Digital Circuits and Logic Design

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Digital Circuits and Logic Design

Lecture1 : Digital System

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

Digital and Analog
A digital signal is a signal that at any
time can have one of a finite set of
possible values , and is also know as
a discrete signal .

An analog signal can have one

of an infinite number of possible
values , and is also know as a
continuous signal

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

Switch and Binary Representation

The most commom digital signal are those that can

have one of only two possible values , like on or
off (0 and 1) => switch => a binary representation

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Switch and Binary Representation

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Digital and Analog

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

Digital and Analog

More and more analog products are becoming digital.

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Ex. Keypad Encoding

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Ideal Switch to Real Switch

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Digital Hardware

1930’s Relays
1940’s VacuumTube – No moving part ,
Faster than Relays

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Digital Hardware
• Logic circuits are used to build computer
hardware as well as other products
• Late 1960’s and early 1970’s saw a
revolution in digital capability
– Smaller transistors
– Larger chip size
• More transistors/chip gives greater functionality,
but requires more complexity in the design

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

ENIAC - The First Electronic Computer
ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator) 1946

5000 addition per

second OR 400
multiplications per
(200,000 times
speed up compared
with hand

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ENIAC - The First Electronic Computer

17,468 vacuum tubes

70,000 resistors
10,000 capacitors
1,500 relays
6,000 manual
160 kilowatts
167 square meters
30 tons

-80 feet long
-30 feet wide
-8.5 feet high
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
The First ‘BUG’
In 1947, Grace Murray Hopper was working on the Harvard
University Mark II Aiken Relay Calculator (a primitive computer).
On the 9th of September, 1947, when the machine was
experiencing problems, an investigation showed that there
was a moth trapped between the points of Relay #70, in Panel F.

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

The First Transistor (1947)

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Silicon Wafer
Silicon wafer is a high-purity doped silicon

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Silicon Wafer
Silicon wafer is mainly used for making integrated
circuit (IC) chip such as microprocessors, memory
devices, diodes, transistors specific IC application.
A small portion for sensor or detector

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

Bipolar Junction Transistor

Die of a KSY34 high-frequency NPN Transistor

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g=0 g=1
d d

nMOS off on
s s

d d

pMOS on off
s s

Ex. CMOS AND gate

Complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)
112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
The First Integrated Circuit (IC)
- Jack Kirby, invented
Integrated Circuits in
1958 at Texas Instruments.
- He argued that by
putting all electronic
components into a single
The first working integrated circuit was
created by Jack Kilby in 1958. It die, performance would
contains a single transistor and
supporting components on a slice of
increase and cost would
germanium and measures 1/16 by 7/16 decrease.
inches (1.6 x 11.1 mm).

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The First Logic IC

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INTegrated ELectronics=Intel (1968)

Noyce and Moore

leave Fairchild and
found Intel. No
business plan, just a
promise to specialize
memory chips.

Pioneers of the Electronic Age

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Intel 4004 Micro-Processor (1971)

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Pentium 4

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The Die of Intel CPU

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Intel summary

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Moore’s Law
• Gordon Moore: co-founder of Intel.
– Predicted that number of transistors per
chip would grow exponentially (double
every 18 months).
– Exponential improvement in technology is
a natural trend: steam engines, dynamos,
• Today, the price of a transistor is less than a grain
of rice

112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

Moore’s Law

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Types of chips
Standard chips
– Contain a small amount of circuitry
(<100 transistors)
– Performs simple functions
– Ex. 7400 series devices
Programmable logic devices (PLD)
– Collection of gates with programmable
– Function is configurable by designer/user
– Design with PLD is via a CAD tool
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Types of chips

Custom-designed chips
– Optimized for a specific task – better
– Larger amount of logic circuitry
– Cost of production is high
– Large volume required to justify cost

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A field-programmable gate array

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The Development Process (1)

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The Development Process (2)

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112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)
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112341 Digital Circuits and Logic Design 2010 (KTS)

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