ABDG (Online) Usemanual v.4.5

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AP Online Benefit Disbursement Gateway

(NTR Bharosa Pensions)

User Operational Manual V.4.5

APOnline Benefit Disbursement Gateway
Benefit Disbursement System was conceptualized designed and developed by APOnline to
facilitate disbursements of Government entitlements like NTR Bharosa Pensions. This system
utilizes state-of-the-art technologies like bio-metric (finger print) matching for authentication of
eligible beneficiaries, robust UIDAI compliant handheld Micro ATM devices, computers or Tab’s
for use in villages, GPRS/Internet connectivity for synchronization with central server.

The core objective of this project is:

 To reduce the time taken to disburse the funds to enrolled beneficiaries.

 To avoid fraudulent activities in the current process

 To ensure whether the amount is disbursed to right Beneficiary through AADHAAR based
authentication using our new android application in tablets, by allowing minimum

Roles of stakeholders

 APOnline is responsible for design, development, deployment and maintenance of the

technology solution.

 Paying agency (Govt. Agency) is responsible for disbursement of pensions.

 GoAP is responsible for making the funds available for the disbursement of pensions.
Tab Apps Page:
A new Android application is introduced in tablets for more simplicity of use. In tablet, under
‘Apps’ ‘ABDG Online’ app will be shown. Click on ABDG Online app to view the Login page.
RD Service Installation:
After clicking on ABDG Online application, it will check whether the RD Services are installed or
not. If not then application automatically redirected to play store and then click on install button.
Startek RD Service:

Mantra RD Service:
Mantra Management Client:



If all the RD Services are successfully installed, then open the ABDG application. It displays user
login screen, where User/ BPM needs to enter the user id. Application gets connect to server to
fetch UID of the operator/user as per the entered User ID.
If entered User ID is wrong it displays Error message on screen as and then click on ‘Login’ it will
again ask for User Id. If entered User Id is Correct then it connects to Server and get details from
server And also user can be able to view his user id and user name details scrolling in the login
screen, As shown in the below screen.

Fig: User Login Screen

Automatic Date & time check

In this version, application date & time check box is not enabled then application will be redirected
to date and time setting screen as shown in below

After enabling this auto date & time setup then user should click on back button to perform current
Fig: User Login Screen

User Authentication through Finger Print Scanner (Startek/Mantra/Precision Device):

If user wants to login through Finger authentication, below is the process.

Once finger print device is connected to the tab, then application will prompts for ABDG
application USB access permissions as shown in below

User need to Select the check box and then click on ‘OK’ button, then below screen is displayed
User need to Select the check box and then click on ‘OK’ button. Then application will
displays login screen
Operator/user needs to enter the User Id in user Id text field, and on clicking on Login Button.
Before going for Authentication, system will be displays consent for authentication, shown in
below screen.

The above consent describes the approval from the person who are submitting their Finger data
to CIDR only for authentication purpose.
[Note: This check box selection is mandatory]
After selecting the check box and click on 'OK' button then system will be prompts for Device
Access permissions as sown in below
User need to select the required RD service for the respected device and click on Just Once
button (if the device is Startek then select ACPL FM220 RD, if it is Mantra then select Mantra RD
Service, if the device Precision then select PB510 Finger print Capture )

NOTE: User should not click on Always button, because this ‘Always’ it will set as default
USB permissions for every device.

After selecting the required RD service option then it displays below screen

it Prompts for capturing finger , User need to place the finger on sensor.
The Captured fingerprint data will be sent to server for verification. If the verification is successful
then Home page is displayed. If verification fails then it displays the below screen.

Then user need authenticate again for the second time. Here user needs to place his/her
two different fingers on the sensor. The screens are shown below.
User need to click on capture button for authentication

After placing first finger, he/she should click on the ‘Capture’ Button. Then it asks for second
finger. The two fingerprints data will be sent to server for Verification. If verification is Successful,
then Home page will be displayed.
Once the user verification is successful, then Home page is displayed.

