Cigre TB 324
Cigre TB 324
Cigre TB 324
WG B2-12 “Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines”
• 15 to 25% RTS with no ice or wind at 15oC the conductor being in its final
condition (after the conductor has been exposed to a heavy ice and wind loading
event or has been in place for many years.)
Notice that, while limiting the initial unloaded conductor tension limits subsequent
maximum conductor and structure loads (e.g. see Table 5), unloaded tension constraints
are primarily imposed to limit aeolian vibration to manageable levels. While limiting
initial and final unloaded tensions to certain ranges of %RTS is common as a means of
vibration control, recent work by CIGRE WG B2.11 suggests that limiting the catenary
constant (H/w) for the coldest month is better. This is discussed briefly in the following
4.2 Avoiding Aeolian Vibration Fatigue
Historically, as noted above, a common design practice used to avoid conductor fatigue,
due to aeolian vibration, was to limit the unloaded tension to 15% to 25% of RTS.
Specifying an unloaded %RTS value at everyday conditions does not consider the
following important fatigue endurance issues:
• The effect of persistency of wind speed and direction relative to the line section;
• Terrain covers of trees, shrubs and buildings and the terrain itself, which can have
a marked effect on the degree of wind turbulence;
• Short-span construction with high tensions at low-temperature operation, where
significant damage may occur during months of winter temperatures;
• The effect of conductor stranding and the percentage of steel in ACSR, which
influences effects on mass and strength.
CIGRE WG B2.11 has suggested a better approach where the tension control parameter
is tension-over-weight (H/w). The H/w parameter is more closely related to aluminium
stress, and therefore to the self-damping properties of the conductor. Three papers [14,
15, 16] have been published concerning single undamped conductors, damped single
conductors, and bundled conductors, respectively. In these papers, the H/w parameter is
justified and other influences such as span length and terrain are considered.
For unprotected round strand, single conductors (no armor rods, dampers, nor AGS
clamps), the recommended maximum values of H/w range from 1000 to 1425 m under
initial unloaded low temperature conditions [14]. As can be seen in Table 6, for Drake
ACSR in a 300 m span, this acceptable range of H/w values where dampers are not used,
corresponds to an unloaded initial tension of between 10% and 15% RTS at 15C.
If dampers are used, then a higher H/w level would likely be acceptable, but the WG
B2.11 references repeatedly make the point that avoiding conductor fatigue from aeolian
vibration over the entire life of an overhead line can be complex. Terrain, span length,
annual weather variation, conductor design, and external damping must all be considered.
Simply choosing an installed unloaded tension in %RTS is not usually sufficient.