Westinghouse Lighting Price List Outdoor Lighting 10-73

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The document appears to be a price list from 1973 for outdoor lighting products from Westinghouse Electric Corporation, including floodlights, area lights, poles and various accessories.

The price list includes floodlights, area lights, ballasts, poles, brackets and other accessories for outdoor lighting applications.

Modifications mentioned include adding built-in fuses, lightning arresters, and optional paint colors for some luminaires.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation 60O2OPWEA

Outdoor L ghting Division Price List

C eveland. Oh o Page 1

October 1, 1973
Supersedes PL 60 O2O Outdoor Lighting
Pages 1-16 daled May 24, 19 /1
Ma)led to E,D,C 1 21 40,21 42,21 43,21 46 1 PL

lndex P age
APF 25OK 2
Walguard 2
MBF-t 000 2
MLS 1 50O or 1OO0 3
DL I 50O or 1O0O 3
Rampliter ll 4
Rampliter lll 4
Ouartz Floodlights
VRC 18 5
Area Lighting
Pinto 6
C olony 6
Ball Globe 6
ov 15 7
av 25 7
ov 50 7
OV 40O Package B
VB-l 5 8
BMA-10 Package 8
BMA-175 Package I
Open Viscount I
Viscount 5-Pack B
Tunnel, Underpass and Sign
FU-72 9
DLU 72 9
Mercury Underpass 9
Sataliner I
Weatherproof Ba lasts I
Ballasts and Controls
Remote Ballasts 10
Photo Control 10
Relays and Switches 10
Poles and Brackets lO, 11,12
ModiJications 12
Architectural Designs 12
Coral Springs 12
ALS 12

Paqe 2

APF-250K O MRF-4OO MRF-1000
Compact mercury vapor floodlight for build' Mercurv f oodl eihts for wide beam app ica_ Mercury 1000 watt floodlights for wide beam
ng, parklng ot or general ground area app; tions sLrch as bu lding floodlighting or genera general floodighting for genera areas or
cation area use, buidings.
SlyLe Descfpl or Net O sty e Descr Dtion Net
Price Nlnrber' Price
izs wutt v.r",.y Ballast Without P C. RecePiacle rzseSo:lcrg 12O/24O Feq Mer.!ry 5232.OO
7258463G21 232_OO
6712D45G07 I2O,'240 Regu atea 9156.0O 72 58963G 3,1 120/240 Reg Mercury s144.OO 7258463G22 232.OO
6715A22Ga5 208 Felu ated 156.00 72 5 B963G3 8 708/277 Re! M.rc!ry 144.00 72 5BA 63G23 232 00
6715D22G06 277Feg!lat.d 156.00 725 8963G41 48O Feg Mercr ry 144.00
7258863G24 I2O/240 Fe! Mcr.! y TL 234 00
6715D22COg 4BOFelr!lated 156 00 7 258963G04 r2ol240 Rec MelaL Ha a.l 156.O0
7258863C26 20A F elr Mercury TL 234 00
7 25 8963G 06 208 Fcg Metal H. de 156.0O
277 Fe!
Eo Watt Mercury 7258963G08 277 Re!r Metal Nnll.le 156.OO
MercLrrV TL
120 Req Meral Fal.le
6712D47G13 120/240 Fc.JU aled 162 00 7258963G10 480 Re! Meta H!ldc 156 00
7258863G03 240 Reg Mela Baldc 250.40
6712D47G1a 208 Reg! ated 162.00 46A 8630G47 206 00
7258463GO2 2Oe R..l Meta H. de 250.40
6715D22G01 277 Reg! ated 162.OO 4688630G49 725B863G04 277 Fes Meta Ha de 250.40
6715D22GO3 480 Feq! .ted 162.OO 46A 8630C52 206 00 480 Re! Meta Hn rd. 250.40
206.00 725 B863GO5
4688630G55 7 2 5 Ba63G I O r 20 Fcg M€tal Ha ide TL 253.00
46E8630G54 206 00
Wallguard 7258863G12 24O Fe! Meral Ha
TL 253 00
400 W. Ballast With P C. RecePtacle 7 2 58863G I l 2oB Rcq Mer. HaLideTL 253.0o
725BA63Gt 3 277 Req Mere Bahne TL 253.00
(DX Lanp ncl!.led) Price Tsego:c:s 120/240 Fe! McrclrY 146 oo
725B963G39 2oei277 aeg Metcttl 146 0o
Accessories lor MRF 1000
WG IOOF 120 W 1OO ]2OV ARO HPF s46.60 7258963G02 I 20,'2,10 Feg Mcl.l Fa nle 154 00
WG ] OOR 2OA W 1OO 2OAV AFO-HPF 86.60 7258963c07 2o8 Reg Metal H.hdc 158 o0
WC l OOB 240 W ] OQ 24OV AFO HPF a6 60 7258963G09 277 Req Mela H.l.e 15aoo
WG]75R]20 ]75W ]2QV AFO HPF a6.60 46a8630C48 !x
I20 Cerarna 208.00
wc-r 75R 208 t75W 20AV AFOHPF 46.60 468863oc5o 208 ceramallx 20a.oo 67r I D99G01 Iop v sor s15.OO
wG 175R.240 175 W 240V AFO llPF 46.60 671 1 D99GO2 loDrS .re V so, 16.00
940 46E863OG53 240 Ceranrallr 208.00
67 13D72GA1 Crossarm Bra.[el 4.00
Adder lor Pholocell 4688630G56 277 Cerama !x 208 oo
'L!mrnares also avalable wlh 250 watt merc!rv or 6713D72G05 Hcavy Duly \!a BGckel 12.00
25O walt Ceramal!x balasls
6713D72G04 Hea!y Duly 2 P pe bractel 13.00
O Mn mum qlanl ty 5 ol a.y one stYle number 895Aa90G01 wal & Pole Bra.kel 11.20
632C927G01 wal E rac kel 17 40
Accessories for MRF'400 632C927Ca2 2 PDeB ac(et 20 a0
89oo490c33 Po e Brackel 2 14.40
5125D74G01 2 S pltler 1J.40
2l9C776G08 Le.s and C aske l 20 00
67I r D99GO1 ToD Vrso 915 O0 320C760GO1 LocI rq lype receptacle
67r r D99GO2 Top,/S de V sor 16 00 shorrinq caP 260
6713D72G01 crossarm Brac(et a.oo
67 3D72GO5
r tse.vy Duty Wa Brac(er 12.OO
6713D72C44 Heavy D!ty 2" P pe bra.liel 13.OO
a95A890GOl Wa I & Pole Bracket 11 20
632C 927 GO l wal Bracket 1J 40
632C927G42 2' P De Br3ciel 20 AO
890D490G32 Pole Brac[et 1l' 4 00
5125D74GO1 2' S pnlter 17 40
2r 9C776G03 Le.s a.d cas(et 13.60
320C760GO1 Lock.g type receptacLe
shorr ng cap 2.60

