For
example, Schultz (1961) and Nelson and Phelps (1966) view HC as the capacity to adapt in
changing environments. Both Schultz and Nelson and Phelps argue that HC is especially
useful in dealing with ‘disequilibrium’ situations, or more generally, with situations in which
there is a changing environment, and workers have to adapt to this. For example, Schultz
and Nelson and Phelps propose that the HC of the workforce is a crucial factor facilitating
the adoption of new and more productive technologies. Furthermore, in an era of
sustainability, firms are increasingly turning to their employees as a source of innovation and
challenging them to find new ideas and routines to operate more sustainably. Hence, a firm’s
HC can be pivotal in firm adaptation in uncertain or changing environments. Schultz’s and
Nelson and Phelps’s ideas on HC have a major role to play in contemporary HC theory, both
at the individual and unit level, for example dynamic capability theory (see section 2). It is
also important to remember that individual-level change initiatives such as employee
empowerment and flexibility play a key role in overall organisational change. On this note,
the next section discusses the antecedents of HC at the individual level. The following
sections also demonstrate that individual-level constructs can link to unit-level resources.
Employee training
Researchers have long understood that HC, especially one’s education and training, plays a
key role in both employee and firm performance (Becker 1993, Schultz 1961, Mincer 1974).
As highlighted in the previous section, Becker’s (1964) research was a milestone for
employee development theory. Much of the contemporary literature on training and
development finds a positive relationship with both individual performance (Schmidt 2007,
Jones et al 2012, Bapna et al 2013) and firm-level performance (Hatch and Dyer 2004,
Vidal-Salazar et al 2012, Georgiadis and Pitelis 2016).
More specifically, at the employee level, studies have examined the impact of training on
employee earnings (Regner 2002, Jones et al 2012, employee productivity (Huselid 1995,
Jones et al 2012), employee job performance (Bapna et al 2013), employee turnover
(Benson et al 2004, Koster et al 2011), job satisfaction (Schimidt 2007), employee attitudes
(Sahinidis and Bouris 2008, Truitt 2011), employee empowerment (Jun et al 2006),
teamwork (Jun et al 2006) and commitment (Vidal-Salazar et al 2012).
The above list of research studies is not exhaustive; it serves mainly as a guide to highlight
the plethora of studies examining the relationship between training and development and
individual-level outcomes. For the vast majority of studies shown above, HC investments in
training generally improved the listed outcomes. Thus, there is strong empirical support in
the literature which indicates that employee training (both general and specific) enhances
individual-level outcomes as suggested by Becker (1964). In terms of Becker’s theory on
general and firm-specific training, research has demonstrated mixed results. For instance,
Becker suggested that firms should not pay for general training as this would lead to
mobility. Indeed, Benson et al (2004) found that when employees earned their graduate
degrees (general skills), as opposed to bachelor degrees, they were more likely to leave the
organisation. On the other hand, Koster et al (2011) and Fallon and Rice (2015) found that
investment in general skills was perceived by employees as a positive investment in
employee development and had no effect on turnover.
Moreover, there are many studies that find that investment in general training can have real
value for the organisation and, in some cases, can have a greater impact on employee
outcomes (such as earnings, job performance) than firm-specific training in certain industries
and contexts. For example, in the Indian information technology sector, Bapna et al (2013)
highlight that general training has a greater impact on employee performance, as opposed to
firm-specific training. More specifically, the authors highlight that participation in one
additional general training course results in a 2.14% increase in performance for an average
Employee training is also shown to facilitate employee knowledge and skills (KSAOs)
through learning and development (Hatch and Dyer 2004, Vidal-Salazar et al 2012). For
example, Vidal-Salazar et al (2012) note that employee training is an important generator of
employee capabilities. More specifically, the study found that employee training has a
positive relationship on both employee knowledge and workforce commitment. Hatch and
Dyer (2004) also argue that employee training facilitates learning and enhances problem-
solving skills (a key cognitive ability), while Cohen and Levinthal (1990) claim that training
helps boost a workforce’s absorptive capacity, that is, the ability to identify, assimilate,
transform and apply valuable external knowledge. The construct is particularly pertinent to
the firm-level outcomes of employee training.
Workplace learning
Workplace learning is largely experiential in nature. A study by Eraut et al (1998) has
highlighted that education and training only explains a small portion of what employees learn
at work. Moreover, Eraut et al found that non-formal learning, which is neither specified nor
planned, has a major role to play in employee learning. Experiential learning can also help
facilitate what is known as double-loop learning. Double-loop learning entails the
modification of goals or decision-making rules in the light of experience. The first loop uses
the goals or decision-making rules, the second loop enables their modification, hence
‘double loop’. Double-loop learning recognises that the way a problem is defined and solved
can be a source of the problem (Argyris 1991). Socialisation on the job and interaction with
colleagues can help facilitate workplace learning. Encouraging employees to create content
based on their successes and failures is key. Hence, it is important that employers create an
environment that facilitates knowledge-sharing.
Self-directed learning
Self-directed learning is largely self-paced. Individuals review what they have learned, what
they have achieved, what their goals are, how they are going to achieve those goals and
what new learning they need to acquire (Armstrong 2014). In other words, employees are
afforded autonomy and are allowed to follow their own development path. According to
Armstrong (2014), self-directed learning is based on the principle that people learn and
retain more if they find things out for themselves; however, they still need to be given
guidance on what to look for and where to find it. Self-directed learning is becoming
increasingly vital in rapidly changing industries. For example, a software developer must
continuously be on the lookout for new coding developments, learn these and apply them in
developing new products (Smither and London 2009). In these industries, self-directed
learning may lead to improved employee and firm performance (Powell 1995, Boyer et al
According to Klinge (2015, p1), mentoring is ‘traditionally a process in which an experienced
person (the mentor) guides another person (the mentee or protégé) in the development of
her or his own ideas, learning, and personal/professional competence’. The role of a mentor
is to provide advice and also help the mentee reflect on their experiences in order to further
their development. The mentor’s own experience is of particular value to the mentee.
Moreover, mentors are particularly astute at facilitating double-loop learning as they can
encourage the mentee to reflect on current learning and how future learning may be
improved (Argyris 2004, Klinge 2015). Mentoring also brings a wide variety of benefits to
both the protégé and the organisation (see Appendix 2). Klinge (2015) has highlighted that a
potentially overlooked aspect of mentoring concerns mentors serving as role models and
supporters for under-represented minorities. For example, pairing a new, lesbian, gay,
bisexual or transgender (LGBT) employee with a successful LGBT mentor could foster
improved employee performance (Gedro 2006, Klinge 2015). Mentoring also promotes on-
the-job learning and can act as a complement to formal training (Armstrong 2014).
Employee development
According to Nadler (1979, p88), ‘employee development is concerned with preparing
employees so that they can move within the organisation as it develops, changes and
grows’. The continued development of employees is important. An organisation which does
not develop its workforce cannot develop its competitive strategies. For example, a study by
Mason and Bishop (2015) examined the impact of the UK recession on adult training. The
study found that employers reduced off-the-job training during the recession. However, the
effects of such cutbacks on skill levels were partially alleviated by more precise targeting of
on-the-job training to meet skills improvement needs. Nevertheless, the authors argue that
future productivity and competitiveness are likely to be impaired by failure to upgrade adult
workers’ skills during the recession (Mason and Bishop 2015, Kim and Ployhart 2014).
Hence it is possible that skill gaps will develop within organisations as a result of fragmented
development programmes during this period (Mason and Bishop 2015).
Moreover, Hosie et al (2013) have found that in the south-east Asian retail petroleum
industry, worker autonomy (empowerment) and training opportunities are strongly related to
job satisfaction. The results showed that these two variables alone accounted for 35% of the
variance in job satisfaction, while skill variety and task feedback accounted for 15%.
Moreover, the role of feedback in employee development should not be underestimated. For
instance, Kuvaas and Dysvik (2010) have found that the relationship between the perceived
helpfulness of performance appraisals (positive employee reactions) on work performance
was significant only for employees reporting high levels of perceived regular day-to-day
feedback. The results also showed that the perceived helpfulness of employee appraisals
was directly related to affective employee commitment. As evidenced from the above
sections, a one-size-fits-all approach to employee development is now obsolete.
Development plans must be tailored to individual goals as well as the organisations, and
feedback must be both accurate and relevant to the employee (Kuvaas and Dysvik 2010).
The measurement of employee development is also a critical issue. It has already been
highlighted how employee development is linked to a wide range of employee outcomes,
such as employee performance (Bapna et al 2013), job satisfaction (Hosie et al 2013, Fallon
and Rice 2015), employee turnover (Benson et al 2004, Koster et al 2011), extra-role
discretionary behaviours (Gavino et al 2012) and employee attitudes (Sahinidis and Bouris
2008). Employers must also be able to manage and measure employee development in
order to avoid the threat of skill gaps or obsolete skills (Bapna et al 2013, Cabrilo et al 2014,
Mason and Bishop 2015). Hence by measuring employee development, employers can
make more informed decisions regarding the effective deployment of talent and avoid skill
shortages or employee turnover. Measuring employee development may involve recording
the number of annual promotions within the organisation, analysing the effect of training and
feedback on employee outcomes, the type of training courses taken (Del Valle et al 2009),
and measuring employee performance and identifying skills gaps (Cabrilo et al 2014).
Career management
Employers must ensure employees have a career path in the organisation. Gaffney (2005)
emphasises that it is not enough to have employee development plans in place; career plans
must be put in place and aligned with employee goals in order to reduce employee turnover
and to increase employee engagement (Byrne 2015). A career development path provides
employees with an ongoing mechanism to enhance their skills and knowledge, which leads
to mastering their jobs and added professional development. For example, in a study by
Benson et al (2004), the researchers examined the impact of general skill development and
voluntary turnover at a large manufacturer in the US. The results showed that participation in
tuition reimbursement reduces turnover while employees are in school. The results also
demonstrated that for individuals who enter a firm who are not already college graduates, a
tuition reimbursement programme is a particularly effective means to encourage the more
ambitious employees to invest the time needed to improve their skills and enhance their
career prospects within the organisation. Moreover, for those in the study who obtained
associate’s or bachelor’s degrees, it was shown that tuition reimbursement enhanced
retention while they were studying and was not associated with an increase in turnover when
they completed their degrees. Conversely, the results showed that employee turnover
increases drastically when individuals earn their graduate degrees.
Crucially, however, the study found that the propensity for employees to leave after earning
a graduate degree is greatly reduced if employees are subsequently promoted (even after
controlling for the wage increase that accompanies promotions). Hence, a job promotion can
be a powerful retention tool, but the organisation must align the promotion with employee
goals. As Benson et al (2004, p328) highlight, ‘Employers should guard against losing
valued employees once they attain graduate degrees by attending to the match between
their new skills and their jobs, and by managing their expectations and careers.’ In other
words, there has to be an outlet for employees’ new skills and lessons, and a career
development plan for each employee, otherwise it does not seem like progression.
Non-cognitive abilities
A number of authors have highlighted how non-cognitive skills, such as character skills,
personality traits, goals, motivations and preferences, are growing in value (Kautz et al
2014). Heckman and Rubinstein (2001) refer to these skills as non-cognitive skills, which
tend to be softer in nature when compared with traditional cognitive skills. In other words,
they are psychological in nature and related to mindsets and behaviours. Unlike cognitive
abilities, which are relatively stable from an early age and peak in the early twenties (that is,
IQ), non-cognitive skills develop across a person’s lifetime and do not peak until late
adulthood (Borghans et al 2008). Examples of non-cognitive attributes include personality
traits, attitudes, behaviours, mindsets and socio-emotional skills.
