Innovative Valve Train Systems: Technology Highlights and R&D Activities at FEV
Innovative Valve Train Systems: Technology Highlights and R&D Activities at FEV
Innovative Valve Train Systems: Technology Highlights and R&D Activities at FEV
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Diesel engine power output now production costs/profit
Exhibit ion Boo
V isit our
r l d - C ongress approaches the gasoline engine. emission behavior
Page 1 Innovative Valve Along with direct injection and downsizing, the variab-
Train Systems le valve train offers the largest potential fuel consump-
Page 4 Turbocharged Gasoline Direct tion improvement to be gained via an individual
Injection Engines measure. Variable valve train technologies have a
comparative advantage over direct injection since
Page 5 Intelligent Powertrain conventional exhaust aftertreatment technologies can
be used. Moreover, they are less dependent on fuel
Page 7 Vehicle Physics/Acoustic quality and are, therefore, more applicable in a global
Page 8 NVH Troubleshooting sense.
Continued from Page 1
PREFACE Over the past few years, various new variable valve
train solutions have been established. Their inherent
degree of variability is the main criterion in characte-
rizing the different technologies. These solutions are
described below.
Dear Readers, The first step towards a variable valve train is the
application of a cam phaser for the intake and exhaust
This issue of Spectrum camshaft. The potential of this measure, in comparison
coincides with the 2002 to a base engine (2.0L, 4-Cyl., 4V DOHC valve), is an
Society of Automotive improvement of approximately 4% in fuel consump-
Engineers (SAE) Inter tion, reduced emissions as well as an increase in the
national Congress and mean effective pressure over the complete engine
Exposition, in Detroit, speed range. The anticipated system costs for a doub-
Michigan. This year, FEV le cam phasing system are approximately 100 EUR
continues to support the International Congress ($US 85) for the reference engine.
through published papers, technical presentations
and exhibits. Our Exhibition Booth will highlight a The next level of variability is a cylinder deactivation
range of cost effective technologies focusing on system. The primary focus of this measure is to
improved fuel economy meeting future exhaust reduce fuel consumption. The nature of the system
emission standards. qualifies it for engines with larger number of cylin-
ders. FEV has developed a roller finger follower with
As 2002 unfolds, the international automotive a stationary hydraulic lash adjuster (HLA). The sys
industry is faced with an economic slow-down, tem is suitable for nearly all roller follower valve
exhaust emission challenges and the never-ending trains. In realizing a system, the distances between
quest for cost reduction and quality improvement. valve axis and HLA can be as small as 35mm. A
Although FEV is perhaps best known for its deve- reduction in fuel consumption of about 8% is realistic
lopment of advanced technologies, our business with this measure, compared to the base engine. The
also focuses on production design (including Six improvement is primarily a consequence of reduced
Sigma), vehicle integration and production cali- gas exchange work together with increasing the load
bration, including OBD. on the remaining cylinders. However, this system
does not have a positive influence on engine perfor-
Presently, cost reduction is critical importance in mance or torque. The system costs of the cylinder
two areas: reducing the cost of our services and deactivation system are approximately 125 EUR ($US
instrumentation products; and lowering the pro- 108).
duction costs of our customers, without sacrificing
quality or reliability. Through the application of our The fully variable valve train system represents a sub-
advanced analytical tools, experimental resources stantially larger innovation. Here, two principles can
and new technologies we accomplish both goals, be differentiated, both of which are currently being
simultaneously. Come by SAE Booth 1411 to see developed at FEV:
how we do it. Mechanically Variable Valve Train (MVVT)
Electromechanical Valve Train (EMVT)
Yours sincerely, The MVVT is currently the focal point of a very signi-
ficant development effort in the industry. The start of
production (SOP) of BMW's "Valvetronic" engines
characterizes and has accelerated the activities in this
field. FEV is currently developing a mechanically
Gary Rogers variable valve train system together with a large auto-
President and CEO, FEV Engine Technology, Inc. motive supplier that will fulfill the mass production
requirements for such a system. The system is being
developed on the basis of a roller follower arrange-
ment as well as for a tappet system. The valve lift is
continously variable in a range between 11mm lift
and zero lift. In parallel, the lift duration can be redu-
ced within the thermodynamically relevant region of
the engine map. FEV's unique thermodynamic know-
ledge in the EMVT area is directly applicable to its case of a full intake and exhaust EMVT. However,
work on the MVVT system. Compared with the base disadvantages exist, in this case, regarding raw emis-
engine, the fuel consumption potential of the MVVT sions. The incremental costs for the "half" EMVT are
engine is over 10%. In addition, a clear emissions anticipated to be approximately 300 EUR ($US
improvement as well as optimized torque characteri- 260).