User login through IRIS Authentication:

If user wants to log in through IRIS then below is the process.
Once IRIS device is connected to the tab and open the ABDG Online application and enter
valid user id and click on login button then application will displays AADHAAR consent

The above consent describes the approval from the person who are submitting their Finger data
to CIDR only for authentication purpose.
[Note: This check box selection is mandatory]
After selecting the check box and click on 'OK' button then system will be prompts for Device
Access permissions as sown in below

User need to select the required RD service for the respected device and click on Just Once
button (if user connects Biomatiques device then select Biomatiques RDS, if it is IRITECH device
then select BTPL Irishield USB mk2120U RD)

NOTE: User should not click on Always button, because this ‘Always’ it will set as default
USB permissions for every device.

If Connected Device is BIOMATIQUES:

User need to enter Biomatiques serial number(last 5-digits) and also enter Activation code(device
serial number 5-digits)
After entry the activation code then click on submit button

After application prompts below permissions , User need to select the check box and click on the ‘OK’

Then it Prompts for IRIS authentication as shown in the below screen. User need to focus on his/her
eye in front of the scanner.
The Captured data will be sent to server for verification. If the verification is successful then Home
page is displayed. If verification fails then application prompts for next attempt
NTR-Bharosa Pension SSP Services:
NTR-Bharosa Pension Payments –
The application Prompts for the Pension Id entry and once entered, it connects to the Aadhaar server to
fetch the information

Fig: Payment screen

After entering Pension Id click on submit button, then system will be displays consent for
authentication check box as shown in below
User should select the check box and click on 'OK' button then system will prompts for pensioner

After entering Pension Id and clicking on submit button then the following screen is show

Beneficiary need to place the finger on sensor. The fingerprint data will be sent to Server for
Verification. If the verification is successful then Receipt will be displayed and Payment will be done. If
verification fails then it displays the below screen.
Then beneficiary need authenticate again for the second time. Here he/she need to place his/her two
different fingers on the sensor. The screens are shown below.

We should click on Capture button. Then the below screen will be shown.
After placing first finger, he/she should click on the ‘Capture’ Button. Then it asks for second finger.
The two fingerprints data will be sent to server for Verification. If verification is Successful, then
Receipt will be displayed and Payment will be done. If verification fails, then it asks for 3rd attempt

On Successful Finger Authentication Payment is done and Receipt is generated as below.

Fig: Payment Screen (Receipt Generated After Payment)

 If the User already does payment for the particular Pensioner, if he tries to do the
payment then system will show “Zero balance” receipt as shown in the below screen.

Fig: Zero balance Receipt

On clicking on OK Button of Withdrawal Receipt, Beneficiary Details are displayed

 If Pensioner doesn’t have Mobile Number, he/she can Seed Mobile Number through
Seed Mobile Number Option as below.

Fig: Payment Screen with Beneficiary Details

Click on 'Seed Mobile Number, below screen is displayed.

Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Seeding)

 Pensioner needs to enter his/her Mobile Number and should also select his/her
Relationship with the Mobile Number he/she is seeding either as Self/Family
Members/Other as below.

Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Seeding)

On clicking on Submit Button Mobile Number is seeded successfully as below.

Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Seeded Successfully)

 If Mobile Number is already Seeded then Pensioner can update his/her Mobile
Number through Update Mobile Number Option as below(Update Mobile Number
Provision is enabled only if Mobile Number is already Seeded for that Pensioner and
Beneficiary Details Screen is displayed on clicking on OK Button of Withdrawal

Fig: Payment Screen (Update Provision for Mobile Number)

On clicking on Update Mobile Number Button below screen is displayed.

Fig: Payment Screen(Mobile Number Updation)

Pensioner needs to enter his/her Mobile Number and should also select his/her Relationship
with the Mobile Number he/she is Updating either as Self/Family Members/Other as below

Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Updation)

On clicking on Submit Button, Success Message is displayed as below.

Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Updated Successfully)

 Mobile Number Seeding/Updation is not a Mandatory Process he/she can Skip and
can continue with Payment Flow

 UID Correction Provision is enabled only for Pensioners who has Approval for UID
Correction by Dept (Dept approves only for Pensioners whose Aadhaar No is seeded
and AADHAAR Authentication failed till now).

Beneficiary Details with UID Correction Provision is displayed as below.

Fig: Payment Screen (Prompting for UID Correction)

Click on UID Correction Button, below Screen is displayed

Fig: UID Correction Screen

Enter New UID Number and click on Proceed, Consent for Authentication is displayed as

Fig: UID Correction Screen (Consent for Authentication)

Check the check Box (marked in Red Colour) in the above screen and click on OK
Application prompts for Finger Authentication as below
Fig: UID Correction Screen (Prompting For Finger Authentication)

After Finger Authentication, request will be processed as below.

Fig: UID Correction Screen (Processing Finger Authentication)

If UID Correction is Successful, then success message is displayed as below.

Fig: UID Correction Screen (UID Correction Successfully Completed)

If the entered UID is already seeded to other Pensioner then Validation Message is
displayed as below.

Fig: UID Correction Screen

If UID Correction Fails , then validation message is displayed as below.

Fig: UID Correction Screen

The following are some of the Errors/Exceptions commonly encountered:

Case - 1 Invalid Pension Id:
If the entered Pension Id is invalid, then application displays “Invalid pension Id/Pension Id
not found”. Operator will have to retry using the correct/valid beneficiary’s details.

Case – 2 UID/Pension Id valid and BFD done but AADHAAR Authentication Failed:
During withdrawal, When AADHAAR authentication (3 attempts of Finger authentication/
6 attempts of IRIS authentication.) is failed, payment cannot be done. Only if AADHAAR
Finger or IRIS authentication is successful, payment will be done.

Fig: Pensioner Authentication failed

Case – 3: Finger/IRIS Authentication Failed:
During withdrawal, if Pensioner Finger/IRIS Authentication fails then Application prompt for
Messenger Finger/IRIS authentication. As shown in the below screen.

Fig: Messenger details screen

Select the remarks and messenger name, then screen displays messenger & pensioner
(whose authentication is failed) details along with the Mobile number entry fields as shown in

Fig: Messenger details along with Mobile number entry

 User need to enter mobile number and select the Relation from given drop down list
(Mobile No. Belongs to-Self/ Parents/ brother/ sister/ wife/husband/Other).
 After filling the above fields, then click on ‘Proceed’ button to make payment, then
system will displays consent for authentication check box. User should select the
check box and click on 'OK' button then system will prompts for Messenger

Fig: Messenger Authentication

If Authentication is success, then Payment Receipt will be displayed on screen, as shown


Fig: Withdrawal Receipt

On clicking on OK Button of Withdrawal Receipt, Pensioner Details are displayed. If
Pensioner doesn’t have Mobile Number, he/she can Seed Mobile Number through Seed
Mobile Number Option as below.
Fig : Payment Screen With Beneficiary Details(Messenger Auth)

Click on 'Seed Mobile Number Button below screen is displayed.

Fig : Payment Screen(Mobile Number Seeding(Messenger Auth)

Pensioner needs to enter his/her Mobile Number and should also select his/her Relationship
with the Mobile Number he/she is seeding either as Self/Family Members/Other as below.
Fig: Payment Screen (Mobile Number Seeding using Messenger Auth)

On clicking on Submit Button, Success message is displayed as below.

Fig: Payment Screen Using Messenger Auth (Mobile Number Seeded Successfully)
If Mobile Number is already Seeded then Pensioner can update his/her Mobile Number
through Update Mobile Number Option as below(Update Mobile Number Provision is
enabled only if Mobile Number is already Seeded for that Pensioner and Beneficiary Details
Screen is displayed on clicking on OK Button of Withdrawal Receipt)

Fig: Payment Screen using Messenger Auth (Mobile Number Updation)

On clicking on Update Mobile Number below screen is displayed.