Research has now started to examine the role or personalities, attitudes and mindsets in
relation to human and social capital and workplace outcomes. For instance, research by
Yang et al (2011) finds that a proactive personality is positively associated with interpersonal
helping and negatively associated with turnover intention, that is, employees are less likely
to leave as they are socially embedded within the organisation. This relationship is mediated
by the social capital constructs of trust and information exchange. These authors also
emphasise the importance of recruiting individuals high on proactivity as they can be key to
an internal social network.
There have been a number of studies that have examined the relationship between
psychological capital and employee outcomes. For example, in a study of Egyptian
employees, Badran and Youssef-Morgan (2015) find that hope, efficacy, resilience and
optimism, individually and when integrated into the higher-order multidimensional construct
of psychological capital, are positively related to job satisfaction. Moreover, the authors
argue that psychological capital is a potential source of competitive advantage. Furthermore,
Avey et al (2009) find that positive psychological capital (PsyCap) is a powerful tool for
combating workplace stress and employee turnover. Luthans et al (2008) recommend that
employees undergo PsyCap short training interventions (which typically last one to three
hours, depending on the number of participants) that include activities designed to enhance
the components of efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience, as well as overall PsyCap. These
may include confidence-building sessions, goal-setting sessions and teaching employees to
forecast unfavourable events and find paths around them (Luthans et al 2006, 2008, Avey et
al 2009). Finally, Avey et al (2010a) have found preliminary evidence linking positive
psychological capital to employee well-being.
Employee motivation
According to Elliot and Covington (2001), motivation can also be defined as one’s direction
to behaviour, or what causes a person to want to repeat behaviour and vice versa. In an
organisational context, motivation can be understood as the desire or drive that an individual
has to get work done. There are many different theories of motivation, including Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs theory, Herzberg’s hygiene theory, and McGregor’s theory X and
theory Y:
Maslow’s theory – Maslow’s need hierarchy theory postulates that individuals are
motivated according to a hierarchy of needs, which start from basic needs such as
food, water, sleep, safety, and then go on to need for recognition and, finally, the
need to actualise one’s vision and reach the highest stage of personality. The
premise of the theory is that individuals progress from one stage to the other
depending on how well the needs at each stage are met. In essence, organisations
have to ensure that employees’ needs are taken care of at each level so that by the
time the employee reaches the top of the ladder, they are in a position to actualise
Herzberg’s hygiene theory – argues that factors causing job satisfaction are
different from those causing dissatisfaction and the two feelings cannot merely be
treated as opposite to one another. Individuals are not content with the lower-order
needs at work – hygiene factors; for example, those needs associated with minimum
salary levels or safe and pleasant working conditions. Rather, individuals look for the
gratification of higher-level psychological needs having to do with achievement,
recognition, responsibility, advancement and the nature of the work itself –
motivators. The basic premise of the theory is that the presence of hygiene factors is
a precondition for performance and is not a determinant of performance. Managers
must not only ensure the presence of hygiene factors to avoid dissatisfaction, but
must also provide factors intrinsic to the work itself in order for employees to be
motivated or satisfied.
McGregor’s theory X and theory Y – focuses on organisational mindsets, whereby
type X organisations assume that employees do not like work, dislike responsibility
and need to be supervised at every step. Employees in these organisations may view
work as a burden, and simply work to survive. Employees in type X organisations
tend to work on a ‘carrot and stick’ basis, and performance appraisal is part of the
overall mechanisms of control and remuneration. On the other hand, type Y
organisations adopt a more positive view of employees, that is, employees take
responsibility and are motivated to fulfil the goals they are given. Furthermore,
employees seek and accept responsibility and do not need much direction. In other
words, people are self-motivated and thrive on responsibility.
In today’s organisations, employee motivation also plays a key role in job design (Bersin et
al 2016). For example, as Bersin et al (2016) highlight, ‘Millennials, that is, Generation Y,
now make up more than half the workforce, and they bring high expectations for a
rewarding, purposeful work experience, constant learning and development opportunities.’
Hence organisations have to be able to measure the motivations of different generations of
the workforce in order to get them to perform at their optimal level. In this regard, employee
surveys can be helpful. In terms of Generation Y, it may mean measuring the degree of job
flexibility (Goudreau 2013). Firms also need to be able to measure the outcome of
motivational initiatives, which may include measuring the impact of flexibility initiatives on
turnover, job performance and employee well-being. Furthermore, many millennials are
especially eager to progress in their careers and less willing to wait three to five years for a
promotion (Goudreau 2013).
Employee engagement
There have been numerous definitions of employee engagement. Some researchers define
employee engagement as the opposite of employee burnout (Maslach et al 1997, Schaufeli
et al 2002), while others stress the importance of investing in one’s work role (Kahn 1990).
For example, Maslach et al (1997) defined engagement as ‘a construct composed of three
elements, energy, involvement and efficacy’. The key observation is that each element is the
direct opposite of the three burnout dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation
and lack of efficacy (Byrne 2015).
Others define employee engagement as a motivational state, as does Byrne (2015) in her
unifying definition of employee engagement: a ‘moment to moment state of motivation,
wherein one is psychologically present (that is, in the moment) and psycho-physiologically
aroused, is focused on and is aligned with the goals of the organisation and channels his or
her cognitive self to transform work into a meaningful and purposeful accomplishment’.
Moreover, the Engage for Success movement (2015) embraces the idea of well-being and
defines engagement as ‘a workplace approach resulting in the right conditions for all
members of an organisation to give of their best each day, committed to their organisation’s
goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, with an enhanced sense
of their own well-being’.
Much of the literature that examines the antecedents of employee engagement frequently
employs the job demands–resources model. In particular, several researchers from the
health/well-being perspective of employee engagement have used the model to explain the
relationship between stressors and engagement (Schaufeli and Bakkar 2004, Bakker et al
2005, Rothmann and Joubert 2007, Crawford et al 2010). The job demands–resources
perspective assumes that, whereas every occupation may have its own specific risk factors
associated with motivation and job stress, these factors can be grouped into the following
two general categories:
Job demands refer to physical, social or organisational aspects of the job that
require sustained physical or mental effort and therefore are associated with certain
psychological costs (Byrne 2015). Examples include work pressure (that is,
workload), time pressures, emotional demands and difficult physical environments
(Demerouti et al 2001).
Job resources refer to those aspects of the job that are functional in achieving work
goals, stimulate personal growth and development, and reduce job demands and
their associated physiological and psychological costs. Examples include autonomy,
strong work relationships, prospects for advancement, performance feedback, task
variety, coaching and mentoring, and opportunities for learning and development
(Demerouti et al 2001, Demerouti and Bakkar 2006, Crawford et al 2010, Byrne
Other important models in the realm of employee engagement include the job characteristics
model (Hackman and Oldham 1980), which argues that skill variety, task variety, autonomy
and feedback lead to experienced meaningfulness, felt responsibility and growth on the job,
all of which have corresponding effects on performance outcomes, such as higher quality,
lower turnover, lower absenteeism and improved job satisfaction. Both the job demands
model and the job characteristics model underline the importance of presenting opportunities
for employees to become more involved in their jobs through providing new opportunities for
development, affording greater autonomy and task variety, and allowing employees to craft
their experience of work. In this way, employees’ goals align with organisational goals
(Petrou et al 2016).
Figure 2: A process model of employee engagement (adapted from Eldor and Harpaz
2016; supported hypothesis model)
The measurement of employee engagement has become crucial for organisations. However,
Brown et al (2016) highlight the importance of measuring employee engagement on a
regular basis. This could mean, for example, monitoring employee attendance. For instance,
organisations classed as having highly engaged workforces had greater attendance records
(Mayo 2016). Other methods of determining employee engagement may involve measuring
the number of discretionary courses taken by employees. Byrne (2015) warns, however, that
employees can also become too engaged in their work and this can lead to negative
psychological states. Workaholism can be a problem in some organisations (Byrne 2015).
Hence, firms would need to put in place well-being measures to ensure employees are not
overworking, which could involve measuring working hours and ensuring employees do not
work during lunch hours (Byrne 2015). Finally, firms need to measure the outcomes of
engagement on both job performance and organisational performance. This could involve
correlating the number of discretionary training courses taken and the impact this has on job
performance and organisational performance variables, such as job satisfaction, productivity,
and creativity and innovation.
Employee creativity
Employee engagement is linked to employee creativity (Eldor and Harpaz 2016). This may
be because of the observation that when employees are invested in their work, they are
more likely to have a better understanding of their work and therefore opportunities for
improvement or experimentation (Eldor and Harpaz 2016). Moreover, engaged employees
are more likely to come up with creative ideas as opposed to employees who simply do not
care about their work. It also could be the case that employee empowerment, an antecedent
of engagement, could be the catalyst for creativity (Sun et al 2012). Hence, employee
creativity is influenced by a multitude of individual- and firm-level factors.
According to Amabile (1996) and Shalley and Zhou (2008), ‘Creativity refers to the
production of new and useful ideas which fuels innovation in products, services, processes,
and procedures in organisations.’ Shalley et al (2004) suggest in their theory-building paper
that determinates of creativity at the individual level may include employee personality
(openness to experience), cognitive style (that is, problem-solvers), job complexity
(challenge), relationships with supervisors and colleagues (leadership style), relationship
with co-workers (feedback), rewards, employee evaluations (development), the degree of
workspace and time deadlines (constraints). The review paper also concludes by suggesting
future research should also consider the role of employee moods, intrinsic motivation, self-
efficacy (confidence), self-identity and social networks, as these factors may also play a key
role in the creativity process.
in particular are helpful in measuring these constructs. It is also important to link creative
ideas to firm-level innovation outcomes, that is, how many ideas result in process changes
and improvements, new products or patents. Again, the relevance of HC emergence is
Employee innovation
From an organisational standpoint, there are many different types of innovation, including
product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and organisational innovation.
At the individual level, innovation is being increasingly linked to employee attitudes. While
employee attitudes can influence innovation, they can also disrupt or prevent innovation
(Antons and Pillar 2015). Adopting negative attitudes, such as the ‘not invented here
attitude’, stems from the idea that employees often reject new external ideas. Antons and
Pillar (2015) argue that this is a function of their attitude, that is, ego-defensive, value-
expressive, social-adjustive, knowledge-restrictive and utilitarian function:
The ego-defensive function – the ego-defensive function relates to the idea that
individuals might block information or new ideas proving or suggesting that others are
more competent than they perceive themselves to be. In a corporate context,
managers and developers often define and express their self-identity through their
expertise in a specific domain and may reject external ideas that they may feel
undermine their expertise or abilities.
The value-expressive function – the value-expressive function is based on the idea
that employees may reject external ideas that do not align with their own personal
values. For example, Antons and Pillar (2015) cite the example of an
environmentalist who may reject product ideas that contain potentially toxic materials
or require air-polluting production processes, even if the products could increase
customer welfare. Conversely, employees may be more likely to accept ideas which
adhere to their own personal values (Klein and Sorra 1996).
