H.E. Sartori - Nutrients and Cancer - An Introduction To Cesium Therapy

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Pharmacology Bwchem~stry& Behavtor, Vol 21, Suppl, 1, pp 7-10, 1984 ©AnkhoInternahonalInc Pnnted m the U S A 0091-3057/84

$3 00 + 00

Nutrients and Cancer:

An Introduction to Cesium Therapy
H . E. S A R T O R I

Life Science Universal Medical Center, Suite 306

4501 Connecticut A v e n u e , Washington, D C 20008

SARTORI, H E Nutrients and cancer An introduction to ceszum therapy PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BEHAV 21:
Suppl 1, 7-10, 1984.--A brief overview on the relevance m dietary factors m both development and prevention of
cancer is presented. The pharmacologic properties of various food mgredlents are discussed. Estabhshmg of a special diet
for the cancer pauent is suggested In addlUon, avoidance of certain foods is recommended to counteract mucus product.ton
of cancer cells Evaluaaon of the nutnent content of certain diets m relcons with low incidence of cancer has advanced the
use of certam alkah metals, l e , rubidmm and cesmm, as chemotherapeuhc agents The ralaonale for this approach termed
the "high pH" therapy resides m changing the acidic pH range of the cancer cell by cesmm towards weak alkalinRy m
which the survival of the cancer cell Is endangered, and the formation of acidic and toxic materials, normally formed m
cancer cells, is neutrahzed and ehmmated
Antloxldants Cesmm Diet Essential fatty acids Liver oils Minerals Oxygenation
Potassium Rubidium Sodmm VRamlns

ONE to 1.3 million cases of new cancer are anticipated in plasmic solutions that are capable of penetrating living tis-
USA for the year 1984. Cancer mortality is second only to sues for therapeutic purposes, without destroying biological
cardiovascular disease as the most common cause of death m systems. The innovative techniques employed in the device
the USA and in most European countnes. Squamous and since the early 1960's have attracted scientific attention and
basal cell skin cancer may contribute about 400,000 new research in following years of its introduction has demon-
cases, while lung and colorectal cancer may account for strated its efficacy m animal experiments, i.e., cure of
139,000 cases, each compared to 116,000 for breast cancer of cancer-bearing rats, attenuation of hypercholesterolemia in
which 1,000 is projected for men. The remainder of cancers rabbits and survival of mice injected with fatal doses of
anticipated, in descending order, include prostate, uterus, trypanosoma eqmperdum compared to corresponding con-
urinary, oral, pancreas, leukemia, ovary and skin- trols This approach is dzrected primarily toward a stimula-
melanoma. The mortality of cancer is estimated for this year tion of the immune system rather than the cancerous cells
at approximately 185 cases per 100,000 population. This is themselves, resulting presumably in an acquired immunity
compared to 440,000, 431,000 and 423,000 deaths from which becomes intense and is even transferable by blood
cancer that have been reported for 1983, 1982 and 1981, re- transfusion.
speetwely. Dietary requirements which may lead to cancer have been
Treatment modalitaes of cancer mclude surgery, radmtzon generally ignored. Various diets and eating habits appear to
and chemotherapy. In those cases where surgery was sue- bear some significance to susceptibility as well as to preven-
cessful the body's own immune system was able to coun- tion and/or treatment of cancer. The macrobiotic-related di-
teract the reduced amount of tumor tissue. Surgery is likely etary approach of Michio Kushi [4,5] for cancer treatment
to produce metastasis without stimulation of the immune focuses on the use of whole grains, e.g., 50% to 60% of dally
system. Radiation may cause damages to the organism, e.g., intake, with locally grown vegetables, e.g., 20% to 30%, ex-
caneerogenicity of x-rays and other radmtions, and their de- cluding potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and espe-
pression of the immune system is well known. Prolonged cially tropical fruits. This is complemented by 10% to 15% of
chemotherapy may cause severe to lethal side effect in dady food consumptaon of beans and seaweeds in addition to
some instances, and the use of hormones and interferon are 5% miso soup and about 5% supplemental foods. The main
useful only in very few cases of cancer. Conventional treat- difficulty with this approach is the necessity of complete
ments to cancer treatment have produced 5-year survival comphance. The possible associataon of specific diet ingre-
rates which does not reflect the progressively gradual deteri- dients to cancer development, treatment and/or prevention
oration of the cancer patients, nor their suffenng from var- is outlined below which then leads to the rationale of the use
ious treatment related adverse reactions. of alkali metal, i.e., cesium, as chemotherapeuUc agent.
Alternate cancer therapies include Orthomolecular
Eumetabolic approaches and Pnore-radlation of cancer. The
latter technique has been developed by Antoine Priore in
France and has been described in detad elsewhere [3]. In The cancer cell Is known to produce large amounts of
brief, it generates a combination of radiations, m rotating mucus and this in turn protects the cancer cells from the