Price List
Page 3

Floodlig hting Cont nLred

MLS 1500 or 1000 O DayLiter MFB 4OO a1)

1500 or 1000 watt nrercury Jloodligh{ de DL 1 500 or 1000 wall HID flood ight for Weallierproof generai p Lrrp ose mercury
sigfed for stadium ghting and s!ch app stad !l.. lghting
arid such application as f ood ghts for !se rr parl(in!J areas, outrloor
catio11s as ra lroad yarals, towers, golf rai road yards. incloor .renas and industr a worl( ancl loadng areas, burdngs, monu
courses, etc, where hgh carrdepower s areas Order lamps separatelY.
des rab e. Lamp inc uded
Sl! e Net It
,, \t d. Cr.sc.r.l Net !l Floodl'q ht Less B.llasl
wart Merat Haride I 20 voltaqe
l ooo
21A1595GO2 C ear F di Le|5 s a5 40
l?0r240 V F.!r! al..l Q)
490D537G10 C..r Coi!.r L..s 92 00
Nrrnr 5l r9DlOGl5 67l r DO3G05 527060 DL IOOOH t20HD2 Fe.vyDlty 2 s232.OO 890D537G04 92.00
DL I OOOH 1 20 HD 3 iw lh o,rtcr 3 232.00 490D537G 14 92.00
N;,, n8 bl24D4OGr 5 67rllr03GO/ 27O60 DL IOOOH l2LrHD4 r.'sfq) 232 00 a90D537GOa 92 00
DLrOOOHl20tsD5 !r 232.00 890D537G09 92.00
c"r", c";;;;J M;,"ury i ooo watt a90D 537G06 92.0O
I2Cr240 V R.,! ! .r.d 2 G. rera
DL I OOOH I 20 GP 2 216 60 E9oO537CO7 92 00
\// (l-. u7l I DO3G22 ri7llo03Gl1 27a.OO Dl l20GP3 P!,Dos.
IOOOH 3 216 60 a900537Gr 5 I OO V 5irr..a L..s 92.OO
DL I OOOH 1 20 CP 4 i .sr olter 4 216 60 890D537CO5 IOO H Sir.e.. Lers 92.00
r / 4. 5124ll4OG25 ^.^^^ D. O r' 216 60 a900537Gr6 45.o0
15o0 watr Metar Ha[de 120 vo]taqeQl
na.ioi sorra. tooo wut, 89OD537Or 7 a: cdr F al 23' Lc,,s a5.oo
DL I 50011 I20 HD 2 Hc;!y DLrly 2 275.40 qeoD59l!o3 c.i F.r l6
1 20 V Ar lo lr.rr DL 1 50OH I20 Ho 3 iw lh olter 3 275.40
Nai, .I2.1D4aGO I 67lllr03cr6 312 00 Dt. I500H I20 HD 4 lrols nlrl 4 275.40 Ballast Assembly Only, Regulaied
Wre 5124D40G02 67llD03Gl7 312 00 DL r 500H l20 HD 5 275 40 5I25D67G l0 l2Or240 Mercr ry 63 10
24lJV A!:. T.rs 5l25Dtj7C 16 48O tu'le, c!, y 63 10
Nrn.tr 5l l9Dl0C06 1i7l I D03Cla 312 00 oLr500Hr20GP2 2 260.00 4124D61C22 20ar 277 M.tur!ry 63.10
W.l. ! l l9D l0G07 67l1DO3Gl9 312 00 rrl r bQoH I20 cP 3 3 260.00 890D535G19 120,1240 |/lela Ha,!le 78 00
4!O V A!r. l, a rs oLt500Hr20cP4 260.00 5125D67G01 2OE M.ta Ha d. 7a 00
N:rrrvr 5I2,1D4OG07 67l l t)03C20 312 00 oL b00H 'r20 GP
r 5 260.00 49OD535G20 277 Mela Ha rle 74.00
!! il. 5r 24D40G08 airllDO3G2l 312 r)r) 5r 251)67CO2 4AO Mir Hildc
ll olher !.1.!r.s .v. nb e at srnre p,,.e 248 240
Mcl6l Hal de I500 wair 211. 1AA

Nrrr!,l {i7l3D2lCil3 350 00 Nlle U r rs a!5. a!. ab e I!r lse w th 4O0 wart Sl! . D.s.r tl ..
C.ranar!r or l0O0 [!t1 M.]rcLrry Lanrp
Na, r.! 6/r:D2l Gl7 350 00 n90D224G01 2 S pl ll.r $24 00
63 2C927GO I \,!a Bra.(e1 17.40
ta32c927CA2 2 Pi. E,;.k.i 20 ao
a95Aa90GOr W. & P.r. E...kel 11.20
890D490C32 P.e B,actel l':, 400

lc aae!oco r P.. nrr.l"

W: I & 51 1 2r)
Wa Brd.(el 17 40
6324927IjO4 2' P p. llri.kril 2O.aO
n90D490G:3 Po e Brac(el 2 laaO
5125D7,1GO1 2' S Dl rier 17.44