The social-adjustive function – according to Chang et al (2012), the social-
adjustive function relates to the concept of social identity and the observation that
exchange and co-operation between teams and groups having different social
identities can be impeded by social norms of groups: for example, organisational
teams which reject ideas from outside their closely knit group.
The knowledge-restrictive function – employees may restrict ideas that do not
align with their own areas of expertise. As Antons as Pillar (2015, p201) highlight,
‘Striving for cognitive consistency, people filter out new information that challenges
their attitudes and adopt information that is in line with their attitudes.’ An example
may be an automobile engineer who has expertise in developing combustion engines
rejecting an idea based on the development of new electric motors.
The utilitarian function – finally, the utilitarian function relates to employee self-
interest. The key observation here is that employee self-interests, accentuated by
employee rewards, may lead to undesirable innovative behaviour. Consider, for
example, developers or product managers who are rewarded for the number of ideas
or development projects generated. In such a situation, external ideas may be
rejected because of the sheer utilitarian function of the not invented here mindset.
Besides monetary rewards, creating one’s own ideas may also simply be more
prestigious than adapting an external idea, as it fosters intrinsic motivation via peer
recognition or social status in an organisation (Antons and Pillar 2015).
The key goal for management is to challenge these attitudes towards innovation and create
an environment where creativity and innovation can flourish. This may involve rotating team
members on a project basis (that is, measuring the number of rotations), integrating
employees into decision-making, restructuring teams and departments, gaining experience
with external knowledge, and establishing adequate incentive systems. By tackling the
micro-foundational barriers to innovation, firms can set the scene for the development of
unit-level innovation capabilities and also facilitate organisational change.
Talent management
Talent management is an important individual- and unit-level construct. Under the HC
framework, talent management is predominantly focused on developing talent from within
the organisation. Hence, there is a strong focus on employee development and the operation
of a fair and equitable succession programme. According to Dowell (2010) ‘talent
management is an integrated set of processes, programs and cultural norms in an
organisation, designed to attract, develop and deploy and retain talent to achieve strategic
objectives and meet future business needs.’
It has already been highlighted that the HC approach to talent management favours
developing employees from within. Hence, organisations operating under the HC model
often favour internal recruitment over external recruitment. This is because the organisation
has invested valuable resources in developing the employee, allowing them to reach their
full potential (Thomas et al 2013). However, not all roles can be filled internally and it is vital
that firms have a strategy in place for the recruitment of upcoming talent which fits with the
organisation’s strategy.
In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on employee flexibility. As firms often
operate in turbulent environments, employees are often required to change their work
practices and upgrade and/or expand their range of skills. Many firms working in these
environments favour an agile workforce, for example, the IT industry or high-technology
industries. Moreover, as many organisations operate team structures, employees now often
have knowledge of a multitude of roles and skills (Taylor 2014). In such environments, job
rotation or lateral transfers may be an option for employers seeking to fill job vacancies or
skills gaps. The benefit of job rotation is that employees are kept stimulated and, as
employees are already embedded in the firm’s organisational culture, the employee can
quickly transition to their new role (Mahoney and Kor 2015). One of the main criticisms of
employee flexibility, however, is that the practice does not lend itself well to task proficiency,
as one often attains general skills as opposed to firm-specific skills. On the other hand, this
limitation may be offset by other important benefits. For example, research by Bhattacharya
et al (2005) found that skill flexibility was related to cost-efficiency, as a greater skill variety,
and their application, lower the requirement for additional employees.
In terms of internal promotions, employee succession programmes are fundamental for
ensuring that an organisation has a pool of employees with the ability, knowledge, personal
attributes and experience necessary to fulfil senior roles when they become vacant (Taylor
2014). The benefits of internal succession, as opposed to external succession, is that
employees are familiar with the organisation and its culture, hence the risk of an
unsuccessful appointment is reduced (Charan 2005). Moreover, employees can maintain
their social networks and can therefore quickly acclimatise to new roles (Taylor 2014). Firms
can facilitate employee succession by having a senior employee mentor a junior employee
(Bower 2007). Moreover, the mentee should be required to take responsibility for the
mentor’s tasks from time to time. This simplifies the passing of the torch and, as mentioned
earlier, allows for a more comfortable transition to a new role.
An organisation’s succession plan must also promote equality and diversity. In other words,
succession plans must be centred on the individual’s ability, performance and degree of fit
for the role that they are considered for. Moreover, succession programmes should not
discriminate against individuals by gender or race, otherwise this can lead to perceived lack
of procedural and outcome fairness and undesirable job behaviours (Adams 1963). Recent
research has shown that perceived unfairness or inequality impacts how employees
reciprocate, that is, commitment (Seifert et al 2015). Such developments may ultimately lead
to a decline in productivity. In this sense, fair and equitable evaluation procedures,
augmented by diversity training initiatives, become important considerations for promotions
and succession planning.
External recruitment
When internal recruitment is not an option, or firms favour a radical reshuffle of leadership,
they may turn to the external labour market. Employers need not face the external market in
the dark; building talent pipelines such as constructing specific relationships with colleges or
consultancy firms, providing employee apprenticeships, encouraging informal recruitment
(that is, tips from current employees) and carefully selecting candidates (matching) can all
go a long way to securing the best employees for the organisation (Hatch and Dyer 2004,
Ready and Conger 2007, Collings 2009, Taylor 2014).
In terms of employee matching, Hatch and Dyer (2004) find that screening employees based
on educational and organisational requirements can have favourable outcomes for employee
learning further down the line. Moreover, Ployhart (2006), and Taylor (2014) highlight that
organisations are now matching employees based on personality and attitudes (that is,
ambition and so on) in order to forecast future employee engagement and workplace
behaviours. These advanced matching techniques reduce the amount of risk in the external
labour market by enabling the firm to secure candidates that are more likely to prosper in the
Apprenticeships can also be an effective external recruitment tool. Apprenticeships can also
facilitate the development of employees, which in turn can be monitored by employees and
used to gauge or forecast future performance. Finally, informal recruitment can also help
employers identify new employees. For example, existing employees may be able to
recommend individuals who they believe would be a good fit for the organisation (Brymer et
al 2014).
Finally, not all organisations may have access to talent pipelines. In this case, it is important
that employers are able to tailor job offers to the employees they need to attract. While
competitive wage rates and other monetary perks are obviously attractive, employees in the
knowledge sector are increasingly looking at non-financial job rewards. For example,
Schlechter et al (2015) found that non-financial reward elements such as work–life balance,
learning and career advancement increase the perceived attractiveness of a job offering.
Gender was further found to have a significant effect, indicating that the presence of non-
financial rewards was more attractive in job offerings for women than for men. Schlecter et al
(2015) found that organisations may benefit by implementing and/or emphasising non-
financial rewards as part of a total rewards package when they attempt to attract or recruit
potential employees. Moreover, organisations that seek to attract a higher number of female
employees may benefit from the results by incorporating or further emphasising non-financial
rewards as part of a targeted job offer.
Job rotation can also facilitate effective talent deployment. For example, employers can
measure the employee’s performance in a variety of different tasks and roles. This enables
the employer to identify the employee’s most effective role in which they add the most value
for the organisation (Taylor 2014). For example, an employee skilled in engineering, who
also has a creative flair (that is, makes frequent innovative suggestions), may be better
positioned to have an R&D role within the organisation.
Stahl et al (2012) have found that despite their belief in the effectiveness of job rotations,
firms seem to lack the ability to implement them. A possible explanation for this gap involves
‘silo thinking’, that is, the tendency of managers to focus on the interests of their own units
rather than the whole organisation, which in turn may hinder talent mobility within the
company and undermine the effectiveness of job rotation as a career development tool. A
study by Guthridge et al (2006) has found that more than 50% of interviewed CEOs,
business unit leaders and HR executives believed insular thinking and a lack of collaboration
across the organisation prevented their talent management programmes from delivering
business value.
paid for a job (Cascio 2006). Alongside the economic costs of losing employees, indirect
financial costs could include work disruptions, loss of organisational memory along with tacit
or strategic knowledge, losses to productivity or customer service, loss of mentors, or even
additional turnover of other valued employees.
Hence it is imperative that employers are able to manage and measure the factors that
influence retaining employees. Benson et al (2004) find that employees earning
postgraduate degrees are less likely to leave an organisation when offered a promotion.
Moreover, Thomas et al (2013) highlight that a more tailored approach to employee rewards
can discourage employees from leaving an organisation. Thomas et al (2013) cite the case
of an organisation in an industry undergoing great technological change. Essentially the
organisation was able to identify through survey measurement a misalignment between the
firm’s new employees and the firm’s existing reward system. Essentially, the reward system
rewarded employees based on their experience or seniority and was more concerned with
ensuring employees were awarded a generous pension. However, for younger workforce,
who possessed new skills needed to carry the firm forward, this reward system was
ineffective and led to high levels of turnover.
A further reason that many employees leave an organisation is that they often become bored
or disengaged with their work, or feel that they are being constrained in their jobs. In this
sense, job-crafting can be a powerful retention tool. Job-crafting is a means of describing the
ways in which employees utilise opportunities to customise their jobs by actively changing
their tasks and interactions with others at work (Berg 2007). According to Wrzesniewski et al
(2010), employees can effectively turn the job they have into the job they want without
having to be promoted or having to leave the organisation. Employers can also utilise job-
crafting as a retention tool by encouraging task variety and allowing for job flexibility within
roles. This in turn may reinvigorate (engage) employees and deter them from leaving the
organisation (Tims et al 2013). So far there has been little research examining the impact of
job-crafting on employee and firm outcomes. Finally, firms can encourage employees to
invest in firm-specific skillsets and design job roles which promote the co-specialisation of
assets, which may in turn lead to feelings of job embeddedness, thereby enhancing the
likelihood employees will stay with the organisation (Charlier et al 2016).
2 Human capital at the organisational
Contemporary human capital management theory: the firm level
The previous section examined the antecedents of HC at the individual level and also
outlined for each construct why measurement is important. This section discusses HC at the
organisational level. Moreover, as HC is a multi-level concept, the impact of HC resources
on individual outcomes is also discussed (Ployhart et al 2014). However, the main focus
relates to the impact of unit-level resources on best practices and competitive advantage,
although the measurement of HC resources as they relate to firm-level outcomes is also
The resource-based view (RBV) of the firm in the context of HC is first discussed, followed
by both the capability and dynamic capability (DC) perspectives of the firm, and finally the
knowledge-based view (KBV) is examined in order to ascertain how HC is conceptualised
alongside social and organisational (structural) capital. Therefore, how the concepts
intertwine to potentially create a knowledge advantage for organisations is illustrated.
Additionally, within each theoretical framework, the antecedents of HC at the firm level (that
is, leadership, talent management, firm structure, firm culture and change management) will
be discussed (see Figure 3). For example, the DC perspective will heavily relate to change
management and the role of leadership, while the KBV is shown to have a strong focus on
the role of organisational climate and structure in facilitating HC development and
competitive advantage. The section also illustrates the value of HC resource measurement
and reporting alongside the antecedents of HC at the firm level.
Figure 3: Human capital at the firm level (adapted from Thomas et al 2013)
The section also illustrates the role which HC can play in the creation of competitive
advantage, with a focus on firm-specific HC and how it can facilitate strategic outcomes. The
idea of emergence is also discussed by outlining how employee-level HC initiatives can
facilitate unit-level resources and capabilities (RBV and DCs), which in turn can be
leveraged for competitive advantage.