stics at low rpm's is evident, as a result of better
cylinder charging. The incremental cost of the MVVT FEV conducts and accelerates the development of
are approximately 170 EUR ($US 145). these valve train systems with efficient application of
modern simulation tools and statistical test procedu-
A full (applied on intake and exhaust side) electrome- res. Here both specialized FEV software as well as
chanical valve train system represents the maximum commercial software is used, so that the simulta-
potential functionality. This solution combines thrott- neous engineering program can be optimally conduc-
lefree load control with the option of cylinder deacti- ted together with an OEM customer and the necessa-
vation (fixed or rotating) as well as single valve deac- ry know-how regarding the design, mechanical
tivation (2-/4-valve function). The inherent functiona- development, combustion development and eventual
lity of this system provides the greatest potential for application of the engine in a vehicle is efficiently
reducing fuel consumption, on the order of 18%. The completed.
Reduction of Fuel Consumption [%]
Intake and
15 (incl. Cylinder
Intake-EMVT Deactivation)
(incl. Cylinder
Cylinder Mechanically
Deactivation Variable
Valve Train
5 (MVVT)
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
incremental costs of a "full" EMVT are approximately Within the field of gasoline engines featuring variable
450 EUR ($US 400) for the reference engine consi- valve trains, various systems that possess different
dered here. This estimate includes a cost savings degrees of variability are being developed in parallel.
associated with the elimination of certain conventio- The selection of a particular technology depends on
nal components. the engine concept and market strategy as well as
further factors such as displacement, number of
The intake side only EMVT (or "half" EMVT) valve train cylinders and the production volume for the projec-
system in combination with a conventional exhaust ted engine. FEV currently has systems in develop-
camshaft represents a good compromise with respect ment for all of these valve train designs and levels of
to cost/use. With this constellation, full variability is variability. We would be honored to leverage our uni-
provided on the intake side and the exhaust valve que knowledge in this field to support you in the deve-
opening process, where high opening forces are lopment of your new engine concept.
required, is handled by the cam. If the intake EMVT is
combined with finger followers on the exhaust side
that can be deactivated, nearly the same fuel econo- Dipl.-Ing. Markus Duesmann
my potential results (approximately 15%) as in the
On the other hand, compared to naturally aspirated
Turbocharged Gasoline (NA) engines, turbocharged SI engines present fuel
economy disadvantages at full load, which are related
Direct Injection Engines to knocking tendencies. Therefore, turbocharging
normally requires a reduction of compression ratio
by 1 - 2 units. Unfortunately, this also influences fuel
Although turbocharging spark ignited (SI) engines economy at part load, so that the downsizing benefits
has traditionally only been applied to high-perfor- partially deteriorate. Moreover, it is necessary to limit
mance vehicle powertrains, recent focus has turned the exhaust gas temperature by air/fuel mixture
toward mainstream mass production cars. The rea- enrichment in order to avoid turbine overheating. For
son for this trend is related to downsizing, which is the sake of part load efficiency, the compression ratio
enabled by boosting. should be preset to relatively high levels, requiring
that knocking be avoided by retarded ignition timing,
This leads to the replacement of larger engines by again leading to increased exhaust gas temperatures
smaller, downsized engines, which provide the same and requiring even more full load enrichment.
power output and, thus, driving performance with
significantly improved fuel economy. Downsizing As a result, the fuel economy of turbocharged SI engi-
enables the engine to run at higher specific loads; nes very often turns out to be rather poor. Typically,
under normal driving conditions as well as during test this effect is even more pronounced under normal
cycle conditions, the engine is operated at higher driving conditions than it is for test cycle operation.
Fuel Economy BMEP levels with correspondingly lower BSFC. The combination of turbocharging and downsizing
Concepts with direct fuel injection can help to overcome most
of this problem.
Naturally aspirated Turbo charged Based on FEV's experience in this field, even the
DISI DISI application of homogeneous direct injection (during
(stratified) (stratified) the intake stroke) to stoichiometric operated tur-
Combustion Efficiency
Engine Speed
This approach leads to an Stoichiometric NA
attractive stratified lean BSFC
Stratified NA
burn combustion configu-
ration. The initial investiga- Stratified TC
tions on FEV's test ben-
ches have indicated that
FC Reduction
the lean operational area in
TC vs. NA
the engine map can be
significantly extended.
rel. AFR
Based on FEV test bench 6.0
results as well as engine /
vehicle models, evaluati-
ons were conducted that 2.0
indicate a fuel economy 0.0
potential in the range of 10 Soot
to 15% compared to PFI 1.0
turbocharged engines.