Substance/Compound* Possible Mechanism of Action

Cesmm and Rubidium Raise p H m cancer cells and gene repair

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids Repair membranes, enhance the ,mmune system and prostaglandln synthes,s
Elcosapentaeno~c acid and
Docosahexaenolc acid
Carotene and Vitamin A Decompose blocking mucus and enhance ~mmune system
Selemum Antloxydant and broadens electron donor capacity of cancer cell membrane
Vitamin C and B,oflavono,ds Enhance the immune system
Germanium Oxygen carrier, interferon stimulator and gene repair
Vitamin D2 (Ergocalcfferol) Immune enhancer, precursor of tumosteron
Molybdenum Membrane stabilizer° part of xanthme oxldase, which mobilizes iron from liver and of
aldehyde oxldase necessary for fat ox,datlon
Zinc Electron donor, ant~oxydant and ~mmune stimulant
Magnesmm Enzyme activator, gene and membrane stabilizer
N,trdes Broaden electron donor capacity of the cancer cell membrane, release of cancer
cell inhibiting benzaldehyde and cyanide
Alhcln and smlgrm Natural cancer lnhlb,tors
Taurme Desaltmg substance that lowers sodium m cancer cells
Squalene Precursor of dehydroepmndrosterone (DHEA) an anttcancer, anttagmg and
ant~obes~ty factor
Saponms Membrane and gene stabdlzmg
Photomc Energy Decomposes blocking mucus surroundmg the cancer cells (are found tn KIR-
LIAN positive raw vegetables and fresh vegetable jmces, especmlly carrot
juice )
N lacmamlde Slows down mitosis and the mult~phcatton of cancer cells
Food Fiber Reduces passage-time, decreasing the exposure of intestines, especially the colon,
to cancerogens, binds toxic substances and cancerogens
B-complex vRamms, especmlly Required for cell resplrat,on (esp B2) and catalysts for numerous enzymes
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Vitamin E (mixed D-Tocopherols) Antloxydant, membrane and gene stabilizer
Pantothemc acid Stimulates adrenals and DHEA-formatlon
Fohc Acid Coenzyme with B12 and C for protein utdlzatlon, carbon career for heine forma-
tion and nucle,d acid formation, thus, it normahzes gene formation of cancers
It also stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid
Certain Amino Acids (Cysteln, Stimulate the anUcancer human growth hormone
Arglnme, Ormthme)