Barney (1991, p99) argues that resources include ‘all assets, capabilities, organisational
resources, firm attributes, information and knowledge controlled by a firm that enable the
firm to conceive and implement strategies that improve efficiency and effectiveness’. He
further states a firm’s resources can be grouped into three categories, namely, physical
capital resources, HC resources and organisational capital resources. However, it is
important to note that regardless of the category grouping, any resource that creates a
sustainable competitive advantage for a firm must have the following attributes (Barney
1991, p105):
It must be valuable, that is, it exploits opportunities and/or neutralises threats in a
firm’s environment.
It must be rare among a firm’s current and potential competition.
It must be imperfectly imitable; this can be for a number of reasons:
– The ability of a firm to obtain a resource is dependent upon unique historical
– The link between the resources possessed by a firm and its sustained
competitive advantage is causally ambiguous.
– The resource is socially complex, that is, knowledge-based.
– The resource is non-substitutable.
Therefore, the key point is that the conditions for competitive advantage (valuable, rare,
imperfectly imitable resources) also mirror the conditions for firm-specific HC. Specifically,
when resources are valuable, rare and imperfectly imitable, it means that they are
heterogeneous and not perfectly mobile. Recalling Becker’s (1964) classification of firm-
specific skills from section 1 of this review, it was argued that such skills are of little value to
other employers, as they are often location-specific, socially complex, concern tacit learning
and causally ambiguous (Barney 1991, Ployhart et al 2014, Wright et al 2014).
Accordingly, there is a strong case at the firm level for examining firm-specific capital under
the RBV lens in order to facilitate best practices and competitive advantage (Hatch and Dyer
2004, Ployhart et al 2014, Brymer et al 2014). While these assumptions seem reasonable,
Ployhart (2015) acknowledges that there is underlying theoretical baggage that suggests
linking HC theory (HCT) to the RBV is problematic. For example, HCT concepts do not
completely align with those from the RBV, mainly because they explain different questions,
at different levels, and with different assumptions (Ployhart et al 2014). To overcome this
barrier, Ployhart et al (2014) integrated the RBV into his own framework on multi-level HC
and made a distinction between individual-level HC resources, which are available for unit-
level purposes, and strategic HC resources, which facilitate competitive advantage. Strategic
HC resources in particular have the best fit with RBV logic as they pertain to differentiation
strategy and competitive advantage (Barney 1991, Crook et al 2011, Nyberg et al 2014,
Ployhart et al 2014, Ployhart 2015). At the firm level, firms can deploy HC resources in a
number of ways depending on the specific organisational strategy and proposed outcomes –
for example, competitive advantage, cost advantage, improved customer service levels.
employees that have similar mental models, facilitating the development of tacit knowledge.
Furthermore, when firms repeatedly hire from the same sources, stronger social ties may be
facilitated as organisational events (for example workshops and apprenticeships), which may
mean that employees arrive already prepared for their new roles. Moreover, existing
employees who came through the same pipeline can also make recommendations to
management on upcoming talent.
However, Brymer et al (2014) also note that while HC pipelines can contribute to competitive
advantage, an over-reliance on repeated inter-organisational hiring can lead to inertia and
resistance to change. The Brymer et al (2014) study highlighted the idea of emergence, that
is, individual-level capacities leading to unit-level outcomes. Specifically, the development of
talent pipelines was linked to competitive advantage. In terms of measurement, firms could
record the number of recruits from a specific pipeline and measure which pipelines facilitate
the best-quality workers. This could be achieved by looking at promotion records and
productivity levels. By selecting the highest-quality pipelines that also fit with corporate
strategy, organisations can ultimately improve performance and differentiate themselves. For
example, in a study into Boeing’s recruitment and selection practices, Fischer (2013)
illustrated how Boeing consistently attempted to attract new recruits from a select group of
top engineering schools.
Other studies which have examined the RBV have noted how unit-level constructs impact
unit-level outcomes. For example, Kor and Leblebici (2005) employ the RBV to test a theory
of how firms can successfully deploy and develop their strategic human assets/resources
while managing the trade-offs in their service and geographical diversification strategies. In a
sample of large law firms, it was found that, even though firms profit from expert human-
capital-leveraging strategy and service and geographical diversification strategies
individually, pursuing these strategies simultaneously at high levels produces negative
interaction effects on profitability. Additionally, internally developed, firm-specific HC will
allow for more effective HC leveraging. Alternatively, external hiring may help to build new
knowledge bases and allow the organisation to take advantage of other opportunities.
Crucially, however, the results show that pursuing high levels of both expert HC-leveraging
and external hiring of associates results in lower profitability.
Studies have also examined the impact of unit-level resources on individual constructs. For
example, Salanova et al (2005) examined the role of organisational resources and workforce
engagement on employee performance and customer loyalty. The study also employed
service climate as a mediator between the aforementioned variables. Surveys were
distributed to both employees and customers with the goal of measuring service climate,
employee performance and customer loyalty. Customers were asked to rate employee
performance on two different constructs, namely empathy and job performance. The results
demonstrated that organisational resources (learning, autonomy and technology) and work
engagement predict service climate, which in turn predicts employee performance and,
subsequently, customer loyalty. Although other authors, such as Eldor and Harpaz (2016)
and Aryee et al (2016), have attempted to examine how unit-level resources impact
individual performance, like many others they did not apply the RBV. When searching for
literature that did apply RBV to examine how unit-level outcomes impact individual
outcomes, it was found that there was a scarcity in research, which is a limitation of the
RBV–HC literature. However, another stream of resource-based literature did appear to
examine the reverse relationship; that is, rather than examine how HC resources contribute
to competitive advantage, studies examine how HC losses impact firm performance and firm
survival. This will now be discussed in greater detail.
Similar to the theory on firm-specific HC, learning curve theory concerns skill and ability
levels as they relate to reduced performance errors and high job-related memory retrieval
(Logan 1992, Ohlsson 1996) – that is, they concern employee ability to perform at a level
higher than that possible with simply an accumulation of general skills. When turnover is low,
it is time-consuming for a new employee to build specific HC that is equivalent to the existing
employees. However, when turnover is high, average firm-specific HC accumulations are
low by default, as replacements can build the equivalent HC and attain the leaver’s
performance level quickly. Thus, when turnover rates are high, an organisation typically
replaces a short-tenured employee (with few firm-specific skills) with a new employee who
soon represents the same level of HC accumulation and shows equivalent performance
(Shaw et al 2005). Therefore, performance-based losses of HC depletion are the most
damaging at the outset for firms who invest heavily in HRM activities, but the negative
performance evens out at higher turnover levels. Alternatively, when organisations invest
little in HRM, HC depletions do not significantly relate to workforce performance, as HC
losses are essentially irrelevant in terms of performance in organisations with low HRM
investments as they had very little firm-specific capital initially.
Kwon and Rupp (2013) challenge the logic of Shaw et al (2005, 2013), suggesting that firms
who invest a greater amount in HRM practices will have a larger talent pool and ‘buffer’
employees to cover roles in the event of turnover, while firms who invest less will not have
any skilled workers to fill roles. Therefore, the authors hypothesise that the negative impact
of employee turnover on financial performance will be strongest for firms who invest less in
HRM practices. However, the empirical results from their study demonstrated only partial
support for this theory, as while it was shown that return on equity was significantly impaired
after employee mobility events in low HRM investment firms, return on assets (ROA) was
unaffected. Pennings et al (1998) examined the impact of human and social capital on firm
dissolution and found evidence both were strong predictors of an organisation being wound
up. It was found that the degree of specificity and non-appropriability of such capital was
seen to diminish the dissolution of professional service firms.
Thus, the greater the degree of firm-specific HC and social complexity of the firm’s HC
resources, the greater chance of survival (Pennings et al 1998); conversely, the greater the
degree of firm-specific HC losses, the greater the chance of dissolution. Finally, Campbell et
al (2012a) found that higher-earning employees are less likely to leave compared with those
on lower earnings, but if they do, are more likely to create a new venture rather than join
another firm. Interestingly, the authors found that employee entrepreneurship has a larger
adverse impact on firm performance than an employee moving to an established firm, even
controlling for observable employee quality. This is because higher-earning employees often
end up competing with the focal firm. Furthermore, because the employee is starting their
own venture, as opposed to joining another organisation with different operating principles,
they will be able to transfer some of their firm-specific capital or resources. The authors
conclude by suggesting that in knowledge-intensive settings, managers should focus on
tailoring compensation packages to help minimise the adverse impact of employee
entrepreneurship, particularly among high-performers.
Co-specialisation exists when the value generated by two or more assets used in
combination is substantially greater than the value of each asset in its next best use: for
example, a scientist interacting with the firm’s patents to create new innovation capabilities
or a newly trained employee benefiting from the firm-specific experience of a tenured
operations manager (Mahoney and Kor 2015). In these examples, the employee can build
on existing resources to create new firm-specific capabilities (Subramaniam and Youndt
2005). However, it is noteworthy that when knowledge is co-specialised or complementary,
the likelihood that an employee will leave the organisation is reduced (Charlier et al 2016,
and in the event that they do so, they will have great difficulty transferring co-specialised
knowledge to another organisation as its complexity makes it largely location-specific
(Groysberg et al 2008, Campbell et al 2014, Liu 2014, Mahoney and Kor 2015). According to
Mahoney and Kor (2015), the three key components of firm-specific HC which facilitate the
creation of capabilities are:
Mahoney and Kor (2015) highlight that when a firm relies heavily on external recruiting to
develop its HC base, the new employer will incur adjustment costs to make the employee
‘productively reliable’ within its unique resource systems. Such a policy requires substantive
organisational investments in formal and informal training in a systematic fashion. Moreover,
Groysberg et al (2008) warn of the risks of hiring ‘star’ employees from other organisations,
finding that stars who switch employers experience an immediate decline in performance
that persists for five years. This decline was more pronounced among stars who moved to
organisations with lesser capabilities and without other team members, while those who
moved to firms with equivalent capabilities also exhibited a drop in performance, but this only
lasted for two years. Finally, those who switched to a firm with better capabilities, and those
who moved with other team members, exhibited no significant decline in short-term or long-
term performance. Groysberg et al (2008) attribute the non-transferability of firm-specific
skills to the decline in performance at the new employer. The results of their study also
provide a strong argument for firms developing HC capabilities from within, rather than
turning to the external market for ‘star’ employees.
but also the number of different courses attended. The authors reason that employees
positively value being able to take the courses offered by their company, irrespective of their
duration, which in turn directly influence their organisational commitment. Finally, the study
found that employee training was not related to the ‘collective mind’ (similar ways of thinking)
of the organisation; this was because as the study related to formal professional training
rather than informal training, the collective mind variable was not positively related to
training. Informal training can often occur where the most experienced employees teach the
youngest or least experienced, or where employees learn by trial and error or iterating with
colleagues. This type of training is much more flexible and encourages fluid communication
between members, which is essential for the creation of a collective mind. In a study by
Donate et al (2016), it was shown that the use of interrelated, high-profile personal HRM
practices such as selective staffing, training and high-compensation systems was positively
related to a firm’s level of HC. In turn, HC mediates the relationship between high-profile
personal HRM practices (as a collective, firm-level system) and a firm’s innovative
Finally, it is important to highlight that some organisational strategies are likely to have a
greater impact than others in regards to HC capability development. For example, many
organisations have turned to an outsourcing strategy in recent years to reduce costs and/or
increase flexibility. However, Mayer et al (2012) find that a knowledge project is less likely to
be outsourced when it requires and develops high levels of firm-specific or industry-specific
HC. This is consistent with both transaction cost economics (TCE) and the capability
perspectives, which argue that firm-specific HC should decrease the need for outsourcing.