0.0 Reduction of
Without doubt, today's Fuel Consumption
point of view is that this at Part Load
engine concept is very Engine Load
complex and requires sub-
stantial efforts for vehicle application. However,
recent R&D activities in the field of model based FEV anticipates that the combination of turbochar-
engine control algorithms indicate an evolutiona- ging and gasoline direct injection may ultimately esta-
ry process, which might end with feasible soluti- blish a new mainstream concept for SI engines, lea-
ons for managing this complexity. The prudent ding to a significantly emphasized role for turbochar-
approach, therefore, is to develop this new engine ging in passenger car SI engines.
concept step-by-step, beginning with the λ=1 con-
cept. Dr.-Ing. Peter Wolters
It is no longer possible to meet growing demands on Area of Best
vehicle powertrains related to driving dynamics, com Emissions
fort, best possible fuel consumption and minimum
emissions under all foreseeable operating conditions, Ideal
without the use of complex electronic powertrain con Operational
trol systems. Since the initial application of electronic
engine control systems in the 1970s, the complexity Engine Speed
of these systems has increased one-hundred fold.
The transition to an intelligent powertrain control introduced into the market. Current production auto- Optimal
system has become possible through the introduction matic transmissions are almost exclusively electroni- Operational Areas
of torque-based functions (control algorithms), as cally controlled. To achieve optimum driving dyna- for the Calibration
well as the implementation of electronic throttle sys mics together with the lowest possible fuel consump- of Powertrains
tems. Intelligent powertrain control systems include tion, a rapid data exchange characterizing the current
all systems that can influence the available torque at engine condition is necessary, as well as direct inter-
the vehicle's driven wheels. For conventional power- vention of the engine's torque behavior to adapt for
trains, traction control, drive stability and transmissi- deviations from the set point values. A very close
on control systems come to mind. In order to achieve cooperation between engine and gearbox calibration
additional increases in fuel economy, the first auto- is necessary to ensure a comfortable but also dyna-
mated manual transmissions have been successfully mic tuning, especially during gear changes, together
with the exploitation of the potential for fuel economy supercharging or brake energy storage/regeneration.
improvements. FEV now offers calibration services The complex connection of these functions within a
for transmission controls, as a complement to the dense network for total vehicle management, inclu-
existing services we offer in the field of engine control ding power management (electric energy/battery) is
applications. Engine and
transmission calibration MT 5 Speed Manual
engineers work closely AT1) AT2) CVT Hybrid Transmission
together within each pro- AT1) 4 Speed Automatic
ject to achieve technical- 180% 200% 220% 300% Transmission
AT2) 5/6 Speed AT
ly optimized and highly
efficient solutions. The CVT Continuously Variable
170% TCT Transmission
two service offerings
AMT3) 1st Generation Automated MT
MT 100%
also present benefits in
130% AMT1) AMT4) 1st Generation Automated MT
terms of synergy effects,
TCT Twin Clutch Automated MT
optimised data exchange
110% AMT3) Hybrid Torque-Split Transmission
and communications. in Hybrid Vehicle
Joint test trips under Fuel Consumption Size equals cost (MT = 100%)
extreme environmental
conditions allow verifica- Assessment Matrix for Future Powertrains
tion of the influences of
changes in the calibration of one electronic control the future goal. This effort makes high demands on
and their influence on the other control system, ensu- the integration of these technologies in the vehicle,
ring optimal functionality in all customer relevant on the functions development itself and on the cali-
operations. New vehicle concepts supply the stan- bration of the degrees of freedom for each function.
dard powertrain with additional torque sources. FEV partners with automotive OEM's and suppliers,
Examples for these additional sources are an inte- providing support and, as required, taking on full
grated starter generator unit or the electric motor in responsibility for all of the relevant tasks related to
hybrid applications. Such designs aim at the provisi- powertrain application and vehicle integration.
on of certain technical features, such as an increase
in torque for downsizing concepts with high pressure Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Weinowski; Dipl.-Ing. Hans Kemper
At FEV, Vehicle Physics includes NVH optimization of One core element of experimental work is the evalua-
the engine, gear box and auxiliaries, reduction of tion of the vehicle in relation to the state-of-the-art.
acoustic excitation due to the engine combustion pro Various commercial CAE programs are available for the
cess, powertrain benchmarking as well as integration analytical optimization. The main focus is on acoustic
of the powertrain into the vehicle and the entire vehicle issues related to the full vehicle. Vibration optimiza-
development with regard to acoustics and comfort. tion of the drivetrain and chassis components is also
included. Moreover, comfort issues such as air con-
At present, FEV conducts full vehicle NVH projects ditioning, ventilation and fan noise are dealt with.
from prototype to SOP. In developing these capabili-
ties, one important strategic decision was to abandon FEV applies innovative methods to efficiently optimize
the separation between calculation (analysis) and the vehicle interior noise. Using Interior Noise Simu-
experiment to fulfill the requirements posed by short lation -- a special tool developed by FEV -- compon-
development cycles. ents with annoying noise can be attributed to their
associated noise sources and transmission paths.