*See text for the presence of these compounds m various food ingredients

immune system and from bemg penetrated by ages, bacon, may also mcrease the specLfiC mucus produc-
chemotherapeutic agents. It even protects against radiation tion of cancer cells. The common practice of not eating other
ff the layer of mucus is thickened up. Later this mucus can aems with mdk ts of stgnlficant beanng in th,s respect because
also be demonstrated in the blood, e . g , with the H L B blood milk produces a mucus, it coats all the food, and prevents all
test Use o f certain agents help to &ssolve the blocking ef- the nutrients from being absorbed We have also been usmg
fect of the mucus. This mcludes the use of beta-carotene E D T A for chelation therapy which has been shown to reduce
which decomposes blocking mucold proteins mediated by incidences of cancer and heart diseases by 90% and 50%,
electrical charges It gets inactivated and decolored by the respectively [1] Likewise, mcreased cancer incidence may
blocking mucotd The necessary dosage for optimal effect result from consumption of eggs and certain fish, e g , lob-
produces an orange-yellow tinge to the patient's skm ster, shrimp and crayfish, due to their high content of nucleic
Likewise, heparin mactivates the immune repelling and im- a o d s which can be detrimental to the cancer patient There-
mune binding capacities of the mucotd proteins by electrical fore, the ehnunat~on of these items from diet may conceiva-
charges. Furthermore, compounds like bromelam, papain, bly reduce the incidence of cancer
Wobemugos ®, bromelam or pancreatic enzymes wdl not
only break down mucus but also destroy leukemic cells
It is recommended, therefore, to avoid all mucus-
producing foods, e.g., all dan T products and flour products The Smlthsonian Institute has done a study on the inci-
as well as all meat and flour, as opposed to whole gram and dence of cancer In sharks They examined 25,000 sharks and
locally grown vegetables Food with high contents of sugar, found only one individual case with cancer. Tins suggests
alcohol, tropical fruits, refined carbohydrates, salt, sans- that the shark is most probably immune to cancer The shark