Overall, the results suggest that firms have an organisational advantage in containing firm-
specific and industry-specific activity within their own boundaries, as it facilitates the
development of firm-specific capabilities. Moreover, while it is one thing for a firm to be able
to develop firm capabilities, it is entirely another to encourage employees to invest in these.
To avoid this scenario, Mahoney and Kor (2015) argue that the field of strategic HC would
benefit from a corporate governance perspective with specific attention to employee
safeguards. The authors argue that to ensure employees make firm-specific investments,
there must be some incentive for them. Consequently, they recommend that direct payment,
sharing the proceeds of generated value with the employee and allocating individual
property rights for employee innovations, could motivate employees to make firm-specific
investments. Indeed, Wang et al (2007) found that firm–employee relationships fully
moderate the relationship between firm-specific knowledge assets and firm performance,
whereas stock ownership programmes only partially mediate it. However, the authors did not
consider other investment mechanisms such as promotion or opportunities for board
membership. They also felt that future research needed to analyse whether certain
employee incentives are interrelated in that they can be either complementary or
substitutive. Generally, research demonstrates that governance mechanisms and rewards
can help ensure that the aforementioned stand-off scenario does not materialise and firms
can develop firm-specific HC capabilities.
Other researchers have criticised the TCE appropriation hazard perspective of HC for not
representing the reality of labour markets. For example, Coff and Raffie (2015) highlight that
appropriation hazard theory relies on information symmetry where employers and
employees have accurate perceptions of what constitutes general and firm-specific skills;
however, in reality, employees rarely consider their skills from a general or firm-specific
standpoint and, even if they did, may view their skills as general when in fact they are firm-
specific, and vice versa. The same goes for how employers view their employees’ skillsets.
Other problems include the employer or employees undervaluing or overvaluing general or
firm-specific capital (Campbell et al 2012a).
Accordingly, Coff and Raffie (2015) propose relaxing some of the assumptions of TCE, as
they do not reflect the reality of imperfectly competitive markets. Hence, the firm-specificity
of HC may not predict mobility (Campbell et al 2012a). Instead, Campbell et al (2012a)
suggest focusing on supply-side constraints by creating attractive employee incentive
packages. Such low-cost, high-utility, firm-specific packages may include access to social
networks, locations or perquisites such as a work environment that rivals are
unable/unwilling to imitate. Hence, whether appropriation hazards are acknowledged or not,
the use of incentives is important for retaining employees. Firms may measure different
rewards on organisational outcomes to see which work best. In the case of a knowledge
organisation, allocating individual property rights for employee innovations or providing
opportunities for development may prove fruitful (Mahoney and Kor 2015). So far little
research has measured the relationship between governance mechanisms and employee
and organisational outcomes. However, measuring the effect of increased promotions and/or
opportunities for learning on variables such as discretionary employee behaviour may be
beneficial. For example, Eldor and Harpaz (2016) found that a learning climate (which
includes opportunities for development), predicated engagement, which in turn influenced
extra-role behaviours such as creativity and proactivity. Moreover, these particular
behaviours may be crucial for firms operating in industries characterised by changing
customer demands, that is, where rapid product innovations and workforce adaptivity are
necessary for success; thereby, firms can link intrinsic rewards to strategy.
The next section of the report discusses a second set of organisational capabilities, namely,
dynamic capabilities (DCs) which enable the firm’s workforce to adapt in turbulent
environments and respond to changing customer needs (Kor and Mahoney 2005). These
DCs are particularly valuable to firms adhering to an ‘agile’ operations strategy, where the
responsiveness and flexibility of the workforce is paramount, as opposed to a lean
operations strategy, where the focus is on specific routines and focused training; however,
DCs are sometimes important to both types of strategy.
the latter (Helfat et al 2007, Ambrosini et al 2009). As the theory is relatively new, it has not
been applied in as many studies as the RBV, which also means that on a conceptual level,
the theory is still the subject of debate. More recently, however, it is seeing increased use in
studies relating to firm performance (see for example Kor and Mahoney 2005, Rothaermel
and Hess 2007, Ambrosini et al 2009, Hsu and Wang 2010, Barrales-Molina et al 2013).
It is argued that DCs are distinct from traditional capabilities, which pertain to the current
operations of an organisation, and refer to ‘the capacity of an organisation to purposefully
create, extend, or modify its resource base’ (Helfat et al 2007). In essence, DCs examine
processes for renewing or reconfiguring an organisation’s existing resources. Teece et al
(1997) extended this definition to emphasise the importance of external change, stating
‘dynamic capabilities refer to the firm’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and
external competences to address rapidly changing environments’. As demonstrated above,
both definitions emphasise that DCs help the firm adapt or evolve in times of change.
Increasingly, DCT is being applied to the fields of HC and knowledge management because
of the observation that the former can be leveraged as a capability for change (Wang et al
2012). For example, an organisation implementing an environmental strategy because of
pressures in their external environment will rely on the workforce’s absorptive capacity to
develop creative environmental solutions in order to bring about knowledge routines based
on sustainable operational practices (Russo 2009).
According to Cohen and Levinthal (1990), ‘absorptive capacity is the ability to value,
assimilate and apply new knowledge’. Therefore, as Wang et al (2012, p1131) highlight, ‘the
dynamic orientation represents the ability to prepare, extend, and renew the entire IC stock
by readjusting and adapting a firm’s knowledge resources to changing strategic goals based
upon dynamic market and technological conditions’. As many firms now operate in fast-
paced, knowledge-intensive industries, they need to be able to respond to changing
customer demands, which may mean adhering to an agile operations strategy (Lee 2004). In
this scenario, DCs, which enable workforce flexibility and adaptability, become invaluable
and can also serve as a strategic response in times of external shocks and risks, for
example a global recession (Kim and Ployhart 2014).
At the organisational level, by implementing an environmental strategy, an organisation can
utilise its R&D capabilities to redesign products so they can be recycled. Furthermore, a firm
can use its marketing capabilities to reposition itself as one with a clearer ethos to look after
the environment (Kor and Mahoney 2005, Hsu and Wang 2010). Thus, these DCs afford the
firm greater flexibility so its workforce can adapt to changing environments. However, the
firm’s employees also have to be aligned with the new changes being introduced; otherwise
the adaption strategy cannot work. This is where the role of firm management and
leadership is crucial, as it is a leader’s role to set the strategic vision and the management’s
role to align this vision amongst employees. Furthermore, both management and leadership
must be able to analyse changing environments and quickly respond to these changes
(Pandza and Thorpe 2009). For instance, Barrales-Molina et al (2013) found that only
organisations whose managers perceived a high degree of environmental dynamism
generated dynamic capabilities; hence the role of management in generating DCs cannot be
underestimated (Eggers and Kaplan 2008). For example, a firm operating in an industry
characterised by changing customer demands must be able to measure the current abilities
of the workforce and introduce new training initiatives to quickly respond to new product
development. Finally, the results of Barrales-Molina et al’s (2013) study show that
knowledge codification and technical innovation are significantly related to DC generation, as
they heavily relate to a firm’s absorptive capacity, which involves absorbing and applying
new knowledge.
and integrate new knowledge into these routines, they then become channels for adaption
and change. Moreover, the firm can still retain or even enhance its efficiency levels, as ideas
such as redesigning a product or a product’s packaging can also result in enhanced cost
savings. A study by Vanpoucke et al (2014) applies this DC approach to the development of
supplier integrative capabilities and reveals positive results for both efficiency and flexibility.
Hence, DCs can also be effective in relatively stable routine-based environments (Ambrosini
et al 2009). Nevertheless, DCs may only suit certain organisations in certain contexts, for
example in times of change or in fast-paced industries.
Outside these contexts, DCs may be ineffective and even damaging to firm performance
(Protogerou et al 2012). For example, Wang et al (2016) argue that mechanisms such as job
redeployment can actually discourage employees from investing in firm-specific capital if
they perceive they will be transferred to a different organisational setting. However, for many
knowledge organisations, DCs are important resources for leveraging HC and adapting to
change in an effort to sustain competitive advantage. Moreover, DCs can be important
resources for facilitating the development of new knowledge. For example, in a study by Hsu
and Wang (2010), DCs were shown to mediate (or partially mediate) the relationship
between IC and firm performance. In terms of measuring DCs, firms could examine metrics
such as R&D intensity or expenditure (Kor and Mahoney 2005, Hsu and Wang 2010,
Barrales-Molina et al 2013), marketing expenditure (Kor and Mahoney 2005), job-crafting
behaviours (Petrou et al 2016), training diversity, perceived transformational leadership
environments and knowledge codification outputs, for example firm publications or patents
(Grubler and Wilson 2013). These ‘agility-based’ metrics will be discussed in greater detail in
section 3.
stakeholders. Furthermore, as the RBV is quite static in nature, it cannot account for how
knowledge develops and changes over time (Gavious and Rabinowitz 2003).
The KBV ‘focuses on knowledge as the most strategically important of the firm’s resources’
(Grant 1996a, p110). Hence it has a good degree of fit with the principles of HC
management (Becker 1975) and the conditions necessary for the development of firm-
specific capabilities (Mahoney and Kor 2015). Sustainable competitive advantage from the
KBV perspective is based on how an organisation manages and exploits asymmetries in
explicit and tacit knowledge. Grant (1996a, p111) builds on this understanding by asserting
that ‘explicit knowledge is revealed by its communication’ whereas ‘tacit knowledge is
revealed through its application’. Expanding on these observations, explicit knowledge is
easier to communicate as it is often in the form of clearly codifiable information that can be
transferred from one party to another; conversely, tacit knowledge tends to be ‘stickier’ and
not easily transferred (Polanyi 1958). For example, tacit knowledge may relate to the various
‘short-cuts’ that staff may take to remedy inefficiencies or make improvements. These ‘short-
cuts’ will not be formally written or discussed and are therefore difficult to transfer as they are
internalised within the firm. Conversely, explicit knowledge can be eroded over time and
therefore cannot be a source of sustainable competitive advantage. However, tacit
knowledge can form sustainable competitive advantage because it is both unique and
relatively immobile.
