Two Domain Flow Method For Leachate Prediction Through Municipal Solid Waste Layers in Al-Amari Landfill Site

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Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp 19- 26 (2008)

Two Domain Flow Method for Leachate Prediction

Through Municipal Solid Waste Layers in Al–Amari Landfill Site

Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed

University of Baghdad/ College of Engineering
Environmental Engineering Department

(Received 7 February 2007; accepted April 2008)

Existing leachate models over–or underestimates leachate generation by up to three orders of magnitude. Practical
experiments show that channeled flow in waste leads to rapid discharge of large leachate volumes and heterogeneous
moisture distribution. In order to more accurately predict leachate generation, leachate models must be improved. To
predict moisture movement through waste, the two–domain PREFLO, are tested. Experimental waste and leachate flow
values are compared with model predictions. When calibrated with experimental parameters, the PREFLO provides
estimates of breakthrough time. In the short term, field capacity has to be reduced to 0.12 and effective storage and
hydraulic conductivity of the waste must be increased to 0.12 and effective storage and hydraulic conductivity of the
wasted must be increased to 0.2 and 2.2 cm/s respectively. In the long term, a new modeling approach must be
developed to adequately describe the moisture movement mechanisms.

Keywords: Pollution Modeling; Ground Water Hydrology; Solid Waste Landfills; Leachate Generation; Two–Domain Flow.

Existing leachate prediction models over–or Percolation
underestimates leachate generation by up to three PREFLO routes through the profile in two
orders of magnitude. Channeled flow in waste distinct ways depending on the domain. Moisture
leads to rapid discharge of large leachate volumes is conveyed through the matrix according to the
and heterogeneous moisture distributions (Zeiss Richards Equation (2) with sink terms for water
and Uguccioni, 1997). The objectives of this removal by roots addition of water from channels,
research are to evaluate two modeling approaches and removal or addition of water from boundaries.
by, first, analyzing the theoretical bases of single
domain water balance and two domain flow ∂θt=  (K(Ψ)  (h))–R(h,z,t)+PF(h,z,t)–C(h,z,t) …(1)
methods and determining the effects of Moisture storage in matrix is implicitly
channeling. Then, appropriate flow parameters are determined from the Ψ-θ-K relation ship used as
experimentally determined and leachate in-out into the model because the matrix stores
generation is predicted with a water balance and large amounts of moisture if high θ values
two–domain model using experimentally, correspond to high governing values for Ψ. For
calibrated parameters. the result are compared laminar flow through macropores, Poiseulle's Law
with measured values to evaluate the (equation 2) is used as the governing equation.
performance, determine deficiencies, and suggest
the most appropriate short and long term QP =  ρgr4/8μ …(2)
modifications to predict leachate generation from In PREFLO, moisture is transferred laterally
municipal solid (MSW) layers. from the channels to the matrix according to
Darcy's Law (Equation 1) by accounting for the
head differences (Workman and Skaggs, 1990):
Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

2rz j K(h i , j )(H P  k i , j ) kg/m3, corresponding to well compacted landfills.