O M,n nr!nr q!.ni ty 5 .t . ry .r. style rr nrber

Paee 4

Floodlighting continued
MFB-1000 Rampliter ll Ouartz Floodlights-5OO and 1500 Watt
Ge'1erdl pLr.pose mercLr! J'r tc des,sred or i' 'b., Weatherproof foodlights designed for rela
even rllurir'laror ard wrda bcrm spread wl^er '- -
-_ . tively narrow vertical and wide horizontal
ighting parking areas, golf courses, buildings, FL2 45 beam spread applications; display, architec
tura, b llboard, park ng and recreational
d ea. pla/a dnd serv p facr ly llgl'l'ng
Sryle Des.npl on Net Rampliter lll
Number Price woF-500
Floodlight Less Ballast
89OD226GO6 Contro Le ns $ 141 .80 On Feqlest 394P861GO1 5OO W Narow Beam $26 00
AgOD226GO7 P iin Le.s 110.OO 394P861G02 500 w Med un Beam 26 00
Ballast Assembly Only lOOO Watt Regulated 394P861G03 5O0 W W de Beam 26.OO

51 25D3OG I I 12Al24O Metcuty 100.oo WOF-500 Accessories

51 25D30G I 2 2OA Merc!ry 100.00 Slyle Descr pnon
5r 25D30G I3 2/7 Metcrty 100.00 Number
5125D30G 14 480 -Merc!ry 100.00
89OD22OG19 l2O Metal H. rde 124.OO 394P862G IO 2" Posl Top Mtg Brackel 3.a0
890D220G20 208 Metar H. ide 124.OO 394P862C27 Crossarm Bracket 3.2O
5 T 25D3OGOl 240 Merar Ha'de 124.OO 394P862G15 Prpe or Wa I Bracket 5 40
5l25D3OG02 277 Metal Ha ide 124.OO 394P862 Gr 6 Wire Guatl 5OO Watl 6.aO
5125D3OG03 4aO Meral l-lalde 124.OO 394Pa62Gla Lolver 5OO wart 9.60
394P862G 20 G are Sh eld Top 7.2O
394P862G22 G ar. Sh,e d S{les 7 20
Sry e Descript on woF-1 500
89OD224GOi S pntrer s24.OO
632C921GO1 Wa I Brackel 17.40
632C927CO2 2" P pe Bracker 20.4o Sw ve Sl!d
a95Aa90GO1 W. I or Pore Mounti.!r 394P863GO1 l5OO W Narrow Beam 32.00
B racket 11.20 394P863G02 1500 W Med,lm Beam 32.OO
890D49OG33 Po e Br..k.t 2' 18 80 394P863GO3 15OO W W de Beam 32.00
For above I500 Watl l,xtures o. y when mounred and
a med above horzontal. order as "S mrlar lo Stvre No
ex.epl Hr'Iemp Cor ie Lens'Add io above nel prices
13 60

WOF-150O Accessories
Sly e

394P462G 27 Crossarm Aracket 3.2O

394P862G10 2" Post Top Mtg (Use
w th knuckle Mount only) 3.aO
394Pa62G15 P pe or Wa I Bracker
{Use w th fiossarm un,t) 5.40
394Pa62G17 Wire Guard 1sQO Watl 7.aO
394P862G r 9 Lolver I 500 Watt 12.20
394P862C21 G are Shre d-Top 9.60
394P462C22 Glare Sh e d Srdes 7.2O
60-020 P wE
Price List
Page 5

Floodlighting Contlnued
Weatherproof floodlights for Lrse where
higher illumination levels are required; par'
ticularly sports field applications
Sty e Descr ptron

5123D33GO1 lype 2 Pan Lens 950.00

5r23D33G03 Type3 Pan Le.s 50.00
5123D33GO7 Type4 Pan Lens 50.oo
5r23D33G04 Type 5 Pan Le.s 47.60
5123D33GO4 Type 5 No Lens 36 20
8l0A742HOr Sockel St lt lor
4OO W Merclry Lamp 4.60

Mounting Accessories
Slyre Descr pt on Net
Nlmbers Price
A95A89OCOr Wa l& Poe Brackel $1 1.20
1564915 W.l Bracket 6.OO
632C927G0r Wa I Bracket 17.40
632C927Ga2 2" P pe Brackel 20.4o
890D490G32 Poe Brackei lr" a.o0
a89887 2" Sl pI tter 620
Page 6

o (

Area Lighting
Colony PTF
Post top luminalre suited for various uses n Post top luminaire wlth cast aluminum hous_ for parks, plazas, malls or
Post top luminaire
ight ng campuses, country c ubs, parks, mal s rng, optim u.n light control and co onial styling parking areas featuring all aluminurn con_
and residential streets, etc. struction
D.script o. Net
Pri.c TyDe Desc. ptror Net
Matte Black Finish 175w N_mLe Price
Type A Canopy 175W. 725Ba54Gl5 r 2OV Relrlrated $124.00
I2OV Reglrarea V 4 1000 w 1,41 6 00
63lB4OlGO3 12OV F React lll 6 80 40
725B854G05 I 2OV H Fe..l
1 15.00 r 1000 w
592.00 (
631B4Or GOa 12OV H React V
7258854G01 12OV H Reicl V 115.00 1 400 w 42A.OO
63184A2C2/ 240V Beaclor 69.00
7258854G35 24OV React{rr HFF 1 19.00 PTF 250 r 250 w 312 00
63184O2C32 240V R..ctor V 69.00
7 2 24OV Reactor tsPF V
588 54G31 119.00
lype B Canopy 175W Ouranodic Bronze Finish 175W Ball Globe
6318473GO3 r2OV H R.act lll 49.20
7258854G16 r 2OV R.gllared 124.00 Post top um na re and po e featur ng a varieiy
631B473GO8 I2OV Hr R€act V 49.20
1 2OV ReO! ale.l V 128.00
63184-74G21 24OV Reaclor 77 60 7258854G12 of bal globe diameters 12, 15, 18, 21 and
77 60 7 2 588 54G06 I 2OV H React 1 15.00
631B474G32 240V Fe.ctor V
7258854G02 12OV F Feact v 115.00
Type C Canopy 175W. 725aa54C36 24OV Fcactor FIPF 119 O0
Descr ptron Net
7258545G03 r2OV H React lll a9.20 7258454G32 24OV Reacror HPF V 119.00
7258545C08 l2OV H Reacl v 49.20 M.fte Bla.k Finish 250W O 21' Ba
7258594GO8 r2OV Hi Feact V Black 99.20 I

