Rubrics: Prayer Writing

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Partially Does Not

Exceeds Meeting
Meets Meet
Standards Standards
Standards Standard
4 pts 3 pts
2 pts 1 pts

Meaning and Exceeds Standards Meeting Standards Partially Meets Does Not Meet
Originality Standards Standard
Prayer is creative The prayer is
and original. It is creative and Prayer appear
evident that the original. to be
student put thought thoughtless or
into their words and rushed. Work is
uniquely conveyed very repetitive,
their ideas and and ideas are
emotions. unoriginal.

Grammar Exceeds Standards Meeting Standards Partially Meets Does Not Meet
Standards Standard
No spelling or 1-2 spelling or
grammar errors. grammar errors 3-5 spelling or More than 5
grammar errors. spelling or
grammar errors.

Presentation Exceeds Standards Meeting Standards Partially Meets Does Not Meet
Standards Standard
The prayer is The prayer has
The prayer is creatively some decoration or The prayer has The prayer has
decorated decorated using lots colour with some decoration no decoration or
appropriately of colour with appropriate or colour. colour.
appropriate imagery.

Contents Exceeds Standards Meeting Standards Does Not Meet

All of the types are 1 types of prayer is
Those who are prayer and included included in the None types of
sick or in in the student's student's prayer prayer are
trouble prayer and are and are written in included in the
Those who are written in the the correct format. student's
greatly correct format. prayer or are
affected by not written in
Typhoon Auring the correct


Level 4 -
Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts
4 pts

Graphics Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good Level 4 - Excellent

Graphics are not Some graphics are All graphics are Graphics are all
Poster has original original or do not original but many are original and relate original and
graphics that relate to Earth Day borrowed from the work to Earth Day or an masterfully relate
clearly relate to or any environmental of friends, other posters environmental to Earth Day or an
Earth Day or an issue. or advertisements. Not issue. environmental
environmental all graphics clearly issue. The poster
issue. relate to Earth Day or looks professional.
an environmental issue.

Slogan Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good Level 4 - Excellent

The poster does not The poster has a slogan Slogan on the Slogan on the
Poster has an send a message but it does not send a poster is poster is catchy,
original slogan about Earth Day or very strong message memorable and very memorable,
that is memorable an environmental about Earth Day or an does a good job of and strongly
and says a issue. environmental issue. sending a message conveys a
message about about Earth Day or message about
Earth Day or an an environmental Earth Day or an
environmental issue. environmental
issue. issue.

Statement of Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good Level 4 - Excellent

audience and Audience and Audience and message Audience and Audience and
message. message are not are written on back of message are message are
Audience and identified or they do the poster but do not written on back of clearly written on
message are no relate at all to the clearly relate to the the poster and back of poster
clearly written on graphics and slogan. graphics or slogan. relates well to the and makes an
the back of the graphics and excellent
poster and clearly slogan. connection to the
relates to slogan graphics and
and graphics on slogan on the
the poster. poster.

Neatness Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good Level 4 - Excellent

Poster is neat, Poster is not neat or Poster is not very neat Poster is neat, well Poster is very
organized, and organized. Few or well organized. More organized, and neat, well
visually appealing. details are included time could be spent on visually appealing organized and
and it is not visually details. overall. extremely visually
appealing. appealing with
many details

Use of class time Level 1 - Poor Level 2 - Fair Level 3 - Good Level 4 - Excellent
Student makes Little or no work is Student works on poster Student tries to Student works
good use of class done on the poster. during class but does finished poster seriously, tries
time, does not Most of the class is not take the assignment during class, makes hard to finish
goof around, and spent goofing off seriously. Time is spent a good use of class poster, and shows
works hard to with friends. goofing off with friends. time, and tries not an excellent use
complete project. to goof off with of class time.