FEV's Engine and Gear Box NVH Optimization depart Based on simultaneous measurements of airborne
ment offers its customers fast and economical solu- and structure-borne noise excitation of the power-
tions to noise and vibration problems. When a new train, Interior Noise Simulation facilitates the calcula-
engine is developed, acoustic calculations are already tion of individual vehicle interior noise components.
being conducted early in the concept phase. The Potential modifications can be predicted with regard
results of these calculations are then considered in to their influence on interior noise.
the following development phase. Special finite ele-
ment models facilitate acoustic optimization in step Finite Element Analysis (FEA), Multi-Body Analysis
with engine design. If noise or vibration problems still (MBA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are
occur, they are solved using CAE and CAD tools. FEV used for the optimization of vibration comfort as well
has assembled teams of specialists in a manner that as interior and exterior noise. Typical applications deal
allows experimental and computational procedures with intake and exhaust side orifice noise, noise
to be simultaneously implemented (also combined) radiation by the exhaust system surfaces as well as
to effect solutions. Our customers achieve effective their global vibrations. Engine mounting and drive-
solutions as they work together with FEV's designers train problems are solved with up-to-date CAE sup-
and in close collaboration with suppliers. port.
The NVH Process Evaluation and Powertrain Bench- By combining these diverse activities, all customer
marking department recently introduced an acoustic demands can be met beginning with the optimization
component-FMEA evaluation service. An expert sys of single components up to engine application in a
tem was created to identify acoustic weak points on new vehicle. NVH troubleshooting plays a vital role in
the basis of powertrain benchmarking results. this process.
Dr.-Ing. Norbert Alt
NVH Troubleshooting
Increasing complexity combined with shorter deve-
lopment cycles incurs the risk of noise and/or vibra-
Troubleshooting tion complaints toward the end of the development
Oil Pump Noise process of a new vehicle.
n[rpm] Baseline In these situations, NVH troubleshooting is highly Within the subsequent root cause analysis, experi-
5000 effective in finding remedial measures. Powertrain mental and analytical sensitivity analyses as well as
noise and vibrations and their excitations are identi- parameter variations are performed to identify the
fied by specially developed analysis and calculation excitation mechanism. Optimization alternatives
3000 methods. derived from this are built as prototype specimens
and verified in engine and vehicle experiments. The
NVH troubleshooting projects that are performed by development of powertrain optimization measures
n[rpm] Optimization
FEV stand out due to the application of a successful can be supported by analyses with respect to vehic-
5000 optimization strategy that has been tested and veri- le interior noise (FEV's Interior Noise Simulation) to
fied in the solution of many problems. By means of support efficient product optimization.
4000 an NVH checklist, causes are investigated systema-
tically. Efficient optimization measures are subse-
quently derived and realized. The NVH checklist
contains all potential noise excitation mechanisms
1000 2000 3000 4000
as well as the corresponding noise patterns, analysis
Frequency (Hz)
methods and efficient remedial measures. Special
FEV measurement procedures include the use of a
Dynamic Pressure
Discharge Side zero-clearance piston, the recording of the crankshaft
displacement or the tumbling movement of the fly-
wheel, and the analysis of the valve train dynamics,
Pressure [bar]
among others.
Ultimately, this optimization process is only success
[°CA] ful if not only acoustic but also all of the other deve-
lopment targets (such as cost, packaging, output
and emission targets) are considered. FEV ensures
this through interdisciplinary project teams and
close collaboration with the OEM and/or suppliers.
FEV Motorentechnik GmbH FEV Engine Technology, Inc.
Neuenhofstraße 181 4554 Glenmeade Lane
52078 Aachen Germany Auburn Hills, MI 48326-1766, USA Editor
Phone (+49) (0) 241/ 56 89 - 0 Phone (+1) (0) 248 / 373- 60 00 A. Wittstamm
Fax (+49) (0) 241/ 56 89 -119 Fax (+1) (0) 248 / 373- 80 84
E-Mail [email protected] E-Mail [email protected] Layout
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