72a8546C27 240V Reactor lll 77.60 7258905Gr 5 MercuryFO l20V I 140 00 wBG2l 100 rO rOO W 10 il hr s3aa.oo
/2a8546G32 240V Reactor V 77.60 7258905Gr l M€rcuryFO l20V V 140.00 wBG2l r75 r0 175 W lO 11 ht 410.00
7258599G32 24OV Feactor V Black 47.60 7258906GO5 Lag C.rama !x I2OV ll 176.OO
24' A2l
72 5B906GO l Las cerana ux I2OV V 176.00
wBG24 250 12 5 250 W . I2 it , 6" ht 444.00
Type D Canopy 175W. Ouranodic Bronze Finish 250W. (!) wBG24 400 15 400 W , 15 lr ht 472.OO
7258616GO3 I2OV Fl React 89.20 72589O5G16 Merclry F O l20V ll 140.OO Nole Standad balasl vollalle s l2OV Other bal
7258616C08 r2OV H Reacl V a9.20
7258905Gr2 Merclry F O 12OV V 140.OO da'nelc s. poe he'ghts ba ast votages are ava able
72a861'/C27 24OV Fea.tor 77.60 7258906GO6 Las Cera,nar!x r2OV ll 176.00 .n re.r!est Ba Clobe and po e are .cl!ded n type
72a8617C32 24OV Feactor v 7258906G02 Lag C€ramal!x l2OV V

For top mounted external photo control
Post top uminaire wth a wide choce of
Poql lop Lm ndi a \Lrlpd ror vr'roL- L-e' in
distributrons for roadways, shopp ng cente.s.
Ight ng campuses, country clubs, parks, malls
and residential streets.
394 P877G 33 1 2O124O Reg I 75W I $1 12 00
Type A Canopy 175W 394Pa77G 3 5 r?O/24O Re! l75W V 11200
16 l2OV
gqo D522 G3 5 12OV H ReaclorlT5W Il 10400
394Pa60G Regulaled lll $ 96 aO
890D522G37 I 2OV H Rea.tor l75W V 108 00
394P860G21 12OV Reg! aled V 96.4O
890D5 r 9G35 240V Fea.10r rrrlT5W ll 106.00
Type O Canopy 175W. 890D519C37 24OV Feaclor V r75W V 106 00
394P46OG24 I2OV Fequ ated 105.60 890D520G13 j 2Ol240 F O 25OW I 123 OO
890D520G I 5 1201240 FO 250W V 123.OO
394P860G29 12oV Fegu ated V 105.60
24ov Feact.r 25OW ll
890D 520G 35
890D 520G 37 240V Re..tor 25OW v
110 0O (
394P877G 54 l2Ol24O Reg 400W I 134.00
394Pa77G 56 r 2Ol24O Res 4O0W V 134 0O
890D 52 r G3 5 24OV Reactor 400W ll 126.00
890D 52I G37 24OV Reactor 400W v 126.00

Ov' r'1oudn \" u bar

Pnce List
Page 7

175 or 25O watt mercury roadway luminaire
for appicatjon to parking areas, residential
or other roadways classrfied for medium to
light vehicular traff ic.
Style Desc. pt on Net
\-rbe Price

175 W. Mercury with PC recp

811A2A7G29 120l24A Reg 72.OO
a11A2Q7CQ7 208 FO 7a.oo
8t 1A207G1.) ?65 7a.oo
81142Q7C23 124 H Reacr 64.OO
811A2a7C2O 24a Feactor 64.00
811A2Q7C17 24O Beaclor 64.00
175 W. Mercury without PC recp.
811A2O1G27 12Ql24Q Reg 70.60
81 1A207G06 208 FO 76.60
81 1A207GO9 265 RO 76.60
al rA207Gr r460 FO 76.60 ov-25 ov-50
811A2A7G22 12A H.Feact 62.60
811A207G19 240 Feactor 62.60 4O0 watt mercury roadway luminaire featLrr- 7OO or 10O0 watt mercury roadway lumi-
a1l A2O7G16 24O FP:.t.r 66.60 ing a tited optica system for higher eves naire featurinq a tilted optical system for
811A207G24 66 44.00
higher ilumination and a built in ballast
25O W. Mercury with PC recp.
8rra2t3Go4 115/230 RO 88.OO Oescnpt of Net Style Descr pnon
3GO7 209
a1 1421 RO 88.00 Price
8114213G10 265 88.OO
1O0O Walt Mercury
8 rr 4213G23 120 72.OO Mercury 40O Wart
e114213G20 24Q 64.OO With PC receptacle With PC receptacle

o 8111\213G17 ?4A
250 W. Mercury without PC recp.
al l42T3GOt r r 5/230 RO
8rra2r3Go6 20a Ro

4688612GO2 12Q
46886r OGOS 240
46886I OG05 240
468B60AG2O 208/277
$ 96 00
67I7D09GO2 l2Ol240 Feg!
67I7D09GO4 2OA Regu aled
67I7D09GO6 277 Feg! alen
Without PC receptacle
ated 164.60