5 points for each number
Excellent Good Fair
Only 1 of the
All the given 3 of the given 2 of the given
indicators of an inidicators of inidicators of an
indicators of
  Excellent an Excellent Excellent
an Excellent
advertisement advertisement advertisement
are evident are evident are evident
t is evident
(N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Audience Impact Excellent Good Fair Poor

a. Your introduction caught the
attention of everyone in the audience.
We can't wait to hear/see more!
b. You used 4 or more details that
persuaded me to listen and finish the
ad and were tailored to the target
c. Your conclusion made me decide
that I definitely want to get involved or
have anything to do with the
environmental problem.
d. Your idea, catchy promotional line,
jingle and other advertising gimmicks
were perfectly aligned with your target

Facts and Information Excellent Good Fair Poor

a. The facts presented are reliable and
accurate since sources were also cited.
b. The presentation of information was
easy to understand at the level of the
target audience since simple words
were used and concepts were clearly
c. There was new information that I
got from the tv advertisement which
made the issue stick in my head.
d. The information shared are not too
new nor too outdated to be included in
this advocacy campaign.

Style and presentation Excellent Good Fair Poor

a. The voices of the people who talked
in the TV ad are loud and clear.
b. Facial expression and gestures (for
TV), tone of voice and intonation (for
radio) reflect enthusiasm that is
essential to keep audience focused on
the ad.
c. There was effective background
music or sound effects which made the
ad more interesting than confusing.
d. The additional audio/visual effects
enhanced the whole advertisement.

RUBRIC: An Environmental Message in a Song

Original Music, Lyrics, and Performance

  Falls Far Approaching Meets Exceeds

12 pts 16 pts 20 pts
8 pts

Melody Falls Far Below Approaching Meets Exceeds

20 pts Notes and tones The song has a The notes, tones, The notes, tones and
Does your music vary and even basic flow, yet notes and keys flow. song keys are
sound like it all clash. The song and tones clash The types of polished. Each track
belongs together? has no flow. occasionally. tunes enhance brings meaning to the
Do the notes and the song. overall song.
tones flow?

Lyrics Falls Far Below Approaching Meets Exceeds

20 pts Lyrics clash with Lyrics are starting Lyrics are The lyrics are
A set of words, the melody and to flow with the meaningful and meaningful to the
phrases or sounds have little melody and connect to the artists, flow with the
that make up a meaning to the somewhat reflect music and reflect melody and connect
song and reflect the writer. the focused, the focused, to the overall focused,
assigned topic. assigned topic for assigned topic assigned topic for the
the song. for the song. song.

Tempo and Falls Far Below Approaching Meets Exceeds

dynamics The song is Tempo and rhythm Tempo and The tempo, rhythm
20 pts choppy with a are coming rhythm are and dynamics
Tempo is how fast unnatural mix of together. There is consistent. The complete the overall
or slow the song tempo. It has no more than one dynamics flow, song and experience.
moves and change in tempo that doesn't but could be Smooth transitions
dynamics describe dynamics. distracts the song. used more and the use of volume
the way the song Two dynamics are fluently. is present.
ebbs and flows in present, but there
relation to volume are choppy
etc. transitions.

Chorus and Verse Falls Far Below Approaching Meets Exceeds

20 pts Song has no Song is somewhat Song is Song is well organized
The organization of recognizable organized and has organized and and has at least three
the chorus and organization at least two verses has at least three or more verses and
verse between chorus and the chorus is to four verses the chorus is
and verse. performed twice. and the chorus is performed at least
performed three two or more times
to four times and and a complex flow of
both are starting loops are used
to add more creating subtle
character to the changes, accents and
song. highlights in the song.

Audience Falls Far Below Approaching Meets Exceeds

Response Song has little or Some peers may The overall group You have a hit on
20 pts no impact on tap their foot, smile interact with the your hands. Students
How the audience of your peers. They occasionally and song with body laugh out loud, hoot,
your peers react to sit and listen nod the the rhythm. movement, shoot, dance and give
your song. quietly, but have They make a few laughter, talk or enormous praise to
little to say about comments, but not dance. Many your song. They may
it. many. comments follow even seek copies of
the playing of your masterpiece.
the song.

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