liver oil contains vitamins and other compounds with oil, to mcrease EPA intake and to administer in addition 6000
anticancer activity. This includes squalene which is also con- U of Vitamin A and 600 U of Vitamin E. Other supplements
tained m cod liver and in olive oil. Squalene increases the will be wheat germ oil to provide energy from oeatacosanol
polarizauon of the cell membrane and thereby may facilitate and to improve physical fitness. Sesame oil may be advanta-
the action of immune system on the cancer cell. This com- geous against various bleedings, i.e., nose, gastrointestinal
pound is also a precursor for dehydroepiandrosterone and gynecological bleedings. The supplement EPA can be
(DHEA) which possess antlCancer activity. Moreover, gwen as concentrate or by consumption of rich EPA food
squalene has been implicated in the mechanism of Na ac- which may be beneficial in certain heart, blood vessel, bowel
cumulation by the cancer cell. For example, the high uptake and immune diseases as well as cancer. In temperate cli-
of Na + by the cancer cell induces an electrical potential that mates the calonc intake from EFAs should be approximately
defies the immune mechanisms. Thereafter, both blood 2% to 3%. Furthermore, gamma hnoleic acid from evening
forming organs and the blood cells show high content of Na + primrose oil has been found---via synthesis of the series-1
which can undergo desodification by squalene and certain prostagiandms, most notably prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)---to
sulphur amino acids, i.e., taurine and isethionic acid, found decrease elevated cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure,
m shark oil. Lithium orotate can counteract Na ÷ retention inhibit thrombosis and to normahze cancer cells.
and effectively increases the monocyte and granulocyte
counts. Certain vitamins, Le., carotene and V~tamm A, are
associated with low incidence of lung cancer. The excess of
other vitamins, i.e., over 10 g of vitamin C/day, may enhance It is generally assumed that healthy cells resist becoming
tumor growth in leukemias and similar cancers. cancerous if they are provided with adequate nutrients. In-
It appears that the foods with the most decisive effects on sufficient supply of a given critical nutrient may lead to or
the reduction of cancer incidence in humans and in animals facilitate cancer induction. The same is true of the amount of
contain Omega-3 unsaturated essenual fatty acids (EFAs) of oxygen reaching the cells since low cellular oxygen levels
otis, derived from hnseed, chestnut, beechnut, soy, walnut, may result in anaerobic conditions which will further cancer
and wheat germ. In addition, soybean and wheat germ oils development. The lack of oxygen has long been suspected in
contain high amounts of Vitamin E Also rich in EFA are carcinogenesis because it leads to an anaerobic metabolism
cold climate legumes like soybeans, azuki, black and navy where essentially glucose is converted into lactic acid and
beans, lentils and chickpeas, as well as cold water fish like the pH of the cancer cells becomes acidic. This creates an
mackerels, hernng, cod, salmon and halibut, cold-water anaerobic metabohc condition and the acidic pH developed
plankton and sea vegetables. In cold climate animals the may cause breakdown of RNA and DNA and damage the
elcosapentaenolc acid (EPA) is the immediate precursor of cellular control mechanism involved. The development of
3-series of prostagiandins, which are revolved m protection acidic toxins usually will lead to the destructions of cell
of cellular functions, and prevent the formation of 2-series structures. Therefore, reversing this condmon requires
prostaglandms, which are cancerogemc. adequate oxygenation. There are certain elements, 1.e., ger-
Careful selection of oils should be considered. This is due manium, which may prove beneficial for cellular oxygena-
to high contents of EFA m cod liver oll and other fish liver tmn. Germanium possesses 8 valences and therefore can
oils and potential toxicity of VRamins A and D. The use of carry 4 atoms of oxygen, and may therefore provide more
marganne or hydrogenated ods, non-cold pressed polyunsatu- oxygenatmn needed for the cancer cell, to evoke antlcancer
rated ods, shortening, bacon, grease, non-dmry creamers, effect. Ginseng normally grows only on germanium rich soil
egg-subsUtutes, commercial mayonnaise and salad dres- and should provide a good source for this phenomenon
sings, as well as tropical oils hke coconut oil, palm oil or However, the use of soil antibloucs in homegrown ginseng
cottonseed oll should be avoided. Excess of polyunsaturated may interfere in the production of an effective ginseng due to
compounds may be oxidized. This may drive cholesterol Its lack of soil derived germamum.
from the bloodstream into the hver and body cells, and pro- Certain antloxidant m food preservatives, e.g., butylated
mote the release of free radicals, which are carcinogenic hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanlsole, and 5,
They also cause a significant elevation of uric acid (indicat- 6-benzoflavone, may possess anUcancer activity Ornithme,
ing destruction of cellular nucleoprotein), cause iron defi- arginine and other amino acids stimulate human growth
ciency and anemia, hver disease, intestinal damage and hormone secretion, and thus enhance the immune system
obstruction, amyloidosts (abnormal waxy deposits in tis- and suppress prolactm production.
sues), hypertension, gallstones, and increase the incidence
of atherogenesis (formaUon of artherosclerosis). Free radi-
cals formation also accelerates aging and promotes mono-
clonal proliferation through mutation causing The presence of certain elements in diet is as important as
atherosclerosis. To protect against excess polyunsaturates, the choice of diet for reducing the incidence of cancer and
the use of adequate amounts ofantioxldants, i.e., Vitamin E, even in the management of the cancer paaent. For example,
selenium, plus biotin, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin A, should selemum deficiency has been associated with increased
be considered for several months. The use of cold pressed cancer incidence. Other elements with some antlCancer ac-
vegetable oils should be considered because heated vegeta- twlty include molybdenum, zinc, magnesium and g e r -
ble oils may accelerate cancer induction due to acroleln for- manium.
maUon In subtropical or tropical climates the use of a Brewer [2] analyses of reports dealing with certain re-
"southern oils" is recommended. These include light and gions of the world with low incidence of cancer has moU-
dark sesame o11, sunflower, safflower, corn oil, peanut oil, rated his rationale for the high pH therapy for cancer. This
and especially wrgin olive oil which contain small amounts was primarily based on the presence of two alkali metals,
of the anticancer shark factor squalene. i.e., rubidium and cesmm, in high amounts in food being
The foregoing observations suggest the use of cod liver consumed in these areas, e.g., Hopi Indian territory m