81 I 421 3GOg 265 46.60 67I7DOgGO1 120l24O Regv a\ed s 166.00

8ltA2t3Gtl 460 46.60 Withoul PC receptacle 67I7DOgC03 208 Resu ated 166.O0
8t 1A213C2212A H Reacr 70.60 46886Q7G01 r 20/240 94.60 6717D09G05 277 Reg! ared 166.00
8l142I3G19 240 Feaclor 62.60 468B608Gt 9 208r/ 2 7 7 94.60 6717DO9GO7 480 Fegurated 166,00
81142r3Gr6 240 66.60 4688609G0r 480 94.60
811A213G24 6 r- 90.00 46446 T 2GO1 t2Q 78.60 700 Watt Mercury
250 W. Ceramalur with PC recp 46886 r OGOT 240 76,60 With PC Receptacre
895A933G02 r20 Lag 130.00 4648610G04 240 88.4O 6714D32G01 12Ql24O Fe.J 164.60
895A933GO4 2Og LaS 130.0O 46886r 4GO1 6.6 96.O0 67 r 8D31G04 208 Fes 164.60
895A933G06 240 130.O0 Merat Hati.le 4oo wall 67I aD3l GOO 277 Req 164.60
895A933GOa 277 130.OO
With PC receptacle Without PC recepiacle
250 W. Ce.amalux without PC recp. 394P85 r G 14 l2Ol240 115.00 6718D3I GOl r2Ol24O Res 162.OO
895A933G0r r 20 Las 12a.OO 15
394Pa51G 208 115.O0 67 r 8D3l CO3 2O8 Feg 162.00
895A933G03 20a Las 12a.OO 394P85rGt6 277 115 00 67l8D3lGO5 277 Fes t62.00
495A933GQ5 240 ! 24.00 67I aD31G07 480 Req 162.00
895A933GO7 277 128.00 Without PC receptacle
495A933G09 4aO 124.00 394PA51Gt 3 480 113aO 1O0O Wait Meral Halide
Ceram alux 400 Watt Wirh PC Receptacle
With PC receptacle 5123D72GO2 I20 Fe! 197.60
t75W. Mercury with PC recp. 46ABA22CQ2 124 186.60 5123D72CQ4 2Qg Re.J 197.60
81 1A3OAG29 120l24O Beg s72.OO 4688522G04 208 Las r86.60 5123D72GO6 2O4 Beg 197.60
8t I A308GO7 2.]8 78 00 4648622G06 240 146.60 5I23D72G08 277 Reg 197.60
a1lA30aG10 265 F O 7a.oo 468A622GOA 21/ 186 60
8r rA308G23 t20 64.00 Without PC receptacle
al1A3OAG2O 240 Reactor 64.OO Withoul PC receptacle 5l 23D72GO1 I20 Reg 195.00
8l I A3O8C 17 240 Fe.cror 64.00 4688622G0 r r20 !45.60 5123D72G03 208 Reg 195.00
4688622G03 208 L.s 145.60 5123D72GQ5 24O Reg !95.00
175 W. Mercury without PC recp. 4688622C45 240 185.60
8l1A304G27 2Ol24O
r Reg 70.60
5123A72Ca7 277 Aeg 195.00
4688622CA7 277 Las 145.60 5123D72G09 480 Reg
8r ra308co6 208 RO 76.60 4698622G09 4AO
at 1a30aco9 265 76.60
8r ta308G1t 460 76.60 No Ballast 4oo watt OV 50 EB (Remote Ballast)
811a304G22 r20 62.60 464D7oOGOA Wlh PC re.eDtacic 59.00 Srvte
811A30AG19 240 62.60 464D700G02 W rho!t PC recepl6. e
8rrA308G16 240 66.60
8T 1A30AG24 6 6 aa.o0 5123D/AGA1 I OO0 W Max $ao.o0
5r 23D7OGO8 I OO0 w Mar
Wlh PC Fe.er,tac. 42,60
Page B

Roadway ContinLred
OV-400 Package RMA-10 Package @ RMA-175 Package@
Package cons sts of l!m naire, 400 W lamp, Mercury lu.ninaire tor lighting residential Package conssts of prewired headbalast
phoro.o ,l o 30 al' - ,..r- ora.kpl. w|p areas and roadways with rned um to light assemb y 26" alum num bracket, photocon
leads, and mounting hardware vehrcuar traffic and featuring a 175 watt trol, lamp, mountng hardware and type V
one box, unit package ready to nstall. ref ractor-ref lector assembly.
Net O NetO
5 Pa. ( 400 w
394P87oGO1 l20 V DelureWhteLnmF 573.00 175 W W'thout GFO Lug 175 W Without GFO Lu9
394P870G02 1 20 V c ear La np 71.80
394P870GO3 24O v DelxeWhteLa,np 75.40 124 V
3q4Pa7oGO4 24O V C eer Lamo 74.20 394P852G08 C ear Lanrp s52.00 394P87rCQ5 s50 00
394P464G26 De !!e Wh l€ Lamp 53.00 394Pa7rG08 51.00
vB-15 0 394P876G3I
e:, LamD 52.00 394P476C27
240 V
50 00
Mercury uminares for lightng residental D. lre wh r€ Lamp 53 0{) 394P876G 29 51 00
and subLrrban roadways. industrra parks, 175 W. With GBD Lug 175 W Wilh
rLrral areas, etc, featuring positive gasketing 120 V 124 V
and enclosed refractor 394P476G22 C ear Lamp 53.0O 394P876G20 C ear Lanp 51 00
394P876G23 Del!xe Wh,le La mp 54 00 394P476G21 D€ !re While Lanrp 52 00
SIV e Des.npt on Net O
240 V 244 V
394P476G32 C -.n La nrp 53 OO 394P876G28 C ear L.mD 51.00
Glass Beiractor- Type I Disl 394P876G34 Del!xe Whi(e LamD 54 OO 394PE76C30 D.llxe Wh,le Lanrp 52.OO
250 W I I51230 V 250 W. Without GRD Luq
5123D03G2O RO S.e Mo!.| s77.60
r20 v Open Viscount(t
5l23o03G70 Ro ToDMolnt 77.60
394P876G35 Cl-"ar Lamp
Polycarbonate Befractor, Type I Dist. 394P876G37 De lxe White Lamrl
60oo Mercury lurnnaires of !nitized desgn for
lighting resdentia and suburban roadways.
175 W rr5.'230V 214 V
q9 oo i_d r\r ,rl oarl " -om*6r. J r'^p\ a'r.i f,]rr
5123D03G29 FO SdeMounl 68.00 394 P876C 39
l9! r:yr 60 OO
512i!9:!!: or ru.al areas.
io 68.O0 394Pa76G41
Polycarbonate Refractor, Type v Oisl. 250 W W'th GRD Lug Sty e Net('
r75 W r r 5/230 V 124 V
5123D03G32 FO Sd.Molnt 64.00 394P876C36 C ear L!mrl 60.o0 1.1" Side Mount with PC Feceptacle
5l23D03G85 F o Top Mo!.t 64.00 394P876G34 De rr. U/ r t-" L.mp 61.00
r 75 !\r I 20t240
240 V 67I4D03G34 Re!l!rarcd ll $49.40
O M n mum qlantity 5 of any one style number 394P476G40 C €ar L. nD 60.00 67I4DO3G36 Req!laled V 49 80
O N,4in mum qlanlily 1O of any one sty e n!mber 394P876C92 De uxe Wh te Lnmp
250!! rt51230
890D569G23 Re!!rared O !lp!l li 55.60
J,rq9!69cr! R.!! a,.d o!tD!t v