Q …(3) The low density cells were compacted to
approximated was 300 kg/m3, corresponding with
poorly compacted landfills. The experiment was
Leachate Flow in Solid Waste Layers performed in pilot scale cells with dimensions of
Channeled flow is defined as the constricted 1.8 m length by 1.6 m width by 1.5 m height to
flow through a fraction of the waste columns minimize wall effects. Typical residential waste
cross-section at higher velocities than are valid for from Baghdad city was used, and average channel
Darcian flow (Zeiss and major, 1993). Thus, while diameters were determined through
Darcian flow is laminar and controlled by viscous supplementary key flow parameters were
forces, channeled flow may be laminar or measured or calculated as follows: (1) practical
turbulent and is dominated by the higher flow field capacity, FCp, was calculated by performing
velocities. Darcian flow is only valid at Reynolds a mass balance of water from initial moisture
numbers between 1 and 10 (Bouwer, 1978; Bear, content and infiltration. (2) Pore size distribution
1972). If the Reynolds number is above 10, as index, was derived from the published values for
calculated from experimental date (Uguccioni, similar wastes (Schroeder et al., 1994 Zeiss and
1995), Darcys Law is not valid. Uguccioni, 1995). (3) Effective storage, ES, was
Leachate flow through MSW occurs in narrow determined from the water balance when the
channels and unlike Darcian flow in a discharge volume reached the infiltration volume.
homogeneous matrix, results in an irregular (4) the apparent bulk hydraulic conductivity, Kus,
moisture front (Korfiatis et al., 1984; Noble and was calculated using breakthrough time , waste
Arnold, 1991; Roberson et al., 1991). Channeling layer thickness, and FCp, (5) breakthrough time,
was significant in pilot scale tests (Uguccioni, tbt, was measured, as the time between first
1995; Zeiss and Uguccioni, 1997). In this study, infiltration and the appearance of the first leachate
moisture movement is characterized by four discharge. (6) Time to effective storage, tes, was
parameters including (1) breakthrough time, (2) estimated from the time of first infiltration to the
time to steady state or effective storage, (3) time when the discharge equaled the infiltration
leachate volume, and affects leachate collection rate. (7) The cumulative discharge, V, was
and treatment system design. estimated on a daily basis from the volume of
leachate discharged. (8) Leachate event, tQ, was
Experimental Methods measured as the time between the beginning of
The experiments were designed to accomplish leachate discharge (>5ml/day) until flow
three research objectives: (a) to confirm decreased to less than 5 ml/day. The prediction of
channeling, (b) to characterize key flow leachate flow variables ttb, V, and PREFLO
parameters in pilot scale cells such as practical default parameters as a basis for comparison. The
field capacity FC p, pore size distribution index, flow parameter values were then determined.
effective storage ES, hydraulic conductivity Kus, From the experiments and used as model
breakthrough time tbt, time to effective storage tES, inputs. Calibrated model runs with experimental
cumulative discharge V. values were compared with test and default
Al–Amari landfill located at 20 km northeast results. The comparison of predicted to measured
of Baghdad receive 10000–1200 ton/day of solid values was used to identify model deficiencies
waste and its consists of a number of cells (around and possible improvements.
21) a pilot model were adopted to simulate the
cell in the landfill by using the same solid waste Experimental Results
composition. Key flow results are listed in Table 1 and
A 22 factorial design was used in this study to shown graphically in Figures 1 through 4. The
allow for a range of simulation conditions. The waste and flow parameters generally confirm the
two experimental factors were infiltration rate presence of channeled flow on a pilot scale using
(equal to the precipitation rate because moisture representative unshredded municipal solid waste:
was not allowed to runoff or evaporate) and low  Characteristic particle size averaged 7.3 cm
level. The high infiltration level was 18 to 25 with a standard error of 0.5 cm and was
mm/hr., corresponding to a 10 to 15yr. – 1hr. therefore similar to reported raw waste
(according to Baghdad mayority/solid waste particle size and slope (Hasselriis, 1984).
department records). Storm event, while the low  Average representative pore diameter was 1.9
level of 7 to 15 mm/hr. corresponded to a 2 yr. cm with a range of 1.6 to 2.2 cm
The high density cells were compacted to 600
Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

