Englisch LAGZ 11868 - 2003-07
Englisch LAGZ 11868 - 2003-07
Englisch LAGZ 11868 - 2003-07
Replaces: 04.00
Steering unit
H/A/D 6212/99
Nominal pressure 175 bar
Maximum flow 50 L/min.
Steering unit type LAGZ...
Contents Page – The LAGZ steering unit is used in hydraulic steering circuits on
Features 1 vehicles and mobile machines that have high axle loads and
maximum travel speeds of 50 km/h.
Ordering details 2
Function, section 3
– With the aid of a steering unit even heavy vehicles can be easily
Versions 4 and 5 steered. By not having a mechanical connection between the
Functions in a steering circuit 6 steering unit and axle which is to be steered, the designer has
Technical data 6 and 7 opportunities that are not possible with conventional steering
Calculation: steering moments, steering cylinder
and steering pump 8
Unit dimensions 9 and 10 – Vehicles fitted with a LAGZ unit can also be manually steered if
the servo system fails. The required force is reduced by changing
the ratio. Only due to this, in many cases, are the permissible limi-
ting values complied with. In many applications a second
steering pump is no longer necessary.
– The LAGZ works in servo operation with two rotor sets. In the
emergency mode one rotor set is switched off. Thereby, within a
build series it is possible to combine differing rotor sets (ratios).
© 2003
by Bosch Rexroth AG, Mobile Hydraulics, D-97813 Lohr am Main
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or stored, processed, duplicated or circulated using
electronic systems, in any form or by means, without the prior written authorisation of Bosch Rexroth AG. In the event
of contravention of the above provisions, the contravening party is obliged to pay compensation.
LAG Z 2X / – M *
Steering unit
With step-down ratio (2 rotor sets) = Z
– = Special specifications
Displacement volume (cm3/U) Please clarify with our
sales organisation
Build size2) R 1) Servo op. Emerg. op. 5) Pipe connections P, T, L, R / LD
1) The standard programme for LAGZ with reaction, OC and Ordering example:
LD are available in all build sizes LAGZ 200/100 -2X/LD150-90M01
2) The stated build sizes are preferred sizes; Steering unit with integrated valves
other combinations with the standard sizes 60, Build size 200/100, dynamic load signal
80, 100, 120, 140,160 and 200 are possible on request.
Shock valves 150 bar, pressure relief 90 bar
3) Only with the open centre (OC) version Pipe connections P, T, L, R are G 1/2 , LD is G 1/4
4) The response pressure of the shock valves must be 50 bar
higher, however a maximum of 2.2 times that of the LAGZ 200/100 N2X/150-90M01
hydraulic pump pressure relief valves. Steering unit with integrated valves
(see §38 StVZO) Build size 200/100, low noise characteristics
Preferrably 150 to 90; 200 to 140; 240 to 175 Shock valves 150 bar, pressure relief 90 bar
5) Unit dimensions: Pipe connections P, T, L, R are G 1/2
See unit dimensions on page 10
5 8
3 11 12 10
Standard version L R L R
Open Centre with Non Reaction = OC / NR
Steering units for vehicles with a pivoting
frame or with rear axial steering must always P
use the NR version.
Standard version L R L R
Open Centre with Reaction = OC / R
The cylinder connections are in the neutral
condition connected with each other. External
forces acting on the steering cylinders are
noticed as reaction forces by the driver via
the steering wheel (Reaction). If the driver
releases the steering wheel after the steering
manoeurve (curved line) then the wheels
ands steering wheel, with the relevant
steering geometry, straighten up by
themselves andthe vehicle carries on in a
straight line.
Load-sensing version L R
Steering units with load-sensing provide a
load signal that can be used to control a
priority valve and/or a pump. They are
designed as closed centre steering systems
whereby the connection, pump connection
(P) to tank connection (T), is closed in the
neutral position.
If the steering and actuator hydraulics are
supplied by a common pump, then the use
of a priority valve is necessary. This valve
ensures that the steering unit has a priority
oil supply, whereby the control of the valve
is via the steering unit load signal. When
steering is not taking place then the entire LD
oil flow from the pump is made availaable to
the actuator hydrualics. Fixed or variable
displacement pumps can be used. LD
The emergency operating mode is not intended for continuous
VG 68
VG 32
VG 46
νmax = 800 mm2/s 100
Viscosity range →
Temperature range: (see selection diagram) 40 46
ϑmin = –20 °C
ϑmax = +80 °C 20
If there is the possiblity of there being a temperature difference of
more than 20 °C between the steering unit and the pressure fluid,
then either a LD or LDA version or an open-centre version for warming
the steering unit should be fitted. 5 5
Further to the selection of pressure fluids –40º –25º –10º 0º 10º 30º 50º 70º 90º 115º
Pressure fluid Temperature ϑ in °C
A prerequisite to being able to select the correct pressure fluid is
knowing the operating temperature and the ambient temperature. ϑmin = –40 °C temperature range ϑmax = 115 °C
The pressure fluid should be so selected that the operating viscosity
at the working temperature lies within the optimum range (see
selection diagram).
Formula symbols
A = Required cylinder area [mm2] l = Smallest, effective steering lever [mm]
A1 = Cylinder piston area, differential cylinder [mm2] M = Steering moment [Nm]
A2 = Cylinder ring area, differential cylinder [mm2] n = Steering wheel rotational speed [min–1]
b = Tyre width [mm] nidling = Motor idling RPM [min–1]
d = Piston rod diameter [mm] nmotor = Motor operating RPM [min–1]
D = Cylinder diameter [mm] p = Steering pressure [bar]
e = Distance of swivel bearing to centre of tyre [mm] qvp = Pump flow [L/min]
F = Steering force [N] V = Steering unit displacement [cm3 /U]
FA = Steering axle load [N] VP = Steering pump displacement [cm3 /U]
h = Cylinder stroke length [mm] VZYL = Cylinder volume [cm3 ]
i = Number of steering wheel turns µ = Co-efficient of friction
Further information!
Suitable steering columns can be found in RE 11 874 and the associated priority valves for steering systems contained in load signal circuits
can be found in RE 27 548
34 ±0,5
15 min.
30 ±1
63 ±0,5
M10; 15
80 +3 44
Build size l b1 b2
90° Ø d4
Ø d4 Ø d2
d1 d1
Bosch Rexroth AG Bosch Rexroth AG The data specified above only serves to describe
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