175 \,\t 124 244

6714DO4Cl2 Fegu !led 49.40
67l4DQ4G l4 Regu.ted V 49.4O
250W r r 5r230
655A873G03 Feq! ale.l O!lp!1 55.60
655A873G05 Fe1]!laled O!lp!r V 55.60

Vrscount 5 Pack u
Slyle Des.npt o. Net O

8lOA760GOl 175 W Vsco!rl 5 P.ck

l?OW T V 55800
60,020 P WE A
Price List
Page 9

Tunnel, Underpass and Sign

PTC O Mercury Underpass Sataliner {t
Weatherproof underpass luminarre for use Mercury underpass luminaire provides use- F uorescent sign light for aimrng up or down
whp-p d v\ d. bFa.. drd dr"Jsed r l-m natron ful, un form il Lrminaiion when lower mount and featLrrng an adjustable reflector and
ng he ghts are u sed. Also excelent f or weatherproof dOOr assembly
Des.. pr on Net O wa kways, a leys, etc
price Sly c Nel O

5r 23D3OCO2 3LaOOMA a', - r 20 V $305.00 N !m ber rsL4SDW 890DOO3G1t A90D003Gr4 S 55 20

5123D30GrQ 3Lr500MA I 120V 332.OO I SL720W 890DOO3cl2 890D003c15 75.00
2]9C594GO6 Ternr r.lor Kl a.6O r sL96DW A900003Cr3 890D003c16 90.60
5t22D45C03 25QW rr5t230 T( 890DO03c0r 4.60
FU-724 !tp! t
Re.t0.red O s100.ao
5l22D85G l O 175\/ I15r230 Weatheroroof Ballasts
Underpass umina re for use wheae a wide FcguL:led Oul p !t
b-oarn and lower rnount ng height are des red (For use w th Ad ner and Sataliner)
for ref ected rlluminatron. Accessory lor Mercury Underpass TyPe Desc, Dno.
rer O Slyle
price Nlmber
WPB ,14 120 2L8O0MA 4 I20 V s32.00
464D972C17 2Lt50OMA 6 r20 V S17O.OO 5l25D73GO1 Cast G!ard On y si3 60 wPB.68 r 20 2L800MA 6 I20 V 33.60
wPa 88 r 20 2L800MA 8 I20 V 33.60
APF,4oOo wPB 4t5120 2Lr500MA 4' r20 V 48.00
DLU 724 wPB 615 r20 2Lr500MA 6' r20 V 49 00
Underpass lumina re for app icat ons where Compact rnercury vapor flood ght for buid wPB8t5r20 2Lr500MAa r?ov 49 00
reatively narrow beam and ower mounting ng, sign, bllboard, underpass, or general
height are desired Oround area applicat on
Slv e Net O Slyle Net O

464D87bcOt 2Lt5OOMA 6 t20 V 52!2OO Horizontal Spread

6715D59GQ1 175W 1201240 RO s158.OO
67 r 5D59G02 175W 208 F O 158.00
O Mi.'mum quant ty 5 ot any one style number 67r 5D59G03 r75W 2778O 15a.OO
67r 5D59G04 175W 480 F O 158.00
67r3D88Gt8 25OW 12Ot24O F O 162.60
6713D48G20 250W 208 R O 162.60
671 5D21 GOI 250\'! 277 R O 162.60
67r5D2tGO2 2 50\,i/ 4ao R o 162.60
67r5D2rGr6 4OO!! I20r 240 F O 181.00
67t5D2tGtA 400w 208 R o 181.00
67r5D2rCr9 4Aa\N 277 B A 1A1.OO

Sty Des.r pr on

219C675G04 4' 3 Condrctor Cor.r a.a0

Page 1O

Poles and Brackets

Round Steel Poles

Oesiqn No. w_12 Anchor Base

25', A \l\l 12 2a A2 5212OO
25', A' w r 2 25 82 216.00
25', A' \,\1 12 2a a2 220.OO
30'o \,\t 12 3A A2 244 00
30'o' \,!r23082 246.OO
30'o w1230C2 244.OO
32',6 \,\1 12 326 A2 264 00
32',6' wr232682 272.OO
32'E w l2 326 C2 276.00
35'O w1235A2 244 00
35'O wr23582 296.00
35'O w 12 3a C2 300.00
40'o wt24042 312 00
4A',O' wr24082 320.00
400 w 12 40 C2 324.00