Theorists such as Szulanski (1996) argue, however, that transforming knowledge can be a
complex process, and when it is difficult to move from one actor to another it is described as
‘sticky’. Explicit knowledge tends to be less sticky as it can be communicated throughout the
organisation. Conversely, tacit knowledge is often embedded in routines and difficult to
communicate. Szulanski (1996) warns that sticky knowledge can inhibit the spread of best
practices within the organisation. Thus, it may be difficult to transfer tacit knowledge to
explicit knowledge, which would require codification and documentation. Podgórski (2010)
argues that codification of tacit knowledge may be expensive and lead to excessive
bureaucracy and may also result in more importance being paid to formal knowledge, thus
both managers and employees might overlook its advantages. Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995)
developed a model of knowledge transformation which contends that explicit knowledge can
actually be transformed into tacit knowledge, and vice versa. They argued that the key to
knowledge-creation lies in the mobilisation and conversion of tacit knowledge (social
processes) and developed the knowledge spiral, which was derived from their research on
the innovation processes of Japanese firms. An example provided in Appendix 4 illustrates
this model. Nonaka (2007) highlights that new knowledge always begins with the individual,
with examples including an employee who draws on years of experience to come up with a
new process innovation, or a manager’s intuitive sense of market trends which leads to the
development of a new product concept (absorptive capacity). This idea is then shared with
colleagues and management (social capital) and, if the idea is good enough, implemented
throughout the organisation (structural capital).
opportunities for internal and external learning; and (d) opportunities for job rotation,
decision-making, cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing (for example the
number of cross-functional teams) (Jansen et al 2005, Hsu and Wang 2010, Vidal-Salazar et
al 2012). Opportunities for learning may include measuring the number of internal and
external workshops employees attend annually, while measuring job rotation may involve the
number of times an employee has taken part in new job roles (Nonaka 2007). These
variables could then be correlated with organisational outcomes such as the number of
employee suggestions successfully implemented (Tucker and Singer 2012), or the number
of annual patents, patent renewals and citations (Liu 2014). For example, Nicholls-Nixon and
Woo (2003) examined the relationship between internal R&D and external R&D investments
(a proxy measure for absorptive capacity) on patent outcomes in a sample of US
pharmaceutical firms. They found that internal R&D was positively associated with patent
output; however, external R&D (for example mergers, strategic alliances) was negatively
Furthermore, Liu (2014) examined the impact of the interactions of human and social capital
on patent renewals and found that absorptive capacity mechanisms, such as working in a
large team and working with a star inventor, were positively associated with patent renewals.
Liu (2014) reasoned that working with a star inventor allows non-star employees to benefit
from tacit knowledge spillovers and stated: ‘These collaboration experiences allow non-stars
to improve their knowledge and the collective improvement of the inventor team engenders
more novel recombination of knowledge’ (p620). Liu (2014) also found that a larger team
allows inventors to collate and recombine knowledge from a wider social pool, aiding patent
renewal. Finally, Liu (2014) found that cross-functional collaboration increases the chance of
patent renewal; therefore it is vitally important for organisations to measure the number of
annual patents and citations to obtain an idea of their absorptive capacity and knowledge
The benefit of absorptive capacity is that it allows employees to quickly assimilate and apply
new knowledge, which can be particularly important for firms operating in environments or
industries characterised by rapidly changing customer demands. Furthermore, absorptive
capacity is an important antecedent of innovation as it relates to the process of capturing
new knowledge and applying it within the employees’ existing environment, which can lead
to a number of creative ideas that can be shared throughout the organisation.
number of patent citations. The results of the analysis demonstrated that the presence of
integrators and connectors (social networkers) in the firm’s internal networks is fundamental
to firm innovation.
In turn, social capital was found to mediate the relationship between collaborative HRM
practices (as a system) and a firm’s innovation capabilities. Moreover, at the opposite end of
the social spectrum, Politis (2003) emphasised that it is also important to create a climate of
interpersonal trust in order to facilitate knowledge acquisition, having found that the majority
of the interpersonal trust dimensions employed were positively related to the variables of
knowledge acquisition. Hence, it is important that organisations strive to create a culture of
interpersonal and organisational trust, which in turn can facilitate knowledge-sharing and
knowledge acquisition. Moreover, the measurement of perceived trust levels among
employees is important, and corporate leadership also has a major role to play. For
example, Srivastava et al (2006) and Liu and DeFrank (2013) find that positive constructive
leadership, such as transformational and empowering leadership, can create an innovation
climate, which enhances subordinate knowledge-sharing.
Notwithstanding, Cox (2001) believes a more diverse organisation can have greater success
in attracting high-calibre employees and finds that the effective management of diversity can
create a competitive advantage based on the factors of cost, the recruitment of high-calibre
employees, creativity and innovation, market success and organisational flexibility. In terms
of the measurement of diversity and equality, the Armstrong et al (2010) study favoured
workplace surveys, the results of which were then correlated with output metrics such as
labour productivity, workforce innovation and employee turnover. Other methods of
measuring diversity and equality may be to measure things such as gender diversity across
all positions, the number of diversity training sessions, the pay of different employee groups,
the number of differently abled employees in the workforce, the number of workplace
changes implemented annually and the number of LGBT employees. These variables can
then be correlated to job outcomes such as knowledge-sharing and creativity, and firm-level
outcomes such as innovation and competitive advantage.
From an organisational structure perspective, team structures can facilitate HC, social
capital, knowledge-sharing and creativity. For example, Han et al (2014) demonstrate that
MBA teams composed of students from different industrial backgrounds (that is, knowledge
variety) and the number of years’ work experience (knowledge disparity) have a joint
mediating effect on team-bridging social capital, that is, social relationships derived from an
organisation’s external network. In turn, team social capital mediated the effects of
knowledge diversity on team creativity. Hence, the make-up of teams, for example diverse
employee backgrounds, can impact upon the creation of team social capital, which in turn
impacts knowledge diversity and creativity. Thus, for firms pursuing an innovation strategy,
considering the interaction between human and social capital in team-creation is important.
Team structures are now favoured in many organisations as they facilitate knowledge
assimilation and combination, knowledge-sharing, knowledge application and, more
generally, the creation of social capital (Liu 2014). Furthermore, team-based structures
enable knowledge co-specialisation and the creation of tacit knowledge. Therefore, the
components of HC are not only location-specific but also colleague-specific. For instance, in
a study of the National Basketball Association, Campbell et al (2014) find that when players
move to another organisation, their performance declines. This is in line with Groysberg et al
(2008), who found that when star employees switch organisations they suffer a drop in
productivity, and argued that this is because firm-specific HC is largely location-specific and
often depends on complementary organisational resources.
Technology and innovation capital
According to Nonaka and Takeuchi’s (1995) knowledge transformation model (see Appendix
4), organisational databases and data depositories can play a key role in the internalisation
of new knowledge. Moreover, the use of internet telecommunications also facilitates the
interactions of human and social capital; for example, a company’s intranet platform can help
facilitate knowledge-sharing (Chu and Chu 2011). The amalgamation of technology
alongside human and social capital has long been overlooked in the literature. However, as
we have illustrated, applications (apps) are now being used to measure employee
psychological states, thereby aiding HC well-being (Barsade and O’Neill 2016). Moreover,
apps are also facilitating e-learning and self-directed learning (Stephan et al 2016). In some
industries, technology is vital to competitive advantage; for example, Toh (2014) finds that
star inventors actually influence the adoption of certain technologies over others. The
specificity of technology can also facilitate employee embeddedness (attitudes), if certain
employees can only operate the equipment or the equipment is location-specific (Charlier et
al 2016).
Conversely, in some industries, technology has taken control over everyday tasks. For
example, Elliot and Long (2016) highlight a case where computer technology now handles
most of the everyday activities at a supermarket distribution facility, demonstrating that the
presence of such technology can also have implications for worker interaction and job roles.
In summary, technology can facilitate HC and knowledge capital; however, management
should also be aware that technology is also continuing to redefine both the workplace and
job roles. Finally, in terms of innovation capital, it was shown earlier in the report how R&D
activities can influence an employee/workforce absorptive capacity (Kor and Mahoney
2005). For instance, R&D-intensive firms are better able to absorb and apply new knowledge
because they do it on a regular basis. Additionally, in terms of organisational patents,
existing patents may facilitate the development of new patents and knowledge. Therefore,
augmenting the existing organisational knowledge base can facilitate the development of HC
(employee knowledge) and the creation of new patents (organisational knowledge)
(Breitzman 2009).
The previous sections outlined the role of the KBV and IC in achieving competitive
advantage. In terms of measuring organisational knowledge, the importance of examining
the interactions between human, social and organisational capital (IC) was highlighted.
Thus, a key point from this section is that firms need to be able to measure the
interrelationships between these three types of capital, as the interactions between these
constructs have important consequences for the development of both HC and knowledge
capital within organisations. Also important is that HC can be measured at both the individual
and firm level in order to align organisational capabilities with strategic objectives.
3 Measuring human capital: the
theoretical perspective
The previous sections outlined the academic theories which surround HC management. In
most cases, the relevant studies measured the impact and antecedents of HC on employee
and firm performance. For example, Rich et al (2010) measure the impact of employee
engagement on task performance and employee citizenship behaviour.
In much of the literature surrounding HC, persuasive arguments have been made that
organisations should measure and analyse the impact of HC initiatives on firm performance.
In increasingly competitive environments, managers now need to establish a more robust
way of examining how the human function adds value. For example, Thomas et al (2013)
have summarised several of the key questions surrounding HC measurement: what impact
can training have on customer retention; does productivity rise with employee tenure; how
do leadership development programmes enhance business performance: and, ultimately,
what is the return on investment from specific HC initiatives?
In summary, there has been an increasing realisation in the literature of the importance of
measuring and analysing HC data to enhance strategic decision-making (Thomas et al
2013). Not surprisingly, given the above observations, there has been a rise in interest
amongst scholars in facilitating improved business outcomes by investing in better HC
measurement and data analytic processes (Roslender and Stevenson 2009). However, it is
clear that many organisations still lack adequate bespoke measurement systems, choosing
instead to copy HC measurement systems from other organisations which may not
necessarily fit with the focal firm’s strategy (Thomas et al 2013). Moreover, other authors,
such as Bassi and McMurrer (2007), have noted that many organisations still employ basic
headcount metrics rather than linking HR or HC metrics to strategy which can measure the
actual impact of HC initiatives on the organisation.
The concept of HC reporting is also attracting interest in the HC literature. As the importance
of the knowledge economy increases, the value of intangible assets often supersedes that of
physical assets. As this area evolves, many practitioners predict that HC metrics will
increase in importance to the same level as financial performance metrics as key indicators
of firm performance (Chen et al 2004, Thomas et al 2013). Indeed, as has been shown in
several recent studies (McCracken et al 2016), the raised importance of HC reporting in
annual company reports has already been underlined. Clearly, if HC reporting is managed
correctly, it can increase the likelihood of investment and potentially attract new talent to the
organisation (Gamerschlag and Moellor 2011, McCracken et al 2016). Furthermore,
organisations with enhanced HC reporting may improve their corporate reputation by
illustrating their commitment to employee-led corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.
Indeed, there are many benefits of HC reporting; however, research by Stern and James
(2016) has also shown that there can also be a dark side to HC reporting, which will also be
discussed later in the report.
The importance and value of human capital measurement
The process of measurement increases workplace knowledge and affords greater control
and visualisation over organisational functions. This in turn enables management to make
better strategic decisions (Thomas et al 2013). The same logic can be applied to HC
management. For example, a manager measuring the impact of training initiatives on
employee performance can identify skill gaps and thus areas for future improvement in terms
of building employee capabilities (Thomas et al 2013, Molodchik et al 2014). Another
example may involve measuring the impact of high-performance work systems on employee
health and safety (Zacharatos et al 2005). In this sense, the measurement of HC is not only
an important strategic issue; it can be an important social issue as well (that is, health and
safety and human rights concerns) and therefore it is important to measure the performance
of a firm’s HC in areas such as CSR and sustainability (Bartlett et al 2006). Ultimately, as
intangible assets are increasingly being recognised as the lifeblood of an organisation in this
knowledge-driven era, it is important that effective metrics are developed which allow HC
indicators to be reported to increase investment, attract talent and safeguard the firm’s
reputation as an equal opportunities employer (Chen et al 2004, Gamerschlag and Moellor
firm may be caused by other factors. Therefore, the market approach is best combined with
other performance indicators.