 The mean of the practical field capacity, FCp, shorter duration (tQ) than flow through a
was 0.12 with a standard error of 0.006 the homogeneous porous matrix.
average value is therefore similar to previous
experimental value of 0.1 to 0.13. Model Results–Evaluation and Discussion
 Average effective storage, ES, was 0.19 with This section (1) summarizes the results (see
a standard error of 0.02. This value is also Table 3, Figures 1 through 4) and describes
approximately 1.5 times the average practical the methodology used to calibrate the models, and
field capacity. (2) describes the factors leading the results (model
 The resulting apparent unsaturated hydraulic deficiencies).
conductivity, Kus is between 7.6. 10-5 cm/s PREFLO predictions were carried out with
and 1.4. 10-2 cm/s, with a mean of 7.3. 10-3 default values (see Table 2) and resulted in Zero
cm/s, or about the same range as previously leachate generation as shown by the horizontal
reported value of 1.18. 10-5 cm/s to 4.46. 10- discharge curves in Figures 1 through 4. The
3 cm/s (Zeiss and Major, 1993). Specific parameter values were then substituted with the
values of tbt , tes , V, and tQ for each experimental results as summarized in Table 2.
experimental cell are illustrated in Figures 1 In order to calibrate the model to achieve
and 2 . better prediction of moisture storage was set to the
 The average break through time (tbt) of 559 measured effective storage (approximately 1.5
minutes with a standard error of 371 minutes times the measured practical field capacity). For
is still very close to previously determined is PREFLO, the hydraulic conductivity was set 1.
values. These results show that channeled 10-5 cm/s to force flow through the channels. This
flow is established in large cells as in the time value also corresponds to the lowest observed
from the beginning of infiltration events to the apparent unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (7.6
first discharge is likely to be short in full scale 10-5 cm/s). The calibrated prediction results are
landfills. compared with measured results and summarized
 On average, the time to effective storage is 24 below (see Table 3 and Figures 1 through 4).
days with a standard error of 6.7 days. t es is
significantly longer for low infiltration Breakthrough Time tbt
intensity cells at 18 to 54 days (see Figures 3 Particularly for low Intensity simulations
and 4). (averaging 225 to 234 percent of measured). In
 The cumulative discharges, V, from the cells some cases, PREFLO predicted drainage before
represents the total leachate volume produced any was observed (Figure 1 Cell 2, and Figure 2
during the experiments (see Figures 1 through Cell 3 and 4). The model begins to route moisture
4 and table 1). The values for the high through the matrix at the start of the simulation
infiltration rate cells range between 234 (Cell using the Richards equation. If the initial moisture
4, Figure 2) and 339 L (Cell 2, Figure 1) with content and hydraulic conductivity of the profile
an average of 135 L The cumulative discharge are great enough, water may saturate the bottom
of the low infiltration rate cells was lower and node of the profile and drainage will occur.
resulted in higher moisture by approximately However, after infiltration begins the model
134 L per cell. routes flow through both channels and matrix.
 The duration of the flow events, tQ, from the This can be observed from Figures 1 and 2.
beginning to the end of discharge is shorter Although small volumes of discharge occur
for high infiltration and longer for low prematurely (Cells 2, 3, and 4), the drained
infiltration rates, reflecting the additional volume increases considerably when infiltration
moisture storage in the low infiltration cells. begins. In contrast, premature drainage may result
The average values for this parameter was 35 from one domain models using the Richards
days with a standard error of 7.7 days. equation, although these models would not predict
In summary, the experimental results for key a large increase in drainage volume immediately
flow parameters are consistent with previously after infiltration because channels are not
measured values and confirm that channeled flow considered and moisture is routed through the
lowers practical field capacity, FCp, and effective matrix according to the hydraulic conductivity.
storage, ES, and increases apparent hydraulic
conductivity Kus. The flow experiments show
lower breakthrough times tbt, and time to effective
storage tes, but higher leachate discharges (V) over

Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

Time to Effective Storage tES maximum hydraulic conductivity of the

Generally, time to effective storage is matrix layer. At precipitation rates less than
underestimated by PREFLO (Table 3). matrix hydraulic conductivity, channels would
Steady-state leachate discharge is not reached only receive direct precipitation. However, at
in high infiltration PREFLO simulation. This is precipitation rates greater than the matrix
because the drainage rate out of the profile is hydraulic conductivity, channels would
limited by the channel volume and the saturated receive both direct precipitation and excess
hydraulic conductivity of the matrix. At low from the matrix.
infiltration rats, however, PREFLO 2. Specify a separate and distinct practical field
underestimates tES. In these cases, the high capacity for the channel areas and the matrix.
moisture content initially present in the cells The channel practical field capacity than the
combined with the amount infiltrating results in matrix. Moisture would be stored in both the
discharge volumes equal to infiltration, soon after matrix and the channels until the practical
moisture loading commenced. field capacity of each area is reached, after
which drainage would begin (drainage would
Cumulative Leachate Discharge Volume V first begin from the channels due to the
PREFLO accurately predicts the smaller storage capacity and then from the
discharge volume during the initial stages of matrix).
infiltration, for all high infiltration intensity 3. Specify effective storage moisture content,
simulation (Figure 1 and 2, Cells 1through 4). ES, for the entire layer. This moisture content
This shown that explicit modeling of channeling is greater than the practical field capacity to
improves leachate volume predictions during account for the redistribution from the
infiltration events. channels to the matrix. Rate from the waste
would occur at the effective storage moisture
Duration of the Leachate Flow Event tQ content (waste would not drain to steady state
With PREFLO, leachate continues to be at moisture contents below effective storage).
discharged long after moisture loading ceases and 4. Experimentally determine the hydraulic
after the measured event has stopped. As a result, conductivity of the matrix to ensure that the
the total amount of leachate and the duration of matrix can discharge leachate quickly to reach
the leachate event predicted by PREFLO are effective storage.
greater than the measured values. Overestimation 5. Allow drainage from the waste to cease when
of the leachate flow event could also occur in one the drainage field moisture content capacity of
domain models which share PREFLO's matrix the waste is reached. Channeled flow would
drainage. cease when precipitation stops and the
channel volume drains to practical field
Conclusions and Recommendations capacity (FCp is the only available storage in
The experimental waste and flow parameters the channels); however, the matrix with the
confirmed channeled flow in pilot scale cells. The additional storage would continue to drain
practical field capacity of the eight test cells. FC p, until a drainage field capacity is reached. As
averaged 0.12, while the average effective discussed, this field capacity, but less than the
storage, ES, was 0.19. HELP flow conductivity effective storage.
averaged 7.3 .10-3 cm/s, consistent with previous Further experimentation is necessary to the
channeled flow experiments. The average channel necessary parameter values, such as matrix
diameter was 1.9 cm. Experimental values for hydraulic conductivity, cross sectional area of
breakthrough time, tbt, time to effective storage, matrix and channels, matrix and channeled
tES, cumulative leachate volume, V, and duration practical field capacity, effective storage and
of the leachate event, tQ, averaged 559 minutes, 24 drainage field capacity. Investigative experiments
days, 202 L and 35 days, respectively, for the test should be conducted in pilot scale cells (as with
cells. And the following recommendation may the experiments in this study) to obtain parameter
consider: values.
1. Allow infiltration through both the matrix and
channels regardless of infiltration; partitioning
of flow between the matrix and the channels
would be based on cross sectional area of the
waste layer each domain occupies and the

Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

Table 1
Pilot Cell Waste and Flow Parameter Results.

Parameter Mean Standard Deviation Standard Error

Rosin Rammler Particle Size (cm) 7.3 1.7 0.5

Pore Diameter (cm) 1.9 1.0 0.2
Waste Height (cm) 88 7.0 3.0
Initial Moisture Content (-) 0.1 0.02 0.007
Particle Field Capacity (-) 0.12 0.016 0.006
Effective Storage (-) 0.19 0.06 0.02
-3 -3
Apparent Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity (cm/s) 7.3×10 4.9×10 1.7×10-3
Breakthrough Time (min) 559 1069 371
Time to Effective Storage (days) 24 19 6.7
Total Leachate Discharge Volume (L) 202 91.6 32.4
Duration of Event (days) 35 21.8 7.7

Table 2
Default and Calibrated Flow Parameters for PREFLO Prediction of Leachate Generation.
Default Calibrated
Flow Parameter Rationale
Value Value
Cell Specified
Layer Thickness (cm)
(See Table 1) These values were determined by the experimental design of
Cell Specified the pilot cells and remained constant
Initial Moisture Content (-)
(See Table 1)
Porosity (-) 0.67 0.52 Experimental porosity was repeatedly determined to be 0.52
This value, corresponding to the lowest apparent unsaturated
Saturated Hydraulic
1E-3 1E-5 hydraulic conductivity was used to force infiltration through
Conductivity (cm/s)
the waste channels
Pore Size Distribution The experimentally determined value of 0.65 was substituted
0.45 0.65
Index (-) for the default value
The measured value for solid waste (based on the measured
Pore Area (percent) 2.0 2.0
pore diameter of 1.9 cm) was applied

Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

Table 3
Summary of Predicted PREFLO Output Parameters Expressed as Percent of Measured.
Total Volume
Time of Effective Duration of
Breakthrough Time Discharged
Case Storage (percent of Event (percent
(percent of measured) (percent of
measured) of easured)
Low Infiltration Intensity
Low Compaction Cells
Average 225 72 218 175
(Range) 50 - 400 56 - 87 118 – 318 147 – 203