Ballasts and Controls A2 28.00

B2 32 00
Remote Ballasts Photo Control a2 36.00
Mercury ballasts for po e top, pole base ancl Srv e D-"s.r Dl,or Net Deslgn No. W 14- Anchor Base
vau I inslallation Features a corros on free, NLrnrb.r Price 21 0 192.00
lightweight, a Lrm nirm tank s9 ^9orFo'-ooo ,l 2L sto.oo 21',a \t\'l 14 21 82 196.00
a95A90r 802 r OO0 !1/ 240 V I 6.00 21 4 \N 1'I 21 C2 202.OO
D.s.r nl .. Nel 320C76OC01 S r. t fq Ca! 3 00
price 24', E 216.00
246 \,! 14 246 82 220.OO
Relays and Switches 24 6' w 14 246 C2 226.OO
890D200Cr6 r75\'! r2or240 s 54 00 260 220.OO (
890D200G21 250 V! r 15r230 60 oo $/ 14 26 82 224 00
890D200G22 250 w 23or460 60 OO Nr nr ber 26 0 230.00
490D200G23 250 \r,/ 204 6000 SpBt i20 62tOC atotoo 29 ri' wr429642 258.00
al90D2QOG,16 40OW r2Or24a) 62.00 41 1 129 6t 20 390 00 296
a90D200G4a 400 w 480 62.00 AN ? .tto 6121
B 336.00 29',6'
!\r 14 296 42
\,^t 14 296 C2
268 00
890D200647 4OA \l\r 2A81277 62 00
5t 23D!OGr 1 21400 !! r 20,1240 121.OO MR XD 62 83 36.00 3r o" 260 00
5r 23D90Gr 2 2t40a \N 20A 277 121.OO
MF TD 6245 4a oo 3r o' W 1,1 3l 82 264 00
br23D90Gr3 21400 W 480 MF KD 6350 31 0' wr43rc2 2-JO OO
5I23D90G r 0 700W r20,'240 114.OO MB OD 6212 92 00
3,1 6" wr434642 2aa o0
5r 23D90G09 700 W 480 1140O MFUD 1 10.00
346 w l4 346 B2 292 00
5l23D9OC06 l0O0 \r! 120r240 12aOO MFYD 6312 194.00 34 6', 29a OO
5r 23D90G02 r 000 w 208 128 00 MR X 63 56
5l23D90G04 tOO0 W 277 124 00 MF X 644 6 114 00 36 0" wr43642 312.0O
5r 23D90G05 rOOO W 480 128.00 MR OG 6260 1 14.O0 36 0" w143682 316.00
11800 36 0' wr436C2 322.O0
172 00 40 0" wr440,A2 316.00
6449 272 00 40 0" wt44082 320.00
p 185 0r) 40 0" wr440c2 326.OO
rrr Adapte,
Cor T!r
320C69360r Poe r., 6ri'
a.r"pr., ror O.l;,;' A2 24 00
Ba .sr ro f r 3'.4' P.. S1320 B2 2A.OO
32OC693G02 A..Ft i. I
Pol-. T.D - c2
Ba.sltofl3..4'Poe 20 00
2l5B22OHO I Th,e.nea B!sh.r fo,
1 ' C.n.lL I
60-020 P WE A
Pr ce Lst
Page 1 1

Poles and Brackets cont nued

Round Steel Poles Coiltinued Steel Pedestal Poles Aluminum Area Lig hrins Pole Ior PTF
M.L'.1 rq LL,,n r. r.
Nonr fa Type Po,. l-l e qirl TyD.
Mo!.1'ng H. !hl N! nr trcr Abo!. GroLr r.l N! rber
Design No W 18 Anchor Base Oesiqn W 35 Anchor Base
\'V 5ar I4 s114.00
2ao !r/ta25D2 926a00 lo o $94.00 20'0 $/ 55 20 190.00
2a'o vt 1a 2a E2 272.AO 12 A w35 l2 100 00
25 0' w5525 312.OO
25'O wr825F2 \4/35 r4 104.00 !i/ 55 30 344 00
30'o wra3002 292 00
r6'o 110 00
30'o \,r/ta30E2 300.00 r8 0 w35 t8 123.OO
30' o' \,!ta30F2 310 00 2\ A PtF ]OOO !1/ 56 25 328 00
35',0' wla35D2 320.00 Desiqn W 36 Transrormer Base 30 0' 390 00
wr835E2 324.00 ro o w36 lo \,! 56 35 462.OO
35'O 143 00 40c w5640
35',0' w1a35F2 334.00 12'a w36 12
40 0' Wla,10D2 39 6.00 w36 r4 150.00 Deslgn No. W 57
.10'o r,!r840E2 404 00 r
o w36 t8 lll99 "oo r
A o 414 oo
40 0' Wla,1OF2 412 00
w 3ti ::l::
rr)5 uu 40 o oj 4ooo i / 56aoo
W 18 ,14 D2 420 00
2(] . .r eo 740 oo
\,vr844E2 424.OO Design W 37 Embedded Type
440.OO ro o !!37 lO 61.00 Steel Floodlighting Poles
r2'o V!/37 1? 66.00
D2 44.00 l4' o 'N 37 14 72.50 Mo!.t.!l Tvt.
E2 8A 00 r6 0 \,1/ 37 I6 77.OO Hd.l hl Nr nrber
100.00 ra'o a7 00
2A', A w3720 92.00
Aluminum Poles 2A' w6020 st 44.00
2a' $/ 60 25 224 0A
Aluminum Pedestal Poles 30' 260 00
Net l: w6035 318 00
!\r 60 40 380 00
Desisn No W 20 Anchor Base w6045 540 00
20 0" w2020A2 s296.OO Design W 40 Anchor Ba* 48' !! 60 50 544.0A
20 0" \!t ,Q 2a E2 304 00 l0 0 w4o 1lJ s80 00
20 0" \N 20 2A a2 312.OO 12 A', w40 t2 aa oo Square Hinged Steel Poles
2a a" w2o25A2 376.00 96 00
2a a" \!t 2a 2a 82 3A4.OO 16 0" w,10 I6 102 00 No.r.. Type
2a a' 20 2a a2 392.00 ta o" w40 r8 12800 []lor rrl ia He!rhl N!rnber
"t! 20 0" 140 00 Design WSH 20
30 0' w2030a2 460.00
w203082 466 00 Desisn W 41 Transtormer Base 2a wsH 20 a20 9240.00
30 0" w2030c2 W ,1l l0 100.00 25', \,!slr 20 425 296.00
Desgn No. W 2 1-Tr.nsf.rher A ase 12 A" w4r r2 104 00 30' 324 00
1 I O.00
2a a' \N 21 2A A2 5420 00 Design WSH 35
w2t2082 r6 0 114 00
20 0' 424 OO r8 0" w4t ta 134.00 35' wsH 35 A35 520.00
2A a', w21 2AC2 434.00 2a a" 170 00 ,1O' 592 00
2a a' 'N 21 25 A2 444 00
Design w 42 Embedded Type For Heavy Dlly Steer 45.00
25 0" \N 21 25 82 450 00 P.lcs I Fcctr rcn D.'
2aa' 2t 2a C2
\,^,1 460 00 lo 0" w42 10 52.00
300' w2130A2 516 00 r2 o- vt 42 12 60.00 wLD 35r l
300 w2r3082 524 00 t4 0' 66 00
30 0" 532 00 r6 o" w42r6 70.00
ta 0" 96 00 Steel Brackets Ior type W60
\N 42 2a 12r) 00 and WSH poles.