The multiple dimensions of value: measuring human, social and structural capital
A recent development in measurement theory is the acknowledgement that it is often not
enough to measure HC in isolation (Subramaniam and Youndt 2005). As highlighted
previously organisations need to incorporate social and organisational capital into the
equation, as HC relies on these constructs to create knowledge capital. Furthermore, social
capital and organisational capital often facilitate the development of HC. As Subramaniam
and Youndt (2005, p459) highlight: ‘In today’s network-based organisations and economy, it
may be appropriate to move beyond traditional definitions of human capital that revolve
primarily around educational/functional skills to include competencies surrounding
interpersonal interactions and networking.’ Indeed, Subramaniam and Youndt (2005) found
that human capital and social capital combine to aid radical innovation capabilities.
In terms of measuring human and social capital, Hollenbeck and Jamieson (2015) argue that
firms can benefit from a social network approach. For instance, Hollenbeck and Jamieson
(2015, p380) state: ‘By asking employees questions (surveying) about who they go to for
advice and expertise or who helps them generate new and novel ideas, it is possible to
create knowledge network maps and quantify an employee’s knowledge output, thus giving
organisations a new and meaningful way to measure performance.’ It is also possible to
measure how organisational resources such as databases, manuals or patents impact HC
development. For example, Grigoriou and Rothaermel (2014) measure innovation output
quality by measuring the number of patent citations. Alternatively, it may be possible that
firms can also measure internal patent citations to get an indication of which organisational
assets are facilitating new knowledge-creation and HC development. For instance, the
analytical company 1790 Analytics has shown that papers appearing in IEEE journals, and
papers presented at IEEE-sponsored conferences, are cited heavily by later patents
(Breitzman 2009). Therefore, existing patents and research can also aid future human
knowledge and innovation.
Another important element in terms of the social dimension and HC measurement relates to
how the interactions between different organisational functions may influence organisational
outcomes (Coco et al 2011). For example, new knowledge acquired by front-line employees
(that is, marketing or sales) may increase the knowledge of employees in R&D or
production. For example, sales employees may find that consumers are now demanding
greener and environmentally sustainable products. This may require the firm’s R&D function
to act on this information and design products with sustainability in mind. This type of
customer-facing strategy is particularly important in ‘agile’ or adaptive organisations, which
operate in turbulent environments. Hence, management need to be able to measure cross-
functional team collaborations and relations to ensure information can freely flow throughout
the organisation. A good example of how such measures have been developed is noted in
work by Politis (2003), who found that recording the number of meetings between cross-
functional teams and measuring inter-organisational trust could be effective in understanding
if knowledge channels are functioning correctly. Hence a comprehensive measurement
system can provide an organisational blueprint for the knowledge processes at work within
and HC development, the system should be: (1) valid, (2) comprehensive and (3) coherent.
In their study, Rompho and Siengthai (2012) examined the relationship between
measurement system validity, comprehensiveness and coherence, and its relationship with
organisational learning and HC development (employee competencies and worker
satisfaction). See Figure 4.
Measurement validity concerns the reliability (French 2002, Mondy and Noe 2008, Snell
and Bohlander 2004) and sensitivity of the measurement system (Rompho and Siengthai
2012). Thus, validity reflects the performance appraisal instrument’s ability to measure what
the organisation wants to measure in terms of employee performance. The technical validity
of the performance measure is positively associated with the perception of organisational
justice or fairness (Burney et al 2009), while sensitivity is the notion of the performance
appraisal instrument’s ability to measure variability in employee performance accurately
(Zikmund 1997).
social and organisational capital can help organisations better map the knowledge
processes within the organisation (Subramaniam and Youndt 2005).
Measurement coherence concerns the alignment of the measurement system with the
organisation’s goals. Sim and Koh (2001) find that manufacturing plants that have linkages
between their strategic goals and their performance measurement system (PMS) perform
better than those without such systems in place. Additionally, information from the PMS is
used as feedback on employee performance. Thus, it is suggested that in order to influence
employee behaviour to achieve the desired performance, the PMS should match the reward
system and the firm’s culture.
The results of the Rompho and Siengthai (2012) study found that the three measurement
mechanisms, that is, validity, comprehensiveness and coherence, are each individually
related to different organisational learning and HC outcomes. For example, the study found
that a valid individual performance measure has a significant positive relationship with
employee satisfaction. The authors reason that a valid individual performance measure
provides both accurate and understandable feedback to employees, which in turn results in
a positive perception or belief in the PMS, ultimately leading to a more satisfied worker
(Robbins 2003). In this sense, a valid measure is also more likely to accentuate fairness or
procedural justice, which in turn also has a positive impact on job satisfaction (Falk et al
2008, Rompho and Siengthai 2012, Seifert 2016).
The study also found that a comprehensive set of performance measurements is related to
workplace competencies. Rompho and Siengthai (2012) argue that a comprehensive set of
performance measures provides a holistic view of firm performance and also demonstrates
performance using different dimensions, for example performance outcomes and drivers.
The key activities that have direct effects on the desired outcome can be identified and more
attention will be obtained from management. As business operations often require
continuous improvement, managers or firms can better target the competencies which need
to be developed to enhance employee and organisational performance outcomes. At the
same time, simple processes of the system to acquire, analyse and distribute the information
facilitate and encourage managers to use the information or reports produced. Such
processes provide hard evidence to explain past performance; consequently, the skill level
of individual employees and their performance can be tracked (Green 1999). This can
support the improvement of employees’ work-related competencies and the forecasting of
future HC needs.
A third finding was that the coherence of a PMS system with its environment is positively
linked with organisational learning. The logic behind this finding is that a coherent PMS links
performance with strategy, thereby enhancing the learning environment by providing
information that presents causal relationships. The information enables employees to detect
problems and think about how to avoid undesirable outcomes. For instance, as the PMS
should function as a database that employees can use to acquire knowledge and store for
future use, it enables processes of knowledge acquisition and organisational memory. It is
also used as a platform to share, analyse and distribute performance results from different
organisational units (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995). This enables the processes of information
distribution and interpretation, which in turn facilitates organisational learning.
Finally, Rompho and Siengthai (2012) find that organisational learning has a positive
relationship with HC (satisfaction and competencies). This is because an organisational
learning climate provides both extrinsic and intrinsic factors that lead to job satisfaction or, as
Rompho and Siengthai (2012, p501) describe, ‘Employees have more opportunities to learn
and improve themselves.’ For example, Eldor and Harpaz (2016) found that a learning
climate facilitates employee engagement, which in turn leads to extra-role behaviours such
as employees’ proactivity, knowledge-sharing, creativity and adaptivity. Not surprisingly, the
Rompho and Siengthai (2012) study also found that organisational learning mediates the
relationship between PMSs and HC-building. For instance, Hatch and Dyer (2004) found that
HC facilitated by organisational learning can lead to competitive advantage (outcome).
Hence, the importance of a robust measurement system which facilitates learning is
important both at the individual and unit levels.
In summary, this section sheds light on the benefits of PMSs besides that of monitoring and
control. More specifically, this section outlined how a PMS can have a significant impact on
the improvement of HC (employee satisfaction and work-related competencies) and
organisational learning. Hence, a robust measurement system can be a powerful source of
knowledge and competitive advantage in itself. The next section discusses HC analytics,
which interpret and analyse the data created by the PMS in order to aid strategic decision-
Ultimately, if HC analytics are captured effectively, they may prove useful in predicting future
workplace trends. For example, by analysing employee safety feedback and engagement
data, firms can potentially reduce workplace accident rates (Bersin et al 2016). In another
interesting example, a US high-tech company developed an analytics model that accurately
predicted job candidates who are likely to become ‘toxic employees’ (those who lie, cheat or
commit crimes) and dramatically reduced this population among its workforce by scrutinising
special parts of the interview process (Bersin et al 2016). Finally, software companies, retail
banks and manufacturers are analysing the characteristics of top salespeople, realising that
their personal networks (social network theory), how they work internally, and the time they
spend with customers produces far more accurate results than the amount of sales training
or experience (Hollenbeck and Jamieson 2015, Bersin et al 2016).
Hence, the developments in data management and people analytics are helping
organisations take strategic decision-making to the next level. The next section of report
discusses HC reporting, which relies on data from HC metrics and analytics to enhance firm
To further reinforce these conclusions, a study by Lin et al (2012) found that HC disclosures
in the firm’s annual reports positively impact on organisational performance, such as market-
to-book ratio and ROA. Moreover, the authors found that organisational size negatively
moderates the relationship between disclosure of HC information and firm performance,
while knowledge intensity (employees with a college degree or above) has a curvilinear
positive moderation effect between the relationships outlined above. Therefore, it is believed
that firms engaging in knowledge-based competition can achieve better performance by
disclosing HC information.
For instance, Chang et al (2012) have noted that if information is published on factors such
as work flexibility, mentoring programmes and development opportunities, talented potential
recruits may be attracted to the organisations.
Ultimately, the issue of HC reporting is still an area where there is some controversy, with
several authors, such as Stern and James (2016), revealing a dark side to HC reporting in
terms of executive turnover. In their study, Stern and James found that when publicly traded
firms voluntarily and publicly disclosed positive information about their value-creation and
appropriation activities (R&D activities), they also sent positive signals to managerial labour
markets regarding executives’ capabilities. Hence Stern and James (2016) propose a
positive association between public disclosures and voluntary executive turnover. Indeed,
the analysis of pharmaceutical and communications equipment firms from 1990 to 2004
supports this prediction, underscoring the need to understand better the effects of voluntary
public disclosures on a firm’s ability to protect its HC. Therefore, Stern and James (2016)
argue that some organisations are using HC disclosures to identify and poach an
organisation’s key talent. Hence this new research suggests organisations will need to
carefully scrutinise the type of data they are disclosing.
This report takes a theoretical perspective on the management and measurement of HC
within organisations. More specifically, the literature review examines the academic theories
surrounding HC at both the employee and firm level.
First, the resource-based view (RBV) and capability perspectives (CAP) underline the need
for the growing focus on HC in the firm performance and competitive advantage debate. For
example, it is shown that HC is not only important to individual-level outcomes such as job
performance and employee development, but also firm-level outcomes such as capability
development and competitive advantage. Hence, the measurement of HC now becomes an
issue of critical importance for management. The review also highlights that management
can take a strategic approach regarding the type of HC metrics and analytics employed
within organisations. Moreover, this alignment between HC and strategy may lead to more
desired organisational outcomes. For example, a ‘lean’ organisation may favour data relating
to employee working efficiency. In this sense, HC metrics relating to issues such as
employee productivity and on-the-job training become crucial.
Second, from a knowledge-based perspective (KBV), the review highlights that it is important
for management to understand the interactions between human, social and structural capital.
