The Internet and Its Advantagers

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The International Network (internet) brings to birth whole new means of

communication. Through the super network of computers, it allows people to
exchange information with one another all over the world.
The most important use of the internet is the ability to send electronic mail .It is
transmitted around the world in a matter of minutes. For business world, where time is
money, the e-mail is fast and convenient way compared to the snail –mail, which our
ordinary mail .Families is seeking to keep in touch with their children studying
overseas can also use e-mail .They will save money on their long distance calls.
Being on the internet means children will have access to a multitude of network
available worldwide .Valuable software can be downloaded for free .School projects
can be researched right at house.
There are countless activities which one can do on the internet such as visit an art
gallery or museum, browse through some advertisements and shops, or read the same
day ‘s newspaper published thousands of miles away. If you‘re feeling bored, just surf
on one of the many chat channels available on the Net and you can share you r
feelings with someone from another part of the world .senior citizens have found the
net to be a useful outlet for their loneliness. They are able to make friends with other
senior citizens and share their problems .some even found a cure for their illnesses
through surfing on the chat channels.
Teachers are also on the Net to take advantage of the information highway .they
are able to do research ,conduct surveys and exchange ideas with other educators, as
well as learn the latest technique in teaching methodologies .they are able to
participate discussion groups with hundreds or thousands of people.
Companies have also benefited by using the Internet .It has opened up a whole
new market for businesses to flourish. Even a small company can market its product s
as effectively as a big company .Costs of advertising is reduced when monthly
newsletters are reduced. The internet also helps companies work with colleagues
throughout the world to develop new products and services.
The internet has brought many advantages .some say it will change our way of
life forever. Other s say it is too open and free. Whatever direction it takes, one thing
is certain, there is no avoiding it.

The Benefits of Higher Education

 More opportunities for higher education as the government realizes the
importance of higher education

Main body
 Provide specialized workforce for future of the country
 To keep up with the pace of technological changes
 High returns for country
-increased productivity
-higher quality of life
 Reduces the number of unemployed workforce which leads to social tension

 Higher education is necessary to produce our own scientists ,researchers
,managers ,most of all ,future leaders of our country

Do You Agree That Co-educational Schools Are Better?

 More and more co-educational schools are being built .Many advantages

Main body
 Encourages a lot of competition between boys and girls
-good for results
-work hard, better standard of work
 Eradicates a lot of shyness
-helps in the social life
-learn to work with each other
 Better behaviors

 Good for academic performance but may have undesirable effects as they tend to
get involved emotionally

Physical Education Is A Waste Of Time In The Higher Forms In Schools.

 Students in higher forms face many exams .So, they think that physical education
should be stopped

Main body
 Physical education should not be scrapped because it is an outlet for students to
release their tension (exams, worries)
 It helps build and nurture good character. Through games, one learns leadership,
patience and perseverance
 Sports help students to stay healthy and fit –exercise-good for mind

 There should be a balance between studies and sports
 All work and no play makes jack a dull boy

How to study for an examination

 Many do not plan to fail but they fail to plan

Main body
 Get organized –make a timetable
-list of weak subjects, revise early
 Making notes -write only mean points
-review, memorize often
 Group study –discuss with friends
-work out difficult topics
 Place of study -stay away from television
-minimum interference (noise)
 Reward yourself-give yourself a treat when you’ve completed a topic
-encourage yourself
 Keep healthy –get enough sleep and exercise, eat well, avoid late nights
 Ask questions -get help form teachers ,friends, tutors

 Success is not achieved overnight
 Need to work hard and be consistent in your revision

What are the steps you took in preparing for this examination?
 Started preparing for this examination about two years ago
 Attending tuition classes diligently amid a tight schedule of school-work
,tests and extra –curricular activities
 Reading constantly–newspaper ,storybook .magazines ,textbook, article,
essays-to expend vocabulary and learn new phrase-going though past –year –
question to get an idea of what is required in this examination
 Discussing question with friends and comparing answers
 Now, writing this examination, the whole two year of preparation flashes
before me. I feel nervous and writing gets little unsteady
 I have chosen the topic because it is easies to write about first –hand
examination is important to me
 Preparing for and writhing this examination has been a wonderful and
enriching experience for me I have done my best and now .i can only hope
for the best

Homework –its boon and bane

Boon of homework
 Consolidates learning
 A way of evaluating what has been learnt
 Occupies the student ‘s time in a positive manner
 Widens scope of learning through research and discussion

Bane of homework
 Takes up too much time ,some homework is not very useful
 Student may copy each other’s work thus defeat the purpose of homework
 Make learning a chore

Why do teenagers run away from their homes?

 Freedom and glamour in the city
 An unhappy home environment
 Victims of deceit and vice

 Parents should pay more attention to their children
 Heavier penalties should be meted out to pimps
 Return to family values/ caring society

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