Fig: Payment Screen Using Messenger Auth (Mobile Number Updation)

Pensioner needs to enter his/her Mobile Number and should also select his/her Relation with
the Mobile Number he/she is Updating either as Self/ Family Members/Other as below

Fig: Payment Screen Using Messenger Auth (Mobile Number Updation)

On clicking on Submit Button, Success Message is displayed as below.

Fig: Payment Screen Using Messenger Auth (Mobile Number Seeded Successfully
JBMV Committee Attendance:
This Module enables to capture attendance of Janma bhoomi committee members.

 Click on 'JBMV Committee Attendance' link from NTR Bharosa SSP services, then
below JBMV Committee member details(who are allocated to that related GP )
screen will be displayed

Fig: JBMV Committee Attendance

 Or member can Click on 'Authentication' Button against to capture attendance of the

particular member details, then system will redirected to authentication(Finger/IRIS)
screen displayed as below
 before going to authentication user should select the consent check box

Fig: Attendance captured through Aadhaar authentication

If Committee member authentication (Finger/IRIS) is done successfully, then system will
displays Success message as below

Fig: Attendance Success screen

If the member already captured their attendance, then try to attempt for the second time on
same day , system will show below message as ' Today Attendance Already Taken'

Fig: Capturing for second time Attendance

Balance Enquiry –
On Selection of Balance enquiry from NTR Bharosa SSP services, application will display
balance amount in the pensioner’s account.
Upon a valid pensioner ID entry, balance details will be displayed as shown in the below

Fig: Balance enquiry

Mini statement –
If the pensioner wants to view the mini statement, enter Pension id/Aadhaar in the text field.
Then details of transaction like date of transaction, type of transaction, name, pension id and
amount will also be shown. It will retrieve the latest transactions based on the date and time
of transaction.

Fig: Mini statement

Last Transaction Details –
On click of last transaction link, it connects to server and downloads the Last Transaction
data and message is displayed as “Last transaction report is processing”,details are
displayed as below.

Fig: Last Transaction details

Mobile Number Seeding –

Here the pensioner needs to seed/update his mobile number. And the mobile seeding
screen will be shown as below.

Fig: Mobile seeding

Once the pensioner enters his pension id, then application will display whether mobile
number exists or not. If the mobile number is not exists then pensioner needs to seed his
number. As shown in the below screen shot.

Fig: Mobile Number seeding

On, click of submit then mobile number will be seeded successfully and generates a success
message. As shown in the below screen shot.

Fig: Mobile Number seeding success Screen

If the pensioner mobile number already exits and if he wants to Edit/update, then enter
pension id in the below screen.

Fig: Mobile seeding

And click on submit button then application will display screen with Update Option. As shown

Fig: Mobile seeding (Edit/Update)

Click on Update link, then application will display message as “mobile number already exists.
Do you want to update Yes/No”. And if user clicks on NO, then he will be redirected to the
mobile seeding screen.
Fig: Mobile seeding

On click of “Yes” below is the screen to edit/update his mobile number. As shown below.

Fig: Mobile seeding (Edit/Update)

On, click of submit then mobile number will be seeded successfully and generates a success
message. As shown in the below screen.
Fig: Mobile seeding (success)

UID Correction:
In this module Pensioner (whose UID is not correct) can correct their UID

 Click on 'UID correction' link from NTR Bharosa SSP services,then below screen
will be displayed
 Enter the Pension Id/Aadhaar number(whose UID is not correct) in above text box
and click on submit button, then screen will displays pensioner details As shown in
the below

 click on UID correction link on the beneficiary details screen, it will redirected to UID
correction screen shown in below

 Enter the New UID number in text box and click on 'proceed' button.