MT 32r 6 2 $ 35 00
t\iT 324 4 2 104.00
Ml r02362 24.OO
MT103602 36.00
Mrr04302 55 00

MT lO4X 48 2 68.00

Translormer Bases for type W12, W14,

W1a, W6O and WSH poles.

20' s136.00
24" IBF 242 196.00
60-020 P wE A
Price List
Page 12

Poles and Brackets Continued Modifications

Fabricated Steel Brackets {or Type W60
1 Bui t in fuses avai ab e on OV 15. 25 and
bO lum 56 00 rFl pF' i1r O
ra'-pc Add
and WSH Poles.
2. Lightning Arresters available in Ov-l5. 25
Catalogue Desc.,pt or & 50 luminaires For 120,2O8, or 24O volt
arresters, add 56O0 net per urL Fo.2f7
tVI4Ol N 122 O.e way, ior s n.J e
or 480 volt arresters. add S12 O0 net per
L! mrna re 930.00
MI.4A2 H12 2 Two way, Two arms
rJnit o
at laO Deqrees 42.00 3 Optiona Pa nt colors avai able for Pinto,
MT 403 H I 2 2 Three way Tw. Arms Promenade, V scount, OV-1 5. 25 & 50 umi
at 180 Degrees & naires. See Descript ve Bu etins for available
one al 90 Deqre.s
MI 4O4 H 12 2 Fo!r way Four nrnrs
.l 90 Degrees 6soo 5-1O unts per style add S10.00 net
vI 442L122 Twoway lwoArms 11-24 un ts per style add SB OO net
al 90 D€grees 42oo 25 ot more Lrnits per stye add S3.2O net
MT 4Q3 \ 12 2 Three way Th'ee
Arms:l 120 Degrees 54 00
6 narn'.u- qu"nt ty 5 oi any one sryre n!mber

Aluminum Floodlighting Poles

Mo!ntf! No ol Type Coral Springs
He'qhl I.fo.s N!mber Type O.s.r Dt o.

?0 0" l w6520rl s 292 00 CS 30 30 nch heght 175 watt mcr $32O.OO

20 O' 2 w6520T2 304 00 cury. 120 vo t malte b a.( i
I sh.
200 3 w6520T3 340 00 w th photo.ell
2OO 4 w6520T4 40a.oo CS 72 72 .ch heqhr. 175 walt er 32OOO
25 o', l w6525Tl 350.O0 c!ry. I 2O vort, rnalte biack f n sh
25'0', 2 w6525T2 372.OO w lh pholoce
2a'a' 3 w652513 416.00 C5726 72,r.h h€grl 175 wall ner
25 o', 4 w6525T4 516.00 .!r V I20 vo I nraltebackfnsh.
300 l w6530T1 408.00 w th photo.e I qlnss refs . 1.p
30 0' 2 w6530T2 472.Q0 tor !D le
300 3 w6530T3 546.00
30 0" 4 w.65 30 T4 732 00 ALS
35 0" l w 65.35 Tl 504.00
35',O' 2 w653512 612.OO Type Deso,pl'on
35'O 3 w6535T3 752.OO
35 0' 4 w 65.3 5 T4 928.00 ALS 250 walt mercury, I 20 vo 1 i at S 5O0.OO
?r0 0" l w 65.40 T1 a54.OO pla'. ! ass, comp €te w th 2O 1o01
,10 0" 2 w654012 870.OO sq!arc sree ...hor base po e,
40 0" 3 w 65.40 T3 954.00 .r1. bli.l fnsr
w6540T4 1 138 (}() ALS.rl 4O0 watt mer.!ry, l20 !ol, 650.00
deeD .l shed a..ylc .ove.. com
Galvanized Steel Brackets Pele w lh 30 iool sq!are steel
anchor base po e, m.ri€ black
Spread R se TyDe
N Lr mhFr ALS I O0O watl n€rcury l20 voll 700 00
Design W 70 1X' Pipe neeD dished glass.ovcr, com
pele w,lh 30 loot square sr€e
30' 12' w700031 91 1.OO an.hor base po c matle b.ck
32' w.70 00 Al 13.00
6' 32" w7000Bl 1A.OO
a w7000cr 22 00
Design W 71- 2" Pipe
32' W 7r 00.,A2 19 00
6', 32' W7t O082 25.00
a' 32" \N 71 AO C2 30 00

Aluminum Brackets
Spread R se Typ.
Num ber
Oesiqn W 75 11" Pipe
30 17" w 75 00 31 s14.00
4' 23" W 75 0Q Al 16 00
6 28' W750081 20.oo
Design W 76-2' Pipe
4 32 W7600A2 31 00
6 32', W760082 40.oo
a 32 W7600C2 48 0r)

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