Social capital in particular is shown to be the bond which ties all other forms of capital
together and plays a key role in both employee creativity and firm-level innovation. Hence, it
is vitally important management is able to measure social capital alongside human and
structural capital in order to identify any barriers which may impede socialisation on the job.
In this sense, the organisational climate and structure becomes a key facilitator of both
human and social capital development.
Third, from a change management perspective, the review highlights that HC can be
leveraged in times of uncertainty and strategic change. The theory of dynamic capabilities
(DCT) underlines the importance of employee adaption and agility and being able to respond
to changing customer and industry demands. For example, an ‘agile’ organisation may
favour data relating to employee and workplace flexibility. In this sense, HC metrics relating
to issues such as job rotations and skill diversity become important.
Finally, in light of the above observations, it is vitally important that organisations have a
robust HC measurement and reporting function so management are supplied with the data
to make more-effective decisions and predictions regarding HC management and
development within the organisation.
After undertaking a comprehensive literature review, this section makes recommendations
for future research based on gaps in the academic literature. Although a wide range of
concepts and theories relating to HC are discussed throughout the review, there are gaps in
the literature which provide opportunities for future research.
First, the idea of HC emergence is discussed in the review, that is, how individual-level
KSAOs form unit-level resources (Ployhart and Moliterno 2011). As HC is increasingly linked
to strategic outcomes, it is imperative that future research is able to investigate the link
between individual-level HC and firm-level capabilities. More specifically, research is needed
linking HC at the individual level to firm-level strategies. For example, how does job rotation
impact operating flexibility? How does employee creativity/innovation impact sustainability
performance? Also important is the issue of measurement. For example, what human
metrics are employed within lean organisations, agile organisations, innovative organisations
and sustainability-focused organisations? Although the literature review touches on this
issue, there is a greater need for research which links HC metrics to strategic outcomes.
This is of critical importance in terms of both improving organisational performance and
benchmarking performance against other organisations. Hence, future research could
possibly examine company annual reports, and other publicly available material, to examine
which firms are employing lean operating strategies, service strategies, or innovation
strategies in order to identify the utilisation of HC metrics. Finally, one important observation
is that a great deal of research surrounding HC tends to be survey based and therefore can
offer only a cross-sectional view of firm performance (Wang et al 2012). Future research
studies could take a more longitudinal perspective and examine how HC initiatives can
impact organisational performance over time.
A second area of future research involves examining the reverse relationship, that is, how
unit-level resources impact HC development, for example, how contextual organisational
resources enable HC development within organisations (Crocker and Eckardt 2014). For
example, it was shown in the literature review that an organisational climate of diversity is
linked to improved employee performance (Armstrong 2011). Eldor and Harpaz (2016) also
demonstrated that a learning climate is linked to employee engagement, which in turn
facilitates extra-role behaviours such as knowledge-sharing. Crucially, Eldor and Harpaz
(2016, p229) conclude in their recommendations for future research section that ‘future
studies can improve our approach by including other elements such as ethical climates,
accountability, transparency, and organisational politics instead of focusing on just the
learning climate.’ Finally, from an organisational design/structure perspective, Han et al
(2014) show that teams assembled with individuals from a variety of different knowledge
backgrounds can facilitate the development of social capital and employee creativity.
Despite the aforementioned studies, research has only started to examine the interactions
between human, social and structural capital (Campbell et al 2012b, Han et al 2014). More
research is needed in this area (Subramaniam and Youndt 2005, Campbell et al 2012b). For
example, how does technology (structural capital) enable human and social capital? The
technology aspect in particular appears to be an overlooked area of research in the literature
(Aral and Weill 2007, Khatri 2010). For example, is e-learning technology aiding employees
in their development, or is technology actually replacing employees in certain industries?
Furthermore, how is technology aiding HC measurement? Are apps useful in measuring
aspects of employees’ day-to-day routines? Hence, there are opportunities for future
research in terms of both managing and measuring the interactions between human, social
and structural capital.
A third gap in the literature concerns the use of teams as enablers of human and social
capital in the pursuit of organisational outcomes. The gap in the literature relates to the
observation that much of the academic literature on HC refers to the individual rather than
groups or teams. However, team structures are now seeing increased use in many
knowledge organisations (Han et al 2014). Despite this observation, research in the area of
teams is limited. Exceptions are studies by Kor and Leblebici (2005), Campbell et al (2012b)
and Han et al (2014). More specifically, the literature would benefit more from research
relating to different types of teams, that is, cross-functional teams, self-directed teams, top
management teams, and how these team structures contribute to unit-level capabilities and
corporate strategy. Empirical research in the area of self-directed teams in particular is
limited (Park 2012). Leadership in teams is also important; for example, Han et al (2014)
recommend employing team leadership as a control variable in future studies relating to
team creativity. Finally, more research is needed in the areas of cultural diversity and
equality in the make-up of teams.
A fourth area of research relates to job design. It is noted in the review that a possible
solution to reduce employee turnover may be to afford employees more flexibility in their
jobs. As Generation Y has now entered the workforce in greater numbers, it is imperative
that employers can offer job packages and working environments which suit these
individuals’ needs. This may mean greater work–life balance or greater flexibility in job roles
(Bersin et al 2016). For example, job-crafting may be a powerful employee retention tool for
key employees who are unhappy in their jobs. Job-crafting involves individuals who alter
their jobs to better suit their skills. In this sense, job-crafting can also be a powerful
employee engagement and retention tool (Wrzesniewski et al 2010). However, research on
job-crafting is limited and is only recently receiving renewed attention in the literature after
decades of neglect.
A fifth area of research involves examining the role of HC in organisational change and
adaption. This is because of the observation that a strategically aligned workforce can be a
powerful tool in coping with environmental changes and rapidly changing customer demands
(Lee 2004, Rigby et al 2016). Early research by Schultz (1961) and Nelson and Phelps
(1966) argued that HC could be leveraged to better cope with changing environments.
Contemporary research on this issue is limited (Wang et al 2012). However, as shown in the
literature review, contemporary theories such as that of dynamic capabilities have a good fit
with this perspective. Nevertheless, research which links HC to dynamic capabilities and
organisational change is scarce, hence this area represents a key area for future research.
Research could examine how HC can be leveraged in responding to changing
environments. In this sense, issues such as absorptive capacity, skill flexibility, job-crafting,
employee innovation and leadership all take on an important role in this perspective (Petrou
et al 2016, Wang et al 2012). Also important is examining the process by which firms
change, that is, how employee layoffs are managed in the case of downsizing, or how job
roles transform to respond to changing customer demands. In this sense, a longitudinal
perspective of HC management may be helpful (Wang et al 2012).
Other important areas for research include employee health and well-being. Roslender et al
(2012) argues that well-being should be considered as a form of IC, as a healthy workforce
can operate at optimal levels, that is, reduced sick absences and so on. In this sense, future
studies could examine how employee well-being links to firm performance. Finally, although
not discussed in detail in this report, future research could examine the role of the
stakeholder perspective in HC reporting. Given the rise of integrated reporting, it would be
interesting to see what HC metrics firms are employing to appeal to stakeholders
(Cuganesan 2006).
Appendix 1: Research methodology
The literature review framework utilised in this study is based on the work of Torgerson
(2003) and his model for conducting a systematic literature review, as outlined below. As the
HC report is intended as a reference to inform the development of future research and the
HR community, the Torgerson approach has a good degree of fit with the research questions
and the research outputs of this study. According to Torgerson (2003, pp7–8), a systematic
review aims to:
The researchers therefore used Ulster University’s wide array of databases to search for
both academic and practitioner articles and reports that were relevant to the research. This
involved using search words and terms such as ‘human capital’, ‘intellectual capital’ and
‘social capital’ as well as the main theories identified in the research proposal. As the
intention was to have as broad a review as possible, the researchers did not disregard
articles from what may be termed lower-ranked journals, but ensured that a wide range of
academic sources were used.
Appendix 2: Useful figures
Figure A1: A distinction between human capital resources and strategic human
capital resources (Ployhart et al 2014)
Figure A2: The benefits of mentoring (Allen and Eby 2007, Klinge 2015)
Figure A3: The ‘Niko Niko app’ (Barsade and O’ Neill 2016)
The knowledge transformation spiral (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995) – working example
One day while working on the production line, an employee comes up with the idea for
redesigning a product’s packaging so fewer materials are used. This occurred when they
spoke with an external transit-handler, who complained about the weight of each product
and the number of runs to and from the company. The employee absorbs this new
knowledge and notices that the firm uses excess packaging and that the product could be
safely packed without this. Hence, they set about redesigning the packaging and find that
their theory is correct. This idea is valuable to the organisation as it reduces costs, is
environmentally sustainable and also means the firm can ship more products at once. This
knowledge interaction process is referred to as socialisation (tacit to tacit), that is, knowledge
which is transferred because of direct interactions between internal employees and
supervisors or external customers/suppliers. In this case, the employee developed the idea
after speaking with the firm’s transit-handler. Hence, socialisation involves capturing
knowledge by having direct interaction with people inside and outside the organisation,
depends on having shared experience and results in acquired skills and common mental
models. It is primarily a process between individuals and could involve face-to-face
meetings, instant communication, emails, any groupware apps such as chat and
collaboration tools, and also social networking (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995).
The problem for the organisation, however, is that the idea for the packaging redesign still
exists in one employee’s head. At this point, provided there are no barriers to knowledge-
sharing, the employee sets about articulating this knowledge and transforming it into explicit
knowledge so they can communicate their new ideas to fellow team members and receive
feedback. The process for making tacit knowledge explicit is externalisation, which helps to
create new knowledge within the organisation as tacit knowledge emerges from its boundary
and becomes collective group knowledge. During this process it can be said that knowledge
is crystallised. The process of externalisation is often driven by metaphor and analogy
models, for example ideas or images in words, metaphors and analogies. Hence, dialogue
and knowledge-sharing play an important role in this stage. During such face-to-face
communication people share beliefs and learn how to better articulate their thinking, through
instantaneous feedback and the simultaneous exchange of ideas.
Once the employee’s team members understand the idea, they set about standardising this
knowledge by developing blueprints for the idea and documenting the process in operating
manuals or workbooks. Once knowledge is explicit, it can be transferred through a process
Nonaka (1995) calls combination (explicit to explicit). In this scenario IT is highly useful,
because explicit knowledge can be conveyed in documents, emails, databases, as well as
through meetings and briefings. The key steps are collecting relevant internal and external
knowledge, dissemination and editing/processing to make it more usable. Combination
allows knowledge transfer among groups across organisations. At this point, the employee’s
original idea for the packaging redesign is dispersed throughout the organisation (using the
intranet or databases), with the aim of applying the same process to other product lines.
Employees working on different product lines in the factory subsequently observe and
absorb this new explicit knowledge and apply it to their own product lines. Nonaka (1995)
argues that the process by which explicit knowledge is converted to tacit knowledge is called
internalisation, which is the process of understanding and absorbing explicit knowledge into
tacit knowledge held by the individual. Internalisation is largely experiential and the concepts
and methods are actualised either through the actual doing or through simulations. The
internalisation process transfers organisation and group explicit knowledge to the individual.
One method by which an organisation may internalise explicit knowledge is to set up a
knowledge repository (structural capital) that has data mining features, which allows the end
user to navigate and search desired and relevant information. Thus everyone in the
organisation can access the information which is on the firm intranet or repositories.
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