CL 8-Curriculum Map

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The document outlines a curriculum map for Christian Living for 8th grade students. It details the content, standards, goals and competencies covered across four quarters and several units.

The curriculum map aims to help students understand Jesus Christ and his teachings, learn how to follow his example and live according to his message, and participate actively in the Church through the sacraments.

The first quarter covers getting to know Jesus Christ by learning about the Old and New Testaments, the four Gospels, and Jesus' early ministry.

Diocese of San Jose de Nueva Ecija

Apo Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation

Holy Family Academy of Quezon, N. E. Inc.

Tomas Joson Ave., Brgy. II, Quezon, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Map for Christian Living 8

First Quarter
Unit 1 : Know the Man Jesus Christ
Content Content Performance Formation Transfer Goal Competencies Remarks
Standard Standard Standard
Know the The learners The learners The learners The learners will The learners will…
Man Jesus will will be able to will become be able to
Christ understand manifest active follower independently use
that the basic understanding of Jesus their learning to 1.1. identify the events in  Completed
Topic 1: background on the life through action manifest the Old Testament and
Opening Doors of the Bible and teaching – the way to understanding on New Testament .
to Christ: The and its of God their true self- the life and (Remembering)
New testament content helps though Christ becoming. teaching of God 1.2. define the Old  Completed
oneself to by making a though Christ by Testament and New
commit God poster that making a poster Testament.
and to live show how to that show how to (Remembering)
out its help others. help others and 1.3. explain the Old and  Completed
purposes. become more New Testament
active follower of (Understanding)
Jesus through 1.4. identify the lives of  Completed
action – the way to Jesus. (Remembering)
their true self- 1.5. identify the four  Completed
becoming. Gospel.
1.6.define the four Gospel
(Analyazing)  Completed
Topic 2: 1.7. explain the four Gospel
Appreciating how formed
the Roots of (Understanding)
 Completed
the Gospel 1.8. explain the difference
of the four Gospels
Topic 3: (Understanding)
Following 1.9. Explain the symbols  Completed
Jesus as He that represent the four
Begins Gospels.
Ministry (Understanding)
2.1.explain what is the  Completed
message of the
Incarnation, why is it
important for our
2.2.interpret how Jesus  Completed
affected the people of
his time by his words
and deeds.
3.1. list ways on how we  Completed
become like
Jesus who responds to
the needs of
others especially the
3.2.create perspective on  Completed
how to be authentically
human to encounter the
real presence of the son
of god made man.
3.3. make a poster about  Completed
helping others through
Jesus Christ when he
was still with us.
3.4. Identify Jesus’ mission
 Completed
Diocese of San Jose de Nueva Ecija
Apo Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation

Holy Family Academy of Quezon, N. E. Inc.

Tomas Joson Ave., Brgy. II, Quezon, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Map for Christian Living 8

Second Quarter
Unit 2 : Go and Do Likewise
Content Content Performance Formation Transfer Goal Competencies
Standard Standard Standard
Go and Do The learners will The learners will The learners will The learners will be The learners will…
Likewise understand… be able to… become… able to independently
use their learning

that the genuine write a reflective humble as tax’s write a reflective  role in proclaiming the Kingdom
conversion of essay on Jesus collector essay on Jesus  interpret the Jubilee song
heart demanded mission on earth. humility. mission on earth  suggest ways on how to response
by the responds inspired by humble maturely on our faith.
to the call and tax collector.  develop perspective on how they can
task of the develop a personal appreciation for the
Kingdom of sacraments.
God.  dramatize one of the Kingdom parables.
 explain what the Kingdom is as revealed
in Jesus’ parables and miracles.
 interpret the different meaning of the
word miracle
 compose their own modern-day parable.
 share with a partner a story about a
miraculous event that you watched or
 write a short prayer of humility and
sincerity before God
 manifest self-knowledge by researching
on one miracle that was declared
authentic by the Catholic Church
Diocese of San Jose de Nueva Ecija
Apo Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation

Holy Family Academy of Quezon, N. E. Inc.

Tomas Joson Ave., Brgy. II, Quezon, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Map for Christian Living 8

Third Quarter
Unit 3: Live the Paschal Pattern
Content Content Performance Formation Transfer Goal Competencies
Standard Standard Standard
Live the Paschal The learners will The learners will The learners will The learners will be The learners will…
Pattern understand… be able to… become… able to independently
use their learning

that the being write a story obedient in free write a story about  explain the different Beatitudes.
“person-for about their acts of Jesus’ their modern day  interprets the different meaning of its
others” and act modern day fidelity to his heroes who show Beatitudes.
according to the heroes who show mission. their being persons-  suggest ways on how we can be persons-
values of the their being for-others as what for-others especially for the poor and the
Beatitudes a new persons-for- Christ did and outcasts of our society.
lifestyle against others as what obedient in free acts  listen to the song entitled Your Heart
the false media Christ did. Jesus’ fidelity to his Today.
values of mission.  show empathy by dramatizing one
pleasure, Gospel story which has a theme about
consumerism, the poor and being outcasts
and self-  manifest self-knowledge by narrating an
centeredness. instance when they showed compassion
to someone who is being oppressed or
rejected by others and to describe the
happiness felt after the event.
 research in the life of Mother Teresa of
Calcutta, tell why you think Mother
Teresa considered a Messiah
 write about the attitude of the world
toward suffering ad pain and how our
faith in Jesus can provide a creative
 write a short note of comfort to someone
you know, who is suffering for choosing
to do good
 share personal experiences of listening
to a dying person’s last words or to the
reading of last will and testament
 play Role-Play of the Washing of the
Apostles’ Feet
 present Evening News of the Passion
and Death of Jesus.
Diocese of San Jose de Nueva Ecija
Apo Jose Catholic Educational System Foundation

Holy Family Academy of Quezon, N. E. Inc.

Tomas Joson Ave., Brgy. II, Quezon, Nueva Ecija

Curriculum Map for Christian Living 8

Fourth Quarter
Unit 4: Mission in the Church through the Sacraments
Content Content Performance Formation Transfer Goal Competencies
Standard Standard Standard
Mission in the The learners will The learners will The learners will The learners will be The learners will…
Church through understand… be able to… become… able to independently
the Sacraments use their learning

more deeply perform their active members perform their best  research in the life of Mother Teresa of
Jesus’ person as best role play of the Church as role play dramatically Calcutta, tell why you think Mother
God-Man Savior dramatically and disciples of and creatively and Teresa considered a Messiah
approaching his creatively. Christ. become more active  write about the attitude of the world
“hour” the members of the toward suffering ad pain and how our
climax of His Church as disciples faith in Jesus can provide a creative
redeeming of Christ. alternative.
mission.  write a short note of comfort to someone
you know, who is suffering for choosing
to do good
 share personal experiences of listening
to a dying person’s last words or to the
reading of last will and testament
 play Role-Play of the Washing of the
Apostles’ Feet
 present Evening News of the Passion
and Death of Jesus.

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