Low Infiltration Intensity

High Compaction Cells
Average 234 54 303 152
(Range) 67 - 400 31 – 76 257 – 330 107 – 197
High Infiltration Intensity
Low Compaction Cells
Average 0 NA* 83 391
(Range) -300 - 300 --- 75 – 90 382 – 400
High Infiltration Intensity
High Compaction Cells
Average -850 NA* 128 577
(Range) -1200 - 500 --- 126 – 130 571 – 582
All Simulation
Average -98 63 183 324
(Range) -1200 - 400 31 - 87 75 - 330 107 - 582

* Steady state was not reached in simulations marked NA.

Fig. 1. High Infiltration Rate, Low Density Results. Fig. 2. High Infiltration Rate, High Density Results.

Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008)

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Fig. 4. Low Infiltration Rate, High Density Results.

‫‪Hayder Mohammed Abdul–Hameed‬‬ ‫)‪Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, Vol.4, No. 2, PP 19-26 (2008‬‬

‫حساب الراشح الناتج مه طبقات النفايات الصلبة في موقع العماري‬

‫بواسطة طريقة الجريان ضمه المجاليه‬

‫حيدر محمد عبد الحميد‬

‫خبيعت بغذاد – كه‪ٛ‬ت انُٓذست – قسى انُٓذست انب‪ٛ‬ئ‪ٛ‬ت‬

‫‪ٓٚ‬ذف انبحث انٗ اسخخذاو يٕد‪ٚ‬م ‪ PREFLO‬ف‪ًٛ‬ب ‪ٚ‬خص انزاشح انًخٕنذ يٍ انُفب‪ٚ‬بث انصهبت انًخٕنذة ف‪ ٙ‬يٕقع انعًبر٘‪ /‬بغذاد‪ ،‬اٌ انُخبئح‬
‫انعًه‪ٛ‬ت اظٓزث اٌ اندز‪ٚ‬بٌ انقُٕ٘ نًبدة انزاشح ضًٍ انُفب‪ٚ‬بث انصهبت ‪ٚ‬ؤد٘ انٗ حفز‪ٚ‬غ كً‪ٛ‬بث كب‪ٛ‬زة يٍ ْذِ انسٕائم يع ٔخٕد حٕس‪ٚ‬ع عشٕائ‪ٙ‬‬
‫نًسخٕ‪ٚ‬بث انزطٕبت (انًحخٕٖ انًبئ‪ٔ )ٙ‬نغزض ٔضع صٕرة اكثز ٔضٕحب ٔدقت نعًه‪ٛ‬ت حٕنذ انزاشح حى اسخخذاو انًٕد‪ٚ‬م انز‪ٚ‬بض‪)PREFLO ( ٙ‬‬
‫ٔبًدبن‪ٔ ٍٛ‬يٍ خالنّ حًج يقبرَت انُخبئح انعًه‪ٛ‬ت ٔانُظز‪ٚ‬ت (نهًٕد‪ٚ‬م) ح‪ٛ‬ث حى انخُبؤ ٔاسخُخبج سيٍ االخخزاق ‪ٔ breakthrough time‬ف‪ ٙ‬يسخٕٖ‬
‫انًذ‪ٚ‬بث انقص‪ٛ‬زة نٕحع حصٕل َقصبٌ ف‪ ٙ‬انسعت انحقه‪ٛ‬ت بًقذار ‪ٔ 0.12‬حصٕل س‪ٚ‬بدة ف‪ ٙ‬انًٕصه‪ٛ‬ت انٓ‪ٛ‬ذرٔن‪ٛ‬ك‪ٛ‬ت ٔكذنك انخشٌ انفعبل بًقذار‬
‫‪ 2.2cm/secٔ 0.12‬ايب ف‪ ٙ‬يذ‪ٚ‬بث انخشغ‪ٛ‬م انطٕ‪ٚ‬هت ف‪ٛ‬دب االعخًبد عهٗ يٕد‪ٚ‬الث اخزٖ حقٕو بخٕص‪ٛ‬ف ي‪ٛ‬كبَ‪ٛ‬ك‪ٛ‬ت حزكت انزٔاشح‪.‬‬


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