 If entered New UID is valid and not seeded to any other pensioner , then system will
prompts for FINGER/IRIS authentication

 Before going for Finger\IRIS Authentication, system will be displays consent for
authentication check box , User should select the mandatory check box
UID Correction- Authentication screen

If authentication is done successfully, then system will displays UID Correction completed
message as below.

UID Correction Success Message screen

(NOTE: This Updated UID number is not reflected in pensioner details, after confirmation
from SERP dept., then only correct UID is updated in pensioner’s data.)
If Pensioner Finger/IRIS Authentication is failed, then system will displays UID not corrected
message in payment screen.

UID Correction Failure Message Screen

If entered UID is already seeded to another pensioner, then system will displays UID already
seeded message as below.

UID Already seeded Screen

 If pensioner doesn't have UID correction provision, then screen will be displayed as '
Pensioner has No provision for UID correction'

No provision for UID correction

Account Number Seeding –

Here the pensioner needs to seed his/her Bank Account details. In order to do this,
Pensioner has to click on “Account Number Seeding” in the home page. And the Account
Number seeding screen will be shown as below.

Fig: Pensioner Entry in Account Number Seeding

Once the pensioner enters his pension id, then application will display whether Bank
Account details seeded or not. If the Bank Account details are not seeded then pensioner
needs to seed his bank account details by clicking seed button. As shown in the below
screen shot.

Fig: Account Number seeding

On clicking “Seed” button, application displays the screen to seed the bank account details.
As shown below.

Fig: Account Number seeding (seed bank details)

Pensioner needs to enter/select all the mandatory fields (i.e., Bank A/C No, Re Enter Bank
A/CNo, Branch Name, IFSC Code, Select Bank Name from “Bank Name” dropdown &
Rupay Card status radio button) Bank Account No.: ‘N’→ account number not seeded for

Fig: Bank Account details entry screen

And clicking on “Proceed” button displays the below screen.

Fig: Account Number Seeding processing

The below screen displays if Account details seeding is success.

Fig: Account Number Seeding Success

If the bank account number and re-entered account number doesn’t match, then below
screen will be displayed.

Fig: Account Number and Re Enter Account Number doesn’t match

If the entered IFSC Code isn’t valid, the below screen will be displayed.
Fig: Entered IFSC Code invalid

If the pensioner has already seeded the bank account details, the below screen will be

Fig: Pensioner details with Account Number already seeded

On clicking “Update” button, the below screen will be displayed.

Fig: Pensioner account number already seeded


Day wise Transaction Report –

Report will display list of transaction done in the selected date. User will have provision to
select date (From and To date) in the date picker and click on Submit button. As shown in
the below figure.

Fig: Day wise transaction report

On click on Pensioners count (hyperlink), user will be redirected Pensioner Details screen to
view the pensioner’s details. As shown in the below screen

Fig: Detailed Report

Glance Report –
Report are displayed as per the GP name in the drop down. On click of Submit button report
will display total no. of pensions in that GP and Amount . As shown in the below.

Fig: Glance Report

On click on Pensioner count (hyperlink), user will be redirected Pensioner details screen .
As shown in the below screen.

Fig: Glance Detailed Report

Pay Order Status –

Here the pensioner can check their Pay Order Status(Received/Not Received).

After entry the pension/UID, and click on Get Status Button, then below report will display
pensioner id, name, balance, and pay order status (received/not received).

Fig: Pay Order Status

Device Details –
On click of Tab Details, application will display the tab Mac id details, signal strength (in
dbm) and battery level ( in %). As shown in the below screen.

Fig: Device Details

JBMVC Attendance Report:

This Report will display JBMV member attendance list in the selected date. User will have
provision to select date in the date picker and click on Submit button. As shown in the below

Fig: JBMV Attendance details Report

Click on JBMV details member count (hyperlink), user will be redirected detailed report
screen . As shown in the below screen.

Fig: Detailed report

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