Arizona, Hunza-Land m North Pakistan, volcaniC areas In acids, zinc and selenium salts. The weak a o d s when ab-
Hawmi, Austria and m selected regions of Kenya and Brazil sorbed by the tumor cells have been shown to enhance the
Th~s represents a novel approach in cancer chemotherapy negative potential gradient across the membrane Zinc and
based on changes m cancer cell pH and possible inactivation selenium salts when absorbed on the membrane surface act
o f runic hydrogen of the tumor cell to reduce acidity This as broad and moderately strong electron donors These actds
approach has been referred to as "high p H " therapy A and salts have been shown in mice to drastically enhance the
combined effect of low pH and high body temperature has uptake of cesium and rubidmm runs For treatment of cancer
been also suggested m cancer treatment and termed the " l o w patients, the administration of 6 to 9 g of CsCI or Cs2CO~ for
p H " therapy Both pH therapies are bnefly outlined below, several days Is beheved to be tolerable and sufficient to raJse
the low p H therapy was devised by Von Ardenne [8] and the the pH in the tumor cells to weak alkahne of approximately
high pH therapy by Brewer [2] Both have been shown to be pH 8 where the life of each cell is short. In addttlon, the
effective therapeutic measures for the treatment of cancer m presence of cesium and rubidium salts in the body fluids are
laboratory animals and humans expected to neutrahze the acidic and toxic material leaking
from the tumor mass
Low pH Therapy Results from both animal experiments, mainly those of
Messlha [6], and these of ours In hmlted clinical trmis in hu-
In this therapy, glucose is injected Into the blood stream
mans m our clinic [7] are indicative of a high success rate of
As a consequence the cancer cell pH drops to the 5 5 range
Cs-treatment in cancer therapy
The patient is then placed in a chamber heated to 106°F for 1
Thus, both dietary factors and selected elements and
to 6 hrs [8]. Diathermy is also applied over the tumor area
vitamins may play a more s~gmficant role m the pathophyslol-
which, m the absence of a blood supply, wdl cause the tem-
ogy of certain cancers than has been previously accounted for
perature of the tumor mass to nse to over 109°F At these
Moreover, changes in dietary habits may have a lasting ef-
high temperatures the hfe of cancer cells is observed to be
fect on protectmn against cancer development and Its pro-
very short. An apparent drawback to the therapy ts that a
case of severe toxemm may result for the leakage of acidic
To conclude, the author presents a list of cancer protec-
and toxic material from the tumor masses [8]
tive nutrients and their main functmns and importance as
outlined m Table 1
Htgh pH Therapy
The rapid uptake of cesium and rubldmm observed for
cancer cells is the theoretical approach o f high pH therapy ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
[2] This therapy has been tested using CsCI or Cs2CO3 in The helpful assistance of Dr F S Messlha in the preparatmn of
conjunction w~th the administration of ascorblc and retlnoic this manuscnpt is acknowledged


1 Blumer, W and T H Reich Leaded gasohne a cause of 5 Kuslu, MIchlo The Cancer Preventton Dwt, Mwhto Kusht's
cancer Envtron Int 3: 465-471~, 1980 Nutrtonal Blueprint for the R e h e f and Preventton o f Dtsease
2 Brewer, A K Mechamsm of carcinogenesis Comments of New York St Martin's Press, 1983
therapy J lnt Acad Prev Med 5: 2%53, 1979 6 Messlha, F S , A El-domem and H F Sproat Effects of
3 Gradle, J-M Dosswr Prtore une Nouv~lle Affatre Pasteur hthmm and cesium salts on sarcoma-I ~mplants m the mouse
Pans Edmons Denoel, 1984 Neurobehav Toxlcol t: 27-31, 1979
4 Kushl, Mlctuo Cancer and Heart Disease The Mtcrobtottt Ap- 7 Sarton, H E Cancer 1984. Orwelhan orEutopmn Washington,
proach to Degenerattve Disease Tokyo Japan Pub Inc , 1982 DC Life Science Umversal Inc , 1984
8 Von Ardenne, M Hyperthermla and cancer therapy Can~er
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